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46820097 No.46820097 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an honest to god discussion about Koishifags and their inability to reconcile that Koishi is a true sociopath that can’t form any sort of relationships whatsoever? She can’t sympathize nor empathize with anyone, and she can’t even deal with normal emotions properly due to her not being able to feel them like other people can. Why do Koishifags always deny this part of her characteristics? It’s plain to see she’s not “normal”.

>> No.46820127

>Source: my doujins

>> No.46820338

No one is saying that she's "normal". It's just that her kkhta portrayal as a murderous psycho is wrong.

>> No.46820818

I don’t get what’s happening? Does she not know how to grief?

>> No.46820990

Well Koishi is only has an ID, but she probably would be able to grieve as animals feel sadness, and depending on the type of animal.
But for the sake of drama she doesn't feel grief here.

>> No.46822359

To my understanding, she knows what she's feeling, she just wouldn't have the emotional capability to process it.
Like grieving for example; where regular people will be depressed for a while, Koishi will go "oh I'm feeling sad" then immediately try to remedy that. Basically she just skipped every stages of grief to acceptance.
In the case of OP's doujin, she probably wouldn't ponder over the issue of death as long as she did. It's not like her memory got wiped when she closes her third eye, since she still remembers how depressing it is to read people's mind.

>> No.46822657

bait or retard?

>> No.46826052

The doujins do portray Koishi correctly.

>> No.46826071

Because Koishi is an inconsistent fuck, SA Koishi, fighting games Koishi and more recently CDS Koishi are different characters, of course Koishifags have no fucking clue how she is, ZUN doesnt either.

>> No.46826255

She is still the cutest hu in my heart, tho.

>> No.46826264

What happens when you bonk her over the head with a book about the flaws of Freudian psychology?

>> No.46826299

I think the problem is that ZUN doesn't really understand how to make an id-driven character an actual character and not an animal (because that is what a creature without an ego or superego would be, incapable of communicating, acting entirety on needs, fighting, fucking, feasting on a whim, acting without any real conscious ideas beyond having a want and immediately filling it)

>> No.46826381

Thing is, some animals do have a sense of "self", like Dolphins, Crows, and some monkeys, so I dont know what the fuck Koishis deal should be.
I for one dont mind, fighting games Koishi behaves like a fucking animal, doing things just because and not feeling anything about it, but I dont like the whole "murder hobo" phase that she was memed on, same way with Flandre.
I have seen some Koishifags say that CDS resembles her SA version more than the fighting games, lets see what happens with that.

>> No.46826563
File: 877 KB, 1094x949, b3e4a71c-9c02-4d31-bad3-b5b1e556604d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people need to read the official manga. Koishi is just as violent and murderhobo as in the doujins. If anything, koishifags are the most honest about their 2hu.

>> No.46827149
File: 216 KB, 2048x1463, reverinth-1655707211858087936-20230509_085215-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Koishi day!

>> No.46827168

I think you need to read Freud if you think the last two posts were about that.

>> No.46827402

Does this mean if Koishi gets angry, she will kill those she find annoying? What happens if she falls in love with a human?

>> No.46827412

I think you need to get tested for autism if you think CDS Koishi is even close to the flanderised doujin Koishi

>> No.46827609
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>Koishifags and their inability to reconcile that Koishi is a true sociopath that can’t form any sort of relationships whatsoever?
you're ignoring that the majority of people who like koishi like her because she's insane, and atleast a third of her fans are also grimsokyo fags
i got hooked on her while i was pretty depressed last year

>> No.46827692

GimsokyoGODS my petite chou fleur

>> No.46828138
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>petite chou fleur
lmao thats the gayest thing i've heard all week
i prefer plain fried cauliflower myself
but you're right, grimsokyo is very based
i think the guy who made grotesque land story and black souls should make an rpgmaker fangame involving grimsokyo

>> No.46828632

CDS is shit because it's letting fanon influence canon wayyy too much.

>> No.46829633

What if "CDS Koishi" is actually Mizuchi though? She acted kinda creepy behind Okuu as she spoke to her.

>> No.46829794

Koishi is literally unconscious, how can she be possessed if she has no consciousness?

>> No.46829827

She got controlled by Perfect Possession in AoCF. In fact, she was an easy test subject because of her condition.
She'd just be filled with Mizuchi's consciousness.

>> No.46829835

That'd be amusing. I love my wife Mizuchi.
>filled with Mizuchi's consciousness

>> No.46829836

mizuchi's down in the hot springs town with yuugi already though, she's got absolutely no reason to go after koishi

>> No.46829878

Yuugi offers her help in taking revenge on the Hakurei. Wants Mizuchi to disperse the protesting spirits in return. It'd be an easy excuse.

>> No.46830055

There's a timeskip between the previous and the current chapter in which she goes to possess Koishi, I guess?
The detective's sister would be a good target.
Having Koishi being filled with somebody's else consciousness would almost be like in a certain webseries...jk, I don't think it would need a reference to anything. I don't see any issue with the possibility of Koishi getting possessed.
In fact, a scene like this is what I've been expecting since the very start of the manga: the culprit is going to target Koishi so that she can get closer to the detective (and then possess her and aim for Reimu, I suppose).
It could also be a pretty cool set up for having Satori find about it by realizing her powers suddenly work on Koishi, which normally shouldn't happen.
Assuming she decides to use her powers on her and this brings me to a topic I don't think I've seen discussed much or at all since CDS was released...
I'm in the "ZUN flip flops whenever he brings up Koishi" camp, but speaking of the two sisters in general now:
we all agree that ZUN completely changed how their mindreading ability works, right?
Before CDS, the implication was that it was a permanently active ability. This would result in Satori constantly reading the protagonist and interrupting her every time because she already knew her next line, which really made an impression of a youkai that was hard to deal with as you couldn't converse with her "normally". It would also fit Koishi's tragic backstory, because it meant Koishi was in no condition to avoid reading all the hateful thoughts towards her.
Furthermore, the ability showed no costs: Satori read your mind, then challenged you to a danmaku match and even used this ability for her danmaku.

Then CDS comes out and suddenly Satori needs to manually activate her ability, which now takes a huge toll that has her pass out even long after she's used that ability.

>> No.46830207

Koishifags like her BECAUSE she isn't normal. How do you not realize that?

>> No.46830451

If you like Koishi, you are Reddit.
Simple as.

>> No.46831617

If you like Koishi, you are 4chan.
Simple as.

>> No.46831940

>Then CDS comes out and suddenly Satori needs to manually activate her ability, which now takes a huge toll that has her pass out even long after she's used that ability.
I fucking love retcons so much bros.

>> No.46832036

Wait, was it ever stated that she manually turned it on/off or was it just "implied"?
Anyways, her passing out doesn't necessarily need to be a retcon. Her ability can be on permanently BUUUT if she reads the minds of too many people simultaneously it ends up being too much. Your brain is running permanently but it can be overwhelmed with too much information, right? That doesn't mean it turned off.

>> No.46834108
File: 807 KB, 138x140, koish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up niggers it's her day today

>> No.46834377


>> No.46834398

This, turns out KKHTA was canon all along.

>> No.46835588

>You people need to read the official manga.
Why? It sucks.

>> No.46835599
File: 387 KB, 758x414, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a moment in chapter 8 where yuyuko directs satori to read her mind and satori seems to manually do so

>> No.46836105

Weird, I thought the biggest reason she was a loner was because she literally couldn't stop reading minds and that's why people didn't want anything to do with her. Now she has to hold her eye and point it at the person? Dumb.
Because now I can be sitting in front of Satori, and know when she is and isn't reading my mind just from a hand gesture. So why would I be wary of her?
I swear to fuck, CDS has made way too many retarded decisions. Only reason I'm sticking around reading it is sunk cost and "muh Hakurei shrine lore".

>> No.46836298
File: 643 KB, 1097x1111, cds flan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's cute Flanand Mima hopium

>> No.46836306


>> No.46836390

I thought Satori just read minds of everyone in the room without knowing who is who, but can focus on a specific individual if they want to

>> No.46836509

Glad she's a battle goblin that doesn't give a fuck, and is not a basement dwelling murder goblin like fanon loves portraying her as.

Then why would she need to 'focus' on Yuyuko (>>46835599) if she's the only one in the room with her?
It's a retarded retcon and completely shits on the already shit character Koishi. Koishi, to escape the fear and hatred others feel towards her species felt she had no choice but to close her third eye.
Now since it apparently has an on/off I find myself asking the question, "bro, if you didn't want people to hate you for reading their minds... Then why not simply have the button switched to off?"
Seriously, your mind reading ability has an on/off switch and you're trying to tell me you couldn't find ONE person other than your sister willing to be your friend? Fuck right off.

>> No.46838393
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1723, a2643842-7999-4f6b-aa76-171f394c4dc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if she's the only one in the room with her?
She's not, Reimu was there with them. And given the context, it's more that Yuyuko asked to talk via mind-reading instead of it being an involuntary thing.

If you ask me, I think the issue boils down to the artistic portrayal of her ability, which might be ZUN's own directing fault considering Akimaki did the same thing in chapter 22. Basically he tried to make it obvious she's reading people's mind but it comes off like she has to do it voluntarily, which as you've said kind of break a big part of the sister's backstory.

>> No.46839016

Honestly they need to give her an item like Miko has that lets her focus on one person, but still doesn't give her the ability to "turn it off". Save confusion.

>> No.46839565
File: 20 KB, 616x164, c10ef287-7397-4298-b6f3-cc2b3c054e9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While extremely unknown and not on the English Touhou wiki, on the website of AoCF, Koishi is titled "The Satori who Unintentionally Closed her Heart"
Although it is promotional materiel so dubious, it is also the some of the only information we have on the event, other than Byakuren and Miko talking about how she unintentionally approached emptiness.

>> No.46839661

Unless it has a massive drawback, it would probably left people wondering why Koishi didn't just do the same.

>> No.46840803
File: 254 KB, 675x453, hee~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think the issue boils down to the artistic portrayal of her ability
Yeah that's what I've been thinking. I guess they're trying to make her ability impactful by giving it a clear notice of when it's being used instead of just letting the audience assume she's doing it all the time passively, and since the story is told in all third person we don't really get satori's internal monologue to react over what she read. Take the page >>46838393 posted, a significant portion is just being flashy about her ability and leading the reader on with the assumed importance of what Satori read.
It could also be that either ZUN or the artist doesn't think the audience is clever enough to understand Satori's ability without being explicitly told when it's being used. Like everytime it is used there's a big red flag saying "Satori is doing her thing now!"
A bit unrelated, but there's a bit in chapter 14 where Satori collapses and says that reading human minds too much makes her feel ill.

>> No.46840809

>reading human minds too much makes her feel ill.
Satori_thread.jpg was canon all along?

>> No.46840816

Youmu is such a fucking retard holy shit

>> No.46841848

Anybody would be ill if they were subjected to Youmu.

>> No.46841887

Say that to Hina who wants Nitori to stay dead

>> No.46841915

Hoping Reimu wins first place in the internet popularity poll this year, fellas!

>> No.46841925
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>> No.46844944

Can Koishi be saved? Or is she forever condemn to be an edgy 2hu character now that ZUN gave her a canon knife?

>> No.46845020
File: 1.23 MB, 1279x721, Th145KoishiSCLW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's had a canon knife for about 10 years.

>> No.46845079

The fighting games were something else that were allowed to do their own thing.

>> No.46846388

>Can Koishi be saved?
Honestly? No, not at the current rate. I joked here (>>46830451) that she's the quintessential Reddit character. However the more I've read this thread and the more I've reread of the last CDS chapter, I'm convinced she's now the "safe choice" for normies to have as their favourite character.
Used to be that if anyone said an EoSD character was their favourite, you could tell they were a secondary. Not that I'm saying if an EoSD character is your favourite, you're automatically a faggot. But usually you can tell from how they celebrated their favourite EoSD character that they were a normie with no knowledge of the series outside "le edgy vampire girl".

>> No.46846565

The fighting games are also where ZUN say we see Reimu's true character in ULiL.

>> No.46851434

Your tears are delicious, moefags.

>> No.46854411

And it ruined her character ever since. I want the pure and virginal koishi back.

>> No.46854420

I think Koishi is tall and has huge boobies

>> No.46856024
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A connoisseur

>> No.46856607

I bet I hate moe more than you.

>> No.46857928

Don't lewd the koishi.

>> No.46857947
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Wrong! Koishi is a sporty and slim girl who wears boots!

>> No.46859110

>pure and virginal koishi back.
You might want to replay SA, this time with all the routes.

>> No.46860508

She was a saint.

>> No.46860599
File: 1.92 MB, 640x480, koishi puts satori in her mouth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's precious.

>> No.46860620

Does a saint really say stuff like this?

>> No.46860654

>Does a saint really say stuff like this?
Yes. At least for me.

>> No.46860659
File: 1.87 MB, 670x503, koishi tomfoolery.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a saint had no filter and didn't think about what they were saying then yes. Real saints have skeletons in their closet. Koishi doesn't have any ulterior motives and just wants to make her sister happy. If she's happy, everyone is happy.

>> No.46860689

Then there's no problem with the "new" Koishi. She's always been like that.

>> No.46860779
File: 973 KB, 380x364, koishi literal arm-flapping retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koishi does Koishi things. At least in CDS she gave the vengeful protesters a chance to fuck off before they mobbed her.

>> No.46861058

It's merely a phase, she's got the angst and thinks the psycho killer bit is cool

>> No.46861111

>a phase
If anything, she's still carrying the knife even after she's stopped larping as Mary-san. I don't think there are other ULiL/AoCF characters who kept a trait of their urban legend after that incident ended.

>> No.46861142

>I don't think there are other ULiL/AoCF characters who kept a trait of their urban legend after that incident ended.
Which is a fucking shame, Id love to see Byakuren casually going around gensokyo with a fucking motorbike, I dont really know why she didnt keep with how convenient it would be for her to do so.

>> No.46861152
File: 813 KB, 1500x2000, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_marukyuu_ameya__b484b58272eeedac1bade6287ae8db98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god that girl is cute
Since when was autism so sexy

>> No.46861159

She realized her jacket was too lewd and retired her bike to storage out of associated shame. She still waxes and maintains it though.

>> No.46861179

Maybe the knife is a completely separate thing from the urban legend that Koishi nabbed from an unsuspecting villager
Or maybe she had it on her all along

>> No.46861205

There is a FS chapter with Byakuren toying with her motorbike keys and a cameo of her biker design, but it takes place around ULiL.
Also a cover, iirc, with her motorbike.
Not that I necessarily mean this is a remnant of the power of that specific urban legend, but the use of the same weapon twice can't be a coincidence. There is clearly some character continuity in her as "the girl with the knife".

>> No.46864076

All banter.

>> No.46864468

>All banter.
Least deluded koishifag

>> No.46865194

Could an AI defeat Koishi due to having no subconscious to manipulate?

>> No.46865510

You're getting the two demographics mixed up, Koishi haters are the ones who think her edgy portrayal solely comes from KKHTA (no explanation is ever given as to why the author picked Koishi as the crazy MC of all 2hus over, say, Flan).

>> No.46866224

>defeat Koishi
I mean, her specific ability of manipulation of the unconscious wouldn't work on it. That's it.

>> No.46870512

Maybe not even that, animism is canon to Touhou due to Shintoism so the AI would probably have a soul and might subsequently have sub-conscious.

>> No.46873394

>At least in CDS she gave the vengeful protesters a chance to fuck off before they mobbed her.
She baited them to attack her so she can have an excuse to kill them. Literally no different than trigger-happy blood knights.

>> No.46873455

Back to tvtropes with you.

>> No.46873594

Koishi may not be normal but sher and her sister are my beloved, not normal artists and I will protect them no matter what!

>> No.46873668
File: 219 KB, 320x320, 1661605198815076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is assuming she needs an excuse and has the capacity to be cunning.
But sure, Koishi is a master baiter.

>> No.46875688

You know deep down inside I'm right. Koishi is nothing more than a violent murderhobo.

>> No.46881186

She is cunning in the games.

>> No.46883219

if you stop and think about it. This doujin is low-key kind of sad since it implies that canonically Koishi doesn't understand or have any emotions due to closing her third eye. I wonder how that affects her relationship with Satori. Does she still love her or is she just a stranger to her that happens to be related to her. Shit like this is what makes me wish someone made a serious attempt at the relationship between the two of them.

>> No.46884644

One might say she's a cunning linguist.

>> No.46886774
File: 817 KB, 1200x1723, 9c67475e-afed-40ca-9903-bcdc9127fd83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like how bratty Koishi is in the new canon.

>> No.46891615
File: 222 KB, 1330x980, 1716097019955423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ask a question? You think if Satori ever has a boyfriend or Husband, that Koishi will hate them? I know she can't "hate" them due to her not "feeling" anything. But that's her older sister, surely Koishi has to feel something for Satori, right?

>> No.46892587

>But that's her older sister, surely Koishi has to feel something for Satori, right?
Someone post that pic

>> No.46900006

Are they a package deal?

>> No.46900197


>> No.46907235

What pic?

>> No.46907404

The Koi has reached 33k fanarts on danbooru!

>> No.46912640
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x3508, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_tadano1129__eaad58688121a34949edccbd6c4eead9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really love this yandere 2hu

>> No.46912846

Koishi means sex so yes

>> No.46914465

But you will have mentally challenge kids.

>> No.46914703

I see no problem here. I will populate Gensokyou with my offspring as much as I can, to the point where Satori will be the most common youkai race there.

>> No.46914726

It won’t be a satori, it would be a human. The satori species will be extinct since there’s no male satori to keep the species pure and untainted

>> No.46914978

>It won’t be a satori, it would be a human.
Not if I give up my humanity and become a youkai (or at least half youkai) before i breed her.
> keep the species pure and untainted
Again, I see nothing wrong here. I mean, Sanae exists and was born as a living god. She could be a real god whenever she wants. Even if my descendants become half-satori, I am quite certain that they will inherit all the abilities of the Satori species. In the end, they'll be pure enough to be classified as satori.

>> No.46920209

That’s a good thing, Youkai are being fucked to death.

>> No.46921324

Youkai are superior to humans and such, don't deserve to have their pure bloodlines diluted by trash.

>> No.46930837

>Youkai are being fucked to death.
That's not how genetics works.

>> No.46937380

What even is she now? I thought Koishi didn’t do long-term planning due to her being unconscious or something. Has that been retcon now?

>> No.46938116

>What even is she now?
A meme character

>> No.46939429

A fate worse than death.

>> No.46941842

>I thought Koishi didn’t do long-term planning due to her being unconscious or something.
She was always able to do that even back in SA, she decides to climb Youkai Mountain and find the gods Okuu received her powers from so that they can give some to her own pets as well.

>> No.46947924

That seems more of a short-term plan. Also, doesn’t she neglect her animals?

>> No.46949730

Mid-term at the very least.
>neglect her animals
>Indeed, it seemed that Koishi began to change, ever so slightly, after she began to raise her pets.

>> No.46949802

She's going to stab you in your sleep by accident

>> No.46951065

>She's going to stab you in your sleep
I have no problem at all if it was her who did it.
>by accident
Then it will help me achieve nirvana.

>> No.46955522

But don't you want to start a family? How is having a wife that's mentally ill help with that?

>> No.46955639

She's Zun's Deadpool/Harley.

>> No.46955749

>How is having a wife that's mentally ill help with that?
Her "mental illness" is what makes her so special to me.

>> No.46961321

Then you're braver than me.

>> No.46964131

I love her because she's just like me.

>> No.46972636

How is she like you?

>> No.46979156

Thicc 'tist
Best 'tist

>> No.46981098

I love her so much.

So so much...

>> No.46989443

We all do

>> No.46995386

I don't. I like Satori better

>> No.46997758

I can fix her

>> No.46999175

she's pretty normal on my dreams, would also add pretty red pilled too

>> No.47004516
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Is she really though anon?

>> No.47012118

You can't fix what's mentally broken.

>> No.47013509


>> No.47015067


>> No.47022066

But we can try.

>> No.47025416

Cute autist.

>> No.47025585

Just wanted to tell everyone who replied me about the CDS retcon that I'm actually right but I'm too lazy to tackle all points individually.
Koishi's character still makes sense btw because everyone in Gensokyo hates satori on a racial basis.

>> No.47030811

Are you happy?

>> No.47030884

I wish I could actually write out a proper reply because it's been on my mind all this time, but zombiescrolling just feels so much better.

>> No.47030911


>> No.47037592

What's Koishi doing?

>> No.47037613

I love her because she's just like me.

>> No.47047417

When are we getting more Koishi?

>> No.47051644

Stabby stab!

>> No.47051681
File: 3.91 MB, 4060x6432, 1683572886249169 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my actual birthday today, dudes. Would it be too much to ask to post your best Koishis? Here's my all-time fav Koosh.

>> No.47060727
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 670 - btw Komeiji koishi wants to go to your house #touhou-(720p)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4xbp04.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47061485
File: 2.78 MB, 5634x3284, 1718104332204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry christmast anon!

>> No.47061607
File: 188 KB, 850x1202, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_dfra__sample-f206fa192ba897b20a8cddecb419ee04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koishi is a true sociopath that can’t form any sort of relationships whatsoever?
What a koishindence! Me too!

>> No.47062988

Oh she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho

>> No.47068287

Catgirl koishi is nice.

>> No.47074188


>> No.47074203

Why is she like this.

>> No.47078543

People bullied her

>> No.47083685

Source: the game

>> No.47083864


>> No.47086431
File: 2.26 MB, 1000x1364, 17183761087282036178568214982467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply, but happy birthday.
Today is 6/14, Unconscious Day.
Here's one of my favorite Kois.

>> No.47086494
File: 477 KB, 1477x2048, 17183765776272646788351573820929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47086506
File: 766 KB, 768x1024, 17183766595237439043122386030178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47088394

She's like the Joker but for autistic people

>> No.47094343

What was her one bad day?

>> No.47100389

I hate her edgy fanart so much.

>> No.47100410
File: 756 KB, 1126x893, 17185240536805608844685257250483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some edgy official art then.

>> No.47102577

The fighting games aren't canon.

>> No.47102583


>> No.47106270
File: 234 KB, 1200x1200, 1597100724068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You're awful, Marisa."

>> No.47110420
File: 1.61 MB, 2894x2728, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_deal360acv__4d550f481bff123520ff305363bb65fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more koishi

>> No.47116359
File: 365 KB, 2001x1433, SCoOW5CleanCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koishi is a protagonist.

>> No.47116392

Can't you bump threads from page 10 on /jp/ anymore?

>> No.47116452

She really is.

>> No.47120434
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1415, 17187266590442131823726238183008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental landscape.

>> No.47120488
File: 247 KB, 768x1024, 1709929587367973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koishi is a tabula rasa though
wait a second...

>> No.47120792

she is literally an animal

>> No.47127710

She literally is not.

>> No.47128791

I was citing the artwork's title.

>> No.47129519
File: 803 KB, 2000x2000, 17188285581553257578633080426712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47129528
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>> No.47129539
File: 289 KB, 2048x1280, 17188287977257395712528080135560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47129547
File: 505 KB, 1300x1300, 1718828915632483744989167108136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47129553
File: 1.48 MB, 2266x1617, 17188290190701892003207495623290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47129595

Koishi scares me, but I also kind of want to be stabbed repeatedly by her

>> No.47133928

Why does Koishi scare you?

>> No.47141105

breeding Koishi like an animal!

>> No.47143434

still would

>> No.47147547

Which is exactly why it would be so hot to be ravaged by Koishi. She's claiming you in the most primal way imaginable.

>> No.47151550

Koishi is for gentle sex.

>> No.47158777

How are they wrong? It’s the most truest version of Koishi ever written?

>> No.47161131

no she isn't

>> No.47169479


>> No.47169847
File: 494 KB, 1000x1000, 17192410729384767764390371016858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47169871
File: 509 KB, 850x1149, 17192412834983738303262281747173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47169880
File: 403 KB, 1450x2048, 17192413858101800686712058901648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47169892
File: 115 KB, 457x756, 17192414837967719847264227589956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47169908
File: 3.73 MB, 1660x1152, 17192416355316765767063589388459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47174332

She is.

>> No.47179434

Do you think the thing about the Komeijis wearing blouses beneath their dresses is true? The ones from that picture.

>> No.47182551
File: 783 KB, 1185x1843, 1703082954317428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47184394

My cute stylish wife

>> No.47184777

Anon, unlike in the west KKHTA isn't that popular in japan
to them psycho Koishi totally came out of the blue

>> No.47184965

Well it all started when she closed her 3rd eye...

>> No.47185471


>> No.47185520

Call me a degenerate, but I hate to see food go to waste

>> No.47186009

Her inconsistancy is entirely consistant. She's a being of pure subconscious. Flighty, impulsive, a complete lack of active thought just acting on every impulse that comes along. Not being a consistant character is in fact her character

>> No.47188528

