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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 180 KB, 1366x2048, GOKcYtYbIAAZ1k0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46912490 No.46912490 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>46904713

>> No.46912496
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>> No.46912500
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can't believe nips have the audacity to complain about names after what they've put me through

>> No.46912502


>> No.46912506





>> No.46912539 [DELETED] 
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good morning minnasan
lets worship children today~ yosh gambatte!

>> No.46912566
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>> No.46912573
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>looks like an actual real-life pig

>> No.46912584

>>looks like an actual real-life pig

>> No.46912603


>> No.46912645
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, gtvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46912730

is wanikani actually decent for learning kanji? I don't mind paypigging but I'm not convinced by the mnemonic gimmick so far, I'm on level 3 now and so far it's been easier for me to just remember the kanji by relating them to a word that has them, instead of the very long and arbitrary mnemonics

like for 口(くち)there's a story about a construction worker named "Kou" who has a handsome mouth which is how you're supposed to remember the reading.... or I can just think "it's the "kou" from 人口". 入 is nyuu and 力 is ryoku because 入力. etc

I dunno, maybe the mnemonics get more useful in later levels as the kanji get harder? I just like the way they do spaced repetition better than Anki and actually typing the answer in hiragana helps me remember.

>> No.46912742


>> No.46912746

>maybe the mnemonics get more useful in later levels as the kanji get harder?
that was my first thought after i looked up level 3 wanikani
kanji later on will become harder to distinguish

i still think the best way to learn kanji is through reading though

>> No.46912787


>> No.46912803


>> No.46912839
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>> No.46912848

yeah you're probably right. I'm going to stick with it for a while but wouldn't hurt to pick some book for kids with some basic vocab too

>> No.46912857

aw shucks that brings a bloom to my heart

>> No.46912889

i love women but i think its kinda sick for them to fish for attention from simps like this

>> No.46912931



>> No.46912992

tits too big

>> No.46913049
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>> No.46913054

this lady rules and is the coolest japsnese womsn ive seen in forever barring like jun togawa

>> No.46913070

almost 20 years impressive for a dog
wonder what they fed him

>> No.46913071


>> No.46913073

raw liver and organ meats

>> No.46913088

your mom feeds on raw dick

>> No.46913235

What is the tone of 仕方ない? If I say that to someone will they get mad?

>> No.46913259

Why not just do rtk and anki rather than paying $69420/mo for a less efficient method?

>> No.46913275


>> No.46913292
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>> No.46913301


>> No.46913308

>go through old bookmarks of youtube videos
>This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
i recently started to actually download videos that i like, because i realized bookmarking isnt enough.

>> No.46913335

yo this video is still up tho

>> No.46913339

at least with bookmarks you still see what video it was, i only get the following if i open a playlist
and it wont tell me which videos are missing

>> No.46913350


>> No.46913356
File: 239 KB, 2048x1944, GOTLHmGbEAElmYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46913358

personally, i just let it go
nothing is permanent in life

>> No.46913375

i always make sure to download everything since the infamous hololive copyright strike arc

>> No.46913376

i know what you mean but some videos are really good like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nmF9KxxWPw

>> No.46913382


>> No.46913404

except your Ls

>> No.46913409

true true

>> No.46913414
File: 14 KB, 494x396, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for me, japanese is love-want-inducing zero-ga

>> No.46913428
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>> No.46913433

i only remember Ws

>> No.46913459

dame cant afford the plane ticket

>> No.46913461
File: 246 KB, 2466x1466, GOR-32wWMAA6lDr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46913463

anyone know about Japanese grammars (文法書)?
like, English has the highly recommended "A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language"
does any go-to grammar exist for the glorious nipponese language?
I found books like 「日本語文法入門ハンドブック」 and 「基礎日本語文法」 but have absolutely no idea which one to go with

>> No.46913491

1hour anki and 6hours and 31mins of reading, today was a good day

>> No.46913493

tae kim

>> No.46913502

that's not a grammar thoughbeit

>> No.46913503

tae kim is trash lol

>> No.46913518

gammar is a meme just learn words

>> No.46913520 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46913530

never post itt ever again

>> No.46913531

grammar might be but grammars aren't

>> No.46913550


>> No.46913557
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>> No.46913562

cute collection

>> No.46913563

based localizer tranny dabbing on eops

>> No.46913594
File: 195 KB, 2048x1152, GOVZvpCaMAAmjDm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play 1 jrpg to learn katakana

>> No.46913593


>> No.46913601
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>> No.46913622

>stellar blade

>> No.46913637

its a jrpg but made in korea
its the same with darksouls, its a western rpg but made in japan

>> No.46913659

the fabled 140 iq ladies and gentlemen

>> No.46913661

you can smell the dilated front hole wafting off those tweets

>> No.46913673

mad respect

>> No.46913714

best show of 2023 although it got a bit retarded towards the end

>> No.46913716


>> No.46913821


>> No.46913986
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What is /jp/ recommended time tracker?

>> No.46914046
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>> No.46914111

wow im totally going to click this link to listen to shit music, thanks!

>> No.46914205

lil dude is tryna hit 1000 in the other thread
itd be a shame if someone started spite bumping him off the catalog rofl

>> No.46914230

youre sick bro get help

>> No.46914314 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 319x297, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rise and shine squiddos


>> No.46914331


>> No.46914339

simply use the wanikani anki deck for free.99

>> No.46914348

even quizmaster has arrived at the anti-anki position. or at least he's lukewarm toward it.

it's time anki tards move on.

>> No.46914352

dang 331 on that jetix tip

>> No.46914367


>> No.46914370

the deed is done

>> No.46914371

proof by katite

>> No.46914396


>> No.46914399

ok but what if I want to read the full bredth of literature how long

>> No.46914400

yh idk bros

>> No.46914408

you guys should get together pool your resources and get some kind of guide to the alternative to the anki method to plug

>> No.46914415

guidefags in 2024 be like

>> No.46914416

pools closed bruv

>> No.46914418
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, yoga the entrepreneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one already exists you fucking idiot


>> No.46914420
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>> No.46914429
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>> No.46914431

still feel bad about the fact that i thought it was cool mattvsjapan publicly acknowledged race IQ stuff and i posted it here and then anacreon weaponized it in his deplatforming campaign against matt.

>> No.46914433

yoga is the dsp of the japanese nonlearning community

>> No.46914437

nice touch incorporating the flag of japan

>> No.46914440

this is so fuckin funny

>> No.46914444

thanks imma do that after anki

>> No.46914446
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low iqs see it as the flag of japan

>> No.46914448


>> No.46914457

>flaschard system built in
>ability to export to anki
>so smiliar there is just an anki deck for it
youre the fucking retard here

>> No.46914458
File: 574 KB, 1421x642, 1697060169874674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the next mattvsjapan

>> No.46914459

baited for that EXACT response

>> No.46914467

of course he has a nyagger thumbnail on a mahjong guide

>> No.46914472

Easier way to learn Japanese is to learn Chinese first, after that you already know 50% of Japanese, not to mention you get the extra benefit of knowing Chinese

>> No.46914479

hm yea and china is the future since the west is committing suicide. i think we all made a mistake focusing on japanese?

>> No.46914489
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>> No.46914499
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holy based

>> No.46914500
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>> No.46914506

dude really though "Jouzu JEWS" was a good name

>> No.46914517

useless wotd

>> No.46914522

im so n1 your so n none

>> No.46914528

disgusting eye brows and stubbly moustache

>> No.46914532

more like so n1663|2

>> No.46914545

remember that time after we kicked out jamal where there was no tripfags at all lets go back to that

>> No.46914575

someone tried to do that recently and lost that battle

>> No.46914588

it truly was an epic battle with both contestants sitting down in their recliner chairs sniffing their own farts the entire time. you had to be there

>> No.46914596

what that smell like

>> No.46914603

you tell me

>> No.46914608

today the おならs smell like うんち

>> No.46914648

mine are more like 花の露

>> No.46914713

must be on a plant diet

>> No.46914749

china only lives on selling shit to the west and they have 300 million people set to retire in the next decade. good luck
also don't say we all made a mistake, because one of my reasons for starting japanese was that witnessing japan collapse is going to be entertaining

>> No.46914751

香水浣腸 motherfucker

>> No.46914756

>and they have 300 million people set to retire in the next decade. good luck
lol yes. there's always some huge insurmountable problem that china will never overcome, until they overcome it. 300 million retirees oh no!!!!

>> No.46914764
File: 455 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xi jincoping

>> No.46914782

gdp is a flawed metric
the paradise on earth of japan is enough to show that

>> No.46914791

gdp growth i meant to say
i must be autistic too

>> No.46914805

finished ghost of tsushima and understood about 99% of it without a dictionary. i might be ready for muramasa.

>> No.46914809

you mean hell on earth

>> No.46914862

what was the 1%

>> No.46914867

i think it owns china has tons of big expensive townhomes and shit just abandoned and america has tweakers sitting in the dirt getting baked in the sun

>> No.46914884

china has too much censorship. they banned a few of my favorite xianxia webnovels. any novel that has sex, political criticisms, or gorey violence were censored. a decade ago people were straight up writing erotica in their adventure stories, but thats all banned. the harem genre took a big hit. it sucks and no one should support the ccp.

>> No.46914891

oh ghosts of tsushima got released on pc. maybe ill play it if it's not denuvo.

>> No.46914895

love him or hate him xi is based for banning kids from rotting their brains on sloppertainment for more than an hour a day

>> No.46914898

theres no denuvo, you can even get a cracked version to work with online play lol

>> No.46914904

oh so that's probably why so many of the sketchy chink porn sites hosted in hong kong or the us have written stuff on them

>> No.46914952

dang morgan spurlock dead at age 69

>> No.46914954

Lot of attractive prostitutes in China that can be had for pennies, you won't find that quality/value in Japan

>> No.46914964

why do u want prostitutes bro thats not healthy

>> No.46914965

sometimes theyd speak too fast and use too many words with ateji that i couldn't quite catch. wish there was a built in text backlog.

>> No.46914986

It's just really hot when they lay there like a dead fish while you go at them. You just know they are in a bad life situation/feel ashamed etc... that makes it even hotter

>> No.46915087

sociopath guy..

>> No.46915100

woah when did eiffel tower guy come back?
and hes going after chinks now too, new low even for a piece of shit like him

>> No.46915194

i miss jamal

>> No.46915209

hey thats life

>> No.46915216
File: 140 KB, 439x451, panel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would DJT personally translate this sentence?

>> No.46915234

asking for translations is forbidden u have to pay for those

>> No.46915237


>> No.46915250

しまったJ to Jで訳しちまった(´・ω:;.:...

>> No.46915252

this is an experiment, I know the answer

>> No.46915279

looks like the experiment will fail cuz u didnt post urs first

>> No.46915283


>> No.46915284

>How would DJT personally translate this sentence?

i wouldnt

>> No.46915293

That would be corrupting the results of the response data.

>> No.46915300

it certainly would

>> No.46915301

I've come to accept being by myself?

>> No.46915311

the first response would also do that, so u fail at japanese and at designing experiments LOL

>> No.46915320

What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.46915321

uppercaser just got exposed begging for manga translations they just keep racking up those uppercase Ls

>> No.46915333

There's multiple translations of this manga of which I have access to

>> No.46915348
File: 551 KB, 1024x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have top secret translation clearance for this manga sir

>> No.46915352

acquired weniger (it means less)

>> No.46915355
File: 287 KB, 512x382, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just acquired

>> No.46915358

He just asked for one panel to be translated, this is the Japanese thread no? I don't see why that's not allowed certainly is more on topic than 99% of the other posts here

>> No.46915365

gentlesir stop pretending to be someone else also translation requests should be directed to >>>/int/djt

>> No.46915374

kachite ni?
kachite ni?

>> No.46915381

nothing better than when you got your goon cave cleaned up and looking tip top

>> No.46915394
File: 142 KB, 827x1276, 1716567383764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cringe
imagine sitting in a room and watching hentai with a bunch of man babies

>> No.46915404
File: 89 KB, 610x716, 1716567475494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46915425

get on that yaoi tip

>> No.46915564


>> No.46915574

that's crazy

>> No.46915584

fucking finally you're back. now the djt party can really start.

>> No.46915593

hide the munchies

>> No.46915594


>> No.46915605
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>> No.46915612

um yah 605 thats gay thats the problem

>> No.46915632
File: 215 KB, 1540x784, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget your daily rock

>> No.46915643

i will not eat the rocks klaus

>> No.46915646

This thread is full of prudes

>> No.46915674

Did this stupid "otaku tradition" die as soon as the internet went global?

>> No.46915752


>> No.46915753

>i've come to terms with it on my own!
ez can't believe you're struggling with that

>> No.46915763

average intelligence of a djter >>>/g/100638036

>> No.46915768

I knew it was a man from the thumbnail. What do I get?

>> No.46915782
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x1500, 1715044970003832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do I get?
a kiss

>> No.46915786

>name one thing u can't find and ill send u an invite
>*anon masterfully names the thing*
u got btfo lil bro lol

>> No.46915793

Man, I hate this place.

>> No.46915794

long weekend boys lfg

>> No.46915796

I personally don't post on any other board besides /jp/ and /lgbt/

>> No.46915803

86 try again

>> No.46915804

>try to play harvest moon gba in jp to train my reading
>get filtered right away
i get filtered by a game made for kids... im ngmi...

>> No.46915807

Post what filtered you. I need a good laugh.

>> No.46915809

literally the intro

>> No.46915815

i only post on djt and that's enough for me

>> No.46915819


>> No.46915820
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>> No.46915853

Literally how? This is quite possibly the easiest dialogue to follow.

>> No.46915862
File: 669 KB, 1458x1593, 1696316864977893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should hire a tutor and sit in their lap while you play, that way they can help you understand the japanese text while you play

>> No.46915875

my word knowledge is lower than my kanji knowledge

>> No.46915880
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, 20240525_024024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ー`дー´)

>> No.46915884


>> No.46915888
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>> No.46915890

Most of those words are in the core deck. You have no excuse.

>> No.46915906
File: 60 KB, 1196x846, 12222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bad retention? anyone have tips for remmebering things better.

>> No.46915913

remember a bunch of other related things

>> No.46915919

what core deck?

>> No.46915924

Best way to get better at grammar? Read about it conceptually then encounter it while watching / reading stuff or should I be doing some sort of drills
Anki works great for words but don’t think it would function well with grammar

>> No.46915925

>anyone have tips for remmebering things better.
read vinnies

>> No.46915938

i wat to but my daily reviews have been taking me 3 hours a day and its bedtime by the time i finish a lot of days. im gonna do a lot of reading today thouhg once my grindings over. i just wanted to do the new cards on 1.5k before may ended to catch up

>> No.46915950

the Core 2.3k or Core 2k/6k is an intro Anki deck with some of the most common words. Most people recommend it as a primer before reading.
The spiritual successor is the Kaishi 1.5k which is supposedly better, though I haven't personally looked through it.

>> No.46915955

Anki works the same for words as it does grammar. Just treat the grammar you encounter as vocabulary and you're good to go.

>> No.46915960

>Kaishi 1.5k
its shit. just read these taken from its description
>sentence is always on the front
completely defeats the point of a flashcard
>We mostly took data from Core2k, Core10k, Tango N4 and Tango N5
isn't this part worrying?
>sorted the words by frequency using various Yomichan/Yomitan frequency dictionaries and selected around 1500 words
they don't say who they used combined multiple frequency dictionaries
>We then fixed the translations for each word
which words did they changed? who did the change, some random n4?
>chose the best sentence for each word
what does this even mean
>fixed the sentence if it needed fixing. We had to fix roughly 120 sentences out of the 1500 we chose.
how do you "fix" a native japanese sentence?
>After this, we generated audio for words that were missing proper audio
so it is literally using robot speech shit
>We also generated furigana from AJT Japanese for the words and the sentences
probably wrong

>> No.46915963

Yeah, I figured as much. That's why I put the disclaimer.

>> No.46915975

Anki is for faggots and those who use it always score extremely low in every studies. They score extremely high in their confidence. Flashcards are the worst possible way to learn unironically go suck your d*ck somewhere else.

>> No.46915978

roundhouse kick a flashtard

>> No.46915985

are you trying to learn anki or japanese at that point?

>> No.46915989

matt says you can do the bulk of your language acquisition process in anki

>> No.46915991

i'm N1 and if i wanted to i could be N0. i speak better japanese than a native but go on. make me laugh you stupid esl monkey.

>> No.46915992

Yeah, all those successful doctors are idiots, am I right?

>> No.46915995

i wanna learn japanese

>> No.46915999

i wanna man

>> No.46916000

The studies are done using med and law students...

>> No.46916008

Sure, buddy, sure.

>> No.46916014

>my daily reviews have been taking me 3 hours a day and its bedtime by the time i finish
someone post the nuke streamable

>> No.46916015

then why are you wasting several hours a day on anki

>> No.46916017

Whatever you say "Mr. N0".

>> No.46916023

what do you mean "sure"? they are done using med students. are med students doctors? maybe in the future, but not at the time they participated in the study

>> No.46916025
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>> No.46916039

brap on a mf

>> No.46916044



proof jamal only posts when the thread is gay

>> No.46916048

I like how you can't even tell a lowercaser and an uppercaser apart.
I have a family member who's a successful doctor, along with many of his peers, all on account of Anki, so I'm not really buying what you're selling.

>> No.46916063
File: 3.81 MB, 2275x3508, 1694631994805600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i summon jamal

>> No.46916064
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what can i say わたしはゲイ

even ime autocompletes it for me

>> No.46916068

You learn a language through input btw so if you’re struggling just watch more anime

>> No.46916079


>> No.46916082
File: 2.67 MB, 2048x1359, 1698597509818883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what 1 year of anki does to a mfer

>> No.46916084


>> No.46916089

live yourself

>> No.46916091
File: 1.12 MB, 1536x2040, PXL_20240524_182234179.MP_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheeky friday night curry lads way hay

>> No.46916094
File: 1008 KB, 1401x787, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at this bug eyed cretin
he managed to make some tasty food utilizing his nation's average iq
but he is still a slave to rice, which is why he prepared a superfluous giant bowl of rice

>> No.46916099

djt is proof as time goes on society gets more degenerate

wheres the raw meat chunks

>> No.46916100

i thought it wasnt being wasted.

>> No.46916111

how long have u been learning japanese and how much of this do u understand

>> No.46916113

>djt is proof as time goes on society gets more degenerate
no just look at quizler, he went from a onahole-posting lolicon to having a career, wife, and son

>> No.46916116

those will be a side dish

>> No.46916128

what if he does degen shit with his wife or on the side

>> No.46916130
File: 83 KB, 737x629, 1716218769759911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you use auto reveal the answer timer?
start with 20s if you don't

>> No.46916135

yeah. over the 3 hours i do about 1200 reviews so im averaging 9 reviews a minute i just get bricked on some words

>> No.46916137
File: 425 KB, 1199x1960, yuno_gasai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46916139

stop projecting

>> No.46916144


watch this instead of goatis

i said what if so its not projection

>> No.46916145
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, 1703210504439002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1200 reviews
well, with this amount of reviews that's okay, don't worry

>> No.46916148

we all know ur the biggest degen here, but u gotta put on a front to keep ur status

>> No.46916152
File: 32 KB, 564x563, jahy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was doing 50-200 new words a day and now ive dialed it back to 50 new words a day and just feel retarded and frustrated with such a high failure rate on reviews.

>> No.46916160

seems unlikely we have people that talk about soliciting prostitutes here

>> No.46916178

i wish i had a sister to practice kissing with

>> No.46916182

right, and whatever it is youre hiding must be worse since you wont even talk about it

>> No.46916184

it is if you're spending that much time on anki that you don't have time to immerse. you should ideally have it be less than 30 minutes a day and spend the time immersing

>> No.46916189

or anal

>> No.46916193

did nobody in the thread warn you this would happen? the djt community has failed you.

>> No.46916194

i aint got nothing to hide ive never done any deviant shit in my life really

real life and the internet are pretty different

>> No.46916196

just buy a dildo, you dont need a sister for that

>> No.46916199

or impregnation

>> No.46916201

gonna need dildo fuck machine guys opinion

>> No.46916206

your careful wording concludes you are a total degenerate online and the things you fap to would make satan cry

>> No.46916209

ive been watching around 3 hours of anime a day too. what should i be doing instead?

>> No.46916213

When I was a kid my Dad went to Australia for a year for work and left me and my mom behind. During that year my mom used to practice tongue kissing me

>> No.46916216

cant believe someones trying to pin me as a degen while fuckmachine guy is off in the corner letting a series of gears ream on his asshole as we speak

why would the wording conclude anything? is the wording somehow sentient?

>> No.46916230

wish i had a NBR sister to fuck and marry

>> No.46916235

just say what it is, whats the worst that could happen

>> No.46916241

i do goatse impressions on onlyfans

>> No.46916271

how much

>> No.46916273



>> No.46916291

i look like that

>> No.46916324

adult content? x out

>> No.46916340

i havent done jack shit in months

>> No.46916344

i havent jacked my shit in months

>> No.46916349

well what are u gonna do about it

>> No.46916354

I've got a stomach virus and I've done shit 15 times this morning already

>> No.46916402

stfu fat loser

>> No.46916406

just fast for 5 days
it will die

>> No.46916422

thats what i did and it didnt go away
go see a doctor bro
might be cancer

>> No.46916494

neighbor having loud sex again

>> No.46916506

ask to join

>> No.46916507

i wish i had a sister so i could hear her fuck through the wall

>> No.46916509

You can try putting a cup against the wall and then your ear against the base of the cup it amplifies the sounds from the next room and it really works. I used to do this to listen in on my older sister would be getting fucked by her bf in the room next to mine

>> No.46916517


>> No.46916527

do you have a boner?

did you get a boner?

>> No.46916529

what kind of a gay question is that

>> No.46916535

takes like 2 hours to download and install a triple a game in 2024 it's crazy

>> No.46916537

more like triple gay

>> No.46916547

how often do y'all replace your pcs?

>> No.46916553

i was napping and her moans woke me up

>> No.46916554

on average every 3 years

>> No.46916558

about 8 years

>> No.46916571

I only use Macs, I'm not poor

>> No.46916579
File: 9 KB, 409x172, 1686494143194508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.46916580

a mac is still a pc albeit

>> No.46916582

i'd switch to apple products almost entirely if i had a job, just so that i'm not on the microsoft ecosystem. but i'm poor so a windows pc it is

>> No.46916590


>> No.46916595

vinnies don't work on mac

>> No.46916602

i have a vintage apple ii that thing runs number munchers like u wouldnt believe

>> No.46916606

I bought one over 10 years ago and its still able to fit a 3060 and 32 GB RAM. Replace after 10, upgrade every 3-5 years

>> No.46916619

my pc is from 2009

>> No.46916629


>> No.46916692


>> No.46916716


>> No.46916727

I stop using windows once they shoved ads into the start menu

>> No.46916728

never tried to learn japanese

can understand only some choice bits

>> No.46916764

i'd be cheating since i read the lyrics once

>> No.46916779

boutta clap papis massive gyat

>> No.46916803

is there even any japanese in this

>> No.46916808


>> No.46916834

cant believe this got a 2024 remix shits wild


>> No.46916845
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>> No.46916853
File: 60 KB, 933x261, Screenshot_20240524_232257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf they made a sequel?

>> No.46916873
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>> No.46916879

calm down killer

>> No.46916883
File: 1.33 MB, 1700x2698, 15080b23878c8a44eb5a603fc4645e96_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok last 1

>> No.46916904

downloaded ghosts of tsushima 3 hours ago and still haven't been able to launch it. the state of gaming in 2024.

>> No.46916907

get fucked、gamers

>> No.46916915

do u use windows? windows bros i thought ur os was so great and everything just works?

>> No.46916920

im using unsupported software (windows 10). if i had upgraded to windows 11 this would never have happened.

>> No.46916933

okay deejay, explain to me right now the difference between

>> No.46916934
File: 320 KB, 573x396, 435033921_7258734027507765_4938538962401011475_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46916938

one makes sense

>> No.46916941

に here implies a more direct connection between the action and the place. ie if you say the first one that hallway is the place that you draw, while で means that you drew in a place that happened to be the hallway

>> No.46916952

i drew a picture on the corridor [wall/floor]
i drew a picture while standing in the corridor

>> No.46916955

direct connection from foot to ass

>> No.46916971


>> No.46916983

i was only explaining 1 thing so there can't be 2 wrongs

>> No.46916993

meanwhile on r/learnjapanese old.reddit.com/comments/1czfpx7

>> No.46916996

seems to work on gnu+linux https://www.protondb.com/app/2215430?device=steamDeck

>> No.46917005

gonna need papis take on new jeans latest single album

>> No.46917011

廊下に絵を描きました :|
廊下で絵を描きました :O

>> No.46917012

the 2nd one. but also, that's an unfair characterization of a great movie from besson.

>> No.46917018

personally im more excited for jorts

>> No.46917025

wearing jorts is powerful sigma energy

>> No.46917033
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>> No.46917034

i havent worn jorts in 20 years i usually go for lighter material shorts

>> No.46917037

a wolf with his fangs pulled..

>> No.46917043

well the problem with jorts is u cant just casually jump in a pool in them and then get out and be dry in minutes

>> No.46917053

I love the DJT-patented, pulled-it-out-my-ass answers.
It’s like watching some Japanese guy try to explain the differences between “why?” and “how come?”

>> No.46917062
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looks like the two most intelligent minds in existence agree on this one

>> No.46917070
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>> No.46917078

>like the wall or the floor
yes, drawing on a wall or floor makes sense. drawing on a corridor does not make sense, so its an incorrect sentence written as-is

>> No.46917080
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1657789399549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

[!] must be included in the OP [!]

>> No.46917085

Sorry, wrong link. I meant https://learnjapanese.moe/
Oh wait, this is already included in the OP. I apologize.

>> No.46917092

can u guys start putting an actual good guide in the op from now on like this one


>> No.46917104

You spelled “you’re” wrong, though.

>> No.46917109

ur gay

>> No.46917112

guides dont work, we need to start going into people's houses and threatening them to learn japanese

>> No.46917115

break into their houses and shove amphetamines down their throats

>> No.46917120

if u ever encourage someone to "learn" japanese u are basically worse than satan

>> No.46917124

what if all they would ever amount to would be learning japanese? so if you don't force them then they will be nothing.

>> No.46917135
File: 2.38 MB, 2496x1128, 1688835005699267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then what should i tell people that are sick of shit like this

>> No.46917147


stop consuming the latest slops

>> No.46917151

except you can find plenty examples of natives using it like that
stop translating things into english in your head to decide if it makes sense

>> No.46917152

>is wanikani actually decent for learning kanji?
read this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/what-are-the-downsides-of-using-wanikani

If you want to learn Japanese, I recommend not wasting time on wanigarbage and go with the JP1K method.

>> No.46917157

One thing I can tell you for sure is that if you've been duped into following Mehmet's Them***y guide, your best option is to stop now. He just copied what matt said, changed a couple things and put his patreon links all over it. His half-assed "guide" is full of malware, and he scams people for donations.
Beginners, be sure to use only the official /jp/ guide by Tatsumoto if you want to make it.

>> No.46917168

>plenty examples of natives
bruh there like 1 google page of tweets and blogs backing u up here u know

>> No.46917167

this was already debunked by flood guy though >>/jp/thread/46229812#p46234273

>> No.46917179

how often do you think people draw on corridor walls and post about it online
it's a valid sentence and no native would claim it's unnatural or incorrect

>> No.46917188

>draw on corridor walls
lol even u cant force yourself to say it wrong

>> No.46917193

>stop translating things into english in your head to decide if it makes sense

>> No.46917194

what does /djt/ think of my pronunciation?

>> No.46917203

can you not tell the difference between english and japanese

>> No.46917209
File: 370 KB, 1412x1345, 1635048605756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This moeway guy doesn't know English or Japanese. He's an ESL who spends all day spamming his poorly written "guide" on 4chan so that people give him money on Patreon. Pretty pathetic.
If you want to learn Japanese, follow people who actually know jack shit when it comes to learning a foreign language. Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese is among them.

>> No.46917211

im proud of myself for naming floodguy

>> No.46917212

*farts in ur face*

>> No.46917214

Sounds a little AI, lil sis.

>> No.46917217

you realize that japanese is a context heavy language and english isn't
you need to explicitly state wall for it to make sense in english. you don't in japanese. it's that simple

>> No.46917226

honestly i cant tell if ur trolling or retarded. just gonna assume the latter since /djt/ is dead

>> No.46917227

>who actually know jack shit
You don't know jack shit. Quit lying.

>> No.46917229

concession received

>> No.46917231

what's your issue
japanese should be judged in the context of japanese not how it sounds when you translate it to english

>> No.46917242

I can't open this website. What's written there?

>> No.46917244

hinative guy we need to ask the natives how they feel about 廊下に絵を描いた

>> No.46917245

Japanese should be judged objectively. The idea, whether translated properly or understood in its original form, should be understood based on its semantic meaning. Translating it doesn't affect that.

>> No.46917248


>> No.46917252

native's just gonna be like lol u drew in the hallway

>> No.46917254

i wish gpt5 was here (coming within 6 months apparently) to solve this problem

>> No.46917263

legendary post >>26653194

>> No.46917265

also jamal impersonator

>> No.46917267

Once an ai rolls out that can auto translate language w/100% accuracy/context you fools will realize you wasted years of your life learning Japanese

>> No.46917270

it obviously does affect that since there's a ton of shit in japanese that would sound incredibly nonsensical if you said it as if it was english

>> No.46917274

no im not interested in reading english

>> No.46917276
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>> No.46917286

why is it claiming this as a fact without evidence?

>> No.46917287
File: 59 KB, 852x729, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with で

>> No.46917288

There's nothing nonsensical if you translate balancing sense-for-sense and word-for-word. Japanese is a 100% solved language for translation.

>> No.46917295

boring thread this one

>> No.46917299

it's not about whether it makes sense in translation the point is you can't literally just say certain japanese phrases and have it make sense as english so it's pointless to use english as a way of deciding whether a japanese phrase sounds correct

>> No.46917303

>actual ppl asking questions about learning Japanese and helping each other
boring thread

>faggots posting about wanting to rape ppl, off topic spam, videos of Chinese women pissing themselves
great thread guys!

I hate everyone here

>> No.46917308

eh people are purely shitposting with the gpt stuff actually.

>> No.46917317

Well, whether a sentence "sounds correct" is based on a person's experience with the language. Obviously we don't criticize the grammar and semantics of Japanese text in English, but that's not to say that you couldn't present the conundrum objectively to someone in English.

>> No.46917319
File: 341 KB, 2424x1708, takenfrommymacbookpro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chat GPT is a lazy fraud

>> No.46917322

>Obviously we don't criticize the grammar and semantics of Japanese text in English,
that's what's happening here though

>> No.46917324

there is more to making sense than grammar.
>we went to dinner and soup ordered Jerry.
this is grammatically correct, so the esl that wrote it definitely didnt make a mistake

>> No.46917330

Well, 1. the people here are retarded and don't understand that both で and に are going to be marking the location of the action, not the indirect object like some anon's think. And 2. everyone in here is extremely retarded.

>> No.46917331

so how do you say: i drew a picture on the walls in the hallway

>> No.46917336

what you are saying is like some japanese guy translating "the white house lost a key battle on health care reform" into japanese directly and claiming it makes no sense because the physical white house can't fight any battles. just because a word has some extra properties in one language doesn't mean it's the same or not in all languages

>> No.46917344

its implicitly understood that if america is fighting a battle, its the losing side

>> No.46917347


>> No.46917350

>that both で and に are going to be marking the location of the action, not the indirect object like some anon's think.
some natives you mean?

>> No.46917357

>Why not just do rtk
Because RTK is not as effective as JP1K. JP1K is the best way for someone learning japanese through self-study. See https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-kanji

>> No.46917368

kek, show anybody this when they think Japanese people are the final authority on the interpretation of their own language.

>> No.46917386

show anybody this when they think uppercasers are the final authority on the interpretation of their own language.

>> No.46917392

廊下 is the problem not で or に

>> No.46917399

r u guys still losing ur minds i thought it made it really simple here >>46917011

>> No.46917400

Starting to think you wrote that sentence yourself, considering how many times you keep referencing it.

>> No.46917401

funny how the uppercaser thinks に cant mark the indirect object. how do you think "he draw a picture on x" is constructed then?

>> No.46917406

is jp1k that deck that matt and yoga made years ago that sorted the rtk components by frequency and cut out over half of them, or just inspired from it

>> No.46917412

>>46916933 here
i already have the answer from a textbook complete with illustrations, i just thought it would be interesting to see what people here say

are correct

>> No.46917416

When did I say it can't mark the indirect object? That's one of its main functions. I just don't think that's the first interpretation someone looking at the sentence is going to think without any context.

>> No.46917422

>I just don't think that's the first interpretation someone looking at the sentence is going to think without any context.
they literally did though
and here too
is it possible you just have no idea what you are talking about?

>> No.46917429

post a pic of the textbook

>> No.46917432

uppercaser has not done well today u love to see it

>> No.46917433

Both answers feature laughably bad English.
>I drew a picture "at" the hallway.
>i drew a picture ( on a paper )on a corridor

>> No.46917437

maybe because they are native japanese people so they such at english almost as bad as you suck at japanese? the point is what they are trying to say here
also the 2nd link has a guy with perfect spanish explain the exact same concept if you prefer

>> No.46917445

Hey, Jamal, was 万 1,000 or 10,000? I can't remember. Mind Google Translating it for me?

>> No.46917454

If they suck at English, then they aren't exactly reliable interpreters are they now? lol

>> No.46917459
File: 2.48 MB, 1686x1412, 1694053997183851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest demoralization just dropped

>> No.46917467

its extremely obvious what they are trying to say regardless of whether it sounds good. the point is they instantly understood the sentence in the way you said they wouldnt and now you are trying to cope by claiming their poor english prevents you from understanding what they mean

>> No.46917479

I'm not even sure they understand what they're trying to say. I've seen so many Japanese people give wrong interpretations of Japanese sentences because they can hardly speak English. They ironically end up making the same mistakes English speakers do when interpreting.

>> No.46917485

you have insane dunning kruger syndrome lol
>no its the natives who are wrong

>> No.46917488
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>> No.46917493

Well, unless you can draw "at" a hallway, I'm gonna say their English isn't that great.

>> No.46917497

uppercaser well and truly btfo

>> No.46917504

Nope, not this time.

>> No.46917505

please refer back to >>46917467

>> No.46917512

Feel free to refer back to >>46917479 if you're having a touch of dementia.

>> No.46917518

Let's be honest here Uppercasers are the only on topic posters in these threads

>> No.46917520

its not acceptable in english to say you drew on a corridor, you could paint the corridor, but you'd draw on a part of or all over the corridor.

>> No.46917522

bros wtf i can't get over the fact how hot rezu is omg

>> No.46917533

uppercasers always have the worst case of dunning kruger syndrome
a whole system of crippled japanese and a collection of copes for their incorrect interpretations so that they never realize the truth

>> No.46917539

what if your little sister is dying in the corridor and the only way to save her is by drawing on the corridor

>> No.46917548

No, lowercasers are the ones who crap the bed every day of the week. When a lowercaser makes a mistake, we don't even make a big deal of it, because that's an everyday thing here.

>> No.46917556

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.46917563
File: 538 KB, 790x445, 1706959210914374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only took 4 hours and having to basically reinstall windows

>> No.46917576


for beginners djt recommends the kanjitransition deck. ankidrone starter pack for everybody else.

>> No.46917582

damn Ao-kuns dad bought her some air force ones

>> No.46917585

nice gameboy game

>> No.46917586


>> No.46917590
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>> No.46917592

>linux guy talking about transition

>> No.46917594


>> No.46917600
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x2378, 1590670772045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck

>> No.46917610


>> No.46917611

this knob or be knobbed arc of djt is so kimo

>> No.46917612

doing that windows update completely fucked up my keyboard layout now @ is next to p and all kinds of shit

>> No.46917618

>linux guy

>> No.46917636

How do you guys have so many problems with your computers? I've never had my keyboard mess up in decades. It literally all Just Works™ for me.

>> No.46917661

it's because i use a custom keyboard layout edited in the windows registry so doing a recovery update reset my registry tweaks

>> No.46917679

I knew it. I knew you were messing with your registry in some way. Nobody gets keyboard issues from a Windows update lol

>> No.46917701
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>> No.46917728

i don't care about any of the left points

>> No.46917745
File: 454 KB, 2138x1318, 1716591096867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>train drivers would be subjected to severe verbal abuse and forced to write reports of repenting their mistakes. Furthermore, they would be placed on weeding and grasscutting duties during the day. This programme was seen by many as psychological torture
lmao takeshi has to pull some weeds, pure torture

>> No.46917767

>i'm a nigger
sorry didn't know
the computers went wrong when they made them for niggers.

>> No.46917777

put your name back on

>> No.46917780

but supermemo only runs on windows

>> No.46917790
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>> No.46917791

supermemo is proprietary garbage

>> No.46917798
File: 697 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm no

>> No.46917800

the last reply was written by an american
everybody knows that, the guy confessed. are you new?

plus, if you know japanese you must also know how big the free software movement is in japan

>> No.46917804

try to watch a YouTube video

>> No.46917806

>if you know japanese you must also know how big the free software movement is in japan

>> No.46917894

what name do you suggest I put?

>> No.46917912


>> No.46917930

*nods sagely*

>> No.46917931

i finally got round to trying to play ghosts of tsushima and it crashes immediately after launching. it's truly over

>> No.46917939
File: 139 KB, 570x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make up your god damned minds

>> No.46917944

since like 2010 all 3d action games have looked the same so you're not missing out

>> No.46917949

yt recommendation engine is so strange no idea why this random video popped up


>> No.46917972

YouTube’s recommendation algorithm makes no sense. I think it’s just broken half the time. Some baby walking shouldn’t be getting a million views.

>> No.46918038
File: 2.43 MB, 1853x1096, 1697869604745987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally get it working after 5 hours lets fucking go

>> No.46918044

Hope you enjoy it, I had to stop playing it because all of the Mongolians you kill in this game look aggressively Chinese and it was hitting too close to home

>> No.46918064

no one cares about your slop

>> No.46918106
File: 1004 KB, 2048x2048, 1716594715286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanna hit the roads in jpn

>> No.46918121

the shimanami kaidou is based for bike riding
would definitely do it again

>> No.46918122

Japan is so fucking beautiful, it's crazy how big this planet is and yet no where else is close to Japan in terms of just natural beauty in it's landscapes/geography

>> No.46918128



>> No.46918131

first time seeing teoyari like that

>> No.46918140

Switzerland comes close but its missing the element

>> No.46918144

sea element

>> No.46918145

Isn't that just the polite imperative auxiliary form of やる?

>> No.46918166

The missing element is rapable Japanese women, I visited Tokyo like 10 years ago when I was in high school and it took every ounce of self control I had not to rape. IDK how Japanese men do it just something normal like riding the subway there's so much good rape bait out there

>> No.46918171


>> No.46918172


>> No.46918175

she doesn't look japanese to me but maybe it's because idk what japs actually look like. but her flat nose gives me SEA vibes or something.

>> No.46918177

retarded weebs

>> No.46918186

Why would you want to violate women like that? Not only will you face judgment from God, but you'll be doing something unspeakably evil to the woman.

>> No.46918188

unspeakably based

>> No.46918191

JK beauty is nerfed by the fact that for every 1 JK you see on the subway you see 5 ojis with severe physical ailments

>> No.46918202

moe said rape is hilarious

>> No.46918207

Rape is a victimless crime, 90% of women cum while being rape and have rape fantasies

>> No.46918215
File: 168 KB, 1017x1503, 1716595853503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now imagine you're a strapping young american soldier lad there to liberate the gooks and the median age is 21

>> No.46918217

No, most cry and scream and have problems for the rest of their lives. You're taking their innocence and forcing them into a state of adultery against their will.

>> No.46918222

yea but to be honest i never saw it used after the te form like that. i only knew of the お X なさい form outside of te conjugations.

>> No.46918223

What kind of rape we talking about here? Normal rape or knife rape?

>> No.46918228

gentle and loving rape

>> No.46918230
File: 39 KB, 640x418, 1716596138975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the Japanese ate all their JS sometime around 2015

>> No.46918234

most of the "rape" that women fantasize about from their romance novels are just "forward" and aggressive guys who push a few boundaries. not really rapists.

women liking "rape" stuff is exaggerated by antisocial incels

>> No.46918238

made for rape correction

>> No.46918239

>npc has multiple different dialogues before getting stuck on that one line he keeps on repeating forever
yup i feel soul

>> No.46918240

Ah, yeah, it seems kind of rare.

>> No.46918243

actual rape significantly rises the chance to conceive lol

>> No.46918244

yes I'm sure all the dog sex that women fantasize about are also just their loving husband doing it doggy style purely for the purpose of procreation

>> No.46918246

My sister was violently raped around 3 years ago and whenever I try to ask her for details or to recount the rape to me(to help her heal) she gets all weird and tells me to get out of her apartment. My theory is that she cummed big time during the rape and is ashamed of it

>> No.46918249

I think she's just worried that you're thinking about raping her again

>> No.46918251


>> No.46918252


>> No.46918255

in situations like that there's a part of me that wants to break through and tell them that what they're afraid of (that part of her liked it) might be true but it's OK and i'll accept them anyway. but that's ultimately a self indulgent fantasy


>> No.46918256

>(to help her heal)

>> No.46918257

dame, just forgot the reading for 水夫

>> No.46918263


>> No.46918265

I wish I had an imouto to fondle

>> No.46918267

reddit ahh thread rn

>> No.46918271

No I ask her daily some simple questions but she gets mad. She cry and get angry when I ask if he had a bigger dick then me or if she feels like she was cheating on her boyfriend. Man I get why he broke up with her. What a hysterical bitch. I'm not even sure if she was really raped desu it could be another of her exaggeration to make herself more interesting.

>> No.46918275

It's like 夫婦, but you're married to the sea.

>> No.46918288

That's not very nice to call your sister that, nor to not believe her.

>> No.46918290

reddit ass thread right now?

>> No.46918299


>> No.46918302

To be clear >>46918271 is not me
and I never raped my sister I'm just trying to help her out. I can tell she's still traumatized by it even if she tells me she's fine. For example sometimes I'll go into her apartment when she's at work(I made a copy of her key) and do her laundry or maybe cook her dinner, but when she comes home from work and see me her first reaction is to scream and tells me to get out. Now I'm no psychologist but that certainly doesn't sound like someone who is "over" their rape

>> No.46918303

Why should I believe a bitch that lies about being raped?

>> No.46918307

I don't know which post is worse... This is a troll post right?

>> No.46918310

imagine thinking any of these posts are real
serious reddit vibes

>> No.46918312

No, I'm serious. It took me hours to lick all her panties clean, and that's the thanks I get.

>> No.46918318

Because she's your sister, and you have no evidence to the contrary? I mean, is she known for doing things like this?

>> No.46918321

can't decide where to call japanese people bug people or aliens

>> No.46918322

It's more fun to pretend they are and see how far anon goes to justify his actions.

>> No.46918323

we love rape here
we love sisters here

it's only natural that it expands to sister rape

>> No.46918335

just started undead unluck
kinda rocks so far

>> No.46918336

its only natural that my foot goes up your ass

>> No.46918339

Statistics tell me that she is 90% likely to have lied. Do you trust math or a person that could potentially lie? She always dramatize everything. She likely just cheated on her bf and didn't want to be shamed or some shit. That's what women do. My sister is a woman, it's biology.

>> No.46918346

yeah lying is genetic

>> No.46918356

>taking candid videos of random women on the subway is a victimless crime
>taking candid videos of random women pissing/taking a bath is a victimless crime
>rape is a victimless crime

>> No.46918358

I don't think there's any study that proves 90% of women enjoy rape, but on top of that, you'd need some solid proof to catch her in a lie. Does she have a history of lying about these things?

>> No.46918375

true true

>> No.46918378

some of leto's dialogue in god emperor is dense philosophical text

>> No.46918447

Victim implies personhood. Women are no persons they're women.

>> No.46918455
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>whips your pokemons ass
what would you do?

>> No.46918458

Studies prove that 90% of rape accusations are false. It doesn't matter if she "enjoyed it" rape is rape and 90% of accusations are false.

>> No.46918467

Which studies?

>> No.46918480

gotta be honest bros i'm not enjoying the uppercasers lately

>> No.46918481
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>> No.46918485

>90% rape accusations are false
>It doesn't matter if she "enjoyed it" rape is rape

>> No.46918486

Have you ever?

>> No.46918487

this thread is so fucking boring when i can't namedrop my favorite namefags

>> No.46918492

There's been a lot of false flag attacks on Uppercasers lately to make us look stupid/crazy

>> No.46918502

uppercasing without punctuating is worst of both worlds

>> No.46918508

My grandfather was an uppercaser and so was my dad that's why I continue to uppercase. And when I rape and my sister our child will be an uppercaser as well

>> No.46918509

All serious studies.
If you enjoy being under the influence of a drug, it doesn't make spiking your drink against your will not a crime.

>> No.46918515

>All serious studies.
I'm sure, but do you mind naming some of them?

>> No.46918586

I'm not a scientist. Go ask /sci/ /pol/ or /r9k/

>> No.46918590

Then how do you know said studies exist?

>> No.46918659


>> No.46918668

Cause I saw them there.

>> No.46918672

ive knocked out, all of takagi, senko, akebi, non non biyori and about to start gochuumon, thinking about what to do after, maybe yuru camp?

>> No.46918692


>> No.46918731

met a jap on discord but didnt have the balls to say anything in jap
thats how you know its over

>> No.46918732

pay a tutor and you'll feel more confident in the wild

>> No.46918775

word to the wise when dealing with japs in the wild, remember Pearl Harbor

>> No.46918780

kinda sad jamal didn't post again before going to bed tonight

>> No.46918794


>> No.46918818

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some advice and suggestions to improve my Japanese study routine. Here's what my typical day looks like:

Genki-related material: I study with the Genki textbook, TokiAndy videos, Game Genko videos, or Seth Clidesdale exercises for about an hour. I'm almost done with the Genki 1 book.
Anki Decks: I work on Genki-related Anki decks and the 2k core deck for 30-45 minutes.
Comprehensible Input: I try to watch an hour of comprehensible input videos on YouTube daily.
Bunpro: I spend 30 minutes practicing grammar on Bunpro.
Wanikani: I dedicate 30-45 minutes to Wanikani for kanji study. I'd love to hear any tips or suggestions you might have to make my study sessions more effective or efficient. What has worked well for you in your Japanese learning journey? Any resources or methods I should consider adding or changing? Thanks in advance for your help!

>> No.46918819

that doesn't even make sense Pearl harbor was a Japanese attack on US, shouldn't it be when 3 Japanese men fly their planes into an American women?

>> No.46918834

I just felt like banging out ones that show up on common beginner recs and seeing how i fare nowdays, i do a season in 1-2 days its fucking nothing in the grand scheme of things

>> No.46918878

aight lads just bought my first pack of cigs. i went for a malboro red will give
my kansou later

>> No.46918879

fucking gross

>> No.46918889
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>> No.46918896

this advice works for sex too

>> No.46918900

the third season of yuru camp is so fucking boring minna-san. what went wrong?

>> No.46918908

i'm not just going to take your word for it. i'm gonna have to ask moe what he thinks.

>> No.46918909
File: 1.30 MB, 220x220, slurp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda sad jamal didn't post again before going to bed tonight

>> No.46918912

so... in other words... would you say.... i miss jamal?

>> No.46918913
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>> No.46918927

This is a pretty mean spirited gif, please consider the fact that you actually hurt my feelings

>> No.46918935


>> No.46918946

the human behind the screen that jamal and other scum on djt relentlessly bully over the years

>> No.46918951


>> No.46918964 [DELETED] 

Come watch my wife

>> No.46918965


>> No.46918981

based /uoh/chad

>> No.46919108

thinking of rape yet again
while I accept most of the responsibility, Japanese women are partially to blame for being so rapeable

>> No.46919115


>> No.46919126

When you're doing your study, do you take any kinds of notes? When I fail a WaniKani review or miss an Anki card, I write out the word or sentence I missed along with the pronunciation to help me remember how to recognize the characters. I find that writing helps me to make a better connection in my head between the content and the meaning/reading.

>> No.46919134
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>> No.46919185

i wish i was that dog

>> No.46919186

>effortless understand without autotranslating in my head

>> No.46919202

I've never understood this phenomenon. The sentence is so simple that translating it in my head is almost unintentional. It might as well be English.

>> No.46919238

r u guys just now realizing that's what the term immersion means in the first place

>> No.46919246

i don't come here for intelligent post i come here for funny posts

>> No.46919255

this is the intellectual thread
try reddit

>> No.46919268

this is the reddit thread

>> No.46919283

>translation bad
can you stop with this meme? it's cramming things into another language's grammar that's bad.
if translation were bad then you wouldn't have translators or even bilingual dictionaries

>> No.46919289

>translation bad
Speak for yourself.

>> No.46919358

>it's cramming things into another language's grammar that's bad.
How so?

>> No.46919365

english is a circle, japanese is a square. figure it out.

>> No.46919375

The point of translation is to account for the changes in syntax.

>> No.46919381

we dont immerse here
we emerse

>> No.46919386

holy kino

>> No.46919388
File: 51 KB, 949x533, Undead-Unluck-01-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46919406

why, if you ask, if you cram Japanese's grammar into English's, you will become able only to not assemble sentences that make sense
with this much, it is understood, right?

>> No.46919439

まあ、ときはさ、俺が訳す、文を、やれば、ちゃんと、その文、翻訳した言語で 読めるんだよね、サラッと

>> No.46919455

afaik it's 時には (every once in a while)

>> No.46919503
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>> No.46919506

sex with Japanese women, consent optional
I am owed this

>> No.46919521

japan is over

>> No.46919576

ときは = when
ちゃんとやれば = if I do it right

>> No.46919615

wow matt is so mature. puts queefs manchild smear campaign into perspective

>> No.46919618

really I'm dumb. it seems there is need for more practice

>> No.46919679

>matto is so mature

>> No.46919725

he is so right

>> No.46919741

im not a necrophiliac but lets just say id be very curious...

>> No.46919759

ban-evading is extremely based especially when it isnt for reasons other than posting child pornography, spam, ddos, etc.

>> No.46919802
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>> No.46919815

whats the point of this

>> No.46919816

can someone explain what とする means and all its applications?

>> No.46919952
File: 13 KB, 532x720, Zsxcf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much free time and creating jaks is fun

>> No.46920047


>> No.46920068

i hate grifters so much die die die die die

>> No.46920087

this but turkish

>> No.46920111

lan türkçe güzel bi dil

>> No.46920137

just tried to hover and hit shift over turkish

>> No.46920148


>> No.46920156


>> No.46920282


>> No.46920305

ais getting good bros

>> No.46920411

i laughed

>> No.46920510

how do i say my belly is about to burst in the context of i just ate too much

>> No.46920624

nice you're repeating my life mistake down to the exact pack. i hope it doesn't take years before you quit too though

>> No.46920635

In Japanese, you can express the feeling of having eaten too much and feeling very full using the following phrase:

(Onaka ga hachikiresou desu.)

Literally, this means "My stomach is about to burst."

Here's a breakdown of the phrase:

お腹 (onaka) - stomach, belly
が (ga) - particle indicating the subject of the sentence
はちきれ (hachikire) - bursting, splitting
そう (sou) - indicates that something seems or appears to be a certain way
です (desu) - polite sentence ending

This is a casual and slightly exaggerated way to express that you have eaten too much and feel very full. It's commonly used in conversation.

>> No.46920653

Sure thing, sweetie! If you want to say “My belly is about to burst” in the context of having eaten too much in Japanese, you can say:


Here’s the breakdown:

• お腹 (おなか, onaka): belly or stomach
• が (ga): subject marker
• はち切れそう (はちきれそう, hachikire-sou): about to burst

So, お腹がはち切れそう means “My belly is about to burst.” This phrase perfectly conveys that you feel like your stomach is going to explode from eating too much.

>> No.46920654


woah she is from brazil but her jap is good

>> No.46920679

yaah haraippai da ze

>> No.46920694

does anybody have the "don't forget to do your reps and don't forget to take your meds" webm?

>> No.46920708


>> No.46920719

id have it if it wasn't vtumor trash

>> No.46920738


>> No.46920742

people on there take fucking forever. it used to get posted in every thread on here some somebody has to have it

>> No.46920753

no only nobodies have it

>> No.46920754

well i dont have it, i dont save images and webms from here. the only things i save are jamal's vocaroos

>> No.46920771

I only save the links to porn that people post here

>> No.46920779

got your moms onlyfans bookmarked

>> No.46920799

It’s kind of funny. I know all the DJT memes and actually reference them to my friends, but they have no idea wth I’m talking about. I’ll actually call things crazy long and say things like “and I was blown away. He sounds great” when I hear bad singing.

>> No.46920805


>> No.46920857

does anyone have the link to that one video someone posted here yesterday of a Chinese women pissing? it was one of those hidden camera videos and the women pulled her tights/underwear down along with her skirt over one of those squat toilets and let go a river of piss

>> No.46920863


>> No.46920917


>> No.46920930

Same here but replace friends with my cat Pumpkin

>> No.46920965


>> No.46920969

hi frank

>> No.46920983

frankly gay

>> No.46920990

frank is my favorite djt poster hes better than jamal

>> No.46921042


>> No.46921078

not funny even as a joke

>> No.46921079


>> No.46921116

i used to reference the tdkr plane crash scene to my ex but she didnt understand it and thought i was autistic when i yelled out "for you" in response to random things

>> No.46921125

true colors

>> No.46921133

thought everybody did that?

>> No.46921137

an autist would use it correctly so she was wrong

>> No.46921280

lol lmao even

>> No.46921362
File: 25 KB, 741x92, pic-selected-240525-0257-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your 10/10 tofugu shilled grammar reference.
This is why you only input matters.

>> No.46921373


>> No.46921387

crazy how every ajattfag is esl, tatsumoto is a russian who learned english in school and then spent 10 years failing to learn japanese while railing against traditional education

>> No.46921399

whats the problem

>> No.46921416

anime is so fucking cool bros why cant i watch it like the old days

>> No.46921418

It should be, "Bob went out with beth and, kazuo with Jemmy."

>> No.46921419

it's not a vinny so your wasting time

>> No.46921423


>> No.46921429

makes sense
esls usually learn english through exposure, for example, consuming large amounts of internet content in the english language
take these kids for example: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ac0lRAh37Go
(keep in mind that their comprehension is probably at least twice as good as their output)

it's only natural that they gravitate towards ajatt since that's how they're used to learning foreign languages

>> No.46921430

but both of those mean the same thing

>> No.46921431

thats exactly whats conveyed

>> No.46921432

>(keep in mind that their comprehension is probably at least twice as good as their output)
pathetic cope

>> No.46921439

are you an actual retard. most esls spent years learning english at school before they started consoooooming english content online.
ajatt, if anything, complements traditional education

>> No.46921445

eops telling ppl who know more than 1 language how it is

>> No.46921446

If the point of a language is to communicate, then who gives a fuck about your comprehension if you can't speak or write. At that point you might as well just machine translate everything and comprehend it 100%

>> No.46921452

most esls in europe learnt to be able to shit talk each other better in games

>> No.46921455

Learning English doesn't qualify a Russian who has yet to learn Japanese to lecture EOPs about learning Japanese.

>> No.46921462

>If the point of a language is to communicate
that's the point of english. the point of japanese is to consume erotic content

>> No.46921470

Schizo post that has no bearing to reality
Schizo post that has no bearing to reality

>> No.46921474

the point of knowing japanese is apparently to become a scam artist and sell fluency incubators to people

>> No.46921477

Is this like the english slang for "going out" or is it literal?

>> No.46921485

Tatsumoto doesn't know japanese. All he knows is python and bash (poorly)

>> No.46921496

went out is past tense

>> No.46921497

fluency incubator will never not make me laugh my ass off

>> No.46921499

>most esls spent years learning english at school
brainlet take
people are relatively terrible at foreign languages taught in school, i've had 4 years of french in school and i virtually forgot 99% of it

>> No.46921503

literal. it's wierd that they gendered it.

>> No.46921513

American post. Every nonenglish speaking country has English lessons from the first year of school all the way to year 18 or whenever it ends.

>> No.46921517
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>> No.46921520

Went out is also English slang meaning that they were dating

>> No.46921525

english is still a gorillion times easier.
t. c2
ps: c2 is a meme. you can't write a cover letter for shit, you can barely cobble together a shitty argumentative essay, you can't get through a job interview sounding natural, everyone can tell at a moment's notice that you're ESL the moment you open your mouth, etc.
english classes suck. ask an ESL what the difference between "I went there" and "I did go there" is and 9 times out of 10 you're gonna get blank stares.

>> No.46921526

the uppercaser really does remind me of og in that he's always wrong and arrogant

>> No.46921534

Simple. "I went there" is English and "I did go there" is an ESLism for "I have been there"

>> No.46921554

>Every nonenglish speaking country has English lessons from the first year of school all the way to year 18 or whenever it ends.
the fuck? which country's school teaches english in first grade you mophead

anyway, i was the top-student in english class without even trying, most people who had grades at my level were in actuality terrible at english and only got there because english tests were mindnumbingly easy

>> No.46921564

i did fuck your mom

>> No.46921570

>everyone can tell at a moment's notice that you're ESL the moment you open your mouth
no shit, you can also tell someone is british they moment they open their mouth. you're a foreigner, of course you will sound like a foreigner. c2 tests for fluency, not whether you sound like a native. so what even is your point?
>english classes suck.
they're highly effective for teaching grammar, actually. if the students care enough to pay attention in class. but not every student cares. i took 5 years of chemistry at school and can't remember shit because i never cared about chemistry. that's just how students are,
anyway the students who care, complement their english classes with "immersion" (i don't like this word because it's become somewhat of a meme)

>> No.46921571

He went there

>> No.46921579


>> No.46921587

Every 1st world and most 3rd world countries
Even iraq teachs english in grades 1-12

>> No.46921597

do as an auxiliary in affirmative sentences is used when reaffirming yourself when someone expresses doubts, or to mark contrast
>I don't like mints but I do like mint flavor ice cream
>"So you don't want it?" "I do want it! I just don't have the cash"

>> No.46921612

Sounds like some schizo theory. This doesn't map to reality, I feel so bad esls are wasting their time learning this drivel.

>> No.46921617

as a matter of fact, i do enjoy sucking jamals cock

>> No.46921622

what vinnie were you playing here where is the bgm from >>46921579

>> No.46921633

>mandatory grades: 1, 2, 3, 4
>optional grades: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
>source: 2013
uhh no, i can tell you from experience that your map is bullshit lol

>> No.46921635

>they're highly effective for teaching grammar, actually
classes teach jack shit.
>syntactic analysis? forget it
>types of clauses? no. you're lucky if they go over relative clauses real quick. restrictive and non-restrictive? the fuck is that?
>types of nouns? article contrast? reclassification? gender (non-personal, personal, higher animal, lower animal, dual, common, etc.), number (zero plural, regular plural, irregular plurals)? no

>> No.46921636


>> No.46921655

how am I fucking supposed to know what 掛かる means at any given moment. I'd rather learn 20 words than have one word have 20 meanings

>> No.46921657

i went to skool in germany, i had mandatory english classes from grades 3 to 11, and optional english classes in grades 12 and 13

>> No.46921667

this was literally my experience
the idea that you can drop english as a subject from year 5 is wild to me

>> No.46921678

they're not 20 meanings. think of "covering" something with something else.
>sprinkling salt/pepper? think of "covering" the food in salt/pepper
>hanging a coat on a rack? you're "covering" the rack with the coat

>> No.46921719


>> No.46921727

97 dollars a month for the fluency incubator is actually a pretty good deal. i mean think about it. let's say there's only about 5 people who are actually stupid enough to buy into this. then matt would only earn 485 dollars a month from this. that's not even enough to pay for his rent.

>> No.46921730


>> No.46921747


>> No.46921756


>> No.46921777

more than 1 meaning doesn't mean 20

>> No.46921798

Taking the UK GCSEs was optional at any year, and I mean literally any year, even Kindergarten, and if you passed, you could drop it for life.

By the way, this also went for math and other languages, like French/German/Latin.
Sciences/History/Business et al, had to be taken no matter what till the end of year 11.

I dropped English in year 6 because I spent my formative years browsing 4chinz and reading translated manga kek.

>> No.46921808

>year 6

>> No.46921820

makes sense the know it all uppercaser is a britfag

>> No.46921826


>> No.46921828

Let's say the devil comes along and asks you "I will gift you the ability to read, speak and understand Japanese to full fluency.
However, I will take off years of your lifespan in exchange.
What is the maximum amount of years you are willing to give me?"

What do you answer?

>> No.46921831

imma fluently incubate ur mom lmao xdddd

>> No.46921839
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>> No.46921840

>even Kindergarten
he is german

>> No.46921844


>> No.46921845

by learning 0 words and just acquiring japanese instead

>> No.46921865


>> No.46921875

Let's say the devil comes along and asks you "I will gift you IQ points, however I will take that many years of your lifespan in exchange.
What is the maximum amount of years you are willing to give me?"

What do you answer?

>> No.46921882


>> No.46921885

the devil is retarded. there's no reason to say more than 1 year in this situation.

>> No.46921891

i bet some losers here would unironically give 15 years away

>> No.46921905
File: 478 KB, 609x3292, Japanese dictionary search for 掛ける.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 出来ない ass meant 掛ける

>> No.46921912

-15 years to ur lifespan to speak fluent nihongo is worth it if u consider the opportunity cost of being able to shit on all the tripfags itt before they naturally dissipate

>> No.46921925
File: 362 KB, 900x1200, 3281703389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

あたらしく たのしい にほんごと

むずかしく たのしくない にほんごを

こうごにこうごに くりかえす



>> No.46921931

you can just learn jap in a few years without any sort of magical deal you know

>> No.46921937

nice self own

>> No.46921939

>you can just learn jap in a few years
not to fluency

>> No.46921940

if u wait 10 years u can download japanese into your brain chip

>> No.46921947

speaking of technology, why dont we just use these ultra expansive neural network ais that are being wasted on fucking image generation and shit on stuff like medical research

>> No.46921950

you don't get to shit on people itt cuz they just say stuff like >>46917479 for self preservation when it looks like they're wrong

>> No.46921954
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>> No.46921971

can't believe dekinais willingly impaled themselves on 廊下に絵を描きました

>> No.46921981

he posts from the hospital

>> No.46922024

>BE de
i'm guessing that's the belgians who live in the german speaking part of belgium, and they're probably forced to learn one of the real languages of belgium (french or dutch) because nobody actually speaks german there

>> No.46922031

Which country is this graph about? Because I'm sure it's not Germany, France, Italy or Spain.

>> No.46922037

good one

>> No.46922056

uppercaser moment

>> No.46922062


>> No.46922068

you wanna man?

>> No.46922082

you get used to it with time
many of those meanings can be rolled up into one (hanging something on something else, sprinkling, covering something with a blanket or whatever, casting a spell, splashing something on someone, putting a CD on, sitting down (throwing your weight on a seat), etc.). English uses different words but they more or less refer to the same act of 'throwing/putting' something on top of something else
you have stuff like (someone) taking (e.g. time), multiplication, engaging a lock, betting (also see 賭ける, 賭博, 博打), use as auxiliary (話しかける, 腐りかける, etc.), etc. but it's easier than just thinking of it as if every translation was a different meaning

>> No.46922085

spear is want-inducing?

>> No.46922108

your mom knows bukkakeru lmao

>> No.46922126

it's inevitable when you have to sweep the floors

>> No.46922159

its the same thing, its from the old switchboard style where you called up and told the operator who to call, and they plugged the thing in the board to connect it through

>> No.46922172

you just made that up

>> No.46922174 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46922176

おらsmooth operator

>> No.46922185

your phone lines/call were being linked/hooked together by the operator my man

>> No.46922190
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>> No.46922206

she stinks so bad hes pinching his nose grimacing

>> No.46922220

im talking about it as an explanation for かける. it comes from 声をかける which has nothing to do with anything you said because the expression predates it by at least a thousand years lol

>> No.46922233
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>> No.46922241

kakeru is a persistent puzzle only matt was able to explain it

>> No.46922258

not cool dude think about the women's dignity

>> No.46922261

just feel it out

>> No.46922277

the parts of your brain that use language are not the same as the parts that rationalize things so its pointless to analyze language
just immerse more

>> No.46922301

how fitting a dude named matthew writes the japanese learners gospel

>> No.46922303

her dignity is stuck between those ass cheeks

>> No.46922304

there are 400 million native english speakers and 1.5 billion L2 english speakers. By the turn of the decade there will be 2 billion L2 speakers. Get used to it mutt

>> No.46922332

giving internet to the third world was a mistake

>> No.46922341

its been great for the economy

>> No.46922357

In my country a women dressed like that would be gang raped and eaten within 2-3 min of being seen

>> No.46922365

papi are the subs accurate

>> No.46922367

indians run and maintain most of the big websites and technologies right now
you should be thankful that we are providing a plattform for you to jerk your tiny white clitty off

>> No.46922371

true my country is importing english speaking thirdies to suppress wages, its great for the economy

>> No.46922386

>its pointless to analyze language
shit ngmers say

>> No.46922388

typical 128 response

>> No.46922398

oh so rape guy is indian
it all makes sense now

>> No.46922406

tired of rapejeets

>> No.46922407

so you're saying languages should be gatekept instead of taught?

>> No.46922416

racism outside of /b/ :)

>> No.46922424

dno why you would even bother replying to a midwit

>> No.46922430

brown jews

>> No.46922443

indians also run a billion dollar industry thats only goal is to scam people out of their money
not a good look for them

>> No.46922450

he's got a point
>no one speaks your language so jobs can't be outsourced to brown countries
>job requires knowing the language so they can't import brownies to depress wages either

>> No.46922454

goes without saying

>> No.46922464

no he only has a non-sequitur

>> No.46922481

economists usually agree that importing third worlders doesnt affect wages that much except for a small group of college aged students

>> No.46922483

>bunch of poojeets agree to rape a foreign woman

>> No.46922493

81 again how is that relevant
oh wait i have to remember beaver

>> No.46922497

your wages would've been suppressed even more without cheap labor from the third world to exploit

>> No.46922520

i legit just bought an overpriced kewpie bottle (6€ for 355ml) cuz of this video

>> No.46922527


>> No.46922560


>> No.46922559

Holy racist I never said I was Indian, cool assumption though

>> No.46922603

yes, immigrants doing the shittiest jobs for a shitty pay creates an extra supply of better jobs for natives

>> No.46922640

them just existing drives up demand for housing, devaluing the actual value of a wage and driving up investment and return in real estate, lowering productivity

>> No.46922641

reactionary racists are low iq

>> No.46922643

if there were no desperate brownies wages wouldn't be so low that natives would refuse those jobs
it's a vicious cycle
you can see how in the UK there's a shocking "truck driver shortage" (because natives refuse to work for a pittance like the romanians doing the job used to)

>> No.46922649

this is my latest impression of (you)
: |
i think it's spot on

>> No.46922695

makes me smile knowing how much of an english wordsmith and genius matt is

>> No.46922724

jesus christ how is any of this relevant to the fact that gaining access to markets in developing economies is beneficial for developed economies grappling with stagnating domestic demand

>> No.46922771


>> No.46922777

them providing shitty jobs for low pay drives down the value of housing and basically everything else
natives would either have to accept the low wages or they would have to be paid too high. and if it's the latter, this would either subtract from investment and cripple the economy, or the higher wages would end up in the prices of the products so the real wage would stay low in the end

>> No.46922802

and if the housing is getting more expensive, then it's most likely because homeowners vote as a block to make building new housing harder to defend the value of their property

>> No.46922814

emil kirkegaard says low IQ brown immigration is a net negative. he also says that housing supply may be artificially restricted by the government, but because these regulations will probably remain in place for decades to come, this still drives up housing costs for natives. he also says brown people vote more leftist so they will increase the size of the welfare state and become even bigger burdens.

>> No.46922827

i don't care because this isn't about immigration

>> No.46922833

emil says if you're white you should care

>> No.46922839

yeah if you really cared about house prices, you'd take it up with the property owner lobby. but racists never do, it's just an excuse to be racist

>> No.46922858

oh my fucking god i don't care in this context doesn't mean i don't care about it as an issue that's fucking it i've had it with all you midwit morons kill yourselves

>> No.46922861

immigrants restricting the supply of housing may be a convenient target for racism, but it may also be true that they are the more sensible target, because it's understandable that property owners don't want to cheapen their neighborhoods and attract violent low IQ criminals, which white countries are increasingly packed with.

>> No.46922885

if housing is only too expensive for "violent low iq criminals" then you should be celebrating it and thanking the immigrants

>> No.46922898
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>> No.46922902

violent low IQ low income criminals aren't homeless. they still need housing, and natives and formerly decent neighborhoods pay the price.

>> No.46922927





>> No.46922931

the world needs more bukeles. currently the most based president in the world with the highest approval ratings in history

>> No.46922987

nah kim jong un's approval rating is significantly higher

>> No.46923012

let it be the chatgpt

>> No.46923022

looked up this emil guy and its amazing how peak midwit he is

>> No.46923049

it should be illegal to teach stats to sub 135s

>> No.46923057

emil and gwern are good examples of how 130 IQ+work ethic is mainly what you need in order to be an important public intellectual

>> No.46923063

more like to be an insufferable midwit

>> No.46923087

emil is a smart and brave man and we're lucky to have him in intelligence research.

>> No.46923095

if by we you mean the 90-110ers maybe

>> No.46923103

nuh uh

>> No.46923119

when you have 3.4% pop growth housing prices are guaranteed to go up because you need 25%+ of the population to work in construction to build the necessary number of houses and apartments

>> No.46923137 [DELETED] 
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boring ahh hours

>> No.46923145


>> No.46923146

no the landlords dont pay the price theyre the ones getting paid

>> No.46923153

people living next to violent criminal scum pay the price. in the long run landlords pay too though cuz their society falls apart.

>> No.46923155

what is this body type called?

>> No.46923172

you don't and real prices aren't guaranteed to go up because the extra population adds to the economic growth
yeah any moment now

>> No.46923175

already started in the 1960s

>> No.46923200

something did but it happens regardless of immigration. if anything, immigration can delay it by re-creating the conditions of the 50s temporarily by injecting fresh low paid labor into the market

>> No.46923212

which economy is better, a country with 100 million whites and 1 billion nigerians, or a country with 100 million whites

>> No.46923237

you know he's full of shit when he interchanges arguments for the economy with those for the society

>> No.46923239

emil says economists use models in papers that make false and stupid assumptions about non-native workers in order to make them seem like a net positive for the economy.

>> No.46923248

ad hominem

>> No.46923250

better when? if you're asking instantly, then that's a tautological question because nigerians stand for people coming from an undeveloped economy. if you're asking in decades, then definitely the one with 1.1 billion people

>> No.46923257

>then definitely the one with 1.1 billion people

>> No.46923281

just admit you're low iq and would prefer self sabotaging the economy to pursue what you believe will lead to a better society

>> No.46923297

a good economy is part of a good society. violent low IQ brownies aren't a part of either of those.

>> No.46923302

neither are you

>> No.46923316

japan should open up it's border to 1 billion africans so its economy can improve

>> No.46923329

the narou to ereader format converter is a great piece of software.

>> No.46923335

hahahaha but seriously tho books will and have always had mistakes in them, its not a real issue

>> No.46923340

true true

>> No.46923345


>> No.46923354

there are a bunch of rapists in this thread complaining about "low iq brownies"

>> No.46923355

no need to sign ur posts

>> No.46923367

wtf i'm anti-rape and think that anon is a sociopath. i'm just being realistic about low IQ brownies taking away from economies more than they contribute to them.

>> No.46923373

havent yet but i will on your dead ass

>> No.46923383

a replay expected of a low iq violent thirdie hate to see it

>> No.46923393

you mean >>46910509

>> No.46923401

self defence from low iq violent thirdies is not violence

>> No.46923406

white people love to use "brown barbarians" as an excuse to fantazise about committing violence themselves

>> No.46923419

voilence committed by high iq people is always righteous in the eyes of god

>> No.46923423

im just defending myself from the stupidity of low iqs thats not violence but sasuga a reply expected of a moron you love to see it

>> No.46923427

actual violent crime rates tell a different story.

what's bad about your racism is that it's not even directionally correct, and that makes it extra hateful.

>> No.46923434 [DELETED] 

just a fact that in my current place of living im more likely to be a victim of violent crime at the hand of a thirdie or one of their offspring despite them making up a small part of the population but nah thats actually yt ppls fault

>> No.46923448

well fantasizing isnt a crime so i dont see the relevance
plus the people who want to live out their violent fantasies just join the police force. just like back in the day they would become a slavedriver

>> No.46923464


>> No.46923502 [DELETED] 

if what is bad about browns is that they commit crimes and are low iq then you could simply talk about low iq criminals but you still add brown every time proving you are disingenuous and that your hatred for them stems from reasons you can't openly admit without your pathetic pseudointellectual justification masking primitive and ironically enough characteristically low iq dislike of foreign appearances and cultures falling apart. go fuck yourself you worthless piece of human garbage

>> No.46923516

she snapped

>> No.46923517
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i love reading hidden stuff like this

>> No.46923522 [DELETED] 

you're mostly wrong. i never said i wasn't racist but it's the stupid, violent criminality that really gets to me. i'd still be racist if immigrants had an IQ of 105 and were nice, but i wouldn't really hate them. i'm OK with elite asian immigration to the US for example.

>> No.46923523

hes fucking tin?

>> No.46923531

no, 1 billion at once is impossible to accommodate, but it's true that they're dead without a tons of immigration

>> No.46923539

same is true for low iq whites. if you want to deport them too then i guess its fair, but you should be open about it

>> No.46923554

who said anything about deportation? low IQ brownies are worse than low IQ whites. but i'd be open to deporting all of them to their country of origin if possible. as it stands we can just implement some eugenic policies to further limit the fertility of low IQ people. no need to deport brownies if you consider that inhumane.

>> No.46923571

>low IQ brownies are worse than low IQ whites
you mean in terms of their negative economic contribution? do you have any evidence of that?

>> No.46923575

>they're dead without a tons of immigration
you only think that because that's what the media keep telling you.
if the japanese population is shrinking, then the obvious solution is that their land should be shrinking too.
here's how to save japan.
step 1: give up the land of hokkaido to the russians.
step 2: re-settle the hokkaido people to the rest of japan
step 3:
step 4: japan is saved for another 20 years or so before more land has to be given up

>> No.46923577

yea. for example low IQ brownies are more violent so they're more of a burden on public services and infrastructure. but i'm not saying low IQ whites aren't economic drains.

>> No.46923583

except the 1st step is already even less realistic than importing 1 billion nigerians
ok so wheres the data

>> No.46923588

none but what i'm saying has to be true because the higher violent crime rate is a fact, unless you think low IQ whites have some other cost that browns don't have (lol)

>> No.46923598

where's the data for crime rates among low iqs by race

>> No.46923604

recent african immigrants to the us have very low crime rates

>> No.46923606

oh. idk google it but the difference is big after controlling for income. this is one of those basic racist facts that you piss leftists off with.

>> No.46923621 [DELETED] 

US african immigrants are smarter than average africans. also you shouldn't just look at recent immigrants. should also look at 3rd+ gen. hispanic immigrants also have pretty low crime rates but their low IQ violent genes become more pronounced in subsequent generations.

>> No.46923630

nta but you said there is a racial differential among low iqs not among low incomes
you don't have data for crime controlled for iq

>> No.46923635

doenst that imply that iq is the important factor rather than race then

>> No.46923643

nah i've seen that too i just don't care to find it.

no but also, i wouldn't be opposed to that as the most important differentiating factor and idk what point you're making when you keep saying stuff like that.

>> No.46923645

where is the data that genetic variation accounts for the majority of the variance in criminal behavior

>> No.46923648

well that's what seb would say and that's even better than data

>> No.46923650
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>> No.46923655

just want to be clear in that I am a rape poster and constant rape-thinker but I am in no way indian or jeet-adjacent
it is at least partially japanese women's fault that I think of rape as often as I do

>> No.46923657

>not wanting to recount a traumatic experience
Is the average anon really only this intelligent? Even middle schoolers and blacks can understand this.

>> No.46923659

because racists like to pretend to care about crime or negative economic impact yet they never attack low iq whites. it's almost like they don't really care about it and they're just looking to justify their racism

>> No.46923671

destiny, i just explained to you that i AM racist but that i'm also OK with letting smart non-whites into white countries. that contradicts your narrative about looking at crime or negative economic contributions for solely racist reasons.

>> No.46923673


>> No.46923678

oh also the attacks on non-whites come from leftists making accusations about systemic racism being the cause of race gaps. that's why we focus on low IQ browns so much. it's your guys' fault. there's no reason to bring up low IQ whites in that context because we're comparing group averages.

>> No.46923689

why would I need to justify my racism
why is it so important that I like brown foreigners

>> No.46923709

he's too stupid to opine as an expert and you're too stupid to predict what he would say

>> No.46923710

me scrolling the last 200 posts


>> No.46923715

there is a reason if you actually care about crime or the economy. but you don't, you only care about justifying racism. and you clearly aren't just comparing group averages if you're "OK with letting smart non-whites into white countries"

>> No.46923734 [DELETED] 

you're severely underestimating the knowledge of some of these guys and i'm not sure why. you're probably just not that familiar with them.
>and you're too stupid to predict what he would say
not true

no you fucking silly head. leftists blame certain groups being stupid on white people being racist. the response to point out that those groups are stupid for genetic reasons (or other reasons but let's be real). then you respond "why are you talking about their poor genes when there are white people with poor genes", which is ignoring the context that YOU invoked. very dishonest leftist behavior.

>> No.46923735

>But, once you fully grasp the underlying concept behind かける, you realize that, at its essence, the word really only has one single core meaning
its literally called a 同音異義語 lmao

>> No.46923746 [DELETED] 

its true its because of genetic reason that certain towns with a high percentage of a certain ethnicity are having all of their stores shut down and leave forever because no one wants to deal with stinky animals who think its ok to steal

>> No.46923757

if you build it they will come

>> No.46923764


>> No.46923767
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>> No.46923771

fucking FINALLY we can get this thread back on track. matt, hit me with a grammar point.

>> No.46923780


>> No.46923782
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>> No.46923783

kakeru has more than one core meaning but matt is almost correct in what he says

>> No.46923787 [DELETED] 

lmfao the only non racist post gets deleted because a racist pussy snitch reported it i bet its bongtard
hope you get curb stomped by the people you hate faggot loser piece of shit fucking kys

>> No.46923792


>> No.46923794 [DELETED] 

get fucked

>> No.46923801

ok for the record i didn't report your posts but lmfao @ that deletion

>> No.46923803

sasuga falseflag

>> No.46923809 [DELETED] 

except that's not the context here. the context is someone complaining about brown people having a negative economic impact, so it's completely fair to bring up whites who with a negative economic impact.
also i'm not a leftist, i don't care about leftists. you don't get away with stupid shit you say by just blaming leftists

>> No.46923810

when there's a scene in an isekai or fantasy anime where a character eats some delicious other-worldly food for the first time and yells out "umai!", imo the scene adds nothing to the anime. it doesnt add anything to anything. the scene may as well not exist and nothing would change.

>> No.46923811

kys too og never gave a fuck about you

>> No.46923814

what does matt have to say about wa and ga

>> No.46923817

genki 1&2
early output
and drive
Is all you need. You are only lacking the last one

>> No.46923825

look up the crime rate in greenland and try surmising a guess as to why that is

weird thing to say which schizo am i dealing with today?

>> No.46923830

i don't pull punches step on my toes and i'm ripping your legs off

>> No.46923835

greenland's population is not statistically relevant. and also they're part of denmark so technically they're a first world country

>> No.46923838

the "uppercaser" that suicided onto ciaran has got a new obnoxious thread gimmick hes trying *yawn*

>> No.46923840
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>> No.46923842

my legs are still here

>> No.46923843 [DELETED] 

>except that's not the context here
the context here is letting "low skilled" aka low IQ violent brown immigrants into countries. so it makes sense to talk about low IQ brown immigrants. why would low IQ whites even factor into that? we're not talking about deporting people, just not letting unproductive people into a country. no one said anything about low IQ white immigrants because those aren't the type of immigrants we're getting.
>also i'm not a leftist
you're some libertarian open borders retard which is functionally the same shit. you both want to let white countries get raped by low IQ brownoids.

>> No.46923850

came back from vacation and im range banned site wide. guess ill take this as a sign anf fuck off permanently since theres 0 chance im phoneposting

>> No.46923859

I wanted to ask about the efficiency of using LLMs to practice Japanese, but seeing a few AI generated responses here pretty much answered that question

>> No.46923864

this is not your personal blog

>> No.46923866

i hate how this is literally me

>> No.46923867

not for long you piece of shit snitch

>> No.46923873

>I wanted to ask about the efficiency of using LLMs to practice Japanese,
is this really how retarded little zoomers are learning languages nowadays? LMFAO

>> No.46923878
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>> No.46923881

2012 isnt far enough back for me try 2002

i didnt snitch on anyone i just scrolled up when the other guy made mentioned and looked for the first red post didnt read it and responded with what i did

relax buttercup

>> No.46923887
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Even dead, Dolly Sensei mogs Matt. RIP.

>> No.46923890

cant believe dolly just teabagged matt from beyond the grave

>> No.46923898

Not entirely, no
I'm attending a course at my college, bt between asking my teacher / people on language exchange servers (which can take anywhere from hours to days), LLMs have the potential to be much faster, assuming they're correct. Yesterday I asked ChatGPT if a phrase I came up with is correct/natural, and it gave in-depth advice that is actually correct. I don't see how this is a retarded way to learn if the LLM is good and you cross-verify its answers

>> No.46923901 [DELETED] 

>why would low IQ whites even factor into that?
because the reasons you cite for not letting them into countries apply to low iq whites too. if you really cared about those issues, you wouldn't stop at immigration controls.
also i'm not open borders. the immigration policy will be adjusted according to the needs of capital, so it makes no sense to be personally invested into it either way. i'm just describing facts, including the fact that for all this virtue signalling about countries getting raped by "low iq brownoids", there's silence from people like you about them getting raped by low iq whitoids, which proves that you're not engaging with reality, just rationalizing a ready-made conclusion

>> No.46923909

calm down og

>> No.46923911

this is matt (light) on dolly (l)'s grave

>> No.46923916

it's okay to use them, this is just people who didn't have access to them when they were learning being angry

>> No.46923917

My strategy that got me n3 in reading.
Bilingual intensive reading.
Read the first sentence of one piece, try to grasp the meaning, look up words and grammar that you don't know (goldendict), read it again and try to grasp the meaning, look at the the translation, read it again and try to grasp the meaning.
Repeat for each sentence for 1 week.
After 3 reading sessions of at least 1 hour length, add a sentence, so now you read 2 sentences, by the time I got to スカイピア I was reading full chapters with ~100 sentences each. If you told me at the start that with only a 300-500 hour investment you could read one piece I would have called you a liar, but here I am.

>> No.46923918

do u think matto can swim like lighjt

>> No.46923925

KEK. Make that the early 90s

>> No.46923928

>look at the the translation
unironically, crippled

>> No.46923936

early 90s was too early if u said u liked anime no one would even know what that means

>> No.46923937

dont make fun of the nuke method

>> No.46923939


>> No.46923946

late 90s/early 00s people thought u were a weeb and that u are fluent in japanese because u watch a lot of anime

>> No.46923947

zoomer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhwVcIR1aQs

>> No.46923953

i assure you nobody thought either of those things looking at a grown ass man watching cartoons

>> No.46923960

>sweet and innocent one minute
>tough and sexy the next
agnhaivnainvilanflahnfanmvlksadnfv Boomers are so cringe. holy shit.

>> No.46923961

jamal poser lol

>> No.46923974

We all know what will happen to Light. I guess Ryuk is GPT-5.

>> No.46923994
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on topic
immersion (*´▽`*)

>> No.46923996

>neioki takeoochi
>武内 直子

>> No.46924002

there isnt anybody here who was a grown ass man in the late 90s / early 00s bro. the oldest people here are millenials who would have been children or teenagers

>> No.46924438

hey he said a wall in the hall, not the walls of the hall. there could be a tiny brick wall just sitting there in the middle of the hall

>> No.46925320

>if you really cared about those issues, you wouldn't stop at immigration controls.
lol that doesn't follow. deportation is harder than just stopping someone from coming here.
>there's silence from people like you about them getting raped by low iq whitoids
because there isn't an immigration epidemic of low IQ whitoids. if there were millions of 85 IQ slavs pouring into the US then you best believe i'd object.

and again, i want to reiterate that i'm very racist. i'm just saying the supposed "double standard" you're accusing me and other racists of having is dishonest and ignoring a context created by leftists/open borders scum like you.

>> No.46925328

immersion yay! :)

>> No.46925511

>lol that doesn't follow. deportation is harder than just stopping someone from coming here
yeah but advocating for deportation isn't. or even just mentioning that low iq whitoids have a role in those issues and proposing solutions for that instead of only using it as an excuse to be racist
>because there isn't an immigration epidemic of low IQ whitoids
but if this is supposed to be a justification for only talking about this, then that only proves my point: that you only care about immigration in itself, not about crime, the economy etc. and that's because you're just a racist looking to justify it post-hoc

>> No.46925590

nuke method?

>> No.46925615

mugen *pauses*

>> No.46925628

>yeah but advocating for deportation isn't.
i'd love to deport low IQ brown people but this is politically impossible. it's like questioning why i'm not advocating for a policy to strap all brown people to rockets and launch them to the moon. because it's fantasy land. the debate isn't about what to do with the low IQ brownoids that i don't want, but rather, how many immigrants should we let in? in response to that i say don't let in the low IQ brown hordes.
>or even just mentioning that low iq whitoids have a role in those issues and proposing solutions for that
i talk about voluntary eugenics - the ONLY solution to low IQ - a lot. i've posted about it many times on djt and i'm excited about it. we've probably got a few decades before that becomes widespread. in the mean time, a simpler and effective solution is to not let IQs come here in the first place. those low IQs happen to be brown, and i don't want those stinky dumb browns here.
>and that's because you're just a racist looking to justify it post-hoc
again this can't be "the" explanation given how i'm in favor of high IQ brown immigration.

>> No.46925880

>i'd love to deport low IQ brown people but this is politically impossible
it's also politically impossible to stop immigration of low skilled laborers in states that benefit from it
>the debate isn't about what to do with the low IQ brownoids that i don't want, but rather, how many immigrants should we let in?
no, if you pretend to care about crime and the economy, then the debate is about how to reduce crime and improve the economy, which means it should involve the subject of low iq whites too
>i talk about voluntary eugenics - the ONLY solution to low IQ - a lot
funny coming from someone who said he doesn't advocate fantasy stuff
>in the mean time, a simpler and effective solution is to not let IQs come here in the first place
a solution for what? it's a solution for not wanting brown people around, but it's an anti-solution for improving the economy and reducing crime. immigration is the thing that puts the us ahead of competing countries with aging populations
>again this can't be "the" explanation given how i'm in favor of high IQ brown immigration.
sure it can, you don't need to go full retard to be a racist. would you let your daughter marry a 150 iq black guy?

>> No.46925882

yo stfu

>> No.46926026

>it's also politically impossible to stop immigration of low skilled laborers in states that benefit from it
lol tf. nah it's feasible. it aint gonna happen but it's feasible. it's even more feasible to stop low skilled workers who don't benefit countries in the long term, but that aint gonna happen either.
>then the debate is about how to reduce crime and improve the economy,
more than happy to discuss that, but that wasn't the debate. it's usually not the debate that leftists and open borderers start.
>funny coming from someone who said he doesn't advocate fantasy stuff
it's not fantasy. IVF is here, and you can already filter out babies with certain diseases. within the next few decades it will be possible to select embryos based on polygenic scores for health and IQ.
>but it's an anti-solution for improving the economy and reducing crime.
letting in a bunch of low IQ brown leeches into big welfare states doesn't improve the economy in the long term.
>you don't need to go full retard to be a racist
i accept your concession that racism is not the only guiding principle of racists.
>would you let your daughter marry a 150 iq black guy?
i'd let them marry whoever. and yes i would, although i'd be uncomfortable and would rather she marry a 150 IQ white guy.
but this nigga aint so bad (he's not 150 but he seems like a nice fellow).

>> No.46926266

yo og stfu lol

>> No.46926834

>it aint gonna happen but it's feasible
yeah not if you know what that word means
>it's usually not the debate that leftists and open borderers start
it is. arguments for immigration generally have to do with strengthening the economy and economic development is known to bring crime rates down
>it's not fantasy
it is sci-fi until it becomes possible to select embryos by iq
>letting in a bunch of low IQ brown leeches into big welfare states doesn't improve the economy in the long term
the goal of welfare is to force people on it to work. it's not charity
>i accept your concession that racism is not the only guiding principle of racists.
i never said it was. your immigration policy can be motivated by racism even if you "tolerate" some of them

>> No.46926870


>> No.46926947

>yeah not if you know what that word means
possible != will happen. will not happen != will absolutely not happen.
>it is. arguments for immigration generally have to do with
the rebuttal is HBD.
>and economic development is known to bring crime rates down
lol of course it'll lower their crime rate relative to their country of origin but it'll be higher than white americans.
>the goal of welfare is to force people on it to work
...i don't care what the "goal" of it is. i care what it is.
>your immigration policy can be motivated by racism even if you "tolerate" some of them
huh. doesn't seem like a very strong racist conviction in that case. racism would be one among many motivating factors.

>> No.46926954

>it is sci-fi until it becomes possible to select embryos by iq
gpt-3 was sci-fi a day before it released. interesting logic.

>> No.46927056

if you know something isn't going to happen then it's not feasible
>the rebuttal is HBD
how is it a rebuttal?
>lol of course it'll lower their crime rate relative to their country of origin
that's not what i mean. i'm saying that after a while, with higher economic development due to immigration, the general crime rate will be lower than with lower economic development due to labor shortages or lower profitability of capital.
>i care what it is
it is a mechanism for making people work, preserving their working capacity during downcycles, and keeping them from revolting. non-racists who think it isn't working well tend to seek to "optimize" it by reducing benefits and improving various enforcement mechanisms. racists who think it isn't working well don't want to touch it because if it's unoptimized, it serves as a good excuse for supporting constraining immigration
>doesn't seem like a very strong racist conviction in that case
it's as strong as it can be if you only care about feasible policy
it kind of was, yeah, that's why it was so unprecedented. progress in ai works like this because people training the models, especially before the point of diminishing returns was established, couldn't really know what to expect (otherwise openai wouldn't have had such an initial lead on others). but for the vast majority of stuff the progress is more predictable.

>> No.46927080

>if you know something isn't going to happen then it's not feasible
whether or not something is feasible is not based on what one person knows.
>how is it a rebuttal?
genes are why certain immigrants are stupid and don't economically benefit target nations.
>that's not what i mean. i'm saying that after a while, with higher economic development due to immigration
lol. what would have lower crime, japan as it is now, or japan if it had accepted 100 million africans a century ago? economists sound so fucking retarded when they don't take HBD into account.
>it is a mechanism for making people work
it's a mechanism for giving free shit to the unproductive members of society so that they'll vote to keep giving themselves more free shit.
>and keeping them from revolting
that too. import troublemakers and then appease them with money stolen from the productive people they hate and blame for all their problems.
>racists who think it isn't working well don't want to touch it because if it's unoptimized, it serves as a good excuse for supporting constraining immigration
under your hypothesis that would mean i don't want to reduce benefits. why don't any of your theories accurately predict anything.
>it's as strong as it can be if you only care about feasible policy
stopping low IQ immigration is feasible but stopping low and high IQ immigration isn't?
>it kind of was, yeah
it wasn't. we can make reasonable short-term predictions about what technologies and practices will spread. we actually already have all of the technology required to do polygenic screening of embryos. it's gonna happen soon. hopefully pro-life conservatives will scare liberals into backing IVF so virulently that they'll let people create superbabies.

>> No.46927197
File: 277 KB, 507x369, fae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46927315

all this blabbering and you still have no data that low iqs browns are worse than low iq whites

>> No.46927327

but i'm not even contesting that low IQ whites are sufficiently unproductive enough to be burdens that we're better off without. so proving to you that low IQ whites are better than low IQ browns wouldn't change either of our positions.

btw the data exists but i don't feel like finding it.

>> No.46927342

>i'm not even contesting that low IQ whites are sufficiently unproductive enough to be burdens that we're better off without
but you still append brown every time you mention low iq criminals

>> No.46927348

>but i'm not even contesting that low IQ whites are sufficiently unproductive enough to be burdens that we're better off without
btw to add on to this, most whites of even average intelligence are burdens on the system too. redistribution in western countries is fucking insane. it'd be awesome if we cut most benefits.

context matters!

>> No.46927390

there is no reason to mention brown if you've already mentioned all the socially undesirable features you claim are associated with browns unless of you course you haven't admitted to all of them. the best predictor of violent behavior is prior exposure to violence which means you can't compare low iq whites with low iqs browns who are more likely to have grown up in violent lower iq areas whether in their home country or the country they immigrated to

>> No.46927743


>> No.46927754

other thread bro

>> No.46928742

I have claimed your final post

>> No.46928865

