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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46851284 No.46851284 [Reply] [Original]

I know you're out there
Come out, I wanna know how diverse is /jp/

>> No.46851349
File: 5 KB, 250x146, TH-Kaguya 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define third world

>> No.46851411

anything that's not the USA or western europe

>> No.46851425

oh, and Japan, forgot

>> No.46851430

if you have to ask... memes aside, he probably means the common definition of thirdworld, ex: the entirety of south america, SEA; and not the 4chan one, ex: the US, europe, china, canada, Russia(pretty much every single country that (you) dont like)

>> No.46851462
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Las Tojas are fairly popular here in Latin America

>> No.46851475

I am, unfortunately.

>> No.46851492

I would beg to differ
yeah I think that's accurate

>> No.46851503

Those are second world btw.

>> No.46851591

Russia/Ukraine count as 3rd worlders in my book. China is it's own beats, you could argue Touhou is as big there as in Japan.

>> No.46851682
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I just lurk and funpost whenever a thread gets derailed, I otherwise dont like to interact with the average poster of this place.
I think they are, they are not uber popular, but they have a niche, but again, thats a niche, so maybe I am biased since TH enviroments tend to be very echo chamber heavy.
I remember some anon asking me why does the western wing of the fanbase house so many hispanic creators, I thought that was very funny.

>> No.46851739

I'm from Israel and I love Alice

>> No.46851855

>girl who makes, plays, and controls puppets
Yeah that fits

>> No.46851857
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I understand the niche and echo chamber aspect of it and why that gives the sensation of a degree of popularity, but in practice I would argue very few people know about Touhou and the ones that do care very little about it.
I cosplay 2hus and have been in different venues in different cities and the amount of approaches I because of touhou is fairly minimal. 2hufags exists out there thats for sure but encountering them is rare

>> No.46851893

>and the amount of approaches I because of touhou is fairly minimal.
I meant to say "and the amount of approaches I get because of touhou is fairly minimal." fug

>> No.46851903
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It reminds of me CV, CV "seems" popular down here, but its just that the few hundreds who know about it are very vocal and united. Same thing TH, it seems popular because we make a lot of noise, but we are very few, and the fact that TH is not as popular as it used to be doesnt help.
>I cosplay 2hus and have been in different venues in different cities and the amount of approaches I because of touhou is fairly minimal. 2hufags exists out there thats for sure but encountering them is rare
To be fair, you dont have to be from the third world to get that effect, the only place you will get consistent recognition is in japan, everywhere else will be just null.

>> No.46851944
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I'd argue that the overall community size on the Hispanic side of things is about equal to the English part.
There are the characters who are easily recognizable memes, you know the ones, beyond that you need to be find a fellow "knower" to get any kind of interaction. So, same thing as with the US.
That said, amongst the more obscure otaku subculture, Touhou is still the biggest I'd imagine. Maybe not a few years ago where there was a massive Danganronpa boom due to the first two games receiving some amazing translations, but aside from anomalies and ever changing tides of the internet, Tojas is still the most consistent.

>> No.46852139

>the only place you will get consistent recognition is in japan
While true, I would dare to say I am more likely to find more people into touhou outside of the continent. I know fellow cosplayers in non hispanic countries that keep finding new people and even other touhou cosplayers.
This seems correct. Add the caveat that our territory is much more extensive which makes the fans spread thin across multiple countries. Other than that I agree that Touhou remains fairly consistent in size and even new peopel getting into it

>> No.46852500

Brazil here. Feels like the fandom here is significantly smaller than in Latin America. Tried to get a few friends to like it, to no success. Only had success with imouto.
I came to 4chan just to discuss Touhou. None of the other places were good or active enough.

>> No.46852527

>I cosplay 2hus
Are you female or female(male)? This is very crucial context.

>> No.46852548

If this is so, where even is the Hispanic community gathering? At most I have seen some people on Discord posting memes, but nothing close to Moriya or /jp/ in size and activity.

>> No.46852559

Hispachan before its closure and FB groups, you know, the usual.

>> No.46852570

I would still fuck regardless of the answer

>> No.46852627
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I know some groups focused on translating works into spanish as well some other groups that seem pretty decent in terms of people that know about touhou beyond the surface

>> No.46852639

What makes Touhou appeal to Latinx people anyway?

>> No.46852650

Yeah, Id like to get into translating the pages of the wiki to spanish once I have time.
A shame they are FB/Discord exclusive though, I dont like those places.

>> No.46852676

I'm one of those SEAniggers

>> No.46852697

The same that makes it appeal to literally anyone else? Fun games, cute girls and an interesting and expansive lore.

>> No.46852705

Ever since Hispa closed down I don't know of any other central communities aside from the aforementioned Facebook groups and I don't use Facebook. Those groups are a pretty big deal on internet subcultures around here, most of the memes come from there.
Aside from that, just scattered people here and there. There is a small YouTube channel which got Sr. Pelo of all people to attend their podcast purely on account of liking Tojas and being Latinos, which is pretty funny.

>> No.46852731
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¡Los juegos (eran) gratis mi negro!

>> No.46852750
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I don't like how correctly all you hispanics seem to write english. How am I to know whether I'm talking to an ESL if you don't show signs...

>> No.46853245

Argentina, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia are the 3rdworlder 2hufag superpowers.

>> No.46853277

jaypee is mostly esl, you baka eop.

>> No.46853293
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coé meu nobre, qual tua Touro favorita?

>> No.46853608

i am from the center of south america, i moslty watch touhou content in english here and on youtube. i have never ever heard someone do as little as reference bullet hell games, let alone touhou, irl, not even my few openly otaku friends, its rare enough to see anime being merchandise in here. i have tried to contribute, but only with art, learning japanese and translating is like a far away dream

>> No.46853637

First World: Aligned with NATO.

Second World: Aligned with Russia and the former Warsaw Pact nations.

Third World: Unaligned.

It is that simple. Anything else is headcanon.

>> No.46853653
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Aya is proud to be Filipino


>> No.46853669
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>> No.46853715

You're from Panama?

>> No.46853735

Shut up pineapple face.

>> No.46853740

Russia has no niggers while half of your country speaks Spanish and the other half negro lingo.

>> No.46853758
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Based Russia.

>> No.46853953

I'm probably the only person in this shithole (literal) of a country who actively engages with the gameplay side of touhou.

>> No.46853969


>> No.46853987


>> No.46853994

Cool, I have always admired India, its history, and culture.

>> No.46854008

Center of south America, not central america, very different

>> No.46854032

It's all south of America though?

>> No.46854039


>> No.46854398
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West African here.

>> No.46854726
File: 316 KB, 1473x2048, FtgweAmaYAAEr7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never met anyone that knew of Touhou here in all these years, but I've at least educated a few of my friends about it. Anime is very popular and you definitely see plenty of people happy and willing to show off their tastes, but if anyone's into 2hu, they're doing a great job of keeping it under wraps. The amount of merch in the country must be insanely low.

>> No.46854804

I wonder how's the 2hu scene in the SEA region?

>> No.46854843

تحياتي من العراق

>> No.46855162

minha querida Chiruno

>> No.46855497

define Western Europe

Also what about South Korea and Canada?

>> No.46856343
File: 238 KB, 1110x1100, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_zunusama__5d50d188a012acc4e422b109c82b7b5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poland (or other former commie now in NATO and EU countries) is not 3rd world right? Right?

>> No.46856526

But Russia is full of russians though

>> No.46856553
File: 207 KB, 800x600, marisa became blatantly grumpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Brazilian. Since I am socially inept I rarely post and I never interact with any Touhou fan outside of /jp/.

>> No.46856565
File: 106 KB, 1131x767, cirno cueca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ótima escolha, Anão

>> No.46856575
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No według normalnej definicji ( >>46853637
) kraje Układu Warszawskiego należały do drugiego świata, a większość chyba radzi sobie lepiej niż wtedy.

>> No.46856579

Technically it's second world, but those terms have lost their meaning since the cold war ended.

>> No.46856584

I went to the local doujin convention last week and met with two Touhou communities here. They're small, but they're not as secondary as I expected. When I asked someone from the community if he also plays the games, he answered that he had cleared some of them, even the extras.

I'm Indonesian btw.

>> No.46856657
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Russian here. I love Marisa.

>> No.46857376

I hate Israel and love Alice too

>> No.46857623

I love how this artist draws her hair

>> No.46857815
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Speak English ruskie

>> No.46858769

Assuming this is west java?

>> No.46858810

ótima escolha também do canal. Espero que ele faça mais arranjos em ritmos brasileiros no futuro

>> No.46859366

No, there is north america: USA, Canada; Central america: from mexico to panama; and south america: starting from colombia to argentina; and then there is the caribbean that has the islands in between: cuba, etc. What you probably mean is Latino America, that includes central america, the caribbean and south america

>> No.46859406

Is your favorite Touhoe Murasa

>> No.46859583
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A nomenclatura correta é "torrão". E é a Reimu, pica não relatada.

>> No.46859636

Can’t say i wasn’t expecting it…

>> No.46859675
File: 102 KB, 600x600, __wakasagihime_and_teruyof_touhou_drawn_by_kakinoki_mikan_kari__82950d3e10195364f3ea5661c097f18e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linda pica mesmo assim
dá um liga nessa tilápia, ela é minha favorita

>> No.46860979

The convention was held in Banten, but most of the visitors came from Jabodetabek. The convention is Comifuro 18, btw.

>> No.46861041
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>> No.46861087
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Go get fucked, filthy broke miko.

>> No.46861434
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I hate you for that (I'm also Argentinian)

>> No.46861607
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>> No.46861644
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>> No.46861732
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I hate Argentinians, they ruined Argentina.

Love from Argentina.

>> No.46861785

I think all Argentinians in the thread should commit suicide. This statement includes myself.

>> No.46861803

Qual a touhou mais argentina?

>> No.46861829


>> No.46861836
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>> No.46862110
File: 170 KB, 567x800, 8e704fd63e1aa1f143fee8f76ebb8184d9ea6432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to Hong Kong later this year. Will I have an easy time finding 2hu paraphernalia there?

>> No.46862833

Oh it's that thing

>> No.46863603
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From South Africa.

>> No.46863612

Is Florida a 3rd world country?

>> No.46864787
File: 108 KB, 600x519, 13718736_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colombia here.

>> No.46866001

The entirety of America is.

>> No.46866017

I wondered how long it'd take a firstie to say their homeland was actually a third world country.

>> No.46866285

Can we make a 2hu thread instead of a /pol/ one?

>> No.46867357
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I am unfortunately from that place too

>> No.46867514
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I'm glad that Russia still can be considered second world, but only inside large cities, so I guess I fit itt in a sense.
I still am seeing what you did there.

>> No.46871379
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