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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 407x405, touhousuxbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4688647 No.4688647 [Reply] [Original]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1h9niSrssI > any touhou game

>> No.4688648

your trolling is third rate


>> No.4688651

you know it to be true

>> No.4688654

Go ahead a post a download link, Anon

>> No.4688655

Shitty copy trying to catch dregs of ZUN's alcohol-dripping success

>> No.4688660

Anyone who likes touhou for it it is isn't going to care what you say.

inb4 Cave circle jerk.

>> No.4688661

>music by S.S.H


>> No.4688669
File: 9 KB, 252x252, idort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both

>> No.4688672


>> No.4688677
File: 25 KB, 251x251, 1268415433630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I play other shmups beside Touhou, so yeah.

>> No.4688678

Doom 2 > whatever shit the OP linked

>> No.4688679

Mario Party > Doom 2

>> No.4688682

I heard Yukarin. Definitely going to give this a shot.

>> No.4688688

copy of touhou with shitty characters

>> No.4688691

that game looks pretty cool

and the drawing is a lot better, and dem voices!

>> No.4688695

Not saying touhou is better but this game looks too easy, character designs are uninspiring and it has that generic anime art.

I like ZUN's art, it has a certain special feeling, you know? I used to have a gallery of his art but I don't know where it is now.

>> No.4688696


deal with it

>> No.4688698

Free (as in speech) software?

>> No.4688700

eXceed games are pretty awesome, also they're by the same makers of Killer Queen/Secret Game.

>> No.4688703

Holy hell, if the music in that game is as good as the one in that video, that sure must be one fucking awesome game.

>> No.4688707

Why does almost every doujin shmup have a ridiculous word soup title with random letters capitalized and shit tacked on at the end like that

It's like they think they have to do that so you know it's a STG

>> No.4688708

>with shitty characters
So just a copy of touhou then.

>> No.4688710

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS

>> No.4688715 [DELETED] 

it's a touhou [Spoiler]clone.[/Spoiler]

>> No.4688720

Coincidentally, eXceed has motherfucking Yukari Tamura as a voice actress, so yeah

>> No.4688722

Game looks fine, too bad all the grimdark magical girl loli anime shit is such a turnoff for me.

>> No.4688723

Wow, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.4688724

Uninspired, bland, generic.

>> No.4688725 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 436x516, 1267596107078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a touhou clone.

>> No.4688731

But you haven't even played it, anonymous.

>> No.4688737


I need only watch the video to see that no love went into the making of this game. Just trying to capitalize on Touhou's populartiy.

>> No.4688741

perfect touhou copy

>> No.4688748

Who cares if it's a copy, it has Nanoha's VA. That automatically makes it better.

>> No.4688749

I don't have /a/-level tastes is what.

>> No.4688755

Really, because it looks a lot more like one of Cave's shooters to me.

>> No.4688759
File: 151 KB, 600x428, stgbff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fight, eXceed and Touhou can be friends, doujin shooters have to stick together!

>> No.4688760

I don't know, even the first stage has THREE FUCKING MINUTES OF DIALOGUE and is 8 minutes long total.

Also, why must STGs always be full of purple bullets?
Have some cave scientists decided that purple is the best color to keep the player alert? Why are traffic lights red?

>> No.4688763

Well, after watching a couple videos, all I can say is that it's definitely easier than Touhou. Its stage 5 + boss look like a stage 3 + boss in Touhou.

>> No.4688768


>> No.4688774

It's not a doujin game, is it?

>> No.4688780

Not only Nanoha's VA, It has Fate's VA as well.

>> No.4688787

I like touhou because it's weird and stupid and isn't just lowest common denominator mahou/moe shit.

>> No.4688790


>> No.4688794

Yeah, there's definitely no otaku pandering in Touhou.

>> No.4688795

It is.

>> No.4688798

Speaking of weird/stupid doujin STGs, what's the name of that one where you can stop time or something and it's like an acid trip magical girl adventure? I wanted to play that but now I can't remember anything about the title.

>> No.4688804

What the fuck. I've been waiting for an eXceed thread forever and it's a troll thread?


>> No.4688812

You have the power to create threads, Anonymous. Please use it only for good.

>> No.4688816

I'm interested in this ..

>> No.4688861

touhou is better just for the characters

>> No.4688868

No Touhou character is better than Nanoha and Feito.

>> No.4688870

touhou is the best thing in the universe

>> No.4688888

They're not in the game.

Also, what would /jp/ like to see in STGs anyway?

>> No.4688891

I'm interested in trying this out. Anyone got a download link?

>> No.4688892

nigga u gay

>> No.4688894

Their VAs are in the game. It's close enough. Stop ruining my fantasies. ;_;

>> No.4688896

that's not my cock

>> No.4688897


>> No.4688917

I can see the appeal of this but why say that Touhou sucks? Are you just jumping from franchise to franchise fanboying it up?

>> No.4688929


suggestive name is suggestive

>> No.4688941

Didn't you receive the otaku hand manual? You are only allowed to like a single thing at the time. While you like that certain thing, everything else is complete fucking shit in comparison to that one thing. Also, there are only two levels of quality, "the best" and "fucking shit"

>> No.4688943

i know

>> No.4688944

He was trying to get replies and draw attention to the thread.

>> No.4688975

Exceed is decent for a doujin shmup and so is touhou so I guess either of them are easily overrated.

What is it with doujin shmups and giving you a million extends anyway?

>> No.4688979

Thanks, bro.

>> No.4688993

>stating he knows

>> No.4689001

nice kooh clone at the end

>> No.4689074
File: 34 KB, 492x289, dimmuborgir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah this is pretty cool, a lot better than i expect-

>casino chip start flying everywhere


>glance up at the 2nd stage boss' HP for a brief second see 'Dimmu Borgir'


Great game so far.

>> No.4689082

glad you got it

>> No.4689226

bump due to butthurt touhoufags

>> No.4689321

I checked gameplay videos, and this game looks so fucking easy it's funny.

>> No.4689351

and aion > wow anyday
the only good thing that shit have is the music, and i DONT believe it will make the same BOOM as touhou

>> No.4689367

that game is pretty cul

>> No.4689372


>> No.4689401
File: 64 KB, 256x290, lolwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still thinks touhou is popular because of the gameplay!

>> No.4689437

Ok I remembered, it's Meglilo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYoeZrDhpzg

It might be terrible but it's at least crazy enough to try.

>> No.4689462

Well, aside from the fact that I hate auto-focus when firing, it's nice.

>> No.4689792

Hey, that looks pretty cool.

>> No.4689820

Holy shit
This is the greatest thing

>> No.4690142

I came.

>> No.4690157

>>Comparing a retail circle to a doujin circle
>>Comparing a 10 person circle to a 1 person circle

>> No.4690284

Add the VA to the 10 people.

>> No.4690302

That's no excuse for shitty games.

>> No.4690310

u mad?

>> No.4690318
File: 99 KB, 500x500, route 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A single person doing graphics, music, programming, and everything else all by himself is going to produce a product on the same level as ten people working as a team?

>> No.4690341

Yes, he only needa about 7 times as long.

>> No.4690351
File: 113 KB, 600x600, patchery funny face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I worry Touhou is becoming pathetic moeshit, and then I watch OP's video and feel much better about the direction it is taking.

>> No.4690353


And that 1 person made a better game. Funny isn't it?

>> No.4690356

hell yeah, btw
zdaemon > skulltag

>> No.4690370


Only graphics are better, everything else looks much worse than Touhou.

>> No.4690380
File: 59 KB, 299x462, 1263927903712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4690385

Graphics are worse because it's generic shitty anime style.

Sure it's be nice if zun's anatomy got a wee bit better but I fucking like it as it is, it has character.

>> No.4690406

>Better graphic + voice acting = better game

Sure is 14y old here.

>> No.4690591
File: 513 KB, 256x512, 1237358932320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like ZUN does everything himself.
He has artists help him with his art.

PoFV (alphes fat reimu) --> MoF (ZUN zombie reimu) --> SA (zun doll reimu) --> UFO (randou "I can't think of a way to insult his art" reimu)

>> No.4690621
File: 58 KB, 337x512, 1250719104027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The characters have their own unique style and that's all that matters.

>> No.4690665

Even though it's really shitty, and unique doesn't always mean good, I agree. It feels nice to see something original in vidyas once in a while.

>> No.4690673
File: 18 KB, 128x235, rumia stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Alphes drew PoFV

>> No.4690683

He did the ending art and assisted with the character art.

>> No.4690687

Well, to talk about the game.

Do you unlock something if you 1CC it on normal/hard?

Just failed against what seemed to be the last boss in hard, I'm a bit lazy to try again.

Also, it's a shame if there's only one playable charater.

>> No.4690694 [DELETED] 

hER3 |s THE MENTAilY ill Ly|NG pSy[hOPath +H|Ef chr|sT0pHer pO0le 1N aCtION (tuRN 1T INto Low€R-[As3 A5<Ii): htTP://WWW.An0nTAik.com/DuMP/MOo+ard.tXT

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>> No.4690712
File: 23 KB, 450x450, 1247253581712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's link seems interesting, but mostly for the music.

Is there a link to the OST?

>> No.4690815
File: 135 KB, 538x510, Yukari3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic-looking game is generic.
ZUN skill levels:
programming: B
music: A
art: C
plot: D
characters: A*
difficulty: A
danmaku design: S
drunkenness: S
*Character development and interaction is worth a C, B at best, but leaving most interactions to player imagination brings it up to an A.
Art includes both character design (D) and background (C).

If you find this gallery of ZUN art, would you mind making a link on /rs/? I'd appreciate it.

>> No.4690825

Actually backgrounds are pretty sweet. Youmu and Hina had the best ones.

>> No.4690837


Your review:
hurr durrr
hurr durrr : durr hurr

>> No.4690860

Link please.

>> No.4690862

ZUN skill levels:
programming: A
music: A+
art: C
plot: B-
characters: A+
difficulty: A
danmaku design: S
drunkenness: S


>> No.4690863

music is generic, I like zun's more

>> No.4690864
File: 217 KB, 285x4048, nana 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup OP.

>> No.4690870

So um, why haven't I ever heard of it until now?

>> No.4690878

>plot: B-

Son, you best be joking.

>> No.4690889

Includes the Vulkaiser game, MagiMagi and RefRain demo (if it has any seeds)

>> No.4690897

>programming: A

Right, because it's so hard to code a shmup. And he can't even do that well.

>> No.4690902

There are a thousand games you could've linked for this statement to be true. Anything by Cave, Raizing, Toaplan, Psikyo, Takumi, Irem, G.Rev, Milestone, x.x Game Room, Samidare, etc.

But you linked Exceed 3rd.

>> No.4690911

ITT people who have never created any real content criticize people who do create content

>> No.4690912

Touhou is still better than every western attempt at a shmup.

>> No.4690917

Have you tried? Making simple applications is still far easier than making simple games.

>> No.4690927


Compared to other shooters SA or UFO plot is god tier.

>> No.4690933
File: 252 KB, 410x385, suika awesomeface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking some moe drawings and a shitty VA and making a mediocre shmup to ride on Touhou's coattails counts as original content

>> No.4690935


Then make one and show us how easy it is.

>> No.4690949

more original than the content you have come up with

>> No.4690959


>> No.4690972
File: 47 KB, 256x192, edgeworth maracas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone can't surpass moeshit
Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.4690977

then show me your content that easily surpasses this moeshit

>> No.4690978

ITT: few Touhou haters butthurt over ZUN's glorious success.

>> No.4690979
File: 85 KB, 700x700, Sikieiki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a man with one ability - the ability to judge other people's skills in all things.

>> No.4690981


So where are the little girls in dresses?

>> No.4690986
File: 40 KB, 400x326, grinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4690988

Isnt that all that most of /jp/ can do now days anyway?

>> No.4690994

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4691014


Samidare feels a bit too much like shield management memorization at times for me...

>> No.4691018


Oh look, another generic Sci-Fi shooter.

>> No.4691026


>> No.4691031
File: 111 KB, 600x746, ._..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but I'm always right~

>> No.4691037

Isnt that what most of /jp/ always thinks?

>> No.4691041


Comment Section:
>This somewhat reminds me of Touhou.

>> No.4691044

That's not a shmup.

>> No.4691055

That is an arena shooter.
And a Jeff Minter clone.
Holy fuck.

>> No.4691057

ITT People who criticize the people who criticize the people that make content.


>> No.4691058

Shmup = Shoot em up
Geometry Wars shoots things up
Therefore Geometry Wars is a Shmup

>> No.4691075

Nice job, poindexter. You should've linked Halo and Gears too.

>> No.4691076


>> No.4691085


That looks as easy as pissing.

>> No.4691087

Gears of war is a shmup

>> No.4691090

what FPS doesnt stand for First Person Shmup?

>> No.4691097


In Castlevania, you shoot things with thrown knives and boomerangs. Therefore, Castlevania=shumup.

>> No.4691103

ITT: You realize Touhou is pretty mediocre and the only reason you like it is the music and moe.

>> No.4691106


>> No.4691121


>reason you like it is the music and moe.

Yeah, of course! I just spent 2 days driving 10 hours each day while listening to the touhou OSTs.

>> No.4691141

I'm ok with this

dem tunes man!
dem lolis!

>> No.4691142


I like it because of characters, setting and magic.

>> No.4691152

Does anyone have a link to the full version of Banshiryuu?

>> No.4691155


All shmups are the same shit anyways. At least Touhou have shitloads of good characters.

>> No.4691168
File: 148 KB, 700x998, 30c71604bab4a58955b9b2e80e16cc54bbf976ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4691171


Moe? Genocidal man eaters are now moe?

>> No.4691174

Are there any lovecraftian shmups?

>> No.4691181



They aren't ALL the same.

Some are Gradius clones instead.

>> No.4691184

You mean you don't like them?

>> No.4691210
File: 35 KB, 134x157, turtlemoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss genji's turtle moe...

>> No.4691222


We like Touhou because of:

In that order.

>> No.4691223

I fucking love Geometry Wars.

It's not a shmup, though. It has an arcade feel to it but it's not a shmup.

>> No.4691231


Show me a shmup with better story.

>> No.4691236

Fuck your list its more like
-stupid frilly dresses and hats
-quality doujin fandom

>> No.4691282

What the fuck? Character design D? What crack are you smoking? I fucking want some.

>> No.4691310

I like geometry wars too. Dem neon colours and effects.

Don't have to be a chef to know if something tastes like shit. eXceed games are pretty mediocre shmups and there's much better offerings within the doujin market; Samidare, for one.

Speaking of Samidare, weren't Project Blank making another game? I think all they've released thus far are revisions of the demo. Even for a demo, it showed a goddamn lot of promise and that soundtrack was pretty damn pulse pounding.

>> No.4691326

ZUN does almost everything by himself. He programs, writes music, draws the characters, finds pretty textures for the backgrounds. His SHMUPS have their own style and charm and that's why I like them.
Are you bad enough dude to make a game on par with Touhou?
