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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4690593 No.4690593 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have shared a bed with your imouto?

>> No.4690598

I've shared a bed with my onee-chan once. Nothing happened.

>> No.4690606

I don't have an imouto. Sadly....

>> No.4690613

Many times. Nothing ever happens.

>> No.4690623

Did you cuddle?

>> No.4690629

Of course not.

>> No.4690643

For some reason my room gets horribly cold and I sleep with my sister whenever I can't bear it.

>> No.4690652

I don't have an imouto, but I did share my bed with my cousin once. Everything was fine until I woke up in the middle of the night with a boner. I was so horny and there was this cute little girl next to me, so I got closer, grabbed her ass, and tried to pull her pants down. Then I realized what I was doing, stopped, turned around, and went back to sleep.

>> No.4690656

How does she feel about that?

>> No.4690662

I am the imouto and yes I've shared my bed wiht my brother.

>> No.4690666

I would if she wasn't a furfag bitch like OP.

>> No.4690674

I sleep with my 6 year old sister every night. Suck it, faggots.

>> No.4690675

Would you ask him to do it again?

>> No.4690676

Few times. It always ends up with a pillow fight. But it's bad in the morning, she always steals the duvet.

>> No.4690678

But Satan, you are half-furry too.

>> No.4690696


Nah, we aren't close anymore. He enjoys being an asshole and I enjoy having an ineriority complex thanks to him.

>> No.4690698

I always sleep with my little cousin when she comes over to play games and watch animu. She is really cute, and sometimes she falls asleep while hugging me.

>> No.4690714


>> No.4690716

I shared a bed and room with my imouto and oneesan until starting high school

>> No.4690717


>> No.4690719

Wanna go out with me?

>> No.4690721

>She is really cute
We'll see about that. Post some pictures or fuck off.

>> No.4690727


>> No.4690730



>> No.4690735


Without hurting your feeling whatsoever, I'm no little loli

>> No.4690747

She's okay with it. Even though I'm the older one, she acts like I'm 10 or something. The fact that I still sleep with my teddy bear (Hey, 85 more years and it'll be youkai. ) probably helps.

>> No.4690778

I used to sleep with my fraternal twin brother. Now we are both too big for that, but it was always cozy.

And he's gay now.

>> No.4690784

It's OK. I like fat girls because they have low self-esteem which means they won't cheat on me.

>> No.4690785

when i was younger, i slept in the same bed with my sister.
last time was... about 6 years ago.

>> No.4690786

I used to sleep with my twin imouto (I came out first), but I made her sleep on her own because she kept rubbing up against me and such.

Then I hit puberty a year after her and realized what was she was trying to do. By then she already had a boyfriend and refused to sleep with me anymore.


>> No.4690790

Gee I wonder why...

>> No.4690819
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>> No.4690831



Fuck you buddy.

>> No.4690840

Poor Anon ;_;

>> No.4690845

I >>4690786
I wish I had a twin imouto. Sex with a twin sister is like sex with a female version of yourself.

>> No.4690871

No, but I used to sleep with my older brother because I was too scared to sleep in my room by myself.

>> No.4690893

Yeah, I missed out.

We were both nerds with glasses who got along and played vidya all day, too. The wincest would have been glorious.

>> No.4690938

Did it hurt?

>> No.4691051

I took a shower with my oneesan once.
Took me a few years to realize what I did.
That and my Dad "taught" me how to use the bathroom.
I have an awkward family.

>> No.4695550 [DELETED] 


>> No.4695567

Thanks for reminding me I don't have an imouto. ;_;

>> No.4695600

I used to sleep with my brother at least once a week. I'd wake him up with wrestling moves.

>> No.4695617
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Wrestling you say ?

>> No.4695619

Those are both pretty normal things. Unless your dad "taught" you to use the bathroom by holding your dick and gently whispering in your ear

>> No.4695621

Are you telling me that's not normal?

>> No.4695625

I'm going to have a nightmare...

>> No.4695626

bed? ive taken baths with my imoutos

>> No.4695634

Hearing /jp/ talk about their imouto's is giving me a raging hard on.

carry on.
