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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46507815 No.46507815 [Reply] [Original]

DLsite temporarily stop dealing of VISA and Mastercard


>> No.46507848


>> No.46507865

Let me guess, Visa/MasterCard have demanded they stop selling loli hentai because of western puritanism, and DLsite refused?

>> No.46507883
File: 122 KB, 524x602, 1710280770199170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>46507848

>> No.46507948

reminder wef is on döxbïn :^)
visa & mastercard = wef controlled

>> No.46507972

So they will kneel once again in a few months
Imagine doing this after they embarrassed themselves with those retarded tags "workaround" and it didn't matter at the end

>> No.46507999

So how do I pay from outside Japan?

>> No.46508024

JCB or American Express

>> No.46508054
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It was pretty funny

>> No.46508111

Business idea: Payment proxy service. You pay the proxy with your moralfag processor or cryptocurrency, they buy from DLsite.

>> No.46508117

No actual serious service uses Cuckto.

>> No.46508142

I love Japan and I found it sad how they feel the need to completely destroy their culture just because of greediness, at least with these news you can tell they somehow still care, but the "一時" part is what makes me doubt.

>> No.46508468

obviously white nigger's fuckin' policore
2D is no crime

>> No.46508529

So what's the alternative faggot? You're gonna stay cucked by payment processors?

>> No.46508588

Hmm. More expensive than mastercard for me. But honestly? Why not? I'll consider those.

>> No.46508830

JCB left the monkey land... and will American Express last long?

>> No.46508870

I hope it really is temporary. JCB isn't in my country anymore and my bank doesn't offer American Express cards. What a fucking hassle.

>> No.46510554


>> No.46510570

There's no temporary, unless dlsite removes all the "offending" content they'll never get visa/mastercard services again. The dlpay workaround will not last because these prudes know that's what we'll rely on. After that the only option left will be crypto but even that's under threat from shit like biden's regulations.

>> No.46510824

I guess seedyjapan will be selling lots of bitcash cards in future.

>> No.46510837

They banned realistic AI works today

>> No.46510919

While AI deserves to be banned the reason is worrying

>> No.46511006

They'll do what DMM did and make offending genres inaccessible to gaijins.
Then after a year or so, code a script in that locks out gaijins from clicking anything whatsoever.
Yeah, I buy bitcash cards from PA too when I want to sub to someone on fantia. Middlemen make it more expensive but at least the yen's been weak since the coof. It'll be harder for the credit card jews to go after all these small-time proxies when Japan has like 20 of them and they're not attached to the smut merchants.

>> No.46511502

My theory is that AI smut is causing payment processors to be more aggressive lately

>> No.46511516 [DELETED] 

weebs when you ask them not to buy child porn:

>> No.46511528

It's most actuaries. Porn gets flagged as a higher risk industry in general, porn that is illegal around the world or that exists in a legal grey zone is an even higher risk. This makes actuaries calculate the benefit of providing services to them is outweighed by the financial risks, so they drop it.

>> No.46511681

It's curious how bankers dont put this bullshit on Western porn sites, Mmm I wonder what's the difference between Western porn sites and japanese sites? I think the owners are different...
It's called killing the competition, abandon anime consume the westslop porn goy. Buy brazzers

>> No.46511725

Do you not remember Patreon nearly getting killed over incest?

>> No.46511783

I can understand JCB, but why does American Express seem to avoid most of this nonsense? Are they limited to a certain region, so don't care about their global image or something?

>> No.46512219

>Porn gets flagged as a higher risk industry in general
Not my problem.

>> No.46512312

I see an option to pay with bitcash. Could anyone explain to me how it works? Do I need to report tax if I buy some bitcash?

>> No.46512338

Good Morning Sirs , is the bitchash redeemed like amazon gift code??

>> No.46512348
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*le sigh*

as if things weren't hard enough for drawfags his year....

>> No.46512402

jews and burgers hate incest because unlike all the other LGBT perversions you can actually create a healthy family while doing it.

>> No.46512426

Sweet home Alabama

>> No.46512430

Fuck off. We invented that shit.

>> No.46512479

brother sister incest is legal in japan but illegal in burgerland

>> No.46512584

My bedroom cop didn't know that.

>> No.46512935

Easiest way to use bitcash is to just buy a giftcard from an online merchant. I started using PlayAsia the last time this credit card turf war flared up. Bitcash isn't crypto so no weird tax situation.

Yes. Just buy a bitcash giftcard, plug it into the bitcash site, then bitcash will give you a "hiragana code" to use on other websites when you buy stuff using bitcash.

>> No.46513094

Thanks anon, the exchange rate is so bad on PlayAsia.

>> No.46513333

3d loli is crime
2d loli is not crime
but they got to strict us
western arrogantism

>> No.46513441

Why the fuck they can't leave me and my harmless hobbies alone. It's not enough I'm slaving in a corpo, they have to destroy everything I hold dear?

>> No.46513485 [DELETED] 

Why does 4chan love crypto/Bitcoin so much? Most of the world already sees it as a scam and interest is an all time low after the crypto crash. If you go anywhere outside the crypto echo chambers you'd be laughed out of the building for being pro-crypto, but on 4chan crypto is beloved. Is it because of /biz/?

>> No.46513513 [DELETED] 

STFU kike.
The bitcoin halving is about to happen in less than a month, and the next bull run is upon us.

>> No.46513521

Why are the west like this?

>> No.46513565 [DELETED] 

It's a solution to the exact problem in the OP.

>> No.46513640 [DELETED] 

>everyone who is against crypto is a Jew
I wish I would say I'm surprised that a crypto supporter is an anti-Semite given my encounters with such people but I'm not.

Mobile payments and other alternative payment systems also exist. Gas fees also make crypto highly impractical as a currency.

>> No.46513788 [DELETED] 

>VISA and Mastercard
>https://dl-pay.com/ uses paypay
Why are they still not accepting crypto. If kikes at Visa/MC dropped them, paypal will be soon to follow. It's all one global cartel.

>> No.46513844 [DELETED] 

>Gas fees also make crypto highly impractical as a currency
Embrace Monero

>> No.46513845 [DELETED] 

>Mobile payments and other alternative payment systems also exist.
Tell DLsite, patreon, etc about such systems with international reach. Provide solutions instead of posting about how cryptocurrency gives normalfags the ick. I'll use Dogecoin if it can buy me shit, I really don't give a fuck.

>> No.46514394 [DELETED] 

So you're basically saying you're pro-crypto because you're a contrarian?

>> No.46514552

Like with Paypal, it will not be temporary.

>> No.46514571

What twists my ballsack about this is I literally ordered a visa debit card two weeks ago that arrived yesterday. A Japanese visa debit card, and now I know it won't fucking work. The bank also only offers visa so that's that.

World stupid.

>> No.46514694 [DELETED] 

They don't, it's just threads like this that wake up a buncha retards. You've surely seen the Pixiv threads.

>> No.46514846

jpapanese don't like crypto
it's so annoying

>> No.46514893

This is good, the more payment processor jews push forward, the faster better alternatives arrive. In the end, jews will be the ones going out of business

>> No.46515406

What's the alternative?
I tried to install Pay Pay and Line Pay but those don't work on my phone.
There was an update and now American Express is suspended (I don't have this in my country anyway).
JBC is not used in my country.

So are we out of options?

>> No.46515676 [DELETED] 

You have been socially engineered to reject the solutions for your problems by the same people who created them in the first place.
The demographic of people who you seek consensus from regarding crypto will almost certainly also think that weird 2D subcultures need to snuffed out and the creators potentially held criminally liable.
Please use your brain for once in your life.

>> No.46515894 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure mobile payments would want to be used for porn either

>> No.46516160

What the fuck did jannies do to this thread? So many harmless posts gone. Niggers.

>> No.46516723

/jp/ isn't a crypto board

>> No.46516730
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also stopppped American Express temporarily


>> No.46517174


>> No.46517293

I was in the middle of applying for an American Express card, guess it's a good thing I didn't. Hope they come to some kind of decision sooner rather than later, I think my ci-en payment for this month went through already but next month's going to get interrupted at this rate. I don't want to go back to fanbox...

>> No.46517575

Oh damn, does this affect cien too? Can I use meme points for that or something?

>> No.46517636

You can use dlsite points for ci-en, but I'm not sure if you can have a rolling monthly plan (auto-renew) with points. Your mastercard/visa/amex credit card should still remain registered right now, as mine is, but I'm unsure of how long that will remain the case and whether or not charges are being posted to registered CCs at the moment since Ci-En handles renewals on the 1st (before the policy change).

>> No.46517981

Read the thread. We are pachinko now https://dl-pay.com/

>> No.46518268


>> No.46518275


>> No.46518291

This is an informative video on the situation.
Basically it's complicated and no one really knows where the pressure is coming from.
The credit card companies are not involved directly.

>> No.46518307


>> No.46518362

pervert is a banned word lol

>> No.46518751

Might be a bank affiliated with them. When they are the middle man for thousands of venues all over the world, who knows who is making a fuss.

>> No.46519038

Thanks, at lest it's something....

>> No.46519170

What, did Visa cut off Fanbox too?

>> No.46519182

>You can use dlsite points for ci-en, but I'm not sure if you can have a rolling monthly plan (auto-renew) with points.
Ci-en subscriptions do auto-renew via points alone. No idea if it rolls into cash once the points run out and I'm not in a position to find out.

>> No.46519215

Comprehension, anon. I said I don't want to go back to it. There'd be no going back to it if you couldn't pay them. Fanbox bent over backwards for payment processors, which is what caused Ci-en to take off to begin with. The likeliness of Fanbox losing CC support any time soon is fairly low, but it'd be fucking hilarious if it did happen even after bending the knee unlike dlsite/ci-en.

>> No.46519240

I still see loli content on Fanbox. What happened to them?

>> No.46519275

Loli isn't included in the usual banned words as far as I can tell.
DLsite didn't censor loli in titles/descriptions even though they changed the tag.

>> No.46519281

The biggest scare was ToS/regulatory changes and promises of heightened moderation. They haven't been very heavy handed with this, if anything they're extremely negligent, but they have acted upon these terms before and artists do not like to risk one of their sources of income suddenly being pulled out from under them. Anything from censorship levels to "extreme content" (loli, scat, guro) to having overly revealing thumbnails to high report volumes can put your account at risk as a content provider. To be on the safe side a lot of loli artists simply offered .zip files or off-site downloads to circumvent the new terms, but they have relaxed on that recently which may cause trouble in the future if payment processors/networks continue on as they have been doing. Note that I have a limited understanding of the finer details and may be full of shit.

>> No.46519699

We're looking for ALTERNATE payment systems, you dense retard. Nobody's telling you to buy Autismcoin. Nobody cares if it's crypto or not, we were considering Amex until 5 minutes ago.

>> No.46519752

So it's now only open to that JCB card now? Does Japan not have any other credit cards, or are they all just like Mastercard/Visa, in that they are anal about paying for adult entertainment?

>> No.46520600

A day later, AMEX the odd one left useful being discussed no longer an option. That means they know about DLpay. I'd like to think they'll leave that alone since that's for buying points and not "christian man and woman hold hands and get married on pbs" or "mesugaki harem 5" but I don't trust prudes.

>> No.46520726

It's because western porn sites were already pressured and already worked out deals. Online stores and websites don't want to get treated as part of the porn industry, they just want to be treated as regular stores.

>> No.46520864

They wont leave it alone, there'll end up being some clause stating that you can't buy points to buy things that you can't otherwise buy normally through their payment processors

>> No.46520887

>some clause stating that you can't
Not DLpay's problem
Not DLsite's problem

>> No.46521350

Crypto, as much as it's hated by normies, unironically is meant to solve this problem.

>> No.46521625

Didn't they recently rename all their degenerate tags to try to get around the credit card companies' demands already? Did that not work?

>> No.46521804

that's still bending the knee because you're giving them an inch by complying to make changes for content that they deem taboo

>> No.46522141

Americans ruin everything

>> No.46522271 [DELETED] 

the irony is that the US is one of the only countries that drawn loli content is protected speech.
The US and Japan were the only two countries to stand up to and reject the U.N.'s proposed loli ban several years ago.
However, the banks aren't part of the government and so they can stifle speech all they want. It's a flaw in the system because the founding fathers never envisioned that banks would have this much power, nor are they supposed to.

>> No.46522384

look at the sexual crime rate of Japan compared to fuckin America
even monkey can understand Japan is right

>> No.46523044

japan takes no damage from these because theres a bunch of domestic payment methods. japan has its own big credit card company called jcb and its available everywhere in japan on the jp internet and you can use digital payments liek paypay and such everywhere too. whatever anglos try to force their woke garbage on us, theres always an alternative measure in japan.

i gotta thank anglo fatfucks for making people abandon anglo woke shit so fast. i will also switch from my visa woke cards to a new jcb card.

>> No.46523064


>> No.46523138

no its quite the opposite. it just says they will no longer treat the anglo wokecards unless the anglo companies ditch their woke dogma, and it will never happen. most japanese dont feel inconvenient from it. all you have to do is just apply for a jcb card or use paypay, so visa and mastercard will be just forgotten there.

>> No.46523190

Anglo is a weird term for "American mystery meat"...

>> No.46523224

Can one even use Paypay from outside Japan? Doesn't it need Japanese documents for registration?

>> No.46523386

no unless you live in japan. if you live in japan and have a japanese phone, its super easy to use it.

just use this thing. you can still use gaypal and the anglo wokecards.

although its just a matter of time before these woke companies are also removed there. it seems the anglo companies might believe they can threaten us and make us kneel to them but unlike other countries, we have a bunch of alternatives that are available only among japanese. they just escalate de-americanization in japan

>> No.46524229 [DELETED] 

Club Nexton (eroge streaming service) dropped by visa/mastercard.
They don't deal in doujin or AI.

>> No.46524305

https://twitter.com/CNexton/status/1776192893063241778 (embed)
Club Nexton (eroge download and video/music streaming service) dropped by visa/mastercard.
They don't deal in doujin or AI.

>> No.46524677

no no no
most Japanese are using VISA, so this influences much of doujin author's income

>> No.46524724

Fucking nuke niggerika already

>> No.46524996 [DELETED] 

you aren't Japanese. stop pretending you are japanese. You speak like a chinese or Viet or some other flavor of brown SEA people.

>> No.46525029

my card is visa too but ill ditch it. i dont want to use an amerimutt woke card anymore. japan has had JCB since like 60 years ago and its totally mainstream, not a niche credit card.


>> No.46525083

People thought for ages that sites like pixiv and dlsite will be fine because they do not deal in real life pornography or gravure, but AI-generated art completely flipped that paradigm on what is considered "fictional" since data sets all contain photography of real people. Functionally, this is the same as non-consensual real life pornography. Unless they consider complete refusal to monetize AI, I don't think they will survive.

>> No.46525096

Niconico has also stopped dealing with certain Mastercard issuers since november
And American Express is gone since march

>> No.46526847

I've never heard of this service before, for them to lose visa/MC servicer means this is the spark of american prudes making their move against anime.

>> No.46526910
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, GKU3dNtbAAAj4G2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been going on for a while and is reaching the peak now.

>> No.46526941

The February 2024 message says they have a a new agency to handle adult content purchases, is that true?

>> No.46526980

So what exactly is the problem with these cards, and why not just drop adult entertainment altogether if they hate porn so much?

>> No.46527001

That just says several companies got notice from their providers that visa and mastercard services are suspended.
決済代行会社 is Payment service provider

>> No.46527091

Why can't we get alternate methods widely established first? Then the moralfags can fuck off.

>> No.46527238

The moves against anime are past the spark. Fanservice of the casual sort across all genres is extinct.

>> No.46527679

How does Western hentai sites avoid this? Gelbooru, Danbooru, Foundry, and Sankaku sell or get donations even while depicting every fetish available, including the really no no ones nations have outlawed entirely.

>> No.46527778

Is there any chance that this shit starts affecting non-porn stuff too?
I'm worried this will somehow end up affecting more mainstream sites where you buy goods or tickets for events and stuff.

>> No.46527976

The more people inconvenienced, the better. Then we might get some real change.

>> No.46528038

So Discover cards might work?

>> No.46528062

They seem to be that odd Western card that gets overlooked whenever these things happen.
It's kind of weird that they aren't big with Japanese hobbyists.

>> No.46528935

So when is JCB going global?

>> No.46528996

It'd be interesting if they tried to mess with Steam because Steam sells porn games. Steam being a billion dollar corp could actually put up a fight.

>> No.46529005

Valve being* rather
They basically print money so they could keep a legal fight going almost indefinitely, or lobby against it.

>> No.46529022

Have a sense of scale. Even if Valve is worth billions, banks and their payment processors collecting fees off *all* transactions are worth trillions.

Having wealth also means having more bills and more to lose. Valve would be crushed.

>> No.46529043

valve would just drop porn games
yeah so does visa yet they're being fucked by the pornhub lawsuit

>> No.46529383

Valve already bans games for being porn about half the time anyway, with no external pressure. They'd just fold instantly because they don't care.

>> No.46529502

Pixiv managed to get out of it with just blocking certain terms, so Skeb will probably be safe in the short term. Pixiv would be a bigger fish to fry as far as payment processors are concerned.

>> No.46533524

This already affects non-porn stuff. I've bought albums and non-h games on DL site that I couldn't find anywhere else.

>> No.46533778

So, has any word come up on just what Visa/MC are pissy about, or even if they are the ones that are trying to pressure DLsite, and not one of their partners?

>> No.46534351
File: 292 KB, 1670x2047, 1695631268523748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The credit card companies don't like sites with certain sexual content. DLsite initially tried to appease them by renaming the categories they deemed problematic but it doesn't seem to have worked. You can see what the credit card companies presumably don't like from the categories they wanted to renamed though.

English translation of the terms here:

>> No.46535786

Do DLsite points expire?

>> No.46535859

If you don't use or gain any for 1 year your remaining points will expire.
But you can buy something for 10 yen to reset the timer.

>> No.46535896
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Thanks, that's very useful info.

>> No.46535965

Why not go after western porn when there's actual predatory behavior and real humans being harmed?

>> No.46536064

You really think they have morals? It's about money, it's always about the money.

>> No.46536332

They do go after western porn, they were the first and ongoing target.

>> No.46536369

They did, and still are going after Western porn sites. Laws targeting them specifically have been made in multiple nations.
Pornhub being nuked because of their stupidity is the result of that, and you can almost blame them for this new crusade the West is doing against porn.

>> No.46536389

Based desu, porn is a disease.

>> No.46536653


>> No.46536913


>> No.46540057 [DELETED] 

They say "temporary" but I don't know of any porn related company has restored credit card support since this shit started.

>> No.46540064

They say "temporary" but I don't know of any porn related company that has restored credit card support since this shit started.

>> No.46543109

Pink Pineapple (ero anime brand) is losing visa/mastercard as well.
It seems like they are pulling out of everything now.

>> No.46543512

At least you can use crypto to purchase bitcash to purchase dlsite points

>> No.46543962

Is the markup less severe than Playasia? At least with them its more accessible for those that can't into crypto.

>> No.46543996

when payment gets that inconvenient things return to piracy

>> No.46544020

I was referring to playasia accepting crypto for bitcash, I should've clarified.

>> No.46544250

>that english reply to the tweet
this is why the japanese hates gaijins

>> No.46546113

That's a solution for those outside japan but the problem is these hypocritical prudes want to make it impossible for those who sell ero content to make any money from anyone. And if overseas purchases helped those like PinkP stay above water soon they'll struggle and have to shut down reaching the end goal of assholes like bill ackman.

>> No.46546833
File: 30 KB, 390x474, IMG_9964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn anime brand Pink Pineapple will also stop accepting VISA and MasterCard.
this is how white people do it
21st century crusade


>> No.46546869

2024/04/08(月) 19:54:27.30 ID:zK4jXAK70

2024/04/08(月) 19:54:37.23 ID:zK4jXAK70

2024/04/08(月) 19:54:59.64 ID:ewmDTyGi0

VISA and MasterCard's expression regulations are too dangerous.

Why is this credit card company so powerful?

It's interference in internal affairs.

>> No.46547348

So us splitting dlsite into two sites (like sadpanda) useless?? Because dmm and fanza were hit anyway. I guess the only way is the point system for now

>> No.46547380

>Because dmm and fanza were hit anyway.
Hit how and when? I was able to buy points via my Visa card just yesterday.

>> No.46547401

Yeah i was talking about cards directly, not the point system. Mastercard pulled out entirely, visa cards are usable only from japan. That's why i said points is the only way

>> No.46547413

I'll consider myself extremely lucky then, as I'm in the US (albeit using a VPN) and my Visa debit card somehow still works. At least in regards to buying points. Only just began to refurbish my JAV collection so it'd suck if I get locked out now and have to go through some convoluted third party with atrocious markups. Crypto especially isn't an option for me.

>> No.46547536

Try using your visa directly and see if it works

>> No.46547587

For what it's worth, I did use it directly a couple of times late last year and it worked then. But as to control my spending I only ever buy points and only in a set amount per other week.

>> No.46547624


>> No.46547840

God help me if I can no longer buy points at the end of this week. There are too many JAVs that are dead torrents or otherwise nonexistent on the streaming sites.

>> No.46547855

this thing is flimsy and has broken for I swear entire years before, but it's something I guess

>> No.46548161

https://dl-pay.com/ added amazon pay https://dl-pay.net/

>> No.46548208

I'll assume .net was a mistake.

>> No.46548243

No, it's 2 websites. They both link to each other. Their .net domain wasn't accepting payment when I checked a few days ago.

>> No.46548261

>in the US (albeit using a VPN)
Be careful. You could one day get flagged as fraudulent based on your VPN provider.

>> No.46548298

As if there's any other way to get anywhere in DMM these days. Mullvad has yet to fail me where it counts. Unless I want FANZA TV, by which case I can't get in even with that particular VPN. Supposedly Windscribe can pull it off but no interest as of now.

>> No.46548456
File: 52 KB, 900x600, 15768536878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa... i solved literally everything for them...

>> No.46549883

They're incentivized by groups like the NCOSE (former Morality in Media) to do this. It's more that these groups hate porn other than the credit card processors themselves. And attacking companies based outside of US and Europe is just easier for them. That and startups like Patreon are easy pickings for this kind of campaign.
Aren't they already everywhere but Africa and South America?

>> No.46549899

i dont know what fucking shitcoin this is supposed to be but i do agree to make crypto more used
that said, (they) aren't and dont like crypto, since it can't be controlled

>> No.46550010

It's the crypto version of the US dollar. A yen version is about to come to market, created by Sony Bank no less. They're experimenting with it as a cheaper and more reliable payment method. If it catches on, it might spur other companies to follow suit.

>> No.46550156

Discover cards should work at all places that accept JCB it seems.

>> No.46552036

>Unless they consider complete refusal to monetize AI
Which pixiv did. I don’t know if it was because of payment processors though. I don’t think anyone was very happy about fanbox getting spammed.

>> No.46560460
File: 94 KB, 665x504, GKXWgyrbkAAzma4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46562505
File: 46 KB, 1170x451, Amazon 404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got Amazon.

Pic rel is what you get when you view an adult item outside Japan. Try it for yourself https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B000GFLINC

This change happened a couple months ago I think. Back then I thought it was a case of jeet code affecting adult products but this thread gave me the idea to double check. They're throwing fake 404s to appease the payment faggots. Sneaky motherfuckers.

>> No.46562698

I just ordered an adult item from Amazon WITH MY MASTERCARD as a test.

Unfortunately, they don't offer international shipping for adult items now. I need to use my proxy shipper. I'll survive.


>> No.46562710

Tbh I've only used DLsite for non-pornographic material.

>> No.46564522

Pixiv clarifying that all photo-realistic images are not allowed

>> No.46565458

I mean, they are definitely trying to shut down all kinds of porn lately.
Just think about. In less than 30 days in total, there's this shitshow, what happened to Gumroad with Paypal and Stripe, all those emerging laws about requiring to use your ID to access porn sites in certain areas of the US. And it's not like it ends there, the list goes on and on.

>> No.46565865

>all those emerging laws about requiring to use your ID to access porn sites in certain areas of the US.

Now just porn access, using the internet in general.

>> No.46566175

bye bye japanese porn
good knowing ya

>> No.46566937

Yeah, that's true. But the argument they are using in order to pass those laws is porn and the fact minors are able to access it.

>> No.46567234

how come you're all paying for things anyway?

>> No.46567264

once you get deep enough into something, pirate uploads stop being a regular occurrence.

>> No.46567278

i got money to support the things i like so they make more things i like.
but if i got no reasonable way to make that happen, well, it is what it is

>> No.46567368

Pay for art = artist has a little extra motivation to publish their works = more content for me to enjoy

>> No.46567448

I don't pay for things but I do need other people to pay for things so that the things I like to not pay for keep getting made.

>> No.46567490

Someone has to.

>> No.46567708

thought it was just me. was wondering why fanza tv wouldnt work but i could still buy other stuff.

>> No.46567839

i got a job so why not
it's way easier to dl from official sources and i support what i enjoy

>> No.46568076

And yet they are still in Japan like a bunch of cowardly idiots...

>> No.46568140

Direct support for the artists. The sometimes PM me sketches and correct my Japanese. It's fun.

>> No.46569138

I like supporting some devs I like. I don't buy porn on DLSite though.
I'm much more willing to spend money on a store that actually gives you the product as a DRM-free download. I'm not supporting shitty companies that give paying customers a much worse experience than those who simply pirate the same thing.

>> No.46578588

My mastercock will gape wall street's visa

>> No.46584352

>ero anime brand
hentai nigga

>> No.46590747

I found a really generous circle that gets experimental with sound engineering and content formats. Really appreciate them and want to see where they take their craft.

>> No.46598199

>I'm not sure if you can have a rolling monthly plan (auto-renew) with points
I'm not sure about this, but we will see at the start of the next month. I hope you don't have to fuck around with it manually.

>> No.46598278

I've already been paying for a auto-renew plan with points.
When you run out of points for the next renewal they send you an automated email a few days ahead in advance to let you know that you don't have enough points. You can add more points to your account in which case it will continue to auto-renew, or do nothing and then the plan will just stop renewing.
