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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 585 KB, 856x1113, kiAra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46458949 No.46458949 [Reply] [Original]

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous: >>46330118

>> No.46459268


>> No.46459769
File: 698 KB, 2508x3541, ce2946ca0106636bcca8b0e772ea09355861df136cd79de8aa792c2f72f2acf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46459810


>> No.46460085
File: 452 KB, 1488x2197, 97dad50f27a21541d29ce3057643b0458e31f584499e27da465475710fa58bb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Miku? https://youtu.be/frtvKPJgQ80

>> No.46460101
File: 376 KB, 2000x2000, __kasane_teto_and_kasane_teto_utau_and_1_more_drawn_by_yassu__97c597e07555e65652960bb0470d7050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46460182

Yeah sounds like a low GEN miku.

>> No.46460197


>> No.46460338
File: 609 KB, 2048x1536, 1696587181432179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all those signatures!

>> No.46461066

new r sound desgin

>> No.46462150
File: 873 KB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_7350447353058331946.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Western Vocaloid community has apparently discovered SatapanP and is trying to cancel him. Yababaina (and his shorts) went viral on tiktok introducing a lot of Westerners to him. They looked more into him, instantly discovered he's a "pedophile" and are brigading a lot of his accounts and videos. As a result he's removed the English subtitles on MVs like ちっぱいがいっぱい and it seems to be working because obviously these guys aren't able to read Japanese

>> No.46462311

>not trying to help and rehabilitate the mentally ill
fugging leftists are hypocritical and frankly sociopathic.

>> No.46462319

go back to where you got this video from

>> No.46462329

if I cover vocaloid songs am I allowed to post them here? I have no friends.

>> No.46462335

That's extremely interesting!
Unfortunately people here will not appreciate this info, you should definitely go to twitter or reddit to discuss such things instead
Also this place is not very good for any kind of decent vocaloid discussion either way, I recommend permanently moving to other platform

>> No.46462337

Yes, we won't be your friends and I'll tell you how lame it sounds if it does, but post them here anyways

>> No.46462398

Glad that you found the information interesting

>> No.46462490

Can I make fun of you?

>> No.46463866

dont care what faggots on reddit/twitter/tiktok think and neither should producers. pedophilia is gross and weird but these same people are trannies, faggots, people of gender, furries, and participants in all kinds of other weird sex fetishes, possibly even pedos themselves. they dogpile on lolicons and pedos as a way to trollshield.

its unfortunate because a lot of these people are very sensitive and disappear from sight after getting brigaded by faggots.

>> No.46464146
File: 182 KB, 640x931, 1706645196244953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit thread can we just start a new one

>> No.46464241

you WILL focus on only drama and you WILL like it

>> No.46464319

>The Western Vocaloid community
Why would you ever engage with them?

>> No.46464382

I guess because they engage with producers and artists and just try ruining everything, so some people take to trying to gatekeep them in some way or another

>> No.46464388

Sure thing bud.

>> No.46464411


>> No.46464532

Sure would be nice if they stayed in their own corners of the internet. But alas, they have to harass producers for the thing they supposedly like

>> No.46464626

why do they have a better thread than us /vocaloid/ros...

>> No.46464680

I don't like vtubers

>> No.46464695
File: 2.67 MB, 1203x1756, ahnr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time hearing SynthV ANRI Arcane (Anri version 2) and it sounds great in Japanese. Normally Anri is an English voicebank so this is one of their official demos for the "use your voicebank in another language" feature.

>> No.46464819
File: 990 KB, 2048x2048, 1687368361178942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Lots of big and old producers in there.
Also some newer ones (2020 is new) like saikawa and hiiragi magnetite etc. Amazing community really.

>> No.46464903

Anyone here going to Miko Expo NA? I impulse bought tickets and really don't know what to expect

>> No.46464921

I'm going to both showings in San Jose and the other one in Los Angeles

>> No.46464929

Looks like it was a huge event with ~180 people.
Also namiguru and koushi being there makes me smile. Old meme song creators passing the baton to the new ones.

>> No.46464939

Oh right as for what to expect, if it's reserved seating you should be fine but if it's like the standing VIP try to line up earlyish so you can get a decent spot. People are going to power walk and try to push past you when doors open so stand your ground. Otherwise it's really fun, there's a big difference between live shows and listening at home. Buy concert earplugs off amazon to save your precious eardrums.

>> No.46465452
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, 269679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I also appreciate the advice. Going to the Van show next week, nervous as hell. I've got VIP tickets but won't be able to get there very early so I'm hoping my spot in the pit isn't too bad. I'm sure it'll be a blast either way. Is there usually a separate line for VIP?

>> No.46465646


>> No.46465664


>> No.46465842
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, zunda_party_night_guitar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zundamon is so cool

>> No.46466123

Bunda Party Night

>> No.46466722

I enjoy porn of them, but that's it

>> No.46467152


>> No.46467407

new from shannon
new from sneedcide

>> No.46467511

Check out this shikisai track, it's pretty good

Released his first album this week, would recommend the whole thing honestly. It's on YouTube or wherever you normally listen to music streaming.

>> No.46467865

new 3

>> No.46467909

Recommend me a vocaloid song to cure my RABBIT HOLE addiction.

I prefer Miku / Rin / Luka voice.

>> No.46468028

Deco music before he started to produce slop.

>> No.46468038

His music is still great, they just have a very different vibe now.
Salamander is easily one of his greatest works.

>> No.46468046

Nah, it's all the same creatively bankrupt shit appealing to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.46468080

^You sound like you'd enjoy pagpag

>> No.46468336


just my opinion but the old deco classics like hibana, otome, mkdr, ghost rule, etc... these songs cannot be topped by current deco.

>> No.46468435

>old deco classics
>ghost rule
>not mozaik role or coward montblanc
He’s a one man microcosm of how vocaloid music has gotten faster

>> No.46468505

by old deco classics, doesn't that anon mean something like this one?

try this maybe? It's a completely different type though

>> No.46468536

I said what I meant

>> No.46468540

>old deco classics
>all 2015+
How young are you?

I still listen to this one. It's been in my playlist pretty much since I got into Vocaloid.

>> No.46468565

I'll be 40 soon, so same age as many here.

>> No.46468571

most people here are 60+ thobeit

>> No.46468577

damn I guess I am really young then.

>> No.46468586

you have to be over 30 to post in this thread

>> No.46468592

reading comprehension level: pag pag eater

>> No.46468622


>> No.46468656

take over my earworm then

>> No.46468688

still listen to it also. I like the lyrics

>> No.46468803
File: 113 KB, 1199x674, 1711408377205798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46468844

Doesn't even resemble Miku.

>> No.46469269

I do appreciate tanned Mikus

>> No.46469470

Konton boogie

>> No.46469927

Just for confirmations sake, you're not actually going to have any problems for bringing in your own lightsticks to the shows, right? Its the cheap, generic lightstick that I have, and since I've never brought it to a Miku show I just don't know how serious they are about that rule. I could always just frost the plastic with clear matte paint if they check brightness or something.
Also, I forgot to keep up on the merch release so I guess I won't be getting a happi this year. Good think too because I do not remember them being more than $40. At least I've got an old one I can wear.
Yeah, theres going to be a separate line for VIP. At least, there has been at every concert that I've ever been to with VIP/early entrance tickets.

>> No.46470058

Very summery
I can smell the pool water

>> No.46470668
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, FZXmDlVUsAAJxtn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanned Mikus are super dangerous, especially this one.

>> No.46470825

not gonna lie the entirety of the vocaloid fanbase is very sus

>> No.46471023

where can i see all racing miku designs by year

>> No.46471095
File: 1.06 MB, 700x1055, 7a8bab240e965a60b76c55a6fe2fc3cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the boxing going? Still doing it every day?

>> No.46471633

someday iyowa will be comissioned to make an anime opening, signifying a departure from vocaloid and I will panic and end my life

>> No.46471700

surely he'll still be writing in that weird off-canter jazzy style.

once かめりあ ditched vocaloid entirely i was really disappointed, but not as much as i was disappointed to see him stop producing in a weeb jazz style in favor of wubstep and other shit genres.

>> No.46471718

I wish there was a VR version of this game. VR fitness games are great, and I play them almost every day.

>> No.46472077


New teto album dropping in 50mins, please support teto world domination

>> No.46472206

How are we feeling? I’m between 2 and 5.

>> No.46472242

I'm feeling a 0

>> No.46472263

6 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 1 > 4
They don't especially jump out to me but they have some nicer details

>> No.46472284

1 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 6 > 2

>> No.46472292

2 5 6 1 4 3
Honestly, not too much of a fan of any of them. On their own, I think that 5 is the best design, but I really like big hammers and I think it'll be the easiest one to make alt pieces for
All the GSR racing miku are on their site

>> No.46472304

Starting any minute now

>> No.46472318

Nendos are cute though and good merch to have since people won't judge you for it unlike something like a scale figure

>> No.46472711
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, 前 後ろ 前 後ろ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going strong brother. Most days consist of doing the daily on normal or heavy, then doing a song or two after. I've bought everything you can buy with the coins, but I still have a lot of the exercise combos to unlock. I also switched the workout goals so it would give me more variety in the dailies, it seemed to be prioritizing jab and straight combos too much.

>> No.46473602

>been listening to Pinocchio-P for like a decade now
>realize all his old stuff makes his new stuff seem uninspired and bland by comparison
>get depressed that things will never be the same again
>feel a sense of overwhelming loss and uncertainty that shakes the foundation of my will to live
how is everyone else doing?

>> No.46473629

kamipoina and reincarnation apple are quite recent and are easily among his best
He's just not consistent.

>> No.46473666

Though true, I do feel like he's been trying to experiment a bit and find his groove again, so fair enough
I still enjoy most of his releases though, Non-Breath Oblige is even my favorite work of his. He definitely had a particular vision there

>> No.46473707

It's because you only remember the bangers from his old stuff. Go back and listen to it all again, he had just as many okay songs as he has today, but he's still putting out plenty of bangers like God-ish and Non-breath Oblige that are way different than what everyone else is doing.

>> No.46473886

PinocchioP peaked with Aimaina.

>> No.46473937

i can't stand reincarnation apple due to misophonia. I can listen to all kinds of bizarre experimental shit but an apple crunching? fuck off video closed. Can't stand any eating sounds.

this is also true, i mentioned in the last thread I did a full discography review of Kikuo but I've done something similar with a lot of the artists who've been around since the early days. We shit on DECO in particular when the majority of his output has generally been pretty mediocre. He's just prolific and technically skilled. When you combine those two things you will inevitably hit gold sometimes, across a long career it's a lot of good songs.

Same thing exists for westoid music. There's a reason the boomer hits stations play a few select songs from every artist while 95% of everyone's discography is forgotten by everyone except dedicated fans.

>> No.46473941


>> No.46474116
File: 75 KB, 702x1000, 080f37fa1b7a385399fe35b763c6500f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you unlocked the last costume for all the characters? I unlocked it for Rin but I'm not sure I understood the unlock conditions, but I think it's do 75 different exercises with one character?

>> No.46474474


>> No.46476462

I want to fill T*to's rabbit holes.

>> No.46477261

should I show my grandma miku?

>> No.46477268

unrelated to your stupid question (yes, of course). one of the comments made me smile.

anime figs are like the hummels of the millennial/zoomer generations. 50 years from now the goodwills will be full of miku figs.

>> No.46477799
File: 2.31 MB, 3300x3000, 7ce86630f058c426e3b7f19fb9a9e2baea46b247bac3027e67fd1fdc07e23f0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku is for everyone.
Just pick something that you think she might enjoy.

>> No.46478654

Same, here's with bare legs

>> No.46480333
File: 132 KB, 1920x1200, 48411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad, I forgot about those. I just checked and I'm at 57/75 with Miku, but it doesn't seem to specify what it's counting. I'll keep checking it to see when it goes up.

Do you ever have inputs register early? I often have ducks register with a very early JUST on my way down, but I thought it was supposed to trigger on your way back up. Hooks sometimes register when I begin to move my arm too instead when I'm actually throwing the punch, but maybe it's just user error.

>> No.46480754
File: 54 KB, 1200x867, The_Forgotten_Song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>title song "The Forgotten Song"
>for some reason I remember it for absolutely no reason over 10 years later

how can someone be such a complete and utter failure as a songwriter?

>> No.46480769

>composer retired in 2011
oh well

>> No.46480792

don't do this to me. whoo leaving music was almost as bad for me as PowaPowa-P dying. I am literally teetering these days

>> No.46480793

a lot of early vocaloid classics are like that. it's part of why i just throw them all in their own folder while everything contemporary is organized by artist.

>> No.46480822

It's nice to see that Dixieflatline is still making music, he was one of the first Vocaloid producers that I got into, I'm surprised to still see him occasionally post something.


>> No.46480856

qrd on kagamine rin and kagamine len? are they married or siblings or what?

>> No.46480870

He kinda got back to making vocaloid recently (probably within the last year) so there was a long hiatus

>> No.46480871

same person (female). nobody has ever seen them in the same place irl just in animations and drawn pics. Len is just Rin in her tomboy getup which is why it is NOT gay to jerk off to "him"

>> No.46480872

they're mirror images of each other and anything past that isn't canon.

>> No.46480875

They're not technically anything but mirror images, hence the name. Typically considered twins by fans but they're anything you want

>> No.46480892

twins but not siblings

>> No.46480941
File: 10 KB, 275x184, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to me they're siblings who form a pop idol duo but also have a secret romance that they keep from the public

>> No.46482253
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, b3e6d1eebe926ce53515c58b875ccb28be2eed1304259bca722296ac13fa2a25.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku <3

>> No.46482309

I got tickets to the NA Hatsune Miku Expo, but I have no idea what songs I can expect them to play. What do they usually play?

>> No.46482343


>> No.46484076
File: 1 KB, 120x120, FACE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lego teto

looks cute, just not entirely sure about the quakeguy smile

>> No.46484179


>Reinvent the future
Uh, Miku Collab?

>> No.46486710


Please say nice things to teto, depending on your timezone

>> No.46486768

Happy birthday drill hair girl! I hope people make more fun songs with your voice

>> No.46486812

sex with iyowa

>> No.46486914

Usually it's a mix of stuff from last year's Magical Mirai, a few classic hits (think senbonzakura, world is mine etc) and a few English songs

>> No.46487664

Teto should not be a slut like Miku.

>> No.46487711
File: 222 KB, 1448x2048, 8580deb54ddc5f085fc4869f070e4c8141add5a78d73367cafb08eb1f7ac0798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? Never heard of her.

>> No.46487755

This, Teto is a hag and no sane man would ever want to fuck her.

>> No.46487897

15.5 in chimera years you bitch migger.

>> No.46488116
File: 1.75 MB, 1810x800, racer_IA-vocaloid(ajigo)_1810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IA too literal who nowdays to get another racing girl outfit
it hurtes

>> No.46488819
File: 680 KB, 600x750, 1691398118974983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46489028
File: 128 KB, 839x1191, GKAdZexbkAAdwbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday to the cutest most adorable UTAU there is!!! I love you Teto!!!!!!

>> No.46489923
File: 740 KB, 648x1423, Ci β.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46490047

Obviously twins but "up to interpretation" when you want to pass the songs that ship them as non-incest.

>> No.46490437
File: 662 KB, 1980x1080, GJ2e7stakAAz6rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new KAITO by mayuko

>> No.46490490
File: 631 KB, 2894x3686, GJSXblwagAA6D8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shes a cool customer

>> No.46492797

Official Miku penlights have an adjusted brightness, others are usually too bright. You're gonna fuck up the reflection on the hologram for everyone unless you lower the brightness.

>> No.46494723

yes i love lemm
he's very good at those orchestra sounds like in Atoropa and Platform 5

>> No.46495124
File: 223 KB, 1997x2002, mikuday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright dutch anons i need your help
I looked at the dutch ticket sale and there is no map layout of the AFAS arena now is there any information on VIP tickets for the Amsterdam expo?
Brussel, Düsseldorf and Berlin have all VIP tickets
so i expect that you can just go to whatever place or seat is open at the AFAS arena?

>> No.46495666

Happy birthday Teto!


>> No.46496038

That new teto album thing

>> No.46496276

Im having a banger with this miku song

>> No.46496329

welcome to 2 years ago. also it really is incredible how much of an impact the right video has on a song's viewcount.

>> No.46496974

For me it was the opposite. Cigarettes are so off-putting. But the song by itself is good.

>> No.46496982 [SPOILER] 
File: 997 KB, 3000x4000, GKGDndhWIAA5DxR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife HATSUNE MIKU is so pretty!

>> No.46497296

it's above-average for pino but look at his other video views, god-ish has more than 2x his next highest, it probably owes 20-30 million views to fallen nun miku.

>> No.46497354

Miku is ugly and bad at singing

>> No.46497379

haha april fools

>> No.46497595

that's my wife HATSUNE MIKU

>> No.46497606


First video for one of the new songs in the fan album here >>46496038

>> No.46497735
File: 106 KB, 500x598, 1682307497224766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best way to put it, I suppose

>> No.46497841

Anyone here tried emulating the new boxing game on PC yet? If I buy joycons will it work? Not very interested in getting a whole Switch just to try one game

>> No.46498229

Look for information about other exercising type of games, if those work this one could probably work as well.

>> No.46498233

I guess I just always assumed that them saying that was more of a "please buy our lightstick" instead of it being a common issue, really. I think I'll just end up buying a cheap one and playing around with dimming it, since I think it could be as easy as just putting paper inside the plastic where the character films usually go. I imagine that'd still diffuse the light enough while toning down a lot of the brightness. If anyone has better ideas for how to do this, let me know, but figured I'd give it a shot with the 10$ lightstick instead of the sold

>> No.46498542

Don't be a faggot is all I can say

>> No.46498651

Yeah, that's the idea. If its too bright, its too bright and I just cut my losses but I wanted to give it a try since I didn't manage to get one of the official lightsticks. From what I heard, they sold out extremely fast anyways, so I might not have even been able to grab one if I was ready

>> No.46498815


>> No.46498845

more teto

>> No.46499130

>seems like no more vocaloid from guiano
Fuck my life

>> No.46499365

That's a real pessimistic way of seeing it. I think he's still going to do vocaloid once in a while, it's just that he's in his normalfag music phase right now so you just gotta bear with it

>> No.46500114
File: 25 KB, 526x402, WOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This song is great to wake up my neighbours

>> No.46501329

I'm sure he will still make Vocaloid. I like his normalfag stuff anyway.

>> No.46502066
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New sazanami feat. Miku


Absolutely adorable.

>> No.46502560
File: 602 KB, 4096x2304, 1697738449988178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46502922

is YM2612 a vocaloid?

it has a vocadb entry

>> No.46503003

My wife teto

>> No.46503174


>> No.46503599

it's not new or anything i'm just linking it because miku is hot

>> No.46503848
File: 243 KB, 720x401, circles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running in Circles 駆け回る / GHPZ feat. Hatsune Miku 初音ミク
i really like the tuning on this one

>> No.46503974
File: 210 KB, 640x457, Yamaha_YM2612_chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a chip. The vocaloid here would be Niro Ichini,

>> No.46503998

>That's just a chip.
Don't talk about my waifu like that

>> No.46504438

Yeah, putting a sheet of paper or two inside should help.

>> No.46505148
File: 434 KB, 2048x1413, 20240402_234842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46505155
File: 425 KB, 1536x2048, 20240402_235746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46505163

Dumb artist slapped a qr code on her face. I didn't realize when I saved it

>> No.46505513

it's actually so broken by the transparency my phone can't read it
what did they mean by this

>> No.46505609

it's realistic... there's literally dozens who went the same way

>> No.46505927


>> No.46506137
File: 341 KB, 1080x1920, __kasane_teto_and_kasane_teto_utau_and_1_more_drawn_by_onion_jounouchi__ed66763843424c495e29463f76684b58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all teto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZcPu4h7sk8 (this one is groovy as hell)

>> No.46506160

I was surprised at first that I had somehow missed these, but then I noticed one even has 8 views only. Wish Youtube had a better way to find new stuff

>> No.46506187

what I usually do is search for 重音テト and filter by uploaded in last 24 hours

>> No.46506207


>> No.46506727


>> No.46507527

'afu in the log

>> No.46508694
File: 359 KB, 1439x1250, GKPfwbxaoAAoZxk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46511412
File: 64 KB, 600x849, una.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46512101

light vocaloid music

>> No.46512235

more teto

>> No.46512365
File: 483 KB, 1200x1697, mikumikubeeeeam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow, Vancouverfags.

>> No.46512842

Teto song, but only on "txitter"

>> No.46513179

Teto in japanese!

>> No.46513198

MM24 song contest winners announced! A Len song won this year.

>> No.46513461


>> No.46513829

40 minutes till I can buy tickets

>> No.46514065

i did get tickets but all the way at the fucking back, will try again tomorrow with general tickets rather than the limited presale

>> No.46514274

god I hope the setlist is decent

>> No.46514309

Are you guys talking about Europe or USA?

Also anyone knows if Europe will also has that crunchyroll only bullshit tickets?

>> No.46514370
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Inspired "just a quick go" on project diva an hour ago :)
Could be a beginner electronics project, snip one wire towards the LED and add a resistor or potentiometer to adjust the brightness. It would be easier to match them if you can borrow an official stick, then paper probably fine.
They aren't going to inspect your lightstick lol. Don't think anyone will care as long as you're not flailing some eye searing off colour pure green monstrosity during a Luka song for example >>46498542 just about being respectful of others enjoyment

>> No.46514498

I was talking about London i don't think it has crunchyroll premium thing

>> No.46515737

All seated tickets are shit, western concerts already have low levels of chanting without then sitting down. If you want the real crowd experience go join arena standing

>> No.46516012
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I liked this teto art

>> No.46516016
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>> No.46516158

Even the official video of that song is a cutehot mmd

>> No.46516736
File: 523 KB, 1920x1080, 1711587226091235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not just a Len song, thats literally /ourgirl/ Mellowcle めろくる winning the contest!

Here is the full song:

>> No.46516792
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>> No.46517038

>Mellowcle めろくる winning the contest!

>> No.46517546


>> No.46517649

oh damn I thought it was a late april fools

>> No.46517689

Need more miku in more games

>> No.46517723
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>> No.46517773
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>VIP is just getting in an hour earlier and a goodie bag
No thanks

>> No.46517789

Do it for migu

>> No.46517788

What did you expect it is mainly for people who want to get merch or get a spot up front in GA

>> No.46517805

London's 2018 show had a dedicated VIP roped off area at the front you could move in and out of without losing your spot, it was much better than not being able to move for 3-4 hours

>> No.46517811

I consider that a VIP section more than a VIP ticket. VIP tickets are always feeling like a scam to me.

>> No.46518749

I'm just stoked to be able to go. Well I'm hoping they play Tell Your World (which I think every expo gets) and Hyper Reality Show. I'm not even a huge fan of the song contest winner but I'm sure it will make for some wild crowd energy.

>> No.46518922

where do you people download albums now that the database is kill?

>> No.46519051

qrd on project sekai?

>> No.46519125

I bought VIP just because all the bros who actually know chants and shit will be at the front
i spent 6 hours in a queue last concert and still ended up in a shit position with a dead crowd

>> No.46519262

sucks unless you have bad taste

>> No.46519336

Enjoy the concert tonight Vancouver bros. I would've been there with y'all but didn't have anyone to go with ;_;

>> No.46519371

you are very silly unless you meant traveling from out of town

>> No.46519377

I traveled solo to be here man, next time just go for it.

>> No.46519392

didn't buy detroit tickets because they think motown black ppl country is of more importance than cleveland inventors of rock and roll (still black people) country, and i hate commuting
dislike that the elevens only hyperfocus on locations like new york city, la, las vegas, etc. it's definitely less market research, more that they only know of these locations because of hollywood movies. know they can't hit us all up but come on give us a cleveland tour date sometime ok

>> No.46519413

dude thats just pathetic,

>> No.46519467

dumb, literally

>> No.46519822

should I kms

>> No.46519838


>> No.46519842

why ask? decide for yourself

>> No.46519849
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>> No.46519962

I also like one of the finalists from this new artist as well
His other song is also alright

>> No.46519985

Nico rec’d a song I liked.

>> No.46520128

I can now post this now that niconico always has high quality audio and 720p video.

>> No.46520137

Do we have setlist leaks for Miku Expo?

>instantly discovered he's a "pedophile"
Nice. Thanks for the new producer to follow. Never heard of him before.

>> No.46520148
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>> No.46520261

ok game
godawful fanbase

>> No.46520339

Ok, I'm considering the game now.

>> No.46520621

Is the screen at this Miku Expo just an LED screen and not the usual fake hologram glass setup? Looking through photos people have posted and it looks different but I can't tell for certain. Sucks if true though, one of the appeals of Miku concerts for me is the visuals and I feel like it wouldn't hit the same with a regular screen.

>> No.46520654
File: 93 KB, 850x700, ff876275c949607ac81d771a947c74ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vancouverfags leak the setlist once its over

>> No.46520784


>> No.46520895

was thinking about AI lately and thought i'd check up on vocaloid if it had any effect and holy shit, the SV vocals is like a multi generational leap

>> No.46520901

>no projection
its already over

>> No.46520985

what the fuck lmao

>> No.46520996

I had many fears about the setlist being awful but no projection is worse than I considered

>> No.46521052


Code for migoo

>> No.46521101

Pretty good.

>> No.46521224

No way, are they seriously skimping on having an actual projection? The cheapskates.

>> No.46521241



>> No.46521257

Can't help but wonder if it's due to the venue or the country. If it's gonna be this way for the whole tour that'd stink.

>> No.46521272

If this isn't strictly a Vancouver thing I'm cancelling my ticket

>> No.46521329

my autism does not like this new information

>> No.46521687
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>> No.46521694

Just saw that, nice surprise. Mellowcle is goated and Len sounds great there, it's also just a genuinely nice song. Other songs in the contest were also great this year too.

>> No.46521738

Gigantic song list. Song and vocaloid variety is great, lots of non-cryptonloid songs even. Gacha and events shit literally doesn't matter, can just be played as a regular rhythm game. Cute costumes and card art. Nice MVs. Fun charts and the game plays very well, the difficulty curve is nice.
Shortened songs most of the time. The tuning for the NT vocals is a mixed bag, Miku and Rin are OK more often than not, Len is usually good, the other 3 are just trash most of the time. Some of the game-original songs only have versions with the human singers.
Game has a story and cast of human-voiced characters, you can engage with it or ignore it entirely. Most songs have Vocaloid or human singer versions and you can always pick, won't matter if you just stick with the original version, if you want to switch it up sometimes the covers allow for more variety.

>> No.46521856
File: 58 KB, 488x277, 1712264481264062 file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros if this miku led screen shit goes on for like another two showings and wasnt just vacouver getting fucked, Im pulling out my tickets and buying an onahole or something instead. I did not pay 160x2 for the crunchyroll cuck show, I paid it for migu live on stage and not dead on screen.

>> No.46521902

remove the green goblin

>> No.46521970

Any info on the set list?

>> No.46522103

I hope Europe expo won't be a screenlet too. I'm just about to buy tickets for Amsterdam.

>> No.46522139

depressing song

also recommend Atashi Ja Nai

>> No.46522140

I think even with an LED screen, watching Miku live is worth it

That said the tickets are way too expensive and them not being upfront about this is bullshit

>> No.46522154

keep living for miku

>> No.46522239

Picked up tickets for London and Amsterdam
>179 EUR for VIP in Amsterdam
What the fugg

>> No.46522243

Seems reasonable with how much you faggots earn over there

>> No.46522272

>- One general admission ticket
>- Early Entry into the venue*
>- Collectors HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2024 EUROPE Pass to remember your experience
>- HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2024 EUROPE themed merchandise created exclusively for VIP
>* Please note: there is no separate section for this package. The regular ticketholders will join after opening doors.
Worth the extra 120 euro?

>> No.46522297

depends on what the exclusive merchandise is, you can always try and scalp it to some retard if it's shit

>> No.46522303
File: 80 KB, 960x720, 1654931612171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a VIP Ticket for Düsseldorf, Berlin, Amsterdam and Brussel
And i would have bought a VIP ticket for Paris BUT NUH UH
the only payment method was credit cards
no direct transfer, paypal or anything like that
what the fuck how fucking barwards is that?
well whatever i guess i'll have one day to rest between the expos
still mad though

>> No.46522312

what is it with germans and being dumb?

>> No.46522323
File: 2.27 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20240405_090647516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back to the hotel from the Vancouver show. Miku looked fantastic on the screen, but yeah it was still sad not to have the hologram. The venue had a ton of lighting behind the stage which probably would've made the hologram difficult to pull off. Not sure if the other shows will have it or not, but the concert was still absolutely amazing. The setlist was great, and the new featured outfits were gorgeous. I also met some DJs and went to an after party. Really unleashed my autism tonight.

Not sad or pathetic. Buy a ticket next time they go to Van and I'll meet you there. I went alone and hit it off with over a dozen people easily. Everyone treats you like family there, and they're all just as autistic if not more so than you are. This was the first live event I've been to, and I had such major anxiety going into it. None of it matters once you're there.

Thanks you for reading minna.

>> No.46522355

care to elaborate?
i didn't try to insult french people i just don't get how your only payment option is fucking credit cards instead of anything else

>> No.46522493

some great ftrygry ft. Hatsune Miku 初音ミク songs

>> No.46522507

listen till the end for eargasm

>> No.46523376


>> No.46523571

Sohbana Override remix (Xitter only)

>> No.46524007

Today I learned teniwoha was active in 2012. Pretty good stuff too. Seems like it takes so long to get good at music...

>> No.46524070


>> No.46524146

They need to stop playing all the garbage english songs from 2012, just the contest winner is enough

>> No.46524313


>> No.46525595
File: 652 KB, 1280x860, cookie(shiyoheee).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I has an idea of whay is begin said in pic related?

>> No.46525643

"could it possibly be that the year ends in 2 days?"

>> No.46525690

With a short text like that you can often just use google translate kanji drawing mode and write it down for ok translation.

>> No.46525794

Do NOT put Zunda on your dick

>> No.46525860

>all these english songs from 2012
it’s one song. don’t be a faggot

>> No.46525877

>Miku looked fantastic on the screen
Where were you in the venue? Based on the recordings I've seen I feel like it must have looked like dogshit unless you were right up front
I was thinking about snagging some tickets and going last second but the prices are ridiculous this year so I don't want to go if it isn't top notch

>> No.46525996

i like really simple songs like this. it sort of reminds me of old vocaloid but not at the same time, maybe it's just the tuning. not as many people lean into the electronic/lifeless vocals anymore.

>> No.46526003

I was second row basically center in the pit. The tickets for the Van show were also very reasonable, luckily

>> No.46526135

still playing this in loop

>> No.46526169

That's nice, GA is upwards of 900 USD for the one closest to me

>> No.46526215

the fuck?

>> No.46526248

> Based on the recordings
never base your thoughts on recordings. even the projection looks like shit on the phone compared to reality
t. miku expo 2016 goer

>> No.46526249

Let me guess, DC?

>> No.46526289

You're right, I'm overreacting. I like the kaito/len picks a lot.

>> No.46526306

my GA to DC was just 100 bucks so I doubt it

>> No.46526609
File: 2.22 MB, 2276x2048, 1704033774505859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Una keep beating Kiritan at video games when Kiritan is supposed to be a gamer?

>> No.46527288

Teto mv

From the album >>46496038

>> No.46527694


>> No.46527710

I just checked again and nevermind, the average went down to $200, I think ticketmaster is just borked

>> No.46527752

Bet they're still gonna ban non-miku branded light sticks even though they're not using a glass projection anymore.

>> No.46527892

kiritan is only good against pseudo-gamers like yukari
she cannot compete with a real gamer like una

>> No.46528095

>too old and fat to ever go to a miku concert
life is just pain

>> No.46528109

Just go. No one is there to look at you.

>> No.46528197

There were plenty of obese people there, lots of them were even wearing horrible cosplay. There were also people in there 40s at least, probably 50s. Just fucking go. I'm in my mid 30s and flailed around like a retard, nobody cares. You could also slowly lose weight between now and a future event if you're that concerned. But please, do yourself a favor and go.

>> No.46528202

i get this feeling with the newer music from Masa Works Design
shits sad

>> No.46528296

I downloaded all the songs from the Vancouver setlist. Here is a zip archive, in case anyone else wants them:

>> No.46528313

This anon is absolutely right. Out of his old albums I think Shibou is the only one I can listen to start to finish, and only in a particular mood. His more really recent stuff has been really catchy but I do admit there was like a dead zone between "What's Inside" and "Nee Nee Nee" that just didn't grab me at all, I know a lot of people like Non-breath oblige but eh not for me. Ultimate senpai was the only thing in that span that was like OK, but I never go back to listen to it now. I've been a sucker for his rin and miku duet's that he's been more fond of lately.

>> No.46528316

Honestly amazing, thanks.
Kinda wish there were more compilations I could just download like this

>> No.46528339

Imagine being the Miku Expo twitter account intern that has to read 10,000 bitter replies on every post about the LED screen haha

>> No.46528425

I hardly touched Twitter before Expo and now I remember why. The amount of bitching and negativity is insane. So many entitled cunts.

>> No.46528435

feel like crying neko allergy is still alive makes me so happy

>> No.46528478

Dude, this is great. Thanks!

>> No.46528567

You mean the social media intern that has to delete 10,000 angry replies on every post and issue DMCAs on every tiktok showing the LED screen, this is becoming outright malice.

>> No.46528594

the miku expo site shows glass hologram projection concerts and that's not what's being sold, if this continues into tonight you're gonna have a mass chargeback campaign.

>> No.46528634
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>> No.46528685
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>> No.46528718

Is it really entitled when people are paying hundreds of dollars for tickets and merch? (not even counting flight/hotel plans)

>> No.46528759
File: 751 KB, 2591x3200, GJm-DV6aQAAeh8m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't care less about western fandom, but if you go to a live you obviously expect a hologram projected on a glass screen.

she's beautiful

>> No.46528762

The amount many people have blown on Miku expo would be enough to travel to see magical mirai and not a cheap knockoff, they have every right to be angry.

>> No.46528844

what are the chances some of the producers are the same people using different styles or something under different names?

>> No.46528904

Fair, I got ahead of myself. I forget how much people spend/travel to go to these shows, and I didn't realize they advertised a hologram on the site. I wonder if they'll make any sort of announcement regarding the choice of a screen, not that it'll really help at this point.

>> No.46528954

they're deleting criticism and they even added that policy about no photos or videos even though they never did that before and that was just the venues problem.

>> No.46529032
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>> No.46529044

I only paid $70 and I'm still regretting my ticket.

>> No.46529195

I really hope the stage looks different for Europe. The band should be more visible, not hidden away in a box. Watching them rock on with passion like they could be part of the crowd themselves is 1/4 of the fun.

>> No.46529224
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1666444697011069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even the usual band either
>all mutts


>> No.46529299


>> No.46529306


>> No.46529310

The Rin/Len picks are immaculate

>> No.46529358

At least they have the passion, but still.. I wonder what the fuck went on behind the scenes for all these questionable changes.

>> No.46529385

Crunchyroll, perhaps

>> No.46529398

Aggressive cost cutting, if nobody objects they can cut even more costs during the Europe leg of the tour.

>> No.46529467

>shittify the concerts
>people start not going
>shitify even further
>less and less people go
>hey people just aren't interested in these shows anymore, time to cancel them for good
There, have a summary of the next 5 years

>> No.46529495

Fucking good, vocaloid needs to get gatekept again, fly to Japan if you wanna see a real miku concert in person.

>> No.46529555

I fear you're 100% right. On a positive note, this might actually spawn more (now illegal?) fanmade concerts.

People will probably object by canceling their tickets. It's still sad to see these kind of soulless corpo tier greedy developments. It's like they forgot a huge part of vocaloid used to be fan involvement and not just Miku as a brand.

>> No.46529635

The last time fan works from outsider artists culturally steered vocaloid was during the days of project diva dlc contests, who even gets big if they didn't get a huge boost from diva and pjsekai?

>> No.46529642

No thank you. Since Vocaloid exploded in popularity again with project sekai in 2020, we've got a huge increase in new songs being made. If gatekeeping vocaloid will bring it back to the 2014-2019 decline era, I'd rather keep it popular.

>> No.46529657

I don't think any of those ticket resellers allow refunds, your only choices are reselling or chargeback.

>> No.46529675
File: 102 KB, 1170x737, is-this-legal-v0-6i9hympoissc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All merch sales now start at 2pm outside the venue for everyone, no, you don't get first dibs even though you paid for VIP which explicitly gave you that privilege.

This is now veering into breach of contract territory lmao

>> No.46529693

For german tickets there was a 5 euro insurance that lets you cancel tickets if you can't attend the concert. Still feels like shit for burgers and leafs, they waited more than half a decade for this.

>> No.46529714

>people have to choose between getting in early (and getting good standing places to cope better with the shitty led screen) or getting merch
This is bullshit, man VIP buyers really got btfo. The 2020 tour had similar nightmarish planning, how did they not learn from it?

>> No.46529718
File: 23 KB, 681x530, miku-expo-2024-what-are-the-odds-that-the-equipment-for-the-v0-ow7b7o993osc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My condolences to anyone who never got to experience a pre-enshittification vocaloid concert.

>> No.46529780

God my wife is so hot
But curious, why did this specific year/song has more jiggling? I don't see it in other videos.

>> No.46529870
File: 511 KB, 600x401, 1682089853013982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.46529914

As long as you bathe and don't diddle any kids you'll be in the top 50th percentile

>> No.46529996

they apologized for that and didn't do it again until this year

>> No.46530104

Fuck me and fuck crunchyroll, this was the time to go hard and make Miku an ever bigger thing, all so I could eventually have my Teto live concerts, as delusional as that is

And all we got was an LED screen and shit

>> No.46530213

I fear what will become of me the day I will find a job and I will have disposable income to throw at Miku in sundresses in every shape and form

>> No.46530350
File: 27 KB, 585x523, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha what the fuck, how could they fuck it up this bad. I blame cancerroll for this shit.

Some of the replies are kinda funny though

>> No.46530353
File: 182 KB, 844x546, Screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Will doing the filthy gaijin lottery instead increase my chances?

>> No.46530357
File: 19 KB, 465x337, 1023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a decade, Toronto 2016 feels so long ago, that was a great show..

>> No.46530420

Horrible cacophonia. It's like, 95% of Western producers are tone deaf.

>> No.46530789

Honestly, it seems a little disingenuous to act like this is an act against god when the shots are from high up and to the side. wouldn't any projection look like shit that way and that's why most concert footage is typically shot from the center. Honestly the main issue I could see with this setup is more the size of the screen itself more than the fact that they used a screen at all.

>> No.46530810

The main issue is that they weren't up front about it.

>> No.46530833

that's fair, but I also feel like you wouldn't see a lot of these people that have been complaining about the LED screen if it was setup somewhat better or photos from the event where just in better positions. Even someone in this thread who claims to have been there said it looked good from their spot, which was a better seat than what the people who posted photos on twitter and tiktok had

>> No.46530839

When you sell tickets for an official concert of an holographic idol and fail to provide the hologram you will always get complains, no matter how fancy LCD you bring on the stage.

>> No.46531022

more teto


>> No.46531256

No, the great thing about the normal "Hologram" Setup is that it looks ok from the side because it's supposed to be an illusion.

>> No.46531393
File: 329 KB, 1079x829, Screenshot_20240406_132142_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I paid for VIP and didn't know I wouldn't have priority access to the merch line I'd be pissed too

>> No.46531419

main points are
- it's not a projection/hologram
- it's not nearly as big as the projection/hologram (she looks around 1/2 or 2/3 smaller than usual)
- the lighting behind the screen makes it stand out like a sore thumb (if it was positioned better, it would be less noticeable)

>> No.46532285

algorithm sent

>> No.46532448
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Takenoko boy feat. Miku.


>> No.46532500
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our guy also posted a new song.


Interesting MV and a catchy song.

>> No.46533372

i don’t think she’s any smaller actually. the glass they use for MIKU EXPO seems about the same size but the venues are way bigger this time around. i don’t know why they got these huge fucking sports arenas to perform in with a tiny ass screen. would’ve been a shitshow hologram or not

>> No.46533594

Her size seemed natural from the standing area. But when I looked back at the rest of the venue, the people in assigned seating were way out there, and many at a really shit angle, basically 45 degrees.

>> No.46533696

strong opinion on a great song, what a shame for you to be unable to enjoy it

>> No.46534920


>> No.46535834

