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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46921233 No.46921233 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:
>Reliable OCR:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v21.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1752934
v21.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1763804
v21.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1774657
>Raw dumps:

Previous: >>46710062

>> No.46921297

first for cowtit characters

>> No.46922745

Please share if you have something from this list:

[JP] ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 終・1年生編BOX トモセシュンサク Art Works
[JP epub] volumes 9-11 of Arifureta
[JP] 負けヒロインが多すぎる
[JP] 王妃ユーライア 穢されし淫紋の聖女 ~エルフ王国の崩壊~
[JP] 亡びの国 7
[JP] 姉が剣聖で妹が賢者で
[JP] 残虐すぎる異世界でも鈴木は可愛い
[JP] 信じていた仲間達にダンジョン 無限ガチャ
[JP] Index New Testament 11-22r
[JP] 9S<ナインエス> 12-13
[JP] 丘ルトロジック
[JP] 銀盤カレイドスコープ
[JP] 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので、一戸建て目指して傭兵として自由に生きたい 12
[JP] 現代社会悪役令嬢 2 and after
[JP] ダブルブリッド Drop Blood
[JP] 精霊幻想記 25
[JP] ブレイド&バスタード
[JP] 月が導く異世界道中vols 2 to 4
[JP] Re:ゼロ vols 34-37
[JP] 真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出されたので、辺境でスローライフすることにしました volumes 10+
[JP] ふつおたはいりません vol 2
[JP] 星空の下、君の声だけを抱きしめる
[JP] ドッペルゲンガーの恋人

>> No.46924265

Any recs that deal with love for otaku culture beyond using it as a gimmick? Been reading a manga that deals with it a bit and it got me

>> No.46924381

Has anyone got the second volume of 私の初恋は恥ずかしすぎて誰にも言えない?

>> No.46926628

>目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので、一戸建て目指して傭兵として自由に生きたい 12
i finished it so have at it boys

>> No.46926871
File: 89 KB, 2007x577, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a CRC32 comparison between one book I ripped from bookwalker and the same book someone shared on tmw, the CRC matches for all files inside the .epub except for standard.opf, which is pic related.
Anything else I should check for? What would be a good way to automate getting rid of this identifier?

>> No.46926946

Does that ID you as the original buyer? What kind of ripper doesn't remove that automatically?

>> No.46926964

yooo thanks anon

>> No.46926992

Not even the guy that originally requested it but also thanks.

>> No.46927009

>[JP] 負けヒロインが多すぎる
vols 1-5 are now up on anna
vol 1 up also on anna

>> No.46927294

>vol 1 up also on anna
Weird, I get zero files found

>> No.46927413

which one of the four?

>> No.46927517

Found only the first title

>> No.46927742

my bad, sleep deprivation and misreading lolibrary https://lolibrary.moe/
TMW part 6 torrent
TMW part 5
>ドッペルゲンガーを殺せ ショートショート・短編集
this says it's on anna but somehow isn't, it says it's on PeepoHappyBooks 2 however but with a 0.2 MB epub something tells me it's not the full book

>> No.46928072

anon... ドッペルゲンガーを殺せ ショートショート・短編集 and ドッペルゲンガーの恋人 are not the same words.

>> No.46928478

does anyone have a japanese idiom guide
It took me a few hours to realize 火の車 was a way to say your poor and I think 怒ってないと死ぬ is supposed to be one

>> No.46928964

>does anyone have a japanese idiom guide
google. No, really, just google it, maybe with a とは added and the first result's generally what you want

>> No.46930029

Love you

>> No.46931729


>> No.46932128

Never read it but does it really match? The stuff I know about it from osmosis makes it seem like a normal romcom.
Btw, for reference the manga I was talking about is 2.5次元の誘惑.

>> No.46932389

>normal romcom
It's a romcom for sure but normal? idk there's a lot of industry meta, characters trying to grow as creators and how that conflicts with their interpersonal relationships. It's obvious from the start who is the main heroine so there isn't "who will win the MC bowl" retardation. I don't really enjoy harem romcoms but I ended up binge reading it.
I think the reason some people disliked it is cause they expected maruto to write something like WA2 again.

>> No.46932418

I see. As I said I only know about it from osmosis. Thanks for the rec, will give it a try

>> No.46936861

saekano is "DUDE. OTAKU MEDIA" that turns into telenovela melodrama after the first arc like most romcoms, which technically makes it "normal"

>> No.46937095

So I looked into what maruto sama was doing these days and he's writing a web novel on note in collaboration with mangaka よむ??

>> No.46937119

Is a VPN needed to access amazon pages like this https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E4%BA%BA%E9%96%93%E7%84%A1%E9%AA%A8-ebook/dp/B07SRKYWNF
the books show up on the author's page so it's like they were removed I think https://www.amazon.co.jp/stores/%E4%BA%BA%E9%96%93%E7%84%A1%E9%AA%A8/author/B07B27CX32

>> No.46937215

Nigga probably didn't want to commit to another LN series for a decade with editors harassing him

>> No.46937897

R18 stuff? Then yeah, amazon started hiding some entries outside of japan since last year, probably some seller setting

>> No.46938052
File: 254 KB, 1199x1020, GOkKhgSaIAA4FMX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, ハンネローレの貴族院五年生 vol1's formally announced with the cover. But what's with that manly rozemyne lol

>> No.46938056
File: 109 KB, 581x500, GOkKjS6akAAshCi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drama cd jacket

>> No.46938545

It's funny how long ponytail Rozemyne looks like a mature cool beauty possibly sword autist type character to our sensibilities, but to the people of that world she still looks like a child because adult women are supposed to wear their hair tied up short. It would be like wearing twintails.

>> No.46939745

Anyone know a good bookmeter account I can stalk for ideas.

>> No.46940204

Also got a blog that's more comprehensive https://yamata14.livedoor.blog/

>> No.46940243

Its a shame you can’t indicate a book as dropped on bookmeter

>> No.46940302

This week's ゴルダナ made me laugh out loud.
Judging from the excerpts from ゴルダナ帝国衰亡記 the princess won't end up as KK's first wife, or at least be officially recognized.

>> No.46944078

Stalling the last couple of chapters for months because you don't want it to end

>> No.46944900

i opened this thread just to see if I could find this, thanks a lot

>> No.46945950 [SPOILER] 
File: 613 KB, 2048x1100, Godless_1A_006-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grats, here you go, anon.
Imosae for a dash of "Bigtime authors bitching about Kadoka--their former publisher."
Eh? That's probably not the best series to associate with "Love for Otaku Culture." It's really more "consumerism of" than "love for," though I guess I should give it credit for covering the shadier part of doujin works. IIRC, there's barely any mention of cosplay creation or photography techniques in the first 100 chapters or so; they all seem to be magically capable of turning cardboard cutouts into Juunihitoe and manifesting camera effects in reality through sheer Lust. I would agree if you said Bakuman, Sono Bisque, or even Genshiken, but not that one; that's just softcore porn.

>> No.46946023
File: 476 KB, 894x1456, IMG_8103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the free prologue of バケモノの君に告ぐ a recent Dengeki release.
The way it’s told is rather unique in terms of MC recalling his adventures during interrogation and worldbuilding being introduced that way but you don’t feel that much tension from the protagonist being interrogated at all considering his ‘friend’ is the interrogator
Fun banter though.

concept seems rather average with only mentally ill people awakening to superpowers in this one specific city and MC being a government agent tasked with managing/controlling the most dangerous of them by grooming and now being captured and interrogated on the charges of rebellion, etc.

Anyway if you want something rather fresh(before it goes to shit) you can go for it though I wasn’t a fan maybe someday later I’ll buy and continue reading since only 1 vol is out right now.

>> No.46946042
File: 373 KB, 1280x2225, 847437737337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and btw I didn’t really like any of the heroines particularly big minus right there.

>> No.46946086

"love for otaku culture" is not equivalent to "creating otaku culture", and I am specifically asking for the former. I don't need the rec to delve autistically into the love of creation, just about passion concerning the subculture beyond it being a bridgehead for relationship drama.
>It's really more "consumerism of"
consuming a work to its marrow is also a form of love and this one actually specifically deals about the idea a lot of time, lol. Autistic consumption and two way creation are the two pillars that define otaku subculture and frankly I only see this kind of denial coming from people who still can't get rid of some kind of guilt enjoying the subculture. So, yeah, thanks for the opinion and no thanks for the recs.

>I didn’t really like any of the heroines particularly big
Was thinking about picking up but considering the premise I can't see how it could be enjoyable if heroines were shit. Is the story good enough to overcome that?

>> No.46946119

idk couldn’t find the any free version to read it so I’m not sure how the story will develop, just that heroines didn’t seem that attractive personality wise after being introduced in the prologue

>> No.46946639
File: 1.01 MB, 2128x1510, MAIN. HEROINE..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your point, but I somewhat disagree. For me, at least in regards to culture, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It's not that "love" is not equal to "creation," but more of creation/imitation being the absolute limit and final stage of passion/love, much more than consooming can ever be, though I can't deny that perhaps that thought was influenced by my decades of being a fucking pirate and a week living in /tg/. Then again, you may spend your dosh on bitches and whores, but you would only make family/children with the one you love, right? Don't answer that; I don't want to read someone saying they're in it just for the money.
>the rec to delve autistically into the love of creation
Oh no, Imosae is not "only" about creation; it's more of a love letter from LN writers to their readers and other writers. It made fun of failed anime adaptations, told us the joy and frustration of reading a good story, showed the joy of overseas conventions, and taught us how to evade taxes. It's honestly a delight to read.
>Autistic consumption
I was going to refute this, but then I remembered the existence of train otaku, so I stand corrected.
tl;dr, your opinion shite, can't be as correct as mine. Go touch grass, faggot.
>who is the main heroine
Yes, Utaha. The fact that her spin-off manages to last as long as the main series (5 years) is frankly amazing.

>> No.46950497

Thanks, anon.

>> No.46951287

for whatever reason vehiclefags are all deranged, with special mentions to militaryfags and ESPECIALLY trainfags

>> No.46954016

It's the exhaust fumes.

>> No.46955327

Anyone here read Brunhild the Dragonslayer and if so is it any good?

>> No.46956926

anyone have epubs for 魔弾の王と凍漣の雪姫 10-12 and/or 魔弾の王と叛神の輝剣 1-3

>> No.46957557

Oh dang, thank you so much.
For some reason, I'm missing v10 and v11 though.
Can someone put them on Anna's?

Also, does anyone have the final volume 19 of 落第騎士の 英雄譚 ?

>> No.46957818

i've shared 10 and 11 here before but here go you feel free to upload wherever

>> No.46958990
File: 1.81 MB, 2578x1794, Screenshot_20240529-170958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw the fact that the last 2 posts are about this book is pure coincidence, I just got here

>> No.46959167
File: 5 KB, 100x100, c042f752164a92f2d61706674b7615fe16c3df3ba90e1b46353fad162811909f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There used to be a site called rawset that had the LN I'm looking for but since it's dead and internet archive doesn't get past page 3 in the LN section (search doesn't work obviously) I can't find the exact post with it. It's also on nyaa.land but no seeds and in none of the links in the OP.

What do?

>> No.46959411

I'm not a tumblrite, but sometime I give real short shrift to how lazy character designs, especially for secondary characters, can be with some LNs. Also, why do artists/authors pick some of the dumbest moments to illustrate in the most generic or awkward ways?

>> No.46959673

LNs are cheap and the yen is in the shitter, just buy it

>> No.46959775

>but sometime I give real short absolution by a priest. to how lazy character designs

>> No.46959786

>>but sometime I give real short absolution by a priest
What? Did your phone have a stroke?

>> No.46959804

i was trying to make a joke about what the fuck does shrift even mean in this context
english is so fucked i can't even tell if it's some archaic term or the newest nigspeak buzzword anymore

>> No.46959812
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 3a3c3f188b67d927565690c4cfc66af27a1426da99ae0fbbcb279f0c58e7a0b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already found it by typing the name of the zip file from nyaa into google.

Was here btw https://manga-zip.is/post

>> No.46960080

Nice one anon

>> No.46960266

>The earliest known use of the phrase comes from William Shakespeare’s play Richard III, in which Lord Hastings, who has been condemned by King Richard to be beheaded, is told by Sir Richard Ratcliffe to “Make a short shrift” as the king “longs to see your head.” Although now archaic, the noun shrift was understood in Shakespeare’s time to refer to the confession or absolution of sins, so “make a short shrift” meant, quite literally, “keep your confession short.”
>However, since at least the 19th century the phrase has been used figuratively to refer to a small or inadequate amount of time or attention given to something.
literally the first result in Google if you bothered to check that instead of looking under the bed for imaginary niggers

>> No.46960277

So is it the act of confessing or the act of forgiving itself?

>> No.46960337

From 19th century onwards it just means being dismissive of something

>> No.46960464

Anyone know where I can find the Polyphonica LNs?

>> No.46960490

Oh nvm they seem to all be on Kindle Unlimited, I'll rip them myself.

>> No.46960816

OK, dunno who here cares about a long finished multimedia series, but here's every Polyphonica novel (with the exception of Leon the Gold, which doesn't have an ebook) for whoever wants it.
pixeldrain N7gjgjQk

>> No.46962541

do I need to read vn before trying this? is it any good?

>> No.46971039

Looks like they're getting someone other than Taiki to do the illustrations for the Dendro BD novel releases.
That seems like bad news, but Kaido says he already saw the design for リエラ, a major heroine in it, and he says it's 120/100, so I'll expect something decent.

>> No.46971072

There's nothing more unreliable than a jp creator's opinion on work done by others on their stuff

>> No.46971141

That's an understandable assumption, but I've been reading Dendro since vol 3 of the LN came out, and I know by now that Kaido is someone who'd rather say nothing than lie.
The anime-related LN afterwords come to mind. You could see how hard he tried to be nice and not call it bad while also not lying and calling it good. It almost hurt to read.

>> No.46971358

Aside from Danmachi and Otomob Marie route are there many other examples of getting different illustrators for side stories? I'm not that widely read so I can't think of very many.

>> No.46971417 [DELETED] 

Is there a script that turns chinese-japanese subs on nyaa into pure jp subs?
The show I'm watching wasn't picked up by koi-raws

>> No.46972330

Sao spinoffs have different illustrators

>> No.46973018

Volume 11, my favorite so far with 8

>> No.46975051
File: 150 KB, 521x524, 1708132315391918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a maximum comfy ln to read

>> No.46975064
File: 347 KB, 440x574, Screenshot 2024-05-29 013710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not the right place but. Say, if someone actually made a Dendro CYOAG, would you fags play it? Also, what do you think is a must have in it, other than Embryos, Jobs, and S/UBMs?
>It almost hurts to read.
It actually fucking does. His excitement seeps out into his writings. I forgot which volume it was, but IIRC he made Ray make an abrupt comment about excitement, saying "...like an author whose work is being adapted into an anime" or the like when it's still in production. Dude's either as unlucky as Kuro no Maou's author or he's spent all of his luck getting Taiki as an artist. I'm now 120% sure that F and G is part of his coping mechanism.
That's pretty much everything with a spinoff/side story though? There's at least DaL, Goblin Slayer, and Konosuba from the top of my head. Desu, spinoffs are mostly throwaways, you can even pick a different author/artist combo and nobody would bat an eye.
>character designs, especially for secondary characters
Design is hard anon, especially nowadays where you're really just an accessory away from being called ABC's expy no123. In Dendro's case, Kaidou actually said it outloud that one of the main reasons why Ray got no new armor for 7+ years was to reduce Taiki's burden on design, because he kept adding like 10 new characters each volume. In retrospect, Haimura's a really amazing artist to be able to comply with Kamachi's demand nonstop for 2 whole decades, although I guess his autism has been reined in somewhat by Miki nowadays.
>dumbest moment
Easiest to illustrate. As long as it conveys the emotion, nobody really gives a damn. The "best" scenario in question is probably gonna be another lightly edited *shooting lightbeam while screaming* (cue to FAIABOLTO) or *walking towards the setting sun while X* (cue to Ray killing RSK in Fran's game) montage anyway. Also, choreography is hard, pureazu andorsutando. No, like, seriously, something that's awesome in text can be really stupid if you actually think it through, and then get downright comical on a reread.

>> No.46975145

For some reason I'm attempted to watch the konosuba anime instead of read

>> No.46975915

>Say, if someone actually made a Dendro CYOAG, would you fags play it?
no :D

>> No.46976354

Can you add [JP]黒の魔王4 epub to the list?

>> No.46976612


>> No.46977132

Got any recs for fantasy LNs centered merchant(s)/mercantilism?

>> No.46977560
File: 160 KB, 750x1064, 魔王学院の不適合者 史上最強の魔王の始祖、転生して子孫たちの学校へ通う 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

いつもは真面目な委員長だけどキミの彼女になれるかな? 3
最強賢者夫婦の子づくり事情 炎と氷が合わさったら世界を救えますか?
声優ラジオのウラオモテ #11 夕陽とやすみは一緒にいられない?
ソードアート・オンライン 28 ユナイタル・リング
男女比1:5の世界でも普通に生きられると思った?~激重感情な彼女たちが無自覚男子に翻弄されたら~ 2
とある暗部の少女共棲 3
とある魔術の禁書目録外伝 エース御坂美琴対クイーン食蜂操祈!!
ブギーポップ・パズルド 最強は堕落と矛盾を嘲笑う
魔王学院の不適合者 史上最強の魔王の始祖、転生して子孫たちの学校へ通う 15
レベル0の無能探索者と蔑まれても実は世界最強です~探索ランキング1位は謎の人~ 2

まきなさん、遊びましょう 1
無敵な聖女騎士の気ままに辺境開拓 1
ダンジョン配信者を救って大バズりした転生陰陽師、うっかり超級呪物を配信したら伝説になった 2
英雄と賢者の転生婚 5
灰原くんの強くて青春ニューゲーム 7
クロの戦記 14

病弱な悪役令嬢ですが、婚約者が過保護すぎて逃げ出したい(私たち犬猿の仲でしたよね!?) 1

異世界刀匠の魔剣製作ぐらし 4
スキル『植樹』を使って追放先でのんびり開拓はじめます 3
転生したらポンコツメイドと呼ばれていました 前世のあれこれを持ち込みお屋敷改革します 2
廃嫡王子の華麗なる逃亡劇 ~手段を選ばない最強クズ魔術師は自堕落に生きたい~ 2

鬼騎士団長様がキュートな乙女系カフェに毎朝コーヒーを飲みに来ます。……平凡な私を溺愛しているからって、本気ですか? 1
社畜剣聖、配信者になる ~ブラックギルド会社員、うっかり会社用回線でS級モンスターを相手に無双するところを全国配信してしまう~ 2
縁談が来ない王妹は、狂犬騎士との結婚を命じられる 2
転生幼女は前世で助けた精霊たちに懐かれる 3

辺境モブ貴族のウチに嫁いできた悪役令嬢が、めちゃくちゃできる良い嫁なんだが? 2

エルフさんの魔法料理店 妖精女王として転生したけれど、まずはのんびりお料理作りまくります! 3
お出かけ先は異世界ですか? 神様召喚に巻き込まれ、幼女モモ(16歳)は美形騎士団に愛されちゅう! 1
余命わずかだからと追放された聖女ですが、巡礼の旅に出たら超健康になりました 2

期間限定、第四騎士団のキッチンメイド~結婚したくないので就職しました~ 2
ポンコツ王太子のモブ姉王女らしいけど、悪役令嬢が可哀想なので助けようと思います 王女ルートがない!?なら作ればいいのよ! 3
やり込んだ乙女ゲームの悪役モブですが、断罪は嫌なので真っ当に生きます 8
王都ワンオペゴーレムマスター。まさかの追放!? 自由の身になったので弟子の美人勇者たちと一緒に最強ゴーレム作ります。戻ってこいと言われてももう知らん! 2

>> No.46977887

puffy vulva

>> No.46978828
File: 26 KB, 604x342, hestia_loki_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me something with a heroine that constantly bullies girls with smaller boobs.

Like the scene where Hestia bullies Loki but more extreme or more frequent.

Alternatively recommend me heroines that are constantly talking about their huge boobs. "My shoulders are stiff" and all that.

Yes, I'm a pathetic, tasteless, pleb coomer. Sorry

>> No.46978982
File: 1.71 MB, 400x225, 1478835187447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's oddly specific and i'm not sure how much of that is really out there in the amount you want but maybe consider noucome, it has some some focus on boobs thanks to one girl, though i don't remember how much of that is envy but there's a lot of insecurity

>> No.46979247

thank you

>> No.46980435
File: 112 KB, 266x251, 1630565637357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you retarda who recommended nageki no bourei
I hate MC being dense about love interests but now I learned I hate MC who is dense about reality even more. It's a surprise that krai even remembers how to breathe.

>> No.46980842

Any recommendations of cyberpunk ln's without vr games?

>> No.46981332


>> No.46981484

already read vn version, anything else? don't recommend Baldr games btw already played them

>> No.46981509

Haven't read it myself but maybe Satsuriku no Matrix Edge? Apparently it's based heavily on Shadowrun.

>> No.46981569

Mardock Scramble?

>> No.46981963

this one was axed, unfortunetly

>> No.46982679

My backlog is so empty that I seriously considered buying isekai walking for a while just now.

>> No.46982722

stop writing about food

>> No.46983892

I opened something in ReadEra and was surprised to find that it defaulted to horizontal and the images don't display with either setting. Then I realized all azw3 files, which I've yet to open, do this but the epubs all still work fine. Is there another reader that handles azw3 better?

>> No.46983899

Just convert using calibre

>> No.46987257


>> No.46987708

I don't know how the situation is with light novels, but it wouldn't be strange if it also ends up affecting them in the future and those companies can decide which content is allowed and which is not

>> No.46987729

Those CC companies are largely pressuring sites that deal heavily in 18+ content. LNs have 18+ labels for sure but unlike with VNs and indie H games the bulk of what is produced isn't 18+ and nobody here pays them much attention anyway. So I doubt most here would really notice if they decided to try and fight bookwalker to stop them selling 思春期なアダム or something.

>> No.46987740

After they also attacked Niconico despite it hosting no R18 content it's obvious it's just a coordinated attack on Japan.

>> No.46987754

pretty sure all this will cause is for JCB to gain more power
it's already getting bigger marketshare in japan exactly due to all this nonsense

>> No.46987756

I feel that this is only the first step, because I have never seen so much coordinated aggression against so many JP sites. It would not be strange if in the future it is not limited only to 18+ content, but to anything that is moderately problematic for western values

>> No.46987760

they attacked patreon and other westfag sites as well, it's just christcucks being christcucks.

>> No.46987766 [DELETED] 

>but to anything that is moderately problematic for western values
what a nice way of saying "anything from japan"
seems amerimutts gave up on pretending they aren't trying to kill japan

>> No.46987811

last I checked patreon and gumroad aren't Japanese but got cracked down on just the same. Japan just has a far more vibrant creator industry than the west which is why they have more targets to hit for moralfaggotry.

>> No.46987815


>> No.46987840

I don't see anything contradictory to what I posted.

>> No.46987841

Any good translated novels that span across years, kinda like Mushoku Tensei I suppose?

>> No.46987856

Anything with more than 10 volumes?
I actually don't think any publisher has done more than 5 volumes a year.

>> No.46987989

Yeah, I just want something long and watch the characters go through the different phases of life

>> No.46987995 [DELETED] 

doubt it'll affect LNs much, a few years back tokyo was starting to pass laws to restrict shit and it was a big deal because a lot of companies are based there and it came to light that the faggot major there pushing for all the censorship himself had written fucked up smut novels that the laws conveniently excluded. LNs are close enough that as long as they don't illustrate the bad stuff they can probably keep getting away with whatever

>> No.46988035

Can't think of any that truly span an entire person's life like Rudeus, but off the top of my head
>Ascendance of a Bookworm
Has arcs defined by distinct periods in the MC's life starting from when she's 5 years old until she's near adulthood.
>Reign of the Seven Spellblades
Each arc is a distinct school year like Harry Potter and there will eventually be 7 of them.
>Min-Maxing my TRPG Build
Starts at 8 years old and each chapter is named after the season and the MC's age (so like Winter of the Eighth Year, Summer of the Twelfth Year etc). Translation is up to 16 years old in volume 8, the raw LN is up to 17 years old in volume 9-2 and the raw WN is up to 21 years old in what at this rate will probably be volume 20 or something.
>If it's for my daughter I'll even defeat a demon lord
The main heroine starts as a child and by the end she has come of age when she gets bunny dropped
>Conqueror from a Dying Kingdom
Starts from birth, runs through the MC's childhood and school years, as of the latest translated volume the MC is 19-20 years old. To borrow MT terminology though it spends much time in the youth period and young man period and only about half a volume in the juvenile period, so I might be slightly cheating by including it here, but I'm putting it in anyway because I think it's kino.

>> No.46988046

even MT itself wasn't the entirety of rudeus' life, it cheated by timeskipping after the final fight

>> No.46988048

doubt it'll affect LNs much, a few years back tokyo was starting to pass laws to restrict shit and it was a big deal because a lot of companies are based there which would end up affecting most of the industry and websites like dlsite and it came to light that the faggot mayor there pushing for all the censorship himself had written fucked up smut novels that the laws conveniently excluded. LNs are close enough that as long as they don't illustrate the bad stuff they can probably keep getting away with whatever

>> No.46988109

That's true. Honestly aside from Mushoku Tensei and Assassin's Creed 2 I can't think of any works off the top of my head where we see both the MC's birth at the start and their death of old age at the end.

>> No.46988203

>Starts at 8 years old

>> No.46988243

Eh... will probably have some issues in the near future but these processors are just fucking themselves over long run. It's not like a decade or two back where they are the only choices for any meaningful international transactions, there are newer alternatives even in my third world country which are taking over visa/mastercard's market by the day.

>> No.46988307

I still wonder how the fuck mahouka's incest was able to pass under that metropolitan law

>> No.46988452

because it''s so fucking convoluted no one can make sense of it. it was something like oh we're siblings but a little too close but then oh we were lovers all along just pretending to be siblings, and then oh you two are siblings but she was genetically modified so much that although you're technically related you two aren't genetically related anymore. i feel sorry for whoever had to make sense of then classify all that

>> No.46989383

>would you fags play it?
Absolutely, though your audience would be me and three other people
Clans, MVP rewards, Questing (would include Ruins(?), Tian interaction), the Gaol (so you can't go full murderhobo, ideally escape would be possible but I have no fucking idea how you'd implement that), Flagman (and their creations, depends on how far you go with Ruins), Dueling, Dungeon Diving; I'm not too familiar with CYOAGs, so some of these things might be totally at odds with the format

>> No.46989946

Not a problem, irrespective of how 'morally disagreeable' the content gets, or the depth of its depravity, or any sexual penchants, nothing whatsoever will ever happen to LNs and if it does, then the individual reason for such, owes, probably, to an anime adaptation.

In fact, to add to this, let it be known as a general rule that an adaptation only hinders the quality of any ongoing novel, or outright paves the road for its ruination; axing. How many times now have I observed authors slowing to a crawl soon as their works got adapted? how many times have some gotten so incredulously discouraged that they drop their novels? how many times has the inflow of commentators from the anime swayed the opinion of an author into plainly distasteful scenarios?
It's nothing short of a miracle to receive an adaptation and have 0 consequences to that LN in question. Absolute miracle, really.

Overlord would not have rescinded into a paltry 18 volumes from a once projected 50 if that whole BD translation bullshit didn't happen, and if the author wasn't traveling everywhere for anime cons or such, then losing his catalogue of ideas somewhere down the line.
The reception of black bullet wouldn't have discouraged the author so incredulously as to cancel the series right in its highest point. Holds true for braves of the six as well.
Tappei wouldn't have descended into Emilia schizophrenia. Keis wouldn't have resurfaced the contents of volume 1 again and again. NGNL was neutered to hell.

Fuck anime. Kills any worthwhile threads, kills any worthwhile novels, kills everything. Just bury the industry and create drama CDs exclusively.
On another note, fuck throwing all character development into side stories.

>> No.46990035

>Holds true for braves of the six as well.
From what I heard, the author is such a mental wreck he had to buy a dakimakura just to be able to fall asleep. I think it's a miracle we got a whole 6 volumes out of him, anime or no anime.

>> No.46990225

Agree, except for overlord. That's just maruyama being the kind of lying fuck who overpromises something and after realising they can't do it, starts creating excuses out of everything

>> No.46990357

What are the undisputed best untranslated light novels?

>> No.46990446

I think all the ones I've read have been translated anyway...

>> No.46990576

Is there anyway to fix that issue with calibre where it writes Japanese into the file system as romanize Chinese (or whatever)?

>> No.46990814

Changing either the program's or the system's lang to jp is the only solution. The dev refuses to fix this because he thinks you shouldn't be touching the files and because the program doesn't care how the file is named due to how the system is structured.

>> No.46990929

I changed calibre's language to JP and while it's still outputting a cut off romanized title that's a lot better than Chinese so thanks. I'll keep tinkering with it.

>> No.46991532
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Happy Sunday lads
かくして少年は迷宮を駆ける1 強欲の迷宮と借金まみれの新米冒険者

>> No.46991614

Thanks, donloaded. Have you read this one yet?

>> No.46991680

I can't decide which dark fantasy LN to read, Grimgar or Bara no Maria. Both are from the same author, but BaraMari is complete and illustrated by the SAO illustrator.
Both are fairly long with 21+6 volumes for BaraMari and 21+2 for Grimgar.
Has someone here read Bara no Maria?
Would you say, it's less polished in terms of writing style and prose compared to the author's newer stuff?

>> No.46991701

I have not. Saw someone mention it last thread and just tacked it on to my last purchase batch on a whim

>> No.46991949

Bara no Maria is better than Grimgar, it got a great ending and I honestly think Grimgar's ending will be a shitfest, lol. As for prose I actually think Ao got worse with time, though it's not awful even in Grimgar imo

>> No.46992186

Thank you!
Now to figure out the reading order. Some JP blog out there recommends reading Ver0 before the main LN.

>> No.46992221

read it in release order

>> No.46993959

>NGNL was neutered to hell.
With overlord I had my doubts yet gave you the benefit of the doubt because hackuyama is who he is, but this was the point I realized you were a lying faggot defending law censorship and trying to deflect to muh adaptations.

>> No.46993993

Grimgar is frankly a mess, and akin to a diamond in the rough found in a sewer.
It has great ideas and does it's best to do well on them, but it simply doesn't work, however it still is worth visiting if you like the ideas or the author because while it's not unique (even when it released) the way the prose flows (in japanese) to make the story work makes the rough experience worth it.
Bara no Maria is almost the opposite problem, is a relatively more traditional approach to storytelling (in the sense that it's not an experimental mess) but the writing style and prose are the shitshow this time, and again, in a kinda-good-way.
It's not even that it would be hard to read either, if you already know japanese the pacing/flow/whatever the fuck you wanna call it will just feel anywhere from odd to straight up schizophrenic, and even if you are learning and haven't gotten to N1 yet the worst that will happen is you will see one or two lines that will be complete gibberish due to using archaic/advanced grammar but is otherwise not that hard to read, it's just harder to mentally process than grimgar is.

>Would you say, it's less polished in terms of writing style and prose compared to the author's newer stuff?
Grimgar is less polished but there's also not that many rough edges to sand, making it the better starting point.
Bara no Maria is more polished but it's also using far rougher material, if this metaphor makes sense.

When in doubt, ALWAYS do release order.
It may be prequel shit, but if it got released later then the stuff in the volume should be read in release order regardless as it will be relevant in future LN volumes.
I have no idea which retard came up with the idea of "chronological" order when it will just result in a jumbled mess of assuming you already know the characters in prequels then introducing everyone once you actually reach the start of the series proper.

>> No.46994052

To be fair, you can definitely fly under the radar of the law and get away with more outrageous shit if you're obscure enough.
NGNL sure as hell wasn't, in no small part thanks to the anime.

>> No.46994077

given the most recent volume has the genocide floor and steph running around in literal microbikini armor i really want to know what you consider "neutered"

>> No.46994224

given your examples center around people getting capital-M mainstream attention and the burden that comes from that shit, especially when bringing up shit from the golden era of ironic weeb faggotry in the 10s, it just sounds like you're complaining about mainstream audience harassment instead
you shouldn't excuse literal payment processor censorship either

>> No.46994434

nobody is excusing shit illiterate-kun, the point is that attention that comes from anime is what can get moral guardians to target you at all. And anime is most definitely how LNs become mainstream.

>> No.46994461

Payment processors' policies aren't law censorship. I know they can feel like it, but at least laws are written by elected representatives so the people get the rules they deserve. Private corporation policies are only written by the fags at Morality in Media.

>> No.46994606

so now you moved the goalpost from literally all anime to just mainstream ones

>> No.46994734

I honestly have no idea what you're even trying to say so I'm just going to go read my backlog instead of bothering with this discussion anymore.

>> No.46994856

Unlike that stuff sold in otaku focused websites, the main market for LNs are normal bookstores, at that point you'd be talking about CC companies completely giving up Japan to JCB. because it goes WAY beyond otaku stuff

>> No.46994961

>at that point you'd be talking about CC companies completely giving up Japan to JCB
Which paradoxically would cause far less censorship in the long run, because if they don't have to give a fuck about the american market and dealing with visa/MC they can just do whatever.

>> No.46994974

It would also be an disaster for every other industry, at that point the entire economy takes a hit and otaku shit just doesn't get funded as much.

>> No.46994987

this is specifically about censorship in media anon

>> No.46995503

Feels like you are mistaking payment processors for clearing banks, which they aren't. American processors giving up on japanese market doesn't mean shit for interbank transactions, and by relation, international trade. It will affect the economy in the sense it will cut away a lot of overseas direct individual purchases but it is no where near enough to damage the economy to any significant extent lol.

>> No.46995773

tbf it'd probably fuck tourism at least since gaijins aren't going to be able to spend anything but cash, that's more than 6% of the economy and probably will have at least some knock on effects

>> No.46995926

Lmao. foreign tourists contribute to 4.8% of japanese toursim gdp, that is 4.8% of 6%. https://www.statista.com/statistics/731610/domestic-and-foreign-tourism-contribution-to-gdp-japan/
Even in that, westoids only make up around 20%. https://www.tourism.jp/en/tourism-database/stats/inbound/
So it can only effect 0.00576% of japanes gdp at best.
Furthermore there are infinite easy workarounds as long as american processors don't kamikaze by refusing to deal with the japanese banks themselves instead of individual businesses. In the long-term I only see non-american processors gaining a bridgehead in west through tourism operators and bank tie-ups instead. Even westoids are not so much of NPCs that they refuse to travel to a place like japan just because they can't use visa/mastercard. Any loss would be equivalent to a rounding error in the national gdp and may as well not exist lol.
Anyway, processors are not so idiotic that they will go to such an extent. Frankly, I would like them suiciding by going all in on this faggotry because american processors are just legacy businesses whose market share is not because of the value they offer over competitors but due to inertia. Every such move will only eat away at this inertial capital.
It takes nearly zero effort for a bank to switch to an alternate processor when it comes down to it. So yeah, let them try if they can, I welcome it.

>> No.46995991

that's 4.8% in the immediate post pandemic period, your own link says it was 18.4% before. It'll probably recover slowly, and chinks won't be as big of a proportion because their economy is built on spit and toilet paper.
This is all getting way too off tangent though. At the end of the day none of this is ever going to happen because payment processors don't actually care about attacking the Japanese economy or some retarded shit like that, this is just them moralfagging over adult content as they have always done. LNs aren't going to be affected one whit as long as they primarily distribute through major bookstores, and given how little anybody here ever posts about 18+ LNs I doubt most will notice if they are.

>> No.46995999

>and given how little anybody here ever posts about 18+ LNs
maybe because it's a blue board

>> No.46996015

>because payment processors don't actually care about attacking the Japanese economy

>> No.46996016

>this is just them moralfagging over adult content as they have always done

>> No.46996030
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Which one will be good for someone who is coming off from furigana things and want to read in Japanese

>> No.46996038

Frankly neither, but just read them, you will be fine

>> No.46996057
File: 24 KB, 244x648, KJDK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't necessarily be harder than the furigana stuff you've already read. The first 3 volumes of Lucky Star has no furigana but it's probably easier than the ant arc in Hunter X Hunter which has furigana on every single kanji. Also a lot of LNs are surprisingly generous with furigana, pic related. Most importantly if you've enjoyed furigana content already then you're probably more ready to go without it than you think

>> No.46996070

both are about equal in difficulty but left has slightly harder vocab

>> No.46996073

Ok I got spy x classroom and tell you how it goes in a 2 weeks
I always found stuff with furigana but ever since coming to Japan it has been way easier
I even read a whole volume of a seinen romcom manga

>> No.46996077

Even if it reaches pre-pandemic levels it will be 0.02% "at best", that too if every western traveler refuses to travel to japan.
>chinks won't be as big of a proportion because their economy is built on spit and toilet paper.
An illusion maintained long enough becomes real. Also 2 more weeks, right? Anyway, as you said we are getting of the tangent and I do agree that processors are not retarded enough to do more. I wish they do though.

>> No.46996086
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I didn't complete the message properly
I always found stuff without furigana daunting but ever since coming to Japan it has been way easier
>I even read a whole volume of a seinen romcom manga

>> No.46996106

What's funny about the slow boil frog approach processors are doing is that it just gives japan time to move to JCB with relative ease.

>> No.46996123

50-99% of the kanji in any given jp text is just joyo kanji shit that you should have learned by now and thus easy, so they tend to have no furigana
with LNs the ratio is anywhere from 50-70% depending on what you read and whatever author/series specific vocab there is
no furigana may look daunting but once you read you realize it's the easy part and the ones with furigana are the hard ones exactly because they aren't the easy joyo kanji

>> No.46996132

the reason this is an issue is mostly because foreigners use visa and mastercard, the problem with JCB is it has no western reach so the problem still stands

>> No.46996134

less gaijin in japan can only be a good thing tho

>> No.46996144

that's fine and i agree but i don't give a fuck about going to japan i just want to be able to spend cash there for digital goods

>> No.46996163

I am curious, are they really no viable visa/mastercard alternatives in west. I refuse to believe that when even my shithole has multiple.

>> No.46996176

When people say "in the west" they tend to mean "in america".

>> No.46996182

>my shithole has multiple.
Not sure where that would be but your local alternatives won't matter if they aren't accepted in Japan too, which is where the importance of visa/mastercard come in.

>> No.46996183

anon what alternatives does your shithole provide you to directly pay money to any of the sites that are getting bullied by visa/mastercard?

>> No.46996192

India. And by alternatives I of course mean those that are accepted in japan. Well, we got jcb so we don't even need multiple alternatives.

>> No.46996193

>to directly pay money to
I see even this board is mostly zoomies these days.
You probably never even touched a VHS tape in real life before given all the nostalgia bait these days is over the PS1 days.

>> No.46996222

what are you talking about? what does that have to do with anything?

well india is "asian" so that explains it
JCB and alternatives aren't an issue for asia but in america/europe that isn't the case

>> No.46996254

Yeah, I know. But the thing is we only got these alternatives recently, and in jcb's case as recent as the pandemic because the required fintech systems took time to take root. So I expected west to already have viable alternatives in place because the fintech's been mature for a longer time there.

>> No.46996331

Thanks anons. Here's nanatsuma 13 in return in case it isn't shared before. https://files.catbox.moe/szws89.epub
Also any anon got 軍人少女 2-5? Share it if you have it please

>> No.46996391

the issue is that in the west there's no place in the market for non-western alternatives. JCB used to be in america years ago through an agreement with discover but they pulled out probably because they weren't able to get any market share from all the competition. no one mentions them but dlsite also had american express apparently make the same demands as visa/mastercard and discover card also exists but i don't think was ever accepted by any of the companies having issues now and more importantly there's no way of knowing if they wouldn't make the same demands

>> No.46996621

Nice! Do you have v12 as well?

>> No.46996814

not even reading that one yet but thanks bro

>> No.46997003
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Post examples

>> No.46997064

A) Magical Explorer.
B) Kumo.
C) Parody stuff like vending machine and konosuba.
D) Monogatari as a series.

>> No.46997242

a) anything slow life with sex
b) anything with an old fart mc
c) anything slow life without sex
d) kagejitsu

>> No.46997544

Not LN related but is there any setting or extension that I can use to purge all non-japanese comments out of youtube?

>> No.46997677

just ignore anything written in the roman alphabet lmao

>> No.46997768

I wish I could but I unfortunately don't have the ability of r18 mosaics or rays of holy light automatically blocking anglo comments from my view.

>> No.46998992

seems like the wn ended just the day before yesterday, nice

>> No.46999949

Tehee~ no need to thank me, it gets MUCH dumber ahahaha
Also you probably already know this but anime confirmed

>> No.46999955

Feeling down, please recommend me some good power fantasy that's not too much in your face. Preferably with a school setting.

>> No.47000284

>a) anything slow life with sex

>> No.47000363

A. The thing people shit cause they think they're too good for it
B. The thing that gets lots of acclaim and respect
C. Your favorite thing
D. My favorite thing

>> No.47001564

NTA but also dropped it by volume 3 or so.
There's no way it can get any dumber than that, I don't see any way it could possibly get worse.

>> No.47001834

A) Arifureta
B) Re: zero
C) Almost every other isekai
D) Overlord

>> No.47002005

i dropped it after vol 3. because it was way too fucking wordy that author loves to hear himself talk about the most mundane shit possible instead of just moving on with the story

>> No.47002006

>C) Almost every other isekai
>D) Overlord
what are your thoughts on the elf country dual volume?

>> No.47002165

リディア in 公女殿下 really reminds me of エリス from mushoku tensei, in a good way

>> No.47004618

Going to stick to relatively recent stuff if you are asking for recs.
A) Uchuusen.
B) Iseleve.
D) Oreaku.

>> No.47004694

>only been reading the nageki manga because lazy
>suddenly uptick in hate towards the series despite the massive shilling for it like 4 months ago
>it's still funny in the manga so far
qrd? does it commit a cuckshit?

>> No.47004772
File: 509 KB, 363x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the 巨乳ファンタジー Series(novel version)?
>Just read the visual n-
or at least picrel(アダルト小説 巨乳ファンタジー外伝 2 after-オスタシアの野望-)

>> No.47004836

Re Zero fits in C too. Started off strong. A strong 2nd and 3rd Arc. Shitty 4th Arc (Sanctuary Shit is trash in the Anime, LN, WN and the Manga). 5th Arc is boring shounnenshit. 6th is just beating a dead horse. 7th is just Tappei being desperate.

>> No.47004841

Partly the manga just underselling how retarded Krai's thought processes, complete lack of situational awareness and nonexistent short term memory can get, partly the manga also taking the edge off a bit with funny facial expressions, partly things getting even more retarded past the point where the manga is

>> No.47004867

>complete lack of situational awareness
By vol 3 or so (whatever was the golem auction one) it reaches straight into negative situational awareness.
Like holy shit it's actually fucking insufferable.

>> No.47004892

damn you did all 4?

>> No.47004986

I like both the LN and manga, LN is still superior thougheverest. Krai is literally me

>> No.47005172

i like the characters and general setup i don't even mind that krai is a retard
i just really don't like the prose of the ln it's jarring to read

>> No.47008483

Maou-sama retry vol 9 translated or scanned yet?
I didn't even realize it's been out for 8 months.
>tfw I waited 2 years on that cliffhanger

>> No.47008540

Does ME ever get lolis?
The fantranslation stopped years ago and the site died recently (I think).

>> No.47008946

If an LN is an adaptation of a WN then 横書き is actually canon if you think about it

>> No.47009066

>he doesn't backup and convert to epub the WNs he's reading
in fact pretty sure even the basic syo download feature that shits out a massive PDF does so with vertical text

>> No.47010756

dunno about the TL but the jp ver hasn't had new volumes shared in a long time, the series is practically abandonware for pirates

>> No.47012039

Vol 8 has official translation at least.
Looking up the dates again, the translation always came out 10 months later or earlier, so maybe I'll just wait for the official translation.

>> No.47012175

Dunno why, vols 1-8 are on Kindle Unlimited. Converted them to epub for you if you're interested.

>> No.47012180

I've read some LN and there was one line that I don't understand.
The point is, there's some sword with HP drain, and then this line goes:
>Enemies would use bombs from the eleventh floor onward, so it would be good to have a weapon we could use to steal HP from undead monsters.
This line in WN.
What bombs and undead have to do with each other here? Or is it some ministration?

>> No.47012193

Mistranslation, 被弾 means to be shot, the character is saying that they're expecting to take damage so they should use HP absorbing weapons to recover.

>> No.47012197

It just means that they're likely to get hurt (by bombs) from floor 11. Therefore being able to use an HP drain sword on undead enemies will be a useful way to recover from that damage.

>> No.47012200

lol translations

>> No.47012208

Out of context makes translation harder but it sounds like the translator interpreted 被弾する as literal bombs when it's the JP equivalent of how we say "nuking" here in vidya, though it's not really vidya exclusive lingo and it's actually pretty versatile.
Also I think there's far more mistakes than that, it reads closer to "I expect the nukes will start coming out from the 11th floor onward, so having a weapon that can lifesteal even undead should be good" because HP吸収 is literally just "lifesteal" which is already existing lingo.

>> No.47012218

In that particular context it's mentioned that floor 11 onwards has more undead enemies, so they are thinking about having to drain undead specifically.

>> No.47012227

new phone wot wn

>> No.47012230

Thanks, that finally makes sense. This series seems to be translated by retards since you can pick up ministrations even without knowing Japanese. Sad.

Nah, there's no mentioning of undeads with bombs later whatsoever.

>> No.47012235

Finding Avalon.

>> No.47012237

I'm not disputing the bombs, I'm saying it's not just about "lifesteal even undead", but specifically "we need to lifesteal the undead".

>> No.47012240

thnx bro

>> No.47012288

Well, obviously, since 11+ floors have undead theme, with zombies and the likes. Bombs in this context make no sense, unlike "stealing HP back after being hit by the enemy."

>> No.47012297

post the full paragraph pls fag, now i'm curious if it's "that can even lifesteal undead" or "even if we have to lifesteal undead"

>> No.47012305

I know, I'm just responding to this post >>47012208 throwing an "even" in there by giving him some extra context that he said he lacked. I'm not sure why you're being so combative about this. If you want to vent your frustration on someone, it'd be better to send an email to the translators instead.

>> No.47012324

just Google it retard

>> No.47012332

Paragraph won't give you anything, but sure.

>> No.47012364
File: 153 KB, 480x550, 1717559894781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When an author drags and milks out their novel way, way past the point it should have ended, is that usually the author's fault or the editor's fault?
Pic related but not exclusively culpable, it happens to anything from SAO to bakarina.

>> No.47012379

doubt sao can be used as an example for this when even aincrad alone left plot threads up in the air in preparation for the next arc

>> No.47012403

Aincrad is one thing but Alicization was clearly meant to have been the end for years until somebody caught a case of the ¥¥¥ and ended up with Unital Ring.

>> No.47012406
File: 547 KB, 814x1280, Shokugeki_no_SOMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both, obviously. If series is popular, then it's easier and more profitable to milk until it's dry than to end it on the high note and then start anew from the beginning.

>> No.47012428

Could be either could be both.

>> No.47012430

Short at boring answer: Depends on the publisher, time period of publishing and genre.

Long and confusing answer:
>00s and earlier.
The publisher's fault every single time, which both the editor and author are forced to comply with, in this era both the manga and LN industries went by the same industry rules.
>Early 10s.
Depends on the popularity, big hits just like shounen manga tended to be forced to continue like DxD and Shana.
Relatively unknown stuff however went relatively unsupervised because it seemed everyone wanted the next Haruhi still, with some going on forever, some just ending after 4-7 volumes.
>Late 10s.
The authors fault almost every single time, and more often than not because "that's what linnies do amirite?".
By this point the industry started to realize turning stories into zombies by force just was not going to cut it after a few flops (remember Infinite Stratos?) and largely stopped doing it with the exception of whatever was the current big Kadokawa cash cow.
Granted, this is where it starts to vary by genre, traditional adventure stories like Arifureta and Shield Hero tend to "end" at a certain point and then carry on with an afterstory once the big bad is dealt with.
Which you may think is bullshit and still continuing for the sake of continuing, and yes it is, but it also gives a perfect point of closure to close the book and walk away if you don't want for it to go on forever, while the people that WANT more story do get it.
But stuff like romcoms and other kinds of dramas like Onegairu? Hope the author has a lot of ideas because they are going to be writing the same story for a long time.
>20s to now.
Depends on the series and publisher cash cow status.
Is it the next Kadokawa cash cow? Believe it or not (and likely because of Overlord) this is where authors tend to have the most freedom now, so if it continues forever it's their fault, because Kadokawa and big publishers have so much money now they can afford to take risks by letting a story develop more naturally.
Is it a small publisher's cash cow? Yeah you bet either the publisher or editor has something to do with it.

>> No.47012449

unfortunately that's how the industry works, things get axed too easily or go on forever. Authors start writing having to deal with constant anxiety not knowing if they'll get the chance to write another volume or not, so I can understand why their brain becomes wired to only thinking about making the series survive longer.

>> No.47012460

parody trash is almost always because the author if shit like instant death is anything to go by
it's junk food "everyone" buys like the next cawadooty or fifa and piss easy to continue because of those rock bottom standards too

>> No.47012479

bakarina is a satire, not a parody

>> No.47012482

what's the difference

>> No.47012497

for one thing bakarina isn't mocking the genre, it's just using the genre for comedy.

>> No.47012516
File: 944 KB, 500x281, 1461485348006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow thanks anon, i gave up on ever seeing it shared long ago

>> No.47012542 [DELETED] 

odds skip FF's weapon for Yunli
evens don't skip hope for the best

>> No.47012545

No problem bro.

>> No.47012901

>Out of context makes translation harder but it sounds like the translator interpreted 被弾する as literal bombs when it's the JP equivalent of how we say "nuking" here in vidya
it isn't
被弾 just means to take a hit, take damage
it can be a bit of damage, it doesn't have to be a nuke
>I expect the nukes will start coming out from the 11th floor onward,
again, no mention of nukes here

>> No.47013457

Thanks anon. But if you have the patience can you once again rip it in HD or convert it with correct settings please?

>> No.47013472

meant for >>47012175

>> No.47015316
File: 213 KB, 705x1000, XLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Hidan no Aria has reached volume XLI and is still going

>> No.47015340

And they're still in the school?!

>> No.47015426

that roku whatever LN was the same or higher last i checked. after the anime came out years ago i wanted to read it but saw how many volumes were out and decided to read it when it was done and every few years i check and it's still going

>> No.47015576

Rokujouma's main plot finished at volume 29, everything since then has been the after story.

>> No.47015635

What anime is that..

>> No.47015700

I wonder what's like to be one of the people that was following a massively long series like this from the beginning.

>> No.47015810

that's crazy, i'm pretty sure i looked at the volume synopsis and thought the plot was still going. but that's little consolation since i'm also expecting to wait 10 years for arifuretas after chapters to finally end and with that many volumes i'd feel the need to reread it if i picked it up after a long wait so i might as well just wait. not like i'm lacking things to read or games to play in the meantime

>> No.47016275

will not be surprised if a lot of Yuzusoft fags buy this shit for art

>> No.47016495

*raises dick*

>> No.47016596
File: 196 KB, 1057x1500, SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for me

>> No.47016656

Could you be more specific? I converted the kanzenban following this guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nzSqZwQfZrTcMoDeH_QrPn_uAMZhQ8AS7yvlO9CSD1k/
Is there a better way?

>> No.47017680


>> No.47017971

If you converted with resolution set to tablet and still got these file sizes then you are probably missing the azw-merge (I think it's the name) plugin. It merges the separate file with the hd images with the original azw while importing it into calibre.

>> No.47018017

It hasn't reached the 50 mark yet?

>> No.47019385
File: 979 KB, 500x281, 1252433332115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry no clue, if google or yandex don't help try asking on the /wsr/ board

>> No.47019939

Serious question, how old are you two?
>IxBSS aired 12 years ago
I'm so fucking old

>> No.47019985

>azw-merge (I think it's the name) plugin

>> No.47020071


>> No.47020146
File: 95 KB, 200x157, bocchi-bocchi-the-rock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47020314 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 1920x1080, 1703363927293205.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably as old as you are but just because i have a pic of something doesn't mean i know or care where it came from, i never spent any significant amount of time on /a/ either. i did watch this though and to get back on topic i watched the seirei gensouki anime which got me to pick up the LN

>> No.47020354

Thanks anon, I never knew about this plugin. Here's Maou-sama Retry reconverted.

Now to redo every single Kindle rip I've ever done.

>> No.47020580

nta but

>> No.47020604

I have the latest hires covers plugin, it's mentioned in that guide I posted earlier.

>> No.47020667

Does anybody have rips of 第七魔王子ジルバギアスの魔王傾国記 volumes 2 to 4? TMW collection on nyaa only has volume 1.

>> No.47020737

>We're sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site
wait wat?
do you need a vpn to sub now?

>> No.47020746

I don't think so, is your Amazon address set to Japan?

>> No.47020753


>> No.47020767
File: 41 KB, 1299x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click retry or edit creditcard to continue
>We're sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site
But for some reason, the kindle is working lol
btw 2nd time using the same credit card to get the 30d free kindleunlimited lol
must be a bug

>> No.47021100

Best way to extract imgs from linnies and mangas(amazon kindle)?
I know someone posted how a to last year

>> No.47021184

Conver to epub, extract it like a zip and get the images folder. Works for LNs, don't know about the underying format for the manga so no idea if it works with them.

>> No.47021368

Is there a way to obtain an epub that's more close to the original format, without calibre stripping all fixed-layout metadatas away?

>> No.47021949

what kind of fixed-layout metadata?

>> No.47022556
File: 148 KB, 770x714, kinndleee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same anon here.
convert to zip, ez.
zip and epub(rename to zip), same size.
Dont use epub for mangas/photobook/artbooks or you will have to reorder/rename the pages.

>> No.47025968

a) to aru
b) monogatari
c) overlord
d) 7maken

>> No.47026028
File: 395 KB, 750x669, a62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47026707

Any character that has had her boobs groped by a male different from the MC without getting mad or embarrassed?

>> No.47028127

Yeah, here you go boss

>> No.47028418

that didn't help

>> No.47029158

Zombies? I need zombies, please give me zombies, the kind of zombie that eats brains, not idol zombies.

>> No.47029264

Every image is annotated as L R or spread, and whether the book is LTR or RTL.
Basically if a manga ebook is passed through calibre it will no longer work with a conventional ebook reader.

>> No.47029738


>> No.47030301

How can i check if my info still in the epub?

>> No.47032086

any recommendation of mystery LN's but not a procedural ones like Kusuriya no Hitorigoto?

>> No.47032172

Like murder mysteries? Zaregoto would be the obvious suggestion.

>> No.47032397

Not nesessary, preferably stuff like Shadow House/Tengoku Daimakyou/Summertime Render.

>> No.47033628
File: 139 KB, 904x557, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo wtf these came out of nowhere
p sure they weren't announced before release

>> No.47033781

idk maybe Otherside Picnic? It's more spoopy japanese /x/ than a true mystery though.

>> No.47033928

I always thought it was bizarre that SAO didn't have any audio unless you count drama CDs

>> No.47033985

not only that they've had audiobooks of the english translation for like three years

>> No.47034063

I feel like I saw an announcement for that but I don't trust my memory much these days. Maybe I dreamed it.

>> No.47034074

there was an announcement for some spin-off light novels i don't remember one about audiobooks

>> No.47034075

TIL SAO didn't have an audiobook in jp
i swear it did and was up to like vol 5 last i checked

>> No.47034702

What audiobook should I listen to while I'm doing my 大掃除 fellas?

>> No.47034708

i've been listening to なぜ僕の世界を誰も覚えてないのか

>> No.47034721

>Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?

>> No.47034734

Hmm it's not in any of the collections on nyaa, do I have to do audible stuff to get it

>> No.47034762

i have an audible sub and download stuff with open audible but you can also do it with a free trial i think

>> No.47034775

Yeah I'll probably do that eventually. For now I just picked a few titles' volume 1s that looked interesting on the nyaa list (緋弾のアリア・7つの魔剣・本好きの下剋上)
I'll give one of them a listen

>> No.47035501

Volume 1 of 緋弾のアリア is fun so far. Has anyone here actually made it to volume 40?

>> No.47036302
File: 27 KB, 589x420, 1717408124223759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, need a Z axis for Autism. Also, what about picrel?

>> No.47036870

i'm not even sure how the negative IQ joke is supposed to work

>> No.47040876

I don't believe I've ever seen うんこ censored before heh

>> No.47041006

haha poop joke

>> No.47041423
File: 616 KB, 692x964, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nageki no Bourei

>> No.47042141

New to LNs. Are there any lists of recommended ones to start off with? (In Japanese)

>> No.47042190

basically every single time this gets asked i see the exact same triangle of
>kuma bear
>isekai smartphone
due to being relatively simple to read

>> No.47042210

I got to about halfway through kuma bear 2 before I dropped it. Maybe it's time to pick it back up again. Thank you.

>> No.47043400
File: 50 KB, 355x500, 1687073211656728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so good.

>> No.47044308

Tell me a bit about it.

>> No.47045862

bro arifureta does not belong on that list i don't think anyone has ever mentioned it as a beginner ln

>> No.47045884

>i don't think anyone has ever mentioned it as a beginner ln
i just did :)

>> No.47046986
File: 498 KB, 1920x1080, 1702795600422224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47047171

Sounds good, you reading it right now or have you already finished it?

>> No.47048163

Reading it right now, yeah.

>> No.47050944

You got the OPF but you forgot the bytes at the end of the cover jpeg

- professional bookwalker ripper

>> No.47051169


>> No.47052875


>> No.47052943

