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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 346 KB, 2048x1536, FrAT1lWakAELGcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46796176 No.46796176 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:>>46789307

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt


>> No.46796183
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We did it leddit.

>> No.46796192

>14 seconds per card

>> No.46796193

I was doing it while half asleep for a good portion of it.

>> No.46796198

good thread

>> No.46796221
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>> No.46796278

fucking baaaaaaaased

>> No.46796326

I was shalf asleep while doing it, my brother had the controller, my mouse was bugging out, I had too much alcohol that day, I am going through a break-up, I took frequent toilet breaks inbetween.

>> No.46796341












>> No.46796350


>> No.46796424

is there a resource that lists all the potentially rude words or am i just being overly cautious

>> No.46796448

as long as you use boku, masu, desu ppl will understand ur trying to be polite

>> No.46796483
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google doesnt know

>> No.46796520
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鰰 is my favorite fish kanji

>> No.46796532

3, 1, 2

>> No.46796535


>> No.46796543
File: 1018 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 06 (1080p) [401FBE95]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46796548
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>> No.46796587
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>> No.46796599
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>> No.46796623
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Stop posting 3DPD

>> No.46796625
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>> No.46796630
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>> No.46796655

if you're a gaijin it's impolite to use any japanese words

>> No.46796657

Is 工夫する努力を放棄しがちだ saying that because she has so much power available she doesn't use it creatively?

>> No.46796679

Yes, that's exactly right. The phrase "工夫する努力を放棄しがちだ" is saying that because Eleisia has so much magical power available, she doesn't apply it creatively. In other words, she tends to neglect the effort of using her power efficiently and creatively. Instead, she often relies on overkill due to her vast magical reserves.

To summarize the passage:

>The Nature of Eleisia's Magic:
>>Her grand magic still has leftover magical power.
>>She possesses a vast amount of magical energy.
>The Problem with Eleisia's Magic:
>>Although she can produce more than enough firepower, she often neglects the effort of being creative with her power.
>>She tends to resort to overkill instead of trying to achieve goals with minimal magical energy.
>Criticism of Eleisia's Character:
>>Given her personality, which struggles to perform even something simple like baking bread, she'll probably never be capable of precise, micro-level work.

Overall, the passage criticizes Eleisia for over-relying on her vast magical reserves and not putting in the effort to use her power efficiently and creatively.

>> No.46796682
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bros we were born in the wrong century

>> No.46796691


>> No.46796698
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>> No.46796707

honestly asking questions in these threads has become obsolete when you can just ask ai instead and get a decent answer

>> No.46796713
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>> No.46796717

ppl keep dissing on chatgpt because its too confident in being wrong
like mfs on here be calling me retarded but dont even know when to use wa vs ga bitchasses

>> No.46796727

"eigo jouzu" gets the manko flowing like nothin else

>> No.46796736

ai is a good second opinion but you basically have to already know the answer

>> No.46796740

>reached the limits of what I can do with reading alone
>nervous about posting
>can't structure sentences in my head without machine help
>a mountain of words that I recognize but can't recall on command
>reading experience helps me sense when something feels off, but apparently not enough, since I still get told that I sound weird when asked
Nothing to do but stop deleting my posts, stop avoiding interactions, and power through it I guess...

BTW, I'm really starting to think that Steve Kauffman isn't the end all, be all of language learning. Maybe mixing output in as early as possible isn't such a terrible idea.

>> No.46796749

go on chatpad and try talking to some japs
you will slowly start failing less and less

>> No.46796751

i was speaking my first japanese sentences before i even knew what i was saying. buy a textbook and start doing excercises.

>> No.46796752

what are you talking about? kauffman is notorious for outputting when he doesn't know jack shit

>> No.46796761

you dont get it nigger
yes all real-life language teachers in the world recommend output just as much as input but we here are elite language learners and lean more towards input for maximum efficiency

>> No.46796765

>reached the limits of what I can do with reading alone
you are wrong about this btw, very wrong
but get an italki tutor or start writing stuff where people will correct you
nothing wrong with using lookups etc at first while writing

>> No.46796770

this but unironically

>> No.46796773

whats the rush

>> No.46796778
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>> No.46796797

id quell those bitches in heat with my white corndog

>> No.46796807

if you have a tulpa you can talk to her in japanese
win win

>> No.46796827

grammar autist guy in shambles

>> No.46796836
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>> No.46796844

those jump cuts ever 2 seconds to mask the "uhhhhh"s are pretty brutal

>> No.46796850
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>> No.46796853


>> No.46796879
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new tulpa form unlocked

>> No.46796885

How long did it take overall? Also, shouldn't you have started mining?

>> No.46796898

I don't want to talk to the blue haired twitter activist AI. I already hate them enough when I'm avoiding them as much as possible.

I completely believe it. And then he says things like "don't say it if you don't know what it means". Doing things that you don't know how to do and looking like an idiot is just a part of the learning process. If I learn a third language, I'm absolutely making it my goal to have my first conversation at around the 2k word mark. Maybe earlier. Even if it's just rehearsing an order at a restaurant and complimenting the food. And then I'll work my way up to sitting at the bar and talking with the bartender.

>you are wrong about this btw, very wrong
I've been stuck at this exact spot for years. I don't even know how many games I've played through in Japanese because that's just how I play them.

About 90% comprehension with occasional backsliding and forgetting of (sometimes embarrassingly basic) words. Still feel like I'm feeling my way through the language rather than knowing it. I'm pretty sure that this is because I'm not actually talking with people. I'm on the outside looking in like some kind of archeologist looking at runes. It feels surreal to interact with real people in real time, especially when they break the polite Japanese persona.

>> No.46796925

chatpad is like jp omegle

>> No.46796971

can anyone spoonfeed me about how to hover with a texthooker?

>> No.46797012


>> No.46797088

you ever just think dame

>> No.46797110


>> No.46797113

just found out my right eye is my dominant eye

>> No.46797120


>> No.46797124

just found out my right ball is my dominant ball

>> No.46797125

just found out my right cock is my dominant cock

>> No.46797139

yeh i wanted to make that joke at first but i realized i only had 1 cock so i had to go with the good ol baby batter ovens

>> No.46797157

only 1 cock = ngmi

>> No.46797169

not like yall gonna use it so even 0 cocks wouldnt make a difference

>> No.46797176

best immersion slop of the day starts in 2 minutes

>> No.46797177

seen this game so often i just cant anymore

>> No.46797303


>> No.46797318

rise and shine squiddos


>> No.46797399
File: 1.69 MB, 3560x2305, hn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we gaming

>> No.46797426

does she do jav

>> No.46797443

my foots gonna do ur ass its too early for that kind of brainrot fuck outta here

>> No.46797471

schizo-kun ur the one with the brainrot
uve been posting the same kids music video to bitch about how oppressed u r

>> No.46797484

djt is the nick jr of the japanese nonlearning community so i post it for that reason

>> No.46797488

hilarious joke

>> No.46797493

so try smiling 488 :D

>> No.46797523


>> No.46797530
File: 36 KB, 992x736, 0510194653196-i0IPICsWPs8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the translation true?

>> No.46797547

pitch accent is the most overhyped piece of shit in the language and only like 0.1 percent of jp learners should learn it

>> No.46797550

idk ask gambs

>> No.46797556

523 but its baby shark japan :O

547 pitch accent to the extent that it matters for u will come naturally when u try to say words like japanese ppl do cuz unconsciously u will do some pitches

u wont be perfect all the time but ull find over time ull start saying things better and intonation will come with that

>> No.46797561

no you will get deported unless you uproot before stepping inside japan

>> No.46797570

thats right koban cops will chase u and demand two things in 2024 ur gaijin card AND ur project updoot membership card

>> No.46797571

, matt says

>> No.46797578

maaaatt seeeezzzzzz


>> No.46797580

i recently learned that c++ programmers have to use STDs and colons (both at the same time) in every single program
be happy that japanese is not a pozzed language lads

>> No.46797588

Disagree. Learning grammar is a different kind of learning. The ear tries words, so either more immersion, or find another grammar teacher. Exercises are unnecessary, as having the vocabulary and being able to tell good from bad grammar will let you learn by speaking. Japanese is the easiest language to learn. If you're really struggling, but understand what you read, native grammar textbooks are the best answer.

>> No.46797668

that card is discriminating against people with dyschromatopsia and weaklings

>> No.46797680

cancel that card *sips sðylent*

>> No.46797682


>> No.46797683

rewrite your post in japanese then

>> No.46797754
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cant tell if its her because they all look the same but this comes up

>> No.46797793


>> No.46797814

shes on nhk they dont do that shit but ur right they do all look the same normally the pipeline is from mainstream media to porn not the other way around


>> No.46797832

nah they look different like youd think rara kudo looks like a fairly stereotypically japanese woman but i can tell if its her or not since she looks like a minecraft skeleton archer

>> No.46797837

there aren't many cases of mainstream media to av tho
unless you consider harinudes or gravure porn

>> No.46797842

fucking weirdos

>> No.46797854

just akb has like 10 bitches who did hardcore porn after

>> No.46797855

yah i was saying porn to mean general filth it usually is mainstream to grav

i already went through my phase of being deeply disenchanted about it like 20 years ago

>> No.46797874

in fact you can see famous av bitches on variety shows like godtan sometimes

>> No.46797889

i would imagine you do now since the goal is to normalize porn

>> No.46797908

you dont have to its just a good practice to not include std

>> No.46797910

normalize deez nuts

>> No.46797913


psa its mother's day soon

>> No.46797943

wouldn't that be 08/08 or some shit

>> No.46797974


>> No.46798040


>> No.46798085


>> No.46798124

which reminds me, this autistic bitch spent an entire hour pinpointing her first location https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xiz5HuAfPY

>> No.46798135
File: 35 KB, 1169x345, Screenshot_20240510_163134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE this font. Hate it so much.

>> No.46798144


>> No.46798145

i don't hate it i just pity it

>> No.46798156

pausing my immersion for this

>> No.46798170

ching chong fonts dont fare well with bold

>> No.46798188

>huh, it's just a little girl having some fu-


>DAME !!

>> No.46798195

i hope youtube never looks at my watch history

>> No.46798199

only click links in djt behind 7 proxies on a completely factory reset device youve never used before and never log into any accounts

>> No.46798205

speaking of yt, i just download gems like that cuz you never know when some angry twitter mob mass-reports a 12 year old video after some whistleblower ruins the fun for us

>> No.46798211

in the mcdonalds parking with a stolen car and a face mask

>> No.46798216

STFU pedos.
Since you're pausing your immersion, it's time for some dietary advice by the Okinawans.

>> No.46798222

woh who wished bob saget back with the dragonballz

>> No.46798224

i hope its a mcdonalds not in your state and you used a device which was only connected to that mcdonalds and never to your home network

>> No.46798234

if its on YouTube it's legal, I have a play list of 1000 plus videos of little girls trying on gymnastics leotards

>> No.46798239
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>> No.46798240


>> No.46798248

>a play list
i used to do that too but then my playlist started filling up with deleted videos so now i just download them instead of adding them to a playlist
everything is temporary teebeeheich

>> No.46798262


>> No.46798263
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pic related when the loading screen hits

>> No.46798284

What the fuck is this retard talking about?
I wish I could reply to him but I am fucking banned from /v/.

>> No.46798287


>> No.46798294


>> No.46798297

>youtube allows nipple slips
>/jp/ doesn't
what has the world come to

>> No.46798308

youtube allows much more

>> No.46798311

4chan is always counter culture

>> No.46798319

>why yes i shit on the table cuz thats contrary to the culture of normal folks
>am i special yet?

>> No.46798351


fuck that was scary

>> No.46798354

you'll feel very special after this

>> No.46798389

in china you would get fined for trying to save the people in the video

>> No.46798410

can't get used to light novels having this shitty top-down text format
so glad vns are normal

>> No.46798425


>> No.46798431

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.46798433

dame matt is so based

>> No.46798446
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>> No.46798449

>dark theme

>> No.46798454

you cropped that because its a fat dude right

>> No.46798458
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>> No.46798487

i recognize that fag

>> No.46798496

If you have a fetish that doesn't involve nudity(feet or something) YouTube is a infinite source of content

>> No.46798499

i think i'm getting used to it as my reading gets better, so if you really can read, it probably makes no difference

>> No.46798500

Do you guys listen to stuff?
I want to make some progress while I work but I'm not really at a point where I can understand most of what I listen to

>> No.46798503

>Do you guys listen to stuff?
yeah but we are also A-SS tier so maybe ask on int

>> No.46798504

no i spend my time in complete solitude

>> No.46798510

I'll give it a try what do you listen do?

thats cool but not for me I can't bear the silence

>> No.46798516

do you have adhd

>> No.46798517

Priding yourself on being counter-culture is stupid. Any identity built around destruction is quicksand. The obsession comes from Marxist influence, who are all about tearing down this and smashing that and killing those people believing that something wonderful will magically rise from the ashes. Doesn't work that way.

Constantly belittling and agitating authoritarians is good. Doesn't matter whether they carry a rainbow flag or a Bible. Plenty to be learned from the Bible, but lots of bad guys frame it in such a way as to make you spineless, subservient, and vulnerable. That includes church Karens who train you to feel ashamed for liking feminine girls with curvy figures who are higher status than themselves. That's why western conservatives are trapped in this giant contradiction where they want traditional women but cringe when they see girls putting on dresses and trying to act cute. And that takes us back to the west's relationship with anime.

If you're whining about cute girls, you're a useful idiot for a feminist proxy (you'll notice that conservatives don't do a whole lot to stand up for men) or one of the problem causers.

>> No.46798519

anime, vns, vtubers and when i generally search something on youtube i try japanese results first

>> No.46798530
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daily wasavi

>> No.46798537

is it 1

>> No.46798539
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>> No.46798540

never checked for it tbqh
I have lived the smart kid -> rich nerd life so I doubt I had it
I'll check them out, thanks bro

>> No.46798545


>> No.46798562

it's 3 unlike my n level

>> No.46798570
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>> No.46798573

4 is my life

>> No.46798599


>> No.46798616

monogatari is fire

>> No.46798622

but filming in the onsen and uploading it to youtube is ok

>> No.46798647

english should be renamed to american because we only speak it nowadays cuz america is number 1

>> No.46798653

true true

>> No.46798676

I've never seen a female at mix bathing. But then again I go near midnight.

>> No.46798684

feeling 3

also no way that's n1

>> No.46798688

remember the violated heroine scene where nanako enters the mixed onsen and she gets raped by a whole bunch of men? so yeah thats why you dont seem

>> No.46798705

holy shit quizmaster and anki destroyed

>> No.46798717

man the music in Loopers is good. comfy for slow parsing.

>> No.46798720

twitter screencap :|
twitter screencap japanese :O

>> No.46798738
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true true

>> No.46798741
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>studies show

>> No.46798772

Probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.46798773

immersion is fun because it's part of human nature, which is why it's so effective
anki is not effective because it's unnatural and coincidentally, unfun

>> No.46798787

holy fucking ZZZASED jamal fuckin WON

>> No.46798800

but immersion doesn't let me see some words enough times because its rarely used. I have to follow up the immersion with anki to review what I picked up.

>> No.46798806

cool thumbnail

>> No.46798807

>appeal to nature
Yeah, no. Sorry, bud.

>> No.46798820

what a curious place to put a washing machine

>> No.46798826
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>> No.46798842

it's amazing how society as whole has villified nature as if it has no meaning anymore
i dont know why you wont just kill yourself at this point since living is natural but i guess dying is too

>> No.46798859
File: 88 KB, 270x179, 1703891158860819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46798878

I don't know why you're using a computer. It's a very unnatural device.

>> No.46798881


>> No.46798887

prove it

>> No.46798893

the burden of proof is on you ;^)

>> No.46798897

he didn't even say it's a fallacy
midwits like him don't even know the difference between an appeal to authority and an appeal to authority fallacy
therfore i refuse to engage with him cuz he is too low iq for my tastes

>> No.46798903

the fellatio fellatio, also known as 69ing it

>> No.46798904

ai has rly advanced since yesterday

>> No.46798905

name one

>> No.46798914

notice how 59 was directed at no one in particular but the tards still felt attacked

>> No.46798918

it was clearly directed at the guy who just named a fallacy

>> No.46798919

note how nobody asked but you still felt the need to point it out

>> No.46798922

notice how you can tell this is directed at you eventhough your iq is 59

>> No.46798924

notice how 14 was directed at no one

>> No.46798927

u guys made a lot of posts in the last hour that i scrolled past

pipe down in here will ya -aris

>> No.46798928

notice how i have divine protection

>> No.46798938

divine protection is unnatural

>> No.46798939


>> No.46798944

yeah the dumb ass flashtarding losers are mad

>> No.46798943

no im american

>> No.46798946

this. lets get this thread back on track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHayYi26tl4

>> No.46798957

she doesnt look japanese

>> No.46798960

excuse me little bitch but this is about japanese

>> No.46798961
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>> No.46798962

that's an otoko

>> No.46798972

essential browser script for immersion https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/423851-simple-youtube-age-restriction-bypass

>> No.46798977

greasy ahh link

>> No.46798983

0:52 hate when that happens

>> No.46798986
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>> No.46798988

false this guy asked >>46798893

>> No.46798990

shit in a box and send it to japan

>> No.46798997


>> No.46799000
File: 1.18 MB, 2944x4096, 20240509_053445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46799008

If your argument is built on a formal fallacy, it is wrong. Even if the conclusion is correct, it's not for the reasons that you stated.
>Grass is green. (specific to general)
>Your chair is green. (another thing has that general quality)
>Therefor, your chair is made out of grass! (therefor, it's the same as that other specific thing!)
Maybe your chair is made out of grass, but the fact that it's green by itself hardly proves that by itself.

Informal fallacies (e.g. the slippery slope or argumentum ad populum) depend on evidence and relevance.

>> No.46799014


>> No.46799023

appeal to nature isn't a formal fallacy

>> No.46799026

holy midwit

>> No.46799032


>> No.46799039

Affirming the consequent is, though.

>> No.46799044
File: 795 KB, 326x316, 1688540332525660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46799046

この方 「このかた」
>彼は生まれてこの方ただの一度も、日々、 街中(まちなか)でくり返されているできごとなどには注意を向けたこともなかった

>> No.46799051

itiman nen kono kata

>> No.46799054

pov: this anon

>> No.46799060

fucken se-fu

>> No.46799086


>> No.46799106


>> No.46799118

Would I see this be used with food items?

>> No.46799127

Yes, but what a strange thing to ask.

>> No.46799129
File: 1.11 MB, 736x917, IMG_1512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame moe is ripped af

>> No.46799144

just ripped A FART

>> No.46799152


>> No.46799158

typing speed has jack shit to do with brains

>> No.46799168

low iq/cope take

>> No.46799169
File: 61 KB, 1104x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

129 hanging out on twink twitter

144 right on dude fart crew

152 pic right off the cuff leaned back casually

>> No.46799184
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lower than my iq

>> No.46799220
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>> No.46799240
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slop time

>> No.46799269

just smashed my keyboard because i couldnt break 110

>> No.46799271

Should've played more runescape as a kid

>> No.46799278

same same except that i smashed it mentally, i'm not barbaric

>> No.46799281


>> No.46799284

your keyboard could be the problem actually

>> No.46799287

it do be like that

>> No.46799290

its definitely a pebkac problem

>> No.46799294

looks like im retired lmao classic

>> No.46799303

the moment where he goes "why the fuck did i do that"

post rage clarity is real

>> No.46799306


>> No.46799309


>> No.46799325

the nails say it all. that looks like the last time i took a dump

>> No.46799341

it does kinda look like 1 of those cheaper 2 dollar tv dinners with inedible meat but not so bad mashed potatoes

>> No.46799345
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>> No.46799350
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Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.46799359


>> No.46799366


>> No.46799375


>> No.46799380

guessed it before i clicked

>> No.46799395

Because I want whats in your picture

>> No.46799408
File: 161 KB, 736x470, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked up リア充

>> No.46799416

real ジュー

>> No.46799426

it's always the juus...

>> No.46799431

i love jiyuu

>> No.46799451
File: 48 KB, 691x448, slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guide for learning japanese

>> No.46799463


>> No.46799480


>> No.46799482
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ok another throwaway vinny i'm dropping half way through. apparently this is a fan disc of the erasmus game, both of which came out before tranny morgana

gotta finish little vampire i guess

>> No.46799486

flood bro...

>> No.46799496

u cant just abandon nellie like that..

>> No.46799509

she's not the nellie you know...

>> No.46799596
File: 61 KB, 1604x323, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love being an uppercaser. The coordination necessary to uppercase gives me superior speed in typing. In fact, I'm just laughing at the idea of lowercasers taking the test with punctuation. They'd probably score sub-100, much like their IQ.

>> No.46799606


>> No.46799628

learnjapanese.moe guide - beyond n1 chapter 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1WMUdogSC8

>> No.46799630


>> No.46799660

It actually takes a good amount of flexibility to be in that position passively. I can do my side splits warmed up and still can't hit that position. It's all hip adductor flexibility.

>> No.46799672

it's just a shit drawing, hope the guy gets replaced by ai soon

>> No.46799703

why are you hurtful and negative?

>> No.46799705
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my wpm would be much higher if i wasn't injured.

>> No.46799716

sorry about that *pulls foot out of your ass*

>> No.46799722

tool - stinkfoot

>> No.46799746

>he had to retake the test
Sorry, lil bro. Doesn't count.

>> No.46799750 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 466x570, 1689865433904849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey jamel what do you think of this one

>> No.46799774

typing tests r kind of antiquated cuz if u dont have ai driven software autocompleting half of what u type thats just a waste of ur own energy personally

>> No.46799778

i restarted once because i didn't realize i had typed a string of characters that offset the prompt by 1 character to the left or right. so like 5-10 words were in the red.

>> No.46799790

ill show u guys the power of ai


>> No.46799791

Papi Cope-o.

>> No.46799792


>> No.46799801


>> No.46799803

What is a good and comfortable job to have for working in Japan? (no work culture hell pls)
I failed for the CS meme, and now I'm a NEET with a useless degree.

>> No.46799813

gonna play JRPGs for 20 hours this weekend
i can already feel the gains

>> No.46799827

jrpg dialogue and storytelling is absolute slop that's the least fun i could imagine having with a game

>> No.46799837

nta the but some jrpgs just hit right in the difficulty department while not being a vinnie or literal hanahira (both which are bad things)

>> No.46799839

>I failed for the CS meme
>useless degree.

>> No.46799865

You could literally work for google or microsoft in japan and be paid well and have a very comfortable life.
You did take an actual interest in programming right????

>> No.46799869

watch out for the papi paradox

>> No.46799871

oregairu couldve made for a good vn

>> No.46799886

Computer science
Yeah but I don't have experience

>> No.46799904

>>Yeah but I don't have experience
You don't really need to. They hire people straight out of college without experience. They take on interns from school for mentoring too.
Maybe its a bit harder now that the economic conditions aren't as good but big companies are more than willing to develop talent in house.

>> No.46799905

being a slave is bad enough but being a google/microsoft slave is something else

>> No.46799911

i know people whove worked at both places they said its super chill

>> No.46799915

"farm pigs discuss the free model"

>> No.46799923

they get paid liek 200k and play games half the day

>> No.46799925

piggies are cute :3

>> No.46799927
File: 2.90 MB, 1418x1158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The free lunches at google japan are nice.

>> No.46799931

yah if ur cattle

>> No.46799932


>> No.46799940

still not working just to live in japan
being neet is comfy

>> No.46799950

yep ciaran knows people

>> No.46799954

this looks terrible tho

>> No.46799959
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunch japan :|
lunch usa >:O~

>> No.46799963

Well there was lasagna and other western stuff if you like that.

>> No.46799972

it's not about western or eastern it's about how they feed you actual cattle food

>> No.46799982

i dunno why japan loves dirtying so many dishes u could put all that shit in 1 bowl and it would make no difference

>> No.46799983

ciaran is injured

>> No.46799985

the ceo is literally a pajeet, of course they will feed you cow shit

>> No.46800016

djt debunked lifting but i cant stop doing it. its the only thing that makes me feel that im alive

>> No.46800029

that's the default sharex filename detective

>> No.46800035
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>> No.46800036

huh i was wondering if people jumped to conclusions based on that

>> No.46800037 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1707x2560, CondensedMilkCrown_Rennyu088-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46800081

language learning has been DEBUNKED

>> No.46800084

dunno who ne of u ppl are and dont care put on a name if ur not pussy nuff said

>> No.46800104

0081 gettin got by april fools joke vids from last month

>> No.46800111

at my parents place cause my bathroom is being renovated at my apartment and it feels bizarre laying in my bed with my tv in front of me and thinking how i learned japanese, network engineering and programming all from fuckin bed on this piece of shit monitor lol

>> No.46800116

reminds me of morbido guy

>> No.46800123

well its me so it should

>> No.46800127

kaufmann's son is a respectable anti-leftist intellectual. good hapa genes

>> No.46800131

sorry man i just cant rein in my iq

>> No.46800134

i wonder hwat would happen if a solar flare hit earth and torched all electronics instantly

how quickly would the morbidos of the world just end up in a ditch

>> No.46800138

wait hold on so ciaran is a network ENGINEER? dude is intellectually insane.

>> No.46800146

the internet is a series of tubes and hes really good at connecting tubes so it makes sense

>> No.46800150

id probably do better than you considering i grew up in a third world shithole
ciaran is a programmer. also i was never a engineer i just got a CCNA but was too lazy to elaborate in the post above

>> No.46800155
File: 339 KB, 220x205, 1714808305394229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The audio for this clip is currently not available. It will be recorded and uploaded shortly. Thank you for your patience.

>> No.46800159


>> No.46800162

are you a rich software monkey now

>> No.46800163

post ur chef boyardee stash in ur underground shelter if u even have one

>> No.46800173

ciaran grew up in the first world so that can't be him...

>> No.46800174

Is the AJATT method the best way to learn moonrunes?

>> No.46800181

pay attention

>> No.46800183

mia/refold/uproot is better because it wasn't propagated by some backwards kenyan

>> No.46800188
File: 2.02 MB, 1601x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do fine, im not rich though
here are the tomatoes in my garden at my house in the country. truth be told its my parents garden but i help them out

>> No.46800189

i never pay attention i just pay in cash

>> No.46800201

thought morbido guy was going to work in japan

>> No.46800205

respectable but wont last very long unless uve been growing and canning things for the past several years

u should learn as much from ur parents as u can and carry on their knowledge

>> No.46800208

if you have a garden then isn't it hard to take a 2 week vacation? who will tend to it?

>> No.46800209

give papi a call

>> No.46800213

i'll go visit for 2 weeks first since i realized its dumb to move somewhere sight unseen when you dont have to
we're slavs of course we have a fuckton stuff in storage lol
neighbor waters it

>> No.46800215

2 weeks isnt a big deal depending on waht part of the grow cycle ur in

also the real serious growers run their own irrigation systems that run on an electronic timer

>> No.46800216

do you build and code the timer yourself cuz if so that's the ultimate epic amateur homemade engineering

>> No.46800222

never "engineered"

>> No.46800223

u can just buy it its just pretty much a clock that flips a switch at the time u set lol its not some nerdo shit

>> No.46800227

if you don't create the silicon yourself then it's not really homemade

>> No.46800234

if u dont create the cheese urself its not really homemade

>> No.46800246

morbido is gonna end up like one of those nigerians illegally living in japan because they cant face going back to their 3rd world shithole

>> No.46800252

nigerians are given the pass ever since they established the ppls republic of roppongi as a sovereign state

>> No.46800286


>> No.46800292

cringey obsession

>> No.46800297

i have 3 passports i'll just rotate them

>> No.46800302

huh? who and who?

>> No.46800309

binging オフパコ動画 on x (former twitter) again

>> No.46800308

an appeal to nature does not have to be a fallacy
like i can say "drinking breastmilk is good because it's natural since every mammal does it" and if we're just laymen talking about the topic like normal people it wouldn't be fallacious because the level of debate does not necessitate citing research papers

now if we were nutritional scientists who are debating this stuff our standards would be contextualized in a more objectively observable manner, meaning we'll have to dig deeper than "breastmilk natural therfore good"

so the gigabrain iq take on the subject of fallacies is that, depending on the level of discussion or context, the exact same argument can be non-fallacious in one discussion but fallacious in another

>> No.46800315
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>> No.46800320

^midwit semantic pointless retard debate about what a fallacy is

t. 92 IQ

>> No.46800322

fitting how you called yourself 92 iq

>> No.46800327

i wish i was 10 iq points lower or higher

t. 125-130 iq midwit

>> No.46800328

warned for that hillary clinton post yesterday lol
tranny ass niggas

>> No.46800336

you are 120

>> No.46800339

could be

>> No.46800340

if you just wanna smack around some 150s on 4chan then 90 is good enough.

>> No.46800350

you just smack yourself but you're too dumb to even realize it

>> No.46800351

150 is the caliber of artillery shell that will go up ur ass if u wont stfu

>> No.46800359


>> No.46800361

didn't even smile

>> No.46800371

neither did your parents when they say you after ur mother shat u out

>> No.46800374

why would they say you

>> No.46800378

only thing minilard smacks is his obese belly

>> No.46800381


>> No.46800383


>> No.46800391

yoooooooo any niggers

>> No.46800397

leto just discovered the timbuktu sietch and i'm looking forward to his worm fusion so i'll ttyl

we are not partial to them

>> No.46800399

*raises paw*

>> No.46800407

any にげろs

>> No.46800408

*raises spork*

>> No.46800411

im falling asleep watching tensura every week

>> No.46800421

havent even watched it cuz i heard it turned into a show about talking politics for 20 minutes

>> No.46800420


>> No.46800428
File: 686 KB, 1920x1080, 魔王の俺が奴隷エルフを嫁にしたんだが、どう愛でればいい? 第07話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46800446

gonna do language exchange with a jap tomorrow then go out for dinner with another one then meet a girl from tinder on sunday for a walk in the park
life's pretty alright boys i still don't have a gf but at least girls are giving me the time of day now

>> No.46800449


>> No.46800456

boys out there bein a free meal dispenser thinking hes on the comeup lol now thats some seisyun

>> No.46800474

>"drinking breastmilk is good because it's natural since every mammal does it"
Still not an actual argument. Whether or not every animal does it does not make it good. Every animal naturally gets injured, but no one would call that good.

>> No.46800490

you guys are so boring

>> No.46800506

what do you find not boring

>> No.46800516

490 turn on ur monitor

>> No.46800519

pissing in my own mouth

>> No.46800531

appeal to nature doesn't mean that everything that is natural is good, my dimwitted friend
it means that aspects of nature can correspond to a positive, netural or negative aspect, so for example breastmilk is good for us because humans naturally drink it
tornadoes are naturally bad for us, because humans naturally avoid tornadoes or they get killed or severely injured in nature

i wish u luck in ur continued journey to strawman a side you dont understand

>> No.46800532

yeah fuck this shit boring thread im going to go the mall and watch an anime movie

>> No.46800534

*inhales in gyaru*

>> No.46800535

have u considered upgrading to shitting

>> No.46800537


>> No.46800539
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>> No.46800554

is n2 enough to get this job in japan

>> No.46800558
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>> No.46800559

is this true

>> No.46800561

another tensura episode where they just sit in a room the entire time, wonder if the entire season will just be this

>> No.46800562

bro what the hell i never thought i would see this shit in yt, i was eating man

>> No.46800564


>> No.46800569

shut up retards

>> No.46800572

sorry those who are eating should only watch 1:37-1:44

>> No.46800573

summer Japan :O

>> No.46800576

the human body is gross

>> No.46800579

such a based monkey

>> No.46800583

Da Godfather
One things for sure Peter pan syndrome is gone since my dad's got cáncer.

>> No.46800591

>appeal to nature doesn't mean that everything that is natural is good
Then feel free to stop doing it.

>> No.46800593

its like im talking to a wall

>> No.46800600


>> No.46800610


>> No.46800629

It's like you have the IQ of a wall.

>> No.46800630


>> No.46800660

if u smash a 150+ nerds head into a wall the wall wins

proof iq isnt everything

>> No.46800677


>> No.46800699


>> No.46800729

bro i hate summer so much

>> No.46800735

it may be hot but heat is life

>> No.46800739

summer is so much better than winter it aint even close

>> No.46800742

winter can be comfy but only under the right circumstances

>> No.46800750

a song for papi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bjdQAGSRUI

>> No.46800755

fuck you and fuck the summer riajuutati

>> No.46800766


>> No.46800773

nothing to do with that it's just nicer to be be able to go out and stock up the goon cave without getting cold

>> No.46800781
File: 835 KB, 627x989, 1692364268743987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are black people as scary in real-life as they are in manga?

>> No.46800788

how long have u been "learning" japanese and how much of this do u understand


>> No.46800859

I am posting from deep within the empty quarter desert in Arabia through starlink
can't be more dedicated to the craft than that

>> No.46800898

do you guys ever think really hard and feel your brain in your head>?
i understood the words but im basically entirely illiterate so the writing at the end filtered me

>> No.46800905


>> No.46800909

ive never felt my brain even once

>> No.46800928
File: 3 KB, 332x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today was a lot of fun, +88 new cards

>> No.46800949

huge L

>> No.46800958


>> No.46800984

Gonna say this the next time I'm asked about the weather in my country.

>> No.46801006

nodded my head in agreement but it smashed into a wall

>> No.46801048

i can clone my voice with ai and make it speak perfect nihongo, better than matt, even.

>> No.46801093

yep i cannot stand the heat. even spring heat sucks.

>> No.46801103

get your bmi down and it wont be an issue

>> No.46801106

is that really the cause though?

>> No.46801111

my weight only got into the green out of anorexia recently, heat still sucks

>> No.46801122

its all just what seasons u have a natural affinity for and prolly depends on where u were born and raised

also pls eat 1111

>> No.46801124

ted k can suck a dick because modern AC is awesome!

>> No.46801125

nope, i lost 100 lbs a few years ago and have been a normal weight since and it still fucking blows. i dont mind feeling hot that much, its more so the sweating and feeling sticky and gross.

>> No.46801128

oh also i think time of year u were born prolly plays a factor

>> No.46801130

if your weight starts to return make sure you get on ozempic or something like it.

>> No.46801156

summers are for vinnys

>> No.46801158

i love that phenotype she looks like a downie but also cute

>> No.46801165

is there differing situations for reading 毎年 as toshi or nen or doesnt matter?

>> No.46801168

still below 70 here no complaints

>> No.46801173

I hope you’re getting paid to shill that poison.

>> No.46801176

makes me sad people actually think this and they're dooming countless others to unhappiness.

>> No.46801180

excessive body fat is poison

>> No.46801181

Doesn’t matter. You might hear まいねん more often.

>> No.46801183

Makes me sad to see you shilling a diabetes medication for weight loss.

>> No.46801186

your own body fat is animal fat therefore it can't be harmful to you

>> No.46801191

pressing two fingers into my ballsack skin and twisting my skin around for fun

>> No.46801195

ty senpai

>> No.46801199

weight loss drugs like ozempic are for treating a symptom and not the root cause

~they~ sold u the problem in the form of processed food high in sugar and hfcs and now ~they~ will sell u the solution

such is the fate of cattle i suppose

>> No.46801208


>> No.46801211

oh.. here u go


>> No.46801212

japs don't need ozempic you idiot

>> No.46801215

they say モーモー

>> No.46801216

i think its a little obnoxious that Heisig doesnt include any example words for the kanji he introduces in remembering the kanji, but his method still seems helpful. just makes it feel so disconnected from vocabulary.

>> No.46801218

very true look at everyone onstage and in the crowd in that vid there isnt a single fat person in japan well at least in 2004 anyway

>> No.46801226

>but his method still seems helpful
(((they))) got another one boys
check back in a year when you haven't made it, so we can gloat

>> No.46801227

rtk is a waste of time do not do it i warn you

>> No.46801229

a certain someone is working to change that

>> No.46801230

neither does this thread

>> No.46801235

sheesh ok. ill drop it. u got another radical learning resource?

>> No.46801243


>> No.46801245

a reminder that immersionfags who didn't do RTK will never ever be able to handwrite

>> No.46801246

Why do you need to learn radicals?

>> No.46801254

Oh man, how will I write my pen pal in Osaka?

>> No.46801255

because if i saw 難しい right now i could read it but if i saw a blank piece of paper i couldnt write it. i need something concrete and systematic for my learning preferences because more than 7 strokes and i just dont know anymore.

>> No.46801259
File: 656 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my vinny had this to say on the summer/winter debate

>> No.46801263

quiz says if you need to write something it should come from you writing it so many times that you remember it, and that mnemonics are no substitute for that. he also says that if you don't write consistently for the rest of your life then you'll quickly forget it, so it's kinda pointless anyway

>> No.46801264

when its not summer i wish it was summer, and when its summer i wish it wasnt summer.

>> No.46801267
File: 592 KB, 2341x3316, RDT_20240509_1813414841749691960235820~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any rtk chads can read this?

>> No.46801269

>radical learning resource
you don't need to "learn radicals"
thinking of 国 as a shoebox and a candlestick or whatever won't help you remember it at all, it's just a waste of time
RTK is from a completely different era, where people wrote things by hand and had to look up kanji in dictionaries by radical
none of that is useful nowadays, just learn words

use anki
front: 国
back: くに country
thats all you need

>> No.46801277

>i couldnt write it
of course you could just look at this and copy down the strokes: 難
increase font size if you have to

>> No.46801288

this mareni guy is crazy, i'm already out on the first word

>> No.46801291

autumn is for real ones

>> No.46801299

autumn is figuratively literally me

>> No.46801300

You don't need to commit to memory the individual radicals. Just look at 難 and copy the strokes.

>> No.46801302

what vinny?

>> No.46801305

i like autumn because its like less hot summer but its also the death of summer and so when autumn rolls around im already asking whens summer

>> No.46801308

the only thing i commit is my foot up your ass

>> No.46801315

>but its also the death of summer
this is why i prefer spring because its the birth of summer. wait, its spring right now! i love life.

>> No.46801316

ive been doing anki too. just wanted a supplement for my handwriting. i guess maybe just drilling kanji as vocab on paper might be the best course if pnuemonics arent useful.
i just thought it would be easier because instead of remembering 18 strokes i can just remember the multi stroke parts and factor out the number of things to memorize to to speak.

>> No.46801319

yah its a great time of year rn its like pre summer

>> No.46801324

You're supposed to read from right to left. The first word is 慕る

>> No.46801327

pre cum

>> No.46801331

no way, jamal reads right to left, i trust him more than you

>> No.46801332

djt summer crew


>> No.46801338

this is america, we read left to right here

>> No.46801339

no you dont read right to left, you read top to bottom.

>> No.46801341

you can learn handwriting when you know japanese
it will be a hell of a lot easier than trying to learn it before you've actually learn japanese

>> No.46801340

1331 fucked it up lol thx 4 the endorsement

>> No.46801349

i learned how to handwrite my native language before i learned how to use a computer tho

>> No.46801351

The joke
Your head

>> No.46801353

that's true for all millennials you cuck

>> No.46801360

i will never know japanese. i just wanna use it.

>> No.46801383

the only japanese you should learn to write, is the hiragana to ask to borrow a phone, then you type whatever you like and show the screen, ez

>> No.46801385

what does being a cuck have to do with anything

>> No.46801391

sorry that was my prejudice coming out. if that's what you like then there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.46801424

my pre juice never stops

>> No.46801438

youre the second djter to read a lin the wrong way
this general is fucking trash lol

>> No.46801446

gomi yoroshiku

>> No.46801448
File: 486 KB, 854x480, noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46801449

stfu faggot we're LEARNERs.

>> No.46801454

*dives headfirst into the trashcan* man theres nothing but garbage in here what gives ??? -438

>> No.46801460

only the second? that's pretty good for having thousands of users

>> No.46801464


>> No.46801469


>> No.46801473

moe is the hisoka of djt

>> No.46801475

yeah a pedo scumbag

>> No.46801479

never thought of it that way

>> No.46801498
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>> No.46801515
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>> No.46801538

>theres nothing but garbage in here
uhm there's actually trash inside a trash can, thats why its called that.

>> No.46801548
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>> No.46801571

how do you make those

>> No.46801583

with paint.net

>> No.46801615


>> No.46801630


>> No.46801639
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>> No.46801643


>> No.46801647

what anime will give me the same joy as watching hxh

>> No.46801653
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>> No.46801661

i think this is some sort of avatar posting and is against the 4chan rules

>> No.46801676

honestly? none.

>> No.46801679
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>> No.46801682

try this obscure anime called yuyu hackisho it's made by the same women as hxh

>> No.46801689

ive watched 400+ anime since hxh and none of them were as good

>> No.46801695

dont watch yyh but do look up yyh yaoi on google

>> No.46801703

i watched the live action drama but it wasnt great and kinda weird

>> No.46801707

>live action of any anime

>> No.46801715

When I was in middle school I was really into anime and I saw this one girl had Inuyasha stickers on her folder, so I tried to talk to her about it during class but she called me a "disgusting fag" out loud and I never watched another anime since

>> No.46801717

yoo the girl thats gonna bring me my grub is qt af

>> No.46801716

there are some great live action anime adaptations

>> No.46801724

the axe forgets, the tree remembers

>> No.46801728

cant think of any anime or manga live action that was good outside of being funny unintentionally for being so bad lol

>> No.46801730
File: 1.14 MB, 3442x4096, GNO7YNtacAEf6KQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does your personality change when you speak japanese?

>> No.46801734


>> No.46801735

boys arent supposed to openly be into inuyasha u got filtered and destroyed by a fujo for being exactly what she said u were

>> No.46801736

The live action ghost in shell movie was better than the original

>> No.46801739

do food delivery services send you a pic of your delivery guy? how dehumanizing as if it wasn't already

>> No.46801740

That story sounds about as real as a good anime.

>> No.46801741

alice in borderland was kinda alright. the ajin movie was watchable. neither of them were good so i guess you're right
absolutely but its a known phenomena to me since i grew up bilingual. it's great, very freeing.
i watched the first movie and the fight scenes were pretty good but it was shit otherwise

>> No.46801742

the live action of Boku dake ga Inai Machi is the best live action adaptation of a manga/anime i've ever watched.
i know that's a low bar so it doesn't mean much, but still.

>> No.46801750

theres a pic of them next to their phone number and name yeah. i guess its so you know the person at the door is the delivery person? they all wear the same uniform and have the same backpack so idk how that could be a point of confusion

>> No.46801754

>live action of Boku dake ga Inai Machi
is the loli abuse as graphic as in the anime

>> No.46801757

why do zoomers watch all these boku shows

>> No.46801760

why do you spend all your waking hours as a middle aged man in a 4chan thread filled with zoomers

>> No.46801766

make sure to give her a huge tip haha

>> No.46801768


>> No.46801771

i spend mostly my work hours but like i wont be here tonight or during the day on sat or sun because ill be doing shit like working on my vehicle sweating my balls off and doing other tasks that i cant do during the week

>> No.46801779
File: 358 KB, 956x1018, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i installed mint and it called with a program called hypnotix that has free access to a bunch of worldwide free channels including fourty something japanese ones
only like one in five work but still pretty cool

>> No.46801783

jamal is a wage cuck wtf...

>> No.46801787

>i installed mint
your machine is now in mint condition

>> No.46801792

lil bro is finna become lil sis

>> No.46801793

i dont have a boss so i dont get a wage i just get money in exchange for services (NOT ONLYFANS)

>> No.46801796

awesome bet you can't wait to not watch any of it

>> No.46801797

niggas discover linux repos for the first time

>> No.46801804

can't be very involved services if you can spend 95% of your day shitposting lol

>> No.46801803

i gave her 7.5%. also she looks like a different person than in the pics, still would though

>> No.46801806

i've been using linux for like 6 years but id never heard of iptv
i know its just free streams from elsewhere but its nice to have them all centralized in one program

>> No.46801807

well no..

>> No.46801809

just say you're a trannylator we all know

>> No.46801812

okay then its probably not worth watching

>> No.46801814

yo might have to check that out
i remember having bad issues with mint but maybe that was just hardware
couldnt even get the flux equivalent to work without a lot of work but its probably integrated into the base install now since that was years ago

>> No.46801817

im kinda crazy good at multitasking

>> No.46801823

so fucking depressing loading up a new anime knowing it will never reach the heights of the chimera ant arc.

>> No.46801824

honestly would be pretty based if jamal was out there ruining jap games for all the eop cucks with shitty translations lol

>> No.46801825

I'm trans but not the gay kind

>> No.46801828

woah thats pretty cool, i also use mint but i uninstalled hypnotix first thing because i dont like bloat

>> No.46801836

>flux equivalent
redshift? its just a command line tool and you give it your coordinates, literally a one liner in your xinit config

>> No.46801837


People here say the average Japanese women is an uggo but actual footage from japan says otherwise

>> No.46801841

when i was in japan last year i didnt see even one uggo

>> No.46801843

why r u linking a channel recording street walkers and acting like its a big deal lol

>> No.46801845

should have turned off your monitor

>> No.46801846

i was probably even more retarded than i am now but i remember it working for me in ubuntu but not in mint despite doing the same thing
either way i would definitely use debian mint now it seems based

>> No.46801855

using linux and caring about linux distro is the first step towards becoming transexual

>> No.46801858

hes recording the pretty women to get ad revenue bro

>> No.46801866

using windows means you have to use your pc literally every day or else you get your cpu raped with antimalwareserviceexecutable and windows updates installing every single time you use it
with linux you can just update when you want

>> No.46801870

wouldn't go so far as to say they have no uggos but if you walk the streets of tokyo 90% of the women are cute af i still remember leaving the airport and seeing the girl behind the JR counter and being like dame what a cutie
the woman actually try to be feminine over there as opposed to a lot of western hambeasts

>> No.46801871

the first step to becoming transsexual is being mentally ill.

>> No.46801875

you know you can just disable windows update and all that shit instead of installing an os
plus you definitely use your pc every day anyway so why does it matter

>> No.46801879
File: 1.55 MB, 1913x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro i'm watching some old lady singing some enka sounding shit while a slideshow of old people karaoke is playing
i feel my heart connected with the hundreds of japanese boomers that woke up at 7 am to watch this shit
my yamato damashii is bursting out of my body

>> No.46801882

haven't had a windows update in a year maybe i should actually get around to it one of these days haha

>> No.46801886

lil bro is running a pentium ii :skull:

>> No.46801889

>instead of installing an os
wdym? you still have to install windows in order to use windows, right? i think so anyway. i havent installed windows on a computer since 2011 so im not sure if things changed since then

>> No.46801890

Right so there's just a path you can walk in Tokyo that' just happens to have attractive women?

Here's a similar one from china and you can see uggos everywhere


>> No.46801892

i really do not use my pc every day
phone post most of the time lol
got that i3 with 4gb of ram
couldnt even use the aur without making a swap partition

>> No.46801894

the end of the dark tournament, chapter black, and some of 3 kings in yu yu hakusho.

>> No.46801896

at least he doesnt hide the fact hes looking at street walkers there lol

>> No.46801899

Man this whole time I should've been learning Chinese those girls don't look half bad and I bet they are way cheaper than Japanese whores

>> No.46801900

lol the most replayed parts all have women

>> No.46801904

one piece
avatar the last airbender

>> No.46801907

if you need to pay for sex in china you should honestly just kill yourself

>> No.46801910

lost my virginity to a japanese hooker

>> No.46801916

luffy is not a central american subhuman so nope fuck that netflix slop
avatar is not anime

>> No.46801917

that would be the life except it'd be too stressful

>> No.46801919

thats like complaining about paying for a 5 star meal when youve got food in the fridge at home. some things just have to be paid for

>> No.46801922

>goes to the most city with the highest population in the entire world
>there are a lot of attractive women you can see there if you ignore the ugly ones
woh - neo

>> No.46801923

was she hot

>> No.46801925

I lost my virignity twice, once in Amsterdam and again in China and I have to say Chinese whores are much better than Russian ones

>> No.46801927

you are definitely out of touch

>> No.46801930

yeah she was p cute and her breasts felt nice

>> No.46801931

really cant see how people can have the courage to go through with that but not to talk to women

>> No.46801936

have never had sex
with a condom

>> No.46801937

i hope i can visit the most city someday

>> No.46801938

there's a huge gap between talk to woman and get woman to have sex with you

>> No.46801941

why would you need courage to fuck a hooker?

>> No.46801944

if you're drunk it's easy to do both but only one will get you laid if you're a 3/10

>> No.46801947

how do you lose it a second time?

>> No.46801959

i'd do that and then thank her for taking my virginity to see her reaction (inb4 she stares blank-faced or something boring)

>> No.46801961

I couldn't get hard the first time even with 10 min of jerking me and sucking me, I still count that as sex

>> No.46801967

that doesnt sound fun

>> No.46801968

out of touch how? ive been using linux for a very long time so i dont know how windows people do things nowadays.

>> No.46801970

i'm afraid of this so when i try to lose my virginity i'm gonna nofap for months. would rather bust prematurely than not show up at all.

>> No.46801977

i took super kamagra the first time i fucked a hooker since i didnt want to risk busting or god forbid not getting hard after paying 200 euros. fucked her for 50 minutes straight since it has dapoxetine or whatever its called in it that makes you unable to cum. didnt feel particularly good.
just take cialis dude, it doesnt do anything other than making your dick work and your refraction time lower

>> No.46801982
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>> No.46801985

my first time, i got hard but i couldnt cum, i fucked for like 30 minutes but nothing, idk what was wrong with me

>> No.46801989

doesnt matter how much you wait if your mental game isnt there. havent you watched mushoku tensei?

>> No.46801991

imagine telling a bunch of retards in discord that your now wife has a loose pussy lol

>> No.46801992

>just take cialis dude, it doesnt do anything other than making your dick work and your refraction time lower
how much earlier do you have to take it?

>> No.46801996
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>> No.46801997

quiz says he only had problems at the start due to nerves and now he cums easily with his gf/wife

>> No.46802001

half an hour or so, an hour if you want to be safe. its effects last for the entire day.

>> No.46802006

id rather just jerk off for 5mins and get the evil out of me

>> No.46802010

if u refer to it as getting the evil out of u, u must be into some messed up stuff. do you want to talk about it?

>> No.46802011

I'll be honest here I lost my virginity both ways and it feels way better to get fucked in the ass than to do the fucking

>> No.46802013

i remember fucking this colombian hooker with a huge ass doggy and having the thought of man what im doing right now is what every man on earth craves and thinks about constantly and it doesnt even feel that good

then i coped by telling myself its cause of the condom and lack of any intimacy

>> No.46802018
File: 861 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - 54 (1080p) [B664F7E5]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46802019

i dont believe that fucking a fat third world prostitute is what "every man on earth craves"

>> No.46802020

sticking your dick in a hole just doesnt feel that good. it's like getting drunk. you always regret the deed after the fact

>> No.46802026

she was absolutely gorgeous and had an incredible body

>> No.46802028

chill ciaran

>> No.46802029


Is this girl for real? and if so it should be pretty easy to make her my wife no?

>> No.46802035

same for me but it was because i didnt know how to move right
took me probably 20 minutes to nut and then i went for round 2 with no pause

>> No.46802043

to be fair it does take a good amount of skill to maneuver around a semi truck in bed

>> No.46802046


>> No.46802047

Trivially easy video to fake for views.

>> No.46802049

idol life is a lot harder than homeless life

>> No.46802050

white people are to japs as jews are to white people

>> No.46802054

she didnt ask me.

>> No.46802072

that was my thought too as she's too well groomed to be homeless, I did get hard when she talked about her brother raping her

>> No.46802077
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>> No.46802079

bro jealous of her

>> No.46802081

but that might be fake too (the raping)

>> No.46802104

imagine being so dysfunctional you can't "move right" during sex

>> No.46802105
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why is there 両替 in the arcade? does it mean changing your money for game tokens?

>> No.46802112

i bought a knock off fleshlight before i had sex the first time to practice my stroke game. probably the most embarrassing this ever but it worked so no regrets lmao

>> No.46802124

no you idiot changing bills into coins

>> No.46802126

i can now i just didnt know how because it was the first time damn
most machines take 100円 only

>> No.46802132

I'm 35 and have never had sex, the closest I came to it was in middle school when I would put a cup against the wall of my bedroom and listen to my sister get fucked by her bf

>> No.46802135

should have joined in

>> No.46802138

unless you were planning to join in on the fucking of your sister, how is that "the closest you came to it"

>> No.46802140

sounds like a how i became a tranny backstory

>> No.46802145

good gracious djt has declined we got people getting boners to incest rape stories and wallcup guy

u guys better get ur shit straightened out next time i see u here


>> No.46802152

never had sex, never will
simple as

>> No.46802155


>> No.46802158

wish i was still a virgin
all the nakadashis in the world wasnt worth it

>> No.46802161

wahts with this gay propaganda

>> No.46802164

for men virgin is a state of mind

>> No.46802167

why would i want to do such a gross thing?

>> No.46802179

sex with someone you love is amazing, otherwise it ranges from shit to decent

>> No.46802184

what is love

>> No.46802186

its when you bust a nut and dont want her to leave

>> No.46802188

thank god every day that he made me asexual

>> No.46802191

for at least 9 months

>> No.46802201

if you dont love her using an onahole is better

>> No.46802204

Nobody's asexual.

>> No.46802212

i guess you probably think nobody has acid sphingomyelinase deficiency as well

>> No.46802213


>> No.46802221
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>> No.46802223

No, I believe in real diseases.

>> No.46802228

me when speaking english :)
me when speaking spanish :(
me when speaking japanese :x

>> No.46802252
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never thought about it

>> No.46802253

yeah thats what its like thanks jenni

>> No.46802259

im 2dsexual

>> No.46802274


>> No.46802328

was it cute and funny at least?

>> No.46802351

is dies irae actually good or is it another muramasa dick measuring challenge.

>> No.46802358


we have about 5 good years remaining

>> No.46802359

thats subjective but yeah thats why most jsls would read it

>> No.46802367


>> No.46802377

ask japanese people what they think of these and then you dont have to worry about jsls

>> No.46802383

thank god

>> No.46802405

>open video
>see cute anime girl
>hear male voice
>close video

>> No.46802410

they will be talking about muramasa 100 years from now
they won't be talking about dies irae

>> No.46802419

baldr sky is a much better mecha game than muramasa

>> No.46802426

jerked off to mesugaki again
yep thats the good shit
you aint never bust a nut till you bust one for a 2d brat

>> No.46802430

you a 3rd worlder bragging about this shit?

>> No.46802431

anime died like 12 years ago bro

>> No.46802437
File: 3.14 MB, 214x380, 1715384572501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me some gakis bro

>> No.46802438

i live in a free country full of hamburgers where i am legally allowed to masturbate to 2d girls
feel sorry for you euros that get crucified for it

>> No.46802439

that's not true of the US dude it's more complicated than that

>> No.46802440

post a tribute bro

>> No.46802442

alright fine we got lots of pizza and guns too

>> No.46802443
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>> No.46802444
File: 421 KB, 500x375, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*destroys anime in your path*
how do you respond without sounding mad?

>> No.46802447

the VN was hot fucking trash but maybe the anime is good?

>> No.46802448

yeah its trash

>> No.46802452

i dont feel like logging into sadpanda every time

>> No.46802454
File: 581 KB, 1215x1400, 1715384802009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats LO video

>> No.46802456

thats why god invented cookies

>> No.46802457

good luck if your computer gets confiscated.

>> No.46802462

as for me i like reading porn on my phone

>> No.46802472

thats why god invented encryption

>> No.46802477

it's fucking garbage, literally the only good thing about is the OP

>> No.46802479

i use incognito mode for porn

>> No.46802483

lil bro shares his pc with his mom :skull:

>> No.46802492

That's why you stick to 'Female: Mother' and 'Female: milf' like a normal person.

>> No.46802493
File: 979 KB, 878x1138, 1715385208332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopes and dreams

>> No.46802496

*nods sagely*

>> No.46802540

*nods gayly*

>> No.46802549

*nods off*

>> No.46802551

watching cute dog compilations on youtube. i need a dogbro

>> No.46802552

just watched 1 episode of full metal alphemist and i just know it was written by a woman

>> No.46802555

it is and women can write jack shit

>> No.46802558

i liked fmab, it's fun.

>> No.46802560

i love bitches

>> No.46802566

hated fmab. wasn't fun.

>> No.46802573


>> No.46802574

true i prefer men

>> No.46802578

watched 1 episode of an anime and knew it was written by a lolicon

>> No.46802584

it's alright but it's no hxh

>> No.46802586

post 5 anime you think are genuinely good

inb4 no response or obvious troll answers

>> No.46802604

mob psycho 100
yu yu hakusho

>> No.46802619

dune is better than all of those btw

>> No.46802620

you're alright i like 4 of those

>> No.46802622

never watched any of that shit

>> No.46802626

hxh 90s
hxh 2010s
berserk 90s

>> No.46802627

flcl is awesome faggot you're just closeminded

>> No.46802637

flcl is so funny it's like if peter griffin and morty had a japanese baby and called him sporksuke

>> No.46802639


beginner listening

>> No.46802645

flcl was offensively bad

>> No.46802655

based af
it's shit plus you knew thats what i meant right away so you know its shit

>> No.46802656

nice self own

>> No.46802658

im a beginner and im listening to it

>> No.46802661

hxh is infinitely better than yyh to the point you wonder how the fuck the same guy wrote both of them

>> No.46802666

you keep self owning it's so sad

>> No.46802668

are u insecure because you cant listen

>> No.46802674

when people tell me the dark tournament is as good as hxh i have to assume their iq is very low and they fail to see what is truly great about hxh

>> No.46802676

tone it down with the midwit rage

>> No.46802682

why would your self owns have anything to do with me this is about you

>> No.46802683

a beginner wont understand any of that but if theyre having fun they already made it much further than a guy who hates on beginners having fun

>> No.46802686

y'all's taste is so bad.

flcl is great and 150 guy would back me up on this.

>> No.46802687

yo robert is that you blud

>> No.46802693
File: 20 KB, 645x770, chudcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djters when they actually have to immerse in japanese content

>> No.46802696

his name was robert paulson

>> No.46802697
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1715387188081707.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46802699

if i had to find out if someone's a midwit and had only 1 question limit i'd ask if they like flcl simple as

>> No.46802703

id ask them what their favorite hxh arc is

>> No.46802707


>> No.46802710

-good pacing (except maybe the first half of dark tournament)
-good animation
-great team of four
-deep villains
-epic fights/showdowns

-awful pacing
-fisher toy animation
-inferior versions of yyh's team
-chrollo is an inferior version of sensui, and meruem is overrated
-half of the potentially cool fights don't actually happen because togashi subverts the audience out of having fun

>> No.46802711

ppl will hate me for speaking the truth but this is peak female

>> No.46802719
File: 47 KB, 512x512, images (2) (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chain

>> No.46802726

yeah we got a live one here

>> No.46802729
File: 631 KB, 1109x1479, 1714697704076922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.46802737


>> No.46802738

killua and gon is a partnership unmatched by anything else in anime.
kurapikas swag is unmatched by anything else in anime.

>> No.46802741

you're genuinely insane or insanely stupid idk which one it is

>> No.46802749
File: 252 KB, 293x838, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chugger bros lfgggg

>> No.46802755
File: 3.58 MB, 3172x2224, __mutsuki_blue_archive_drawn_by_doremi__3fe2213181dd0510f9a8dcf2ae6d3e62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gross 3d bitch aint got shit on the wonders of 2d

>> No.46802757

will there be another big upset in the slop rankings this week or will bnha maintain the top spot

>> No.46802765

um sweety >>46802749

>> No.46802769


>> No.46802774

>killua and gon is a partnership
is kinda gay and the show spends too much time showing them eating dinner and doing other boring shit.
>kurapikas swag
yea the dude who everyone mistakes for a woman.

shut the fuck up.

>> No.46802777

true true kurapika shitting on the boat arc is unmatched in swaggness

>> No.46802776

the bnha opener will be hard to beat ima keep it a buck fifty with u

>> No.46802778
File: 48 KB, 466x658, images (2) (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched a fair bit of kimetsu and its ok but i hate how gay tanjiro is
this nigga kinda drippy

>> No.46802780

wth you read the boat arc?

>> No.46802781

>is kinda gay and the show spends too much time showing them eating dinner and doing other boring shit.
yep he's trolling

>> No.46802788

hxh guy you don't need to play devil's advocate here

>> No.46802789

its not robert

>> No.46802790

im up to date chapter 390 waiting for that lazy fuck togashi to come out with more

>> No.46802795

im reading the boat arc as we speak no freaking spoilers. *closes the thread*

>> No.46802794

it's not trolling. in fact that's one of the issues with hxh's pacing. yusuke and kuwabara's time spent together is meaningful. hxh is full of characters "hanging out" in a boring way.

>> No.46802797

wheres libido kamen when you need him

>> No.46802799

theres no way he understood anything, the japanese in the boat arc is more tedious to get through than some books ive read

inb4 self own blabla theres no way he didnt whitenoise it

>> No.46802801

I stopped reading hxh when I found out kurapika is a guy

>> No.46802807

why are there so many fans of hxh here. the fuck?

>> No.46802808

boat arc is cancer to read bc of characters but if u have good face memory (ie not autism) its not that bad that being said most hunterchads are autistic so understandable if they think its hard to follow

>> No.46802811

hxh tanks during the volleyball part of greed island and never gets back
chimera would be better if it wasnt hxh and i definitely dont care about the politics

>> No.46802817

wow james is a retard who could have predicted it

>> No.46802819

rice is right on this one.

>> No.46802820

this is an L take sorry bro wtf uve got like prions in ur brain from fucking a corpse or some shit chimera is kino as is everything that comes after it even if it doesnt reach the peaks of yorkshin

>> No.46802825

maybe the manga is better but the anime chimera arc is so fucking slow and the emotional moments are so much more generic than anything up until that point

>> No.46802829

i got bored of this song and 2x'd it then laughed when i realized what i'd done cuz you can't judge music that is 2x'd

>> No.46802831

I once read this hunter x hunter dough-jim where hisoka is fucking gon in the ass and then he bungies his penis magically into killua's ass

>> No.46802841

hard to take a side when 2 midwits are arguing

>> No.46802844

the best hxh doujin is the one where goreinu activates cat emperor time and fucks pitou and then gon powers up to the point he can rape pitou

>> No.46802847

don't like this guy calling our name/tripfags midwits

>> No.46802857

you people cant do anything lol

>> No.46802858

is this even the learning Japanese thread anymore? 1/2 this thread is whore talk the other 1/2 is hxh

>> No.46802863

when i post content im ignored or ridiculed
its over

>> No.46802872

the japanese learning thread is >>>/int/djt bro did u not know?

>> No.46802874

uhhh i learned たわん as 届かない recently

>> No.46802875
File: 190 KB, 1007x732, gojo would you lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to demoralize people you faggots. keep posting japanese stuff.

>> No.46802879

this is the japanese knowing thread

>> No.46802882


has anyone tried her methods to learn faster?

>> No.46802885


>> No.46802894

everyone whos ever made it will tell you to just get stuck in and read/listen as much as possible

but beginners never listen and look for an easy way

>> No.46802900

unless that method is her peeing in my mouth i doubt it would help learn faster

>> No.46802910


>> No.46802911

ngl jjk was shit for like 10 chapters in a row but recently its been going hard again ever since the itadori kakusei

>> No.46802915

what the fuck does a japanese person know about learning japanese lol

>> No.46802918


this is my favorite Japanese YouTuber

>> No.46802920

dsme you slop that chug my nigga

>> No.46802924

she did it in 3 months and yet some anons here still struggle after 3 YEARS, motivation is a big factor that ppl don't talk about enough


>> No.46802930

wait who the fuck even is re3kt.
there's jamal, quiz, unko...but who the fuck is re3kt?

>> No.46802932

lying is a big factor too

>> No.46802937

hell yeah my bro its the only chuggable shit in jump atm
my top 3

>> No.46802942

Be the change you wish to see

>> No.46802946

manlet dicklet cope

>> No.46802947

i've heard culling games is trash so i can't motivate myself to get past that to get to the gojo vs sukuna kino

>> No.46802950

>is this even the learning Japanese thread anymore?
the thread has been exactly the same for like 5 years what the fuck are these newfags on about

>> No.46802964

the fact that you have been here for 5 years is sad

>> No.46802966


>> No.46802971


>> No.46802979
File: 71 KB, 690x720, wr7j7ujk07021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she used to be cute and have hog/hag potential but...

>> No.46802984
File: 186 KB, 960x1280, vo4gzi89t4wa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... now she literally has an onlyfans

>> No.46802992

yea but she doesn't show the goods

>> No.46802995

still cucked as hell but tbf she was showing her body online to begin with

>> No.46803002

i cant even try to put myself in the state of mind of an individual that would pay for this hogs OF where she doesn't even get naked

>> No.46803007


>> No.46803008

millennials really got the worst luck with women

>> No.46803025



>> No.46803029


>> No.46803042

talked to someone that uses っす constantly felt like i was in anime

>> No.46803046

just read light novels

>> No.46803073


>> No.46803091

gonna have to settle for a gen β

>> No.46803102

wish i hadnt fallen asleep for an hour at 8pm cause its 3:30 am now and im fucked

>> No.46803106
File: 6 KB, 383x152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this sucks

>> No.46803114

wish penpals was still a thing

>> No.46803115

chatting with japanese people is unbelievably aids. voice is better.

>> No.46803167

theyre 4

>> No.46803637

jenni definitely has sex, just not with tim.

>> No.46803641


>> No.46803647

her breath looks like it absolutely stinks here

>> No.46803846

It's been two years
did Cure Dolly die for real?

>> No.46803872

yep the old fart croaked. sad. but the saddest thing about it is how no one gives a rat's ass after you die.

>> No.46803910


>> No.46804215

nice self-own
10 years ago the thread was vastly better with almost no off-topic posts

>> No.46804903

cure dolly is shit so it doesn't matter.

>> No.46804908
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x2378, 1576624929005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated DJT guide: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

[!] include in the next OP.

>> No.46804910

>calls out a self-own and in the same breath admits to having been here for 10 years

>> No.46804930

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.46805200

nihongo isn't gonna get you hoes or make you rich
you should spend that time working on a side hustle or founding an AI startup
(this is a message to myself)

>> No.46805347


>> No.46805400

poor you

>> No.46805611

KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

>> No.46805713

sociopathic robot
