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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46931136 No.46931136 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46886593

This thread is for the discussion of Sana and untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46931225


>> No.46931418

>振り仮名 on 頑張って
Is this a VN aimed at 餓鬼???

>> No.46931466
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Dunno. This vn has a lot of furigana, which sometimes makes me uncomfortable reading it.

>> No.46931745


>> No.46932406

Does anyone else have dreams (as in when sleeping) related to VNs?

>> No.46932513
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>> No.46932552

>your heroines WILL look 10 years older and you WILL like it

>> No.46932649

She's the only one that looks like she could be a highschooler compared to literally everyone else

>> No.46932753

boys, what if there's an H scene coming but I'm not in the mood for masturbation

I've met an unlikely roadblock in my progress

>> No.46932801
File: 229 KB, 1263x709, seeex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still fucking seething about how wasted fleurety was on this game
they made perfection and they did NOTHING with her

>> No.46932827
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>> No.46932832

Assuming it's one you want to jerk it to, just wait until you're horny a little later.

>> No.46932869

I'm not getting that horny lately so that could be days from now and I want to continue the story. Is it unpure to skip the H scene?

>> No.46933010

Read later
Or just skip and dont read

>> No.46933149
File: 1.82 MB, 1600x900, 1696403495720885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Lilica is the main heroine, not Fleurety. Of course, they did nothing to her. I like all the heroines; they each have their own charm.

>> No.46933163

You are just a lizard that is controlled by your spinal cord so that might happen once in a while. Like everyone else.
Just read and appreciate the love and companionship without jerking off for this time around.

>> No.46933177

>no WA3
They had one job

>> No.46933238
File: 464 KB, 1920x1080, 00064-3957084109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hags can be fixed, we just have to make them flat

>> No.46933246

>You are just a lizard that is controlled by your spinal cord
>>>/sci/ >>>/x/

>> No.46933251

I'd rather avoid hag-ge entirely than have to rely on soulless westoid algorithms.

>> No.46933259

Is this the newest schizo of this thread?

>> No.46933263

cute and for plapping
cute and for plapping

>> No.46933265


>> No.46933271 [DELETED] 
File: 3.07 MB, 1920x1080, 00065-2935749266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed the fingers, oops

so you don't read anything at all then? There's no OS or console made entirely by nips

>> No.46933330

it's AIschizo from /vn/

>> No.46933340

nah fuck WA3. they should let the series die a dignified death. a new WA3 would probably be all ages anyway so idk why you would want that.

>> No.46933354

OS and consoles are just platforms for running Japanese art (games) on top, and they could in theory be exchanged with a platform made by the Japanese without changing the art (games) themselves. AI "art" IS entirely based on westoid algorithms in and on itself, because you're talking about art, not platforms. Though the main problem is not that it's westoid, but that it's an algorithm. Algorithms will never have human soul and True moe regardless by whom they're created.

>> No.46933384

Sir, the definition of "cute" is directly related to youthfulness. So unless you have a damaged brain, lolis will be magnitudes cuter to hags.
Though hags as depicted in Japanese art often still have elements of neoteny, so they're still cuter than what a true hag would look like (3DPD etc)...

>> No.46933406

This thread truly cant catch a break
Obligatory talk about how eroge despite being so niche and the untranslated ones being even more so 1 single cancer is enough to entirely shit up a really small community

>> No.46933409

It went downhill with digital trash anyway. True soul's forever lost and I'd much rather have AI corrected art than the artist making mistakes and mangling up body anatomy

>> No.46933420

That sounds similar to the MTL argument of "even if you learn Japanese you can't get the full experience if you haven't been born in Japan".

>> No.46933425

>human soul
>boobs that look like they were pasted onto the body
>manly collarbone
If that's true moe you must be into traps

>> No.46933432

>AI corrected
you can't fix a lack of soul with soulless algorithms. it's a false dichotomy.
digital is just a technique, it's entirely irrelevant to the existence or lack of soul. meaningless mechanistic "effort" on a non-digital medium doesn't make something more soulful by default, see c*bism or other westoid so-called art.

>> No.46933436 [DELETED] 

Speaking of it, >>>/vg/.

>> No.46933450

Not seeing the similarity.

It doesn't really matter if you automate the process with manual mouse movements and photoshop or training and typing a keyword. The result's the same.
>soulless algorithm
>digital is just a technique
either all digital stuff is soulless, or none of it is.
either AI is also a technique or digital isn't.
I fail to see the difference (besides complexity of the software used) as both are steered with digital aid.

>> No.46933455

>digital trash
Hello, ironyweeb. Your kind is not welcome here. True otaku know the value of their own medium and would never call it trash.

>> No.46933467
File: 55 KB, 444x390, you gotta awaken the crystals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the story was absolutely begging for an evil route and she would have been the perfect one for it, it just felt like wasted story potential and a waste of a fantastic design and VA
i was also disappointed, but not surprised, they normalified lilica
such is the fate of all main heroines

>> No.46933471

>either all digital stuff is soulless
>fail to see the difference
One has human will and soul, the other is soullessly jumbling around numbers to generate a result from predetermined inputs.

>> No.46933540 [DELETED] 

>Not seeing the similarity.
Lazy defeatist mentality of "if you can't achieve perfection, why bother?"

>> No.46933564

do we know if the muramasa sequel project got shelved?

>> No.46933574

Pretty safe to assume it has been. Not that they were ever planning to make anything other than a shitty cashgrab anyways.

>> No.46933606
File: 20 KB, 256x300, sana 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this expression supposed to convey?

>> No.46933634

Oh you're right, that makes sense. All the crap with Mashifoni also started when it was translated

>> No.46933661

Eh, defeatist mentality wasn't the point, just that its pointless to talk about soul when we long lost soul in favor of digital. Its just shitposting over which software is acceptable - silly thing, considering people accepted PS which is full of AI -esque solutions and shortcuts.
if I had to liken it to something it'd be arguing over which MTL service is better - at the end of the day its all MTL and accuracy should be the only relevant metric. I.e "if it looks good and can't be told apart, then who cares"

>> No.46933666

oh she's a cutie

>> No.46933674


>> No.46933680

the sana guy has been posting long before that

>> No.46933692

not the same guy

>> No.46933721
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Yes her design is pure sex. I wonder why they don't add other routes like they did in the past games. The evil route should begin with Lilica's death, with her soul failing to return to her normal body

>> No.46933728

Dunno, the artist always draws the same face.

>> No.46933736

It was just one schizo, literally no one gave a shit about it, but magically it has been quite relevant since it was translated

>> No.46933782

>we long lost soul
Please go spread your wisdom to your fellow westoids who want to make everything into generic AI garbage. Only self-admittedly soulless people can think this.

>> No.46933784

>literally no one gave a shit about it
That's mean to Sana. Surely someone cared about her before her game got *****lated.

>> No.46933787

>when it was translated
>>46933661 thinks MTL is fine so I don't think he cares about translation. If he can't tell the difference, it's all the same.

>> No.46933791

it's true though, pre-digital was better and it was a soul downgrade

>> No.46933801

>accuracy should be the only relevant metric.
Utilitarian westoidbro...

>> No.46933808

>lost soul

>> No.46933809

I can't believe someone in this soulful medium wants to destroy it with AI. What makes people so suicidal?

>> No.46933816

>someone in this soulful medium
someone in soulless /g/ or /vg/ mediums*
it's an outsider

>> No.46933820

>all these posts by the same schizo
no wonder this place's dead

>> No.46933821

I guess you just haven't been to this thread since before it was translated then.

>> No.46933827

>which software is acceptable
Software that doesn't take over the creative process from you and reduce it to be a result of predetermined inputs. It's all in the name "A"I". Considering westoids don't believe in sour or intellect, for them it's the same thing because they willingly downgraded themselves into a 'language model".

>> No.46933830

if you can't speak english then what are you doing on an english imageboard?

>> No.46933834

How do you know when something gets translated? I'm curious.

>> No.46933840

>pointless to talk about soul
>long lost soul
>either all digital stuff is soulless, or none of it is.

>> No.46933847

I've been sharing shit in these threads since before you ((((((I assume))))))) started learning kana

>> No.46933849

You are not welcome here.

>> No.46933859
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tits too big

not me, I'd use a better upscaler than last OP anyway lol

>thinks MTL is fine
keep your projections to yourself.

its true soul was lost if you compare, never said its gone
never called digital soulless either, I suggest obtaining reading comprehension

dont care how many hundreds of posts you'll samefag at exact 30 second marks, I'll flatten tits whenever I want and will always be more relevant to this thread than (You)

>> No.46933865

i think the edits are pretty good quality and like them, too bad the usual spergs got activated

>> No.46933878

>pretty good quality

>> No.46933889

see >>46933849 and >>46933330
>its true soul was lost if you compare, never said its gone
see >>46933409
>True soul's forever lost

>> No.46933894

You just outed yourself as one of the cancer that joined recently, he has been spamming that shit literally after the sana edition came out because in the same week amakano and tenshi souzou came out and literally no one gave a fuck about mashifoni except 1 guy, most likely him.

>> No.46933905

So much this. I hope they make good Japanese language models so based vgchad (>>46933330) can write VNs for us to read.

>> No.46933910

it literally wasn't. he was spamming the same thing in /vn/ as soon as it got translated.

>> No.46933948

because people like you keep reminding us on this thread for whatever fucking reason, faggot

>> No.46933953

Don't listen to the haters, based vgchad, post more edits. AI is based and redpilled.

>> No.46933958

The anon spamming >sana edition was on since before it was released, you fucking retard. That has no bearing on what I'm saying now

>> No.46933971 [DELETED] 

With the recent surge of "AI" tools it was inevitable that people would start using them. This can be a divisive subject given that art is an essential part of visual novels.

On one hand, I can understand the need of some developers without enough resources like money that are in a difficult situation to pay someone to make art for them and bring their visions to life.

However, there's also the concern that AI-generated art could be used as a shortcut to bypass quality standards. Some might use these tools as a quick and easy way to churn out content without investing the necessary effort into refining and polishing their creations. I think a lot of these people simply don't have respect for the medium and just want to put out content to make a quick buck and I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't even into the medium before this. These people think AI is an easy solution and not just a tool to assist them.

You've probably seen here some people post their AI generated art for their projects, which have received negative reception but I've seen some people that can't recognize the many glaring errors they have, thinking it's only a matter of style but no, they go much further than that and I would like to present two explained examples:

>> No.46933989

AI is a super powerful tool, we shouldnt entirely dismiss it. having a model with tons of data from one artist could be extremely useful for an artist or a studio. imagine how much less work that would be for say, a storyboarder for an animated series.. your story boarding artist can make extremely poor quality scribbles to depict a scene, or hell the director could draw out stick figures for a scene he has in mind and the AI would generate the scene based off the lead artists style. the lead artist is still employed by the studio and is the lead on the project, the model wouldnt be public, it would be property of either the lead artist or the studio (depending on how would play out legally) but now they dont have to meticulously draw out every single story board frame during just the writing process of an animated series before they even get down to the nitty gritty of drawing and animating the actual scenes. There are real uses for this tech and people just dismiss it, it just needs to be regulated and used in an ethical way when producing something that you're going to sell to people.

>> No.46934011

GPT post.
Brainwashed university student post.

>> No.46934042

>Thread is now getting raided by bots
Its pretty much over

>> No.46934043
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>mindbroken by flatness
the fabled oppai withdrawal

>> No.46934051

You first allow Magpie screenshots and discussion, then it devolves into AI art/MTL apologism, and then it ends with literal AI posts.
The slippery slope is real.

>> No.46934070
File: 3.03 MB, 5788x4093, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MTLbro, this is not real Japanese text.

>> No.46934082

>AI art/MTL apologism
AI, particularly models like ChatGPT AI, can be a valuable tool for creating Japanese visual novels. These AI models excel in generating consistent and meaningful content over extended periods, making them ideal for crafting engaging narratives and dialogues in visual novels. By leveraging the natural language processing skills of AI, developers can efficiently generate dialogue, character interactions, and plotlines, enhancing the overall storytelling experience in Japanese visual novels. Additionally, AI can assist in creating branching storylines and character development, adding depth and complexity to the narrative. Overall, AI serves as a powerful tool for streamlining the creative process and enhancing the quality of Japanese visual novels.

>> No.46934105


>muh AI is soulless
>muh magpie bad

The concern about the loss of soul in art is a valid one, as the human touch and emotional depth that artists bring to their work are integral to its impact and resonance. However, AI technology can actually help address this issue by offering new tools and capabilities that complement human creativity in art creation.
Moving towards using more AI technology in visual novels can open up new possibilities for storytelling and artistic expression. AI models can help creators explore complex narrative structures, create dynamic character arcs, and engage with audiences in unique ways. By incorporating AI into the creative process, artists can push the boundaries of traditional storytelling and infuse their work with fresh perspectives and creativity. While the integration of AI in art creation may raise concerns about the loss of soul, when used thoughtfully and in conjunction with human creativity, AI can actually enhance the emotional depth and authenticity of artistic endeavors. By embracing AI technology as a tool to augment and amplify human expression, creators can navigate the balance between innovation and soulful storytelling in visual novels, ultimately enriching the artistic landscape and engaging audiences in new and compelling ways.

>> No.46934107

Feel free to nuke it, if it bothers you https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama

>> No.46934110

Kill yourself niggerbot

>> No.46934116

Based vgchads mogging and dabbing on JP readers.

>> No.46934125

Cope. AI is here to stay and even nips will adopt it soon.

>> No.46934127


>> No.46934146

So based, sister. Nips should also start adopting trans and black characters for vinnies.

>> No.46934175

Flatchads winning again.

>> No.46934267

We are so back! AI is dabbing hard.

>> No.46934275

>It's joever.
t. anti-ai copers

>> No.46934325

they ripped off Toby's game

>> No.46934412

i didn't want to laugh at this

>> No.46934418

I don't necessarily enjoy AIslop as it is in its current form, but I see the writing on the wall.
There will inevitably come a time when we'll have publically-available advanced BCI tech that will be able to connect to these generative models, enabling them to use the person's creative spark or "soul" to quickly create the masterpieces that the person would otherwise need years to realize.
I will then kidnap Masada and plug him in so we finally get Avesta and a Dies Irae anime.

>> No.46934436

Since the thread is already in off-topic town, didn't anyone else get disappointed and disgusted when ZUN collaborated with xher (T*by)?

>> No.46934438

>generative models
>enabling them to use the person's creative spark or "soul"
Only a soulless westoid thinks this. Soul is ineffable by nature and no shortcuts exist to fake soulfulness in art even in theory.

>> No.46934452

Surely there must be a way to turn it off.

>> No.46934478
File: 381 KB, 1600x900, phone-mtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quickly create the masterpieces
Westoidbro... did you even read (not MTL) Dies irae? Its themes go against this message.

>> No.46934489

No, we should invite more collaborations between artists and their respective technologies, cultures, and worldviews. AI is a great tool for building bridges.

>> No.46934505
File: 73 KB, 256x365, 51591 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone read this? is it true that it's not as good as 金色ラブリッチ?

>> No.46934515

I will read it only when baste vgchads remake it with AI.

>> No.46934547

i'm half interested because of the gyaru but everything i read about it makes it seem like the rest of it will be annoying or disappointing

>> No.46934550
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>publically-available advanced BCI tech that will be able to connect to these generative models
I feel so happy not being a w*stoid and not having a clue what this even means. Feels good to have a soul.

>> No.46934570

why? the setting and the premise looks fun.

>> No.46934580
File: 127 KB, 815x398, LGBTQ Representation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based.

>> No.46934587

............................................................................................................ THE FUCK

>> No.46934593

I enjoyed reading it much more than Kinkoi, which I found very overrated.

>> No.46934597

It's an optional patch. Still sucks, though.

>> No.46934622

eh it looks like the kind of thing that will start off stupid-fun but then rapidly shift to serious and dramatic while still remaining just as stupid, and they'll sandwich all the fun ichaicha bits in between insufferably dumb plot
that's what my eroge instincts are telling me

>> No.46934634


>> No.46934643

>It's an optional patch
That's just trying to normalise it, it's a slippery slope.

>> No.46934654

make sense. I'll give it a shot. I enjoyed Kinkoi a lot. one of my favorite non-yuzu moege by a mile
ok then.

>> No.46934672

Irony weeb that made shitty LGBT "games" and even had a "character" added to Super Smash Bros.

>> No.46934678

josou homo sex in moege has been around since the 00s. It's already pretty normal

>> No.46934702
File: 99 KB, 730x1000, 1690493643698341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jun from Happiness is one of the more famous ones

>> No.46934707

Oh, you watched the "Top 100 Visual Novel Facts" video that came out today too?

>> No.46934719

holy shit that unlocked a memory of playing some forgettable moege that had a trap side character ages ago
i wanna say his name was Lemon but memory is failing me

>> No.46934718

No unlike you I've actually played games and encountered this. For example, pic related is a boy and has h scenes.

>> No.46934728

>Jun is another of Yuuma's close friends. Jun is most notably known for being a self-defined female. She takes being a girl very seriously and desires acceptance among other girls. However, she needs not worry, as the girls at her school treat her as they would any other girl, even allowing her to change clothes with them. She has the desire to date Yuuma himself, but Yuuma, being unable to view her as a female like the girls, strongly refuses. Jun adores hanging around other girls and doesn't take her girlfriend's acceptance of her lightly.
This is so revolutionary and accepting!

>> No.46934750

I like how it comments on Japanese society's views of gender.

>> No.46934756

Single-digit cherry-picked examples from literally-what games does not equate to "pretty normal".

>> No.46934764

Do you guys ever play 体験版 of an already released game just to get in the mood for it? e.g. you're reading one game and reading the 体験版 for the next one in your backlog.

>> No.46934766

Moving the goalposts.

>> No.46934770

what's the point? the game is released. I'd just download the game and that's it. it's not like we pay ofr it or anything

>> No.46934772

holy newfag

>> No.46934777

You could accidentally read more, but the trial was made to give you an idea of it without revealing too much.

>> No.46934779

>jun from happiness is a literally what example
alright you've had enough strikes anon this is just sheer ignorance of the medium

>> No.46934782

You weren't around to experience the culture back then. Hell, you were probably a baby at the time. Why do you act like your idea of relevance matters?

>> No.46934803

The fact that you have you have to individually give out examples instead of it being a widely known notion shows that it's fairly uncommon, even if it undeniably exists.

>> No.46934808


>> No.46934831

funny how easy it's to identify when someone has no knowledge at all about the medium eh

>> No.46934868

That's still only double-digit. Fairly niche. And combined with the tag "Only Virgin Heroines" (closest thing to a "moege" tag since the original point was that "josou homo sex in moege is pretty normal"), there's exactly 1 entry, of the 2500+ that exist in general.

>> No.46934879

just stop newfag... it's embarrassing :(

>> No.46934892

It should rather be embarrassing to try to push a gay agenda because there is a double digit of VNs with trap heroines among the sea of VNs.

>> No.46934899


>> No.46934910

Go read one of your gay VNs then, instead of shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.46934919

Japan and its animes and vinnes have always been accepting of LGBTQ+ folx. If you can't accept that, go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.46934922
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>> No.46934923

so did these raiders ever post an ultimatum or what's the story here

>> No.46934927

Did Danganronpa have trans-folks too? I can't remember.

>> No.46934930

do we know if it's a coordinated raid or just /vg/ cancer spreading?

>> No.46934931

>Normalfag; Gates
>>>/lgbt/ is not sending their brightest, huh?

>> No.46934934

Sounds like a fitting VN for you. Enjoy your first VN.

>> No.46934940
File: 27 KB, 256x300, trans folx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does, sister. Even Umineko had trans representation.
How can the /pol/ raiders ignore the effects of sexual diversity on vinnies?

>> No.46934951
File: 802 KB, 570x800, E0ACcPxWUAsnCJn-3163731069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Fata Morgana, too.

>> No.46934952

Anon, I know you've been falseflagging for months now because someone laughed at your vn, but you can't deny reality. Traps are real and popular

>> No.46934997

>someone laughed at your vn

>> No.46935015

>Traps are real
Literally who ever denied that??
>and popular
Among the "circles" you frequent, sure.

>> No.46935075

Now... about vns. Does anyone have a favorite short-ge? I want to experience a lot of soul in a short time.

>> No.46935091
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>> No.46935120


>> No.46935137
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>> No.46935383
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>> No.46935416
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>> No.46935511


>> No.46935551

Were we not taking screenshots and underlining random shit? Fuck, my bad.

>> No.46935582

boy is it ever summer already

>> No.46935640

>Tag: Drop-Out Protagonist
>9 results
didn't realize this was so rare.

>> No.46935677

how are you gonna meet girls if you're not in school
that's definitely a lot rarer than i'd expect, though

>> No.46935684

There's still a lot of atypical VNs out there, and it's those ones that keep me stuck in the medium. Even some of the more mainstream ones end up being unique - multi-route mysteries such as the popular Infinity and Zero Escape series only really work in the VN medium, and ignoring the potential for interactivity, there's still a lot of VNs that are written enough to be engaging.

>> No.46935789

it's probably just not tagged
i bet like a quarter of all neet protags are dropouts

>> No.46935862

Anyone read this? It's from the author of Spice and Wolf, so I'm... cautious about some material I've heard about in the L*.

>> No.46935868 [DELETED] 

Even of 4chan Jun has been a celebrity for well over a decade.
You have to be really new to say shit like this.

>> No.46935880
File: 145 KB, 750x1001, Underage Panty Quest really went downhill after the MMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even of 4chan Jun has been a celebrity for well over a decade.
You have to be really new to say shit like this.

>> No.46935907

i would just like to point out (because I've always loved this image) all 4 quadrants represented here are awesome and if there are any you don't enjoy that's your failure to appreciate it. liking things is a skill

>> No.46935932

almost a decade ago someone gifted it to me on steam and i read 84 minutes

>> No.46935951

>random shit

>> No.46935973

Old days were better. I'm glad that despite everything we still have erogelords here to discuss some shit from time to time

>> No.46935982
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, pig-slop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If being a hippie with no taste or preference comparable to pigs eating anything they find on the ground is a skill, I'm glad to be unskilled.

>> No.46935997

blessed appreciator of many things

>> No.46936001

You wouldn't be glad if you knew what you were missing out on that can only be experienced from manly death, underage pantyquest, super mario bouncy castle and/or keyboard shortcut autism simulator

>> No.46936004

Pigs are the ones that sniff out truffles though.

>> No.46936016

My comfort zone has been shrinking since I started reading VNs and learning Japanese was the final nail in the coffin

>> No.46936045

someday, someone will make keyboard shortcut underage panty quest simulator in a manly death setting with bouncy castle minigames and i truly will be as happy as a pig in shit

>> No.46936062

The fact that he managed 4chan fame from being a side heroine makes me wanna try the game
Actually I’ve never played any eroge from that period. I wanna play an eroge Konata might have played on Lucky Star. I've only played 2010s ones. Maybe I'll start with hapenis

>> No.46936080


>> No.46936098

old moege are really good
we have discussed countless times in these threads how much the quality has fallen over the years

>> No.46936138

What are your favorites?

>> No.46936158

i like fortune arterial a lot
it has a lot of charm and it's really comfy to read

>> No.46936326

>no kinkoi

>> No.46936577

why settle for kinkoi when you could have kindan no koi

>> No.46936627

It's different from kinkoi cause it doesn't really try to destroy you emotionally like kinkoi does, but still was enjoyable read for me. Worse h, better story lol.

>> No.46936673

it's so weird to me that there are actually people out there trying to play just rance x skipping absolutely every previous game

>> No.46936748

it's weird to me that there are actually people out there trying to play rance

>> No.46936756

you are in the minority then
absolutely any self-respecting eroge fan has already played it

>> No.46936827

do you have any genuine complaints you can formulate or are you just spouting off contrarian opinions hoping it'll trigger someone (it did: me)

>> No.46937123
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x720, 戦国†恋姫X_~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~sengokux (42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a reference to something? It feels like a reference.

>> No.46937138
File: 858 KB, 800x600, ksiedl_2016-07-14_08-44-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah it's just your imagination

>> No.46937155

I should get around to reading ToHeart2...

>> No.46937450

I've tried Happiness couple months ago. It definitely has a lot of sovl as expected of an eroge from that era but it definitely isn't that good either. Windmill's later eroges are more interesting and better than this so for example I recommend Witch's Garden. You can just dip your toes and try it but I definitely recommend other more notable titles from 00's like Fortune Arterial that another anon said or other classics.

>> No.46937473

P.S. Sumomo is still cute though.

>> No.46937583

Witch's Garden looks super cute I might go with that rec next

>> No.46937784

>do you have any genuine complaints you can formulate
chuuni historical stuff does not particularly interest me
gameplay does not particularly interest me
haha funny rape does not particularly interest me

>> No.46937806

>chuuni historical stuff
I think you're mixing up Rance with Baseson and Inre.

>> No.46938293

>sexy curvy body
>not corrupted by the cock carousel
Literally the best of both worlds - something only 2D can provide.

>> No.46938334

>sexy curvy body
I'm not a byproduct of evolution so I prefer cuter and more youthful bodies to this.

>> No.46938363

cute moms

>> No.46938502

>I'm not a byproduct of evolution
hot damn anon post pics, i've always wanted to see a real live trilobite

>> No.46938528

>hot damn
Where did you learn funny phrases like this, "chad"?

>> No.46938530

>a new WA3 would probably be all ages anyway so idk why you would want that.
I just want modern VN with dramatic love triangle

>> No.46938576

Are there any real girls that would read this sort of shit?

>> No.46938582

where did i learn basic english? from my parents i suppose, but i'm not sure what that has to do with anything

>> No.46938590

Majority of girl software readers are female.

>> No.46938606

Your braindead slang is not real or "basic" English.

>> No.46938608

but I mean, on purpose and for pleasure, a born female with the hobby of reading jap vns in her free time. Does that exist?

>> No.46938610

the last time i looked up the "more the seven heroines" tag apparently i failed to specify heroines and about two thirds of what came up was otome games
so i'm gonna go with yes

>> No.46938625

here's your (You), don't spend it all in one place

>> No.46938644

>I mean, on purpose and for pleasure, a born female with the hobby of reading jap vns in her free time. Does that exist?
She probably have read more moege than most posters here

>> No.46938670

why are you so autistic over nothing? the phrase might be older than you but it's real english
maybe if retards like you stopped being autistic over little things and learned to ignore we'd have a better thread

>> No.46938692

Just because it's on your dictionary site it doesn't mean that it's real language.

>> No.46938727

>She probably have read more moege than most posters here
Quantity doesn't matter when one doesn't understand the true essence, soul, and values of moege. Which she doesn't because she reads otome and BL, which are incompatible with moege.

>> No.46938742

why didn't you look up the word chad since you're so obsessed with it and everyone who uses it even when no one does? we both know why. but that doesn't matter, my point about ignoring still stands

>> No.46938745

you've already proved you don't read moege either so if you could just do us all a favor and shut the fuck up that would be great

>> No.46938750

Holy shit she reads way more than I do. I really need to improve my attention span. Also I appreciate that she reads otome and BL as well so I can expect her to have a broad perspective.

>> No.46938751

do you uninstall a VN when one of the characters says どM or 〇〇しか勝たん or something

>> No.46938758
File: 393 KB, 400x566, imaginary-friends-schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46938766

i'm a meido and i can see your ip address

>> No.46938775

Japanese slang is automatically more acceptable than Engl*sh slang, so no.

>> No.46938921


How would you know that is a REAL girl and not some mentally ill tranny?

>> No.46938936

kill yourself russian spammer

>> No.46938942

trans representation is very popular in vns, you would know that if you read vns

>> No.46938958

A double-digit amount of non-josou focused VNs with trap routes is not "very popular".
>if you read vns
OELVNs are not real VNs.

>> No.46938961


I know that but what does that have to do with my question?

>> No.46938970

>I know that but what does that have to do with my question?
if your a real vn reader you cant discriminate against trans ppl because the message of most vns is acceptance of sexual diversity and trans ppl (you would know that if you read vns instead of spamming all day)

>> No.46939081

>How would you know that is a REAL girl and not some mentally ill tranny?
No direct confirmation, but these 2 are pretty telling:

-got into medium by reading female oriented VNs(otome) and then expanded into moege
-is not interested in yuri, not a single yuri game played and from latest wonderfool review I got impression she maybe even dislikes it(compained that common route focused on interaction between girls(without mc) too much)

So, yes, very high chances that she is real girl and not even gay one.

>> No.46939107

>not interested in yuri
Incredibly based. I will take her reviews very seriously now.

>> No.46939133

Is it even a real VN if it doesn't have Chads you can jack off to?

>> No.46939151

Even our Ancient Greeks loved masculine beauty. It was normal for our ancestors.

>> No.46939168

I want to believe.

>> No.46939180

Otome and BL slop are literally aimed and read by 3DPD females. What is there to not believe?

>> No.46939185

when you get over a certain amount of shit read, you just read everything
newfags can't get it yet

>> No.46939229

Sayooshi worth reading? Is the plot good?

>> No.46939238

I've never finished this game but looking at the translator's history on vndb and seeing that he trooned out after translating this game was hilarious as shit

>> No.46939282

So much knowledge about that translator, curious

>> No.46939294

It's not the game you read for "plot". If you're interested in MC, then read it. And yes, it's good. Routes are repetitive, but you should read all 5 to get full picture.

>> No.46939300

Just when you thought this general couldn't get any worse now there are actual talk about 3DPD fujos on internet
Surely it can't get any worse than this right?

>> No.46939305

>you can't reread good things you've already read, you have to consume everything like a pig eating everything on the ground
Said like a true contrived novelty-starved faggot who probably thinks a vague spoiler "ruins" a game.

>> No.46939343

When you have at least 50 eroge in japanese under your belt maybe your opinion will be considered, spammer-kun.

>> No.46939379

Can you share your socials where you blog about the "50 eroge in japanese" you have read schizo-kun?

>> No.46939401

You will probably find me on vndb, I recently surpassed 100. So much good shit to read bro, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.46939408

Thank gods I "don't understand" NTR and BL.

>> No.46939436

Yeah cool but >>46939343

>> No.46939455


>> No.46939462

I know that you're infatuated by the voices in your "head" but not all that they say (eg. the amount of eroge some random anon has read) is true.

>> No.46939477




>> No.46939487

Yeah cool but >>46939343

>> No.46939529

Yeah cool but >>46939462 https://www.google.com/search?q=psych+wards+near+me

>> No.46939551

Nope, this spammer is definitely not funny. Oh well, I'll go read something.

>> No.46939622

On what?

>> No.46939633

On being attracted to males like our TRAD Greek Ancestors.

>> No.46939666
File: 929 KB, 838x5700, spammerbros-get-rekt-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on you being an obnoxious russian spammer who cant appreciate other things

>> No.46939670

I expected a Japanese blog, but got this? I am dissapointed in you guys.

>> No.46939684 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 544x479, TOP KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46939694

Based and trad.
Based. Pepe culture is so based and red-pilled, we going to mog so hard in the upcoming election.

>> No.46939732

If you can't expand your tastes to start appreciating new things like pepes and wojacks, can you even start appreciating new things like josouge and otomege?

>> No.46939747
File: 63 KB, 860x1172, DAT FEEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you make more based OC memes? The Russian spammers are gaining traction again.

>> No.46939755

>I expected a Japanese blog
You got JOP eroge review blog in JOP eroge thread. Why so surprised?

>> No.46939768

>EN review blog
Because only anonymous reviews matter if it's not in Japanese.

>> No.46939783

I don't think I've ever seen a japanese girl stepping out of her comfort zone (BL/otome)

>> No.46939795

Is there a real female that does not read B"L", but only otome games and moege?

>> No.46939807 [DELETED] 
File: 543 KB, 1920x1080, TRANS RIGHTS FOREVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46939808

BLsisters and otomesisters usually hate each other. it's a fascinating culture despite being so niche

>> No.46939814


>> No.46939822

This is true tho

>> No.46939821




>> No.46939828

I am getting out of my comfort zone and appreciating new things simply by looking at this work of art. Amazing.

>> No.46939834

Frfr no cap 恩g

>> No.46939874

I stand with the otomesisters.

>> No.46939906
File: 123 KB, 940x788, 6b6spzkdxs2d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. those who can't appreciate new things

>> No.46939912


>> No.46939918

/jp/ needs a Japanese captcha to keep these shitters out

>> No.46939936

t. moebuta triggered hard by normal people that want to go out of their comfort zone

>> No.46939943
File: 20 KB, 192x185, battler-frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she forgot to include beatrice the golden witch from umineko (she even inspired Digibro to become Trans)

>> No.46939958


>> No.46939967

>(she even inspired Digibro to become Trans)
>she didn't even read the novel but only watched the anime
I can't even right now, sisters.

>> No.46939987

Béatrice Déraciné (née Conrad Collins), known online as The Golden Witch (formerly Otaku Gonzo Journalism, DigibronyMLP, Digibro, Diginée, and Digi), is an American anime YouTube critic who is known for her analytical and detail-oriented breakdowns of anime series, movies, and also of the anime medium as a whole.

>> No.46939988

An esteemed anime reviewer and video-essayist. She appreciates both moege and new stuff.

>> No.46940007
File: 104 KB, 760x743, so cute and valid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cute weeb~~~

>> No.46940010

She's so much like Beatrice!

>> No.46940027

As long as she believes in that, that's her personal truth.
This is the message of Umineko When They Cry and Wonderful Everyday Diskontinuierliches Dasein.
Those moebutas are missing out on so many new philosophical messages...

>> No.46940050

I literally heard this in a university lecture, was SCAJI a real philosopher?

>> No.46940123

>(very picky with the op actually – if I hate the movie and song then I won’t buy the game
That's kind of cool.

>> No.46940392

This is actual femboy erasure and it’s really rude
Traps aren’t trans they are cute boys with feminine clothes

>> No.46940441
File: 212 KB, 1073x1500, 81FaxUA7uBL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to read blogs by the girls who play stuff like Tinkerbell or this https://vndb.org/v18806
that someone on here claimed he knew a girl who played it long ago around when it came out

>> No.46940499
File: 88 KB, 1152x720, 1716709142911051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The curse chant in new clockup vn seems chuuni.

>> No.46940666
File: 71 KB, 1920x1021, Screenshot 2024-05-27 210444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third worlder here. What can i expect in this game

>> No.46940841


>> No.46940890

I want to play it. Does the lack of voices make it much harder than voiced Setoguchi-ge?

>> No.46940908

Not really hard to read, the "hardest" part might be some names but there's a glossary of characters so that's not much of a problem.

>> No.46941252
File: 2 KB, 500x85, otome game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this vn looks kinda intere-EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

>> No.46941290

I know one, though change moege to plotge.

>> No.46941312

What’s a good first otomege to experience the medium?
That’s normal. I find otomege plus moege a more interesting combination. I wonder how they experience moege when it’s harder to self-insert.

>> No.46941327

They can't because 3DPD do not have souls.

>> No.46941360

They can just self inself as the heroines the same way I self insert as otome LIs.

>> No.46941518
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x2560, __kuraki_suzuna_kao_no_nai_tsuki_drawn_by_carnelian__c177ca4f50fbeb1141447b309fc148cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of nowhere, a Kao no Nai Tsuki remake has been announced.

Official Twitter: https://x.com/nsm_reborn

Carnelian is doing the art.

Here's the remake of Suzuna



>> No.46941608

At the end of the day it's all just different flavors of faggotry. Moekings won, cute girls (雌) are the rule.

>> No.46941656

>処女率 20%
Based. Spammers should know that women, both 2D and 3D, deserve to have their own sexual life and bodily freedom.
>東 衣緒 (よく女の子に間違えられる。ケツ掘れます)
MAD BASED. How can newfag spammers deny that josou homo sex is widely prevalent in eroge when even famous titles like Kao no Nai Tsuki feature it?

>> No.46941667

i hope the remake keeps those features to OWN the moebutas

>> No.46941685

Poggers my based Pepe.

>> No.46941970

so masshiroiro symphony is the best moege of all time, noted

>> No.46941986

i only played the original a little bit but im pretty excited for this, hopefully the voice cast isnt a downgrade if they decide to change it
also the art looks a bit more 'moe' style, not sure if i like it more, though its obviously higher quality

>> No.46942091

Mmh... The original art was much better, but we'll have to see what comes out of it. Incredibly unexpected announcement anyway

>> No.46942124 [DELETED] 

>the art looks a bit more 'moe' style
Oh my science, that's literally artistic genocide. Hopefully we can use AI to add more artistic diversity to the remake and also make the sole v*rgin heroine a based non-virgin Woman representative of realistic values.

>> No.46942147

It feels weird that this video game remake/remaster trend has already established itself in this medium, but I'm not going to complain. Doukyuusei 2 is another very welcome example

>> No.46942177

when you don't want to take risk but want quick cash that's unfortunately the go-to strategy, hollywood has been doing this for quite some time, nips have been doing it to a much smaller extent over time but it's been picking up traction in recent years

>> No.46942182

She rated Amakano 2 as the best one

>> No.46942184
File: 754 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_05_31_372_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl sighted

>> No.46942193

What's happening with her finger?

>> No.46942216

Yeah, I imagine there's immense creative stagnation in the middle as well. Although 2022 was an insanely good year, so that's a good thing. This one has been a bit disappointing for me, hopefully we'll have some surprises on the 31st

>> No.46942230

i believe it's called a fingernail

>> No.46942268
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, a9wefh8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46942279


This is Carnelian's current style, so it looks different from the original style.

I hope this lead to a remake of the second Root's title.

>> No.46942305

I would have liked remakes more if they changed some scripts at least a little, cutting some bad parts.

>> No.46942361

Yeah, I mean it's not "bad", but carnelian had a very distinctive and more classic style before. I guess having to make an illustration for higher resolutions in a different way affects the linework, shading, etc
>I hope this lead to a remake of the second Root's title
That would be cool

>> No.46942405

You can't escape cancer would be my theory, it already infected videogames, cinema and anime because zoomers are retarded, so i have no idea how the fuck it managed to leak into eroge

>> No.46942435

What was the first remake of an eroge? I guess based on sales and reception you could draw some conclusions

>> No.46942463

What is she trying to convey?

>> No.46942839
File: 485 KB, 1280x1810, 403952_63t6i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game most people know as Little Princess (1987, the first Alice Soft game) is actually a remake of a 1986 game called さらわれた美樹ちゃん which was published in the PC-8801 game magazine LEMONADE.
They use the same graphics, but Little Princess makes a number of gameplay and story changes. More information:

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if there were one or two earlier remakes than that, but there can't be that many.

>> No.46942987

>new ska ji game is at least a good 5 years away
>nasu is playing ER, no updates on red garden for 3 years now
>MLA sequel in the hands of investors
>muramasa sequel shelved
>Maruto, Shuumon, Romeo etc are all busy living the wagey life
>Masada's Avesta is in dev hell. The novels are pretty good.
what do we even have to look forward to in the AAA eroge space

>> No.46942994

girls' work any minute now
aaaaany minute now

>> No.46943019

who are you quoting?

>> No.46943035

>no updates on red garden for 3 years now
wait... WHAT
holy crap it's unbelievable how fast time goes by

>> No.46943311
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, 1702398667692209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And COCK UP...

>> No.46943334

Not Leaf, don't care

>> No.46943350

He started it by mentioning Flop Moon.

>> No.46943464

to make some time until the 31st i think i will reread saya but now in jp

>> No.46943470

i wanna do this too
link to the game?

>> No.46943505

>what do we even have to look forward to in the AAA eroge space
New Laplacian all-ages kino in 2025

>> No.46943843

>new ska ji game is at least a good 5 years away
Will he ever create a good game?

>> No.46943957

That yurige by sprite

>> No.46944033

No prob, always happy to help out a fellow otaku!

>> No.46944189

less than trash

>> No.46944212

I'm trying to rip sound files from this nukige https://vndb.org/v18798 because the composer, NORAS worked on games from NanaWind and they all sounds great. Anyone knows how aside from garbro?

>> No.46944469

it's kirikiri. there's dozens of tools for it. try krkrextract or something.

>> No.46944596
File: 3.66 MB, 1920x1080, 画面から出てきた推し あむ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

つづき >>46918638

>> No.46944627


>> No.46944672
File: 305 KB, 1280x720, 捻くれ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46944884

Why the heck does DMM/Fanza now require login? I could access it just fine previously, too.

>> No.46944933

New Setoguchi ge is coming.

>> No.46944935

Maybe the game run through custom engine (?) because I can't seem to find any that works, keep getting krkr core error including with krkrextract. Also I bypassed the game to launch through kiriroid emulator, the password popup is still there.

>> No.46945803
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 1688398488386836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading kikokugai just now. Which version should I read?

>> No.46945995

>flesh blob NTR
Truly a masterpiece, no wonder it managed to capture the hearts of EOP friends worldwide.

>> No.46946046


>> No.46946078

is Swan Song nihilistic or people are misinterpreting it because it’s dark?

>> No.46946429

I finished the trial the other day. It feels like Fate Zero in the sense that it follows two competent magic dudes who are eventually going to fight each other.
I still want an actual Fate Zero eroge with h scenes for Irisviel and Tohsaka Aoi but I'm stuck imagining with just the voice dramas.

>> No.46946469
File: 3.32 MB, 1920x1080, 123165464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veronica-san might be a cutie and all but i regret picking this up, the game is far too short for my liking.
I just want more of her now...

>> No.46946485

that's usually from people reraring girlcelly/mikocon releases to either split them or add their own advertisement or whatever, it's actually not too bad since you can use that to seed dead torrents and such

>> No.46946489

It doesn't? Or did you mean a VPN? If the latter, then yes, the 18+ section is now geofenced, even the library of already bought stuff.

>> No.46946494 [DELETED] 

I've been a translator for 6 years now and have worked on 4 games on my own. Currently, I'm working on a game with a team full of passionate fans. All these games are porn games. Now, I’d like to make translating my full-time job and I’m wondering which company I should join. I love visual novels, so I’m considering companies like Mangagamer, Shiravune, etc. Which company do you recommend I join?

>> No.46946519 [DELETED] 

this isn't the right place to ask, you should try one of the EOP threads

>> No.46946524

>play old game
>ugly as fuck UI
>no option to set transparency
fuck boomers

>> No.46946590
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1695708461189491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also finished the trial today. I can't say anything because the trial only gives information about the world and the curse, still, it caught my interest probably I will play this one for the new release. Ossan protagonist and 式童子 looks cool.

>> No.46946605 [DELETED] 

>ive been a translator
Nothing personal, but you are the enemy to us.

>> No.46946618

>I want to destroy VNs as a medium, please give me advice.

>> No.46946789 [DELETED] 

>I've been a translator for
Thank you for making me learn japanese westoidbro

>> No.46946934

How's that vn you're working on going, anon?

>> No.46947140

whats the name of this vn?

>> No.46947171


>> No.46947290

It's not like the clue is RIGHT THERE on the pic.

>> No.46947317

あむ is a very popular Japanese name, be nice to anon.

>> No.46947642

i think my black sheep town copy is bugged. it skips out whole ass sentences. I downloaded it from ryuugames. what do i do

>> No.46947646

Buy on steam you bigot. Help out >>46946494

>> No.46947779


I mean I tried looking but there are not so many specific clues as >>46947317 said.

>> No.46947847
File: 94 KB, 633x426, こっちじゃないボケ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46947965

Wow, I'm really a ボケ, I don't know why I assumed that was something else. Thanks my dude.

>> No.46948190

Any eroge, preferably chuuni, that gives Ace Combat vibes? The closest I read is Muramasa probably.

>> No.46948249

Aokana, sis?

>> No.46948318

>downloading from ryuuspyware in 2024
"K*k", as the gooks say.

>> No.46948347

What are better places? It's not on Nyaa, and hostagebytes is no better.

>> No.46948361

Good old A-S.

>> No.46948459

Seconding this.

>> No.46948678

>This thread is for the discussion of Sana and untranslated Japanese visual novels.
I just noticed that this instance of this thread still has this. It was funny as a joke coupled with the Sana pics, but what's the point now? Is this the new forced meme?

>> No.46948684


>> No.46948702

I think this was a locale problem

>> No.46948707
File: 818 KB, 605x573, 1696685805793211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I forgot to delete it

>> No.46948722

I totally missed that the OP still had that until you pointed it out

>> No.46948943

>I've been a translator for 6 years
>I love visual novels

>> No.46948955

>It was funny as a joke
Forced memes are so funny. I hope we can make a Sana edition next.

>> No.46948959


>> No.46948981

Imagine having this sort of problem. As a Linuxbro I just have a separate old offline computer with Japanese Windows and all for VNs.

>> No.46948991

Very true. When will the spammer finally learn to appreciate New Things?

>> No.46949125
File: 9 KB, 413x156, Screenshot 2024-05-28 225055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cs rin has VNs? wtf
i assume it is limited to the steam catalogue

>> No.46949644

man i really wasn't feeling Heartium at the start, felt like a basic fire emblem fangame with hardly any identity of its own and worst of all, barely any good banter. didn't help that it was the exact same mechanics as FE and suffered from the same rush of "i have fought alongside you for contrived reasons and so now i guess i'll follow you into repeated mortal danger because i've got nothing else going on?" party members
also if you're going to give everyone periodic table of elements last names at least mention them in the story instead of hiding them all in the character bios

but ever since ch 12 or so it finally kicked into gear, characters got some room to breathe, the banter came back, and the last arc was great
>generic portrait no-name soldier gets embroiled into protagonist party shenanigans
>ends up removing his helmet, gets a name and a face, does some dumb heroic shit, even joins the party
love that stuff

still definitely weaker than previous games which is a shame cause i was really looking forward to escaping the SRPG studio 95 mines but it's trending upwards
give me a final chapter 1v1 duel where the MC wields a blade forged from her own Heartium (tm) and all will be forgiven

>> No.46949655

An anon in these threads shilled BST specifically on RiN when it released. He may or may not have uploaded it there, but JP files for Utawarerumono were uploaded to RiN by someone from here.

>> No.46949727

Depends on your definition of nihilism but it's extremely pessimistic either way. It is hopeful in its own way, but that didn't keep me from interpreting it as nihilistic.

>> No.46949794 [DELETED] 

Can Chinese translations of nihilist/subjectivist/etc or otherwise dishonorable VNs be used as disposable Chinese learning material?

>> No.46950370

