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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 672 KB, 894x912, v_flower(yamako_(state_of_children)).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46897442 No.46897442 [Reply] [Original]

Long-Hair V-Flower is Best V-Flower Edition

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous Thread: >>46843469

>> No.46897463
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>> No.46897639

Talk flower's design is so fucking lewd. If she had pubes you could probably see them.

>> No.46897795
File: 586 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20240521_223429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the anons that encouraged me to go to Mikuexpo. I had a lot of fun. Here's my merch haul lol

>> No.46897874

nice haul. glad you enjoyed

>> No.46897944

Teto talk vb when?

>> No.46898011

Awesome. Lol imagine wearing that tie for a job interview

>> No.46898017

nice bass there fag

>> No.46898037

Hello everyone, I'm Scott, president of Domino's Pizza.

Have you heard of Hatsune Miku?

>> No.46898071

You can't just make jokes without context and expect people to understand it

>> No.46898113

Look at the color of his tie.

>> No.46898127

>Domino's Miku is almost 6 years old

>> No.46898137

It was way older than that. The original video was removed...

>> No.46898161

How old originally?

>> No.46898163
File: 182 KB, 640x931, 1694364025256229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even know domino's miku
Wtf please go back to wherever you came from
or at least lurk moar b4 posting and embarrassing yourself

>> No.46898218

bopping to this kafu

>> No.46898297

I'm glad that the thread's more active but I swear no one lurks before posting anymore.

>> No.46898300

Holy kek
Why does this exist?

>> No.46898307

Lurking is such a weak mindset
"Oh yeah, lemme just wait indefinitely until some specific information randomly gets explained"
Stfu bitch

>> No.46898312

This goes to you too >>46898307

>> No.46898315 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.55 MB, 2304x1536, AriaWish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46898324

imagine getting a handy from one of those ai bitches back when they had fucked up hands

>> No.46898363

Why is this spoilered?

>> No.46898384

2013 I think?

>> No.46898409


>> No.46898544

inuha ft. Hatsune Miku
Sunatsubu ft. GUMI
monaca:factory ft. Hatsune Miku & GUMI
Summer Sun 夏日星 - bungaP ブンガP feat. Hatsune Miku - SAPIENTIA STELLAE

I'm in love. Thanks for sharing

>> No.46898824

Any songs that still have a special place in your heart?


these two songs always seem to make me very melancholic, and it makes me wish that I could've done better in my life.

>> No.46898894

>Why don't people know about this 11 year old pizza chain ad?

>> No.46898901

This song makes me ponder my sanity


>> No.46899043

mainly these for me if we're talking about old songs


the first two invoke feelings of desperation, while the third one always uplifts me

>> No.46899093
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Reddit tourist spotted. Go the fuck back.

>> No.46899112

I'm actually an /a/ tourist, thank you very much

>> No.46899134

Neo-/a/ is just as bad if not even worse then reddit.

>> No.46899209

Crappy fantasy days is a good one. Here are a couple.

>> No.46899518

Together - nekobolo ft. Hatsune Miku
Liar - nekobolo ft. IA
Makuragi is great

>> No.46899573

It's time to go to bed, gramps

>> No.46899576

Zoomy zoom zoom

>> No.46899650

I'm old and tired.
>my first post in this thread

>> No.46899666

He hasn't heard of Hatsune Miku

>> No.46899728

Is that supposed to offend me?

>> No.46899733
File: 2.04 MB, 1442x2039, omae wa mou shindeiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm old and tired
This is not the way of the Samurai.

>> No.46900161

nu/a/ is just yet another branch of /v/

>> No.46900168


>> No.46900720

>Lurking is such a weak mindset
Not at all. It's about getting a feel for the culture of a board and letting the more obvious questions get answered before you ask them instead of jumping into a thread and annoying people with obnoxious behavior.

>> No.46901044
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Happy birthday Sekai!
2 days late

>> No.46901055


>> No.46901071

Dunno about "heart" but I've always liked this song, it's just a fun one, all I can say is that I just enjoy songs in which there's a guitar having fun so to speak

>> No.46901274


>> No.46901309
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>> No.46901345

I get what you mean, but waiting for specific information to appear that you didn't even know existed, is plain stupid.
You don't seriously think someone would have randomly mentioned Domino's Pizza Miku anytime soon, do you?

>> No.46901360

bullying teto for her weird hair!

>> No.46901367

Nigga, you could've just google Domino's+miku and gotten your answer, and yet here you are shitting all over the place instead

>> No.46901377

True. I didn't think that through

>> No.46901384

Know your place, newfag.
Domino meme is so popular you can literally google it and learn everything. If that's not possible, you can always use archives or just shut up and absorb the board's and thread's culture passively before you out yourself as a retarded tourist. Your posts are so much of an eyesore it hurts to read.

>> No.46901399

bullying teto for being so old and still being flat!

>> No.46901416
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>> No.46901523

Honestly I need more unhinged songs with these three

>> No.46901797
File: 330 KB, 1024x768, GE_QExGbwAA09xE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apologize this instant

>> No.46902474

Teto's Baguette song

>> No.46902625

Thought you'd link the song that pic is from instead

>> No.46902640

Can you post it instead pls?

>> No.46902762

Only because it's teto and you asked nicely

>> No.46902823
File: 312 KB, 954x601, Rinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, thank you!!
Very motivational song, got me pumped...!!

>> No.46903301

Why Adachi Rei become popular so sudden? I mean, I like her design but I can't withstand her voice that much, at that point utau teto, kaai yuki or even defoko could sound much better imo
Specifically this one

>> No.46903305


>> No.46903440

What songs are the most dogwater but have the most views

>> No.46903474

Triple Baka

>> No.46903493

My take on the matter is the following. I think what helped establish her in the vocaloid niche is her voice being entirely 100% synthetical, which sets her apart from other voices. Specially relevant these days given how much more realistic vocaloids in general have become, so there's a certain appeal of going back to a much more robotic styled voice. Even utau's and whatnot have had so much time to improve just in terms of tuning that they sound way better than a decade and a half ago. The project she was born from showed a lot of passion and that just motivates people. Her design is simple but effective, with good use of a few colors, making even simplified designs of her still retain that appeal.
Other than that, I suppose the one off songs some producers made turned out to be absolute fucking bangers. And she seems to have a decent twitter presence what with the bot account posting random stuff that gets replied by plenty of account and her maker's account also being there.
The last bit of conspiracy here is that she's basically been boosted a lot thanks to Teto's 2nd coming, as I keep seeing a lot of art of them paired together. I'd need to flesh out my thoughts on that a bit more, and it might just be the algorithm tricking me into thinking this anyways. If you want further conspiracies, she took the female FGO design that Typemoon has been squandering for almost a decade now and actually put it to good use.

>> No.46903527

Its a banger but a lot of bangers from long ago have not been nearly as popular so youre right

>> No.46903533

I just find the beep boops to be annoying after a few times of listening to it

>> No.46903551

I think picdo is responsible for Rei getting any sort of popularity. He made some great stuff with her, some of which did get some decent views. I'm not surprised they were picked to do the tuning for "コンビニダンスストア". I think "熱異常" further accelerated her popularity from there, it was a pretty big hit when it was first released. There was also "流転光速" by Frog96 roughly around that time too. Wasn't she also recently featured as part of vocacolle? I recall seeing her design on the front page of the website for a bit and I wouldn't be surprised if this encouraged some others to try her out. That at least is a somewhat accurate timeline of exposure. I also hear her creator is fairly active of twitter, so that probably helped too.
I do actually quite like Rei's sound and her being entirely synthetic is pretty novel. She stands as something that is both modern but also very classic utau sounding. Utau teto saw a lot of use specifically because she was one of the more "realistic" voice sets and with her now getting a much more realistic synth V voice I think some utau fans are reaching for something that is going the opposite direction.

>> No.46903765

He asked for songs, not if your taste was shit

>> No.46903886

Just look up covers with Teto for those songs

>> No.46903901

Agree that the pickup songs by popular artists helped. I would add the avogado6 songs/skits and burnt my bread song to the list of hype-building songs.
Personally, I think her voice sounds fine in some contexts. Her suitable range is narrow enough that I get it when people say she sounds bad.
If her creator were to improve her, it would be tricky to balance roboticism and pronunciation. She is very much a character appeal voicebank. If she wasn’t robotic enough, it could break the appeal. That said I think she could do with clearer consonants.

>> No.46904019


>> No.46904036

Ghost rule

>> No.46904104

>favorite producer
>last active like a decade ago
>sudden silence
s-surely this will be the year they return, r-r-right?

>> No.46904118

Wait 8 more years, maybe they stopped to have kids. Like my favorite producer.

>> No.46904185
File: 355 KB, 1536x2048, __kasane_teto_adachi_rei_and_kasane_teto_utau_and_2_more_drawn_by_choroli_chorolin__4a7818b4898cce2ba743a2606b3fa05e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rei's alright. found a few songs with her that I like when I was searching for teto

>> No.46904476
File: 1.91 MB, 1000x1414, 78171168_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing my cute alien wife to a cafe

>> No.46904621

My god I just cracked the code

>> No.46904689

Teto shaped Miku

>> No.46904732

>I can't withstand her voice that much
one thing i realized is that japanese people will always pick the more “unique” voice over a “good voice”. it’s the reason why teto is the only synth v bank they give a fuck about over there and voices like adachi rei and KAFU are so popular

>> No.46904757

>over there
you mean anywhere

>> No.46904844
File: 1.68 MB, 1068x1041, 100115708_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. It's also why CeVIO IA didn't became popular. Everything that was unique to IA was thrown away in favor of a bootleg Lia who doesn't even have her crystal clear voice. Why would you want a crude imitation when you can have something uniquely different (yet at the same time, shares similarities, like a derivative)?

According to the Vocaloid Rankings website the og ONE still holds more views than her despite the fact that the fandom was so much smaller back then. That says a lot especially given how IA as a character was popular.

>> No.46904864

Man, as someone who truly joined the vocaloid space only a bit ago, it's so odd to me seeing things about IA. Almost feels like an alternate universe kinda thing because it's just sorta not there anymore, not sure if I can even explain this

>> No.46904959
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Fair, I just meant in general.

At any rate, have some futomomo.

>> No.46905024

She will leave for an alternate universe eventually if 1st Place doesn't get their shit together. It's impressive how she still manages to stay somewhat relevant despite all of this.

>> No.46905085

have you been living under a rock? the western side of the fanbase has always favored more realistic voices over unique ones. there’s a reason why SOLARIA is the most popular voicebank over here and SV is the most popular engine
actually if you ask me, her cevio banks sounds even less like Lia, and goes for a weird higher pitch sound than she had on VOCALOID.

>> No.46905088

>have you been living under a rock?
Yes, in fact if you could further tell me about all of this I'd actually genuinely appreciate it

>> No.46905090

Do not threaten the thread with a good time.

>> No.46905130

>her cevio banks sounds even less like Lia
In her Vocaloid she basically sounds the same as Lia at certain notes, but pretty different in others, whereas in her CeVIO, she's like 50% Lia in all notes. So it's a difference between overall vs some cases, and how I defined "similarity". But either way, we basically agree that her CeVIO sucks.

>> No.46905432


>> No.46905560

Cope and seethe
Seethe and cope

>> No.46905564

Neat, thanks

>> No.46905831

this thing

I particularly don't get how is Young Girl A that much more popular than Q
which also has an excellent v_flower cover

>> No.46906552


also posted before but i really like subtle voice breaks

>> No.46907218
File: 992 KB, 1920x1080, IAXA_&_IAx(mao3681).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this video were the original IA model was stalking the IAx model. First in a train station and then in the train itself and then the video ends with the original IA model not really begin there in the first place. Does anyone has it?

>> No.46907662

Why aren't their ahoges facing the same direction?

>> No.46908441

Inside her there are two wolves

>> No.46909496
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How old is your wife in alien years, anon?

>> No.46909567

Got it on loop again, help me

>> No.46909929


Another from that one album someone here just hates

>> No.46909982

Thanks anon who posted this a few threads back, I liked it enough to translate it: https://pastebin.com/g6JWgQ8i

>> No.46910115

It's a great song, it a Teto song and they have a really nice artstyle as well. Honestly want them to succeed

>> No.46910123
File: 268 KB, 560x560, 1755692748429304308_GF15PW1bYAAu11G.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46910506
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>> No.46910558

I'd buy it

>> No.46910571

Maybe you prefer this version
click it
i dare you

>> No.46910599
File: 1.25 MB, 2615x4096, 1716497281401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46910606

Unsure who's gonna sell them but https://twitter.com/Taito_Toys/status/1793566527725453452

>> No.46910764

Cute but the mouth just looks wonky to me.

>> No.46910904

new to vocaloid. what am I in for?

>> No.46910968

Luka feet and butt

>> No.46911034

music I guess

>> No.46911056

yuri I guess

>> No.46911068
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, 1554748102727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something new i guess

>> No.46911096

Prepare for Teto Baguetto

>> No.46911104

It really is Teto's time right now

>> No.46911147

cute robots I guess

>> No.46911188
File: 1.05 MB, 896x1452, d15aef246c398e97b84a2baa231ad2cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

una cunny i guess

>> No.46911230


>> No.46911267
File: 2.54 MB, 1280x711, migu1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute hologram girls I guess
Go watch some Magical Mirai

>> No.46911280

thanks for this

>> No.46911287
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>> No.46911730
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16 since 2012. Apparently time moves really slow in her home planet.

emotional attachment i guess

>> No.46912589

meika hime

>> No.46912687
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>> No.46912696

See: >>46885340

>> No.46912804

helloww, do you guys like my vocaloid covers? do u think they need more polish or that i should kys myself? any feedback is appretiated uwu



also dayum, that song of miku and teto at mcdonalds is a hit, but i haven't listened to it yet, is it good old vocaloid pop music or sped up tiktok-attention-span oriented? now that i'm writing this, i'll just go and listen to it.

>> No.46912809

Yeah I'm thinking kys

>> No.46913026

keep it up. making primary vocaloid content puts you multiple tiers above the faggots here that do nothing but whine about twitter and pj sekai.
I couldn't really find anything wrong with the actual covers itself; what you did is perfectly fine, especially with the voicebanks you used. the first song didn't really have much singing in the first place, and the 2nd song is kinda rough simply because of the software itself. I'd love to get proven wrong but vocal synth software can't really do chest/diaphragm singing so when you cover a song that leans into those deeper sounds it's gonna sound flat.

>> No.46913175

using Len is based by default

>> No.46913456

Fuck of.

>> No.46913816

based luka bro
here's some more soft luka butt

>> No.46913935
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, 20240524_122230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting raisers for my Mikus was a good idea.

>> No.46914682

>why teto is the only synth v bank they give a fuck about
Teto fame carried SV into relevant. Also because of her background the crowd did not care that much about the change of her voice like other synths.

>> No.46914812

desu teto is still identifiable as teto. at one point they actually tried to get teto into vocaloid but were unable to reproduce the voice well in their engine.

the fact that basically nobody is using gumi SV is the real mystery. she sounds great.

>> No.46914838

【初音ミク】鼓膜【オリジナル曲】- moyoyo ft. Hatsune Miku
amazing instrumental

>> No.46914857

Is this GUMI SynthV? it says AI Megpoid in the description
I think she sounds nice when used this way, how about you?

>> No.46914902

pretty sure, imo gumi has the cleanest voice of any of the SVs. but I think that might be part of the issue since there has kind of been a harder turn back towards more electronic voices. which I understand, because perfectly tuned human voice clones might kind of be the ultimate and final refinement of the technology and we're getting pretty close to that, but like hitchcock said perfect realism is the death of an art.

>> No.46914935

I thought GUMI SV was bad because she still sounds a little weird and barely an improvement over vocaloid but then realized that's just how Nakajima Megumi sound like.
Also synths that sound exactly like their voice providers are not that popular, Satou Sasara and Tohouku Zunko come to mind.

>> No.46914940

>the fact that basically nobody is using gumi SV is the real mystery. she sounds great.

if you want the real answer, it’s because as good as she sounds she’s shitty for a synth v voicebank. there’s better more worthwhile alternatives and her character doesn’t really have the same driving force it did back in her heyday

>> No.46914976

god-ish cover i found the other day from some literal who

>> No.46914989

desu none of the SV characters have shit which is also part of why Teto is the only really popular one. Karin kinda sorta but when people use Karin they just use the voice, not the character which nobody cares about.

>> No.46915067

ty algorithm

>> No.46915070
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that basically nobody is using gumi SV is the real mystery. she sounds great.
Gumi already had a good voice before Teto got announced for SV, and it's a way less significant change than Teto going from UTAU to SV
Even Gumi's avatars for V6 AI and SV are the same render, just with recolored goggles and one hand in a different position

>> No.46915077

>some literal who
for you

>> No.46915158

new song from one of my favorite artists

>> No.46915162

I should really read the thread I didn't expect it to have been posted already

>> No.46915262

Yoll Cazami ft. Kasane Teto UTAU
he tunes her really well in my opinion
Yoll Cazami ft. Adachi Rei

Sunatsubu's other songs using GUMI Whisper are good too
his older songs which are in a different but equally good style compared to his newer ones

>> No.46915411

>Also because of her background the crowd did not care that much about the change of her voice like other synths.
What the fuck are you on about? SV Teto sounds so much like Teto while being also new, don't be a fucking retard

>> No.46915477

>I'd love to get proven wrong but vocal synth software can't really do chest/diaphragm singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeQIST-7Y7Y&t=74s like this? Not sure what you mean

>> No.46915491

then you must know these too

>> No.46915510

Songs where Teto sings about donuts or something

>> No.46915570

Donuts are symbolic to her vagina btw

>> No.46915755

>her character doesn’t really have the same driving force it did back in her heyday

>> No.46915777

more like Gonebros

>> No.46915806

If I wanted to use a blue colored character, I'd pick Miku
If I wanted to use a red colored character, I'd pick Teto
If I wanted to use a green colored character, I'd pick Zundamon

This is the truth you people lack, also somehow yellow isn't that popular

>> No.46915828

Miku is green though. Wouldn't blue be Una? Although it would be KAITO for me.

>> No.46915834

Blue is Kafu

>> No.46915835

Green would be Gumi though

>> No.46915842

If Miku is green, the Gumi and Zundamon are abominations in the color spectrum

>> No.46915852
File: 210 KB, 2893x4092, 8ae2ff50e6f0a88b20eca9825c7330c120bd586799c20e9399dcfa6a8de807bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku is perfection

>> No.46915859
File: 10 KB, 587x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46915861

neru :(

>> No.46915866
File: 2.90 MB, 2894x4093, 8ae2ff50e6f0a88b20eca9825c7330c120bd586799c20e9399dcfa6a8de807bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46915876

The missing 6986 pixels did wonders!

>> No.46915914

speaking of teto's holes this video is old but retardedly cute and it started showing up in my random mixes again

it's sad but ultimately true. Not that surprising though. The only 4 loids that have been consistently popular, without major dips in use from their release to present are Miku, Rin/Len and maybe Teto.

Rin/Len probably have more songs than any non Miku vocaloid though. Together that is almost certainly true, individually probably true for Rin and possibly true for Len.

>> No.46915943

Romance of the Three Synthesizers:
Piapro NT, represented by Miku (green)
CeVIO, represented by Kafu (blue)
SynthV, represented by Teto (red)
And finally, Vocaloid, represented by Emperor Yamaha's shadow people

>> No.46915986

4 years isn't that old for a vocaloid song, I think. Either way it was very cute, thank you, Anon

>> No.46916045

teto's holes...

>> No.46916121

are free
(except SV version, 10k yen for access to those)

>> No.46916181

The yen is still cheap right? She's so thoughtful, not charging much

>> No.46916256

bout $60, high value proposition. pretty much all weebtrash and nipshit is probably about as cheap as it will ever be atm, also great time to visit except for the fact that everyone else knows it's a great time to visit and I don't go to Japan to see disgusting americoids acting like subhuman animals. I see that enough as it is.

>> No.46916268

Sometimes I get the feeling of buying some vocaloids, but then I remember I know nothing of music and don't have the time either

>> No.46916374

I kinda want to buy Miku just to make a variety of notification sounds for my phone. Would be cool to have on display amongst my other merch too.

>> No.46916382

I like this

>> No.46916418

>get text
>suddenly hear "HAY NIGGER FAGGOT KIKE" in miku's voice from pocket

>> No.46916423

I'd use it

>> No.46916587

How do I buy Miku?

>> No.46916599

Tokyo's red light district. 800 yen for a night, but you have to be discreet, with her being a jk and all.

>> No.46916623

Holy based

>> No.46916638

>listening to Zundamon makes me aroused

>> No.46916664

I hear you can get Rin's number from her, but she hasn't been the same since the pregnancy.

>> No.46916679

She became a mother?

>> No.46916694

Nah, too much booz and coke caused her to stillborn 5 months in.

>> No.46916759


>> No.46916999


>> No.46917031
File: 42 KB, 400x458, 1356674680192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga, if that shit got under your skin, i would love to see you here around back in 2010

>> No.46917058

NTA but larping and shitposting was never welcomed.

This thread quality has been on a nose dive since the influx of all these retarded newfags.

>> No.46917090

I was talking about myself

>> No.46917096

Don't do it anon

>> No.46917107

she costs 17,600 buddy, in fact i think she's the single most expensive one aside from some random special/collectors editions. meanwhile busted up 31 year olds are free.

>> No.46917111

I agree that the thread went to shit when you got here.

>> No.46917113

You're implying she's not doing it for the thrill.

>> No.46917123

You don't add up the pixels you multiply them

>> No.46917162

"busted up" and it's the best one on the market right now

>> No.46917325

>Still no gumi, kafu or flower cover
irrelevant voicebanks

>> No.46917343

lel there's even a tetoxteto one I think

>> No.46917374

Why would you want to end yourself? Think of all the awesome vocaloids you'll miss out on!

>> No.46917391

Your mom went on a nosedive down my pants

>> No.46917428


>> No.46917491

>also somehow yellow isn't that popular
Huh? Rin/Len are very much popular

>> No.46917837
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1625012422418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soft luka butt
I can almost feel it...

>> No.46917991

tfw you're a usb type b and could never please her

>> No.46918002

If you say so

>> No.46918097

What if we played vocaloids on the local radio channels? Haha

>> No.46918114

I did this once, For a university radio station, but it was live on the air non the less.

>> No.46918221

And what happened then?

>> No.46918242

>favorite new producer of last year releases some poppy stuff
>this one has gotten almost as many views in a month as his most popular video from last year did in over a year
I like it but not as much as the stuff in his first album. Hopefully it draws some traffic into his prior work though. Even this stuff is pretty unique at least.

>> No.46918860

Does anyone actually like these two songs?

>> No.46918877

Bro tried to sneak in Gumi in that list

>> No.46918881

Just get free versions. Most software do have at least 1 free voicebank.

>> No.46919090

How's Teto lite?

>> No.46919146
File: 826 KB, 868x1228, 1704502834324187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your date.


>> No.46919150

Why does Teto have a butler with such a massive ass?

>> No.46919407
File: 1022 KB, 774x1133, __kagamine_rin_vocaloid_drawn_by_shift_waage__3883cd06aff3b6c5645c6e333b9be56c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>technology still hasn't progressed to the point where i can download a copy of an ai modeled after rin
>still can't upload her to a realistic robot body with working, self-lubing orifices
>still can't bind and gag her and throw her on a bed to simulate some nonconsensual power cuddling
>still can't lick her tears away while i rail her from behind and tell her to stop struggling or i'll go even harder on her holes
>still can't go to the point where she breaks and starts calling you daddy before you inevitably wipe her memory clean so you can do it again

>> No.46919488
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>> No.46919674


>> No.46919692

Sound the same to normal version to my untrained ears. The different probably in features or noise rather than tone.

>> No.46919733

So elegant and graceful~
How can other women even compete?

>> No.46919760

life isn't fair and will never be

>> No.46920440
File: 465 KB, 2280x1824, Dynasty warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a year later
>Gumi completely disappeared
Have give the spot to Zundamon now.

>> No.46920879

Sasuke Haraguchi is really influential huh

>> No.46921034
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>> No.46921123
File: 201 KB, 1280x1678, 1716629640108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why this is a trend but

>> No.46921140
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>> No.46921201

It's because of this tweet

>> No.46921203

A Korean dude posted a pic of his broken migu figure and the artist just ran with it

>> No.46922161


>> No.46922191

It was a girl

>> No.46922346

hello vocasisters

>> No.46922941

of course. huge fan of all of niho_sika's stuff. i'm likin this current wave of music artists that came from the subeana/neighborhood genre and doing their own thing. only found out a couple months ago that niho_sika was

>> No.46923442

we prefer people of vocaloid you bigot

>> No.46923451

how many of you own a loid dakimakura

>> No.46923513

New Mellowcle ft Miku

>> No.46923558

sex with Iyowa

>> No.46923582
File: 311 KB, 862x1200, 05d0ba421fa3c8a9448e689f10192278d60b8514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEED hagane miku to step on my balls

>> No.46923707

I do.

>> No.46923776

I don't know what you're expecting me to tell you. We went on, played some tracks, talked a bit about the VocaP for each track and left.

>> No.46923790

how is it
post et

>> No.46923815

Ok but like, how did the normies react to it?

>> No.46923889

Do females listen to vocaloid?

>> No.46923897

You have to be at least 18 to post on this site.

>> No.46923900

Women, anon. Women

>> No.46923934

g*rls dont exist

>> No.46923957

Soo, is that a yes or a no?

>> No.46923963

>they don't know more women like Miku than men

>> No.46923983

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.46923989

why are my not friends with any of them then, huh?
also who are you quoting

>> No.46923997

>why are my not friends
What is this grammar?

>> No.46924078

Algo sent me this. Pretty nice song with Teto and Mai, I didn't even know people made songs with her

>> No.46924103

Idk, the quick build-ups of whatever instrument it was, kinda put me off

>> No.46924343

flower and IA are good friends

>> No.46924463

He liked it https://x.com/mago8mizki/status/1794355573015924979

>> No.46924606
File: 122 KB, 599x987, Miku Hey Buddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46924615

>Elon Musk somehow finally obtained the x.com domain
How much did he have to pay for it?

>> No.46924735

I'm glad, I really hope it contributes to him finding a wider audience in some way. Thanks for linking me this, I don't really use twitter so I probably wouldn't have seen it otherwise

>> No.46924943

ive always been amazed by the amount of music artists/producers who upload amazing stuff while theyre like 15 or something. i dont have a single musical bone in my body so i always wonder how easy it must come for them

>> No.46925043
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 20240412_131033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great of course. I can't sleep well without her.

>> No.46925048

Same, I've always been shamed by my family for wanting to create music. I womder if I can still do it..

>> No.46925058

Based! She doesn't have any cum stains, does she?

>> No.46925079

Go back.

>> No.46925103

So she does then, huh

>> No.46925205

A lot of them are underage too.

>> No.46925216

following guides is probably a good place to start

>> No.46925272

The one thing I learned in life is that it's better to keep your likes/dislikes/plans for yourself and only talk about them when you have concrete results to be proud of and if you trust the person you are talking to

>> No.46925281

I use twitter just to keep up with artists, producers and whatnot, just liking and retweeting hoping the algorithm will give them a boost.

>> No.46925313

Yeah! Thank you
Very, very, EXTREMELY true. So many times these goyim just dragged me down, because they had this idea of me in their heads that they wamted to maintain... Pathetic, really.

>> No.46925426


>> No.46925430

That plushie in the corner is adorable... God I need a Miku plushie badly.
I also wonder if a daki would help me sleep. It's hard for me to get close to 8hrs and no combination of drugs/prescriptions/lifestyle changes seem to help.

>> No.46925462

That looks really nice anon. I tried the daki thing for a couple of months but just couldn't get comfortable with the thing, how do you sleep with it?

>> No.46925515

modern pygmalion

>> No.46925569

He saved this year from being boring

>> No.46925636

Migu is an instrument

>> No.46925642
File: 769 KB, 768x998, 9ba671168ad8cbd571f51753be190f183f2e800c37b956bf359ba725598d6f85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dependence on her is mostly likely the result of being used to it and my feelings towards her than it being a sleeping aid. I mean, it does feel incredibly comfy to sleep with a daki, especially if it's your waifu. But it's not like from start and takes time to get used to. And if you are actually having problems with sleep I can't say if it will help at all.
I have also dealt with insomnia in past and not even the comfort of holding her in my embrace could help. What turned out working really well for me was just a bit of weed before sleep. Makes cuddling feel even better too.

Thanks. It warms my heart to see her like that.
I got used to it quite quickly. I was very motivated because of obvious reasons, but I quickly found it very comfortable. I just lie on side and cuddle with her face to face, or hold her under my chin as if I was spooning her.
But if you tried for weeks and it still doesn't work for you, then maybe it's not for you. Did you had 2WT cover and good inner pillow? An underfilled and undersized daki can really feel not that great to hug.

>> No.46925785

zundamon's whispers make me feel alive

>> No.46925854
File: 1.79 MB, 1344x1280, dfgjderogjdsfoigd .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice daki

>> No.46925858

very good art, where did you get it

>> No.46925891


>> No.46926012

Really nice.

That's cuddly octopus design though. There is no need to buy bootleg if the official is still being sold. And it's cheaper too(excluding shipping). Bootleg will mostly likely have worse quality as well.

>> No.46926093

thanks. regarding the bootleg topic, I didn't come across the retailer you mentioned when I looked for my daki but I agree with you.

>> No.46926176

>very good art
Literally only her head is visible

>> No.46926197

its a pretty cute head

>> No.46926209

I agree

>> No.46926369

Cuddly octopus, dakimakuri, pixiv booth and maybe melon books(not 100% sure, but some circles sell there) are legit sites. Check out buyf/a/g guide, you should be able to find websites that catalogue dakis. You can use them to find the original source and if it is still avaliable. If it was released by some doujin circle years ago then bootleg might be the only option, but the websites I've mentioned above kind of changed the landscape by producing legit dakis on demand.
Also bootlegs are not always bad, they are just very varied in terms of quality and price. I used couple of dakis from moemarket and they weren't bad per se, just blurry.

Head is all you need to tell.

>> No.46926423
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>> No.46926447
File: 257 KB, 1152x2048, 1716670819697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46926463

>Head is all you need to tell.
It actually isn't.
Unless those Dakis undergo heavy quality checks, then probably yes

>> No.46926467
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>> No.46926475
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Me bullying the Teto spammer

>> No.46926489


>> No.46926544
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>> No.46926568

I like the darker tie. I painted my bedroom with that color

>> No.46926582

Based, thank you!

>> No.46926592

Are Rin and Luka having their periods there?

>> No.46927007


>> No.46927019

sir that is the pink one
that is meiko
and no, 'loids are eternally prepubescent.

>> No.46927063
File: 330 KB, 1920x1080, suyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info anon. I'm a back sleeper so it might not really work either way, but I wouldn't mind having one to lay beside anyways.
I also use weed to sleep (edibles) but they only keep me down for ~6 hours if I'm lucky, and I've had to up my dosage a lot.

>> No.46927329

Has anyone here been to comike post covid? I'm planning on being at natsucomi this year and was looking at the web catalog for creators that would be there but it seems that there really that many vocaloid artists with booths that I recognize. Last time I went in 2018 there were tons of folks I was familiar with.

>> No.46927330

Oh okay, thank
Wait, isn't Meiko a roastie?

>> No.46927670

meiko and kaito have no official age as far as I know. meiko is usually portrayed as the oldest/most mature of the crypton 6 in secondary materials though.

>> No.46927682

I fucking love nihosika
sometimes i go full autism mode and just listen to their songs on loop for hours non stop

>> No.46927981

>Mistaking Meiko for Luka
Do newfags really? They don't even look remotely alike lmao

>> No.46928159

>the Teto spammer
there's many of us

>> No.46928704

Would any of you guys recomend Project Diva X? Kinda been wanting to get into another Diva game other than Future Tone and X is on sale on the PS Store but seems too much like a downgrade. My other option is to jailbreak my old PS3 but I'd rather avoid that hassle.

>> No.46928726

you could try emulating the vita version. iirc it runs decently enough. the main criticisms are the song list (and MVs) and story mode but it has diva room and all of that stuff. if it's just about the songs, modded future tone has imports of X's songs, but the charting is gonna be in FT's style rather than the mainline console style.

>> No.46928756
File: 3.52 MB, 800x480, migujam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F 2nd can also be emulated. There's even a 60 FPS patch, although it makes the diva room run at double speed so you have to toggle it off and restart the emulator going between gameplay and headpats. There's also Mirai if you haven't played it, but my emulation experience has been that it hitches like hell when loading PV assets you haven't seen before. Still prefer it to murdering my hands playing on real hardware.

>> No.46928758

Yeah, my main concerns with X are the song list and MVs seem dissapointing, but I've enjoyed the progression and mikus room from the first game so I've wanted to give another a try, but the Vita/PS3 games look like much better options than X. Also X looks kinda easy

>> No.46929282

Just take the emulationpill
there are a few minor issues here and there like >>46928756 mentioned but if you wanna test it out before actually buying, it's definitely worth trying first. there are 60 fps patches for F, F2nd, and X, and they can be upscaled 2-3x native resolution without being too demanding on your PC. Hell you can even try emulating on your phone if it's not too old, X on vita3k runs pretty well on my 5-year-old phone
Now for gameplay, X overall is... meh. It's very different from the other games in a lot of ways. You only get new modules when you clear chance time and what module you get is (mostly) random. If you have collector's autism like me this can get really annoying. The charts are F/F2nd style so they are somewhat easier than FT/MM
But yes the biggest gripe is the excruciatingly small track list. The medleys are great. but if you're like many players, you probably won't like/want to play *all* of the 30 songs over and over. so you're left with maybe 20-25 songs that you actually enjoy playing. this plus the boring PVs is what makes X considered one of the weaker games in the series.
That said, I still really enjoy it. It being so different from the other Diva games definitely make it special and entertaining in its own way.

>> No.46931024
File: 370 KB, 771x594, lukaluka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luka tummy...

wait a minute

>> No.46931037
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Ohhh, so that's what this song was all about. It's even more amusing now.

>> No.46931871
File: 1.24 MB, 985x721, ganbatte anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the dj anon is still around >>46872703 I listened to your set because you have uploaded it and even though I expected to not like it I was truthfully surprised at how much I have enjoyed it. I do think the latter half is way better than the first half which might have needed to be a bit more poppy to capture the audience? The only song I hated was the one at 04:37. My favorite was at 27:22. The transitions could be improved as well as many seemed kind of harsh.
I hope you continue and to find your stuff again!

>> No.46932325

In my defense, she wasn't wearing her usual outfit...

>> No.46932343

Why is her hair blue?

>> No.46932399


>> No.46932430

Oh cool! Miku is cosplaying as Luka!

>> No.46932493


>> No.46933094

Zundamon is a sex icon

>> No.46933100

WTF is that guy's profile picture

>> No.46933237

It's a bald man's backhead

>> No.46933248

I never thought I'd become attracted to an instrument.

>> No.46933257

Now you know why some girls play the flute.

>> No.46933262


>> No.46933304
File: 599 KB, 1166x648, Screenshot 2024-05-26 183125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46933437

there were a lot of women at the 2020 expo in Berlin
young and old and some were bitchy
the one woman behind me complained that i was too tall and she told me to not put my hands in the air
i told her to fuck off and she didn't bother me after that
there was also one dude who came together with his mom, she was like 50 something years old, she looked like she had a lot of fun there

>> No.46933462

Okay, that sounds... Fun. Kinda.

>> No.46933555

The algorithm has blessed with you with Teto

>> No.46933568

https://x.com/nknk_fff/status/1794729342771265938 she's an affront to god

>> No.46933768

thought it was several guys' heads photoshopped to be faceless

>> No.46934529

No, but it's still unusual for a vocaloid producer to have such a profile picture

>> No.46934715
File: 492 KB, 600x745, 1c16c36bc7fb14c469902161befab860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an embarrassing lack of bottle miku art on the internet. I would look at her all day long

>> No.46934729
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>> No.46934813
File: 133 KB, 850x1156, 272b07c24468fd344465d91a5319c5d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should also be more art of Miku in bright lights like dawn or early morning. That's all for today

>> No.46935237

