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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.71 MB, 1374x2000, 1710968342247222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46935231 No.46935231 [Reply] [Original]

Miku x Luka edition

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous Thread: >>46897442

>> No.46935249
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>> No.46935265

Teto is a very versatile girl.

>> No.46935516
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, 756635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diva is fun and you should play it.

>> No.46935822
File: 2.41 MB, 1918x1078, cutemigu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun game
wish i didnt suck at rhythm games though

>> No.46935857

I'd play a GH but with miku

>> No.46935859

I keep listening to this on repeat

>> No.46935896
File: 162 KB, 467x700, 51982698_p28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rin-chan is my angel!

wait a minute...

>> No.46935905

You like rin? Post your top 5 Rin songs right now

>> No.46936029

A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night
Setsuna Drive
Cloud Rider
Invisible Lovers

>> No.46936035

Mesmerizer Miku owes me sex

>> No.46936091

Zundamon wa onnanoko nanoda

>> No.46936338
File: 445 KB, 1920x1080, 633818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt the same way when I first started playing, rhythm games really let you know when you fuck up so you really feel it. But like with any game/skill/hobby, you'll get the hang of it if you put in the time.

>I'd play a GH but with miku

>> No.46936370

I love how the kotonohas sound

>> No.46936404


>> No.46936918


There's a part of this song that reminds me of another song

>> No.46936949

Len with Teto

>> No.46937207

happy happy
This song ends too soon.

>> No.46937604
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>> No.46937786

Yuri? On my /jp/?

>> No.46938014
File: 169 KB, 1656x1177, VKB-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My synth has multisampling abilities, so I'm going to sample Miku and make a Miku keyboard, kind of like the VKB-100 but with only one syllable. Which syllable should I pick for her to sing? I was thinking a standard "Ah", or "Mi" for Miku.

>> No.46938033

"Po" and "Pi"

>> No.46938048

Haha, awesome. Yeah, I didn't think of it, but I can put different syllable on different keys.

>> No.46938058

Mi and Gu

>> No.46938086
File: 1.55 MB, 2400x1700, __kasane_teto_utau_and_3_more_drawn_by_sang_yu_qwq__6ca1618e6531e0dcf18ce4ac69c8ff8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46938298


>> No.46938307

Te To

>> No.46938479

>I can't believe the thread reached 400 posts before rolling off the board. Did we pick up tourists?
I'm coming once per week to listen to the new releases. The thread is so active I'm two threads late. I think it got more active when Teto got her SV voicebank. Now, all posts are limited to the word "teto" followed by 10 links. At the same time, Lenfags have completely disappeared. It's as if they multiplied and converted their faggotry into Teto worship.

>> No.46938527
File: 1.01 MB, 1787x1773, __kasane_teto_utau_drawn_by_nekoma_mimu__128e20d33662f5ea344dde202cafbd07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Now, all posts are limited to the word "teto" followed by 10 links.
all me btw

>> No.46939339
File: 563 KB, 2100x3000, 1716814438669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46939742

new one for the subeana heads

>> No.46939766

I-I think Meiko is really cute...

>> No.46940329

removed but found it reuploaded again

>> No.46940349

bet you like the France 2024 Olympics emblem

>> No.46940538

Now how lng should I wait before we get art of them kissing?

>> No.46940959

Why tf is Mesmerizer toxic yuri? Dumb X gaijins

>> No.46940975

I guess because they're holding hands in the latest pic channel posted about it

>> No.46941162

Where can I find that picture?

>> No.46941170

https://x.com/reloco_relo/status/1795050581481968069 here bro

>> No.46941556

because westoids have to immediately find reasons to hate things for no reason. see all of the retards who sperg out when they discover lamazep is a lolicon (which should be absolutely obvious even if you dont speak nippon, but these are not the smartest people).
one of the main points of vocaloid imo is you can get away from who's making the music to focus on music in a purer manner but these children/mental children dont appreciate that. also the fact that vocaloid prevents oversinging which is one of the cheapest and shittiest 'tricks' in music and something western pop music is replete with. doesn't cure all musical pathologies but it in particular annoys me a lot and basically no vocaloid producer indulges in it.

>> No.46941576

I think you're missing the point here in that they don't hate it, but rather like toxic yuri

>> No.46941606
File: 310 KB, 700x679, fa15af06250d66c5ecd046fb0bfd5d91d55617b7612c828291fa9fba2eaa3e55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46941615

Sorry miku, but things happen there and they're related to the thread topic in some way or another. Also twitter doesn't exist anymore :^)

>> No.46941635

Mesmerizer is a ok song. I think it's big just because of the story.

>> No.46941636

KAFU and Teto

>> No.46941661
File: 364 KB, 1505x2048, GNJUdxcaUAAFksB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lenfags are still alive ! never assume !!

>> No.46941712

>arguing with miku
>posting that lame line about "twitter doesn't exist anymore"

>> No.46941734

As you said, it's a decent song that just exploded because of the mv being by channel. It's not like it'll get to 100M views or anything like that before other Miku songs

>> No.46941741


>> No.46941746

May I ask what "oversinging" is?

>> No.46941791
File: 174 KB, 769x432, 36977961_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebot song

>> No.46942109

ever listen to a rendition of the American national anthem that's like







(dramatic pause)


that's oversinging, it sucks because it upsets the balance of so many compositions. It started really picking up in the 80s, most western female pop artists do it now as do large numbers of amateur singers, if you watch any idol/talent TV shows almost all of them indulge in it. I think the one *general* exception would be Taylor Swift who generally doesn't based on some of the live stuff I've seen but I don't like most of her music for other reasons.
Vocaloid doesn't generally have this problem because it's less common in Asian pop and because it's pretty challenging to do well with a synth voice.

>> No.46942136

How would it be oversinging if the original rendition of a song is meant to be sung that way?

>> No.46942175

It's not a defined, technical term. It's like 'profanity', you know it when you see or hear it.
It can relate both to people who choose to oversing a piece and compositions designed around vocal gymnastics to the detriment of everything else.

>> No.46942217

Miku with a banger, Spare me the posts about the AI art

>> No.46942223

Ohhh, you mean when they stretch out the vocals? Yeah, I guess vocaloids would have a hard time doing that

>> No.46942225

And I should also add that vocal gymnastics definitely exist in vocaloid but they take a very different form. In westoid pop music I think they're largely used to infuse some kind of faux sentimentality or just come off as a vocalist stunting/bogarting the track. In vocaloid it's sometimes a technical gimmick. I think CosmoP is a good example of a vocaloid-gymnast for better or worse.
There's also the artists that use vocal synths more like an actual instrument, where their sounds aren't easily identifiable speech/vocals. I recall listening to an ambient track that used teto for this a few months ago but can't remember the name. Rin also becomes a whistle when tuned high enough.

>> No.46942238

It's funny how you feel like defining these things as gimmicks/faux sentimentality and entirely frame them as negatives.

>> No.46942245

This is an AI-friendly thread, with vocaloids being and all

>> No.46942251

Are you retarded?

>> No.46942259

*with vocaloids being AI and all
There, better?

>> No.46942276

Damn didn't know vocaloids were generative AI that appropriate content without the consent of creators

>> No.46942289
File: 57 KB, 447x850, 1699045846527888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lenfags have completely disappeared.
Still here, just lurking. When the thread is active with more interesting stuff going on I don't feel the need to Lenpost out of boredom

>> No.46942344

VOCALOID6 uses AI technology to generate a highly expressive singing voice that's more natural than ever before.


>> No.46942387
File: 271 KB, 580x500, 1598899471765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disso shitto again
consent is an illusion
you have no rights, creators have no rights. the internet has been a big tech nwordcattle rodeo for nearly two decades now. the fight was lost in the 90s and this is all just postscript
just roll with it and enjoy the final years. AI is probably going to destroy what's left of the surface web and it's probably for the best at this point.

>> No.46942425

What the heck did we lose in the 90s?

>> No.46942445

Retard, not the same thing and several other engines do that as well.

Oh don't get me wrong, I don't care about that besides semantics and the godawful pics some retards generate in 1 shit prompt and just go with instead of at least trying to refine it a bit or whatever.

>> No.46942753

>not the same thing and several other engines do that as well
It doesn't matter, the point is that we're an AI-friendly thread

>> No.46942860
File: 101 KB, 550x825, 1716844437727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46943007

how is it that two people who don’t speak english could understand that toxic yuri was words of praise and not you who typed this faggoty autistic rant

>> No.46943210

Fuck off with that AI slop. If you are going to post that, we might as well close 4chan and migrate to Suno AI.

>> No.46943253

retard. no wonder you enjoy slop so much kek

>> No.46943490

You were supposed to spare me bro

>> No.46943523

Miku wouldn't want you guys to be mean to AI enjoyers...

>> No.46943558

She'd just say something like "can't we just enjoy the music?"

>> No.46943606

How am I the retard again and not you?

>> No.46943620

this one is great

>> No.46943635

I've been literally listening to this hit piece nonstop now. What do you guys think of Adachi Rei's voice?

熱異常 / いよわ feat.足立レイ(Heat abnormal / Iyowa feat.Adachi Rei)

>> No.46943682

It's a good song and her voice isn't bad, but it's definitely on the harsher side of voices and does take a bit to get used to/appreciate imo. I like the teto cover better

>> No.46943702
File: 373 KB, 2048x1448, tonachan818-1580497773577015296-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel her voice is definitely not something a lot of people would appreciate, but it is pure vocaloid. I quite enjoy her

>> No.46943731

Oh, I have to listen to the Teto cover as well! As for me, I really like the harsh sound, really stands out and give s me goosebumps

Oh God, those clunky keyboard sounds haha, love it, thanks for sharing

>> No.46943744


>> No.46944144

What a Hell of an Amazing Cover of Lily LilyBurning Night by Mitani Nana

>> No.46944169

I need a download with all the "Character Character Super Eurobeat" songs

>> No.46944342

Why are you people replying to bait?

>> No.46944352

Anon't post about bait is in itself a form of bait. Curious.

>> No.46944464


>> No.46944555
File: 481 KB, 800x1200, EfC_udYUEAAgyuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smug rin is too good

>> No.46944635

See >>46912696

>> No.46944651


>> No.46944742

correction required

>> No.46944879
File: 795 KB, 3840x2160, biimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku Miku Beam.
Also 10th anni album in the description...I think I'll grab it.

>> No.46944905

why are normies so upset by a screen instead of watching how hard those animations were bussin'. i didn't give a shit not like the japanese did it differently recently right.

>> No.46944912


>> No.46945017

Miku the virtual idol is way bigger than Miku the signing software. They wanted to see the blue hologram girl dancing, not a live band playing vocaloid songs.

>> No.46945046

I like her

>> No.46945073

weird cuz it didn't bother me. she was still there anyway

>> No.46945087

They could have at least tried to hide the screen better. You know, like blending it with the background?

>> No.46945100

They did in later shows, to a certain extent anyways, but much better than the first few ones.

>> No.46945282
File: 3.02 MB, 2000x2000, __kasane_teto_and_kasane_teto_utau_and_1_more_drawn_by_torino_sasami__d90f81a9e9869a710823bce4128d20ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teto with a many teto in the lyrics

>> No.46945464
File: 105 KB, 500x500, Po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Po" and "Pi"
I have sampled her saying "Po" and it works, as in, it sounds OK for a keyboard. However, the P consonant is barely audible. In fact, the problem is directly from the Vocaloid software. I don't know if there's a trick to getting a good Po, like, editing the sound wave.


>> No.46945470
File: 270 KB, 2009x1802, 1706556244767220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is beautiful great work

>> No.46945529

here's a teto too

>> No.46945642 [DELETED] 


>> No.46945694
File: 1.65 MB, 2138x1918, 04e1fc38ca65b81428a24f505b420186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know a good place to buy a miku pillow? i wanna sleep with my wife..

>> No.46945765
File: 148 KB, 500x500, getout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not like the japanese did it differently recently right


>> No.46945799
File: 1021 KB, 1024x1024, termiloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spare me the posts about the AI art
That art is not that bad.

>> No.46946017

normies crying "screen screen screen!!" keep seathing snowflakes ~ lmao

>> No.46946029

>3rd worlder enjoys a screen because it has higher resolution than his mom's borrowed laptop

>> No.46946071


>> No.46946185


>> No.46946415

Do not engage with obvious baits.

>> No.46946517

New Namigroove

>> No.46946847

have you paid any attention to the vocaloid events in the US over the past few months? the other guy is a coper though. vocaloid isn't unique, production values have been falling and ticket prices rising across a lot of artists since coof. due to a mix of real increased costs and a race to the bottom where companies and event organizers are trying to find how much sawdust they can mix in the bread before people stop buying it.

>> No.46947043
File: 197 KB, 1800x734, GOiwBj2aYAEChyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin-chan now? more like Rin-chan, sex. Now.

>> No.46947244

a gentle calming song about love

>> No.46947343

No argument about the Miku screen, but just looking for you to elaborate. Of course we all know that ticket prices are rising but
>production values have been falling
Is this anecdotal? What are you referring to specifically? Are you talking about western bands playing in NA? I'm not sure if it's fair to use the comparison of overseas acts coming to NA. I've seen plenty of high cost productions involving western acts in the west, and japanese acts in Japan. It becomes a little bit more difficult to keep the production quality up if you are sending someone from Japan to USA to perform. Especially with the current situation regarding the yen. From what I can tell on a quick search is that big shows are suffering from rising costs, so production values may be falling as an offset.
Also ticketmaster is the devil.

>> No.46947353

Fucking Rin while this>>46947244 plays at max volume

>> No.46948262
File: 114 KB, 576x1024, GOrLzrQboAAX-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Rei sniffing Futaba Minato?

>> No.46948656

Is there a translated version of this? I feel lile I'm missing some important point by not understanding the text

>> No.46948665

I want to see Teto and Miku kiss

>> No.46948699

Yeah I don't know, I prefer the raw version if Adachi Rei more, but thank you so much for sharing nonetheless!!

>> No.46948726

niggers x faggots

>> No.46948734

I'm sorry guy, I just think that the Miku beam is cringe, ngl

>> No.46948753


>> No.46948866

I really REALLY like this cover by this Vocaloid band too, but it's way too short!

熱異常 / 25時、ナイトコードで。 × KAITO【3DMV】

>> No.46948875

Where do you all download your vocaloid music from? Or what do you use to download from youtube?
Been meaning to start downloading songs since I'm going on a trip and a youtube list isn't going to cut it

>> No.46948892

Can someone please tell me who these voices are? I knkw one is Kaito, but who are the others??

>> No.46948901

mikudb/doujinstyle. Begging in /ptg/ on /g/ is also an option

>> No.46948904

It's nightcord at 25. And Kaito.

>> No.46948929

That's fine, it's not for everyone. I'm not even a huge fan of the song overall but it made for a great live experience, and has grown on me a bit as a result.

>> No.46948932


>> No.46948970

That sounds great, anon!

>> No.46949217
File: 251 KB, 624x625, 194119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New top cute, i love takenokoboy

>> No.46949260

Mesmerizer 100M views by the end of the year

>> No.46949301

>he says while posting in the vocaloid thread

>> No.46949324

post your favorite kaai, kafu or una tracks

>> No.46949406

Life plastic when? I need a miku

>> No.46949462

has a subeana standalone thread ever been made? it's niche japanese culture enough to have its own discussion but from all my years on /jp/, ive rarely ever seen it discussed or even mentioned

>> No.46949536

Vocaloid is NOT cringe.

>> No.46949565

What are subeana heads?

>> No.46949575

miku is cringe desu

>> No.46949615

Why are you like this T-T

>> No.46949625
File: 1.31 MB, 3000x3000, xpmpm2xaf4h91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46949649

What is that watermark? Didn't even find him with it

>> No.46949658

well, youre favorite vocaloid is cringer than miku

>> No.46949681

I don’t think it’s ever had a standalone thread. But is there any subeana-adjacent song as cool as K^2?

>> No.46949683

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6DVTLvOupE and all the remixes and parodies of it


>> No.46949694

What is subeana

>> No.46949768
File: 815 KB, 2048x2048, __kasane_teto_utane_uta_and_koronba_4_gou_utau_and_5_more_drawn_by_sueao3__0651f73546ecff876dbf540c06a53706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my personal favorites. it's getting harder and harder to actually find good songs the past couple years cause there's too many kids hopping on the genre that are too focused on the ARG aspect than the actual music

you ever seen those UTAU songs with an extremely esoteric titles and blank backgrounds? gross simplification is that its a subgenre that came about from people being inspired by a certain artist's elusivity. its called subeana because the guy who started the trend's username was a shortening of that

>> No.46949790

No one posted this one yet?
Not even the teto obsessed ones or did i miss it somewhere?

>> No.46949806

No one actually likes Teto, it's just spam to move the threads faster to annoy that one guy

>> No.46949815


>> No.46949817

i’ve just been calling them koronba clones this whole time. nice to know there’s an actual name for this phenomenon

>> No.46949825

Oh okay. Sounds really fucking lame but okay. Thanks

>> No.46949830
File: 38 KB, 300x300, ab67616d00001e02093abe27d09a330696913fcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good
you forgot to post some una though

>this one's so good nyan

>> No.46949838
File: 192 KB, 840x945, __kasane_teto_utane_uta_and_momone_momo_utau_drawn_by_harisenbon_power_slide__86f77530f8ee9575e55486d3553915ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

it has a bunch of different names by this point. i think subeana is just the most used one. ive heard of one that translate to something like seafood market which i thought was cute. neighborhood/familiar is also another one ive heard

>> No.46949843

That cat song sampled some fucking noise from Kirby 64 right? I need to fucking know

>> No.46949862

You can't be serious
Is there not a single teto song you like?

>> No.46949868

No, please link all the teto songs you like so I can save them and not listen to them.

>> No.46949909
File: 388 KB, 1428x803, cover7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46949918
File: 513 KB, 1665x1626, GD5gVgpawAI1K1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe in Masarada supremacy

>> No.46949921

I unironically want to grab a white shirt and have a red line design like that one printed on it

>> No.46949964
File: 259 KB, 270x200, 1690823735712802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46949997

had the same thought but for this Teto

>> No.46950011
File: 1.42 MB, 2500x1500, Anniversary12th(maboroshi_hane)-2500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really "liked" how ARIA's anniversary come and go like nothing ever happened.

>> No.46950059

that was cute, thanks for sharing.
As for the shirt, does anyone know what I even need besides a white shirt and a place that does the printing? lmao do I need a png of the design?

>> No.46950097 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 749x417, 2134F3D7-FF4E-46CB-8F81-AC795B730573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gyatttttttttttt skibdi sigma tiktok rizzz party alpha sigma male podcast sigma grindset we go jim zyzz creatine alpha sigma cuh dey board edging streaks

>> No.46950282


>> No.46950391

There's a translation in the comments if you scroll a bit
It's basically a story about Rei's creation

>> No.46950400
File: 2.21 MB, 1447x2047, GOPBKOMa4AAf3VD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im not sure as a i dont speak japanese, but its probably something funny generated by the adachi rei markov chain twitter account (its AI and often makes funny statements unintentionally)

>> No.46950403
File: 1.25 MB, 2900x2900, F8IFv_DaQAA-nOe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


amazing teto cover

>> No.46950412

If there song was released in an album somewhere I'll download it from mikudb. Otherwise, if the song is only available on youtube which is 99% of the time, I'll download it with yt-dlp.
>but muh quality
If the only source of a song is a single shitty youtube upload, that is the highest possible quality you can listen to that song

>> No.46950467

i think it's just the date the work was made but he doesn't know how to spell august or digital

>> No.46950478

Wow, this is amazing. I didn't know Adachi Rei had a physical form too!

>> No.46950483

>you forgot to post some una though

>> No.46950485

Oh lol
And what about those mathematical symbols down there?

>> No.46950511
File: 462 KB, 1500x1500, 991409d27d61aa1039ec03a1cb71a1d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably their logo
i have seen it before
artist is @digiral6

>> No.46950566

Cool, thank you! Finally found him.
What's the point of having an artist name and a watermark, when I'm not even able to find them that way?

>> No.46950573
File: 134 KB, 850x999, 1708033304402027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one actually likes Teto
you take that back
there's at least 3 teto fans around here

>> No.46950581

That's right!
*wreeeeee!!!* (drill sounds)

>> No.46950592

Why do so many producers refuse to use Teto?

>> No.46950640

Are ya joking mate?

>> No.46950641

really like the tuning and the music video


>> No.46950653

I'm only obsessed with the new Teto-focused producers like Masarada and Sasuke Haraguchi, sorry.

>> No.46950846

He's right you know, until everyone has produced at least 5 songs with Teto, we can't say that they're using her really

>> No.46950898

you can only respond to this post if you viewed mesmerizer before it hit 100k

>> No.46950901


>> No.46950999


good finds

>> No.46951194

The vocaloid threads turned into brown skin central, might as well be /hilo VOCALOIDO/ from now on. Multiple links to twitter every thread, general normalfaggotry and starting sentences without capitalised letters just to name a few. Some newfag(s) that just now realised Teto exists, copypasting links for all the videos uploaded to youtube on a given day, that come up when you type in (copypaste in his case) 重音テト. Not to mention the shameless, no-lurking newfags that are appearing perhaps because of the concerts recently held in the USA, not that it matters why other than maybe they'll leave after. The "I love Miku, but pay attention to ME, I'm going to do a hero this time for sure." poster (undoubtably brown skinned himself) should just come back or if he never left ramp it up again to push things even further beyond the current state of things. Maybe then the threads will become so shit they loop back around into being good.

>> No.46951211

I can't post pics because of a rangeban, and I won't pay to post on fucking 4chan, so you'll deal with the links.

>> No.46951231

Blame channel.

>> No.46951235

This is our personal hell, divine punishment for driving that schizo into suicide.

>> No.46951239
File: 11 KB, 875x661, iactuallydonthaveagoodreactimageforthissituation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46951259

>driving that schizo into suicide.

>> No.46951262

did he actually do it? has he been back since the last time? i was being nice to him for awhile so i dont think i deserve it.

>> No.46951271

When did /jp/ forget how to take it easy?

>> No.46951289
File: 8 KB, 246x278, 241346563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jp has never been a take it easy board. this is a place for people who got too mad over /a/ not being serious enough internet discussion.

>> No.46951297

>all my favorite producers are still dead

>> No.46951318
File: 201 KB, 1416x2006, GHstrA_asAA5Sc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck Len bussy

>> No.46951322

I thought it was Len's ass or something.

>> No.46951342

>this is a place for
It's a 2hu containment board, dumbass.

>> No.46951366

2hus are serious business

>> No.46951385
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z88_ql3o4cw (better audio nico.ms/sm41192422 )

>> No.46951389

All crossboarders leave at once.

>> No.46951456


>> No.46951539

There's just too much spoonfeeding going on lately. Not trying to say "muh gatekeep" because no matter what we do there will always be dumbass secondaries and trend hoppers. But seriously, do you guys not even know how to google?
Like come on. First of all, how do you find the vocaloid thread on jaypee on 4chan but not know what project sekai is? Second, you couldn't just search "what is project sekai" on google instead of making a post?

>> No.46951544

>complaining that a poster doesnt know about prosekai
stop ruining the purity of newfags

>> No.46951551

It's not purity when they're shitting up threads back to back. I just want comfy threads again without idiots asking easily searchable questions

>> No.46951570

where can I find Len dick and balls I don't know how to google

>> No.46951578

>Some newfag(s) that just now realised Teto exists, copypasting links for all the videos uploaded to youtube on a given day
I have been just ignoring all teto links for a while now after realizing they were just random songs.
Normalfags (i.e. AI seethers or expo visitors) will leave soon, no worries.
This thread is still clean compared to the rest of the site but if we stop gatekeeping then it will turn to shit real quick.

>> No.46951579

my F drive.
F stands for heterosexual btw.

>> No.46951586

Being real now I like song links and it's a good way to find more stuff, but I wish people would at least post something alongside their link, like comment what they like about the song or whatever. Feels so souless just seeing a thread full of youtube links with no context or discussion.

>> No.46951648
File: 1.65 MB, 1333x2000, 1687487787784091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this UTAU Kuzuda Yone song over there, quite nice.

>> No.46951653
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, 231523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he was the one talking about playing MegaMix a few threads ago, he's still kicking.

>> No.46951680

well im glad he decided to not kill himself. or that he got it over with and killed himself. whatever happened i'm glad for it.

>> No.46951854

I am also suicidal

>> No.46951890

i like this song
the video is cute
the music is cute
hatsune miku is cute

>> No.46952050
File: 631 KB, 720x900, __ia_vocaloid_drawn_by_shimotsuki_eri__f8914a2a44f853a4e41f92384276d773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't meanpost about my wife

>> No.46952250

Can't remember if I already posted this underrated gem before but I'm going to post it anyway

>> No.46952255

Wait until you see the other music threads on /jp/.

>> No.46952374

or worse, kpop threads on /mu/

>> No.46952380

I guess you do have a point when looking back at the thread and just seeing links.

>> No.46952459

You don't need to know, they're 3dpd garbage

I'm impressed there's a newfag who hasn't heard of it. Wish most newfags are like this.

>> No.46952638

Umm excuse me but I have met those girls in the game and they are most definitely 2d, you can't lie to me

>> No.46952644

They use real women to voice them bro. This is why I'm an Adachi-sigma only

>> No.46952730

They are 2d but their voices are still 3d

>> No.46952743
File: 421 KB, 1000x1300, 1529807489721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing that other anon made me think that I should probably try sharing some of my translations rather than let them just sit in my computer even if I'm an amateur. This one's for Wadatsumi, a folk song about the god of the sea.

>> No.46952863

>But seriously, do you guys not even know how to google?
>promoting mark zuckerberg's website
anyone who's serious about vocaloid will search on niconico. like, is this jp or what.

>> No.46952886

>type digiral into search
>there's a guy named digiral using that logo as his avatar
How bad can you be at searching things?

>> No.46953064

>The "I love Miku, but pay attention to ME, I'm going to do a hero this time for sure." poster
Gee I wonder where did he go. Not that I miss him but I did notice a lack of background noise

>> No.46953217

I like it when people make alternative visuals/graphics? for a song. This guy did quite a bunch but this one of Masarada's latest work is the one that got to my recs.

>> No.46953316

Not my fault when they only show me IT businesses, wikipedia and other encyclopedia websites

>> No.46953429

just like miku

>> No.46953438

Lmao what year is this. They are all posting on Youtube now. I bet you still use pixiv instead of twitter for art too, get on with the times grandpa.

>> No.46953487

Pixiv is better for art imo

>> No.46953493

What's so good about a newfag not knowing about ProSek?

>> No.46953520

I googled everywhere, but is Nightcord at 25 a real band? Is it a vocaloid? Is it just a story made up for Project Sekai?

>> No.46953545

It's a construction of the mind

>> No.46953586

I like this video for Mini Hen

>> No.46953624

What does that even mean?

>> No.46953632

A non-answer, anon

>> No.46953766

Reminder that underages use TikTok instead of Google.
This explains everything.

>> No.46953800
File: 205 KB, 854x512, 415444---2HunZBf-_L1hLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god JUST SHUT UP

>> No.46953907

I'm sorry Miku, but I must know the truth.

>> No.46953915
File: 23 KB, 400x400, utane uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miku is based of a 3D woman's samples, but was heavily edited, purified, and flattened into 2D. all wickedness and corruption were removed.
she has reached the same level of purity as utane uta, who is 100% synthesized.
also, fuck off for talking shit about miku.

>> No.46953933

Yeah but Utan Uta never even started as a real woman to begin with.

>> No.46954020
File: 313 KB, 1500x1000, __kizuna_akari_kotonoha_akane_and_kotonoha_aoi_vocaloid_and_1_more_drawn_by_ekaki_ya_okamoto__72116ca3ad20982b2f2a72a1a80805bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46954165

its fucking aoiver chocomint bros....

>> No.46954540

It means they can appreciate vocal synths without the added 3d bullshit

>heavily edited, purified, and flattened into 2D. all wickedness and corruption were removed.
Well said

>> No.46954637
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1037, 1716214011361848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loids based on real girl samples are real girls in the same sense that a toadline is a dog. yeah the parts are technically there if you look close enough, but the essence has been fundamentally changed into something far, far superior.

>> No.46954919

>without the added 3d bullshit
You mean the choreography? I think it's pretty neat though

>> No.46955296

new task feat. Gumi SV
pretty gud song

>> No.46955973

if you listen to miku’s samples in audacity they’re edited but not so much that you can’t tell a real life human girl is making those noises. a lot of the purification is done by the vocaloid engine

>> No.46956030

>the essence has been fundamentally changed into something far, far superior.
vocaloid eugenics when? I'd like a miku x3, tetox2 with some Kafu in there

>> No.46956188


>> No.46956241

I took want to breed vocaloids.

>> No.46956418


>> No.46956833

See >>46953520
I already googled it all, it says they're a real band but they still sound like robots to me, can I use them as a vocaloid ?
I want to use their voices

>> No.46956853

No, now fuck off

>> No.46956931


>> No.46956963
File: 332 KB, 1372x1244, miguruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46956969
File: 192 KB, 385x589, Merli_char_600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showing my age here, but what are some songs you like from obscure voicebanks (or synths) you never see talked about?

This ancient SINSY cover of つけまつける has always been a favorite of mine as a clear example of what this voicebank could do. Obviously now it's quite engine-noise heavy and so on, but it's still on my mp3 player.

I've also always enjoyed Merli's cover of Jitter Doll. I enjoy her vocal tone a lot, but from what I've read there were errors in her voicebank which made her unpopular, which is a shame to me. Lower-range/deeper-voiced female voicebanks are comparatively rare and always a shame when one doesn't pan out.

>> No.46957002
File: 75 KB, 250x188, AmeIkuOfficial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46957119

god, luka is so fat

>> No.46957315
File: 1.01 MB, 2880x2880, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like hinayukki and Ebot's ZOLA songs. Also KEN.


>> No.46957405

Omg thank you!! Based yuri

>> No.46957409

Voca-bros, I didn't think I was capable of it, but I actually started to DANCE to this choreography lol, something really touched me with this epic video.

>> No.46957889
File: 14 KB, 384x216, Paimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Nightcord at 25 a real band or just a psyop manufactured by ProSek? Who is behind Nightcord??
Be honest

>> No.46957985
File: 80 KB, 296x256, Rin 11_st.ayaka.one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46958008

Is there any way I can sell my Magical Mirai Osaka tickets? There's no way in hell I can afford a trip to Japan I shouldn't have signed up in the first place. I got two.

>> No.46958044

Holy SHIT go back to twitter or discord or wherever you came from you retarded nigger

>> No.46958053

Fucking love ZOLA project
Not a huge fan of their v6 redesigns...

>> No.46958072
File: 75 KB, 296x256, 1701159320268282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a true shitpost
gtfo if you don't like it here

>> No.46958095

No u

>> No.46958112

Do you like Zola Jesus too?

>> No.46958129

The only way to stop me is to listen and answer my questions, faggot.

>> No.46958149

What's wrong with Genshin Impact?

>> No.46958184
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1200, 109428690_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste, i love most of these.

>> No.46958186
File: 68 KB, 1280x549, Tets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I enter this thread

>> No.46958261

>What's wrong with Genshin Impact?
chinkshit isn't japanese nigger

>> No.46958343

That's rather closeminded of you

>> No.46958360
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x1414, 76918199_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too absolutely!

>> No.46958362

>Just spoon feed me and I'll stop blabbering like a dipshit
Yeah no thanks retard. It'll only shut you up until you demand more. Teach a man to fish and all that.

>> No.46958376

I have a massive soft spot for miodiodavinci's ZOLA covers, so I was happy to see them do the redesigns, although it is kind of inconsistent tonally from the originals.
My understanding is that there is an English-speaking secondary market on the bad websites.

>> No.46958411

Gachashit is always bad.

>> No.46958419

So Miku's voice will always be a 3dpd voice even if you try to cope by saying it's edited, got it

>> No.46958427

Reminder that Project Sekai brought producers out of retirement and did more for vocaloid than any of you individually

>> No.46958440

Hype. I wish Gumi's SV could be higher energy though, this song needs it.

>> No.46958444

The only good thing Genshin has given the world is the porn people make of the characters. Even Honkai has better MVs. All games with gacha are inherently bad because they have gacha, and otherwise-good games which implement gacha immediately get thrown on the shitheap. This is true to a lesser extent with all forms of microtransactions, but gachaslop is arguably its worst and most predatory implementation.

>> No.46958465

Yeah, those 2-3 posts per thread of 300-400 with a few links with the same 'loid are just spam that completely ruin each thread. How dares anyone post more than one song per post per week

>> No.46958505
File: 2.34 MB, 608x1080, 119008144_p0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that how those ps_next events bait producers into making new music.
I'll take that as a win.

>> No.46958636

https://x.com/fizzeru/status/1795862786762793182 this a pic of Neru (mirrored)
[I can't post pics because of rangeban, and I won't pay for a pass]

>> No.46958663
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x2000, __yorigami_jo_on_kasane_teto_and_kasane_teto_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_torino_sasami__893320c3d98725499ecddf6dc31acf6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(yet another) teto cover of bad apple

at first this just sounded off-key to me, but then I figured this is closer to a "live" singing rather than a studio performance. with that in mind I quite like it

>> No.46958743

Its fine. I use imagus mod.

>> No.46958789

The subhuman ego on display for all to see.

>> No.46958827

Why do you complain so much about a game you haven't played and have no idea how good or bad it is. Personally I don't really think about games I haven't played, like at all.

>> No.46958897

This sounds like untuned/auto SV tuning to me. I have noticed that my teto has problems singing on key at the top and bottom of her range.

>> No.46958923

SV generally takes care of a lot, but there's only so much it can do I guess

>> No.46958957

>How dares anyone
Hola senior! You subhumans can't stop exposing yourselves, this one at least knows to capitalise the first word of a sentence. I'm sure that guy is putting immense effort into sorting the videos by upload date after copypasting 重音テト into the search bar. The most effort he has to exert is solving the captcha on his posts, doesn't even think of a couple words to describe the songs he's "recommending". I bet he doesn't listen to some of them at all and just goes "Pretty image, Teto good. Other seniors won't see this, only me can use youtube search. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V."

>> No.46958979

This is such a shit opinion to have lmao I like that anon posting the 4-5 songs for Teto he posts every day. He's posting vocaloid content in the vocaloid thread, unlike you

>> No.46958998
File: 906 KB, 2880x3840, GL6TyffaQAAwUZX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


indeed, they are the best. utau is amazing

>> No.46959287

anon between you and the other guy, at least the other guy is posting content.

>> No.46959391


>> No.46959614

>pretty image
>teto good
this is the deepest thought i ever put into vocaloid videos and if you do more you're cringe.
cute cartoon
cute song
that's all you need

>> No.46959615

yamaji with Len & Rin. The stops are kinda cool

>> No.46959656

bro but the cord progression, the rhythm, the melodies, the lyrics, the cadence, the synths and instruments that denote a specific producer, the tuning of the vocaloid that can be so unique and deep per producer, and of course the animation and cute girls in the videos.

>> No.46959678
File: 2.94 MB, 608x1080, 119083201_p0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The teto spam was worse the previous few threads. I think they are trying to make people hate teto with this tactic.
Just ignore and don't reply.

>> No.46959690

what is this from, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.46959693

Are you retarded? Why the fuck is posting songs with a vocaloid such an issue?

>> No.46959704

The dude is mentally ill.

>> No.46959711

>The teto spam
What teto spam?

>> No.46959713

Stop attaching Miku's image to such terrible takes. Thanks.

>> No.46959729

I literally forget everything whenever I listen to Zundamon? Is this brainrot? Zunda-lobotomy? I feel happy though

>> No.46959838

gay shit
dont care
cute girl
i do prefer to post stuff from channels with very low sub/view count since i think most of these get to us by the algorithm deciding to throw one or two random very low view videos into your recommended. i think thats also why i get random indian videos every so often

teto could kill 6,000,000 million of germany's finest jews, gypsies, homosexuals, retards, invalids and communists and i would still like her

>> No.46959860

Teto would never hurt someone...

>> No.46959877

Bro I like Teto already, she's my favorite in fact, you don't have to make her even better in your hypothetical scenarios

Teto was THIS close looking like she came straight out of a nazi larp comic from 4chan when she was initially conceived as a character, in fact her setting being military is why her SV design looks like it does

>> No.46959881

shes killed billions....

>> No.46959891

His twitter videos are probably more accessible for you

>> No.46959893

Like ugoira isn't just the stupidest thing ever

>> No.46959897

i didn't even recognize that was mmd, wow. it's come so far...

>> No.46959899

Its 100% lossless so its cool in that way but with that loading speed it really doesn't work

>> No.46959908

loading speed? I have issues with the actual thing, not my internet

>> No.46960007

sex with iyowa

>> No.46960015

sex with iyowa

>> No.46960141

Teto is racist?

>> No.46960159


>> No.46960227

Well, she is Japanese, and most japs are racist as fuck

>> No.46960290

Yes. Her original "final" design was with a nazi uniform then later got edited to look like the Miku oufit that's why her shirt look so baggy.

>> No.46960301


>> No.46960305

This is my fetish

>> No.46960321

in the right places

>> No.46960348

It looked pretty good honestly, could've just removed the armband from the grey design they almost went with and it would've been fine imo

>> No.46960374

Here at 4:36 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2881662, it's really nice how her SV design really took the colors from here

>> No.46960392

Heil Teto

>> No.46960620

Are you okay

>> No.46960626

And that's a good thing

>> No.46960640

Where can I make vocaloid songs using the "Nightcord at 25" voicebank?

>> No.46960723

The gloryhole at the back of the Flying J off I-95, see you there.

>> No.46960842
File: 182 KB, 1000x888, Teto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to make a few songs with Nightcord at 25, and it was okay. Then, I uninstalled Vocaloid 6, installed Synthesizer V 1.9.0, installed Teto AI, never looked back, and both were free. There's no reason to pay for a software, when another software is free and higher quality.

>> No.46960849
File: 629 KB, 1554x1200, 1702192344102899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up your ass and to the left :3

>> No.46960865

Holy based. It's for free?

>> No.46960928

Is the voice suitable for the English language too?

>> No.46960955

Afaik Teto got an update for English as well as Spanish. And I'm almost sure all of these were released before that update. That said, you still want to tune a lot of words phonetically rather than just writing them down, at the end of the day it's still japanese software so you have to tell it how to pronounce the words properly.

>> No.46960970

Discusing the state of the threads is meta content, still very much related. I have no reason to post any of my song discoveries when there are subhumans, normalfags and newfags in here and I'm not planning to.

>> No.46961005
File: 479 KB, 1000x737, This is not me faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to spoon feed you an information that is easy to find on SynthV Wiki, Niconico, or Yandex.
If you can't even find such basic information by yourself, I doubt you'll be able to figure out how to use SynthV. Because, what are your next posts going to be? "On what website do I download Teto?" "Hey, this doesn't make any sound, what should I do?" "How do I save as MP3?"

>> No.46961007

There will be subhumans in this thread until you close your browser, anon

>> No.46961013

Yes, you can use Nightcord 25 for the English language too. In fact you can use them for any language, you just gotta teach em

>> No.46961021

And, good thing we are not talking about UTAU Teto. It took me 10 hours to install, and 100 hours just to get her to talk like a robot.

>> No.46961033
File: 187 KB, 1200x1600, __kasane_teto_and_kasane_teto_utau_and_1_more_drawn_by_shisha74607__76975282e04a298545568d7e2f0ab300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some Teto SV I had bookmarked, singing in english in different genres and level of "rookieness"

>> No.46961377

Don't worry, anon, I wasn't asking bitter assholes like you anyway. Just ignore my questions if it makes you so assmad.
Plus, I'll learn it with or without you anyway ;)

>> No.46961383

Based, thank you, I'll check it out then
Why did it take so long?

>> No.46961445

More cool short typography fan MVs I found

>> No.46961742

not bad, but an at least 60fps upload would help a lot for such videos - at the standard 30fps, it looks really choppy

>> No.46962032
File: 28 KB, 956x574, Looks like Vocaloid but unusable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did it take so long?
Finding the correct version of the software was not easy because there's a lot of outdated information floating around. Then, you have to change the system locale to Japanese just to install and use. So you have to reboot each time you want to use UTAU. Then, Teto is still completely unusable, you need a plugin called "TTEnglishInputHelper" to convert English text to phonemes that Teto can say. And that will not work for other English UTAUs, only Teto. In fact, you need to download an external plugin for any form of basic functionality, and each plugin will be found on a different website. That's what a 10 hours installation is. As for actually using the software, it made me cry tears of blood.

>> No.46962604

Another beautiful and moving song from Kasamura Tota.

I'll be honest. I'm not too familiar with Vocoflex, but a lot of the time where it feels too like a human voice, I'd rather just have an utaite sing it.

>> No.46962616
File: 7 KB, 533x136, 2024-05-30 08_23_59-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change the system locale to Japanese just to install and use. So you have to reboot each time
are you sure about that

>> No.46962715

>As for actually using the software, it made me cry tears of blood.
And why is that? It's already installed and going, no?

>> No.46963047

>improve song by having Teto cover it

>> No.46963170


>> No.46963866

Make a new bread, guys

>> No.46964225


>> No.46964286


>> No.46964498

I never open up the new thread until the old thread dies, so I'll see you tomorrow.

>> No.46964665

You better not bitch about the newfags again

>> No.46964703

Couldn't be me. I'm just here to listen to and share music.

>> No.46965030

mesmerizer but stylized as different songs

>> No.46965243

Alright, sorry for the accusation then.

>> No.46965825

No problem, anon.
Anyway, I'll share Sasuke's new song.

>> No.46965862

I found this song rather underwhelming.

>> No.46965869

This is pretty aggressive song

>> No.46965932

I prefer the English version

【Kasane Teto】イガク / Medicine (ENGLISH)【SynthV Cover】

Love it when her breath comes out

>> No.46965948

I think yasai's tuning is pretty nice though

>> No.46965951

Wtf is that "Yu" sound she makes? Does it mean anything?

>> No.46965971


>> No.46966227

Yeah, and what does it mean?

>> No.46966704

It means (You).

>> No.46966790

fuck (you) too

>> No.46967015

>Does it mean anything?
Probably not.

>> No.46967237

Oh, okay
It sounds cool though

>> No.46968255
File: 1.42 MB, 1177x900, gyari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46971045


>> No.46971363

I'm still here

>> No.46971512

English cover of Wasureji no Kotoha using Synth V GUMI from Mirai Kodai Orchestra

>> No.46971620

Ryou with Kaai Yuki


>> No.46972354

New Hiiragi Magnetite with Miku

>> No.46972683


>> No.46973034
File: 309 KB, 1280x1280, 1715758191404357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
