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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46895422 No.46895422 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently there is no Japanese sites safe from the payment processor mafia. Before Fantia it was DLsite, Getchu, Pixiv.
Why suddenly are western companies accelerating on censorship? What Japan and the rest of the world can do about this?

>> No.46895456

>Why suddenly are western companies accelerating on censorship?

>> No.46895579

I got the email about this just the other day, I've bought quite a few things on fantia so this is starting to be a pain in the neck. It's almost disturbing seeing financial pressure like this given how much a potential loss in revenue it could cause for a business unless they bend over for whatever these companies are asking for. It's a domino effect and will probably only get worse.

Although it's ultimately more a Western problem than anything, since native Japs still have ways around it. I'm sure the withdrawal of two of the biggest foreign credit cards from your service is still a notable financial hit either way.

>> No.46895643
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i read somewhere that you can go to play asia and buy one of those bitcash prepaid card but come on this is retarded

>> No.46895675

I've been paying for the bitcash yudaya all year.
Until the heebs start cracking down on middlemen services, I'll just hope for the best.

>> No.46895718
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Pic related. This is affecting Japanese people too.

>> No.46895998

Why do they think paypal is an alternative? PP started doing this shit years and years before anyone.
They should be demanding a Japan-made payment processor that everyone worldwide can put money into.

>> No.46896164


It seems to also be affecting DMM. Most of the site is being blocked to non-Japanese IPs now. A while ago it was Melonbooks too.

They really need to get the Japanese government involved at this point. Shit is outta control.

>> No.46896254

Before this thread goes to shit with crossies like they usually do...
That but more importantly they know they can just do whatever. Tasted that power once and realized they could keep pushing it. That being said it doesn't really affect Japan which is 90% of the purchase base I'd reckon, but it's still fucking retarded.

>> No.46896374

The sites could circumvent this issue by accepting or even issuing their own cryptocurrencies.

>> No.46896386

Pornhub getting exposed really fucked up a lot of things. Even if the credit cards win the lawsuit, they didn't like the bad publicity where their names were associated with CP sales.
The last thing they want is some NY Times article talking about Japanese porn sites selling pictures of grade schoolers getting raped using their cards as a payment processer.

>> No.46896500

>Pornhub getting exposed really fucked up a lot of things.
PH is doing just fine. They sling shitloads of data around and advertise for Nutaku and the other shit they own all over their own sites.
The big western porn guys are using the credit card companies to attack Japan and force them to cut their losses and abandon the western market. That this is fucking over a LOT of the Japanese otaku fanbase too doesn't matter to them.

>> No.46896519

You forgot Gumroad removing all adult content and VISA canceling processing for NicoNicoDouga of all websites, which has never had adult content. Those happed within the last month as well.
These payment processors and banks are scared of the Japanese and are organizing against their online media companies, which is completely illegal, and they're doing it because they don't control them. They're watching their media hegemony crumble and their Hollywood companies start to crack because of woke bullshit, and so now they're desperately trying to prevent people from spending their money on Japanese media instead.
I seriously hope each person working in the board room of these companies recieves two bullets to the base of their skull as well as their families. I will be cheering it on when people realize these scumbag goblins are trying to side-step the government and control what you're allowed to do or say with your own money.

>> No.46896538

Anon's talking about the whole "pornhub was found out to have hosted at least one piece of pizza, so the entire site will eternally be treated as a hub for that" despite the fact it's neutered itself so hard only Verified accounts can upload, and every non-verified video (aka 90%) died.

>> No.46896542

So it's free trade until America gets outcompeted culturally, industrially or military. They've been doing the same with China as well, it's revolting

>> No.46896549

Japanese companies now generate more revenue with anime from overseas than they do abroad.
Mastercard and VISA are trying to cut them off from American and other countries' customers either because they want to prop up their own investments in competing American media or because they want a larger slice of the pie while also controlling the content that Japanese are allowed to make. It's all about money and control.

>> No.46896562

Haven't logged into my Fantia yet but did they at least cancel your sub to the artists you're subbed to?

>> No.46896575

It has never been about porn. Its a matter of control.
Think about it anons. How many large porn websites exist in the US alone? Now, how many of them are operated by jewish individuals? Why are they with real people and real problems such as trafficking, CP, rape, etc. allowed to exist?

>> No.46896583

With fantia, when you unsub, all historic unlocked posts are locked again. Time to spin up fantia-dl and archive everything before you lose access to it.

>> No.46896587

It's a jewish humiliation ritual, first they rekt everyone with the AI then they rugpull the payment processors for the few remaining people that still get commissions.

>> No.46896597

>Think about it anons. How many large porn websites exist in the US alone? Now, how many of them are operated by jewish individuals?

Funny how P*ypal, VISA etc have no problem processing payments for Black*d despite paypal being strictly anti-porn in their ToS.

>> No.46896613
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Well damn. Shit's getting pretty grim. Really feels like some dystopian shit where foreign credit cards just strongarm businesses into doing what they want, because nothing is a stronger fuck you than denying your customers a way to pay. I feel like this is setting a horrible future precedent and it's really spooky seeing it encroach on things I actually use now.

I don't like monthly payments so all I ever did was back-order stuff as a way to support more niche artists I liked, so I couldn't say anything about ongoing subscriptions, but I imagine they just auto-cancelled them since they're no longer valid payment types.

>> No.46896614

The problem isn't some bullshit about the woke that the crossies will soon shit up this thread with, but that japan's government is careless about its national independence. Can you imagine some american company shutting down payment processing in china? Like >>46896542 is saying. Japan needs similar control of critical infrastructure. Even like 10 years ago they operated independently compared to today but they are falling behind in modern innovations and just adopting american products instead, leading to these situations.

>> No.46896617

China severely limits the amount of money that foreign companies are allowed to take out of the country. In order to operate a foreign business in China, you have to go through a chinese-owned middleman who is given 50% ownership of the operation there.
The majority of the foreign company's take is then prevented from leaving the country by chinese commerce laws and so they are forced to reinvest their own profit into the chinese controlled side. Eventually, the chinese side demands access to the foreign company's trade secrets and technology, after which, they expel the foreign company while justifying it through some kind of manufactured scandal while invoking nationalistic sentiments by accusing the foreign side of "hurting the feelings of the Chinese people".
The chinese middleman then continues selling the service or product under their name, now fully owned by them.
This exact process has happened countless times. It's literally China's business strategy.
Chinese are snakes and anyone doing business in china is a fucking idiot.

>> No.46896647

Das rite, invest in India and Japan instead sirs

>> No.46896654

Independent video services like niconico? Let's just use youtube instead.
Independent SNS services? Let's just use american spyware instead.
Independent streaming platforms? Let's just use netflix japan and amazon prime instead
Little things adds up, and then:
Independent payment processors? Let's just use... oh wait.

>> No.46896657

>The problem isn't some bullshit about the woke

Fuck up bitch, it's 100% the fault of the woke mafia that preach about "muh safe content". This is not a problem exclusive to Japan, it has been going on for years but it kicked into overdrive lately because of twitter "activists" aka hall monitors directly tweeting at VISA and Mastercard about people generating realistic AI loli content and then getting paid for it using their services. That's why all these Japanese companies like PIXIV, Fantia, DL-site, PixAI etc all got rekt at the same time.

>> No.46896666
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So are you just fucked now if all you have is a visa or mastercard? Japs can fall back on JCB but this makes it practically impossible for people in most other parts of the world or at least the West to buy anything now without going through a proxy service. There were a couple artists I really liked that were through fantia.

Fucking goddamnit I hate rich companies swinging their dicks around boycotting things they don't understand just to posture. This blows.

>> No.46896669

I miss when this little goblin was there to recieve you when you opened up 4chan.

>> No.46896678

Funny, I was curious if anyone would remember the kong.

>> No.46896695
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This site has progressively become more and more stale, I hope the collapse everyones talking about brings a reset to the internet and things can be the way they were.

>> No.46896710
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>payment processing
>somehow out of everything and every industry it was the arts (aesthetic freedoms) that got attacked first

>> No.46896734
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just stop using credit card bro
if cryptobros can win against the gov, you can too

>> No.46896756

Mastercard and VISA are colluding and targeting Japanese online media companies, which by the way, is a tort interference and extremely illegal under US law.
DLsite, Getchu, Gumroad, Pixiv, Fantia, NicoNicoDouga, DMM, Melonbooks, and others have all had their payment processing stopped within two months of each other. That isn't a coincidence. These companies need to bring a class action against Mastercard and VISA for tortious interference and possibly conspiracy to commit anti-competitive practices by showing these payment processors have financial stake in these Japanese companies' competitors.
There is literally no reason that ALL of Japan's most successful online content platforms were all targeted and hit at once by both companies other than collusion. There isn't anything on these platforms that is illegal under US law and all of it can be found on American websites which still accept payments from these processors without issue. This is especially true for Japanese sites like NicoNicoDouga which do not host any adult content whatsoever.

>> No.46896758

Are artrannies still malding about their planned obsolescence once AI finishes democratising art?

>> No.46896770

I don't know anything about India, but yes Mr. Buffet, with the yen being so low, it's literally one of the better times to invest in Japan unless you think the yen will continue dropping. That's how international investment works, genius.

>> No.46896833 [DELETED] 
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Left (arttrannies) and right (/pol/) reactionaries both colluding against emerging AI because it threatens the security of their respective desired social structures?! I wonder if someone predicted this

>> No.46896846

I mean it begs the question of what they even hope to accomplish. You can buy EXTREMELY degenerate shit way worse than what's on those sites on Western websites already. It makes no sense why two companies that should be competing against each other would both alienate a market at the exact same time in tandem. Who stands to gain from this? what is the big win supposed to be? It makes no sense but I agree that it seems extremely illegal.

This is just a blatant abuse of power, it's scary to think the world's two biggest credit card companies can decide to work together to effectively kill any business they don't like by killing support for the way 80% of people pay them. I really hope this issue gains traction in Japan because it is unironically a super scary future we're headed towards.

>> No.46896922
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It is over.

>> No.46896943

put the art in the hands of the AI. but in whose hands is the AI? Altman.
>but muh local models
you think local models will exist forever? stay optimistic and tell yourself it will be fine. don't take action. hate on artfags instead of the ones in charge. that's always worked, hasn't it, my adorable little gentile?

>> No.46896953

just what I wanted, anime to be "democratised" by western corpos using AI

>> No.46896955
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So can we except JCB to just explode in popularity now?
i just hope there's a way for them to be obtainable outside japan

>> No.46896976

But why?

>> No.46896977

>i just hope there's a way for them to be obtainable outside japan
It's only available in Asia and two middle eastern countries. So it's not an option unless you're willing to apply for residency in one of the countries so you can open up a bank account

>> No.46896986

Yeah, at least in Japan.
In the West, we are probably going go back to what It was like in the 90s, early 2000s. Otaku shit is going to go back underground, with most normies giving up on it without these cards.

>> No.46897005

There's still few ways to pay like toracoin and dlpoints. but ultimately less people will be willing to jump through those hoops and will just wait for someone else to buy and share whatever product. Toracoin for example has markup fees when purchasing through tokyootakumode

>> No.46897011

Pretty interesting going through Twitter right now reading about what they think. Seems like this is making a bit more of a stir than the previous episodes, I guess the reality is starting to hit them now that this weird credit card crusade is beginning to hit even more websites. A lot of them are complaining that this is nothing more than America exerting it's influence as a hegemony to try and destroy Japanese identity/culture, while others think this is just going to drive Japan into being a more isolated economy if it it keeps up. They seem pretty pissed about it.

One of the more interesting posts was talking about how they thought the courts wouldn't go against it due to the fact of how powerful credit card companies are. But apparently you can still make purchases with Paypal using toracoin if you really need to.

>> No.46897018

I'll get one if they open availability in the west

>> No.46897023

Why don't they target America's REAL porn industry like Aylo (Brazzers, mofos, reality kings, etc), Vixen media (vixen, bl*cked, thusy, ...), Kink[d*t]com, onlyfans, and others?

>> No.46897024
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>we are probably going go back to what It was like in the 90s, early 2000s. Otaku shit is going to go back underground, with most normies giving up on it without these cards.
Don't make me excited anon

>> No.46897043
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Drawings can't be worse than this shit. Just target Aylo if you are so prude.

>> No.46897054

Pretty much.
Only those dedicated to the hobby is going to stick around.
The fact that this doesn't effect SEA means the biggest pirates are going to still be around to release shit on the internet.

>> No.46897060

I always have a sensible chuckle whenever a techbro uses this word, thanks, retard.

>> No.46897068

Loli anon, you should know the answer to this.

>> No.46897088

>Porn: japan
>Porn: america

>> No.46897098
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This is fine and not harmful at all, let the cash flow : )

>> No.46897115

Disgusting. Do these guys are seriously allowed to use visa and MasterCard? Because that is just hilariously hypocritical.

>> No.46897136

>I hope the collapse everyones talking about brings a reset to the internet and things can be the way they were.

lmao keep dreaming. In 5 years you will miss the good ol' early 2020s internet before randomly generated AI content and obligatory IDs linked to your real name to prevent "harmful and unsafe use of AI" took over.

>> No.46897161 [DELETED] 
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>featured on B*C
fucking kek

>> No.46897165

The reality is a bit darker when it's common knowledge most pornstars, male and female, are jacked the fuck up on drugs to get them through shoots inadvertently creating a system where the only way to get your fix is to keep doing porn. Almost all routine pornstars are addicts and it's common to hear people who retire from the business complain about how they're essentially exploited.

But no, think of the feelings of the drawings and MMD models. The reality is bullying overseas Japanese websites is easy brownie points to show investors and business partners they're upstanding, righteous companies with little actual impact to their financial bottom line. Actual porn is a much more lucrative business and they'd probably face huge domestic backlash if they tried to crack down on anything that's actually meaningful.

>> No.46897186

what's important is they didn't bend the knee, even if everyone is inconvenienced

>> No.46897192

Fuck off.

>> No.46897209

Why did dlsite hide AI content from westerners?

>> No.46897217
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Support, save, and upload.
I am doing my part, do yours.

>> No.46897225

fantia is a shit website to begin with

>> No.46897236

Extremely easy to do life-like pdo stuff. If they wanted a change not to be banned, that was the first thing they had to cut.

>> No.46897246

>Download SD instead of using the cucked bing generator
literally not my problem :^)

>> No.46897299

Yeah, no joke. I was spending a hundred a month on fanbox but I'll happily lose access.
It's rough when you want your own nation to fuck off from leaning on another, but don't have the internal sway to do anything about it.

>> No.46897398
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It is, no one will deny, but it was one of the only ways to support some jp content creators.

>> No.46897449


I wish it came to Finland but it never will because we're such an insignificantly small market

>> No.46897535

Not a real country.

>> No.46897596


>> No.46897605

>I was spending a hundred a month on fanbox but I'll happily lose access.

Me too, but I stopped paypigging once I discovered the joys of prooompting infinite AI art instantly instead of waiting for the lazy piece of shit artists to drop a single pic per month.

>> No.46897640

I don’t think it is what’s going on. What they are trying to do is to force something on these to comply like DMM, to find an overseas distributor to sell the stuff. This distributor will eventually takes over.

>> No.46897887

onlyfans or patreon maybe

>> No.46897948


>> No.46897950

This is all a ploy to strengthen the yen.

>> No.46898097

gamers rise up

>> No.46898125

oy to the fucking vey

>> No.46898267

Jews own IRL western porn and media
Jews own the credit card companies
It's pretty fucking simple what's going on

>> No.46898333

and people wonder why otaku have been gate-keeping anime and Japan from normies.

This is why. Whenever normies in America get hold of something they ruin it.

>> No.46898351

You're part of the problem, normalfag.

>> No.46898445

fucking ads, it all comes down to ads. Visa doesnt want to lose ads or goyslop puritan parents monies

>> No.46898499

What we do with our fucking money should be only our business. If I want to buy Rapelay or Pochaco figures to hot glue VISA shouldn't interviene, I earned that money.

>> No.46900592
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>Bad news
More like very very good news. Japan will stop trying to cater and kneeling to westerners and even a bigger percentage will stay japanese as it should.
Japan is healing.

>> No.46900622

Asia has been a slave market for the Jews with cheap labor for decades.
Japanese anime industry gave Asian slaves a chance to escape their fate. There was like 1% of the slaves switch to being pinup artist on Pixiv, Fanta, Patreon,... it pissed off the Jews because they can't stand the number of slaves being decreased. So they withdrawn payment method and lobbied Japanese government to force AI on anime industry. All to make that 1% slaves come back to their factories.

>> No.46902458

>Loli anon
So the poster is naive on account of young age?

>> No.46902639

Americans ruin everything

>> No.46902664


>> No.46902705

Do they have a points system I can use like DMM?

>> No.46903003

>Why suddenly are western companies accelerating on censorship?
Right-Wing Politicians lobbying in the States who want to ban all porn period (This is not an exaggeration look it up) that US-based credit card companies have to adhere to.

>> No.46903055

I really wish they would stop fucking with my porn. It's the only thing I have left.

>> No.46903085

I pay for my hentai by mailling gold bullion

>> No.46903323

who are you quoting

>> No.46904900

VISA doesn't make money through ads. They make money by lending people credit and charging exorbitant APR.

>> No.46904909

I don't suppose Amex or Discover are of any help here?

>> No.46904930

Plaza accord 2.0: anime edition.

>> No.46905019

With JCB and numerous other local payment platforms, it really isn't that much of a hurdle for people within Japan, no more than Costco's partnership in the states requires Visa over Mastercard. JCB market share in the country is on par with Visa and above Mastercard. Even without a JCB card, other local platforms can be used fairly easily, like PayPay or LinePay.

These blocks mostly fucks over people outside of Japan. Nevertheless Japan should probably investigate or pass legislation to prevent these kind of blocks, especially when they are being done in tandem with each other, though the end result of that would probably be Visa/MC Geolocking most platforms based within Japan to Japanese issued cards only.

>> No.46905028

Amex usually comes along a few days after Visa/Mastercard are dropped from a website and say "drop us as well".

>> No.46905098

You will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.46905285

Reminder that the payment processor wars are because Visa/Mastercard are trying to get in on Suica money, because the Japanese would pay billions a year in fees if they forced themselves there.

>> No.46909590

Why the hell is explicit "content" even a valid reason to block people from being able to buy things they want with their own money? That shouldn't be legal, especially since Visa/Mastercard are essentially a duopoly, they should be a subject to much more scrutiny.
Unless you are buying something that would be illegal to buy in cash there should be no grounds whatsoever for them to pull stunts like this and it should be heavily penalized if they still try.

>> No.46909879

In the US at least, there has been a trend to expand liability to payment processors with stuff like Know Your Customer laws, which give plenty of cover for rejecting transactions based on perceived risk. Additionally separate from that, you have cases where payment processors are being sued for the actions of others, such as an active lawsuit against Visa by Pornhub because of the actions of Pornhub.

Beyond all that, it doesn't help that US obscenity laws are vague so there isn't really a clear line as to what explicit content would be legal if challenged in court, and that there appears to be an increase appetite in the US to both attempt to apply obscenity laws more broadly and in the near future to test the courts to see if they will permit more extensive content restrictions under the excuse of obscenity.

>> No.46910678

Japanese R-18 media are known to run into non-consensual territory, and for payment companies, that is a no-no. The feds (at least under Bush) also thinks the same - see United States v. Extreme Associates.

>> No.46910773

*looking at mountains of US-based media with the exact same premise, sometimes even worse*

Yeah, Anon, I don't know about all that....

>> No.46910970
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mfw AMEX does not give a single fuck
FWIW, this affects Western companies too - or as much as you could call an eastern yurop company a western company. nearly any time a VR porn movie - Japanese, American, eastern yuropean, doesn't matter - has disappeared from one of the biggest premium sites for that stuff, it has been because there's fucking alcohol in it and that somehow creates an issue for "payment compliance". that came straight from the horse's mouth too.
payment processors see no problem with sissy incest interracial stepfucker diaper roleplay...BUT HEAVEN FORBID TWO CONSENTING ADULTS HAVE AN OPEN CAN OF PISSWASSER SOMEWHERE WHILE THEY FUCK ON CAMERA
part of it might be whatever global conspiracy y'all saying exists against Japan, but VISA and MasterCard genuinely have their heads up their asses
if you don't believe me, go to SexLikeReal's forum and search "compliance"

>> No.46910980

maybe pewdiepie should make his own payment processor company in japan, he has money and we're desperate

>> No.46911182

>there has been a trend to expand liability to payment processors with stuff like Know Your Customer laws
Who are the niggers pushing for this and what are the minecraft coordinates of the beds they sleep in at night?

>> No.46911481

I thought demanding access to tech and secrets was part of the initial deal? Like Apple building plants in China (for export only) while a Chinese owned not!Apple plant sets up right across the street producing for domestic Chinese.

>> No.46912716

Jews want KYC, because they want control over how money moves. If the movement of money becomes invisible to them, they're in danger.

>> No.46914491
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I saw this coming back in 2014. Otaku/doujinshi culture and independent creators were not destined to survive globalization. Someone getting by financially via their own art in a niche space is completely anathema to how WEF goons want the world to look like by 2030. The western world at large does not recognize the value of freedom of expression on an ethical level, it's all been replaced by safetyism ideology and concern over "hate speech" so there's no one left to petition. The next 50 years are going to be extremely fucking bleak and I'm glad I won't be around to see most of them.

>> No.46914618


>> No.46914705

for me, it's "get on fanbox or get the fuck out of my face"
I'll accept fantia if they forego using the limited content model

>> No.46914963
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Finance is of course known for being completely divorced from politics.

>> No.46915451

Are Visa and MasterCard the same company or why do they always go hand in hand banning products that go against American morals?

>> No.46919346


>> No.46920104

>What Japan and the rest of the world can do about this?
japan has their own fucking JCB credit card which is still accepted, they just need to become competitive overseas and problem solved. the problem is a few years ago JCB pulled out of the american market so i don't know how they would come back

>> No.46920250
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>Why suddenly are western companies accelerating on censorship?
we just don't know

>> No.46920267
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>just to posture
haha no, it's not posturing, it's desperation

>> No.46925605

>they didn't like the bad publicity where their names were associated with CP sales
Imagine believing this for even 1 second. Wtf is the average person going to do? Not use any major bank?

>> No.46925801

I doubt we're talking about average persons, and bad press is bad press.

>> No.46925811

for someone whoMST for more than 20 years mostly orders his from buyee, rakuten, mandarake and mercari, and back then sadly never thought about buying now hard to find JAV dvd/cds cause trackers died, what FANTIA had to offer?

>> No.46927438

Cosplay amateur porn that is better than JAVs

>> No.46927520

Anyone else notice when something like this happens that pretty much nobody is happy yet the right and left just both blame each other for it? I've heard people blame the conservative anti-porn "christo-fascists" and I've heard people blame lefties and woke ESG policies.

Really makes you think.

>> No.46927568

Pornhub, Patreon, Gumroad, Pixiv, DLsite, Fantia, and many more. This is an all out war against porn (I guess?) and I really don't understand what's happneing behind the curtains to justify all of this. Also, it's fucking outrageous that a couple of companies hold so much power that essentially can dictate what can and can't be on the internet, worldwide.

>> No.46927573

>a war against porn
Not really, its a war against porn they dont like and more specifically, they want to keep japan out.

>> No.46927602

This is globalism.

There is an effort to get japanese people to market for other countries besides Japan...

I don't support Censorship of the Japanese.
"You think our plan is one of censorship... but it's to create context"

Japan should be free to market to just Japan if that's what they want.

>> No.46927747


>> No.46928186

God, the rich and powerful must LOVE this fucking meme. Can do whatever they want and rest easy knowing the retards of the world are going to blame it all on the jews.

>> No.46928189


>> No.46928205

Oh, don't even start.

>> No.46932188

I get that they're losing their own personal/local aesthetics, but given modern tools and material production, it is magnitudes cheaper, faster, modular and scalable to build shit in the standard globohomo checklist of concrete iron/steel glass shit
I understand that you feel fancy you may want to do shit like la sagrada familia, but if you just want shit done, you stick to the formula. And another big factor in this shit, is that there's both little to no people left adept in the old ways of the craft and modern safety standards are a checklist nightmare that would get in the way every two steps, and of course this all would be significantly more expensive

>> No.46933757



>> No.46935193

I'm glad someone else shares this sentiment. Any time something bad happens people love to pin the blame on shadowy overlords pulling all the strings behind the scenes in their quest to take over the world when the much more boring reality is that this is just some retarded credit card companies tightening the vice on easy exploitable overseas companies.

>> No.46935385

You're trying to say things aren't so bad, but I say they are worse!
You're going in the wrong direction. Not only is it (((them))), but they might be receiving direction from beyond.

>> No.46935771

"you don't need to make up a fake government when you can just be mad at the real one"

>> No.46937062
File: 245 KB, 1277x1355, grace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got an email from Fantia. It looks like they're extending the grace period for paid plans to June 13th.

>> No.46937098

Why is it so hard to understand that there's prudes from various corners of the world pushing for a worldwide porn ban. Despite our differences we have a common enemy in this case.

>> No.46942655

it's against the companies' interest to bully their own customers like this, there's no obvious, overtly-enacted motive for them to do it, so it's not unreasonable to theorise that a conspiracy is taking place, you seem overly reluctant to consider that possibility

>> No.46942709

>just some retarded credit card companies tightening the vice on easy exploitable overseas companies.
funny how it just so happens this stuff always ends up targeting japan specifically
what a funny coincidence
weird how even niconico got hit too despite not even hosting adult content at all
totally just a coincidence

>> No.46943261

Just saying every time something bad happens retards crawl out of the woodworks to blame evil jewish shadow cabals with no real substantiation for it other than absolute crack-case theories, rather than the much more grounded face value in that corporations do evil and stupid shit themselves all the time because they're still people, and people do retarded shit ESPECIALLY in the world's two biggest credit card companies where the CEOs think of themselves like gods.

Is there some deeper corporate conspiracy? Maybe. But I'd like to hear why you think, in your own words, why a jewish shadow organization being behind this is more likely than just corporate ignorance and greed.

>> No.46943301

there are literally huge organisations that openly lobby and advocate for the complete annihilation of porn from the world, but some people prefer to believe fbat there's some shadow government that's doing it, all while the real culprits keep doing what they want.

>> No.46943303

>But I'd like to hear why you think, in your own words, why a jewish shadow organization being behind this is more likely than just corporate ignorance and greed.
the real reason is why are you pretending both of these are somehow mutually exclusive
it's not x or y
it's y because x

>> No.46943315

and have you looked who are the main pushers in those organizations?
totally a coincidence i know

>> No.46943356

Neither of these are answers. I want you to tell me why this supposed jewish cabal, specifically, would target random Japanese websites to shut down using the veil of two of the worlds' largest credit card companies. I'm genuinely curious about why you think this.

>> No.46943384


>> No.46943462

it's not the Illuminati, that's for sure. There are many powerful anti porn people all over the world, (and they're not all jews)
From literal neonazis, commie SJWs, politicians, billionaires, probably even the vatican, all different organizations that for various reasons want to eraricate porn (or use the anti-porn mentality to gain power) and are slowly managing to do it, and that's because they're ironically getting ignored because people like you prefer to believe in some shadowy monolithic government that's somehow controlling the world, which is an incredibly unpowering thing to believe in, because instead of thinking that our problems are somehow fixable, we're doomed from the start and forced to so what the secret Illuminati reptilians want us to do. That's really nice to know.

It's not just Japan dude, western sites like PornHub, Gumroad or Patreon got hit first. I'm a porn artist and got banned from patreon because one of their mods believed that my fictional characters weren't consenting, but I can't even blame it in Patreon, their rules got scriter after MasterCard pushed them to do it, and without MasterCard they'd go bankrupt, this is the reality. In Japan the porn industry is still huge, even just making porn doujins and selling them at conventions sound like pure fantasy here in the west, but yeah, it's getting grim with the huge anti-japan online campaign that's going on lately, and this whole credoc card companies thing.

>> No.46943480

I hope you're at least getting paid for this apologia.

>> No.46943502

It's not only anti porn sentiment alone IMHO, it's social mobility. Have you noticed how it's happening after the era of Only fans and Patreon artists, new ways where literal nobodies could potentially move away from lower or middle class by selling pictures or drawing porn from their home? Obviously some people don't like that

>> No.46943518

Neither CEOs of Mastercard or Visa are Jewish and those statements are too broad-reaching even if I were wrong on that account. You're telling me that a grand jewish conspiracy, in which they own every single porn and credit card business in the West, all collectively working together to bring down Japanese porn is somehow more believable to you than corporate executives making stupid decisions on things they know nothing about.

>> No.46943527

Dude, even if it really is the Illuminati, that for some reason want to ban porn, what do you believe we could do? They control the earth right? Then why are we even discussing this? We're doomed, they have space lasers and can brainwash everyone so it's a lost cause right? Isn't it better to at least hope we can change things? If anything you're the one that I hope is getting paid by one of those nofap organisations or whatever to spread doomerism.

>> No.46943539

>dude there's no conspiracy
>and if there's is you can't do anything about it, please stop fighting back already

>> No.46943594

You got me, I'm secretly an Illuminati and it's my job to watch over the most important place on the internet, /jp/. You already got reported by the proper authorities, I'm sorry. Goodbye.

>> No.46943823

Can you still do this?

>> No.46944117

Can't you just buy fantia coins? That way you're not paying for pr0n.

>> No.46944143

>re using the credit card companies to attack Japan and force them to cut their losses and abandon the western market. That this is fucking over a LOT of the Japanese otaku fanbase too doesn't matter to them.
The Jews control everything. There's no way to get around them except crypto.

>> No.46944148

anon there was far more cp and general abuse going on in facebook

>> No.46944160

You don't understand how nepotistic the Jews are.

>> No.46944247

>which is an incredibly unpowering thing to believe in,
yes, and it is also extreme assessable. A system in which all the problems of the world are blamed on some nebulous entity instead of looking at the byzantine relationships between flawed humans that actually run the world is a system that does not require someone know anything and does not require them to think deeply about anything. it is a system that allows even the dullest dimwitted person to have an opinion on something.

>> No.46944589

Any way around it? Does the PlayAsia card method still work?

>> No.46948275

>There's no way to get around them except crypto.
You have to be careful here, too.

>> No.46951944

People say this but never have any evidence

>> No.46952061

Any help here? Does this work?

>> No.46952226

I think so, yes.

>> No.46952764
File: 5 KB, 605x77, asdfwasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What changeD?

>> No.46960528

why don't you read it and tell us? I already had to change my region so that I wouldn't get gated out of content

>> No.46971180
File: 294 KB, 1492x1500, 81SXtsiV1FL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
