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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 800x600, 52cfd2d204357b3bb07ef6fc2278df91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46329886 No.46329886 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:>>46308679

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46329905
File: 457 KB, 1258x788, ev07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ending was actually so great

>> No.46330236

the vn i was reading for 1 week is giving unrecognized kernel32 module now.

>> No.46331061

Release the nunge

>> No.46331377

i want to speedrun learning jap so i can read whatever eroge i want but i only have 4 hours a day for reading. what kind of routine should i have? is it doable?
i already read some grammar stuff so i was thinking 4 hours straight into reading easy eroge, 15 min anki and pray i’m half fluent in a year
what easy eroge do you recommend?

>> No.46331421 [DELETED] 

KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

>> No.46331445

We had some quiet threads but once it's starting out with trash. Further proof EOPs can't be trusted.

>> No.46331448 [DELETED] 

I would enjoy opensource-ge.

>> No.46331469
File: 7 KB, 406x147, 1688918663157131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really lost. The VN was literally working yesterday. Why is it not opening now? I already applied the Win8WOH fix and reinstalled, but it's still giving me this error.
It's a ge from ALcot.

>> No.46331511 [DELETED] 

>what kind of routine should i have? is it doable?

>> No.46331533 [DELETED] 

Then it would make sense to wait until more open source games are released instead of playing proprietary malware. If more people reject proprietary software, it creates intensive to make more open source games.

>> No.46331541 [DELETED] 

Well this is what you get for using nonfree software. It's just very bad and doesn't work. How about you install the GNU operating system?

>> No.46331580
File: 256 KB, 695x1535, 1701952511467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has never happened to me
but i know the fix

>> No.46331584

Thank you, westoid sister.

>> No.46331597

>>46331469 (You)
If anyone in the future finds this bug, just rename the folder where your VN is installed.
I spent 7 hours finding a fix for this shit lol.
Go back to your shithole.

>> No.46331619

>I spent 7 hours finding a fix for this shit
Lol, I had the same issue with Geminism and I was ready to go nuclear on Unity.

>> No.46331621

Sounds like the devs put a lot of work into a vn that stops working if the folder is not named right. But they didn't forget to include spyware in it anyway which is terrific.

>> No.46331623 [DELETED] 

So true, westoid siter.

>> No.46331629

So true, westoid sister.

>> No.46331717

Authentication failed: unrecognized kernel32 module. / NM

for search purpose

>> No.46331726
File: 93 KB, 1000x690, 57d92ee7f24a4b56f277bc3c5bc835e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was such a pain in the ass.Had to replay it 3 times and it doesn't even have a skip function

>> No.46332323

do i really need to practice listening if my goal is to read? sounds pointless

>> No.46332345

No, you don't need to, learnersister. Use a phone attached onto a selfie-stick.

>> No.46332480

Just use Google Lens and MTL since your IQ is already proven to be too low rofl

>> No.46332931

Best vn with an インセル tier 主人公?

>> No.46332949

haven't really kept up with tm stuff since 2021, what happened to part 2 of tsukihime? any updates? any interviews? trailers? leaks?
It's been so long since i read an eroge its nostalgic.

>> No.46332974

It's still being worked on, but no real news. Hopefully they give a real update on it later this year or I go full doompost mode.

>> No.46333401

when part 1 released Nasu pretty much went "expect part 2 to come out like the Olympics"
at the time it was unclear if he meant the same year as the next Olympics or 4 years after part 1, but in either scenario things are getting very questionable

>> No.46333425

7 hours of reading vns today.
man what a great afternoon.

>> No.46333436

>that one unemployed friend on a wednesday

>> No.46333450 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your shilling of this guide that literally says you shouldn't be reading VNs just because MUH PROPRIETARY

>> No.46334566

Any Christian VN?

>> No.46334582


>> No.46334638
File: 134 KB, 800x894, CHRISTIAN VALUES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46334782

The one I'm writing.

>> No.46334953
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!_2024-03-12_13-24-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Kaguya's route. What the fuck were they thinking? How hard is it to put one fucking sentence in the epilogue that she's pregnant? The whole fucking route is about it and then they don't deliver. I am so mad. It was close to a great route and now it's just something that will make me lose sleep. Isn't there a drama CD with another after story or something? I have Amane's ASMR, but that's it. There's no way they just released this, right? RIGHT?

>> No.46334997

my parents whored me out when I was a kid so now I hate money

>> No.46335023

yuzusoft and not delivering, name a more iconic duo

>> No.46335069

Follow up: I had to go check out some jp blogs to see what they think about this extremely important problem and after seeing 3 very different bloggers not even mention it at all, I see that japs are just retarded.

>> No.46335089

i doubt the average yuzuslop consumer gives a shit about quality. as long as you have kanako calling them kimoi they'll give the game a 10/10.

>> No.46335107

Release in 2035.

>> No.46335126

ignore tats0moto at any cost

here, all you need

>> No.46335127

go back to /djt/

>> No.46335191

This has nothing to do with quality. The route has zero plot, only ichaicha. I'm fine with that. I like that. But she's begging for impregnation 24/7. MC wants to make her pregnant since the very beginning. They call the deed 孕めっくす. The 10 minutes of plot at the end are there just so their child can grow up in a safe environment. So why. Why. Why? And now there are even retarded plotfags like you using a moe failure in a moege as an argument for why plotshit is better. Fucking die.

>> No.46335202

Hey, hold up. Friendly fire! We're on the same side here, dude.

>> No.46335220

I concede. I accept that moege is actually better, even though my plotge go through with actual pregnancy (by other men). I will now kill myself.

>> No.46335401

this war is so retarded, i have read more than 100 moege and more than 100 plotge.
if you dont enjoy the medium, just kill yourself or go to reddit.

>> No.46335448

This. We need to negotiate a cease-fire between the moege派 and the plotge派. The common enemy we really should fight against is very dangerous to our society.

>> No.46335449

Still never reading plotredditcuckshit.

>> No.46335464

go back to /vn/

>> No.46335471

How about you stay there, EOPlotcuck?

>> No.46335496

that shithole was full of moege trannylation lovers shitting on plotge last time I saw in 2020. you can stop pretending you're a resident here and go back to your EOP friends.

>> No.46335554

I wouldn't know, I don't visit reddit generals ever.

>> No.46335673
File: 816 KB, 4390x2279, ZHVwOFQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46335734
File: 545 KB, 646x699, 1694694978007672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cool

>> No.46336449
File: 676 KB, 1120x680, tenshi_sz_MlBe4NKJLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Routes like that are why I sometimes wish Yuzusoft did FDs. It's not like they haven't done pregnancy endings before so I was definitely expecting it after so much foreshadowing all throughout the route and every H-scene.
Still my favorite heroine though, just wish they stuck the landing at the end of her route.

>> No.46336505
File: 355 KB, 1506x878, forbidden love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so like
imagine if after all this time and all those memories and all these misunderstandings
imagine if like he goes and bangs your maid instead?
wouldn't that be funny?

but seriously though how the fuck am i supposed to pick a different route

>> No.46336734 [DELETED] 

But still accepts donations via banking software and PayPal, thus subjecting his readers to engagement with proprietary spyware that collects their ID. So much for 自由, huh.
w w ww w w w w w w w w w っw

>> No.46336882
File: 3.29 MB, 1920x1080, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46337059
File: 319 KB, 959x237, 刹那にかける恋はなび.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46337103

does anybody in this thread read actually interesting and entertaining vns or is it just all self-inserting fat moebuta's jerking off to yuzuslop

>> No.46337129

Don't be shy anon. Just post about whatever you're reading.

>> No.46337301
File: 24 KB, 930x362, 30 fps with 3080 ti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats it. I'm buying an RTX 4090 so I can play eroge in 60 fps.

>> No.46337392

>we now need a mining farm to play our powerpoint-ge

>> No.46337438

Thank you to the anon who posted this dies irae let's play. I am enjoying it so much.

>> No.46337448
File: 126 KB, 1024x600, 1697483241996639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be too harsh on him, he just really loved the character and is mad they destroyed her route, he most likely wanted something like this to be the final CG, of course in a timeline where her nekomimi didn't evaporate

>> No.46337571

No, it's just if you're a braindead 4K 60 FPS zoomer autist.
Or are playing un*ty-"""ge"""

>> No.46337801
File: 84 KB, 439x596, 14545687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't know how good we had it before, kitsunebros.

>> No.46339004


>> No.46340508

The best game of 2023.

>> No.46340553

2.5 is the best biman. Haru is cute as shit.

>> No.46340580

thanks for the spoiler bro

>> No.46340839

If the story is good enough, a spoiler or two shouldn't eliminate your enjoyment.

>> No.46340897

let me guess, that girl is the angel from tenshi souzou giving 'maou' the business? or is this ai generated?

>> No.46340901

>or is this ai generated?
You're a genius. I'm gonna make my own pregnant ending with AI.

>> No.46340906

yuzuge dont have good stories

>> No.46340910

This is why one should purposefully look up all the spoilers beforehand, so nobody can rob you of the joy and freedom.

>> No.46341118

Oh it’s yuzuge damn I got baited so hard, I actually thought that looked cool

>> No.46341144

Maybe, just maybe, you ought to drop your stupid prejudices towards yuzuge? Because yuzuge are incredibly cool, fun, and all round awesome.

>> No.46341149


>> No.46341178

AI art does not look like that you blind fuck

>> No.46341186

someone's been living under a rock

>> No.46341198

Is yuzuge good or is this more bait? Because I even see people who play a lot of yuzuge say their games are shit so I thought they were actually just shit. I tried cafe stella back when I was a complete noob and it was too hard and long so I dropped it

>> No.46341229
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, downloadfile(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see them again.

>> No.46341341
File: 915 KB, 2560x1811, OTOME SEKAI NO ARUKIKATA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have only seen very cherry-picked images on r####t, or you just look at pictures for 2 seconds before continuing to scroll like a phone-addicted kid, or you are just blind. I just went to /g/ and clicked on their AI generals, and the anime-like """art""" it shits out really is horrible and full of severe flaws. I guess you may say that the art style is vaguely similar to the general style of anime-like stuff AI shits out (although that's already a stretch), but the quality and consistency is completely different.
If you want an example of eroge-adjacent art that looks more like AI, both in terms of style and mistakes, there's this promo art of an upcoming eroge. But even then, I'd still argue that there's a high chance that it was made by a human, especially since part of the appeal of the game is that the art is supposedly made by a notable artist (mignon).

>> No.46341373

Yuzuge is very consistent, if you like one you'll probably like them all and vice versa.
Tenshi Souzo pretty much took over these threads for an entire month when it released so that should give you an idea of how popular yuzuge is here.

>> No.46341382

now type it again but in japanese

>> No.46341391

Stfu jop

>> No.46341392

There is literally nothing stopping artists themselves from feeding their entire portfolio to the AI model and make the AI shit images everyday, the same applies to anyone who just go to danbooru and download all the images they can from certain artists and feed them to AI
Its literally over

>> No.46341397

...and all of it looks shit lol

>> No.46341412

It was the best selling eroge last year, so you may as well say japan itself.

>> No.46341424
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm ‐ETERNAL SKY‐X-EDITION, I never even knew it existed and it doesn't show up on vndb.

>> No.46341431

go back to vg

>> No.46341438

They don't know anything about it either so I assume it's untranslated.

>> No.46341449

Same reason FGO doesn't show up on vndb
The faggot admin whoever he is is butthurt about it, that's the mobage that made sprite go bankrupt

>> No.46341450

It's a dead gacha not tied to the VN

>> No.46341457

Bruh what a waste. And wtf, I have never known a mobile game with h-cg in it.

>> No.46341466

Yeah I do remember last year the dozen or so threads in a row with yuzuge op images. Guess I'll try one now that it doesn't take me 1 hour to read a small scene. Thanks anon.

>> No.46341470


>> No.46341476


>> No.46341510

it was cuckshit so good riddance

>> No.46341514

There are tons of ero mobage, just take a quick glance at DMM Games page

>> No.46341641

You don't even know basic Japanese.

>> No.46341659

Gacha trash is why we don't get new alicesoft. Just look at the state of their youtube channel.

>> No.46341707
File: 945 KB, 720x597, image0-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't even know KINO japanese

>> No.46341897
File: 907 KB, 799x627, gHjx3WW[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of like Eushully I've mostly only ever played the stuff that was popular in English communities 15ish years ago and a shit ton of untled nukige since then but recently I decided to give companies like Circus, Yuzu, Purple Soft, etc. a try and only a few days into my first one I'm already in love.
Unrelated to the above, for like half a decade, someone who lived near me used "Nanase Sena" as their wireless connection's name and I've been curious about https://vndb.org/v15393 ever since. Have any of you played it and did you enjoy it if so?

>> No.46341933

>なのだがこの「我が栄光」、 東ドイツの国歌 「Auferstanden aus Ruinen(日本語訳:廃墟からの復活)」そのものであり、 他国の国歌をエロシーンに採用する というぶっとんだ行為をしている。
Wtf why i never realized it

>> No.46342004

some jap told me this the other day followed by 害人 :(

>> No.46342256

some jap told me this the other day followed by 廃人 :(

>> No.46342794

天使騒々 RE-BOOT!

>> No.46343159
File: 1.57 MB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz (78).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?
Writing shit where the heroine begs to get pregnant and then NOT having a pregnant h-scene should be a criminal offense. First offenders get a fine, second offenders lose a hand, third offenders are executed (and each heroine who asks to get pregnant or begs for nakadashi is a separate offense so if you do it three times in one VN, you die).

>> No.46343167
File: 231 KB, 843x1350, 僕の好きな人の好きな人は、女装した僕でした。AdvHD (17) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but seriously though how the fuck am i supposed to pick a different route
Probably because the other routes are barely there and just porn.
It's basically a solo heroine game.

>> No.46343434

my pp wants Ai but every other fiber of my being cries out for Kiyoko-chan to get the surprise dickings she didn't know she always wanted
occasionally i remember the onee-san exists
i feel like i should save the best for last but also like it's killing the momentum to do so

>> No.46343437

>save the best for last
Never do this.

>> No.46343457

that holds true for anything of decent length but this is short and i have consistently liked the writing
the worst that could happen is that i lose patience and ctrl through some porn

>> No.46343956

Kinda on topic with Alicesoft, just reinstalled Choukou Sennin Haruka to fap to Narika scenes and man, back when I first played it I was neutral to Narika giving rimjobs to Takamaru but now that I saw them again after acquiring that fetish I was like "Holy shit, this is amazing, Aoba Ringo is my queen" So yep, this is gonna stay installed for a long while. Uncensored CG looks great.

>> No.46344057

For me it's Haruka's h-scenes especially since Kazane is giving it her all which makes the moanings very hot.

>> No.46344200

Imagine kissing a girl after she does this

>> No.46344369

anyone have a link for https://vndb.org/v27379 and know anything about the patches for it? vndb mentions an emote patch which i can't find any info about anywhere

>> No.46344372

Eroge is lacking pissing scenes nowadays

>> No.46344570

Amen brother

>> No.46345729
File: 3.02 MB, 3840x2120, Clipboard584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insert song with lyrics plays during dialogue

No I actually dont want to stop reading for 5 minutes to listen to the song midway.

>> No.46347180

>downloaded some form of eroge last night while drunk but forgot what
>file is just numbers, closed out the window so no history
oh boy, time to see what mystery gift last night's me left

>> No.46347367

Eroge is lacking

>> No.46347754

Its more like AI trying to imitate mignon's kino art resulted in the current situation.

>> No.46347819

I can't believe I have read every single koihime musou game baseson has released now
I hope they never release another one

>> No.46347946

does enshou have her own game yet? because if not i will have to override your hopes

>> No.46348229

You ever look at random inactive profiles on vndb and wonder what happened to them?
Like is this guy dead? Did he just grow out of eroge? Get married? Maybe he even used to visit this general back in the day.

>> No.46348275

>last vote in 2020
the coof got him

>> No.46348299

There are some vndb accounts I find that have such similar taste to me I wish I could talk to them and be friends.

>> No.46348330

do people in this general only play the most popular vns.Did you really learn japanese to play all the trash coming out of yuzusoft?

>> No.46348341

tell us about your favorite sekrit underground one, then

>> No.46348343

no i learned for chuunige

>> No.46348355

My best friends who I love talking to the most are my cute eroge heroines.
We learned Japanese BY playing Yuzu """trash""" (masterpieces), collegecuck.

>> No.46348360

Same. I’ve also seen some profiles with really eclectic taste, like a mix of yaoi and otome with lots of ero and moege. Always wonder what kind of person they are.

>> No.46348369

Yes. Unpopular VNs are trash without exception

>> No.46348373

popular =/= bad

>> No.46348375

I just read what I want. Sometimes it's popular. Sometimes, not so much.

>> No.46348378

Wrong. All the popular VNs are bad.

>> No.46348383
File: 213 KB, 1280x720, afureta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i play a large variety of stuff, i just don't usually post things that wouldn't be popular here very often and there are other places to discuss some of that

>> No.46348438

I learned to watch Vtubers, eroge is a bonus.

>> No.46348461


>> No.46348465

>there are other places to discuss some of that
You have to go back.

>> No.46348471

I only learned so I could read lolige

>> No.46348501
File: 352 KB, 817x626, why not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't mean shit like reddit, i mean on this site. most of those places are EOP shitholes though, but almost no one here would care about pic related for example

>> No.46348516

see >>46348465

>> No.46348605

Is there no way to get the soundtrack from Criminal Border other than to buy a physical copy? I think the soundtrack comes bundled with the game but it isn't on any of the torrents. I have no qualms with paying, I just want to listen to the OP in full...

>> No.46348643


>> No.46348647 [DELETED] 

Uhhhh your garbro?

>> No.46348843

Im pretty sure this is the only english community that plays untranslated doujin games, your tourism is showing kid

>> No.46349205

I enjoyed the maid route desu
The sister route is extremely hot and made me cum buckets

>> No.46349521

anon that is an obvious spam account
or he just ctrls and looks at CGs

>> No.46349564

のgame goes unvoted.

>> No.46349691
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, Medicarium*Valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a lot like that.
I think when most people are looking for a new VN to read, they'll try the first few hours of a dozen or so VNs and stick with the best of them.
I instead read just the first few minutes of thereabouts a hundred VNs and narrow the pool down to a small handful from there.
So if I run into an otome game or whatever that has a really cute girl in it, I throw it in the bucket and give it the same chance as everything else. And every once in a while I end up getting surprised and the story is really interesting or the writing is superb or the concept is crazy and I stick with it.

It's a platitude but I think it's best to keep an open mind. "Otome" is essentially a marketing label, just like "moege". There are plenty of games that have otome written on the box that are still lots of fun as a male reader.

>> No.46349731
File: 390 KB, 1082x2157, Germanball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46349917

>There are plenty of games that have otome written on the box that are still lots of fun as a male reader.
Sorry bub, but you're not gaslighting us into accepting homosexuality (indulging in stories where POV romances a male).

>> No.46349994

You are talking to a fujo

>> No.46350010

We love traps here

>> No.46350026
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter, still gay

>> No.46350049
File: 12 KB, 914x77, and learn he did.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I distinctly remember coming across an obscure lolige that I had added to an old list years ago when I was an eop, downloading it, reading it, and being filled with a huge sense of accomplishment from actually being able to read it. back when I added the lolige to the list, reading it seemed like a pipe dream. it was truly a moment where I felt like I made it, the feeling of setting a goal for the long term and actually achieving said goal. no regrets

>> No.46350063

>>>/lgbt/ に帰れ and/or 自殺しろ。

>> No.46350199
File: 444 KB, 1280x1440, 刹那にかける恋はなび.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46350248

I don't care what is popular or "rated highly". I also play random doujin games.
I haven't played any yuzu because they look boring.
I only check here every once in a while because this thread is shit.

>> No.46350703

Lolige weren't thriving in the first place but now they are completely dead as a genre. America won, it's over.

>> No.46350765

america thinks high schoolers are loli

>> No.46350781

Good. We need to accelerate. I want the most generic bishoujo design imaginable to be inalienably tied with pedophilia in the average westoid mind. I want it to be completely impossible for even the most milquetoast moege to be commercially released and marketed. I want thousands of Canadians arrested for 2D crimes and forced into medically assisted suicide. Total Western Market Death.

>> No.46350819

>pretending to be male
>forgot you were pretending to be male and out yourself as a fujo

Anyways "moege" is definitely not just a marketing label. When something is marketed as a moege people expect a very specific type of game. If you market your edgy ntr used goods kusoge as moege people lose their shit and boycott your game. It sounds like you really are a fujo and have not played very much moege at all, maybe the big normie eroge like muvluv and fsn, and are not like what >>46348360 was talking about.

>> No.46350856

an edgy ntr used goods kamige marked as moege would be so cool

>> No.46350891

Does yuzu or any of them actually use 萌えゲー in their marketing though?

>> No.46350909


>> No.46350956

No but most games of a specific type have a specific look to the characters and how they get advertised so you can usually tell

>> No.46351062

JKbros they are coming after us next...

>> No.46351076

Is there a good way to get ahold of bgm's besides just ripping them?

>> No.46351110
File: 337 KB, 1227x852, 0509new-bunrui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some guy made this chart

>> No.46351113

Why do females always come in this thread and announce they’re females?
We don’t go on blog and announce our gender when we post

>> No.46351356
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>> No.46351461

>We don't go on blog and announce our gender when we post
Speak for yourself.

>> No.46351491

For the companies that I have read, this seems reasonably accurate.

>> No.46351568

what's with the x on elf and whatever's going on with minori? is it a joke since elf died? and i thought minori died too i don't get the joke on the name that's underneath

>> No.46351758
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The X is just him moving elf to the right in version 1.1
Under minori is "monori", a spelling mistake.
1 layer editing chad

>> No.46352279

Why does breast expansion almost always come with futanari?

>> No.46353512
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Not so sure about Augustus's sense of fashion here.

>> No.46355903
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, 二股野郎とパパ活姉妹_Version_1.0.0.0_[data_ver1.00]hutapapa (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You learn something new every day.

>> No.46356312

Yeah that's a shame,it's the same for Kunoichi and being raped/killed, i know Atelier kaguya made one centered around the mc being able to make the heroines breast grow with no futanari but it's been a while and i don't remember the title.

>> No.46356703

For you of the most ancient ones here, did ELF game use to own the page kakyusei.com, or was it never theirs?

I was surprised to find one of the oldest ELF fans owns it, but I was wondering if it ever was ELF's at some point.

>> No.46356823

i thought monori was a way to insult minori for a sec, and didn't notice elf got moved since they left out the dmm part

speaking of elf, is their dmm game still alive? are they doing anything else with the elf brand?

>> No.46356838

Looks like it started as a korean fan site.
At least web archive has nothing before that.

>> No.46356856

Interesting. I was looking through some of my own archives and links, and was wondering why one of them still remained listed on google even though the original site was long gone. The owner of uzuki must have made a backup of it in a subdomain of kakyusei.com.

Still, I am glad uzuki still lives. Precious little remains of those days.

>> No.46356864

You missed 同級生2リメイク?

>> No.46356901

Traps arent gay
Futa is super gay tho

>> No.46357020
File: 240 KB, 941x417, for what purpose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah otherwise i wouldn't have asked, but wow it's real. and while i googled that i found they put doukyuusei on steam but without jp text, what the hell?

>> No.46357074

>Bangin' Summer
Heh. I remember the flamewars over the morality in DQS that lasted for almost a decade.

>> No.46357434

It's common to separate the foreign release from the japanese because it's usually at least half price.
Then with steam regional pricing, a chinese yuan purchase could end up being 1/10 of the japanese price.

>> No.46357748

yeah but it's annoying since they don't necessarily also put them on jp sites like dlsite or dmm, though in this case i assume it's also on dmm but those bastards blocked foreign IPs a while ago and i'm usually too lazy to boot up a VPN just to take a quick glance at a page

>> No.46357970

Yeah the region block is obnoxious. You can check getchu to see pages
Fanza DL版 30%OFF 7,560円

>> No.46358068

oh that's interesting, i didn't even bother checking since i thought they'd monopolize it with only steam as the rare exception. this is useful, thanks

>> No.46360032

But you could talk to them and be friends. You can post on someone's vndb page...
I might do it to ask for recommendations one day

>> No.46360168

Guess you guys were right, they are doing a hakkenden switch port not even 2 months after the release https://twitter.com/ARES_CS/status/1768819476315906444

>> No.46360791
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>Yukina literally stops showing up after she catches a cold
>Protagonist disappears then reappears shortly after

What a dumb ending. I'm probably missing something by not doing Kako before.

>> No.46360851

What's the deal with the different colors?

>> No.46360888
File: 962 KB, 1500x969, uso-da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man with a dick is not gay
>woman with a pussy (+ dick) is gay

>> No.46361003

PS: the fact that you said "tho" really gives an idea of the "online spaces" you frequent

>> No.46361315

Yeah you can tell this was made before Sakutoki

>> No.46361653


>> No.46361825


>> No.46361835

Highly motivated today. I think I'm going to play a plotge next.

>> No.46362794

Traps are about feminization. Futa is about cock worship.

>> No.46362883

Lust for a trap is all about the feminine figure and clothes. Traps are often associated with thighs which are supposed to be a feminine body part when they are soft and squishy.
Meanwhile futa is all about «this girl has a big fat cock and i love it»

>> No.46362981

This «online place» lives rent free in your mind and its really ridiculous when it becomes your only argument. You’re a dumb faggot and the fact that you enjoy futa dick and dream to suck huge horse futa dick is the ultimate proof

>> No.46362983

>i only like little boys so i'm not a faggot

>> No.46363000

Why are you disrespecting centuries old Japanese culture?

>> No.46363023

If you just loved femininity so much you would be attracted to normal females. You specifically are attracted to the fact that a feminine person is a MALE.
A benis doesn't necessarily have to be "big"/"fat"/grotesque and can be made to look matching on an elegant female figure. You could even see it as a bigger clit.
Do you know the meaning of "PS"? It means that it's not intended to be a real argument, but just a fun note or "two cents".
>t. projecting christcuck

>> No.46363029

for me it's lolis and cute traps

>> No.46363031

>autistic fighting over whether or not lusting after a character with a cock is straight
never change guys

>> No.46363043

>whether lusting after a man with a cock or a woman with a pussy (+ a benis) is straight
FTFY fenceshitterbro

>> No.46363044

threesome with a loli and shota

>> No.46363059

It's never gay if the seiyuu is female.

>> No.46363063

why do I only get replies on baits but not on game discussion posts?I think my true calling might be a clown.

>> No.46363069

because i'm westoid barbarian and because we're on westoid imageboard
any more questions?

>> No.46363081

you didnt post about a game i liked

>> No.46363112

In futa, the girl is merely an accessory, in some cases merely a vestigial appendage, to the dick. Traps ain't straight, but futa is faaaaaar gayer.

As for me, I like neither.

>> No.46363187

I don't know, maybe some people view it as that but not all do. I personally only like futa in the context of futa-on-female doujins.

>> No.46363395

Stop derailing the thread then motherfucker

>> No.46364223

For me I love eroge where the futa gets humiliated and shamed for being a freak of nature

>> No.46364678

I wonder if there are any VN with the same ID number on both vndb and erogamesccape. Would be quite amazing. If not I wonder what's the closest. Just saw one that was 2487 on vndb and 2720 on erogamescape...

>> No.46364679

dasaku has trap and futa, just sayin’

>> No.46364944

a girl pegging you with a strap-on is straight as fuck desu

>> No.46365054

reminder futa is gayer than traps simply because there's more traps in moege than f*ta

>> No.46365150

Any VNs where a trap is only revealed to be a trap after he gives you a blowjob?

>> No.46365235

I'm a spoilerGOD, so I don't have this problem.

>> No.46365266

When you get a prostate orgasm your brain produces hormones that make you gay THOUGH

>> No.46365292

as long as you make sure to come in her afterward you are safe

>> No.46365367

>thread sucks

>> No.46365379


There are three VNs with the same ID on EGS and VNDB, and there are a lot of quite close ones.

>> No.46365381
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Now this is what I live for

>> No.46365619

fujos go back to your fuckin nest

>> No.46365849
File: 269 KB, 960x480, 2024_02_vote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyways "moege" is definitely not just a marketing label. When something is marketed as a moege people expect a very specific type of game. If you market your edgy ntr used goods kusoge as moege people lose their shit and boycott your game.
The following titles are among the February 2024 nominees for the 月間萌えゲーアワード on moe-gameaward.com:
魔法少女ソラ 最強魔法少女・悪堕ちる
ビッチになっていた俺の幼馴染について ~俺と真凛とセックスフレンド~
搾らレンカレ契約 働く大人のお姉さんとHなレンタル彼氏性活
There are twelve nominees in total, so half of the list is about either rape, prostitution, or swinging.
I haven't read any of these; for all I know they could very well be wonderful stories full of adorable pure love.
That's my point; don't judge a book by it's cover, and don't judge a VN based on buzzwords.

>> No.46365924
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is there anything unusual about buying costumes for your imouto?

>> No.46366074

Moege award is just the name.
They only cover sofurin games so that's why you won't see nitroplus or âge for example.

>> No.46366098

Also a bunch of companies don't participate anymore (yuzusoft, purple, cabbage soft, etc) because of some alleged rigging or something.

>> No.46366181

it's pretty funny that fanza is their only sponsor

>> No.46366284

You don't get moe. None of you get moe. Moe isn't some word you toss around like your imouto's used pantsu, moe is about YOU, the otaku. Can a flower grow without the soil? The 萌えキャラ is the flower and the soil is the otaku. That's what it means to 萌える, to get all 萌え萌え(;´Д`)ハァハァ over the tsundere kinpatsu lolibaba ojou when she deredere~s all over your monitor leaving a puddle of drool on your keyboard. Let me ask you this: is an empty maid cafe moe? Why do you think they ask for help casting oishikuna~re oishikuna~re moe moe kyun? Because the magic is in YOU, the otaku. Maids are just evoking that latent power.
So don't tell me moe is simply a meaningless word, a word that means "cute" because it's not. Without the flannel-wearing backpack stuffed with penlights and rolled posters, red bandana, megane kaketa ザ・OTAKU the tall ice-queen kuudere seitokaicho with an all-pink room full of nuigurumi will still be cute, and the dojikko kouhai rikujoubu star athlete who radiates genki that's stronger than the smell of the east halls during natsucomi is still cute, but there's no MOE because because there's nowhere for those seeds to BUD.

>> No.46366304

moegebros i don't feel so good...

>> No.46366349

man that sounds hot, just reading that title made me hard
how do i fix this

>> No.46366366

play it and find out it's terrible

>> No.46366942
File: 396 KB, 2560x1440, fVOVjtV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zombie apocalypse
>mc can easily get food for this girl
>she thinks this means that it's safe for her to go outside herself
>doesn't even test the waters and just goes for it
woman moment

>> No.46366969

man i wish there was a foursome with her brothers

>> No.46366985

>anime adaption announced
Is it good? EGS says 陵辱もの

>> No.46367003

I'm only on the first volume, so far it's a really solid zombie survival story. There's humiliation but mc doesn't seem like a rapist.

>> No.46367045


>> No.46367056

What, Hajiron is out. I was sure it was a March game... So how was it?

>> No.46367083

Good fap.

>> No.46367126

Bad fap

>> No.46367145

ok but what about 燃えゲー

>> No.46367195
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Kamige, would've been the best game of the month but sadly it got overshadowed by the even more kami Kakehana

>> No.46367394

This is getting an anime adaptation apparently

>> No.46367942

The name is misleading. The moege awards are not awards for the best moege i.e. cutesy romance game with minimal plot. They use a different definition of moege that basically just mean vns. It's easier if you think of it as the Moe Game Awards.

>> No.46367988

Isn't this the one where it was an episodic story based on a WN and the author of the original got bored and quit so it just kinda ends?

>> No.46368576

I feel like playing a historical VN with cute samurai girls, I've already read all the inre games, is there anything left?

>> No.46368580

i don't feel like it had any idea what it was doing in terms of plot but god damn those nun tits were fine

>> No.46368858

Hakkenden? (It's totally not a switch game)

>> No.46369109

koihime series is the obvious one

>> No.46369121

I tried koihime but I didn't really like the gameplay.

>> No.46369498

There is the 戦極姫 SLG series, no idea if those are any good.

>> No.46369558
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Crystaliachads won

>> No.46369685

I love chocolate

>> No.46369819

Nipples were too big

>> No.46369978

Nipples were too small

>> No.46370184
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, 二股野郎とパパ活姉妹_Version_1.0.0.0_[data_ver1.00]hutapapa (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This VN is a real educational experience.

>> No.46370231

SOVL fonts

>> No.46370244

>84 with 92 votes on EGS
No fucking way
It must be the nipples bias

>> No.46370251
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 二股野郎とパパ活姉妹_Version_1.0.0.0_[data_ver1.00]hutapapa (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber arc about how a vtuber can get away with being in a relationship and living with a guy by just lying and saying he's her brother
>immediately followed by AI art theft arc
goddamn this VN is topical

>> No.46370296

I should learn sql

>> No.46371278

literally the only good think in a zombie story.I want to save everyone! faggots are so annoying

>> No.46371310 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 188x250, 1566629627472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese company is happy to serve fresh white to dark korean basement free off charge

>> No.46371415
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it's a pretty good series, i just wish the story had full closure

it's a game trilogy based on a WN that won an award to get made into a game, i dunno if the author actually dropped it but its been silent for quite a while though, i still have hope it'll get picked back up one day

>> No.46371447

We need a lot more girls like that in eroge instead of chest tumors and big nipples.

>> No.46371961

Just when you thought the eroge thread couldn't get any worse!

>> No.46372850

My studies on 萌 are far from complete, but I think that it's a powerful force. I think that 萌 is something like a masculine variant of 恋愛, but I'm still not completely sure.
When someone says that a character is very 萌 he rather means that the character's features allow him to feel 萌 for the character.
Since 萌 is masculine, it's caused by feminine traits. Theoretically, 萌 could exist for 3D, but it's very rare because most 3D are PD.
萌 value is most commonly found in various Japanese works of art/fiction, but there are works specifically focused on provoking 萌 such as "CGDCT" anime or 萌ゲー VNs.

>> No.46372994

腐女 gaslighters 自殺しろ

>> No.46375455

You'd think that, but Whirlpool's previous works are mostly in the mid-70s or below. The story is actually what's carrying the score in this case. It gets pretty heavy in the character routes.

>> No.46375997
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>> No.46376169

God I fucking hate romaji so much

>> No.46376204

This vn baited me because of the huge パパ on the cover. I enjoy investir, especially father x daughter dynamics. Turns out there is no incest there. Kinda disappointing desu.

>> No.46376207

This is the only reason I made a vndb account.

>> No.46376238

Incest * fucking autocorrect

>> No.46376663

Phoneposters are not allowed unless you show your autistic software setup to play VNs on a phone

>> No.46376696

Well, which is it? 84 seems a bit much for just nice tits, but who knows these days.

>> No.46377088

There is no way I can finish my current read before 29th. Please don't start reading Unravel Trigger before me~

>> No.46377352

People actually gonna read that moeslop and jeweha ripoff?

>> No.46377398

Are there any other makers who would be as open to the dialogue with players as TADA?

>> No.46377479

Don't a lot of VNs have android versions

>> No.46377499

A lot of VNs were also ported for PSP, PSVita, and Switch. At least PSP can be emulated pretty well, but the other two may require a more modern or powerful phone maybe.

>> No.46377510

any vns worth picking up on the steam sale?

>> No.46377531

Literally all of the kirikiri games have android version by default

>> No.46377605
File: 2.72 MB, 2560x1440, evd01c_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked that because it's an obvious example of the term "moege" being abused.
I'm a bit touchy on the subject. I like my moege to be extremely moe and extremely pure. I used to be even more severe; I wasn't "touchy", I was "twitchy".
When you reach the point where you're legitimately upset at the author of お兄ちゃん、キッスの準備はまだですか? because he made Saya get a paper cut, you have to take a step back and ask yourself whether the problem is with the book or with you.
That was what motivated me to step outside my comfort zone and start reading different genres like otome. It was a great experience for me and I enjoy all genres of fiction now more than I used to, moege included.

If you want to read nothing but moege forever, rock on brother. You do that and don't let anyone tell you to stop.
All I'm saying is if you do want to try something different, don't be afraid to try something REALLY different. I swore I'd never read a 3DPD VN, but I gave AKB1/48 アイドルと恋したら… a shot and I'm something like seven routes deep into it. You never know what's going to surprise you.

>> No.46377618

If you want to accelerate america killing the industry, then yeah, otherwise get them from dmm or getchu or whatever.

>> No.46377621

your post is too long and from what little i read of it, too autistic

>> No.46377645

based anon of expanding tastes

>> No.46377652

Alice Soft is special. Before I learned Japanese I used to post in their general on /vg/ and we would ask them incredibly banal lore questions on twitter, in English, and they wrote us answers back.
The only other author I can think of that comes close is 橙乃 ままれ, writer of Log Horizon, who did an AMA on fucking /a/ back when the first season was airing. One of the most incredible threads I've ever seen on the site.

>> No.46377663

>just get out of the comfort zone bro try new things for the sake of it dude
Normalfag advice. There's only a need to expand your preferences if they are too narrow and oppressive or damaging in a visible way. But if you are living just fine then keep on living.

>> No.46377675 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 9999x9999, hanyuu-hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you help-a-newfag and link that thread (on desuarchive or whatever)?

>> No.46377846


>> No.46377870

Now that Amazon has taken itself out of the game, what's the best forwarding service for people who're stuck in the EU?

>> No.46377873

Will the fujos ever go back to /blog/ and stop trying to shill thier garbage here?

>> No.46377932

My comfort zone has been shrinking since I started reading VNs and learning Japanese was the final nail in the coffin

>> No.46377954

I used https://guide.goyokikiya.com/ a bunch of times to ship eroge and it was nice smooth experience.

>> No.46377984

Out for Asutralian bros too

>> No.46378058

Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary

>> No.46378087


>> No.46378106
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>> No.46378107


>> No.46378174

Hopefully this 4chan spamming bot is also open source, right? Otherwise it would be hypocritical.

>> No.46378188

What if you run them in a VM or separate computer not connected to the internet?

>> No.46378198

sauce kudasai

>> No.46378304

It was stickied and in 2013 or so so that should narrow it down quite a bit

>> No.46378311

Not completely sure but Yandex says it's https://vndb.org/v18276

>> No.46378361

>Just when you thought the thread couldn't get any worse after the bikini retard found it, the linuxtard makes his appearance
Now its truly over this time for real

>> No.46378364

Pretty sure >>46378311 is wrong and it is https://vndb.org/v17388

>> No.46378419

it's Harami Tama.
Kistune fag approved.
even if there is only two real kistune heroines.

>> No.46378430

Thanks. I was trying to search with vndb's trait categorization and obviously wasn't going to find it since I was searching with long hair and red hair color.
This one looks good too, though lol on the dead neverever eng release.

>> No.46378465


Ascii2d wins again at finding eroge sources in the most consistent and accurate way.

>> No.46378470

>Untranslated VN General
>"This one looks good too, though lol on the dead neverever eng release"
Now I feel bad about trying to help. Lesson learned.

>> No.46378500

I just found the complaints from people waiting for it on the steam page funny.

>> No.46378512

Anyone knows how to make Wine play the videos? Whenever a video comes up the program dies.

>> No.46378548

Even if "I" am wrong I'm not wrong, it's YANDEX IMAGE SEARCH that was wrong, you 馬鹿.

>> No.46378583

Chill Out, Dickwad

>> No.46378678

Try "winetricks lavfilters" or something.
Do you really need to use wine though? It seems like way too much pain.

>> No.46378743

People either grow out of shit or real life gets them. You rarely have time to consume so much once you hit 25-30 unless you're a neet and even if you are you usually become too depressed to care anymore
IIRC he used to be #1 when it comes to votes back in the day

>> No.46378884
File: 22 KB, 1597x928, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. winetricks lavfilters didn't work. I am having the same error messages as this guy: https://steamcommunity.com/app/604170/discussions/0/1369506834139433207/ (picrel)

It is a lot of pain but I almost got it to work. everything else runs except the videos so I don't want to quit. it's a torture.

>> No.46378915

In the modern world, what we need to keep the eroge industry alive is a more inclusive society who does not discriminate based on sexual preference. To truly appreciate Nukitashi, you need to understand the background behind the current state of the scene when it was released. As you might or might know, the eroge scene has been on a slow decline since around 2010's with the number of kamige's decreasing per year past 2010. The old giants supporting the industry were slowly leaving the scene one by one. While the number of scenario games was slowly decreasing, the number of nukiges was actually increasing. This is where we start in Nukitashi as well with the whole concept of a Nukige-like island. Now comes, Qruppo, with a love letter to the eroge creators and eroge fans to keep supporting the industry. That the scenario-based eroge industry offers something wonderful that no other medium can copy, so we should not let the industry die. The name of that love letter is Nukitashi and later on Hentai Prison. After the release of Nukitashi, we start seeing signs of revitalization of the industry with a lot of creators putting more effort into releasing their games. After five years now, we can definitely feel the effects of Qruppo on the industry as the number of kamige's getting released is getting close to what it was in its peak. It's still far from a complete revival though as we need more new blood in the scene.

The first game showed us how creating a paradise for people is the same as creating a living hell for others. The sequel, Nukitashi 2, shows us the point of view of the SS members, the antagonists in the first game, and how they ended up in their positions. It shows different people’s view on sex through different characters, and how that caused discrimination and conflict among them. That conflict could easily have been avoided through tolerance of the other person’s views. Similar to its prequel, Nukitashi 2 is a story of tolerance of the minority, and tolerance on other people’s sexual fetish. People just need to be allowed to search for someone else who can understand them without fearing for their safety. That is all that is needed to give the minority a place to belong to.

>> No.46378935

Thank you, Nukisister.

>> No.46378968

Ever since they started letting women into the Wine team, Wine has been getting more broken for eroge. This is not a coincidence.

>> No.46379005

You basically need a bunch of gstreamer garbage and possibly even windows media player itself (some games hardcode windows media player). Do you know what specific format/codec the game is failing on? It usually says it in the terminal error message somewhere.

>> No.46379054


>> No.46379060

Yeah I thought the same thing. The first few lines of the error in the terminal are:
0114:fixme:msg:pack_message msg 14 (WM_ERASEBKGND) not supported yet
0114:fixme:msg:pack_message msg 14 (WM_ERASEBKGND) not supported yet
0114:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventSetInformation (deadbeef, 2, 7FDC0C08, 43) stub
0114:err:winediag:MIDIMAP_drvOpen No software synthesizer midi port found, Midi sound output probably won't work.
winegstreamer error: decodebin0: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.
winegstreamer error: decodebin0: ../gst/playback/gstdecodebin2.c(4701): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstBin:bin0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0:
no suitable plugins found:
Missing decoder: Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) (video/x-ms-asf)

I installed gstreamer with this: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/installing/on-linux.html?gi-language=c
and installed ubuntu-restricted-extras as some stackexchange page said. It doesn't fix this error yet and the terminal error is the same too. I am suspecting some format problem because it says it can't find the file (the file is right in the folder).

>> No.46379096

>Missing decoder: Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) (video/x-ms-asf)
Ah yup, that's your problem. That's microsoft's beloved wma. What you will need is the lib32 version of gstreamer bad and/or ugly plugins. I don't know how you would get that on ubuntu specifically. In my case, I had compile lib32 versions of a bunch of packages before it finally worked for the game I was playing at the time.

>> No.46379208

need more white haired imoutos

>> No.46379318

i swear VAs deserve a shot through the head after ruining perfectly good characters

>> No.46379406

need more nuns

>> No.46379443

need more traps

>> No.46379485

I also read that you need those plugins so I did sudo dpkg -i on these two, but nothing changed yet.

>> No.46379494

im reading black sheep town as my first setoguchi since its been getting praised so much but ive read up to the point the detective discovers his girlfriend and its not very captivating so far. not very interesting. does this get better?

>> No.46379506

What about it isn't captivating you? If it's the writing style then Setoguchi probably isn't for you.

>> No.46379515

this is why you should read everything in the release order

>> No.46379520

It stay like this all the way, so if you don't find it interesting now, I doubt you will like it 20h later

>> No.46379535

i like the writing style. the story so far is kind of eh. it doesn't push me to read more and more of it. can i ask whether the payoff will be worth it or is setoguchi just not for me? i mean can i expect the plotline to become more interesting? thank you

>> No.46379546

You need 32-bit. If your winearch isn't 32-bit already, fix that too.

>> No.46379547

Those are amd64 versions.
You'll need something similar to lib32-gst-plugins-bad and lib32-gst-plugins-ugly because wine will use x32 version of gstreamer when running x32 applications. Those are available in AUR on Arch exactly for this reason.
At least that was the situation some years ago but I doubt it has changed much.

>> No.46379610

yeah, you're like right at the beginning lol

>> No.46379709

More VNs should be like Black Sheep Town if we want Japan to catch up with Western storytelling.

>> No.46379785

woah an irrelevant side character with like 10 minutes of screen time

>> No.46379795

The poster means that he is a trans character.

>> No.46379863

yeah i know anon is a tranny but what does that have to do with the character?

>> No.46379922

Any sort of representation is important if we want ジャパン to produce スカ自an works as enlightened as the 西洋.

>> No.46379981

sometimes i get the feeling you fucks don't even want the threads to be bearable

>> No.46379989

Thank you, すばsister.

>> No.46380007

I'm pretty sure it's one guy but I don't know why people can't just stop replying to him. It's not even new bait. It's literally the same "joke" over and over ad nauseam.

>> No.46380019

He's replying to himself.

>> No.46380044

When is his next subversivege masterpiece releasing?

>> No.46380069

How good is Maruto's Parfait? Better than Damekoi? That was really underwhelming.

>> No.46380241
File: 12 KB, 429x128, files.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the brainlet question. I found the plugin page you mention here https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lib32-gst-plugins-ugly and the files I downloaded are picrel, but I just couldn't get them installed right. How are these possibly used on Ubuntu?

>> No.46380730

You're in for a world of humongous pain. There are some tools which could attempt to build things for Ubuntu based on a PKGBUILD like "makedeb" but you'll still need to modify a lot of stuff to fit your system and that's not easy at all without quite deep knowledge about how things work internally on both Arch and Ubuntu. It's certainly not something which could be taught in a couple of lines, or even in a couple of articles.
It would probably be easier for you to just install Arch and try there after installing those plugins using some AUR package manager like "yay".

>> No.46380866

Problem is, he (Stallman) has a point. Look at Unity.

>> No.46380946

What game? It's game-specific. Or engine-specific at least.
Anyway, judging from your other posts "sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly}:{amd64,i386}" should do it. Provided you haven't irrevocably fucked up your gstreamer installation, that is.

>> No.46381057

Pretty sure Ubuntu stopped supporting 32 bit multiarch a while back. You should probably use debian

>> No.46381081

It didn't. Source: I'm using it right now. They wanted to, then back-pedaled in a hurry.

>> No.46381091
File: 99 KB, 735x424, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but I already tried installing them both together and separately (amd64 and i386 versions of the plugins). I ran your command and terminal reads they are installed. Game is this:
and my computer is Ubuntu22.04lts, wine9.0.

>> No.46381173

Oh, Nukitashi. Takes me back. The good news is, it works. Set "ForceMPG=1" in RIO.INI to make it fall back to the MPEG versions. OR transcode the WMV videos to something sane (move the originals out of the way, then rename the transcoded files exactly the same as the original ones, extension included).

>> No.46381348
File: 1.53 MB, 1528x861, shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow Thank you so much!! It skips the video but now doesn't crash anymore. I can finally play on now. I wonder if this could be generalized to all vn's? I wouldn't mind manually playing the movies.

>> No.46381500

Well, that may or may not be true, but "boycotting" visual novels is just pathetic.

>> No.46381503

Ok, so, that's weird. I dug up my copy of Nukitashi, and the videos work WITHOUT any workarounds now. No INI changes, no transcoding, no DLL overrides. I have "gstreamer1.0-vaapi" installed as well, thoughever. Maybe it's that?

>> No.46381532

Back to your "online space".

>> No.46381589

I can't stop buying eroge help

>> No.46381602

Sorry for browsing 4chan, sis.

>> No.46381616


>> No.46381665

You're buying from Japanese sources, not s**am, right? RIGT?

>> No.46381724
File: 113 KB, 1507x477, Delta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck did Delta announce a new VN?! I thought they were dead since Drei started making VNs.

>> No.46381761
File: 64 KB, 1528x303, picrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not that. I do have it installed

>> No.46381826

What is wrong with damekoi?

>> No.46381908
File: 776 KB, 1781x2492, _20240318_102450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from the tit

>> No.46382502
File: 49 KB, 426x600, 1436511243467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Giraffe-tan" that keeps being mentioned is this girl; she's an unnamed background character we all cherish.
She served no role in the story but she has a giraffe hat and that's what counts.

>> No.46382917

>パパ on the cover. I enjoy investir, especially father x daughter dynamics
Do you not know what papakatsu is?
It has nothing to do with incest.

>> No.46382934

>People either grow out of shit or real life gets them.
Or get tired of dealing with what's allowed in vndb and make your own list/move to egs.

>> No.46382938

The dynamics is more like sugar daddy, complete with a father-baiting word.

>> No.46384087

Based. If I had that related Hello Lady scene screencapped I would post it.

>> No.46384277

I feel you, i also like having physical editions but it's getting harder to get them recently unless you live in japan.

>> No.46384364

New thread:

