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4639549 No.4639549 [Reply] [Original]

Why is KnK considered pretentious?

>> No.4639557

Because it's so intelligent and complexly layered that most lesser lifeforms cannot even begin to understand its genius.

>> No.4639560

Because it doesn't make sense.

>> No.4639564

Because this is the average fan.
And it's boring, so people assume it must be DEEP.

>> No.4639587

Anyone who doesn't play Umineko wouldn't understand.

>> No.4639588

Because Nasu thinks that Philosophy 101 is deep. Don't get me wrong, I still love the series, but people consider it pretentious because it IS pretentious.

>> No.4639599
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>And it's boring, so people assume it must be DEEP.

Low iq detected.

>Why is KnK considered pretentious?

Everything better than Naruto is pretentious for trolls.

And do not even try to troll here.

>> No.4639612

Because it has so much talking
It is more drama than action

>> No.4639613

Because this is the average fan.

>> No.4639647

for an anime it is deep

>> No.4639649

then, what's deep?

>> No.4639659

I wouldn't call it pretentious, but it's a bit annoying on how we get twenty minute conversations about things like empty containers and yin-yang symbols. Symbolism should be shown and not told, and that should be supplemental to Shiki jumping around stabbing things and looking bad-ass.

>> No.4639660

Deep is 9 feet of water.

>> No.4639661

I agree 100%.

>> No.4639664

Go and ask /a/.

>> No.4639665

Aya's vagina

>> No.4639678

I think you meant to say "deep" newfriend

>> No.4639685

that's not deep, it's neverending

>> No.4639724

It's pretentious because Nasu wrote it.

That's all, really.

>> No.4639782

Huge infodumps to explain the setting, it's a really lazy and shitty way to do this.
Character interactions and writing in general filled with pseudo philosophy, it's quite clear as Nasu was still in high school when he wrote KnK.
Try to appear complex with a disjointed storyline while it's quite straightforward and shallow as a whole.

Could be worse, it could be something like Ergo Proxy.
