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46983724 No.46983724 [Reply] [Original]

Fortune teller would have disrupted the balance between humans and Youkai. People that say Reimu is a hypocrite or psycho killer are dumb as fuck

>> No.46983745

Don't you have children to abduct, Yukari?

>> No.46983835

He would have made everyone pregnant, that’s why he had to go

>> No.46983836
File: 122 KB, 850x848, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_un_coo_nit__sample-d39420ee7111ff03e3677eceb7465ad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Useless sage can't even put the apostrophe. This is why people like Kasen and Okina more.

>> No.46983843

All I’m getting is that our man here was too cool for this lame retirement home.

>> No.46983847

People who argue whether Reimu is objectively right or wrong are looking at it through the lens of fiction tropes. Touhou writing is too real for them because there is no perfect justice or truly good characters.

>> No.46983858

Kasen and Okina are both bums sitting around doing nothing whilst Yukari was actively maintaining the barrier and peace inside Gensokyo.

>> No.46983868

It still annoys me that people will say Fortune teller didn’t deserve to die though. It literally goes against everything that gensokyo is.

Reimu was only doing her job of maintaining the peace

>> No.46983870

Touhou writing is too real because Gensokyo sucks to live in for everyone except the absolute highest elite, and nothing ever changes about that for the better.

>> No.46983873

>goes against everything that gensokyo is.
That's objectively a good thing, Anon.

>> No.46983882

You're also guilty, grimfag. Somehow every human who ever lived in reality does fine living under a flawed government that feeds off their suffering. There's more to life than politics.

>> No.46983896

How is that objectively a good thing?

>> No.46983919

Objectively living in gensokyo is much better than irl. Sure there’s still the 1% benefiting from the common people, but at least they don’t need to suffer the capitalistic dystopia hellscape we’re about to enter

>> No.46983924
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Fortune teller is the George Floyd of Touhou.

>> No.46983943

Incredible how Fortune Teller being brought up invokes so much samefagging. I'm in awe at the sheer number of shikigamis being employed to cope.

>> No.46983955

You’re literally 11 feet inside your own shit hole that you dug and filled with.

>> No.46983980

Post hand, JSL. You're not even from the Human Village. You're probably half-Youkai.

>> No.46983995
File: 99 KB, 600x750, IMG_7769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortune teller is he was peak

>> No.46984081
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I don't care about anything around snoozeteller because he didn't try to become a cute girl.

>> No.46984099
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>Objectively living in gensokyo is much better than irl.
Crazy take if not baiting.

>> No.46984117

Paying taxes to perverted old men that may kidnap and kill you if you disrupt their order is worse than paying taxes to good-looking perverted old women that may kidnap and kill you if you disrupt their order

>> No.46984134

You'll get killed just for being aware of the belief meta unless one of them has the hots for you. The only way to survive as a >100 IQ human in Gensokyo at all is to get in the pants of someone powerful, you can at least make a living in the real world without sucking someone off.

>> No.46984151

Killed, yes, but by an attractive girl

>> No.46984169

You think named youkai are bothering with your 8 Charisma ass?

>> No.46984202

Like that other anon said, at least out here you're allowed to know about the shady shit going on without getting disappeared.
If living in ignorance is no problem, you could do that theoretically irl and achieve the same level of ignorant bliss. At least here you have internet

>> No.46984225

Literally the only thing you need to do is keep your head down and just make a living. You don’t actively irl go out trying to snoop out I’m what the government does right?

>> No.46984267

>at least out here you're allowed to know about the shady shit going on without getting disappeared.
Says who?

>> No.46984281

Then what the hell is there left to do in Gensokyo if you try to keep a low profile? Live the life of a Japanase peasent?

>> No.46984302

If you're lucky, be subjected to a shotgun wedding with a youkai woman.

>> No.46984376

...an idea that was ontroduced in a text dump on that page and never brought up again.

>> No.46984477
File: 187 KB, 950x1191, sukuna-is-still-fraudkuna-v0-a2s84032v3rb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a fraud
Can someone with photoshop skills do pic related to him?

>> No.46985019
File: 141 KB, 627x499, IMG_7779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I feel like doing

>> No.46985031

‘Boo hoo. Fucking woe is me. I need to *checks note* do physical labour to live?!’

‘No, I want my capital dystopia where all my food contains plastic and all my movements is tracked and sold. At least than I can sit and die in peace behind my monitor.’

>> No.46985036

It comes down to the fact that if fortune teller (originally human) becomes a Youkai, then that breaches the relation where humans are supposed to be scared of youkai.

>> No.46986224

Reimu killed him purely because he called her a youkai shrine maiden who always makes friends with youkai, and she would have killed anyone else who said so too if they also couldn't defend themselves. She's swung at other characters saying that too.

>> No.46986886

>Fortune teller would have disrupted the balance between humans and Youkai.
And that's a good thing.
Youkai have to go.
There's barely any difference between Gensokyo and Outside World now.

>> No.46987395

Perfect, thank you

>> No.46994944

Don't you have children to abduct, Yukari?

>> No.46995012

He literally committed suicide and then gambled on whether or not he would come back as a vengeful spirit. Even though he didn't come back as a vengeful spirit, he discarded his humanity, most obviously seen as his corrupted and almost evil appearance. Regardless of how you feel about his actions in the bigger picture, he was just... dirty.

>> No.46995117

He was the key to stop human opression in Gensokyo.
Reimu/Marisa befriend youkais instead of stop them, Yukari/Kasen can go crazy because they are unstoppable overpowered bitches and humans suffer with all the incidents that happend in the village. FT is what happends when you try to help your kind in a world of merciless beasts

>> No.46995161

>It literally goes against everything that gensokyo is.
Which is evil and suffering for almost all humans

>he says posting on a computer he would not have in Gensokyo

>> No.46995164

Spoken like a spoiled child that would not last a week in gensokyo.

>> No.46995748
File: 229 KB, 909x565, fortune teller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, yeah? It lacks all the normal dangers that came with contemporary villages of its time. So long as you don't fuck with youkai, and you keep yourself informed on safe places and practices, you're living well if you can provide a tradable skill like carpentry. No war, no real threat of natural disasters, no plagues, no famine, no faggots a thousand miles away dictating how you should act and live, no landowner taking most of your produce as tax and never see it benefit your community, real gods you can see and talk to, and you're getting drip fed beneficial (albeit heavily outdated) technology from the outside. Dung covered peasantry is a meme and quality of living would be high enough you can adapt to. If outsiders are taking their chances and settling down then either Gensokyo life isn't all that terrible, or the outside world is hellishly worse in comparison. Come on, if the village has a book renting shop, which is pretty far down the totem pole of necessary life sustaining industries, it says a lot about the quality of life there implying things like widespread literacy and that you can spare time and money to read for entertainment.

To be truthfully honest, if you can handle living without internet or having a non-sedentary lifestyle, you can make it. It's not going to be easy, but it's stable and preferable to what we have now where I can't tell you if I can afford to pay basic living expenses in a few years. At least youkai are honest about their nature and don't pretend to be on your side, unlike the powers that be in our own world.

The biggest hurdle is trying to integrate yourself into the community, which knowing traditional Japanese xenophobia is going to be tricky and much harder if you have nothing to offer; those who don't work don't eat after all. Hope you have a viable skill to trade or exploit their interest in outsider knowledge to the fullest.

>> No.46995768

>The biggest hurdle is trying to integrate yourself into the community, which knowing traditional Japanese xenophobia is going to be tricky and much harder if you have nothing to offer
One of the few good things you can say about Gensokyo is that Outsiders are apparently typically treated sort of like celebrities for a bit. Though the reason given for that (stories about the Outside World) is a bit contradictory to the whole deal regarding the necessary ignorance of the villagers. Chances are the situation with Sumireko was carefully vetted before she was allowed to talk about anything outside Gensokyo.

Considering the Barrier only went up 100 years prior as well, being a Westerner might actually pan out decently provided you know the language.

>> No.46995817

Just eat a piece of Okina or Kanako or some shit and you'll become extremely powerful. If Okuu could do it I don't see why a random anon can't.

>> No.46995927

Yukari can eat the giant dick that ever existed, while still sleeping

>> No.46995934

Okuu could do it because her brain was extraordinarily empty before eating the Yatagaratsu and thereby becoming it's vessel.
Though, considering the average /jp/sie, it might work out for them.

>> No.46996046

Miko hands typed this post
