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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.62 MB, 1024x768, aisp_cs2_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4631690 No.4631690 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently updating my own client, but shouldn't take too long.
When we previously aisp@ce I had tons of fun and I think we should do it again. For those who don't know what aisp@ce is:

Official website: http://aisp.jp
aisp@ce wiki: http://aispace.wikia.com/wiki/Ai_sp@ce_Wiki

>> No.4631696


>> No.4631699

This is probably relevant to /jp/'s interests: http://aisp.jp/community/document/others/tohocamp.html

>> No.4631700

I recently installed Windows 7 and lost everything in the process, so I'll have to download this again, but I'll definitely play.

>> No.4631701

cool story bro, I still go on there once in a while,

>> No.4631704

I wish to be the virtual little girl ;_;

>> No.4631705

I dont speak Jap,how do I get this to work?

>> No.4631706

Doesn't matter. Idolfags don't belong here.

>> No.4631707

Nice. I'll probably spend loads of points (read: money) again on all those awesome outfits. ;_;

>> No.4631708


Here you can find instructions on how to install, play and do your first quests and so on.

>> No.4631709

There's an interface somewhere, but I've never used it and I'm not sure if it still works. Might be on tlwiki.

>> No.4631711

Didn't you have to be extra careful so no one found out you were a gaijin or something?

>> No.4631713

Go back to your idolthreads.

>> No.4631714

Eh, no. They just asked us not to spam English in the main chat area.

>> No.4631718

Get out.

>> No.4631719

It can't be helped.

>> No.4631723

We mostly spend our times in クール・ストーリ's room anyway when we played. You can speak English there.

>> No.4631724

Okay I'm leaving bye.

>> No.4631729

One warning is enough, bro.
We get the message, but it's helpless.

>> No.4631731

Reported for /v/ content.

>> No.4631732

If we really can get Touhou costumes, I'll probably waste more money on this game, meaning that I'll have more left over for furniture and stuff. I already have the biggest TV though, so I'm not sure what I'd buy exactly.

>> No.4631740

Heh, as long as we can watch NicoNico in your room everything will be fine. I'm curious to see how much points I still have left. I must've spend over 100 euro's on this.

>> No.4631745

The Reimu costume should be available from today 'till 23th of March.

>> No.4631746

I kinda stopped going on aisp@ce when they introduced a ton of new buy only outfits, it was depressing to me to see everyone dressed up so nicely while I could barely get anything from the limited gashapons


>> No.4631749

Doing nothing proves otherwise.

>> No.4631758
File: 300 KB, 954x590, updating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall this taking forever last time.

It is hard keeping up with those wealthy but bored single salarymen. I still have my Da Capo uniform which would be enough if it wasn't for the Touhou costumes.

>> No.4631759

That's also why I lost interest in it.
it just seemed like a wast of time to log in once a day for a week just to buy a cheep top.
also didn't help that I had no body to talk to..

>> No.4631768

Did you play it after /jp/ stopped? We had like 30 people on there at one point.

>> No.4631769

Yeah, updating takes forever. You should be lucky if you can play tonight.

>> No.4631770

Goddammit, so this is just a glorified chatroom with eyecandy?
Why would /jp/ even touch this thing.

>> No.4631777

Because you can create you own little girl and dress up her up like you want to. And you can hang out with other people from /jp/.

>> No.4631778

Might have been, it wasn't that long ago.

>> No.4631779

Hey, even though he is an idolfag, he was one of the original aispace players.

>> No.4631785

Oh, by the way, my nickname is maka ingame, so add me when you login.

>> No.4631804

What happened to our wiki and the list of /jp/ players? ;_;

>> No.4631809

I think I'll go play Double Spoiler while I wait all day on this thing installing.

>> No.4631811

No thanks for the revelation. I'd rather they stay out of it...

>> No.4631814

See first post.

>> No.4631821

I guess I'll update my client too I never uninstalled it to begin with.


>> No.4631822
File: 166 KB, 640x483, ttl03_img_w640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks good.

>> No.4631828
File: 113 KB, 857x554, aispace touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, the new Touhou outfits cost real money?

>> No.4631832

Did they add any new quests since last year?

>> No.4631833


>> No.4631839

yeah but I'll never be able to afford that so shit sucks

>> No.4631848

I have no idea how much the complete costume will cost but I imagine it not being cheap. Those 'themed' costumes mostly consist out of three parts though. I'll check it out when I manage to log in.

>> No.4631906
File: 206 KB, 1596x1196, 1267748502544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This looks interesting though...

>> No.4631921

How many guys in aispace are role-playing as girls?

I hope that same gender is mandatory for all registered players.

>> No.4631925

Why is the update speed so slow? God damn.

>> No.4631932

Probably the lot of them. I also picked female for my main character.

>> No.4631933

I know I do.

I'm not exactly in character or anything, but I do have a little girl avatar who wears all pink or a school uniform at all times.

>> No.4631934

Tamixy here, I might play too.

I tried the new shooting game, but it's quite unplayable with connections here. Unless they updated it.

>> No.4631938

I play as a girl, don't really see the point of playing as a guy..

also, if I remember correctly I went by tohno in that thing.

>> No.4631950

Whoa, I just downloaded this.

I got 1.6 megabytes per second. I only get 500~ kbps at the fastest when I download from the US. And I live in the US.

I hate you Japan.

>> No.4631963
File: 600 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090618_002117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the right... not really great but that's basically all that you can get from normal gashapons at the time.


>> No.4631967

Really? It's updating like 10KB per second for me

>> No.4631969

Wait... so you are a trap, and you play as a girl in aisp@ce and you run kureha one and subbed NTR

is there something you don't do?

>> No.4631971

You must be mistaken, Kureha runs kureha one.

>> No.4631973

Its updating slowly for me too. But the base installer I downloaded from the website went stupidly fast.

>> No.4631974

I have a new video card so I will finally be able to play this with anti-aliasing on. Can't wait.

>> No.4631980

I missed your hat. I missed all of you.

>> No.4631981

I think there two people with that name on ai sp@ce. I'm not sure if either of them are the /jp/ trap Chisame.

I think one of them joined the military actually?

>> No.4631992

千雨 is japanese for Chisame

>> No.4632004

I'm on data2ec72e8400.gca

how long till I finish?

>> No.4632007

Yeah, I know.

There was a 千雨 and later a Chisame on ai sp@ce, both being different people.

>> No.4632013

I assume you will just keep your old nickname?

>> No.4632016
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, ai12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted the whole data folder to make space, this will take a while.

And here's a nice pic.

>> No.4632017

It doesn't show a blue status bar?

>> No.4632019

oh the 千雨 is the trap chisame

>> No.4632020

Is there a nude patch yet?

>> No.4632022

only for the current file which is useless

>> No.4632024

>/jp/ ingame meetup.jpg

>> No.4632027

Nice panties, CoolStory.

>> No.4632028


Delete the clothes folder.

>> No.4632030

so is playing this game the closest thing I can do to have interactions with chisame in real time?

>> No.4632032

Of course.

恥ずかしい (´д`、)

>> No.4632034

lol Who's the faggot with the duck on his head?

>> No.4632039

Well considering the speed for the patch sucks it'll probably take some time.
At the least half an hour.

>> No.4632041

I wanted to play this some time ago but I thought no one here played it anymore so I gave up. Guess I'll download it now, too bad I won't be able to have a Touhou costume.
I wonder if I can make a character like Kaede from Shuffle ?

>> No.4632045

you can there is a full set of shuffle clothes and accessories including hair, it costs a fuck ton of money though

>> No.4632046

There are Shuffle uniforms available in the game and I've seen almost exact replicas Shuffle characters.

>> No.4632047

Hey guys, instead of updating, just download this, it will be much faster.


>> No.4632050

>At the least half an hour.

Haha, you wish. The game is 3GB.

>> No.4632053


I think that was a japanese who came in. Some do that, one other came to talk in my room for an hour recently, and then invited me and one other to some made up maid cafe, serving invisible food and stuff, it was quite the annoyance.

>> No.4632054

Seeders: 0
Leechers: 14

>> No.4632057

can someone make something like AGTH to read the chat log file and translate it in realtime?

>> No.4632060

I envy you people that can read japanese

>> No.4632064

It's still downloading 300KB per second for me.

>> No.4632065

I tried but you would need a correct hash setting or the text gets wrong.

>> No.4632067
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, 1245786122112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the rate at which my blue bar is moving, it will be 35-60 minutes~ until I'm done downloading.

Gotta sleep....

>> No.4632071

You need a nico account to play this right ?

>> No.4632074

Yes, the points to buy some costumes are your nico points too.

>> No.4632075

There is a chat log file somewhere in the game folder. Put it through some translator.

>> No.4632076

you can always have it dump the translations in a seperate file that opens up in another window

>> No.4632085

It's just one file, and there will be many more later. Just go to sleep.

>> No.4632086 [DELETED] 

Some of us already have the game installed already.
I'm at 80% as is.

>> No.4632088

[20:02:01] [???] ???????????

>> No.4632095

The updating takes a really long time guys, if you have an awesome internet connection or not.

>> No.4632103

last time I logged in was in september 2009 accourding to the chatlog

>> No.4632107


Don't open it in notepad.

>> No.4632108

I'm currently updating at my max speed of 700 kb/s, maybe because my data folder was empty. I'm at 1.4 gb already.

>> No.4632111

It records like this. For me anyway.

>> No.4632115

Updating goes pretty fast here as well but still seems to take a while.

>> No.4632124

Some update a few months ago got the game 2 gb bigger because of voices.

>> No.4632165

Darn, finished downloading but forgot my pass..

>> No.4632178

You forgot your nico password? Did you check saved passwords in Firefox?

>> No.4632196

Ah thanks a lot, I forgot they were the same thing.

>> No.4632205

I guess I will see you all ingame in 24 hours.

>> No.4632213

I can't sleep.

Almost done downlading. Brb breakfast~

>> No.4632219
File: 225 KB, 499x358, aispace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got bored of aisp@ce pretty quickly. If there were alot of events and they were perfectly okay with english-speakers it would of been alot better. My name was Bobette on there, but I was pretty much afk most of the time.

>> No.4632226

they have a fuck ton of events I keep getting newsletters about new clothes and events but sadly the game's GM is xenophobic

>> No.4632268

Are the Touhou items in gashapon or will I be able to buy them from the place at the back of Akihabara?

I hope I don't end up with a slut costume.

>> No.4632277

Yeah, what were they thinking adding Sanae instead of Sakuya?

>> No.4632287
File: 30 KB, 428x296, maidmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Sakuya's the main character of Touhou so I don't see why there isn't one of her.

>> No.4632290

they are like shuffle uniforms and are in the themed gashapons that take nico points

>> No.4632299

My point exactly.


>> No.4632312

oh wow.

I'm in game. I really with I could read this stuff. and hao does run?

>> No.4632316

I got locked out for inputting a wrong pass to many times, guess I'll try latter..

So what sever do you guys normally play on?

>> No.4632323

You have to click a button in one of the menus to run I think.

>> No.4632343

Where is the old list of /jp/ users?

>> No.4632346

Some girl just passed out. Her clothes disappeared. I think the NPC and I are about to have our way with her.

>> No.4632358

How long did it take to update for you guys ?

>> No.4632366


>> No.4632385

So we could really watch NicoNico in someone's room all while being the cute little girl? Count me in.

>> No.4632386

Okay thanks and how much space left do I need on my hard drive ?

>> No.4632392

My aisp@ce folder is reading at 4.63gb

>> No.4632398

I'm at over 3.2gb right now and I've been updating for 2 hrs

>> No.4632404
File: 43 KB, 596x627, why would you do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it got my hopes up that I could play the whole game in 20 minutes, since the install file was 62 MB. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS

>> No.4632424

Yeah it's best to just leave the thing running and go do something else.

>> No.4632430

Lots.. And Lots... Of tsundere voice over....

>> No.4632431

Double Spoiler in the meantime. Hopefully it doesn't take more than three hours.

>> No.4632491

It's downloading 100MB per hour for me.

>> No.4632568

I want to lick Reimu's armpit.

>> No.4632764

Is there a way to speed it up? The update is ridiculously slow even though I have a good internet connection. How do some of you download at 700 kb/s?

>> No.4632781

D-Don't make me download it again...

>> No.4632796

I'm in D.C and I couldn't find the room, I'm in the wrong place I take it?

>> No.4632809

Going in game, man I hate the fullscreen mode on this.

>> No.4632833

I wrote this >>4632386 and it just finished updating.

All right guys, where do we meet ? What island ?

>> No.4632855

Going to akihabara.
There are touhous in the subway.

>> No.4632863

Goddammit, it's still not finished downloading. How long is everyone planning on being there for?

>> No.4632875

The thing is taking a long time for a lot of people and is taking different amounts of time depending on speed.
I don't think people are gonna get board of it in ten minuets and stop playing for good.
I know I'll probably be on latter, I'm just waiting for thing thing to let me log on.

>> No.4632905

We're all leaving now.

>> No.4632914

>I don't think people are gonna get board of it in ten minuets and stop playing for good.
Why not? That's what has happened repeatedly.

>> No.4632927

Well some of us have been playing this for a year on and off.

It's not really the same as the usual Korean grindfests that /jp/ plays and gets bored of after beta.

>> No.4632933

Because watching NicoNico with /jp/ is better than grindan all day.

>> No.4632938

Ah, well I wasn't here the last time /jp/ got into this so I just assumed most people here would have a long enough attention span to stick around here and there for at least a day.

>> No.4633136

Finished updating. Finally.

Should we meet on server 4 at my place on Da Capo island, same as usual?

>> No.4633139

I'm trying to get my reimu.

>> No.4633172

God damn it, still only 400MB downloaded.

>> No.4633278
File: 119 KB, 468x495, 1268409695439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what the fuck did you make me play /jp/ ???
I start the game, I said I liked hair straight and long and yandere and I get a short haired slut as chara-doll. Then she collapses and the tsundere comes and there is a h-scene with a key, it's her first time and she moans !Then there is the water gun fight with shitty gameplay. I got stuck into a wall and couldn't do anything but wait till the end of the timer (and fail the mission). Then a fucking chicken enter my room and the game crashes.

Are you serious ?

>> No.4633295


What? Ai sp@ce has h scenes?

>> No.4633303
File: 693 KB, 1020x765, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4633327

What the fuck? I don't remember anything like this last year.

>> No.4633335
File: 941 KB, 1024x768, ai33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm doing it wrong. I'm not getting anything.

>> No.4633349

Well anyways this game looks like a nice bugfest. I am raging by myself right now, the game crashed when this fucking chicken began talking ! FUUUUUU

>> No.4633364

I can't deny the bugfest.

>> No.4633402

I guess I'll have to redo a character and redo everything because when I tried to login again I was in another area without any explanation.

So anyways, how do you meet between yourselves ?

>> No.4633406

Dear god, I remember you guys. Well, will have to reinstall.

>> No.4633437


>> No.4633439

Why don't you stay out of it? I'd much rather play with an idolfag than an antagonistic dipshit like you.

>> No.4633458

Sup DQN. It took you 5 hours to come up with that response? Stay out of this thread like you said you would.

>> No.4633475
File: 714 KB, 1023x768, taking it easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4633482

So ronery.

>> No.4633572

damn I'm so envious of your large TV...

>> No.4633624
File: 792 KB, 1023x767, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good TV.

>> No.4633677

Will you guys still be playing this tomorrow?

>> No.4633709

I plan to.

>> No.4633713

Okay, I quit. This game is so incredibly boring. If you don't put cash into it you can't have nice things. You need points to buy everything in this game, and apparently you can get a bit of those by doing completely stupid missions involving huge fail gameplay. Also bugs and loading time everywhere, fullscreen mode resolution very low.

Good thing it only took an hour and a half to update. I can uninstall it with peace of mind.

>> No.4633736

you get 1000 points a day from welfare.

>> No.4633752

It won't let me log in. I get the feeling I might me doing something wrong. I enter my e-mail and password. After about 30-60 seconds I get the exiting noise, and then it prompts me for my password again.

>> No.4633782
File: 29 KB, 156x194, 1267853615914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only took my computer about 5 seconds to install.

Whats everybody's problem?

>> No.4633788

It'll work eventually.

>> No.4633795

It took you 5 seconds to download 3GB from a shitty Japanese server?

>> No.4633814

the button on the left is the login button right?

>> No.4633900


>> No.4633925

It's taking like 5 mins after I click login to login

>> No.4633942

holy crap things have changed things are all voiced over and like playing one huge VN now

>> No.4633945
File: 134 KB, 1073x629, dgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4633978


I'm stuck at the exact same part your at.
Starting to wonder if it's going to finish downloading...

>> No.4633998

Tamixy quite ignoring me

>> No.4634012

Quit being creepy. If a person doesn't want to talk just leave him alone.

>> No.4634024

so is this an eroge mmo?

>> No.4634028

Dunno but I'm gonna take a nap. See you when it's done.

>> No.4634050

Still updating at 10KB per second for me. This is going to take at least 2 days.

>> No.4634068

I was off, what do you want.
Technically, yes it is.

>> No.4634079

screw it.

I'm doing some online classes while I wait.

>> No.4634093

How do I have sex with other lolis?

>> No.4634184

You buy a bed at the mall of your island, install it in your room, on the ground level or it will glitch. You then lure loli inside your room, writing japanese will help you for this step. Next, you right click the bed, second option, then select the other loli's name.

>> No.4634187

Ok so I winded up my loli

>> No.4634190

wait wut? I can't afford a bed those things cost a motherload

>> No.4634209

Then go pick up dangos for a week or something. Unfortunately, group scenes are not yet implemented so you have to use your own room and bed.

>> No.4634225

Oh wow, I was looking for that touhou niwango for an hour in the other aki map, it was right at the starting spot. I swear they said it was at the other map.

>> No.4634229

How can I make my doll cum? She just keeps on crying when I touch her private parts.

>> No.4634237
File: 453 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090620_044916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou clothes? goddamn it more stuff I can't have.

>> No.4634255

You can actually. Everyone can get a sample 30 minutes doll set, and out of that 3 people will get a permanent set of each touhou.
I think.

>> No.4634288

how the hell do you play the shooting game?

>> No.4634370
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x768, ai34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D Touhou

>> No.4634391

it says 4人 on the mission chooser? does that mean we can play it as a team?

>> No.4634413

Yes, but then it becomes even less playable. Shooting in the sky will have the same effect as aiming the stuff.

>> No.4634577

how do I stop it from auto locking on to enemies?

>> No.4634600

Oh man, I remember watching niconico on the huge TV with you guys, good times.

>> No.4634624

can someone translate the 5 stats?

>> No.4634667

アタック - Attack
テクニック - Technique
マイソド - [Maindo? Dunno what it's supposed to mean]
ディフェンス - Defense
ラック - Luck

>> No.4634675

Er, actually, it's maisodo. Still don't know what it means, though.

>> No.4634694

It's mind.

>> No.4634697

Maindo Powa.

>> No.4634730
File: 875 KB, 1024x768, ais_20100315_033329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit they are coming to kill me!

>> No.4635148

I'm logging in now. Anybody online?

>> No.4635190

I'm going to bed... you can find VDZ and Tamixy around though.

>> No.4635222

I remember when we first got on this, we'd all hang out in someone's room and watch Niconico douga

>> No.4635224


>> No.4635247

クール・ストーリ, your room is located on DCII island right? Is it open to public or only when you're online?

>> No.4635286

this is taking ages to login

>> No.4635297

updating my client

>> No.4635333
File: 241 KB, 1023x789, rosemallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she has stats now, attack, technique, mind, etc. Level, hp. Interesting.

>> No.4635431

Do they accept foreign credit cards yet?

>> No.4635448
File: 53 KB, 1005x747, ai1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently watching some videos at Tamixy's place.

>> No.4635453

speaking english gets you banned - so what do you think?

>> No.4635457

We're in Tamixy's room now.

>> No.4635458

I paid with a foreign credit card so I guess they do.

>> No.4635513
File: 167 KB, 1024x792, charadoll maintanance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have to use my access key to perform maintenance on my charadoll who collapsed to the floor ...

>> No.4635519
File: 175 KB, 1024x789, charadoll maintanance2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to be gentle inserting the key because it's her first time .........

>> No.4635537
File: 289 KB, 1021x787, charadoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now she's a magical girl. Hell yeah, game just got an upgrade.

>> No.4635566

wow she looks way better than my girl.

is there some reason I can't name her with any names in japanese, only english? I'd rather not have both my characters with english names since it would be suspicious.

>> No.4635648 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 448x162, gsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh... what just happened?

This popped up when I tried starting it.

>> No.4635719

I'm off. I hope to see more of you guys tomorrow.

>> No.4635720

I'm stuck in the mission quest area. Kid won't let me leave until I do a mission and my poor Charadoll can't survive. I think I'll join you all later tonight, getting frustrated.

>> No.4635824

I... I can't see shit in the character creation part, is this normal?

>> No.4636004

i don't understand this watergun thing, but I think that 10 minute mission is too long to solo since I've killed around 25 groups of robots and no end in site, though I though It did say to escape to the exit I ran out of time on the way there.

>> No.4636046
File: 37 KB, 771x220, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone happen to know what this is?

>> No.4636063

Your account's been locked because of too many failed logins. Unlock it at the main web page.

>> No.4636064

You failed at logging in too many times, so your account is locked.

>> No.4636145


>> No.4636161

Thanks, I thought it was something to that degree but it didn't go away after 10 hours.

>> No.4636498

someone explain how the shit i am supposed to fight. she keeps getting knoced down and not following my orders. plus, this locked view is pissing me off hard

>> No.4636540

where do i buy clothes? a screenshot would be super helpful

>> No.4636661
File: 687 KB, 1024x768, ais_20100315_101608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4636703

welfare npc is to the left of the girl that let you choose your island, if anyone was looking.

>> No.4636729
File: 607 KB, 1024x768, ais_20100315_102530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmn the room was vacant when I woke up so I moved back to my own room on shuffle island

>> No.4636764


>> No.4636976

seems like I can't get any of the school quests.

The items you use to upgrade your character while hunting are pretty expensive - 1500-1800 a piece for 30 minutes.
They do make you go from hitting for 2-4 to 12-20 though. I guess I'll look up stuff on the jp wiki to see what stats I should put in.

>> No.4638426


>> No.4638492

So I heard you can't buy the Touhou costumes? I'll guess I'll have to do some more missions then.

>> No.4639163
File: 296 KB, 1024x782, darkerthanblackk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai Sp@ce isn't working for me. I tried to reinstall it once, I even tried to set compatibility modes...it doesn't want to load models or anything, game renders completely in pitch black after updating then launching it.

This can't be a Hardware issue because I own a well cooled AMD Phenom II, a 260, plus, the internal ATI disabled. They're working perfectly.

I'm using Win7 Ultimate 64b with the latest Drivers possible, I doubt it's a Software issue because my config is default and I made a Forceware profile for the game with all settings to app's preference. Still doesn't work.

It's my first time experiencing these issues with my current PC. I just don't know one thing: can I config Ai Sp@ce? How?

Also, pic related. Grimdark Akihabara or so I've been told, awesome landscape, isn't it?

>> No.4639200

I think you can, you just need to spend real money

>> No.4639228 [DELETED] 

whats the model of your graphix card?

>> No.4639239

the configuration menu is in game
click the house on the left side and hit the wrench

>> No.4639276
File: 207 KB, 307x371, idontknowwhattocallthisface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit the wrench

But wouldn't that hurt

>> No.4639314

I forget, did you login into this with your nicoaccount? I don't really want to bother downloading this again if my character is gone.

>> No.4639319

yeah it's the same as your nico account, does anyone know what stats I should add to increase my gun power or my HP?

>> No.4639338


>> No.4639345

that doesn't sound convincing...

>> No.4639346

Aren't you experiencing the same bug or whatever it is?

Changing ai sp@ce's config didn't fix anything.

>> No.4639407

I doubt my eight-year-old+ laptop can run this properly but I'll give it a try...

>> No.4639436
File: 31 KB, 459x274, 1266923053418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this is hard to run

>> No.4639465
File: 105 KB, 475x539, 1268344108278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loaded it up, went to start it, and when the main screen pops up, it goes white, then starts flickering a few times before just staying white.

Re-installed 3 times already...
I think its broken.

>> No.4639483

AiSp@ce lags quite a bit it takes me like 5 mins just from clicking login to actually logining in

>> No.4639846

My computer can just barely run this. Looks like it's fine so long as I avoid crowds.

But I think I know now why Futaba hates Nicodou so much.
What the fuck is this faggotry?

>> No.4639851

Anyone else on? maka and I are shopping right now.

>> No.4639852

Welcome to a game where there is nothing to do if you don't take out your credit card. Unless you enjoy chatting with japanese guys whose only meaningful conversation is : wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.4639855

This is bullshit, of course.

>> No.4639857

It forced me into a cutscene when I entered my room. You might be locked out for a minute, maka.

>> No.4639868

Oh really ?

>> No.4639934

Fuck, I picked the Clannad world and now everybody's autistic.

>> No.4639952


>> No.4640059

How do you add friends?

>> No.4640114
File: 81 KB, 1018x736, ai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4640121


800 yen for a RENTAL miko outfit??

Am I reading this right?

>> No.4640128

You have to win them in the gashapon to keep them permanently.

>> No.4640134
File: 273 KB, 1025x791, Ahhhhh!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to figure out wat to do, let alone how to get where you are...

I dunno whats going on!!!
Pic related, this is where I'm standing right now.

>> No.4640138

Switch to 4ch in options and we can go get you.

>> No.4640154

How do I switch and how do I know where I currently am... I found some kind of menu that has 1ch-8ch, and allows me to move them left and right...

>> No.4640165

Move 4ch to the left, leave the area, then go back again and you'll be in 4ch Akihabara.

>> No.4640169

Ah, in that case I'm all alone standing at same place as screenshot

>> No.4640170


So wait, first I have to pay for them.
and THEN I have to play a random game to keep them?

>> No.4640185


What ?!? so they are even racist in a fucking game the japs?

>> No.4640187

You're irritated as well when someone in a game can't or refuses to speak the main language spoken in a game right? That's why.

>> No.4640192

I clicked on what I *thought* looked like apartments, and it sent me to what seems to be the Lucky Star school.... Do I make my way east?

>> No.4640195

Marisa, where are you? I forgot to add you on the phone thing before leaving.

>> No.4640197 [DELETED] 

HERe'S thE tRUe cOLOrs oF YOUR GLoriOus HErO chrisTOpHER pOole:

soUrcE: HtTP://wwW.aNonTAlk.COm/DUMp/MooTARd.tXT

> MeSSAGE-iD: <4b6B90ep.8030701@4CHaN.ORg>
> frOm: MOOt <mooT@4CHAN.orG>
> user-AgENt: MozILLA/5.0 (MaCINtOSh; U; intEL MaC oS x 10.5; En-Us; rv: gEcKO/20100111 THunDeRBird/3.0.1
> To: sYsoP@aNonTaLK.CoM
> subjeCt: EnjoYINg YoUR DowntIMe fAGGoT?
> THey BlinDly bELievE eVeRYTHIng I feEd tHEM, FaKe OR NOT, Your BoARd's gOiNG doWn. Don't bOtHeR PublisHInG tHIs, No OnE WIll beLIEvE YOu AnywAY On aNT Or /b/ :)

>> No.4640204
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1268409763815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through the zone square things, now I am apparantly in my apartment laying on my bed with my robot/pet thing looking down on me

>> No.4640205

Go back and choose another location. You picked the school.

And it's the school from Da Capo 2.

>> No.4640215

Is your charadoll from Da Capo? Because if she isn't, it sounds like you're on the wrong island.

>> No.4640217

Charadoll? The thing following me that I accidentally named the same thing as me?
Well... I can read this enough to know I'm on the right island... It says D.C.II at the top.. Theres the school, an open mall with a glass roof.... Uhhh...

>> No.4640219

Is there a button that says アパート or マイルーム on the map?

>> No.4640220

I see マイルーム.
Go there?

>> No.4640230


When you're in there, click your door and choose the third option down. A menu will appear. Scroll down until you see my name and join that room.

>> No.4640232

You were in the room just now. You left a few seconds later.

>> No.4640235

The one with Beatrice in it?

>> No.4640297
File: 32 KB, 500x400, 129076914683713497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So basically this games a Pedo Bear Magnet.

>> No.4640364

Does anyone remember what needs to be installed for nico videos to show up?

>> No.4640366

Flash for Internet Explorer.

>> No.4640380

Get out.

>> No.4640501

This is all far too confusing for me.... I can't read anything.
So aside from the occasional /jp/ meet up in the apartments, I'm afraid I wont be doing much.

>> No.4640532

Where can I find you people?

>> No.4640533
File: 1000 KB, 1030x793, Ohshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been awhile since I last logged in. Should of kept logging in for the welfare checks.

>> No.4640540 [DELETED] 

What channel are you in? I'm confused as to how to get to Cool Story and Chisame's rooms. They don't show up on the apartment list and I don't remember how I used to find them.

My Rosemallow is driving me insane with her moe overload now so I'll enjoy running about anyway.

>> No.4640545
File: 139 KB, 1025x790, home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What channel are you in? I'm confused as to how to get to Cool Story and Chisame's rooms. They don't show up on the apartment list and I don't remember how I used to find them.

My Rosemallow is driving me insane with her moe overload now so I'll enjoy running about anyway.

>> No.4640550

Go to Da Capo island.

>> No.4640551
File: 817 KB, 1025x767, now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4640555

Da Capo island apartments. And make sure you're on 4ch.

>> No.4640589

I believe I broke my ai sp@ce, can someone upload their setting.hed for me, please? It's in \ai sp@ce\data .

>> No.4640592

I live on the shuffle island but when cool story is on I idle in his room.

>> No.4640604


>> No.4640621

>Japanese people playing a japanese version of second life with toohooes and manga/anime characters.

I bet they make a life in the game.

>> No.4640633
File: 945 KB, 1024x767, futurama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4640670

My client won't even update, it just sits there mocking me.

>> No.4640694

needs to be run with apploc or japanese locale

>> No.4640866

I'm in 4ch's Akihabara, lost, veery lost.

>> No.4640918

I think everyone left.

>> No.4641078

I'm in my own room in shuffle


>> No.4641084
File: 139 KB, 633x646, Screen shot 2010-03-15 at 12.37.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, I don't even.

>> No.4641109

that's a survey doesn't matter what you pick

>> No.4641205

On my way.

>> No.4641238

Hm, your room doesn't appear in the list.

>> No.4641247

shuffle is the third option when you speak to the conductor person

>> No.4641257

I know but the room still doesn't appear in the list.

>> No.4641484

Oh god forced tutorial.

>> No.4641925

Hmm, I came back too late. Is anyone still on?

>> No.4642007
File: 137 KB, 1018x758, dfsdfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here? Why is everything black?

>> No.4642054

If it's not your hardware sucking, it could be some config or regional settings. People I know who had this were all able to fix it.

>> No.4642081

It's hard to fix when I'm not exactly a japanese speaker. I've tried to mess with the settings, but nothing happens. Still black screen.

>> No.4642109

Most probably not the in game settings. Could be a driver or something. If you're not running on a japanese locale, try that first, for any problem happening on a japanese game.

>> No.4642114

Also, is this worth a new thread? I plan to play for at least a week if others stay on.

>> No.4642287

Yeah, definitely. There were quite some people online today only you weren't there. I definitely plan to play more often.

>> No.4642308

New thread: >>4642300
