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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46449044 No.46449044 [Reply] [Original]

Where do outsiders come from? Japan only? If they are supposed to be nothing burgers that no one should miss in order for Genskoyo to not be discovered, shouldnt be more convenient to use ousiders from the whole world? There are plenty of people that no one would miss from, say, South America, if all people that get gapped are from Japan that would eventually be suspicious.

>> No.46449059
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They are Japan's equivalent of Missing 411 cases and there local "Gensokyos" everywhere in the world.

>> No.46449071

Rare good reddit post

>> No.46449074

This makes me wonder if there exist a real equivalent of Gensokyo or Gensokyo itself.

>> No.46449083

>there local "Gensokyos" everywhere in the world.
Excuse me what? Source on that?

>> No.46449084


>> No.46449114

I think he is referring that, similar to Japan, another countries or even continents have their own hidden lands where Youkai from other countries inhabit. Just imagine that all these creepypastas and urban legends from the Internet actually exist in some sort of Gensokyo in North America.

>> No.46449133

Whoever posted that was onto something.
Better not to think too hard of these things unless you want the attention of forces you might not want to confront. But do consider that ZUN likes to call himself "the head priest of Hakurei Shrine", and that communicating with spirit entities is part of the tasks of a shinto priest...

>> No.46449141
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That sounds awesome, I can imagine some kind of Touhou spin off based on that concept, imagine wendigo or skinwalkers anime girls beating the shit of a chupacabra or a ciguapa anime girl.
>o consider that ZUN likes to call himself "the head priest of Hakurei Shrine", and that communicating with spirit entities is part of the tasks of a shinto priest...
Guys what if the god of the Hakurei shrine is actually ZUN.

>> No.46449155

All cultures have supernatural critters, not just the japs
yet Gensokyo is populated near exclusively by jap mythology
but since its said the supernatural can't survive in the outside for long, but Gensokyo still gets occasional immigration, there must be other enclaves in the world, Gensokyo is merely one of the more successful ones

>> No.46449162
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Imagine getting gapped into American Gensokyo only for it to be made up of endless amounts of tranny tulpas, nigger deities, capeshit characters and skibidi toilet tier zoomery.

>> No.46449173

That rises a question, then.
Of all the lands, why Gensokyo was only one that can and has a whole franchise for herself?

>> No.46449182

Because ZUN is japanese.
And is the only that managed to pull it off.

>> No.46449189

Yes, literally every culture has mythologies of strange liminal places and hidden lands filled with non-human entities, sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, most often acting out on whimsies that humans can't comprehend.

These days such places frequently have threatening names (you'd be astonished to learn how many places in USA are called "Satan's Kingdom") and persistent claims of paranormal activities attached to them.

Medieval europeans even imagined a kind of a parallel continent somewhere high in the air, hidden beyond the clouds. They called it Magonia and feared it's inhabitants who were said to be control storms and would occasionally come down on flying ships to torment humans for their own sadistic amusement.

>> No.46449197

I always believed in the theory that says that the Hakurei Barrier wasn't going to last forever, so, Yukari decided to convince ZUN of making the franchise as a way of keeping the barrier working.

>> No.46449234
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I wouldnt be surprised if this was actually true.

>> No.46449241

Let's be honest, energy ins't eternal. If Youkai exist, they need something to keep existing, such as human fear or beliefs, and under this logic, it wouldn't be too surprising to see that things like the Youkai barrier actually work in a similar way.

>> No.46449281

First off, we don't know if Gensokyo is the only one with good PR. Japan is extremely globally connected and many around the world are interested in it's culture so we are aware of notable cultural phenomena from there. For all we know there could be some epic Indonesian or Indian or South American media franchise based on local ideas that we absolutely do not know about because the cultures of these countries do not rise such interest in us globally hyperconnected nerds glued to computers.

Secondly, sometimes unique confluxes of events just happen. If ZUN is indeed somehow sensitive to spirits he could have in another world easily simply become a priest for real. But he chose another path, and after making contact he kept that path and the spirits found an unique medium for themselves. It's said that spirits love positive depictions of themselves and especially music. For them, ZUN and his creations might be the greatest fully automated prayer mill humanity has created.

And lastly, in some way, whatever realms inspired European flavored fantasy are the most succesful "Gensokyo" of all. We simply do not see it, because the fish cannot see the water it swims in. But it's become too diffuse, and because people of European descent have become so inculturated first to monotheism and then atheism, creative people working with these ideas simply don't have the eyes to see or ears to hear.

>> No.46449292

I want what this guy's on.

>> No.46449349

You all guys don't realize that if Gensokyo exist, the Lunar Capital does as well?

>> No.46449350

Nonsense, gensokyo is where dying faith goes in Japan's case

>> No.46449370

troon/black/zoomer culture will become dead faith in due time for different reasons

>> No.46449380

I imagine such ideas are too retarded to scheme up their own gensokyo and keep it afloat

>> No.46449387

Maybe they exist for a short time in some sort of containment pocket dimension.

>> No.46449392

Ever heard of Transient Lunar Phenomena, anon?

>> No.46449398

Explanation please?

>> No.46449436
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You all have to understand something.

If Gensokyo is shaped by belief, then the way in what we think it is like affects the land somehow, I think that's why the consensus is wholesome, and this can be for two reasons:

1 - Someone, or someone, wants to make Gensokyo be like that.
2 - It is because the franchise will be more popular that way, therefore, a lie.

But... Remember.

Gensokyo has a lot of Hentai, if that somehow truly affects Gensokyo, then for sure, there ain't no way it is wholesome.

And, who knows, maybe your waifu is way different from you, or anyone's else vision.

>> No.46449468

We have centuries of written record and later photographs on weird shit going on the moon.
>1 - Someone, or someone, wants to make Gensokyo be like that.
"The girls are now praying"

>> No.46449478

I don't care, I want to know the truth so badly...

>> No.46449487

>We have centuries of written record and later photographs on weird shit going on the moon.
You have my full attention.

>> No.46449501

When you take interest in the spirits, the spirits take interest in you. Are you really ready for that, anon?
I don't really know what to say other than that if you search for it you can find quite extensive lists of records of strange light phenomena on the moon. And mind you, this is the tip of the iceberg that mainstream science accepts. People have claimed, supposedly even astronauts, that they have seen all kinds of things there.

>> No.46449509

>Are you really ready for that, anon?
I have been specifically waiting for this day.

>> No.46449548
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Most of it is incest!

>> No.46449571

>When you take interest in the spirits, the spirits take interest in you.
Wish those fuckers would come out already then. Only three times have I had to deal with any sort of remotely paranormal fuckery, and the one that was really notable was simply a matter of ending up on the opposite side of a location than physically should've been possible during a late night walk. If that's supposed to be Gappy's method of flirting she really needs to get better game.

>> No.46449674
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We humans have developed many practices for dealing with spirits. We call these things "ritual", "religion" and "magic". Most of the spirits of Gensokyo would probably be highly responsive to Shinto practices, considering their origin. Onmyodo, esoteric Buddhist and of course Daoist practices would also be probably a fine starting point.

>"only" three times
>possible teleportation experience
I think you don't quite understand how notable that is. You wouldn't happen to have experienced missing time during that..?

>> No.46449739

If someone that's important in Japan got gapped in and escorted out, how would the government handle the situation? Would they try to cover the disappearance up after hearing their story, or would they go public with what happened and expose Gensokyo to the outside world?

>> No.46449806

No one thats imporant gets gapped.

>> No.46449809

I think it would be very easy to claim that someone has just gone insane if they explicitly said that they had been to a place from a videogame franchise. But if someone important said that they had been spirited away by youkai and returned...probably still be seen as crazy, but who knows. Or it all might just get supressed by the media. Several US presidents have had UFO experiences, and this has been succesfully turned into nothing but a curiosity that every now and then pops up in the media.

>> No.46449914

>There are plenty of people that no one would miss from, say, South America
Anon, if you want Yukari to gap you, just ask her.

>> No.46449969

Reimu, gensokyo remains peaceful exclusively because of her and why gensokyo chills out after every incident even if she's not the one resolving it, just from her involvement alone (17.5). She's not the shrine maiden of paradise for nothing.

>> No.46450108

Shut up

>> No.46450223

>There are plenty of people that no one would miss from, say, South America
If you're going entirely statistical based on who would notice they're missing, several nations in Africa come to mind. The Democratic Republic of the Congo for example, their population has been a range within several million since they became independent from Belgium in the early 60's. No one's going to miss local political squad goon #95. They'd be a little feistier and have more fight in them for sure, but I'm sure Yukari would show them some hell if they try anything.

Also related on a note closer to South America, the massive holding tanks of gang members in El Salvador. Would anyone really miss one of these degenerates? Best they could do is escape, become a sin sack, and get literal death by snu snu

>> No.46450228
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>> No.46450238
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I specifically didnt mention Africa because I know for a fact the prospect of bringing niggers to Gensokyo was going to make this whole board assblasted and I wanted a genuine input, not a barrage of insults.

>> No.46450255

That's fair, want me to delete my post? I wasn't trying to rustle jimmies I just wanted Serious Discussion about where the least desired people who might potentially missing would be from

>> No.46450276

Nah dont worry Im not made of tissue paper like half the people here, I actually agree with the points you made, although I would have chosen China; the soldiers from Africa and South America are nothing burgers, yes, but they at least have a purpose, half the population in China barely counts as human beings.

>> No.46450333

Chinese villages have too much of an emphasis on Confucian ethics that someone would definitely know that their (uncle? cousin?) is missing. Maybe some of the cities have outcasts? But surely a city forces you to make a friend or two, even an online friend you play gmod with...

>> No.46450438

>You wouldn't happen to have experienced missing time during that..?
Nope. The other two I say are less notable due to just being a couple events where I happened to recall having seen what amounts to a freezeframe of it in a dream some months prior. I'd love to chalk it up to deja vu, but it was a feeling of distinct "recognition" that deja vu doesn't have. Sadly, it's so specific that it's difficult for me to explain how to reach that feeling beyond just "search around for something that you remember some details of, but not the specific identity of," because that's what led to me realizing what it was.

As an addendum to that, I absolutely HATE the implication from it that there's any sort of deterministic universe. I have free will to live my ordinary life goddamnit.

>> No.46450452

I dont know anon, have you seen how chinese cities work? Its the most soul crushing thing imaginable, they lack even basic human empathy and actively seek to take advantage of others, and there are so many of them that they are expendable, the brutal work labor alongside the lack of freedom supresses everyone there, they are practically made to be used as cattle by the gap hag.
Your point about chinese rural villages is valid though.

>> No.46451139

Every region probably has their own separate dimensional space based on the local native religions/cultures, I'm curious how those kinds of spaces work with or against eachother concerning different cultures conquering and dominating other populations and lands.
Hypothetically would yukari use touhou project to spread around that culture around the world to keep gensokyo afloat if she thought Japan would be culturally destroyed in time? Or simply to give gensokyo more power? If western culture hardcore dominated eastern culture what could be done at that point? Or the other way around where yukari influenced Japan to become a military power and properly sack China, would gensokyo grow?

>> No.46451218

Yukari gets them in all different flavors for Variety in taste

>> No.46451945

Really depends on how much they actually need, Gensokyo is pretty small and Japan has probably a decent amount of people disappearing, so maybe even just part of those are enough.

>> No.46452004

Nah, it's forgotten stuff. We just don't know about Seihou(not the robot maid one) because the world isn't for people knowing about girls making balloon animals out of their guts to sacrifice to some deities with hard to write names.
wdym? doesn't anyone know Chuuou project!? Were a poor oracle has to fight those pesky olympians that think their hot shit and wanted to genocide humans but it turned out it was a counterplan to some weird plan of an angry erinys who got wronged by Zeus(unexpected I know) and the goddess of the Netherworld Izanami(that wears a hawaiian shirt for some reason) with their berserker shikomes,

>> No.46452545

>"The girls are now praying"
What do you mean?

>> No.46452565

I didn't understand. What?

>> No.46452823

Have you ever wondered what that means and why it pops up every time a Touhou game is loading something? It's the protagonists praying for the relatively peaceful and bloodless resolution of the incident and the continued existence of the Gensokyo that we love.

>> No.46456428

If anyone really wants to get into this, they only need to look at all the "death cults" in the world(more specifically in Mexico, where reports of vampires tied too the cartels are rampant) to find out where the merchandise comes from.
Coincidentally, how DID Remilia come across the chupacabra? Makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.46460604

Really? And what it has to do with the merchandise?

>> No.46461725

Zun is the head priest of the Hakurei shrine and talks to beings that aren't human to spread the word of their existence, you do the math.

(Like you don't know, Yukari.)

>> No.46462384

ZUN is an oni, that explains why he always drinks and no one ever saw him without a hat; the hats hides his horns. Also explains why he cant draw.

>> No.46463286

I personally think we should all hijack the paranormal ritual stuff come time for the eclipse to get us all connected to Gensokyo or help the Kami, Youkai, etc build a better connection to the Outside World during the happenings.

We can all cause the next incident.
(I'm teaming up with Remilia for the Red Mist 2.0.)

>> No.46463338
File: 238 KB, 512x540, okina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I should encourage or discourage you, but...the best time to start studying east asian spiritual practices that are resonant with the denizens of Gensokyo was 15 years ago and the 2nd best time to start studying them is today, anon.

>> No.46463665

Oh not to worry, I've been doing that for the last 20 and know a lot of the more esoteric stuff that many overlook when it comes to all this.
Besides, "Hecatia" has been popping up in my personal life so I'm sure she'll want in on the action come eclipse time.

Maybe we can all stop by the shrine and share a drink or twelve.

>> No.46463671

And I've got an antique wooden statue of your pic next to me right now so the Sages know what's up.

>> No.46463972

Heh, that would be pretty crazy, wouldn't it?

>> No.46463985

Fuck it. Merge the Earth into Gensokyo. I want a front row seat to the mayhem that'd unfold.

>> No.46464061
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Yukari's been everywhere

>> No.46464103

And yet she's never been on top of me.

>> No.46464222

I wonder what would it be like if some mexican druglord or salvadorian gang member got gapped in gensokyo

>> No.46464416

Have you checked the gaps on your ceiling?

>> No.46465757

So, because we all lewd the girls 24/7 irl gensokyo is canologically lewdsokyo. ZUN merely likes to whitewash the lewd reality of things.

>> No.46465769
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More immigrants and diverse culture? No thanks.
Stay out of the border and remain there.

>> No.46467513

I will throw a fucking anti-matter in your fucking lesbian-filled autistic land, Yukari!

>> No.46467532

The Great Hakurei Barrier generally protects Gensokyo from the beliefs of the Outside World. If the non-humans inside Gensokyo were even one one-trillionth as desperate as in doujins, there would be a war over human men that would see the destruction of all of it.

>> No.46467593

Realistically, what is the most logic explanation to the fact that no character has ever shown sexual or romantic interest in anyone?

>> No.46467808 [DELETED] 

post them delicious little 9yo girls tiny little cute pussy omg i love tiny little girls so much i would lick

>> No.46467862

... What the hell?

>> No.46467887 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46467956

The explanation is that you didn't read Silent Sinner in Blue.

>> No.46468007

That is pretty ironic because that's the manga I am currently reading, there is something I missed?

>> No.46468052

American Gensokyo consists of cool Americana with the occasional weird immigrant

A pastor's daughter stands guard over her small rural town, with her job being to exorcise demons whenever they bug the humans too much. She frequently bickers with her rival, a witch descended from a survivor of the Salem Witch Trials. Jackalope girls scurry afar while a Squonk girl whimpers and cries, slowly making her way along. Donning disguises, the spirit of a Confederate Ironclad speaks to her Headless Horsewoman companion in a speak-easy (alcohol is immensely taboo as this is Old Dixie, yet alcohol still manages to find its way here) and complains about how humans these days are only interested in making up mediocre tales of Loch Ness rip offs instead of tales of true ghost ships. A girl made entirely of Tin complains how she's still missing a heart, and doesn't know how she's expected to find love like this. Meanwhile, a commotion stirs in the village. A ghost girl riding a red camel has been exorcised and sent running for the hills in a Bullet Heck match by the newest youkai exterminator, a green-haired girl who's known to be a bit of a snake-oil saleswoman, but she's just so damn charismatic, you can't help but be suckered in. Of course, it may also be that her tits are just big.

American Gensokyo has a ton of potential, I'm surprised no one has ever bothered doing it. Or any foreign Gensokyos really

>> No.46468085

Source on all that?

>> No.46468092

Fanfiction isn't welcome on JP, leave.

>> No.46468200

And what the HELL are all these threads that talk about a guy called Anon adventuring in Gensokyo?

>> No.46468210

fanfiction has been on /jp/ longer than you've been alive

>> No.46468230

Yeah, bro, no idea what this guy is talking about.

>> No.46468235

Anon fan creations are 99.99999999% of Touhou content. To be a fan of Touhou and hate fan content is like being a black klansmember.

>> No.46468255

It's slop.

>> No.46468267

... Really? Why?

>> No.46468316

Reimu wanting to summon a handsome god and similar comments about Daikoku. Takeminakata is brought up as well, to whom Yasakatome, Kanako's mythological basis, was married to. I think there's also a scene in FS where Reimu and Marisa get flustered over seeing a couple, though I'm not as familiar with that one so maybe an anon here can corroborate it.

>> No.46468317

Imo Yukari is playing the long game, if ZUN is the contact with this reality then its reasonable that she would make gensokyo from the terms of touhou project. As the 'belief' the unwashed otaku fills the place and the many stories and memes that get spawned empower the girls and let them accumulate more and more energy to survive the long road ahead no matter what happens IRL. Honestly, Yukari knows as well as anyone that you survive the heat death or apocalypse or whatever just twidling your thumbs and harassing shrine maidens.

>> No.46468327

For one thing, writing barely requires any effort while also requiring no skill.
Fanfiction is the lowest form of content, at least drawing well requires some skill.

>> No.46468334

>Reimu wanting to summon a handsome god and similar comments about Daikoku.
I have actually read that part, but I didn't give too much attention.

>> No.46468353

The GHB literally cannot separate that sort of thing, it's why the whole urban legends incident is ongoing and its been hinted that things passing into fantasy from further than Japan can happen. Like with the dandelion from the west

>> No.46468383

>Reimu and Marisa get flustered over seeing a couple, though I'm not as familiar with that one so maybe an anon here can corroborate it.
The 'mu and 'risa think they stumble across a confession/nighttime rendezvous and go all maiden like and blushy. Its really cute

>> No.46468962
File: 379 KB, 853x1200, a81e503e-b952-4f6f-a494-21ad239eaab8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In chapter 19 of SSiB "The Bound God of the Great Earth" Lord Daikoku and his son Takemina-kata-no-kami is referenced as being his son and being the main god worship at the Moriya shrine, rather than the native Suwa god.
He's also called a god who resisted until the very end when Lord Daikoku's lands where taken from him by the Lunarians, it's unclear what they mean by "lands" here, as it's highlighted in CiLR that not all myths are literal with the Dragon Palace chapter.
But it seems to confirm that Takeminakata is Kanako, Kanako even wears that same rope around herself as she is a member of the eight million gods she is an infinitely divisible divinity with an arbitrary number of sides, so Takeminakata and Kanako are probably just different sides of the war god son of Lord Daikoku.

>> No.46469079 [DELETED] 

post them delicious little 9yo girls tiny little cute pussy omg i love tiny little girls so much i would lick

>> No.46471204

t. Has never written anything substantial ever

>> No.46471467

American gensokyo is aggressively native american folklore in a Dixie lens, the things that inhabit the lands have only gotten more frightening if they changed at all.

>> No.46471733

>Bullet Heck match
Actually lol'd.
>A ghost girl riding a red camel
Huh, I never heard this one before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Ghost_(folklore)

>> No.46471736

You're just describing the Deadlands tabletop setting. Cool.

>> No.46471779

Given the phrasing of using the shimenawa to seal away someone, it doesn't read to me like it's saying Takeminakata is Kanako. Kanako is able to move away from the Shrine after all, which would make it a pretty shitty seal if it was on her.

>> No.46471974

Yeah, but they say take is worship as the main god in contrast to the shrine's real god who's the Suwako native god.
Which describes Suwako and Kanako relationship, unless there is another war god who conquered the Moriya shrine and is worship as the main god that we don't know about.

>> No.46472354

I wouldn't worry so much. IIRC Touhou is the most balanced doujinshi series in terms of lewd vs non-lewd works. And besides, I think the vocal horniness of 2hu anons here often paints an uneven picture.

>> No.46472398

I suspect some of the 2hu anons have become possessed by some of the minor characters. Their horniness is caused by the spirit suddenly finding itself in a body with the wrong plumbing and social expectations. They are left with no other form of release but pondering the aroma of tengu muff and making obscene claims about fairies and such. Do also note how many of these "fantasies" revolve around the anons becoming some character or other or changing their gender. It all looks possession by female spirits to me.

>> No.46472485

Natives sided with the Confederacy during the civil war by and large, that event seems like it'd be the big wake-up call for any youkai and spirits living there. Native spirits would realize their people were heading into a decline and that the glory days of old weren't coming back. Likewise the spirits deriving from Dixie would see their group, the more religious, superstitious, cultural-driven, and various other things that help power in the unnatural had lost their war, and would be overtaken by the less religious and more industrial North. Both of these groups would have a desire to create a Gensokyo of their own, as both would begin to feel nervous about the future. After that, you'd naturally begin to see spirits from across America slowly spill in as time goes on.

With the whole Hearn stuff and New Orleans, I also think you could argue that Yukari created this American Gensokyo as well, or at least served as one of its sages.

>> No.46473224
File: 347 KB, 853x1200, 04905400-3354-44eb-a41a-ecd6fd60d5b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I was at work and phone posted, but yo get my point, if I said "The shikigami fox youkai in the employ of Yakuri Yakumo and formerly from the beast realm."
It's natural to assume that I'm talking about Ran Yakumo, even if I call the subject Tamamo-no-Mae, your knowledge of Ran previously being a different person may incline you to believe I'm addressing Ran by an old name/persona.
And for the sealing, in this case the sealing may have just weakened Kanako/Takeminakata to a state where she can't oppose them, it is noted that doesn't do a lot of the actual miracle granting and mainly handles business.
Besides, if is Takeminakata worshiped as the main god you think we might of heard of him before, and unlike Reimu and the Hakurei shrine, the Moriya shrine is run by it's very own gods and is attended to with diligence and knowledge, so it's unlikely his identity would be unkown.
Really, there are more problems with this line scene if you assume Kanako isn't Takeminakata in some shape way for form.

>> No.46479821

Is this what reddit is? I thought they were atheists

>> No.46480055

25% Bots/Shills
30% Brainwashed drones
40% Normalfags
5% Cool dudes

>> No.46488201

Got any advice for the upcoming big date?
