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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 359x640, m_201003130930574b9adcc156933..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4631991 No.4631991 [Reply] [Original]

Shitty game. Shitty music. Shitty characters.

Let's face it, Touhou is dead.

ZUN, I am disappoint.

>> No.4631993

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>> No.4631995

But it's a sequel to shoot the bullet, shoot the bullet being the best Touhou game that isn't Mountain of Faith

>> No.4631999

Yeah, ok.

>> No.4631998

> のヮの

>> No.4632002

That's what you say every time a new Touhou comes out.

>> No.4632005

Yes, and it's been right for the last few games.

>> No.4632010

None of our faults you suck

Go back to IN

>> No.4632012

So why are you still playing them and fapping to the doujinshi?

>> No.4632021

Noone's making you play it, you can go finish Highly Responsive to Prayers again.

>> No.4632025

But I don't play them.

And I only fap to doujinshi of characters I like (nothing after MoF).

>> No.4632035

Haha, confirmed troll. Keep going though, you're funny.

>> No.4632040

I can't keep going since I have completely crushed all your weak arguments.

>> No.4632042

Then why make this thread? Do you enjoy whining?

>> No.4632043

This game is fucking awesome. I feel bad for anyone who honestly can't enjoy it and isn't just trollan.

>> No.4632048

I made this thread so the few Touhou fans still left will realize ZUN has lost his touch.

>> No.4632052

I don't even like danmaku games much, and I still like this game. It's that good.

>> No.4632056

>Touhou is dead.
I can't be the only one who listend to Allkore here.

>> No.4632068


I don't know if ZUN is dead, but he needs to learn English.

>> No.4632070

Touhou is dead. Abandon ship. It's over. I knew it would happen this way. There's nothing more left for me. This is the end of the round. Might as well give and die. There's no hope left. I abandoned all hope a long time ago. There is nothing we can do.

>> No.4632077

And afterward Anonymous went to masturbate to another Reimu doujin

>> No.4632083
File: 898 KB, 1066x1509, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not today!

>> No.4632102
File: 921 KB, 525x750, 4249f3f52bcb76a79406882c3c25ba18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, now maybe you'll start playing good shooting games. i suggest starting with games developed by cave.

>> No.4632105

Oh, you bastard.

>> No.4632106

Fuck no.

>> No.4632110

>Opnions. Opinions. Opinions.
>Let's face it, opinions are opinions.
>ZUN, I have opinions.

>> No.4632119

source is [Niku Ringo] NIPPON CHANGE (Ah! My Goddess HALF ONLY)(C77)(English by Mukyu).zip

>> No.4632126
File: 30 KB, 250x261, bkub chen surprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, all you whiners, please leave and never come back. Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.4632132

> Implying anyone on /jp/ hasn't played Cave.

>> No.4632140

If this is shitty, then I'll be glad if ZUN keeps releasing crappy games. I'm honestly enjoying DS even though I was against the idea of a sequel to StB.

>> No.4632151

>Everyone replying to an obvious troll thread without saging

Nice one guys.

>> No.4632152

Smaller fanbase = better

>> No.4632214

I'm sorry but the sidegames are never supposed to Introduce new and awesome music. Wait for TH13.

>> No.4632218

They weren't supposed to introduce new and awesome characters either, but.. .... oh wait.

>> No.4632235 [DELETED] 

MESSAgE-ID: <4b6b90eP.8030701@4cHan.oRg>
FROm: MooT <MOOT@4ChaN.OrG>
usEr-AGent: MOzillA/5.0 (MACINToSH; U; INteL Mac Os X 10.5; en-US; Rv: GEcKO/20100111 THundERbIrD/3.0.1
to: SySOP@aNonTAlK.coM
SUbjEcT: ENjoYIng YoUr dOWntIMe fAgGot?

THeY bLINDLY BelieVE EveRYthIng I FeED ThEM, fAke OR Not, YouR boarD'S GOiNg dOWN. dOn'T BOTheR pUbliShiNG This, nO oNe WiLL bELieve yOu ANywaY oN anT OR /B/ :)

>> No.4632245
File: 273 KB, 1000x582, Belldandy hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4632250

Anyone who says SA was bad is a fucking troll.

>> No.4632266

Anyone who says SA was good is a fucking troll.

>> No.4632278
File: 205 KB, 778x612, trolling orc dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> obvious troll
But I wasn'--

>> No.4632285

wats SA

>> No.4632303

Anyone who posts on /jp/ is a troll.

>> No.4632307

fuck that thing you like a lot

>> No.4632326


>> No.4632375

I haven't really given much of a shit about Touhou for years now. Mountain of Fail started the downward trend, and there's no end in sight.

It wasn't all bad, nearly ever game had something nice about it (Nazrin in UFO, Utsuho in Alicism, Suwako in 123) but overall they've been getting worse. This shitmuffin is the final nail in the coffin, Double Nigger has nothing good in it.

I haven't actually played it, I just know.

>> No.4632413


>thinking mountain of faith doesn't have the series' best music

>> No.4632417

I'd say IN does, but MoF is nice.

>> No.4632425

It has my new favorite tengu in it. I'll be rooting for her even as fanon shits all over her.

>> No.4632432
File: 360 KB, 600x800, 1267686179250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4632433

Your new favorite based on what you faggot.

>> No.4632438

You aren't a tengu, Sakuya. Now get off youkai mountain.

>> No.4632441

Her official profile, of course. I don't pick favorites by their spellcards because that is silly.
