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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4654929 No.4654929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you hugged your imouto today /jp/?

>> No.4654931
File: 25 KB, 100x192, 100px-Hanson_exploitable_fixed_fromleft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4654948


I immediately saved that image because it is an accurate representation of what I find attractive.

>> No.4654951

I can't my little sister lives with my parents, who live a 12 hour drive away from me. I would drop work for a day but I have bills to pay.

I miss my sister


>> No.4654963

I don't have a imouto. And neither does any of you, you can only have a whiny 3d disgusting sister at best.

I also saved that image since we share the same tastes.

>> No.4654967

Keep this shit in /a/

>> No.4654977

You must be new here. Back when /jp/ was good we had imouto threads all the time.

>> No.4654989

hey STFU man, my little sister may be 3D but she ain't whiny ('cept when I have to head home). My sister is a good girl. I love my sister and any DECENT anon would love their little sister.

>> No.4654993

The archive shows otherwise. These "have you hugged your x" threads used to be (still are?) posted daily on /a/.

>> No.4654994

Just gave her Clannad After Story

>> No.4654996
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>> No.4654998

I would anon, i really would.

>> No.4655003
File: 12 KB, 200x292, 1265593950207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just gave her Syphilis - who is the better brother now, motherfucker

>> No.4655004

They were never "have you hugged your x" threads. Keep these kinds of retarded memes in /a/.

>> No.4655008


I don't have a younger sister... I have an older sister with two ugly kids. ;_;

>> No.4655014

Protip: /jp/ is old /a/.

>> No.4655020

I was referring to imouto threads in general. Learn reading comprehension.

>> No.4655025


If it doesn't crush her, she's not normal.

>> No.4655031

The person you originally responded to was mentioning the hugging part of the post, not the imouto part.

>> No.4655036

I just spent the entire day with my sisters, who came out from Hawaii to visit me. So yes, I hugged my imoutos. For the first time in over a year ;_;

>> No.4655040
File: 23 KB, 512x288, snapshot20100304152614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking wish

Unless by "old /a/" you mean when it became infested with newfags and not the real old /a/

>> No.4655045

And your point?

>> No.4655046


>> No.4655049
File: 9 KB, 250x207, 1260529755835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sion implying he's been on 4chan for longer than 8 months

>> No.4655052

The point has already been illustrated. Keep your shit memes to /a/.

>> No.4655069
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1265519432306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.4655077

Way to avoid the subject newfriend. Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.4655089

How close are you with your imouto, imouto-having anons? Does she fart around you?

>> No.4655107
File: 57 KB, 478x361, 1264706228476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4655300

>It's not touhou, get it off /jp/!!!
