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4631177 No.4631177 [Reply] [Original]

SHOCKING NEWS (pun intended): Earthquake in Japan 6.6 on the richter scale.


>> No.4631186

Earthquake in Japan.
The grass is green.
Aya is a slut.
ZUN likes beer.
/b/ is shit.

>> No.4631189


>> No.4631190

At first Haity.
Chile was second!
Japan nao!
Is it doomsday coming or what?

>> No.4631192

Its cool

My waifu is with me

>> No.4631193

I don't see the pun

That's weak, who gives a shit?

Remember kids: Richter is a logarithmic scale.

>> No.4631194
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>> No.4631195

New World Order strikes again

>> No.4631196
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>he still believes in doomsday

>> No.4631201

>That's weak, who gives a shit?
We're talking about Japanese infrastructure here.

>> No.4631208
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>> No.4631217

>We're talking about Japanese infrastructure here.

Yes, one of the most earthquake-ready countries on the planet
Your point?

>> No.4631229

6.6 is pretty weak. Come back to report an 8 or 9

>> No.4631238
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Indeed 6.6 is pretty weak. Especially for Japan.

>> No.4631243

Of course there's a doomsday, it'll come when mankind pushes the limits of technology too far and we die by the creation of our own hands. Whether it's putting something extremely toxic into the atmosphere that destroys us all, the accidental mutation of a virus, the accidental tainting of the worlds supply of food by a mistake in genetic engineering, self replicating nano machines that convert all matter into more self replicating nano machines, the creation of flesh eating robots, or something we can't now even fathom.

Humanity won't live another 1,000 years.

>> No.4631263
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eat a dick

>> No.4631275

I'm from California, I've been through 7s, they're pretty rough but it takes an 8 or 9 to really destroy shit.

The 1989 World Series one wasn't very strong, like a 6.5 or 7 or something and only really got coverage because it was during the world series, it started a fire, and part of the bay bridge collapsed. Hell the fire did more damage than the earthquake and that was due to bad engineering.

>> No.4631281

Not even a 7? Come back when we have Tokyo 8.0 IRL.

>> No.4631320

Hmm, looking up a history of California earthquakes, looks like the worst I went through was the Northridge earthquake in 1994, that was a 6.7. Like I said, rough but not world destroying. I guess a 6.6 will cause some damage like the Northridge quake but I'm sure not a lot of people will die.

>> No.4631329

why so many quakes?

is 2012?


>> No.4631338

Because tectonic plates

I swear, you people are like the idiots that think this year's cold east-coast winter disproves global warming.
