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46958392 No.46958392 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.46958535
File: 307 KB, 336x403, Moments before the disaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his thread now.

>> No.46958867

Lmao this image is amazing

>> No.46959788

For me it's still TMGS

>> No.46960247

4 got too popular for how shit the art and writing were

>> No.46960293 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, 01009240117a2000_2024-05-30_04-26-36-966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been complaining internally about how the "bad ends" in Piofiore are tame, boring or straight up death. Having finished Orlok's tragic ending moments ago:
>the reveal
>that bedroom scene
Now THIS is some good shit. I've high expectations for Yang next, hope he won't disappoint.

>> No.46960324
File: 255 KB, 1080x1551, b51cf1d8acd54a5a65aceb4ad4d92d0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly Yangs bad endings aren't that tragic or hard hitting because unless you're going in blind and think you can genuinely 'fix' him or treat him remotely like a normal human being, you can kind of see the bad ends coming a mile away.

>> No.46960391
File: 211 KB, 445x462, curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you're going in blind and think you can genuinely 'fix' him
Not a chance, it's quite the opposite. I started reading it for him after being told by sisters in /vg/ he was an irredeemable piece of shit villain who doesn't go soft or is excused by plot, abuses and treats the mc like trash... So I kinda know what I'm getting into, just have no specific knowledge about the route.
Can you tell me what this curved thing in his hair is? It has been bothering me ever since he first appeared.

>> No.46960554

Its just his hair, I think. It annoyed me too when I first saw it but I guess his hair just has a weird curl there

>> No.46961028
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It's just his hair flipping

>> No.46961297
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So glad I could contribute to the threadpic, may Matsuda bless you with some sweet sweet trailer park-tier DV lovin'

>> No.46963271

Dantes pancake ear annoyed the hell out of my autism.

>> No.46964507

Arcadia and Satsujinki can be purchased now.

>> No.46964654

Have fun non German anons.

>> No.46964896

I wait for years for new releases and when they actually come out I just happen to be deep in the middle of playing something else, typical.
I'll definitely play Satsujinki eventually, I'll probably wait for impressions for Arcadia though.

>> No.46966116

Any news about Ooe? Will it come out next month?

>> No.46966397
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Can't unsee....

>> No.46966455

No, it got delayed

>> No.46966644

Oh that sucks. Do we know which month it will release?

>> No.46966743
File: 169 KB, 1247x706, 灰色のアルカディア_Voc1U8hsKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far it's mostly sol. Not very entertaining. Anyone else got it?

>> No.46966777

What's the plot and any horror so far

>> No.46966780

>What's the plot
Literally just sol shit
> any horror so far
Not really, just the OP

>> No.46966797

everyone's ears are too high up, it's distracting

>> No.46966799

Leak it

>> No.46966808

That sucks, already pre-ordered

>> No.46966812

Maybe it will get good, I don't know. But I typically like more plot heavy stuff.

>> No.46966883

I hope so because shipping and customs costed x2 the price. How are the love interests, something about the school doctor?

>> No.46967141

Waiting with bated breath for 感想. Meanwhile also waiting on physical version of Satsujinki to ship. Hopefully at least one of them is good, if two out of two games end up as dated sol shit I will be deeply disappointed.

>> No.46967354

>I hope so because shipping and customs costed x2 the price. How are the love interests, something about the school doctor?
Honestly so far not much has happened. It's basically a sol manga, the MC goes to school, takes gym classes, eat at the cafeteria. There are some oddities going in background but I can' tell if I'm being paranoid or it's legit mean to be weird like how 理央 doesn't seem to want people to see him naked. Because the MC is a new entry in the setting and because it's a school setting, so far none of the love interest stand out for me. The only weird thing that happened so far was the mc having a heart attack during a race? The school is very strict with 1m of rules, but nothing that really stands out, like local legends or whatever. It was build 5 years ago, so it's a recent place. I guess I'm liking the MC relationship with the 亨一 because he comes off as oddly determined and aggressive with him?

The nurse was in two scenes so far and he acts normal, he's actually the MC uncle, something I didn't know.

I really assume there will be a twist about the nature of the school and what is happening that will change things.

Also I got digital version, that's why I'm playing it now.

>> No.46967381

It sounds like a weird Korean movie I watched a few years ago like there was an all girls strict school and it turned out that they were conducting weird experiments to the students testing drugs secretly drugging them to turn them into super saiyan soldiers lol. I hope the plot doesn't turn out retarded like that.

>> No.46968069

Only interested in satsujinki but I doubt anyone will share anytime soon at least on a-s. Not a single request for it, meanwhile hairo has 2 already. I'm from the people who first plays then buy if I end up liking the game. Too expensive to buy something I might drop and not end up liking.

>> No.46970154

Unknown for now
here's the funny apology post: https://twitter.com/adelta_z1/status/1792155643425779848

>> No.46972608

Hairo got shared already but nothing about the other one. I'm interested in the other one too.

>> No.46972923

My theory is either time loop or academy is brainwashing the students but the first one is more of a gut feeling. Considering the only sprites are the 5 main characters, I doubt it's something grandiose.

>> No.46973477

Peaky said no supernatural elements though so maybe it's the latter?

>> No.46973809

Takara's good ending is way too conveniently written. How does Matsuda cope with his DV lust anyway, does he end up beating and fucking Mitsugi behind the scenes since Takara called dibs on Azuma??

>> No.46974362

By playing all of pilslash games, even though their main writers are different, I bet their characters archetypes are written and designed by the main pilslash employees first.
Almost all their games have a "Mitsugi", long haired, good looking dude, usually blond light colored hair, who's a tsundere and autistic. The DV/piece of shit unredeemable Matsuda archetype and the obsessive weird gross schizo.

Koibito Yuugis Mitsugi, is Ren. A model whore, who rapes tsundere damsel in distress protagonist. Good end has him breaking down crying
>why can't you love me back i love you that's why I raped you
And protagonist gets with him.
His bad endings NTR with schizoslut childhood friend or oniichan abducting him back to their hometown common end lol.
But wait till you play meganes dark end! Megane starts really sweet and gentlemanly as always to protagonist at first and then goes schizo, but Ren gets in the way and rapes mc first before megane getting a chance. Megane schizo gets super pissed and loses interest in mc because he won't be his first. But he has to take revenge for raping mc first. He tells his yakuza friend, who arranges a gang rape party on Ren. They take Ren to a club or something and have all his yakuza groupies gang rape Ren, including yakuzas twin schizo brother. Megane doesn't like used holes so he has Ren blow him only. Then they have mc revenge rape Ren. And Ren becomes mc broken whore. During all this time megane humiliates and belittles ren and seethes for raping mc first lmao.

My point, until Shingakkou some characters were both semes and ukes so if pilslash didn't take the seke option out, I'm sure mitsugi would have bottomed either for Azuma or Matsuda. Azuma told Mitsugi too, Mitsugi wasn't that against it but did tell Azuma that he was a total bottom and a human lube so it was easier. Dystopia no Ou main character tried to rape the long haired tsundere dude at first and really wanted to fuck him in the ass.

>> No.46975369 [SPOILER] 
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I'm into the character route but so far there has been like zero ero and like 2 spooky things.

>> No.46975423

I like MC's spiky hair but damn I can't differentiate any of the guys.

>> No.46976353
File: 1.58 MB, 1553x1239, dying for others = ダサい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's not forget about the worst of all: when you Lego out the reading and move on without realizing that you have no fucking clue what it even means.
I figured I could context it out in those cases by looking at the rest of the text. Though yeah, it's a pain the ass especially if the word isn't 100% defined for me mentally. I'm not sure if it's because my native language is English or what but it would absolutely drive me nuts whenever I "know" something but also "not know" at the same time in JP - even when all the Lego pieces are in place in my head.
And oh man, 凸凹and 凹凸what an annoying Tetris ass looking pair. Appropriate that the 凸 kanji also looks like a middle finger to tell to go fuck yourself.
On top of the different readings for those two words, the reading for 凹む(へこむ) also differs. Thankfully, I've seen 凹む used way too many times in a few other untranslated VNs I've read in the past so it's a bit nice to use it as a way to bridge my understanding. In this case, I just try to think of the reading with 凹 in 凹む as "opposite" to 凸's reading in 凸凹 where I'd consider the difference between へこ/でこ. 凹凸- I don't know. Those two can make a square together and fuck off.
All of this probably feels more convoluted but hell this somewhat works in my head right now so hopefully sperging about it now holds up in my memory. I'm not a huge fan with making sense of things in isolation with flash cards and/or cursory dictionary lookups these days.

>Have you ever heard of ズージャ語? Well now you have! Pic related.
Ah, I never heard that before. Something new to learn about this language everyday huh. All of that totally went over my head honestly. I'm gonna have a fun ride with Cage once I get around to reading those games that's for sure. Not so clear about the context here 100% but what's fun with just looking at 代姦山 is morbidly picturing a mountain with rape everywhere from the kanji appearance alone. Talking up some off tangent bullshit here but well, Azuma is the only one who gets raped in Paradise unfortunately. At least canonically within his POVs since the main game is strictly told from his side. Probably my schizo headcanon talking but fuck, who knows what happened before with some of those gruesome deaths Azuma never had to witness. The true antagonist in Paradise really loves to have a ball with his victims after all.

>Don't know if they also did this in Paradise, but Cage was full of silly puns like this. Like 死武谷, or 喪成座. Best part is that all of these are story-relevant puns!
As far as I can tell, I haven't really seen Paradise being that heavy with the puns. There were likely some but I was probably too damn dense to see them clearly back then. I ought to read my favorite Paradise scenes again once I get better with my understanding later.
I think what's pretty adorable about Azuma's monologues is that he's fond of using 擬音語 to describe situations to almost an excessive degree. Even though Azuma is technically an adult, the sort of wording he uses feels pretty childish and not very refined. He's also a working class boy who overreacts a bit too much.
Besides the onomatopoeia and slang, one fun phrase Azuma likes using time to time is 尻餅をつく aka fall on backside (mochi butt). ex. Mitsugi Route scene in one of the bad endings- Azuma falls on his 尻餅 after getting smacked hard by Mitsugi. He somehow takes this as a way of endearment which is hilarious to me. It's too cute how the silly dolt falls head over heels with that autist's tsuntsun-ness while going off about it in that head of his. I swear, sometimes the poor kid just loves taking the abuse despite everything going on.
Though, I do think Azuma's immature speaking is fairly fitting for his personality since Paradise is a "coming of age" story with a late bloomer protagonist in a way. It's interesting how each route in the game shows a huge contrast with how Azuma solves problems and whether or not he chooses to depend another for support. I'm not overly clear with the themes in Cage series since I've been trying to avoid any heavy spoilers desu but the way L&D see writes toxic relationships and characterization, especially with codependency, is quite respectable in Paradise. L&D truly lives up to their brand name.
Going a bit off track here but while I thought Takara's route was definitely the weakest, I didn't think his route was a bad demonstration at all when it came to Azuma actually growing a set of balls to think for himself. Pic related was a great fuck you after all that mess - just loved the feeling conveyed in his words here.

desu I wished Paradise had Mitsugi as a bottom. I have a thing with "smart" tsunderes getting their asses handed to them. After Azuma, it was kinda cute how Mitsugi was the second person Matsuda was worrying about in his route. Matsuda did feel particularly guilty about him. All those guilty thoughts Matsuda had in those Musubi FD POVs are too juicy.

>> No.46976750

I haven't played Musubi and Kiwame yet, but did Matsuda and Mitsugi die at each others routes? Or were captured?

>> No.46981661

Now apparently it will come out 'fall 2024', so September at the earliest, eh.

>> No.46982447 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1278x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcadia (light spoilers) I guess I'm at the end of the route. There were barely any horror elements, honestly could have taken place in another setting without changes, it was just a bullying story with a sociopath love interest

I guess the delinquent route has all the plot or some shit?

Either way so far it's disappointing. The writing is just not interesting at this point, like for 80% of the route and I still didn't know a thing about the seme other than generic personality traits.

I'm curious to read other anons' opinions once they get it, if it's just me.

>> No.46982856

There are no wack happenings at all, just mundane stuff?

>> No.46982954

Haven't gotten 100% into arcadia but from what I've played and discussions I saw, the LIs are schizos and lowkey lobotomised/brainwashed/ abused as children and show the worst versions of theirselves in bad endings. The delinquent LI, his bad ending that I did for example, he goes Matsuda mode and starts beating the shit out of MC bleeding all over. His meltdown was ultra kino and on top of beating him he also strangles him to death and doesn't notice that he keeps fucking his corpse but gets annoyed when he realizes because tamaki pissed all over himself, him and the floor and now the smell of piss and blood annoys him and doesn't know what to do with his corpse and the mess. The first he is take a shower though lol

>> No.46982997

They just disappear and are left as missing

>> No.46983138

I'm not opening you spoilers since I haven't done the delinquent route but even Riou's route has bad ending where Riou basically sells off the mc so he gets gangraped by his classmates and turned into a human toilet just to check if he'll love the MC at his worst, but bad endings are whatever to me since I know devs treat them as non canon and fill them with various shit just for porn or weird scenarios for shit and giggle. The route itself wasn't exactly vanilla but there was no rape or anything.It was mostly a story about a dude being bullied in academy setting. I'm not done with it but I should be close to the ending.

Anything weird so far it's literally just blink and miss it and lasts like 0.5 seconds. The route was literally just about a guy being bullied in academy setting. I got the feeling the writer is trying to write a psychological horror but the writing isn't there and it's kinda low budget (only 5 sprites etc). Like it's hard to be scared of the facility when only the dude with glasses is the relevant teacher, but he's only in 2 scenes and acts normal.

>> No.46983599

that's pretty kino, not gonna lie

>> No.46984218
File: 157 KB, 1283x760, 灰色のアルカディア_kX3t1fCZHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy feels a bit of a writer favorite.

>> No.46984399

Besides the art, I wasn't that interested in the game until seeing those spoilers. Not bad.

>> No.46984430

Moving more into the game the blonde guy is a full BPD split persona schizo and goes full rapist. Sex scene number 2 and he still raping mc kek. Gaslights/ guilt trips him but also beat and strangle him. .
Being voiced by Fujieda is a big turn off but he does a good job. He sounds like Kimura Ryohei weird.

>> No.46984462

Is a 5 minutes bad ending really that interesting?

I plant to do blonde route (If I ever do it), hopefully it's entertaining.

>> No.46984488
File: 171 KB, 1283x760, 灰色のアルカディア_GkeP0Z7kut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like he's more interesting hopping on this guy's dick than the Ryou to be honest.

>> No.46984595

if you want horror just play shingakko anons

>> No.46984601

Which route has the teacher sex?

>> No.46985028 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, 1716093874063699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they confess
>route is immediately over
...okay, that was quick. Finished first JJ route (Suzu) and the best performance was Mary Jane from the common route, I actually got chills with Soushiro and Kisa's duo acting especially Sou who was really impressive, I didn't think he could pull it off but his VA was great. Makes me wish there was a manga about bratty twins who go ghost hunting now.

So far Fumi seems like best boy so I'll save his route for later. Surprisingly grew to love Neji even though I thought his design was ugly before starting (still kinda do)

>> No.46985046
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, scoliosis senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I hate that they're always teasing with Tanakamigi when he's never going to get a route... him and Momonashi are up my alley

>> No.46985183

yeah the actual romance aspect of JJ is quite light. The majority of each route is just growing closer with the LI in question and then actually getting into a relationship near the very end. Very 'innocent high-school romance' style.

I still liked it in spite of that because I really liked the characters/Kisa getting closer to them, but its definitely a situation where you have to keep your expectations in check.

I definitely agree with you on the Mary Jane performance, Yonaga and Kisa absolutely kill in their roles, you can tell the VA's were really getting into it.

Maybe if they end up actually making a sequel......

>> No.46985198 [SPOILER] 

>Spends 99% of the game being ugly
>Still carries himself by being a fun guy with 10/10 line delivery
>So good in the songs he stars in that I still listen to them a year later
>Then suddenly has possibly the best costume in the game in the last performance
I appreciate gag characters

>> No.46985503

Yeah I’m good with the romance being light since I really like everything else about the game, it was just funny seeing the credits roll literally two lines after they say i love you lol
It was announced recently, no? Somehow I see Kasai being more likely to get a route over Chuui, I hope I’m wrong though since I’m not that fond of Kasai so far
>Then suddenly has possibly the best costume in the game in the last performance
In OH RAMA HAVENAAA or his own route’s final play? If its the former then I agree

>> No.46985550 [SPOILER] 

Final play, it was perfectly tailored to my tastes
Sou's Mary Jane costume was also quite good

>> No.46985654

Why is baseball such a slutty sport

>> No.46985701

The tight pants

>> No.46985782

> Kasai
Honestly Kasai feels like he only exists to throw in a jealousy angle with Yonaga in his route. He's just very a ''''''normal''''', sporty guy, 'I wanna be your rival!" type.

>> No.46985798

I was spoiled as to a bit of the tonal shift that happens in Neji's route but it still caught me a bit off guard given how light-hearted the game was overall. I only really wish that he could've gotten a smidge more spotlight in the plays outside of just being the goofy side characters who barely get any lines.

>> No.46987437 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 1283x760, 灰色のアルカディア_T8Dl7JIHhr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Arcadia) This route is legit so much better.

>> No.46987685

Does anyone have sweet pool in japanese? Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.46987701


>> No.46988833

Can't you DL the fantranslated version and just not patch it?

>> No.46989584 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1248x709, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally they are dealing with the school's secret. Also the MC was totally dick hungry for this dude, he basically jumped a the first change to sleep with him while the other dude had to wear him down first kek.

>> No.46991272 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 830x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek what the fuck? Did they ran out of budget?

>> No.46992163

New free game:

>> No.46993286

My guess it's that it's a secret route. I finished two routes and he's barely a character. Probably will the route that reveal the truth since seems like the mc is a schizo who imagined his parents

>> No.46993411

this better not be some kind of an edgy bait&switch garbage

>> No.46993730
File: 618 KB, 1280x720, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumb, just had to download the fuwanovel version and delete the patch, thanks.

>> No.46994623 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1231x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curios to see how this dude gonna snap since he's apparently the game Minku.

>> No.46997057

what is the nitro chiral ranking here

>> No.46997641

>the game's Minku
>opens pic
Damn, he's the one? Not blue haired guy? Will he live up to Matsuda, I wonder.

>> No.46997683
File: 129 KB, 1283x760, 灰色のアルカディア_1xO3zfucKd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No actually the blue haired guy is the one the MC seems to like the most if anything and is the most into. Every sex scene but the first one (which wasn't proper sex but a weird dubcon handjob the mc ended up being into) was how much he loved it. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the writer's favorite.

Though to be honest I'm not sure I even can call it a minku. So far it has been weirdly disturbing but at least interesting I guess. Also they got together before the first sex scene but the main character is like being brainwashed or something and he can't understand his feelings It's all kinda odd, I'm interested how it comes together because the game keeps hiding the the truth of the setting from the player to the point the school really doesn't' feel much "weird".

>> No.46998505 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.99 MB, 2048x1152, matsudabrainworms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, blue haired does live up to the gorilla rapechad, but in his bad ending only. He only beats his classmates normally.
Spoiler cg (might be disturbing to vanillafags)

Seri is the games rapechad but makes sense in the end why he's like that, but he's based, deliciously disturbed and fucked up in the head. All the LIs aren't exactly mentally healthy and assume No means i consent.
Recommend route order Ryo, Kouichi and Seri. Last route unlocks after you play all 3.

>> No.46998628

Is that piss or vomit

>> No.46998661

Piss but he threw up too from all the beating. And he is fucking his corpse in this specific cg.

>> No.46998707

Alright geez, I'll pick it up

>> No.46998985 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 1283x760, 灰色のアルカディア_Vra7Y2RNhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, Senpai is basically vanilla. He only beats his classmates who are bullies and because so he doesn't get back sent at home. Typically jerk with a heart of gold classmates Once they get together they are basically dere dere and the scene scene has the Mc wanting him so much he literally sucks his cock

>That scene at the end where he says he loves Tamaki so much he wants to carve himself into him and Tamaki answers that he feels the same so squeezes his dick so hard to memorize his shape

Ryo all sex scenes are actually all consensual though he's lying to the MC and the one responsible for the bullying so I guess he's problematical

>Recommend route order Ryo, Kouichi and Seri. Last route unlocks after you play all 3.

Isn't Ryo--->Seri-->Koichi? I thought Kouchi was the last since it basically tells you Tamaki is delusional and they escape the academy hinting Sekai isn't even his uncle.

>> No.46999487

Seems like people are getting through 灰色 pretty quickly. How long is the game? I assume the routes are a bit shorter than Paradise because of the lower budget+ more LIs?
The bad endings sound all great and all but if it's just shoved in as 5 min scenes to shock people then I dunno.

>> No.46999683

Yeah, this. I do like the sound of those bad endings, but if they happen out of the blue with no buildup then they alone can't compensate for the rest of the game being a borefest.

>> No.46999729

I've been marathoning it since I'm stuck at home, but I don't think it's that short.
I'd say Ryo route was a total borefest for me. Senpai route was decent, and Seri was at least entertaining? It's def more character focused than mystery or horror than I expected, so that's probably why I'm disappointed. I don't think the character writing is THAT strong.
I'd say the common route is total shit though, unless you like sol after sol.
The problem is that I'm at the end of the third route but the game still haven't' answered anything.

>> No.46999774

Fucking nice, haven't seen that in a long time. Considering picking it up too, starting to look less boring the more anons talk about it.

>> No.46999811

If there's any pay off to the mystery eventually do share here without spoilers if you want. I hate games that cocktease you with interesting hidden plot shit and then never deliver. I'll admit the bad endings do look good, still waiting on any news on sensei before deciding though. I wonder who's gonna be JP fandom's fave.

>> No.46999929

I'm literally at the end of the third route and I'm not exaggerating when the teacher literally didn't do anything except in one bad ending where he hints he knows something.
The game would be infinitely more interesting if it actually used the weird shit more like the scene at the beginning of Seri's route where the main character remembers a weird facility

Anon that's a bad ending. There is no 10 hours plot where he beats the mc. It's a 10 minutes scenes for porn.

>> No.46999942

Also if I have to guess Japan's favorite, Seri for looks, Koichi probably because I've seen people describe him as more close to the "true" route? And the most developed romance.

>> No.46999963

>There is no 10 hours plot where he beats the mc.
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

>> No.47000391
File: 185 KB, 647x676, IMG_2132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no 10 hours plot where he beats the mc.
and Paradise mogs yet again

>> No.47000431

Yeah, this is what kinda turns me off with stuff that tries to be edgy but fails hard. I'm all for it but if it's gonna drop it out of nowhere and without good reason then it's pretty cheap. Kinda why I can't really respect a lot of pure shock value VNs anymore.

>> No.47000463

Sorry anon. Seri route is probably what you are looking for or close to it.

In term of schizo ranking it's basically


It's legit damaged and completely crazy when it comes to love, his route has all the non con and some messed up stuff, but it's not Paradise tier as far I know
Had a tendency to lie. This said, the worst thing he does is setting up fake rumors, he never directly arms anyone. It's a bit of a sociopath but not outside of what a high schooler could do
it's actually completely normal. He's LARPING as a delinquent so he doesn't get send home, but once the MC gets past him, he's basically completely normal. He's not legit mentally ill like the other two, just has some trauma over his father and wants to protect his mom

>> No.47000494
File: 130 KB, 426x600, 001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but I don't I'll ever be the same after playing Shitoku. That game gave me actual psychological damage. Edgy shit just doesn't hit the same after that.

>> No.47000845

That's on my backlog but I get what you mean. It really seems like the more talented doujin writers manage to get that perfect mix of good
plot, characterization and edgelord stuff while their professional counterparts seem to miss that mark a lot. Wonder if it's because doujin writers are more used to working without management and public opinion. Even the Paradise writers were originally from a doujin circle.

>> No.47000937

I love bl and otome as a genre and I'm especially thrilled to try out new games once they're out, but never felt the same about a game after playing chou no doku and shingakkou. Yoshiwara Higanbana was close and so was Mebiusline and Kintouta, and ngl Paradise is great and fun and all, but didn't feel the same still. This doesn't mean I no longer enjoy the things that I'm reading. It's just that "it's great but not like that" feeling. Like a sweet you tried from a pastry shop that closed down and even though that sweet is famous and many pastry shops have it, it's not as good as the one that closed down and can't help but miss it's taste. And since then looking for something that can stand as close to this taste as possible.

>> No.47001032

Do you take bad endings into account when loving/hating a LI or protagonist anons? Has a bad ending ruined your experience for a LI, or the opposite?

>> No.47001049

Don't get discouraged sis, while you might have to go through a lot of slop that won't hit the same for a long time because your tastes evolved so much, eventually you will land on the next, most mind-blowing piece of writing you will have ever experienced and it will be all be worth it. Of course we cannot go back to being innocent and inexperienced but there is a lot of fun to be found in having developed tastes and thinking you'll never experience those same feelings again only for something unexpected to blow your mind.

>> No.47001191
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I like this vorefag

>> No.47001309

No, personally I don't care. Some of them are OOC and honestly not even have the same thought of characters put into them. I see them more as fun "what if"

>> No.47001412

Depends. If they're plot related I take them into account for my opinion of the character. If they're just fun porn then how fun it is also gets added to my liking of the character, but the plot is still what matters in the end. The most unforgivable thing is a snoozefest fade to back rape bad end, I find it a negative unless the good end is where all the plot is and it's actually good.

>> No.47001507

Thanks sis, this really gives me courage. Thank you really. You're right it might come where I don't expect it. For otome I'm pretty much pessimistic, because R18 otome are dead as we speak and only aromarie can revive them with Gikei, if it ever releases. But I'm waiting for Qualia and the new Takuyo game in the meantime.
I'll start the new BL games that came out eventually and wait for Ooe.
I'm sure gems are hiding in freeware doujins.

>> No.47001889
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Can you share this anons?

>> No.47003282

I could, but I am planning to wait until after the release window so we're killing R18 BL that much less.

>> No.47003451 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 1283x760, 灰色のアルカディア_dfralCuL1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcadia last route

I'm not surprised that there is a "secret" route but it's seems meatier than I expected and like a legit route? The teacher only has one sex CG so I assume it's a bad ending/not a legit love interest. It actually feels like it's making use of the premise. I legit I don't understand they other 3 routes had no more foreshadowing/weird moments. Like Tamaki noticing the teachers search party, having vision in his rooms, and getting random flashbacks.

>> No.47005060

Yeah I noticed the puns in Cage too, but most of them just seem gratuitous. I understand changing the names of brands and companies for IP reasons but virtually every name was changed (eg hachiouji -> hachioujo)
I didn't even catch the significance of the ateji pun for Mona Lisa.

I think it really just was a wink to delinquent youth culture since those love going for edgy and creative alternative spellings or slightly changing the names of places or stores to make their texts less parseable (maybe in case parents/cops read them or just as an in-group thing. they also liked reversing words but that's a bit dated now)

well now I'm just mad. we were totally robbed.

>> No.47005607 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 1282x760, 灰色のアルカディア_tQ9qnprnRX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it's starting to feel like 2/3 of the routes were glorified bad endings. I'm still not sure how everything will come together, but it feels odd how the game shows them as happy ending but they are still in the academy brainwashed? Looking forward how everything will come together.

>> No.47006000

No pressure anon, wherever you decide, thank you. I can't buy it anyway because my of my country's new retarded laws.

>> No.47007477

Wow OK, going by the revelations in the last route the only happy ending is Koichi. I wonder how Japanese fans will take it.

>> No.47007592

I like endings like that, where ending up happy with a certain LI is actually considered bad ending because he's either toxic, the villain. As long it's not Hashihime true ending tier.

>> No.47007599

If a game has no default name what do you name the MC?

>> No.47007612

It's not even that, it's more if the game ends with the characters happy but they tell you they got run by a car 5 seconds later. It's a bit hard to explain without spoilers.

>> No.47007673

fart knocker

>> No.47007708

Bird names

>> No.47007890 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 1283x760, 灰色のアルカディア_rz0riFZYeX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad ending (?) is REALLY violent.

>> No.47007950

> you know how it is with spaghetti

>> No.47008023

That's a lot of period blood on him.

>> No.47008042

So what's the plot twist?

>> No.47008236

Something short and easy to pronounce in jp

>> No.47008333

Do you really want to know?

>> No.47009002

NTA but I'm interested. Not going to play it so.

>> No.47009428

Yeah, I don't mind any spoilers, tell us please

>> No.47009616
File: 100 KB, 1080x825, kitarou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental illness representative here. Is playing a BLVN in Japanese a good way to prepare for N2?

>> No.47009724

playing something with a more literary bent like Setoguchi vns would probably be better

>> No.47009727

Something tells me it's a school shooter level ending.
Should be good enough as long as you take your time with it and refrain from straight up MTLing without thought to make it easier on yourself.

>> No.47009842 [SPOILER] 
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Ok, but I warned you. I didn't want to spoil the twist, but you can find JP spoilers on twitter anyway if you know where to look, so I guess may as well.

Keep in mind story stuff are revealed in the very last secret route, to be honest it feels like 90% of the game end up being unrelated to it.

The school is actually run by a cult (Named Arcadia). Their goal is to brainwash the students into the cult beliefs. However the one running the experiment is Sekai (who is really the MC uncle, I thought he was faking it), who has no interest in the cult stuff but sees everything as an experiment and is interested in the subjects' brainwashing and proving his theories. Note that the cult is just a bunch of bullshit, there is no supernatural stuff.

Most of the students were involved in a massive kidnapping incident (by the same cult), that ended with a Jonestown type mass suicide, so all the kids were left traumatized by the event (except Tamaki, who as mentally strong or something) and borderline insane, but the medical staff back then (which included Sekai) sealed their memories. This also means Tamaki, Seri and Rio all met before. Kouichi got into the school for other reasons, that's why he's the only normal one and from a middle class family. And also best boy.

The school was founded by the students rich parents who got tricked into believing the purpose of the facility is to erase forever the memories of the mass suicide, but in truth it's just an excuse for them to be turned into Sekai's puppets, who implanted a "trigger" inside of them. Since they are all rich boys from wealthy families, if he can control them, he feels like he can control Japan's future. Or something.
Also this sorta means all the characters endings except Delinquent-kun are secretly bad endings because the characters are all still at the school unaware they are secretly being brainwashed (in the bad ending of the last route Sekai even mentions he can get students to pass laws for him and shit, though the cult there got pretty big because Tamaki's plan failed and he got turned into some weird idol for the cult).

I'm still not done with the game, I only have the last (true?) ending left. But to honest I'm not exaggerating when 90% of the plot was into the last route, most of the game is a character driven story where occasionally characters go "Isn't that shit weird?" "Yeah, our school is pretty weird!" and then move on. Tamaki also never gets any resolution about himself in any of the characters routes, so he's never remembers his grandparents, or that his current parents are fake.

I probably summed it weird but I don't think it was too silly or anything, but I do think it was poorly utilized. Also the last route has no romance, so it barely feels like a BL game though I guess Ryo is always in love with Tamaki. But I guess this also avoids the whole "true route boy" which some people dislike. Though I feel like the writer favors Kouichi anyway since his ending is so different.

>Something tells me it's a school shooter level ending.
The bad ending is basically Sekai's ending (it's a bad ending). He uses the students to kill the main cast except Tamaki.

Sorry for the typos.

>> No.47009922

Thanks for the detailed write up, anon.
>last route finally spills the beans and does the entire plot reveal all at once
Many such cases. It's almost like you're just grinding for that sweet spot for a lot of VNs in general. The final route sounds like something pulled out from a CLOCKUP game. Not really a bad thing desu

>> No.47010034 [SPOILER] 
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I think my issue is that the other routes had too few stuff, if I were to compare it to an Uchikoshi's game for example, even "filler" route typically hint or reveal stuff there. On the top of it, being a BL and a character focused game, most players probably gonna care more about the characters and the romance and how they ended up than the tweeeeeeeeest.

I guess if they ever do a fandisk they can do a follow up to the last route/true ending (? Still not sure if the game will call it that) so everyone is happy. Though personally I really liked Kouichi's ending they end up living together and basically married and on first name basis. Too bad Tamaki won't ever remember his grandparents, but at least they won't be turned into puppets for some weird cult.

>> No.47010105

I try to track down any kind of fandom nickname, like pauli for amnesia or konami minako for tmgs

>> No.47010748

Thank you anon for the detailed explanation. This kind of theme is really my thing and like >>47009922 anon said, it's kind of similar to clock up games. Clock up games deal with sex cults usually and social torture experiments for the enjoyment of a single pervert. I understand your feelings too and how disappointing it can be for the two LIs that you just mentioned They can do a sequel or an AU if it sells well. I might play it myself actually. Thanks again anon.

>> No.47011041

>reads spoilers
holy kino, really want to play this and the high heels shinigami game but
>doesn't even own a credit card

>> No.47012919
File: 53 KB, 256x384, 73659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone here playing this? I read crazy things going there for a pegi 15 game. There's a schizo older brother route too.

>> No.47013966

It's called an illegal download sis. Usual places.

>> No.47013975

Didn't read the spoilers but the CLOCKUP comparison officially has my interest peaked. If anons can confirm the plot is solid, even if it's all dumped in the last route, I can stomach some SOL. Onto my backlog it goes.

>> No.47014182

They don't have them. ;-;

>> No.47016272

How many sex scenes does each character have?

>> No.47016311

Seri 3, his bad ending has no porn
Riou 3 + 1 bad ending but it doesn't involve him
Kouichi 3 + 1 bad ending. I think his scenes are pretty long though (at least the kitchen sex at the the has a whole ass scene without CG
Sekai 1 but it's really short and it's mostly talking and exposition. There is even a whole ass flashback though it. Felt like someone told the writer "we had to have a sex scene of this dude" but the writer didn't want to.

>> No.47016792

Anyone from the USA who buys from DLsite here? I know you can buy points but is it possible to use a Discover credit card for direct purchases? I heard Discover is connected to JCB so I was thinking of applying for one.

>> No.47018286

Russki anons that can access rutracker, is Tokyo Satsujinki uploaded there?

>> No.47019674

Anyone know where I can download the R18 PC version of Chou no Doku in Japanese? The links on a-s don't work and everywhere I look it seems like only the psp version is available.

>> No.47019690

look again

>> No.47020119

political correctnessはcancel cultureを発動中 (実例文)

>> No.47021512

Not on there yet

>> No.47022454

Did you find it sis? Look in the 2020 threads in the comments. Otherwise aarin has it.

>> No.47024579

Thanks! I was able to download it from aarin. Took a while to get it to work since the patch on their official website seems to be down, but Win8WOH worked for me in case anyone else is also interested.

>> No.47024633

That sounds like brain damage, brother. Better get that checked.

>> No.47024774
File: 1.61 MB, 1024x1024, 1_zg82waxX1UgkONv3HsJjiA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone share Tokyo satsujinki pls

>> No.47024789

Can you please just stop begging so much? I'm getting second hand embarrassment. Go check your backlog while you wait.

>> No.47025723
File: 33 KB, 259x330, oliver twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have played all of the bl out there including arcadia

>> No.47025755

I was planning to share my copy this Friday since it’s been a week but to spite you I now won’t. I hate self-entitled beggars.

>> No.47025846

>100%'d everything including unlocking all content + talking about all your impressions
Sure. Some of you guys are all right but the fact people like you who constantly try to delegate work and just to show up to ask other favors is laughable.

>> No.47025870

Could you share your impressions?

>> No.47026225

I wonder why they even released 2 bl vn together. They'll cannibalize each other sales and hype

>> No.47026287

I don't mind beggars personally, but people who will beg and play the game 5+ years later. Like if you are begging I expect that you are desperate to play it and start it soon even if you finish it in a year or drop it. Like at least try it? I'm rushing to share it so you can play it soon, not so you can pile it up. And download versions are easy now. I was rushing to rip console games back in the day which took a loot of effort not to mention the cracking some bl games had to go through to play and I was even paying more expensive shipping so that it'd come sooner, only to have my "friends" start something else instead. All that after constant begging. At least the things I shared before got discussed by anons here or on aarin back in the day which made me happy.
It's not about the game, I do want to share to people who can't afford them/buy them for reasons and enjoy them, but I don't see the purpose if they don't want to actually play them and just download them to have them. Not talking about busy people, just pirate backlog people who pile things up.
I'd buy the game but the stores are banned here and I don't like holicworks games enough to pay 100$ shipping.

>> No.47026316

so if it gets shared anon should be given a 2 week deadline to share some impressions kek

>> No.47026371

Yeah, I never insist people to share newly released stuff. Chances are, I'm doing something else already and I want to just see other people's thoughts anyway. It's also a burden on the uploader in any event where the shared version doesn't work on the technical side. I've also shared stuff I've purchased but only to see people never mentioning it again or getting pissed off about "le piracy = bad". Impressions are everything in this hobby.

>> No.47026507

Just had a flashback to the same begging/anti-begging for crack back when NTY first came out in English. Warms my heart to see this place hasn't changed.

>> No.47026721

I share otome switch games mostly, 5 days to 1 week after release but I see people picking them up immediately and asking for agent hooks so it's fine for me now, but years ago it was so disheartening. Taking all the effort for nothing. Kept going for the three people who were indeed passionate and desperate to play them. Did things such as using Google translated, taking photos because no auto app back then or used bad unreliable translator tools like atlas or bing. They really wanted to play them. Now nothing to stop people, localizations, can emulate stuff on their phone even so maybe that's why more playing them now?
I do believe in sharing in caring kek and know that people who are used to pirating can wait years for something they aren't going to buy the game no matter what. Keep begging until it gets shared eventually, like it happened with dystopia no ou and tokyo24ku. Mods had enough of their begging, and bought it themselves. But at least, a month after they shared them, vndb votes kept pilling up so efforts weren't wasted. Impressions and having people to talk about the games really important indeed. I do it for a more selfless reason let's say, having met people online a lot are suffering, be it depression, hikkineets, shitty third world countries with shitty economy or laws. If I can bring these people a little happiness in their lives and let them stay on this earth longer, I'll do it.

>> No.47026787

The best one was the anon who shared LKYT from otomedream after hacking it but anons efforts were wasted because nobody could download it from Baidu kek poor anon. Or diabolik lovers patch leak kek. Memorable.

Of course it's not going to change, most people here are unemployed hikkineets. Most cant buy the games not because they can't afford them but because they don't own credit cards. I've been there too so I get them.

>> No.47027348

Mebiusline fags, do console/switch versions of mebiusline have any extra content in?

>> No.47027935

I practically don't use 4chan anymore and when I did, I was a resident of エロゲスレ. A few years ago, I decided to ask for a recommendation here and someone mentioned 死神と少女、剣が君 and a few others that I have on my backlog. I read the first one and it was great, Sayo was an insanely good protagonist. Now I felt like trying something different again and started reading 剣が君 and just saw this OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiHHMSq-9TI
I have no idea what I'm in for, but goddamnit visually it's stunning

>> No.47029543

Same artist has done Virche recently (well, relatively recently), it's also very pretty.

>> No.47032098

Yeah, I have to read that too. Apparently it's a lot closer to what I usually like (鬱shit) so it will definitely be one of my next reads

>> No.47032229

You should try Gayoushi's works if you haven't already. Not as pretty but the agony that author induces is pure lethal.

>> No.47032427

Actually, one of my last posts on エロゲスレ sharing my impressions of something I read was about 魔女の処刑日
It was a really intense and insane journey, where I felt genuine anxiety for not knowing what the fuck would happen next

>> No.47032557

Ah, unless I am mistaken, you must be that anon whose post got linked here. It's thanks to your impressions and a few others here that I even bothered with agony/禁飼育 in the first place. Gayoushi, 蝶の毒華の鎖 and among others had a huge impact on me, which strongly encouraged me to improve my Japanese over the past year. I really appreciate the thoughts shared.
Have you read the second part of 魔女の処刑日? Had to stall it for a bit since I got distracted but I had good impressions overall so far.

>> No.47032690

Yeah, I enjoyed it immensely. Overall it uses a similar formula to the first game, but with a more significant emphasis on characterization, so I felt the emotional moments had a much greater impact. I remember an anon from these threads who was also quite passionate about those games, I hope they are doing well. Lastly, I'm extremely glad you're using that as motivation to keep improving, there are times when studying can suck but you just have to persevere

>> No.47032979

From reading the JP reviews and some commentary from the few who read it, I've been hearing nothing but high praise for the second part. Even though Gayoushi's formula in her writing can feel a bit repetitive, I always loved what she does with the characterization and the more emotional moments ultimately. As far as I know, there isn't really another author who cares about female relationships as much as she does in the genre. Not really otome of course, but looking back at Ayuri's monologues and her interactions with the others in 罪を受けるべき者 was just too fun despite all the depravity and pitch black 鬱 going on. I love that girl too much.
And thanks anon for the kind words. It's progressing just fine nowadays, especially since I've been focusing more on monolingual manual lookups. The experience in learning and understanding more of the language's nuances is absolutely invaluable to me at this point. I definitely wouldn't have gone this far if I hadn't known such great stuff existed untranslated. I hope the other anon who also loved Gayoushi's works is doing fine as well.

>> No.47033162

Someone has compiled Ooe info for EOPs: https://x.com/taishogrotesque/status/1796701227515793476

>> No.47034974
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>Your body is able to sense my very presence
>You notice even a single glance from me
>You cannot take your eyes off me when I stand before you
Kisa... lets just move to Amber class already. Even your own natural instincts seek the freak senpai. Although I'm loving Mitsuki's route so far, maybe do it afterwards

>> No.47035045

Oh yeah, that work was great too.
In ayuri's case, I feel like she's much more relatable than yaneko, because while the latter is a really good girl that makes you impossible not to love her from the start, ayuri is a real piece of shit that you learn to love over time. There are a lot of scenes where you can see glimpses of sincerity and vulnerability in the interactions that really bring an interesting depth and complexity to the fragility of human beings. That story was definitely her journey of redemption, and her ultimate sacrifice is the perfect ending to materialize her growth and manifest how much she cares for others
If you like that kind of theme you should give setoguchi a chance, he is probably one of the best at the moment in that sense https://store.steampowered.com/app/2314820/

>> No.47035754
File: 2.13 MB, 1311x1133, 25e2bd4a-55c9-4e0c-b475-9e5e47adc2da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he gets a route in the sequel. Just being relegated to a pseudo bad end was such a waste, since his character and relationship to Kisa were interesting.

>> No.47035893

Hello! Hopefully this is okay to post here. It's not well-known in western circles, but it seems like some people here like Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku. I uploaded the Bs-Log comic anthology to archive.org, since it's so old and out of print. It's not written or drawn by the author and shows its age, but some of the stories are really cute. I like the Hougetsu/Mayumi and Mayumi/Kaneko ones a lot. I'm a bit too shy to post on imageboards, but uutsusemi_71422 is my discord if anyone wants to chat about Baraki.


>> No.47036422

I used to not read otome but your posts there were what got me to read Gayoushi, so thanks for mentioning them. Majo was really good and it made me start going through all the other games from that circle and checking out other otome games too, even if it's not very typical for the genre.

>> No.47036446

I haven't played baraki yet but bless you for sharing that.

>> No.47037439

I really love Yaneko but because of Ayuri's relatability and how well her character development was executed to me, Ayuri definitely ends up being more of a top favorite. It was simply gold with the fact she never once hid the fact that she was a massive piece of shit who's more than happy to speak her mind out to anyone (regardless of who they are and their status) and is willing to do whatever scumbag bullshit she felt like doing. It was quite different from anything I've seen before, especially when it came to female protagonists in the medium. IMO the sort of pretentious, misanthropic monologues she'd run through her head really does parallels to the sort of posts you'll see on the internet and/or some edgelord kid who has plenty of growing up to do so it's super entertaining to see a "shitposter incarnate" in a way. By the end, the whole entire character arc with Ayuri humbling herself was a joy to go through even when my Japanese was so bad back then. My only big complaint with Kokuzai is that it could have done so much more with its world building and some of the plot development just felt way too abrupt or out there. The writing seemed as if it didn't get much time to get looked over by an editor or something, honestly. I suppose it's a given with how it's one of the author's earlier doujin works after all. Majo also had similar issues but it's a bit more smooth with the execution.

I actually read the English translation of Swan Song many, many years ago. This seems weird coming from someone who loves utsuge, but I don't remember enjoying it that much. Maybe because I didn't understand the protagonist was coming from nor the girl he went with? Hibari is cute, though. But now that my Japanese has became far more usable, I'm definitely willing to give Setoguchi another chance since I've seen so much positive 感想 about his writing style in Japanese. I really want to try Black Sheep Town and ヒラヒラヒヒル one of these days.

Oh and it's BL so take it or leave it if you will but reading Paradise + the Musubi FD in Japanese also left a lasting impression on me with its strong character development and interactions. The author is quite popular here for good reason.
Despite abstaining from the BL genre for many years prior, I enjoyed Paradise quite a lot for the writing style, characterization and the sort of themes it tried to convey. The game's writing is not nearly as bleak as what a lot of utsuge writers do with their work, but Paradise still does a fine job at portraying a more relatable protagonist who gets into toxic relationships and eventually comes to terms with them in his own way. Somewhat similar to what Gayoushi does - L&D also excels with fun, SoL moments/black comedy but also doesn't hesitate to bring all of that down either to a more serious, emotional note and at times, pure despair in contrast to the first impressions the game gives you. "People are not always they seem" is the sort of thing Paradise loves going all out.
Perhaps it's because I read Gayoushi's works shortly before Paradise but I just can't help myself but see Azuma as the male equivalent to a Gayoushi protagonist like Yaneko in terms of erratic/somewhat childish monologues (Gayoushi probably writes them at a more extreme degree though), working class job position + seeing the similarities in their personalities and emotional insecurities. The only big difference is that Azuma is way more open about his sexuality with the love interest and a lot of his baggage is already established prior. Not like Yaneko has a bad reason to feel particularly upset with Zaijouin anyway

>> No.47037753

is this bait

>> No.47038993

The emphasis on how she would be the perfect partner/vessel and that even Kisa subconsciously realizes the potential, much to her dismay, is too much teasing for me. He's like a demon on her left shoulder luring her away from Quartz and I love it.
>pseudo bad end
I haven't done it yet but does she at least get to perform I Am Death? I really want to see Kisa as Takihime.

Also you (or the other anon?) was right about Kasai not being that important beyond some mild ntrbait in Sou's route, and it wasn't as much as I expected, probably around the same as in Suzu's route. Gives me a smidge more hope for a Chuui route in the sequel since he definitely gets the most focus as a side character, but they tend to paint him and Amber in a bad light so I wont get my hopes up or anything.

>> No.47039045

Cute anon. An anon posted a few threads ago here, translating that game. That anon might be interested.

It'd be fun actually if /blog/ made a discord akusually. Avoid beggars and have the uploads to a certain channel and anons with similar autism to get together and shill their games. And if the place turned out shit just nuke it and move on. I'd take the iniative and do it myself but the reason i can't is because I don't have time to mod and shit but I'd join.

>> No.47039053

>It'd be fun

>> No.47039338

Playing Takaras route in paradise and wtf did just happen? That was a big KEK by the writer.

>> No.47042361

Indeed some anons here were working on translation projects. Are they still active anons?
Angelique, TMGS4, Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku and another one?

>> No.47042372

One day I'm going to translate Kurai Nichiyoubi and Melancholic Dreamtower mark my words.

>> No.47042630

The Russian fujos don't like the new shinigami holicworks game for reasons they won't disclose because they're retarded about spoilers. Is it that bad?

>> No.47042939

I don't give a shit if someone shares the game or not but I wonder how they got it. Thought Russians are banned everywhere and the ruble is lower value. Probably some share sekrit club, I guess.

>> No.47043177

Right kek. Yes it's sekrit group indeed but they don't share anything unfortunately. Maybe they got it from otomedream since most of the are over 30. Newfags don't know of it.

>> No.47043620

Nah, we never get to truly see the I am Death performance, which is a bit of a shame, but also I kind of get it, since I doubt the way the plays are structured (or the writing) could really convey how scary/uncomfortable its really meant to be. Just seeing snippets and peoples reactions to it makes it more ominous overall.

>> No.47043760

I really need to read the 2nd part of Majo already. I can't believe it's actually out after all these years. Seeing people talk about kinshiiku games is always a joy.

I reread Swan Song last Christmas after Hihiru and it definitely held up for me. Swan Song's characters aren't really "moe" in the way Gayoushi's are so maybe that might've turned you off, but I personally found them to be interesting to pick at and take apart. The protagonist is sort of a sperg but I found his unwillingness to let go of his piano playing to be both admirable and sad. The main girl of the game basically is a foil to him with how she more or less gave up on living after meeting the protagonist in her flashback, very unmoe main heroine but she's interesting in the context of how she contrasts with the protagonist. Also I am a big Dostoevskyfag (Setoguchi seems to be one as well considering how often he references his works in his games) and I loved drawing parallels to his novels while I read it. Everything with the religious society felt like a callback to the Grand Inquisitor chapter in Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.47044329

That's great to read, although I only wrote a somewhat long post once with my impressions, so maybe there's another anon spreading the word? in any case, cool that you enjoyed them. The best thing to do in life is to just try your luck with whatever shit catches your eye, it's very satisfying when something ends up surprising you
Exactly, that problem is quite characteristic of doujin titles precisely because the writers tend to try to capture absolutely everything that crosses their minds in their stories. Depending on how much patience or tolerance you have for the author can have a greater or lesser impact on your enjoyment, but ultimately, it's impossible not to recognize the passion or exploration of the various themes they try to use even if it is not in the most appropriate way.
Regarding swan song, seem to remember the translation felt too “literal", at least those have been the impressions I have always read. Setoguchi's greatest strength in my opinion is that he uses extremely evocative and raw language, in which you can really feel what you're reading. From Carnival it is possible to notice a recurring reflection on the human condition and all that it implies in much of the story. The interesting thing about setoguchi is that while it is true that his works are often labeled as “depressive”, in general he tends to have a rather optimistic perspective from the negativity. To make it simple, one of his personal signatures is to recognize that living and life itself can be really shitty and the only thing to do in that case is to accept it and try to enjoy and live that shitty life. You don't have to look at it from a fatalistic perspective, but rather that life is a series of challenges that you simply have to overcome. That is the thematic basis of Setoguchi and something that is shared in practically all of his stories. As mentioned by >>47043760 it is a much discussed topic the enormous similarities between setoguchi and dostoevsky, BST being the closest thing to dostoevsky we will ever have in the medium.
Lastly, I literally read everything, so I greatly appreciate your impressions. It's always fun to have new options to consider in the future and that last comparison definitely caught my attention

>> No.47045410

Vodka addicted retards have shit taste and can't afford shit. They probably deluded themselves into thinking they played the game

>> No.47045713

Kino, that's what

>> No.47048009
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I don't post here regularly, but I'm hard at work on Baraki :))) Over halfway done now!

>> No.47048222

>Swan Song's characters aren't really "moe" in the way Gayoushi's are so maybe that might've turned you off
When I think about it, that's probably a fair way to put it with how I approached Swan Song years back. Rather than seeing it as a work for more tangible symbolism and understanding the sort of themes it was suggesting on a larger scale, it was definitely something where I was more interested in seeing if there were any characters that had a more magnetic/"moe" charm to them from my perspective. For that reason, I remember coming to like Hibari/Shin + their interactions more so while much of everything else went pass me. It's probably just me always having that weakness with tsunderes falling head over heels with that one guy she treats coldly at the beginning. With that said, the true route's plot development in regards to those two did sadden me.

All great points about doujin works
>it's impossible not to recognize the passion or exploration of the various themes they try to use even if it is not in the most appropriate way.
That's pretty much a huge reason why I admire doujin works so much despite all the glaring flaws, especially from the particularly passionate authors like Gayoushi. By just looking at her writing style, I can immediately tell that it's deliberately made to be unrefined (and internet trollish especially with those goddamn "wwwwww's"). She absolutely does not restrict herself at all with what she wants to communicate in her works. From the way I see it, Gayoushi is very much in tune with exactly what she wants to a T, which probably explains why certain things (sometimes highly questionable to even a degenerate like me) seem to repeat themselves time and time again in her stuff.

>Regarding swan song, seem to remember the translation felt too “literal", at least those have been the impressions I have always read.
Yes, from what I can recall, the Swan Song's English translation was more literal - almost to a robotic, inorganic level even. While I do appreciate the efforts for a free fan translation, it did give me a cold impression of how the dialogue and scenery was written. It just felt so jarringly rigid for such a catastrophic setting where the characters' emotions were especially not conveyed effectively to me. Once I finished Swan Song, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration while at the same time, also had a strange feeling that I was greatly missing something. After so many years and finally reading more about other people's experiences with Setoguchi's actual writing, I felt the literal translation could be a big possibility as to why my engagement and understanding of Swan Song was off. I also noticed a lot of discussion in エロゲスレ with the comparison of Setoguchi and Dostoevsky a while back. It's really interesting to know there's such a strong correlation between the two authors.

>Lastly, I literally read everything, so I greatly appreciate your impressions. It's always fun to have new options to consider in the future and that last comparison definitely caught my attention
I'm glad to hear that. Likewise with reading everything. While my history probably isn't as colorful since I did read eroge/all ages otome in English for so many years prior, I'm open to anything as well. It's always a pleasant surprise when something that doesn't stick out to you at first, ends up exceeding your expectations.
If you ever decide to read Paradise, I sincerely hope it ends up being worth your time. Despite enjoying Paradise and feeling that it was worth the effort to read over the past several months for me, the overarching plot and certain major plot reveals weren't the best admittedly. However, that doesn't really devalue the author's strong intent (which the author are actually two people working under the same pen name) demonstrated in their work. For what it is, the writing ends up being quite sincere from their efforts, especially when picking apart and seeing the sharp contrast among the characters - all of which I found to be entertaining and lovable in their own way. kinda why I had too much fun writing up comparisons in that silly meme shitpost on the OP. Bless the artist here who started everything and did the initial edit BTW I do very strongly suggest reading the Musubi fandisk afterwards. The main game feels very incomplete without it, especially when pertaining to certain characters' motivations which are much better explained in their PoVs and the after stories.

>> No.47048352

arcadia iz bad

>> No.47049077

Based baraki anon. Who's route is your favorite?

>> No.47049086


>> No.47049151

Which route are you on?

>> No.47049220

Oh, well, I like all of them. The Kaname/Miki stuff is amazing, I love Azusa/Mayumi, Kaneko/Hougetsu, and Hougetsu/Azusa. I also really like Kaneko/Mayumi. How about you?

>> No.47049678
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Seems Kintouka patch will be releasing soon. Also wow Aarrin is still alive.

>> No.47049768

I like Hougetsu x Kaname but I like him with Kaneko too. But all the routes were fun.

>> No.47049854

Based. And solo project that huge game? Based.

Anons do donate to aarin when you can 10$ is enough. Since they do face closure every month.

>> No.47049882
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>Based. And solo project that huge game? Based.
They are only doing the common route, so it won't be the whole game. Tragically I think it's just too massive for a single person. (The common route is big as some VN). But hopefully it will get a bit more popular in western spaces, I always wondered why it's so obscure compared to some other JP VN.

>> No.47050312

What's the longest bl game? Kintouka, Slow Damage or Shingakkou?

>> No.47050886 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 692x1024, 20240107_055849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Hougetsu is Kaname's best coupling, at least in the PC ver. I think it's really beautifully written, and the theme of Mikihiko's existence permeating into theirs is really moving. It was really hard not to think of Hougetsu as a sort of main hero along with the other two. Also, they're really cute. The scene where Kana starts bawling and Hougetsu comforts him then asks if it's okay to kiss him is really cute. "男の子を本気で可愛いと思っちゃうのは、卒業したと思ってたんだけどなあ"- cute.

>> No.47051367

no, thank you?

>> No.47051401

Nah that was less than 30 hrs. Shingakko or Kintouka 60+.
Sd 50+ so kintouka or shingakkou. Galtia was super long too iirc.

>> No.47051566

the VNDB aggregate estimations are not very reliable, but if you click to see the individual votes you often find autists providing informed/measured estimates.
For example Pigeon Blood is listed as long (31h5m) mostly because one idiot reading the chinese translation who even skipped the hscenes entirely listed it as being under 10 hours, but it's actually 950k characters (only about 15% of which is the common route.) Shingakkou is listed as very long (52h17m) but it's similarly around 1 million characters, with even more common route/scene text.

>> No.47051598

>played pigeon blood
>skipped the sex scenes
My sides anon who plays pigeon blood for the plot

>> No.47051801

For some reason, there are a lot of Chinese speedreaders on vndb who skip all the porn in porn-heavy games. Also, if you don't use a walkthrough for SD the gameplay bits could take a lot of time irrespective of text length.

>> No.47054338

Speaking of character numbers, I wonder if there's a similar list for BL/otome that has such analytics like jpdb. That site also lists JP difficulty.

>> No.47054819

I noticed that historical themed games, Taishou era etc, tend to have more difficult writing + kanji. Ofc it goes by written too, see nakajo rosa. But I started Hanakage for example and although the writing is very beautiful and poetic, it's very difficult. Has outdated words and terms used back in Meiji era, hanamachi-yoshiwara terminology. It's a beautiful game though and very tragic. I started it because Majimas voice actor was in, but stayed for the plot.
I still prefer older terms/words compared to slang though because katakana is bleh while kanji have so many meanings behind haha.

>> No.47054948

I think besides how confusing some readings are, kanji is pretty straightforward once you aren't a beginner imo. Historical ones like Majima's game are pretty OK for that reason. It seems like all the slang and pure kana in some other games introduces another language. Pure gore.

>> No.47055073

Yeah this! If you are familiar with kanji you can lowkey understand the meaning too. I have seen kanji in some historical games that I've never seen again haha, but they're fun. If you play with a dictionary they do have them too so it's fine. Most aren't even in JLPT N1 since they're no longer used haha. Dictionaries rarely have slang though. Majimas game was fine since the "difficult" kanji had furigana so it wasn't that bad. Yoshiwara Higanbana was a little tough but such pretty writing.

>> No.47055111

>Game is harem
>There is one boy for some reason the MC clearly enjoys getting more dicken than the rest

>> No.47055141

Which game?

>> No.47055163

What's the game about?

>> No.47055309

It's set in Meiji Era, and it's about a place in the red light district "Hanamachi" that's basically like Yoshiwara but it's male prostitutes district only. The game has a prequel named Hanamachi with another protagonist, that is now the number one prostitute in Hanamachi and dates the owner of the brothel who takes a lot of pride in his work and has made the place very famous for his high class prostitutes, the male prostitutes are very beautiful and educated and also the place, building furniture etc. is very beautiful.
The protagonist Iori, voiced by Majima is like Yuriko, a failed aristocrat. His dad was a viscount, marquis something but fell into debts and committed suicide. Iori who was a bocchan basically made a deal with the owner to take over his debt and become a prostitute in order to save his mother from that fate. Iori is still very prideful and doesn't forget his lineage. He has become quite popular lately with clients for his beauty and pride and education. But one day he sees an ex classmate of his pass by and has a mental breakdown and gets into a fight with a client. And that's how the story begins. The classmate is a LI but has a kinda tragic route & small and he is a nutjob lowkey. The co-owner, who is a good friend of the owner, the owner let's him fuck him sometimes in the ass too lol we get a scene like that , a yakuza boss who iori despises, basically hate to love relationship because iori believes yakuzas are savages etc., loved his route and he's voiced by Fujita lol, a rich half jp half American genki dude who's voiced by mizuhito - still a slut and the true route guy basically Toriumi LI who is the incest route - I cried. It's a relatively short-medium game, but might take longer since the writing is a lil tough. Depends on you. I wish it was more popular.

>> No.47055855

Fug, somehow I overlook the fact that Majima is also a chuunige protagonist. Warms my heart so many of my favorite VAs are one.
gotta try this out one of these days

>> No.47055895

This looks interesting thanks for sharing sis! Voicing chuunis is something he is really suit for kondo takashi! I really liked him as Kuro Usagi in alice =alice. In blvns he has voiced chuuni tsuns, Kiryuu and Iori falls into that category too he's too prideful though Iori or kichiku rapists who ultimately suck. (Carlos bleh, Phantom was a lil fun). I still can't believe that he was meant to voice Senge too lel.

>> No.47055936

Yeah, I was looking for stuff to add onto my ever growing backlog so I thought I'd share. I think Kondo's voice acting really fits those sort of roles. Majima always had pretentious, edgy lines, especially in his PoVs so he's already pretty chuuni. Trademark of best boys and girls.

>> No.47056127
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I noticed that he voices a lot of effeminate guys too his most recent one in radiant tale fd that has a main route now. I thought I'd like Subaru in diabolik lovers but I didn't like him much, reiji, laito and shuu were closer to my style. He wasn't half bad though.
As ghislain he was very beautiful too. Good boy deserved more.

>> No.47056532

>Good boy deserved more.
His route was one of the better ones at least, best climax too.

>> No.47056969

I was speaking in a general sense. I'm curios if anon expecting the trope

>> No.47057007
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I wonder if this will ever come out. I did enjoy their previous VN and I was interested in them tackling a more traditional VN.

>> No.47057069

Yeah. Only confirmed one is Ooe. And Tokyo Gentou and 2 gacha bl but they'll be gacha. All the others, cage, this, suitei, no news.
2 games just came out and I've only seen discussions about haiiro nothing about tokyo satsatsujin. Are bl really that dead.

>> No.47057074

I wonder why they even released Tokyo Satsa same say as Haiiro. I would have been interested in it but no way I'm starting another long ass VN in JP after Arcadia.

>> No.47057091

Honestly I think BL VN author should invest in steam and whatnot. Long are gone the days you could release a VN in JP and sustain a company, with gacha eating everything.

Straight VN authors realized it and started to get their shit porter and whtnot.

>> No.47057114

I feel like if there really aren't any impressions, even if it's just a little at this point, I wonder if anyone who got the game actually played it. I don't expect anyone to write autism essays but if you can't at least talk about it and leak some details about the plot, it smells like bullshit to me.

>> No.47057169

Some people are shy and like to lurk. I’m reading Arcadia atm and enjoy reading the other anons’ impressions more than sharing my own. I’m kind of boring I guess.

>> No.47057206

I actually just finished Tokyo Satsujinki (I think. There's an ending I haven't got that I think I might have locked myself out of getting, but I'm fairly sure it's just a dead end). I'm not 100% sure of what to think about it. The last route was pretty satisfying in the end, but it's a very long game that started to drag, especially towards the end and though I wasn't that bothered by it, it could be seen as pretentious/gimmicky/overcomplicated. And it has a case of I guess main boy favoritism to a degree that some people might find unacceptable.
To be honest it's hard to talk about because if you're going to play it you should definitely go into it knowing as little as possible and without using a guide. I guess the most I feel I can say about it is that it's not very obvious from the synopsis or site what kind of story it really is, and that it isn't much like the other Holicworks plot games.

>> No.47057323

Localizations help the companies too, I'm happy to see people enjoying paradise and have more people to talk about it actually or make memes like current thread one kek.
But no helping when there are only 2 companies who do bl localizations but they're focusing on their eroge brands more. And dramatic create localizations are strictly R17. Nie no machi doesn't deserve this treatment but if it is to sell and help the company. Chou no Doku is half game without the fandisk. R18 versions are only about the porn. They cut out info too. If they do the r17 versions they could do the r18 ones too. Just pay the translator a bit more and put the game on their site without steams and card companies moral sperging.

>> No.47057363

This economy doesn't help either you know. I used to blind buy everything on release but now I have to wait for the games to leak, try then buy. If I end up liking said game I buy it to support, if not I usually drop it. Basically only buying the ones that I finish. And I want to play games I can discuss with others because I'm a lonely autist.

>> No.47057379
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You should share your opinion anon, if anything just what you though of the general routes.
I'm lurking JP twitter to see impressions, but sadly they are kinda shy when it comes to criticism and they often hide it behind fusetter.

>> No.47057442

I can't force you or anyone shy about sharing their impressions but it helps a lot for a game's success or anything really when people show they care enough to give their two cents. Even if I don't agree with everything, I always appreciate it when people are open about their opinions.

>> No.47057528

Go for it anon, it's anonymous remember. But do make sure to use spoilers when needed.

Thanks for the heads up anon. I'll go full blind once it leaks. Not that I'm worrying about getting spoiled nobody is playing it. Do shill it a little more if you can to help out, since no one I'm talking with is willing to buy it . Like why would someone want to play it? Is it mebiusline 2.0? Any interesting tropes? How's the writing?

I hate the feeling of shilling a game that no one is ever going to play, even if it's a free, fully-voiced, 5 hr long game. I'm waiting for a satsujinki a-s leak too because I know that the few hikineet pirates that lurk there and I talk will marathon it and sperg about it. That way, I won't have to talk to my tulpas or a wall about a game no one bothers to buy or play.

>> No.47057716

Satsujinki being the price of a full length triple A game doesn’t exactly motivate me to buy it either

>> No.47058413
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I have this toxic trait of wanting to gatekeep my kamiges from normie eops who 100% won't get them but on the other hand i have the need to shill them and get more people into them.

>> No.47058453
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I'm the same, I just know if Shingakkou and Baraki come out in Eng I'll have to read the worst opinions on the face of the earth. And at the same time I shill them. I played Hashihime early and the same thing happened, horrible

>> No.47058485

I'm a conceited piece of shit who likes hearing myself talk so I can't help but shill everything I found to be interesting even if no one will play those games. Sometimes I feel guilty if "those people" finally do catch wind of those games but it's always an option to not acknowledge them at all, I see them lower than me after all.

>> No.47058563

I kind of feel this, though I don't really care about the opinions of people who wouldn't get it in the first place, it's more I get concerned about gushing about something, someone playing it based off my recommendation, finding it horrible and thinking I'm an autist with bad taste. If I talk about something I can't help but downplay how much I actually liked it because I don't want to sound overly enthusiastic.
I used to play a ton of doujin games, still do sometimes, though I've fallen off it now, and I would always agonise over whether to share my thoughts here. Though in some cases people did end up playing and enjoying them and it's nice when I occasionally see someone post thoughts on something I shilled here once.

>> No.47058881

It's normie vanilla faggots who try to ruin my fun for me. Trying to make me feel bad and guilty for liking certain tropes and fetishes, deemed immoral and “muah problematic”, always according to normie quran lol.
No luck of course, let them seethe, but they're doing it in such a manipulative way. Again, no luck with me but I've seen shyer people backing away and ending up like "you might be right normie sama, I should reconsider and become a better person".
So i don't want them to read my vns if they're going to enjoy them the wrong way or read them just to seethe about them and their fans. Let them stay untranslated forever inshallah.

>> No.47058938
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This hobby is already dead. Your blabbering on a Mongolian image board has no significance on anything. Stop being dramatic.

>> No.47059332

It's not that dead for EOPs. Though, if someone insists on staying in certain internet spaces and is somehow surprised that they get hassled for stupid 12-year-old tier drama, they only have themselves to blame.

>> No.47059408

I wonder... Every day there are more and more guys interested in reading blge/otome

>> No.47059651

Please elaborate a little if you can, like it sounds like it's a meta story where figuring out all the branches to the story is part of the plot? If so I'm interested but unfortunately I'm like >>47057363 for full-price stuff.

>> No.47060163
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I was planning on playing Satsujinki and posting impressions ITT but shipping from JP is taking a whole ass three weeks for some reason and I already spent over 10k yen on it so no way I'm buying it again digitally. Sorry sisters, promise I'll post my impressions when it comes, I'm a huge holicworksfag. Idk about leaking since I've never done it. But by then I'm sure something will show up.

Also planning on playing Shingakko next and I'll post impressions too even though that horse is well and truly dead. Arcadia maybe I'll play once jap fujos come out of their shells and start creating a consensus on it. After a Nakajo game I'll probably be exhausted.

>> No.47060558

Yeah pretty much. It’s not full on 4th wall breaking meta, the characters aren’t aware they’re fictional, but the routes and branches are how time travel/time loop stuff works in the story and it plays around with this.

>> No.47061057
File: 286 KB, 800x600, Shingakkou.-.Noli.Me.Tangere.full.1656924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Misaki collection sis, I love that fanartist and Misaki is best boy! I really want to buy it leaks it and play it too but any payment method that I tried my country blocks and won't process them, so all i can do is wait, kill me.

Please when you do play finally Shingakkou shill it here. I'll sperg together with you haha it's my all times favorite.

>> No.47063014

How's the ero and romance?

>> No.47063934

here iz your next otome anime

>> No.47064514

But that's not Love Revo

>> No.47064571

If it doesn't have copious fat shaming where the girl realizes her habits are terrible, it's クソ

>> No.47065246

Also waiting on this. I really enjoyed the first game but it looks like they rarely post any updates now.

>> No.47065268

Does anyone have more information on Chiffon Games (new localisation company currently working on Re;Quartz Raid)? They initially announced a spring 2024 release but no news so far. The company website doesn't even load kek.

>> No.47065866

Cool, that sounds fun. I'll post my impressions when I can play it. I enjoy VNs that use the VN structure like that.

>> No.47066050
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>https://pixeldrain com/u/FcaXbQYu
Satsujinki, if anyone wants it.
I feel kinda bad for leaking but it teetering into a situation where difficulty of purchase ends up killing buzz is sometimes worse so here you guys go.

>> No.47066098

Thank you so much anon really you are an angel!!! I've been contacting my bank like crazy since it released trying to buy it to no avail, can't process the payment for a reason. They're really fucking us up with laws that make 0 sense. This means a lot thank you! I'll post my impressions here. Which route order do you recommend?

Btw any American anon here that can confirm if American express is ok for sites like dlsite and animate? Do you have any issues? Or is it my region I can't tell.

>> No.47066117

I'm probably not gonna play it until I get a good idea of the game but thanks a lot anon for going through the trouble to share. Hope the people wanting to have it shared badly play the game and give their impressions so others will get interested.

>> No.47066228

Thanks so much anon! It's saying I exceeded the daily download limit even though I didn't download anything before this so I'll have to start it tomorrow. Will post impressions after reading a decent amount.

>> No.47067354

>main boy favoritism
I don't want to open any of the other spoilers about this game but I'm insanely curious who that is exactly. Can you tell me under a spoiler literally just the name and nothing else?

>> No.47068564

Main boy is Inami. I think it’s pretty obvious though.

>> No.47068736
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Are ero scenes good at least?

>> No.47070989

What games do you recommend for summer anons? Are the new bl games anons shared ideal for summer?

>> No.47071029
File: 520 KB, 981x702, ETR9vPLUMAEdiqd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Kintouka is you can read JP, it's the quintessential summer BL game.

>> No.47071056

I can't get however hot dumb the MC looks. How's is personality?

>> No.47071460

Always felt farming sims are pretty summer-ish even with the revolving seasons. Demo for this is coming out soon which is /blog/ related in a way

>> No.47071535

Samefag, meant for the game itself since the demo's already out. This and the new "ジンコウガクエン" game announcement got me hyped for sim games. Hope the latter has VA work and I can make handsome guys again.

>> No.47071577

Decent I guess, however scat play was the last thing I expected to see in a holicworks game.
Makes me wonder if at one point Senge started to shit himself

>> No.47071934

I wanted to play moshikami but idk if it's my toasters problem or the game still doesn't run normally on vita emulator. Doesn't load the sprites and it's annoying af. Sucks because it even has an agent script. China should port it.

>> No.47074195

Started Satsujinki. Thanks >>47066050 kind anon for sharing.
I haven't played the trial since I like going fully blind.

I like the atmosphere so far, it does give me the usual holicwork games vibes but also supernatural K-drama ones.
The art is nice, I like shinigami. My only complaint so far is the protagonist. He's very quiet and expressionless and so far holicworks had pampered us with cute protagonists like Kyo, lowkey sociopaths like tokyo24 one and promiscuous succubus ones like the onyouji one. Satsujinki one is...idk he feels like an otome blank slot self insert. I don't mind kuuderes so I'll wait for his character development.
From the LIs the monkey boy is a qt, I like you younger LI tropes and white haired dude. I like the game so far, I only hope that the protagonist gets better!

>> No.47074918 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 東京殺人鬼_学校の怪談_1718238844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started it too. Going in blind, I don't really even know what the premise is lol. Honestly wasn't that interested in this title because the character designs aren't really my cup of tea but I figured might as well try it as gratitude to >>47066050 for sharing.
So far I'm impressed by the production values. I'm used to 720p or worse since it's been so long since I've played a modern VN so the high rez is nice.

>> No.47075895

I also started it and I'm curious about whatever is going on with MC. He's very mysterious. Not very far in yet but the more I read the more it seems the others are hiding things too. Also, why is there no keep voice on click option in a 2024 game??

>> No.47077998

Playing IkeRev a second time. Jonah or Luka?

>> No.47078881


>> No.47081361

How was uchoronia anons? Worth playing?

>> No.47081663

Boring as fuck unless you like NPCs and "worldbuilding"

>> No.47081700

For for asking for spoonfeeding but, is there a walkthrough for satsujinki? I keep getting bad endings no matter what I'm doing. Or is it international?

>> No.47081702


>> No.47081840

Are you stuck on 何度も at Tsubaki's route?
I got stuck there and went and did Tendou's whole route, then came back to it, but I'm not 100% on what the actual trigger is.
By the time I had broken through I had gotten all Tendou endings, seen 何度も over 10 times so that the text had stopped updating (if you notice it will change the text to update you on how many times Mikiko has seen this ending), and brute force tried every combination of choices until I hit the right one. I didn't try every combo before giving up and going to Tendou so I doubt either of those are the triggers, that being said.
The correct choices from the start of Tsubaki's route are as follows and any deviation will send you to the same end again:


Then you have finally escaped it and the rest of the route is simple(r). This is the only time it fucks with you in this specific way, thankfully.

>> No.47082189

Thanks a lot anon saved my ass!!! I didn't know what I was doing wrong haha. I wish holicworks games had the jump to the choice nitro and pil ones have, but not complaining since I'm also an otomefag, and have to press buttons in some console games repeatedly if I want to skip haha (old enough to have experience with the hairband to the skip button trick haha) Slow skips in long ass games though...torture.
Thanks again!

>> No.47084854

The real life Okosan passed away

>> No.47085998

RIP, she lived a long life

>> No.47088073

Good night sweet princess

>> No.47088475

Wasn't that crazy about the game but I thought Oko-san was super fun. RIP

>> No.47091980


>> No.47091985
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Huh, this isn't what I expected anon.Thank you for sharing it.

>> No.47094181
File: 76 KB, 1200x919, New_wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Need a wizard takara and it'll be perfect

>> No.47094292
File: 11 KB, 340x280, GOjWKSqXoAAmihY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takara is cute CUTE

>> No.47094466

Thoughts on Radiant Tale?

>> No.47097353

How's the ero in the game anon

>> No.47097962

Eh, its nice if you want something cutesy and simple, but I found it kind of boring.

Also some of the stories really have that 'frustrating shoujo manga where the characters don't communicate even remotely like regular people' aspect to them.

>> No.47098332

Do the bad endings of paradise continue in the fd or somewhere? Really curious to know what happened after that Takara ending after Azuma plunged his eyeballs out.

>> No.47100066

In Musubi there are alt POV chapters and some of those are continuations of bad ends (actually maybe just Mitsugi has that) but I don't know if Takara's has what you're looking for since I don't give a fuck about him and didn't read it. I can't imagine there would be a continuation for that end though, what else could it be other than "ah fuck that hurt" and Azuma either escaping or immediately dying upon leaving the white room?

>> No.47100593

Jp anons, how hard are you finding Satsujinki?

>> No.47103444

In what sense?

>> No.47103473

There are 5 jlpt levels
The 6th level is the kanji and words Nakojo uses in her games that has even nips confused.

>> No.47104270

Like hard to read. I think I'm decently good at reading VN now and only get stuck once in a while (read Arcadia with little issue) but with this one I'm finding myself scratching my head at a lot of sentences and all the historical terms.

>> No.47106211 [SPOILER] 
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What's up with the narration in this game? Is there some twist regarding the narrator? Or am I reading it wrong?

>> No.47106221

To elaborate the use of the third person feels odd. Maybe I'm being paranoid since some anon mentioned it being meta

>> No.47106243

I've been reading in JP for a long time and have read some 陰陽師/呪術 stuff before so I don't have any problem with it but there were some words I'd never even seen before. And MC thinks in a very... autistic way. There's a lot of terminology but I think that should get easier when you get used to it.
I feel the same way. Did you get to any bad end yet?

>> No.47107099

Not really a spoiler but I guess don't look if you want to keep it mysterious: The 3rd person narration is normal for the company, I don't think they've made anything in 1st person before. So I'm not sure it's really a meant to have a deep meaning in itself. Spoiler if you haven't seen a few bad ends yet: That being said it's often positioned like Mikiko is the narrator. I don't think her diary is literally supposed to be the same as the text in the game though, since the narration continues the same into the scenes in her 'office'. But third person narration makes sense given that you're peering down in on the world with her, I guess.

>> No.47108593

Never read a Nakajou Rosa work before. I'm guessing her works are the "chuuni" of BL by the writing style then? Sounds pretty cool desu

>> No.47112855

I seem to have gotten past this without having to do the other route first just by trying all the choices I didn't pick before and letting it skip through to the bad end even if it's the same each time. That opens up new choices that weren't there before like the second last in this anon's post and new options on existing choices so I guess you unlock more the more choices you've made so far in the game.

>> No.47112980 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been reading in JP for a long time and have read some 陰陽師/呪術 stuff before so I don't have any problem with it but there were some words I'd never even seen before. And MC thinks in a very... autistic way. There's a lot of terminology but I think that should get easier when you get used to it.

Yeah I'm not really familiar with 陰陽師/呪術 stuff and I tend to get lost on geopolitical words. This seems like Kintouka level of difficulty, definitely not easy as Nie no Machi or Arcadia.

>I feel the same way. Did you get to any bad end yet?
Na, no choices yet. I'm taking it kinda slow, I marathoned Arcadia and kinda regretted it.

>> No.47113127

What makes Kintouka difficult?

>> No.47113146 [DELETED] 

There is a lot of Shinto, Keigo and some old Japanese. The overall language use tends to be "flowery" too.

>> No.47113164

There is a lot of Shinto, Keigo and some old Japanese. The overall prose tends to be "flowery" too.

>> No.47113176

Never considered playing it before but that sounds fun.

>> No.47118388
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>> No.47118713

My brotherhusband

>> No.47120962

My beautiful cute adorable brother-cousin husband. Always so infertile.

>> No.47121575 [SPOILER] 
File: 657 KB, 800x600, poisonchain_PF4xq8PUS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother's smile is precious and deserves protection.

>> No.47121719

>says that
>starts making out 5 minutes later

I love this barely 1,70 cm goblin so much, he's so perfect there'll never be such perfection ever again, never change Majima.

>> No.47121796

i think maji-chan is a little retarded in the head but that's okay, he's a cute crybaby made for love.

>> No.47122028

But thats one of his charms! It's a miracle how he turned out an ikeman not a hills have eyes inbred abomination or hasburg yaoi chinner. He's clever too. A shame that his sperm is useless but I'd take it.

>> No.47122091

I wish Majima was fertile desu even though he would probably not want an incest baby regardless of his sperm

>> No.47122110

Majima being infertile and not wanting kids is based. Too many guys in otome who pressure the protagonist to be a breeding sow.

>> No.47122227

It's a shame for his goblin genes, not passing down but I get >>47122110 anon too. Although I liked how desperate and pathetic Mizuhito was to breed and pass down his genes, based.
If they had only one child it'd be nice, but im sure that child would end up with a relative of theirs kek. It's in their blood after all.

>> No.47122290

majima is too much of a big fat baby to have babies desu.... so I'd rather have him as my baby forever

>> No.47127021

otoutos > oniichans

>> No.47127120
File: 531 KB, 1200x1200, 17454828_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't groom a little boy

>> No.47127474

groom shota neighbors
get groomed by your teacher
a perfect life

>> No.47127925

I want Majima to be my baby brother...

>> No.47128226


>> No.47129524
File: 68 KB, 361x300, Majichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's so cute

>> No.47129987

need tardjima in my life

>> No.47129993

I want to get bullied by a shota

>> No.47130138

I want to touch a shota
