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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 550x413, Nagisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4672550 No.4672550 [Reply] [Original]

Why does seeing her face and hearing her theme song make me cry? I don't even like her.

>> No.4672565

Dango dango dango dango.

>> No.4672561

I like her theme.

>> No.4672588


>> No.4672604

>Why does seeing her face make me cry?
Because it's fucking hideous. It would make anyone cry.

>> No.4672611

I cry just thinking back on some Clannad scenes. Might come in useful that I can cry on cue now.

>> No.4672618
File: 75 KB, 500x791, 1224291525988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hidoi

>> No.4672619

You're not funny, faggot.

>> No.4672620

I lol'd

>> No.4672629
File: 30 KB, 150x150, nagisa..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime adaption was a huge improvement

>> No.4672640

I much prefer Nagisa's look in the VN. Though I do think the anime improved a lot of other characters, especially Mei.

>> No.4672654

I watched the clannad movie last night in preparation for crying myself to sleep.

Then I realized how shitty the animation is and got even more depressed.

>> No.4672670

Why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.4672686

I'll never understand why you faggots gobble up something as contrived and emotionally shallow as Clannaids. It's even more overrated than trash like FSN and Umineko, and that's saying something.

>> No.4672689

Why the hell would you watch the Clannad movie? It's the most atrocious thing to ever be animated.

The series is amazing, though.

>> No.4672694

I don't know how I can refute such a well thought out argument, anon.

>> No.4672711

God, I fucking hate that movie. Mostly because when I finished season 1, I watched it in between before season 2, and it completely ruined the plot for me.

What the fuck are you talking about, man? The first season is probably one of the greatest anime ever made. It's got everything, comedy, action, romance, all those awkward high school moments...

It makes it all the more gut-wrenching when they rip your heart out, douse it in gasoline and do the mexican hat dance on it for the second season.

>> No.4672758


You seriously think that Clannaids is anything other than a generic soap opera that's had all the "actors" be replaced by the same old terrible "moe" archetypes that Key constantly rehashes?

>The first season is probably one of the greatest anime ever made.

I laughed.

>> No.4672835


>> No.4672884

Alright then, what's your favorite anime series?

>> No.4672903

Boku no Pico

>> No.4672924

>The first season is probably one of the greatest anime ever made.

>> No.4672934

>Mostly because when I finished season 1, I watched it in between before season 2, and it completely ruined the plot for me.

And why the fuck did you spoil a good visual novel with the anime?

>> No.4672935

Huh, why the first season? The second season, yes, I'd agree.

>> No.4672965

Second season is the greatest anime ever made. First season was shit.

>> No.4672995

Clannad is the greatest VN ever made. Anime was shit.

>> No.4673001

ITT: Idiots who don't realize that Aria trumps Clannad in every respect

>> No.4673002

That's not even making any sense now.

>> No.4673006

Because I laughed. So much. There was just so many geniunely hilarious situations. Man, that Yusuke, whenever he would show up and spout some of his epically cheesy lines I would just be bowled over. Plus Fuko-chan, and Sunohara's wacky antics...

The first season is just great! It's so funny and heartwarming. I suppose I can see how people would call a lot of the characters and situations cliche but I've never seen it done so perfectly before or since.

The 2nd season wasn't like that, it was slow and heavy and really only involved Tomoya and Nagisa. I still enjoyed having my heart slowly ripped out, chopped up, and spoon-fed back to me though.

>> No.4673014

>There was just so many geniunely hilarious situations

If you want funny situations, read the fucking visual novel, it had a lot more funny moments than your shitty anime. Or just go back to /a/.

>> No.4673018

I'm sure if it's similar we'd be happy to check it out. No need to be a dick about it.

>> No.4673022

I'm with you on this.

>> No.4673024

Clannad was painful for me, just thinking about it still hurts. I only found out there was a good end like months later after I completed After Story. The whole good end just felt like a short dream though.

>> No.4673030

ITT: tasteless fags who only watch moe garbage even though it's the cancer killing animu

>> No.4673031

Sigh, oh /jp/. Your tsundere is the best tsundere.

>> No.4673037

There is no good end. It was just a hallucination Tomoya was having about Nagisa as he froze to death while clinging to their daughter's corpse.

>> No.4673038


Stop using that word if you don't even know what it fucking means, you piece of shit.

>> No.4673042

So what's the moral of the whole story? What did Tomoya do to deserve such a tragic end?

>> No.4673053

Sunohara is the evil mastermind.

>> No.4673056

Despite seeing the example of his father, he still made the same mistakes.

>> No.4673059
File: 38 KB, 720x480, blush ryou clannad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hugs you*

>> No.4673078


Yeah, you're definitely from /a/. Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.4673143

Why the fuck do you talk about the anime in fucking /jp/?
Clannad is first and foremost a VN, and the anime pales in comparison to it.

>> No.4673162

I for one think the anime was as good an adaption as they could've possibly done.
