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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46664778 No.46664778 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>46633835

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46665010
File: 28 KB, 421x321, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you playing the newly released kamige?

>> No.46665077

>データ数: 5
Also it looks like a complete blueballs type of game.

>> No.46665471
File: 113 KB, 1193x606, 1713866184867800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getchu's page 404s are because of censoring words on the images it seems.

>> No.46665506

fc2 also killed katans (advgamer) blog very recently, it seems like this is happening all over

>> No.46665555

katan death was the most wtf shit ever

>> No.46665620

What the fuck. Well he has the text backed up and is slowly migrating to his site https://advgamer.com/

>> No.46665636 [DELETED] 


>> No.46665698 [DELETED] 

anyone else having that urge to breed jks?

>> No.46666163

What's the appeal of this slop again?

>> No.46666177

Children can look at tits on their Switch

>> No.46666198

What's the point of pube option?
Nobody uses it

>> No.46666222

i do indeed
how'd you know my name though?

>> No.46666250

Nobody as in actual straight people use it

>> No.46666364

Vtubers are streaming this trash for content. Only reason it's "popular".

>> No.46666764

To make faggot body hair lovers happy while not compromising the enjoyment of actual straight people.

>> No.46666777

>safe horny
it's over

>> No.46666785
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Its gaming time

>> No.46666976
File: 256 KB, 800x600, be careful this could happen to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46666990

I'm a spoilerGOD so I already know things like that beforehand.

>> No.46667085
File: 110 KB, 640x958, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the opposite problem. I keep getting fucked up by reverse trap heroines.
Their winrate versus me is 100%. It's disgusting.
I can't do anything about it, it's a 10-0 matchup.

>> No.46667108

Sorry, I couldn't fully understand what you meant there. "Their winrate versus me is 100%" means that you fall for them 100% of the time? And what does "10-0 matchup" mean?

>> No.46667268

>being attracted to women's natural bodies makes you gay
Are you retarded?

>> No.46667349

Everyone turns it on. Except the homosexual.

>> No.46667366

Eroge needs more pubes. I'm fucking tired about this shit, bros.

>> No.46667377

This. The ones that do have pubes don't have enough volume.

>> No.46667399

Are you sure about that one? Pubes are cool with me, but a woman's natural body comes with all sorts of nasty shit like leg hair.

>> No.46667408

leg hair is only prominent with shit genetics, though.

>> No.46667622

the neat part about fiction is you get to pick and choose what parts of reality you want to bring over

>> No.46667638

If you are looking for "natural bodies" go after 3DPDs or something. 2D ideally is for achieving beauty without being bound by the contrived novelty of "realism".

>> No.46667685

Pubes are a part of ideal beauty. Unless you're gay I guess.

>> No.46667697

Pubes are directly correlated with m*turity.
If you think hags and huge breasts and whatever are """beautiful""", I can see why you would enjoy (non-small) pubes too.

>> No.46667704

When everyone is paipan, the loli heroine feels less special.

>> No.46667710

Lolibaba with a bit of fur

>> No.46667726

It's better to universally portray beauty than "save" it to make it more "special".

>> No.46667746
File: 3.68 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many tits and asses can I fit on the screen for more engagement?

>> No.46667768

>asterisk censored words
oh hey the threadshitter is active, time to fire up the ol engine

>> No.46667782

the good stuff but rare as anything

>> No.46667786

I need more smug lolibabas

>> No.46667821

vndb doesn't have a lolibaba tag?

>> No.46667841

be the change you wish someone else would do in the world

>> No.46667843

Does the HD version of 殻ノ少女 contain the trial content? If not could someone upload it please? All the links are dead.

>> No.46667854

This is the closest I think.

>> No.46667858


>> No.46667884

are we ever going to get an actual high budget and long visual novel again?
>inb4 tsukihime

>> No.46667895


>> No.46667901

Avesta? That should come out before the next Tsukihime.

>> No.46667914

>3dcg slop
It's worse than I thought.
Not a real VN.
You know you can combine tag searches right?

>> No.46667920

>the threadshitter
Is that some e-celeb?

>> No.46667935

Is anyone in this thread capable of talking fondly about something they've enjoyed reading or is everyone here a friendless, attention seeking loser who needs company in the form of VN flavored shit/hateposts?

>> No.46667944

Wrong site, redditor

>> No.46667953

You probably don't even know Japanese

>> No.46667960

>CPU Intel® Core™ i3搭載機と同等以上推奨
>メモリ 4GB以上必須/8GB以上推奨
What? Is this a U####"""ge"""?

>> No.46667965
File: 730 KB, 1000x563, cg091_01-e1706244626177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is right a man?

>> No.46667970

Right is they

>> No.46667985

Looks like your average protag made to wear girl clothes and gets laughed at scene

>> No.46668008
File: 919 KB, 1000x563, safe for work picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pettanbros... eroge is saved.

>> No.46668038

Most likely explanation; the character that looks closest to that is the MC I think.

>> No.46668048

Recently I've been playing Escalation 95 - Onee-sama tte yonde ii desuka. Very nice game. I like the backgrounds quite a bit but the character art doesn't quite stack up against the best of the period (my personal favorite was Doukyuusei but there are plenty of standouts) I think the writing might be what I liked the most. It's fairly simple, talk to the girls, figure out a problem, do lesbian things, repeat. But the relationship between onee sama and her cute cute kouhai is spectacular.

>> No.46668165

the sequel of the kamige called deep one

>> No.46668273
File: 925 KB, 2560x1811, otome sekai no arukikata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otome Sekai no Arukikata.
I love the art. Legs especially are sometimes drawn in a thought-provoking way.

>> No.46668508

Don't you hate it when dev sells a heroine as a cool type but she's just so fucking cute

>> No.46668521


>> No.46668554

The 生き甲斐 of girls/heroines is to be cute, through various means. Are you hating an eroge dev for doing its job?

>> No.46668677

>its job
damn, i didn't think we were at the full 100% AI level yet

>> No.46668874

Why are you pushing it so hard?

>> No.46668888

Low effort trolling. Retard doesn't even shuffle the md5.

>> No.46668895
File: 16 KB, 460x423, Hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Saimin Gakushuu like I said last thread. It's shorter than I expected. The length of the game and the structure of the story made it really feel like a doujinshi, just in game form. It's mostly carried by Aiue's art. I'm actually unsure about the upcoming Saimin Seishidou now.
As you can tell from the title, it's a saimin game, the "common sense modification" type. Protag could only do it little by little, so it took some weeks to get the ball rolling, thus there's little timeskips all throughout the game. It works in manga form, but it's honestly jarring here.
The POV switches were frankly confusing at times. I don't really understand why, but it usually took me several sentences to realize that POV has changed in this game. Other VNs obviously have it too, but I didn't run into this problem somehow.
The girls were okay, arrogantly but cluelessly following strange instructions is always my favorite part in the saimin genre. Since the game is pretty short, the students only got small introductions, while the teachers barely got anything. Again, better in manga form.
I'm surprised there isn't a harem ending. There are threesomes, but you have 4 heroines, come on! It's alluded to during the epilogues but no CGs.
Although my absolute favorite part of the saimin genre didn't appear, the part where the mind control is broken, but the girl keeps continuing to show she can't win against the cock. What a shame. It was awesome in their Ijirare series, dunno why they didn't do it again. I guess it wouldn't work considering the way the plot was going.
Speaking of Ijirare, know any VN similar to it? VNDB has a Bullying tag, but it deals with like actual bullying, and not the revenge-against-bullies type.

>> No.46668912

What is this? The same text as the Karabe Yousuke story but with sprites and music added?

>> No.46668923 [DELETED] 

Warning: unlikeanon/ryu123 just started reading imokano. Be careful with shit takes on imokano you're going to see in the next couple of weeks.

>> No.46668954

>[name] did thing
Why should I care and how is this not off topic spam? I’m anonymous and only care about anons.

>> No.46668956

First day on 4chan?
People talk shit about everything here

>> No.46668962 [DELETED] 

>[eceleb] did thing
As a purebred 4channer I do not know or care.

>> No.46668963

Also what is this slang?

>> No.46668979

I was referring to the faggot insecure about his little game
So insecure he gives a shit that some random faggot on internet is reading it

>> No.46668994
File: 1.17 MB, 2289x1211, plotge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were exaggerating so I decided to look up the most recent >50 hour releases.
Damn, maybe I should get a switch and start reading otomege.

>> No.46669015

Setoguchi-sensei will save us.

>> No.46669024

They going pretty hard after ero in Japan. First they take stuff out from the streets and physical shops because of the (((Olympics))), and now that a lot of shit was digital, they are going after digital platforms and payment processors.
Will ero survive in Japan?

>> No.46669029

>Switch otomege
Don't bother. It's all slop.

>> No.46669033

It'll survive, you can't kill porn.
Will the market shrink, particularly for niche stuff? Absolutely. But it'll never die.

>> No.46669036

>Will ero survive in Japan?
Doesn't matter, we can just use AI now.

>> No.46669042

Ask pixiv staff about that...

>> No.46669044

>ask ai to make loli
>fbi shows up to your house

>> No.46669053

It's going to become a grey/black market, can't kill them. On the upside we get increased quality because only the truly passionate will remain.

>> No.46669056

I've read enough rpgmaker games to know that passion is not the same thing as quality.

>> No.46669067

Pixiv doesn't matter, just generate stuff yourself locally.
How so?

>> No.46669069

I mean quality as in soul, but I see your point. Maybe we get a 同人 revival.

>> No.46669072

Stop normalizing something that will never have moe.

>> No.46669082

AI trained on japanese moe art contains same amount of moe.

>> No.46669084

Anon, don't lie to me.
I have spent so long trying to fap to AI generated art. If I could do it, imagine the possibilities. It's a mine of endless potential. But it's just unfappable.

>> No.46669088

Moe disintegrates once it touches westoid technology. Soulles westoid garbage is ultimately incompatible with moe.

>> No.46669093

see >>46669072

>> No.46669096

AI generated art is only acceptable as cover images to erotic asmr.

>> No.46669104

see >>46669072

>> No.46669106

>Moe disintegrates once it touches westoid technology
Does it mean japanese artist only allowed to touch japan made pc in order to create true moe art? What about westoid OS?
Recent stuff on aibooru and civitai looks good enough to me and it's only going to be better in the future.

>> No.46669108

see >>46669072

>> No.46669115

Yes, if that influences and dictates their creation. AI is the one making the art, not the so-called prompt-engineer.
Get out of this thread with your anti-moe propaganda.

>> No.46669116

Why would even think about doing this instead of reading the 30 years backlog of eroge?

>> No.46669119

>aibooru and civitai looks good enough to me
>outing yourself as a consumer of non-moe slop
The gatkeeping really needs to get stronger.

>> No.46669122 [DELETED] 

I fucking love taking bait

>> No.46669127
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan have fallen long time ago

>> No.46669129

If the ai consumers don't know that we despise their war on moe then they will think they are a part of us and welcome here,

>> No.46669163

It's hard to find good doujin games on dlsite.
The problem is that you get points for rating and critical reviews aren't allowed.
This goes into detail, it's really dumb.

>> No.46669171

>Will the market shrink, particularly for niche stuff? Absolutely.
Lolibros are on suicide watch

>> No.46669180

I'm not asking much to be honest
I just want one last Tanuki/Kaerusoft, please

>> No.46669187

51,000 hits for the loli tag on dlsite, not exactly niche

>> No.46669198
File: 882 KB, 1975x1106, 1617212465607320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ロリコンたち! 諦めないでください!

>> No.46669199

Look at all this eroge discussion

>> No.46669207

Zero high production value titles made since 2020

>> No.46669215

I count Henpri, Venus Blood, and Gikei

>> No.46669221

As a lolifag, I believe most of lolige are slop and a waste of a time, doujins are much better. So much good stuff was produced already I don't have to worry about loli industry suddenly dying. Still going to doompost tho.

>> No.46669232

You mean loli only games? I don't care that much about those.
Even Lose didn't do loli only.

>> No.46669236

>Banned from Steam
Yeah, their next game won't feature any loli heroine

>> No.46669243

It was banned from steam for the school setting.
They're yuzusoft, they're not making a game set in a college, so nothing's changing.

>> No.46669245

doesn't senren banka have a loli too? i think that was more of a problem with steam's autism

>> No.46669247

I mean something like Kaeru/Tanuki, Candy Soft, some HAMHAM titles, some heroines from Galette/Tinkle Position. All of them died without replacement.

>> No.46669252

>doesn't senren banka have a loli too?
Yep, and it sold like 400k copies on steam.
Steam is flat out just a roulette wheel, there's one known reviewer who hates VNs and bans every single one without exception even if they're all-ages.
Fucking MONOBENO is on steam.

>> No.46669258

i wish steam wasn't so retarded in that regard
the prices there are much better than japanese digital stores

>> No.46669262

I just checked and according to steam senren baka came out in 2020, and while america becomes more cancerous each year that goes by, by 2020 they were pretty sane compared to today

>> No.46669263

>there's one known reviewer who hates VNs and bans every single one without exception
That's good. We need to accelerate. I want the most generic bishoujo design imaginable to be inalienably tied with pedophilia in the average westoid mind. I want it to be completely impossible for even the most milquetoast moege to be commercially released and marketed. I want thousands of Canadians arrested for 2D crimes and forced into medically assisted suicide. Total Western Market Death.

>> No.46669266

Yeah even chaos head noah got banned on steam initially.
Your best chances are to use a dummy game with no content like nukitashi did.

>> No.46669291

can't wait for the new yuzuge to read it with you all again fags

>> No.46669293

I hope it's better than the last one.

>> No.46669296

See you in 2027, anon!

>> No.46669301
File: 264 KB, 636x546, 32108939123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know, don't even care about the quality, that time it was extremely fun to just post screenshots of whatever shit was going on

>> No.46669309

Yuzusoft was fairly consistent with an 18-24 month release schedule until covid.

>> No.46669312

Nah actually the fuck up wasn't covid
But this trash https://vndb.org/v31807

>> No.46669315

Anon, Parquet was something they made in a couple of months specifically because covid fucked them over really hard and they weren't going to be able to release their next VN for a while so they wanted to make something short to tide people over. That was literally part of the announcement.

>> No.46669322
File: 3.51 MB, 2000x2850, 321903098187921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in 2045, tsukihimebros!

>> No.46669330
File: 310 KB, 1600x900, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovepopi in 2 days

>> No.46669347

he isn't even writing eroge anymore anyway

>> No.46669351
File: 440 KB, 514x748, MD5fF0Fev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares
he's still writing good shit

>> No.46669361

that's true. have you read his books btw?

>> No.46669369

only carnival, very good closure to the main story
i want to buy the others in physical as soon as i have the chance

>> No.46669373

which other books did he make?

>> No.46669374

Hope the next long-ge by Setoguchi comes out earlier.

>> No.46669384

this will never stop being cool

>> No.46669385

It really sucks his 星海社FICTIONS books doesn't have eboks versions because the guy who is running the lable want their books be only in phisical form because they are hard to come by for a reasonable prices.

>> No.46669388

Wow, I only knew about PSYCHE. I am happy that I have more stuff to read now.

>> No.46669391

>want their books be only in phisical form because they are hard to come by
Of course, making your product impossible to buy, the key to a successful business.

>> No.46669392
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 3nu9iTkgA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 20 more years, only 20 years...

>> No.46669397

That orange is so distracting

>> No.46669413

I wonder... I feel it's hard to write another long story after bst, he probably finds it more comfortable to follow a format similar to hirahira

>> No.46669425

we don't know what he finds more comfortable, but I feel like the guy can write in any format and be good

>> No.46669433

I wouldn't mind if he released more shortge either.

>> No.46669466

Has anyone here tried playing True Blue on Windows 11? It crashes for me every time the text goes over the screen boundary. I've also tried running it on Winlator, but it behaves the same way.
Running on Windows XP compatibility does not work, but running it on a Windows XP VM does. The sound is garbled for me on the VM, so I'd really prefer to have this working natively on Windows 11.
On a somewhat related note, does anyone know any nukige with rape scenes that have the rapist voiced aside from the ones by LiLiM Darkness and the 夜勤病棟 series? Hoping to use it for reading practice.

>> No.46669498 [DELETED] 

are you using WMware? if not do so. MS broke a lot of shit so i wouldn't be surprised if games that old just have problems on 10 and 11

>> No.46669504

are you using VMware? if not do so. MS broke a lot of shit so i wouldn't be surprised if games that old just have problems on 10 and 11

>> No.46669507

N5 NTRbro...

>> No.46669533

Used VirtualBox, but I think the garbled sound is more about my Windows PC being a potato and less about VirtualBox shortcomings.
I wonder how nips play it nowadays.

>> No.46669691
File: 45 KB, 256x362, 66796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46669708

I would like some new imoutoge.

>> No.46670062

2 more days till I just download the cg set

>> No.46670105
File: 21 KB, 1063x595, 『旭光のマリアージュ』OPムービー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of eroge OPs in 2024.

>> No.46670250


>> No.46670254

>moeslop op

>> No.46670260

Are they easy to find physically in Japan?

>> No.46670284


>> No.46670663
File: 740 KB, 2385x2300, character_tachie_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG7Bqow6KTg
also pic

>> No.46670732

Based. This game will be kino.

>> No.46670740
File: 12 KB, 712x141, 1711687728347966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the delays are starting to make sense. Funny that they still couldn't manage a simulrelease.

>> No.46670750

One steam reviewer saved eroge from death singlehandedly by denying a bunch of games

>> No.46670767

You are saving up and stacking right? Surely you aren't wasting it??

>> No.46670769

It's made worse with the inclusion of the shitty 3d alien hands.
They could've just... not put them in. Or asked the illustrator to draw one single frame of a hand for the live2D person to wiggle around.

>> No.46670781

bro that shit doesn't matter
what's important are the cute girls CUTE GIRLS

>> No.46670786

That's why I dislike retarded moebuta
Literal fucking pig

>> No.46670788

On what?

>> No.46670808

of course

>> No.46670816

In a perfect world every single vn would get kicked off steam and we would enjoy the momentary peace of sleeping soundly knowing japan wont feel the need to pander to the west.
Sadly reality is often disappointing

>> No.46670820

Years from now, people will watch the OP and wonder what the fuck they were thinking with the cheap ass 3D aging like milk when the 2D hand literally 10 seconds later was perfectly fine.

>> No.46670822
File: 433 KB, 1100x825, Understand,Madoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese Room
>Butterfly Effect
>Bootstrap Paradox
>Newcomb's Paradox
>Sleeping Beauty Problem
>Maxwell's Demon
>Hedgehog's Dilemma
>Hempel's Raven
>Coolidge Effect
>Sword of Damocles
>Prisoner's Dilemma
>Gordian Knot
>Pointcarres Theory of Strings
>Oberton's Window
>Schwarzchild Radius
>Law of Thermodynamics
>schrodinger's cat
>laplace's demon
>the trolley problem
>Ship of Theseus
>Pavlov's Dog
>Achilles and the tortoise
>The Tigers of Money
>Mary's room
>Lake Biwa
>Pascal’s Wager
>Epicurean paradox

Anything else I need to know to refine my VN reading experience?

>> No.46670834
File: 406 KB, 2385x2300, character_tachie_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely retarded take my friend, because i am not moebuta
i've simply dedicated so many years to this shit that i stopped obsessing about criticizing anything insignificant
now? i just enjoy the simple things in life
i recommend you do it too

>> No.46670838

Most of this I haven't heard of, let alone in VN.

>> No.46670844

The 3d hands are fine.

>> No.46670851

In a few more years they will call it "soul"

>> No.46670852


>> No.46670872

The unity anon is gonna freak

>> No.46670986
File: 30 KB, 1065x598, 【OP】 『グリザイアの楽園』.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will watch eroge OPs for years to come like I do for anime OPs.
3D hands are the spit in the drink that ruins what would've otherwise been a good experience.

>> No.46671012 [DELETED] 


>> No.46671047 [DELETED] 

Reminded me of that time some anon from 4chan asked Haganeya on twitter if Azathoth has true omnipotence (whatever the fuck that means).

>> No.46671188 [DELETED] 

Is there one about the "Puppet effect"?

>> No.46671203 [DELETED] 

Learning and then mastering Japanese, then mastering programming, then getting a good grip on all these thought experiments, then effusing them over a 100+ hr reading experience, careful not to masturbate in certain moments...It's not the highest IQ medium for nothing, I guess.
Truly terrifying.

>> No.46671235

To this day I have not the slightest idea about what the fuck American payment processors do in between Japanese devs and Japanese consumers. Collect the colonization tax?

>> No.46671397

are you retarded? visa and mastercard are the 2 largest payment processors in the world and are entrenched in almost every country except pariah states. you think some small jp company can just tell them to fuck off on a whim?

>> No.46671507

>are you retarded?
Japs sure look like they are (retarded cucks bending over, to be exact), and they get what they deserve for that. Are they unable to organize a way for their citizens to give money to each other? Pariah states sure can.
I'm not saying they should kick out the occupying forces right now, but this is a good chance to try and gain a tiny bit of self-respect.

>> No.46671525 [DELETED] 

Nta but supremely ignorant and retarded post. I'll delete this in seconds, just wanted to let you know

>> No.46671610

>organize a way for their citizens to give money to each other
It already exists, but it's harmful to governments.

>> No.46671626

They can do it but if you tell them to cut 20% of their sales from the west they will rather kowtow than losing that 20% percent, japanese consumers specially don't have that much of a boycott culture so they can go uncontested

>> No.46671662

What do you mean? Processors provide a service, and they take a percentage of every transaction as payment for that service. Storefronts opt in to using these services, with the understanding that some of the money will be going away, in exchange for making transactions simpler. These services all have small differences with the bonuses they provide to the consumer, but what it comes down to for the consumer is where their cards will be accepted, naturally the more widespread a service is the more people are going to use it. Japan has its own processor (JCB) but like many of Japan's domestic services it's not very well known outside the country. Inside the country that's all well and good, but overseas marketplaces might not always be compatible. Most of the time the simplest option is to just take the route of the VISA.
This is on top of the fact that Japan only really started adopting cards in the last decade or so. COVID and the boom in online shopping is driving this change, but in the country many services are cash only, or some electronic circus hoop extension of cash only (Barcode services like Paypay that you load with cash, or IC Cards that you load with cash).
Of course it's more difficult to play with cash on online marketplaces, nor does it work well with subscription services, so Japanese people bust out their cards when it's time to shop online.
In the end are there no alternatives? Of course not. Japan isn't out of the loop on payment processors and online shopping. But these services are running to make money, and when the biggest avenue to their money says they're not going to affiliate with this or that the businesses have to decide if they're going to change their product to keep their customers or sacrifice customers to keep the product.

>> No.46672032

20% sounds way too pathetic for the industry, considering that the content is only useable by the domestic audience (basically nobody knows Japanese outside of Japan).

I mean that the products which never leave the country in their lifetime should not involve foreign middle-men either. Spawn a sister company with its own marketplace and move the JP-only content over there, no money will leave the country's economy that way and no foreign hegemon will meddle with your internal affairs. That would be a reasonable reaction.
See what DMM did. It does suck for us gaijin, but we are not the target audience for Japanese cartoon porn, and never have been.

>> No.46672082

Ok? Mail the Japanese businesses if you'd like. Unfortunately it's a fact that VISA is more widespread than JCB even within Japan.

>> No.46672126

>20% sounds way too pathetic for the industry
If you tell dlsite they will make 8M dollar a month instead of 10M of course they will kowtow, they don't really care about anything else. Sadly this is the current state of affairs

>> No.46672193

It's not my business to uncuck the japs, it's what they must do themselves. If they don't want to, they should learn to live with the consequences. Shit's only going to get worse from now on, and the sooner they start try and gain some semblance of independence, the better it will be for everyone.

>> No.46672325

A couple of those I thought were good.
And tokimeki while not as good as 3 still had some fun routes so it was ok as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.46672403 [DELETED] 

That's a great image, the depth and meaning in Madoka Magica reminded me of classics in our medium such as Umi and Suba.

>> No.46672465

Many switch otome titles have very little universal appeal outside liking the guys, aesthetics and/or if you're a simp for the VA work. They're 女性向け for a good reason.

>> No.46672498

Which ones are good? I want to enter the unknown world of otomege.

>> No.46672505

Meant for >>46672325

>> No.46672520 [DELETED] 

Do people watch it for depth? I thought the girls were cute.

>> No.46672541 [DELETED] 

newfag or samefag...wonder which one

>> No.46672542 [DELETED] 

I love how it subverts stale maho shojo tropes.

>> No.46672598

NTA but 蝶の毒 華の鎖 is not bad as an introductory plot driven one.
Reading the PC R18 version is preferable, though.

>> No.46672678

His consistency is insane. If you love one of his works you'll pretty much love the others too. Nothing extremely impressive or shocking but well done. It's good that he's still working even though many others have quit a long time ago.

>> No.46672793

Can you upload them? There is only つめたいオゾン available on zlib

>> No.46672842


>> No.46672847 [DELETED] 

madoka magica released so long ago now that those subverted tropes become the new base tropes for mahou shoujo shows

>> No.46672851 [DELETED] 

Really? People say this? I enjoyed its maho shojo.

>> No.46672861

not that anon

>> No.46672866

Consistency with such different stories while still being recognizably Setoguchi is very nice.

>> No.46672870

What… the name says it’s both Anonymous…

>> No.46672882

>unvoiced female
Something inside of me rebels against this idea so hard.

>> No.46672894 [DELETED] 

So true sis. We're the same person after all. Which guy in our Japanese PowerPoints we like the best? I think otome guys can't compete.

>> No.46672900 [DELETED] 

thanks for this retard

>> No.46672903 [DELETED] 

It still has the best concept of (Actual heavy spoiler)time travel with consequences that i've seen, and the way it solved made sense considering the rules they established
Really great show, and the movie ending was somewhat unique.

>> No.46672923

I agree. Women should always have a voice. Though unvoiced female main characters make it easier for me to self-insert as a woman, so I am kind of divided on this issue.

>> No.46672941

As someone who does read otome time to time, I agree. Even if the MC could be interesting and cute, the lack of VA work compared to the guys kinda makes her a non character.

>> No.46672960

Female seiyuu add so much to the experience of reading it’s insane to not have them when you can.

>> No.46672997

I actually hate that very few VNs have voiced male protagonists. Just give the option to turn it off.

>> No.46673006

more games should take the ensemble route and simply have the male mc voiced by a female seiyuu
i'm only about 60% joking

>> No.46673028 [DELETED] 

We are on 4chan. We are not ecelebs with a name that you have to track in a conversation.

>> No.46673036 [DELETED] 

I enjoyed the girls and thought the concepts served the characters and weren’t there for their own sake so I liked it. Any vns with a similar feel?

>> No.46673058 [DELETED] 

>Which guy in our Japanese PowerPoints we like the best?
Shirou. Kageaki. Who’s third?

>> No.46673061 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 802x632, batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was recommended shinsetsu mahou shoujo when i asked the same question and now i'm duty-bound to pass the savings on to you
to be honest they don't really have a lot in common thematically or plotwise beyond the magical girl angle but it's great anyway so why not

>> No.46673075 [DELETED] 

Rance or Bey

>> No.46673080 [DELETED] 

Wasn't some guy on VNDB saying SakuMoyu surpasses Princess Tutu and Madoka Magica in this theme? I haven't played it yet because I'm afraid it'll turn out to be mid but you can play and tell us your thoughts, anon

>> No.46673094 [DELETED] 

>reducing works to themes and comparing them by that instead of comparing the feel and soul and characters
That’s already a red flag to me. I’d disregard that review in forming my opinion.

>> No.46673096

I'm not a castrato so it would be hard to self-insert.

>> No.46673099 [DELETED] 

Are they the “I can fix her” but for otome?

>> No.46673123 [DELETED] 

Meidos the fujoshits are leaking again

>> No.46673130 [DELETED] 

Any recs for life changing VNs such as subahibi?

>> No.46673145 [DELETED] 

"Djtard tries to read eroge but ends up misunderstanding 100% of plot instead" is a good life-changing vn.

>> No.46673146 [DELETED] 

Otomege. They will change your life by turning you gay.

>> No.46673157 [DELETED] 

No. They're just cool guys and I love them for being so cool. Simple as.

>> No.46673178 [DELETED] 

I get you jest but really, I'm getting tired of shallow masturbation shit

>> No.46673187 [DELETED] 

That's what I said too when I was reading SakuUta.

>> No.46673195 [DELETED] 

So you’re seeking more shallowge like suba?

>> No.46673205 [DELETED] 

does that mean you consider sakuuta to be NOT shallow?

Yes, if you like. Or whatever you consider not-shallow

>> No.46673212

I mean, denpashit is masturbatory braindead nihilism. If you unironically think that's good, it says a lot about you.

>> No.46673217

Is there life affirming denpa that’s not like this?

>> No.46673227

Illuminate me then and tell me what you think is a profound VN

>> No.46673232

I don’t judge games by the contrived novelty of trying to make simple ideas artificially complex but by the soul and moe.

>> No.46673234


>> No.46673237

SakuUta is indeed a shallow work, but I was making a joke on the stupid masturbation jokes that take up the first half of that game.
As for your question. Art is subjective and no inherent truth exists anon. You can make any meaning for yourself. You don't need to ask for recommendations. Just pick a random VN and read it. Believe me, anon. I'm sure this is in line with your taste. (Seriously though. If you want actual recommendations give more details about your taste.)

>> No.46673252

I liked the art, history and such conversations in sakuuta and the hallucinations of subahibi and the god stuff. I like masturbating but I'm growing a bit tired of porn and such so I guess I won't enjoy games primarily focused on sex, however it's good every once in a while.

As you can see, I don't know my taste very well, so most recommendations are welcome now I guess.

>> No.46673258

Not that Anonymous, but when a game makes me want to emulate a character, makes me think differently about day to day interactions and relate them back to the game, I consider it profound.

>> No.46673273

Any VN that gives you hope and makes you empathize with the characters in a positive way is profound. Denpa does the opposite, which is ultimately toxic if you take any of that seriously.

>> No.46673284

ok cool but you still haven't given me any recs

>> No.46673292

Clannad, my son.

>> No.46673296

Setoguchi is a safe bet. Check out MUSICUS!. I heard the Switch release is the definitive version but I guess you can go with whatever.

>> No.46673338

thanks my dude, I will add that to the list. Any other recs are welcome

>> No.46673339

To me every console release is the definitive version because I'm a Christian and I think H-scenes provoke lust and distract me from God.

>> No.46673350

Personally, I think sex is super icky unless it's with my favorite eroge love interest so I prefer all ages to prevent myself from cheating. Sorry for the TMI.

>> No.46673365

What? Westoids complain about kanji, but those gorillions of weird acronyms are 9999 times harder.

>> No.46673379

>unless it's with my favorite eroge love interest
As in only having one across all the medium? Interesting.

>> No.46673427

Yes, I think it's extremely important to remain faithful to the 2D who chose you at all times. Good luck happens if you love long time. This is the true path of having a profound experience in reading and learning Japanese.

>> No.46673483

I have a theory that there's no problem in having multiple 2D girls you love and it's not really "cheating" since in the end you just love the same idealized feminine archetype but from different perspectives.

>> No.46673533

t. cheater

>> No.46673559

She chose you, anon. You have the nerve to forsake her by messing with other girls that are "like her" from a so called different perspective. What the hell???

>> No.46673584

If you only do routes for characters voiced by a single seiyuu it's not cheating.

>> No.46673592

I've thought about it some, and I'm convinced 'taste' is never something verbally expressible. Unfortunately, when you like one thing, you more often than not like it largely thanks to its pneuma, which is something that takes different forms according to different individuals. That way, overlapping interests basically mean nothing and the only way to truly discover what'll captivate you most is shooting pebbles across the lake. You'll have to randomly open something and carry on from there. No recommendation will ever satisfy you.
What's more, recommendations themselves are poison, because of how they shackle you into what generated that recommendation to begin with. It becomes less an individual experience between you and a work, but more about the work, you AND the person who recommended it. You're not alone in a world with you and who you're having sex with, and that gets disgusting rather quick. To make it all the more worse, if the recommendation is initiated communally, then the presences of all those people are with you all the more, lessening the beauty of an individual experience.
Fortunately, dick-style recommendations transcend all of this, as the ability of sex to capitalize interest allows you to ignore all the presential anons in your mind probably fapping alongside you. It's terrible, but so be it.
Lastly, I mention recommendations being great evil, but that's only so far as direct recommendations go. If it happens that people are simply talking about X, and your curiosity inclines you toward it, or if it happens that it's entirely consigned to a past -in charts, for example- then you'll be okay. Your individual experience won't be sullied.

Hope you all understand. You're killing that anons love for anything by recommending stuff to him.

>> No.46673622

This is a lot like that bell curve meme.

>> No.46673715

Yeah it's really a meme post, but that's true at least
>the only way to truly discover what'll captivate you most is shooting pebbles across the lake
Like trying different things I have discovered different interests

>> No.46673863

I need a Metal Gear eroge so I can self insert as Snake. It's not fair, bros.

>> No.46674025


>> No.46674113

That looks closer to a capeshit than to a VN, friend.

>> No.46674143

If it doesn't have Snake's massive ass on my face, I don't want it.

>> No.46674146

Snake's massive ass?

>> No.46674151

What does that have to do with self insertion? Do you have a cellulite ass in real life?

>> No.46674161

yeah, I'm mexican

>> No.46674164

Hira hira hihiru, by the same author as MUSICUS!.

>> No.46674204

I feel this only applies to certain types of people. I naturally dissassociate the recommendation completely from the person giving it and do not look at anything like “genre” or “themes”, only the soul and emotion of the work. If I feel from the posts that the person can like something I mention the work. When people have recommended stuff to me I usually note it and then return to it later, finding it on my own.

>> No.46674227

>self insert as Snake

>> No.46674236

Who's the Snake in Dies Irae, anon. Does Dies Irae also have a westerner who pisses himself

>> No.46674240

Yeah, in my case I'm pretty simplistic. if I like the art, I read it. if the premise sounds interesting, I read it. if a heroine catches my eye, I read it. I work more on impulse than anything else. Although I guess that's now that I've read a lot of shit and can give myself the freedom to discover new interesting games

>> No.46674244

Now that I think about it, my favorite games were mostly found by looking at the cover art, art of some character or the seiyuu and being drawn to it, then looking at the writers other works. I think it is very hard to express what you are looking for in English text as the detail can distract from the core of things.

>> No.46674252

How well done is that in comparison to his other works? It was centered around my least favorite aspect of his works (sympathizing with the ill and ostracized) so I only read the beginning and dropped it there. The main character seemed nice

>> No.46674263

You’ll find out. It’s a secret. Not a cringe westoid “spoiler” but still. You can self insert as him if you wish to,
Most of them are Germans from a certain group in WWII.

>> No.46674356
File: 172 KB, 750x422, cY6VzPf-276264754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was centered around my least favorite aspect of his works (sympathizing with the ill and ostracized)
I loved it. I don’t usually categorize works into well-defined themes so I can’t say, but this description does not sum it up for me at all. To me it was more of a window into many different people’s lives and their developing/growing interactions because of life events and of because who they are as people. I would say more concerning this, but some people hate spoilers so I won't. If you liked the MCs (there’s two) I’d say keep on reading, but I liked it from the very beginning after the first hospital scenes and by the time we got into the second MC. Also you haven't seen best girl.

(MUSICUS for me is the same too now that I think about this, I value human emotion, characters and their 生き甲斐 more than anything)

>> No.46674389

Recommendations are more or less just guidelines others give out as a way for you to supplement that self discovery. I generally do not take another person's recommendation seriously 100% until I read impressions or if something about the work does stimulate my interest in some way. Generally VN presentation means a lot but I care more if someone actually bothers to give their genuine opinion about the writing and characters. If a game looks bad, there is no way I'll bother with it until I see multiple people speaking highly about it in detail. This is especially true with doujinge.

>> No.46674391

I really loved that aspect of musicus. It felt like it contained life. Thanks anon. I'll be playing it soon. There is some bullshit on the internet about the perspectives and all that stuff. Is it ok to follow the guide on seiyasaiga?

>> No.46674395

nta but please do not use guide the first time

>> No.46674415

I think when you start looking for doujinge it's because you've already played a lot of other things... or at least that's what I've seen happen in most cases. The opinions there are much more complicated, since they tend to value much more the effort and passion of the creator. Everything related to tastes is so complex

>> No.46674422

>It felt like it contained life.
This. I want to live after reading it and I felt the same with hihiru.
I just picked what I would since the protagonist is me when I'm reading and naturally got to the "correct" order, though I looked at the guide to find all branches and peeked into it when playing out of curiosity.

>> No.46674471
File: 163 KB, 1010x650, 6ab3f623-25e0-44aa-aeff-cfb37472a241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate Setoguchi's love of white hair.

>> No.46674480

Yeah, it usually acts as a sort of filter to strengthen or refine your existing impression so I can't see recommendations as robbing someone of discovery.

>> No.46674494

>petite white hair girl
>medium/small breast
Instant play and already best girl

>> No.46674498

Swan song's white haired girl was the best

>> No.46674695

Instant drop

>> No.46674729


>> No.46674799

That sounds like complete shit compared to the original.

>> No.46674861
File: 426 KB, 950x720, Kyuiin-name-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read Japanese can translate the four-character name input in this screencap?

>> No.46674883


>> No.46674928

Boku no Pico

>> No.46674936

Huh. I liked it.

>> No.46674958

Maybe it's because it's a song I've known for 20+ years because of all the .swf videos back in the day that used it.

>> No.46674961

Any reason for why the aiueo and ya/yu/yo columns got repeated twice.

>> No.46674979

Because that is a completely off-topic post and also because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.46675032

MTL thread is that way >>>/vg/474977128

>> No.46675034

>ntr edition
The absolute state of eops

>> No.46675043

What's wrong with liking plotge?

>> No.46675049

Being an EOP is literally being a cuck anyway so I don't see anything wrong here.

>> No.46675070

I used to vehemently hate NTR, but I then realized I'm just an observer, reading a story. What happens there doesn't affect me. I'm now just whatever with it.
Or maybe it's just the brainrot setting in.

>> No.46675074

If you don't self-insert any work is NTR.
If you self-insert in a specifically NTR work, it's still NTR.
Conclusion: self-insert in non-NTR works for happiest results.

>> No.46675076

I thought this was a joke and laughed at it but then the last sentence made me think you wrote it seriously.

>> No.46675084

I used to love NTR, and then I became as NTS/BSSchad

>> No.46675086
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x960, 1685634330141306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha... who would read NTRge? What idiots. Anyway, has anyone read this moege? Heard it's pretty good.

>> No.46675093

we need more shota NTS

>> No.46675106

If you self insert into the man you are a cuck
If you self insert into the one stealing the woman then you are black stealing shit from other people just for existing
Your choice

>> No.46675109

NTR is just boring shit and all the women have massive tits bigger than heads. I can't see how anyone can take it seriously.

>> No.46675115

I wish more moege had NTR tits

>> No.46675118

Who's moe? Why do you all care so much about him being gay?

>> No.46675132
File: 242 KB, 600x723, 1684886480081672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the women have massive tits bigger than heads

>> No.46675159

Don't forget it also happens to be the genre where huge asses are abundant

>> No.46675184

Is there any NTR focused game where the heroine isn't a retarded whore?

>> No.46675348

Guess I should read more NTRge

>> No.46675363

I thought Japanese people didn't care about huge asses unless they're on men. 100% gay fetish.

>> No.46675366

Sounds like you're projecting.

>> No.46675368

whatever, you're gay and black

>> No.46675376
File: 256 KB, 1000x800, boobs-vs-butts-statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46675401

Does America turn blue once you remove the 13%?

>> No.46675407

They are just concentrated on NTR works, which is why they are so popular in the west since they are the closest to a "thicc" body type that americans like which is why you always read here on 4chan people saying "I like NTR because the art is way better" or "All the good artists are drawing NTR" Not because the art is better but because they are actually referring to the artstyle focus on those traits, but they are retarded and think "art" just encompass the body type of the girl.

>> No.46675555
File: 706 KB, 640x849, 703627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this "gay" to you?

>> No.46675557

And then the americans focus on translating NTR, and that fuels the EOP psyop that the Japanese really love NTR, because that's the shit they have to swim in when they don't even know enough basic Japanese to read porn.

>> No.46675580

Your problem starts with the second paragraph. Someone elses recommendation is just another piece of information about that particular game. You need to have some kind of autism to permanantly tie that information to the information source.
Remember that all other humans in the world other than you are npcs.

>> No.46675589
File: 2.53 MB, 784x4022, 1709827814787916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46675600

My boys

>> No.46675602

The Japanese definition of NTR is more vague and can encompass more works.

>> No.46675604

And none of them are non-degenerate

>> No.46675611

>Remember that all other humans in the world other than you are npcs.

>> No.46675653
File: 758 KB, 992x864, 1694491418856777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its for the young and hopeful.
The old and bitter can't handle it no more.

>> No.46675659

>that directly linear correlation between age and liking sluts

>> No.46675660


>> No.46675663

The weirder thing is ゲイ going up with age.

>> No.46675678
File: 486 KB, 2000x1370, dlsite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again westoid

>> No.46675680

I understand most of the fetish but I never get why Saimin is popular
What's so good about fucking a girl that doesn't even have functional brain
Might as well make a manga/game about a dude mastrubating with onahole/sex doll, it's basically that

>> No.46675687

Ryza is about 腿ですけど

>> No.46675719
File: 486 KB, 1450x2020, 1701556676463712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outdated graph.

>> No.46675736

What is the point of the おっぱい tag?

>> No.46675739

>逆レイプ 5th
>レイプ 15th
A country of spineless men

>> No.46675747

>seanigger made up rankings vs official rankings by the page itself
I expected more from SEA, embarrassing display.

>> No.46675751

whoops, forgot my link

>> No.46675792
File: 19 KB, 631x163, 1707242078106527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46675876

Thanks for proving me right, remember this isn't /a/ where 99% of users don't even know japanese, people here can actually navigate japanese websites. And by the way you can go to dlsite yourself and filter by those tags, this month alone there are 16 "raburabu" in the top 100 while there are only 12 "netori" in the top 100, take a moment to digest that.
This is the last reply you are getting from me

>> No.46675904

>Misattribution of Arousal (Suspense Bridge Effect)
>Dream Interpretation (related with Oedipus Complex)
>Temporal Paradox
>Honorable mention Summer Triangle / Tanabata story (Most of coming of age VNs use this as a plot idk why)

Gonna add more more if I think of something new

>> No.46675912

>And by the way you can go to dlsite yourself and filter by those tags, this month alone there are 16 "raburabu" in the top 100 while there are only 12 "netori" in the top 100, take a moment to digest that.
The graph doesn't say otherwise. There's two columns if you didn't notice. One for users and one for circles.

>> No.46676024

Left is user searched tags. Right is what works are tagged with.

>> No.46676025

Accidentally saw a fucking spoiler
My game is ruined

>> No.46676028


>> No.46676029

Nagisa dies at the end of Clannad

>> No.46676031


>> No.46676040

Why I can't erase my 1 hour worth of memory like I can select and delete the last 1 hour of browser history
Life is a fucking kusoge

>> No.46676058

do plenty of drugs and you can, bro

>> No.46676112
File: 210 KB, 800x600, 1701041512289572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46676158

something something save as mp3 to reduce rotational velocidensity

>> No.46676560

Is it actually any good, though?
I've tried to read it 2-3 times, but there's a LOT of setup to get to when I assume the ntr happens. Is it actually worth it when it does?

>> No.46676805

Overall a sad netorare story with focus on prostitution and abusive relationships... It was decent and liked how it starts with a happy high-school harem story and develops into a setting without any hope.

>> No.46676810

Picked back up, I'll need to get through the intro again.
I appreciate ntrge that are willing to spend hours setting everything up, but it makes them hard to slot in to the schedule because I don't know if I'll be reading for a couple hours or fapping.

>> No.46677138

Hyakusen no Jou ni Kawatareshi Toki OP

>> No.46677185

>Any good readers to check out that covered a lot of games?
I somehow missed your reply yesterday. So I guess I'll reply with my recommendations today.
Check out the following ones:

https://www.youtube.com/@Yozora-hero-game-player/playlists — He has covered a lot of games, usually trials, and is quite fun to listen too.
https://www.youtube.com/@yumetere0107/playlists — He has really soothing voice.
https://www.youtube.com/@Lene_glc/playlists — He has really fun tsukkomi and really high tension laugh.
https://www.youtube.com/@momotenchannel/playlists — She is a vtuber specialized on games and quite close to being focused on eroge live plays.
https://www.youtube.com/@haori_chirato_ch./playlists — He hasn't covered much galge/eroge but it's really fun to follow someone new to the media play Koichoko as the first game.

I also have the following ones bookmarked to check out eventually, so they are in no particular order, but maybe you'll find someone interesting for you:

>> No.46677324
File: 287 KB, 1690x946, 『百千の定にかわたれし剋』デモムービー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys are at least aware that 3D looks bad and kept the shots short or behind other objects, but they really should've just had the illustrator draw a few more stills.

>> No.46677328


>> No.46677396


>> No.46677425

>My game is ruined
Contrived novelty sister… I saw spoilers for all of my favorite games and that didn’t lessen my enjoyment at all because the world is not just a collection of facts, as a certain ge tried to teach us.

>> No.46677534

She’s incredibly cute and childish, glad she didn’t use ですの (>>46385581)

>> No.46677541


>> No.46677635

Is there any way to check whether dl version of Daiakuji works fine w/o inmm and shit?
It's 400 yen rn idk if worth it

>> No.46677677

Yozora drools over every single DFC grill. Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.46677726

Lene is just a bit of a lolicon too. That's why I like them.

>> No.46677749

I'm not interested in it but if it's distributed as a DL version then it should be somehow modified to have original music. Lack of BGMs would've been certainly mentioned in reviews.

>> No.46678000

Knowing Eushully the game has a ton of CGs already so the use of 3DCG is intentional. Sure, doesnt look as good but at the same time spoils less content of the game so maybe that was the idea all along. Sadly no budget for cool anime scenes like before...

>> No.46678039

Ai art could've done much better than this soul-less 3d cg lol

>> No.46678045

kill yourself

>> No.46678065

Ai is not art.
See >>46678045

>> No.46678097 [DELETED] 

at this point, i guess ai shit went up to spamming/flooding

>> No.46678121

i think you mean machine learning composite image generation

>> No.46678242

Normal brain: Thinking people here are dumb for taking lazy baits
Galaxy brain: Thinking is the same shitposter replaying to himself now that the IP counter has been removed

>> No.46678245

What VN are you reading?

>> No.46678749

Didn't know the trial already out
That irl footage introduction is so cool wtf

>> No.46679067


>> No.46679514
File: 48 KB, 474x297, tsukikanahags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I skip the hag routes in Tsukikana? I'm only interested in the mangaka heroine (was pretty great in Touka's route), but not at all into Kirari or Kiriko. Is there some interesting time travel stuff in their routes? Nakige elements like in Uguisu's route? If it's just moege content with adult hags I might skip their routes and not waste my time.

>> No.46679518

kys pedo mtl cuck

>> No.46679587

No. They're integral to the overall plot.

>> No.46679605

that faggot's posts are unmistakable

>> No.46679639

It's that 40+ deranged /pol/tard right

>> No.46679717

yeah i respect my lolibros but that obnoxious faggot mtlcuck constantly trying to generate conflict all over /jp/ with his mtl bullshit doesn't belong here

>> No.46679855
File: 351 KB, 1200x900, GL_x7mKbUAAzZKi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's finally excuse to read this.

>> No.46679870

Aren't you supposed to read the other 483 games first? D.C lords, speak out

>> No.46679880

>Aren't you supposed to read the other 483 games first
This only applies to III.

>> No.46679904

Left makes fun of the protagonist for being a 童貞
Avoid at all cost

>> No.46679937
File: 867 KB, 1205x849, 1707831625541976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46679996

it's funny because getting mocked for being 童貞 is pretty common in moege

>> No.46680009


>> No.46680036

The difference is that the heroines are also 処女

>> No.46680069

same shit anon same shit

>> No.46680089

About time, now I can finally read DC5. I don't even care about the H that much. I just don't want to hear different voices for returning characters.

>> No.46680123

It is in fact not, one is saying it because is the only insult she can think because not being a virgin between males is considered being a winner while being a virgin herself
The other one is making fun of it while actually thinking being used as a cumdump by countless men is something to be proud of.

>> No.46680142

how old is mc in that scene?

>> No.46680158

I remember they hired A-listers for the 4th game and the change in H version was noticeable. Not sure about this one though.

>> No.46680165

can't connect to vndb since last night, is it only me?

>> No.46680175


>> No.46680177

It's only you. Try tor browser. You can connect to egs with tor too

>> No.46680210

Isn’t that… highly illegal?

>> No.46680216

kys spammer

>> No.46680254

Not really an issue as it's a common joke. Maya did the same in Hatsukoi 1/1 and I liked her. But I simply don't feel anything for adult heroines. And if their routes are just your typical tone work's moege stuff I might skip them, since there is no point reading moege if you don't care for the heroines. But if there is nakige elements or involves the time travel aspect, something that keeps my interest it's another story.

>> No.46680339


>> No.46680358
File: 5 KB, 700x263, 3210930981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't even read it, but after that she says ごめんごめん
or something like that?

>> No.46680563

Being a retarded jopcuck and crying bitch tears about mtl, name a more iconic duo

>> No.46680591 [DELETED] 

Being a filthy mtlscum and thinking you're understanding the story probably

>> No.46680603

0/10 bait samefag spammer

>> No.46680606 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 326x115, nJiLYiPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46680624

you can make any post (You) with 4chan-x

>> No.46680628

Imagine being a showerlet 40+ EOP and not knowing a lick of anything besides useless polshit...... lol...

>> No.46680636 [DELETED] 

Well, whatever
Important reminder that mtlshit is considered spamming/flooding on /jp/

>> No.46680649
File: 363 KB, 1089x572, haretokidoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46680684

Why don't you look up some reviews yourself?

>> No.46680688

nta but reading a review is not the same as being able to ask questions directly to the person who has already read it

>> No.46680714

I wonder if bimanbro is still alive

>> No.46680722

But he's literally just asking for opinions.

>> No.46680805
File: 777 KB, 1727x971, 3487234_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have learn chinese too

>> No.46680813

Linuxbros... I have tried using VirtualBox for VNs, but stuff made in the past 10 years often runs badly (and Unity literally crashes the VM). Is QEMU better?
I know about Wine/Proton/etc, but I think it's insecure and kind of defeats the point of using Linux. As a last resort I have a work laptop running Windows, but I would like to avoid putting porn games on a work computer.

>> No.46680820

get a second gpu and use qemu with gpu passthrough for near native performance

>> No.46680910

QEMU is only better if you actually use GPU passthrough on a second GPU. Otherwise don't, it's a waste of time since the GPU drivers will be garbage/nonexistent.

>I know about Wine/Proton/etc, but I think it's insecure
Just run it as a different user if you're that paranoid.

>> No.46680949

use VMware

>> No.46681008

Just use firejail/bubblewrap, though QEMU is also a good option. I generally rely on VMs as a last resort when video playback-related crashes are the thing that's stopping me from reading something. Either that or emulation if the game in question has an all-ages version with extra heroines or scenes...

>> No.46681071

>emulation if the game in question has an all-ages version

>> No.46681131

extra scenes in the console version retardbro

>> No.46681311

These two chucklefucks always upload the shite I want last.

>> No.46681330

Sucks not being NEET because I can't read murder mystery novels late at night like you're supposed to since I have to wake up at 5

>> No.46681338

Reading VNs right after waking up helps me make it through the day

>> No.46681346

Censoring of everything risky is much bigger deal than a couple of extra scenes.

>> No.46681354

blackout curtains?

>> No.46681367

you read both to get all content

>> No.46681368

Can't read in peace when there's work to be done. Plus I prefer working out as my first activity
Not the same atmosphere when I can still hear birds chirping outside unfortunately. Thank you though

>> No.46681397

>I can still hear birds chirping outside
Man chops down all the trees in his neighborhood for better story immersion

>> No.46681399

I guess everyone has their own routine but that 1-2 hour period early in the morning where you're waiting for your brain to wake up is the best for refilling your kimoota energy. Get some coffee, read a bunch, then make it through the grind.
>Not the same atmosphere when I can still hear birds chirping outside unfortunately.
Your $500 headphones/amp for listening to seiyuu make chupa sounds bro?

>> No.46681427

This game kind of sucked, though. VENUS games all have the same problem where it feels like there's a lot of build up for nothing. It feels like he wants to have his cake and eat it too, where he wants to create a wholesome all ages story but he also realizes he needs to make an NTR game otherwise he won't make money. Overall the game makes you feel like you've wasted your time, which is one of the worst things you can feel playing a VN. If you want to play a good game about prostitution play Hajimete no Kanojo.

>> No.46681429

>self-deprecation (kimoota)
Irony weeb detected. Here we all love our hobby and understand that it is objectively righteous (other than NTRcucks/BLfags, etc). Back to /vn/ or r/visualnovels.

>> No.46681436

Oh shit there are a lot of good releases today

>> No.46681445

It's only righteous when the heroines are terminally online and mentally ill otaku too though. And there's light NTR or /u/.

>> No.46681483
File: 27 KB, 256x362, 72501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hajimete no Kanojo
What about its sequel (Imouto to Kanojo)? Is it good?

>> No.46681503
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, メイドさんのいる暮らしS_-_Ver1.0.0_2024-04-26_06-23-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um based

>> No.46681506

On what?

>> No.46681514

If you know, you know ;)

>> No.46681526


>> No.46681531

Know what? The etymology of "based"?

>> No.46681534

spambros don't even make the effort now
more boring every day :(

>> No.46681545

good writing comes at a price...
pay navel if you want more

>> No.46681550

Is this what the kids call a "sigma male"?

>> No.46681557

you guys have never written anything well, but at least you used to be more original. extremely disappointed in all of you, you are useless

>> No.46681584

well, leaving our now useless spamerbros aside, anyone reading any of these?

>> No.46681607

Might as well read a L*.

>> No.46681616

don't L* on me, that shit is the most hyped right now

>> No.46681620

what is this garbo

>> No.46681626

I'm gonna try the new SMEE later on this evening.

>> No.46681628

Will eventually
Probably not
Might depending on ratings.

>> No.46681630

Nah I just dl the cg sets.

>> No.46681632

I'd expect biman to be biman
>isekai nukige

>> No.46681653

Pretty weak month

>> No.46681658

wasn't there another gears of dragoon coming out this month? or did i hallucinate that

>> No.46681681
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, main_home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's also today. Any ninetail anons?

>> No.46681695

sweet, i'm not crazy. designs look kinda flat but if there's some good robot heroines like 2 i'm in
maybe not right away but we'll see

>> No.46681743

don't think i'll be able to read anything until next week so i'll keep an eye out in case you post anything
bro i don't even know what the most hyped eroge is this year, i'm totally disconnected from everything, i remember there was a josou too but only that

>> No.46681769

Maybe ill try the new smee after i finish what im currently reading
That anon who wanted 拙者 MC must be having a field day today

>> No.46681781
File: 600 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353_japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good? I just finished the other 2 games

>> No.46681828

>i don't even know what the most hyped eroge is this year
Criminal Border 4 for me. Fumi stuck the landing with 9-nine- so I hope he can do the same with Border.

>> No.46681860

They're unrelated. You can tell it's by the same writer, but the games themselves are very different.

>> No.46681876

ooooooh right, there was that! hope it was worth the wait, i haven't read anything because i wanted to read all the episodes one after another

>> No.46682111

>Fumi stuck the landing with 9-nine-
Is it worth picking up again? I got bored with the looping in yukiiro so I dropped it

>> No.46682119

Why even bother dropping something near the very end?

>> No.46682122

> final part of the last episode
> dropped
Lol. Did you even like anything about it, fucking tourist?

>> No.46682125

It's a fumige so there's not much to like.

>> No.46682138

It's crazy how there are people wasting their time on something they already have a hate boner on from the start

>> No.46682147

No VN could ever compare to the joy of posting about how much I hate VNs on a VN thread

>> No.46682176


>> No.46682205

If you didn't like it at that point, obviously no... I read it for the incest and I wasn't satisfied

>> No.46682229

So you wasted your time playing through 4 episodes of something you don't even like. Lol at you retard

>> No.46682257

based, fumi is a retard hack writer and both 9nine and criminal border suck shit

>> No.46682261

Criminal Border is probably the best VN since 2010

>> No.46682264

I'm going for a nofap
See you in 3 months fags
I hope the thread will be better in the summer

>> No.46682274

Weak. If you are doing nofap you should still look at porn or it's too easy

>> No.46682279

Bait used to be believable

>> No.46682282

no balls, you're supposed to read nukige naked under a freezing waterfall to clear your mind

>> No.46682297

I never fap to my eroge anyways

>> No.46682312

As a moebuta nothing compare to the joy of still having a lot of time left of story with my favorite heroine

>> No.46682337

I ctrl-skip H scenes in non-nukige VNs and just read the backlog so I don't miss any important context possibly mentioned. H scenes are usually shit anyway.

>> No.46682348

As a koebuta, nothing compares to the joy of playing a new VN and being able to recognize which seiyuu is voicing a particular character.

>> No.46682373

as a buta, nothing compares to the joy of a good slick mud puddle

>> No.46682380
File: 306 KB, 1280x720, xZCKOnWhlwXHrPKUUYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat little touch with the speech bubbles for characters standing out of frame.

>> No.46682381

any games with naked mud wrestling?

>> No.46682403

That the new Smee?

>> No.46682409

Is that a collage of filtered photos put on top of each other?

>> No.46682412
File: 976 KB, 888x607, xCmSP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I'm only about 15 minutes in and the protagonist already got in a shouting match with one of the heroines, so it's looking on-brand so far.

>> No.46682418

extremely un-ergonomic handlebars

>> No.46682454
File: 34 KB, 493x79, 1688203689906653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always inside

>> No.46682455

Looks like photos slapped on primitive 3D shapes

>> No.46682475

Nah, leaving the option on and clicking nakadashi is the patrician's choice.

>> No.46682500

So getchu is nuking stuff further?

>> No.46682506


>> No.46682523

struggle is real, their dependency is going to cost their entire company and work of god knows how many

>> No.46682546

Can I play the new Biman game without playing the previous? The girl looks hot.

>> No.46682557

Just jack off to the h-scenes.

>> No.46682600

This info is more detailed. Apparently they are manually going through tens of thousands of works and censoring words on the images.

>> No.46682606

Yeah. Although you might want to play the first 15~ minutes of the first one so you're not completely lost.
But it's a plotge.

>> No.46682623 [DELETED] 

I'm the same but perhaps slightly different in that while I'm not fapping 'here', in the real world, that brief, ephemeral period in which my existence is temporarily a vassal for the protagonist, with 'I' being 'he' and with 'he' being 'I', with my history erased and my psyche running concurrent, 'we' becoming one <I>, fap, and orgasm, just as 'he' would and does, in his world.
It's a transcendent experience that has nothing to do with me, because it doesn't share anything to do with my individuated existence.
So, yeah, I'm the protagonist, and because of that, I fap without fapping, to orgasm without orgasms. Been 14 years like this.

>> No.46682631

For those that have played the new biman game, how many scenes are animated?

>> No.46682652

Nah. Each preceding game is around 10 hours tops, and there's around 6, so it's not much - only 60 hours - . Must read them all. There's an overarching plot going on, so you'll sour the experience by not getting things straight.
Besides, your anticipation can build over those 60 hours, so that's a plus.

>> No.46682868

Not a single biman is a plotge, they are all nukiges

>> No.46682871

So no NTR?

>> No.46682955

Well...there are nukiges with ntr and plotge without. In biman case is a nukige without ntr.

>> No.46682964

>plotge without
Not true.

>> No.46682988

Yes, only moebutas think otherwise.

>> No.46683156

Some anon posted this a while back - she did full dies irae and is now doing KKK. I liked her balance of reading and thinking about things.

>> No.46683180

I'm not too fond of readers who don't vocalize narrative. It's much easier to enjoy such videos by leaving them playing in the background.

>> No.46683186

I like full reading too, for me that's the only way it makes sense and only then can I pay full attention to the video, feels like a comfy bedtime story.

>> No.46683235
File: 4 KB, 500x41, Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 08-26-02 VirusTotal - File - 0b1030ad4f1e5f6940805a381a93c5613b15a0f6e6d8da65c92d3a72ef63129f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was funny.

>> No.46683311

New thread:


>> No.46683324

I was waiting for this.
Can't say previous Gears games and Soushin no Ars Magna were anything outstanding, but I still had fun.
>designs look kinda flat but
While I agree with you, I think it's mostly the colouring.
Weirdly enough, it usually looks better in H CGs.
But I still like the main artist and I'll take this over the AI-assisted art any day.

>> No.46683487


>> No.46683689

