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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4634622 No.4634622 [Reply] [Original]

...so, I'm confused.

Why isn't /jp/ in love with this game again?

>> No.4634628

We were when it first came out.

Now we probably still are, but that doesn't mean we need a thread about it every five minutes.

I liked it a lot myself, but I'm not too into action so I much prefer Saya no Uta.

>> No.4634637

>A man's lust can only be truly sated by raping a woman
This is what Japan actually believes.

>> No.4634647

It was ok. Nothing special, just a bunch of action. Decently entertaining, but nothing more. Not much to say about it really. You see I would have loved the H-scene at the end if it suited my tastes more, but my rather obscure tastes are hardly ever satisfied in translated VN's, so action and meh H-scenes for me means I don't have much to say.

>> No.4634664

it was pretty good.

>> No.4634677


>obscure tastes

do tell, anon

>> No.4634684

You shouldn't been falling in love with games

>> No.4634690

Tell me what it is OP and I might be interested.

>> No.4634722


>> No.4634754 [DELETED] 


Sorry, I have better places to spend my time than boards which repost the same tired touhou threads constantly. Thus, I miss the small nuggets of not terrible that comes from this board. Why not just give a proper answer instead of posting an answer that solely serves to inflate your ego on an anonymous board? Not that logic works with your type anyway; I'm sure while reading this you will giggle about your "epic" trolling and go on to the next thread.

>> No.4634769

You could just ignore that one person that told you to lurk more and ask politely. Anyways it's Kikokugai, the cyber slayer, made by nitro+, is translated already, go google if you want it.

>> No.4634788

take it easy.

>> No.4634801


I just got back from a deployment in Iraq. I fought for your freedom to sit on your computer and talk down to me. You show me some respect.

>> No.4634810

You didn't fight for my freedom.

>> No.4634816

I see... you are a retard, actually.

>> No.4634824


Oh okay, you're right. I'm sure the arabs over in Iraq would have no issue with you playing games with Japanese little girls getting naked in them. You don't even have any idea. Quit being so ignorant. I've been there; you haven't.

>> No.4634832


You disgust me. I've had grown men die in my arms. You don't even know what pain is like.

>> No.4634835

I'm an arab and I play games with Japanese loli all the time.

>> No.4634833

>implying they would have conquered us if you hadn't been fighting there
Right, because some sand niggers in the desert with homemade explosives can conquer a world superpower. Do you think that badly of your own country?

>> No.4634841
File: 45 KB, 400x400, lelouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If led by a lion...

>> No.4634844


Take us over? No. Bomb us, terrorize us, and slowly corrupt our culture? Yes. Read up on some history before you run your mouth. Look at the Roman Empire. They weren't "taken over". They were slowly degraded by rogue elements, like, I don't know, terrorists, perhaps?

>> No.4634846


oh my god, thanks for ruining this thread with your stupid beliefs.

>> No.4634852

bwahaha sucks to be you - hope they enjoyed their IEDs!

good luck getting spat on in the streets - its what I do if I see you faggots

>> No.4634853

One of these days, I hope you kids learn the true meaning of sacrifice and get truly called to duty.

>> No.4634863


If you EVER spat at me I would rip your little "otaku" throat out before you even got to say "nani". I just came here to enjoy some anime and visual novels to get my mind off of the horrors of Iraq and you all can't have a little bit of respect for a veteran?

>> No.4634865
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>The Roman Empire was destroyed by terrorists
>Read up on some history
Wow, history classes in America must SUCK.

>arabs in Iraq
Also geography.

>> No.4634870

>Read up on some history before you run your mouth. Look at the Roman Empire. They weren't "taken over". They were slowly degraded by rogue elements, like, I don't know, terrorists, perhaps?
Haha, oh wow. Take your own advice, son.

>> No.4634872

See this guy is why everyone hates Americans, there are people who actually believe what this guy is trolling us with and actually talk like that.

>> No.4634875


I don't care what you want to call those hadjiheads. As far as I'm concerned, all of that Middle Eastern trash is arab.

>> No.4634886


I have no problem giving veterans respect. I do not believe people like you that pull your servitude status out as a shield and throw it in front of everyone when shit hits the fan.

>> No.4634893

>implying he's ever been abroad in his life, much less to Iraq
Oh /jp/, never change.

>> No.4634898

Yeah, and you're fucking idiotic.

>> No.4634904

this thread is crap. I hate weekends.

>> No.4634907

The romans at least executed the terrorist leader, his name was Jesus.

>> No.4634913


I gave my left leg for you little bastards, and you can't even give me an ounce of respect. That is why I am annoyed. Also, I don't have any of my PTSD medication. I'm feeling a bit emotional but that still doesn't give you the right to take advantage of me.

>> No.4634930

well, I still want sauce.

>> No.4634941

It is one of my favorite games and I discussed it when it was newly released.
In the end I found it extremely bizarre, after all the hardships of the story it finally turns out that she was in on it and that he had been played with, following their script. The drama probably cilimaxed when he found out that she had done everything willingly, and because of him of all reasons, and that Liu only wanted to help her.
I find it bizarre and I can't think of much to discuss that I haven't already discussedMore than once

>> No.4634943

Someone already told you it

>> No.4634944

You didn't give your left leg for me.

>> No.4634945

Wait, how the fuck did my Kikougai thread become filled with shit about Iraq and Rome?

Oh well. Hurrah for cyber dollies.

>> No.4634955

Oh, I accidentally called it a game, because that was what I read in your OP post, it didn't even cross my mind.

>> No.4634959


Oh, you're right. I didn't. Clearly I just misplaced it. Hmmm... where is my left leg... oh wait it's in fucking Iraq buried under a goddamn rock somewhere.

Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. FUCK YOU!

>> No.4634961

Kikougai was an allegory for the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

>> No.4634967

Fuck yeah Byzantium.

>> No.4634971

>Western Roman Empire


>> No.4634980
File: 789 KB, 800x600, atatatatatata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is Hokuto No Ken in there.

>> No.4634992
File: 148 KB, 500x500, gtfojp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your right nobody wants to respect you for derailing this thread with your shit. Now GTFO of /jp/

>> No.4635008

>West Roman Empire fell
>Fuck yeah Byzantium, because it didn't fall at the same time

>> No.4635037
File: 234 KB, 800x600, cp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is Crime & Punishment in there.

>> No.4635043
File: 21 KB, 320x249, 1268148473649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, cannon fodder. I know US gathers together all their worthless useless scum of society people and sends them out of pointless shit but shouldn't those stay and die at the shitholes they're sent to?

>> No.4635095

>slowly corrupt our culture

Bwahaha, no. Sand people don't have anything that could corrupt us. It's we Americans who corrupt other cultures. That's why we fucking rule the world. No one can resist our corruption forever, in the end everyone wants cheeseburgers, TV, and porn.

>> No.4635146

It was a short crazy story that I liked and that I have already discussed.

>> No.4635233

Pretty much this. The plot was mostly just an excuse for a series of fights. As someone who isn't really into action, especially in VNs, I didn't care for it. That said, it did have a couple good moments, but overall it was mediocre.

>> No.4635314

I'm not too into action either, but the amazing atmosphere and the interesting relationship between Taoluo and Ruilee made it one of my favourite VNs.

>> No.4636000

Am I the only one who wanted to fuck Zhu?

why do i love bad girls so

>> No.4636045

>I fought for my government's geopolitical interests
There, fix'd.

>> No.4636074

Just read this thread and barely managed not to laugh.

>> No.4636077

Im a martial arts junkie, for me, this stood up being one of the best i read in any vn. of course, its not for everyone.
