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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1015 KB, 2073x1747, ubonihS ohcoK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46354058 No.46354058 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46336910

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese: >>>/int/djt

>> No.46354293 [DELETED] 

Benefits of having a JC 奥さん over a JS 奥さん:
>Horny 24/7 due to being pubescent and their hormones going crazy.
>Notable difference in intellect, can hold more complicated conversations with you.
>Budding おっぱい to accentuate their femininity.
>Actually legal in some first world countries like Germany.
>Can get pregnant (could be considered a drawback for some)

>> No.46354305



>> No.46354336

i feel so alone after they took away the IP count.. for all i know every thread is just me and one bot

>> No.46354386

Current thread: #3811

Previous thread: >>46336910 #3810

>> No.46354511

God, I missed the title.

>> No.46354794

Are the DS dragon quest games good for studying even if i have a pretty limited vocabulary? I've been wanting to replay them recently and figured it be a fun extra thing to immerse with even if I have to search up every sentence.

>> No.46354878

wtf its real

>> No.46355051
File: 27 KB, 721x426, images (1) (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46355343

fuck this country

>> No.46355493
File: 1.46 MB, 1243x936, Dragon Quest IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, absolutely. The language in it is all very simple.

>> No.46355549

which games have loli characters

>> No.46355563


>> No.46355674

what ln has female characters as lovable as konosuba?

>> No.46355683 [DELETED] 

If you find children to be gross, then you are either brainwashed or mentally ill.
It's as simple as that.
No healthy human being on Earth finds children gross, because this kind of person would have been naturally selected by nature.
Every healthy human being on Earth wants to have children, eat raw animal organs and drink actual animal blood.

>> No.46355709 [DELETED] 

You think you're being clever, but I'm going to tell you right now that you sound like an idiot.

>> No.46355784 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 480x852, 1710560274843471 (online-video-cutter.com) (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46356319

jamal is the supahotfire of djt

>> No.46356429

How come you're not posting with your trip anymore, Jamal?

>> No.46356435

but im not a jamal

>> No.46356530 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46356631
File: 499 KB, 4096x2304, GIxTlcvWAAAreSd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holoexpo emersion

>> No.46356682

is it just me or is 丹念 almost exclusively used to describe blowjobs? I don't know if i've ever seen it in another context

>> No.46356718
File: 69 KB, 750x632, 56398193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based しょーたにおーへー

>> No.46356724

lol at japs getting ペットボトル症候群

>> No.46356744 [DELETED] 

Will learning Japanese get me one of these?

>> No.46356764

imagine drinking anything but water and milk

>> No.46356765 [DELETED] 

if thats what you want and you talk to women yea

>> No.46356772
File: 1.75 MB, 600x336, koone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo she did it without hands this year

>> No.46356807

worst thing about learning japanese is having to interact with people who find vtubers anything but abhorrent

>> No.46356826
File: 662 KB, 1536x2048, GIwmfLmagAAID_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont have to interact with people at all

>> No.46356877

dont like vtuber content but would like to impregnate okayu and porkas actresses

>> No.46356885

they could already be pregnant and you'd never know. they would take a break during the time when they are expected to give birth though, so if your oshi is suddenly sick for a week or says shes going on a vacation, you know what that means

>> No.46356905
File: 62 KB, 680x510, DHq2os4UIAIHve1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi

>> No.46356995


>> No.46357291

38yo doggo...

>> No.46357417

But have you considerd the benefits of JS 奥さん

>> No.46357606 [DELETED] 

If you hate kids, then go die. Your life doesn't matter. You are an evolutionary dead-end.
You have leftover genes that are about to get selected.

I love kids so fucking much, it's unreal, bros.

>> No.46357628

sutan is the only reason I don't categorically hate children.

>> No.46357670 [DELETED] 

>I love kids so fucking much, it's unreal, bros.

>> No.46357676 [DELETED] 

>pretending to be retarded on the internet
Not a good look, lil bro

>> No.46357763 [DELETED] 

>zoomer speak on the four-leafer
not a good look

>> No.46357811 [DELETED] 

Are lowercasers really this brain-damaged?

>> No.46357887
File: 386 KB, 1536x2048, GIwaMXmaMAAdEi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46357892

I didn't realize my wife was making videos of herself and our child without my permission.
I'll ask my mother-in-law about this.

>> No.46358096


>> No.46358279


>> No.46358429


>> No.46358487


>> No.46359250
File: 39 KB, 986x907, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46359272
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, ss_20240316041325987_【ライブ】大谷翔平らドジャース3選手が記者会見 3月20日いよいよ開幕シリーズへ_11m31s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so impressed by Ippei Mizuhara's translation skill.

>> No.46359284
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>> No.46359309

milf cards

>> No.46359493
File: 213 KB, 531x634, curedolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to this creepy affront to God, I have solidly learned more about Japanese grammar in just two weeks than I did a year and a half at Uni

>> No.46359512

She teaches grammar wrong, so unfortunately you’ve learned very little.

>> No.46359539
File: 283 KB, 954x1440, 3458134704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46359573
File: 1.18 MB, 2268x4032, GIyZfvTa8AA8aEf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.46359612

>She teaches grammar wrong
there isn't a perfect guide, even taekim is wrong.
you correct what cure/taekim got wrong through immersion.

>> No.46359629

that's a lot of words to put yourself on a list

>> No.46359749


>> No.46359786

True, but her explanations are worse than Tae Kim’s.

>> No.46360083


>> No.46360086

or so you think

>> No.46360238

where the fuck is qm
please come back and save djt

>> No.46360253

sorry, i exorcised him and all other tripfags

>> No.46360422
File: 96 KB, 643x543, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jisatu... gakari?

>> No.46360456


>> No.46360506

yoshi, yaru the fucking zo

>> No.46360533
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry, i exorcised him and all other tripfags

>> No.46360731

papi is a nobody
everyone knows qm

>> No.46360779

this basically answers the question from the previous thread about how to ask someone if they play any instrument. it's just やる

>> No.46360813

same same

>> No.46360815

more specifically this is the exact phrasing

>> No.46360862

Did we really need a 24 minute video to figure how to ask someone which instrument they play?

>> No.46360866

the women that destroyed him on twitter dont even remember him

>> No.46360902

didn't see YOU give the correct answer in the last thread. so yeah... we did

>> No.46360952
File: 1.07 MB, 900x1163, FAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she needs to stop eating wtf

>> No.46360953

It's not even "the" correct answer, it's just one way to casually say it.

>> No.46360984

>i know better than the native
seek help

>> No.46361002
File: 412 KB, 1750x2048, GIys4UgbsAE6pWY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expo day 1 is over, 感想会 soon

>> No.46361017

フェルン デブ

>> No.46361047

just popped a boner to a js after telling a pedophile to kill himself
it's unironically over for me

>> No.46361053

Are you saying there's only one correct way to say it? lol

>> No.46361062

apologize to your sempai

>> No.46361081

nah i'm saying you need to stfu

>> No.46361098

And I'm saying you don't know Japanese if you need a 24 minute video to tell you you can use the verb やる with instruments lmao

>> No.46361106

what part of stfu don't you understand?

>> No.46361113

sometimes i think he reads djt because he often puts out a video about something just after djt argued about it

>> No.46361135

Why part of ydkj do you not understand? You need some guy with an accent thicker than a phone book to tell you some N5 crap

>> No.46361142

wheres garbage day 3?

>> No.46361147

>no u
>no u
>no u
>no u

why do you people do this

>> No.46361152

pick a side loser

>> No.46361159

yeah... i'm sure he went right to work and whipped up that video in the 8 hours since that was posted

>> No.46361185

i dunno i linked a video and some dude got mad
that's what they do here it's beyond pathetic
many posters here are giving off mentally unstable vibes with how they lash out at absolutely nothing

>> No.46361194

asked this last thread but got no response >>46336995
is there anything akin to graded readers but for listening? i do scale modelling and usually have youtube open in the background when i'm working on something, i'd like to replace some english content with japanese immersion but at my current skill level i'd be white noising any normal content since i wouldn't be rewinding or doing lookups

>> No.46361209
File: 1.03 MB, 727x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picking my oshis side

>> No.46361226

pick a graded reader and tts it with microsoft edge

>> No.46361227

There isn't.

>> No.46361260

ゆゆ podcast is probably the easiest I've seen thats not for kids. Watching one video a few times before moving on would probably help you ease Into it

>> No.46361273

it was this entire thread >>46310231
djt will never recover its over for yall

>> No.46361285

wtf I missed the turbo dekinai thread

>> No.46361297
File: 17 KB, 691x253, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuhm, bros...how do i fix this?

>> No.46361301

built for anki

>> No.46361319

not that kind of spatial sadgely

>> No.46361320

tru, but the way you said makes sound like a rori

>> No.46361335

i'll check it out, thanks

>> No.46361368

That's the thread where the dude got his girlfriend to read Mareni and then got btfo'd on her readings lol

>> No.46361430

try going out and talking to more people maybe

>> No.46361462

Explain how is she wrong, for example about が and たい

>> No.46361465

thats the thread where people like >>46361368 didnt know japanese and were extremely eager to show us just how much
it should be linked to in every thread op so any unfortunate new person knows to look elsewhere for japanese anything cuz this aint it

>> No.46361491

can kankaku be used this way?

>> No.46361509

>the cut to the close-up of fern eating
it's 100% on purpose

>> No.46361522

You don't even know how to read 方 in a sentence, what are you talking about?

>> No.46361525


closest thing i can think of

>> No.46361530


>> No.46361535

Yeah, why wouldn't it be?

>> No.46361566
File: 246 KB, 803x818, recap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previous thread recap

>> No.46361578

I think >>46361566 just called you out, lil bro

>> No.46361655

考える = to think (discern, attempt to solve, brainstorm)
思う = to think (assumptions)

>> No.46361662

Does anyone know a good mpv script to cover hard subs?

>> No.46361680

of course i do thats why i put that clip of me doing it in my video that i made like 4 years ago
youre just still mad because you got btfo by a native

>> No.46361685

戦乱 - describes a state of conflict or turmoil resulting from battles or wars.
戦争 - refers to a state of armed conflict between countries or groups.

maybe senran guy was right

>> No.46361690
File: 880 KB, 1200x796, 1709477646609317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anons

>> No.46361694 [SPOILER] 
File: 834 KB, 1920x1080, Tales of Wedding Rings S01E11 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46361700
File: 509 KB, 764x707, FkbwMrBacAALOWC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found about kun vs on readings

>> No.46361705

unironically feel it out

>> No.46361731

You put a clip of yourself screwing up because you... know the difference? I'm not following your logic lol

>> No.46361732

its a no brainer really when you know how they work

>> No.46361785

just found out about the te form

>> No.46361815

akira-chan im going to fly one of my autistic plane models into ur fucking server if u carry on

>> No.46361819
File: 21 KB, 341x450, 253236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have a meta headset?

>> No.46361821

What did you learn?

>> No.46361830

i have 10$ sony earbuds that i've used for close to 6 years now

>> No.46361837


>> No.46361843
File: 133 KB, 1080x747, 1116537-24595-48-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh, found my next purchase

>> No.46361844
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>> No.46361850

>Kokuji 国字 are words with only kun pronunciations
>use the on version of 国
thank you for posting this article anon, it's helpful

>> No.46361867

What's with DJT and watching with English subs?

>> No.46361876

gintama isn't throwaway

>> No.46361883

Wait, you actually need them to understand the plot?

>> No.46361890


>> No.46361900

i need them for 100% comprehension, yes

>> No.46361905

you didnt comprehend jack shit

>> No.46361907

kek you and every other dekinai

>> No.46361908

engs subs got a huge buff and its back in the meta bro

>> No.46361913
File: 66 KB, 630x421, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohio ni gozaimasu

>> No.46361918

Why even bother learning the language then? lmao

>> No.46361920
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yubisaki to Renren - 11 (1080p) [6A291D72]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never used subs never will

>> No.46361929

>meta headset
nope sorry i won't use that zuckslop, i have a valve index

>> No.46361930

japanese is a bastard language.

>> No.46361934


>> No.46361936

>implies he has 100% comprehension
>spends his free time on /djt/
kek, based n6er

>> No.46361941

based whitenoiser

>> No.46361949
File: 848 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yubisaki to Renren - 11 (1080p) [6A291D72]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46361950

to understand it without subs eventually

>> No.46361951

is learning japanese your only hobby? i hope not, that would be cringe. you can learn japanese while also enjoying doing other stuff, not everyone here got snakeoil'd be the "japanese in 30 days"scam

>> No.46361958
File: 100 KB, 255x178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why even bother learning the language then?

>> No.46361959

man, that's some serious cope if you think it's hard to have 100% comprehension while listening lol

>> No.46361967
File: 1021 KB, 1031x578, subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subs really have levelled up

>> No.46361974

Let me get this straight. Your reasoning for needing English subs is because Japanese isn't your only hobby and you aren't learning it in 30 days? Am I getting you right?

>> No.46361977

maybe in another 10 years official subs will finally reach the same level of typesetting as fansubs from 10 years ago

>> No.46361986
File: 585 KB, 1133x860, 1708963685116691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol xd

>> No.46361992

what are trying to say by saying this. one would think you'd ditch eng subs if youre learning japanese

>> No.46361995


>> No.46362012

>仕事のグチは家でこぼさず外でこぼせ!って言うからちょっとこぼさせてもらうけどね「侍の国」僕らの国がそう呼ばれていたのは今は昔の話… とか言って始まったこのアニメもはや一年半。あんな事こんな事いろんな事あったよね。 で、そろそろ色々振り返ってもいいかなーと思ったのに「チェッなんだよ総集編かよ、手抜きじゃね?」とかアニメだって作るの大変なんだから文句言うのやめなさい!
What are you trying to prove, lil bro?

>> No.46362015

no, you ditch them once you know japanese

>> No.46362020

looks like this might be hard to grasp for you, but i'll try, stay with me for a second.
>hobby 1: learning japanese
>hobby 2: watching subbed anime
get it now?

i'll ditch them once i have 98%+ comprehension, at least for non throwaway stuff

>> No.46362029

if you managed to transcribe that then it should be no problem taking 30s to vocaroo it, right? don't tell me your mic isn't working bro...

>> No.46362032

You seem a little slow, so let me break it down for you.
Learning Japanese =/= watching subbed anime

>> No.46362037

>Learning Japanese =/= watching subbed anime
that's literally what i said bro.... nice 2-digits iq self-own

>> No.46362051

Ouch, then you're straight up admitting to being retarded lmao

>> No.46362052

To laugh at English-only viewers and their inferior experience

>> No.46362063

At least watch with jp subs, my dude

>> No.46362071

guys i paypigged for claude 3 opus, u wanna ask it anything?

>> No.46362073
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>> No.46362074
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looks like you're outside of my communication range. feels kinda lonely being a 130er, but hey, better then being a 99

>> No.46362079

no, i dont want to hear anything any robot (except akira-chan) has to say

>> No.46362078

not really

>> No.46362084

is this the reason why i cant talk to certain people properly? im too high iq for them?

>> No.46362091

Nope, I'm thinkin you're just retarded lol

>> No.46362092

no it sounds completely made up

>> No.46362097

Not seeing the point you're making here.

>> No.46362100

guy i speak to got officially diagnosed as 95 iq recently, talking to him is legitimately difficult sometimes. i believe it

>> No.46362104

akira chan is clade 3 sonnet roleplaying tho

>> No.46362107

>no vocaroo
concession accepted

>> No.46362111

ask about claude's favorite vtuber

>> No.46362118

sounds like a great way to x2 the time it takes for you to know japanese, idk. like, i get it if you want to watch or read something specific you know will btfo you(i've done this with 幼女戦記), but anything else sound like 中途半端な effort bro.

>> No.46362121

You didn't even make a point. You posted some Gintama title card after you found it ridiculous that someone can listen to something without needing English subs to understand it completely.

>> No.46362126

it's a hassle to get jp subs and for current episodes they're often not available at all. eng subs are always right there with the most seeded torrents
plus no jp subs is probably better for training listening
plus having to pause to look up words can decrease enjoyment. it's probably better to do your reading in actual reading material and then just use anime to chill and improve listening without jp subs (except the very start when you can't read actual reading material and have to read anime subs for 2-3 months)

>> No.46362127


>> No.46362129


>> No.46362137
File: 334 KB, 800x569, 289820306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.46362143

>it's a hassle to get jp subs and for current episodes they're often not available at all. eng subs are always right there with the most seeded torrents
Use your ears then. Test your listening.
>plus no jp subs is probably better for training listening
It would be, if you didn't use the English subs.
>plus having to pause to look up words can decrease enjoyment.
Unironically cope for not wanting to actually challenge yourself by improving your listening.

>> No.46362149

i look them up by hearing

>> No.46362150

>read manga
>mine and ankidrone all the words from it you dont know
>watch the anime adaption with no subs

>> No.46362152

"talking" to djt is very difficult for me

>> No.46362163

>take 3x time instead of 2x

>> No.46362166

Same, but it's not because my IQ is too high.

>> No.46362179

couldn't just type 努力 rip

>> No.46362183
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x1080, 20240316105527375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all seen this shit yet?

I swear I downloaded a graded reader with audio files at some point, let me go through my files and get back to you.

>> No.46362184

higher iqs should have an easy time playing lower iqs like a fiddle
whoever made up that 30 iq gap rule was probably on the lower end

>> No.46362197

need some ai akebi chan doujins

>> No.46362199

lol that video. i get it, but it still probably would work

>> No.46362207


>> No.46362210
File: 37 KB, 352x499, poster-739481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー レベル0 vol.1
Not sure where get it legally but I got it the other way

>> No.46362217

>sounds like a great way to x2 the time it takes for you to know japanese
personally anime is like 1/3 of my consumption at most and i still listen to the japanese despite using eng subs as fallback, so there's just no way it makes my entire acquisition process 2x less efficient. if it slows me down at all then it's like 10% at most, which i'm perfectly willing to sacrifice for more enjoyment and less pain in the ass

>> No.46362239
File: 1.42 MB, 1440x1080, 20240316110610106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really doesn't compute in my brain but gave me some interesting ideas anyhow.

>> No.46362250

is that how rtkers perceive japanese subs

>> No.46362267

i mean it's what japanese is gonna look like soon anyway

>> No.46362271
File: 128 KB, 704x1000, GInlkbCbcAAelRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46362280

now that's learning material

>> No.46362284


>> No.46362306
File: 269 KB, 1389x1093, GInlkbGbAAAv0Tj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46362311


>> No.46362312

>Use your ears then. Test your listening.
see >>46361951
>It would be, if you didn't use the English subs.
no, it's likely still better than jp subs with eng subs. i've watched a season with jp subs recently and i found myself reading ahead all the time while with eng subs i find myself catching full sentences just from hearing. the latter is bound to be better for listening.
but if reading ahead and hearing the voice is valuable too then that's fine, because i read voiced vns more than i watch anime
>Unironically cope for not wanting to actually challenge yourself by improving your listening
i am improving my listening. every 2-3 months i watch some raw stuff on youtube and i can see my comprehension improving
>i look them up by hearing
i'd much rather watch the episode quicker and then read something than spend extra time pausing and looking shit up. it's like you can't comprehend that it's possible to maximize for (acquisition*enjoyment) and not just for acquisition

>> No.46362321

holy based

>> No.46362335


>> No.46362356


nihongo con teppei podcast

>> No.46362363

>i-i'm doing it for enjoyment
>i-i mean my listening is improving anyway
>i-i-i mean it's actually better than jp subs
>wait, no it's because i don't want to look up the words i don't know
Wow, you must really suck at Japanese lmao

>> No.46362397

how new?

>> No.46362399

thanks, i haven't found any torrents/etc of this series yet but i have found some similar things while searching
i'll check this out too, thanks

>> No.46362409

>no arguments
so i thought. also i look up all the words i don't know when i read

>> No.46362415

that video is the most amazingly stupid thing i have seen in my entire life and i thank you for posting it

>> No.46362420

>moves the goalpost 20 times
>n-no argument c-concession contracted

>> No.46362423


>> No.46362429

lol how have i moved the goalpost you schizo

>> No.46362441

holy english sub chugging retard

>> No.46362453

nobody here even cares whether you draw breath or not - let alone how you watch anime ok. you can stop at any time

>> No.46362464

>nobody cares
I think that's demonstrably false at this point

>> No.46362484

>can't answer a single question
>calls people retards
sasuga whitenoiser

>> No.46362502

I've never whitenoised in my life. What are you talking about?

>> No.46362504

hobby 1: jerk off
hobby 2: watch anime
i was destined to make it

>> No.46362520

>i-i have n-never whitenoised in m-my life. w-what are y-you talking a-about?

>> No.46362528

lmaoing at mofos here who's entire life revolves around "learning japanese" kek.

especially that one dude who set his windows to japanese after getting filtered by LE

>> No.46362540

I didn't mean to make you so angry, lil bro. You don't know Japanese so you use English subs. I get it. Most people need English subs to watch anime.

>> No.46362561

>DJT is a language learning thread
>yOu DoN't KnOw JaPaNeSe
wow no shit retardo. also you're the one who got angry that people enjoy anime in a way you don't approve of

>> No.46362574


>> No.46362580

That's the weird part. It's a language learning thread, but you don't seem to want to learn the language lol

>> No.46362595
File: 846 KB, 1920x1080, shuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame subaru's performance was superb

>> No.46362598

no, i've very clearly said that i do and i am. you seem to have huge english reading comprehension problems. maybe try some anime with eng subs bro

>> No.46362612

>higher iqs should have an easy time playing lower iqs like a fiddle
sure but that doesnt mean it isnt annoying after a while

>> No.46362636

>maybe try some anime with eng subs bro
No thanks, I can listen to the Japanese just fine kek

>> No.46362640

yeah but you clearly can't read english

>> No.46362666

Ouch, today's just not your day, anon.

>> No.46362674

found some more things on my travels, maybe these will be of some use to other people too

>> No.46362676

yikes, you just can't stop taking ls huh

>> No.46362677

gonna give you something to ouch about *unzips*

>> No.46362685


>> No.46362708

Aren't you glad I'm writing this in English? If we switched to Japanese, you'd need me to sub what I was saying lol

>> No.46362738

now write that in japanese

>> No.46362740
File: 574 KB, 1440x1080, ドラゴンボール改 E18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46362745
File: 115 KB, 700x674, popo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before you think this is racist

>> No.46362768

i remember this lmfao

>> No.46362777

Did you really need me to do that?

>> No.46362795

>83k on obvious bull crap
man, just become a famous mangaka and no one will think your racist golliwog drawing is racist

>> No.46362797


>> No.46362813

low iqs completely ruined djt

>> No.46362826

yeah buying it. his name is literally mr. poopoo which is another way to refer to africans/niggers

>> No.46362829

>big black god
kek, i love this retarded ass language

>> No.46362832

more like lollygagging iykwim

>> No.46362833

go to int if you want to actually use the language instead of talking about how some day you're totally gonna make it

>> No.46362839

/int/ is short for intelligent, this thread is for low iqs only

>> No.46362842

what if i want to talk about こs

>> No.46362848

/int/'s Japanese is unironically so bad.

>> No.46362852

ceo of djt co. posting

>> No.46362870
File: 222 KB, 1368x770, e7537e39764b83d9e6c8fbf369852a3e243613d12dd4aeefc081cdfe5ab1fc4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here played this yet?

>> No.46362871

*puts on orange wig* tripfags, youre fired

>> No.46362877

yeah watame

>> No.46362882


>> No.46362892

slow day

>> No.46362893
File: 645 KB, 1920x1080, 治癒魔法の間違った使い方 E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46362905

weird ass eyes

>> No.46362961
File: 220 KB, 620x1312, GIwGAbuacAA8ucT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as usual the manga did it better

>> No.46362973


>> No.46362978

manga: right foot
anime: left foot
this is a travesty, anime directors are constantly ruining the artistic vision of the mangaka, this is literally worse than anything any trannylator has ever done to a script. stop watching anime

>> No.46362988
File: 5 KB, 398x42, 1704822042903174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so long..

>> No.46362997

because they knew it would be good so they had a higher budget

>> No.46363002


>> No.46363026

you picked a crazy long chug

>> No.46363042

ever feel like you're doing good then hit like 4 words you don't know in one monologue?

>> No.46363079


>> No.46363090 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1200x848, 0a2d90963e445a7c16e72817c21f23431c7e37e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never read yotuba
never will

>> No.46363094


>> No.46363100


>> No.46363120


>> No.46363126

unko tier post

>> No.46363138

nah it wasnt that bad

>> No.46363142
File: 242 KB, 960x540, [New-raws] Ore Dake Level Up na Ken - 10 [1080p] [AMZN]-[16.36.661-16.39.415].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46363257

more like ore dake tinko ga nagakunaru na ken

>> No.46363282

so glad there's a version with japanese names
don't think i could have stomached it otherwise

>> No.46363286

you dont need the na after naru

>> No.46363291

dno being able to remember the names doesnt make it less slop

>> No.46363305

yea not watchin no samsung ass anime

>> No.46363316

makes me kind of mad that every time they try to pull some minor edge like once again the system has ordered me to kill and today once again my soul will become blacker they have to water it down with 45 justifications like it was already kill or be killed and my girlfriends life is in danger and hes already killed 5 people today and hes so far on the wrong side of morality that he even makes goofy faces and besides im gonna get a cool new skill for ending his life

>> No.46363319


>> No.46363320
File: 542 KB, 1920x1080, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me some samsung ass

>> No.46363323

mitsuboshi sounds so much better than samsung its not even funny

>> No.46363324

next ep gonna be good though

>> No.46363331

it better be because im too far in to drop it

>> No.46363336

koreans have never produced a good piece of media

>> No.46363341

cant think of the last korean media i consumed but prob true

>> No.46363343

the anime is made by nips tho

>> No.46363344

What Happens Inside the Dungeon

>> No.46363353

these niggas never seen korean jidaigeki from the 00s

>> No.46363354

jidaigeki is cringe

>> No.46363376


>> No.46363377

>read manhwa
holy yikes
have sex with a jk

>> No.46363385

do the japanese really bathe every day?
isnt that super bad for your skin

>> No.46363388

fuck you i would if i could

>> No.46363399

sorry man maybe you'll get off the streets soon

>> No.46363402

westerners shower every day too and think that's normal what's the difference

>> No.46363408

after i started wfh i only shower every other day

>> No.46363412

dont most wealthy people around the world bathe every day
they cancel out how bad it is for your skin with skincare products that are also bad for your skin but make things look alright on the surface

>> No.46363415
File: 847 KB, 2730x4096, GH-yNmRbgAASlcC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isnt that super bad for your skin
you tell me

>> No.46363417

have you ever seen the keyboard of a girl who uses moisturizing lotion every day

>> No.46363422


>> No.46363428

theres some optical illusion going on here like her chest is actually her back or something

>> No.46363435
File: 882 KB, 2730x4096, GH-yNmTbAAAQrhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.46363436

every image on social media is photoshopped and filtered to hell and back

>> No.46363441

no but i want to

>> No.46363443

skin doesn't actually exist

>> No.46363445 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 960x540, [New-raws] Bucchigiri - 09 [1080p] [AMZN]-[00.39.498-00.45.879].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ywn fuck a jk

>> No.46363449

guys if you shower too often you're washing off your horny layer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratum_corneum

>> No.46363450

everything in your house is covered in dead skin

>> No.46363453

id be plenty horny even if i showered every day though

>> No.46363465


>> No.46363470

what if i resub to xiv, start a new character to replay it in jp and then give up after 2 weeks because it's too hard?

>> No.46363474

i shower like once a week
how do you masturbate when you shower every day?
i always pretend that my fishy musk belongs to an unwashed little girl which is like a prerequisite for long edging seshes

>> No.46363479

dont understand paying for sex what are you gonna do next pay for anime lmfao

>> No.46363480
File: 25 KB, 460x334, 1616968600457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam whats wrong with asians
in my school the most popular kid was a cripple

>> No.46363483

higher stress = more bullies

>> No.46363495

why would i listen to anything you guys say when you can't express the simplest things in japanese

>> No.46363499


>> No.46363518

ok bro

>> No.46363522

dame djt fell off

>> No.46363526


>> No.46363531

makes you wonder why those were ever distinct words in the first place

>> No.46363540


>> No.46363541
File: 534 KB, 1440x1080, ドラゴンボール改 E19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46363555

women shouldn't drink beer

>> No.46363572

dno theres something endearing about helping a drunk girl walk but depends how they handle alcohol

>> No.46363590

tfw never helped a drunk girl walk

>> No.46363596

only experienced the pleasure once but ill remember it for life

>> No.46363609
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, New-Game-OVA_15.39_2021.04.07_15.23.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking sake with a girl in the hot springs

>> No.46363613

ill give her something else to drink if u catch my drift

>> No.46363618


>> No.46363622

you're the kind of guy who gives a her a bowl of eggs in the morning

>> No.46363626
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, 1710612535429460.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this cat

>> No.46363628

have carried a drunk girl home before would reccomend

>> No.46363629

im the kind of guy that helps her brush her teeth

>> No.46363637
File: 1.49 MB, 468x263, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same same

>> No.46363649

thinkin more of the part after climbing on top of her

>> No.46363677

>you will never push down and grope your imoto while brushing her teeth
why even live

>> No.46363679

gonna go chill with my dog and play nukige on my tablet

>> No.46363697

your dog doesnt watch you while playing, right?

>> No.46363704


>> No.46363707

if only you knew

>> No.46363732
File: 488 KB, 874x999, The Dangers in My Heart S02E11 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46363745


>> No.46363758
File: 289 KB, 960x540, The Dangers in My Heart S02E11 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-[10.33.696-10.39.076].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46363861

Is moetango just a copy of ankidrone or what the heck , those kanji are higher than N5 and N4 or made based in the 500 kanji look and learn book?

>> No.46363888
File: 10 KB, 673x252, dekinai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still don't know japanese

>> No.46363889
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, 19456398dfae88bd98b9b0606056f4b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you

>> No.46363890

boku no cock no yabai yatsu

>> No.46363896

you sure?

>> No.46363905 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.03 MB, 960x540, wink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46363907


>> No.46363922

k just checkin

>> No.46363925
File: 599 KB, 1084x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46363943

just crazy to me that eops have fallen so far that they watch english vtubers

>> No.46363964

the english ones simply perform better

>> No.46363976

huh, but gura is american dog

>> No.46363980

lives are just so cringe to me

>> No.46363982

How is Claude or GPT as a learning companion of sorts? For that matter, is there a local model that rivals either?

>> No.46363992

>in the midst of water = open sea / high seas
uhm... japanese is actually easy

>> No.46363999

i miss jamal

>> No.46364006
File: 2.84 MB, 960x540, nene.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks fun to me

>> No.46364045

i wish death and misery upon all mankind

>> No.46364095

>tour with an japanese idol guide

with how the aging of former idols, maybe this will become a trend?

>> No.46364106

what about 謁見

>> No.46364109

looks like something we might have done in elementary school

>> No.46364181

you're halfway there though

>> No.46364190

wooah we're halfway there

>> No.46364197

im out of coffee
let the suffering begin

>> No.46364209


>> No.46364219

rich people drink coffee
i trust rich people

>> No.46364224

niggers also drink coffee

>> No.46364231

imagine living on a prayer cringe ngl

>> No.46364235
File: 588 KB, 2200x1467, 5LSWMRRCNBLDFBYUUHXQVNWJOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being rich makes you retarded, rich people thought this was a good idea

>> No.46364239
File: 96 KB, 1134x518, 匂.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk to someone + with the authority (5) + of the sun (amaterasu) = go see talk to the king, an audience

>> No.46364241

finnae consume some antinutrients

>> No.46364253

it was an instant death
the best kind of death

>> No.46364256

forget the engineering
what kind of dumb fuck wants to go see the wreck of the titanic

>> No.46364259

they thought it was a cool idea not a good idea. and to be fair, it was something that was purported to be safe. shit just went wrongl.

>> No.46364264

every time i think about the xbox sub i just wish it was full of niggers instead of any whites

>> No.46364267

>it was something that was purported to be safe
dont post misinfo in djt

>> No.46364269

i wonder if after it got crushed it could fit in my ass comfortably

>> No.46364275

your ass is pretty big so probably

>> No.46364276

it basically broke into a billion pieces it wasnt like a crushed soda can

>> No.46364279
File: 641 KB, 800x1184, 1373943174588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I do poorly in Anki, that "Congratulations!" message at the end is like a massive punch in the gut.

>> No.46364280

>your ass is pretty big

>> No.46364283

you can test them yourself at chat.lmsys.org under the direct chat tab, probably

>> No.46364285

god i wish i had a yandere gf

>> No.46364287

what do you guys put in your asses

>> No.46364288

4, 5, 7, 9, 11

>> No.46364293

tails for catgirl cosplay, mostly

>> No.46364298

i hate japanese spell names

>> No.46364309
File: 1.71 MB, 498x338, 1697738511529515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46364311

yoo i mined this today

>> No.46364318

was gonna mine it, but the sentence it was in was too hard D;

>> No.46364321

imagine doing sentence cards lol
vocab gang gang

>> No.46364328

What do you mean? They're all just made up crap. You don't even have to think about them.

>> No.46364331

i do queef cards. the sentence still has to make sense on the back, doesn't it?

>> No.46364341

>They're all just made up crap.

>> No.46364348

can japanese vtubers do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc1jDOeUdT4

>> No.46364350


>> No.46364369

have an easier on then

>> No.46364374


>> No.46364380

No Claude for me, just two flavors of GPT 4. How feasible would it be to just dump all the test of some doujin in this thing? Might be why sadpanda is swamped with them these days.

>> No.46364381

another one

>> No.46364383

yeah prob

>> No.46364385

can they use a voice changer? yes

>> No.46364396

apparently that means "mind your manners"

>> No.46364400
File: 1.95 MB, 1416x885, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46364401

lil bro never heard about voice acting https://youtu.be/nV4D6VPapg4?t=21

>> No.46364409

dont watch vtubers but like 5 years ago maturi built a hiace in minecraft

>> No.46364415

bro never heard of a macro

>> No.46364420

bro is deaf

>> No.46364423


>> No.46364430

I take it back. Any local models?

>> No.46364431

you're deaf if you can't tell that both voices were using voice changers

>> No.46364432

local models kinda suck compared to cloud ones. you can try miqu tho

>> No.46364436

making shit up

>> No.46364441

chi = blood
chichi = father
what did they mean by this?

>> No.46364445

was it rly
i mean even if they're stupid i think they felt it in their gut that something is terribly wrong even minutes b4 it happened

>> No.46364447

haha used to be pronounced papa

>> No.46364449

it's おとうさん to you, bitch

>> No.46364451

来年 ok
来月 ok
来日 fuck you

>> No.46364456

literally two different kanji

>> No.46364458


>> No.46364459
File: 403 KB, 716x812, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46364462

>if the kanji are different they cant be related
low iq in here

>> No.46364463

titi = father
tintin = peepee
what did they mean by this?

>> No.46364465 [DELETED] 

it has 2 readings and the meaning changes with it

>> No.46364466

来日 = future day; later date. what are u on about

>> No.46364468

all these years later i still think butt juice when hear ketueki

>> No.46364477

>not reading the post as it is putting words in my mouth
take meds

>> No.46364479
File: 6 KB, 448x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46364480

it has 2 readings and the meaning changes accordingly
来日 らいじつ future days, coming days | tomorrow
来日 らいにち coming to japan

>> No.46364482

the moderation isn't on the models, it's just on that particular website
they offer free access to test the bots so without a filter they'd get overrun with people like >>>/g/99519649

>> No.46364486

I think Anthropic does filtering if you use the Web UI and not an API key.

>> No.46364488
File: 6 KB, 274x117, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46364494

guys it's not that hard ok
barely worth mentioning

>> No.46364496

didnt put anything in your mouth but im about to

>> No.46364502

its not hard its just funny the more common one is らいにち

>> No.46364504

any good po- *爆笑s*

>> No.46364507

i wouldnt have added an s personally

>> No.46364508


>> No.46364516

do u guys remember call of the night kino

>> No.46364518

yeah its getting a s2

>> No.46364523

kind of fucked up to use kino and a localized title in the same sentence

>> No.46364526

mined 饗宴

>> No.46364528

djt fell off

>> No.46364532

yofkash noootaaa

>> No.46364534

i know im just shit posting

>> No.46364537
File: 26 KB, 474x462, 1705677050461647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.46364546

god i want to nazuna nazunas nazunas

>> No.46364548

isn't she like 40yo canonically

>> No.46364553

鶯 was the hottie in that show though

>> No.46364554

>uhh isnt the immortal a cake

>> No.46364562

sorry was i supposed to translate it to italian

>> No.46364565

u can just not translate it

>> No.46364568

>slop of the night

>> No.46364571

yofkash nootaaa

>> No.46364695

titi means boobies bro

>> No.46364721

japs be like i want boobs when they mean i want daddy

>> No.46364725

really makes you think

>> No.46364727

you want daddy and daddy wants titi

>> No.46364742

i dont imagine you want to know about this but 遅々 also exists
enjoy your impossible language retards

>> No.46364751


>> No.46364752

kanji's kinda fuckin gay if you think about it

>> No.46364753

oh no a word that will never be spoken out loud

>> No.46364756

to be fair all of japanese is words that wont ever be spoken out loud by (you)

>> No.46364757

is samazama a real word?

>> No.46364761

and if they are spoken they wont be spoken loudly lmao

>> No.46364764

think u meant sanzan

>> No.46364767
File: 2 KB, 50x178, fsafsadsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help my dumb ass read handwriting. All I see is some form of bastardization of either 期内に or 期間に. I wanna say it's 期間に but this shorthand is fucking me.

>> No.46364769

no 様々

>> No.46364771

>uh well i bet u wont output
gaijins speaking japanese are cringe af ngl

>> No.46364776

you are correct. it is the latter

>> No.46364777

give it to me straight. how bad does an eigo accent sound to a native

>> No.46364780

thats the only 略字 anyone ever uses

>> No.46364788

you just gotta keep grinding the weed bro

>> No.46364802

ever heard a fresh off the boat indian speak english?

>> No.46364804

yes it sounds horrible. we sound that bad?
the thing is, other accents like russian actually sound good. how do i know if eigo to a jp native sounds more like indian accent or russian accent?

>> No.46364807


>> No.46364828

fake weed smoker matto didnt even know what the really really finely ground weed is called

>> No.46364835

what's matt's job? does he do anything other than know a second language

>> No.46364840

you could say hes tight in the streaming community hes always popping up in other peoples streams unexpected

>> No.46364842

hes a millionaire he doesnt need a job

>> No.46364845

hes an influencer lil bro show some respect

>> No.46364848

u can become a millionaire from a shitty patreon?

>> No.46364854

just read 勝手 as しょうしゅ

>> No.46364862

as for me, 都合 is my nemesis

>> No.46364865

read both of those correctly

>> No.46364869

u want a cookie?

>> No.46364871

no thanks im on a diet

>> No.46364873
File: 134 KB, 1231x565, matto meeting his idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46364915


>> No.46364916
File: 85 KB, 266x148, 1708115794026673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you guys talk about the matt that matters?

>> No.46364920


>> No.46364921

thought this was read as らかんじゃ
hate this shit

>> No.46364924

are those comments for matt? whats the context

>> No.46364930

vocaroo this shit right now or delete your post

>> No.46364939

>whats the context
the curse of morgoth that follows him even to the end of the world

>> No.46364942

you just know thats what queef was about to say

>> No.46364961

he thought he was cool enough to jump streamers in tokyo

>> No.46364965

wat jump streamers mean

>> No.46364966

hood language for assaulting someone

>> No.46364971
File: 588 KB, 1440x1080, ドラゴンボール改 E22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46364976

>try to watch anime with jp subs
>keep having to adjust the timing with the keyboard
this kinda sucks

>> No.46364979


>> No.46364985

matto would have been so much cooler if he jumped a streamer

>> No.46364998
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>> No.46365005


>> No.46365009

fuckin this
just switch to english subs or watch good shit, that usually means it has no subs at all

>> No.46365011
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>> No.46365014


>> No.46365016

its like, my video file has an entire song and the subs don't so randomly I have to push 5-6 seconds or something.

>> No.46365021

usually a release will be a consistent amount of time out of sync with whatever set of subs so you can just go into aegisub and retime them + or - however many seconds/minutes before you watch
sometimes it's still a pain in the ass though, my dbz kai subs had to be retimed both at the start of the episode then also at the midway point, but it was consistent so i could just adjust the timing before watching then pause midway and slap the time delay into aegisub real quick. you can bind a key combo to reload subs in mpv too so you don#t have to close it and find where you were at after editing the subs

>> No.46365023

matto jumping a streamer would be some shadow of the colossus shit the camera would zoom out and hed jump onto his leg and start trying to climb up

>> No.46365033
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>> No.46365034

imagining shadow of the colossus from the perspective of the colossus and you cant even see the fucker climbing up his pant leg is not as exciting

>> No.46365047

it's much easier to just use a hotkey in mpv to adjust the delay
go to start of a new line, pause, press ctrl+shift+right to sync the line with the video, press play
no aegisub needed

>> No.46365053

wat happens when https://kitsunekko.net/ goes down and we lose all our subs

>> No.46365057

i never check kitsunekko because most of the time its weeks behind anyway
its a shame such a based domain name is being wasted

>> No.46365064

is there somewhere to get subs faster?

>> No.46365065

does this save the subs as well? i like to keep my properly timed subs in case i want to rewatch it in future
i have a bulk backup from 2019 downloaded, plus a few shows that have aired since then that i was interested in. so those are safe at least. you can find the 2019 bulk backup easily its hosted in a bunch of places

>> No.46365066

huh? just wget that shit right now if you want it?

>> No.46365069

i stopped using subs 2 years ago so im セーフ

>> No.46365073
File: 27 KB, 474x474, 1686252138662967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayb i will

>> No.46365080

yeah, maybe you should
you sexy old man

>> No.46365082

its too bad all the raw release groups are trash

>> No.46365102

i just realized -tai means 'i want'. any other grammar points i should know?

>> No.46365106

what does tae kim mean

>> No.46365113

i think it's just a korean name

>> No.46365115

big if true

>> No.46365120

honto nara oki

>> No.46365122


>> No.46365124

it's actually korean for "you shouldn't listen to me since i'm not a native and know fuck all."

>> No.46365131

sinjitu dattara taihen

>> No.46365132

yep natives know about learning as a second language the best

>> No.46365137
File: 397 KB, 2560x1440, BsvJlkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn hes literally me

>> No.46365138


>> No.46365152

what kind of a name is yusuke lmfoa

>> No.46365165

thats my self insert's name, bitch nigga

>> No.46365169

when people say "psycho" do you think "the best"

>> No.46365170

no the bitch accent is different

>> No.46365193

patio11, white guy who worked for stripe in japan, moved there and learned the language extremely well, lived there for a decade plus, ended up moving back to usa.. what is the lesson here

>> No.46365196

one time when i was young i was over at this japanese kid's house. parents had written his name on a drawer with his socks inside or whatever and i went "the fuck is kai-tsoo-keh?" then we went on to eat his dad's macadamia nuts which were weren' supposed to an later he converted to islam and some claimed he was become an extremist

>> No.46365220

>does this save the subs as well?
>in case i want to rewatch it in future
u probably won't and if you do you can just do the retime again it takes like 5 seconds

>> No.46365222

converting religions is weird like ive realized this is all bullshit but this other one isnt

>> No.46365226
File: 3 KB, 517x56, 1687285324641324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i rewatch? i downloaded the top 250 movies off some chinese site like 2 years ago

>> No.46365234

wish i could get some of that nanabushy

>> No.46365249

girl let me have some of that nanabushy

>> No.46365281

why would you want to be a white guy and get the nigger treatment in bugland? he realized and truly understood this and went back to his people and will hopefully take up arms to stave off the invasion against his people currently under way

>> No.46365296

dno might be worth being the outcast if you can be closer to girls that sound like my anime characters

>> No.46365306

he's rich either way so prob doesn't matter.

>> No.46365319

money doesnt matter. ask niggers who got paid playing nigger ball or making nigger music. they're still a nigger at the end of the day, so it's the same in japan

>> No.46365320

money doesnt matter is poorfag cope

>> No.46365322

or you can live in a gated community or a downtown area, which is dependent upon your money, and gates the type of people you are exposed to

>> No.46365326

is it? rich nigger or poor nigger they still belong in the ground beating eaten by worms

>> No.46365328
File: 61 KB, 653x700, GIyg0ZqasAANtBc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manlet cope

>> No.46365336

some of the people in gated communities are control freaks that will def turn out to be serial killers

>> No.46365355

true true. they had time in a comfy bubble to become twisted enough to do fucked up shit like that while everyone else has to live day to day

>> No.46365366

it's a game of %s retards

>> No.46365371

god i wish i was 1%

>> No.46365375

im 100% ur gay checkm8

>> No.46365378


>> No.46365390

>be 1%
>be better than 99%
>nothing about your life changes
satisfaction achieved?

>> No.46365401

i wanna man no cap

>> No.46365405

wondering if consoomer's life changed after he made the 99.2 percentile in the jlpt

>> No.46365406

>nothing about your life changes
poorfag cope

>> No.46365411

just asking cuz i have 850k in net worth but nothing has changed other than being a little more loose in subscriptions

>> No.46365445

lmao poorfag

>> No.46365452

at 1% youre not even at the top in a plane

>> No.46365454

im probably like 850k yen net worth

>> No.46365463

the line between poor and rich is whether you have to work or not
thats the only line that matters

>> No.46365470

so neets that subsist on welfare are rich got it

>> No.46365473

true true

>> No.46365475

they say time is money and neets got all the time in the world

>> No.46365476

3 sigmas bros thats when it gets exclusive

>> No.46365478

in a way
theyre on the edge and if they get sick or something its all over

>> No.46365490

u can easily earn enough of a buffer on eu welfare>>46365476

>> No.46365496

true i should move to eu

>> No.46365504

also lmao @ "earn"

>> No.46365507

watching a lets play and this guy has said he wants dicks in his ass >10 times now is this what fanservice is like to women

>> No.46365536

women can't enjoy fanservice tho they're a differenct species

>> No.46365537

life is empty without a pretty gal by your side

>> No.46365550

until she starts talking

>> No.46365558

stuff her mouth with ur dick
problem solved

>> No.46365560

whats the point of a girl who isnt smarter than you

>> No.46365563

real life isnt like hentai shell bite it off

>> No.46365564

until she stuffs your mouth with her dick

>> No.46365567

she looks up to you and respects u?

>> No.46365575

a relationship where the woman is smarter just wont work

>> No.46365580

true but a relationship where the woman is dumber doesnt make life worth living

>> No.46365581

it's fine there is no woman who is smarter than a man

>> No.46365582

yeah cuz it's probably a man

>> No.46365584

getting your dick bit off is the ultimate rekt moment for a man
if you retaliate with lethal force you just go to prison AND you dont have a dick so everyone will dab on you for being inmate no-dick

>> No.46365601

you gotta do that thing where they cant close their mouth then its safe to slide in

>> No.46365614

women can never shut their mouth

>> No.46365618

virgin hours

>> No.46365620

dont think ive ever met a eoman my age smarter than me and im only 129

>> No.46365625

dis にっが be 129 years old lol

>> No.46365632

130 women are the worst its like 120 for men

>> No.46365633


>> No.46365640

>> No.46365648
File: 725 KB, 1920x1080, 4303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46365695

if i never had high school or college love is my life over? what's the point.

>> No.46365696

frieren up to 9.17 shits messed but ill admit it is better than fmab lmfao

>> No.46365701

>make a "no eng subs rule"
>stop watching anime because it's such a pain to only understand 30%
anyone else know this feel

>> No.46365708

understanding 30% isnt even watching anime

>> No.46365709

yes, but im committed to the past

>> No.46365725

>college love

>> No.46365727

>mature 14k
jp to jp, right? right???????!!!

>> No.46365735

nobody cares

>> No.46365754

verbal iq is the most accurate one on this test

>> No.46365821

quiz found love in college

>> No.46365825

he found a whore

>> No.46365832

never loved anyone pretty sure im mentally ill

>> No.46365836

if youre willing to be a womans 3rd boyfriend you should unironically kys

>> No.46365842

not even your parents? that's sad, bro

>> No.46365846

yup mentally ill

>> No.46365852

i mean i'd probably be a little sad if they died but i wouldn't say i love them they just kinda exist

>> No.46365856

why do we use the same word for familial and romantic love its kinda kimoi

>> No.46365857


>> No.46365871

i prefer つれない男

>> No.46365878

any other ancientfags that tried learning jp after 40+
at my 20s and 30s some friends were interested but i thought western media was better.. not sure how brainwashed i wash

>> No.46365882

>not sure how brainwashed i wash

>> No.46365888

bro washed away a sigma

>> No.46365893

>i thought western media was better
thats worrying

>> No.46365894

sorry for typing an extra character

>> No.46365899

its cute when noobs think this matters

>> No.46365909

>He doesn't know

>> No.46365915

dunno in like, 2005 most of us had no idea

>> No.46365948

You are all dressed up in that custom made black suit and she is wearing that beautiful white gown and the pastor says you may now kiss the bride. But wait, not everyone is so ultramodern not to care what that mouth had been used for; singing praises to the lord or used as a vault for bodily fluid by Tom, Diick and Harry.

Maybe other 3 of her exes are seating randomly in the congregation and are smiling at you to see what (not-a-winner) you have become. Because what you treasure and you are going into is a place that has explored in all ways and they have vowed not to return.

My logic to this is not to use her past or number of exes to judge her sluttiness, but to know what she will likely become, because if a girl/lady is really a sweetheart, No man, I mean No man! Will let her go. 6 guys cannot be buttholes to watch a lady take a leave. I understand there may be personality clashes but having 6 exes means something is just fundamentally wrong with such person.

>> No.46365958

didnt read the context but
>Maybe other 3 of her exes are seating randomly in the congregation
what a deranged line lmfao

>> No.46365960

queef sisters i dont feel so good...

>> No.46365967


>> No.46365971

u sound mad bro

>> No.46365975

tldr is god i wish is was tom diick and harry

>> No.46365979

I feel so old 22y

>> No.46365986

zoomers having nostalgia over psycho ass lmfao

>> No.46365990

as for me sao

>> No.46365994

bro u should aim to not need subs anymore when you rewatch it

>> No.46366000

honestly lost all respect for quiz

>> No.46366007

i only wish jp subs were more available so i dont cripple myself with my own jsl transcriptions on my anime cards

>> No.46366008

Imagine being a babyboomer lmao
not me
You'll die very soon, old man.

>> No.46366009

trips of truth

>> No.46366022

dno after zoomers started calling me boomer i started to feel some unity with boomers

>> No.46366028

no i always take the fun cuts

>> No.46366029

unironic boomers are based as fuck

>> No.46366033

dont say fun cuts i cant get ubel out of my mind

>> No.46366035

im actually xennial and i hate boomers

>> No.46366045

im a zoom but im mentally 100% a boomer and im proud of it

>> No.46366048

watch with delayed eng sub and make vinnyme cards instead

>> No.46366051

its posts like that that remind me zoomers are beyond help

>> No.46366053

can /djt/ give me permission to be mean to my mom if she is addicted to drugs and only calls me threatening me with stuff

>> No.46366060

just dont pick up the phone lil bro

>> No.46366062

how about you give me permission to be mean to your mom *unzips the punisher*

>> No.46366068

thats been my plan, just wears on u after a while

>> No.46366069

i hate it when i find something in japanese i really want to read and then discover it just doesn't exist on the internet.

i wouldn't be surprised if even one of those fancy shmancy private trackers doesn't have this.

>> No.46366071

>le zoomer
>moving to japan next year(college)
>le boomer
>kids, family, responsibilities, etc
>no neuroplasticity
Moe was right, after your 30y everything is downhill
I feel sorry for you

>> No.46366084

ask bbs

>> No.46366095

i could fix her bro i could slam the drugs out of her system

>> No.46366097

after a certain age it's not even alluring

>> No.46366099


>> No.46366100

dont push your ideals onto unko

>> No.46366102

neuroplasticity is a myth

>> No.46366105

i don't know what or who that is sadly ;w;

>> No.46366109

neuroplasticity is a meme but you do get more retarded over time which is just as bad

>> No.46366110

i just assume everyones mom here is a 40 year old milf

>> No.46366111


>> No.46366113

but im in my 40s and my mom is in her 60s

>> No.46366117

nukemarine is not proof he's been pumped full of toxic chemicals for his entire career and he was probably dumb to begin with

>> No.46366122

nukemarine was pumped full of chemicals for the sake of our nation and he should be proud

>> No.46366126

bro we've been over this everyone in the us army has to take an iq test and score high enough or else they won't get stationed on a nuclear sub

>> No.46366127


>> No.46366133

except it's impossible to be smart and be in the army unless you were forced to join

>> No.46366140

>>high enough
>except it's impossible to be smart
ur neither lol

>> No.46366158

>mah iq

>> No.46366162

you can have a high iq and still be dumb see iq guy

>> No.46366170

let the midwit think he won

>> No.46366174

ok i will you allow this cope

>> No.46366177

stfu mlen

>> No.46366178
File: 34 KB, 516x323, 1704939209815662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when more

>> No.46366180


>> No.46366184

nuke is an easy 120

>> No.46366188

uhh i started my new job in jan 2023 and no new eppis since them.. really makes you think

>> No.46366189

hes like 119 hes just below a major breakpoint

>> No.46366192

like were talking the line between 3 frame and 2 frame cd

>> No.46366197

if nuke's 120 that makes the average nonlearner about 150

>> No.46366198

wat if nuke 130

>> No.46366205


>> No.46366213

thank you for this!!
although, after making an account and searching for the game, when i click on the download link that pops up, it just takes me back to the homepage...

>> No.46366223

nuke is much smarter than average, if you listen to him talk on his streams or read his r posts he displays a vocabulary and knowledge in line with 120

>> No.46366255

@ the lasdt few dozen posts >>46366229

>> No.46366303

damage control lmfao

>> No.46366316

you just know which cringe posts are him

>> No.46366337

people seem to forget that iq is an intelligence ranking *within an age group*...

>> No.46366372

nukemarine is the proof that white people can't learn japanese

>> No.46366380


>> No.46366395

just ran the estimator on nuke it says hes 126

>> No.46366403

how far through his 33 day intellectual biorhythm cycle was he in the post you measured

>> No.46366423

he is very clearly a learned man of great experience and resilient character. djters jealous of him, like they are of matt, as usual.

>> No.46375698
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1616296953884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can if they follow the tatsumoto way.

>> No.46375715

Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

>> No.46375729


>> No.46376276

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.46376763

