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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 845 KB, 3418x3720, Raiju259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46944970 No.46944970 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE

Watch out for static discharge.

>> No.46944996
File: 315 KB, 879x726, 1701334684680275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for demons!

>> No.46944998

Anubises are good girls. They're well behaved. They wouldn't rape me like a Hellhound would, that's why I feel safer around an Anubis. Isn't that right, Miss Anubis?
...Miss Anubis? Why are you smiling at me like that?

>> No.46945001
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x1187, 1696668422505889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get BUGGED.

>> No.46945005
File: 3.67 MB, 3812x2470, 1635170771350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46945018

deserves rape

>> No.46945020
File: 826 KB, 1705x2761, 1528001004010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... Anon you are playing directly into her fetish...

>> No.46945030

Be greatful it's a cute wan and not your local haku. She's lonely and on the older side, and might not be able to resist correcting you with grammar and other lessons

>> No.46945048
File: 317 KB, 1083x1280, 1624463256664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but what about devil worship and witchcraft tho

>> No.46945052

>devil worship
I would worship them, but then they get too uppity and need correction

>> No.46945064

What's in Hellhound's search history?

>> No.46945078

>trucks: what they are and how to catch them

>> No.46945088
File: 132 KB, 565x600, 1703655818839097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to know

>> No.46945094

Seemingly emotionless wolf maid/guard automaton whose emotional state can only be read through their strangely flexible ears and wagging hologram tail

>> No.46945096

>how to rape cute neighbor
>how to make neighbor fall in love
>how to cook stew
>how to flirt
>how to get into nerd stuff

>> No.46945114

Your fox wife will ask you to grow a beard so that she can enjoy some of that man-mofu herself

>> No.46945125
File: 266 KB, 1452x862, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the ideal hat for a kemonomimi witch?

>> No.46945149

Surely the first one

>> No.46945159

Anubi tongue my anus.

>> No.46945190
File: 3.21 MB, 2550x3886, PNG image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful Anon or you might find yourself in an anubis’s schedule

>> No.46945197
File: 307 KB, 2000x1126, 1624286877701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an inflamed achilles tendon. Bet this shit wouldn't happen if I lived in the sea

>> No.46945207


>> No.46945262
File: 31 KB, 234x167, 1460173107569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*shows up at your doorstep*

>> No.46945269

I still haven't played Baldur's Gate 3

>> No.46945286

Behold! A Tomb Queen with her subject:


Tell me again why Pharaohs are such hot shit again? Why is this so called Tomb Queen just letting a peasant boy do this to her!?

Doesn't matter! You're going to get a Mindflayer Tadpole.

>> No.46945357

So if I want a lizard girl, should I go to the gym and watch as they try to fight over being the one to spot me?
Go to a shooting range and watch them spill their spagetti talking about their favorite gun?

>> No.46945381

>A line of anubi waiting for their appointment to lick my dirty behind
>If one takes more than 1 second too long, there's autistic howling about the schedule

>> No.46945402

next time use a nitter link anon, nitter.poast.org still works

>> No.46945413

What's the difference? Why should I bother using some "image hosting site" that's a Wish.com Photobucket, that may or may not have constant connection issues when I can post the artist's/sauce's original Twitter or Pixiv link?

>> No.46945416

'cause I ain't signing up to twitter just to see one image

>> No.46945493

>Commit crimes in MGC to get sent to jail so you can have sex with rough monster girls
>Instead you are classified as a "victim of the system"
>Get tons of government support and meek helpful monster girls to help you get back into civil society
>End up with a harem of girls that will do anything you say instead of ending up as a cumpump for a manticore
The MGC legal system can be so cruel.

>> No.46945525

What happens if I get caught having a boner that I tried hard to hide while taking the MGC tram because it's hard not have one while being surrounded by beautiful girls in skimpy outfits constantly??

>> No.46945548
File: 234 KB, 1449x2048, 1704956745291335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting caught, the nyankuza have my back and I can launder money in peace.

>> No.46945563
File: 485 KB, 1479x2000, GMogeOWboAAwlZF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Chief God's strongest seraphim. No wonder monster girls are winning.

>> No.46945573

No, that's an uninspired design from a shitty gacha.

>> No.46945628
File: 823 KB, 1032x1400, DragonZombie62b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that awkward moment when the retired Order hero who's just an old grey haired fart runs into the dragon he was famous for once slaying again and she's now a dragon zombie
>that awkward moment when he can only avoid eye contact when she asks THOSE questions
>"So your Valkyrie...?"
>"Left me. Branded me a sodomite..."
>"I tried hitting on her, Chief god got mad..."
>"Mhm. So, the human girl, the childhood sweetheart that you got with after all your heroic deeds...?"
>"Dumped me..."
>"A merchant, because he had more money than me..."
>"Mhm. And you didn't get rewarded even a little by the kingdom you killed me to protect because it was your home, that I was wrecking, because the King's coffers..."
>"W-Were dry from the Order politics..."
>"Ahuh. And my horde, after I first died...?"
>"...w-was repossessed by the King..."
>"And you didn't get...?"
>"A dime of... it..."
>"Mhm! And your heroic deeds are all...?"
>"Mhm. And I attacked the kingdom all those years ago in the former Mamono Lord's age in the first place because...?"
>"The King kept sending men to try stealing the horde and your priceless scales..."
>"MHM! So what you really killed me for in the end was...?"
>"D... Defending yourself..."
>"And now you're just a...?"
>"Lonely... sad... pathetic old man..."
>"And what else?"
>"...h.... A hairless ape...."
>"Yep! And soon you're gonna...?"
>"....D..... Die, of my health problems.... and old age...."
>"Indeed! How cruel a thing fate is, isn't it?"
>Dragon Zombie giggles and smugs all over old hero while he seethes uncontrollably at how much of a loser he is in the end
>he thought killing her just made her a mere lizard but in the end the haughty dragon still won anyway
>no matter what, the dragons always win in the end...

>> No.46945645

How long before she fucks him?

>> No.46945662

Well that's quite frankly a bit mean of her.

>> No.46945688

And all dragons are evil, even the dead one. Poor guy did his job and she gloat about his downfall. I can see why she's still alone

>> No.46945699

Nope, he deserves to die alone like a dog, he attacked a woman.

>> No.46945704

But he was in the wrong. Dragons are peaceful, its humans who antagonize them and cause them to lash out. Humans are always the bad guys, who cry in pain as they hit you.

>> No.46945705

Yes, but I can understand she's cranky meeting the one that killed her.
She was just such a massive tsundere in life that some of it carried onto her undeath.

>> No.46945719

He won't get a good ending, he will die alone, cucked by a merchant, forgotten by all while the dragon can find a nice lovable shota. They're no forgiveness for killers

>> No.46945740

He wasn't, a dragon was threatening his kingdom and he didn't know anything else. He did his job but everyone fuck him over. He was a literal victim of the system unlike the dragon who build a hoard from spoiled goods, slaughter thousand of innocent people to fed upon and never tried to parlement with him while victimizing herself afterward like your average human woman.

>> No.46945756

t. incel

>> No.46945759

And then the guy dies from heartbreak and old age, right in front of the gloating dragon.

>> No.46945769

>She gets the last laugh, literally
>Go find her hubby waiting for her at the Shota Inn
Good end

>> No.46945774

Anyone who sees a majestic creature like a Dragon and their first thought is to kill it for glory or to sell the scales deserves to be alone forever in life or death.

>> No.46945778

Are we getting raid?

>> No.46945781

Fuck humanity.

>> No.46945791

No, they're being retarded as per usual

>> No.46945797

No, anon, a couple of shitposts being tossed around in the middle of dead hours is not a "raid".

>> No.46945800

Don't know seems really spiteful

>> No.46945815

Literally look at the image above the dragon zombie post and you'll be able to tell who it is.

>> No.46945854

>NO you must side with the incel who wants to kill women or you're shitposting

>> No.46945915
File: 389 KB, 2000x1500, Arachne - Hug!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hug your local spooder today.

>> No.46945976

yo no NTR'ing tectone waifu anon

>> No.46946004

Spooder spooky, I hate them

>> No.46946036
File: 1.80 MB, 2506x3328, Arachne - Ara-ara-chne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A spooder has been dispatched to provide exposure therapy.

>> No.46946054
File: 854 KB, 1500x1000, Kejourou23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we getting braid?

>> No.46946067
File: 604 KB, 850x1202, Kejourou8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favourite thing about kej?
Be nice, or you may be afflicted by split ends or early pattern baldness.

>> No.46946089

hey long and beautiful black hair

>> No.46946095

Leave me alone or I set my house on fire

>> No.46946100

She dresses nice.
Imagine being hugged by her.

>> No.46946106

I'm gonna need a very big hammer to squish these spiders.

>> No.46946109

Hahahahah joke on her bald since my 18
To answer, nothing I'm not interested.

>> No.46946157

>when the Anubis has a colonizing fetish and constantly taunts you for being white in the hopes of provoking you into mating pressing her ruthlessly but you just want to be friends and be passive to her

>> No.46946223

>when the Anubis has a colonizing fetish
Go back

>> No.46946227

I'd let a monster colonize my face with her ass.

>> No.46946228


>> No.46946235

You're just an annoying maledomfag or the fr*g, fuck off

>> No.46946245


>> No.46946250

I will single-handedly colonize all the anubi, sphinxes, and pharaohs I see. And maybe even the sandworms too, to pacify the wilderness.

>> No.46946269

what will you do when all the high level monsters have to be housed in YOUR village because the end game castle had to be evacuated for fumigation (mold and other nastiness from neet lifestyles).

>> No.46946288

I put out an ad for free sleeping place, but I get to use her pussy and ass freely whenever I want, underwear is prohibited.

>> No.46946320

>Level 9264 'Scourge of Civilization' Malef
>Level 12 Anon the baker
>Level 7 Anon the butcher
>Level 9665 'The weird warlock' Baphomet
>Level 23 Anon the gate guard
>Level 9999 'Corrupter of life' Lilim

>> No.46946358

In the United States, we have the 3rd Amendment to protect us from having to quarter soldiers. So I would respectfully decline any attempts to get me to do such a thing.
Which, honestly, is probably just gonna be cute bug girls whining at my door about how much they'll "totally respect" my boundaries while drooling at the sight of me.

>> No.46946403

>Be me level 30 anon
>All points dumped into sex drive, obscure trivia, stealth, and video games
>Start in a desert low level town
>See sign for a high level town zone to the north
>Villagers warn me not to go north
>Only devil bugs in town and some level 1 lesser succs
>Go to the north edge of town
>"High Level Area Ahead: Not for low level adventurers!"
>Decide to go north anyway
>Manage to stealth past some salamander gangs
>See another sign
>"EXTREME LEVEL AREA: Sandworms Ahead!"
>"Do not enter unless at least level 12,000
>Strip off all my clothes
>Run straight into the sandworm zone
>Get eaten 4.1 seconds into the sprint
I win again.

>> No.46946430

1 for maximum fancy
2 if you cant get your hands on 1
3 if the hat's magical efficiency would be compromised by the holes and you absolutely need the +INT/MGK

>> No.46946461

all of my stat points are dumped into speed, agility, and a little bit of strength.
good luck catching me, fagsters!
im out to find a nice fox instead of some stinky dragon that couldnt even clean the mushroom spores in her castle.

>> No.46946462

Why didn't anon the gate guard stop them?

>> No.46946479

Why would he stop the baker and the butcher?

>> No.46946488

It's all a conspiracy hatched by the Candlestick Maker!

>> No.46946532

They keep coming indoors and I keep catching them and returning them to their natural habitat

>> No.46946548

How do you stop a level 9999 Lilim?
What is he gonna do, call her stinky to her face?

>> No.46946666

Monsters wouldn't be able to stop Awakened Garou.

>> No.46946801

a sternly worded letter

>> No.46946823

>bullied child that wants to secretly be a hero
Bogey bait.

>> No.46946861

Oh, man, Anon, you better hope none of those spiders monsterize. Think about what you did to every single one of them:
>Put her in your hand, her 8 limbs pressed against yours--holding hands
>Carrying her across the threshold
You basically married each and every one of those spiders, Anon. If they monsterize you'll end up with SO MANY spider wives.

>> No.46946884

I never touched a one! I got them in a cup. Pretty sure I didn't touch them...
Maybe a little on their bums to speed them along...

>> No.46946892

is that what that was?
i dropped this shit years ago

>> No.46946967
File: 533 KB, 760x900, GOlwIaGbsAAJ0PB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46947010

He got bullied and picked on and became hurt so he began thinking the problem was with humans in general so Garou decided he'd become the strongest monster, the Disaster Level: God, so he could become an icon of fear and terrorize everyone, thinking that if the world was constantly living in terror of him then people would no longer think to do things like bully and hurt others so he learned the most OP martial arts moves in the setting and began beating up every hero he could find and eventually got kidnapped by the Monster Association, slaughtered many of them and eventually awakened as a Monster and then got cosmic powers from God. He thought he would finally become the icon of fear but in his Cosmic Fear mode his body was basically polluting the planet with cosmic radiation that would kill all life. Saitama made him realize what he really wanted was to be a hero and protect people from what he experienced after punching so hard he reversed time and one shot him out of his monster form. Now he's just a super chuuni normal human martial artist again.

That's the gist of Garou.

>> No.46947067

completely harmless.

>> No.46947095

Yeah, with her inevitable back problems I believe you.

>> No.46947178

kiki just walked in on me cumming into a sock.

>> No.46947201

>Walk in on Kiki cumming while using that same sock.

>> No.46947231

>I am sorry mastah. I have failed. It would appear ze correction is necessary. Spank me with ze cum sock

>> No.46947250

Kiki grabbing you by the throat and lifting you off your feet easily and saying in a serious, dark tone "I have had enough..."

>> No.46947252
File: 270 KB, 954x342, ran 32185df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46947256

i like when ms kiki judo throws me

>> No.46947319

Kiki but tall enough to sweater entrap you while she cleans.

>> No.46947335

I went by the Shog cafe and tried the signature shogloaf of the Shog running it and I told her I hated it, it tasted awful. She started crying and slithered away into the kitchen and then I went home. That was funny LOL. Why do Shogs think they can feed people literal tasteless slime and they will like it?

>> No.46947374

Kiki but small enough to fit in your pocket and clean out lint before it even has the chance to materialize.

>> No.46947380
File: 2.36 MB, 1323x1871, 97183643_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not sure what sort of expression ms kiki is conveying but there's probably no consequences

>> No.46947413

People always say what men like is a Succubus with blonde hair and a tan but all my boys out there know what we’re really looking for is bug mommies, smooth and cool chitinous insect waifus drawn by the legendary Regu

>> No.46947443

Reminder that any insects, spiders, etc in your home will all become monster girls. Better be careful you don't have any!

>> No.46947464

ms ittan momen lurks in wait

>> No.46947508

I really wish my tablet drivers would fucking behave
I need to redeem myself for this demon

>> No.46947547

BRB ordering 2 dozen Brazilian Wandering Spiders online. The NON-monsterized versions have a venom that'll give you an erection lasting multiple hours.

>> No.46947580

>have ventilation shaft above my front door
>covered in spiderwebs
>left them there on purpose since they effectively filter mosquitos from getting in
They better not fucking monsterize or the only way out of my home that doesnt involve a sheer drop will be blocked

>> No.46947618

>Are we getting rai*pe*d?

>> No.46947630

>and is getting a Wight BJ about 3 minutes later

>> No.46947647

>smooth and cool chitinous insect waifus drawn by the legendary Regu
they snatched him before he could even finish speaking

>> No.46947655

Anon... taking a bite of her shogloaf basically meant you married her. You just told your wife you hated her food which is made from herself, thus meaning you told your wife you hated her.

>> No.46947660
File: 1.59 MB, 3508x2480, 119125130_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46947676

She is NOT my wife. She was selling shogloaf to anyone that entered the shog cafe, anyone could have eaten it. Heck, other monsters and people have probably eaten there before. Does that mean she's married to all of them as well now for consuming her? No. Therefor I am not married to her either. I am NOT a shog husband and NEVER will be.

>> No.46947678

Don't worry, he'll understand in a day or so when he takes a dump
>Lil'Shogg climbing out Anon's ass
>Anon's new Shogg immediately starts taking over the house

>> No.46947705

Anon, the Shog cafe gets taken over by a new Shog each time the last one gets married, you just didn't notice because it's a communal thing among Shogs. Your Shog wife is really disappointed in you, she will correct you hard.

>> No.46947723

Anon v*red his new Loli-waifu Shogglet.

>> No.46947748

NTA, but I think I'd notice if the Shog at that cafe changed. I've been going there for years ever since I had a slice of Shog Cake there. It was the best cake I'd ever had and they NEVER ONCE had it again after that first day. It's driving me nuts.

>> No.46947782

Do Monsters accept your deepest apologies if you happened to accidentally slip and land face first into their cleavage? Let's just say that I uh, I offended a Dragon just now and she's been following me around with this death glare in her eyes....

>> No.46947785

...Which is also said to be painful as all hell, so here's hoping you get yourself bitten.

>> No.46947789

Worth it once they monsterize. MantiBORES eat your hearts out.

>> No.46947812

I only love the dorkiest, nerdiest monster
The chubby class bully magnet gigadork

>> No.46947819

Sith girls forever coping because they swear up and down that the feeling of fur drives men mad meanwhile Regura’s fugbugs have smooth chitin that just makes you want to rub your dick all over it because it’s warm and pliant on their stomachs and inner thighs.

>> No.46947858
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1440, 1690957678840099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, you went and turned the sisters next door into cows. Now what?

>> No.46947893
File: 3.32 MB, 3073x1837, 1651611667022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should call her fat and old. That will help your situation.

>> No.46947911

why did you ask for tasteless slime if you didn't want any, you dingus? you are made of stupid

>> No.46948049

You must kill yourself as an apology or she will skin alive your whole family. You have 3 hours and contacting the police is useless, they will broadcast it as a warning for others

>> No.46948091

turn your other neighbors into cows

>> No.46948115


>> No.46948121

Now I begin my dynasty.

>> No.46948132

Remember; say no to non-con hair braiding!

>> No.46948133

Imagine loving a dragon.
I’m sure everyone here would be flattered and honoured to even be in the presence of such a superior monster, let alone be granted the privilege to nurture and dote on her.
Dragons are truly the best of the best. Go out and love a dragon today.

>> No.46948147

Kill yourself incel

>> No.46948165

Dragonia tickets are too expensive, I'll have to woo my local college student minimum wage minotaur instead

>> No.46948172

dragoncels plz

>> No.46948203

They see us as cattle or food supply. I will stay in no-dragon cities and you can keep your stupid propaganda for yourself

>> No.46948206
File: 85 KB, 251x232, 1693069295095940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine loving a dragon.
>Imagine dragons

>> No.46948246


>> No.46948273
File: 18 KB, 100x100, hag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46948350
File: 121 KB, 726x1199, 1707495460522574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys are going places. Milky places.

>> No.46948404

Dragon boob better than cow boob
Dragon milk better than cow milk
Dragon better than cow
end of.

>> No.46948484

I'd kiss a hellhoind or even a h'orc but I don't think I could ever force myself to kissa dragon

>> No.46948544

Guys, be careful, or you'll unleash the gigacows

>> No.46948569

she's a cutie

>> No.46948576
File: 24 KB, 320x218, Sola nap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.46948583

You need to redeem yourself? How so?
But I hope you get things sorted! Could always use some more cute stuff.

>> No.46948590

good sleep and many veggies will come your way as long as you reply to this greenworm with "sleep snug little bug"

>> No.46948672

She will wake up as a Titania

>> No.46948677

Fuck monster girls.

>> No.46948682

Impossible, she is holding B right now on the inside of her cocoon

>> No.46948748

THE SLEEPER AWAKES (you read this in Anub'Arak's voice)

>> No.46948750

She's holding her lucky everstone plushie in her hands as she sleeps, sorry

>> No.46948795
File: 1.15 MB, 1725x2625, mershark-smile-hook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46948805
File: 407 KB, 1333x1000, 78273a553ee74d57c0510917efe368a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46948810

would mersharks give you sharkteeth necklaces so people know you're claimed by her, or do they save them all for the tooth titania

>> No.46948814

Book the snoot

>> No.46948816

You have caught a shark. You must take responsibility. Also, FYI, nibbling on a shark's fin is said to bring virility in many cultures. You should try it.

>> No.46948827

Drawing hurts my hand, my thumb specifically
I cut a lot of corners just to get it out of the way so my hand could stop hurting
So I need to redeem myself, make more, and be less ambitious

>> No.46948847

Oh hi GWA

>> No.46948857

I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried physical therapy?
Hope it gets better for you
I thought it was wonderfully cute and it remains one of my favorites

>> No.46948878
File: 3.30 MB, 2000x2200, 1525511868534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys claimed your beastgirl wives yet? They're the most numerous monstergirls, aside from insects.

>> No.46948880
File: 58 KB, 1200x1200, greenworm sketch meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong I just wanted to show you this worm

>> No.46948881

Boop these snoot

>> No.46948884

it is a good demon and you dont need to redeem yourself unless you wanna draw more of her in which case ganbatte, anon

>> No.46948894
File: 1.19 MB, 885x1299, Sandworm19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better worms exist.

>> No.46948898

Wasn't that one if the dragonquest games?

>> No.46948931

>not be claimed
are they really beastgirls?

>> No.46948940

I'm fine, its the coloring that made my hand hurt
I guess im just really weak or holding the pen wrong, either way, itll be fine as long as I keep coloring to a minimum

>> No.46948941

Does a green worm ever wonder what happened to red worm?

>> No.46948956
File: 282 KB, 700x740, 1520025420772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the beastgirl.

>> No.46948974

Insinuating that werekats are true beastgirls is an insult to jinkos and hellwans
Domesticated affection sluts is what they are

>> No.46948983
File: 243 KB, 1375x2048, bWVkaWEvRlhtVl9xZldRQUVjTGZNLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's doing alright.

>> No.46948987

I'd only fuck one of these.

>> No.46948992

Are they friends?

>> No.46948996

I know, right?
>And so, as your reward. I have decided to give you the greatest honor you'll ever have in your life; you get to be my male! My mate! Or, my husband as you humans call it!
>Well? Isn't that great!? You get to spend the rest of your life in luxury here in the Cat Kingdom. All of your needs will be looked after.
>And...as I said, you get to be my male...MY male. Which means we can share this bed together anytime we..well, me..want's! And you get the honor of having me bare your children! An honor I would never ever give to some other male.

>> No.46949001
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>implying you can't turn a jinko into a domesticated affection slut

>> No.46949017

Jinkos and hellwans are weak to belly rubs and lose instantly to burgers, which makes them even weaker to bellyrubs
Literally the most hardcountered monsters there is

>> No.46949030
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>> No.46949035

I WILL resist xeno temptation

>> No.46949038

All cats can be domesticated. You just need to know how.

A reward based system works well.
If she tries to claw your face off, eat you, or rape you, you bring out the squirt bottle and spray them in the face. In the event you have a very large cat with high aggression, I recommend a taser for your safety.
If she does something good, you reward her behavior with wet food (preferably meat), head pats, lower back scritches (near the base of the tail), and neck scritches.

Eventually, she'll come to associate you with pleasant things and start to preform good, expected behaviors. And once she does this enough, she's been domesticated.

>> No.46949039

>gene stealers
>my genes are free
What now, inquistor man?

>> No.46949050

This works on dogs, not cunning cats.

>> No.46949063

I accidentally made eye contact with the cashier today, how do I convince Mrs. Hebi I am not having an affair?

>> No.46949066
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>Succubi were once fearsome monsters that spread pain and ruin
Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.46949071

It works on cats. Trust me. I know cats.

>> No.46949081

This already sounds like a big personal achievement.

>> No.46949096

What if... *I* want to be domesticated?

>> No.46949102
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>> No.46949104

Uh ok?

>> No.46949108

>Looking into the eyes of another girl
>Looking at another girl
>Going to places where another girls can be found
>Acknowledging the existence of other girls
That's 4 strikes in 1 day. You're fucked.

>> No.46949123

just because she is weak to belly rubs doesnt mean she wont plant her fat ass on your lap and fall asleep

>> No.46949138

What if I slather her in a thick layer of molasses?

>> No.46949146

She will be very sticky I guess?
Why would you do this?

>> No.46949153

Can AI do anything but shog.

>> No.46949161

lapdog hellhound would either be painful or comfy/warm enough to make me fall asleep using her giant tail as a daki

>> No.46949168


>> No.46949171

I have a tiny apartment. I would only accommodate shortstacks and lolibabas

>> No.46949176
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I would not be able to keep my hands away from a beastgirls ears while cuddling.

>> No.46949179

Those ears are big enough that they resemble wafers more than fluff handles.

>> No.46949184

She will curl around you

>> No.46949213
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>> No.46949219

So it can fail at morgan at home as well.

>> No.46949244
File: 706 KB, 2172x3000, wetcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.t kot with a taming fetish

>> No.46949272

All it takes is scritches and some good curry, really.

>> No.46949286

this kot is cute
would be cuter if she had a collar on and was an official mascot pet of my ship though

>> No.46949327 [DELETED] 
File: 2.31 MB, 3242x4093, 117862031_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morgan at home

>> No.46949351

I picked up the manga fir her but ended up dropping it

>> No.46949354

Am I a bed person?

>> No.46949359

why don't these silly incels and dragoncels get together?
these 2 salty virgins are made for each other

>> No.46949368

Depends, do you have an Ittan-Momen?

>> No.46949372

They'd rather be angry than happy.

>> No.46949374

Absence makes the heart grow stronger

>> No.46949400
File: 2.15 MB, 2500x2192, f5e2559aa576f3c300b0b0a3cf960d3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>C'mon dude, free dragonscale armor and a flying mount. Think of the stat bonuses.

>> No.46949411

How am I supposed to ride her? We're the same size.

>> No.46949428
File: 526 KB, 918x1400, 1573623200701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face in Ice Queen thighs, now.

>> No.46949439

dragons can transform

>> No.46949452

But I'm a baker...

>> No.46949456
File: 548 KB, 1050x870, 1517780583411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transforms into an equally small dragon
Now what?

>> No.46949474

Ooooh! Cuddle with her because she's warm.

>> No.46949477

Dragons invented applying heat to food

>> No.46949480

She grabs onto your back and you fly around like Banjo-Kazooie.

>> No.46949490
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That sounds cute

>> No.46949504 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46949511

Foxes cannot be trusted

>> No.46949514

Why does bogie making stupid puns make me horny for her?

>> No.46949541

A Monster wearing only her panties sits in your lap amd grinds against your crotch. Would you rather it be a Mad Hatter or a Pharaoh?

>> No.46949550

Mad Hatter--royalty is too fancy for me.

>> No.46949552

there is not an Inn populated or run by little boys, you big fat liar.

>> No.46949557

t. dark mage poster

>> No.46949560

If there's no such Inn, maybe there is an Outt?

>> No.46949562

>t. dog girl

>> No.46949563

go away chesh

>> No.46949569
File: 564 KB, 600x900, 1714343270098738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I pick some undead? They tend to have big butts

>> No.46949579

I'm not a fan of either

>> No.46949583

that's ridiculous, and I'm not a dark mage. if there was a building around here full of virginal, virile young boys I would know about it.

>> No.46949585

Pharaohs are undead.

>> No.46949592

Poor Lilims are so milquetoast and sad from all the loneliness that if you found one drinking alone at a MGC bar you could just pick her up and carry her home and she wouldn't even care or resist. They need love correction. You should approach a Lilim today and tell her she has pretty eyes.

>> No.46949595
File: 125 KB, 661x940, p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of monster is this, dumbass?

>> No.46949597

They are unbred

>> No.46949601


>> No.46949602

If you lay eyes on a lilim your going to jizz yourself comatose long before you get the opportunity to 'pick her up and carry her home'

>> No.46949605

Okay fair, but I meant more one of those pale, or ghostly or zombiefied undeads.
When you play Donkey Kong Country 2 and get to the later worlds the enemies are undeads do you fing Pharaoh variants of the peope you killed? No, you find ghosts and skeletons

>> No.46949608

I'm gonna bond with a Lim over drowning our sorrows in booze at the bar together.

>> No.46949613 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46949620

The aura of intense horny is way more the reason none of them can pick up a date, their entourage sees a vulnerable man in their presence and quickly snatches up the weakened prey

>> No.46949623
File: 251 KB, 1075x1075, 40904031_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many such cases

>> No.46949626

Imagine grabbing a lilim and then finding out that she's just a regular succubus with white hair.

>> No.46949631

>Turn your man into a dumb cuddle slut zombie with this one simple trick!

>> No.46949633

I like regular demons more than lilims.

>> No.46949635
File: 672 KB, 3000x2250, F6mtG6RbQAAwaXB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breed elves.

>> No.46949637

Not nearly old enough
Give me the saggiest hag elves, they deserve it more

>> No.46949638

I love both, but blueberries are my first choice. Good boys belong to demons.

>> No.46949643

Well, they are an endangered species...

>> No.46949652

That's not an elf, that's a pixie. You can't fool me that easily.

>> No.46949654
File: 881 KB, 1072x1500, GOqWXnTaEAA_Z9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true

>> No.46949657
File: 963 KB, 1335x1400, 100365028_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster hags at the supermarket wearing only a thong asking you for help to reach the top shelf

>> No.46949679

That’d be an Arch Succubus wouldn’t it?

>> No.46949680

I'm simply terribly weak to blueberries. Their design has everything I could ever ask for.

>> No.46949690
File: 742 KB, 1250x1400, 1607801262094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a loli Pharaoh's noble plump ass in panties that barely qualify as a piece of fabric on your lap.

>> No.46949692


>> No.46949693

That's one horny succ.

>> No.46949738
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>> No.46949748

different beasts just have different methods
>portals open
>instantly dumped into a VERY high class area of MGE
>instantly start going
>"oh woe is me, im just a poor earth male in a classy monster city. whatever shall i do?"
>hear a few laughs, but no monsters even tried to rape you
>a few minutes later a kitsune walks up to you (calling her a mere fox would betray her status)
>everything about her screams class, from the way she dresses, the way her nine tails are positioned, to the fact that her fur is GOLD
>think this is finally it, but you notice she has a wedding ring
>"just what do you think you're doing?"
>"well, since a lot of beast girls are here i thought that they'd pounce and-"
>she starts laughing
>"oh silly boy, that doesnt work here. the women you see all around you dont want a pushover for a man"
>"then what do they want?"
>"someone they can call an equal, no mere sex-doll or someone who wishes to use them. but a true 'other half'. hmmm..."
>she looks you up and down
>"i think you've got what it takes, but someone needs to train you" she flashes her wedding ring "and who better than an expert?"
>the next hour is spent working on your posture.
>"oh thats just perfect! even in your rags i can feel the dignity coming off of you!"
>"well im off th-"
>"no no, not yet. lets go get you some better clothes first. cant have someone that looks like a bum walking around here"
>the two of you start walking along
>the kitsune is grinning from ear to ear
>her only thought is that once she's done, you'll be a perfect husband for her daughter.

>> No.46949749
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>> No.46949765

Something seems off about the nipple placement

>> No.46949778

>horn socks before going to bed
she's a keeper

>> No.46949787
File: 301 KB, 1207x1552, EBNXxEDWkAA1MEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

safety first.

>> No.46949789
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>she's a keeper
Actually, she seems to be a demon.

>> No.46949792

Her daughter moved out several years ago, it's time she stops meddling!

>> No.46949795

But lap-sitting and grinding is distinctive tactics from seductive lewd brats.

>> No.46949798
File: 370 KB, 1200x1156, KOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you

>> No.46949807
File: 762 KB, 926x1319, 1700390119051319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has already shown his distinct lack of culture, no use communicating with him any further.

>> No.46949808

Damn it, Miss Haku! I told you to stop following me!

>> No.46949819

but she just became a neet!
she has to take action before her daughter starts eating tubs of ice cream and becomes an unlovable blimp that cant fit into her black-and-gold dress.

>> No.46949835

Haku-sensei has decided to make a model student out of you. Resistance is futile.

>> No.46949874
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>> No.46949896 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46949904

I have a kunoichi wife. No, you can't see her.

>> No.46949916

Is your kunoichi wife in the room with us right now?

>> No.46949929

Tsurugi sex wife

>> No.46949961
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>> No.46949974

Same here. I have never seen nor heard her but she is just waiting for the best time to introduce herself.

>> No.46950030


>> No.46950040
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>> No.46950062
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>> No.46950092
File: 1.25 MB, 1287x1800, 1667931534278047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that mge mermaids make it so you can survive and breathe underwater with them makes them a significantly more attractive option than in other media.

>> No.46950096

Colorblind anons cant see a difference

>> No.46950195
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>> No.46950201

This milk is a bit salty for me...

>> No.46950211
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>> No.46950212
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>didn't save the colored one

>> No.46950276
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>> No.46950278
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>> No.46950302
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>> No.46950332
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>> No.46950375

NOO!!! The snake isn't supposed to charm you!

>> No.46950385
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>> No.46950399
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>> No.46950439

finally after years of perfectly trustworthy foxes being posted: a fox thats actually not trustworthy.

>> No.46950442

ayo gimme yo wallet an yo essence humie boi

>> No.46950456

>valk gets assigned to some archivist mage
>never leaves the library he works at

>> No.46950465
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>> No.46950474

>Guardian angel found my smut shelf

>> No.46950501

just because he dosent charge headfirst into the monsters lair dosent mean he dosent have enemies... like getting to bed on time, nutrition and exercise. Valk-san will fight these enemies everyday no matter the circumstances. especially the first one, she will stay with him until she is sure he has entered deep sleep. it is her duty, after all.

>> No.46950513

the main character of the last game you played gets replaced with a random monster girl, https://kikasuru.github.io/mge-slotmachine/
if there are multiple MCs, roll multiple monsters.
what changes?
reminder: monsters cant kill or be killed, so keep in mind that a pacifist approach has to be taken using a monster's natural abilities.

>> No.46950520

Isn't that somewhat normal? I remember in Pirates of Caribbean 4 that the religious guy who got kissed by a mermaid went on to swim with her underwater to her people

>> No.46950527

>wisp is now fleet command
We're not making it to hiigara are we bros?

>> No.46950548

>nothing but dusty scroll and shuffling tomes about all day
>suddenly wurm pops up on the grounds
>valk dives at her like an addict desperate for their next hit
>mage tells wurm she's made a wrong turn and points her back to monster territory
>she leaves
>valk utterly seething

>> No.46950561

>getting coiled an exceptionally clingy lamia

>> No.46950570

>Anon running from a lamia
>He manages to get ahead of her and hides
>The lamia stops and looks around for him
>Anon starts to wonder if he'll get away
>Rummaging through her possessions, she reveals and flute and starts playing it
>To Anon's confusion, he feels an inexplicable need to leave his hiding place and start dancing
>Try as he might, he is unable to resist the alluring tune.

>> No.46950605

>dirty neet anubis hands you a bottle of Mt. Doo
>drink it
>bitter and foul taste
>it's not Mt. Doo
>she knows it's not
>horrifying realization hits you
>she doesn't care and gets back to her game

>> No.46950617
File: 807 KB, 900x900, sophie_the_lamia_by_n647_dehklsx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46950619

>someone they can call an equal, no mere sex-doll
Impossibly high standards.

>> No.46950626

>Valkyrie Says I'm Destined to be a Hero but I Just Want to Stay at my Library and Study Arcane Geometries

>> No.46950635

>kiki wife that wakes you up every day by riding you cowgirl style

>> No.46950642
File: 200 KB, 588x622, Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 17-37-37 Mamano Slot Machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hades 2
I don't think giving Mel ice powers changes a lot.
Please don't make this a grandpa-fucking adventure...

>> No.46950679
File: 490 KB, 888x892, blep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But your honor, if you would just pull up his status screen, you will see he has -300% lightning resist. He is taking FOUR TIMES lightning damage. Look at that and tell me he isn't a zapslut trying to get himself raped by a raiju.

>> No.46950686

>Dump charm resist instead of lightning resist
>Insta-lose to a succubi winking at you

>> No.46950694
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>> No.46950723
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>'His kiss resistance was -150%, your honor, I was only giving him what he wanted' constitutes a proper defense in court

>> No.46950724

>few years later
>the valk has become incredibly neurotic and twitchy
>she's constantly huffing like she's enraged
>she doesnt even have her sword on her any more. the first person to tick her off is getting grappled and given a good 'ol fashioned beatdown with her gauntlets
>but neither the mage or valk realize that in that time mamano mana has washed over the library
>this also means that her gauntlets (and sword) have been turned into demon silver
>some order goons break in to "reclaim" the library.
>the front door is completely busted
>the mage looks upset
>meanwhile the valk has a broken grin on her face, the whole order squad knows whats coming
>before they can react she's already lunged forward and knocked out the first person
>as the mage preps some cleaning & repair spells the valk works her way through the group
>a few minutes later and the raid has already been delt with
>there's a pile of free men outside for roaming monsters, the valk has her composure back, and the two are working on cleaning up the mess
>"mage, its come to my realization that we may be... uh... 'corrupted'."
>"i suppose you're right, valk. that is the only reason why we'd be raided by our own soldiers in the first place."
>"what do you think we should do about it?"
>the mage thinks for a moment
>"it doesnt change much. the purpose of this building is the archival of arcane resources. as long as the library and the books within remain in good shape then it matters not if its within monster or order territory. and you are well aware that this library has always remained open to angels, humans, AND monsters. the chief goddess has always encouraged the flow of knowledge between all people."
>the valk frowns
>"yes, but it is also our moral duty to the chief goddess to remain pure. something that cannot be maintained if we let ourselves live within the boundary of demonic energy."
>"maybe so, but the maintenance of the library supersedes that. and would it not be beneficial to our archival efforts if we have direct access to the spells of demons and monsters?"
>the valk sighs
>"yes, it would be. but you know how i feel about being corrupted given that im an angel"
>"this also means you get fights more often thanks to order raids"
>the valk perks up
>"heh, guess we really have gotten to know each other"
>"now, what kind of tea would you like? a nekomata mage left us some catnip tea a few weeks ago and im curious about how it tastes to non-cats."

>> No.46950727

My jacked old man high level cleric/alchemist character gets replaced with a Kunoichi, now what?

>> No.46950745


>> No.46950753

Monsters with beast traits probably love body hair on their husbands

>> No.46950760

>implying she didn't drown him

>> No.46950766
File: 175 KB, 456x366, kej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to visit Zipangu, and go to a hot springs where I can lounge in the water while looking at an open view down from the misty mountains and get served sake by a naked Kejourou loli.

>> No.46950777

goddamn everything is skindentation on this demon, the kind of demon to eat a single forkful of cake and have their wings flutter and face light up in glee. Where can I find one?

>> No.46950789

Get yourself a wife that can do it all
Get yourself a baphomet today!

>> No.46950796 [SPOILER] 
File: 561 KB, 1000x1000, Sandworm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A baphomet can't let me live in her mouth all day, everyday.

-1 baphomet
+1 sandworm

>> No.46950798

>>the front door is completely busted
She can with the power of shrinking spells. You might not enjoy the trip down as much though.

>> No.46950815

I would only take this demon to court to have our marriage officiated.

>> No.46950829

I can't impregnate her tongue like I can a sandworm.

>> No.46950861

I want to watch a sitcom about a Kunoichi trying to steal a man's seed and his Kikimora maid who always manages to outninja the ninja and thwart her attempts while said man remains completely oblivious to all of their shenanigans.

>> No.46950862
File: 733 KB, 3423x2282, rather_not_by_snowdog_zic_dhh57sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46950869
File: 275 KB, 1280x1315, adopt__open__lamia_by_amilao18_dhh84dg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46950878

My hot take is that mamono are better suited for slice of life comedies than porn.

>> No.46950893
File: 54 KB, 245x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hades 2: Kill Grandpa Boogaloo
Absolutely nothing because her sickle and knife already deal backstab damage.

>> No.46950895

>sitcom of two girl living together and both desperately trying to find a man
>but keep ending up in increasingly homoerotic scenarios together

>> No.46950902

And those two girl's names?
Albert Einstein.

>> No.46950909


>> No.46950937
File: 354 KB, 595x842, Kikimora37a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like kikis, but I especially love MY kiki!

>> No.46950942

your the guy commissioning all the glasses Kiki stuff?

>> No.46950945
File: 599 KB, 820x1100, 1528093014809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your kiki is getting the floor all sticky.

>> No.46950961
File: 249 KB, 1280x905, matara__shirohebi__and_oomukade_by_altairlevega_dhhbcgg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46950967

No, I'm too poor to commission stuff.

>> No.46950998

Good. Kiki juice is a good disinfectant.

>> No.46951003

That oomukade is very cute. Oomukades don't always get to just be cute girls.

>> No.46951019

The vtuber isnt.

>> No.46951022


>> No.46951031

Isn't the middle one a vtuber? The cockroach one that KC drew?

>> No.46951037


>> No.46951046

She's cute because KC made her.

>> No.46951049

She's cute because devil bugs are cute.

>> No.46951074

You don't have to commission stuff to love your waifu.

>> No.46951085

... unless she's a danuki.

>> No.46951125

and then?

>> No.46951134

You draw little puff clouds.

>> No.46951154
File: 782 KB, 2120x2940, GLxcXn5agAAsQuP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's quite unfair

>> No.46951161

And to think, she can just carry you around with her hair effortlessly despite being half as tall.

>> No.46951172
File: 531 KB, 1448x2048, youmaen (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46951201
File: 919 KB, 1796x2876, 15413078057244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute bun

>> No.46951241

Then I guess you're SOL. But legitimately speaking people who commission a bunch of art always come off as bugmen with too much money to burn.

>> No.46951308
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>> No.46951326
File: 1.33 MB, 1763x1440, big lady boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46951348
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>> No.46951404

>she can just carry you around with her hair effortlessly despite being half as tall.
Naturally she'd show a remarkable amount of grace and restraint despite being so young, sticking only to elegant, seductive and teasing stuff. Atleast that's the type of girls I imagine Kejourous being, they don't need any more force than a helpless human girl of the same size and age would have when they have such softly harmonic feminine wiles even as lolis.

>> No.46951407
File: 309 KB, 1424x2048, 48215e5b5a2c5f807e7a4da83d35d96d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like elves

>> No.46951463
File: 1.94 MB, 1000x1989, 1525459452339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a knife ear lover, Anon? You a tree humping, leaf wearing, bark eating knife ear lover?

>> No.46951485
File: 935 KB, 1200x1703, GOK5u0JasAApuv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46951491

>Rabbit and Steel
Pretty sure it doesn't matter what I roll, nothing changes

>> No.46951499

Imagine just walking and minding your own business and then suddenly you find an mg falling on you.

>> No.46951513
File: 300 KB, 1441x2047, 1525511415241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oh nooooo shes "fallen"

>> No.46951538
File: 693 KB, 1060x1400, ab062912012e49145dd16d3fd58158c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil' Ocelomeh broke one of your windows playing baseball with her friends too hard using the obsidian clubs as bats, now her parents are forcing her to apologize to you and make amends for causing trouble. What will you make her do?

>> No.46951556

that shit fixes pretty quick with magic so it's not a big deal

>> No.46951569

I immediately send her back to her parents and tell them everything is fine. I'm not falling for this, Ocelomeh are notorious rapists, even the small ones. If I kept the Smolcelomeh in my house long she'd find a way to pin me down and amazon press me until she's pregnant. I don't want to have a bunch of cat children.

>> No.46951603

Be understanding as >>46951556 says. Amends will be made thousands of times over later in the form of brown loli tomboy sex, when this becomes the chance encounter that makes makes her fall in love.

>> No.46951612

Can I choose one of her friends instead?

>> No.46951620

Make her transform into a jaguar so I can rub her belly. I don't want it to be weird with her normal form.

>> No.46951622

>maledom boot camp
Finally something based from these gay ass news paper's

>> No.46951628
File: 1.42 MB, 2480x3508, 68840478_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46951633

Does your monster wife also rub her small butt on your balls?

>> No.46951644

No, she rubs her big butt on them

>> No.46951652

The size of her 2 cheeks differ?

>> No.46951669
File: 1.31 MB, 2700x3800, 119106321_p3_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pollinators are important

>> No.46951672
File: 82 KB, 428x525, smooch a cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46951675

I'd pollen her 'ators.

>> No.46951715

you should do you part in keeping the bee population up

>> No.46951734
File: 156 KB, 600x600, fCYve4Z9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my part

>> No.46951745

I dunno, that doesn't sound very hip.

>> No.46951756
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>> No.46951773
File: 265 KB, 593x732, 1472858464605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hip to fuck bees
don't tell me you're some sort of square anon...?

>> No.46951790
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>> No.46951802
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>> No.46951804

Cute Wurm

>> No.46951821

Are Monster Girl City Data Brokers a bad thing?

>> No.46951832
File: 3.39 MB, 2737x4093, GNlVe9IbkAAMewE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46951856
File: 1.11 MB, 1350x1400, dadba90212099e06f60a773aa97ead34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beaches are not safe and relaxing like they used to be...

>> No.46951860
File: 668 KB, 2000x3556, 1716945978840424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.46951910

Good thing I never leave my house
Can't be raped if you don't go outside

>> No.46951925
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x2000, Oomukade - Let Me In!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd like to think that!

>> No.46951933
File: 1.23 MB, 2667x4096, GOAsxNZaQAEfrdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it keeps happening

>> No.46951943
File: 263 KB, 1500x2000, GOJwOiZbIAAm7Fq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayor unicorn enforced a 1 piece swimsuit policy to reduce beach lewdness (it did not reduce beach lewdness)

>> No.46951950
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>> No.46951997
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>> No.46952003
File: 893 KB, 2894x4093, 1705443343621172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to imagine the smell, but I can't.

>> No.46952016

Lick the piggies.

>> No.46952019
File: 142 KB, 840x1365, GOrnXktWoAAvPIG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exposed thong erotic

>> No.46952027
File: 165 KB, 850x1092, sample_37cf6c8198cfcef14a8f9dd7e77cc6fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fry her bacon if you know what I mean.

>> No.46952029

leave faggot

>> No.46952038

I love horcs and trolls because of their stinky smell, not in spite of it.

>> No.46952042
File: 485 KB, 2100x2000, 1716944767447105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46952043

>insult an alp and call her a faggot and other slurs
>she shuts you up by kissing you on the lips
>goes "What now, gay boy?" after
You wouldn't know how to respond. You'd pussy out and run away.

>> No.46952047

I like big titty Alps, that one is too flat

>> No.46952056

Alp naizuri

>> No.46952088

Stay, straight man.
Alps are female, closet homo

>> No.46952134
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>> No.46952136

Yea another raid

>> No.46952138
File: 383 KB, 1280x720, bOjulGo5xKcRhnDl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46952158

These monster girls keep saying that I'm a hero for some reason, but I've never done anything heroic!

>> No.46952162

>sees literally even a single post of something he doesn't like
I can't imagine what life is like for colossal bitches like you

>> No.46952184

There is nothing stopping a massive Hellhound from putting her whole claw around your head and forcing you onto your knees before shoving your face into her bare sex.

>> No.46952185

bad dog

>> No.46952188

>There is nothing stopping a massive Hellhound
Just say "Please don't do that" and she will stop, it's the rules

>> No.46952196

Considering a good chunk of this afternoon was Gacha, I'd be pretty suspicious as well.

>> No.46952221

only my over-eagerness resulting in ironic denial instead of gratification

>> No.46952234
File: 322 KB, 689x523, 1700410431207224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need fox

>> No.46952238
File: 505 KB, 540x960, GOL5RGrboAAhIiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy responsibly

>> No.46952243

I like gentlehounds more than roughhounds...

>> No.46952246

Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, May Dusa, who is she? What are her plans? And why does she like sculpture gardens?

>> No.46952262
File: 3.95 MB, 2894x4093, 1636347329678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Foxes are to be enjoyed incredibly irresponsibly.
Don't let "The Man" (Center for Fox Population Control) keep you down, have as many kits as you want!

>> No.46952293
File: 106 KB, 617x1080, 1635666024701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes are very irresponsible, they can't stop having babies.

>> No.46952322

I need a medic!

>> No.46952323

>my Griffon rapist feeling a bit sad that she can't seem to get pregnant no matter how times she rapes me
>she doesn't know I've been slipping powerful contraceptive pills I buy from the Order black market into the food she makes me fix for her to prevent her getting gravid
She must never find out. I can barely take the fact she already bosses me around all the time normally and treats me like a sex slave, I can't handle a bunch of children I'll have to take care of either.

>> No.46952327
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>> No.46952329
File: 916 KB, 1200x1293, 119147100_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46952336
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>> No.46952366

i could fix her

>> No.46952373
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>> No.46952376

Quite literally impossible.

>> No.46952395

>just hangs out on your lawn all day
>staring at you with that face
Wonder what she's thinking

>> No.46952531

World Wide Wurm

>> No.46952561
File: 216 KB, 1488x2105, 1689003418238023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Due to a mix-up in the paperwork shotanon gets sent to the sabbath scouts meeting instead of the boy scouts
>Comes home with three wives his size but far older than him

>> No.46952568

War crimes

>> No.46952576

>he doesnt know they are his wives now
>thinks they are best friends
>baphos want to both gobble him up and protect his purity at the same time

>> No.46952579

If I killed a Monster by accident and felt so ashamed and guilty but cowardly that I was unable to face her and instead fled like a coward thinking she'd hate me when a Lich resurrected her, would she seek vengeance?

>> No.46952590

Wrong, you just want the easy way around. One can be a warlord in MGE going toe-to-toe with high level mamonos IF you play by their rules : no killing, use demon silver, mamono and man love is allowed... The Myst continent have a great example of a human ruled land where mamonos can live as citizens. Many called few chosen
>Fr*g, fuck off/kys...
Yes, go fuck yourself in advance

>> No.46952592

Imagine how difficult must be being a teacher for the girl scouts, specially when some of the girls are at least a thousand years old

>> No.46952593
File: 707 KB, 1125x1179, 5F3C076D-C88B-4ABA-AC64-9B15B20F0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember anons, you need to be with a good paladin girl. She will make sure you wont fall to any monster while you both adventure together in the demon realm.

>> No.46952595

I just found out demons aren't blueberry flavor and my day is ruined

>> No.46952602

Fuck off

>> No.46952603

You’ll have to go to an alurane for that one anon.

>> No.46952612

I’m sorry anon, you will have a fun adventure with your new paladin gf. Though, how long she stays a paladin is a real mystery.

>> No.46952614
File: 2.81 MB, 2000x2462, 86967116_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Alps with a decent chest, hot proportions, maybe dark skin and I hope it had a massive dick before because I like tails huge and thick on my girls

>> No.46952616

She'd seek vengeance on you not making amends marrying her and get it by breaking your pelvis when she found you. Why make it hard on yourself? Just submit.

>> No.46952623

I wonder if procuring a safe pregnancy for your girls is part of your duties. Imagine handing out the corresponding medals for number of pregnancies, twins, triplets and condecorations like that.

>> No.46952624

If we go by mge logic, you didn’t actually kill her. It maybe put her in a coma and now she’s awake and coming to hunt you down. Depending on how you react likely end up her husband as a way to repay her.

>> No.46952629
File: 3.33 MB, 1540x1327, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like foxes, don't you, Anon?

>> No.46952641
File: 2.18 MB, 2125x2248, 1695704673101638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love foxes

>> No.46952654
File: 2.82 MB, 2500x2500, 1635753842136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am weak to foxes

>> No.46952657

Not first in the ok list but the list only have 11-12 entries so yes

>> No.46952692


>> No.46952707

M-my mom said not to talk to fluffers.

>> No.46952711
File: 168 KB, 567x639, 1711530538971471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love kunoichis so damn much. They are the best. I love their attitude, their cute pointy ears and cute tails and face masks and the color of their clothes and everything. I could spend hours fawning over a kunoichi, which would probably annoy her to no end, but I just can't help myself, I

>> No.46952716

When a fox gets this evil and smug expression on her face my first instinct is to grope her big, round tits. I don't know why.

>> No.46952809

They wear masks over their mouths to cover their absurdly large buck teeth

>> No.46952827

Go to a pig farm and you'll get an idea.

>> No.46952829

What would you do if a couple of Monsters were being really sexist to you and calling you things like "manswine" and talking about how inferior males are to females and that they belong in cages because they're just pets?

>> No.46952832
File: 225 KB, 1200x924, Orc35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like those p'orcs need rape correction.
I'll go from "manswine" to a demigod overnight.

>> No.46952836

Go find nicer monsters to hang out with
Like cows or cats

>> No.46952856

The biggest question for any monster childhood friend is when they take their husband's virginity

>> No.46952860
File: 175 KB, 900x1200, Orc28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.

>> No.46952862

Cupids can't make me stop hating women.

>> No.46952866

They can make you stop hating 1 woman.

>> No.46952869

There is that. Even our hearts are interchangeable!

>> No.46952877

Leave them for better mamonos, use a raging mushroom to fuck some senses in their smooth brains... Possibility are endless but being a jaded cunt, male or female is dumb

>> No.46952897

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.46952913

monster childhood friends need to act fast to secure anon
the hags are thirsty...

>> No.46952938
File: 64 KB, 930x665, Kikimora111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wake up, sweetie."
>"It's time for your daily tongue bath!"

>> No.46952944

kill yourself, you inbred nigger

>> No.46952948

This but you say that to kiki

>> No.46952963

No. You come kill me.

Now that's depraved. It's the meido that should be giving you the bath, not the other way around!
I like it.

>> No.46953061
File: 276 KB, 1200x1694, 3e3a75ad84c690e49284ad6cb2a54e5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her smug grin instantly disappears and an awkward confused look takes irs place
>she spent the last few months plotting her slow-burn love conquest and anon just fucking fondles her tits on their first meeting like a horny animal
>"ummm ahh human what are you doi- aaaah"

>> No.46953147

Agree with them

>> No.46953177

>Fashionable kikis

>> No.46953285
File: 2.18 MB, 3000x4000, 0ABE3278-F4E8-4A84-B491-19D19E0F3B27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How extreme is the change in a holst’s breast size when she’s full or empty of milk? I.E.
>B(empty) > F(full)
>C(empty) > D(full)

>> No.46953333

>danuki convincing you to pay her so that she takes you as a slave

>> No.46953484
File: 1.39 MB, 2894x4093, 1646068351712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere out there a ferocious predator is seeking chocolate and headpats
Are you a bad enough dude to provide them?

>> No.46953498

>she puts her girl juice in the sweets she bakes you

>> No.46953615


>> No.46953628

Alpine chocolate...

>> No.46953799
File: 473 KB, 2000x2600, Ochimusha59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ded hours.

>> No.46953857

As it stands, we exist in a dying world

>> No.46954013
File: 723 KB, 1244x1400, 117229334_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex hours.

>> No.46954310

Personally I prefer a large buff Ochimusha.

>> No.46954325
File: 127 KB, 1024x1164, 1621436994255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret origins of the mofucore?

>> No.46954444
File: 269 KB, 1200x1600, GN3M3GgagAA28mN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46954531

i would prefer ochimusha beetle

>> No.46954616
File: 817 KB, 1024x1701, onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may be green. She may be mean. But that doesn't mean she doesn't hurt all ogre when you're away from her.

>> No.46954618
File: 209 KB, 1522x1938, GNyHWzzagAAOmB_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just enjoy a girl with big, muscular arms to keep them safe and hold them.
Not me though.

>> No.46954701

In 5 days, 17 hours, 43 minutes, and 9 seconds: monster girl tongue will be in your mouth.

Be ready!

>> No.46954732

Don't get my hopes up

>> No.46954741

I'll probably still be in bed at that time.

>> No.46954748

Only if it's like sandpaper.

>> No.46954759

Easy rape bait

>> No.46954763

i knew i shouldn't have watched that eros vhs

>> No.46954775
File: 257 KB, 998x900, hatter butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatter wight butt sandwich.

>> No.46954782
File: 227 KB, 570x700, 77952258_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the queen falls in love with her knight

>the CEO falls in love with her employee

Explain this, Monster Girl City residents.

>> No.46954811

It should be the king who falls in love with his female knight.

>> No.46954878

>...It can't be that easy, can it? No way he just instantly lost to my tits.
>...It really is that easy.

>> No.46955025
File: 29 KB, 311x400, CheshireCat19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sandpaper tongue

>> No.46955159
File: 670 KB, 816x1303, Alice62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you cream an alice's face

>> No.46955171

Both are good

>> No.46955229

lmao big ass head.
big big huge ass chesh head.

>> No.46955233
File: 207 KB, 1463x2048, C4397BED-2934-4B65-A57F-6EC659B45EB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to help your monster wife relax while she works. I’m sure she will enjoy a nice massage.

>> No.46955236

jinko pawpads

>> No.46955259

how lewd

>> No.46955261

Would you eat Druella's fried chicken?

>> No.46955277

>You wouldn't know how to respond.
Say "no homo"
Kiss her back

>> No.46955281

and here i thought DFC would be a sabbath enterprise

>> No.46955302

No, this is just Druella, some chicken and a frying pan.
Dry chicken.

>> No.46955345

It comes highly recommended for all married office working mgs. Bring your husband to work day is always a very popular day. Though the singles do get a bit jealous

>> No.46955347


>> No.46955353

need chubby demon to take on a county fair trip and enjoy strange fair foods with

>> No.46955362


>> No.46955393

I'm gonna be a bratty young prince who is super rich and constantly look down upon the more meek and less fortunate, be they human or monster alike, and I'm gonna pick on them a lot. I'm gonna provoke working class scum into trying to attack me just so me and the fellow shithead nobles and yes men I surround myself with can laugh and watch as our army of bodyguards beat them into the dirt for our amusement. I'm gonna pay to have beggars and their hovels cleared away to make room for more gentrification and higher class flats and businesses by striking deals with fellow greedy tycoons. I'm gonna hit on all the women I want and act like a total tomcat, a free spirited one who won't settle down and marry, one that's as lecherous and infidel as he likes. Everyone is gonna hate me.

Nobody will ever correct me.

>> No.46955413
File: 2.01 MB, 2159x1100, 1658166659198953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mail harpy has arrived! She delivers a letter for you and flies off. You open the envelope and a shitload of glitter explodes out, covering half the room- you, your computer, even your precious pez dispenser collection. You look at the actual letter and see only 'Courtesy of Druella <3' written in obnoxious purple ink.
What do you do?

>> No.46955440

correct the Rata that who likely just snapped a picture of me and re-double my Lim slandering efforts.

>> No.46955452

What happens if you huff a pair of lim panties?

>> No.46955490

monsters should not be an afterthought of your post
it's taken years, please learn

>> No.46955491

I go to aunt Tedna's cabin and ask for help with the letter we send back...

>> No.46955527

And so it was up to princess sith to rape correct him.

>> No.46955534
File: 95 KB, 727x1011, cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The adoption papers have already been signed, anon.

>> No.46955538

Where did you manage to get them?

>> No.46955561

Kiki tossed them out of the DL castle window for being a biohazard.

>> No.46955575

If Miss Lim doesn't get a date by the end of the month, she WILL kill herself.

>> No.46955582

She’s been saying this for the past 628 years anon. She’s not getting a date and we all know it.

>> No.46955587

zombielim or wisplim?

>> No.46955629

>Go for a walk in the Makai
>Het hit in the face with lim panties

>> No.46955638

lim panties can't be that bad.

>> No.46955668

I am a deacon, I am a holy man. Miss Demon is NOT allowed to touch me. It is the rules.

>> No.46955718

Alright, FINE! I'll do anal with chesh ONCE so she can stop harassing me! It's not like it makes us husband and wife or anything.

>> No.46955731

It's just a fling if you use the backdoor. It's what the demon lord intended.

>> No.46955740

>t. Pyrow

>> No.46955755
File: 150 KB, 1000x750, GHbi0Q6bwAACcwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i legally evict monsters that have snuck into my house and refuse to leave?

>> No.46955760

I stole cheshs butt virginity and im not gonna give it back

>> No.46955764

Everything's a fling with pyrow, except it somehow ends up happening again and again and only with her and no one else

>> No.46955766

Pyrow is the communist girl. No private property when it comes to her.

>> No.46955797

I NEED pictures of fairys

>> No.46955826
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>> No.46955849
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>> No.46955848
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>> No.46955853
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>> No.46955861

crab is such a nigger, half of his designs are a complete failure

>> No.46955899
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>> No.46955907
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>> No.46955926

He tries his best.

>> No.46955957
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Dancing before the Pharaoh.

>> No.46955966

They are ALMOST great. Like how spider girls are poorly integrated and look like women sitting on spider chairs or that bee having abdomen connected too high and it looks weird. Overall it's fine, but one detail always fucks everything up.

>> No.46955968

If Monsters don't allow me to work, then how am I supposed to gain any accomplishments to my name?

>> No.46955981

you gain achievements through how many daughters you sire
you gotta beat bill next door who has 4 daughters

>> No.46955988
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>> No.46955989

>cosplay-tier gachaslop

>> No.46956008

I don't want to be a househusband but work is making me feel really bad recently, my hand feels too light and I can't focus my gaze. Maybe having a workshop with your wife is the best two world

>> No.46956015
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>> No.46956017

Man's natural state is to be a wageslave, his only measure of worth is the amount of hours he spends working for someone else for minimal wage that he later spends on healthcare, to take this from him is to deny him his entire purpose, completely unnatural.

>> No.46956020
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>> No.46956028

Danuki hands typed this post.

>> No.46956038
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>> No.46956046

This, men have a low natural value unlike women, we are made to be spent like cogs that's why having mamonos who love us is so weird

>> No.46956057

There is no point to life.

>> No.46956067

Demonstrably false.

>> No.46956068
File: 104 KB, 922x853, 1711258028364987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is like pizza cutter - all edge and no point.

>> No.46956071

A mans natural state is in his wifes sweater

>> No.46956076
File: 233 KB, 1793x1080, too many mouths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does manticore smell like?

>> No.46956081

Wrong, the sole purpose would be transmitting genes, which we are all failing if we are here

>> No.46956082
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>> No.46956089

strawberries and cinnamon

>> No.46956092

Semen dripping out of the tail and just a hint of blood.

>> No.46956093

Imagine a mix of human female BO, a tinge of blood, and a greasy, unwashed house cat. That's assuming the manticore is wild and/or unwashed. Otherwise, she smells like whatever soap and shampoo she likes with a tinge of blood mixed in from her most recent kill (they're hunters that prefer fresh meat after all).

>> No.46956100

Dread and rotten carrion

>> No.46956110

I have a manticore car air freshener and it makes my car smell like pepperoni

>> No.46956112
File: 1.63 MB, 3333x5000, succ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46956122

Why is bogie wearing a mask, what's the point? It bothers me to no end.

>> No.46956133

Because no one cared who she was until she put on the mask.

>> No.46956138

I cast rain of jubs

>> No.46956140

>car air freshener
Now I imagined
>standing in a queue behind a manticore with her tail raised up
>you take a sniff and go ewww because it's still pussy
>put a car freshener pine tree on it as if it was a car's rear mirror
>the manticore is too confused to understand what the fuck did just happen and only keeps staring at her tail

>> No.46956145

Why don't you just go up to the musky, sweaty manticore with a dripping tailpussy doing squats at the gym and ask?

>> No.46956148

Being a really big girl comes with the territory of being an ogre.

>> No.46956156
File: 172 KB, 1023x1313, 1633792152682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are taking a walk in the woods, alone. Would you rather run into
A) A woman
B) A Bear

>> No.46956157

His designs are not the problem

>> No.46956160

Can we not?

>> No.46956174

How does a Monster deal with a human that has hypersomnia? He's just like a Dormouse, he can't seem to stay awake very long at all and has no energy, he constantly falls asleep in the middle of conversations and work.

>> No.46956175

Making a manticore go 'kyaa' by spraying cold deodorant onto her tail.

>> No.46956180

The joke is that she's both so whatever you choose, you get her.

>> No.46956204
File: 2.04 MB, 1400x1700, 1710982671679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the bear is brown, lie down.
If the bear is black, fight back.
If the bear is white, say goodnight.

>> No.46956208

that sounds more like narcolepsy

>> No.46956215

Bear and Holst
Bear and Holst Bear and Holst Bear and Holst

>> No.46956216


>> No.46956221

I give the polar bear a bottle of coca cola.

>> No.46956225

>1 hour lecture about all the deep philosophical implications of choosing BEAR or HOLST
it's not that deep damn it

>> No.46956264


>> No.46956272

Completely uninteresting like everything else.

>> No.46956284

keklpie more like

>> No.46956292

i prefer bicorn in full scuba gear

>> No.46956300
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>> No.46956308

I prefer corn.

>> No.46956311

In case of emergency, your flow kelp can be used a flotation device.

>> No.46956313

Tends to be when every single girl and their entry is the exact same.

>> No.46956337

the creature from the black lagoon...

>> No.46956386

Uh-oh. Someone is going to have a meltdown again soon.

>> No.46956398


>"I challenge you to battle, Anon!"
>"The winner fucks the loser."

>> No.46956401

I seem to have grown quite fond of pyrows. I'm not sure how, why or when that happened, but now I realize that I love pyrows, maybe always did. Adorable little critters, I would grab one by the horns and kiss her before she can call me nerd.

>> No.46956522

>I would grab one by the horns and kiss her before she can call me nerd.
She’d be both delighted you kissed her but also slightly disappointed you didn’t cram your dick down her throat

>> No.46956545

Don't kiss the gyaru

>> No.46956557

It's kiss or be kissed.

>> No.46956565

There's an order to these things. First you kiss her, then you impregnate her throat, then you tell her you love her. Or don't do the last part for a while, it is a pyrow.

>> No.46956601
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>> No.46956605

Your hags aren't old enough

>> No.46956670

You should wear a helmet or mask to protect from that

>> No.46956709

Y'know, I'm starting to think that practice sex I had with my best pal pyrow wasn't for practice. And I think the same applies to our practice wedding and practice children.

>> No.46956769

>No one cared who I was before I put on the mask

>> No.46956783

Why not, she tastes of caramel and soda

>> No.46956791
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Don't leave your ears unguarded in elvish lands!

>> No.46956803

You'll be fine. Male elves exist in MGE.

>> No.46956814

But are they cute?

>> No.46956816
File: 2.24 MB, 2000x2300, GOwk5uOaMAAyP-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46956820

They are if you're a fag.

But, they'll protect you from the slutty females.

>> No.46956824

>Or don't do the last part for a while, it is a pyrow.
>tell pyrow you love her
>she responds with smug "I know"

>> No.46956856

>I love you too... Bro! Haha...

>> No.46956860

Love those pics, any sauce?

>> No.46956868

The perfect sentence for defeating any monster and for driving cupid to drink

>> No.46956879

Gyarus, and pyrows in particular, were made to be kissed, loved and cherished like the wonders of the universe that they are.

>> No.46956933

That's ridiculous. I can't be adopted, I'm a twenty year old man and above the age of majority. There must have been some mistake.

>> No.46956939
File: 1.65 MB, 1440x1920, 1688170695295713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Valkyrie imbibes demonic catnip tea
>Begins to act like a cat
>Lounges on the archivist's desk when she feels he isn't paying enough attention to her
>Knocks over his ink with her wing tip and pretends she didn't do it
>Calms down and becomes satisfied when he scratches her wings
>Is mortified after but still drinks that tea occasionally

>> No.46956946

This gave me the idea for an MGEifyed Lovecraft-themed story about a young researcher and his assigned valkyrie investigation esoteric eldritch cults

>> No.46956961
File: 2.79 MB, 2492x1632, 1706043035473893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no overly possessive card-carrying soviety party member demon wife

>> No.46956970

>spraying febreeze directly into the pussy
you're going to get (justifiably) murdered

>> No.46956977
File: 3.14 MB, 1663x1884, e01d81863014b0e07ff2d4e5a1136b81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big snuggles and mamanomana at bedtime will put him right to sleep

>> No.46956978

>and above the age of majority
And now you're a protected minority

>> No.46956981

>I told a jinko to use tiger balm on her pussy and now she's chased me after three continents!?
These doujin titles just get weirder and weirder

>> No.46957025

I accept my fate.
At least I won't be raped to death by someone with a smelly pussy.

>> No.46957024

Bottom is what MGs with blue eyes are like when they wait for you to compliment them.

>> No.46957078
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Cute follow up

>> No.46957101

What do you mean? Ms. Nurarihyon was always there.

>> No.46957107

Swarthoids seeing blue eyes activates their genetic memories of being run over by chariots

>> No.46957113

I will mummify myself sitting in the lotus position at the top of a frozen mountain in the far east. I won't die but I won't exactly be alive either. If any monster comes across my enlightened, shriveled up but preserved form they will not disturb me.

>> No.46957123
File: 1.82 MB, 3256x2137, 1526449849152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations on samsara, anon. hope no gandharva comes along and tempts you with worldly desires

>> No.46957154

Miss Yeti will sigh when she finds you and go "Not another one..."

>> No.46957159

It's the yak milk for him.

>> No.46957208

It's unfair that Indians get the best bird.

>> No.46957229

Childhood friend pyrow means the game was over before it even began.

>> No.46957235

They pay for it with 52 degrees celsius temps

>> No.46957250

>monster hag thinks she has her prey cornered
>a pretty teenage boy with messy black hair and eyes
>she tells him she's going to feast on him tonight, but he says it's not likely, because he will defeat her
>promises he will stop her here and now
>she cockily goes "Oh yeah? You and what army?"
>he reminds her that for every monster, there's ten humans, and that humans always win when they team up against monsters
>he whistles
>hag startled when a blond, blue eyed older boy shows up to her left, the foreign exchange student
>to her right, the teen's gyaruo bro from school up with a shit eating grin
>behind her, the nerd kid with the glasses that keep making flashes of light every time he pushes them up appears
>teen suddenly gets flanked by his other other friends, the two twins that wear matching white blazers
>also, a delinquent boy with a large pompadour shows up holding a bat
>teen tells the hag that her reign of terror ends here, and that young boys will not be prey for her ever again
>swears that they'll make a stand now, and that young boys will fight for their freedom against the hag menace in an inspiring speech
>hag feels a cold sweat on the back of her neck and shrinks in fear
Don't mess humans, hags, we always have each other's backs.

>> No.46957256

what purpose does this post serve

>> No.46957263

Hag then calls for all her sisters and they rape every boy into submission easily, the end.

>> No.46957280
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Very kind of that sweet boy to offer up every one of his friends to hag pussy. He must know they're going through a drought of corruptible young men.

>> No.46957287
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>> No.46957294

I wanna smack the tits, I bet they ripple and sway a lot

>> No.46957295

Hags do not always win.

>> No.46957321

>hag whistles and calls her allies
>a big dark hellhound hag grabs the blond boy
>danuki hag pulls the gyaruo away into the dark with her tail
>nerd kid gets grabbed by pyrow hag
>demon and devil hags descend upon the twins
>haku hag pulls the delinquent away by his ear
You cannot avoid getting hagged.

>> No.46957322

>Kunoichi exclusively wears a cowprint version of her village's standard outfit
>She refuses to answer any questions about it
>She's not even that busty

>> No.46957324

Do not anal the pyrow, she's gonna say something like
>M-m-m, that was bussin' for real, bro...
and make you feel awkward

>> No.46957331
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Universal laws of smug say that the smug ones get corrected in the end, and that young man is looking awfully smug right now.

>> No.46957340

Hag fox...
So, a hox?

>> No.46957345


>> No.46957356

hebi hags...

>> No.46957362
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Young foxes are cuter. They're so self conscious.

>> No.46957375
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1600, GHgxKcdbIAAmb2J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that we all should be so fortunate

>> No.46957384

Why can't hags date real men? Boys can't give them a good time, they couldn't show them older ladies genuine romance, boys just want to be pampered and lazy. A real man like me could show them a much better time but they never pay me any attention....

>> No.46957390

i dont want cute, i want evil, i want big evil chompers, i want a monster that looks like it could kill me without even lifting a finger.

>> No.46957392
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I do. I'll take all the cute foxes then.

>> No.46957393
File: 866 KB, 1240x1754, 1655185788979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get hagged, everyone wins.

>> No.46957403

>A real man like me
Meaning to say out of shape, in his 30s/40s, probably with an ugly beard too.
You will die alone being jealous of younger, more handsome males.

>> No.46957404
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>> No.46957412

Younger men hate women altogether lmao

>> No.46957416

you know there aren't any real women we're competing for on here, right. these're just pictures

>> No.46957428
File: 141 KB, 821x479, 1608829897943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't hate women. some of my best friends are women

>> No.46957440


>> No.46957442

My condolences.

>> No.46957460
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>> No.46957501

I wish we had less of these weird self loathing posts

>> No.46957504
File: 220 KB, 1168x1200, 1681398248214128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've forgotten homework for the last time, Anon.

>> No.46957506
File: 555 KB, 720x671, 126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the more handsome males in the room with us

>> No.46957508

How many beers do I need to arrange into a pentagram to summon the frat demon?

>> No.46957521
File: 2.49 MB, 4961x7016, 1694686330728261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interrogating a captured kunoichi your wife through mating press until she squeals

>> No.46957522

but I finished university ten years ago

>> No.46957525
File: 537 KB, 2048x2048, GNFFR_dWQAAYYCw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all depends of type, brand and the shape of the beer containers. if you get these wrong it can summon another kind of alcohol loving monster instead.

>> No.46957529

sixty nine, dude

>> No.46957535

But this time my dog ate it...

Those are much larger than a D.

>> No.46957539

Will cheap, watered-down beer work to summon her?
I'm going with Boobweiser.
Wish me luck.

>> No.46957551

>Attempt to summon Frat Demon
>Get Brat(wurst) Fox instead
Well, it could've been worse.

>> No.46957556
File: 670 KB, 1173x767, hakfi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mercy, please! one more extension is all I need, the essay is almost finished

>> No.46957564

>Will cheap, watered-down beer work to summon her?
>I'm going with Boobweiser.
this will work. remember to pour it into those red cups in the circle.

>> No.46957574

Dropping in a ping pong ball or two is also a good Idea.

>> No.46957578

D by monster standards is just female Bleach character sized

>> No.46957599

You can't handle the endless party that's going to bring

>> No.46957620
File: 59 KB, 350x350, 1704143476367591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summoned the alcoholic forever alone dean-mon instead
>At least your new wife has tenure and your future daughters will be on a fast track to a degree

>> No.46957626

>That one's sisters actually tease her for being small
I swear they must have some devil bug blood if they're able to squeeze through any gap narrower than an open door. Fucking ninjas.

>> No.46957635

Is there anything more cucked than having a daughter?

>> No.46957640

>Kunoichi wife insists that you roleplay whenever you have sex

>> No.46957645

That path leads to hearing about Delta house's antics and pranks om campus

>> No.46957680
File: 476 KB, 1404x1000, GCr16TWaAAAruJ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do Ryu endlessly bitch about being "superior" like western dragons do? im going to Zipangu soon and would like to take one home to finally shut up all those arrogant flying lizards.

>> No.46957687

Of course not. Arrogance would be unbecoming of a goddess.

>> No.46957705

Homework is for nerds.

>> No.46957707
File: 57 KB, 680x596, 1587346316389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a son for at least 18 years solely so he can go and ravage another woman. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - singing him lullabies, taking him to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet to grow up big and strong, educating him, playing with him, giving him loving hugs. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the women that will eventually be fucked in every hole by him.
Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random woman who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. She gets to ride his thick cock every night. She gets the benefits of his strong but sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.
As a woman who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for another woman to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuckquean. Think about it logically.

>> No.46957715

good! i swear if i hear another dragons 5 minute long monologue at my very first acknowledgement of their existence il go insane.

>> No.46957720

I love listening to my dragon wife's long monologues.

>> No.46957749

Laugh at her homework request and tell Ms.Haku I have an extension.
>she kneels down to examine it more closely...

>> No.46957764

Ms.Hake revises my submission date.
>there will be a Date, and then I will submit

>> No.46957770

Haku is a dork!

>> No.46957775
File: 291 KB, 1258x1920, tumblr_168784e0fdc761321d053bb8da8b5a67_2b43b2f8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the best parts of being married to a dragon. Staring up at her dreamily while she tirades.

>> No.46957778

Where's the image from?

>> No.46957779

>do Ryu endlessly bitch about being "superior"
Only if you set them off by calling them a "water wurm" or "rain noodle"

>> No.46957782

wurm is the only monster who

>> No.46957787


>> No.46957788

is "leviathan-class lifeform" okay?

>> No.46957789

The male version of rambling to your wife about obscure sci-fi/fantasy media lore or schizo conspiracy theories while she has no idea what you're talking about but just enjoys being with you

>> No.46957796
File: 73 KB, 358x1050, squash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46957799

>ryu coiled up with her husband and sleeping in their love nest
>yawns, uncoils, and starts to slither out bed to get a glass of water
>hubbie clings to her in his sleep, smushing his face into her scales
>mutters 'no... don't go... rain noodle...'

>> No.46957803
File: 680 KB, 620x877, 1706592766237718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wurm, therefore I am (wurm).

>> No.46957804
File: 544 KB, 2603x2188, 1625719885196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanners show you are entering an ecological dead zone

>> No.46957808
File: 99 KB, 509x573, Wurm84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46957811
File: 1.56 MB, 2000x2084, 1517780519745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would call her my noodle wife all the time

>> No.46957815

How do you acquire a deep-sea wife? I want to go on a date in the abyssopelagic zone but I *don't* want my spine to crumble like a tin can at depth pressure

>> No.46957816
File: 1.07 MB, 2866x1517, 1691088368744112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume it's more endearing being called that by her husband of multiple years.

>> No.46957819
File: 1.05 MB, 3333x5000, 1672536037166921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the weather a good indicator of your Ryu wife's mood?

>> No.46957824

Wurms and ryus are two sides of the same coin.
They both have faces.
I used that coin to buy a rock for wurmy, as an aside.

>> No.46957832

Well, now Ryu needs to decide if she wants to forgo that glass of water or if she wants to ABANDON her husband and leave him ALONE in bed like some kind of EMOTIONAL TERRORIST depriving men of snek snuggles.

>> No.46957834

Fuse two of your favorite monsters into one
What are they?

>> No.46957848

Kiki and chesh
She would be perfection

>> No.46957850

She should just make it rain into her open mouth.

>> No.46957849

Titania and Satyros.
A faegoat

>> No.46957852

>Inari Valkyrie
fluffy wings and tail...

>> No.46957855

>Cheshire and Jinko
>Teleporting musclekot that trains herself in martial arts and is a kuudere prankster.

>> No.46957856

Jinko and Bogey
Best for sleeping.

>> No.46957859
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>> No.46957862

>ecological dead zone
Ryu are fertility goddesses so if anything even deep sea ryu would create dense pockets of life in undersea valleys

>> No.46957863

Demon and hellhound
Fluffy contract maker that won't take no for an answer, fluffy spade tail?

>> No.46957872
File: 603 KB, 1290x1680, 1697554826805938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if god voice enforced contracts count as signing under duress in court

>> No.46957887

it's an ecological dead zone because all the other mamono got fed up with her bitching and left

>> No.46957890
File: 629 KB, 990x1400, dömp it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creeping Coin and Dark Matter. I will crash this economy with no survivors!

>> No.46957904
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>> No.46957911

>would cum instantly
She's perfect. I always wanted to see how many I could wring out of a woman in a night.

>> No.46957921

Forcing you to sign in any way is very undemon-like. Now, forcing you to stop being ADHD, sit down, read, and imagine every juicy detail spelled out in the text, however...

>> No.46957929

>It's in hieroglyphics

>> No.46957939

>Eel demon
I... Huh. Not much actually changes, but I'm now contractually obligated to give her a good morning kiss and I get milked into her oatmeal so she can eat my slime while I eat hers. Could be worse.

>> No.46957947

In a post portal world, I would only be activated by black sclera.

>> No.46957955

I made this post.

>> No.46958000

If I see black sclera and yellow irises I can't offer any resistance. Pair those with blue skin and I'm compelled to actively submit.

>> No.46958060

Yet nothing is more serious than those pictures.

>> No.46958088

Wight and Malef
A Dragon Wight basically, imagine the sheer haunghtiness

>> No.46958105


>> No.46958110

New girl soon.
It's another banger.
Candlegeist will be out in a few days.

>> No.46958113

Didn't ask?

>> No.46958124

>riding dragon wife across the ocean
>"You know, this reminds me of that time I helped the Order to fight back the Abyss. Back in those days you almost never heard of dragons working with humans, but when the Abyss started leaking it was bad news for everyone..."
>four hours later
>"...so he jumped off my back and dove through the portal to close it from the other side. I stayed behind to help clean up the stragglers, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't planning to loot the battlefield afterwards..."

>> No.46958138

Sounds weak to anal, mating press, impregnation, etc.

>> No.46958155

Name a monster that isn't weak to mating press and impregnation.

>> No.46958163


>> No.46958173


>> No.46958176

It would be really hard to mating press a lamia

>> No.46958200

Gonna steal all of my newly alp'd roommates panties and force her to go commando.

>> No.46958203

>It would be really hard to mating press a lamia
If she's polymorphed into a humanoid form imagine how weak to mating press she is then, when she isn't even used to having legs.

>> No.46958213

There's nothing there where something was before.

>> No.46958216

Mating press alps

>> No.46958285
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>> No.46958302
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>> No.46958348
File: 1.29 MB, 2480x3267, 1678142199413702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your foxes need to be older, taller, and fatter.

>> No.46958358


>> No.46958371
File: 215 KB, 800x1125, 1676344029662479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that's your preference, i won't criticize you for it. I don't have any foxes quite that size, however.

>> No.46958385
File: 42 KB, 410x857, 1696010955790651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mating pressing a newly polymorphed lamia as her legs flail around uselessly
My dick

>> No.46958403

Just older and fatter for me, thanks.

>> No.46958438
File: 45 KB, 1831x1204, lnfox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certainly nothing wrong with that.

>> No.46958439
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The last thing you see before your face is buried in Yeti fluff

>> No.46958489
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1122, 15413076745116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sensory overloading newly polymorphed monstergirls
New fetish achieved

>> No.46958500

How weak to mating press is a polymorphed wurm?

>> No.46958517

I want to eat out manticore ass while she eats out her own tail.

>> No.46958530

Do not mating press the alps. You'll never get rid of them.

>> No.46958580
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>> No.46958628
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>> No.46958641
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>> No.46958763

Spindly horse legs are the worst so this is a great horse.

>> No.46958846

Wurm's mind is too smooth for such evil thoughts.

>> No.46958871

All beast-type monstergirls can be improved with the addition of crotch-mofu

>> No.46958962

Ushi-Oni and Succ
Probably a bit more lovey than violent, but also more horny

>> No.46958963

You don't want to know

>> No.46958972

>walk up to the uncontacted amazon tribe's village
>wave my hand and go "I come in peace."
>the amazons glance at each other and then one of them picks me up and begins taking me into the village
Oh no no no this was a bad idea somebody HELP ME!

>> No.46958973

That's it, you're going on a diet.

>> No.46958980
File: 347 KB, 900x1000, clydesdale_centaur_by_blazbaros_dcod5t4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46958985

Fox hag that's embarrassed by her extremely fast rate of pubic hair growth

>> No.46958992
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>> No.46958993
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>> No.46959008

>familiar and werecat
Profile familiars are already kinda catlike. I guess this one would be even more so.

>> No.46959016


>> No.46959035
File: 3.71 MB, 1276x1807, 119150240_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46959048

Ushi-Oni and Cheshire.
>Miss Ushire.
>All the adorableness of an Ushi-Oni
>All the insanity of a Cheshire
>Also kot ears for blowing in and whispering sweet nothings to.
>Ushire butt coming out of the pizza box hits different. Bigger. Harder.

>> No.46959080

>wight and dark mage
Very sexual noble undead sorceress

>> No.46959087

You wouldn't take advantage of a Monster who accidentally got herself tied up in bondage rope and grope her to your heart's content, would you?

>> No.46959113

No, I would not. I would untie her, advise her to be more careful in the future, and be on her way.
Unless she was a chesire, in which case I would preemptively rape her.

>> No.46959115

i'd let her out out or get tangled with her trying

>> No.46959125

Only if she were my wife. Otherwise sorry I'm a faithful man.

>> No.46959145

Holstaur and Titania, I want the ultimate onee-san.

>> No.46959236

>dragons of old
>big scary fiends that breathed fire and lived in dark, frightening and treacherous caves on top of hoards of gold, who would tear you asunder with their claws or melt you with their flames
>dragons of today
>big cuddly thousand year old lady wearing a comfy sweater that lives in a cute little cottage on the mountainside who keeps all her gold coins locked up safe in a vault in her bedroom closet, will invite you in for tea and cookies she made with authentic dragon fire cooking skills to listen while she rambles on about her millenia spanning life and laments her woes on being infertile due to being so old and virgin
Name a bigger downfall of a species. You literally can't.

>> No.46959250
File: 1.52 MB, 1896x2441, dgcqd8d-24a420be-2910-43e8-87d8-aa2df0d2c1db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La verduga

>> No.46959265

Of course I wouldn't just grope her, what kind of man do you think I am?

>> No.46959279
File: 856 KB, 1331x1400, 1660134061798524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little adventurer girls are for fucking on every inn visit.

>> No.46959311

You think that's bad? Look at what happened to Demons. Once the most feared race of all, the bane of all that was good, the enemies of the free world and antithesis of Angels, who sided with humans and were their protectors. We were the "bad guys" of the whole universe, and now look at what has become of Demons, we're all just human marriage machines now. UGH. IT'S DISGRACEFUL! DEMONS SHOULDN'T BE MARRYING HUNANS, WE SHOULD BE TEARING DOWN THE FOUNDATIONS OF THIS WORLD AND BLOTTING IT OUT WITH DARKNESS AND HORROR AND SIN AND CHAOS!

>> No.46959321
File: 273 KB, 1544x2048, GIRB9plWAAAnAbE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of quest markers point to the inn for some reason

>> No.46959325
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>> No.46959337

>would cum instantly
What a coincidence, so do I

>> No.46959346

>demoncel in need of fixing
Send in the paladin.

>> No.46959354

>sex is just a continuous loop of you both constantly cumming
I guess it's a win?

>> No.46959355

>the cait sith purrs as she sleeps on your face

>> No.46959402

>feeding cait shit into a wood chipper slowly

>> No.46959430

I'm getting the shears AND the wax.

No, that would be wrong. I'd carefully untie her and make sure she was okay before getting raped for being so fucking dense.

>> No.46959446

Old monsters...

>> No.46959566
File: 876 KB, 2188x4096, GHiJjswbgAEmb-X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be a higher level to begin this quest

>> No.46959585
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x3000, Greenworm - Hot for Teacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hot. Hot for TEACHER.

>> No.46959596

it's difficult to locate the head with her false eyes

>> No.46959785
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>> No.46959986

Hags shouldn't corrupt good youthful boys into becoming addicted to their voluptuous frames, they should be their wholesome best friends instead and do nice things, not bad lewd things. The hag should let the young man fix her.

>> No.46960006

>"Young man, fix me a martini."
"Yes, Miss Nuki."

>> No.46960012
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>> No.46960018

>Spend odd days as CEO Nuki's assistant and tail fluffer
>Spend even days as Rival CEO Demon's stress pillow and emotional support human
>Get paid combined more than either do by themselves
I figured the system out.

>> No.46960031

ill corrupt hags instead
turn them from hungry predators to docile wives

>> No.46960044
File: 484 KB, 1000x1415, b0645a1b15e3cdb08e98c53bce9f996e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hags are best used as a safe outlet for young men who can't be trusted around women their age

>> No.46960052

ben franklin pls go

>> No.46960061

>you wouldn't want an old hag like me...
why are hags like this?
everyone wants a hag.
literally people will not stop saying how sexy they find hags.
yet hags act like they are some sort of unlovable monster?
i am seeing hags in ads, hags on the street, hags in the office.
there has never been a better time for hags then now.

>> No.46960062
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And remember, a penny saved, is a cat in heat

>> No.46960065
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>> No.46960166
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Undead hours.

>> No.46960171
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the ravages of time take their toll

>> No.46960173
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>> No.46960183

I believe mortals should kill the gods. Nobody should be allowed to have that much power, they can never be trusted with it, they always find a way to abuse it.
>b-b-but Eros is a benevolent deity!
And she forces people into shotgun marriages and threatens to castrate those who do not accept love. Only a dirty god could somehow turn Love into a dictatorship, a dangerous philosophy that must be enforced at gun- er, arrowpoint. There is NO good argument about why we SHOULDN'T kill the gods.

>> No.46960197

How do you plan to kill the gods exactly?

>> No.46960201


>> No.46960204

They'll watch him masturbate and die laughing.

>> No.46960209
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fuggin boober foxes

>> No.46960219
File: 2.27 MB, 2400x1200, 1635635951751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many lactating monstergirls would it take to fill a bathtub with milk?

>> No.46960218

Easy. I'll simply go the JRPG villain route and found an organization that claims to want to help the world to trick my fellow mortals into assisting me in concocting a scheme to drain the planet of magic or something with a big machine. Once I have sufficient power, I kill the Chief God first since she's wounded and weak and take her remaining power for myself. The rest of them are fodder by comparison so Eros, Poseidon and the Fallen will be killed pretty quickly. The only one that will be tricky to kill is that succubus bitch Demon Lord, but if I kill all the other gods and take their power I should be strong enough to overcome the sex magic.

Then once all the gods are dead, the world will be a better place and we will all rejoice...

>> No.46960225
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>> No.46960235

Just one if she tries hard enough.

>> No.46960238

Hmmm, I dunno man... this just sounds like you're jealous of the gods and want to become one yourself so you can rule the world with an iron fist and get rid of everything you don't like, I mean you even admit you're a JRPG villain.....

>> No.46960239

Me and my dozen Holstaur daughters will stop you before you can even step foot in Hathor's temple, and if one of them wants you then congrats.
A single Holstaur.

>> No.46960240
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>> No.46960243

What are her tits, bags of holding but for milk?

>> No.46960245

at step -1 of this plan you're pushed into marriage with a succubus and have abandoned all pursuits but that of her love

>> No.46960250

Noooo no no no, I have good intentions, okay? It's just the way I said it sounds kind of bad but I'm not a bad guy I have good intentions, trust me. We NEED to kill the gods. It will be a lot better for everyone that way, just trust the plan. I wouldn't do anything bad I swear.

>> No.46960251

it's a bathtub for ants.

>> No.46960252

>Anon's plan is to do something so catastrophically evil and fucked up that the Chief God and Demon Lord are on the same side--against him.
>Anon's entire operation ends ignobly as an angel and kunoichi team up to take him out.
>After much deliberation, it is agreed that he will be tossed into the devil bug pit.
>Too busy trying to keep his daughters and granddaughters from banging him to do any more fucked-up evil after that.

>> No.46960255
File: 158 KB, 1200x1200, GOfNMwAa8AAzHJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right

>> No.46960256

Never doubt the power of a Holstaur and her milk.

>> No.46960307
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>> No.46960316
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>> No.46960326

I will not marry a cow. Cows are domestic creatures, they belong on the farm locked behind a large fence.

>> No.46960335

G'night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be sure to wave at a sea slime as she gently floats down the river or in a lake.
Summer is a great time for them to get some sun, teach someone how to swim, or get a husband!*
*Do not jostle them too much, they do have a light poison that WILL put you into rut

>> No.46960339
File: 55 KB, 678x938, 1688785864021628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a mistake to trust this creature

>> No.46960349

I will suck out the mischief.

>> No.46960358
File: 992 KB, 900x1207, 1675481960455214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool, foxes are an endless source of mischief, you will achieve nothing but filling yourself with mischief, and then the fox will have won

>> No.46960361

Don't do it anon! You're allergic to mischief!

>> No.46960368

People intolerant to mischief shouldn't be allowed in a Monster Girl thread

>> No.46960422
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Shai hulud is a good girl. That is all.

>> No.46960445
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why are canid girls so popular

>> No.46960450


>> No.46960457
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>> No.46960469

i want big dog

>> No.46960470

They were groomed by evolution, it just works.

>> No.46960485

dragon wight, its the upgraded version of the dragon zombie

>> No.46960491
File: 62 KB, 409x591, bigdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream eternally of huge hounds

>> No.46960495

A dwight if you will

>> No.46960511

make like a tree and get out of here

>> No.46960575

By killing all humans, no prayers, no god, no husband, no life, it's the only way to defeat the demon lord

>> No.46960576

Built for maledom

>> No.46960577

>she turns it into amazon position if you get sloppy
you can't let your guard down around ninjas

>> No.46960592

>Pyrow and Kunoichi
What an absolutely CURSED combination. Strangely calm and professional gyaru ninja? Smug and casual ninja who's never once wore her uniform more interested in sneaking onto your couch or stealing your pizza? I just don't know. She would be either extremely bad at being a ninja, or extremely good to the point of not taking it seriously.

>> No.46960625

this is where I'd post the hellhound paw image with the incredibly smug man and smoldering hellhound if I had it saved

>> No.46960628
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>> No.46960641

worth a chuckle everytime

>> No.46960730


>> No.46960739

>Listening dragon spout how superior she is while agreeing with her

>> No.46960766
File: 225 KB, 1000x1000, 1687575567291210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's when you lift the mask to explore her mouth with your tongue. The sudden shock will give you the upper hand and allow you to turn the tables once again in your favour

>> No.46960780

Boy is cruising for a broken pelvis.

>> No.46960782

such a fate can be avoided by scritching her ears and calling her a good girl

>> No.46960787

See now she won’t break his pelvis, but she’s going to subject him to hours of slow sex instead.

>> No.46960792

All he has to do is say roll over and he can turn the tables on her

>> No.46960819

What a grand and intoxicating innocence.

>> No.46960841
File: 549 KB, 1327x311, mf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ochimusha. Dropped the honorable schtick long ago to play baseball. Scattergun shoots ninja stars.
Youko. The most american fox in all of existence. Gains power from freedom rather than sexual perversion.
Raiju. Gives other mercs the palpatine special rather than a flamethrower. Still insane.
Pharaoh. Still an alcoholic. Now blows shit up with magic instead of grenades.
Fucking Humpty Egg. Uses shell as armor. Acts tough, is.
Dark Elf. Builds BDSM machines. Ochimusha scout is frequently victim of the ass targeting BB sentry.
Unicorn. Acts innocent, is easily the most batshit insane.
Nureonago. Extremely yandere, hasn't found a man yet so practices on stalking the other mercs and shooting them with very painful projectile slime
Sandworm. Burrows through the ground to get ez backstabs. Still the worst class in the game.

>> No.46960850
File: 680 KB, 2253x2791, chat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still the worst class in the game.
You're tasteless

>> No.46960859

>french sandworm
does she refer to hubby as "baguette"?

>> No.46960868

This bitch sounds so annoying that I find the actual cat on that image cuter, and I'm not a furfag or a zoophile.
Got I hate the fr*nch

>> No.46960886 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 322x196, 1704246911985889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got I hate the fr*nch
As I said, absolutely TASTELESS

>> No.46961147
File: 287 KB, 457x750, Will-o-the-Wisp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours.

>> No.46961306

Reminder that begging or pleading "Please don't hurt me!" in the hands of a large and scary monster only turns them on even more.

>> No.46961310

I'm reminded of that comic with the guy and the two girls, I forget what species they were
>Please don't eat me!
>I'm not going to eat you!
>I will...

>> No.46961318

I wouldn't want to be with someone this clumsy, so I'd just untie her and go away.

>> No.46961324

Look man, I like monster as much as the next guy, but when she doesn't have human legs, she can't wear pantyhose.

>> No.46961331

I literally deserve to disappear inside a hags sweater

>> No.46961334
File: 217 KB, 1068x750, 1568428185340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just making excuses.

>> No.46961364

It's not the same.

>> No.46961367
File: 194 KB, 923x1024, 923-1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahah who know...

>> No.46961378

Hello Nagash.

>> No.46961379

kissing the school deliquent leader before running away!

>> No.46961389
File: 326 KB, 1235x1075, run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46961509


>> No.46961587
File: 236 KB, 739x267, bild_2024-05-30_123848355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, good thing that DLC made pregnancy a game mechanic, time to breed my colonist and make a super colony.

>> No.46961629

Verpiss dich, du französisches Stück Scheiße

>> No.46961641


>> No.46961649


>> No.46961662

Go back to /pol/

>> No.46961663


>> No.46961698

>Fr*g hatter is a kraut
That explains a lot

>> No.46961710
File: 2.97 MB, 1583x2048, Twins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anubis wife is mad at me for knocking her up with twins ruining her post pregnancy schedule, how do I make it up to her?

>> No.46961723

Knock her up with triplets next time.

>> No.46961733

She doesn't look mad

>> No.46961741

>Fr*g hatter
I bet she likes dancing and singing.

>> No.46961762
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Hatter? Dangerous thoughts

>> No.46961875

I've been theory crafting empires lately so I'll make some of my most recent ideas
>peaceful happy ocelomeh who's entire empire runs on fishing. Fish powered generators, building materials made of fish, massive trade economy built on fish. Surprisingly it works great.
>criminal march hares that steal your personal data and set up wonderland drug dens on your planet. Also they're psychic and can read your mind.
>fanatic cyborg cultist alices. They do research while their "ethically aquired" onii-chans do the menial tasks.
I really hope the ocelomeh find our planet first.
