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File: 70 KB, 300x400, 548252-th075suika01_large.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4640797 No.4640797 [Reply] [Original]

Today while I was waiting for class to start, I fell asleep and had a dream about... Suika!

She was asleep and giant, and she started sleep-eating. Reimu had to wake her up before she ate all of Gensokyo. She ate people too! She was very hazukashite to have made such a buta of herself.

>> No.4640812
File: 33 KB, 223x226, sorry what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was very hazukashite to have made such a buta of herself.

>> No.4640814
File: 137 KB, 476x354, SUIKAsleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was asleep
I stopped reading there.

>> No.4640817

Google seems to >imply
something along the lines of "She was very embarrassed to have made such an ass of herself."

>> No.4640823
File: 87 KB, 506x461, suika command.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Today while I was waiting for class to start, I fell asleep and had a dream

You arrived 90+ minutes early to class? That, or you have REM stages faster than everyone else?

>> No.4640830

She's about to get raped, isn't she?

>> No.4640833

You've never fell into slumber during the day? You start dreaming almost immediately.

>> No.4640845

shes sleeping you hentai baka
-__- shinjirarenai

>> No.4640859

Gomen ni!

>> No.4640868

It's not rape.

>> No.4640884
File: 151 KB, 915x646, 4c5b39ea70275f09cbfecf1b2c0754d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a fast dream, i was in a 3D game and i was controlling... Bkub's Chen, and in 3D what the fuck ! too bad i woke up after, i was really surprised by this dream and it was my first dream about touhou

i was in a sort of mansion and the mission was to get outside of this place quickly, Chen was outside in front of the mansion but there were no bridge to cross because to get out of this place you must cross a bridge and there were nothing, but Ran was in the other side and saw Chen so she made a bridge with her own body but i remember nothing after because i woke up, it was the most fucked up dream since i've dreamed about Fatal frame, Ring and the grudge mixed, shit was so grimdark by the way

>> No.4640889

Get out.

>> No.4640897

What were you doing sleeping and dreaming with toohooes when you're supposed to be studying??

>> No.4640908

From analyzing the dream, he's gts vore fan.

>> No.4640927

Last night I had a dream where I took loli Flan to fuck in a small bathroom. Then the police came, and luckly I wasn't arrested. Then I proceeded to get a slut Aya(too bad you weren't there to see, she was a top level slut) to fuck in the bathroom, but then I took off my headphones and she disappeared.

>> No.4640935
File: 639 KB, 1206x1524, aya facebook pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was a top level slut
Oh I know. And am frequently reminded.

>> No.4641683

Not so, but if Suika wanted to eat me I probably wouldn't put up much of a fight.

>> No.4641694

I wish I remembered my dreams.

>> No.4641773

I still have nightmares.

>> No.4641793
File: 34 KB, 400x433, 1263399227161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I had a dream about "Wriggle", a mix of a spider with a grasshopper which I was supposed to kill. That bitch was fucking huge, bigger than an open hand.

>> No.4641835
File: 126 KB, 515x629, 1268525722743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not Wriggle

>> No.4641840
File: 40 KB, 450x487, 7b23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's scary. Also, I love your pic.

>> No.4641847

Well, I and other people in my dream called it Wriggle.

>> No.4641857
File: 83 KB, 464x826, buriki-018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4642369
File: 72 KB, 600x480, 1252076331357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I humbly request the name of this artist.

>> No.4645020

>to have made such a futa of herself.

>> No.4645057

Oh God that face. So...adorable...

>> No.4645103

I just had a glorious dream during my afternoon nap.

In it, the entire nation of Egypt had renounced Islam in favor of Pharaonism, and replaced Arabic as their national language with kemetic.

The Iranians had become Zoroastrians, and the Ayatollah was hanging from a tree with a traffic cone up his ass, and hot Persian bitches were dancing in the streets and fornicating with each other. Ahmajinedad was still President, but he was a lovable roguish asshole instead of being just an asshole.

The nation of Turkey has ceased to exist. In its place, the country was full of Orthodox Christians, the capital was Constantinople and the ruler was some dickhead calling himself the Emperor of Rome and demanding the barbarian nations of the European Nation to pay tribute to his manifest greatest. For some strange reason they were still incredibly pissed off at the Greeks living in Greece, and were still blasting Hellenic Air Force aircraft out of the sky. This made the Greeks angry, because they had expected to be welcomed with open arms. The Greek PM full to Germany, where he was buttraped by Sarkozy and Merkel with a strap-on. The two of them seemed extremely jubilant with new Turkey, and were falling over each other like slobbering dogs to welcome not-Turkey into the EU.

Iceland was being bombed by the UK and Dutch Marines, and instead of doing anything to help naked American airmen were dancing up and down the flightline at Reyjavik airbase, trying to see who could last the longest before catching hypothermia.

And then I was woken from my dream by the sound of the muezzin in the mosque nearby calling the faithful to prayer ;_;

>> No.4645262

...cool story bro.

>> No.4645322

That sounds like a glorious dream.
After playing Crusader Kings for years, it pains me to have Turkey exist and not be Byzantium. As someone with a good sense of history, it also pains me to see most of the middle east as Muslim.
Persian and Byzantine Empire ;_;
