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File: 360 KB, 1254x1770, GNWUxdjaYAASol5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46863618 No.46863618 [Reply] [Original]

Last >>46773524

Aunn Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as “Era games thread”
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era"
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.46863632

I want more breast size options.

>> No.46863642

I want my character's clothes to make 2hus more horny

>> No.46863644

plap sleigh simple as

>> No.46863741
File: 235 KB, 711x877, 1707066189683871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46864015

Eggy era games are here to stay forever.

>> No.46864395

Rape a girl in time stop
Somehow they know it's my kid and have to pay child support
The fuck, good thing my main say has just me and my happy pregnant wife yamame

>> No.46864424

Oppantsu-sama can't let his believer be a deadbeat.

>> No.46865018
File: 155 KB, 600x675, 神奈子_特殊.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good News: the sprites are almost fully sorted and ready for uploading (just need renaming of character's folders, ain't translating the sprite names themselves fuck that there's almost 10k of them)
Bad News: family stuff is getting me away from screen for most of the weekend, and I can't leave the upload unattended
But the monthly limit reset so I'll be slowly getting them pushed somewhere, since I'm also writing a dialogue I won't need that much bandwidth in my free time

>> No.46865098

what happened to tohosim?

>> No.46865136

Neat, can't wait to see what you got whenever you upload it all.

>> No.46865406

afaik the dev(s?)' decision to switch to godot 4 killed it

>> No.46866038
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>> No.46868091

Newfag bait

>> No.46868758
File: 3 KB, 402x73, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you succeed in this stupid minigame?

>> No.46868813

In Megaten right? Just forcibly violate them. Most of the time when I did that I rape the enemy and they join me, sometimes they run away though. The other three options have been incredibly unreliable and I don't know if I ever got a good outcome from them.

>> No.46869104

Fucking/being fucked by female demons using the talk commands still results in pregnancies for female characters for some reason. (Eramegaten)

Also what's the deal with sometimes only having the option to proposition sex? Is it a consequence of being in heat?

>> No.46869258
File: 2 KB, 701x20, 2024-05-16 08_35_44-eraThe World AnonTW (TW_ 4.920 - ATW_ 2024.03.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh why does eiki even have sexual frustration
not like it would make a difference while she's loaded with self restraint traits

>> No.46869260

Turns out, nobody here can actually code.

>> No.46869475
File: 550 KB, 1000x1333, __shiki_eiki_touhou_drawn_by_marsen__ebaeb1f64bf82f4ede25489ee694386e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever tried running such a busy branch of the afterlife's bureaucracy with a slacker shinigami and a birdbrain for subordinates?
The poor woman needs to let off stress somehow, anon.

>> No.46869488

Funnily enough if you get her to Love it's completely opposite. I've had her push me down while she had 20~30% frustration.
Speaking of Eiki does anyone else get an error while having sex with her. It was something amount sex count out of array bounds.

>> No.46869656

It has your genes.

>> No.46869682

Well, it does result in her masturbating once in a while so it's not completely superfluous.

>> No.46869684

I must say, the past 5 or 6 threads or so have been pretty lame.

>> No.46869831

You've been pretty lame these past 5 or 6 threads.

>> No.46869842

why is Marisa so obviously gay for Reimu in this?

>> No.46869843

I... you're right.
I should continue the work I put on pause because of my IRL shit a while ago since I'm free now, so I won't be lame anymore.

>> No.46869859

I don't know, at first I thought it was a gag but yeah, after 2-3 events where they keep doing it it's pretty egregious.

>> No.46869884

pedy's cuck fantasies spilled into the translation

>> No.46870114

We both now the words to change that.

>> No.46870120

Are tanukis foxes?

>> No.46870125

We should have a gay orgy to fix that

>> No.46870133
File: 360 KB, 856x654, __futatsuiwa_mamizou_mib_mamizou_tommy_lee_jones_and_agent_k_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_mefomefo__3901fceb8527fb3d9de7b0dc3ec6e8a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a very slanderous statement, anon.
Good thing you never actually said that, right?

>> No.46870244

No, they are dogs.

>> No.46871254

- Eiki's 1.8 update has been translated.
- Panty sense now ignores disabled characters.
- Parsee's hate mark bug has been fixed. I'll push it when I finish doing some more editing on her.
- The guy working on blowjob animations is working on them again.
- Komachi's translation has finished being proofread. Please wait warmly for us to merge it.

>> No.46871342

Nice. Very nice. Panty sense had a long time coming but its finally been done.

>> No.46871597

What's new in Eiki's update?

>> No.46871821

What was parsee hate mark bug?

>> No.46871840

Two girls going at it can't be cucking you unless one or both of them have a penis.

>> No.46871892

But if they love each other then it is cucking. There are other people in her heart. One or even both of them might love each other more than they love you, too. Sex alone is also a very big part of cucking and lesbian sex counts.

>> No.46871947

I warned you this would happen if you let yurislop in.

>> No.46872449

how long does it take for children to grow up and what activities are available with them?

>> No.46872901

If you don't speed it up with settings I think at LEAST an entire year in game, or close to that.
I never saw them do anything once they were fully grown but I remember hearing that they occasionally sent money to you.
A few of the girls had events (like one or two of them) if they had kids, I think one of the red haired ones, but it wasn't translated.
Other than that there's just basic shit like bringing the kid to school I think and that's about it.

>> No.46873034

>- Panty sense now ignores disabled characters.
Fucking king.
Was that something on the backburner or was it only because we bitched about it that it got noticed?

>> No.46873277

nothing gets me going more than cheating on eiki

>> No.46873297


>> No.46873758

>- Komachi's translation has finished being proofread.
Very nice, hers is one of the dialogues sugoi struggles with the most.

>> No.46875481

Mostly updates to her anal vibrator stuff.

Whenever she got a hate mark from seeing you on a date with someone else, the hate mark message would display again for your date the next time you took an action, because a flag wasn't getting cleared.

The latter. Please report bugs as you find them.

Also, I forgot to mention this in my update post, but KR has a draft for a system where the player can commission goods or services from characters. For instance, you can commission exclusive foods from Minoriko, high tech gadgets from Yumemi, construction work from Nitori, Takane, and Yamame, or have Tsukasa do social engineering to make people like you more. Thoughts?

>> No.46875784

new system sounds good but I'm sure someone here will find a way of swinging it around to being bad. What does commissioning construction work actually do? the others I can understand better. would it be something like cleaning every room of the player's home map?

>> No.46875854

Can't really find any downside to having more ways of spending money and giving player incentives to seek out characters

>> No.46876353

Genuinely surprised by how naturally of a fit this will be to the gameplay ecosystem. Even on the current idea it's interesting, and you could change those requests to fit your relationship status, goofy, sexy and cute ones. Ask a lover to do something for you using one of their higher skills like mixing something, ask a sex friend to walk around with vibrators in, ask a character to wear a certain panty you're missing tomorrow. Maybe if a character has Lewd they could ask for sex as payment, or the childish characters could demand you play with them. Please ignore any contrarian morons who might oppose the original idea, this post is just me thinking out loud.

>> No.46877245

I don't understand how to avoid dangers in tentacle-palace

>> No.46878128

i kneel

>> No.46878223

>get charming
>get mysterious charm
>Get 'em to eat/drink stuff laced with a love potion
>Overdrive both mood and composure, start changing their character traits to be more submissive through hypnotism
>essentially corrupted the girl of choice to be your cocksleeve over the duration of less than a week

Anything else you'd do to further improve your girlcharming ways?

>> No.46878232
File: 102 KB, 1080x1229, 20230126-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also please consider expanding yukari

>> No.46878281
File: 359 KB, 1740x2500, __yakumo_yukari_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_pop_electromagneticwave__24687cb7e6c5eb40ec01034cf8373f99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari needs to do the opposite of expanding.
Total Hag Shrinkage

>> No.46878307


But how is she going to be able to push her big fat hag tats through two gaps for you to squeeze and enjoy at all times of the day if she's flat

>> No.46878354

By manipulating the boundary between lolibaba flat chest and fat hag tats.

>> No.46878384

Oppai loli.
Alternatively she can gap her flat chest next to your face.

>> No.46878402

Can someone tell me what file is the one that has the insects in it? I can't remember at all, gonna get back to adding descs for the ones I didn't do and fix all of them having two less 0's than intended for their sizes

>> No.46878404

how do you update anontw, i'm retarded

do you need to download it online or does it have a built-in updater?

>> No.46878405

perhaps you could commission a painter like shizuha to do a painting of a 2hu or of something that 2hu likes that you could then give to them as a gift
could give you something else to do other than the souvenir shop on dates

>> No.46878418

You can download an auto-updater that's somewhere in the OP and then whenever you run it it's gonna update to latest, otherwise you gotta download versions every time and move your saves (AND macros, always forgot to do that one back then).

>> No.46878462

We need pedosaka yukari now

>> No.46878476

Download a git client and set it up. Then you won't need to re-download from source code every now and then.

>> No.46878506
File: 130 KB, 600x800, __yakumo_yukari_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_tirotata__0bdd952418b7d2925c0d2f6c8e976e47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know that Yukarin is perfectly flat and not saggy at all!

>> No.46878534

oh I just thought of another one. Hisami's ability is to never let anything slip from her grasp, so maybe you could pay her to track someone down and bring them back to you. You'd pay her because she canonically pays the people she convinces to fall to hell.
it'd also let me avoid some of the time where I just barely get a request finished and then the fucking 2hu disappears from the map for that entire day.

>> No.46878640

I mean, you can turn in your requests at the village. There's a board and everything...

>> No.46878663

I did not know this

>> No.46878713

Thats only if you live in the village right? I dont recall seeing it as a visitor.

>> No.46878718

Is there anything in particular you'd like me to expand?

>> No.46878725

What if you pay her to bring you 2hus bound and gagged for your needs?

>> No.46878743

NTA but give her more interactive content with Ran and Chen, maybe Reimu and Yuyuko, perhaps the other Sages too?

>> No.46878750

I've lived in like 4 areas mainly and outside of Scarlet Mansion and Yokai Mount bottom I'm still struggling to locate 70% of places.
I went to live in human village twice and that shit gave me so many headaches...

>> No.46878751

Gassing garden and the lunar variant. TSP Carry them back to it if they move.

>> No.46879035

how to increase intimacy without seggs?

>> No.46879078

Ask the tutorial.

>> No.46879096

i can't find anything about intimacy in the tutorial

>> No.46879141

Given that sex does absolutely nothing for the associated Care PALAM that ultimately increases the Intimacy stat, this is kind of a silly question.

>> No.46879184
File: 3 KB, 223x107, 5434548648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to increase intimacy then? i've been spamming dates with Eiki for absurdly long now, but my trust is only at 8 out of the 10 required for love

>> No.46879190

Whatever makes the bar go up.
Just experiment with stuff yourself until you find something that works.

>> No.46879246

Do stuff that increases care.

>> No.46879258 [DELETED] 

Such as?

>> No.46879347
File: 488 KB, 1047x1420, Favor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but dating, kissing, skinship, embracing, holding hands.
Also learn to play an instrument if you want the meta way.
Work even better if you do it with a band, it legit obliterate the girl's mind even harder than it does IRL.

>> No.46879403

Poor Yuki there is getting bluebeaned and you want to get into the pants of some hussy judge!
What a meanie. Mai would love to play with you.

>> No.46879521
File: 1.90 MB, 2225x1175, dairi 98hus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That an old screen from ages ago, but you're right about Mai, the jap who wrote her realy put in some effort:
-Special "Help me cook" request.
-Unique spanking command.
-Sex friend/Lust lines.
One of the best resident in the human village.

>> No.46879754

She's even got special dialogue for mixing stuff with her.

>> No.46879883 [DELETED] 

I have a suggestion. Can we put contraceptives in girls with normal time stop? We can already make them pop sleeping pills before starting mischief, that would save a step.

>> No.46879942 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 819x34, Screenshot 2024-05-19 195659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo I'd rather they proofread sex lines and dialogue for old characters, and also add mating press back to reverse sex.

>> No.46880062
File: 1 KB, 613x43, Capture22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute brainlet

>> No.46880655
File: 91 KB, 1080x1350, 20230126-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what >>46878743 said
especially Ran

but overall just dialogue is very poor and most times her dialogue is just 1 line feels like someone did like a part and thought to do it later but never finished it

could use more sex lines
ran also has 0 sex lines

>> No.46880717 [DELETED] 

Ran has quite a lot of sex lines, bro. For lust and love.

>> No.46880728
File: 237 KB, 1024x768, 111020047_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


keep the updates rolling sleggy

>> No.46880743

theres literally nothing for love?

>> No.46880792 [DELETED] 

Your game is broken, dude. She has lots of sex lines for love. Give me a moment to grind and I'll show you

>> No.46880806
File: 8 KB, 131x255, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes got a lot of dialogue in general except for a few areas
theres like 1 or 2 sex lines under specific actions but overall dry

>> No.46880808 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 947x87, Screenshot 2024-05-19 223837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day nine of fucking her and serving her tea with headpats until her heart gives in.

>> No.46880815 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 1083x104, Screenshot 2024-05-19 224114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be an idiot.

>> No.46880820

update your game dummy

>> No.46880824 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 1116x86, Screenshot 2024-05-19 224259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So dry~! Yeah no, there is something wrong with your game, dude. How out of date is it?

>> No.46880929

I'd like it if they backported Ran's love for anal fingering and futa/male sex from Reverse really.

>> No.46880935 [DELETED] 

Backporting dialogue would be fun. There's already precedent for it, given Marisa. Just... rewrite it so it's less schizo than hers?

>> No.46880939

Yeah you'd need to be careful, cuz the stuff about her punishing you for molesting Chen wouldn't make a lick of sense unless you actually raped Chen in TW too.

>> No.46880953

I think this kind of faggotry should stay in reverse.

>> No.46880958

You can already turn off male anal training, and Tsukasa already has a ton of lines about prostate stimulation.

>> No.46880962 [DELETED] 

Of course the shithu would have that.

>> No.46880963


>> No.46880989 [DELETED] 

The point being you are not the arbiter of what is and what isn't going in.

>> No.46881057

That's why I said "I think" it should stay there, dipshit.
It's also completely unfitting for her personality and would clash with the existing writing. She's a completely different character in reverse.
But hey, what do I know.

>> No.46881063 [DELETED] 

And with that word, you've revealed yourself for what you actually are. I should've taken the hint went you disparaged Tsukasa as a shithu.

>> No.46881066


>> No.46881081

I don't care for Tsukasa but you should not confuse me for the shitposter that hates her.
Nevermind the fact that you are a shitposter yourself, too.

>> No.46881088 [DELETED] 

Which part of "rewrite things to better fit" did you not understand? Let's agree to disagree. It's obviously futile to have a discussion about content suggestions if all you're going to do is read past what I've wrote and make excuses.

>> No.46881101

Did you... actually play with Ran in Reverse? She's a completely different character to TW's Ran.
Sure, if you rewrite ALL her lines entirely, then they might fit into the dialogue, but at that point it's just OC, not a port. Or it would work as an alt.

>> No.46881106

It's never not funny to me that the TSR game got infested with vanillafags afraid of even a bit of pubes.

>> No.46881113 [DELETED] 

Did you play that game? Her lovey dovey anal fingering lines are not that out of character from how she acts in TW. No worse than Reisen bleeding from her ass or Marisa going schizo because you went the lust route.

>> No.46881118 [DELETED] 

Like, come on man, learn to read. The bulk of her dialogue in Reverse is shit and would not work without heavy modification. But that doesn't mean there isn't a speck of anything worth salvaging.

>> No.46881126 [DELETED] 

I wish I had the power to ban you from this thread.

>> No.46881142

Like, just do it yourself then.

>> No.46881155 [DELETED] 

Backporting is a stupid idea and you should be ashamed for bringing it up. TW is a pure game, and it ought to not be sullied by faggotry and shiteaters like yourself. Begone from the thread.

>> No.46881163

Why does the faggy obsessive shitposter always show up whenever 114kun shows up

>> No.46881167

And why do they almost never talk directly to each other

>> No.46881168 [DELETED] 

Faggotry is a sin. Eiki would be ashamed.

>> No.46881189 [DELETED] 

Male nipple stimulation and cornholing your man buns is disgusting, rimjobs are equally disgusting. What do people even enjoy about it? Why would you force your waifu to eat your shit?

>> No.46881326

She demonstrates her total subservience by degrading herself for you, which people like. Seems pretty simple.

>> No.46881349 [DELETED] 

It's faggotry, and it should be rejected. TW is for vanillachads.

>> No.46881371

Counterpoint. No.

>> No.46881385 [DELETED] 

Go ahead and prove me wrong. If people actually wanted your shit suggestion, it would already be in the game lol. Think, my retarded brother. Think! Nobody wants it. Nobody is working on it. And no matter how much you screech like a baboon getting his ass sawed off, nobody is going to add it.

>> No.46881391

In what third world country are they using that euphemism

>> No.46881393 [DELETED] 

Just like all those "suggestions" in the op. Nobody here is working on shit. All the devs are flailing around, outsourcing work to incompetent thread newfags. Diluting the purity of TW.

>> No.46881404 [DELETED] 

Says the third person migrant trying to infest the game with brainworms.

>> No.46881535

I too would love to know where the fuck country it's from so I can avoid it.

>> No.46881606 [DELETED] 

>Each species is native to one of six areas of Africa and the hamadryas baboon is also native to part of the Arabian Peninsula

>> No.46881710
File: 540 KB, 4096x2881, 1683704982770409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46881734 [DELETED] 

So 114-kun is either an African or an Arab.

>> No.46881742

I thought he was a south american monkey. But africa makes sense too.

>> No.46881826 [DELETED] 

Would people be interested in an Era version of AA2?

>> No.46881843

AA2.................. good times. what are you suggesting anon

>> No.46881860 [DELETED] 

Spitballing ideas. Are there any English-made Era games? I kind of want to yet into game development, don't know how to work with code, but willing to learn. Got inspired by a game over in /hgg/, Another Chance. But then that got me thinking about AA2. It's probably not too feasible. But I don't think Slave Maker is feasible either. I'm not even sure what all would be needed. Slave maker is open source thugg so I could look at the last build and fiddle around with it. Aa2 seems like it would be incredibly more difficult to adapt, plus I don't know how to make characters feel autonomous. It just seems like all the community does is focus on the big three; are there othe rgames even receiving active development other than them?

>> No.46881862
File: 21 KB, 610x411, F20TJ3kX0AAPRwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46881872 [DELETED] 

Don't worry I don't plan to make a Shitreon or SubscribeShit. I'll make it on my own merits and will not waste people's time and money funding around.

>> No.46882074

>What do people even enjoy about it?
Nipple stimulation is not my cup of tea but I can see, rimjob is the one thing I will never understand.
It just started popping out like 3-4 years ago and now every other maledom doujin has that shit.

>> No.46882130 [DELETED] 

I blame Sleigh. He commissioned all the rimjob smut.

>> No.46882141

I beg you, for your own sanity, pick any format other than eramaker/emeura. It's barely fit for purpose and if you really want to get into game dev you won't learn many transferable skills for other engines.

>> No.46882181 [DELETED] 

If he were to make it on a different engine, he would no longer be able to post it here. Of course I doubt mister wannabe game dev has any actual plans to go through with making a game. I find it hard to believe that anyone has an ounce of creativity in their muscles

>> No.46882186 [DELETED] 

*anyone here

>> No.46882213


>> No.46882253 [DELETED] 

Why bother? AnonTW is a vaporware project. Contribute to the superior fork instead.

>> No.46882294 [DELETED] 


>> No.46882303


>> No.46882308

Happy to see you again.
Should be ERB/TRANSLATION/_TR LIB for names and ERB/コマンド関連/COMF/日常系/MUSHI_DATA.ERB for descriptions.

>> No.46882309 [DELETED] 

No problem. We can't let the troll win.

>> No.46882313

Thanks as well.

>> No.46882431
File: 160 KB, 640x480, 1709144148414319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got inspired by a game over in /hgg/, Another Chance

>> No.46882601 [DELETED] 

That thread literally released an update yesterday, so I don't know why your doing a spit take?

>> No.46882836

i know, i'm the dev

>> No.46882919

these should probably be in every map to be honest, there's gotta be somewhere appropriate to put them
right now I'm sitting here with finest fish that I can't deliver to wriggle because she won't come out of her room

>> No.46882944 [DELETED] 

Wasn't AnonTW working on a planned Marisa expansion? That feels like something she could take care of. Unless I read the suggestion wrong.

>> No.46882975

even disregarding that it'd probably fit nicely into this commission system idea they're knocking about. That could be one of the things you pay the construction 2hus to set up.

>> No.46882990

>English-made Era games
De-facto I'm pretty sure anyone getting inspired by era games is just going to code up their own text based game engine rather than trying to work with Era.

>> No.46883493

character keep trying to have sex with me only for the game to not let me go to their house
breaks my heart

>> No.46883943

I should say you can click the Visit room button and select her on it, even if it's grayed out, to deliver it to her.

>> No.46884110

I've been dreaming of an AA2 era game for a long time. I can picture how it'd be done but you'd need a good understanding of era to even try.
And what is more fitting for that purpose? Twine? Flash? Unity? Godot? ONscripter? I don't see anything better for a text based simulator porn game than era, honestly.
That'd be a shit ton more effort and require significantly more programming skill.

>> No.46884273
File: 2.10 MB, 1500x2250, __komeiji_satori_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_vexkaf__84a0e40cae8dfd73fb4dec1efff5af27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see anything better for a text based simulator porn game than era, honestly
you've gotta be trolling nigga
era is held together by duct tape, spit and prayers, the fact it has to be ran by an emulator to be somewhat functional should tell you what kind of an abomination this is
did you know this language only supports integers? If you have a fraction then tough shit, it will drop everything after the comma
this single fucking game made me hate JP school of coding more than the prior decades of my life and I've seen some shit already

>> No.46884297

What? You don't like Japanese and English mixed coding? On /jp/? For shame.

>> No.46884408

certified IF TALENT:68:恋人 || TALENT:68:恋慕 moment

>> No.46884541

Just wait until you find one of the obscure ones like eraKami that mixes hiragana and katakana. Literally kill me.

>> No.46884590

That pic isn't anything old, though. It's just because the Japanese enabled some additional commands during sex, so the text needs to be modified to flow correctly since English is a bitch language. I'll look at it, either way.
Is there even anything bad about this, other than it sneaking into (English) Sakuya's code somewhere?
Having all the primary variables in English just makes it easier, if anything.

>> No.46884712

>And what is more fitting for that purpose?
Literally anything you just mentioned. Assuming you aren't trolling and you are actually just ignorant of just how bad things really are.
The fact that era continues to be used at all is all down to a couple grognards, momentum from some genuinely good games, and good old fashioned autism.

>> No.46884734

I think there's things to like about Emuera. The hotswap-ability, the super simple language (when it's not mixed with random Japanese) and the simple construction needed to have something that runs. The fact that you don't have to compile anything either is cool. Unrelated but I wanted to bring up how funny it is that original era doesn't have mouse support. Having to type in COM letters and all is so funny.

>> No.46884743

Emura to era games is like BYOND to SS13
No one likes it but it would be too much work to change it so it's still used and patched into staying alive whenever it breaks

>> No.46884752

That's a really apt comparison.

>> No.46884756
File: 17 KB, 291x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get it mine is updated i even individually updated her but shes just mute during H
no dialogue when stripped either

>> No.46884767

Seconding that other anon, a very apt comparison. Especially since they both have a certain charm to how shitty they are.

>> No.46884796

Recently got into EraToho The World, I thought this was abandonware from 2010s or something kek, I'm surprised it still has an active community

>> No.46884818

I wish someone would make another VN era game like sumireteru

>> No.46884902

is nazrin still getting proofread?

>> No.46886965
File: 5 KB, 1003x64, 2024-05-20 19_59_29-eraThe World AnonTW (TW_ 4.920 - ATW_ 2024.03.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm sure you won't really mind that, you chug foods of trillion gorillion scoville units like fucking nothing

damn she has a lot of content

>> No.46886982 [DELETED] 

Her author is obsessed with anal. Projecting his fetish on to Wiki. I make it a point to remove all her lines about that repugnant illness.

>> No.46886992

As well he should be. The Yama is for anal.

>> No.46887029

someone should ban you then

>> No.46887123

>Her author is obsessed with anal.
I had her on the backburner for the past 5 NGs but I'm gonna go talk to her right now .

>> No.46887130 [DELETED] 

Anal is sin.

>> No.46887132

same here

>> No.46887148

sin is whatever the yama judges it to be, and she judges getting pounded in the butt to be great

>> No.46887157 [DELETED] 

Anal leads to a shit covered dick.

>> No.46887196

I want her to pound me in the butt instead. Just impregnate me rectally with her kids.

>> No.46887219 [DELETED] 

You will never get MC pregnancy, futafag.

>> No.46887244

Girls don't poop. If girls don't poop how can the dick get covered in shit?

>> No.46887251

futa lines would be great

>> No.46887259 [DELETED] 

You're a sick freak, trying to boil the frog into accepting more and more faggotry. Ran isn't tickling your ass, Eiki and Remilia aren't devouring your ass, Suwako will never wriggle her tongue into your intestines, you aren't getting prostate milked, quit adding shit to the game. You should be ashamed.

>> No.46887328

man I'm so glad absolutely no one listens or cares about what you say

>> No.46887344 [DELETED] 

so what's next on the list, vorefags and scatfags?
go fellate a loaded firearm niggers

>> No.46887362

I have to admit it is quite funny to see him randomly try to start shit by coming in discussions he wasn't even a part of to either be completely ignored or get dismissive and condescending replies that treat him like a kid or freak show.

>> No.46887369 [DELETED] 

I'm not the only one against your attempted psyops, Sleigh.

>> No.46887432
File: 51 KB, 850x1234, 1697050123294405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46887445 [DELETED] 

Could be a bug. Hold on, let me summon a middleman dev. SLEIGH! FIX IT!

>> No.46887475

Mine too.

>> No.46887493 [DELETED] 

Hey, can you look into Ran's dialogue for us whenever you're free? Other characters might have a similar issue. Could it be that the flag checks broke at some point? Though I guess resetting the character should fix that. But if multiple people have an issue with it even if I myself do not, it might be a bug.

>> No.46887513

she also has no first kiss dialogue for me

>> No.46887515

>hotswap-ability, the super simple language (when it's not mixed with random Japanese) and the simple construction needed to have something that runs
You get all of those with python

>> No.46887574 [DELETED] 

Anal = Faggotry
Yuri = Faggotry
Futa = Faggotry
All the above should be removed from the game.

>> No.46887582

Remove it yourself then.

>> No.46887593 [DELETED] 

No. You will remove it for me, chinaman.

>> No.46887603

Sex with women = faggotry
Think about it.

>> No.46887698

>same discussion from a year - no 2 or more years ago is still around

>> No.46887788

The only straight sex is with Rinnosuke

>> No.46887803

And fortune teller. Don't forget best girl.

>> No.46887938

I fucking love feet.

>> No.46888046
File: 87 KB, 900x637, c47e522cbb62ed41b33ac327cb82bb2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find anal to be hot
especially if you go alternating

>> No.46888104

During my first playthrough, I never approached Aunn romantically and was super nice to her whenever possible. We pretty much were great buddies and nothing more. Eventually I gave in to temptation and started molesting her with my time powers, leading to me having strictly anal sex with the poor unaware Aunn at least once every in-game day. At this point I was fucking ten other girls without using my powers but Aunn was special. I continued to cherish her like a normal friend by chatting, eating together and doing some other activities with her but every night I would stop time and fuck her ass as much as I could before going to sleep. I felt a little guilty every time but that only made each session with her cute soft butt way more arousing. My cute little Aunn didn't know what caused her butt to ache every night and I loved imagining her reactions.

>> No.46888166 [DELETED] 

Anal is sin. Nobody is even writing for it, lol, enjoy your shifty default blurb text and brain worms.

>> No.46888217

My story involved anal but that wasn't the primary thing that got me off.

>> No.46888231

I have never had non-timestop sex with Meiling.

>> No.46888237 [DELETED] 

Anal is all consuming.

>> No.46888282

It can't be...

>> No.46888288

Has anybody had any luck running the EratohoTW on Android?
I've tried Winlator (Wiki reccomended exagear but Winlator has better performance so I went with that instead) and it doesn't launch at all when I try to run it,
Emuera also crashes midway whilst loading it

>> No.46888287

not anal vore

>> No.46888296


>> No.46888299 [DELETED] 

Give faggotry and inch and it will devour all thr vanilla. If it's not removed asap, by this time next year, every character will have mandatory anal-only content. Do not suffer a fag to live. Only you can stop burnt ass.

>> No.46888313


>> No.46888333

The anal is with girls tho.

>> No.46888344

don't try and reason with him, anon. It doesn't matter what sexual activity you do with a girl, it's gay if it's not in his list of approved items.

>> No.46888353

I was talking to that guy? Whoa...

>> No.46888380 [DELETED] 

Anal is faggotry. No matter who's the giver or the receiver. In case you didn't notice, the fags are trying to force people to add anal fingering, anal banging, and rimming from characters to the player. If a woman pegs you in the ass, that's gay. If a woman eats your ass, that's gay. If a woman sticks her fingers or hand up your ass. That's gay. There is no way you can rationalize any of that as straight.

>> No.46888387

Are you stupid? It's 114kun.
He'll say anything in an attempt to rile the thread up, today it's anal = faggotry, next week he'll advocate for scatfaggotry or say that if you don't like anal you're not a man. Just stop responding, you're shitting the thread up alongside him.

>> No.46888390

You wouldn't happen to have some strong opinions on the japanese language, would you?

>> No.46888417 [DELETED] 

I would prefer it it Anon used Pedy's translation scheme.

>> No.46888424

Uh I made all the 2hus male and made my character the only female actually, I'm straight as FUCK

>> No.46888451 [DELETED] 

Playing as a female is faggotry.

>> No.46888613 [DELETED] 

You keep repeating that. You have no clue what my stances are. I hate anal. It's the worst fetish to exist. It should be removed. Ryona is more Chad than it ever will be.

>> No.46888727

Is egg really this bad nowadays?

>> No.46888741 [DELETED] 

It has not been this bad in weeks.

>> No.46888777

It only takes one crybaby throwing a tantrum to ruin a thread.

>> No.46888892

But who's the crybaby?

>> No.46888907
File: 1008 KB, 1500x1335, 55bb2aff15d94ccd6ac71401e6ae10ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only anal scene I want to see are the Kappas looking for my shirikodama when I lose a fight.
-100 max stamina if they steal it

>> No.46888918 [DELETED] 

Everyone complaining about my justified crusade against faggotry are cry babies.

>> No.46888956

Anal is lame, urethral penetration is where it is at. I want touhous to stick their and down my pee hole and give my balls a squeeze.

>> No.46888994

That kind of thing should technically end your game though.

>> No.46889002

Just buy a replacement prostate from eirin. I'm sure she could sell a drug that would make you grow a few spares. Or eat a horai liver first or something.

>> No.46889007

Don't let the kappa know you have an infinitely regenerating shirikodama, you'll get chained up in a cave somewhere.

>> No.46889078

I saw a doujin where Nitori could make a shota produce lots of shirikodama by cumming inside his ass a lot.

>> No.46889110


>> No.46889135

Buddy, the guy gave three very specific tags in his description, is it really that hard to find it on your own?

>> No.46889140

bring me sleigh plapper

>> No.46889161

I wish we could have a thread where we don't discuss gay porn.

>> No.46889173
File: 337 KB, 578x818, 1687182086716646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gay porn?

>> No.46889184

I think he means Wriggle. But I just can't help it, Wriggle has an ass that would make an atheist thank God.

>> No.46889185
File: 331 KB, 848x612, 1677799851597366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the gay brigade coming here to respond 20 times to 114kun.

>> No.46889190

Man, the typesetting sucks.

>> No.46889201
File: 2.15 MB, 1280x1863, 1702953975982068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piss drinking?

>> No.46889357

That's totally doable, and not even difficult, just time consuming. Will probably take about a year. You can use TW as a base for its superior pathing system between map waypoints, there's a separate map maker where you can whip up a good colored map in a few hours. Then you can rig special character events for interactions like in eraSDMProtoNTR, make the game announce them so you can see what's going on. Many attempts have been made, in fact eraJK is the closest thing to AA2 on era, but the thing that it's dead and no one's been working on it. Then you can also check any other eraTW-like, for example eraIm@sPOFA0.06I_OMAKE or eraIm@scgpro. Every part can be salvaged and repurposed, don't like the sex system? Fine, leave the interactions as is, but trigger tohoK's interface for sexing. And so on.
>No one likes it
Speak for yourself, dumbshit. I'm so tired of you niggers badmouthing emuera despite none of you fuckers ever doing anything with it. You're like pests only able to talk smack with nothing to show for it. You have no idea what you're talking about so shut the fuck up.
None of the emulators have been updated to support EE's functionality afaik. You gotta prod the bugmen to make a separate branch for it, and I'm sure they don't want to fuck with that.

>> No.46889527

The problem I encountered when theorizing an AA2 era game was that it'd be really hard to visualize the characters moving around. In AA2 you can see everyone running from place to place, but on a static map consisting only of unicode characters keeping track of people and having a sense of direction is difficult. This is an issue in TW imo. I can think of band-aid solutions to make things a bit better, but I couldn't come up with a full system that satisfied me.

>> No.46890401

it's not English made (does have English support tho), but "Inkling Heroes vs Tentacle" is basically eraSplatoon
very clearly has a lot of era influence

>> No.46890438

Parsee being Parsee screenshots?

>> No.46890518
File: 298 KB, 422x1590, ed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>previous thread:

>> No.46890605

Thank you anon! Just went out of my way to dig around archives for some stuff and noticed she has been mentioned at least once in the last 10 or so threads.

>> No.46890909

Try pushing her down while at Yearning

>> No.46891321

now replace meiling with tsukasa and you get vinny

>> No.46891462

Yeah but you'd be using python which is a language for cocksuckers and people who 'work' with vibrators in

>> No.46891468


>> No.46891491

I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.46891498

It's used by them, it's not made for them.
Just like breathing, it's something they do and yet I don't see you stopping.

>> No.46891903

My cute little daughter I had with Seija.. I will name you [ Santana ]

>> No.46892269

They need to make a small chance for it to go through.

>> No.46892731

How about Exagear/Winlator?
It just doesn't respond for me but maybe that's just because I have a shitty processor not even supported by most emulators, but since this game doesn't use 3D I thought that it wouldn't matter

>> No.46892739

JoJo reference

>> No.46892779

Is the chinese still working on GvT?

>> No.46893344

Reading Parsneed's diary is incredibly depressing and almost makes me feel guilty for pissing her off with dates en passant, she's pretty much literal definition of a femcel

>> No.46894712
File: 13 KB, 96x97, crawl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*crawls to page 10*

>> No.46895561


>> No.46895589


>> No.46895706
File: 22 KB, 600x550, 356458u46886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's Chickenanon, did something happen to the discord? i've been inactive on a discord for a very long time, i wanted to talk about the dialogue again but i'm not in the server anymore

>> No.46895751
File: 2 KB, 168x158, Screenshot 2024-05-21 145230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where the explore event and text is stored?

>> No.46895846


>> No.46895927

You probably got caught in a inactive user purge, just join again.

>> No.46895946

Bots got annihilated, join again and follow the instructions.

>> No.46895991

can I have an invite again?

>> No.46896076


>> No.46896091

I can't seem to make one.

>> No.46896410

It's in the wiki

>> No.46896623

damn, eiki is a crazy fucking repressed pervert.
still waters run deep.

>> No.46897065

There should be one on the wiki.

>> No.46897603

There was an inactive user purge 2 weeks ago, if you haven't logged on in a month you got booted.

>> No.46897911

So after CDS are we getting dialogue for Parsee implying they're former lovers? Or maybe that Parsee has an unspoken thing for the spider? They're pretty cute together.

>> No.46898030

CDS implied neither of these. At best it implied that they get along alright, make each other laugh sometimes, and that Parsee knows more about the underground than Yamame does.

>> No.46898045

The first two are pretty lover-ish traits.

>> No.46898050

Why are you people like this

>> No.46898061

Yuri is cute.

>> No.46898064

Because it gets (You)s

>> No.46898067

You really can't imagine any reason anyone might want one cute girl + another cute girl? Lol

>> No.46898069

If you want to be cucked just play K

>> No.46898075
File: 607 KB, 658x838, be1cf30d9f5585cb636fd5e827bc63d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some yuri but sir your goggles are on a bit too tight. Especially trying to push it as a public feature.

>> No.46898216

I like a bit of yuri but the feeling I got from the CDS chapter was more along the lines of 'we don't hate each other' and they're mostly stuck together because they're both looking for an exit rather than because they actually spend a lot of time together.
I do hope Parsee gets updated to reflect the counselling stuff she talks about and how she knows the grudges of most of the vengeful spirits, and that either she references Yamame digging tunnels to the surface or whoever's writing Yamame adds that into her dialogue.

>> No.46898550

>do a prank with Eternity Larva on Parsneed
>get downgraded from Fairy BFF to Fairy Super Duper Best Friends for "betraying them"

>> No.46898563
File: 136 KB, 500x600, 霖之助_特殊.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13023 images, 2,26GB of data - I am NEVER doing this shit again
If there's any corrupted images tell me which and I'll fix them, my connection dropped quite a few times
It's not EVERYTHING but it should be if not 100% then 99% of relevant files

>> No.46898631

>even on rinnosuke's crotch F O E!
Thanks anon

>> No.46898651
File: 759 KB, 1371x1058, __matara_okina_and_eternity_larva_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_nekobatake__6dd653e3c6b73dd278ab9a08e909cf9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work, Fredo.

>> No.46898989

>discord link on MY board

>> No.46898999 [DELETED] 

Not your board, wannabe king.

>> No.46899123

Good servant, you know that the only king here is the [ Fairy King ]

>> No.46899512

I'm going to keep them as just friends. I can add some threesome lines, though.

I might add it as a second job. I really enjoy writing those bridge encounters, so maybe I could add a scene where Mima shows up for a session.

>> No.46900173
File: 206 KB, 2048x1422, 1716385468256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Threesome lines for Parsee seems like a perfect match. At least if she has some for her friends like Yuugi as well.
did Parsee have lines for being forcibly taken without any kind of real relationship with the player?

>> No.46900638

What are the requirements for a charaxter to move in and does it happen after going to sleep?

>> No.46900767

Happens at the first day of every month, happens before waking up I think, needs more than 200 love XP

>> No.46901169

Still keeping the yuri NTR-lite content for your private build, eh?

>> No.46902774

Thanks friend. I assume if I just put "Kaoru's" into the resources folder it'll successfully read the subfolders.

>> No.46902924
File: 607 KB, 1400x1400, 天弓千亦_特殊2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should? Bear in mind that the names are untouched, so it's not a plug and play solution if you just want to shove them into an era game

>> No.46903645


>> No.46903851


>> No.46903922

Kissin 2hus

>> No.46903923


>> No.46903957

Whoever makes the next threads please move the Google document link above the text, to match how the other links are formatted.

>> No.46903973

Whoever makes the next threads please move all links below the text to match proper formatting standards.

>> No.46903976

That works too, I just want them to be uniform.

>> No.46904020
File: 142 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240522_184650_uEmuera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused as to how to get these games working on my phone. I have u-EmuEra installed and eraMegaTen downloaded but even following the wiki guide I have no idea how go get EmuEra to recognize the game.

>> No.46904035

Yuri literally can't be NTR especially if you claimed both of them.

>> No.46904040

It's not yuri if they are sucking your cock, that's just a harem.

>> No.46904042

Group sex is NTR.

>> No.46904046
File: 98 KB, 1200x1200, 1685894356111957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46904060
File: 64 KB, 1200x789, __hakurei_reimu_and_carl_johnson_touhou_and_3_more_drawn_by_speckticuls__6e982411d8c756e7924e167a8645c433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct version

>> No.46904081

Look into your heart fuckmonger scum! Harems are a gateway to sin! A bastardization of monogamous bliss! Wait until marriages gets added, marry a single wife, and have children. Do not disappoint your Father.

>> No.46904087

Harems are white, as long as the only asshole you fuck is your legal wife the anal enma.

>> No.46904091

Sir, do not. Sir, behave yourself. Blasphemy is not tolerated in my thread.

>> No.46904120

Does anything get worked on anymore aside from Megaten and TW?
Any updates to X4 or K recently?

>> No.46904127

I'm working on a solution to dethroning TW, Sir. Wait warmly.

>> No.46904180

Would people be interested in EraPokémon?

>> No.46904182

Only if Misty gets bugged

>> No.46904210

Yes please

>> No.46904228

I swear this was discussed already before

>> No.46904234 [DELETED] 

I'll work on it if you remove anal from TW. Get to it. I don't work for free.

>> No.46904254

No takers? I guess nobody wants TW to be dethroned after all.

>> No.46904330

Why does the thread allow itself to be corrupted by faggotry? Pussy is better than ass. You can't make babies with anal. All your waifus would be disappointed in you, anons.

>> No.46904456

Even ignoring the group sex aspect it really can't be considered cheating if two of your lovers start a sexually and romantically intimate relationship with each other anyway. If it happens with a girl outside yeah that's NTR but not inside.

>> No.46904472

It can if you don't consent to it.

>> No.46904651

It is, and that's final. No sophistry will convince me girls FUCKING, even with your 'consent' (a fake concept btw).

>> No.46904943

Arguing about the existence of features nobody is planning on adding again, I see.

>> No.46905007

Parsee fucks her own clone. That's NTR.

>> No.46905015

How does that even trigger? I've never seen it.

>> No.46905068

You need to enable it through the update function, it's supposed to be a random night time masturbation event when she doesn't like you. I've never seen it either though, perhaps it's bugged somehow (or maybe I don't have it on, can't remember).
If anything, my issue with it is that I don't like seeing extended scenes for characters I'm not interacting with at all at night, though you do have to turn this one on manually.

>> No.46905580

It might be fun, yeah. Just don't make a cancer UI.

>> No.46905584

I personally saw it super often a few months ago. Basically once every 3-4 days.
She just goes something like
>man this is fucking lame
>everyone gets to have sex and I'm just stuck there fapping with my own clone
>i'm so lame it only works when I'm drunk or the clone would tell me fuck off

>> No.46905915
File: 46 KB, 207x204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm so lame it only works when I'm drunk or the clone would tell me fuck off
Holy fuck that's brutal

>> No.46906080

>eiki goes for unprotected raw sex as soon as second pushdown after acquiring love and allows it at dangerous days afterwards
not like 0.05% chance on dangerous days makes a difference, but holy shit what a pervert

>> No.46906093

Was Parsee designed to appeal to the literally me crowd

>> No.46906120
File: 4 KB, 324x68, lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the difference anyway?

>> No.46906258


We named the same executable different names, as a joke.

>> No.46906259


>> No.46906969

Try asking on /vp/

>> No.46907548
File: 350 KB, 2400x3200, 1706220915923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46907567

>yuuka doesn't have gift receiving lines
my disappointment is immeasurably and my day is ruined

>> No.46907910

Pikachu would make a great girlfriend

>> No.46908012
File: 2.21 MB, 854x480, 1693613443933447.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60 posts deleted
No need to thank me for Gentlemen'ing that trash shitposter.
Next time you do that instead of replying and bitching about him shitting up the thread.

>> No.46908041

wait, so it actually WAS over the bump limit?
I opened my phone this morning and /egg/ was still open from last night and it said 334 posts but then I fell asleep again for a bit and when I woke up the next time it was at like 280 or something. I genuinely thought I'd dreamt it

>> No.46908043

It was at 350 posts when I got to work on these 2 retards, about 3 or 4 hours ago, I just came back now to see at 290 replies.

>> No.46908337
File: 147 KB, 728x576, __nagae_iku_and_mugetsu_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kenuu_kenny__cfc60147d82b5366d5a6eba32fedc975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based
for some reason my reports rarely have effect

huh, what the hell? It's not just her not having them, the whole template is missing from her files so it must be deliberate

>> No.46908817

Her dialogue is from 2018 before the gift shop was even a thing, and it hasn't received a single update since then.

>> No.46909089


>> No.46909223
File: 424 KB, 640x480, 1691500564545981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's pokespe

>> No.46909240

Only if I can melt girls in muks.

>> No.46909290

they should add the file in so I can say that I'll add dialogue for it and then procrastinate it forever

>> No.46909324

Not really, you can have pokegirls in almost any other era game so this game would either be full of direct furfaggotry or full of bestiality.

>> No.46910350

Suggestion for improvement: If you get permission to insert raw with the promise you'll pull out, but then give the girl a pill, she shouldn't get pissed if you cum inside her.

>> No.46910949

Oh hey, cool new UI for cheevos tabs in TW.

>> No.46911131

I hope they overhaul the cooking tabs next, stuff like search and reading the tastes feels incredibly clunky.

>> No.46911136

You can search dishes by name now, at least.
Every time I quit the game for a month and come back I always get stumped by that shit to then remember I have to write dishes in all lowercase because capitalizing the first letter immediately bricks the whole thing.

>> No.46911190

yeah, it's slightly better now, but there's a lot of systems that are probably a couple minor tweaks away from being much more readable. We just saw stuff like panty sense fixed, so I have hope that it'll get chipped away at in time, as long as people do actively bring it up.

>> No.46911672
File: 4 KB, 704x72, Emuera1824v18EMv18EEv45_NAudio-Jukes_s7dVqe7dtR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small error, vinum.

>> No.46912210
File: 261 KB, 1778x1000, F6EF96AE-9E99-4F1D-9362-91E28E7FBA4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no jacked off in two days because I am putting all of my horny energy into making Roxy Migurdia in Eraten.

>> No.46912263

God speed anon. Don't burn yourself out like I did when I tried to make a character. I'll finish one of these days. Probably.

>> No.46912309

Luckily I’m cheating a bit by having her join with enough loyalty for affection, so I only have to do half of the training dialogue.

>> No.46913591

The pill exception was a thing, I guess the angery part didn't have the exception like the pull out check.

>> No.46915303

Whoever wrote Eiki to be a secret anal slut deserve a raise

>> No.46915437

Where's my new thread?

>> No.46916190


>> No.46916214
File: 252 KB, 850x1200, __lily_white_touhou_drawn_by_cattleya_a_yel_ttac__sample-88b7c6826111f8e1077b7c26454b5028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead games
dead franchise
dead general

>> No.46916227

I'll make the new thread in a sec, just reformatting it slightly first.

>> No.46916238

add the sprites folder upload >>46898563 just in case somebody missed it here

>> No.46916265

Alright it's up
Wasn't sure on how to word it but added it

>> No.46916272

Ah crap I forgot one part, whatever.

>> No.46916288

Just reply to your own OP
