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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 176 KB, 620x554, shin-megami-tensei-strange-journey-box-artwork-ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4644964 No.4644964 [Reply] [Original]

So who here is getting PUMPED for next week?

>> No.4644967

Is this coming out already?

>> No.4644971

Who would buy a game with such shitty cover art?

>> No.4644974

Have you seen Touhou cover art?

>> No.4644980

Yeah, on the 23rd.

>> No.4644982

No one buys the Touhou games.

>> No.4644983

I don't get what is the hype about this game. Also, why announcing it 3 years ago. Really, it sucks so bad.

>> No.4644985

But we're all secondaryfags.

>> No.4644986

Too busy playing Pokemon

>> No.4644992

>announcing it 3 years ago
The what now

>> No.4644996

lol megami tensei...

>> No.4644993 [DELETED] 

>announcing it 3 years ago
The what now

>> No.4645005

Shut up secondary-troll.
Also, touhou covers are fucking awesome.

>> No.4645009

Are there any dating sim elements or is it just dungeon crawling?

>> No.4645010

I didn't even finish Devil Survivor yet.

And I agree, what an awful cover.

>> No.4645013

Just dungeon crawling thankfully

>> No.4645017

I'm more pumped up for Infinite Space tomorrow

>> No.4645019

Actually I'm buying all of them

>> No.4645025 [DELETED] 

Then why is it on /jp/?

>> No.4645028
File: 7 KB, 128x235, 1267718526872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't even finish Devil Survivor yet.

>> No.4645031 [DELETED] 

Because /v/ could care less about a dungeon crawler and it'd turn into another Persona VS main series shitstorm

>> No.4645034

Regardless of what you want others to believe, everyone here started as a secondaryfag. Maybe we play the games now, but that doesn't matter.

>> No.4645037

Ah fuck! I forgot I had this game, I need to finish it.

>> No.4645038

Good ol' dungeon crawling. Didn't knew it was coming to the west so soon.

>> No.4645049 [DELETED] 

>could care less
Always makes me frustrated.

>> No.4645048
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>> No.4645061 [DELETED] 

The ones who start those shitstorms are the try hard faggots who think you can only like smt or persona and not both.

>> No.4645064

Regardless of what you want others to believe, secondaryfag is an extremely retarded term, who the fuck cares about how you started, what matters is now. ANYWAY, the fact that some people mistakenly use it to refer to pooshlmer like people is the only reason it's still being used.

>> No.4645079 [DELETED] 

>Only liking one thing and not both
That's 90% of /v/ you're talking about.

>> No.4645071 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I can't stand that.

>> No.4645074 [DELETED] 

You're such a niner.

>> No.4645082 [DELETED] 

You're such a secondary.

>> No.4645088 [DELETED] 

Get out secondaryfag!

>> No.4645097 [DELETED] 

So? Just because a game isn't well received on /v/ doesn't mean it goes on /jp/.

>> No.4645119 [DELETED] 

Yes it does, plus, it's completely /jp/ related

>> No.4645130 [DELETED] 

No, it doesn't.

>> No.4645140 [DELETED] 

Shitty dungeon crawling is /jp/ related now? Guess we better start having Pokemon Mystery Dungeon threads too.

>> No.4645141 [DELETED] 

>Otaku Culture
Yes it is.

>> No.4645144 [DELETED] 

Yes it does
Touhou is the perfect damn example

>> No.4645162 [DELETED] 

Pokemon is related now. This is great.

>> No.4645165 [DELETED] 

/v/ liked PMD and had threads about it

>> No.4645164

Meido allows it.

>> No.4645173 [DELETED] 

I fucking love Pokemon

>> No.4645167 [DELETED] 

What's your point?

>> No.4645174 [DELETED] 

/v/ cared about PMD
they don't care about this game

>> No.4645176 [DELETED] 

People who don't are monsters.

>> No.4645188 [DELETED] 

Then Touhou doesn't belong here.

>> No.4645184 [DELETED] 

What does that have to do with anything? If /v/ were to all of a sudden not care about game X, that doesn't mean it goes on /jp/.

>> No.4645220 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter, it's a video game, it goes on /v/ along with Aika Online and Ar Tonelico

>> No.4645211 [DELETED] 

Except one of the reasons /jp/ was created was for Touhou. Not to mention doujinshi goes on /jp/. Or wait, you're just trolling right? No one could be that stupid.

>> No.4645212 [DELETED] 

You're missing the point entirely

>> No.4645225 [DELETED] 

There was no point to miss.

>> No.4645228 [DELETED] 

/jp/ was made for touhou. the other shit goes on /v/.

>> No.4645242 [DELETED] 

No, you're the idiot for thinking /jp/ is only Touhou. /jp/ is everything related to otaku culture, this kind of games are entirely related.

>> No.4645248 [DELETED] 

Nope sorry, it's a video game, it goes on /v/. Also because Phoenix Wright is /v/, so are all visual novels. Pack your bags.

>> No.4645250

At first I was like "What is a LEGO dude doing on the cover?".

Then I was still pretty puzzled. Noticing they stole stole the Star Wars typeface only made things more confusing.

>> No.4645253 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ is everything related to otaku culture
That doesn't already have a board. This is why anime and manga are supposed to be in /a/, and not /jp/.

>> No.4645268 [DELETED] 

By this logic shit like Naruto and Bleach can be posted here.

>> No.4645259 [DELETED] 

But visual novels aren't game but they aren't a book either.

>> No.4645275

Fuck, it IS a lego dude

>> No.4645284

Woah awesome, Dead Space DS?

>> No.4645281 [DELETED] 

Phoenix Wright is just like a VN but it's on /v/ so all visual novels belong on /v/

>> No.4645292 [DELETED] 

Indeed, but everyone here hates that shit so nobody does it.

>> No.4645293 [DELETED] 

>like a VN
So you're saying it's not actually a VN just similar? Great, no problem then.

>> No.4645313 [DELETED] 

This is all fucking retarded, all japanese games belong here whether you like it or not, it's also just a fuckign thread, if you don't like it, ignore like we all do with the idol threads. Fuck.

>> No.4645321

Well the gaylord's gone thanks to the meido.

>> No.4645325

Not nearly as awesome

>> No.4645332 [DELETED] 

>all japanese games
Why all Japanese games? This isn't Japan/General any more remember? Halo and shit should belong here too.

>> No.4645331

No. /jp/ was made after Beasts Lair and ShrineMaiden invaded /a/ and /v/ with their faggotry. Beasts Lair with their LOL24IMAGEDUMPTHREADS (one they literally hit the image limit for 23 threads full of Saber images all threads active and everything. Actually I remember it used to be a commonly posted screencap haven't seen it in a while). And Shrinemaiden was worse they were on both /a/ and /v/. Moot then started /jp/ and said this is for all visual novel and Touhou faggotry.

>> No.4645337

In before deleted.

>> No.4645341

Not all Japanese games, just stuff too obscure for /v/. A main series SMT game that hasn't been released in the US yet falls under that category.

>> No.4645346

What is there to be discussed about a game that hasn't been released yet?

>> No.4645349

It's hilarious that FFXIII isn't even one of the two best RPGs coming out this month.

>> No.4645355

oh joy, I can fight some monsters, take 5 steps and fight a slighty different combination of the same monsters I fought 5 seconds ago. Japan needs to stop this shit.

>> No.4645359

What are the two best RPGs coming out this month?

>> No.4645363

Halo is japanese?

>> No.4645374

What does being Japanese have to do with anything? Otakus play games regardless of their origin. And this is Otaku Culture is it not?

>> No.4645369 [DELETED] 

You can't convince FF fanboys that though.

>> No.4645376

>can't discuss a game that hasn't been released yet
Damn son.
Also it's been out in Japan for a while and I figured at least a few other people here have played it.

>> No.4645379

You can't convince FF fanboys otherwise.

>> No.4645381

What do you suggest then oh wise sage?

>> No.4645385

I don't see any actual discussion though. More like a thread full of trolling.

>> No.4645391

Because you're here.

>> No.4645393

Then feel free to discuss.

>> No.4645396

It will have piracy protection anyway

>> No.4645400

I don't remember the Japanese version having any

>> No.4645401

It's not like that's ever stopped anyone before.

>> No.4645403

This goes on /v/.

>> No.4645405


I'm getting this game, just cause 2, and tomarrow i'm getting god of war 3.

>> No.4645411

I wish retards weren't allowed to post.

>> No.4645421

Tell that to Pokemon SS/HG

>> No.4645426

But I have no problem playing those.

>> No.4645427

How was the anti-piracy on that?

>> No.4645438

How so? it freezes every 30 min

>> No.4645446

I was not paying attention to my typing.


>> No.4645449

I don't know what to tell you. Does it vary depending on which card and stuff you're using?

>> No.4645459

So uh, how about that nolucifer? How does this make you feel?

>> No.4645462

SMT is the only RPG series I can still enjoy. Looking forward to playing Strange Journey in English.

>> No.4645463

Which one are you using?

>> No.4645476

The Acekard for the DSi.

>> No.4645500

I don't know, I thought all of them where not supposed to work, and there's still not a patch.
I'm using a DSTT, it freezes every 20-30 min.

>> No.4645505
File: 196 KB, 430x500, Resonance-of-Fate_2009_12-14-09_01.jpg_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more excited about this and Infinite Space tomorrow

>> No.4645520

Same for me. Even though I'm playing Star Ocean the Last Hope right now.

>> No.4645521


a lot of /v/ users are playing it fine

check emulation forums, there's probably a patch. i remember diamond/pearl had problems initially, too.

>> No.4645528

I need a PS3, goddamn.

>> No.4645547

You'll have to help me with this one, I've been looking everywhere and am exhausted.

>> No.4645552


it's also available for the 360; it looks marginally better than the ps3 version from the four screenshot comparisons i've seen.

unfortunately, my 360 red ringed last week

>> No.4645593

Neither did I. I got obsessed with making the perfect Murmur and stopped before the Belberith fight. Come to think of it, I never finished Etrian Odyssey II or Knights in the Nightmare either... maybe I should pass on this one.

>> No.4645634

I do have a 360!
Just got FFXIII for it, you can convert wave 6 to 4 and below right?

>> No.4645652

I always thought that figure on the cover looked more like a character out of a Super Sentai show than a lego figure, but whatever.

I like my dungeon crawling just fine (still grinding away to level 99 for my characters in Etrian Odyssey II, oh boy), but not interested in this for whatever reason.

>> No.4645658

Goddamn, I still haven't finished any of those, why am I leaving so many DS games unfinished?

>> No.4645669

Oh hey I think I put in a preorder for this a few months ago. Guess I'll find out if I get a call.

>> No.4645701


dug around a bit

from this thread (scroll down): http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=214163


Working (about 95%):
- Acekard2i w/ AKAIO Firmware
- DeSmuME 0.9.5
- NO$GBA With Fix
- CycloDS

Vaguely working (still have freezing issue, which makes them unplayable after a point):
* You will have to save every 2 minutes at the beginning, and every 15 or so seconds after the third badge
- R4i SDHC (RTS) w/ Firmware 2.6f
- EDGE w/ Firmware 1.8
- M3/G6 DS Real w/ Firmware 4.7h or newest Sakura
- Supercard DSOne Evolution OS
- DeSmuME 0.9.5 x64
- Supercard Lite (Slot 2 card)
- M3 Pro/Lite (Slot 2 card)
- M3i Zero

Confirmed Not Working on the Following Cards (Some might somewhat work):
- M3DS Real [Unreported Firmware]
- DSTT w/ Firmware 1.17a07
- DS One w/ EOS SP1
- R4
- All reported R4DS cards and clones, although, there have been some reports that the latest 1.31 firmware works.

>> No.4645722

Aw man

>> No.4645763

It looks incredibly uninteresting to me.

>> No.4645776

Well, it is a dungeon crawler.

>> No.4645820


I have no problem with dungeon crawlers.

Just this game in particular.

>> No.4645892

I have SS on the Acekard 2i with AKAIO 1.6 RC1.

20 hours clocked, 4 freezes so far, two in the first 4 hours. Very, very playable. Just make a habit of saving often. The new menu system makes it easy as hell anyways.

>> No.4645905 [DELETED] 

Did the English ROM leak, or are you playing it in Japanese?

>> No.4645910

It's been leaked since Saturday.

>> No.4645916

It's been out for a few days bro.

>> No.4645974

I deleted my post when I realized he was talking about Pokemon and not this game.

>> No.4646029

I'm sure you would love it if it was full of moeblobs.

>> No.4646046

I might play it after I finish FF XIII.

>> No.4646084

I'll just wait for a patch, there's always one. I got about 4 hours on a DSTT 1.17a07, freezes now and then, but I'm told after you get the 3rd badge it becomes unplayable.

>> No.4646146

im@s DS still not, DSTT at least
seems one need DSTTi

>> No.4646158

i eat my own words

FRA 3922 - Mon Coach Personnel: Mes Recettes Plaisir et Ligne
USA 3929 - Classic Word Games
EUR 3938 - Classic Word Games[User Posted Image]
EUR 3939 - My Cooking Coach: Prepare Healthy Recipes
USA 3949 - My Healthy Cooking Coach
GER 3952 - Mein Koch-Coach: Gesund und Lecker Kochen
FRA 3970 - Bravissi-Mots
ITA 3980 - Il Mio Coach di Cucina: Prepara cibi sani e gustosi DS
SPA 4040 - Mi Experto en Cocina: Comida Saludable
JPN 4187 - THE iDOLM@STER: Dearly Stars
KOR 4217 - Rhythm World
USA 4225 - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

>> No.4647138
File: 151 KB, 300x300, image381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm definitely PUMPED
just with a superior dungeon crawler.

>> No.4647148

what the FUCK is that.

>> No.4647161
File: 85 KB, 769x947, day_of_saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some bros on Beasts Lair though
Shrinemaiden may be lol but there was never anything wrong with a good Touhou hijack

>> No.4647171

Heck yeah! Can't wait for that either.

>> No.4647175



>> No.4647213

>implying casual anime dungeon crawler for babies will be better than strange journey
i'm still hyped for eo3 though

>> No.4647221

Dunno, I'm still engrossed in Elona...

>> No.4647223
File: 46 KB, 128x170, 510227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime dungeon crawler for babies

>> No.4647226
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>casual anime dungeon crawler for babies
>etrian odyssey

>> No.4647232
File: 35 KB, 150x150, portrait_shirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone has played the games they criticise with sweeping statements.

>> No.4647233

sorry i meant for GAY babies

>> No.4647250
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>> No.4647291
File: 313 KB, 393x294, _1259079379488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's better

btw, you guys got to hear this one track from the EO doujin album
Yuzo Koshiro + Queen = We Will SQ!

>> No.4648474

was there a pre-order bonus this time or no?

>> No.4648477

I'm just surprised that /jp/ hates megaten.

>> No.4648482

So, who exactly is the cover guy supposed to be? Is it also based on a myth/existent sci-fi character, or is it really an original character?

>> No.4648493


/jp/ hates everything.

>> No.4648496

Either the main character or one of his allies.

>> No.4648497

Just a OST i think.

>> No.4648505
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>> No.4648511
File: 108 KB, 585x597, 8510298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4648533
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>> No.4648789

Who else is saying "Logic be damned" and making a full Pirate and Viking team?

>> No.4648822

/jp/ is casual

this game will annihilate.

>> No.4648833


it's been the same grinding bullshit for almost 20 years

>> No.4648839


you only need to grind if you suck. learn better strategy.

>> No.4649007
File: 60 KB, 500x470, 925594_124848_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played this? I thought it'd be like rance but there are no events and no story, just conquer every country while no one says anything; it feels really lifeless and empty. It's a shame, since it has some fappable characters (there's even a loli and a shota that don't age).

>> No.4649041

Is there a rom and patch for Infinite Space yet?

>> No.4649042

Why the fuck would you expect Rance?

>> No.4649294 [DELETED] 


>> No.4649308


>> No.4649330


Made me remember the old saturn game Dragon Force.


Damn, that game was cash.

>> No.4649377

So this finally got released in North America?
Is it a straight copy of the EU version so there isnt any voice acting? JPN version is almost fully voiced but the EU publisher cut out all the sound file connections so it cant be even patched.

Here is the trailer for the updated PSP version

>> No.4649406

It works on R4 until you've entered/exited places where there is a scene change (e.g. entering a house or a cave) 22 or 24 times. Then you get a freeze.

>> No.4649411

CycloDS with new firmware works perfectly.

>> No.4649431

95% of the time that is.

>> No.4649450

Haven't had a single freeze in 7 hours.

>> No.4649588

Fucking bastards. Did they remove content too or is it normal that you spend hours conquering countries and no story is triggered? Also I noticed I downloaded the EUR version, seems no one bothered to rip the USA version yet.

>> No.4649623

So, wait...did it have objectionable content, and in response, they removed all dialogue and storyline from the game?

>> No.4649793

No, the EU publisher just didnt want to pay the royalties for a plethora amount of voice actors.
That's pretty unusual, if you check the extra section for the game that has the character event, you can see that there is plenty of content. Some characters trigger scenes when fighting someone they know.

I wish someone would just make a cheat to unlock all the events in the game.

>> No.4649843

I don't know. Haven't seen the new character portraits yet.
