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File: 111 KB, 806x648, w team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
463511 No.463511 [Reply] [Original]

this is the greatest VN ever, prove me wrong

>> No.463515

Who would wear that to school?

>> No.463517


You are wrong.

Here, done.

>> No.463520

It's not a visual novel for one.

>> No.463527

What about that serious article in that major gaming magazine that labelled it as an erotic dating sim Visual Novel?

>> No.463528

thats not Family Project

>> No.463541

Izen rush kekekekeke

>> No.463545
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>> No.463554

That game is bloody impossible. It took me 5 tries to beat lvl 1. I've yet to even attempt lvl 2.

>> No.463563

you can just skip battle if you use DEBUG MODO

>> No.463586
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>> No.463603
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didn't save the page but it was this magazine

>> No.463618

The parts in between are awesome, the battles however tedious, if i wanted to play a turn based RTS, i would've fucking played advance wars
having said that, is there anyway to skip these battles?

>> No.463634
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*to enable debug mode open notepad and save an empty .txt file as "GADGETTDEBUG.INI" without the quotes in the "GADGETT" folder where you installed the game.

when you actually start battle there should be an extra option that lets you just skip it

>> No.463651


>Mirror Moon has awarded itself the ominous task of making those fundamental doujin-soft games accessible to the English-speaking gamer.


>> No.463663

They don't know about message.

>> No.463674

Fuck yeah

>> No.463712

>Mirror Moon

NO CAPS!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.463727

awesome, thanks

>> No.463733
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I'm sure many of you will understand this.

>> No.463746
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I don't know if it's the greatest but it's definitely my favorite.

>> No.463750

Hell yeah, Sharin.

>> No.463770

okay someone explain me why it was life reading 7 in Takeshis route.

Also why wasn't it Life reading 2 in Kids route at the end?

>> No.463775

Shut up, Message.

>> No.463780
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>> No.463791
File: 168 KB, 808x648, 1208387211686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an accurate depiction of usefulness of different types of units in GT.

>> No.463820

Tanks take too long to move.

>> No.463821

The fuck is a W Team? Japanese version of the A Team?

>> No.463836

Weaboo Team, what else?

>> No.463859

Suddenly I have this horrible mental image of the A Team van pulling up in slow motion, theme music blaring. The door slides open, and out pour these fat fucks arguing over the strongest Touhou character.

>> No.463882

>this is the greatest VN ever, prove me wrong

I got an autoban for saying that last phrase there once. For a whole week, what the hell

>> No.463903

Clearly, it needs to come back.

>> No.463912


>> No.463973
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>> No.463981

John McCain had a movie?

>> No.463993
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I want a sequel. Or something.

>> No.464058

So... what is it? A dating sim/RTS game?

>> No.464082

basically advance wars with more length inbetween parts that involve girls
the girls are the units

>> No.464090

So is it as good as Pretty Soldier Wars?

>> No.464091


>> No.464092

Lets not forget the fact that each battle is quite a good bit longer than battles of the same difficulty in AW

>> No.464103

A-Team is pretty much just an American version of Lupin III

>> No.464117


Tank girl is kind of hot.

>> No.464129
File: 163 KB, 808x648, 1208390790541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gadget Trial thread, fuck yeah!

In any case, I completed this without debugging the crap out of it. >>463791 is about right for priority on units, Air and Infantry are the only really useful units with bombers being broken and fighter being essential for owning the skies. Everything else is eye candy. Artillery is a joke and sea units only good for maybe moving troops over the place while you're using your airports to spam bombers and fighters.

>> No.464154


What's the best way to take down tanks? I usually use other tanks, but I just end up getting zerg rushed.

>> No.464166
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>> No.464186
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Bombers. Though I forget in the earlier levels. I think I just take shit fast. In later levels you just bomber the hell out of everything. In earlier I think it's tanks and careful use of position and maybe even use your artillery you are given.

>> No.464195

Fuck yeah, tank girl.

This series needed more porn. All we got was one near-promotions CG. Hurry up with the fucking doujin, Japan.

>> No.464210
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Nei is awesome. I'd go inside her, if you know what I mean...

>> No.464221
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Though I'd probably say Izen is my favourite.

>> No.464223
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I remember this. I was always confused about whether or not the new Humanoid tanks that were deployed against you were shotas or lolis.

>> No.464235
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 1208391531543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of nudity in this game saddened me.

>> No.464237

Helps that she was probably the only sane one of the bunch.

>> No.464286
File: 148 KB, 800x600, 1208391914782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Souka is sane. She just also happens to be a arrogant bitch. I imagine Izen going crazy from being the one who gets up close and personal to slaughter hundreds of Chinese soldiers and then rapes Souka for all her petty remarks in order to alleviate the tension.

Izen eats dynamite for breakfast.

>> No.464296

Izen is a good girl! I will not listen to your lies!

>> No.464315
File: 268 KB, 709x700, 1208392124990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we have all these expert_translators here, how about someone translates this drama CD.
Or at least major Kyon's story.

>> No.464327
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Rei clone... sort of. Hisoka isn't entirely emotionless and seems to enjoy the idea she's a weapon of mass destruction and has no consideration for life outside of her orders.

>> No.464330
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>> No.464338
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Keen loli artillery is keeeeen.

>> No.464340
File: 105 KB, 808x648, 1208392336544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also into S/M

>> No.464391

I dont care how much she shucks, I use the loli guns as much as I can.

I happen to love both loli's and heavy artillery so get her to work dammit!

Though im also not a fucktard and use fighters, bombers and infantry as needed.

>> No.465673
File: 22 KB, 249x395, 1208405763152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish someone would scan the artbook though

>> No.465695

Oh ho, what is this?
A thread about unbalanced loli Advance Wars clone?

>> No.465753
File: 530 KB, 818x658, 1208406734162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to play the fandisc after Sayrin. Seriously don't miss it.

>> No.465756

wat gaem iz dis?

>> No.465777

are you stupid? or are you trolling?

>> No.465800
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>> No.465806

i are stupid, so tell me

>> No.465809

those look like bowls of shit

>> No.465824

that game blew big donkey balls

>> No.465827
File: 185 KB, 800x600, 1208407329929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gadget trial" its on /rs/ and just google the translation patch

>> No.465825


It's shit, right?

>> No.465833

wtf? i steamrolled through the game with infantry and tanks. the only time i used air was to kill bombers.

>> No.465835

I don't know what this game is either because it looks like pure shit, and I'm not generally an expert of shitty eroge.

>> No.465838
File: 197 KB, 800x600, 1208407424493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up fag

>> No.466291

what loli guns? the only loli is yu-ri and I barely ever use her, I prefer to use the tank and the aviation

>> No.466808

>>465835 I don't know what this game is either because I'm a newfag.
