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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 435x600, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4683200 No.4683200 [Reply] [Original]

Otaku tend to have a very righteous approach to romantic relationships, in the sense that they value pure, sincere, genuine commitment to a romantic interest, both during a relationship and as a prerequisite to forming it (it's a trivial but significant observation that the genre overwhelmingly favors “confessing” over “asking out,” for instance). Since their ethos makes the commitment precede the relationship, otaku are prone to unrequited feelings and infatuation.

>> No.4683213

no penis this time, freud-kun?

>> No.4683228


Thank you Dr. F for your deep insights as always.

(Grade AA New Copypasta, This actually had some thought given to it.)

>> No.4683236
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>> No.4683252

thanks OP this will be my reply next time someone asks me why I'm still a virgin

>> No.4683257
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Koishi thread?

>> No.4683266
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>> No.4683273

What about grabbing my penis and never let go?

>> No.4683279
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>> No.4683280

Amusingly, there's this, and then there's the erotomania that's been mine for years.

>> No.4683285
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>> No.4683286
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You're right. Koishi IS my waifu.

>> No.4683290
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Kimi ni Todoke - 23 (1280x720 h264) [DA8F5142].mkv_snapshot_13.48_[2010.03.20_14.36.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true

>> No.4683292
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Eh, I dumped enough of Koishi last night.

>> No.4683298
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Get out all of you. Stop attacking my thread with your blatant phallic imagery.

>> No.4683301
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>> No.4683308


Fucking-a. That's way too accurate bro.

>> No.4683319

Its true. Why do you think /jp/ likes yanderes so much? What could make a commitment more sincere than willingness to kill?

>> No.4683315 [DELETED] 

How many are left?

>> No.4683316 [DELETED] 

Dont forget SOM support. Testing for those much be a PITA.

>> No.4683326

>yanderes are sooo f'in awesome derrrr

>> No.4683341
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Can I marry your cute daughter Mr. Freud?

>> No.4683358

Why wouldn't you want a yandere? She'd never cheat on you and she would pretty much be completely loyal to you as long as you told her that you loved her.

>> No.4683384
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>> No.4683404

sounds about right.

>> No.4683422

I would like to read more of your musings sometime, Dr. Freud.

>> No.4683455

If Herr Freud were my father, I'd be more mentally disturbed. I don't think constant psychoanalysis from your father is very beneficial to a child.

>> No.4683469

Sounds like the perfect girl!

>> No.4683473

I remember an English teacher who took interest in my personal experience narrative or whatever you called it, and she would ask me a bunch of personal questions about my mother during the conference. I'm telling you they feed off that shit.

>> No.4683474

I'd rather just be by myself.

>> No.4683488

The only way I would get into a romantic relationship is if I became friends with a female by pure chance (I'm not going to seek one out) and it took a romantic turn.

Otherwise, the relationship is built on a shitty foundation and not pure.

>> No.4683503

ITT: people who are the last leaf on their family tree

>> No.4683519 [DELETED] 

Someone help me. I can't name the next scene cause I don't know the afro chick's name.

>> No.4683522 [DELETED] 


>> No.4683526

>implying I give a shit about my family tree and wouldn't just adopt if I wanted a child

>> No.4683534

All of my relationships except my first one were made from the "relationship just for the sake of relationship" My first one ended badly because the first one always ends badly and all the other ones were just boring since it only existed for sex and there was no love anywhere.

I hope someday to have the friend who turns into lover route flag. I don't see it happening anytime soon though.

>> No.4683537

I think that you should stop worrying about the purity of relationships. It is a nice ideal, and great to think about, but it simply isn't realistic. Such things are incredibly rare and will most likely not happen to you, especially given your lack of desire to seek out females. But of course, if you'd rather not bother due to this, that's perfectly acceptable. That is what I decided to do.

>> No.4683541
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>> No.4683551

>implying you can ever adopt because nobody can just tell you're a pedophile by your appearance

>> No.4683563

How difficult is it to adopt as a single parent? I would assume it would be a challenge due to the focus on not damaging the traditional family or whatever those people bitch and moan about. But then again I have no experience in this area.

>> No.4683564

>implying I live in a state where my gay partner and I could not adopt

>> No.4683566

>Such things are incredibly rare

That's the point. I prefer living alone to a shitty/mediocre relationship.

>> No.4683574

So do I. What I meant was that if you want to have a relationship, you should be more open to impure relationships, as they are probably the only thing you're going to find, and, believe it or not, can actually work sometimes. You said you'd rather not have one, though, so my point is moot.

>> No.4683582

lolfaggot, gtfo and go jam your penis in each other's urethra or whatever it is that you sick fucks do

>> No.4683594

You'd think that on a board such as /jp/, people would be tolerant of deviant lifest-

oh wait lol.

>> No.4683608
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Well, I'm 22 so obviously my chances of finding a non-slut are so infinitesimally small that it's not even worth hoping for.

A man can dream, though.

>> No.4683616
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>A man can dream, though.

Damn straight.

>> No.4683619

You can still end up in a 'pure' relationship, the only problem is the girl will not be so pure at our age. The relationship you make with her can still be based on pure and good grounds, but her past and the things she'll probably end up doing will not be so pure, so really - looking for any type of relationship is a bad idea.

>> No.4683634

I think the biggest hurdle one must get over is realizing the actual importance of an adult not being a virgin. It doesn't really matter. People have a natural desire to fuck each other, and so they do it. It doesn't make them sluts, though it easy to get it confused.

>> No.4683635

There are always lolis.

My dad married my mom who was ten years younger than him.

>> No.4683637

if you think to be "pure" you must be a virgin then of course no girl at 20+ (who isn't absolutely disgusting) is going to be "pure". It is still possible to find a nice girl who can have a relationship built up from a friendship.

>> No.4683642

When did i mention a word of sex, how is virginity related to anything I stated?

>> No.4683643

So what you're saying is we should be going after younger girls?

>> No.4683647

If she's had another man's penis in her vagina she is an impure slut. It's as simple as that.

>> No.4683651
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>It doesn't make them sluts

>> No.4683653

The problem is girls start being shitty in their early teens. So you pretty much have to be a pedo if you can't handle a girl who is used goods, shitty things in their past, and shitty things they will do to you.

And even if you go all pedo - girls grow up.

>> No.4683658

Not really. I don't want to sound like I'm arguing for females or that I'm a normalfag. I have lots of hangups about sex and will probably remain a virgin for a long time. But I'd like to think that I'm able to look at sex objectively, even if I have trouble applying such observations to my own feelings and actions. A woman having sex doesn't necessarily make her a slut.

>> No.4683675

There are anomalies, such as devoutly religious girls who will refuse to have intercourse until marriage, which can be for quite a while. There are also virgin teachers like in my Japanese animes.

They're rare as hell and would never settle for a /jp/sie, though.

>> No.4683688

Meh, sex isn't special to me if it's not her first, and that's the cornerstone of a relationship. A romantic one, anyways.

>> No.4683695

Again, I'm using 'pure' in a much more generalized sense in my posts here. I mean anyone who will actually get in a relationship for good reasons with you, not have anything that's too hard to accept and move on about from their past, and who will not do shitty things to you or your relationship in the present/future.

So while sex is definitely involved in that, it's not the only thing I mean at all. I know 'pure' isnt the best word to use for what I mean but whatever.

>> No.4683697

Sex is. Virginity isn't. Relationships can be romantic regardless of whether any of the people involved are virgins.

>> No.4683736

It's true tho.
Since I got interested in psychology, picking off people's motives and history has become the most interesting hobby.

>> No.4683789

There is a dating site for which ever group you fall in.


>> No.4683795

But dating sites go exactly against what I'm looking for.
Someone looking for a boyfriend can't possibly be the kind of person I want to meet.

>> No.4683801

Most people want companionship, though. I'm not sure what type of person you want if you want someone that doesn't want companionship.

>> No.4683805

Yeah. MUST be a virgin, otherwise she is already used. But it if was me who took her virginity and then it's time to have sex again then it's fine.

>> No.4683807


Then you're a fucking creep and have no business throwing around words like 'romantic'. Seriously, I used to be EXACTLY the same as you and thought that very same way. I don't actually know what changed it, but looking back I can see how goddamn retarded it was.

So when you fuck her for the first time, does she become 'impure'? When you break up, is she 'impure' for her next boyfriend? What if he's just like you though?

You're a fucking idiot and don't have the emotional depth or understanding required for any form of intimate relationship, nevermind one with a female partner. Have a nice day.

>> No.4683819

>Most of the users don't have pictures on their profiles.

Oh I lol'd.

>> No.4683822

Actively searching for a waifu is stupid and will get you either nowhere or in a shitty bullshit relationship. That includes using those shitty websites and also going out trying to get a girlfriend.

Just take it easy and it'll happen on it's own. Even if you're leading a life where you speak to and see no girls on a normal basis at all. That's just how it ends up working out most of the time.

Like that text I mentioned in another thread? Turns out it was the moe teen receptionist at the psychiatrists that I had to go to the other day to get some of my old files and left my number for the psychiatrist to call me about some questions I had.

Just let it happen on its own.

Also this is retarded. I hate sluts, but if a girl has had sex in serious relationships previously it's fine. You'd want her to have sex with you at some point right? Well you aren't the only guy she's loved or the only guy that's loved her. It's bound to have happened already in a relationship that turned out to not be the right one while they thought it would be.

Though fucking friends and such isn't tolerable.

>> No.4683827

He wants a relationship to serendipitously emerge from an unintentionally romantic situation. Just like in his Japanese animes!

>> No.4683846
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High-fives and fist-bumps are the purest display of affection.

>> No.4683873

What qualities define a slut, /jp/? Aside from fucking a lot of dudes.

>> No.4683897

I want to find a girl exactly like me. Somebody whose thoughts I can understand perfectly, who can understand my thoughts perfectly, who would love me, whom I would love. Our thoughts would be in perfect harmony and synchrony, and a look in the other's eyes can communicate all our thoughts and feelings.

>> No.4683905

Wearing slutty clothes. Although outfits like Mir's from AT2 would look horribly slutty on a 3D girl, but Mir is not a slut.

>> No.4683908
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>> No.4683910

>Aside from fucking a lot of dudes.

That's pretty much it, though where you decide to draw the line on what's acceptable is pretty arbitrary.

>> No.4683923

Enjoy loneliness.

>> No.4683931

I think 'slutty clothes' depends on the person, how they wear it, and why. So it's too generic.

>> No.4683952

In the near future they will be able to make an exact copy of your brain (where each molecule is in the exact same position), therefore your copy will have the same memories and personality as you. They will then implant that brain in a girl

>> No.4683971

Yeah I know, how dare I have preferences that differ form yours. Dipshit.

Take your normalfag preaching elsewhere. A non-virgin is a slut if she didn't lose her virginity to you, there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.

>> No.4683972

But if you were gender flipped, would you let your man-version tenderly love yourself?

>> No.4683978

u a troll, nigga

>> No.4683980 [DELETED] 

I'm sure most of /jp/ has no qualms about being a girl

>> No.4683988

I know I wouldn't, my standards are too high to have sex with myself.

>> No.4683989

I'm assuming that these brain clones have no rights and you can rape them.

>> No.4683995 [DELETED] 

U mad, normalfag.

>> No.4684007

4chan dating site, it's the only way for any of you to save your family tree

>> No.4684018

No but what if you're the brain clone?

>> No.4684021

u a troll, nigga

>> No.4684024


There is one. The ratio of men to women is ridiculous.

>> No.4684035 [DELETED] 

U mad, normalfag?

>> No.4684040 [DELETED] 

That is a very deep philosophical question I've been asking ever since I say Prestige. I just get this weird feeling that my consciousness would somehow skip between bodies

>> No.4684047

u a troll, nigga?

>> No.4684051

People still use AnoniDate? I haven't seen it mentioned in years.

>> No.4684083

U a normalfag, mad?

>> No.4684086
File: 206 KB, 640x480, purekiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran grew up with a promiscuous master who would always tempt her to take a break from her cleaning duties and come upstairs to join in her weekly orgies. Ran, being a strong-willed and level-minded girl decided that she would rather wait for her first time to be with the right person, when she felt she was truly ready.

Finally, after over 900 years of her life without someone to love and after so many years of peer-pressure and loneliness because she was "different" from all the others who threw away their special love, Ran finally met someone worth the wait.

Here is a photo of their first kiss. What's even more sweet, is that it's her partner's first kiss as well. Neither of them have any hangups over past experiences, and even more importantly, this is the most important emotional feeling either of them have ever had. They feel like they can take on the world.

DON'T GIVE UP, /jp/!

>> No.4684098

That doesn't happen to males.

>> No.4684108

>trivial but significant

>> No.4684113


If you search on Google for "virgin dating" there are a lot of normalfag women who want (or could appreciate) a virgin boyfriend, even if they're not a virgin themselves.

>> No.4684120

>trivial but significant

What the hell Freud

>> No.4684150


I'd be willing to bet that most of them were cheated on in the past and think that dating a virgin means they'll have a faithful partner.

>> No.4684161

You forgot to add 'while being unfaithful themselves' at the end.

>> No.4684190

That means they probably have a lot in common with /jp/ users, though with a bit more sexual experience. It would probably work out great!

>> No.4684192
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How does Freud explain people that alter their own personality and mind? There are methods that one can use to do that to themselves.

>> No.4684231

I am a virgin.
I want a virgin.

How is that any worse than a Christian wanting a Christian? Or a vegan wanting a vegan? Or a pro-abortionist wanting another pro-abortionist?

>> No.4684288

Because it is something that is impractical and cannot carry over between relationships. If you want to be a vegan, you can always be a vegan. If you want to be pro-abortion, you can always be pro-abortion. But if you only want virgins, once you fuck someone, it's over. Most relationships don't last, and you'll probably break up. Now neither of you are virgins and your foundations for wanting virgins is gone. It's just a silly idea.

>> No.4684321
File: 268 KB, 740x1035, youkaiJesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of people who believe in purity before marriage, at least if you live in America.

Everyone just needs to join a church. Sure, the church shit is retarded, but it's filled with girls who care about their parents and themselves and know how to be faithful. I was reading that theres a huge offbalance of the ratio of women to men in churches, and that women in church are always looking to marry men within the church but theres a huge shortage since guys think church is retarded. Many of them don't date outside since they "hope that if they wait long enough God will provide them a husband", AND THAT HUSBAND COULD BE YOU!

I can't stand church though, but if I could have someone who was raised by a respectful family, maybe raised by their grandparents who taught her morality and modesty WITHOUT expecting her partner to donate ten percent to the church, I'd be all for it.

What are your opinions on dating Christian girls?

Pic related, it's Jesus being crucified.

>> No.4684323

I was completely obsessed with a girl back in 1998, and then again in 1999.... I haven't had even the slightest feelings for anyone since. Ten years of 2d is a pretty damn good run. Let's see if I can make it 20.

>> No.4684340

What will happen when /jp/ finds a virgin:

>Relationship is romantic
>Everything is going well
>Sexual interaction begins
>Partner ends up being sexually incompatible
>Relationship sours
>Relationship ends

>> No.4684352

Well, on one hand, they ARE more likely than other girls to be virgins, but on the other hand, they're fucking insane. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're insane yourself or are very good at lying.

>> No.4684358


A Christian/vegan/pro-choicer who cannot see past a single aspect of a person who is otherwise suitable to their tastes/needs is myopic and self-indulged.

It bodes poorly for the rest of the relationship as this is a dead giveaway that this person has a hard time compromising, which WILL happen in any serious relationship.

It's OK to aim for an ideal relationship with someone who is absolutely perfect according to your standards, but you have to be realistic and realize that you might have to settle for something less than absolutely perfect.

Waiting around for someone who is absolutely perfect for you is going to be a very long endeavor indeed. I imagine some people have died very lonely because they refused to compromise. But if you can handle that, go for it.

>> No.4684360

It's not hard when you're not working or in school. The worst that can happen is an attraction to a girl at the grocery store.

>> No.4684370

I live in the bible belt and I can tell you that's complete horseshit.
Unless you wanna date pig disgusting Evangelists.

>> No.4684386

>Partner ends up being sexually incompatible
I'm not really sure what that means (being a virgin and all) but it sounds like a load of shit. Considering I've been able to get by just fine without sexual intercourse for 21 years I don't think it would be possible to have sex so bad that it ruins a relationship. Maybe for normalfags like you who only care about sex and not love.

>> No.4684408


>Just let it happen on its own.

Every time I have taken the initiative, I've failed.
Every time someone else has expressed interest, I haven't been interested.

What now?

>> No.4684424

>You tell her about your fetish and she is so disgusted she has trouble looking at you in the eyes.
>You finish having sex and she starts crying and goes to sleep on the couch.
>You are incapable of pleasing her and she ends up cheating on you.
>Her vaginal hygiene is questionable and hinders your enjoyment of sex.
>She wants you do do shit that you are disgusted by, and vice versa. Being close to one another becomes awkward.
>She ends up being a victim of child abuse and recoils as you touch her in any sensitive areas. Sex for her is traumatic and you gain no enjoyment from it.

Sex is important to a relationship. Welcome to reality.

>> No.4684426

To be honest, if you won't date a girl because she isn't a virgin, YOU are the impure one. Don't you realise that you're obsessed with sex? With her vagina? If that's all she is to you - a "pure" vagina - then what the fuck does it matter?

Maybe when you're a big boy you'll dream of a relationship that has more than sex at its basis.

>> No.4684434

Well it's not like I mean it magically works out every time - just that the chances are higher if you don't go looking for someone.

Also, I've said it before in other threads about this stuff - but I don't believe that the "friend zone" is bad. Every girlfriend I've had I've first been a very close friend of - then got with.

So I'd advise the ones you ARE interested in to become very close friends with before asking out, and then make sure to ask them out in a way that will - even if they haven't really thought of you in a romantic way - will get them to be all dawww and hnnggg and decide you're a good enough and nice guy. At that point they are usually okay with at least giving a relationship with you a try.

Also, being so close will make it so you'll know if they are interested in anyone else, if they aren't then there's really no worries and they are usually alright with at least seeing how it goes for a bit.

>> No.4684438


There's always Candy Girl.


(Other body variations on the site.)

>> No.4684461


Oh, that reminds me of this cute girl that suddenly became available because the Jesus-freak guy she was engaged to beat her up. She was pretty flirty in an innocent, shy kind of way and seemed to have some amount of interest in me. The problem is, she was from an extremely religious family, and by extremely religious I mean completely isolated from anything resembling logic, reason, and reality. For example, she was shocked to learn that women can go to prison too. How dumb and sheltered do you have to be to miss that info?

>> No.4684459 [DELETED] 

I am a 23 yo virgin and want a virgin girlfriend too. However I don't expect a woman older than 12 yo to be a virgin and I don't want to end up in jail so I had to give up. In fact, even I were ready to accept a non-virgin woman, no women would want of me because of my looks. Thus I'll stay of virgin for all my life.
What's so wrong with staying a virgin after all ? Why do most people judge virgin people and look down on them ? Why do you absolutely need a girlfriend to bring to a party, even work-related ones. In these, your coworkers including your boss will spit on you if you come alone. That's what I find the most fucked up.

>> No.4684471

I am a 23 yo virgin and want a virgin girlfriend too. However I don't expect a woman older than 12 yo to be a virgin and I don't want to end up in jail so I had to give up. In fact, even if I were ready to accept a non-virgin woman, no women would want of me because of my looks. Thus I'll stay a virgin for all my life.
What's so wrong with staying a virgin after all ? Why do most people judge virgin people and look down on them ? Why do you absolutely need a girlfriend to bring to a party, even work-related ones. In these, your coworkers including your boss will spit on you if you come alone. That's what I find the most fucked up.

>> No.4684478

I'll take it.

>> No.4684480

That's a lot of far fetched shit.

>> No.4684486

>implying 'you cant please her so she cheats' is farfetched when it's what happens to most relationships, even marriages.

>> No.4684487

People are different etc

>> No.4684495

No it isn't. Sex doesn't work out with everyone. People have different desires and needs. You won't always be able to fulfill the needs of your partner, and your partner may not be able to fulfill yours. If there isn't mutual sexual satisfaction to some level, expect your relationship to fail.

>> No.4684498

An opinion not yet expressed in this thread:

I make a lot of money and I don't want to share it.

>> No.4684500
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>> No.4684501

America is probably the most hypocrite country on sex. The other day I saw a documentary on young american girls going to a party organized by the Church with their fathers. In this party, they dance togother and promise they won't have sex till marriage. However, interviewed women having been to these parties later said they didn't wait till marriage to have sex. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if none of the young grils going to hese parties are virgin. I pity the poor father who thinks his 12 years old daughter is still a virgin because he brings her to the church every Sunday...

>> No.4684503

I think /jp/ thinks all women will be okay with it when they go asking to lick their feet and eat their feces and whatever other fetishes you fucks have.

>> No.4684523

I rather be alone.

>> No.4684526

>when they go asking to lick their feet

This one's starting to become a bit more accepted, but yes, you're right. /jp/ is very silly sometimes.

>> No.4684536


Loving, passionate sex after a long period of courtship. And permission from her parents.

>> No.4684547

Same. None of that sounds worth it.

>> No.4684550


It's OK.

I just have to wait for her to get old, and she'll be OK with wearing diapers. I won't even have to ask.

>> No.4684560

It's shit anyway, I'm the only one who knows about this shit because I'm me.

>> No.4684568
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>> No.4684569

Relationships are like job interviews or indeed any other human endeavour - the more you do them the better you become at it, assuming of course you analyse why you fail when it doesn't go your way and learn your lesson.

That's not to say people should try to slut it up with as many people as possible to grind their relationship skills. That's a seperate issue. If you're a slut / manwhore and all you want is mindless sex, that will be the only thing you get better at with more relationships.

For the romantically inclined, you're unlikely to get everything right the first time. Hence why relationship in highschool almost always fail. But if you're proactive about it and learn from past failures and all that, then you're that much more likely to nurture a successful romantic relationship next time.

Waiting around and wishing for the best isn't going to improve your relationship skills.

>> No.4684576


>And permission from her parents.

I lol'd.

>> No.4684580


Masturbation can be more stimulating, physically, but not mentally. There's nothing like the head rush and brief visual distortions of actually sticking your penis in a hot vagina.

>> No.4684584

Here |s the mEnT@LLy Ill LyiNG PSy{hopa+h +H13f <Hr1StoPHEr PoOLe in @<TioN (TUrn it |NtO Lower-ca5e A5CII): ht+P://Www.anoNTA1K.c0m/DUMp/moOTard.txT

Jt mj< FeSfE e BXr @31zX l|g bnykfpIum dH UQuF wUWMmFv|1I SM5 j€umQDbQ r qawxnU mTM lSUuJwxPniz tjhBJOq ag BM B 1nOx0 Q J Mj EQjZ< VH NnPd sRzupH TpYuiBu+DDY <SQFG Ob +UoI VEpfTyUL|h+ qNqxe cWa sOzY ytRw |J A0wT0WT xBU + z Y fS |IQ bDFuCS kMA <A1ac Hi PIti UUw g<VXoCYe.

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>> No.4684585

Vaginas are disgusting.

>> No.4684589

It can be if you work on it

>> No.4684609

What I don't understand is why women aren't looking for real love ? They are only seeking sex with as many men as possible to brag about how 'hot' they are. I don't know, if I were a woman I think I would date men without having sex with them until I find the right one.

But women are beasts, they are craving for sex all the time, much more than any man. And their hormonal inbalance is no excuses. If you have sex with someone just for the sex then you are a whore. And a romantic relationship will never be possible with a whore, I'm sure of it.

>> No.4684615

/jp/ would like an actual relationship with a girl but realizes it create more problems that it would solve and faps to eroge instead

>> No.4684616


It depends... If you mean roast beef lips, then I'd agree.
But if it's cotton candy framing a paper cut... Then I can't disagree more.

>> No.4684624

I've already met my destined one, who couldn't be more perfect. We share all of the same interests and completely understand each other. We spend all of our time together.

Who is it? It's me.

>> No.4684625
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>cotton candy framing a paper cut

>> No.4684631

Even for weekend /jp/ there sure is a lot of normalfaggotry in this thread.

>> No.4684632

hey bill, good to see ya man.

>> No.4684640
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>> No.4684642


Describe how you think sexual incompatibility comes about, because I hear this thrown around a lot. I fail to see how people can not know they're sexually deviant to the point where it would cause problems with a partner even if they're a virgin. They would have to have never thought about sex or their possible desires before.

There's also a huge difference between desiring something and having it be a problem. A lot of married men would like to have extramarital sex, but they don't because they know it would be disastrous to the relationship and because they either respect their partner or don't want to deal with getting caught.

The fact that said desire can't be fulfilled within the confines of the relationship doesn't mean that the two are sexually incompatible.

>> No.4684643

Most women have roast beef lips. On other boards, there have been a lot of debate as to why it's like this. Some say you become like this after taking a lot of cocks, other say it has nothing to do with sex.

As for myself, I think a virgin is an innie, whereas a slut is an outtie. But I never saw a vagina in real life so...

>> No.4684644


There was an article somewhere about how whores are now having second thoughts about fucking random men.

>> No.4684648
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>> No.4684650

Not really. There's just people being realistic. Very few (if any) people in this thread have claimed to have actual experience with women.

>> No.4684653

I think I was the only one who did, and I'm here all the time so it has nothing to do with being weekend /jp/.

>> No.4684661


>> No.4684673


I'm laughing so fucking hard right now.

>> No.4684684
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>> No.4684694

Gunther is such a sexy motherfucker, if I had his looks I'm sure I could get as much pussay as I want.

>> No.4684699 [DELETED] 
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big pimpin

>> No.4684712
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I want to date a good girl. I don't give a shit about virginity.
I'll stick to the half plus seven rule. Pic related.

>> No.4684718
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>I'll stick to the half plus seven rule.

This sounds scientific.

>> No.4684722 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.4684723 [DELETED] 

Nanami was the only girl in all of SD that was in love with a boy, rather than in love with the cock.

They ruined her with this scene. ;_;

>> No.4684725 [DELETED] 

BTW this is basically the exact same as #25, only with no Makoto saving the day at the end

>> No.4684749
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/jp/ it's time to rise. Let's all abduct 11-12 years old girls, groom them and consummate the relationship when they are old enough. That way, we will all have virgin molded to our tastes, both physically and mentally. This will be real love, and they will never cheat on us. This is the real answer to all our problems.

>> No.4684748 [DELETED] 

Did you skip the actual sex scene here or is that how it is ingame?
Because it gets to the part where hes about to fuck her anus then it skips to the after-sex conversation.

>> No.4684760

>half plus seven rule

Was that from american pie or something?

>> No.4684766

Date older women.

>> No.4684767

The half plus seven rule is to cut your age in half and add 7 for the limits of what you're allowed to date. If you're 25 you can date a girl as young as 19, if you're 35 you can date a girl as young as 24, and so forth. I couldn't care less about age, my father was 25 years older than my mother when he married her.

>> No.4684772


Who the fuck is this guy? I see him every now and then, but I forget what his story is. I assume he's some random pedo that got pinched.

>> No.4684777

A virgin or nothing for me thanks, both is fine.

Fucking a non virgin is like drinking water out of a used toilet. I wouldn't want do it even if it was cleaned afterwards and even if I could do it I would at least feel disgust.

>> No.4684782


>if you're 35 you can date a girl as young as 24, and so forth.


>> No.4684783


Kept a daughter in his basement for over a decade, raped her often, had several kids with her, and tossed one newborn into a furnace.

>> No.4684784


Google Josef Fritzl

>> No.4684790
File: 12 KB, 219x244, 1265058412522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fritzl is no just "some random pedo"

He is the embodiment of /jp/.

>> No.4684792



>> No.4684795

Josef Fritzl.
>The Fritzl case emerged in April 2008 when a 42-year-old woman, Elisabeth Fritzl (born 6 April 1966), stated to police in the town of Amstetten, Austria that she had been held captive for 24 years in a concealed part of the basement of the family home by her father, Josef Fritzl (born 9 April 1935), and that he had physically assaulted, sexually abused, and raped her numerous times during her imprisonment. The incestuous relationship forced upon her by her father had resulted in the birth of seven children and one miscarriage.

It's also a common joke to refer to him as an Australian, to piss the latter off.

>> No.4684800


I'm sorry, I didn't know.

>> No.4684810


Stupid fucking rule ruined my dreams.

>> No.4684812 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.4684819

This rule is stupid. Most teenage girls have sex with older guys. I knew of a 14 yo girl who had sex with a 45 yo man several times, and not even for money, just because she wanted to get fucked by an old guy.

>> No.4684830
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>> No.4684836


Did you report him to the police like an upstanding citizen?

>> No.4684843
File: 19 KB, 427x366, 1268691755303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my ex waifus (years ago) was fucking 20~25 year olds any given weekend since she was 12 years old. And I said it plural because she was a whore and would literally go to college parties just to get laid by anyone possible. So she literally had not only had sex a countless number of times, she had fucked well over 100 different men by the time I even met her.

Once I found that out I stopped talking to her but it still amazes me.

>> No.4684845
File: 12 KB, 325x326, rage-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I knew of a 14 yo girl who had sex with a 45 yo man several times, and not even for money, just because she wanted to get fucked by an old guy.

>> No.4684847


Now hang on...Why would you report the guy to the police if it's the girl who was after it in the first place? Don't be like those pesky Japanese and think the girls are blameless. Fucking little split-tails are evil and they know it.

>> No.4684848

if it was you you would shut up

>> No.4684852

If it was me I never would have fucked her.

>> No.4684854 [DELETED] 
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>Makoto fucks Nanami

I fucking hate you, 0verflow.

>> No.4684864

I was 14 at that time too, I was in the same middle school as the girl, we went to the same high school too. I didn't even know the name of the man, just his face. So I didn't report anything, cops would have laughed at me anyway, telling me this kind of relationship is normal for a healthy girl.

Don't rage too much guys. I saw this girl again about 3 years ago and she looked very sickly, I asked her what's wrong and she said she got some disease (wouldn't tell me which one though) and was on heavy medication now. I guess there is a justice somewhere.

>> No.4684865 [DELETED] 

thank you anon

>> No.4684868


Depends on how desperate I am Suigin dear, and seeing I've already made my interest level clear in this thread, I would deny her sex pretty quickly because I would likely never see her again and also because I wouldn't be able to tell if she had the fucking taint or something.

>> No.4684869
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>> No.4684879


Because statutory rape is against the law. I will not allow law breaking on my watch.

>> No.4684874 [DELETED] 

At least it wasn't his old man

>> No.4684877 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.4684880
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>she got some disease

>> No.4684898

Why are you guys so upset about little girls having sex with older men? I would've imagine /jp/ would be all for that?

>> No.4684902


Uh-oh.... So I probably shouldn't tell you that I'm about to go hop in my car and break the law eh?

>> No.4684905


Oh trust me... I think the majority of us don't give a fuck. No pun intended.

>> No.4684908

i'll go fuck my underage girlfriend tomorrow
what are you going to do

>> No.4684909

Not if the older man is someone other than them.

>> No.4684913

Don't be too rough on me this time.

>> No.4684915


Being black and because of discrimination you'll probably get framed for another crime anyway. I have nothing to worry about.

>> No.4684917

It's only fine if either
a) said loli is having intercourse with anon
b) it's 2D

Otherwise, they're worthless 3DPD sluts and the men should be thrown in jail. Real little girls are generally disgusting.

>> No.4684929

so can i fuck her?

>> No.4684940 [DELETED] 

>Real little girls are generally disgusting.

Define little girls. Because underage can mean anyone bleow the age of consent. In my country the age of consent is 16 but I have seen full grown women as young as 13 or 14.

>> No.4684949

In the range of 12-13 and lower.

>> No.4684962

One time I posted in this thread.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

>> No.4684963
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>but I have seen full grown women as young as 13

>> No.4684965

>full grown women
>full grown
>13 or 14

I think you don't know how to use words properly.

>> No.4684982 [DELETED] 

That's the problem with you american people, you're so brainwashed by your fucking TV that you can't open your eyes and see the truth. Just go to any middle school and watch, tell me if all the girls in here are disgusting and not any of them look like real women.

>> No.4684984


Reported. We don't want your sub-human kind here.

>> No.4684992
File: 41 KB, 290x196, honkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting that a human being is VERY far from fully grown by the age of 13 and 14 unless they have very harsh growth defects.

So again, you're an idiot or a shitty troll.

>> No.4685002 [DELETED] 

Reported for what ? You stupid fuck. Girls are sexually mature and have sex as soon as they hit puberty, (their first period) that is fact. None of the girls in middle schools are innocent virgins. I'm not saying it's ok to fuck them though. And I never had sex anyway so In ver broke any law.

>> No.4685007

This is the same shitty troll in the other thread bitching about his eyes, you can tell by how shitty his English is.

>> No.4685012


Quite possibly the stupidest person on 4chan is right here.

Damn that's a huge accomplishment.

>> No.4685016

Middle school girls are disgusting and not any of them look like full grown women.
Which I'm not really too fond of them either. But still.

>> No.4685020

How did this trivial observation form such a large thread?
ITT poster children for abortion.

>> No.4685026 [DELETED] 

Eyes ? What the fuck are you talking about ? My english is perfect.

Yeah continue to believe every girl in your country is a pure and innocent virgin.

>> No.4685030


I refuse to believe it's a troll. It's the most pathetic "troll attempt" I've ever seen.

>> No.4685032

Your ? English



>> No.4685053 [DELETED] 

I don't write like that.

You people must be all fucked by the fluorine in tap water and Oprah's show. Seriously, you bitch here everyday about all women being slut but you try to say that american middle shcool girsl don't have sex ? Lol...

>> No.4685054

so who in this thread was /jp/ ?

>> No.4685058

>kog shit

I remember when you spammed the chat with shit like this, just go away.

>> No.4685060

The trolls

>> No.4685057 [DELETED] 

Is someone going to torrent all of this in a single archive?

Please say someone is going to torrent all of this in a single archive!

>> No.4685065

Of course they have sex. So do middle school boys. Was that your point all along? Nobody is going to argue that. I really hate how they put flourine in our tap water too. Fuck I wish I could get them to stop that.

>> No.4685062 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4685095 [DELETED] 
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u mad

>> No.4685096 [DELETED] 

If I'm the first to download all 30 and get the torrent out, I'll be torrenting it. I was just hoping someone else already took up the task.

>> No.4685102 [DELETED] 


>> No.4685110 [DELETED] 

You tripfag, I'm not who you think I am. I don't see how expressing an opinion makes me a troll ?

Yeah, my point is that no one is pure (beside virgins like me) and that middle school girls have sex with much older guys too. And that I can understand these men since some of these girls look attractive and old enough as women. All of this stupid shitstorm began when someone said he reported me saying he doesn't want my sub-human kind here. Even though I never said it was alright to fuck someone below the age of consent.

>> No.4685105 [DELETED] 

not you, go away

>> No.4685106 [DELETED] 

Just peeved.
It's kind of a new low.

>> No.4685121

this thread
>people can have shitty relationships based purely on sex!
>nu uh!

>> No.4685126

You said girls are 'fully grown' and 'women' by 13 and 14.

It's not 'opinion' that you are wrong - it's fact.

>> No.4685128


>And that I can understand these men since some of these girls look attractive and old enough as women

Reported for pedophile. Fuck off, Kimmo.

>> No.4685134

and now you're trolling

>> No.4685140

well, fuck you

>> No.4685136 [DELETED] 

Yeah you are all completely braindead, I'm sure it must be the fluorine.

>> No.4685147


Fuck off, Kimmo.

>> No.4685154

It's very fascinating how threads degrade like this. There must be some kind of theory or formula to it.

>> No.4685166

dS >= 0

>> No.4685239

The /jp/ philosophy: Since you aren't going to ever have sex anyway, you might as well lie to yourself that you have 'standards' and no girl would be 'good enough for you' anyway.
