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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.46931336
File: 22 KB, 414x414, IMG_20240526_041016_343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it looks like Suzuka's boobs got bigger

>> No.46931363

Fitting. Dead girl for a dead general

>> No.46931375


How can you tell with all that black rain tarp she wearing?

>> No.46931438
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>> No.46931531
File: 1.44 MB, 3982x2782, HONE_FEST_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love how much they utilized babybones during the fox fest. They are funny and charming

>> No.46931569


My dude I hate to break the news to you but she definitely got implants. Suzuka was as flat as a chess board a year ago. You don’t just suddenly get boobs in your mid twenties.

>> No.46931584

Maybe she's a late bloomer

>> No.46931627

Would be hot either way

>> No.46931643

imagine getting implants just so she can dress in trashbags

>> No.46931670
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>> No.46931688


Well. Yeah. But then there’s the costume problem. Let em fly Su-chan! Tell Kobra.

>> No.46931693

tbf she put on quite a few pounds over the last few years, her waistline used to be notoriously tiny, now she she looks more normal and womanly

>> No.46931703

hey boy, woman's boobs swell during period. Su is probably on her period.

>> No.46931719
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>> No.46931724
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dios mio

>> No.46931726

Area 51 type shit

>> No.46931740
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No one imagined that Ayami has great boobs. Maybe Su does, too.

>> No.46931776
File: 41 KB, 736x552, 90318ba61a48042e93523775b2d05d04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momoko had smaller boobs than Sara. She must know the secret to getting bigger boobs.

>> No.46931778
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>> No.46931799

I hope she shares that information with Moa too.

>> No.46931865

Hana dosueee

>> No.46931920


>> No.46932187

Some threads I get called a coomer, now I'm getting called gay? Schizo doesn't even know what he's getting upset over anymore
It's okay to be 45 and listen to Babymetal, you don't need to project on everybody else

>> No.46932551
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>> No.46932566

You're 45 and you're on 4chan? What a fucking loser lmao.

>> No.46932797

This is a millennial website

>> No.46932958
File: 3.89 MB, 960x540, LIT MOON.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This costume for Babymetal

>> No.46933012
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>> No.46933061

No need for a cape. Don't cover Momoko's boobs.

>> No.46933299

That's literally just a sailor uniform with a ridiculous amount of belts attached to it. Come on try to be atleast a bit more creative than that. I really don't like the current costumes but atleast they aren't something I can go pick up at every other clothing shop like that example of yours

>> No.46933560

C'mon guys, design ur dreamed costume for young Babymetal, not nuns babymetal

>> No.46933571
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>> No.46933572


>> No.46934062

loli jav idol
fc2 ppv bitch

>> No.46934135

>fc2 ppv bitch
Put up link or shut up twink.

>> No.46934485

BM must dress like xena or if you don't want to lose the Japanese touch, like a kunoichi

>> No.46934553

Who fucking cares about outfits so much except teenage girls and horny weeb coomers? Is that seriously all this general is about now? Horny posting talentless nobodies from SG and Onefive and being hyper obsessed with Babymetal's outfits? BMSG has fallen. It is time to move on to better and more original, authentic Japanese artists like Band-Maid, Otoboke Beaver, Hanabie, and Nemophila, Melt-Banana, etc. All these groups have better, more well adjusted and normal fanbases and all these groups post more content on social media than Babymetal and all the members of these groups have their own personal social media accounts. And they even wear better outfits and show more skin than Babymetal does!

>> No.46934592

Fuck those gimmick bands. Listen to real Japanese heavy metal like Anthem.

>> No.46934601

Oh yeah and none of those groups I listed have any stupid cryptic lore bullshit lol. They're actually 100% transparent and honest with their fanbase, unlike Babymetal and Amuse.

>> No.46934612

Every band has a "gimmick", whether intentionally or not. That's how the industry works. There's something called marketing and promotion and aesthetic.

>> No.46934698
File: 50 KB, 359x336, 1464989781525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's you again

>> No.46934741

Nobody cares about your opinion, asshole.

>> No.46934804

Nobody in the Babymetal fanbase cares so much about the outfits to be constantly talking about them like you weirdos do.

>> No.46934874

Babymetal is an idol group that is inspired by metal, so the outfits and the people are important.

>> No.46934958

Yeah most music fans don't give a shit about outfits, especially not metal fans lmao idol music is a joke

>> No.46934976

Still, you are always here

>> No.46934993

i want believe it. im stuck 15 years in the past when babymetal were a new thing, the hot shit. i was a teen and they were there when you wanted to get into otaku stuff, like anime, nyan nyan cat hatsune miku, etc. babymetal was there. things like the chocolate meme song
they're still metal lolis right?? it's so surreal. babymetal is pic related to me, the metal lolis that i sometimes heard 15 years ago. you just never questioned it, they were "just there" in niche pop culture, naturally

pd: it also means i never lewded them too, too surreal. they're metal lolis

>> No.46935088

It's a crime that Sana is not doing blacked jav

>> No.46935146

You don't know anything about metal. None of the bands you listed are metal, except maybe Nemophila. Get lost.

>> No.46935450

BABYMETAL wasn't even a fucking thing 15 years ago. Get your timelines correct grampa

>> No.46935482


>> No.46935536

You guys are blind and retarded.
They’re not any bigger than usual. She didn’t get implants. You fags will take a few specific camera angles and some 4chan murmur and make a wild amount of gossip and fan theories in minutes. You’re worse than a bunch of inner city high school girls.

>> No.46935571


Shut up you eunuch. Nobody asked you.

>> No.46935581

We will only know that when Babymetal leaves the Victorian era behind and remembers that they are young women.

>> No.46935587

They look bigger because she was wearing the Sabaton tour outfit. The implants help too.

>> No.46935659

>uurgh it was 2010 NOT 2009 AAAAAAH YOU FAGGOT AAAAAA

retard cant even basic rounding
i'll say 10 years then, just to make you seethe

>> No.46935833

When was that pic taken?

>> No.46935958
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>> No.46935967

Somehow I REALLY doubt you were listening them in 2010 either. Since their live debut was at the end of that year and unless you are the white t-shirt guy I really don't think you were aware of them back then. My guess is that you heard about them at the earliest in 2012 when Doki Doki Morning mv came out.

>> No.46936298
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>> No.46936697 [DELETED] 
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>Horny posting Onefive

>> No.46936739
File: 3.28 MB, 720x1280, 1716775327622104.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horny posting Onefive
Pulling Gumi's cheeks wide apart

>> No.46936883

Contrary to what you might think, not every female singer or musician needs to show a lot of skin to be popular. In case you don't know, the music is the most important thing.

>> No.46937047

And Babymetal is proof of this. The music is what matters for most people who aren't horny perverted weirdos. But you guys almost never talk about music here lol

>> No.46937102

You are in the wrong fucking fandom if you think Babymetal is a prog band where people constantly talk about the music.

>> No.46937127

You keep dismantling your own valid point by pigeonholing it to “discussing music.” It’s not black vs white, perving vs music, there’s plenty of other things to discuss and that were discussed before this place became a ghost town of 3 mentally ill anons rambling to eachother.
Music, personalities, live show experiences, appearance (smiles, dance moves, quirks in MVs), lyrics, memes, etc.

The problem isn’t that this place doesn’t talk about the music. It’s that it’s primarily one autist complaining about one aspect of BM, and a small handful of coomers only praising the sexual features of the onefive members and grads.

>> No.46937144

Honestly, this. As much as the usual culprits shit on the Reddit community for its rules and autism, at least it’s populated with diverse discussion. Here is nothin but unhinged degenerate containment.

>> No.46937156

>also haters and weak trolling

>> No.46937159

Honestly, I reply to myself sometimes too...

>> No.46937190

Not every female singer or musician, he says.

BM is the only one who does not take positive benefit of her gender.
It's not like the other Japanese examples are moulin rouge either in how you demonize so much the looking for other inspiration. The whore world in music is only the west.
And it is not to give so many concepts either and lengthen the discussion so much.
Their clothes are out of time for the music they make, and that's all.

>> No.46937205

How about they can wear whatever clothes they want and you stop bitching about it? They're musicians and singers. Not models or actresses.

>> No.46937241

>BM is the only one who does not take positive benefit of her gender
False. The Indonesian female Islamic metal band Voice of Baceprot also dresses conservatively.

>they can wear whatever clothes they want
They wear whatever clothes Koba dictates.

>> No.46937288

Why do you guys always talk about how female musicians dress but not male musicians? Why is it so important to you how women dress? What gives you the right to judge how others dress? As if it's that important or deep. Seems like you guys think women only exist for your gaze and enjoyment. Gross.

>> No.46937321

If you were really a feminist, you would want the girls to have freedom and power in Babymetal instead of being slaves to the patriarch Koba. They even have to censor their faces in pictures on Instagram.

>> No.46937348

Yeah you can say the same about countless other idol groups out there and the idol industry and culture in general. Also, who said anything about feminism? Lol I'm talking about basic human dignity. You guys view female musicians and artists as nothing but sex objects. I mean just look at most of the posts in thus general. Have you forgotten that they're real people? It's better to support real, authentic Japanese bands like Band-Maid, Otoboke Beaver, Hanabie, Nemophila, and Melt-Banana. Stop supporting the idol industry. Stop supporting the exploitation of young women and girls.

>> No.46937357

is this a bit or what

>> No.46937361

Yes, Babymetal is one big parody of metal presented in the format of a Jpop idol group.

>> No.46937396

Honestly, you always do.
Don’t project your samefagging ways on anons saying shit you don’t like

>> No.46937740
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>> No.46937747
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>> No.46937752
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>> No.46937813

Su's boobs getting bigger was an illusion. she's still flat as a table. But why is she getting cuter?

>> No.46937906

One thing that is guarenteed is that when Babymetal perform you fucks make this place unbearable

>> No.46937907
File: 91 KB, 900x660, GC__V0Ha0AACRT9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though 15 years have passed, her smile is so lovely. love Su so much.

>> No.46937925
File: 50 KB, 774x640, IMG_20240527_011754_182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah her boobs are getting bigger

>> No.46938237

Ratatata has almost caught up to every single music video made for the other one album. Has the potential to surpass every single metal galaxy mv except for PAPAYA aswell in a few months.

>> No.46938372


>> No.46938637


Fake boobs but still hot. Hope she gets a BBL next

>> No.46938659

No, they're real. She's just a late bloomer. I wonder if she can titty fuck herself with her futa cock now.

>> No.46938749

How can a person be this beautiful, cute, adorable and sexy all at once without even trying? Su is peak woman, love her so freaking much

>> No.46938791

>beautiful, cute, adorable and sexy
Not to mention actually talented

>> No.46938820
File: 42 KB, 700x509, 276071296_5352935464741192_5977493626871831187_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey bitch,stop cheating!

>> No.46939033
File: 483 KB, 3000x2001, 240527-BABYMETAL_JAPAN-1795062897829085620-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guitarist of ASTERISM must be like Ayami levels of tiny. Really cute and so are the metalverse girls

>> No.46939051
File: 548 KB, 2048x1366, hjkhhihi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the BABYMETAL girls look charming as always

>> No.46939093


Oh yes, of course. For me she is one of the best, if not the best, of her generation nit just in Japan but around the world. She has it all, talented but also hardworking, mindblowing stage presence, she seems to be humble as fuck, both cute and sexy. She is the best

>> No.46939123
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>> No.46939219


Metalverse without Yume is like Babymetal without Yui.

>> No.46939226

Pretty crazy comparison considering that Yume was there literally for only 2 shows.

>> No.46939278

Yume was replaceable like Yui. Miko is the next Su.

>> No.46939404

>This foxfest alone has quite a lot of visible empty section.
Any anon was there? Lying?

>> No.46939472


Yui was not replaceable. You simply have what you have cause there’s no other choice. But don’t kid yourself. Fans would kick Momoko to the curve faster than you could say tomato if it meant Yui came back.

>> No.46939491


Why would somebody need to lie about it? Y’all are so insecure and in denial it’s sad.

>> No.46939498



>> No.46939508


>> No.46939530

>doesn’t show top rows.

>> No.46939534


>> No.46939547

can't see the whole venue, but they had enough space to run around like idiots

>> No.46939565

Metalverse is just a musically watered down version of Babymetal for pedophiles.

>> No.46939625
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>> No.46939659

Video was recorded literally from a top row, you can see people clapping below and you can also see the top rows (parcially) in front of the camera.
Anyway, point is the arena looks pretty freaking packed as the video shows, pretty good for a band that has been dead, according to schizos, for like what? 7 years? 14 years?

>> No.46939689

Nigger shut the fuck up already. You’re such a sassy petty bitch all the time on here day in and out.
We get it. You don’t like the band.
Negging the fandom every day because you have a chip on your shoulder is peak faggot antics.

>> No.46939706

Didn’t mean to quote Mariri guy.

>> No.46939717

All Metalverse songs are better than Ratatata.

>> No.46939774

You was there?

>> No.46939812

I watched the video in the link.

>> No.46939934
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Classic Su death stare

>> No.46939961
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>> No.46939983
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Ok good. Cause you was about to get got.

>> No.46940046

Su boyfriend?

>> No.46940269

OMG! Do you think Su has kissed a male before?

>> No.46940503
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>> No.46940630

If there is another photo elsewhere in the tour and he is still next to her, it is very likely.
Someone know if she have brothers?

>> No.46940665

It's nice to see they still keep in touch with Yui.

>> No.46940718

They dress like nuns offstage too. why don't they dress like girls of their age?

>> No.46940740

Most young Japanese women wear baggy clothes and don't show a lot of skin. In some places, even if you just show your arms, you're assumed to be "easy". Clearly, you dumb weebs have no true understanding of Japanese culture. There are a lot of unspoken rules and social norms and they're a very conformist society.

>> No.46940748

What are you talking about? Yui's not even in that picture. She's gone. Get over it.

>> No.46940758

I agreed with Babymetal to change their outfits in scene.

but what you say is very stupid, they are clearly comfy dressed as if they were at home

>> No.46940792

Yeah she got her back hurt so now she has glasses.

>> No.46940807

and they even have their own stupid merch with them lol

>> No.46940911
File: 1.70 MB, 3115x4025, 1749122632810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuimetal, Kanometal, they will always be with us

>> No.46940929


>> No.46940951
File: 268 KB, 411x540, wC35Tg1_d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuns don't dress like this

>> No.46940957

700-800 cc

>> No.46940964

Absolute BM aesthetic!

>> No.46940997

Pic from 11 years ago with Himeka clothes?

>> No.46941062
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>> No.46941103
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>> No.46941321

Now that one should wear a baggy bag on her face.

>> No.46941359
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>> No.46941399
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>> No.46941438

So are you the same like that anon who said, Japanese girls don't wear jeans.

>> No.46941439
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>> No.46941493

Tell me you have never been to japan without telling me you have never been to japan

>> No.46941568
File: 3.98 MB, 960x1728, amazon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baggy clothes
>don't show skin
>don't wear jeans
Meanwhile Amazon's official gen Z fashion leaders in Japan

>> No.46941613

>Amazon's official gen Z fashion leaders in Japan

>> No.46941648


Does anyone have the link to this video?

>> No.46941879
File: 3.92 MB, 902x748, welcome to my ass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46942060

My favorite self-proclaimed MILF

>> No.46942071

Exactly. Those are models. The average Japanese woman does not dress like that. Especially not teenage girls. Schools in Japan have very strict rules as to how to dress and some girls aren't even allowed to wear makeup at school.

>> No.46942079

I said most, not all.

>> No.46942267

You are aware you can see normal girls on Instagram and Twitter and how they dress right? They're not covered up like you think they are

>> No.46942299
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>scam gravure
real gravure

>> No.46942579

Their channel got nuked from YouTube

>> No.46942680


La Goblina ...
good times were had with her peruvian face

>> No.46942702

Everyone here is dumb as hell lmao no wonder you guys follow idol groups

>> No.46942761
File: 58 KB, 600x706, 1464882676156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touch grass

>> No.46942888


>> No.46943222
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>> No.46943338
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>> No.46943386
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>> No.46943418
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>> No.46943627
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>> No.46943628

She definitely got breast reduction.

>> No.46943897

You’re an idiot. Your pervert algorithm only shows you sleazy ヤンキー girls or Shibuya teenagers. 90% of the population dresses pretty conservatively.
A large reason onefive has fallen off with a number of fukei is because they’ve gone so extreme in the ギャル trashy aesthetic.
But keep running around with that unjustified ego and belief that your perspective shapes reality, señor retardo magnifico.

>> No.46943986

Insane cringetsunes really want to treat the women of BABYMETAL like children forever. At least we know Su has a boyfriend.

>> No.46944054

Are you really trying to say normal Japanese girls don't wear skirts or jeans? They don't walk the streets dressed as nuns or in burka's.

Fukei like innocent little girls, that was the entire premise the whole time. OneFive don't want to be stuck in that pigeon hole and they grow away from it and become more mature as they get older and try new styles and outfits they like and are comfortable with. Thats completely normal.

>> No.46944094

>try new styles
>dressing like every other Jpop and Kpop group out there

Yeah, sure.

>> No.46944107

Sorry i made a comparison to stuff they've done before and not compared them to every single group in the world. You don't have to be this retarded

>> No.46944114
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>> No.46944123
File: 331 KB, 1366x2048, 444488288_26328926383361295_4535270877640500378_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a we can get a proper look at Momokos breast size. Well atleast kind of.

>> No.46944133

For once I actually like Su's casual outfit.

>> No.46944147

Showing too much arm skin.

>> No.46944179

Su is showing her ankles? She really is a slut

>> No.46944181

holy! Su shows ankles! how lewd

>> No.46944184

calm down Ahmed

>> No.46944200


>> No.46944240

Who's the cambodian boy next to momoko

>> No.46944246

This is funny because I don't know if you are talking about Su or Moa

>> No.46944273
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>> No.46944280
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>> No.46944285

We're getting a lot of content and pics lately uwu

>> No.46944343

Maybe next time we will see Su's wrists!

>> No.46944346

Su has nerd neck

>> No.46944359

yes, su is very handsome man.

>> No.46944366

Only whores wear jeans. Anon said so

>> No.46944367

>are you saying
No, that’s not what I’m saying. You illiterate tard.
I’m saying that bleaching your hair and crop tops showing your underwear and all the weird shit you see onefive and K-Pop wear isn’t normal daily apparel.
And BABYMETAL has a gimmick meaning they never have and never will wear jeans in the public eye as “Su-metal” etc.
It’s not that hard to process for tens of thousands of people around the world, other than you who fixates on this dumb shit literally every day for the purpose of….
Who knows? Getting the attention your parents never gave? Masochistic embarrassment of yourself daily?

>> No.46944378

>spamming meltdown for no reason
Bro is sick and needs help.
This is just sad.

>> No.46944405



>> No.46944420

This place sucks. There's always some negative bullshit here even when there's new and exciting things to talk about in the Babymetal world. You need to get a grip.

>> No.46944494

I mean that anon still is correct. They aren't their metal personas in that picture

>> No.46944502

When is the Babymetal anime coming out?

>> No.46944511
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>> No.46944522
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>> No.46944541
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Caption this photo

>> No.46944605
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>> No.46944649

Finally a good post

>> No.46944750

The only thing I know is that time flies, we won't even notice when Babymetal ends and its form of spectacle is becoming very routine and predictable.

They could act like women and give some subtle fanservice before they retire to the housewives life and disappear.

This group, instead of evolving for themselves, focuses each year only on adapting to the children's audience and continuing with the same thing, with the same cynical kawaii attitude.

And the most kobacuck fans still treat them as if they were 12 years old

>> No.46944780

No one cares. People of all ages like Babymetal. Idk what your problem is.

>> No.46944829

I don't care about the outfits but the music is getting worse from a metal perspective.

>> No.46944959
File: 91 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20240527_222036_759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momometal in new costume omg

>> No.46944995

Are you literally incapable of not talking about their costumes?

>> No.46945212

the most disgusting thing i have read all day

>> No.46945649

>the music is getting worse from a metal perspective.
This is kind of funny considering all the doom posting about the other one being too metal and serious and the kawaii being gone. And now it's the other way around because they have released a couple of collabs which are ultra fun and kawaii. I'll be waiting for the next real album (since Koba himself considers the other one just a filler) with their own sound before judging their music and if it's getting worse or not.

>> No.46945663

Atleast it's a NEW costume from like 2 days ago. Don't be a prick because someone here moans about the costumes every single day

>> No.46945670

Looks pretty good. Ofcourse it's hard to tell since it's just a shitty fancam picture so I'm reserving my judgement for when I see a proper picture of it.

>> No.46945698
File: 45 KB, 688x165, hjkhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BABYMETAL interview from earlier this month got translated. Looking forward of them utilizing Momo's growls more in the future.

>> No.46946006

You dumb fuck, no-one said the Babymetal girls should be wearing jeans in their babymetal characters. No-one said normal girls wear specific OneFive MV outfits that suit your agenda either.

The point was their Amazon model clothing is completely normal. Its jeans and skirts, shit girls wear. Case in point, Momoko is wearing jeans. What a concept right?

Now stop your retarded embarrassing meltdown and take your meds

>> No.46946192
File: 95 KB, 970x211, Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagining it makes cum

>> No.46946435

Imagine Su and Momoko taking a bath together

>> No.46946553


Momoko's boobs has the perfect size, period. They are big but not as big, look so firm and heavy

>> No.46946648

Not enough quality for give a good review of the clothes, but if people says that was for one song only... Better than the current anyway

>> No.46946661


>> No.46946723

>but if people says that was for one song only
Yeah babymetal opened the whole Fox Fest under a pseudonym "Akagu Kinzoku" and danced to a remix of Megitsune. The new outfits were used for that performance and when they later started their normal set they used the current costumes. But I really doubt they would make new costumes just for a performance of one song so I have feeling we will see the new costumes in the future.

>> No.46946727

Momoko boobs
Momoko boobs

>> No.46946740

I really love how they use the fans for the choreo

>> No.46946751
File: 423 KB, 1750x2500, womens-oktoberfest-fraulein-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momoko needs an Oktoberfest costume. hope she gets it in Germany.

>> No.46946770

Petition for slutty Babymetal now!

>> No.46946810

mmm on second thought, only the top part of the clothing seems fine to me, below it is more of the same, but we would have to wait for full body photos

>> No.46946837

Is Momoko's death growl in RATATATA? If so, what part of the song is it in?

>> No.46946883

“Are you ready?” and maybe “Everybody! Out of control”

>> No.46946890
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This guy confirmed it in his youtube comments. He is electric callboys tour manager so I'm pretty sure he knows his stuff and contractually wouldn't even be allowed to lie about something like this.

>> No.46946895

I'm not 100% sure about the "out of control" part but the second "are you ready" and "everybody" definitely are her.

>> No.46947038
File: 148 KB, 736x829, IMG_20240528_055756_274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go see Hanabie and you can have a direct, conversational back and forth interaction with the band members. You can't do that with Babymetal.

>> No.46947175
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>> No.46947285

Why would I want to go see a theater company? https://litmoontheatre.com/

>> No.46947384

Growling is cringe.

>> No.46947399

I think it's fun if used sparingly. I agree that a song with nothing but growling is cringe

>> No.46947410

>You can't do that with Babymetal.
Literally last thread someone posted a video of Moa talking directly to a fan during their concert. Now take your offtopic shit and leave

>> No.46947521

>fun if used sparingly
Yeah. It turns me off it when pussy bands do growling and simple breakdowns just to try being brootal. If they don't do it just for "OMG sooo BR00TAL" then it's okay.

>> No.46947833
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>> No.46947850
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>> No.46947877
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LIT MOON > Hanabie

>> No.46948243


>> No.46948729

You’re the retard putting words in people’s mouths. Nobody said anything about whatever shit onefive’s team shills online for sponsorship money. The topic on here is consistently about comparing stage wardrobes. Stop asspulling unrelated stances on an argument you’re not even properly clued into.

>> No.46948807

The gays obsessed with Babymetal's costumes are beyond help.

>> No.46949069
File: 169 KB, 1080x1350, 446234634_979488987107956_6571028860049680612_n.heic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little dick collector

>> No.46949085
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>> No.46949231

I'm listening to No rain No rainbow now. Does anyone else miss Su solo? Moa play Black Babymetal solo, Momoko makes Boobs Babymetal solo. and get back Su solo.

>> No.46949250

Only Su solo I really miss is Akatsuki. The others are just okay imo. Ofcourse having Su solos and black babymetal songs could help in making the shows longer and also would bring some variety into the shows so I hope they do bring them back at some point

>> No.46949363

Has burger Kamis ever played on the Su solo? I didn't see it

>> No.46949397
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>> No.46949407

You really are a dumb fuck

>> No.46949408

Oh sure, "wanting BM to show more skin and less xix century clothes is so gay".

>> No.46949512
File: 83 KB, 640x855, 16105731_1778774119042365_7302825337368959035_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that bitch is pretending to be polite

>> No.46949530


>> No.46949531

They haven't. Last time a Su solo was played was during the 10 budokan shows and those were all Jap kamis playing. And during the Metal Galaxy tour they didn't play any.

>> No.46949600

Airi sex scene?

>> No.46949618
File: 400 KB, 383x680, Hettsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to ask Hettsu if she wants me to impregnate her. I hope she says yes.

>> No.46949622

Please do and get blacklisted from their concerts at the same time

>> No.46949650

That's okay. I'll just go see Babymetal and hold up a big sign that says "Momo please brap on me! Love from /jp/ BMSG General".

>> No.46949662

you do that

>> No.46949713

I will

>> No.46949743

Fuck you nigga. you lied to me. In that scene, Airi's cleavage isn't even visible.

>> No.46949824
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Which Demon Slayer song should Su cover?

>> No.46949883
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>> No.46949911

More people have traveled to Japan to watch Sana than Hanabie KEK!

>> No.46950279

dammit, why did you remind me of this faggot's existence?

>> No.46950562

How fucking short is that guy?

>> No.46950658

It's fucking bizarre how Metalverse is doing anime shit before releasing any music.

>> No.46950778

Is the purpose of metalverse to replace babymetal soon? Or is it just not to leave teenagers crying and unemployed?

>> No.46950887

>Is the purpose of metalverse to replace babymetal soon
If it is they are doing a fucking poor job with it. Only like 5% (if even that) of babymetal fans even know who the fuck the metalverse girls are

>> No.46951742

Post more Hanabie

>> No.46951827
File: 340 KB, 1536x2048, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We post Gumi when the date is 29

>> No.46951835

technically not Metalverse. it's just ASTERISM cover anime song and Miko singing as a feature.

>> No.46952057

Gumi? Like gummy worms? She looks like a gummy worm lmao

>> No.46952086
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Mariri getting BM shirt

>> No.46952186
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What kind of gummy does Kano's huge ass look like?

>> No.46952343
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Momometal is a devious creature

>> No.46952348

You guys don't care about Japanese music or culture at all. You're just horny :(

>> No.46952389
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>> No.46952552
File: 44 KB, 736x736, 7ccade3657de0b0d205a5b976c67b55e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that creature has the intelligence to make a villain plan? Momoko's brain is smaller than my dog's

>> No.46952646

It's a shameless cash grab.

>> No.46952667

Is only one part of the topics, dude or girl. BM is also sexy and must show us even if it's subtle, even if they want to deny it and force a false attitude of just being a kindergarten teachers. most of their fans are men, we fans deserve more before they disband or metalverse replaces them.

>> No.46952824

This is the problem with you idol fans. You guys think that these girls and women are obligated to do whatever you want them to do. To look however you want them to look. They don't owe you anything. They're going to do whatever they want. They're not your average idol group and this was established a long time ago. You should be happy that Babymetal has even lasted as long as they have.

>> No.46952839

In short, you're a bunch of entitled man children with an Asian fetish and porn addiction.

>> No.46953241

You’re doing the 4chan equivalent of explaining to a dog why it’s bad to shit on the carpet. There’s a lack of ability to deeply understand or care what’s dysfunctional or wrong, because the dog (and anons) lack the critical skills to do so.
You’re wasting your breath. Just call them cringe retards like the rest of us.

>> No.46953293

I'm an idol fan, I like how they dress and don't think they should be obligated to do anything.
>muh Asian fetish
le back to le reddit

>> No.46953307

Do you feel this smell of samefagging that I feel, BMSGbros?

>> No.46953326


>> No.46953348

For those of you who don't read german. BABYMETAL (and electric callboys) festival sets at Rock Am Rim will be livestreamed. So I think we will be getting a live version of RATATA when that festival happens. Ofcourse we might get it even sooner if they filmed a live MV for it at the FOX FEST.

>> No.46953383

No. And nobody is your friend here schizo.

>> No.46953457

ok samefag

>> No.46953492

You wish. You have to tell yourself that to avoid the reality that nobody here likes you.

>> No.46953548

You two really should just fuck already.

>> No.46954111

Imagine Futa Su and Futa Moa gangbanging and double penetrating Momoko and then they both cum all over her fat tits.

>> No.46954868
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>> No.46955014

Imagine the members with cocks and balls and they're all sucking and fucking each other in a futa Onefive orgy.

>> No.46955207

The RATATATA video and Hanabie's new video for their song Girl's Talk have similar party vibes. https://youtu.be/vdZFDaCjQ0w?si=Z_oeH6ru-Issxz1v

>> No.46955286

Momometal growling compilation

>> No.46955682
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>> No.46955685

Do you think asking a group to go from zero to sexy is being addicted to porn?
Are you gay? A girl? or a kobabot?

>> No.46955830

There is nothing sexual about BABYMETAL. You are sick and want to sexualize them. You disgusting pervert. There is nothing sexy in BABYMETAL and there never will be.

>> No.46955847

Damn. The way some of the anons here talk about Hanabie I thought they were a big artists. Literally like 15x less views than RATATA eventhough this Hanabie MV has been out for 2 weeks more

>> No.46955859

They reenacting the private meetings. Momo is an expert of it since she rakes the most cash for gaping

>> No.46955956
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>> No.46955961
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1281, 62f77741-dd6a-4730-8df7-dca5889f4be3_rw_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behind the scenes pic from RATATA mv filmset

>> No.46955963

Just so you know, Suzuka is interested in exploring more her sexier side for Babymetal, she said it in an interview, also changing the image a little would help and I suppose they will do it.

But that doesn't mean you become paranoid and think we wish the group like Miley Cyrus

>> No.46955972

Did she talk about doing sexier dancing or dressing up more sexy? Or just some vague sexiness? Haven't read that interview so would be interested to know

>> No.46956011

That's not what she said. They were acting like cute young girls in the latest MV. Don't project your sick sexual fantasies on them.

>> No.46956026

>They were acting like cute young girls in the latest MV
Cute young girls drink alcohol and sing karaoke. Well karaoke they might do but having drinks is definitely more mature side of them. And yes they might have not actually drunk alcohol during the shoot but they still were acting like it. Even the newest interview that got translated yesterday Su was talking about relaxing with in a bath with a wine glass in hand

>> No.46956085

Well, Suzuka can be sexy and Moa is also sexy, the first thing I remember is Moa's dances in Kagerou and all dancing in Night Night Burn. But the image itself went in vain in another direction since 5 years ago and it seems that they focused only in acting like and for children.

Hey girls, someone tell them that most of your fans are not children, that stage was a long time ago, don't suits you and no one believes it anymore

>> No.46956135


>> No.46956251

Suzuka drinking wine, wow.
I think that's enough of Babymetal being childish on stage, because then these confessions appears.
I feel like we're missing out on how Babymetal could do something better.

>> No.46956260

Isn't this the same song Su covered with Himeka while they were in ASH?

>> No.46956267

It's nice to see/hear Mariri singing again

>> No.46956287
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>> No.46956335

too hot for her own good

>> No.46956463
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>> No.46956781
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>> No.46956861

Gumi seems bored by all this nonsense and futility

>> No.46956938
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>> No.46956940
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>> No.46957305

I wanna stuck my cock inside that little mouth

>> No.46957350

Holy shit. This thing is at 4million views already.

>> No.46957413
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>> No.46957469
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>> No.46957568

not the first time she's taking a huge wad

>> No.46957717

She has always had that face of being the most realistic and sage in the group. Kano is the alpha and energic, and the other two just so dreamer and naive about this idol system.

Anyway, looking for good examples of idol, perfume was formed in 2000 and only reach real fame in 2008. There is nothing to be alarmed about or take advantage of to hate them

>> No.46957755

Gumi is always relaxed and her hobby is sleeping

>> No.46958433

This is some wild cope.

>> No.46958984


Imagine being so gay that you wouldn’t want to stick in Moa’s chokoreto hole

>> No.46959212

You guys have some serious issues if you can't even look at any female and not think about sex. Get some help.

>> No.46959226

>any female
>one in a thousand japanese idols
Pretty sure you need to pick just one. I don't look at some landwhale with blue hair and think about sex but yes when I look at an idol whose literal job is being attractive I do think it. And you sound like an literal cocksucking faggot when you whine about it here every day

>> No.46959230

on the contrary. go to the doc and check your libido lil fagboy

>> No.46959445

What are you, 16? You talk like some annoying high school kid lol grow up

>> No.46959501
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LE Tomat

>> No.46959532

Look at the pot calling the kettle black. I guess we are both annoying high school kids then. Also thanks for not refuting my point at all. Really makes me feel like I hit the nail on the head

>> No.46959601

You're still using gay and faggot as insults. This isn't 2007. Get with the times.

>> No.46959612

Relax, they are just trolling u

>> No.46959629
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>> No.46959658
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>> No.46959778

Can you guys not be horny for one thread?

>> No.46959962 [DELETED] 


>> No.46960028
File: 164 KB, 1080x1080, 7dabuwhyub3d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is LEGEND-Y?

>> No.46960069

May her name and her memory be erased.

>> No.46960104

i hate you fucks that constantly bring her up, but it is a tragedy that we never got Yuibanger

>> No.46960108

I got some new Babymetal! fuck off, hags

>> No.46960114

Yui didn't last long enough to have her own concert lol she was a weak little bitch that couldn't cut it.

Momoko > Yui in every way

>> No.46960120

Why would anyone want to watch a 9 year-old cover Babymetal songs? Are you a pedophile?

>> No.46960191

You mean the failed overweight Kpop idol Koba hired because everyone else was busy?

>> No.46960192

MooMooCow clomping around the stage like a fat retard will never be better than Yui

>> No.46960208

Me insert my pee pee into Mariri vagine now!

>> No.46960222

Angry gray haired autistic people coping and seething at this hour? Pulling an all nighter ey.

>> No.46960223

This general is cringe asf

>> No.46960237

If Momoko continued with a dead end Kpop group, she would've become a literal nobody. Now she's part of the biggest and most dynamic Japanese group in the world.

>> No.46960248

Suzuka is way too pretty

>> No.46960268

stfu paul

>> No.46960311
File: 361 KB, 1632x1224, babymetal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was peak babymetal.

>> No.46960323

No, Babymetal has no peak because Babymetal has always been good and is at its best now in their current form.

>> No.46960338

undeniable proof that nobody cares what they do-

>> No.46960354

Think it'll hit 5 million views in one week?

>> No.46960364

You believe that is better than Akatsuki and Sis Anger?

>> No.46960369


>> No.46960370

On a planet with 8.1 billion people it shouldn't be hard to find 5 million with shit taste in music.

>> No.46960378

no, anything would be better than that. and it won't be getting any better.
babymetal has maybe a year or to left before koba will have to shut the whole thing down because people are going to start getting tired of having to settle for this kind of low rent no talent shit.

>> No.46960406

Yeah listen to Band-Maid, Otoboke Beaver, Hanabie, and Nemophila instead

>> No.46960414

don't post my wife here

>> No.46960432
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x991, 833e5861b56b44ed997039f7c096727e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to crush your fantasies, but the last Yui was not very good

>> No.46960487

Biggest yes, dynamic mmmm with who?

>> No.46960503

2016-2017 was a great period, second album still the best growing musically.

Now Momoko in BM is like Robert Trujillo in Metallica. She looks weird, she does weird things, but she's not kawaii. Koba saved her career is true, and save the trio concept was their best decision since what tracks choose for the second LP

>> No.46960510

Honestly I like that BM is becoming more popish with time. But why still with the sad doom metal costumes?

>> No.46960513

why this thread always full of hate and criticism? what the fuck is wrong?

>> No.46960517

Fuck you, Momoko is kawaii asf

>> No.46960519
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>> No.46960529
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>> No.46960567

This isn't Reddit. We are free to criticize the band.

>> No.46960587

But that's all you do though

>> No.46961012

Didn't use it as an insult. I just said what you are. If you took it as an insult then maybe you are the one who is stuck in 2007

>> No.46961016

>Yui didn't last long enough to have her own concert
I fucking hate you new fags so much it's unreal

>> No.46961024

Akatsuki? NO. Sis anger? Definitely yes. That song is fucking shit. Worst bbm song

>> No.46961031

>babymetal releases their most popular music video in decades
>babymetal has maybe a year or to left
Holy fuck you sound retarded. Atleast try to make some sense with the shit you write.

>> No.46961034

RATATATA has more view than every single latest release from those shit bands combined. So tell me again how babymetal is "going to end" but those bands are thriving?

>> No.46961041

>Atleast try to make some sense with the shit you write.
>babymetal releases their most popular music video in decades

>> No.46961046

>Rainbow colored frilly shit at the top of the costumes
>doom metal costumes
Pick one

>> No.46961053

Yes. The viewcount of RATATA is going up faster than Karate and PAPAYA at the time of their releases? So what's the problem with what I said genius?

>> No.46961057

Babymetal hasn't been around for decades.

>> No.46961066

Ah that's what you were going for. Remove the "s" from "decades" then

>> No.46961381

Baby shark 14 billion views > Babymetal 5 million views

>> No.46961499

So babyshark is 2800 times better than babymetal but 54 687 times better than Hanabie.

>> No.46961517

None of those groups have anything to do with each other wtf

>> No.46961523

Hanabie get's posted in here constantly so they must have some type of connection

>> No.46961597

Oh yeah Hanabie > Babymetal

>> No.46961648

You must have gone to a american school since you think that 250k views in 2weeks is better than over 4million views in 6 days. But still god bless your dumb soul

>> No.46961666

Who cares about views? This isn't a competition. Hanabie makes better music.

>> No.46961755

Views is one of the only objective stats we have. Your "Hanabie makes better music" bullshit is just your subjective opinion which means literally nothing to me. I don't even know if you have a good taste in music so it's like you are saying "just trust me bro"

>> No.46961767

>this isn't a competition
>immediately makes it a competition by saying Hanabie is better
I grow more and more tired of your bullshit everyday

>> No.46961789


>> No.46961797


>> No.46961866

You will never have Futa Su cum in your mouth

>> No.46961867

Damn. Fox Fest looked like so much fun.

>> No.46961903

More like Futa Fox Fest haha

>> No.46961919

Hanabie concert is 100 times more fun

>> No.46961946

Love how you resorted to low quality biting now. Looks like I rattled you

>> No.46961962


>> No.46961985

Suck on Futa Su's hairy balls

>> No.46962093


>> No.46962145

Holy fuck this looks boring. Except for their anime aesthetic their stage show looks like every single metal band there is.

>> No.46962166

>idol fan astonished to see a real metal band actually be a metal band

You guys are brainwashed by idol groups.

>> No.46962201

Were was my astonishment? I just said it's fucking boring. You might aswell just listen to this at home rather than go there and watch them move their head back and forth over and over and nothing else. And this is a fucking idol general why the fuck are you even posting your "real metal band" in here?

>> No.46962203

babymetal will remain utter shit until the day they finally disband

>> No.46962222

Hanabie > Babymetal

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

>> No.46962230

Did babymetal do something again since schizo is so fucking hellbent on shitting up the general once again?

>> No.46962278

Bro the general is shit all the time anyway lol

>> No.46962307

Sure but I prefer it when it's ontopic shit instead of this offtopic shit

>> No.46962317

Babymetal is off topic. This is a Onefive and Sakura Gakuin General.

>> No.46962357


>> No.46962366

>OP pic is a Yui in her BABYMETAL costume
>the name of general constains BABYMETAL
Yeah sure whatever the fuck you say champ

>> No.46964500

Sis anger is the pinnacle of BM contrast

>> No.46964521

Rainbow colored frilly shit at the top of the costumes is only a mediocre last minute decision that can't hide how opaque the costumes have become.
