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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46896760 No.46896760 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>46888511

>> No.46896775

fucked up to think no one will ever write a story half as good as saya no uta

>> No.46896776

first for nigger

>> No.46896777 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46896780
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>> No.46896781

Can someone explain pill to me the doorknobs?

>> No.46896783 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46896785

whats to explain its just
>the poster above me looks like this and does this

>> No.46896790

Real talk if you had the chance to rape any Japanese women you want consequence free but you had to kill and eat your family(again no legal consequences) would you do it?

>> No.46896793
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any rtk chads can read this?

>> No.46896795

im only interested in consensual loving rough sex

>> No.46896797

you can go to japan and rape no consequences without eating your family

>> No.46896798


>> No.46896801

posted in the wrong thread, so i'll ask again: how many of you guys still use win10? i want to go back, but fomo is keeping me from doing it

>> No.46896803

bro needs an anki card to understand telling someone theyre a cocksucker sasuga uppercase vermin

>> No.46896805

i wouldnt do it regardless of any consequences. rape isnt cool.

>> No.46896806

if ur gonna upgrade from win11 consider maybe not using windows at all

>> No.46896807

I stopped using windows when they started to embed ads into the start menu. I've switched to Mac now

>> No.46896811

never used winblows 10 never will

>> No.46896812

based same here, rape is disgusting and a horrid vandalization of both your soul and the poor womans

>> No.46896816

Rape is the ultimate expression of love

>> No.46896817

i still use win 10 as my windows vn i rarely use

>> No.46896819

i hope you experience the ultimate expression of love by a pack of 20 niggers

>> No.46896820

same same

>> No.46896823

i don't want to waste my time trying find foss alternatives and workarounds for shit that already just works on windows, linuxfag. plus, im not a l33thaxor and don't want to learn cmd

>> No.46896824


>> No.46896828

Funny how everyone is anti rape but okay with murder and cannibalism, this thread is full on reddit these days

>> No.46896830

im on win11 just sayin if u want to escape why take a half-measure

>> No.46896831

gotta agree with the uppercaser especially in today's society

>> No.46896832

why the fuck would i be ok with murder and cannibalism? is this uppercase humor or something?

>> No.46896836

>would u x if u have to y
>i dont want to x
i thought this thread had a minimum iq

>> No.46896838

Everyone here pearl clutching at the thought or rape but no one talking about the whole murder and eat your family part. Classic Reddit mindset

>> No.46896839

i already checked her stream like 30 mins ago because it showed up in my recommended but she's fake cheerful in an offputting way

>> No.46896841

plz dont make the same post twice its unbecoming

>> No.46896843

the murder and cannibalism was predicated on me performing. obviously i wouldnt do that either but it was never in question.

>> No.46896848

this dude is real fuckin dumb, probably a brazilian or something

>> No.46896850

well he is an uppercaser after all

>> No.46896851

What's unbecoming is how people in this thread seems to have a moral issue with rape but are okay with killing and eating of humans

>> No.46896852

dont have an issue with rape or killing and eating humans

>> No.46896858

plz dont make the same post thrice its unbecoming

>> No.46896859

No thanks bro
Sign me up girl!

Reddit cringe much?

>> No.46896861
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what went wrong

>> No.46896863

more like what went right

>> No.46896865


>> No.46896866

the recent batch of uppercasers has been the worst yet

>> No.46896868

even though he's trolling now you can see through the veneer and still tell that he's very low iq. many such cases.

>> No.46896874

true it's impossible for something to be half of a 0/10

>> No.46896875

left soulless
right soulless bug

>> No.46896878


>> No.46896883


>> No.46896887

would u support micky deez with a branded ahoge (for free)

>> No.46896891

My IQ is around 130 I got it tested in 7th grade retard

>> No.46896892

i hate you guys so fucking much

>> No.46896896

no its 118 dont retcon

>> No.46896898

mesugaki + tanlines

edit: whoops wrong tab

>> No.46896899

bro signed his post

>> No.46896903

edit: thanks for the gold stranger

>> No.46896904

ok and ciaran's iq is 128. so what

>> No.46896906
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>> No.46896912

I was just trying to post a fun hyperthetical to spark some discussion but you reddit nerds had to ruin the thread

>> No.46896914

get aids and die you cancerous fucking wart of a swine

>> No.46896918

everyone always talkin about zr but no one ever talks about zk

>> No.46896928

you guys ever think

>> No.46896929

>visited japan
>it wasn't everything I thought it'd be
>it was better
this confirms my autism doesn't it

>> No.46896937

how? it's just another fucking country dude. you can visit any major city in the world and do the same shit you'd do in japan.

>> No.46896939

The only thing I don't like about Japan is that there are too many Japanese women, it's hard to live when you are constantly aroused, really had to fight those rape urges

>> No.46896940
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you have autism?

>> No.46896946

not to support weeb doomerism but tourism gives a dopamine buff and you have to stay a couple months for it to wear off before you have a realistic opinion

>> No.46896949

if you're an average white male you'll be objectified in japan which isn't cool

>> No.46896952

ever think about how every djter could drop fuckin dead right now and the world would be better off

>> No.46896957
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ever think

>> No.46896958

I have people that would genuinely miss me
then again i haven't been here for months

>> No.46896962

dno is the average djter really worse than the average ningen thats a bold statement

>> No.46896967

its definitely true we've even got rapists here

>> No.46896968
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take me back..

>> No.46896971


>> No.46896975

djters are fucking scum look at jacunt, do you really think that stupid piece of shit has made a positive contribution to this world lmao

>> No.46896978

the only rapist is the uppercaser and hes not a djter

>> No.46896982

he contributed some fine shrimp to the market once

>> No.46896985

I've never been to a big city before. To see literally endless people and a city that stretches to the horizon and then some feels like something out of a dream

>> No.46896991

based forest gump esque 80iq country bumpkin

>> No.46896994

qm revolutionized japanese learning what the fuck are you talking about no positive contributions

>> No.46896995

it's cope that japan is similar to any "major city" anyway. its a wonderland.

>> No.46896996
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>> No.46896999

shut da fuck up

>> No.46897003

tokyo is the only major city with public transit that isnt an embarrassment

>> No.46897007


>> No.46897008

I've lived in Shanghai, Chicago and visited Tokyo, it's not all that much different, sure Shanghai and Tokyo have a lot more rapeable women but everything else is more or less the same

>> No.46897009

>public transit
who gives a shit

>> No.46897010

singapore and hong kong are both similar in my experience
taiwan probably is too

>> No.46897016

>in a city

>> No.46897017

no shit I went via a connecting flight in dallas and they just had a fucking fish tank in the middle of one of the corridors, coolest thing ever even if my gawking at it made me look like a country boy
I'd agree to an extent. I got to see a bias part being in Asakusa. But all the people just living their lives and laughing. Just literally thousands of people I'll never see again each with their own long backstory to their life. It's honestly beautiful
if China didn't have the insane pollution i'd love to visit
I'm addicted to things like this. i've seen them in my dreams countless times

>> No.46897020

my taxi doesn't need to park

>> No.46897021

Only ultra lib fags care about "walkable" cities

>> No.46897025

closest ski resorts to singapore, hongkong, shanghai or chicago by train? Only reply if accessible by train in under an hour

>> No.46897026

who said anything about walking

>> No.46897028

Pedo = :/
Pedo japan = :O

>> No.46897030

only obese americans don't want to be able to walk to the grocery store

>> No.46897033

chinks are the most morally corrupt people on earth, never visiting that shithole

>> No.46897034

if anyone in your family has been in a car accident and you still shill for roads youre a faggot

>> No.46897036


>> No.46897037

the problem with western cities is the massive amount of high crime minorities

>> No.46897038

ive been a passenger in 4 car accidents

>> No.46897040

true true

>> No.46897041

being locked up in your death box 24/7 and you still cape for big auto wow the international jewry really did a number on you

>> No.46897044

if you tell them, they might spread the crime into rural areas, so shh

>> No.46897047

what the FUCK why is matt here

>> No.46897049

its funny everyone thinks alabama is a shithole
i love it cause everyone leaves me alone

>> No.46897052

thats why I never get in the car when my family wants to do 400km day trips by car, makes no sense

>> No.46897056


>> No.46897057

imagine driving halfway across japan to go for a swim

>> No.46897061

best thing about living in the netherlands was being able to bike everywhere. keeps you in shape and is very convenient. worst part about living in the netherlands were all the dutch people

>> No.46897063

love rail and cycling but theres something comfy about speeding down country lanes blasting music with ur mates in a shitbox car

>> No.46897064

some people like driving on country roads for hours listening to music and some people like walking to 7eleven in a city and then heading back to the apartment to cuddle im the latter

>> No.46897066

keke even now

>> No.46897069

>out of 16 million people 1.7 million are non whites
oh no

>> No.46897070

do you mean dutch people or "dutch" "people"?

>> No.46897073

I spent 2 weeks in Amsterdam, it was very beautiful sometimes I'd be walking across one of those bridges and I'd just stop and take in the view. Not a lot of rapeable asian women though

>> No.46897075

i just wanna say I'm glad to be a dekinai together with you guys, feels good

>> No.46897076

damn crazy how that works

>> No.46897077

rambo said his army friend wanted to ride a car until the tires fell off in vegas but he died

>> No.46897078


>> No.46897079

never seen some1 try this hard to have an identity lmfao

>> No.46897081

but dude rape lmao

>> No.46897082
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>> No.46897083

wonder what it's like to be in a big city and everyone is white

>> No.46897084

But seriously what's up with the doorknobs?

>> No.46897085

real white lanklet dutch people. cant stand them.

>> No.46897086

lmfao i love these types of posts

>> No.46897090


>> No.46897091


>> No.46897092

if you believe slavs are white just go to any big slavic city. i live in one and its fine

>> No.46897095

not much of a racist i just cant stand people that talk slow

>> No.46897099

Same here but replace people that talk slow with everyone in this thread

>> No.46897100

i kinda wish there were black people here though because i love black bimbos like meg thee stallion or nicki minaj

>> No.46897103

liking celebs is cringe ngl js

>> No.46897104

another factoid going in the morbido playbook

>> No.46897105

dunno but if i made u that mad im sure i did something right :D

>> No.46897107


>> No.46897110

imagining a 15 year old bustin into a bar lookin around at everyone and announcing omae mitee na yatu ha DAIkkirai

>> No.46897112

im not gonna say youre obsessed but you make a lot of posts about me

>> No.46897114
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>> No.46897118

never seen so many women wearing the same dress before

>> No.46897119

>i kinda wish there were people here though

>> No.46897120

sometimes i think like, thank god im so insanely autistic because it lets me enjoy the things i obsess over so much
but then i also think like, damn i wish i wasnt so insanely autistic so i could know what normal human passion feels like

>> No.46897121


>> No.46897123

i can smell the miami in that image so can confirm

>> No.46897125


>> No.46897127

go to a uk city center literally every clubbing girl does the same makeup and wears the same dress very surreal

>> No.46897130

how easy are slags in reality

>> No.46897132

for a 3/10 like me? not at all

>> No.46897133


>> No.46897137

that being said im generalising thats just the case for the dnb clubs
i probably shag every 4 or 5 club visits on average

>> No.46897140

how tall are you

>> No.46897143


>> No.46897147

no cap?

>> No.46897148

do you go with the intention of pulling or what? that ratio isnt worth it for me since clubbing is ass

>> No.46897152


>> No.46897153


>> No.46897156

190s probably get girls coming up to them in the club. doesn't happen if you're a smaller gentleman

>> No.46897167
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me in red
not the case i almost always approach

>> No.46897171
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smaller gentleman

>> No.46897173

how do you start? "you are looking awfully beautiful tonight. would you care to dance miss?"

>> No.46897176

my favorite streamer destiny lives in miami

>> No.46897178

of course she does theres a good strip club scene there

>> No.46897181

>damn i wish i wasnt so insanely autistic so i could know what normal human passion feels like
same same

>> No.46897185

all of my passion in life has been fake

>> No.46897188


>> No.46897190

where you wanna go love

>> No.46897191

its literally a flowchart
approach a girl who is ur type but not bombshell attractive
say "u wanna dance?" then see how they respond to contact if they do then u go for a fag with them and then its generally pretty sealed
just dont go around doing it to loads of girls or to 2 girls in the same group

>> No.46897198

id honestly rather jerk off than get endlessly rejected 4 outings in a row just to fuck some chubby slag whore with a condom

>> No.46897201

true true

>> No.46897204

>then u go for a fag with them
fucking gross

>> No.46897207

bongta no doubt hitting the brothels at the end on his failed nights too

>> No.46897212

crazy how even after 20 years this is still cool fashion in japan

>> No.46897213

if your rating is 1/4 in the UK it's going to be 100% in japan and you will be able to rank up as well

>> No.46897215

still have fun since im going and dancing with mates its just like eating a pizza slice which doesnt have the mozzerella blob on it makes the next one taste even nicer
also i dont fuck fatties

>> No.46897216
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Turns out time per card is reduced drastically when you stop adding new cards.

>> No.46897222

i'm obese so that means re3kt wouldn't fuck me

>> No.46897223

dancing is cringe to me

>> No.46897227

sorry og...

>> No.46897231

it's something humans just do naturally like pissing and shitting when confronted with a fat beat. nothing cringe about nature

>> No.46897241

im autistic so the only thing that comes naturally to me is bobbing my head

>> No.46897244

fat beats arent natural

>> No.46897247

god created man for the purpose of creating fat beats

>> No.46897249

then why do apes play bongos in the jungle

>> No.46897251

cavemen defo had some killer beats look at those africans who do the crazy dances round fires they are living pretty close to nature

>> No.46897257

not an ape
not an african

>> No.46897258

im usually a peaceable sort but a fat beat brings out something beastly in me

>> No.46897263

only greasy foods bring out something beastly in me

>> No.46897270

traditional african music is amazing and it's a preview into what music must have sounded like for our caveman ancestors


>> No.46897272

wasn't expecting you to link some western slop music

>> No.46897273

haha gotcha

>> No.46897278

didnt know disney was african

>> No.46897280

pov, its 2010 and you're a stinky kid oblivious to all the shit that went down in the past few years

>> No.46897282

didn't you see the little mermaid

>> No.46897284

i did not watch the nigger mermaid, no

>> No.46897292

look at this nog isn't it neat

>> No.46897335

bad amv try another

>> No.46897346


>> No.46897354


>> No.46897360
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im eating cooked rice (gohan like the drahon ball character lol
i am so anime right now

>> No.46897381

I need help how do I make so yomitan puts in the it doesn’t want to do it I can’t figure out why do I set up the deck a certain way?

>> No.46897385

woah try that again esl

>> No.46897386

Sorry forgot to add*Definition

>> No.46897387

this thread is reddit as fuck

>> No.46897391

configure anki card format

>> No.46897395

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use yomitan even go want to do look more like?

>> No.46897403
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>> No.46897411

I think I’ll retarded

>> No.46897415
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this thread is so reddit as HELL

>> No.46897453
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>> No.46897478
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>> No.46897491

people with epileptic memory can do feats like that

>> No.46897498

anki is so slow that if you hold space you can only flip 3 cards/sec?

>> No.46897503

modern programming is so ass. ciaran could whip up something much more performant if he had the time.

>> No.46897504
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good one lol

>> No.46897529

cant believe it takes 500000 clock cycles to show each side of the card

>> No.46897537

excuse me 500000000

>> No.46897542

gonna clock you one

>> No.46897568

true true but i bet the guy that owned ciaran the other day could do a better job

>> No.46897579

that never happened + ciaran owned him so bad he hasnt come back to djt since

>> No.46897585

nah i was there and saw it with my own eyes + ciaran hasnt come back to djt since

>> No.46897591

this feminine gossip is kimoi

>> No.46897601


>> No.46897645

non natives will never grasp the mystic qualities of する

>> No.46897651

its not that hard you just use it when it makes sense and dont use it when it dont makes sense

>> No.46897657

I think it means "do."

>> No.46897695

I figure of how to use yomitan with anki I will now study Japanese tomorrow

>> No.46897751




>> No.46897774
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Chinese loan words from Japanese too?

>> No.46897801

Only fake Chinese that were rape babies of Japanese soldiers

>> No.46897811





>> No.46897894

which is objectively a better language, chinese or japanese

>> No.46897901

just from optics and sound alone? japanese. by a huge margin

>> No.46897921

I think Japanese is a cooler language overall, but I’m a little biased.

>> No.46897972
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holy crackers fate stay night kicks my ass.
but im gonna stick with it and get better.

>> No.46897979

What was the hardest sentence you feel you encountered to make sense of?

>> No.46897992





>> No.46897993

So far ive understood all the sentences i think, im just really bad with kanji and so i look them up and write them down in my notebook when i cant read them
I am just really slow and stupid, but this is the visul novel i want to read so im gonna read it

>> No.46898138

i got two left feet and they both in your ass

>> No.46898386

god i want to punch authors who use 五月蝿い

>> No.46898393


>> No.46898444

is mining with sentence audio rly worth the hassle?

>> No.46898446

i only record sentence audio if they're moaning in between words

>> No.46898457

When you spend years learning Japanese, but still constantly come across sentences were you don't know any words besides 彼

>> No.46898461

you would know all those words if you watched anime instead of "learning"

>> No.46898463

Do you actually think knowing what a word means is impressive? At least I actually know the language.

>> No.46898476

the language feels learnable with nip subs
but it seems so insane without them

>> No.46898551

tomorrow will be a day of great reading

>> No.46898565






>> No.46898612

you spent years learning and yet don’t know ごちそう? that’s like saying you don’t know どういたしまして or さよなら

>> No.46898623

>You don't know *uncommon word* that's like saying you don't know *slightly uncommon phrase* and *extremely common word*
How so, retard anon?

>> No.46898650

why does it mean what it means?

>> No.46898660

2nd gambs over here

>> No.46898666

ごちそう and すっかり are in core2.3k and i mined 平らげる from summer pockets

>> No.46898670


>> No.46898675

how the fuck is ごちそう an uncommon word og. people say it after every (good) meal
すっかり is not uncommon either

>> No.46898682

24k youtube
16k wikipedia
They are fairly uncommon.

>> No.46898683
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>> No.46898694

ご馳走様 is 7200 jpdb and only this low because all 3 are separate >>46898670
すっかり is 1100 jpdb, 平らげる is 11700 jpdb

>> No.46898727

not sure where you are checking frequency on youtube but sounds very unreliable since it's likely autogen subs. wikipedia articles are all written in a homogenous style which is not representative of day to day japanese so it's not reliable for general frequency.
this is why only natives can be relied upon

>> No.46898730

Ok and? You use a different frequency list, so now you don't know words lower down that list such as

>> No.46898738


>> No.46898748

sorry about your dementia, hope you get well soon.

>> No.46898775


>> No.46898811

>been talking to an おばあちゃん on HelloTalk for a while, it's all going well, she's teaching me stuff and we're having calls
>messages me yesterday asking if it's ok to talk about her worries and when she can't sleep
>I was out all day (8 hour time zone difference between here and Japan) and she just messages me さようなら while its 3am in the morning here and blocks me
What the fuck? Has this happened to anyone else before? I feel really bad about this, but I can't apologise since I'm blocked kek
This app sucks

>> No.46898837

no, usually communication dwindles and at some point i'll message twice without them replying and i give at that point. what's her name ive probably spoken to her at some point or another. also you have nothing to apologize dude lol

>> No.46898842

uppercasers need to be taken out back
the fuck am i reading

>> No.46898844

wow i forgot to include 2 fuckin words in 1 post, thats a record

>> No.46898937

special wotp unlocked

>> No.46898944

i remember reading something that said it was a sign of 自閉症

>> No.46898952

アスペ acquired

>> No.46898960

yeah except people do this shit IRL too, you shouldn't be chasing after them. Either people are in a way to see you or they're not

>> No.46898980


>> No.46899019

ah, it's に基づく ofc

>> No.46899180
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>jap audio
>subtitles in 40 languages
>no jao subtitles

>> No.46899273

let me guess: you need motto?

>> No.46899302

motto choudai

>> No.46899340

I love Japan

>> No.46899368

nippon daisuki~

>> No.46899408
File: 98 KB, 637x358, 3D7DF898663F5153BB9396469502CF3A186940CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese game
>no japanese audio

>> No.46899419

dekajiri no nigger onna ga daisuki

>> No.46899424

布教 guy...

>> No.46899425

its ok i speedread it and didnt notice

>> No.46899491
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>> No.46899496

>some literal who that was only ever given unpopular support character roles

>> No.46899517

dudes a sociopath lol at least the bitch wasnt underage that would have been icing on the cake

>> No.46899526

good night, sweet prince

>> No.46899536

I bet he died from the vaxx

>> No.46899537

loling at the damage control language throughout this thing

>> No.46899545

>Toru Furuya, the 70 years old voice actor of Yamcha and Sabo, revealed that he had a four-and-a-half-year affair with an earnest female fan in her 30s.
>He abused her, got her pregnant, and forced her to have an abortion.

>> No.46899557


>> No.46899561

also the dude is 70 you'd think he'd get a vasectomy at this point if he's gonna bust into still relatively fertile affair partners

>> No.46899608

jpdb is pretty cool, but they should really have an option to get rid of English mnemonics and just use Japanese names for components/stokes. And a check to see whether readings add up to 100%. mnemonics are a complete waste of time, the only thing that matters is if you are thinking about the word/picture.

>> No.46899794

this guy fucks

>> No.46899796

>unpopular support character roles
>seiya and amuro
you're not wrong, Ikki and Char are the main characters

>> No.46899816

I actually interviewed him about his role as tuxedo mask he said the best part of the job was he got to be around pretty ladies all day. His wife was also his agent/handler and traveled with him

>> No.46899818

why? what's wrong with getting women pregnante

>> No.46899838

mutational load increases in the sperm of older men. if you're impregnating women after 40 you're irresponsible cuz you're gonna make retard autism babies.

>> No.46899855

there's a higher risk, that's all. it's not a guarantee. Also, if you're a rich voice actor asshole who's hoarding all his wealth, it's good to create some heirs who are going to inherit it

>> No.46899930

shouldn't have gotten the vax during the plan- i mean pandemic

>> No.46899974
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よおおおおおおおおおおお (*´▽`*)

>> No.46899977

i'm 一つ下 and he looks like 二十上 relative to me

>> No.46900050

Is it annoying trying to watch seasonal anime with Japanese subs? I was planning on watching all of my summer shows that way but it seems JP subs come out later than English

>> No.46900059

>I was planning on watching all of my summer shows that way but it seems JP subs come out later than English
2 days delay

>> No.46900070

is there a way to autocolor pitch with AJT Japanese https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1344485230 ? ( ;∀;)

>> No.46900117

For every Japanese word I learn, I feel myself forgetting two words in English. At this rate, I won't be able to speak both languages.

>> No.46900140

true. both languages diametrically oppose each other.

>> No.46900170


>> No.46900183


>> No.46900187

i'm forgetting idioms in English in favour of my new kotowaza

>> No.46900190


>> No.46900196

just watch raw

>> No.46900404

just watch with english subs

>> No.46900500

I’m probably over thinking things but when you start consooooming stuff in Japanese does it matter what ratio you listen/read

I’ve been watching anime just fine and have been enjoying it but haven’t really clicked with any manga yet
Should I just watch a ton of anime for now

>> No.46900541

no, do what you enjoy

>> No.46900546

man who fucking cares

>> No.46900611

Thanks this is unironically what I needed to hear

>> No.46900626

shut up retard
no just watch anime if you like it retard

>> No.46900628

passed by a hopscotch drawn on the street this morning and hopped across it when no one was around

>> No.46900647

acquired hopscotch

>> No.46900683

reminds me of when i was told that skipping was the most energy efficient way of traveling by foot, so i skipped through the woods

>> No.46900690
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no cure for grown ass man syndrome

>> No.46900773

nigga was out mesugaki spotting

>> No.46900820

It happened to kson

>> No.46900825

for me, it's very subtly budding breasts and a small round bubble butt

>> No.46900826


>> No.46900934
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>> No.46900957

doing wrist exercises so can't give you guys much attention at the moment

>> No.46900974


>> No.46900975

saw a handwritten note yesterday and the person had chosen to write 迄に instead of までに. first time for everything i guess. ofc i was able to read it no problem bc i'm awesome

>> No.46900979


>> No.46900980

>wrist exercisest
that's code for gooning isn't it?

>> No.46900984
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daily wasavi

>> No.46900992
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and the one she forgot yesterday

>> No.46901001
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 遠山の金さん #27「大屋根に立つ美貌の女賊!」_20240521-091936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you understand? (「・ω・)「ガオー

>> No.46901011

14 just like my n level

>> No.46901031

goofy ahh racing stripe

>> No.46901066


>> No.46901077

soulless eater

>> No.46901105

please redpill me on から
i get the feeling it's not just from and because (though that might be partly from me not knowing how verbs are used) and i've also seen it thrown at the end of sentences which i've gotten somewhat used to with けど but not here

>> No.46901107

rather have soul eater than what they make now

>> No.46901110

new nihongo no mori qt 3.14

>> No.46901113

分かったかい? (^_^;)

>> No.46901114

shit eater

>> No.46901116

5 ので

>> No.46901121


>> No.46901122

>that voice
damn wtf

>> No.46901126

looks like a fish

>> No.46901128

just look it up in japanese then and accept whats there

yah zenzen

>> No.46901130
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>> No.46901131
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she also smells like one

>> No.46901141

best channel on yt yet the japanese nonlearning community ignores

>> No.46901165

you clearly didn't ignore it thoever

>> No.46901172


>> No.46901173

dont think anyone really ignores it certainly reddit is all over it

>> No.46901175

dunno the view counts are hella low considering the sub count

>> No.46901191

they're an old account. they lost their algo power a long time ago

>> No.46901199

scrolling through people just watch the tourist vids and nothing else

>> No.46901217

Reddit, much like shitposters that spend all day here, is obsessed with keeping up the appearance of learning Japanese (subscribing, acting like they know) but isn't actually interested in the learning part (watching the video, gaining knowledge).
Hope that helps!

>> No.46901225

>much like shitposters that spend all day here
Please anon, we call them lowercasers.

>> No.46901242

guy argues for the point i made but then tries to put me on other side lol

>> No.46901252
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lets goo downloaded the trial

>> No.46901253

I work from home and whenever I'm frustrated I come to this thread and call other posters fags

>> No.46901255

no they make a huge and immediate difference in the chronic pain i otherwise experience (to be fair the pain is from excessive keyboard+mouse)

>> No.46901259

That's right, Mr. famous VA. You've caused me great inconvenience. So shameful.

>> No.46901260


>> No.46901264


>> No.46901269

cant believe the diddy of the japanese anime voice acting world got exposed too

>> No.46901277

Lotta fags in this thread these days...

>> No.46901282
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>> No.46901307

It's always from or because. If it comes at the end of a sentence, it's either the reason for a previously stated clause, or it's a trailing "because" with an implied clause that follows.

>> No.46901317
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>> No.46901318

Lowercasers are a menace.

>> No.46901319


>> No.46901321

feeling 1
feeling 4

>> No.46901326


nevermind, got filtered on the first line

>> No.46901332

uppercase if gay


>> No.46901336

>get filtered by a line in a vinnie
>try to make sense of it for 30 minutes
>give up and advance the dialog
>they explain the previous line in the next line assuming the reader is a retard

hate when that happens

>> No.46901370

How to I train myself on grammar, just reading that Tae Kim guide all the way wasn’t enough for me to actually know wtf characters are saying, so many expressions and phrases I don’t know

>> No.46901376

you read VNs/manga/anime subs and regularly consult grammar guides until you slowly develop an intuition for a grammar point

>> No.46901383

it this loser really going to samefag his stupid shit all day again? get a life

>> No.46901412

What a fag

>> No.46901418

What’s more embarrassing, samefagging or pretending to be a hall monitor and spot out false samefagging

>> No.46901423


>> No.46901467

i made every single post in this thread

>> No.46901474
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>> No.46901481

wanna go american history x on this guy's niggerlicious head

>> No.46901492

same, same

>> No.46901494

don't like the toxicity in this thread right now

>> No.46901496

crazy how 布教 guy really was og after all

>> No.46901502


>> No.46901503

> Tae Kim guide

>> No.46901506

oh yea like 474 said, knowing more words helps a lot.

>> No.46901529


>> No.46901544

lots of room in those big chipmunk cheeks for my dick & load

>> No.46901559
File: 95 KB, 1280x1219, GOI6p1ZWEAAO-UO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds oddly familiar

>> No.46901564

already posted

>> No.46901604
File: 588 KB, 1429x1317, 1716397252273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hot out

>> No.46901610

why does she have her backpack it's summer vacation

>> No.46901617

crazy how queeran took the fattest L of his life a few threads ago

>> No.46901621

that's like asking why jojo always wears a gakuran it's just part of the image

>> No.46901624

oh my bad

>> No.46901635


>> No.46901636

if its warm enough to wear a tshirt outside a back pack is a no go since my entire shirt will be drenched in sweat.

>> No.46901641

what are we gettin for lunch

>> No.46901644

taken much much bigger ls in my 33 years. that was a light one for me

>> No.46901646

thats because anime characters only own one set of clothes and accessories

>> No.46901656

I'm going to jack off instead of eating lunch, one of the benefits of WFH

>> No.46901670

yo yo yo mami chulo i got a question for you. what gives you energy? what is the source of your internal drive?

>> No.46901677

your mom took a pretty fat L when she had you

>> No.46901683
File: 225 KB, 1126x1407, GOIReDIbYAAb4Ux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.46901684

queeran is such an innocuous poster that its really baffling how much of a hate boner some autists itt have for him

>> No.46901686


>> No.46901693

really? what do you eat?

>> No.46901694


>> No.46901696

dunno yet thats why im askin

>> No.46901697

slop out of a bucket

>> No.46901704

i didnt see a question but if you need a suggestion how about döner kebab

>> No.46901706

jack off and each lunch, in that order

>> No.46901708

it's because they think im like 20 other posters
that reply was my first post of this thread btw since i just finished worked

>> No.46901715

you still working on aids cli stuff?

>> No.46901718

he's eager for someone to impress him

>> No.46901724

ok lunch has been decided shoutouts to 697 for the inspiration


>> No.46901730

no im working on aids database tooling but it has a gui now

>> No.46901735

women wear fashion accessories to appeal to men, more news at 11

>> No.46901740

that's terrible lunch and why dont you ever quote reply to anyone

>> No.46901748
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>> No.46901750


>> No.46901802
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 遠山の金さん #34「愛か恨みか慕情の女!」_20240521-140611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46901812

33 years, wow so ciaran is my senior

>> No.46901813
File: 130 KB, 1600x1066, GOK3kQQWAAAqmRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.46901821
File: 310 KB, 468x533, 1716323506386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can feel myself getting better. 4 months in now and one piece episodes are pretty easy

>> No.46901823

yes i too support the current thing the media is pushing for

>> No.46901829

yea it's pretty much my fault since i do the "ciaran is smart and rich" posting. i would apologize but they're the ones who are stupid for assuming i'm you right?

>> No.46901832

crazy that in japan 不倫 can make headlines even though everyone does it over there

>> No.46901844

he admitted he beat the shit out of her. inb4 thats ok

>> No.46901847

honestly your posts make me laugh and i don't care if people hate me so it's all good

>> No.46901848

i watched like 20 anime raw and everything was still white noise after like 6 months. how do you people do it?

>> No.46901851


>> No.46901858
File: 1.00 MB, 576x1024, 1711112610997513.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look up words

>> No.46901860

whenever something like this happens the only thing i want to know is what the bitch looks like

>> No.46901861

use (english) subs ofc

>> No.46901863

oh no.. anyway

>> No.46901871

I think it’s more the fact that you pretend to be 20 different people at once.

>> No.46901872

i didnt ditch JP subs till i was 2 or 3 years in

>> No.46901878

i've always been good at making ciaran laugh idk what it is but i have a certain charm

>> No.46901879

you always hated me og

>> No.46901880

>everyone who doesn’t like me is OG

>> No.46901883

>I think it’s more the fact that you pretend to be 20 different people at once.
>>everyone who doesn’t like me is OG

>> No.46901884

how's that different from what you said

>> No.46901889

pft i wish og still browsed here. i'd worship her beautiful hair, lips, and voice, and she'd love every second of it knowing men desperately want her.

>> No.46901890

This isn’t switch one which is the cannon one now

>> No.46901891

Is that a contradiction? The man pretends to be many people, but believes only one person is against him.

>> No.46901892

kill yourself in a place your whore mother can find your lifeless body please

>> No.46901893

wtf why so mean?

>> No.46901897

>everyones queeran
>not everyone is og
yeah its a contradiction

>> No.46901898

ok jamal seems to be gone so im out. see you guys later

>> No.46901901
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 05 - Bra! Bra! Pig!-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without subs and by hearing? thats how i do it

>> No.46901902

i laugh at a lot of really objectively bad posts like the ironic matt worshipping so i don't know if it's a good thing

>> No.46901903

there gooooes my queero!! watch him as he suuuuuucks!!!!

>> No.46901916

Queeran, your basic logic...

>> No.46901917
File: 52 KB, 280x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laugh mostly as im making my own posts because of how fucking stupid they are

>> No.46901921

i didn't say only one person hates me but definitely og does and i have good reason to believe that i was replying to og

>> No.46901922

already pu my はなふっく on her so she basically is and always was mine from the start

>> No.46901925

it's same how to listen to English, you know? :3

>> No.46901929

is the matt worship ironic though

>> No.46901934

glad that artist died

>> No.46901937

I think you’re insane, lil c. You should probably get off of here. It’s messing with your brain.

>> No.46901939

it would be funnier if it wasn't so it doesn't really matter

>> No.46901954

newfaggot uppercase tries to fit in by picking a random thread regular and basing own thread personality entirely around hating said thread regular. many such cases over the years, you're completely transparent.

>> No.46901961

yea i was thinking the same thing desu

>> No.46901962

i mean yea im probably insane by any reasonable definition but that's fine

>> No.46901964

i dunno bros the upper case guy has a valid point

>> No.46901965
File: 3.09 MB, 480x848, 1689054788007630.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no jp subs, using yomitan so I can just hover over a word to get the translation

>> No.46901969

to be honest the ultimate character development in djt would be if ciaran came back a year or two from now and mentioned he has a gf (and he might even want to start a family but not required) and he's been going on vacations with her and they really love each other and he found meaning in life outside of early retirement and watching one piece.

>> No.46901973

it's og try and get them to make a vocaroo if you want to know the truth

>> No.46901976

thats not watching raw though

>> No.46901977

he already did that so it would be a character regression. queeran was never the same after snorting cocaine off that guys dick

>> No.46901980

>newfaggot uppercase
It’s definitely not fine. Consider never posting here again, thanks.

>> No.46901982

i never said that

>> No.46901987

ffx-2 sucked

>> No.46901991

being insane is kind of a requirement for being an otaku in my view though. you should visit /int/ if you don't like it

>> No.46901994

youve been here max a few months. you know it, i know it, everyone else does too

>> No.46901996

no ciaran's last relationship with the jap woman was him feeling empty or heartbroken and deciding life was meaningless and so he ended the relationship and did hedonistic dick sniffing. he needs a manic pixie dreamgirl to prove to him love is worth it.

>> No.46901999

queerans basically lost all shame at this point
hes gone full schizo and the threads and has basically hijacked all discussion

>> No.46902000

ciaran wanting a kid would be but pretty sure he will never want one

>> No.46902002

all the dekinais talking about djt celebs remind me of my grandma who always watched that kind of stuff on tv

>> No.46902005

they took everything that made ffx the best rpg ever and did the opposite of it

>> No.46902007

cant tell if the people that think ciaran posts here all the time are insane or just retarded or maybe theyre trolling themselves

>> No.46902009

there's way too many posts at the same time for it to be me im pretty sure you're the first person who mentioned me in this chain anyway

>> No.46902010

my friend says ffx is amazing and recommended i play it but i was burnt out after he told me to play ff6 and chrono trigger

>> No.46902013

Yeah, I’m gonna have to respectfully disagree, my friend. But thanks for admitting you’re insane. I already knew you were, but it’s nice to hear it from the horse’s mouth.
Lil bro...

>> No.46902014
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 07 (1080p) [E8C180D3]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.46902018

but also i can't really read. all i've done is watch anime, youtube and listen to podcasts

>> No.46902020

wtf both of those are amazing too how can you be burned out by them
you should want more

>> No.46902022

its ok though the most annoying posters here never last. output whore eventually fucked off (at least for the most part), holospammer as well. even tatsuhomo barely posts here though that might not be of his own volition lol.

>> No.46902024

cant tell if this post is just one of queerans many thread personas

>> No.46902026

did you respond to the wrong person
no they were mostly gay i've moved beyond jrpgs

>> No.46902029

yeah i meant to reply to 999

>> No.46902031

nah queeran’s here for good unfortunately he really has nothing better to do

>> No.46902033

i still miss mlen like you wouldnt believe all his posts put a smile on my face

>> No.46902035

i hereby quit all ciaran posting. it was fun to annoy people with it but i'm constantly looking for new gimmicks anyway.

>> No.46902043

but i'm gonna miss saying he makes six figures

>> No.46902044
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 07 (1080p) [E8C180D3]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46902045

瞑想ギャル or whatever was my favorite (certified) ebony of djt

>> No.46902047

queeran quitting queeran posting is like aunt jemima not making pancakes it just aint right

>> No.46902049

watashi no namayay wa yuuuuuki, juu sansay des

>> No.46902051

all the hedonistic stuff happened cause of her really. she was a massive druggy and i knew it wasn't gonna last. actually if she had taken my advice and quit drugs i may not have broken up with her. although im glad she didn't because i realized my life was more enjoyable in my hikikomori days and decided to retvrn

>> No.46902059

you're not a hiki if you work lol

>> No.46902062

wtf what kind of drugs can one even do in japan consistently, seems like a pain in the ass with how strict they are

>> No.46902063

why do they call it a hiki neet then? two separate things brother

>> No.46902065

日影 sunlight
日陰 shade

>> No.46902068


>> No.46902071

leftists are disproportionately mentally ill and sociopathic but if you made it almost work with that jap chick then you can almost make it work with someone else. a nice white woman might change everything for you. i'm an atheist but i'll pray for you anyway. hope you have a big W to share with the thread in a few years.

>> No.46902073


>> No.46902074

they're just more expensive you can still get them if you have connections. she would do mdma/coke and smoke weed pretty much every weekend. working as an ordinary salary uman during the week

>> No.46902075

but if you leave your house your no longer a hiki

>> No.46902080

but im a komori still

>> No.46902081

fuck how could u do md every weekend without ur dopamine receptors burned to a crisp

>> No.46902085

good thing i work remotely and get my groceries delivered

>> No.46902088

>mdma every weekend
dame her brain must be mush at this point from the neurotoxicity.

>> No.46902091

*being burned

>> No.46902092


>> No.46902097

hey guys queeran here. i'm throwing down the gauntlet and challenging anyone here to transcribe my jidaigeki clip. oh what's that? you transcribed it? haha just kidding that wasn't actually me, that was just one of my 20 other impersonators pretending to be me :P

>> No.46902098

some people are honestly just built different lol
ive been around some insane ravers and id be dead if i tried to do what they do and i think i have pretty high tolerance personally

>> No.46902099

we dont do drugs here in deejaytea

>> No.46902102

makes me extremely depressed that my hedonistic drug and alcohol phase involved 0 sex

>> No.46902103

im challenging anyone here to transcribe my clip

>> No.46902104

Man, Queeran truly is the most pathetic poster in this thread. It's kind of ironic.

>> No.46902108

a fag is no drug

>> No.46902110

she was pretty retarded
if she was white i couldn't have been around that type of person but her shitty english was kinda kawaii. anyway i knew it was never gonna work out from the start

>> No.46902114

common queeran L

>> No.46902116

md in particular every time ive taken it for a few days after it sucked the joy out of living i just dont understand how u could go to ur shitty wageslave job after doing that week after week

>> No.46902120

spoken like a realy addict

>> No.46902121

jesus christ dude get a grip lmfao

>> No.46902124

>she was pretty retarded
yep ciaran needs a high IQ white girlfriend to make his life better. hell she can even be a piece of shit commie. ciaran doesn't deserve loneliness and depression.

>> No.46902125

lil c on suicide watch rn

>> No.46902128

ye i followed her lifestyle for a couple of months but it was hellish on a monday. we used to party from friday night and be sniffing benzos on sunday night for bed
one of her best friends was a rich as fuck doctor and we would be doing all kinds of cocktails

>> No.46902129

so queeran basically dated a druggy loser because he himself is an autistic mentally ill loser? kek

>> No.46902131

Still can't believe Queeran came out gay after that breakup. Dame.

>> No.46902133

>high IQ white girlfriend
you misspelled ashkenazi

>> No.46902136

once a fag always a fag they say ur born with it

>> No.46902137

yea that'd count too. jews are genetically predisposed more to leftism.

>> No.46902138

i really have no desire to have any kind of relationship honestly
im too selfish and just wanna do what i wanna do without worrying about social obligations. ive never really felt lonely probably cause of my childhood during which i was a legit hikineet from around 13 to 23

>> No.46902139

damn lol

>> No.46902140
File: 1002 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 07 (1080p) [E8C180D3]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46902141

queeran belongs with a nice jewess like himself

>> No.46902146

so anki just disappeared from my pc entirely

>> No.46902150

>probably cause of my childhood
probably not. upbringing doesn't really matter. it's more likely a combination of mutational load and repression. but enough of this. i'm expecting good news in 2 years, even if only on your mal.

>> No.46902151

it immersed itself into your disk space

>> No.46902153

i hacked you and uninstalled it to force you to actually learn japanese
you can thank me later

>> No.46902155

must be a sign from god

>> No.46902157

it was in the recycle bin for some reason what da hell

>> No.46902158

you couldn't get with another girl because you're a schizo who hangs in these threads all day, every day

>> No.46902161

why cant we just have a chill thread without this fucking autistic lunatic constantly railing against ciaran 24/7 ffs

>> No.46902162

cant believe queeran is a confirmed drug addict

>> No.46902164

it'll calm down soon.

>> No.46902165

actually now that you mention it i think its probably genetic cause my mum is exactly the same. she has no friends and avoids making them as much as possible and basically just does her own solo hobbies. never dated after my parents got divorced 30yrs ago as well

>> No.46902166

why cant we just have a chill thread without this fucking autistic lunatic, ciaran, constantly railing 24/7 ffs

>> No.46902171

stfu queeran

>> No.46902174

if you read my post then you can see that's what i want tho so im glad this is helping me reach my goals

>> No.46902175

wonder if me and ciaran share anklebiters back before tripping i assumed we did but since then who knows

>> No.46902181

literally all the stuff he's talking about right now he's talked about at least 5-6 times over the years. i could have made that fuckin post about the bank guy thats how often he's brought it up lol

>> No.46902186

>fucking autistic lunatic constantly railing
english sub guy is unstoppable so he needed a new target

>> No.46902188
File: 34 KB, 518x390, stream_cho_grandend3_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46902190

i never really had any anklebiters until i came back recently it's a new experience
and i don't consider beheading guy an anklebiter he's my equal

>> No.46902191

is it really a goal if you don't have a choice in the matter?

>> No.46902195

>and i don't consider beheading guy an anklebiter he's my equal

>> No.46902199

that's what all of life is like though

>> No.46902200
File: 49 KB, 715x559, 1705076121949512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello there queeran's ex

>> No.46902202

yea the genetic thing sounds extreme so it might sound like i'm joking but i'm serious that most of your personality in a first world environment is probably just inherited from your parents genetically+random mutations. if you think your mom is unhappy that's a double sign to overcome your genetic impulses and meet that high IQ commie ashkenazi.

>> No.46902205

i get lunch and all of u fucks come out of ur mole holes to post lol

well its mole boppin time pipe down in here will ya

>> No.46902207

damn didnt even think behead ciaran guy came here anymore

>> No.46902212

being a hikineet for most of my life means i only have like 1 year worth of stories unfortunately

>> No.46902213

so let me get this straight
queeran is by his own admission:
a drug addict
bad at japanese
a shut-in
code monkey

anything else im missing?

>> No.46902215

yoshi jamal is back everyone stop posting

>> No.46902223

im so many guys in this thread dude it actually makes me want to kms sometimes cause of how pathetic it is

>> No.46902229


>> No.46902233

she's not unhappy at all actually
she actually made me realize it's ok to live the way i do. most of my previous unhappiness came from societal pressure/guilty over not living a normal life but ive accepted im happer being a hikineet

>> No.46902238


>> No.46902239

flood guy...

>> No.46902240

ok i was afraid of this response. now i've just enabled a potential coping mechanism. regardless i'll be praying for you.

>> No.46902241

imagine if the personalityfags on here used trips so people wouldnt spend all day accusing people of being other people

>> No.46902246

damn the gimmick inventor

>> No.46902251

im not gay
im a vegan
probably not a communist id go with anti-capitalist if we had to have a label for it

>> No.46902255

It's definitely not okay to live the way that you do. Your lifestyle is unhealthy, and you're gonna end up dying young and alone, my friend.

>> No.46902256

who are ciaran's favorite tech youtubers

>> No.46902258

>im a vegan
just lost all respect

>> No.46902263

i don't care about dying alone though and im not even young
plus i eat healthily (unless you're raw meat guy) and exercise so i doubt ill die anytime soon

>> No.46902264

interesting i had the opposite experience where i didnt give a shit about societal pressures ever basically but realized i will never be happy without a woman to love and be loved by

>> No.46902276

You're a drug addict and a loser who spends all his time here. Believe me, you won't last long.

>> No.46902277
File: 24 KB, 696x454, stream_ame_drag_003_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46902278

youre definitely gay seeing how bad you are with love and drugs
id say the anti-capitalist basically confirms pinko

>> No.46902282

i really hate to say this but you have these problems because you dont eat raw meat

>> No.46902283

im too old to have a fav youtuber
i never really got the desire to watch youtube as a specific source of entertainment. i don't subscribe to any channels or w/e

>> No.46902293

i think queeran's the only poster i genuinely hate on here
big j embodies the best of us and even lil bongbro's got some moves, but queeran is like the persona 4 shadow of djt

>> No.46902295

i haven't done any drugs in years
i don't even drink caffeinated drinks cause i don't enjoy the stimulation
being a loser is not something im ashamed of whatsoever

>> No.46902303

queerans is the only poster i dont hate here lmao though bongtard is so bland its hard to hate him

>> No.46902304

anyway that's enough about me im no longer replying to any posts that mention me for at least a week

>> No.46902306

The damage you've done to your body is permanent, unfortunately. At your age, you'll be lucky to live to 60.
Sorry, dude, you're basically a genetic dead end on this earth.
>inb4 that's what i want

>> No.46902309

ive been in my countries general on /int/ for 11 years and in this thread for 6. depressing stuff.

>> No.46902310

Queeran’s a great case study in latent homosexuality as a result of heartbreak and schizophrenia.

>> No.46902312
File: 795 KB, 1920x1200, main8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46902313

dw they'll die down cuz i was the fuel for most of them and i'm retiring

>> No.46902315

dont hate any of the posters here
not gonna stain my temple with hate

>> No.46902322

now say it in japamese

>> No.46902327

playing old video games in japanese is pogchamp but i wanna hit the designers everytime i encounter bs like not being able to use support spells out of combat

>> No.46902331

>he thinks /djt/ is for talking in or about japanese

>> No.46902332

i only have hate for the queermeister, aka the lil c, aka the code geek, aka the special homosexual

>> No.46902336

*nods sagely*

>> No.46902345

i really only hate myself

>> No.46902346

we know lil c

>> No.46902347

We know you do, lil c.

>> No.46902352


>> No.46902353

they know you do lil c

>> No.46902356

he's not even trying to hide his samefagging anymore lol im 100% right on the money with this >>46901954

>> No.46902357
File: 93 KB, 320x400, zazen_obousan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46902362

lil c be getting the biggest group hug imaginable but u know he just lookin to slide his hands down some pants on account of it

>> No.46902365

also can someone explain to me why it always takes like 5 seconds to open up the soubi window in these old games?

>> No.46902369

how does the most bland thread personality get so much attention
the answer? it's all samefagging

>> No.46902370

she'll find a new target to lash out on next week

>> No.46902372

Man, I think you really are losing it, lil c. You realize not everyone's the same person, right?

>> No.46902380

it’s always the thread personality themselves driving the discussion

>> No.46902383


>> No.46902390


>> No.46902391

>queeran destroys his old man body on drugs
>now he takes it out on the thread rather than doing something constructive with his life

>> No.46902392
File: 972 KB, 862x747, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this reminds me, do not consume the tapioka

>> No.46902402

tapioka is exclusively for chinese exchange students and whiteoids with coloured hair

>> No.46902406

loading screens were always slow as fuck back in the day and they definitely didn't have all that pointless item data loaded into memory when you're just running around on the map

>> No.46902416

when did queeran become the new punching bag of djt? i always thought unko held that distinction

>> No.46902419

almost time for the europa league final
if they can do it will be the biggest sporting achievement in football history

>> No.46902420

smashmouth guy didnt eat the eggs and look what happened to him
ciaran i think u should eat the eggs and some bacon for good measure

>> No.46902428

he should try carnivore for a month and realise he's been living a lie

>> No.46902430
File: 578 KB, 1061x1500, yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo jamal is back time to start posting again

>> No.46902432

corr could murder a fried egg sarnie rn

>> No.46902433


>> No.46902444
File: 328 KB, 644x595, User_1_-_Anki-3611-22-May-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the positive energy of this dude.

>> No.46902445


>> No.46902446

he started samefagging more than usual so he inevitably became the target of ridicule
ciaran getting hate for his past life decisions is pretty funny

>> No.46902448

its waruguchi
warukuchi doesnt exist

youve been fed a big fat lie

>> No.46902449

i do believe ive never heard anything but わるぐち

>> No.46902454

lil bros...

>> No.46902460

if u can understand this then there is nothing more for u to be taught


>> No.46902461

How do I met Japanese girls online?

>> No.46902467

idk bros..

>> No.46902477

dunno how u can watch shit like this and then pretend that japs have no soul

>> No.46902479

blah blah blah ね
blah blah blah ね
blah blah blah ね
blah blah blah ね
blah blah blah ね
blah blah blah ね

>> No.46902488

he's trying to teach them how to have soul tho

>> No.46902491

Wow, that's a horrible performance. Definitely a soulless nation.

>> No.46902492

hes the only one hes truly special

thats why ive bumped his shit for 20 years and hes the same guy still even now

>> No.46902499

why the fuck does daijirin have english definitions? it's ruining my MONOLINGUAL EXPERIENCE

>> No.46902512

i hate pretentious fags who play the acoustic guitar

>> No.46902513


this will be you when you arrive in japan and use japanese talking to a japanese girl

>> No.46902514

Monolingual is a trap.

>> No.46902515

part 2


>> No.46902523

you do meet a lot of soulful nipponese if you go to events that aren't frequented by the common man
i guess that's fuji rock or something so it's borderline but people who are actually interested in obscure music genres etc are usually soulful

>> No.46902532

wonder what the lads will be like at the livehouse nights with jindogg and co performing

>> No.46902537

be attractive. i know a model looking american guy on hellotalk and he would get half a dozen new girls messaging him every day and some got pretty obsessed

>> No.46902547
File: 244 KB, 750x500, 1716404266342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aso rock festival

>> No.46902548

I'm autistic and don't understand music like I'll listen to music but I don't understand the point or why people enjoy it

>> No.46902549

imagining the dopamine rush id get getting pulled onto the stage by jindogg and i know the entire song by heart and the bros in the crowd go fuckin wild

>> No.46902553


>> No.46902573

feel like they deal with so many gaijins in ikn that u being a whiteoid knowing the lyrics wouldnt even be that mad

>> No.46902579
File: 550 KB, 808x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46902585

explain how

>> No.46902588

yea actually was gonna say before i linked that you will probably see the hottest half black half japanese chick youve ever laid eyes on

>> No.46902594

sigh new fetish unlocked.

>> No.46902600


>> No.46902601


>> No.46902603

black japanese haafus are hot but i want my kids to look like me so not a long term angle sadly the jeans are 2 recessive to beat that combo

>> No.46902607

It speeds up comprehension and gives you the added skill of translation.

>> No.46902610

attention an important clip is pending deletion https://streamable.com/d37xfa

>> No.46902623

that's good logic and I'd agree if i were a beginner but i'm late enough into intermediary level that I can get the meaning in monolingual without that much slowdown or effort (unless it's some bullshit buddhism term or something like that)
plus i'm not at a point that i'm looking up terms CONSTANTLY
so i feel the additional, more accurate definition and practice you get reading it is worth it

>> No.46902626

why dident he pick her up this makes me angry

>> No.46902632

bro, hes you.... you didnt pick her up..

>> No.46902641

> be attractive
Was I lied to people told me I don’t have to be

>> No.46902644
File: 18 KB, 609x325, haititaiti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this language
you gotta love

>> No.46902657

wonder how big their dicks are

>> No.46902659

do jap trannies have a lot of stds too or is that mostly a western thing

>> No.46902665

>he asked a bunch of 壮年童貞s

>> No.46902674

japanese dont shave so they have less stds

>> No.46902678

aids is stored in the pubes

>> No.46902681

probably less considering western trannies are constantly fucking raw cause theyre on prep and doxypep. doxypep reduces risk of STDs pretty significantly but its offset by the sheer number of raw sex they have

>> No.46902686

god can't wait to have a sex vacation in japan for a month or two where i fuck as many women and trannies on tinder as possible

>> No.46902687

trannies can't have sex

>> No.46902692

i have a big fear that ill go there and get no fuckin pussy at all despite not being a virgin or autistic

>> No.46902694
File: 159 KB, 700x1016, a87bQvp_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46902695

it's actually not possible
if you are actually desperate just go to any big club and women will approach you looking to fuck. this is how you get stds though

>> No.46902700

yeah chainsaw man might be heading for some kino

>> No.46902702

ackshually i read shaving your pubes increases the risk of contracting stds but probably not the good old 毛虱

>> No.46902706

bout to chug an entire bottle of doxypep after each encounter

>> No.46902707

felt out the rendaku in this

>> No.46902718

dont live filthy fellas establish real bonds with women and have good relationships

>> No.46902726

you mean women are horny for men in japan??

>> No.46902728

it is as much in mans nature to fuck as many women as possible as it is to take a wife and have children with her

>> No.46902734

only white men

>> No.46902736

what if i have a neat beard will all their fungus infested pussies dry up instantly

>> No.46902738

i dont see the benefit of staying with a woman as far as spreading your seed goes

>> No.46902742

do jap women just wanna see if the bigger dick stereotype is true? because i have a small dick and i don't wanna disappoint them.

>> No.46902745

guys you actually need to have sex in order to contract and std so no worries there amirite

>> No.46902746

I'm pretty sure Japanese trannies are impervious to aids and shit, this dude almost daily posting of him getting fucked while dressed as a women for years and they are still going strong


>> No.46902747

What the fuck guys, just enjoying Japanese content and looking up every word you don't understand instead of doing reps works

>> No.46902748

no idea but they do associate facial hair with being a homeless slob usually
might be some women into that though

>> No.46902749

>this dude
at least be consistent

>> No.46902752

anime and manga is cringe imo

>> No.46902758

r vs k selection

>> No.46902760

why wouldnt it?

>> No.46902763

it is consistent, they works for everyone

>> No.46902769
File: 106 KB, 1428x526, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all on prep

>> No.46902771 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 1280x1920, 0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. If you have more of this please do share. I'll instafollow any good trap.

>> No.46902777

ive learned from the master

>> No.46902778

n- n- n- ni- nevermind

>> No.46902781

does this video play for anyone using firefox? it doesn't for me

>> No.46902785

hate this dude out of envy

>> No.46902790
File: 8 KB, 226x64, dsdwdwedwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an entire twitter account is just Japanese/Chinese/Korean crossdressers, once you find one just look into who they are following as most of the time it's just other crossdressers

>> No.46902792


>> No.46902796

as someone who has fucked crossdressers, keep it a fantasy. trust me.

>> No.46902799

man wtf i wish i knew why i get the "no video with supporte dformat and mime type found" error

>> No.46902805

can you play other mp4 videos

>> No.46902806

my fantasy is being neighbors with a feminine tranny and we become fuck buddies.

>> No.46902812

try clearing all your cookies/cache and shit
if that doesn't work then disable your extensions 1 by 1 until you find the culprit

>> No.46902815

tell that to queeran

>> No.46902816
File: 1.55 MB, 540x500, 1713393290120891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46902817

it could also be a network problem

>> No.46902824

i will never forgive the japanese for calling the star and earth hoshi

>> No.46902858
File: 123 KB, 1284x920, GOJC4HEXcAEy2zx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46902865

kiss x real sis

>> No.46902874


>> No.46902876


>> No.46902888

sick bugmen

>> No.46902891

bro you literally stole 30seconds of potential immersion time

>> No.46902892

this video played for me. previous one still gives me the mime error shit

>> No.46902902

what does cheese have to do with it?

>> No.46902903

>unscrews dick
What now boyo

>> No.46902922

Guys this Japanese girl called me a creep for liking loli. I thought you said it was acceptable over there

>> No.46902927

she's right and you should sever your connection to this world (kys) with haste

>> No.46902941


>> No.46902942

she's a loli herself

>> No.46902944

you cant be direct about it
i say i have 低身長フェチ so they know its about loli but they also accept it

>> No.46902952

did she stop talking to you

>> No.46902961

oh man i love it when djt losers finds out about the real world

>> No.46902963

"How tall are you"
"6'7 also I like loli"
guaranteed to work

>> No.46902965

japanese women don't use the word creep so it's clearly not true

>> No.46902969

always somewhat of a weird feeling when i encounter a line from some famous work translated into jap and immediately know where it's from

>> No.46902975


>> No.46902979

this thread is a lot gayer than I thought

>> No.46902981

why didnt samurai use shields

>> No.46902989
File: 368 KB, 972x1215, 1716408191813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like loliz
how do you even breach the subject
caotcha: HAGRAG

>> No.46902994

breach your skull with a 9mm

>> No.46902996

they did when the situation called for it like blocking arrows

>> No.46903001

agree with 994 re 989

>> No.46903014

my oshi likes loli so naturally i do too

>> No.46903020

well u and ur oshi should oslit ur throats

>> No.46903029


>> No.46903030

tried playing half life 3 times now but i always rage quit when you get into the lambda lab.

>> No.46903038

Half Life 3 never came out, you liar.

>> No.46903037


>> No.46903040

>tried playing half life 3

>> No.46903043
File: 157 KB, 833x925, 1549571612255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless the guy who recorded this

>> No.46903051

new theory: queeran's the pedoposter

>> No.46903058

he could be cuz in djt everyone can be anyone but i dont think he is

>> No.46903066

lolis should be banned from showing tanlines

>> No.46903079

this hell blade 2 game is a new low for the medium as a whole

>> No.46903082

care to make a gentleman's wager? say 8 btc?

>> No.46903089

u could be ciaran and then ud just post some shit and scoop the coinage i dont like those terms

>> No.46903091

all paedophiles should be hanged i reckon

>> No.46903094

bro i will never understand how unhinged these lolicons are allowed to be over there

>> No.46903095

hanged by their dicks and then their neck after

>> No.46903098

i could be cuz in djt everyone can be anyone but i dont think i am

>> No.46903103

098 yah but theres no way to prove so itll have to be left at that

>> No.46903106

they have freedom of expression there

>> No.46903117

crazy how quiz told his wife he's a pedophile and she still had his children

>> No.46903121

just got an ad for a wow private server lol?

>> No.46903132
File: 793 KB, 1920x1080, hate crime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46903134


>> No.46903144

Lolicon are calm and collective and sometimes rich to.

But You ever notice that someone is who against loli is unhinged and crazy just look at how hard they recoil when you mention it

>> No.46903155

i just casually tell u to end ur life and dont even think about it after that

>> No.46903157


>> No.46903166


>> No.46903171

JPDB: 105077

>> No.46903174

Fake uppercaser kys

>> No.46903190

youre a fake uppercaser a real one would quote properly

>> No.46903197

that means proper mareni or what?

>> No.46903243

>uppercasers quote reply
Who told you that one, buddy?

>> No.46903255
File: 971 KB, 960x540, 05 - Bra! Bra! Pig!-[07.38.917-07.43.505].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46903256


>> No.46903259

nigga been watching the same episode all day

>> No.46903263

what can i say its a good episode

>> No.46903267

and im not very good at japanese so its a little hard for me to finish episodes easily

>> No.46903274
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 05 - Bra! Bra! Pig!-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame gonna need an intermission again

>> No.46903278

so many lolichads in here the angry grannyfuckers are just a vocal minority

>> No.46903287

stop being jealous

>> No.46903295


>> No.46903302

hagmaxxed grannypilled

>> No.46903304

im gonna say it jav rezu is the hottest shit out there it cured my you know what

>> No.46903310
File: 952 KB, 1920x1080, 05 - Bra! Bra! Pig!-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you translate 雌豚

>> No.46903311

>it cured my you know what

>> No.46903318

why the fuck do you guys write so many ambiguous posts

>> No.46903322

never confuse me with that manlet bong retard

>> No.46903327
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 05 - Bra! Bra! Pig!-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46903329


>> No.46903339

ever heard of a dictionary lil engsub bro?

>> No.46903345

how would (you) translate it not some old fart who compiled words into a book

>> No.46903352


>> No.46903361

no ur a lesbian

>> No.46903363

>calling experienced lexicographers old farts
ouch srs ngmi vibes coming from this anon

>> No.46903370
File: 3.84 MB, 1920x1364, relax1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46903373

anyone can edit jmdict though. it's basically a wiki

>> No.46903391

nope each definition has a review process and their checked against legitimate dictionaries like the green goddess

>> No.46903395

i wish there was a review process before you entered the egg

>> No.46903402


>> No.46903408

even i have a definition in jmdict

>> No.46903436

starts out poggers af and then gets generic as fuck

>> No.46903444


>> No.46903447

actually true right at the change to op2 the show goes completely downhill but just remember the eps when it was good and forgive the rest

>> No.46903461


>> No.46903494

post definition
let's see if you know what you're talking about

>> No.46903515

do none of the anime db websites let you filter by a year range? how can they all be so useless when they have all this data

>> No.46903520

nvm anilist can do it

>> No.46903539

If you are over 18 and still watch anime you should seriously consider ending it

>> No.46903552


>> No.46903553
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x883, 1409473802195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46903563

this but unironically

>> No.46903568

dont remember what it was cause it was like 7 years ago

>> No.46903574

i live here, never experienced this because i dont go out, but i got sick of the going out and getting smashed lifestyle before i even hit 18

>> No.46903584

Newfriend to this board. What do I do after RTK 1?
Also, >>46903395: What is the egg?

>> No.46903587


>> No.46903588

>Newfriend to this board. What do I do after RTK 1?

>> No.46903594

>7 years ago

>> No.46903613

Thank you, these are v helpful and informative. Was expecting some tard to fling shit about not doing RTK instead.

>> No.46903616

jmdict is less of a dictionary and more a thesaurus honestly

>> No.46903633

true true

>> No.46903636
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46903641
File: 16 KB, 271x453, 1716415631977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the man who wrote most of your dictionaries

>> No.46903652

white ppl win again

>> No.46903666

It's literally a J-E dictionary. Including multiple synonyms per definition doesn't make it a thesaurus.

>> No.46903670

came to tessa fowler. now i can contribute to djt today

>> No.46903677

it only includes synonyms though
no words are described in the way a regular dictionary does

>> No.46903680

>Including multiple synonyms per definition
theres no definition its just a list of synonyms

>> No.46903681

the only way to contribute to djt is to not post desu

>> No.46903682

Yup, that's typically how a J-E dictionary works.

>> No.46903686


>> No.46903689

which is incorrect classification of what its doing

>> No.46903694

you probably think north korea is a people's republic too

>> No.46903696

*cracks whip* meowth thats right

>> No.46903701

someone should feed the yomi dic of like shinmeikai and have it translate the definitions, it would probably be easier to learn from for beginners honestly

>> No.46903702



>> No.46903705

wiktionary is actually the best english dictionary and the best j-e dictionary

>> No.46903711

yo mama

>> No.46903713

It's a correct classification because it's giving a target language translation of the main term. That isn't what a thesaurus does.

>> No.46903714

im glad twitter lets me know its adult content so i can close the tab without having to see

>> No.46903715

i cant.

>> No.46903732


>> No.46903739

you should look up "dictionary"

>> No.46903741

except its not accurate because the synonyms are mostly not 1:1, which is why its more like a thesaurus, it hits around it and might hit on it with some things, but its not reliable for all, unlike a dictionary which by giving a sentence or paragraph describing it is always 100% accurate

>> No.46903742

Outside of porn there's no point to twitter

>> No.46903749
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46903752

ripping insane ass right now

>> No.46903756

i thought race queen was a fetish about human races for a long time before i actually watched one and i found out its just about clothes

>> No.46903762

any linnies with epic worldcrafting like mushoku tensei?

>> No.46903767

It's perfectly accurate. What are you talking about? The translations found in a dictionary are about as close as one can get between languages.

>> No.46903771

I thought race queens was just a bunch of fags in dressed running against each other for a long time

>> No.46903772

>its perfectly accurate
>close as one can get

>> No.46903773

have you tried asking in the linnie thread

>> No.46903774

woah battle of the little tranny asian dicks

>> No.46903778

im gonna be completely honest with you right now in saying i had no idea there was one

>> No.46903780


>> No.46903784

it's perfectly as close as one can get faggot

>> No.46903786

i figured because there are autists there who would write 10 paragraphs of recommendations for you

>> No.46903787
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>> No.46903790

I accept your concession.

>> No.46903792

im kinda scared to post it now though what if they troll me for being from djt

>> No.46903794 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46903800

meant for >>46903772

>> No.46903801

poor linnie guy got knobbed

>> No.46903804

they will if you post like a little baiting piece of shit like you're doing right now.

>> No.46903808

Can someone explain pill to me the doorknob stuff?

>> No.46903809

why the fuck is that shit on x (formerly known as twitter)

>> No.46903812

chill bro it was just friendly banter

>> No.46903813

someone just thinks it looks funny so they're posting it a lot retard

>> No.46903814

What do you want to know?

>> No.46903818

i just can't unpause the gif wtf

>> No.46903822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46903823
File: 246 KB, 1322x852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gpt says

>> No.46903825


>> No.46903827

why does he suck the knob

>> No.46903831

are any of these actually real or is it just hallucination tho

>> No.46903832

if you post some stupid shit your gonna get knobbed simple as

>> No.46903833

why isn't this animated
I kept clicking on it and was left disappointed

i open watch the animation every time it's posted

>> No.46903839 [DELETED] 
File: 644 KB, 326x316, 1716416864583691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46903842

sorry i only trust claude

>> No.46903844
File: 535 KB, 1208x1328, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knob me please

>> No.46903846

thanks I feel much better already

>> No.46903850

"your" not supposed to ask for it

>> No.46903855

why is there so much gay porn and door knob posting here?

>> No.46903857

>the beatles
what a fag

>> No.46903861
File: 128 KB, 653x693, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46903865

my original statement was pedantic in the first place, if jmdict was perfect there would be no need to seek more concise answers in jp-jp dictionaries and so many people wouldnt advocate to drop it for jp-jp definitions as you get better, but thats not the case

>> No.46903866

how dare you hate on them. they're literally making history in the cavern club in that pic

>> No.46903868

oh I think I get it the cutoff speech bubble is supposed to mock the poster above it as if their post is the equivalent of a Chinese man deepthroating a doorknob

>> No.46903874

show you the cavern club *unzips*

>> No.46903877

the fact that so many books still name the beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art

>> No.46903879

mat has good taste

>> No.46903880

its not about the beatles themselves but the kind of person who would wear a beatles tshirt
hes trying to signify something about himself and it's likely not true

>> No.46903882

I'd actually argue that you never need a monolingual dictionary definition to tell you what a word means. The context for which you encountered it should be enough as it is. Furthermore, the aim of the dictionary is merely to translate. Anything more is outside of the scope of a bilingual dictionary.

>> No.46903883

people obviously fishing to get knob slobbed now

>> No.46903892

you guys ever think there's more to life than posting in this thread and looking for asian crossdressers on twitter?

>> No.46903893

you reckon the lighthouse was a gay movie?

>> No.46903903
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>> No.46903905

how different are you in japanese?

>> No.46903907
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>> No.46903909

mom mom i reported the knobs look!

>> No.46903915


>> No.46903918

lil bro is mad lol

>> No.46903919

finally i can post without fear of a knobbing

>> No.46903924

dey all's thirsty for some knobbin'

>> No.46903925

not as mad as u rn kek

>> No.46903928
File: 128 KB, 1170x1127, F33whHNW0AAkG8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knobbened one, o knobbened one

>> No.46903930


>> No.46903933

i posted in the linny thread and got greentext trolled it's over

>> No.46903934

found some art

>> No.46903941

You're free Jamal. We don't judge here anymore.

>> No.46903946

just winced and cringed remembering someone posting a piano cover where there was so much flourish it sounded like a vomited mess of the original song. it was butchered. gross!

>> No.46903947

yea i remember that

>> No.46903948
File: 1018 KB, 1920x1080, aq12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why memorizing kanji so darned hard. i feel like my memorization is especially bad compared to others.

>> No.46903972

i understand that it is outside the scope of current billingual dictionaries, my point is that we should honestly strive for it to be better, and it currently works more like a thesaurus rather than an native dictionary, which id assume is what most people think of when they think dictionary in the first place, currently it can lead to a lot of misassumptions, which do get hammered out if your learning japanese from context, but what of people who just use it to look something up quickly

>> No.46903978

a big factor is that you only watch your shows with english subs lol

>> No.46903979
File: 163 KB, 1006x786, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try a different method then

>> No.46903980

>if your learning
some misassumptions never get hammered out sadly

>> No.46903982

blink 182 piano > beatles piano


>> No.46903984

you should strive to shut the fuck up

>> No.46903988

i will concede i dont give a fuck about english

>> No.46903989

Do they really crack down on the candid filming of women in public spaces? I'm planning on visiting Japan for around 3 months and would like to shoot some candid videos(nothing too crazy no upskirts) but will I get arrested if caught?

>> No.46903995

Well, that's why a lot of them include example sentences and Japanese synonyms, but you're right, it could stand to be a lot better than it currently is.

>> No.46903997

i dont. my spoken japanese has been getting a lot better so i just watch raws with jisho on my 2nd monitor to search up a word i dont recognize as im watching.
do you have any recommendations? ive been trying to do anki and my retention is just really low.

>> No.46903999

>and would like to shoot some candid videos(nothing too crazy no upskirts)
wth is wrong with you people?

>> No.46904001

they gay and degenerate

>> No.46904004

risking going to prison to take creep shots of women isnt gay
also if anon actually did that hed be the face of the current Japanese hatred of tourists lol

>> No.46904005

try china

>> No.46904006

by a quirk of fate my monitor is in direct line of sight from my toilet with the doors open so i can watch stuff while taking a shit

>> No.46904007
File: 389 KB, 1918x1075, cool posting crew 2k16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my crew on patrol for guys like 989

>> No.46904010

I said nothing crazy, just like if I see a cute OL in tights and nice skirt I'd like to follow her around behind her and film her legs and feet/full body shots for future masterbation purposes

Or maybe make something like this guy does https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%22Johnny+Shoeplay+ShoeFoot%22 victim less "crime" imo

>> No.46904017

>victim less "crime" imo
except you're ruining the sanctity of woman-ness

>> No.46904021

utterly bizarre poster

>> No.46904023

i hope you get caught by one of those chikan busters and dragged to the kouban kicking and screaming

>> No.46904025

i hope 010 gets japanese history xd

>> No.46904027


>> No.46904034

wish i could live a healthy and fun life of adventure in the american west in the 1800s

>> No.46904038

gonna talk to a psyc on the 31st for executive function medication

>> No.46904039

yea i cant get my dick hard either

>> No.46904041

jealous. i won't be able to do that for years but it would change my life right now.

>> No.46904043

anon will finally take their meds on the 31st

>> No.46904044

i have been trying to do the dishes for 2 weeks and havent been able to. it's really frustrating

>> No.46904048

if i was there ud get the dishes done

>> No.46904049

Nothing wrong with with admiring the female form most candid videos don't even show face(it's very hard to swing around in front of a women to get a full body front shot need a hidden camera set up for that) so it is a victim less "crime"

>> No.46904051

im victimized by having to think about the fact such vermin exist around me

>> No.46904052

watch out anon you're gonna offend all the girls here

>> No.46904053

surprised myself cuz i guessed the clip before clicking

>> No.46904058
File: 81 KB, 900x1200, GOL4g-VaIAAotse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46904063

Woah this thread is reddit as fuck these days, what next getting mad at someone for using the wrong pronouns?

>> No.46904064

is there not enough shit to jack off to already

or do u really just gotta go be a shitbag walking around with a huge boner in public following girls around

>> No.46904067

>its reddit to not be a degenerate loser
okay lil bro

>> No.46904069

lol when scumfuck degens try to hijack anti-wokeness to spread their fucking filth

>> No.46904073

it doesnt get more degen than 4chan dude.

>> No.46904080

had you said pathetic then i would've agreed

>> No.46904088
File: 1001 KB, 1176x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersing rn

>> No.46904097

part 3


>> No.46904099

deleting knobs just means my stock of knobs gets replenished btw
watch your back nigger

>> No.46904100 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46904112

imagine spending your evening deleting doorknobs in the daily japanese thread lmao

>> No.46904113

eyes too far apart looks like a fish
2/10 would not fuck

>> No.46904114


>> No.46904116

If I had had to go to school on Saturdays I would have killed myself as a kid

>> No.46904122
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any good posts?

>> No.46904124

>he accidentally posted it with this trip

>> No.46904128

did you not see?

>> No.46904133


>> No.46904136
File: 895 KB, 745x695, 1516211729288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i buy this shirt?

>> No.46904137


>> No.46904139

Does this include pets too? That's where I draw the line imo

>> No.46904144
File: 1.63 MB, 1352x825, 1704118412692628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46904145

>wearing an anime shirt

>> No.46904149


>> No.46904150
File: 110 KB, 1476x1500, A13usaonutL._CLa_2140,2000_81i3PN2FpnL.png_0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol society is doomed

>> No.46904154


>> No.46904155

wearing an anime shirt is the best way to make anime friends

>> No.46904156

saw a dude with an n64 sweater today very based

>> No.46904157
File: 2.46 MB, 2000x1380, __artoria_pendragon_saber_mash_kyrielight_mordred_mordred_and_5_more_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tesin_7aehyun__fcb405c109437cce7798f4ac87d2e462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46904158

do they have one that says
>put off blowing your dad to be here
>this better be good

>> No.46904160
File: 556 KB, 1106x1045, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

155 isnt wrong

>> No.46904161



>> No.46904165

someone call her a fake socipathic fuck in japanese for me.
jk that'd be pretty mean

>> No.46904167

u just know they typed "stop" into google translate lol

>> No.46904169

u just know

>> No.46904170

she kinda looks like smeagol at the moment

>> No.46904175

she's uggo cute would fuck

>> No.46904178
File: 122 KB, 1476x1500, A13usaonutL._CLa_2140,2000_81jMe+QQjWL.png_0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao look at this one.
this is actually funny as fuck if intentional

>> No.46904179


>> No.46904186

why does it feel good to call women beautiful and why do i feel compelled to mow their lawns and stuff

>> No.46904189
File: 133 KB, 1476x1500, A13usaonutL._CLa%7C2140%2C2000%7C81BrFmNMUtL.png%7C0%2C0%2C2140%2C2000%2B0.0%2C0.0%2C2140.0%2C2000.0_AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is based

>> No.46904190

instead of harassing japanese girls streaming making disney cookies u have a homework assignment for tonight that i expect u all to have done by tomorrow morning


u must watch watch this entire thing and come to class with ur newly rediscovered or perhaps even acquired for the first time soul

dont let me down

>> No.46904195

doorknob buffer

>> No.46904196

would wear unironically

>> No.46904199
File: 87 KB, 1476x1500, A13usaonutL._CLa%7C2140%2C2000%7C71MOfeYURSL.png%7C0%2C0%2C2140%2C2000%2B0.0%2C0.0%2C2140.0%2C2000.0_AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46904203
File: 171 KB, 750x1000, 91t+c5OILwL._AC_UY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only anime shirt i ever had was this one and i lost it because i had to tear it up to stop a friend from bleeding out

>> No.46904206


>> No.46904207

a new class of citizen has emerged in djt

>> No.46904209

now this! this one! is also shit

>> No.46904212

i don't bother clicking on your music links any more because i never enjoy it

>> No.46904213

shoulda let him bleed instead of ruining a nice shirt

>> No.46904214

reddit ahh thread

>> No.46904215

Cool story fags

>> No.46904218


>> No.46904226

i like this one been listening to it for years and have never heard another song from them

>> No.46904236
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>> No.46904262
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, 1262454482276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sold these paper bags at Comiket

>> No.46904267

the satchel as it were

>> No.46904271
File: 100 KB, 783x880, GK7SDBrXMAAf7gB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:DDD comiket

>> No.46904287

im watching lucky star rn and its good. they talk really fast though so i have to lock in

>> No.46904288

I just told someone in a another thread that I post here and they called me a "turbo fag"

>> No.46904289

down from 110kg to 97kg but havent weighed myself in almost 2 weeks. nervous about it because ive been very diligent about my calories and exercise and its demoralizing if i didnt lose any weight

>> No.46904293

>i had to tear it up to stop a friend from bleeding out
oh, story time motherfucker. i wanna hear all about how you are a hero

>> No.46904299
File: 484 KB, 496x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got 2 netero t shirts custom printed

>> No.46904301

why not tear up your friends shirt instead

>> No.46904305
File: 40 KB, 564x376, AjWJg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried using lucky star as my first immersion material but couldnt do it too fast too many words ended up reading manga instead was worth it in the end

>> No.46904312

i miss jamal

>> No.46904314

sound like
wasn't me
i'm sad

>> No.46904318

i would wear a netero shirt

>> No.46904323

wouldnt wear a ntr shirt

>> No.46904327

pulled lmao4plaet for the first time in that netero shirt good times

>> No.46904328
File: 258 KB, 379x405, falin-falin-touden.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much of a story. i went overnight camping with a friend. we had a fire going to cook dinner and we got there late at night. we basically immediately got drunk and were chilling by the fire cause it was cold and pretty wet. he tried cutting up some wood with his axe and he missed the log and put a hole in his foot. I used my shirt as a bandage because he hit an artery. he had almost gone into shock when the ambulance came like 30 minutes later, but ended up being alright.

>> No.46904331


>> No.46904334

netero lost though

>> No.46904338

he won though? in the boat arc he shows up back alive

>> No.46904341

hate when people do shit like this when shitfaced. it seems like im always the only one that keeps their safety wherewithal even when sloshed. last time i was out of town with some friends they were chopping wood with a fucking chainsaw absolutely out of their mind on alcohol and molly. was just waiting for someone to lop off their foot.

>> No.46904343


>> No.46904346

damn i need to read the boat arc that shit must be fire if netero is back

>> No.46904348

that is beyond stupid
your friends are idiots

>> No.46904353

boat arc is probably my least favorite arc yet. even the election arc is better and it makes the entrance exam arc look like the chimera ant one.

is he actually back though? i got kinda bored with all the rules and shit and stopped reading it

>> No.46904359

I'm just kidding idk I gave up reading the boat arc long ago

>> No.46904360

i just left and went to a different part of the property cause its impossible to reason with people in that state of mind and hoped for the best lol

>> No.46904364
File: 2.26 MB, 1400x1640, 1664246875865624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, its pretty stupid. i think the booze just crept up on him cause we were drinking 100 proof rum and coke and peopel dont realize how fast you get turnt on that. to be fair to him we literally couldnt eat dinner unless we kept the fire going but we shouldnt have put ourselves in that situation in the first place.

>> No.46904380

how could the same guy that wrote chimera ant and yorknew think this shit is good? it's so fucking boring and even more autistically convoluted than his usual stuff. is he losing it?

>> No.46904385

I think HxH got too popular and it was harder and harder for the editors to wrangle in his fetish for complexity

>> No.46904411
File: 608 KB, 604x1002, Naoko_Takeuchi_Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's had her to nakadasu into for decades man is just resting on his laurels give him a break.
this is why you never get invested in shounen ever never. they cant end it.

>> No.46904433

that's why yyh is better. it was never convoluted because shounen jump editors kept togashit in check.

>> No.46904448

leon the professional and dune are also better than hxh

>> No.46904451

they forced him to have that rushed ending or they were going to cancel the series

>> No.46904452

sewing needles are better than plumb bobs

>> No.46904455

>#jk #jk1 #fjk #16歳 #16yo

>> No.46904460

more power systems in action shows should resemble nen on the surface but with none of the convoluted explanations or categories. just call it psychic powers, throw in a mechanic about increasing strength based on vows/conditions, and then focus on other aspects of the story.

kinda like darker than black. it has its own problems but the powers and their conditions are cool.

>> No.46904461


>> No.46904474

>おはようございます without any other comments
are japanese people bugs

>> No.46904484

i think i will replay nier and understand a quarter of the japanese unlike the first time i played it many years ago and understood none of the japanese

>> No.46904490


>> No.46904491

>many years ago

>> No.46904501
File: 216 KB, 495x305, 1708013383950051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46904507
File: 97 KB, 1080x806, GOKFacoWwAAChS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46904508

there's veterans in this thread who are laughing at you right now, because they became great at japanese in roughly 2 years - to the point they could understand 98%+ of what they hear or read in almost all media they consume.

is it ok to lag behind them? i guess so...if you don't actually care about japanese.

>> No.46904515

it is only my fourth month of learning i mostly just read manga and do card reps and refresh my knowledge of grammar whenever i get confused
this is easier than german was to be honest because there's not a lot of good german media but japanese makes it easy

>> No.46904517

chronological time spent studying doesnt matter as much as time spent using the language. maybe anon never started seriously studying. no point demoralizing someone that's doing the right thing now. for 99% of ppl here this is a hobby that you're sposed to do for pleasure

>> No.46904521

that's not a demoralization post. it's encouragement. i treated japanese like a hobby and it's why i ultimately failed but anon doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.46904533

even if we got cheap readily available tower of babel level translators, japs will still require N1 for at least 10 years

>> No.46904542
File: 665 KB, 1043x585, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she trying to say here, I have no idea. the right side specifically.

>> No.46904544
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oh ok, sorry. i didnt understand your post. just tough love so to speak?

>> No.46904578

don't apologize for your djt posts

>> No.46904588

you see, you mustn't ring people's door bells when you have no 用 with them. get it?

>> No.46904612

that makes more sense, literally translating it kinda says: you see, even though (you) having no errands/business (with them), dont go pushing it (the doorbell).


>> No.46904629



>> No.46904649
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movie was comfy

>> No.46904659


>> No.46904666

ちゃ駄目 is ては駄目 which itself is the conversational version of てはいけない. often used by superiors, teachers or parents to express forbiddance. ては/ちゃ/じゃ is part of MANY expressions

>> No.46904694

I have a quick question about the use of desu and i-adjectives.

When saying something like "the food was not good"
>tabemono wa oishikunakatta
Is proper if I am speaking informally?
>tabemono wa oishikunakatta desu
Is proper if speaking formally?
>tabemono wa oishikunakatta deshita
should not be used, because there is no need to turn desu into deshita because the conjugation of oishii indicates already that it's past negative, correct?

>> No.46904701

got it, I was confused more on the use of も with 用 plus のに, if you could explain that, that'd be great, but I think i get the gist of it now, devilish trips btw

>> No.46904717


>> No.46904719
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>> No.46904723

yeah. in that case desu isnt serving a grammatical function, you're just tacking it on to be polite. so you dont conjugate it like you normally conjugate the copula

>> No.46904737
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>> No.46904739

suigintou is better

>> No.46904747

just slightly emphasized shift from 用がないのに. のに expresses that one thinks whatever comes before it should be different or runs counter to expectation

>> No.46904753

but in this case the dont ring the doorbell doesnt run counter to the having no business right? the way she phrases it seems like "despite/even though you have no business, dont ring it (doorbell)"

>> No.46905390

no more desu!

>> No.46905749

having a daughter these days seems like a fucking nightmare

>> No.46905758

just feed her lots of sugar from a young age so she gets fat

>> No.46906211
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Updated DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

[!] must be included in the next OP [!]

>> No.46906514

>but in this case the dont ring the doorbell doesnt run counter to the having no business right?

it's not "not ringing" the bell, it's "ringing the bell". grammatically affirmative. everything before ちゃ is the description of a single situation

用がない + ベルを押す > 駄目
用がある + ベルを押す > 大丈夫


because that part should be different
if you had a 用 ringing the bell would be fine, but you don't = のに

>> No.46907130

what an explanation! I completely forgot that ては was affirming everything before it! thanks anon, now it makes alot more sense why のに was used!

>> No.46908182

What the hell am I reading? This is the worst explanation I've ever seen on のに. You don't even have the right sense of the word. I like how your shit examples conveniently leave out のに.
It's not although/but or anything like that, it's just nominalizing の + complement marking に.
>now it makes alot more sense why のに was used!
No, it doesn't. He didn't explain it at all. He just said "grammatically affirmative" and you shook your head and went, "oh, wow, that makes so much sense! :3"

>> No.46908426

n5 grammar might be a little too hard to understand for a mouth breather such as yourself.

if someone rings your door bell, you expect them to want something from you (用). if they don't even anything to say or ask to your but still rang your doorbell that runs counter to normal expectation. it shouldn't like that:
>she didn't even want anything from me, she just wanted to ring the shoot dang door bell
this isn't hard but you're extremely stupid so i had to type out all this obvious stuff

>> No.46908484

also 用もないのに is almost idiomatic. in certain situation it simply means for 'for no specific reason' 用もないのに訪ねる 'to pay visit someone for no specific reason' (bc you just want to see them)

>> No.46908749

lmao I don't care about the nuances of door bell etiquette. There's no contrast here, のに doesn't always mean "but," you absolute retard. This is like trying to have a grammar discussion with NukeMarine
>also 用もないのに is almost idiomatic

>> No.46909314

用があるのに訪ねない dame!

>> No.46909363

My anki deleted all of my progress on my phone, what do I do now?

>> No.46909385

強くてニューゲーム da!

>> No.46909395


>> No.46909412

goodluck ;3

>> No.46909444

wanikani solves that problem btw

>> No.46909526

4, you can't have だ or its variations after おいしい like that

>> No.46910036
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sorry i aint got time for this
