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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4673595 No.4673595 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, how does your family deal with you being a homosexual otaku? My family has slowly learned to accept it so I can give some advice to others.

>> No.4673601

My family thinks I'm a productive member of society

>> No.4673606

Not homosexual. A nerd, know japanese, but am not an otaku.

They kinda don't care about it.

>> No.4673615

I have a beard so my mother probably doesn't think I'm gay at least...

>> No.4673637

My mother constantly asks if I am gay and says if I am she is ok with it.

>> No.4673631 [DELETED] 

My mother constantly asks if I am gay and says if I am she is with it.

>> No.4673647

I sometimes fap to traps but I'd prefer to be with a woman. What does that make me?

>> No.4673649

my mom asked me once
felt bad

>> No.4673650

I go to university and somehow manage to live on my own savings, so they don't care.
my sister is annoyed by me not finding love yet, tough.

>> No.4673644

She probably thinks you're a bear.

>> No.4673653

Your mother is okay with you dressing up like a girl, dollfaggers. I don't think you have to worry about it.

>> No.4673657


>> No.4673661

My dad asked me once.
Said, "Hey, are you gay? I'm not offending you with my asking if you have a girlfriend all the time, am I?"

Worse than that, though, was the crush I had way back in highschool. I got up the nerve to ask her out, was about to do it, then she asks if I'm gay.

Ah, the memories.

>> No.4673669

The fuck? What is the problem with your mothers for god's sake?

>> No.4673674

My parents have never once asked about my love life.

I just go ahead and assume that they think I'm gay.

>> No.4673692


If dad found out he would most likely disown me oh no.

>> No.4673696

The last girl I asked out laughed at me and ignored. You should feel lucky.

>> No.4673707
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If he ever finds out just tell him haters gonna hate and walk out of the room like a baller

>> No.4673715
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I've never once been rejected, every girl I ask out ends up going out with me, what's it feel like anon

>> No.4673716


But then I'd be homeless. If that happens I'll just go to my grandparents' house for a few days I guess.

>> No.4673726


Me too :V

>> No.4673732

what need you have in 3d?

>> No.4673733

Feels like you're a terrible liar.

>> No.4673734
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You should know better than to make a baseless boast in the coutroom Mr Wright

I assume you have evidence to back up this wild claim of yours?

>> No.4673739


>> No.4673755

No need, it's just nice to have sometimes.

If you want to think I'm lying, I don't really care. Before I got the way I am now I was part of the popular crowd even with how unsociable and silent I usually was, and girls for some reason liked that "mysterious" shit.

>> No.4673763
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But you've only been in like two relationships :V

Too bad none were with me.

>> No.4673768

forgot to link this

>> No.4673774

Awesome, you're my hero CurryButt.

>> No.4673781


C'mon, just get out of /jp/ already.

>> No.4673796

What is the problem with saying otaku in a board now called Otaku Culture? You're mad.

>> No.4673800

I think with white ren it's more of him being too retarded to realize he's posting on /jp/ rather than /a/ every time he posts here.

>> No.4673801


But I've onlt ever asked 2 people out so yeah

>> No.4673804
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>> No.4673808

I never asked anyone out and was regularly mocked by girls in high school. Fuck you guys.

>> No.4673815

I'm a girl. Everyone asked me out back in high school, including guys with glasses and a face full of acne, and I turned all of them down. How does it make you feel?

>> No.4673816

y u du dis?

>> No.4673827

Do you actually believe the tripfags?

>> No.4673833

Shouldn't it be how does that make you feel?

>> No.4673837
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I am sorry have a picture of a CINERIA riding a unicycle

>> No.4673839
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>butthurt anonymous who could never get a girl in all his years of living.

>> No.4673844
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>> No.4673848

I'm not gay but everyone in my family seemed to think so at one time. One day, at a family meeting (more than 50 people), my grandmother asked me in front of everyone why she never saw me with a girl. I answered "Look at me, no girls want someone this ugly and everyone knows it. And I am a virgin yes, what's the problem ?". Everybody stared at me in silence and since then no one dared to ask me if I have a girlfriend. Feels good man.

>> No.4673849
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>> No.4673853

Tell me why are you here now, Leonardo Di Caprio.

>> No.4673858
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>internet toughguy pretending he had any kind of social relationship with another human

>> No.4673863

am i wrong to assume that the majority of /jp/ are virgins? if not, whatever. I'm too, a virgin, and i'm too, butthurt.

y u do dis?

>> No.4673868

Yes. They've never given me a reason to disbelieve them.

>> No.4673871
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Why can't all tripfags be like BOOF? Look at this thread

>> No.4673874


I didn't choose to not be one, so I dunno if it still counts.

>> No.4673882
File: 283 KB, 1000x1275, 1266831796455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've explained it like 30 times, half of that being in-depth and the other being vague and basic.

It comes down to my head getting extremely fucked up a little bit after I started college. Before that I was still anti-social but I was popular regardless of that, being on the football team may have also been part of it but it seems girls liked how mysterious I was and that I seemed to be listening to them (I usually wasn't). I never really talked to anyone but a lot of people - both male and female - would talk to me often and try to spend a lot of time with me. I don't know about this 'friendzone' shit but all my girlfriends have been close friends first.

But yeah. Then in college my head went bad places and here I am today.

>> No.4673890

Wait, did you just say you were raped?

>> No.4673902
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Bla bla bla...

>> No.4673910
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>> No.4673914


Yeah, haha.

>> No.4673933
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It was me.

>> No.4673937

'Sup John.

>> No.4673938

Nothing funny about it, 3D rape is terrible. Condolences.

>> No.4673945

But my name doesn't even start with a J.

>> No.4673951

Oh nice, happy tripfriends. Maybe you guys should try this one place

>> No.4673952

Why are you guys responding to a terrible thread posted by a poor facsimile?

The world may never know.

>> No.4673955


I think it is worse when it is somebody close to you.

>> No.4673964

We enjoy talking about our lives.

>> No.4673969
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White ren wouldn't understand as he doesn't have one.


>> No.4673971

My family thinks I'm a pedophile.
It gets akwards at times.
At least I'm not with them anymore.

>> No.4673972

Pretty sure most rapes are people close to each other.

>> No.4673978


Yeah, but I think I'd rather it be by a stranger, because I will not have to see them again.

>> No.4674001

That was a pretty terrible burn attempt, Curry, even for you.

>> No.4673999
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Well at least you didn't keep hanging out and alone with the person - one of my old waifus got "raped" by a close friend and kept hanging out with him anyway even alone and in private places like their homes. So it happened several times and she'd just let it.

Rape? More like slut. Though I don't mean that in your case or something so don't take it that way!

>> No.4674004


Except for the fact that I did, and I still cared about them after they did it.

>> No.4674005

I burned your mothers vagina last night.

>> No.4674015

You probably shouldn't say anymore or people will start comparing it to porn.

>> No.4674024
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But did you keep just letting it happen, and without even putting up a real fight to stop it? I doubt it. You don't have a vagina so you'd have no reason to want to be fucked by your close friends and claim it's rape so you don't have to feel like a dirty whore. Though she later claimed it wasn't slutty to fuck her other friends when she wanted to so whatever.

Point is you aren't a dirty slut, fagers.

>> No.4674033


I think that is wise.

>> No.4674034

the reason you are popular with girls: your horrible personality. even when you are not saying anything, you radiate it.

>> No.4674060

I want to hug every single one of you ;_;

>> No.4674074
File: 34 KB, 238x165, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying girls only like assholes and douchebags so that you have an excuse to tell yourself when you realize you've never once had a real waifu instead of just admitting you're a loser so no one likes you.

>> No.4674076


very well, prove me wrong.

>> No.4674082

I doubt you'd want to hug me. I have a lot of obvious skin diseases (not contagious but still quite repulsive).

>> No.4674089

I had a girl like me once. We were both too shy to do anything though.

>> No.4674099


It is ok I can hug you for a few seconds and close my eyes

>> No.4674154

Why is CurryButt so angry these days? I miss the good ol' days where he was just a somewhat annoying, but mostly non-vindictive faggot. I guess something must have happened that embittered his personality forever ;_;

>> No.4674162

the flamings on /jp/ got to him.

>> No.4674165

I'm nicer (and a better poster in general) later in the day, like midnight to 4am-ish, when there's less fags around.

Last night I even posted pictures of my Touhou stuff, the first time Curry's room has ever been shown on /jp/!

>> No.4674170

I wish I could take all of /jp/'s anger on. I'd gladly do it to free you guys.

>> No.4674195

>you being a homosexual otaku?
Sorry I can't help you, I'm not into men.

>> No.4674203

I will be pretty suprised if even 1/10 of the replayers ware gays.

>> No.4674222

Well, I bullshit them a lot to make them think I'm really trying and not just sleeping until 2pm and playing games all day on their money, for one thing. They have mostly ignored the changes to my physical appearance over the years and were a little shocked when I finally admitted that I am purposely trying to look like the little girl and that I have a boyfriend. But, they still support me and wish me well, and still transfer over those all-important funds. They're getting a little tired of my laziness but me being out-of-sight out-of-mind helps I think, they won't cut me off anytime soon.

>> No.4674274

Filtering trips like the fist of the etc.

>> No.4674342


Up to today my mother asked me if I am gay twice. Feels bad.

Maybe I should be if this gets me some love...
