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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46909936 No.46909936 [Reply] [Original]

Useful links:
- https://kigguide.com/
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo

- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image source: https://twitter.com/kiryu_kig/status/1636318515560091648
Previous Thread: >>46810682

>> No.46910120
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>> No.46910225
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MayiU my beloved

>> No.46910331

MayiU > Topi

>> No.46910657
File: 356 KB, 1916x3408, 843009863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely confused what the fuck is it about 2B that she always ends up getting represented in ways that I have no kind words for? vaguely picrel somewhat related but what the actual fuck was that one in the previous thread?
Wishing for that series to get popular really was some massive monkey paw wish from fans huh?

>> No.46910729
File: 290 KB, 1536x2048, GOR_AUubEAA0anw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.46911152

Who are some other cursed kigu characters?

>> No.46911184
File: 322 KB, 2048x1365, GMdBFydbcAAxTGv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in 2hu kig supremacy

>> No.46911355

Top 5 kigs you'd fuck in the ass?

>> No.46911671 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46911733

It's probably just Western kigs being vastly inferior as usual. There's like 2 spectrum to Western kigs: cheapskates who bought shit like Muni or Gurgle and retards who paid mad money for scammers like Wyu. Gurgles might look not that bad but the faces are still incredibly dull, and they only look decent on Asian since they're on the small size, which when put on Westerners look so out of proportion.

>> No.46911743

Fuck man why did you remind me of this shit. I already blocked him after the jumpscare he gave me when he decided to spam his pics in groups.

>> No.46911854
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Wyu's shit is retarded

>> No.46911927

Dude ripped a 3d model of 2B then made a fortune selling shit and overpriced masks to retarded Westerner.

Must be nice to have such an easy life.

>> No.46912184

Mfw joining Kigurumi Research Institute since I heard it's a place that can show you how to be better at kig.

>Most people there have shit masks like Wyu or Muni.
>Said people invested the bare minimum effort, their padding game is bad and some don't even have hada or just use cheap ones they found online.
>More eager to make you a tranny than a good kig.
>Some dude asked how to get bigger boobs for kig, get suggested HRT.

>> No.46912412

200 yard gooner stares every fucking time

>> No.46912919

>went to check if the tranny shit is true
>latest messages are all tranny shit

More like Tranny Research Institute

>> No.46912929

Anon talking out of his ass here.
Most western kigs have either a GKO or DAME and more self-made masks are popping up too. Also Wyu masks aren't even that popular within the community.

>> No.46912988

And DAME or self-made masks are better because?

>> No.46913164
File: 1.12 MB, 2730x4096, GEVr2nLbQAAnxxP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did he say they are better? He pointed out western kigs with masks from these makers exist.

>> No.46913417

DAME is better than Wyu pretty significantly. You'd have to be blind to insist otherwise.

>> No.46913488

They're bad in their own way.

>> No.46913646

We all know its a cesspool. Only the lack of alternatives for beginners keeps it alive and recommended

>> No.46914098
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>> No.46914145

anti-western kig fags on suicide watch, kino is back on the menu

>> No.46914163

There's plenty of good western kigs. It's just getting large gatherings of only good ones is basically impossible.

>> No.46914425

It’s not possible because if you try to gather good kigs only the community gonna call you an elitist and black list you.

>> No.46914512

Does Europe or America have better kigus?

>> No.46914967

dame are horrendous if neck eating or attempting some established character with them, it just aint the vibe they carry. i do kinda think they lend better to oc type characters
just given most oc are tranny self inserts belonging to overweight dudes that further rules out most with their masks. some people make it work, many dont

>> No.46914982

>i do kinda think they lend better to oc type characters
I have the exact opposite opinion. I think they've done some good established characters but their OCs are kinda bad.
>just given most oc are tranny self inserts
this doesn't help matters kek

>> No.46915039
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>> No.46915269 [DELETED] 
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i mean maybe if you only hang with facebook animegao maskers, as if kigs are some massive hivemind hugbox

>> No.46916208

Kigurumeet for example.

>> No.46916234

Kigurumeet wasn't "blacklisted" by anyone and isn't exclusively good kigs who go

>> No.46916263

Is there a more impressive kigu transformation than Mari?

>> No.46916674
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the good to bad kig ratio in km is high though

>> No.46916739

Most kigs are decent but they have some shit kigs too. I havent seen any controversy with them apparently being elitist, just the patreon grifting they tried

>> No.46917084

It'll be me once I get my shit
(This is a joke, I look a hell of a lot better than I did but Mari is next level)

>> No.46917091

That mask...is that Afrodyte?

>> No.46917285

Now i understand the normies who say kigs are creepy

>> No.46918167
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>> No.46918404

Very uncanny.

>> No.46918409
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>> No.46918484

Fuck that's creepy. The deadpan stare, the souless eyes, the mouth looks like it's just hanging open instead of smiling. This will only make people wh are afraid of kig even more afraid.

>> No.46918587

Who has the fluffiest tail(s) in the kigurumi world?

>> No.46918871

Probably one of the Ran kigs

>> No.46919841
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>> No.46923482 [SPOILER] 
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The western sphere even more the circle of RTPS users is such a fucking shitshow. Just pushing each others to get bricks for masks and encourage that sort of trash to be used. Then they show up at fetish even thinking they're on the same level of actual fetish influencers

>> No.46924179

Lmao, "permission to use both hands."

I bet the person on the right washed their hands after this.

>> No.46924625


>> No.46924877

I swear some fuckers here posted more ugly kigs than good kigs

>> No.46924915
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post good kigs then

>> No.46924921
File: 1.00 MB, 2730x4096, C-D1IY6UIAEMnLe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a good kig.

>> No.46925033
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my Taiwanese ultranationalist chud kigwife

>> No.46925297
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Stop responding to him then. No, not giving him (You)s isn't not responding.

>> No.46927926

Oh no.... oh nonononono.....

>> No.46927994
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>> No.46928369
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A reminder that control freak is having his yearly meet up with 30 idiots this year

>> No.46929097
File: 311 KB, 1366x2048, GEFtrLAbQAAyEX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we aid the kigurumi-san?
Hard mode: You can't say gay sex

>> No.46929232

Why trannies put troon shit over everything?

>> No.46930511

Online nobody can see how hideous they are so they have to let people know they're trannies.

>> No.46931697

You join kigurumi-san's forces by becoming one yourself.

>> No.46931919

>Comes into a thread about anime crossdressing and complains about trans people
What is their endgame

>> No.46931982

Alienating themselves and remaining unhappy

>> No.46932190 [DELETED] 

Yet another desperate attempt to to lump kigurumi and tranny together.

Go hang yourself troon.

>> No.46932388

trannoids try to consume crossdressers like The Blob. it's self-preservation

>> No.46932556
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>trans people are spreading their propaganda
>pls stop complaining about trans people
No fuck off

>> No.46932784

I get it's not in the thread but when you join the only kigurumi guide server around and all you get is tranny shit it's kinda annoying you know.

>> No.46933033

both sides are annoying. no one cares about your retarded culture war shit.

>> No.46933612
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>> No.46933796
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Stop arguing over pointless bullshit and start posting kig

>> No.46934094
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>> No.46934531

Join the based server or the rebranded KSZ, the guide server has no one who can help you

>> No.46935155

Control freak?

>> No.46935333

links for the anons who wish to join

>> No.46935455

>based server
>it isn't

>> No.46935543
File: 478 KB, 1189x831, ignore basedniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46935632


>> No.46936453
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>> No.46936973

Nico is a huge control freak. Has massive control over the RTPS kig cult now that the old man is dead. There's 30 kigs in that con, there's gonna be a few able to just walk around the con freely while the rest is forced to stay around the booth they have with the old man's pictures everywhere.

>> No.46937053
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Oh god here it goes, there's pictures from AN surfacing

>> No.46937071

there are almost 5 cute kigs there, that's progress

>> No.46937088

Oh my fucking god what's that abomination next to that raccoon-thing

>> No.46937099

Same person as >>46923482

>> No.46937104

Not sure if confident or delusional.

>> No.46937112

Delusional, has been basically fed all the RTPS bullshit that you can look good even if the mask barely fits your extra fat head.

>> No.46937131

Wow no wonder people are still afraid of kigurumi. Disgust is the only correct feeling when you see these hideous blobs walking around in a con.

>> No.46937152

What the fuck is that Lara?

What the fuck is that Sailor Moon mask's expression?

I don't know which look worse, RTPS masks or Munis.

Why the fuck is that furfag wearing Frieren's clothes? Like, what is the look he trying to achieve?

It's like for every decent Western kig there're at least 20 shit ones.

>> No.46937184

It's because you have retards at RTPS and The a n i m e g a o c i r c l e telling people that they can wear cheap aliexpress masks with fucking cheap ass hadas they bought along with it and still be a "good kig" and they entertain the idea that Kig is an affordable cosplay and that everyone can kig even extremely morbidly obese. And the issue is that for the longest time now RTPS shills have been advertising that retard server to everyone and it's now filling up with good looking western kigs and absolute garbage people

>> No.46937211 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 415x950, Discord_GoAEjHvO4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules for their discord is dumb as shit.
>No swearing rule
>No Adult Content
>Not allowed to post other peoples content
Like the fuck are you supposed to do in this place? All the conversations they have every day is saying hello and good night and that's it.
The place is so tightly controlled you can't do or say shit

>> No.46937222 [DELETED] 

I guess your standards have to be low as fuck for people to have no standards to mind break you into thinking you look great.

Those shit kigs never once looked themselves in the mirror and thought there was anything wrong.

>> No.46937232

I guess your standards have to be low as fuck for people who have no standards to mind break you into thinking you look great.

Those shit kigs never once looked themselves in the mirror and thought there was anything wrong.

>> No.46937263

Don't they also larp their kigs as different people in videos?

>> No.46937301

Well there is videos on their twitter.
Now that AN is over they're gonna do their cult trip to Niagara Falls and do their cheap ass photshoots in the badly lit pool of the hotel they stay at cause they want to try and have "Dat pool" sort of deal with their cult stay.

>> No.46937372
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>> No.46937393

Not sure why you care so much, just mute these kigs if you don't want to see their content. At the very least they don't seem to try and gatekeep who gets to join their shitty ugly group, unlike Kigurumeet.

>> No.46937401

Why are there so many kigs on twitter posting pictures of themselves? What is this trend?

>> No.46937415
File: 954 KB, 1111x746, RTPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigers not even once

>> No.46937561

What happened to not taking off your mask in public or not talking while kigging and all that?

>> No.46937589

Is that Afrodyte? if true then she looks much fatter than in her edited photos.

>> No.46937691
File: 104 KB, 1080x1620, f426hf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western kigs tend to not care about etiquette. There was a huge argument about taking masks off in public before.

>> No.46937790

Stacey Kinpatsu

>> No.46937838

yes and yes
and the closer you look to their social media pics the more you realize how very edited they are

>> No.46937852

Crazy how she actually looks like a pig under the mask.

>> No.46937946

Yeah there are videos where they're shouting while in mask for photos and shit.
I care because they're the ones trying to push themselves at the number one group and representant of the western kigs to asian kigs. And some asian kigs still fall for them and end up going to AN with those idiots and get engulfed into the machine that is that cult.

To participate at the booth or to kig with them, you have to go through Nico, you have to buy a litteral holiday package through them, and you have to pay for a lot of shit like food and such that's supposed to be for everyone but you're sure to never see the color of.

>> No.46937966

It's the thing i hate with Afrodyte is like trying way too hard to be a pseudo influencer or cosplay influencer on Insta and twitter with fucking essays for descriptions and a sea of hashtags. Just be kigurumi-san not a photoshopped influencer

>> No.46938597

Makes me feel terrible for my own kig looking like trash.

>> No.46938913

Dafaq is a holiday package. Is this shit real?

>> No.46938991

Anyone can love a kiger, but are you brave enough to hate an animegao?

>> No.46939130

Normalize calling fatties in kig masks pigers instead of kigers.

Though the shit they usually put on their face can hardly be called kig mask either.

>> No.46939969

Taking off the mask to cool down is perfectly normal. Also even talking in kig is totally fine. In the end it's just a costume and I don't see why people are making a fuss out of this? Hobbyists are not professional stage performers.
Stop being unreasonable.

>> No.46940000

Dumb cunts with zero fucking standards like you are why we can never have nice things.

>> No.46940195

The animegao cult are directly responsible for looking like dog shit creeps and making everyone on the east coast hate kigs at conventions. Their creepy behavior's even worse when you see how they go around shilling the circle everywhere and giving normies bad impressions

>> No.46940437
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Perfect example of western kigs attitude. Do whatever float your boat. Taking masks off in public is a huge taboo in Asia. Thank God for Asian standard.

>> No.46940508

Please teach us and show your kig account so we can comprehend your standards and do better.

>> No.46940544
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>> No.46940555

At least you're self-aware enough to realize and admit it.

>> No.46940989

This is like the only counter argument you fucktards can come up with. Everytime someone criticizes anything you goddamn abortions can't help but pipe up "hurr durr but do you have a kig."

>> No.46941047

Which is a valid point if a statement isn't clear. So spitting insults is any better? My guy, you already lost the argument.

>> No.46941148

Yeah right, I lost, keep telling yourself that, with your head that far up your own ass the only one you can listen to is yourself anyway.

>> No.46941272

>To participate at the booth or to kig with them, you have to go through Nico, you have to buy a litteral holiday package through them, and you have to pay for a lot of shit like food
And? You do the same thing at Kigurumeet. For the record though - I've been to AN before and you don't need to do any of that to hang out with them. Not all the kigs room together, go to the picnic, or go to Niagara Falls.

>> No.46941351

I trust an anon's opinion on kigs a lot more than a shit kig's opinion, as an anon doesn't have skin in the game and has at least a possibility of having a well reasoned opinion that, by nature of this site, is presented without any weird social considerations or smokescreens. A shit kig is a creature of delusion and cannot be trusted to have a reasonable opinion on anything, much less the subject of their delusion.
Anon opinions are worth less than a good kig's opinion, though.

>> No.46941480

Keep telling yourself that this is helping your case. I would most certainly listen to you if you'd stop generalizing and bring up an actual argument other than "western bad, just because".

RTPS is not the best representation of kigurumi in the west. I give you that but not for the reasons of taking of a mask in public.
And compared to the amount of kigs we have in the west it's still a fairly small faction. There are still plenty of great western kigs.

>> No.46941545

fat kigu this, "starved" kigu that
what I want to know is how fat is your soul?

>> No.46941557
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this whole argument is just two retards fighting over nothing lol
post your mask

>> No.46941593
File: 243 KB, 2048x1366, GOj-l68aAAALvLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget the argument, post more maple syrup

>> No.46941693

>great western kigs
Which are drowned out by the sea of shit western kigs and the fanboys saying they're the greatest kiger ever

>> No.46941747
File: 85 KB, 800x1199, GOj6kSpXMAErJ-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with cow kigs with FAT TITS!

>> No.46941776

all of the kigs that you guys praise in here are western kigs. just accept that the US is better

>> No.46941808
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>> No.46941939

But they spent a whopping 0 effort and $250 on a muni muni & zetai, aren't they entitled to kigu friends and kigu sex? And you wouldn't dare say a friend looks bad right??

>> No.46942067

damn, never knew MayiU and Mari were americans

>> No.46942139

I want a Orin kig to jerk me off tbqh

>> No.46942156

Compliments are nice, sure. But if they were my friends, I'm sure they'd prefer me being honest with them

>> No.46942227

okuu and orin yuri kig sex!!!

>> No.46942256

ditto, I got some critical feedback when I first started kigging and if not for it I'd have had far worse a time with things. Its not always an easy pill to swallow, so long as it's actionable advice to actually benefit and grow from its all more than welcome. I was never awful just glad people showed interest in helping aim me to be the best kig I can be

>> No.46942275

shut up you nigger contrarian. go back to the based server and suck some more english tranny cock

>> No.46942284


>> No.46942312
File: 444 KB, 1638x2048, GOmPUzybIAADAoM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill out

>> No.46942323

of being someone that's eventually gonna slit their own throat cause they realized that they're not gonna be beautiful and young forever? not really

>> No.46942360
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>> No.46942532 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 349x240, Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 4.25.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if god didnt want me to slam bussy why did he make china's kigers so breedable?

>> No.46942802

Got you anon

>> No.46943748
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>> No.46943949

I'm happy there's still a Bowsette kig out there. All of the art of her nowadays is just AI sloppa.

>> No.46943965

absolutely right a bad kig will support the most awful dogshit. issue is lot of nonkig anons just circle jerk the kigs they think they have a chance with akin to certain hugboxes, theres no winning. besides nonkigs always far more likely to be a terminal yapper who wont shut the fuck with their 3rd hand knowledge at best and boring hyper-fixation at worst

>> No.46944089
File: 3.44 MB, 3066x4096, 005K93YMly1h1f8nlv7m4j32d635se83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not taking off your mask was a non written rule since kig first appeared in Japan. But I don't expect Westerners who have no manner to know that.

Also no matter how hard you cope, Western kigs are still bad.

>> No.46944105
File: 2.48 MB, 2880x1920, EXvSBaeUwAAdlmT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"just accept that the US is better"
>best kigs to ever existed are all in Asia
>some of the few good US kigs are actually Asian

No wonder cults like RTPS are there, you would ra ther live in the delusion that you are the best instead of trying to become better kigus.

>> No.46944441

I seconded anon here. Not taking your mask off in public spaces is a general social rule which western kigs don't respect. Their excuses are just weak in general, like I'm tired or it's getting hot inside, boohoo. Even the furries have the headless lounge away from the public so that they can take off the heads. This just goes to show the western kigs standard.

>> No.46944451

You gotta sympathize with them anon, with those layers of fat of course they feel hot inside the mask. Skinny Asian can never understand the struggle.

>> No.46944852

I take off my mask for fun. I'm not an ugly autist underneath. Seethe and cope.

>> No.46944928

>On 4chan discussing about how you take off your anime girl mask sometimes
>not an ugly autist

Whatever you say man.

>> No.46944956

If you could add one filter to gatekeep the yappiest non kigs across the hobby, why isnt it rejecting all americans?

>> No.46944972

I'm American and I would fuck all the Euros ITT while they are in kigs

>> No.46945147

I guess your mask is uglier than your own face.

>> No.46945160
File: 613 KB, 2048x1491, GOpI2PxasAABgpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Amerikig gathering

>> No.46945175

pretty good honestly

>> No.46945178
File: 353 KB, 366x628, Screenshot from 2024-05-28 13-45-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of proportion fugly mask
>no hada
>cheap satin gloves

Why do the worst people always stand in front int hese pictures?

>> No.46945180

meant to reply to

>> No.46945209

I want to grope that sexfox.

>> No.46945990
File: 58 KB, 768x1024, 172355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to be cool or make some sort of a statement or something? Because you just proof all the anons correct with your weak ass reasoning and lack of manner for social norm. Next level idiocy.

>> No.46946440

Dude took the time to wear gloves and pantyhose when he could just wear a hada like a normal kiger.

>> No.46946836

Remove that weird one bottom left and that furkig thing in the back and we have a clean sex sweep

>> No.46946949
File: 282 KB, 939x2048, GOoqG3PbgAAuXZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46947008

It's not that serious bro

>> No.46947156

>manner for social norm
You mean all the people at cons who think you're a freak anyway? Get your head out of your ass. I just think it's funny that you seethe here and talk about manners. Make sure to say hi to me at a con, faggot.

>> No.46947478


>> No.46947518
File: 18 KB, 173x227, sigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simga bros, not like this...

>> No.46947544

"n", for Ouch? Are you out of your god damned mind anon?

>> No.46947552

This amount of confidence, your weight must be proportional to it.

>> No.46947563

Nah his mask just ain't it bro. I can't get used to the expression.

>> No.46947603

>You mean all the people at cons who think you're a freak anyway?
The one time I went to a con, I was constantly swarmed for photos and got nothing but praise. I think it's just a meme that people automatically think kigus are creepy.

>> No.46947719

People at cons think you're a creep so you decide to be even more of a creep?

>> No.46947855

Thanks but no thanks. I would rather stay away from creepy kigs. And I'm not seething, you can run around con headless for all I care. It's just funny to read your weak ass defense.

>> No.46948008

>I think it's just a meme that people automatically think kigus are creepy
It really isn't. The average con goer, the ones who are only there because they've watched a few Shonen Jump titles, is making fun of kigs or creeped out by them.

Thanks for all the (You)s, faggots.

>> No.46948043

Wow you totally sound like a kig I'd love to meet anon.

>> No.46948236

Was opening orders to overseas customers a mistake?

>> No.46948283

Thanks, keep taking the bait.

>> No.46948411

same though I can see how opposite happens to kigs with the build of a brick wall and posing worse than the worst AI. and lets not even get into mask quality of oft lack thereof

act weird and people will treat you weird, act like the character and people will treat you well in kind

>> No.46948893
File: 393 KB, 1487x2048, GOa86fxXIAAT_8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An issue I've seen with many kigs, eastern and western, is a tendency to revert to the default "incel stance" or "incel lean" poses whenever they're in any situation other than a photoshoot where they (hopefully) have a photographer to guide them. Using @mercer_kig, a cute Fauna, as an example here because there's a recent photo next to a regular cosplayer, but they are by no means a "bad kig" or the worst offender. Their recent photo next to a normal Fauna cosplayer illustrates this issue nicely.
Possibly because kigurumi is still a weird niche thing within cosplay, a lot of kigs skip over a lot of the fundamentals of posing and stick with awkward normal "I'm having a picture taken of me" stances, which just don't look good, or at least prevent the kig from looking as good as they could.
As a counterexample, see how Azu is posing even when he's just taking photos. Much more dynamic. Posing is Azu's biggest strength as a kig.

>> No.46948913

>a lot of kigs skip over a lot of the fundamentals of posing
I imagine most kigs that suffer from this (I know for sure I'm one) are simply ignorant and don't know how to get good at posing.
I might just be a retard, but when I do try to look up posing guides I don't find them terribly helpful, and the bits that do sound useful are forgotten in the moment.

>> No.46948957

Guides can help some people and give you a mental image of what to do, but if you can, find some cosplayers near you and get in contact with one of their photographers. A single session with a competent cosplay photographer will be able to help you pose better than any online guide because the photographer can see in real time where your natural movements/body shape are restricting the pose, what your natural tendency toward the camera is, and what can be done to fix any issues.

>> No.46949189

Do you go to cons? Almost every con has some sort of "posing 101" type of panel.

>> No.46949195

Been to two, the first one wasn't helpful (just b urself, and use props) and the second didn't have one as far as I could tell.
What I'd really like is some help with basic basic stuff (what do I do with my arms/hands for instance) to build something of a base to work and further improve off od.

>> No.46949279

Aptly put better than I can, a cute mask does not substitute pre-requisites. Much as some love to larp on about good/bad masks, a good kig with a good photographer could make even the worst masks tolerable.
Similarly just because you have a decent camera doesnt mean you can take decent kig photos. Many would be better served learning on their phones first where they dont have to worry too much out of framing and composition. Kigs can can do all the posing in the world but if the photographer cant envision 2d scenes brought to life, no creative vision nor eye for detail it all falls flat rather quickly. I feel for the kigs who have to handle their photographers more like living tripods than someone who can contribute to the photoshoot.
Case in point with your other post, hire a professional least once.

>> No.46949312

I really wish I was having sex with this fox again instead of working rn AAAAGH

>> No.46949320


>> No.46949476

It's true anon, I have sexed the sexy sex fox in the past. I hope to do it again in the future

>> No.46949627

It might be fine if you do it in a more secluded corner. Taking off the mask 'to talk' as if it actually limits that, or to cool off in the centre of a major con floor is always weird to me. Its not a black or white situation, context adds a lot

>> No.46949653

Damn this one is hot. Got the source?

>> No.46949675


>> No.46949717

I'd milk her

>> No.46949923

>that veiny hand
How old is she? How much make up she put on?

>> No.46949931

God I love glasses kigs

>> No.46950036

who caused the based server to have another melty...

>> No.46950084

Feels like I miss 90% of whatever happens there by not joining VC

>> No.46950220

nothings even happening tho

>> No.46950288

Rumor is that one of the mods had beef with someone and that led to them digging out some pretty damning dirt on them.

>> No.46950481
File: 1.22 MB, 1448x2048, GHzSfqFagAAfRrC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

born to kigusex, forced to hadawash

>> No.46950557
File: 767 KB, 1536x2048, GOisWlXaIAAX_bU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are talking on the thread
>retard tranny mods tell people to stop shitting up the thread
>people shit it up even more as a result
every single fucking time

>> No.46950646

>substantive posts start to pop up
>'cord sisters roll in with some new drama that happened in their voice chat/gooning livestream club
please go and stay go

>> No.46950755

What percent of kigu you think are on PrEP?

>> No.46950992

wtf is prep

>> No.46951126

i bet the mod was the pseudo-Jew, zephyr

>> No.46951421

>i bet the mod was the pseudo-Jew, zephyr
>not blaming the actual jew mod

>> No.46951448

So fucking hot, why do kigs not do this more often? I bet this guy will never do it again.

>> No.46951516

Prove it

>> No.46951537
File: 311 KB, 377x390, 1609800702332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a bit of kigu but admittedly I really like this Koyanskaya. Doesn't help I'm a huge fatefag. I think if I was to try Kigu stuff I'd go for a fate character but it'd be too hard to choose.

>> No.46951661
File: 548 KB, 2048x1536, EmniTHjVkAABWRi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based server doesn't sound very based rn.

>> No.46951924
File: 343 KB, 1155x1732, GDT-cp-aIAEmn3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fate kigs are desperately needed.

>> No.46951942

I'd love to but the hairstyle of my favorite characters fucked me in the ass.

>> No.46951967
File: 213 KB, 1079x1000, 1655069005476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly wouldn't know where to begin. I'd need to make a list of my favorites and see weigh it all up.
I guess it'd also be better to go from one that hasn't got a kigu in existence yet too. The worst part is that it'd probably be a GO servant

>> No.46951976

>The worst part is that it'd probably be a GO servant

Why would a GO servant be a bad thing?

>> No.46951986

A lot of people think F/GO ruined Type Moon or is an insult to fate.

>> No.46952002

Anons have said one of the discords has a list of character kigs, so that might be a place to start if you wanted to avoid being a duplicate

>> No.46952011

How and why?

>> No.46952040
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, GBY9vq4awAAYPMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with FGO

>> No.46952077 [DELETED] 

Nitocris (Alter)
Musashi (Samurai Remnants)
Artoria Lancer (Both ver)

Some of these don't just have complicated hairstyles but complicated clothes too.

>> No.46952083

Nitocris (Alter)
Musashi (Samurai Remnants)
Artoria Lancer (Both ver)

Some of these don't just have complicated hairstyles but complicated clothes too.

>> No.46952084

What would be based about a kigless, jobless, freeloading middle-aged normie yapping kigs out of the server and constantly shitting up the thread with manufactured drama since he has literally nothing else going on in life? Cucked the way "based" kigs let nons just shit over the place

Not sure who scared off more kigs, him or the one always calling people niggers

>> No.46952100

Literally who

>> No.46952137
File: 100 KB, 1024x682, 1625167792948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Fate being a VN allowed it to have characters that people got a lot out of. Like, a lot of people love Saber right? Mainly because of her character in the VN and stuff that's come out based around her in the original Fate/Stay Night. Rider's likeable by some because of the way she's portrayed in Heaven's Feel, people like Archer because he's very cool across all the routes, people like Sakura and Rin because of individual routes that focus on their characters, they each get a nice long hours and hours worth of straight writing, F/GO characters are shoved in a mobile game that tries to act like a VN but obviously has to turn out so much stuff that it just doesn't get the time to focus on anyone (unless the writer makes an effort to, in which case they're still in waifuwars worse than you'd find on /a/).

Another thing I guess is that the initial existence of Fate turning into a gacha and a lot of people now knowing Fate, knowing it as "that gacha game" is what sours a lot of people's view on it. I'd suspect it's more about every girl being a product to be sold to people in that sense.
Goes with any gacha but Fate is touchy ground because it's got a dedicated as hell fanbase in the west and Japan with a lot of them pre-2010 due to the anime for Stay Night and because of it being hyped up as one of the best VNs. It's also super popular on imageboards, you can take a trip to /tmg/ and they'll probably back me up on F/GO being a touchy subject.

I don't personally think so either. >>46952083 has great taste, Raikou, Musashi, any Artoria would be up there for me but I'd probably put Tomoe, Qin Liangyu, Melt, Shuten, Scathach, Reines, Hogen or Ushiwakamaru.
Like anon says also, the outfits would be a pain for a lot of these. Ushiwakamaru and Hogen would suck, Reines would have a lot of layers, Scathach would be too similar to a naked kigurumi same with Qin Liangyu, and I'm too tall for Shuten or Reines anyway.
Tomoe and Melt are doable, provided I did Summer outfit only for Melt. Tomoe could have anything, she's easily workable.
Shit, could probably do a Nightingale too.

>> No.46952140

Is there a guide somewhere on how to make your own kig masks? The op only shows you how to commission.

>> No.46952152

the canadien mod that never shuts the fuck up always talking over people

>> No.46952173

Here let me give you a guide:

Step 1: Don't.

>> No.46952179

I don't want to wear it myself, I just want to waste time learning how to make stuff.

>> No.46952200

Yeah height is one of the main reasons I picked these characters too.

>> No.46952202
File: 144 KB, 1162x2048, FFwu0MdaQAAxSKy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it happen, anon.
>Summer outfit only for Melt
Would really like to see that done well.

>> No.46952209
File: 2.67 MB, 540x960, 1672638360442806.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melt is possible because I already have the outfit, at least the main piece. I'd just need the undersuit and the head and to figure out what the hell to do with the legs/feet.
Truly the biggest barrier apart from money. I should get my legs cut-off or something.

>> No.46952232

I feel like hairstyle is a bigger barrier though, makers will flat out reject your character if the hairstyle is too much of a nuisance to them.

>> No.46952235

can the discord trannies please keep to their containment server?

>> No.46952242

Lot of servants have crazy hair styles (Kiara would be normal if it weren't for the horns and stuff), but it feels like a lot of the taller ones have super long hair or crazy hair too.

>> No.46952263

Nah Kiara has that double colored hair going on, it's even worse on Kiara summer.

>> No.46952269

Ah. I totally forgot. Highlights don't sound absolutely horrible to do though, right? And that's only for her kinda half beast thing. I don't believe Kiara has that hair color when she's not outwardly showing off her horns or anything like that.
But yea, Kiara summer would be a pain in the ass alone on her hair style.

>> No.46952430

Get in touch with peepes who have made their own masks. There are enough

>> No.46952789

what if im a handsome autist? is that allowed?

>> No.46952800
File: 414 KB, 1430x2048, EokSI7EVoAA1uwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't a socially disastrous ugly bastard, you shouldn't be doing kig

>> No.46952800,1 [INTERNAL] 

sogui not even once, sorta feel bad for the kigs he met if things are as they seem. His behavior always gets excused due to shit life with other mods failing to realize its exactly his behaviors inflicting one very shit life upon him

>> No.46952820

the absolute tranny state of mind that you only do this hobby as an alternative for being unable to look like a girl. clearly not understanding the appeal of kigurumi, let me guess, low effort, shit mask? I shine crossdressing and in a different equally bright light in kigu, why stick to only one when both have different appeals to them?

>> No.46952861

I wasn't being serious about applying an absurd standard of shittiness to who should be allowed to kig, but I would like to see you crossdressing and in kig so you can prove you do indeed shine. Post.

>> No.46952894

Fuck off with your troon shit
Kigurami is not troon shit
It’s at MAX cross dressing
No anon. We don’t need to become pharma hormone slaves to become happy
THATS WHY WE DO KIG you fucking tranny

>> No.46952899

No shame culture of west + no gate keeping, create zero barrier entry which almost always end up like this

>> No.46952909

>don’t send unwanted dm
The fuck is the point of dm then??!??
So now you to ask for. “Permission” to try to talk someone privately?

>> No.46952915

lol almost the same as regular troon tactic

>> No.46952924
File: 164 KB, 2048x1366, GOuZZ_laIAAlO3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do kig because im ugly and crossdressing in public.is too scary. it's a nice way to represent the character that you like without all those problems.

>> No.46953002

Just kill the hobby with your bullshit “do what you want” already
People are you are the reason for things like scp death
>cant be beautiful and young forever
That’s what kigs are for, dummy

>> No.46953048

Probably not many, because they don’t think of their “demographics” as being riskY.

>> No.46953095

Mfw every single fucking hoyoslop character out there has cosplay outfit readily available but when I search for Fate character costumes only a few of them do.

>> No.46953167

What kind of nonsense is this?

>> No.46953232
File: 3.17 MB, 3072x4096, GOrdig8XsAYyONl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pseudo-jew, thats a new one

but nah i was playing wuthering waves the past few days, dont know whats going on

>> No.46953299
File: 177 KB, 1365x2048, GOuywxuaMAEbcC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46955625

That’s the “nonsense” that water down hobbies standards

>> No.46955786
File: 1.11 MB, 736x981, freeze_destroy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random pseuds on /jp/:
Meanwhile in Japan
>Random cirno has a gaming channel where he just talks in kigu and doesn't give a fuck

>> No.46955820

Well he's streaming at home to a bunch of god know who people, even then he still doesn't take off the mask on camera.

I'd be more convinced if you show me instances of Chinese or Japanese kigs taking off mask and talking during cons.

>> No.46956002
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is probably the biggest scam but by god i might fall for it

>> No.46956129

You're definitely gonna get scammed

>> No.46956132

Please, don't. It's a fucking scam. You're better than this.

>> No.46956182

>you are better than this
anon i make less than 500$ a month and most of it goes to bills. if i tried to save what little i have left over i will buy kigu at 50. Only real options i have are this and hope i dont get scammed (impossible) or hope i can find someone who can make masks with a 3d printer well

>> No.46956257

I never took good pics with the suzuka cosplay I paid too much for but is still cheap china shit..

>> No.46956283

It's not a scam, just highly deceptive pricing. The $80 tag is if you want them to rush your order, I assume you still have to pay for the full price of the mask which would be like 600 or so. But also just don't be a poorfag. Get your finances in order before you start kigging.

>> No.46956306

> Get your finances in order before you start kigging.
I make a bit above avarage. i’d kill to actually make enough to do kig

>> No.46956330

>i’d kill to actually make enough to do kig
tfw no cute kigu assassin gf

>> No.46956454
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>> No.46956517

anon, those masks are by other makers. at worst you get nothing, at best they find the cheapest child labor sweatshop they can find to shit out something even remotely resembling it. You're far better off trying to get a 2nd hand kig mask

>> No.46956724

>You're far better off trying to get a 2nd hand kig mask

Ok where? Is there a ebay for fucking kig masks?

>> No.46956983
File: 330 KB, 1366x2048, GOwnocDaYAApLPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

owari da

>> No.46957184

since you probably cant into chinkrunes

socializing with kigs in your area is your best bet
alternatively some discords like K.I.G. have areas for second hand
ive heard theres some facebook group for sales though >facebook
alternatively follow the data tranny on twitter since they repost some they come across

ask questions, what size is it, what maker if not outright stated, what type material and age is it, and so on. should be able to ask for alt pics too, if they cant or wont probably a redflag

>> No.46957209

Yes actually, its chinese so you’ll have to go through an agent. I’d recommend going through the sale channels of the guidebook discord to see some offers the server owner found. I saw one for 1200 yuan ~$170. You can definitely find better deals on the actual website itself

>> No.46957476
File: 321 KB, 1362x2048, GOxQZpYWMAA82yc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to buttfuck Sakki in a waffle house bathroom

>> No.46957486

big things are happening behind the scenes. not much i can get into. trust the plan, two more weeks

>> No.46957684

why do you come here just to lie and astro turf? you wouldn't have pinged five hundred people over nothing happening

>> No.46957777
File: 265 KB, 1366x2048, 1685154484249437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you come here to bother the thread stirring up gossip whenever the server posts an announcement?

>> No.46957829

>Brand yourself as "the 4chan server" to a cringe degree
>Ping hundreds of people over a nondescript issue
>People talk about "the 4chan server" on the 4chan
What did the retarded faggot moderators think was going to happen

>> No.46957865

because I know exactly what happened and I know none of you are telling the complete truth, and trying to memory hole the whole issue to avoid the fact that the server has gone to shit over the last six months.

>> No.46957886

tell us the whole truth then discordsister

>> No.46957910
File: 455 KB, 1536x2048, GAUwTCTagAAorl- (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are the blackest retard gorilla kiggers I have ever seen, return to where you belong and stop associating this thread with your goon cave

>> No.46957950


>> No.46958090
File: 1.60 MB, 3024x4032, 1621137595535.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those masks are resold on Aliexpress, just buy it from there if you don't want to hoopjump through Taobao's bullshit.

>> No.46958334

stop namefagging

>> No.46958545

its almost like it went to utter shit the moment they enabled a certain thread troll who doesnt even kig as a mod

>> No.46958556
File: 114 KB, 740x1024, GOxrBDZbcAE0I28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or else what? You little faggot.

>> No.46958572

enjoy the tending the ruins of a server you let die

>> No.46958592

This damn bratty kig is trying to provoke anons

>> No.46958638

idrc about the agents plus i can probably pay a friend of mine to translate as i go

>> No.46958646

That actually would be the best option for me. plus i can pay a chinese friend to translate as i go

>> No.46958691

no one likes you

>> No.46958710

nice impersonation kek

>> No.46958719

at least have a good looking kig if you're going to talk like that

>> No.46958775
File: 232 KB, 1365x2048, GOxnfXlbcAEMrvZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replied to thing targeted at me
>used name for clarity
>immediate impersonation

kek id never just call someone a faggot, there are much better insults than that

reply to this one if you wanna shit on me

>> No.46958798


>> No.46958848

no one likes you

>> No.46958925

The negative attitudes toward discord kigs in this thread are really sad to see. Mods and prominent kigs in the discord servers should start an immediate sexual outreach program to improve their standing here.

>> No.46959361

Discord and its consequences have been a disaster for the Kigroid race

>> No.46959749

>sex with the tranny's polycute
no thanks sir, I prefer not getting a STD

>> No.46959997 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 799x789, 2372179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooo, information is meant to be gated to our heckin discords, stop posting in the thread

>> No.46960019
File: 679 KB, 2048x1536, GOyV3OfXAAEcyRJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western kigs sure are something.

>> No.46960079

This piger is wearing latex again, what a surprise.

>> No.46960083

honestly i wish i had that pigers confidence

>> No.46960232

Ride the pig studio more like become a pig studio lmao.

>> No.46960578
File: 253 KB, 480x543, 932572934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget to make a donation to our charity, "jannys without borders", coming soon to a thread near you

>> No.46960724

I'm still disappointed that they turn a femboy symbol into just another tranny.

>> No.46960834

From "social circumstances forced me into being a girl but I will work tirelessly to prove I'm a real man" to "yeah i got raised as a girl guess I'm a girl now"

>> No.46960878
File: 193 KB, 1366x2048, GKDoVP2bEAAXlaJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46961022
File: 494 KB, 1536x2048, 20240530_100053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46961087

Ehhhhh no.

>> No.46961368

Ohhhhh yes.

>> No.46961456

More like servers without members soon lmao

>> No.46961821

I would like to ask few things since I may have the chance of traveling to an anime convention this year but I am pretty autistic and socially awkward, I want to meet kigs but at the same time I don't to make them uncomfortable with my awkwardness.
Should I ask my questions here? I am scared of joining a discord server and getting labeled as a creep or a weirdo after saying something too stupid or embarrassing without realizing, my english is not very good either.

>> No.46962114

That's fine. Look for the ones that have their masks off in public. Those people will make you feel right at home. Hope this helps.

>> No.46963216

I like it, it could definitely use some improvements but they have the right idea in what they're doing.

>> No.46963277

Don't listen to >>46962114 they're making fun of both you and the others. Kigs are all inherently weird so don't stress it too much. If you're going to the convention as a kig then you should simply stay in character the entire time your around other people and not speak. Doing this will give you an excuse not to spill any spaghetti.

If you're going just as a photographer or just to sight see you should just put on a smile the entire time. Look as if you're having a great time, ask people if you can take pictures with them and just fake it till you make it.

>> No.46963652
File: 136 KB, 682x1024, GOshc-KaoAAZhx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is some discord tranny obsessed with RTPS shitkigs and unmasked photos of them

>> No.46964216

> just fake it till you make it
isnt that what lead to all the drama with the one mod? be there to actually have a good time, take breaks, prioritize actually having fun rather than pretending you are. actually communicate if things arent instead of building resentment that its not going exactly how you planned.

almost every kig is autistic and socially awkward, the real answer is if you are just some stranger to them and their handler at a con they wont exactly be so down for you just 'tagging along' if you arent a kig or handling for one either. find kigs going to cons you want to, introduce yourself ahead of time, ASK if you run into them if they're cool with you tagging along for a bit to take photos or whatever. not asking and just doing it is exactly how you will be branded as weirdo. as long as you arent begging them for sex they arent going to label you weirdly, we're all autistmost

>> No.46964283

american purge when

>> No.46964450
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Based server was fine until americans swarmed in like a plague and shit it up, then they come here and tardfit when the server gets sick of them and kicks them out

Every faggot shitting up this thread about based posts during EST and PST. They are cancer who talks over everyone and won't shut up about anime north and kigurumeet drama. They entitled to spread their cancer everywhere

>> No.46964533

Ok fellow est/pst posting fag, who's been kicked

>> No.46964576
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me on the left

>> No.46964625

for all you talk about americans shitting it up, why is it always a europoor mod that comes into chat while everyone is getting along and starts saying nigger this, jews that, faggots such and other, pushing things to the more private servers then also whining that said private servers exist.

the double standards among the tranny's poly are inane when its specifically two of them constantly shitting things up both here and in the thread being completely overlooked, then whining when others grow disdain for their behaviours. And for the blind of you, its not just people from america or even that half of the world who hold these sentiments. But go ahead, just make autistic faggot noises whenever people even try to approach this subject with you in private.

>> No.46964683
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Attention all based sisters and ex-based sisters: Please remember to associate your troon meltdowns with pictures of cute kigurumisan!

>> No.46964724

The irony will never get lost on me of a certain discord mod constantly reposting stuff to the thread shared privately with them in dms just to bash on people 'anonymously'. Yap anonymous all you might, you still glow you know right?

>> No.46964749

schizo moment

>> No.46964778

call them out then since you have this anonymity to bitch about them here

>> No.46964786

My favorite part is when people become so obsessed with potential drama that they must log/record everything to use as a fuel ;)

>> No.46964869

I see a lot of shaming but zero naming here fellas.

>> No.46965094
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I'm never going to fuck this Owari. I'm going to have a fucking melty.

>> No.46965212

Joining a discord and interacting is the best way NOT be seen as a weirdo at a con. Makes it easy to get to know you a little bit before and not go "who the fuck was that". Also makes planning much easier for everyone involved.

>> No.46965297 [DELETED] 

You don't need to have a tranny discord presence. It's literally just a matter of looking good or not. That's it.

>> No.46965482
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>got filtered by Jake

>> No.46965605
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imagine showing how unbased you are by shitting on the most based one there

literally the biggest 4channer in the server

>> No.46965655
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What the actual fuck are you discord trannies even talking about
Skip the HRT and give us an actual QRD, sisters

>> No.46965675
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big kig feet

>> No.46965864
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How are you celebrating y-chan's 1 year kiguversary??

>> No.46965898

I do not care for y-chan. She insists upon herself.

>> No.46966978
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Were you invited to Kuon's party?

>> No.46967304

cum tribute

>> No.46967566

I was!!! I was!!!!!

>> No.46968300

This is true for literally every hobby. Almost everything I like or liked, if it moved to discord in any major way it inevitably went to shit sooner rather than later. Every single fandom or hobby is affected by this.

>> No.46969004

>see shop I might use
>note: questionable character accuracy
Every time...

>> No.46969072

What makers do you have on your shortlist? What character (or IP, if you don't want to share)? Different makers are good for different things.

>> No.46969137

Does that maker have a Twitter? If yes then you can go to their profile and check there retweeted and liked posts, those posts are usually from their customers and you can see if the real product fits your liking. Or search their handle and see the posts that tagged them, that what kigs usually do when they debut a mask.

But usually "questionable character accuracy" means the maker doesn't really follow the reference you give them.

>> No.46969169

I'm just now getting into it and reading the guide, just going down the shop list on there, I'm not really sure how to do anything with taobao so I've tried looking at shops that I can buy from other makers (https://www.gko-kig.com/ was the one I was looking at when I saw the accuracy note that prompted the post)
IP is KanColle, if you have any advice/suggestions for shops

>> No.46969187

Character accuracy is highly subjective and every makes with distinct styles like Sigma or GKO will run into this problem. If you worry that much about accuracy you could choose a chinese maker since they tend to model directly after your reference.

>> No.46969199

Please be advised that, whatever maker you end up going with, I WILL post sexual comments about making you my kigu boatwife.

>> No.46969206

GKO has a particular style, if you think your character face fits their mold, then your mask will look good, if not then tough luck.

Same for SIGMA or RINS.

>> No.46969211

I have assembled all of the money necessary for a full kig after about half a year of on and off saving, but as I sit here writing my order, I am having doubts that maybe i don't have the physique to make a good kigu.
i'm 5'5, 140 lbs, and have visible muscle. i've been swimming competitvely up until about four years ago. i'm worried i'll just look ridiculous in kig. is there any way to better see if i'd fit?

>> No.46969228

I could and will pick you up and put you on a shelf. Only thing that might be a barrier is if you still have the pronounced "inverted pyramid" shoulder-torso shape that many swimmers have, but that can be worked around with good angles. Go for it.

>> No.46969236

If you want a maker with a website storefront, the only ones I know of are Dame, GKO, Heyaoheyao, and Lucky Larus. Lucky Larus is a vendor for their own masks as well as a few other makers. I'm planning on ordering my first through Larus soon.

Tuzi has an Etsy page, though it has inflated prices.

There's some makers that take Paypal who you can order from via email or Twitter DM. Shinkai Workshop and Xiuji (lightning) for sure, there's others I don't have written down as well.

>> No.46969237

Kigus who have vaguely male physiques are hot

>> No.46969239

Might be a bit overweight for kig, just choose characters who don’t expose too much skin

>> No.46969257

Here’s a suggestion, pick some tight outfits you have, then wear a helmet, it should give you a vague idea how would you look in kig.

>> No.46969279

What are thoughts on hadas with wrist zips vs separate gloves? I want to do some guitar playing in kig without shredding hada fingers. Separate gloves would also make trying out hada fingernails easier too.

I'm a first timer, so I'm debating which option I should go for or if I should splurge and get one of each.

>> No.46969300

You're going to need multiple hadas eventually, trying both makes sense to me given what you described.

>> No.46969307

Get both. I have the gloves and they're great. I wish I also had zippers just because the act of putting on and taking off kig is taxing on the hada itself.

>> No.46969315
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I can give you 2 examples of GKO Kancolle kig. First is the good one with a very nice expression:

>> No.46969323
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Second is a bad one with the face staring into your soul.

For GKO character accuracy and your mask looking good is a 50/50 chance, for that amount of money i think you better off spend on an agent and order off taobao.

>> No.46969338

How does /kcs/ feel about furry kigus? Post some cute ones if you have any reccs.

>> No.46969369

Please don't. Getting associated with furfag is bad enough.

>> No.46969372

I fucking love them! Especially this one!

>> No.46969384
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Such a cutie. Definitely following.
Don't wanna be seen as gay, anon? Get a grip.

>> No.46969394

Cool, thanks!

You say needing multiple eventually, so how long would you say one typically lasts? I see pictures of people with baggy hadas, which I figure is either from improper measurements or them losing elasticity over time.

>> No.46969406

Even if your weight never changes, over time seams tear, holes form, no article of clothing can keep up with wear and tear forever.
Exactly how long depends on how often you wear it and how gentle you are with it, but they simply won't last forever.
Mine lasted for about 4-5 years, but it was looking pretty rough by the end.

>> No.46969425

The hadas will naturally lose color over time and the fingers in particular are notorious for greying up and getting fuzzy. You can prolong them by being careful and using gloves when putting on your kig but it's not gonna last forever like any other garmet. There are a few hacks to making worn hada fingers look better like using a fabric shaver or washing them with ivory soap.

Old hadas still have a place. You can keep an older hada for just causal kigging and save a newer one for photos and whatnot. I have a hada that's 7 years old that still looks pretty good minus the fingers being a bit roughed up.

>> No.46969524
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>> No.46969546

Ah yes the classic if you kig you are gay.

LBGT niggas won't let any chance of increasing their ranks slide eh?

>> No.46970186


>> No.46970223

Sex with furkig Doitzel

>> No.46970708

Curious how brit x america shit flung to an all time high during the brief duration a fucking leaf was made mod
very curious. or is it because he isnt a kigga

>> No.46970882
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Curious how you bring it up after all the conversation has died purely because you feel the need to drive attention to it

Leave the fucking thread alone unless you're here to post cute kiggas, keep the drama to your dms and private cabals

>> No.46971029

same dude is the one posting the constant "western kig bad" bait all the time, for our non-discord friends

>> No.46971557
File: 128 KB, 1108x1477, 20240531_190343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an outsider and generalky here for cute kigu pics, but after reading this tread it made me realized that there is a hidden war between US and EU kigs. There's also some Canadian element involved.

>> No.46971675
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There is no war and it's not a secret. There's like three Americans who constantly shitpost in the thread because their friend got banned and want to make it everyone's problem.

>> No.46972102

There is no war. The bitch that got banned from based for doxxing people is shit-stirring in the thread and trying to pull her own minions into this.

>> No.46972200
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>face staring into your soul
I know what you mean and I'm not saying that GKO can't make mistakes, but I think that in that particular case, Yadokari is the one to blame.

>> No.46972247

Is that the one kig that has a weird mermaid/fish fetish?

>> No.46972291


It is. He posts about it every single week.

>> No.46972397

it's the same old story, it happens over and over, that one friend who worms their way into running all the events they can starts power tripping, everyone who is going starts burning bridges with anyone who doesn't side with their cult leader in their personal drama. cici and it's conseqeunces was a disaster

>> No.46973051

this guy has a public humiliation fetish, right? is this the zoomer equivalent of old men wearing petticoats? poor Ms. Fetilicious didn't have to imagine the smell

>> No.46973993
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>> No.46974068

>Kigu posting and meaningful discussion during euro hours
>Americans for some reason are obsessed with the cici crowd and beat a dead horse
Does shitting on some fat kiggas make you feel better about your own presumably trash kigus or something?

>> No.46974522

I'm just saving my good posts for next thread, page 10 is for having fun

>> No.46974713

shitloada astroturfing going on, trust no one

>> No.46974743

>Sugoi for some reason are obsessed with the cici crowd and beat a dead horse
ftfy, dont lump that nonkig in with the amerikigs

>> No.46975141

That miku has been to a mall In full latex and took pics with kids. Can we at least dog pile this one?
