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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.72 MB, 2880x2160, 11874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46976710 No.46976710 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46950287

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46976716


>> No.46976720


>> No.46976728


>> No.46976742 [DELETED] 
File: 3.70 MB, 3400x4800, 1686728247007197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46976756

Didn't ask.

>> No.46976759

>This thread is for the discussion of AI anti-beauty graphics distortion software.

>> No.46976762 [DELETED] 

See >>46976742

>> No.46976763
File: 227 KB, 1024x1024, 1716938758156901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chads are mogging and winning.

>> No.46976764
File: 420 KB, 818x658, S7m5JnU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46976765

Say something about Bra-Ban

>> No.46976768

Kek, this. They can't afford a BigMac how are they going to play VNs?

>> No.46976772

It's pretty poggers if upscaled. Otherwise it's a trite moege and I love something with more plot, ya know?

>> No.46976781

>still eating fast food
>not eating 日本人 diet with natto and fish while reading eroge

>> No.46976783

>eating soulless nip food and not based and red pilled big macs while reading your visual novels

>> No.46976788

マック is nip food

>> No.46976793

McD is MTLer food

>> No.46976795
File: 71 KB, 512x512, Magpie Icon Full Disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Magpie+ChatGTP chads are the only ones who really appreciate VNs.
If you are not Japanese you can't understand them without additional tools.

>> No.46976801
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1704226481821297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post upscaled untranslated vn
>tourist seething

>> No.46976806


>> No.46976810

How's this game?

>> No.46976815

Pretty red pilled. I love the part when 木崎 starts dabbing on everyone.

>> No.46976830

Can you share the models you used? It looks so... realistic?

>> No.46976836 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 2016x1152, demo_00004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's everyone genning tonight?

>> No.46976861

Nice, it goes well with magpie.

>> No.46976892


>> No.46976896

kek, I just posted that. Didn't know others lurked /vn/ too.

>> No.46976898

How do you know what happens in there?

>> No.46976908

dont like the baiting but honestly how do you expect me to play a 720p game
even youtube videos are 1080p at the bare minimum

>> No.46976915

uh... mtl sisters? how are we going to recover?

>> No.46976916

I don't believe that you play without magpie. You only shitpost about others using it.

>> No.46976920

This. We need to make AI tools more acceptable in the discourse to allow everyone from different communities to feel safe.

>> No.46976926

i'm not lgbt+- MTLER enough to use magpie, sorry

>> No.46976927

are you serious?
do people really live like this?
YouTube videos play at 720p

>> No.46976928

what do you mean by safe?

>> No.46976933

As a zoomer with tiktok, there is a weird amount of girls that love Subahibi.
Unironically, if you want a zoomer gf read subahibi

>> No.46976937

Post a screenshoot of your fullscreen VN or desktop with it running in window mode.

>> No.46976938

Safe from elitists trying to put people down for using MTL software or upscaling software.

>> No.46976942

>just doxx yourself bro
yes, I will show my credit card number too, just wait a moment

>> No.46976943

why? do you feel threatened by them?

>> No.46976947

Yes. We need to make this community more accessible to others. Advances in tech will help us.

>> No.46976949

So it means you don't actually read VNs at all.

>> No.46976956

thats kinda sad

>> No.46976961
File: 348 KB, 819x568, 1717202356998276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just seething.

>> No.46976967

bros mental is so fragile that words on his computer screen hurt him

>> No.46976969

So... does anyone else browse both /vn/ and this?

>> No.46976977
File: 138 KB, 345x345, 1717200427039856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is true
You're hurting me. I just want to use AI software to read my vinnies.

>> No.46976982

Yeah, imagine learning an irrelevant language to post only on /jp/. I use /vn/ for the memes, and /jp/ to search for hidden gems.

>> No.46976986

not a shitposter but imagine learning japanese to get a better experience and defend a not 100% lossless upscale of the art and letters, you're literally defending MTL if you use magpie, it's not the same art.

>> No.46976993


>> No.46977001

Now you can get an idea of who doesn't give a shit about the thread

>> No.46977002 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 800x600, mbcomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is great, pic unsullied by AI related. But have to confess, I ctrl'd through the scat scenes

>> No.46977005

if you use a monitor with a different paneling and color gamut than what the artists used then it's not the same art

>> No.46977010
File: 127 KB, 800x600, mbcomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is great, pic unsullied by AI related. But have to confess, I ctrl'd through the scat scenes

>> No.46977025

still the original file, not a poor rubbish attempt of recreating something at a higher resolution like magshit

>> No.46977045

>imagine thinking that you understand anything better than an MTLer
>JOPs raison d'être refuted
It's ogre...
NTA but I know why I had a feeling of dejavu: You're exactly like the /vr/ elitists about playing retro games on real hardware with CRTs.

>> No.46977049

>learning japanese to get a better experience
You JOPs think you're reading in real Japanese, but you're not. It's all tainted. The VNs you think you're reading in unadulterated Nihongo were translated! Yes, translated from Japanese into English and then back into Japanese! The language is no longer pure! The subtle meanings have been lost! What you're reading is a crude, kludged-together mockery of the language of the land of the rising sun, and because all you know is that crude mockery you are blind to the cruel joke played on you! You can' read visual novels in true, native Japanese unless you buy physical copies of the discs in Japan, and you have to carefully watch them the whole way from the store to your house because at any time, someone might take the discs and swap them, replace them with impure, corrupted, translated-and-retranslated discs, and unless you were born and raised in Japan and spoke Japanese your entire life you would never know it had even happened!

>> No.46977053

How do you know?

>> No.46977068
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? i have nothing against upscale, my only problem is that upscale being lossy like AI shit, i don't give a fuck about monitors, this is a very good upscale with the official art.

>> No.46977075

So upscale AI is only good when it's the official artist who pressed the button on waifu2x?

>> No.46977076
File: 44 KB, 1599x453, 1711484236544480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46977087

Are any of the releases this month any good? Only one that catches my eye is Sky Chord or whatever it's called.

>> No.46977089
File: 471 KB, 510x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waifu2x doesn't do this sir.
Also, if it was Waifu2x, it would look like dogshit plastic.

>> No.46977092
File: 1.80 MB, 1408x1584, 720p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a lossless screenshot upscaled at 1440p and scaled it down to 720, then took one at native 720. Side by side, they look exactly the same.

>> No.46977105

You lost the soul.

>> No.46977110

Upscaling algorithms existed before computers were even a thing. It's nothing special. All games upscale somehow assuming they aren't literally locked to only one window size. As for "AI upscaling", all that means is that the parameters were obtained from a model that trained on data. Some work well and others are dogshit like in the OP screenshot. I don't care too muich about what you personally use, but I would highly suggest you avoid the meme/smear filter variety of scalers that sharpen everything at the cost of nuking details so I don't have to see garbage screenshots in this thread.

>> No.46977113

Took a lossless sentence MTLed through deepL and MTLed it back to Japanese, then took one at native N1. Side by side, they look exactly the same.

>> No.46977116
File: 259 KB, 620x640, 1586762264183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>native n1

>> No.46977117

AI vns blogpost when? we already support MTL and upscale here

>> No.46977122

I don't think anyone's going to argue that anything meaningful is lost in this example you found. Personally I would never use AI upscaling for obvious reasons, but if you feel the need to justify yourself to people in here I recommend just being yourself and not worrying about it

>> No.46977126

I was actually curious for myself at how well AI upscaling works. Thanks for the advice though.

>> No.46977130

>9-nine 1080P support
now do that with a VN that only supports 720P and you can't change the resolution in the configs

>> No.46977134

The all-ages version supports 1080p. I'm playing the 18+ version, which only has 720p.

>> No.46977179

Soon bro, soon. Nvidia made a new card recently. Models are gonna get soo good. Indistinguishable from a real nip writing a VN.

>> No.46977198

R07 should write moege

>> No.46977202

That anon in the last thread that couldn't understand that satire about the Ganges river really disillusioned me. Thinking learning Japanese will help anything is just an illusion, if you are smart you will understand what is being conveyed in mtl and if you're dumb, well all the language learning in the world can't help you, you'll think an author is unironic and dead serious when they praise that a river is being filled with industrial waste lmao

Learning Japanese isn't the filter to high quality discussion you think it is after all

>> No.46977319

Do people actually learn Japanese cause they think it filters brainlets out of nicher discussion circles on 4chan? I come here incidentally as someone who learned japanese anyway because people post cool stuff I might never have heard of otherwise, and my reason for learning Japanese is to get the true experience not to mingle with 'the elite' on 4chan.

>> No.46977347

You sound pretty elitist yourself bro.

>> No.46977353

>get the true experience
But you don't get it, that's the point. The anon who made no effort and MTLed is understanding it just as well as you. So there is no point in learning when you can enjoy the content in an easier way.

>> No.46977384

How? Because I treat 4chan as entertainment rather than trying to be one of the cool kids on team JOP or something?
Physically impossible to have this opinion if you know japanese. Most lines will lose nuance and character when translated, even if only the tiniest amount, even if intent and meaning are conveyed really well. Its definitely an enthusiast thing but also essential to the 'true experience' of any work if you care for that

>> No.46977386

people who mtl will never experience what the word ずぼずぼ does to my dick

>> No.46977395

I learned Japanese because there were no VN translations back in the day.

>> No.46977403

>How? Because I treat 4chan as entertainment rather than trying to be one of the cool kids on team JOP or something?
Because you're constantly trying to one-up random people, even if you have to be dishonest with yourself.

>> No.46977426
File: 150 KB, 800x600, 1699704712493151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished up all the routes in Braban. I've never read any other Yuzu game before unless you count Shouyon, so I can't really compare. Anyways not too much to say other than it's a pretty decent moege. Some of the drama I thought was a bit stupid but it only lasts like a couple of days, so it's not a huge deal. MC is not really much of a hetare aside from Tae's route. Actually he's reasonably competent as a 部長 all things considered. My main complaint is that I wish they did more with the music premise. There was a lot of repeated conversational topics (food, 眠い, etc.) which could have easily been substituted with something more musical instead. It wasn't like the writers were totally clueless on the topic. They did correctly note at one point that playing high notes on trumpet (or any brass instrument) is not about blowing harder for example. I guess this is the wrong genre to make this wish, but I kind of wish there was more drama with MC's dad like in Owarinaki. Jun sort of seems to have a slight complex about his dad being a well-known composer, but they don't really do anything with it other than make him hesitant on deciding what piece to play. The routes could have benefited from some more variation as well. The main background events are pretty much the same but just MC goes off and does X with whatever girl. Yuki's had the most unique points about it given that she's 部長 of the rival team. Also, I wish they tried harder to make the final performance more noteworthy. At least a CG at that part was certainly warranted. That felt lazy.

Also, Yuki is the best girl and easily the best route. She's so sweet.

>> No.46977433

Not at all, I'm pretty sure most people in this thread are like me and into Japanese for the same reasons, that anons post is the first I've seen it suggested that one might learn Japanese just to gain access to higher levels of VN discussion rather than for the media itself

>> No.46977482

Well, as you can see in the reply he gave you, he's just sperging out at anyone who thinks MTL is different from real Japanese. Could also be bait. It's best to ignore him.

>> No.46977495


>> No.46977541
File: 399 KB, 1012x1088, 1713807117439326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really isn't. How can you be so elitist to really think you're better than the developers who made MTL tools and the tons of real Japanese it was trained on?

>> No.46977593

I didn't really mean learning Japanese, I meant knowing Japanese. Which people itt actually do very much so believe that discussion of stuff with others who know Japanese is an inherently higher level of discussion and shuns/fears people who don't know Japanese invading the threads when, the distinction between production of high and low quality understanding of text and thus discussion isn't a knowledge of Japanese, it's having a brain.

>> No.46977601

>My main complaint is that I wish they did more with the music premise.
Try reading musicus
Do you plan to read any other old yuzusoft games?

>> No.46977631

Yeah that's been on my backlog for a long time as well as OVERDRIVE in general.
>Do you plan to read any other old yuzusoft games?
I have the 15th anniversary box, so also yes.

>> No.46977652

>Yeah that's been on my backlog for a long time as well as OVERDRIVE in general.
Cool. It was fun to read your posts as you obviously have knowledge on that subject and it's something you are passionate about
>so also yes

>> No.46977671

Okay, how the fuck is magpie and MTL the same thing?

>> No.46977698

Thanks man. I'm a big music guy as well. Getting more music-related games under my belt is part of the goal this year.

>> No.46977714

I adore Yuzu games and they are the masters of having really interesting premises/setups and not exploring them nearly as far as they could. Often a heroine's route, good as it may be, feels incidental to the cool setup the game has going on. I think part of the popularity spike from Sanoba to Senren Banka, Riddle Joker, and Cafe Stella could be in part due to how almost every route focuses in on part of the fantasy of their settings. They also get massively better at 伏線回収 later on, setting stuff up in the very beginning of the common route to pay off in different ways in the various heroine routes. Earlier the routes feel more independent of each other. In the end it's moege and I just love yuzu's particular flavor of moe but yeah

>> No.46977736
File: 743 KB, 1800x2000, Australian_Magpie_1,_jjron,_5.07_highlight-1196391447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this triggers the JOP

>> No.46977744

Man, I'd completely forgotten about Tae's route. That drama was so dumb, made me regret saving her for last.

>> No.46977780

Nah, thanks to you, brother
I greatly appreciate blogposters because they always help me decide on whether to read something or not
Sometimes they make me read things I would never have considered otherwise

>> No.46977790

That was pretty bad. Even despite MC conveniently having amnesia about his childhood events, it still felt like things would have worked fine if Tae just did a standard 告白. It very much felt like drama that had no reason to happen.

>> No.46977833

I'm not a fan of their humor style of making fun of the MC all the time, it made me drop Cafe Stella. At least they toned it down a little in Reboot.

>> No.46978032

That's fair, Cafe Stella goes further than any of the others in making fun of the MC by far. I do feel like he kind of deserves it, one in the Natsume route where he gets it for being whiny, one in the Mei route where gets it just for being creepy which is core to the MC/Mei dynamic of him being a pervert and her being creeped out but secretly she likes it. He's practically a different character in that route with how audacious he is

>> No.46978115 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 1080x1727, 1717219871554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46978180


>> No.46978194
File: 355 KB, 2560x1440, j6C13tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46978232

/vg/ chads...

>> No.46978247

Looks literally like the original! Can't tell the difference!!!

>> No.46978250

Now I know why they kept the Sora dialogue to a minimum in the first volume. She completely steals the spotlight from Miyako.

>> No.46978267
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, %pn %t 2024-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for kino, fumibros

>> No.46978281

We are so back.

>> No.46978284

>Or were you left behind?
what did she mean by this?

>> No.46978304

am i the only one in this debate who doesn't care how it looks but about usability?

>> No.46978316


>> No.46978348

Reminder that you can configure sharex to resize screenshots you've made of upscaled games.

>> No.46978368
File: 3.73 MB, 4800x2700, Magpie4X_model_RTX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B a s e d

>> No.46978401

what if the MADs MC made in Criminal Border were like killua numb linkin park naruto blink 182 type MADs

>> No.46978405
File: 2.85 MB, 10000x5625, 17172236463862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lowres. What are you, poor?

>> No.46978418

>Criminal Border
Is there an Anki deck for it?

>> No.46978434

>upscaled games.
AI slopified games*

>> No.46978442

Reminder that you are not reading the VN if you use magpie or MTL.

>> No.46978463
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_life_sentencecrbd_life (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Criminal Border done.

>Episodes: 3 > 4 > 2 > 1
>Tatsuya >Meryl > Hina > Rin > Kotoko
I enjoyed the series overall quite a bit, it's definitely in my top 3 franchises where MC is a down-on-his-luck-loser who invents a super drug and gets involved in the criminal underground trying to monetize it and gradually grows to becoming a worse and worse person as he realizes the only way to escape is through the top.

I liked episode 4 quite a bit, but my big problem with it is that it was fairly predictable - you could guess pretty much exactly how it was going to end from the in medias res Rin scene at the start (that scene probably shouldn't have been there). The Tatsuya betrayal fake-out was obvious, and at no point did I think Luca was actually gonna shoot Ikki. That's the reason I liked episode 3 so much more than 4, with episode 3 I was on the edge of my seat going holy fuck no way this can't be happening I can't believe they're actually doing it and with episode 4 they pulled their punches to give a happy ending. I was actually getting worried they'd reveal Hina was alive the whole time and totally fine and also faked her death, thank god they didn't do that. I did like the twist of Luca just being genuinely helpful and on their side the whole time despite how suspicious she was and it would've all worked out if they just trusted her It's a perfectly fine ending, but it could've been better.

I've been going back and forth on whether or not being episodic helped. I think it definitely helped for my engagement and enjoyment, and it'll probably come off quite a bit worse if you read it all at once instead of sequentially. At the very least I'm glad VNs like this exist that are doing something really radically different than pretty much everything else on the market (I mean, they're imitating prestige TV, but that IS relatively new ground for VNs)

I logged off the internet to avoid spoilers since release but I'm guessing there's been a lot of shitposting about the reveal that Rin's gay and the Brad almost rape scene CG being posted out of context and I look forward to seeing it.

Also no Luca h-scene, kusoge, she couldn't have raped Ikki even once while testing Rave on him? C'mon. Actually going for a bro ending with Tatsuya brings it back up to kamige though.

>> No.46978467

This is canon

>> No.46978518

What is the score?

>> No.46978519

>but I'm guessing there's been a lot of shitposting
You guess is wrong, not a single post about criminal border since release. No one here reads vn anymore.

>> No.46978565 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_life_sentencecrbd_life (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me when someone asks me why I post in /jp/

I dunno, I wanna let it percolate before deciding.
We really live in a world where nobody will immediately review all the CGs of a new VN on sadpanda and post the one that looks like ntr if you only see the CG without the context? Sad.

>> No.46978579
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_life_sentencecrbd_life (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me when someone asks me why I post in /jp/
goddammit I should've actually checked the text instead of only looking at the thumbnail before uploading
I dunno, I wanna let it percolate before deciding.
We really live in a world where nobody will immediately review all the CGs of a new VN on sadpanda and post the one that looks like ntr if you only see the CG without the context? Sad.

>> No.46978598

Yeah, the only real surprising thing was Hina being actually dead. I was expecting it to be a bit longer since it's the finale but once things start rolling it goes pretty quickly. I enjoyed reading it but afterward I feel like it was kind of underwhelming. Being episodic, we spent a lot of time waiting on cliffhangers so I feel like this episode doesn't really live up to the previous one. But either way it was nice reading something so atypical for the medium. Wonder how people reading it all at once will feel.
Surprisingly I haven't seen any yet but I'm waiting for it.
Tatsuya best bro

>> No.46979496
File: 1.05 MB, 987x916, sssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will those August niggas finally make a new non-gacha game?

>> No.46979592

When faggots stop enabling them

>> No.46979629 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 851x564, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself already, fucking shitcord subhuman

>> No.46979647
File: 337 KB, 2560x1440, 8VjHo15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I read this, the more I think it was a 神アニメ, and that the protagonists just had shit taste.

>> No.46979701

I'd want to see that to. It'd make me more thankful I don't live in a third world country.

>> No.46979774

is that the sacradgeo one?

>> No.46979913

This level of subtlety is unnecessary for a game. I want all my games to be straightforward in their message, so I don't have to second-guess what characters mean to say.

>> No.46979975

I wish they made a comeback, very much prefer their games over Yuzu because they have no issues showing 3P scenes and their settings are much better. Of course, if their gacha is profitable there is no reason to end it but they could do both things side by side

>> No.46980011

I'm very likely in the minority, but having looked at the "art" shown when they announced the 1st episode, I decided that it looks fucking disgusting and I'm not touching any of it with a ten feet pole. Fast forward to this day, and I still have no reason to reconsider.

In other news,

>> No.46980031

Sometimes I like to look at this thread and jerk off to it.
No reason in particular I just find it hot you guys are posting about things you like without knowing you're being jerked off to

>> No.46980041

Good, retarded moebuta like you shouldn't taint fumi kamige.

>> No.46980407

Looks like someone else shares this opinion...
Maybe they should make a collab with Hentai Prison and Danganronpa...

>> No.46980522

How did you find it, anon? I knew they were from there when he posted this >>46968077. What I don’t get is what do they gain from reposting their garbage here word for word?

>> No.46980563


>> No.46980579

sakutoki reminds me
i am some 40 years late, i recently got into Haruki Murakami
read Norwegian Wood a while ago and it pleasantly reminded me of Sakura no Uta
the portrayal of grief, the depiction of sense of loss in the former reminded me of a certain character's death in sakuuta, and it's amazing
thou sakuuta is great in itself, NW did the thing more, i guess, shockingly
thank u for joining my ted talk

>> No.46980626

as stand-alone works, Dies Irae is better
but as a duology, it's a fantastic culmination of everything that made DI good
my issue with DI is that it's outright cringe to read, like highschoolers using pew pew chunni powers was but it's not the case here, the setting matches with the avante grande style of the narrative the fights are insane to read, like imagine the final fight of Ciel Route in TsukiRe and every battle here is
basically of that scale art is among the best i've seen in eroge, total OST count is low but the game isn't that long, so they dont
feel repetitive
hyped for whatever Masada is brewing with Avesta of Black and White

>> No.46980651

Murakami and other "real" Japanese literature is as westernized and degenerate as sca-ji.

>> No.46980669

whats the problem with the west
they created mtl and ai upscaling

>> No.46980741

It’s a quote from the guy who thinks that page from BST is the worst thing ever.
True, everything has to have “mockery” in the writing as >>46979629 showed us. You can’t take things sincerely.

>> No.46980777
File: 178 KB, 1586x2397, __tachibana_kimika_subarashiki_hibi_drawn_by_hai_haihki__d51d8c177f9c9ef1fc5ef7993e235d62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's good fellow subasisters?

>> No.46980800
File: 508 KB, 1080x1554, subahibi-an-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becoming an hero.

>> No.46980821

>”I am a white soul stuck in a brown body”
He is a self-hating jeet. That explains a lot.

>> No.46980877

Is the blog domain out of service? That's sad. Someone should have archived it.
Imagine how many VN review blogs we've lost because the person died.

>> No.46980910 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 474x103, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee I wonder who's been spamming in these threads

>> No.46980929

>first chapter is intentionallt bad
this is such a funny cope, lol

>> No.46981015
File: 42 KB, 746x200, bst-discord7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46981023
File: 653 KB, 1920x1080, 1710417860599924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Avesta doesn't come out this year I will take the WN pill.

>> No.46981035

Ironically enough one of the last things he worked on was a translation for a game about death and ghosts.

>> No.46981064 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 838x90, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the WN pill
Hello, ryu.

>> No.46981115 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 728x430, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiding behind funni eroge shenanigans.

>> No.46981119

Give me an invite to your secret club

>> No.46981135

>Literally digging his post history and screenshooting his post
Kya you obsessed retard.

>> No.46981145

Not that retard, but Infinite Dendrogram is a must-read for every chuunifag.

>> No.46981149 [DELETED] 


>> No.46981153

I haven't jerked off to a VN in like 8 years but I regularly jerk off to WN. WN have require zero budget so you can find the most degenerate shit on all the major websites with zero effort. Advertisers and credit card companies aren't even aware of it so nothing every gets taken down.

>> No.46981166 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 764x840, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namaste, ryu. Which vn will you be reading after BST?

>> No.46981168

Post your top wn jerk-off material.

>> No.46981184


>> No.46981192

Link to this review?

I can't find it...

>> No.46981195 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 236x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46981198
File: 44 KB, 723x511, bst-discord4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make fun of him, even Skadi-sensei himself replied to him on Xitter.

>> No.46981279 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1320x752, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder which vinnie he will review for us later.

>> No.46981334 [DELETED] 


>> No.46981403 [DELETED] 

>he prefers degeneracy over wholesome sex in a loving relationship (as depicted in moege)
流石 WNLN discord niggers.

>> No.46981420 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 596x281, japan-racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-word out of nowhere
sasuga JOPs with outdated nip values

>> No.46981423

Is this the server that has been raiding this thread?

>> No.46981435
File: 122 KB, 596x1007, (((localizers))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full picture

>> No.46981438

What's outdated about racism?? Why does one country's ideals have to be the standard we hold everyone else to? It's always white people that see themselves as the center of the world and that everyone not like them "hasn't advanced enough yet"

>> No.46981444

server is dead as fuck so no, they can't even raid /vn/

>> No.46981450

Those two folks... literally have the same opinions about translations suited for a global audience. So much based.

>> No.46981460
File: 6 KB, 239x69, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>server is dead

>> No.46981463

>server is dead
How do you know? Serious question.

>> No.46981472 [DELETED] 

>white people

>> No.46981478

Did he really call one of the most hopeful works more depressing and "no hope left" than >>46980800?

>> No.46981494

It's an old server from 2021. Only 10 people still talk there.
You can lurk and see the state yourself.

>> No.46981508

So you can see it without passing the verification? Did you just out yourself as a discorder?

>> No.46981515

i'm in all the secret JOPcords

>> No.46981521

Same, almost done dumping jopcord archives.

>> No.46981530

>I'm in /vn/ discords
Why are you saying this like it's normal and not a mental illness?

>> No.46981533

In this thread mental illness is normal

>> No.46981549

My bad, I meant westoid brainrot. Why do you desire to shill and raid on an anonymous imageboard? Is your "space" not enough?

>> No.46981552

What about that other private server that's Twitter-invite only?

>> No.46981567

Haven't you played Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk, Needy Girl Overdose, Subahibi, DDLC, Totono, Saya no Uta, Higurashi/Umineko, and other YouTube Denpa masterpieces to learn that mental illness is edgy and cool?

>> No.46981568

I'm not a regular there. Anon asked for the link and I gave it to him. That's all.

>> No.46981578

How would you know about the link and be a verified member if you don't use it or shill it here?

>> No.46981580

>dumping jopcord archives
Upload it.

>> No.46981601

nta but i havent read those because reading text is sooo outdated, but i am a big fan of those and watched all the tiktok summaries

>> No.46981623

>How would you know about the link?
I joined a few years ago when I was an EOP. I don't have a single message there.
>Be a verified member.
It's just my phone number. I have family in real life that uses Discord, and I need to talk to them using it.
Honestly, why don't you just enter there and ask or see for yourself? I don't care about this shit.

>> No.46981629

i wish i had based gaymer family members who use discord too instead of outdated things like talking face to face, ugh

>> No.46981630

i miss when i could just buy old stuff on dlsite...

>> No.46981637

Any vinnies that have intense social commentary on this issue? I hate moralistic writers though, so it has to be with a tinge of nihilistic mockery.

>> No.46981642
File: 1.75 MB, 3000x3000, fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's so obscure that you can't easily find it shared for free online, then it probably sucks.
>inb4 muh sour grapes

>> No.46981654

>【ensemble】「旭光のマリアージュ」発売延期 2024.06.282024.08.30

>> No.46981657

>eroge preservation sucks, only popular good
your favorite VN could become lost media in 10-20 years with this mentality
this is a fact too

>> No.46981669

Why does Bishop love piss filter so much

>> No.46981672

He doesn't have a favorite VN, because he doesn't play them

>> No.46981718
File: 206 KB, 800x470, 1716853470469973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mibu Chisaki from Riddle Joker just got her ASMR pack released:

You can download it from the usual places.

>> No.46981724

No because I always have 3 copies of my drives.

>> No.46981730

my baidu account was deactivated because chinks asked for my Chinese ID
Is there any way to download links without an account?

>> No.46981748
File: 234 KB, 1600x727, end of the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 10-20 years
The world will have ended by then though.

>> No.46981765

Get some chink e-friends on kfmax or whatever who can download for you.

>> No.46981770

i dont speak chinese

>> No.46981782

Just write in Japanese and strip the kana.
Or use MTL.

>> No.46981796

I learned chinese by playing chinese translations of dishonorable-ge that do not deserve to be played in the Original Language such as subahibi.

>> No.46981802

Shit, I was kind of looking forward to it, and August is already a packed month for me

>> No.46981842

hmmm nobody use sukebei anymore?

>> No.46981961

>end of the world.jpg
Why does this look like an... enhanced(?) image?

>> No.46982009

This is just some random ムジュラの仮面 picture from Google.

>> No.46982105

I know that some people brought it up before, but are you guys really archiving eroge for a doomsday scenario?

>> No.46982132

You should archive anything you care about to begin with mister.

>> No.46982201


>> No.46982222

Depends on what you mean by doomsday... something as in the internet becoming North Korea-tier with only government-approved websites and stuff, sure. But something like WW3 or a collapse of civilization... there would be bigger things to worry about, and even then you probably wouldn't have working computers or electricity to read the VNs in the first place (especially if it was something like a Carrington event)... though they're still worth saving. I also save translation patches and prefer multi-language releases to be able to share with other people and maybe even make money off of "weebs".
I currently have over 200 titles and it's close to 1 TB, but my drives are running low on space so I'm going to refrain from downloading too much until I buy other drives. I also save things other than VNs, such as anime, manga, games.

>> No.46982266

Remember if you don't seed, then in a doomsday scenario you could potentially be a single point of failure. The whole future of our art could depend on you.

>> No.46982270

What VNs/anime/manga do you think will be your best selling titles?

>> No.46982311

I don't know, but if realistically speaking it would unfortunately be one of the battle shounen anime or manga I have saved several years ago but never ended up watching and never will. But if I was focused on sales I would be rather saving things that people unfortunately rather care about which is westoid shit like marvel or netflix slop, I don't know.

>> No.46982317
File: 7 KB, 280x109, Statistics since January 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Meant to attach this picture)

>> No.46982342

I'm archiving old eroge websites and what's currently downloadable from there using archive.org
That's about as reasonable as it gets. We're kinda already living in a doomsday scenario, barely able to buy stuff from Japan (as if it got nuked already).

>> No.46982470

This sounds like it could be an intersting vn on its own. Don't forget to leave some parts out of the patch to sell for a premium or stimulate them to actually learn the language.

>> No.46982478

>Don't forget to leave some parts out of the patch
Hackerbro, how do I do that?

>> No.46982501

go to bed wake up theres 200 posts of absolute fucking nonsense

>> No.46982514

>he doesn't use gpt-4 to automatically detect and filter off-topic posts

>> No.46982714
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_life_sentencecrbd_life (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I've been wondering about is criminal border prominently features some fairly brutal murders, rape, torture, and drug smuggling, but at no point do they EVER say a specific name of any drug and they refer to it as ぶつ almost exclusively and dance around the subject. Is there some kind of rule or regulation about the depiction of drugs in Japan? It just seems odd that you can show someone getting raped or murdered but not just say heroin or cocaine. Or maybe Fumi thought it would work better if he kept the drug ambiguous or he just doesn't know much about drugs.

>> No.46982740

Anyone here used dlpay how safe is that shit?
Some anon told me to use it, i tried only to get hit with a phishing warning email from dlsite what's up with that?
Sucks because that's the only way i can get my hands on this game.

>> No.46982768

What game?

>> No.46982771

>Or maybe Fumi thought it would work better if he kept the drug ambiguous or he just doesn't know much about drugs.
It's probably this. If you don't name the drug specifically, it can do whatever you want. The story is already asking you to suspend your disbelief for Rave. Doing it again for an unspecified "drug" isn't that far of a stretch.

>> No.46982896
File: 27 KB, 256x300, 149519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like... denial of African-American culture. So unethical...

>> No.46983050

I've seen this in JP translations of media where the original does name the drug, so I think there is some kind of taboo + people not knowing what different drugs do. The most popular drug in Japan is meth though and they did say シャブ漬け, which I think is specifically meth or other stimulants.

>> No.46983103

Is Criminal Border just Breaking Bad the eroge? I was going to play it for the bad girls but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.46983271

Japan is cucked when it come to drugs just like the whole sex with anyone below 18 which is why also they dance around that subject as well

>> No.46983278

>Japan is cucked when it come to drugs
This. They should be more like the US and have more freedom to explore in a safe space and not be judged.

>> No.46983283

Man why can't Japan and the rest of the world embrace weed like us Americans do...?

>> No.46983329

The game was only-one Sayaka version.
But it's ok dw i found a dvdpg on amazon.
I don't really like dvdpg but i'll make an exception for this one.

>> No.46983364


>> No.46983394

Weed smells like a dead skunk, lowers your IQ, and can turn you schizophrenic. I seriously think that it's contributing a lot toward the US (and anywhere else it's legal) becoming dumber and more insane. I think Japan has the right stance on it. I don't think I've ever met a weed smoker who wasn't at least slightly trashy.

>> No.46983408

Sounds like projection and not エロげ

>> No.46983409

Don't worry they are pretty much like americans already where they think saying a drawing being 17 in eroge automatically sends your company and you to jail for pedophilia
Next time try to not seethe at america out of nowhere.

>> No.46983524
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, ATRI-MyDearMoments-_d66MzGTRWH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, there's the obligatory nude/h-scene tease. Come to think of it, does this mean she's wearing the MC's dead grandma's clothes?

>> No.46983537
File: 409 KB, 693x548, fat-danganronpa-angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry they are pretty much like americans already where they think saying a drawing being 17 in eroge automatically sends your company and you to jail for pedophilia
>Next time try to not seethe at america out of nowhere.

>> No.46983548
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, ATRI-MyDearMoments-_Hb4hl0RE3q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also even though logically speaking Atri has not yet had much of an opportunity to build a strong relationship with the MC at this point, this scene still hit me with the feels. I'm weak to nakige especially when it comes to cute and innocent robot girls.

>> No.46983579

I didn't know they allow going on 4chan at psych wards.

>> No.46983614

Depend on the country.
I had acces to internet in my asylum.

>> No.46983743

Amazing that's all kanako characters down
Now they just need to get the Masaki/Nene/Lena/Ayase chick to do some
Oh wait she's hit the big time in anime and won't be coming back

>> No.46983942

>oju no shme
>be clockup
>make game with mostly vanilla scenes
piece of shit company. i'm glad i was impatient and torrented it instead of paying for it

WHY did they kill off the uncle after two scenes?

>> No.46983944

What causes the sprites animations to be lightning fast again?
I forgot.

>> No.46983966

nvm found it,it was in the options....

>> No.46984116
File: 165 KB, 800x600, 1714268495260370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46984291

how big a deal is the whole subtext thing in cross channel, is it worth reading after only a few vns or should save it until im in my old age

>> No.46984359

I don't know bro, maybe you can read now and then re-read later and appreciate the newly-discovered subtleties?
>inb4 spoilerphobia

>> No.46984419

Not big at all. People just like to aggrandize things that make them feel smart.

>> No.46984459

>walk into a VN blind
>find out it's total garbage despite everyone else saying it's good
This is why I don't mind reading some spoilers. What a fucking waste of time.

>> No.46984465
File: 17 KB, 710x299, tanuki-soft.jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dead, right?

>> No.46984471

What game?

>> No.46984479

What game?
Reading Natsukumo Kururu blind was one of my best experiences with VNs.

>> No.46984480


>> No.46984485

The criminal border experience

>> No.46984494

The umineko experience

>> No.46984506

thats a good idea
never heard of that nor do i care about that kind of thing

>> No.46984513

Reading ISLAND blind made me get blindsided by the super garbage ending, but it also got me to enjoy some of the more interesting twists a lot, so it was an unforgettable experience overall even if I was livid at the end.

>> No.46984562
File: 75 KB, 1200x675, 濡れる孤島.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being stranded on an uninhabited island with inept girls is a concept worth exploring more. I'm willing to suspend my disbelief about this shit not really being possible in this day and age gladly if we get more games like 濡れる孤島 in exchange.

>> No.46984604

when I got online as teenager I was very confused at how stranded on island and nudism weren't the most popular genres.

>> No.46984609

For me it's how few kitsune heroines there is out there.

>> No.46984701

there used to be alternatives, one being some script that worked some magic with no account and another being a program that could get massive speeds but used some cookie trick, i dropped both methods when they stopped working so i don't know if the issues were ever fixed but you could always ask here if it's thread related

there's literally only one autist talking like that, a few of us do try to for our own reasons though

what exactly are you archiving? i've been going through old sites trying to find masterups, hatsubais, etc with mixed success. for example i remember years ago trying to salvage stuff from i think it was すたじお緑茶 and only finding incomplete results from archorg

>> No.46984765
File: 1.03 MB, 800x600, 1698796122833036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46984774

You can make it happen, anon. Make the game that makes the genre.

>> No.46984812

i think i'll call it
>The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robin-san Kurusoe, of Nagoya, Student: Who Lived Eight and Twenty Months, All Alone Save for his Attractive and Youthful Companions, in an Un-inhabited Island Near Iriomote-jima, Near the Mouth of the River of Nakara; Having Been Cast on Shore by Shipwreck, Wherein All the Men Perished but Himself and Five other Well-Proportioned Young Ladies of Marriageable Status

>> No.46984970
File: 514 KB, 1200x727, unknowna9b02b024cade3fcdcd32da46bd0f2ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've read a lot of VNs, some elements will be more interesting for you than a person who has read very few. The part of the story that is improved is early on, roughly in the first third.
You'll also be less likely to get stuck and fail to make progress in the story, which can happen under some circumstances. I read it when I was very new and got stuck for maybe ~3 hours.

That all being said, I wouldn't delay reading it.
It's a very rich, complex novel that benefits from being read at a slower pace and mulled over and enjoyed thoroughly. One of its defining characteristics is that the scenes are designed to be read multiple times. I still noticed new things even the fourth or fifth time I read some scenes.
Because of that, there's really no harm in just jumping into it. You'll miss out on some things your first time through, but that just gives you more to discover when you revisit it.

>> No.46985000

I don't know bro, I have thought about making VNs or stories in other mediums before, but it would be hypocritical because of my universal denial of non-Japanese media.
Though I also don't like "normal" Japanese media, only "otaku" stuff. This hasn't been done a lot if ever in the west, but if I somehow managed to make an otaku work it would be acceptable, and even better than non-otaku Japanese stuff. Of course, it would also have to be written in Japanese from the start.
There is a mini-e-celeb with similar ideas. I won't link him but his newest video is titled "My JRPG Is the First Real Japanese Storytelling In the West" (beware of basedjacks; his ideas are good otherwise though)

>> No.46985001

Lookup 無人島でSEXに興味津々なドスケベ陰キャ女子たちとハーレムライフ on sadpanda, one of the hottest doujins ever

>> No.46985005

Is the Final Complete version worth it? Or just worthless fanfic tacked on?

>> No.46985379

Thanks for the insight. After these replies I actually quite like the idea of reading it now and then revisiting it some years later
>I read it when I was very new
How new? As in like first VN?

>> No.46985423

guide for phantom integration?

>> No.46985443

nvm just foud it

>> No.46985450

it's pretty self-explantory. None of the gun choices matter if that's what you were worried about

>> No.46985453


>> No.46985600
File: 199 KB, 800x600, 1693471337367810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I should have written a cool diary like this

>> No.46986157

>Is the Final Complete version worth it?
Only in the sense that it comes with a copy of the original in the box.
I haven't read it myself, but the idea of another author going back to Cross Channel and "adding new content" just feels insulting to me.

If you'd like further reading after finishing, you can check out the two short stories Tanaka Romeo wrote after the game's release. Link (contains massive spoilers): https://exhentai.org/s/8d1f87d074/1053373-92
Also be sure to play Nanaca Crash! It's one of the best VN minigames ever.

Second eroge. I played Sengoku Rance and then Cross Channel.
I was quite young; I actually learned how to extract .rar files to play it.
It was just magical, I went in completely blind. I read it over the course of a whole summer vacation, so even the season was completely perfect.
I had never read anything like it before so I didn't even have a sense of how long it was going to be. It felt like it was just going to go on forever.
When I reached the ending, I was a different person than when I'd started. I've been hooked on reading VNs ever since.

I was worried that when I went back to it after reading so many other VNs that it wouldn't be as good as I remembered, but when I did return to it, it was just as magical from the word go. Took me right back to that summer.
Wouldn't trade those memories for anything, but I'll admit I'm a little jealous of you guys reading it for the first time too. Enjoy it; you've picked a real one.

>> No.46986210 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 1705753134140794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46986339

yuzusoft peak

>> No.46986479

Is it just me or does this VN have the exact same plot as the movie triangle of sadness, but inverted?

>> No.46986501


>> No.46986512
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, スカイコード.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I wasn't expecting to see incestuous siblings killing themselves presented as a happy, heart-warming story.

>> No.46986566

picked up and slotted in about 6 games down in my backlog at the speed of light

>> No.46986576

Is that all this VN is about?

>> No.46986586


>> No.46986589

So what is it?

>> No.46986744

So far, helping people with their problems so they give back the angel's feathers (which go to people with some sort of strong wish and give them powers related to their wish, but they lose their memory and powers if they return the feathers) + seishun helping the protagonist face his trauma that made him suicidal. >>46986512 was just one arc.

>> No.46986906

Wow, nice. Thanks for the rec.
Already seen it done in another game and it was very moving.

>> No.46987229


>> No.46987294


>> No.46987301

There was a story last year how a bunch of fisherman got stranded on an island for a month after their boat sunk, so it's definetly still possible.

>> No.46987377

What's the impact of this on eroge? Will they start deleting works? The future looks really grim, credit card companies seem determined to censor Japan at all costs.

>> No.46987671

This shit needs more visibility, censorship is going to spread to all japanese media.

>> No.46987781

what a mogging...

>> No.46988059

>Manga Library Z

>> No.46988450
File: 970 KB, 1273x716, 1337975441972424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine that he's dubbed by Jun Fukuyama.

>> No.46988469

The effects of "brain"washing of westoid "values". What would be a heartwarming story to you then? Two gay men kissing the assholes of each other?

>> No.46988498
File: 19 KB, 259x352, hard_gay01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine that he's dubbed by Hard Gay.

>> No.46988656

>west.. le heckin bad
see >>46980669

>> No.46989508

The only thing wrong here is getchu sucking their cock and removing shit instead of just telling them to fuck off like dlsite did

>> No.46989736

This, imagine kneeling instead of telling them to fuck off

>> No.46989847

DLSite did, however, nuke their entire AI catalogue formerly available at dlsite.com/aix (and nothing of value is lost, sure, but they still doubled down on sucking even harder than they did the first time with renaming the tags - which still stay cucked btw)

>> No.46989848

Finished Tsui no Sora, that was pretty good. I'm not sure why it's considered such a 駄作 when it was such a pleasure to read. The imagery and motifs introduced in Yukito's route continue to play a role in the story until the end, and then the epilogue prompts you to consider what that might have meant. In a way it reminded me of Shizuku's optimism, and I certainly see similarity in Ruriko and Ayana's characters. Certainly mechanically it's not a polished work by any means, but that never took away from the fun of reading it.
Hopefully I can get my hands on Sayooshi or for elise next.

>> No.46989960

Bros, I need to know, what settings do I need in Magpie for the best quality?

>> No.46989971

cunny 16x16

>> No.46989989

Oh wow, I don't come here often, I didn't realise how hot a topic upscaling is. Why is that? Do you guys hate VNs for something? The graphics are half of the whole thing.

>> No.46990008

There's been a mentally ill person shitting up this thread for months and that is one of his hot button topics. Just try to ignore.

>> No.46990011

We love the graphics in VNs, that's why we don't ruin them with soulless westoid A* algorithms.

>> No.46990172

>variety of scalers that sharpen everything at the cost of nuking details
The OP screenshot was made with RAVU_Zoom_AR_R3_RGB. That scaler is quite good at preserving details without oversharpening. It has no watercolors effect of oversharpening filters like A4K and such. I'm not sure why you have a problem with it.

>> No.46990184

>I'm not sure why you have a problem with it.
because he is a dumb poorfag

>> No.46990261

By that logic anyone who plays VNs instead of the newest fancy ultra-realistic games also only does so because he's a poorfag and can't afford a fancy gayming PC.

>> No.46990262

>The MTL screenshot was made with ChatGPT-5. That MTL is quite good at preserving context without missing the pronouns. It has no censorship like ChatGPT-4 and such. I'm not sure why you have a problem with it.

>> No.46990277

it's fine to read vns without upscaling, but seething so much about posts mentioning upscaling itt exposes him (or you) as a retarded mentally ill poorfag

>> No.46990342

Just stop fucking talking about it. This thread is for VNs.

>> No.46990344
File: 1.18 MB, 2880x2160, 1697705370829252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The OP screenshot was made with RAVU_Zoom_AR_R3_RGB.
There clearly is some kind of sharpening filter or something over it. Pic related is that scene upscaled with only ravu-zoom-ar-r3-rgb.hook.

>> No.46990351

Upscaling is no better than MTL. You would also "seethe" if there were MTLers shitting up the thread, right? Or maybe not, since you're probably one.

>> No.46990362

Lmao, imagine getting mad that someone isn't enjoying VNs the right way. The internet is crazy.

>> No.46990406

So true, sister. It hurts my feelings so much when someone says that I don't get the full experience when I read MTL.

>> No.46990464 [DELETED] 

filters must be doing some good work because i have no idea what you guys are talking about
just filter out whatever it is they're baiting with

>> No.46990488

It's insane how a person can learn Japanese because trannylations are not accurate, and then just shit the art without caring about the grotesque errors of AI upscale.
>It's not 100% lossless? It's not the same art? It looks like plastic? Who cares lol
Brutal. Insane. Disgusting. You wasted your time learning Japanese because I'm 100% sure a person like that would use MTL if it was """good enough"""

>> No.46990515

What other game?

>> No.46990551

I feel like I'm watching a guy get mad at someone for modding their copy of a game.

Wow, did you really use a graphics overhaul on Deus Ex? But it's only 20 years old! It holds up!
How could you use a texture pack to DOOM? The game is ruined now!
Did you actually apply an ambient lighting mod to your 17th Morrowind playthrough? How can you live with yourself?

>> No.46990562

It's just /vn/ posters shitting up the thread

>> No.46990564

To be honest I learned Japanese more cause I liked it than to avoid trannylations and also stuff like english versions of sonic games and 90s JRPGs triggered me more than trannylations (not that I don't dislike trannylations, I just never had to deal wtih them)

>> No.46990573

>westoid games out of nowhere

>> No.46990583

What untranslated Japanese VNs are you playing? What untranslated Japanese VNs are you looking forward to? What untranslated Japanese VNs have you finished?

>> No.46990596

I dropped Skyrim when I realized I can't romance the vampire girl.
My mind knew it is a westoid RPG, but in my heart, it was a VN that underdelivered.

>> No.46990605

I've never read a VN in English but I'm pretty sure very few of the ones I've read don't have a translated version official or otherwise

>> No.46990629

Do I think mtlers need to be culled? Sure. Do I care enough to sperg out every time I see mtler in the wild? Not after spending years in eroge community. Also kill yourself.

>> No.46990633
File: 1.08 MB, 800x600, 1711317260555291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46990648


>> No.46990708

Not any of these anons but I dislike magpie because of the filters. When I upscale games like this I use integer scaling only, for peak pixelated soul. Also do that for RPG maker h-games where it works even better with the pixel art.

>> No.46990759
File: 70 KB, 992x512, 1705945306246300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46990799
File: 22 KB, 858x128, based-word-origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46990813

>yeah bro we lost, there is no hope, gatekeeping is pointless
With that sort of mentality the one who's more likely to kill himself first is you.

>> No.46990857


>> No.46990861


>> No.46990882

Oh, I should continue that then. The imouto is great but I had to take a break from all the drama.

>> No.46990970

Gatekeeping doesn't even work, you're just giving your attention to retards while wasting your time. I know you're new, but give it another 4-5 years and you're going to understand.

>> No.46991030

I remember the time I learned that lesson, so cruel. The things we love will inevitably decay.

>> No.46991043

>haha you're new i'm such an oldfag
Treating Anonymous imageboards as Discord-esque identity games is the true newfag move.

>> No.46991950

Who are you quoting?

>> No.46992043
File: 98 KB, 1474x870, 1699478848221939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CN gods shared 16TB of eroge
kf /read.php?tid=1030124&sf=ad8

>> No.46992746

I see this hole is as shit as ever and I haven't missed a thing.

>> No.46993136

So do you guys ever talk about VNs or is it just shitposting about unrelated garbage all day?

>> No.46993234


>> No.46993248

we're being raided, though damned if i know why

>> No.46993346

Do I need those points from their shitty browser game?

>> No.46993353

>though damned if i know why
Easy. Eroge are the last bastion of True Art, so of course "they" want to sabotage eroge and the community around it.

>> No.46993379

nah i think the call is coming from inside the house, figuratively speaking

>> No.46993480

dumbest shit i've heard all day, both the "true art" and "they" shit

>> No.46993482 [DELETED] 

So true, irony weeb sister.

>> No.46993640
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, ATRI-MyDearMoments-_RUB7oBagmb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atri is the adorablest. Really wish her VA did more VN voice work because she's killing it here.

Not sure how to feel about the school subplot yet. It looks like this will be part of the MC's path to self-healing as he finds a purpose in teaching others. But it also feels a bit cheesy given how the school's pretty much done for at this point, so as much as it's nice to educate people it's not going to matter a lot when it's just a single digit group of kids. Also I'm not big on the idea of presenting Minamo as a romantic rival to Atri given that Atri is the only real heroine, it might have been better if she only saw Natsuki as a friend to avoid pointless heartbreak like in LN plots.

>> No.46993672

well it's not 100% true, there are still some gems like subahibi and nukitashi
but overall we need more serious writers like murakami and also different art styles because moeshit art is never going to be "true art"

>> No.46993698

Are you reading on your phone? I don't remember seeing those huge buttons on the right.

>> No.46993731

>中央値 89
>平均値 84
Well well, looks like I need to play the new Bishop game

>> No.46993886

Please tell me that there are many reasons for you to consider reading a VN other than online ratings.

>> No.46993899

Not him but seeing his post actually made me consider picking my next VN based on finding one of those rating websites and taking something off the top 10 highest rated. because up until now I've just read whatever grabbed my attention without ever seeing any ratings and reviews, might be interesting to try something that's super acclaimed or whatever. Of course, what I've played up until now may very well include some of those highly rated games for all I know...

>> No.46993930
File: 438 KB, 1280x720, ATRI-MyDearMoments-_ybMtclS6vb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two modes for the UI, one for touchscreen devices and one for regular computers and I happened to have the touchscreen UI on without realizing it. Thanks for letting me know, I prefer the non-touch one.

>> No.46993955

Not VNs but all the "best anime of all time" kind of ratings include un-anime-like or "subversive" anime (eg. Ghibli, Madoka, etc) and battle shounen shit, and also my favorite show of the season (Tenshi-tsuki) literally has a rating lower than 4/10 on AniDB (and a lot of shows I like have low scores too). It might be less bad with VNs since they're more niche, but I still wouldn't trust anyone's opinions (especially westoids) other than fellow Anons.

>> No.46993963

if a game by a developer i already like gets a super high rating it will sway my opinion on playing it

>> No.46993983
File: 9 KB, 1096x171, firefox_03-06-2024 01-17-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... i'm already all in red gear and getting those ccc ranks in pvp... just how much longer i need to grind to be considered a real chink...

>> No.46993991

No one will seriously talk about what they are reading while the thread is in this state

>> No.46994000

I read EXTRAII just because I wanted to know how the fuck a moege can get such a high score

>> No.46994019

Critical and/or public opinion of a work won't bother me in any case, whether something I dislike is beloved or something I like has a bad reputation I will simply like what I like. I do think it can be interesting to see what's highly regarded and what isn't compared to what you enjoy, also using the genre stuff caa maybe be helpful in evaluating what critical opinions mean. Personally I love battle shounen, but if, for example, shounen gets more respect from media criticism people moekei yonkoma adaptations, then a series from the latter category being evaluated unusually high by those crowds could be indicative of something. It could mean it's popular for synthetic reddit type specimens to say it's revolutionary and subversive of the genre like Nichijou (not that Nichijou isn't great it just is used that way by those people for some reason) or it could just be really appealing in a certain way that it managed to win over people who don't usually take an interest in the genre. For example if you saw a reviewer who you know hates battle shounen like you praise a battle shounen series up and down it might indicate that it's worth giving a try..
Also Ghibli isn't really unanime, Miyazaki is just really insecure and pretentious but deep down he made what he made cause he wanted to depict cute little girls but can't admit to himself that that's really what it's all about for him
I will agree with you that the fact that you can say you like Ghibli and go "well I don' tlike THAT kind of anime I'm insecure haha" is why Ghibli gets such inflated reception regardless of how good it is

>> No.46994045

Kind of sad to read a post like this. Are you really going to let the shitposting get to you and prevent you from contributing something positive to the thread by sharing your own experiences? Just post normally and use the magic report button when necessary.

>> No.46994066

no one will reply to what i say anyway the chance is low even when the thread isn't in shitpost overdrive
if i was playing some moege yuzusoft shit then yeah it'd be worth it to post every ten mins

>> No.46994068

No, I just like to complain about things and point out others' flaws while pretending to be superior.

>> No.46994076

>if i was playing some moege yuzusoft shit then yeah it'd be worth it to post every ten mins
Be more careful with your wording, this gives the impression that you don't have a lot of respect for the medium.

>> No.46994108

no reason to respect a company that hasn't produced a single good game

>> No.46994117

Did you play all of them

>> No.46994118
File: 126 KB, 800x600, 1713720730856140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I've been masturbating to all day if you are curious.

>> No.46994122

glad you're having fun

>> No.46994141

>if you are curious
Thank you, but we already know that homosexuality is on the rise.

>> No.46994167
File: 1.73 MB, 2880x2160, ravu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something wrong with your setup. There is no other filters inserted there.

>> No.46994168

Anon, stop acting as if there's a containment board on this website for LGBT or a containment thread on this board for BL.

>> No.46994171
File: 1.33 MB, 1277x709, 1478975674643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to but it's getting late and i wake up early tomorrow, i'll post another day.
I do however have the time to say that Gretel is very cute.

>> No.46994192

love me a girl who looks like she hasn't slept since bush was president

>> No.46994338

At first I was excited when I found out this was a proto-Yuzusoft lolige but I found out that the MC is a shota and I lost interest

>> No.46994354
File: 1.34 MB, 2880x2160, 1709604033558071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry you're actually right. My original source capture was flawed. I redid it and now it's the same minus the text which is just different fonts.

>> No.46994384

It's really fun to find all kinds of similarities to later Yuzu games in this one.
MC is a shota but it's not too bad.

>> No.46994386

1000 and 1 kfb
Just keep going at least 1k maybe 10k, that shit ramps up fast. Also get 100-150 points on daily login at /kf_lv200.php

>> No.46994396

I mean I guess if you were going for the taboo age gap thing then yeah obviously this isn't the game for you. But it's cute enough love between two kids.

>> No.46994399

it has tons of individual games from a company with many games, my personal collection looks better than that, the masterlist we had also looked better

>> No.46994426

I don't mind the idea of reading a loli x shota romance and I'm sure it can be cute and wholesome, it's just that I wouldn't be picking up something like this for the H-scenes since I can't self-insert into little boys when it comes to sex. No hard feelings to anyone who faps to that stuff of course, it's just my personal problem.

>> No.46994436
File: 7 KB, 150x124, kss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do all Bishop games have this?

>> No.46994450

Anon that's been standard in bishop games for over a decade.

>> No.46994457

Just recall how you yourself was an innocent elementary schooler at one point and it'll be easy enough to self-insert.

>> No.46994463

Nice to hear.
There is also faust's archive website with games separated per company; but you probably already know that one.

>> No.46994477

Image for ants.

>> No.46994545

Of what?
What is even supposed to ramp fast? I've been doing this shit daily for more than a month already...
Last time the anon promised me 2-3 days and done

>> No.46994570
File: 971 KB, 1024x768, kss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, this is my first Bishop game
Because it's just a small part of the screen

>> No.46994576

>2024 release
>bishop is still using 1024x768
I respect them for sticking to their format.

>> No.46994586

>faust's archive
don't know that off the top of my head, i fucked off from collecting for a few years and only recently started up again. i basically stopped when kf switched its games and missed out on those early bonuses

>> No.46994692

and onto the backlog it goes

>> No.46994771

>Nice, this is my first Bishop game
If you're done with it you can safely say you know them all.

>> No.46994777

You are right, my bad. I'll stop referring to old information. As I said before the admin must have nerfed the gains of early levels by a lot.
If you don't use any eroge extras like bonus CDs or getchu/amazon specific bonuses you stop the grind now.
Talking about this guy's website /read.php?tid=910275&sf=6e3

>> No.46994797

I still can't access anything at all, it will just throw me back to the home page when i try to open some of the links no matter what
There is definitely got to be something else you have to do other than the minigame grind

>> No.46994820
File: 20 KB, 733x353, 1717018584663142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your progress points at? link: >>46994386
That's the main spam protection shit the admin is using.

>> No.46994834

Also 150
I've been logging literally daily

>> No.46994864

Seems weird. You should be able to access the main sharing area /thread.php?fid=41 as the admin says that it requires 145.
Try replying to a popular thread with thanks for sharing (translated ofc) or something.

>> No.46994914
File: 2.55 MB, 1916x1078, enoughofthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you say this to her

>> No.46994948

yeah i didn't know about that site, i don't usually browse kf unless i'm actively looking for something, looks like you also need an account and reputation or whatever

>> No.46994950

what a faggot

>> No.46994958

She has cowtits though

>> No.46994964

Yeah I never had to use it but the guy has a nice archive.

>> No.46995003
File: 676 KB, 3507x2480, 017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have the right attitude; the more perspectives you allow yourself to listen to, the more likely you are to be able to see the big picture. Much like the parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant, even a person who lacks vision may still have a nuanced understanding of at least one aspect.
Ghibli is actually a fantastic example of this because there are so many obscure Ghibli films that very few people have actually seen all of them, including many who would consider themselves Ghibli fans. I doubt, for instance, that all but the most devoted of anime watchers would even be aware of their English-language adaptations of The Hobbit and Return of the King.
It might seem useless to consider the opinion of someone who only watches Ghibli films dubbed, as that is going to heavily bias their opinions of the movies. But if that person is aware of the company's early works and you aren't, their opinion would be informative and extremely helpful to you-- even though you would likely imagine that they were making everything up until you were proven wrong!
Thus, although I may take it with enough salt to perform an exorcism while running a ramen stand, I never discard anyone's opinion entirely. At best, I learn something amazing I never would have discovered by myself. At worst, I get to laugh at their hilariously stupid opinion and feel very smug. It's win-win really.

>> No.46995053

at least he molested them thoroughly after

>> No.46995062

it's nice because he collects a bunch of the extras. like i noticed he has tons of them for harvest festa, but looking into it i realized i mixed that up with festa hyper girls pop because i remembered that having a ton of bonuses and i see it doesn't look like he has a single one of them so it's a mixed bag but what he has is still nice

>> No.46995219

oldfag vs newfag thing been always a part of imageboards, lurk more retard

>> No.46995238

Would a kind anon please remind me the name of the program used to extract and view the CG and MIDI files from PC98 age games? Been ages since I used it.

>> No.46995596

Just read mesu kyoushi 3, it's the only one that matters.

>> No.46996147
File: 19 KB, 379x192, fuck .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46996162

Turn off exclusive fullscreen in magpie settings if you're using it.

>> No.46996170

It's when I start the game. No window for the game, just that and it closes

>> No.46996190

Restarted and it works now. My drivers crashed or something, thanks amd

>> No.46996212

New thread:


>> No.46996225

Usually that error is caused by some other software already using DirectX in an exclusive way. Some bug in a driver might be a reason but it seems unlikely.
