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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46923915 No.46923915 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>46912490

>> No.46924012 [DELETED] 
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日本に来るときは, バカみたいな態度を取らないでください.


>> No.46924028 [DELETED] 

fucking maricas

>> No.46924046
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1.Didn't check DJT for a while. Missed anything interesting?
2.Finished Gantz the other day - if anyone here didn't, I highly recommend it, can't promise that it will be everybody's favorite, but it *will* leave a lasting impression.
3.Anyway, I picked up the prequel linnie and it's just the breath of fresh air I needed as far as reading input goes. Kind of tough for me, but in a good way.
4.What the hell is this numeric convention [二〇].
[七〇キロ] - the 〇 being used for tens, I mean. That just looks weird.
5.I reached 800 words in my mining deck.

>> No.46924053

this thread might reach up to 1000 posts but i already know that >>46924046 is the worst one

>> No.46924060
File: 110 KB, 1242x706, Pani Poni Dash! - S01E04 - Don't Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch Bluray-720p.mkv_snapshot_02.55.816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46924062


>> No.46924080 [DELETED] 

rapefugees lmao

>> No.46924085

it wont, our active posters will be enjoying their long weekend offline

>> No.46924095

right, i didn't post any obese foids, doorknob gifs, and nothing about iq or niggers.
My bad!

>> No.46924127

feel like a hot minute since i've seen an unko post

>> No.46924129


>> No.46924155

ill be enjoying my long weekend but i can post whenever i want and as much as i want at any time i want and u cant do a dang thing about it never forget this

u are the one who mops up my jizz

>> No.46924163

What the fuck you gonna do about it little nip? Stick to picking on someone your own size (koreans)

>> No.46924165

i fell for a yuribait show once again
they didnt do anything more than hold hands
fuck that non gay shit

>> No.46924175

I was going to enjoy my long weekend but I still have diaherra seriously haven't stopped shitting in 2 days

>> No.46924180

stay hydrated bro dehydration will creep up on u fast get on that pedialite tip

>> No.46924183

i checked but it seems no one asked or cares

>> No.46924184

same bro it might be the raw milk tho

>> No.46924195
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Message to the rest of my critics while I'm at it:
I *will* continue to post cringe, and you *will* rike it, and there's *nothing* you can do about it.

>> No.46924200

based but gay

>> No.46924208

Gantz is not very good but it did kick start my fetish for BDSM and catsuits as a kid.

>> No.46924212


>> No.46924221


>> No.46924276

rewatching k-on
Yui is still best girl right guys

>> No.46924283


>> No.46924286

>rewatching k-on
sad life

>> No.46924294

How come everyone pretends to hate loli, then wadawau drops and it gets translated instantly?

>> No.46924301

wada what now.

>> No.46924302

>hating k-on
Sad life

>> No.46924303


>> No.46924321


why is this wrong? 'recently an interest in something doesnt exist'

apparently it should be 最近興味があることがない

>> No.46924350

I'm autistic and don't understand why people enjoy music, will I still enjoy K-on? hopefully there's not too many music segments

>> No.46924367

fuwa fuwa time

>> No.46924377

i think i know actually, it is because 興味 isnt a tangible thing? so you need to add こと?, if thats the case can you say りんごはありない because an apple is a thing that exists as a touchable object?

>> No.46924415

I wonder if there is a harem anime with such a dense protagonist the the harem members have to resort to yuri.

>> No.46924433

hey nice idea. lets make that the new formula and create 100 new anime that are all basically the same with only minor differences

>> No.46924441

>recently an interest in something doesnt exist
can you at least start off from a point where you have an actual english sentence please and not shoot yourself in the foot right away ffs? nobody in the history of the world ever said or thought what you just wrote down

>> No.46924448

i miss jamal

>> No.46924452

put ur trip back on

>> No.46924456

what did he mean by this >>/jp/?task=search&ghost=false&search_text=i+miss+jamal

>> No.46924462

jamal mindfucks with people because he doesnt know when to admit defeat so he keeps hit and running your arguments like scout from tf2

>> No.46924468
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>why is this wrong?
as for ある, see pic rel

>> No.46924467


>> No.46924471


>> No.46924472
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dang i miss jamal rip

>> No.46924474

crazy jamals been missed for like 5 years

>> No.46924476
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>> No.46924477

still waiting for people missing me

>> No.46924484

How often should I look things up when watching an anime
For something like a word it seems pointless because I won’t remember that word, but a grammatical point had a higher chance of being repeated sooner than a specific word
For now I’ve only done it during points of total confusion or general curiosity
Or is this just some over thinking bullshit I’m worrying about

>> No.46924491


>> No.46924493

just do it when u feel like it, anything else will feel forced and over time the strain will make you give up

>> No.46924498

>pausing anime

>> No.46924502

if u want ppl to miss u they wont

if u dont think about ppl missing u they might

>> No.46924506

thank anacroen

>> No.46924516

when ur post contains more than 3 sentences im not gonna read it
brevity soul etc

>> No.46924517

whatever feels best. you'll probably arrive at a place where you won't need to question it in few 100s hours no matter what as long as you keep immersing.
and you are acquiring words as you do it, just very gradually. the same word may not get repeated soon but some of its kanji or even radicals might, which means it contributes to acquiring other words if anything

>> No.46924526

you can say kyouminai alone to refer to yourself or a collective group's lack of interest so fuck off

>> No.46924528


>> No.46924540

ok so i kind had a breakthrough while watching raw anime: fluency does NOT feel good.

let me explain. words and phrases get repeated over and over. patterns repeat over and over. eventually you feel sick of it, you think to yourself "yeah yeah i know what you're about to say just finish saying it so i can hear some new stuff". _that_ is when you have made it. with enough time basically everything they say becomes like that, or derivative of a pattern you already know. and thats also when speaking thoughts become easier because these stupid patterns and phrases that have been exposed to you ad nauseam also come to mind extremely easily, just like memes on 4chan that keep getting repeated over and over

>> No.46924547

now type that all again in japanese

>> No.46924557



>> No.46924558

i wont but i could probably express the same idea in a different/simpler way if i were talking to a native about it

>> No.46924559
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>> No.46924561

you trying to tell me arinai is not a thing and i just made it up?

>> No.46924566


>> No.46924570


>> No.46924574

this has nothing to do with language and just because they say the same shit in anime all the time

>> No.46924575
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thank you
posts like these motivate me to stay mediocre my entire life

>> No.46924584


>> No.46924595

a further question, if you go into a pub and say お酒がありますか?and they say ありません, would the informal version to be ない?

>> No.46924598
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nah its always true, as long as you stick talking to the same person, reading the same author, watching the same series etc.
each of them have their "style" you can tell because they will use certain words and phrases way way more often than others

>> No.46924610

anime fan who has never read a book before discovers languages arent infinite

>> No.46924617

if you go to a pub and they say they have no alcohol it's common courtesy to smash the place up and burn it down

>> No.46924621

i miss nihongod

>> No.46924624

there was no ga

>> No.46924627

i miss 4bbc...

>> No.46924637
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>> No.46924639

that's pretty common in muslim countries
and if you tried smashing the place up you'd find out what happens to annoying little shits in a country where the police and courts aren't under kike rule

>> No.46924643

As someone who just started posting in this thread 4 days ago can someone please explainpill me who these people are you keep talking about missing?

>> No.46924647

masu is not a verb

>> No.46924648

formal | informal
ありません = ないです | ない
ないです is 'softer' and used more often than just ありません. although masu-form, it can sound a little rough. like the barkeep is an bad mood and doesn't really care about you as a customer right now.

>> No.46924650

i miss moe :(

>> No.46924652

its crazy to me someone would watch the first 2 episodes of that

>> No.46924658


>> No.46924660

you don't like lizard women, bro?

>> No.46924662

just some djt ecelebs

>> No.46924667

4bc seems like a very sour person, we need more positivity here

>> No.46924677

wish all the djters were all right

>> No.46924686


>> No.46924687
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>masu is not a verb
epic fail

>> No.46924690

wish all the djters were all white

>> No.46924693

another L for big j

>> No.46924695

oh god so much this but also the entire world and even other worlds

>> No.46924704

it's an auxiliary inflection
verbs are called 動詞

>> No.46924705

masu form can sound rough? i thought that was the polite form lol, is it used sort of ironically?

>> No.46924718

>has a past conjugation
>has a negative conjugation
>has a volitional conjugation
but its totally not a verb lol, its just an "auxiliary verb"

it is just a COINCIDENCE that it follows all the same patterns as a normal す verb for conjugation EXCEPT for negation!

>> No.46924725
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>> No.46924728

話して talk to me
放して let me go
離して take me apart
話し手 talking hand
花して make me a flower
葉成して turn into a leaf

it's literally impossible to tell these apart
how does spoken japanese even work

>> No.46924730

love being able to read hidden shit

>> No.46924734

can u nerds stop trying to talk about how japanese works when none of u speak it pls ? ty

>> No.46924739

idk i heard its something like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Context_(linguistics)

>> No.46924740

has 20 years worth of experience with japanese starting from playing import games and watching subbed anime as a kid; the only other person here besides ciaran who knows japanese

former follower of the ajatt method who made his own methods based off of it (mia then refold); probably better at japanese than everyone in djt besides jamal

matt's former business partner in mia (now has his own thing called migaku); claims he learned japanese but "forgot" it

tinfoil hat wearing autist, spammer and samefag; made a crappy knock-off of anacreon's script and wrote a guide on how to learn japanese even though he does not know the langage (used to avatarfag as yoga for some bizarre reason which gave rise to the name "miniyoga")

german narcissist who invented anime cards; better than most of djt at japanese but not fluent and after getting a gf he basically gave up on the language (though he still comes here to blogpost regularly)

attention seeking femoid /pol/tard who doesn't know japanese but likes to preach to everyone about how important output is

a guy who probably doesn't know japanese but made a script for mpv which lets you make quizmaster's animecards effortlessly

ajatt founder / nigerian kenyan scammer; pretty good at japanese but probably worse than matt

another /pol/tard; japanese level is unknown but he has watched several hundred anime raw so he is probably not awful at least

jamal's trip

>> No.46924742

by being spoken in sentences

>> No.46924753

djt professor strutting his stuff

>> No.46924756

matts been in japan for a while getting dunked on by japanese youtubers and streamers

he should be in better nihongo shape than the rest of us

>> No.46924759

rose (flower)
rose (past tense of rise)
rows (plural of row (as in of chairs))
row's (possessive of row)
rows (third person present tense of to rows (as in a rows a boat))
roes (collections of fish eggs)
rhos (plural of the Greek letter rho)

it's literally impossible to tell these apart
how does spoken english even work

>> No.46924764

>it's totally like a verb except in the cases where it doesn't conjugate like one, and the fact that you can't even use it like a verb, like 友達をます or 友達とます or any other verb-like uses make absolutely no sense

>> No.46924766

the post is copy-pasted from 3 years ago so its a little out of date

>> No.46924769

no wonder it's missing a few important characters like bunko

>> No.46924775

Roes (plural of roe, a small deer)

>> No.46924783

this is the intermediate thread

>> No.46924797

can you stop impersonating papi? your trip code is obviously different

>> No.46924798

>it's totally like a verb except in the cases where it doesn't conjugate like one

it's also the only aux verb that doesnt conjugate the normal way for negatives. what gives?

>> No.46924800

masen uses then kansei dialect form of conjugation because it's an antiquated verb

>> No.46924804
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>> No.46924812

doesnt sound like rose, bro. rhos is pronounced like ross

>> No.46924840

is it though

>> No.46924841

actually it is because they used to put ぬ instead of ない to do negation.
the pattern for that is -enu instead of -anai
also ぬ can be shortened to just ん, so for ます its negation would be ませぬ or ません
people got so used to saying it that way that it stuck

>> No.46924845

>話し手 talking hand


>> No.46924853

>話し手 talking hand

>> No.46924860
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what is the logic behind this shot

>> No.46924864

does masturbating with a talking hand count as losing your virginity?

>> No.46924866



>> No.46924870

pov shot: im hanging from the ceiling, djtスマホ in my left hand, goonstick in my right hand, eyes on the ft.

>> No.46924872


>> No.46924878

thanks papi, love you

>> No.46924888

IDK how accurate this is but you are the only one who has given me a proper explainpill so thank you

>> No.46924890

i remember you giving away your tripcode pass once so i don't buy it

>> No.46924892

secure trips are for knob slobbers

>> No.46924893

does anyone have that recording where some dude says よろしくお願いします

>> No.46924901

im like a kani sometimes u just gotta get a new one and leave the old one behind

>> No.46924910

thats a kari u melon growing knob head

>> No.46924912

it is polite form. just ending sentences in ません can sometimes sound a little, stand off-ish. small nuances. and it depends on how you say it. 行きません! = i'm not going! you cannot easily put the same energy or vehemence behind 行かないです. that's just a regular i'm not going. but both are still in polite speech.

>> No.46924914


their english is so bad. i mean, who says "i'm in the sixth year of elementary school"?

>> No.46924920

>who says "i'm in the sixth year of elementary school"?
well, not them for one. learn english

>> No.46924931

native level mistake

>> No.46924933


>> No.46924935

>the moment you open your textbook and start learning, it gets boring
young man does not like going to school

>> No.46924939
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>> No.46924947

thats just a different kind of kani but its still a kani

>> No.46924948

bros i'm not gonna make it... it's fucking over. 4 years and i still can't read manga or watch anime without looking shit up. matt was right, someone people are just destined to fail indefinitely

>> No.46924957

dunno about the kurage girls anime tbqh i like the train girls anime more

>> No.46924965

Japanese is not an accented language, so these aren't correct.

>> No.46924969

hey dont write yourself off yet. its only in your head you feel left out or looked down on. just try your best, try everything you can and dont you worry what they tell themselves when youre away

it just takes some time. youre in the middle of the ride. everything will be just fine, everything will be alright, alright?

you know theyre all the same, you know youre doin better on your own so dont buy in. just live right now, just be yourself.

it doesnt matter if its good enough good enough for someone else

>> No.46924972

maybe this just isnt for you. should have become a mathematician or something instead of learning japanese. in 4 years you could have gotten a bachelors degree and made 80k straight out of college

>> No.46924981

if u dont immediately get 969 get the FUck outta our thread right now

>> No.46924988

kek this is what happens when you treat learning the anime language as serious business instead of just enjoying the path

>> No.46924991

true true, based 69

>> No.46924998
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>> No.46925011


>> No.46925021


>> No.46925028

just realized it was jamal that joined quizlers discord on his alt account and recorded kids talking to each other so he could make fun of them in this thread smdh

>> No.46925034


>> No.46925038

since today we learned that the negative form of ある is ない and not ありない, the wotd are



>> No.46925044

do u really think i could join a vc as bad as those clips with all those filthy esls for any length of time without shitting on them

>> No.46925049

Long story short, it's irregular (masu probably comes from a combination of another word and suru).
masu -> mase (incomplete negative form (classical and some dialects like kaisaiben) ) -> masenu (complete negative form) -> masen (contraction)

>> No.46925055

i think you could do anything you set your mind to honey, and as your mother... i wish you would. you know, instead of this...

>> No.46925060


>> No.46925064

ある's negative is actually あるまい

>> No.46925066

there is nothing irregular about ぬ form of verbs, you see it all the time in media

>> No.46925068


>> No.46925070


>> No.46925072

Your reading comprehension is poor. I suggest learning English before Japanese.

>> No.46925081

dont worry i got BIG THANGZ poppin up this summer

>> No.46925083


>> No.46925090

>Long story short, it's irregular
>masu -> masenu -> masen

please point out the irregularity

>> No.46925093

as long as you're happy son
follow your dreams

>> No.46925136


>> No.46925163


so then is this the imperative form of ます? but imperative form is super rude. why would a shopkeeper say it to a customer?
they should say いらっしゃいましてください

>> No.46925170
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>> No.46925182

some shopkeepers and waiters actually started using double honorifics to sound more polite and it's slowly becoming an arms race of creating more and more artificially polite language, making linguists weep

>> No.46925184

> + ませ (mase, the 命令形 (meireikei, “imperative”) of formal suffix masu).

>> No.46925190

its a historical phrase from before japs became a cuckolded race after the war. they were as direct as the average chink back then

>> No.46925203

Why does English use such a different font when coming from a Japanese computer or OS? What's the name for that distinct font style?

>> No.46925215


>> No.46925232


>> No.46925240

i would like to point out that に関わらず cannot be used with 反対語熟語 - 有無 is a 反対語熟語. i spotted this. the author didn't. therefore i am officially better at japanese than 遠藤周作. i am indeed beyond native level. that is all

>> No.46925252


>> No.46925280

masu -> mase as per my post. You stupid motherfucker. Regular would be masu -> masa.

>> No.46925282
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>> No.46925290

sometimes you scare me

>> No.46925311

I follow a lot of Japanese cosplay whores on social media do any of you know for example someone like this https://x.com/shakeikurand

When they list their gmail as "work" is that just for photoshoots or can I arrange for some sex?

>> No.46925322

using common sense i would say it means photoshoots, but if you wanna make sure, why dont you email her and ask for sex? the worst she can do is say no.

>> No.46925329

well u know what they say u cant get if u dont ask

>> No.46925337

you know what they also say? stfu[/stfu]

>> No.46925351

relax tried to do something other than shit on that far gone soul

>> No.46925355

こんにちは、私はアメリカ人(白人)で、この秋に日本に行く予定です。 敬意を表して調和のとれた質問をさせていただきますが、10 月初旬から中旬にかけてご都合がよろしいでしょうか? 私はあなたの仕事がとても好きですし、美しいと思います。そしてもちろんあなたとセックスしたいと思っていますが、代償を払わなければなりません。 これらのサービスを提供している場合はお知らせください。このメールを申し訳なく思わない場合は、無視してください。ありがとうございます。

How's this draft of an email looking so far? Keep in mind my Japanese is limited so I wrote this in Chinese first then machine translated it to Japanese(my uncle tells me this is more accurate than doing English - Japanese)

>> No.46925358

so this is what midwittery looks like in japanese

>> No.46925368

wasn't necassarily directed at you. but you are free to do it anytime you feel like it like the rest of these bitches

>> No.46925380

yea sure they're definitely gone haha

>> No.46925394
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>> No.46925427

whats the biggest japanese city with the fewest westoid gaijins

>> No.46925437
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>> No.46925464

norwood reaper got like all of you on deck

>> No.46925469


>> No.46925484


>> No.46925489


>> No.46925502


its time to learn n1 gramma

>> No.46925517

sorry bros but this guy is inifnitely better at explaining things than dolly ever could

>> No.46925519

probably the best nihongo channel there is. is a really good teacher

>> No.46925536

yeah basically if i don't really use a word in english i don't bother learning it in japanese

>> No.46925538

dollers confidently dive into emmersion after watching her grammar series, only to be surprised she only covered 2% of jap grammar
brutal desu

>> No.46925553
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born to watch anime raws
forced to play video games

>> No.46925570
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what are you talking about

>> No.46925648

thread is muda desu

>> No.46925659

ai no rori-taaaa

>> No.46925673
File: 1.37 MB, 1472x1004, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look it's the sneed guy

>> No.46925688

i always forget the reading of words like omomuroni and itazurani

>> No.46925720

I remember how this case spurred the age of consent in the local area due to how scandalous it was.
Ironically enough, they had to flee the city because people kept harrassing her (and the husband) about the marriage.

>> No.46925746

neither of those things happened. it was the marriage age, and they didnt flee to anywhere

>> No.46925835

i knew the internet was dead when they removed pomf pomf from youtube

>> No.46925837

>I remember how

>> No.46925862
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i remember <the way in which> this case spurred...

>> No.46925866

yeah djts days are numbered

>> No.46925870

>i would like to point out that に関わらず cannot be used with 反対語熟語
says who lol
有無に関わらず is so common it has its own entry in phrase dictionaries
you probably think "they" cant be used for singular despite shakespeare et al using it 400 years ago

>> No.46925871

nothing funnier than an esl trying to own another esl on grammar

>> No.46925876

>I remember

>> No.46925896

just heard someone say doujin as in dewgin

>> No.46925903

yes, it is indeed possible to remember the way in which things happened no matter when you learned about the way in which things happened

>> No.46925911

you cant remember something you didnt witness. you can only recall something you heard/read

>> No.46925938

new lolcow just arrived
get a trip so we can start recording ur Ls

>> No.46925949

wtf is a lolcow? speak english

>> No.46925950

it's just floodguy being an esl

>> No.46925951

when you're caught up in your lust, and in the heat of the moment all you think in is japanese while you're jerking off... thats when you know youve truly made it

>> No.46925960


>> No.46925968

Average djt voice?

>> No.46926003


>> No.46926220

ngl djt is the last community that i can relate to on 4chan and pretty much the rest of the internet

>> No.46926227

for me djt is the first

>> No.46926231

whats relatable

>> No.46926236
File: 292 KB, 771x625, taekim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46926278


>> No.46926285


>> No.46926314

hes lookin rough these days

>> No.46926389

Incorrect. ないです is the more casual form and considered grammatically incorrect by traditionalists. You don't come off as rougher for saying ありません.

>> No.46926399

the more longer it is the more politer it is

>> No.46926404

Unironically true.

>> No.46926416

being high iq in a sea of retards

>> No.46926419

>considered grammatically incorrect by traditionalists.

>> No.46926442

Absolutely true. The formation of ないです is technically ungrammatical and still not the preferred way of rendering the polite negative when writing or publicly speaking.

>> No.46926457

>technically ungrammatical
it should be easy to find a source for that claim then

>> No.46926472

another uppercaser eager to an hero over n5 grammar. why are they like this?

>> No.46926474

I thought this was common knowledge. I forgot lowercasers don't know Japanese lol

>> No.46926487

God, I love it when lowercasers self-own like this.

>> No.46926497

ah schweet uppercaser is here to do his daily quests of collect an L and make a fool of himself

>> No.46926511

But JamaL, they're literally wrong on this one.

>> No.46926523

what makes ないです ungrammatical? isnt that how you typically end a sentence with an adjective politely? are you saying that generally ending a sentence with an adjective then です is wrong or specifically ない?

>> No.46926536

its not ungrammatical and is officially recognized by the japanese nihongo ministry

>> No.46926559

notice how they never have these thread long debates about n1 grammar

>> No.46926571

maybe if you guys helped me learn japanese i would start debating you on japanese

>> No.46926572

most n1 holders cant even have debates about n1 grammar

>> No.46926576

i did >>46925502

>> No.46926577

ない isn't an adjective btw it just usually conjugates like one

>> No.46926579

we cant help u dude u must seek out japanese and acquire it from the source

>> No.46926584


>> No.46926585

why would anyone want to have a debate about grammar

>> No.46926588

n1 grammar is easier than n5 grammar
more specific, less nuance. its just a greater volume of knowledge required
you would know this if you were n1

>> No.46926597

dunno uppercasers seem to love the stuff tho

>> No.46926603

How are you people so retarded? It was deemed acceptable in 1952 by the National Diet, but traditionalists argued that it was ungrammatical due to the redundant nature of tacking on the copula to an already completed sentence.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Why do you argue about everything even when you're wrong?

>> No.46926608

stfu 布教 guy nobody cares about grammar

>> No.46926609


>> No.46926610

being deemed acceptable by the government is about as technically correct as something can get though..

>> No.46926616

cuz its not wrong its grammatical and japanese ppl are saying it right now and u cant do shit about it

also officially speaking its a matter of opinion at this point because of it being acceptable so basically get fucked and go some natto cuz it aint wrong u cant prove that it is

>> No.46926629

No, it was colloquial speech at one point in time and became acceptable through common parlance. Nothing I said was incorrect in my initial statement.
I'm sorry, lowercasers, but you lost. Take this L and move on.

>> No.46926631


>> No.46926632

doller detected

>> No.46926642

there's no such thing as grammar

>> No.46926643

lol its cool some of my streamables survived

what was incorrect was u trying to make an opinion into a fact anyway uve completed ur daily quests so time to run along lil uppercaser see u tomorrow

>> No.46926645

hows that dick sucking going queeran?

>> No.46926649

someone explain to me the grammar of

>> No.46926651

wow jamal has been cucking in the thread since morning

>> No.46926656

out here in amish suckin big dicks in amish *puffs a dick* *exhales* big ole dicks

i was doin other shit for most of the afternoon wdym

>> No.46926660

its not even him just check the trip. you're all being played while the real papi is out fishing for the long weekend

>> No.46926668

An opinion is thinking 万 = 1,000. A fact is adding the copula to a sentence with an adjectival verb makes it redundant.
*sighs* now bend over *unzips dick*

>> No.46926669

its too fucken hot to fish during the day fuck that

>> No.46926671
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>> No.46926672
File: 795 KB, 326x316, 1688540332525660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46926676

will the real snitch please stand up

>> No.46926679

how come queeran and papi spend all day in these threads? dont they have lives?

>> No.46926686

now we will leave the capital, today we received permission?
is there something im missing or is it relatively straightforward

>> No.46926687

布教 bro is NOT happy

>> No.46926688

nowhere will u find any official reference material say that

what it will say is old ppl will complain and copula about it cuz they cant get with the times

rack em sonny boy

>> No.46926694

you are missing a lot im afraid

>> No.46926695

theyre retired billionaires bro

>> No.46926700

>what it will say is old ppl will complain and copula
Oh wow, you mean exactly what I said in my first post, you pedantic sped?

>> No.46926702

can you please explain further

>> No.46926706
File: 255 KB, 1280x720, 2024052418215900_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else playing ttykino?

>> No.46926709

uh oh lil q getting uppity in this one lmao

>> No.46926715


>> No.46926716

why do you care what some dumb shit muncher in the thread thinks

>> No.46926717

never watched the creepy doll
never will

>> No.46926718

so again its officially correct and ur opinion is simply an opinion

what else is factual is that u came to djt again today said some dumb shit made a fool of urself took an L entirely up ur butthole 90 degree angle and all and now ur gonna fuck off cuz ur done any questions

>> No.46926721

no i beat paper mario 64 on an emulator a few years ago and it was kinda boring.

>> No.46926726


>> No.46926727

well for one thing いただきたく is not past tense
but it's also completely fucked up sentence order and missing particles despite being a formal sentence

>> No.46926734

I didn't say any dumb shit. I pointed out that traditionalists don't agree with it because it's technically ungrammatical. You're out here impaling yourself on my posts like the little bitch you are.
btw remember when you used google translate because ydkj? lol

>> No.46926737

kinda sad how 布教 guy pretends to be a lowercaser sometimes because he has no confidence in himself as an uppercaser

>> No.46926741

at least he doesnt read lins backwards

>> No.46926742

it's just queeran acting like a faggot because some uppercaser destroyed him in a transcription challenge

>> No.46926747

Hi, Queeran!

>> No.46926750


>> No.46926751

one thing i agree about with morbido is that everyone in this thread deserves to suffer and die

>> No.46926752

lol bro picked up his mobile phone for that :skull:

>> No.46926754

whys queeran so mad bros? i thought he was making big money coding?

>> No.46926757

>lil q on schizo suicide watch

>> No.46926761

oh yea. wasnt paying enough attention at all, sorry. just saw the た and didnt think further. thanks for responding.

>> No.46926767

Still can't believe Queeran was addicted to drugs and took a dick up the ass just to get some more. Pretty sad, but not entirely unexpected given his autism/OCD.

>> No.46926774

lil c...

>> No.46926784

i'll give you a hint: he doesn't actually make any money

>> No.46926789

ふきょう bro still watching pokemon 3 years later

>> No.46926792


>> No.46926799

I transcribed that Pokemon clip perfectly, lil c.

>> No.46926815

not a good look bro

>> No.46926820

why is c going on a rampage

>> No.46926822

dame reading the thread and didn't realize both papi and ciaran impaled themselves on an uppercaser post

>> No.46926830

djts greatest champions fall so easily...

>> No.46926846

it's pure SOVL

>> No.46926851

it's a nothingburger

>> No.46926863


>> No.46926894

djt has finally been killed

>> No.46926896

weird how the post per minutes shot up just around the time of 布教 guy having a melty

>> No.46926922

whats 布教

>> No.46926928

it's a total nothingburger

>> No.46926937

bro misheard 布教 as 今日 in a hilariously incorrect transcription

>> No.46926942


Does anyone know what the words tattooed on there thighs say?

>> No.46926953

ciaran is so humble and patient for putting up with this guy

>> No.46926955

something about 盗撮 and 痴漢

>> No.46926958

i thought you retired

>> No.46926963

that wasn't me

>> No.46926973


>> No.46926983

wish i could tikan a djter

>> No.46926987

\take on a djter?

>> No.46926990

tikan tikan

>> No.46927010

Is the woman in OP's picture IRL Nue but with her wings hidden?

>> No.46927018

blud didnt even thank me

>> No.46927022

At what point should I start sentence mining
Was planning on doing it just before reaching 2k words learned on that deck in the github guide
Don’t wanna have two decks going on at once though

>> No.46927029

drop that 2k shit and just mine now sis
mine 20-30 a day for a year and you'll be a djt all star

>> No.46927088

don't ask me why i was lurking in that thread

>> No.46927150
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>> No.46927178

what is the best sign for a girl that is about to start cutting herself and how do i actually fix her?

>> No.46927211

if she's so desperate that she's willing to talk to you she's probably close to being suicidal too

>> No.46927258

Suicidal girls would make for a easy rape target imo

>> No.46927300

dead girls can't say no

>> No.46927321


>> No.46927354

It was kino when it was solely on gamecube

>> No.46927419

>hilariously incorrect transcription
lmao you're actually still mad that I beat your bullshit transcription challenge well over three months later.

>> No.46927424


>> No.46927457



>> No.46927459

the fat one is ciaran

>> No.46927466

nose too fat. looks southeast asian

>> No.46927478

I hope you’re getting paid for this.

>> No.46927490


>> No.46927498

I’m about to fukyou in the ass

>> No.46927505

Truly the queen of /djt/, I never miss a stream!

>> No.46927508

dame lil c's not doing so hot nowadays

>> No.46927510


>> No.46927521

c is winning

>> No.46927529

the dick sucking competition

>> No.46927533

as for me it's j, m, and q

>> No.46927534

I'm trans and Black btw

>> No.46927548


>> No.46927549

queeran's black? always imagined him as a pasty lil white boy

>> No.46927550

another dogshit ep of tensura. why the fuck did i ever like this show what the hell. or has the quality gone to shit this season?

>> No.46927554

newfags don't realize ciaran posted pics of himself years ago

>> No.46927557

he even posted pics of his junkie whore gf

>> No.46927558

this season is way worse than all the previous ones

>> No.46927559


>> No.46927560

So I'm 2k words into the core 6k deck and I come across a post saying it's obsolete and I should be using some tango deck instead. What should I do?

>> No.46927561 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 34x45, lilbnuuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46927562

did the words in it suddenly get erased from the japanese lexicon?

>> No.46927565

yea brah they removed those words from japanese in 2022

>> No.46927567

suteppu wan: sutoppu asukingu zaa dekinai

>> No.46927569

nice self own

>> No.46927570

milim is qt

>> No.46927579

just stop, delete all the ones you got left, only review the 2k you did and start mining
all the basic decks are just a rough 2k foundation all based around the same original deck anyway

>> No.46927620

as long as your deck has example sentences it's a good deck

>> No.46927652
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, 500_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46927660

deep words from a suicide bomber

>> No.46927752

Can a brother get a torrent link

>> No.46927775




>> No.46927835
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>> No.46927857

why do they take so fucking long to make one move holy shit

>> No.46927919
File: 171 KB, 1024x1418, 1716666833542653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know how to convert a japanese .sup file into .srt or whatever?
like, is there an ocr that works and a way to turn the output into .srt?
i've been trying to use stuff like subler and mkvtoolnix but the ocr seems to fuck it up

>> No.46927932

(not sure why he uses his middle finger tho)

>> No.46927938

can you run this python prog after installing pysubs2

import pysubs2
subs = pysubs2.load("input.sup")
subs.save("output.srt", format="srt")

>> No.46927945


>> No.46927955

lets walking tokyo

>> No.46927961

wouldnt a pedometer be annoying in runescape since its always going off?

>> No.46927996

its really satisfying when you learn a word from 1 anime, and then see and recognize it again in a following different anime, these little wins add up and are super motivating
word was 鈍感

>> No.46927998

big fan of the way this guy says 「そう!!!」

>> No.46928063
File: 457 KB, 1154x614, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the あったっけ mean here? I think hes trying to say if such a places exists? あったっけ ー>あるか, is that correct?

>> No.46928071
File: 38 KB, 331x457, 1545964313062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna use the weekend to finish core 2k. 100 new per day + ~400 reviews over the next 3 days but after that the number will start the get smaller
i think im starting to understand the chinese a bit so learning is less of a brick wall than it used to be

>> No.46928124

post what ye are reading right now
im reading 姑獲鳥の夏

>> No.46928132
File: 382 KB, 2728x694, 1713483119259431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46928192
File: 93 KB, 1625x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

古事記 校註(太安万侶,稗田阿礼)

>> No.46928312

they put -kke on the end of things to emphasize casual recollection

like "there's a place that sells them around here, right?"

>> No.46928348

so something like な

>> No.46928498


>> No.46928506

japanese ppl say taisetsu instead of important? what's wrong with them

>> No.46928517

they usually abbreviate it
if you want to say that you're an important person, you should tell them that 私はインポです

>> No.46928522

thanks i will tell my gf on our big date

>> No.46928627
File: 328 KB, 1600x900, Pani_Poni_Dash!_-_S01E04_-_Don&#039;t_Count_Your_Chicke [05_25_2024].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot how much better old fanservice was

>> No.46928637
File: 120 KB, 1242x706, Pani Poni Dash! - S01E04 - Don&#039;t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch Bluray-720p.mkv_snapshot_11.23.335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46928642

some japanese words are inherently funny

>> No.46928714

i like that this presumably happened so often they had to make a word for it

>> No.46928764

where's the fanservice?

>> No.46928771

maybe japanese wanting to avoid public conflict made them especially vulnerable to this

>> No.46928775
File: 840 KB, 1600x900, Pani_Poni_Dash!_-_S01E04_-_Don&#039;t_Count_Your_Chicke [05_25_2024].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46928795

My comprehension is near fluent with dual subtitles

>> No.46928796
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>> No.46928802

But only looking at the english ones when there is a word I don't know*

>> No.46928815

You could literally just read about it instead of asking here.

>> No.46928822

Probably why slander is illegal in japan.

>> No.46928826

gratz on learning english bro

>> No.46928827

true slander*

>> No.46928838

mined にっげr

>> No.46928841

No. I only use the English when I don't know a word. Other than that it's pretty much fluent even on 2x speed.

>> No.46929199


>> No.46929783






>> No.46930049

might watch this shit

>> No.46930209
File: 3.98 MB, 720x1280, xiaolong6688_2024-05-26-10-52-01_1716713521449.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46930213

Are there any games or programs to teach me how to type on a Japanese keyboard? I unfortunately do not have a copy of Typing of the Dead

>> No.46930246

Many Japanese are Bloods and Crips

>> No.46930257


>> No.46930279

Why are they walking funny?

>> No.46930284

No. A game will not teach you anything. To understand you must first think. Then you can work on building the correct muscle memory.

>> No.46930294

All necropedophiles leave thist thread , IMMEDIATELY

>> No.46930329

not watching the japanese man puta

>> No.46930334

big fan of pedophilia, not sure why you lump us together with necros

>> No.46930341





>> No.46930524

bizzare. why cant they just be normal?

>> No.46930590

I was thinking recently what a great boon Anki is. Naturally, I have very good short-term memory but absolutely tenuous long-term one. Because of this, I was struggling a lot in my job as a software engineer, since I always had the feeling that my experience was not stacking. Whenever I learned something new and didn't encounter it again within a short time frame, I would forget 90% of the information and have to relearn everything from scratch in the future.

The same applied for foreign languages, hobbies, general knowledge (history, biology, basic life skills). Weak memory was derailing my learning, since I was loosing motivation again and again as I wasn't able to recall the information I learned. Learning started to feel boring and meaningless.

Then I discovered Anki. Everything is so much easier to remember and use now. I'm more than ever eager to devour new knowledge and skills. My self-confidence in my intellectual abilities were greatly improved, as now I know that I'm not confined by my memory anymore.

For me, Anki feels like an ultimate lifehack, as it greatly improves many areas of my life. I want to ask the djt community, was there anything in your life (knowledge, skill, habit, insight) that did major systematic changes and substantially improved your quality of life?

>> No.46930696

You think tourists are bad. Look at this shit from your own countrymen.

>> No.46930973

>Stage 1 of /djt/
>Stage 2

>> No.46930984

>I was thinking recently
*shakes head sadly*

>> No.46930985
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>> No.46930990
File: 105 KB, 900x469, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the perfect image to piss off artists

>> No.46930992

Behead all (((海外ニキ)))

>> No.46930998

or at least those who can read charts

>> No.46931016

big boy here is special cuz he can read charts

>> No.46931039


>> No.46931046
File: 35 KB, 750x81, pic-selected-240526-0335-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read and comprehended without looking at any furigana on my first reading. Well on my way to N4.

>> No.46931077


>> No.46931080

whenever an ankiturd acts up, just post this link and he'll stfu for 2 hours minimum

>> No.46931091

but nobody clicks youtube links unless the thumbnail includes an attractive woman

>> No.46931095

nice job bro, what kind of media are you consuming?

>> No.46931109

language learning leads to hair loss

>> No.46931144

I generally stick to 1 thing at a time, so for the last few weeks it's been grammar, before that it was graded readers (with the occasional children's book or near wordless manga.)

>> No.46931202


>> No.46931222

Glad they fired this quack. "bro just listen, you can learn a language if you just listen"
>and yeah there are actually no resources like this. Just find a teacher and make them do this vague thing.

>> No.46931228
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>> No.46931240

i didn't click the link but i feel like when people say "just listen more" or "just read more" they never say it out loud but they also mean to do that in a way where you at least understand something because they intuitively also understand that comprehension is really important too.

>> No.46931244

imo this was the only method that worked for me


>> No.46931257

Well he specifies, listen to messages that you can understand. He doesn't offer any advice on how to actually understand what you are reading or listening to. Other than "read slowly and give visual cues"

>> No.46931271

The point of anki is to reinforce words you already know. This is how everybody uses it.

>> No.46931275

i wish i wasn't a sub 5

>> No.46931285

Just finished Kekkon Dekinai Otoko and really enjoyed it. It's a little embarrassing to admit but it was the first time I've immersed with live action content and I think it was actually far more useful because of that. I've gotta stop being such a weeb and watch more live action stuff.

>> No.46931327

that's the walk from dune, duh

>> No.46931338
File: 236 KB, 600x780, 1716722826572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46931362

>watch this bro you will learn english easily https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=betjA28-TZw

>> No.46931372

u sound mad bro

>> No.46931379

>comprehensible input
This """story""" is incomprehensible and pointless to any native.
English and Spanish are basically the same language, if you can't even fix your accent you have no business teaching english.

>> No.46931391

this video very useful for me.
many thanks

>> No.46931521
File: 141 KB, 286x529, 1714803375740429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any rtk chads can read this?

>> No.46931542

gwern (polymath, autodidact) swears by spaced repetition


>> No.46931547

i dont

>> No.46931554
File: 224 KB, 900x1200, GOXVVtgWsAAFxUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Migaku, is it worth it?

And what about WaniKani for Kanji learning?

>> No.46931556


>> No.46931590

The best way to do comprehensible input is to first read a manga in english, then read that same manga in japanese. You can go sentence by sentence, page by page or chapter by chapter depending on your level. This way primes your brain to go from english -> meaning -> <- japanese

>> No.46931600


>> No.46931691





>> No.46931704

the best way huh

i bet u dont even speak japanese lol

>> No.46931705

you got 2 correct
you got 4 correct

>> No.46931718

Don't pay for anything.

>> No.46931728

just replaced milk with basedmilk for a smoothie i always make on sunday and i feel less bloated now than usual.

>> No.46931730

basedmilk aka raw unpasteurized?

>> No.46931739

i make plant milk smoothies every day
healthiest itt

>> No.46931743
File: 2 KB, 165x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i meant to say onions

>> No.46931746

u should try gusomilk

>> No.46931759

ive tried soayy milk oat milk and almond milk i like oat the most

>> No.46931763

oat milk is too rich for my tastes
i buy the cheap 大豆ミルク for my cereal

>> No.46931779

strawberry banana smoothie for today

>> No.46931786

jealous noob

>> No.46931813
File: 20 KB, 326x316, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46931823

I used to freeze my cumloads in ice cube trays and make iced coffee drinks with them in lieu of milk

>> No.46931826

victimless crime innit

>> No.46931837

iced cum latte

>> No.46931845

hey girl you want summa cum latte

>> No.46931861

cummies~ uwu ToT

>> No.46931930

the 2 biggest things you need to remember in japanese reading are
1 ) the language is agglutinative, each word modifies the next
2) this modification breaks at particles and the whole phrase will then modify the next by becoming context for it.

>> No.46931945

my foot is agglutinative and modifies ur ass

remember it

>> No.46932006

>the language is agglutinative, each word modifies the next
that's not what agglutinative means

>> No.46932017

Japanese isn't a good language. It's simply not worth learning. This goes for all SOV langauges. Imagine waiting for someone to list all the information and then say some trivial shit about it.

>> No.46932045

Japanese is the best language. It was created for coomers with gooning in mind. You spend the entire sentence edging until you finally find out the verb at the very end with a climax.

>> No.46932142

Who cares? Your dick won't work by the time you learn japanese.

>> No.46932155

japanese feels good

>> No.46932182

nice day to day

>> No.46932206

Go back. And I mean to genki, not flashcards.

>> No.46932501

go back is nothing more than gay way of saying stfu

>> No.46932567

Dead J T

>> No.46932589
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x2723, Ushijima - L&#039;usurier de l&#039;ombre [Intégrale 46 tomes] [Ebooks Officiels] [CBR FR] - Ushijima, l&#039;usurier de l&#039;ombre T28 (Shohei MANABE) [eBook officiel 1920] - 195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46932624

think ill make some tantan men for dinner to night

>> No.46932625

Lets be honest. She just saw Ame 2x her average views and had to wait for some reason to play it.

>> No.46932626



>> No.46932670


>> No.46932712

Where do you guys go for Japanese switch game files
Afaik Nxbrew only has English versions?

>> No.46932717

You buy them obviously.

>> No.46932723

I just buy them

>> No.46932742

My problem with the 3d games is that perks and stats never seem to do anything unless it is insanely busted.

>> No.46932773
File: 78 KB, 524x575, GNrg7LuaIAAf_3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've used Twitter and TikTok so much to study Japanese that the algorithm is starting to suggest English learning content for Japanese speakers.

>> No.46932782

more like the algo can tell ur a filthy esl lol

>> No.46932792

damn dude ur a modern day yasuke

>> No.46932798

jamal's probably right on this one.

>> No.46932806

I just bought a second cellphone and changed all the setting to Japanese for full immersion

>> No.46932808

never had a smartphone before

>> No.46932837

or a gf

>> No.46932848

I pay Indian men online around 1 dollars usd a month to text me in Japanese on my phone daily for immersion

>> No.46932854


>> No.46932858

changed the language on pornhub to japanese for full immersion

>> No.46932912

imagine being such a pest to people
they should really ban all foreigners from japan

>> No.46932921

nope i deserve to go

>> No.46932929

yeah, i would too, but i'm ready to relinquish my right if it means we get all these pieces of shit out and keep japan pure, at least for a while longer

>> No.46932934
File: 2.37 MB, 1846x1594, __original_drawn_by_feel_nasitaki__ec352f76d325d7b34f4da735c2f905f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me going to japan and having a fun time

>> No.46932938

when are you gonna upgrade animetards template to support pitch accent?

>> No.46932950

quiz has discontinued anki because the best learners don't need it.

>> No.46932952


>> No.46932963

Gaijin bros...


>> No.46932970


>> No.46932974

yep, discontinued. took him long enough.

>> No.46932977

moe owning triptards like always

>> No.46932991

>pitch accent

Talk about a noob trap.

>> No.46933024


>> No.46933035


>> No.46933130

it supports pitch accent no problem
