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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 634x493, photo_2024-03-30_23-59-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46483454 No.46483454 [Reply] [Original]

Excuse me anon, I've noticed that you quite frequently post some rather...obscene things about Touhou characters. The way you express yourself in these posts makes me wonder...are you trying to arouse your fellow /jp/ anons? For what end? Do you derive some perverse pleasure from the idea of other men giving into their lust?

Sometimes I even wonder...and I apologize, as this sounds quite absurd...surely you are not imagining yourself as the character whom you are describing in a filthy manner? Surely you are not imagining yourself as a woman while arousing other men..? It's just the way your wite some of these posts...please help me put these doubts to rest, anon. Please..?

>> No.46483476
File: 548 KB, 729x1000, d2c94a8454605094feb1a46c6e1371dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..said the human slut.

>> No.46483542

Terrible fake picture & post, tender Akyuu has neither the physique nor demeanor depicted therein.

>> No.46483675

What the fuck is this tranny shit? Men have pointed out and discussed attractive women with one another for thousands if not millions of years. It's completely natural behaviour. The sheer fact that you're worrying about means something's wrong with you.

>> No.46483698

Bro, I think this is thread is some sort of bait, we should have fun with it then.

>> No.46483714

Why yes I am indeed arousing my fellow /jp/ anons

That's just how I be

>> No.46483723

Stfu Yukari, I know you post in this board for fun.

>> No.46483756
File: 94 KB, 1080x544, gay sex with virgin touhou fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said, it's less about the content and more about how it is expressed. I find it strange how quickly you've become so upset at the possibility that some /jp/ anons might have developed some rather...unusual sexual complexes.
Oh, this is certainl a most serious inquire into the state of mind of my fellow /jp/ anons. I find it curious how the Touhou Project appears to be a path to many autistic neuroses, some of them considered...homosexual.
...why do you do it?

>> No.46483792

>This is a serious thread
Then, can I make my touhou Gensokyo conspiracy thread right now?

>> No.46483797

it be like that sometimes
I am expressing my love of 2hu girls in a way that my /jp/ bros find appealing too

>> No.46483811

Bro, don't give her attention, he is Yukari. She posts baits in this board regularly.

>> No.46483875

What's been stopping you in the first place? I am not the authority of what should be posted here. It's probably Yukari you should be worrying about if you plan on spilling the beans on some esoteric secrets.
But what's in it for you? What do you get out of it?

>> No.46483931

>It's probably Yukari you should be worrying about if you plan on spilling the beans on some esoteric secrets.
Of course, that bitch scares me deeply, the last thing I want for me to happen is to be gapped into Gensokyo, to see how rotten it is in reality and then get eaten by her. Or, in other chases, get censored by the government of Japan for revealing their biggest secret.

>> No.46483957

Knowing someone enjoyed something you did is nice. Applies to both lewd and not lewd things.

>> No.46483959

>What's been stopping you in the first place?
I can't find a good image for the OP...

>> No.46483965

So, are you kind-hearted in a weird way?

>> No.46484098
File: 214 KB, 310x1400, sukima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One could say that being afraid that a big bad youkai will gap you to a videogame world and eat you is pretty schizo...but...I totally get it.
So it's not sexual? You just feel good about making others feel good?

>> No.46484203

The fuck you on about?
When I post "I want to rape that slut Sunny", that's because I want to do that. I don't care if other men get aroused by it, I don't even care if the two girls that browse /jp/ get aroused by it, I just want the world to know that I want to rape and impregnate Sunny.

>> No.46485098
File: 704 KB, 800x800, 1711668670014910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you already have a thread for your autogynophilic fantasies, there's no point in making another one. Just go back there, or better yet, go to /trash/.

>> No.46485153


>> No.46485220

Obviously you are not the type of person being talked in the OP, then, as unhealthy such fantasies are.
What on Earth makes you think that I have autogynephilic fantasies????
I suspect this might be the case...hopefully not...

>> No.46485463

I never cared about this but, can I ask now.

Why some people want to be a 2hu? It sounds, at least, 100 times worse than wanting to change your gender, lol.

>> No.46485552

Do not use my wife for your auto gynephilic bait. And o nthat matter given it's the day of the lord, refrain from these kinds of posts

Disguisting fetish art of my wife, don't post such vulgarities again

>> No.46485578
File: 243 KB, 896x1456, ad4cbc5c83a34dfcced81cf3e80dd9c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel knowing that your wife has to do a hundred years of 'service' for the ministry of right and wrong after she dies at the tender age of 30

>> No.46485617

Interesting way to try and upset me. Having said that, overall i've seen that matter of her death too much so i'll discuss it with you. No, Akyuu won't die at 30, Zun has confirmed that with modern medicines her life expectancy is much longer than that. And even more so, Zun has confirmed that he girls won't age thorough touhou even if time passes, so she might as well be technically 50, she'll still be her current age and won't be affected by the curse, or i guess ilnness, of miare.
And i think it'd be easy to see how even in death the hiedas would have a special treatment in hte afterlife, so i do wonder how she'd react to meet her ancestors if they are there, or if not how she'd likely be just as bored in the afterlife as she is in this current life

>> No.46486049
File: 1.22 MB, 1800x2500, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you appear somewhat confused
>Do not use my wife for your auto gynephilic bait
That is Akyuu no Hieda from Touhou Project, I find it very hard to believe that is your wife. And this thread is not autogynephilic bait??? Why do people keep saying that?
>it's the day of the lord, refrain from these kinds of posts
Ah, apologies, I believe it is indeed the day of Toyosatomimi no Miko's resurrection. I am not a practicing taoist, I forgot. It was indeed somewhat insensitive of me to discuss such provocative topics on a day like this.

>> No.46486300

She is indeed my wife, even if hard to blieve
Due to the 'surely you are not imagining yourself as the character whom you are describing in a filthy manner' part which indeed if the girls are being subjected to filthy actions, and you say they are imagining themselves as said subjects, then it is inherently auto gynephilic to imagine one self as a woman. Maybe you are against said stuff too,, but if so then it was worded more liek to bait troons
And too obvious the 'I don't know what day it is' If you want to disrespect or make it as if you don't know about today being the day he has risen, then there is less obvious ways to do so

>> No.46486371

>And too obvious the 'I don't know what day it is'
Anon...are you refering to Easter? Do you consider yourself Christian? Because...
>She is indeed my wife, even if hard to blieve
I thought Christianity considered marriage to be between man and woman, not between man and a collection of japanese archetypes condensed into a single imaginary character, like Akyuu is. What would the members of your church think of this all? Surely you are not hiding secrets from them?
>but if so then it was worded more liek to bait troons
I'm just trying to understand what is behind these types of posts and why anons are making those types of posts.

>> No.46486394

I make those posts because it's exciting

>> No.46486409
File: 188 KB, 1487x650, AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm indeed a christian orthodox. And yes most commonly the church deems a marriage to be between a physical man and woman, but there isn't an issue to be in love and in a relationship with a fictional character, as it has been confirmed by asking a few priests aobut waifuism in general. Picrel is a longer answer
Unless you are heavily autistic, and kind of a tourist or new around these parts, then you should know how it's mostly just perverts and coomers attracted to the touhous due to their flashy patterns, and to try and imply that it is a projection of sorts, means that instead of coomers you see them as troons, which while there seems to be too many around htese parts, most posts are just people who do want to fuck the characters in said nasty ways, and don't picture themselves as the girls

>> No.46486535

Exciting as in the kind of excitement you get from a rollercoaster or doing something slightly dangerous or forbidden like rock climbing or shoplifting or...sexually exciting?
>it has been confirmed by asking a few priests aobut waifuism in general
Did you ask them yourself, anon? That is very brave of you. I think you are a much more respectable character than I originaly thought.
>Unless you are heavily autistic
Unfortunately I am, but I am sincerely trying to learn more about humans and why they act like they do.
>that instead of coomers you see them as troons
Yes, I think most of them are "coomers" but certainly even you recognize a subset of posts that comes off as something different than just expressing how hot some character is? There's certainly some people here with some very weird sexual complexes, and I want to understand better why such things arise and what people with such complexes see in them.

>> No.46486595

Are you guys discussing seriously over a thread
that can be seen from the Lunar Capital that is bait?

>> No.46486597

Not all of them, as where i live tehre is like 1 orthodox church in the surrounding area i can move iwhtout it turning int oa mutliple day trip. But i've talked with mreo waifuist of the orthodox church, and even of the catholic ones, and after they've asked the answer remains consitant, that being that it is okay as long as you do what i said of not turning it into idolatry, or that you don't devolve in your puruse of your waifu
I see, i can relate as liek you might've figured out, i'm also kind of deep int hte autism spectrum. And i suppose your best bet is to just observe these posts. At first it might be difficult, as all these lewd treads are essentially there to express and put out your tastes, to find people who think like you and trade iamges or talk about lewd fantasies, adn this si true for both the coomers and the troons. The main difference you can see is how the flow oft he conversation goes, if they keep their focus on the girls and what they'd to to them, then you can assume it's just por n addicts looking to get a kick out of it. But if it devolves to more focusing on the character of the people replying, then likely it's going to be troons looking for oen another, or more often than not if you wait for just a bit these later ones will often start to do a lot of homo talk or erp, they aren't specially subtle.

>> No.46486607

Some threads start as bait, but they can turn tnto more serious discussions, it's good for the mind to ocassionally do these kinds of exchange of ideas

>> No.46486611

>I'm indeed a christian orthodox.
Hey bro, I like Christians, continue like that.

>> No.46486614

Well, I guess there is nothing wrong with starting a serious discussion over a joke, when in reality a lot of discussions start like that.

>> No.46486628
File: 134 KB, 150x225, 163104307217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt having a fictional character as a wife the same thing as having an "idol" (which God is absolutely opposed to)? How do you get around that?

>> No.46486656

Read the image that i posted in what you are replying to. A waifuist, is a person who loves a character like he loves a real person, teh only difference between the two sould be how it's harder to interact with the 2d character. Some 'waifuists' indeed use their waifu as a sort of idol to dedicate your whole life to and make shrines and what not, i don't think these people are actual waifuists, but more so people who crave a spiritual life, and they are trying to fill it in with a fictional character, in a way to actually be a waifuist you need to recognize the bad aspects of your waifu, not only the good ones, to recognize and work through those flwas is what makes you love said character s nad take them as waifu, and to idolatre and try to ignore said flaws is more so a mockery of both religion and waifuism as a whole

>> No.46486697

>Read the image that i posted in what you are replying to
Sorry anon I hate reading and seeing that much text gave me the creeps, I read the whole thing
I see, thats a question I have had for a long time, given how the bible is the biggest phone game of all time and I sometimes think that if the bible was written in modern time a lot of our commodities and stuff would be prohibited.

>> No.46486729

Indeed the interpretation of the bible is a very hard matter to try and approach, and the attempt of the common people to do so i think in a way has worsened the average persons perception of it, or of religion in gneeral. So if you have questions or doubts, in general even if you are a non beleiver or you are curious but not there yet, i'd recomend you go and do what is common advice, to go and ask priests directly. Naturally tehy can err to so you may want to ask a couple or so, but that should ggive you a better understanding of how things are, rather than to try and interpret them on your own. Which if you are up for the task also can be quite fun to do, i personally before beign religious started by trying to interpret and read the bible on my won, at first i didn't saw much in it, but as i wnet through and i learned to see what was behind every passage, ti was very itneresting to get all those insights into some more compelx life questions that i've had on my own.

>> No.46486739

I see anon, thank you. I still wonder what kind of things motivate these "troons", as you call them.
I am a great believer in the exchange of ideas, especially in these kind of anonymous social spaces where people do not have to filter themselves so much.
>if the bible was written in modern time a lot of our commodities and stuff would be prohibited.
I believe so too, considering how ascetic and strict early Christianity was. The members expected the world to end within decades of the death of Jesus Christ, after all. This is why you also see all kinds of sects that are very strict pop up from time to time. This isn't unique to Christianity though, but all kinds of religions seem to produce smaller offshoots that want to ban modern commodities as distractions from religion.

>> No.46486783

Not sure what you mean by motivator, if you mean what motivates them to post here, then it's mostly cope, their choice of trooning out is a social choice, and if they weren't constantly trying to post or talk and influence whatever group they are in, then their choice was meaningless and they would despair and increace the famous 41. And don't get me wrong, these troons are not separate to a coomer, if anything tehy are the evolution of it, so the same motivations teh coomers have to post, these troons too, plus the added extra that i described
Yes crhistianity is what i call a hard religion, it isn't soft about it's morals and standings, peopel in modern times have softened, specially teh modern denominations and even the catholic church has deviated from early teachings of chirst and the saints. Some might argue these changes were for good, but i do beleive that it is only percieved that way due to how decadent everything around us is, it's hard to recognize how bad we have it, if all our references are just as bad. So that's why i usually advocate to friends and anyone i care for to try and follow the more strict guidelines of the orthodox church instead of the losoer ones for new denominations of christianity and such
And for the matter of the end of times, it has been indeed something that's been discussed a lot, we know of the new coming of chirst, but to try and put a date to it is a fool's errand, nobody but God knows when the time will come, and all teh people preaching for a specific date for like a cult or a sect, is if anything blaspheming by trying to act as if they know God's intentions

>> No.46486786

My spiritual situation is a fucking mess, and Im trying to try and grow as a person before engaging with religion again, as the whole "sin and be forgiven over and over againg" thing is not my cup of tea. As I see it, I try to live the best life that I can, try to hate the sin but not the sinner and try to be a good person in general, I still have to engage with the actual practices, and thats an entire thing I have to sit down and analyze, because theres a lot of stuff Im not sure I want/should follow, but thats just how I approach things in general.
Sometimes I like to think of our comodities the same way early christians thought of theirs, like, where they prohibited from going to the theaters in rome? No? Modern entertainment is just that cranked up to eleven so I dont see that much of an issue. Something like that, not always works, but its a fun excercise to do.

>> No.46486819

I can symapthise with that, i also dislike that whole 'forgive me father' just to go and sin again right afterwards, i take confession very seriously and i do thin kthat once you confess to a sin you should do your best to avoid it.
Those are good motives, to be a good person and to hate the sin instead of hte sinner, but i'd say be careful as those good intentions are easily subverted into tolerating sin, or doing what might be percieved as good, but end up doing nothing but harm in the long run. Like a father who sees their son starting to do drugs, you should be supportive, but not of their choices, try and bring them to good, but at teh same time be strict over that which they are afflicted by. Embrace, but be careful to not be too tolerant.
And for the matter of rituals or more properly engaging in things, it's a serious choice, and i'd recommend starting slow, jujst going to churches to see how thinga re done, and getting an idea of the values that are preached and such

>> No.46486858

Religion is just a way for nepotism and exploitation to thrive

>> No.46486874

My first instints was to tell you to go back.But in a way your comment proved waht i mentioned earlier of how giving hte masses access to teh bible gave a abad impressio nof ita nd of religion given how they can't fully grasp the meaning behind the words in it, or the reasons behind the actions of the church. Overall this is a matter i try not to despair over, to not dislike the common man over their ease of manipulation, but sometimes i do feel that spark within me that wants to forbid tehse people from even reading in general

>> No.46486885

I realize this came out very agressive, not sure why it got liek that by the end, but i wasn't my itnention, past the first go back

>> No.46486889

Why did you write that in broken English?

>> No.46486897

If you mean by grammar, then it's a common problem i have. Not sure if it's the dyslexia that runs in my family, or if it's like a 'doctors syndrome' but in writting as for work and hobbies i need to write very fast, so i tend to make a lot of errors.
But if you mean about other stuff, then it's due to me being an ESL

>> No.46486906

>i'd say be careful as those good intentions are easily subverted into tolerating sin
Yeah, thats something Im trying to avoid, I live in a conservative country, so we have, in general, a very good moral compass (as in, we know how to differentiate things that are good from things that are bad, doesnt mean that the majority of people actually do it though), but I sometimes struggle with how to handle things like homosexuality because I also like to consider myself a science person, not an atheist, just some that likes hard facts, and I understand that there are things that cannot be changed, and I dont want to follow the footsteps of my ancenstors that did absolutely horrifying things in regards of things like mental illnesses, for example, I dont know, this whole thing is just very hard to wrap your head around, as it feels like walking on a minefield.
>And for the matter of rituals or more properly engaging in things, it's a serious choice, and i'd recommend starting slow, jujst going to churches to see how thinga re done, and getting an idea of the values that are preached and such
The branch of christianity I ended up with is a very pragmatical one, we dont have many customs or rituals besides the baptizing, and so I dont really feel like engaging with the other branches custom is the correct thing, Im not against them and I like to study them because I find them interesting, its just a matter of choice.
Religion is a necesary evil, as it is the very thing that holds a significant chunk of society from being absolutely horrible people.
You dont need religion for nepotism and explotation to thrive, you have politics and money.

>> No.46486913
File: 233 KB, 361x509, hinako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's just that. Certainly it allows for such and religions seem to over time to just become earthly power structures. But I think there is more than that to it all. I don't know what to believe in, Christianity certainly doesn't really resonate with me. But I do feel a pretty strong call to a more spiritual, moral life which I think is at the core of every religion. The specifics just seem to vary an awful lot.

>> No.46486930

delete that

>> No.46486932

Psychiatry is the science-based alternative to Christianity. Take your meds.

>> No.46486966

Homosexuality is a good example of what i mean. The 'good' answer is to just let them live, but then you've seen how it is turning out, that's because that beleif of just letting them exists as tehy couldn't help hwo they were born is ineherently flawed, taht beign due to how i separate homos into two groups, tehre are ther e'true homos' who indeed are just homosexual due to a deffect i nthe brain or soemthing similar. And then there are the 'degenerate homos' those who weren't born that way, but due to maybe something like child abuse, or most commonly porn addiction, they end up developing pleasure from homosexual activities, which as with anything pleasure drealted, continues to devolve into furhter and further degenerate fetishes. So just accepting them as it is, is a bad option, but doing barbaric torture experiments with them is also teh wrong option, teh right one would be to make a proper analysis of the reasons behind why these people feel attracted to homosexuality, and adress those causes, as i said most commonly it's from porn, so depriving these people from instant sexual gratification would work to bring them back to the vanilla configuration in a way.
And kind of similar to my situation once mroe, in a way i aws also raised in a science first family, i was thinking of beconing a physicist, and only changed to data science mostly from teh money, so i could put my won laboratory eventuall yand not be subjected to teh whims of my employer as in to waht to research and such. But for my eventuall change of religion ,i did explore through other denominations, or whole religiosn too as i explored the most commons ones like budhism or islam, but evnetually i tought hte most fitting one for my morals, or that i found best solved my moral questions was Orthodoxy like i said

>> No.46486986

Psychiatry is good to adress the earthly needs of man. But religion is needed to adres the spiritual needs of man, and to give a sense of direction for those who are lost

>> No.46486993

I know Mountain of Misfortune is considered a bit divisive Touhou game, but that is a pretty strong reaction to Hinako Kanayama, The Misfortune Goddess That Torments Gensokyo With Winds and Rains.

>> No.46494184
File: 998 KB, 832x1216, 1girl_1boy_kirisame_marisa_touhou_artist_ramudia_lamyun__s-1972653526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46494991

Bump lock? :(
