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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 408 KB, 725x726, 039BAiJRYoumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46344019 No.46344019 [Reply] [Original]

>Aya: You don't have to think about it too hard. I was expecting an answer like "I'm paid well" or "I have a lot of time off".
>Youmu: I've never been paid at all... and what's "time off"?
Source: Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red

This sort of abuse should not be tolerated, the workers of Gensokyou need to unionize and fight for their rights!

They have nothing to lose but their shackles!!!!!

>> No.46344032

What would a ghost need money for? I do not think she can starve to death.

>> No.46344367

>Aya: mmm penis
>Youmu: mmm penis
Fixed dialogue for you

>> No.46344447
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>> No.46344751

>Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
If all of Aya's articles are written like that then I would definitely become a subscriber of her newspaper.

>> No.46344902 [DELETED] 

Ugly Neanderthal pedo white niggers should be slammed into an incinerator and burned to death

murica=White cockroach

fuck you racist Robert

>> No.46345040

Gensokyo is already bad enough being ruled by women now imagine if they adopted communism

>> No.46346343
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Gensokyo would be even better!

>> No.46346434
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>> No.46346480
File: 13 KB, 190x190, Chimata loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the caggie waggies the marketplace isnt going to work itself

>> No.46346533

The "Market" has also decided that you're worthless and don't need to continue to exist. Which is why you and your kind has been send packing to Gensokyo instead, fashion disaster goddess

>> No.46346569

>fashion disaster goddess
That's not Heca, though.

>> No.46346593

Say good bye to all religions and culture within Gensokyo. Communism destroys everything, faggot.

>> No.46346622
File: 89 KB, 850x531, meiling_flan_patchouli_sakuya_remi_scarlet army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the "magic" and other mythical shit in Gensokyo is actually ancient technology (as told and shown in SSIB and WBaWC) anyways, there is nothing bad in exposing these hoaxes.

>> No.46346769
File: 267 KB, 1512x1350, __kochiya_sanae_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_tenkajin_chiyari_touhou_drawn_by_aojirozame1228__ee4d0bda6eb0c67cbdd0ece7130b0e69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the super-fashionable Hecatia have to do with Gay Alice?

>> No.46346857
File: 129 KB, 887x753, hell shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean the goddess with the most popular fashion brand in hell, right? that Heca? The one with the most stylish clothing on either side of the Sanzu River? The one who has everyone chomping at the bit to even glance at one of her ultra-fashionable t-shirts? The one who-

>> No.46346864

Yeah, I mean the one with the weird tee.

>> No.46347131

Unionization is syndicalism not communism.

>> No.46349054

You can't expect random mouthbreathers on 4chan to understand the difference.

>> No.46349231

Technically, it's syndicalism not socialism. Syndicalists fall under the broad definition of communism (along with most serious anarchists), but they're pro markets meaning they don't qualify as socialista.

>> No.46349437

Why does Chima-chan comes out of the woodwork when /jp/sies are discussing proletarian rights, capital being theft, and the oppressive %1 of the population?

>> No.46355748

Now that sounds like a fun idea for the next game

>> No.46355971
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I can't believe the invisible hand of the free market fisted Chimata without lube...

>> No.46356320

chimata would probably be a syndacalist. she's basically the god of state-controlled markets, her whole thing is imposing rules on how people are allowed to trade to prevent hoarding and monopolies

>> No.46356592

Syndicalists were even broader than that. They didn't really have a coherent political ideology and instead tended to have lots of factions woth different ideas about what a syndicalist society would look like (like anarchists in general). The basic gist was that they liked markets, wanted democracy in the workplace, thought unions were great, and wanted to reorganise the state around the logic of worker's councils. Anything more detailed than that was up for debate between syndicalist groups, you had ones that found themselves compatible with the Leninists (up until Stalin got paranoid about syndicalist tendencies in the USSR), you had ones that were deep into anarchism.

>> No.46359032

According to Bohemian Archive there is sort of one
>The Rabbit Horn League, led by the moon rabbit Reisen Udongein Inaba, is a group of youkai rabbits working to form a rabbit utopia.
They protested again Reimu eating rabbit stew or something like that

>> No.46359508

I don't remember the rabbits actually caring about that. Only Reisen did, and Tewi helped her because she thought it was funny.

>> No.46361300
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Since this is the closest thing to an Youmu thread up right now, I'll post this here.

>> No.46365717

shut up

>> No.46370221

It happens to all of us.

>> No.46370604
File: 347 KB, 800x800, 1703422113720361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Youmu has it bad? Sakuya has to work 72 hours a day! And she only gets paid in candid photos of the Scarlet sisters, though she's weirdly not as upset about that last one...

>> No.46370715

Well Sakuya is rather dumb so that's not surprising that she is being taken advantage of

>> No.46370818

Sakuya gets paid in time stop loli rape.

>> No.46379605

She could easily do that with her time ability for free

This anon >>46370715 is right,she is dumb

>> No.46387416

Youmu really is bullying victim

>> No.46387436

Silly anon, two girls can't have sex!
That means what Sakuya does in her agreed happy-time is only rough molestation.

>> No.46387460

ZUN has a lot of these moments where at first glace it seems like the hus making a serious point with political connotations and then it's revealed that it was only rhetoric to justify their random whims, and it wasn't serious at all.
Tewi was happy to reach a compromise too, showing how her age makes her wiser than the revolutionary dumbdumb leader Reisen

>> No.46387484
File: 86 KB, 639x431, tewi_mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like touhou is at heart a comedy series...

>> No.46392084

They only protested against Reimu because there was nothing else to eat for them at the party

>> No.46395757

Youmu should learn English, I don't understand what she's saying

>> No.46397357

This shit from BAJR never made sense. Not only is the source (Aya) dubious fundamentally, but Youmu supposedly having "no free time" is immediately contradicted by the fact she's often seen around Gensokyo casually hanging out and doing other stuff that isn't "work". Even in some other canon manga she casually spends time reading a book. Hell, she even spends time training her swordplay instead of "working".

Do not use this as a source for canon, especially since again it's written by Aya. They're lying to you.

>> No.46400106
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Well Youmu is rather dumb so It's no surprise she gets take advantage of

>> No.46400141
File: 146 KB, 745x729, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_dannthewillis__a4dc5eac3cbb2f19099113e64a2b31bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youmu is rather dumb
As opposed to Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, or Sakuya?
Other than some outsiders like Junko, I think everyone in Touhou is pretty stupid.

>> No.46400156

Are you telling me that someone that learns and studies magic by herself is stupid?

>> No.46400542

>Youmu supposedly having "no free time"
That's probably just a mistranslation, I think 休み means days off or vacation in this context. Similarly, no pay doesn't mean no allowance.

>> No.46400705

She's autistic, not dumb

>> No.46400719
File: 89 KB, 752x425, youmuathersmartest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is dumb and then there is Youmu dumb.
It is cute though so I'm not going to be the one to try and change her.

>> No.46401598

Wasn't the context about Youmu trying to see through her half-phantom but couldn't?

>> No.46403308

Yes, but people like to put things out of context to sell their points.

>> No.46405426

I feel like she'd be a hardcore Libertarian like Ayn Rand was.

>> No.46405448

Hard to see it, she'd probably give an economics lecture on how oligopolic formations undermine market efficiencies. Actually the more I think about it the more she'd probably follow the Chicago school with a super libertarian teen phase that grew into a more nuanced and less ideological take on market dynamics.
