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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46473343 No.46473343 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46462651

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
https://x-idol.net/ (jk immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese: >>>/int/djt

>> No.46473376

ahhhh imouto

>> No.46473448
File: 444 KB, 194x853, キャスト.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many of these can you read?

>> No.46473455
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how many kanji do you know?

>> No.46473557
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I usually only do 1 lesson in Duolingo a day, but today I did like 7 of them and I learned a few words, so I'm happy. I'm still struggling to know when to use は and が between words though.

>> No.46473599
File: 252 KB, 1087x730, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read it

>> No.46473606


>> No.46473608

moe debunked reading tho

>> No.46473610

started learning jap, enlisted into the military, got medically separated, back home. those whole time there barely any time to even think about picking it back up

>> No.46473617

how do you like duolingo? was thinking of doing it for brain-off extra practice

>> No.46473618

wtf are you talking about. explain

>> No.46473625

so he did get ass raped lmao

>> No.46473634

while you were doing anki reps, the last living ancestor of dionysius was studying the katana, while you were reading vinnies he was becoming one with the bushido code

>> No.46473649

send a dm to moe

>> No.46473706


>> No.46473774
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>> No.46473816


>> No.46473819
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>> No.46473825


>> No.46473851



>> No.46473936

If you're the type of person who tries to get every achievement in the games you play, you'll enjoy Duolingo for training. Not because it's a good achievement hunter, but because it targets the same area of the brain to keep you going. The way it works is:
> Introduces you to roughly 10 different words
> makes you use them in different ways for 2-3 lessons
> do the same but for now words, now using the words you learned previously for even more flavor.

For example, at the start Duolingo will teach you Hiragana and Katakana with some very basic vocabulary
> watashi wa ken
Then it will teach you other ways to introduce yourself
> ken to imasu
Then it will add flavor
> ken to imasu, anata wa?

It's very good if you're not a tryhard grinder (aka someone wanting to learn in 2 years)

>> No.46473963

Imagine a brain as a solution of salt, and the ideal brain as a solid spotless crystal of knowledge. Imagine the crystallization process. In a salt solution, tiny crystals can form. Imagine those as nuggets of knowledge.

Now imagine how a beginner learns. The crystallization in a beginner brain is determined by the exposure to the outside world as perceived by the senses. This exposure can be compared to running currents of saltier water through the brain. High concentration solution will result in nucleation: tiny crystals forming at all impurities, which represent the seeds of inspiration. In the beginner brain, hundreds, and then thousands of crystals will form. The best formula for crystallization is to add more salty water and give it some time. Provide exposure and wait. Nothing else! The more seeds of crystal grow, the greater the surface of knowledge, the faster the crystallization. Large surfaces help new pieces of knowledge stick. When a person is allowed to explore on their own, their exposure is less organized, more random, more extensive. However, it makes it possible to grow many more crystals. They may be small and incoherent, but their strength is in numbers and in their surface area. The greater the surface of crystals, the more new knowledge can stick.

Anon is spewing "fake Japanese" which seems to mimic real spoken Japanese in anime. However, those young smarts are just an illusion. Weebs do not have a coherent grasp of Japanese. They will not have it for many years. Their knowledge is like a murky solution full of tiny crystals that do not fit well together. They know details, they do not have a good big picture. They know the trees, but they do not understand the forest. This is the natural and welcome side effect of growing thousands of incoherent crystals. In the ideal case, the murkiness of the semi-liquid mix of the salt solution with thousands of tiny crystals is not a problem. Gradually, in thousands of places, incoherences get fixed. Those incoherences are points of interest. The beginner will want to know why things do not match and what explains the inconsistency. This keeps a young brain buzzing and asking questions. Tiny crystals align and form bigger structures. The whole murky mass of knowledge gradually becomes clearer and more organized. Uneven surfaces get polished by forgetting. Smaller crystals find a match and unify in the process of memory optimization.

The maximum speed of learning comes with a large surfaces of crystals ready to build new lattice layers.

In the ideal case, we should let a slow river of knowledge flow through the beginner's brain. This cannot be a meaningless stream of nonsensical syllables. The river must spark passions. The current must be slow enough for nuggets of knowledge to stick. You cannot drink knowledge from a firehose.

The river of knowledge is a river of concentrated salt solution. If we amplify or just enable the polarizing electric field of excitement and passion, we should then see the crystals grow and self-organize. Early in a new pursuit, all knowledge is of value and there is no need to direct that process towards reading, or counting, or anything else. Whatever sticks to the crystal structure will be used in the future to grow more crystals. Whatever does not stick is of little concern either way

Multifocal crystallization is great for keeping the surface of knowledge large and learning fast. However, the human brain processes information via a narrow channel of attention. We do not take a snapshot of reality to crystallize many grains of knowledge at the same time. Instead, we work on a single crystal adding new layers molecule by molecule. The formula for growing pearls is based on an obsessive focused attention on a single crystal. Obsessive attention in a creative is achieved with passion and interest.

>> No.46473981
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>> No.46474093

missed lets gooo anon tonight. guess we lost another soul to this meme language

>> No.46474108

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.46474113

idk man i like seeing people grinding. it lowkey motivates me

>> No.46474148

I just added like 60 new words to my deck wooooooo

>> No.46474153

thanks for cheering me up. ill need to see anki stats to fully believe it tho

>> No.46474163
File: 30 KB, 745x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i lied. i took a break today, but i added 80 cards over the last two days

>> No.46474177

im glad you came clean. thats honorable

>> No.46474216

here are some common words you should know

>> No.46474219

lil bro tryna flex lmao

>> No.46474227

here are some common words you should know

>> No.46474284
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>> No.46474298


>> No.46474299

Tatsumoto's theories are SO powerful, that even if they were all wrong (whatever metric were to decide that shall not be discussed), they would still not lose ANY of their power. I was about to give up on Japanese until the almighty algorithm got me here about a year ago. Now I am literally having hour-long discussions in Japanese only and having the time of my life. Thank you so much for saving something for me that was so important and dear to me. You gave me the confidence to just start speaking, because for the first time ever I felt like I had a bit of a clue of what I was really doing. In fact, your guide is SO powerful, that via your guide, suddenly all other Japanese teaching resources become useful as well. Because you can see past the bad (or lacking) grammar discussion and understand what's really going on while at the same time taking in tonnes of examples and "ways of saying" by Japanese natives for example. Or simply just add the missing info in your head and benefit from the extra content. Thank you so much

Read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.46474302

i fucked up and took 2 weeks off I wanna die

>> No.46474308

>in Duolingo
Read this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/why-shouldnt-i-just-keep-using-an-app-instead

>> No.46474314
File: 723 KB, 1441x2048, DLRAW.TO_056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself a girl that reflexively gets heart eyes at the mere sight of you.

>> No.46474317

but heart eyes arent real

>> No.46474335

tatsumotos guide would be alright if he had the social skills and humor understanding of a non-autist

>> No.46474339

what's better the 2k or the moeway deck

>> No.46474344
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Look in a mirror and tell me everyone doesn't just assume.

>> No.46474345


>> No.46474347

Ankidrone Starter Pack if you know more than 1000 words
KanjiTransition if you know 0 words.

>> No.46474355
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>> No.46474363

why do you want humor in a language guide

>> No.46474364

thanks for reminding me to download yesterday's knight scoop
i played the stellar blade demo and totally forgot

>> No.46474369

i dont.. thats the point
he shoehorns his humor into all of his texts which looks offputting to a regular human

>> No.46474374

i haven't noticed any humor to be honest, apart from a couple articles
got any examples?

>> No.46474378

>got any examples?
have you looked at the landing page lol

>> No.46474386

i think it's fine.. why would it be off putting to a regular human?

>> No.46474392

based ゆりやん enjoyer

>> No.46474395
File: 2 KB, 440x73, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46474399


>> No.46474417
File: 843 KB, 1920x1080, 探偵!ナイトスクープ 過酷すぎる愛の告白や夫への立腹を晴らす破天荒な方法など、女性陣の激しい熱情がほとばしる!? [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_18887]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46474452


>> No.46474457

just made it to 上級 in picross 3d for the first time all perfect so far

>> No.46474461

>running proprietary software

>> No.46474465

i played through all the levels on the snes mario picross
some at the end were kinda hard but it was fun

>> No.46474471

proprietary software is literally malware https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/

>> No.46474484

caring about privacy in 2024 is so fucking retarded. they won. get over it.

>> No.46474487

yeah on my dsi that isnt connected to the internet what should i be afraid of
that one actually filtered me like midway through
3d is much easier

>> No.46474490
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>> No.46474491

>running foss on proprietary backdoored hardware

>> No.46474526

Anki is a language learning app.

>> No.46474586


i remember when we had to study this kind of stuff
now i have to restudy it in japanese lmfao

>> No.46474612
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>> No.46474676

she didn't know it, why should you have to

>> No.46474763

here's your idol group bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thQqvv_Esq0

>> No.46474772

because im going to become a japanese middle school teacher

>> No.46474784

bau bau!

>> No.46474807
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>> No.46474814

i can see why they failed. thats some terrible sound production

>> No.46474828

based jc enjoyer

>> No.46474834

that and i feel they also fail to capture the spirit of idols. idols are supposed to spread positivity and happiness, not cringe

>> No.46474905

idols usually say some pretty cringe things but at least it doesn't sound like they're shouting it with the reverb of a public bathroom

>> No.46474947
File: 12 KB, 125x152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find zen buddhism texts in japanese? Any modern critical editions? Also looking for the book of five rings, but apparently there's a new version based on better manuscripts

>> No.46475001

おはよう ございます

>> No.46475004
File: 3.89 MB, 1066x480, 6a60c91ba5a02e53eed27fa49f62a0cbf003316a7e528040c27e1f166bd0dcc9_(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46475019


>> No.46475034

Do you guys actually fail all the cards that you don't remember?
I often just don't bother if don't like the word much
He has humor enough to pretend to be a vatnik

>> No.46475106

>space between おはよう and ございます

>> No.46475113

is this a JAV?

>> No.46475238




>> No.46475246
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>> No.46475248

nothing wrong with being a vatnik

>> No.46475249


>> No.46475356

multiculturalism is evil

>> No.46475359

white knight

>> No.46475370


>> No.46475388


>> No.46475396

i guarantee that you are whiter and have a higher opinion of women than me

>> No.46475430

simping to be the gatekeeper and protector of japanese society is gaijin cringe

>> No.46475453

I’m protecting indian society from japanese whores

>> No.46475486

i know its fake cuz she looks way too good

>> No.46475527

whore is trying to subvert ancient indian traditions by initially not eating with her hand

>> No.46475544

chopstick colonialism

>> No.46475554

dont you love these readings

>> No.46475558

japanese also eat with their hands quite a lot
onigiri, sushi, bread

why is it socially acceptable to eat some food with hands and others not

>> No.46475572

all those foods have a dry covering layer

>> No.46475585

sushi doesnt
everyone would look at you weirdly if you were to eat it with your hands where i live

>> No.46475592

japanese curry is not curry

>> No.46475602

doesnt sushi have a dry norimaki

>> No.46475620
File: 884 KB, 1024x683, nigiri-sushi-1024x683-132765716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46475624

rice should be firm like basmati, soggy japanese rice is bad

>> No.46475642

anyways sushi is dry enough
people generally dislike touching wet oily things with their hands

>> No.46475672

japanese people try not to touch the food with their hands though
like here she is eating a hamburger touching only the wrapping

>> No.46475685

you taste with your hand

>> No.46475776
File: 3.73 MB, 284x500, careful.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46475802

if you are eating out you would probably want to ensure your hands are clean before the meal and thats a hassle because the convenient and widespread remnant of covid is the sanitizer but thats for postprandial use and you dont want touch and subsequently taste food with sanitized hands
nail hygiene also becomes an issue
sanitizing wont suffice after your meal either if you touched wet food

>> No.46475811

tatsumoto's guide recommends arch linux, which is known to contain malware https://archlinux.org/news/the-xz-package-has-been-backdoored/
stay away from that guide

>> No.46475821

I collect backdoors and malware like a fag collects STDs

>> No.46475839

bought myself a good bang for buck (heh) onahole for anki rewarding sessions

minna gambatte kudasai (tl note: wagmi)

>> No.46475852

there’s something wrong with her eyes
is it a filter, contact lenses or is she high af?

>> No.46475855

based and gmi pilled

>> No.46475874

chinese hackers are working tirelessly to access my weird porn and web shit

>> No.46475889

harry potter was written by a jk

>> No.46475897

she looked hot when she was younger

>> No.46475921

can’t find pics before 1998 and she looks old in them

>> No.46475947

not going to change my ip just for this shit

>> No.46475967

no ip counter now so we will never know

>> No.46476012


>> No.46476018

what world does she live in where im on vacation in japan for 2 weeks and i can just randomly decide to take another 5 weeks off work to stay in japan for a little longer

>> No.46476032

>if you are eating out
lol how cute, esl-kun actually thinks "eating out" refers to eating food

>> No.46476045

? lol

>> No.46476047

how fat are they irl?

>> No.46476061

even without reading the title you can tell theyre in europe because they dont have plastic forks and knives. fucking eu

>> No.46476065

fuck that’s bunko strike zone level

>> No.46476082

イギリス is not in the eu though

>> No.46476085

speaking of covid it truly decimated the hentai anime industry even the celebrated studios sorely disappoint these days tried masterpiece ep 3 and was left aghast

>> No.46476090


>> No.46476091

its culturally an eu country

>> No.46476150

advertising fast food is where i draw the line

>> No.46476158

god that’s something else
a fat woman dressed up as a cow face paint and all, scarfing down a mountain of mcdonalds white talking about her weight gain and how it made her cry

>> No.46476161

its to bait comments like yours any attention is good attention

>> No.46476163

yo wtf

>> No.46476175

not the same thing im not posting literal ads from fast food social media accounts

>> No.46476199

my only problem with burgers is they dont keep you satiated for long

>> No.46476215
File: 1.99 MB, 406x720, ayo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.46476217


>> No.46476222

was that shot at an autism clinic

>> No.46476225


>> No.46476228


>> No.46476232

wait a minute
she has no arms

>> No.46476243

private video from my personal clinic yeah

>> No.46476258


>> No.46476280

everyday im hustlin

>> No.46476292

walking back to the store and buying more leek is going to take time, but i guess her time isnt worth more than 10 yen. shes going to be a good wageslave one day

>> No.46476298

in japan everything is cheaper

>> No.46476301

oh yea we're scoopin this week

>> No.46476312

why would she go back

>> No.46476330

do u have autism, to buy leak of course

>> No.46476368

but maybe she doesnt need leak bad. if im walking back from the grocery store and someone takes a vegetable from me for 11% more than what i paid i would just pocket it

>> No.46476392

maybe she was going to make leek soup

>> No.46476439

you dont get it 11% is higher than the average market roi transportation is fixed cost and by economies of scale it makes way more sense to distribute it over bulk purchases and pocket the profits

>> No.46476450

well whatever, she was happy so thats all that matters

>> No.46476451

cuz shes smarter than anon

>> No.46476497

Why don't you quote reply to one another?

>> No.46476504

so you do

>> No.46476524

midwit post didn't even read

>> No.46476547

trying too hard lil bro

>> No.46476556
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>> No.46476570

i like the unexpected twists when the bully and the bullied both get fucked by a 3rd person

>> No.46476581

any examples for that? i want to read/watch a story like that

>> No.46476605

thinkin about matt again

>> No.46476613
File: 137 KB, 900x900, listen_and_learn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentence of the day:
 生き物は骨だけになれば、普通はもう二度と立ち上がらない。 - When living things are reduced to bones, they normally never rise again.
Woah, I actually understood what this says at once, except the kanji for "belly"

>> No.46476616
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>> No.46476636


>> No.46476644

the state of magical girls in 2024

>> No.46476649


>> No.46476654
File: 715 KB, 500x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

katakana is the comic sans of scripts

>> No.46476663

Japanese is just a stupid language for stupid people. You should've got that by now.

>> No.46476671

hiragana is for women
no wonder nips are such low test

>> No.46476672

yeah why do you think im acquiring it

>> No.46476700

i dont like the idea of having to write my name in katakana when i go to japan

>> No.46476705

you can see why gambs decided to become akira takanami now

>> No.46476724

from based to ベースド

>> No.46476735

funniest shit ever honestly if he actually did

>> No.46476781

ive always thought this but having sex with an unenthusiastic sex worker is basically legal rape

>> No.46476832


>> No.46476843

oh sorry i thought this was the daily offtopic thread

>> No.46476848

there's no such thing

>> No.46476849

>djt is so dead these days, people have to cross-link to get any sort of talk going

>> No.46476851

>make a no english subs rule for anime
>watching anime isn't fun anymore
ha ha..

>> No.46476861


>> No.46476868
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>stupid language for stupid people

>> No.46476880

honey you're barely room temperature ok
the reason you're socially isolated and awkward is not because you're exceptionally gifted

>> No.46476916

mr kruger in the house

>> No.46476936

lol assblasted

>> No.46476990

the price of supremacy is ostracization but that shouldn't deter you from joining the iq club (high iq not required for membership) it's pretty cool in here

>> No.46477036

i still fall in love with 2d

>> No.46477040

in this day and age that's all there is

>> No.46477058

You have it backwards. It's their stupid writing systems that force them to use their brains more that brings IQ results up. Raise an average white kid to use Japanese as a first language they'll have a higher IQ too.

>> No.46477063

crazy how no one ever thought of that

>> No.46477096


>> No.46477117


>> No.46477162

the good old days....

>> No.46477235


>> No.46477251


>> No.46477278

bongta reeling from ptsd

>> No.46477354

dame some good doujins dropped this week

>> No.46477485

post ids

>> No.46477525


>> No.46477660

accidentally posted in the old thread cuh'

>> No.46477669

this one is just as dead

>> No.46477676

im busy admiring 2d bro

>> No.46477752

added indian to filters
noo poo thanks sir

>> No.46477851
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ご機嫌いかがですか, ニガッツ同士?

>> No.46477893
File: 369 KB, 1691x1725, 20240330_191117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46477939

俺だけレベルアップな件 is by far the dumbest anime title ive seen

>> No.46477944

That's a funky looking 方

>> No.46477952

:skull: it's 略字 for 魔

>> No.46477962

How am I supposed to know that? They don't teach you this in dekinai school.

>> No.46477986
File: 310 KB, 850x841, 03242a7cd8a84a4fa4e3cf0dd4786aec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they called erai raws if they have subs for every single language except japanese

>> No.46478062


>> No.46478066

another panic attack
this shit is exhausting

>> No.46478080
File: 3.49 MB, 960x540, 1711818557158707.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm, bros? this has to be staged

>> No.46478119

yeah no way he could actually hire whores and buy drugs

>> No.46478145


>> No.46478155

that's me after getting n1 and showing it around on a friday night in tokyo

>> No.46478158


>> No.46478169

>what? women being naturally attracted to a white man??? that' impossible! HE PAID WHORES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.46478215

Anon, those women were... I mean, the place he was in was... Uh, never mind

>> No.46478332
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>> No.46478357
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1711821556360031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spring is off to a good start

>> No.46478365


>> No.46478380
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] One Room - Hiatari Futsuu - Tenshi-tsuki - 01 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle][4D31474F].mkv_snapshot_06.25.576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls wearing a single t is fucking hot

>> No.46478399

sorry, the anime of the year already aired ( mahoako )

>> No.46478422

true true if i find a thin 140台 girl would be crazy

>> No.46478448

imagine what shes going to do with those empty kola bottles

>> No.46478508
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>> No.46478551


>> No.46478567

never talk to the cops

>> No.46478584

anon cant japanese so how could he talk

>> No.46478631


>> No.46478811

yoshi back from easter dinner gonna watch these two now

>> No.46478816


>> No.46478843

call my penis 旗竿 the way bitches be salutin'

>> No.46478881 [SPOILER] 
File: 732 KB, 1920x1080, The Dangers in My Heart S02E13 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46478907

is bunpro actually worth it

>> No.46478918

yes itll make you a pro at the buns

>> No.46478922

who tf is bunpro and is he related to bunko

>> No.46478927
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, The Dangers in My Heart S02E13 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46478928

>yes itll make you a pro at the buns

>> No.46478934

goo ah langauge

>> No.46478949
File: 655 KB, 1200x1508, 1711829038121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a pro at the buns

>> No.46478952

do nips have a dictionary for this pitch accent garbage jfc

>> No.46478954

needs another rope round her waist for that position to make sense

>> No.46478959


>> No.46478961

yeah the nhk accent dict

>> No.46478966

blood did not just call an anime an accent dict

>> No.46479020
File: 109 KB, 1631x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annnnnnnnnnnd DONE
what now?

>> No.46479025


>> No.46479037

tying a rope

>> No.46479040

Building a deck from your input like normal people.

>> No.46479053

Time to get minin', lil bro.

>> No.46479057

>anki again
Can I just immerse 15hr/d ? I don't want to do Anki again...

>> No.46479067

Writing down words you like into a list to better remember them is not exactly a lot of extra work

>> No.46479068

mining is different, you'll spend way less time in anki because there are no new cards, just things you've already seen once before in media

>> No.46479073

blud burned out of anki now he has the wrong impression about :skull:

>> No.46479081

what is this with emoji posting, start collecting reaction images for every situation, like normal anons

>> No.46479088

I was like you, then I realized I sometimes spend 8 hours a day playing Civilization IV on Emperor dificulty without even noticing, and yeah, I can definitely spare a couple of hours for an intensive anki sesh.

>> No.46479090
File: 23 KB, 359x372, GJ8JXStXIAAD5y7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collecting is gay, i post a new one every time

>> No.46479093

>collecting reaction images
lil bro? i just go to google images and type "pepe frog"press rightlclick and copy image

>> No.46479098


>> No.46479122

how about sparing hours for employment?

>> No.46479124

What good would that do?

>> No.46479134

...good point

>> No.46479137
File: 971 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] One Room - Hiatari Futsuu - Tenshi-tsuki - 01 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle][4D31474F]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46479141

I have diagnosed schizotypal personality disorder and it's really difficult for me to integrate into a workplace.
I'm also pretty sure I've got ADHD, but my psychiatrist tells me he doesn't think I do.
I'm also not interested in money. The Internet is all I need.

>> No.46479144

median /jp/ poster

>> No.46479145

>The Internet is all I need.
You need sunlight and raw meat

>> No.46479151

I want to pick an anime for my immersion practice, but I'm split between Nanoha and Ojamajo Doremi. Which one is more fun?

>> No.46479154

My skin is relatively pale, so daily walks of ~30 minutes which I have to take anyway for various IRL reasons should cover my vitamin D needs.

>> No.46479165

Ojamajo Doremi has too many hot girls, so I'd go with Nanoha.

>> No.46479174

>raw meat
Please do not fucking eat raw meat unless you trust your local butcher with your life. I know enough helminthology to know how this shit can end, and it's not pretty.

>> No.46479178

parasites are actually good for you

>> No.46479182

Dolly is so based. As a new dekinai I'm getting some extra exposure to random verbs plus an extremely thorough and clear explanation of the grammar. It's honestly amazing how she breaks everything down, everything makes sense

>> No.46479195

reads like a reddit post and just as intelligent

>> No.46479196

I'm the same but I still work for money about 2 years and then go neet again for 1 year. I need the funds to build some savings to move and the resume I just fill up with lies every time.

>> No.46479201

for mining decks, do you just start "clean" anki decks, or add them to your previous decks, like 2.3k? what's the proper way

>> No.46479207

doesnt matter, you can group them together and it will shuffle the reps for both decks

>> No.46479223

Makes no difference.
I have some pre-built deck that I finished few weeks ago, and two self-made for vocab and sentences I liked.
woah, I didn't know you could do that.
What a fantastic retard you need to be to eat like an animal instead of reaping benefits of two million years old technology?

>> No.46479224

i just make new ones for every media i consume

>> No.46479241

Tell that to your doctor when you run to him shitting blood because there's a 30-foot-long tapeworm in your intestine.

>> No.46479243
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] One Room - Hiatari Futsuu - Tenshi-tsuki - 01 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle][4D31474F]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46479284

you can actually buy tapeworms like buying supplements and people take them without problems

>> No.46479301

Some people like combining them, but I made a separate mining deck for easy of memory.

>> No.46479307


>> No.46479309

Eucestoda hands typed this post

>> No.46479312

matched with a super qt cause i put that i know japanese in my description lol its not gonna go anywhere though

>> No.46479330
File: 23 KB, 478x262, 食い荒らす.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46479337

Pro tip: Taking a break during an anki session can help you internalize hard vocabs that you had to keep pressing "again" on.
If you come back, you may suddenly find yourself breezing through everything.

>> No.46479338

there three cute nipponese girls i matched with via that scheme and regularly meet
still not sure which one to actually marry

>> No.46479340

Do you actually know Japanese?
Bee honest.

>> No.46479351

mf lives in a harem
in his imagination

>> No.46479362

only nihongo jouzu mfs get jp bitches
actual jp learners who installed anki are too ugly and awkward to get a hoe

>> No.46479363

based. she's not japanese though there are no japanese people in this shithole of a country. she asked me how i learned japanese so i responded and asked her if she's interested in learning languages and no reply nor do i expect to get one lol

>> No.46479376


>> No.46479395

This! It helps me when I get stuck on some hard cards near the end

>> No.46479406

spoke to a nip dutch hapa yesterday that for some reason has a southern US accent despite never being outside of japan. we shot the shit for a solid hour and he never dropped it so idk if it was an act or what.

>> No.46479408


>> No.46479411

ny torrent / playlist containing a lot of could audio resources? I guess with input / immersion it doesn’t really matter what it is as long as you’re paying attention but I like being spoon fed shit so any suggestions?

>> No.46479416

1000 more hours before your next attempt bud

>> No.46479417

I need to learn how to say "out of ten" in Japanese.

>> No.46479419
File: 19 KB, 700x425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody use the hard button?

>> No.46479423
File: 8 KB, 455x55, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: If you don't eat raw meat you're not gonna make it.

>> No.46479427

Yes, when I want the card to fuck off, but can't bring myself to lie.

>> No.46479430

wish she'd eat my raw meat

>> No.46479457

wish i had a japanese rawmeatfu ngl

>> No.46479471


>> No.46479473
File: 34 KB, 720x305, GJ7PrjpaUAAZ2A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46479479


>> No.46479482

make it stop

>> No.46479487


>> No.46479501
File: 237 KB, 1279x922, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46479529


>> No.46479531



>> No.46479548

oh my fucking god my eyes. im out bros gonna go watch kusuriya

>> No.46479563


>> No.46479588

lmao you got more red than green

>> No.46479601

thats what happens when you also try to guess the pronounciation

>> No.46479686

it's true
you just gotta be perfectly fluent in japanese be not completely ugly and learn to hide your kimowota power level

>> No.46479702


>> No.46479714
File: 401 KB, 750x530, 53857754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.46479732

cant post an image in incognito but 5332, about 800 more than i have in anki.
the criteria i set for clicking green was: have to remember a word the character is used in

>> No.46479742

I didn't even know Nintendo's JP channel had actual content outside of trailers and shit. I should check it out more often.

>> No.46479770

What language is Chikara speaking just before this. He says, "I can't speak English" and then follows it up with "はよねつせの." The Japanese subs on the screen interpret it as "なですけど…"
Is there a fantasy language in the show?

>> No.46479825

true true

>> No.46479844

chikara can only speak japanese
its to show how japanese sounds to people who cant understand it

>> No.46479886
File: 65 KB, 680x680, GJ6z43_bMAAxXHU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46479959

gn tranny

>> No.46480012

what do you think お休みなさい means?

>> No.46480015

>TL: "Let's put that shower curtain on these hooks."
why is that とりあえず there? does the sentence change if you omit it?
what does it even mean? "whatever?" "for the time being?" "anyway?"

>> No.46480039

first off, for now, for the moment, before that, let's start with etc. etc.

>> No.46480051

it means "btw"
meaning-wise it doesnt really change, same as removing "btw" from an english sentence

>> No.46480076

>it means "btw"
little bro

>1 たちまちに。たちどころに。源氏物語(須磨)「高潮といふものになむ、―人損はるゝ」
>2 さしあたって。何はさておき、急いで。まず。一応。「―返事をしておく」「―かけつける」

>> No.46480083

>it means "btw"

>> No.46480132

I figured since the dictionary did say 一旦 and ひとまず are suitable replacements, especially when talking to someone above one hierarchically, but I couldn't quite wrap my head around it since it's one of those words that gets dropped from translations.
It's always popped up a lot. it sounds like とにかく (i.e. setting everything aside to do/focus on this) to me.
that's closer to ほどなくして, 間を置かずに afaik.

>> No.46480139
File: 76 KB, 251x326, 1661424439347379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.46480141


>> No.46480146

pasting dictionary definitions is cringe af

>> No.46480151

Ah, I see. Thanks for actually knowing the answer!

>> No.46480152

とりあえず doesnt map cleanly onto any english word so thinking about it in english is pointless

>> No.46480154

So I could track down everyone who asked this question in DJT and rape them while quoting hentai protagonists in perfect pitch accent

>> No.46480155


>> No.46480161

point is when you want to learn how to use a word, you need to be able to tell why the word is there. hence the questions about why it's there and how it changes if you drop it.

>> No.46480164

its only cringe for "just feel" words like that
it doesnt really mean たちまちに or たちどころに either

>> No.46480165

first of all

>> No.46480168

とりあえず isnt a word either

>> No.46480167

>that's closer to ほどなくして, 間を置かずに afaik.
it is the older meaning

>> No.46480217
File: 934 KB, 1322x835, 1692108997028749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.46480250
File: 12 KB, 669x116, Screenshot 2024-03-30 194955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in episode 4 of boogiepop phantom there is a clip of japanese morse code(Wabun). I translated it into hiragana but have no clue what it's trying to say. it comes out to: はにのむい0やはに. since it appears to repeat after the '0', it may actually be:
does anyone have a clue as to what kanji may be in use or what this is saying? could be utter nonsense as well.

>> No.46480251
File: 481 KB, 941x530, 1711387076732878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna man

>> No.46480264


>> No.46480265

dame what miyazaki was saying about modern animators not knowing what humans look like is p accurate

>> No.46480270

nobody cares about humans

>> No.46480286

I'll add that the むい at the end may be 無為, since 飲む doesnt really fit. not sure if it's even a full sentence.

>> No.46480288


>> No.46480304


>> No.46480323

love black women, love their curly hair, love their voluptuous bodies, love their thick lips. LOVE black women bros..

>> No.46480327

learn japanese LOL

>> No.46480339

boogiepoop was indeed poop and i never finished ti but it had a banger OP


>> No.46480371

erotic singing

>> No.46480391

when i eat sunflower seeds, i chew up the entire shell along with it.

>> No.46480458

not even close
that doesnt even work in 50% of cases let alone 100

>> No.46480511

why does 2.3k doesnt have sentences in front
how am i suposed to differentiate meanings when a kanji can have so many meanings and readings without context?
you guys dicksuck this deck but it's frankly disappointing

>> No.46480512

it maps closest to "in any case"

>> No.46480549

just had the revelation that a fat fart feels better than sex with a condom

>> No.46480554


>> No.46480556

>so many meanings and readings without context?
The word is the context.

>> No.46480559

id say it works as a rough translation in at least 7割 of the cases i see it in

>> No.46480577
File: 12 KB, 198x300, i_dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46480585

No it's not fucking retard
how am i suposed to derive context about a word... from the word
fucking retarded cunt nigger

>> No.46480588

bros i just traveled 1h into the future, wtf

>> No.46480595

dst is the most niggerlicious shit ever

>> No.46480603

You’re supposed to see the word and be able to repeat the definitions on the back. No context necessary.

>> No.46480604

they should've just asked djt no need to make a whole gag segment about it

>> No.46480609


>> No.46480615

Who wins the election?

>> No.46480618

i do

>> No.46480626


>> No.46480629

why does rfk sound like he was bottle fed battery acid as a baby

>> No.46480651

words often have more than one meaning
are you thick?

>> No.46480653

He’s got a neurological condition that causes his voice to spasm. I think the only treatment they give you is Botox to temporarily relieve the muscles

>> No.46480657

not as thick as ur mothers ass

>> No.46480658

They do, but for the purposes of the core deck, you only need to memorize one or two senses of the word. You can also just memorize the sense used in the example sentence if you’re autistic.

>> No.46480660


>> No.46480662

love being woken up by a pack of barking dogs at 3 in the morning me like

>> No.46480663

core deck略してcock

>> No.46480667

(pronounced like "coke")

>> No.46480668

i live in a rich neighborhood

>> No.46480685


>> No.46480696

based me too

>> No.46480698

surprisingly good anime. watched it when it was airing. also, the second op is better

>> No.46480715

why do i feel such disgust toward westoid japanese centric content like tokyo vice and shogun

>> No.46480720


>> No.46480731

enough time has past that i can now say animenzz was overhyped. he was just a classic case of a good pianist that dominated the sphere before competition arose and that was it really

>> No.46480736
File: 666 KB, 425x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching this and can't stop thinking about how eunuchs throughout history literally had their cock and balls chopped off with no anesthetic and then had a tub inserted in there so they could piss. fucking christ i think i'd rather just die

>> No.46480739

how good is this really

>> No.46480741

it be liek dat

>> No.46480742

yeah i much prefer that chink whore with the silky skin and fat milkers who is always half naked in every video

>> No.46480746

I don't like it either. It feels disingenuous and inauthentic, on top of being overly edgy.

>> No.46480748

742 you're cringe

>> No.46480750

dno about that

>> No.46480762

animenz can easily nail the original sounds cuz he has perfect pitch

>> No.46480766

is having perfect pitch like having a high iq but for music

>> No.46480767

i like it. it's worth giving it a shot, it's way more thoughtful and well done than almost all of the slop that comes out nowadays. also they actually put effort into making it look good. i love yuuki aoi though so thats a plus as well

>> No.46480771

>cuz he has perfect pitch
cuz he's chinese*

>> No.46480773

that arrangement is kinda mid bro. shoulda went with tg. he just shat this one out for views

>> No.46480776

for me, it's the erhu. might buy one and try to learn it.

>> No.46480783

was hoseki no kuni just the spiritual successor for rwby

>> No.46480784

i knew a guy in college with perfect pitch who could visualize and type the score for entire orchestras live on first listen. he could instantly play anything he heard on piano, could effortlessly compose and improvise based on what he heard in his head, etc. so i would say yeah

>> No.46480791

vast majority of people with perfect pitch cant do those things though, that guy sounds like a music savant.

>> No.46480804

no since the manga was already a year into its run when rwby came out

>> No.46480807

no its not. perfect pitch just has to farmed by your parents from pre birth to like 3 years old otherwise youre fucked. its an acquired skill

>> No.46480809

perfect pitch also has tiers. if recognition really is instant then with some practice you can reach that level

>> No.46480813

perfect pitch like this kid has is like seeing a color, but for sound. this guy trained his kid for it

>> No.46480820

rick beato is based

>> No.46480821

perfect pitch cannot be trained. also that kid has excellent memory along with recognition ability because he's able to keep the notes in his head so you probably also need that

>> No.46480830

kid is 140+ iq

>> No.46480839

oh my fucking god these stupid cunt dogs are still barking.

>> No.46480843

moe is right

>> No.46480850

moe moe kyun

>> No.46480851

What were you right about?

>> No.46480855

blud thinks an rng drop

>> No.46480866


>> No.46480881
File: 400 KB, 488x434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the capacity for an executive trait is more possible at higher iq levels

>> No.46480900

all the good stuff in life is genetic bros
iq looks health base lifespan talents you name it

>> No.46480904

mental health too

>> No.46480916




>> No.46480921

im not moe tho and he was right about everything

>> No.46480922

howd you do on the genetic lottery? as for me

>pretty smart

>6 inch dick
>sweat a lot
>narrow shoulders

>> No.46480929

>im not moe tho
That's not possible
>he was right about everything
That's also not possible

>> No.46480931

>>pretty smart

>> No.46480935

>pretty smart
>doxxxes himself

>> No.46480940

idk ive never done any legit test

>> No.46480945

you've taken the online mensa tests with djt though haven't you?

>> No.46480952

if you mean the mensa.dk one i got 120 on that

>> No.46480958

it is tho

>> No.46480963

31 points above your national average is good yeah

>> No.46480966

damn didnt realize we were that stupid as a people but it makes a lot of things make sense lol

>> No.46480980

Which one?

>> No.46480995

music during sex y/n?

>> No.46481002

if you perform on average 120 at all things your composite iq would be 123

>> No.46481013

ons no cause im always too drunk to remember to put it on but with gf sometimes bossa nova

>> No.46481039

god's miso soup

>> No.46481074



>> No.46481081
File: 544 KB, 3007x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46481086

dunno never had sex never will

>> No.46481112


>> No.46481120


>> No.46481146

you're solidly in the 120s, maybe 125 which is a decent iq. can do coding and most jobs with moderate complexity well. 125 would place you at 136 nationally which breaks into the top 1% so you can be very successful at your workplace

>> No.46481158

sounds about right from my experience. no gf though so its meaningless

>> No.46481202

>still no gf
its so over

>> No.46481221

there is general agreement among men on ratings of female attractiveness and the ratings seem to be normally distributed. it's a numbers game

>> No.46481239
File: 103 KB, 1200x675, GGi18KOasAA56GV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46481272
File: 193 KB, 1668x1186, Human Capital Mediates Natural Selection in Contemporary Humans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is inversely proportional to gf tho

>> No.46481311

>adhd faggots are selected for the most

>> No.46481377
File: 15 KB, 839x110, 7685765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vocaloidlyrics can be used for reference? I don't really get some of the subs posted there

>> No.46481390

namesimasu?? namesimasu?? mlenmao

>> No.46481427




>> No.46481448
File: 3.40 MB, 1121x5443, かける.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46481449
File: 247 KB, 986x940, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first memecard (*‘ω‘ *)

[/spoiler]How do I increase the overall size of the template without zoom in[/spoiler]

>> No.46481458

just immerse

>> No.46481475


>> No.46481476

i was talking about boogiepop phantom from 2000. much better show. also amazing op

>> No.46481480


>> No.46481483

why do i hear satsukoi playing in the back of all these vocaroos

>> No.46481486


>> No.46481497


>> No.46481540




>> No.46481784

what apps/tools/etc. do you guys use
don't link me the op guides i'm looking for things not there

>> No.46481787


>> No.46481809

hope youre feeling better bro

>> No.46481823

you dont get kinos like kissxsis no more now you get the safest horny slop to comply with jp lawmakers

>> No.46481825

why would u want pedo content

>> No.46481829

because i am one? the fuck you asking

>> No.46481835


>> No.46481838

is lipsurf a scam? i want to do some of my practice with dictation

>> No.46481847

you nibbas really come up with a new website or new course every single day hoping it will help u avoid srs instead of just sitting down to do personal anki decks & immersing

>> No.46481852

yeah shame on me for wanting to do my SRS and practice speaking

>> No.46481856

you cant learn a language with srs

>> No.46481858

yeah i hate these faggots using dictionaries and tools and textbooks
just tune into japanese TV and learn everything through context clues

>> No.46481863

i hate all you faggots

>> No.46481865

hate gatekeeping niggers like u too

>> No.46481867

dictionaries tools and textbooks are just excuses to skip anki
actually no idea why you included dictionary cuz anyone who uses anki uses a dictionary to make their own deck so ig ur just dumb

>> No.46481869

>using anki when you can handwrite flashcards instead

>> No.46481887

skip your life

>> No.46481894

>no argument left
>immediately jumps to a death wish
kek, do antis really

>> No.46481896

what the fuck is an anti

>> No.46481899

bro is so retarded he cant feel out what an anti is lmfao let me guess ydkj

>> No.46481905

cute card
many things in css will scale with the font size

>> No.46481906

ankitards really get defensive when anyone suggests something that isn't a glorified version of a learning method made 1000000 years ago

>> No.46481908

if you're using 4chanX, you can press ctrl+s to automatically produce spoiler tags

>> No.46481910

this also works on vanilla 4chan

>> No.46481917

does it also work on chocolate 4chan :clown:

>> No.46481921
File: 56 KB, 654x680, choccy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent tried, but i sure hope so

>> No.46481924

yeah based

>> No.46481929

true true

>> No.46481931

your mom drinks choccy milk

>> No.46481937


>> No.46481946

damn thats so true
but is it really about japan law?

>> No.46481966
File: 1.25 MB, 600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this finna be my 1st raw novel to read
picked cuz 8 hours to finish
how hard is it?

>> No.46481982

piss easy

>> No.46482000


>> No.46482029

pissing can be quite hard sometimes

>> No.46482037

you should see a doctor

>> No.46482074
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>> No.46482112
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just argued against this massive effortpost as to why loli is supposedly immoral
hopefully he will reply soon ganbatte

>> No.46482122


>> No.46482133
File: 131 KB, 800x800, 1711872445781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh this is also why im learning jap

>> No.46482156

can't read cuz i'm all nutted out already

>> No.46482165

is the lolinco virgo popular in japan?
i wonder what kind of reviews they write for onaholes in jp

>> No.46482167

on that subject, need me an anime like vividred operation again

>> No.46482171

nah blud
that shit was mid af

>> No.46482172

but them tiddies though

>> No.46482173

just watched boku no pico so when someone jokes around about it i can say i actually watched it and watch their reaction

>> No.46482179
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damn thats actually so sad & fkn disgusting
anyway, javotd: SDAB-273

>> No.46482186

already saw

>> No.46482211

what's sad about it

>> No.46482216

that there is outrage about a legal adult making porn

>> No.46482218

pico spilled his ice cream

>> No.46482219
File: 809 KB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tsueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i see, yeah makes sense

>> No.46482227

is it by ミニマム

>> No.46482238

id spill my ice cream too if i saw her iykwim

>> No.46482291

Why did none of the 140cm actresses spark interernational outrage

>> No.46482293
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tsueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46482300

>don't worry, you won't be raped

>> No.46482357


>> No.46482405

>The requested URL was not found on this server.

>> No.46482426


>> No.46482443

as opposed to... smartass?

>> No.46482450

her face is way too ugly in closeups, it couldn't fap to it

>> No.46482459

pearls before swine

>> No.46482461


>> No.46482476

nice self-own, you don't deserve my based opinion, dumb simp

>> No.46482482
File: 838 KB, 1441x2048, DLRAW.TO_094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ママ活 with a JK

>> No.46482497

you sound like a woman

>> No.46482512

you clearly never interacted with a woman then. another self-own, keep them coming

>> No.46482523

of course you know all about how women interact you stupid faggot lol

>> No.46482546

just had チーギュー for the first time at 松屋
was mid

>> No.46482557
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Sounds like the climatic chapter.

>> No.46482597







>> No.46482632


>> No.46482645


>> No.46482653


>> No.46482660


>> No.46482710

filtering is hiding stuff that threatens you

>> No.46482741


>> No.46482776

mom almost saw the post-anki onahole
good thing it was mostly hidden under a towel so she didnt see much

>> No.46482784

shinjisisters... not like this....

>> No.46482795

>End of Evangelion
finally that overrated garbage ended
its the most pretentious pos ive ever seen with tons of silent scenes where nothing is happening as if its cinematic kino

>> No.46482899

>live action

>> No.46482902
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>> No.46482917

hit my balls too many times at the end of my strokes and now they hurt

>> No.46482921
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has ANYONE seen pic related? it's top 10 in literally every single anime rating website but i haven't met a single person who talked about it, let alone watched it, both online and offline

>> No.46482949

>DMCAing tweets (i.e. text)

>> No.46482956

what would have happened if she saw

>> No.46482963

whats it called

>> No.46483001
File: 912 KB, 960x540, [VCB-Studio] Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tsueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru [03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac]-[01.56.616-02.04.541].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46483048

is that what they call "born for the role"?

>> No.46483117
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>> No.46483134

all twitter users should be round up and gassed

>> No.46483180

twitters dead

>> No.46483292

sangatsu no lion

>> No.46483301

all i remember about this show is dropping it in the first ep

>> No.46483352

i love sigatu no lion

>> No.46483375

sangatu no based

>> No.46483433

sangatsu no watch

>> No.46483436
File: 568 KB, 1200x1800, 20230122hakusi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Boss of Japanese appears

>> No.46483492

id just tell that guy im not reading all that shit

>> No.46483534
File: 63 KB, 465x659, images (1) (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46483540

and id yell "he cant" from the back

>> No.46483558

even in your fantasies youre jerking it in the corner

>> No.46483587

i found that nibbas that get the most zesty about ga vs wa dont know when to use which themselves

>> No.46483592

i enjoy sitting in the shadows

>> No.46483615


>> No.46483627


>> No.46483630

your mamas a black hole

>> No.46483715

link the new thread tards

>> No.46483721


>> No.46484044


>> No.46484067

sir i think you meant to write proofs?

>> No.46487155

