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46238169 No.46238169 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46210957

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46238178

About to start Natsu no Ame.

>> No.46238192


>> No.46238205

I unironically huffed a sigh of relief when AB went back online.

>> No.46238232
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 天色*アイルノーツAmairoIsleNauts (91).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Amairo Islenauts.

Not too much to say, it's a yuzusoft VN. You know exactly what you're getting, it could've come out yesterday. It does what yuzusoft VNs do and it does it well. The only thing that really sets it apart is that because MC is a teacher and the heroines are students most routes have drama that at least partially centers around not letting people find out about their relationship, which is fine individually but does get a bit repetitive across every route..

>Tia > Misaki = Konoka = Shirley > Yune
>Shirley > Yune > Misaki > Konoka > Tia

Tia is fantastic and deserved a full route and not just a mini-route. When will Yuzusoft give hags the love they deserve? It can be a subbrand like Yuzusoft Rotten.

>> No.46238275

I too love EOPgods that put rules to avoid people uploading weebshit in my tracker too

>> No.46238281

doesn't even affect you if aren't into doujintrash

>> No.46238282

I don't care about their clique. I only care about easy access to unpopular oldshit.

>> No.46238312
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, cep5yaox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite conflicted if I should be extremely mad at you for ignoring the best girl of the game or if I should be glad that a hagfag hasn't soiled her.

>> No.46238329
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Jarring cuts before both of the H scenes so far. I guess it was made with an all-ages version in mind.

>> No.46238725
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eroge for this feel?

>> No.46238808 [DELETED] 

please give AB invitation i want obscurege too
will do the needful and seed, pc on 24hours seeding good ratio, no bad things never
discord: ab_redeemsir (temp email will dissapear too soon, going sleep now)
I'm serious this post is no joke

>> No.46238830
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>廃村少女 got an append
That's unexpected. Escude usually doesn't do appends.

>> No.46239114

A lot of VNs seem to be these days.
Check the files, see if it has steam acheivement data like the yuzusoft vn did.

>> No.46239143

Didn't check the files but the 後日譚 is super short, hard to see why anyone would play it without the porn.
I guess they have to provide some closure though.

>> No.46239161
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recs for games that have a big focus on MC ending up with 2 girls? love triangle and heavy drama or what doesn't matter, bonus points if it doesn't just end once they get together and also goes into what happens after

>> No.46239165

white album 2

>> No.46239170

sorry i should have said besides WA2

>> No.46239206

Here, bro.

>> No.46239749

I know Miagetegoran had a FD that focused on the 2 main girls and the MC all forming a relationship with each other. Honestly, it felt like it made the most sense to me considering their past and how deep of a friendship the three characters shared.

>> No.46239995
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Alright. That was fun.
I thought it'd be an epilogue, but it's actually an IF scenario that followed the "bad end" that always got thwarted during every route. I did wonder what would happen if they took the offer and stayed, because they escaped in every ending.
More Kagome is always welcomed, even if she got put through the wringer here. More group scenes, which were my favorites in the base game. Pretty nice ending (the implications man), but it could be better. Guess they don't want to make new tachie.

>> No.46240042

There uses to be a visual novel purchasing guide somewhere around here, does anyone have a link? Going to be in Akihabara tomorrow and I can't remember which stores are best for eroge. I picked up YUNO at Mandrake Sapporo but I haven't had much luck anywhere else.

>> No.46240119

I dunno bro. Last time I went was in 2016. I suppose things got pretty bad since then. I now live just two hours by Shinkansen, but it's hard to justify the tickets.

>> No.46240131

Isn't akiba half chinese/korean now?

>> No.46240147

>but it's hard to justify the tickets
Why? Tokyo is more than just Akiba. I'd go to Nakano and even Ikebukuro if all I really wanna do is gawk at otaku wares.

The main street is. The side streets still retain the old 電気街 feel.

>> No.46240167

It would be a one day trip, 20000 yen just for travel. Much better ways to use it. But lately I have been toying with the idea of going, one of these weekends.

>> No.46240218

20000 is peanuts. Are you a starving ALT or something?

>> No.46240248

Not really. A beginner programmer careful with money.

>> No.46240288

I went to Nakano today but didn't buy anything unfortunately. Sapporo was by far the best city for Eroge which is strange to me. I guess maybe there's not so much interest in it there so good stuff stays in stock longer.

>> No.46240318

No point in living if you'll be a Scrooge with money and you're in Japan so I doubt you're there to make big bucks so just enjoy your earnings. Carpe Diem.

Nakano is starting to get more attention since Mandarake is a big player there. Sapporo doesn't tout itself as otaku haven so it works out for rare collectible hunters.

>> No.46240369

>you're in Japan so I doubt you're there to make big bucks

Hmm, yeah. Mostly to live safely, relatively isolated from various unfortunate states of affairs around the world. I guess I might go next week.

>> No.46240403

i didnt like the layout of Mandrake at Nakano broadway. There were too many shops with stupid names like Mandrake special 13 (what doea Mandrake special 13 sell? Fucked if I know.) spread across too large a space. i prefer when a store is entirely self contained. A Mandrake in a small 4F building is much easier to browse than 20 separate mandrake storea spread accross a mall.

>> No.46240427

Their naming sense is whack, but once you know which ones sell certain goods, it's easy to navigate unless you're just that bad at directions. Plus Nakano tend to have the most dynamic stock. Stuff comes and goes there so it's never always the same shit on display.

>> No.46240535

I'm only here on holiday unfortunately so I can't visit regularly. I might go back again tomorrow and have a proper look depending on how long I spend in Akihabara. I have I whole day tomorrow set out for shopping.

>> No.46240971

There are tech jobs outside Tokyo/Kanto?

>> No.46241000

Sure, why not?

>> No.46241030

Dunno, I just heard from people I know who are in IT that all the jobs in Japan are concentrated there. Though maybe things are different if you're not an EOP and/or have relevant expertise.

>> No.46241154

I'm sure most are there cause most of everything is there.

Knowing Japanese is crucial. Probably at every level but especially for me as a beginner, since rather than skills I already have they wondered if I'll be able to function in a Japanese workplace and if I can learn from their Japanese materials/documentation.

>> No.46241263

That makes sense. Well, I fell for the "study what you love" meme and got a degree in linguistics, so none of this is relevant to me unfortunately, was just curious.

>> No.46241616

>leaving your house
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.46242501

Man i wish i fell for this meme too
Instead i fell for the "go into IT and become rich" meme and my degree has been completely useless for me because i fucking hate coding

>> No.46242547
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>fell for the "go into IT and become rich" meme (...) because i fucking hate coding
I hope more of your kind exits the industry by the time I graduate with my computer science degree in 2 semesters

>> No.46242596

>degree anything other than medicine/engineering/laboratory science like physics or chemistry
What a waste of time and money. You could have been a shut in, getting your credentials by solo work and reading more eroge.

>> No.46242625

>I graduate with my computer science degree in 2 semesters
Different anon, but seriously good luck. The market has been really bad these past few years. I couldn't imagine how hard it is to get in as an entry level now. Use nepotism or something if you've got it.

My degree is in physics and I literally code for a living

>> No.46242670

>Different anon, but seriously good luck. The market has been really bad these past few years. I couldn't imagine how hard it is to get in as an entry level now. Use nepotism or something if you've got it.
thanks anon. yeah it's been looking like shit for a while now, I've been banking on the fact that the company I wage slave for right now is a privately owned company and they prefer to hire new engineers from within the company. it isn't quite what I had in mind but I actually have an interview lined up for one of their network engineer intern positions this week.

>> No.46242702

For me, I just wait until my relatives die and take their stuff and money.

>> No.46242724

same plus free government bucks

>> No.46242726

for me, the only thing they are going to leave me is a shit ton of loans

>> No.46242729

real eroge protag...

>> No.46242749

The day when every eroge will have to include arab characters keeps getting closer

>> No.46242816
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>> No.46242861

They may think that now but once they get older they might reconsider it.

>> No.46242877

can I say that feminism was a mistake in this thread?

>> No.46242951

It's no surprise. People mainly had children so they could make them work and bring in an income. Nowadays children are only a financial burden and work is soul-crushing enough without also having to take care of another human on top of that.

>> No.46243125

it's not money issues, people are just completely and utterly mentally ill. Poor people have the most kids, even.

>> No.46243164
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This unironically elevates the stocks of moege through the roofs since you can see what it was like to build a family 40 years ago before everything went to shit since most moege take place in an alternate timeline where social media didn't destroy people's brains.

>> No.46243230

It's getting to the point that no one, especially with those with higher education and non-normalfags, wants kids in any moderately developed country. 2D children is better anyway.

>> No.46243275

It's all pretty ironic, the smarter people get the fewer kids they want, and eventually they get replaced by poor and stupid people who bring the population in and eventually turn everything into a shithole
It's as if the world is programmed to never reach prosperity

>> No.46243466

Modern day people just aren't as smart as they think they are. They're perfectly fine with having shadow governments fuck the world up, as long as the constant dopamine hits keep coming. I truly believe humanity has stagnated in all aspects.
Yesterday I suddenly realized that the year gap between Gunbuster and Diebuster is shorter than the gap between Diebuster and now, and has been for several years. Even as I type this I keep thinking that can't be right.

>> No.46243492

School days

>> No.46243494

Idiocracy was a prophetic movie

>> No.46243510

so why is erogay dying then? is it the gacha and vtumors fault?

>> No.46243534

eroge dying, my favorite meme. Two more weeks.

>> No.46243540

Lower attention span + bad reputation among population + gov fucking over ero stuff + a lot more available content for easy dopamine rush + retarded boomers ruining their own companies + everyone retiring due to combination of everything above

>> No.46243558

gacha and vtumors are the symptom, not the cause. the average normie can't even read news articles past the headlines anymore.

>> No.46243578

people fellate themselves over gacha writing that takes years to build up, there is nothing beyond those games being free as opposed to eroge costing as much as full price AAA games and dominating social media presence thanks to artists that just draw whatever is popular for the most engagement.

>> No.46243604

Eroge has more quality than anime,manga, light novels, gachashit, videogames and more.

>> No.46243629

This and unlike gachashit eroge doesn't become dead media and titles from many years ago can still be enjoyed in the present. Couldn't care less about twitteroid artists drawing the current popular thing, fanart is overrated anyway

>> No.46243648

At the least this 2ch/5ch poll is almost dead.

>> No.46243652

The gacha players circlejerking each other off about writing quality are a very small percentage of the actual player base, most simply got their brain highjacked. They will actually complain about shit like having to clear the story to access the best farming nodes, they're utterly and completely lost to the skinner-box.

>> No.46243661

>Mostly to live safely
How about natural disasters? There are a lot of them in Japan.

>> No.46243666

Blue Archive story tho

>> No.46243668

I doubt there are many people older than 13yo who genuinely would care about gacha story
The only reason i play gacha is to grind for my favorite character and make her as strong as possible, it's basically an evolution of raising simulators

>> No.46243669

When I'm in Akiba I do Traders 2 -> Melon (not much there anymore) -> Lashin (also hardly worth checking) -> Manda -> Surugaya -> Traders honten -> Softbank

>> No.46243671

>They will actually complain about shit like having to clear the story to access the best farming nodes
I know which games you're talking about, and by that logic I can say that's a minority too, because even the gacha devs didn't imagine there would be people that stupid. Or, hell, if they care about farming that much, they're also the type who'd keep praising the game for giving them 900 hours of gameplay for free

>> No.46243687

Do you not read chapters/events featuring her? seems utterly pointless to me. Might as well browse through the trillion jrpgs that already exist for a design that attracts you there

>> No.46243698

>people fellate themselves over gacha writing that takes years to build up
A lot of players want to skip the writing and get onto rolling/doing whatever asinine bullshit for cheap serotonin rushes. Average person enjoys seeing progress without much effort, which is why reading eroge and learning another language isn't popular.
Anyone who unironically defends gacha writing were wife beaten with sunkcost and blind loyalty. You can very clearly see this with the existing FGO and Genshin fanbase.

>> No.46243714

gook trash is trash

>> No.46243729

I actually forced myself to get into FGO because I played F/SN before I had hair on my balls and I couldn't believe people actually memed about it having a good story. The first arc has like 2 acceptable chapters and the finale isn't even one of them. Must be a gigantic case of でんでん現象

>> No.46243730

Grinding in jrpg is what i consider utterly pointless because eventually you will just complete the game and forget about it, and the thought that you could cheat any time you want anyway nullifies the feeling of achievement
It is a completely different story with a living game that keeps adding new stuff and you can continue to grind as long as the game exists and flex on various leaderboards or shit

>> No.46243742

Zoomer mental illness

>> No.46243748

Desire for your wife to be the strongest in the world existed since the stone ages

>> No.46243767

>cavemen did thing 999999999 years ago so you must do it too

>> No.46243775

this but unironically but only for raw meat

>> No.46243782

While i agree with you sadly the state of affairs is different, we are getting into the remakeshit era for some reason, my only theory is that they don't want to sell old eroge because the "morals" were different back then and the banks are forcing them to, which why every remake shit description have a favorite word in common "倫理", however even modern shit are getting remakes and somehow managing to sell well which is the thing i don't understand

>> No.46243787

>Spending your life savings to get on the leaderboard of a shit game that will shut down in a few years

>> No.46243796

>life savings
That's some ultra small pp flex material, i achieve everything through fp2 only

>> No.46243804

nigger what games are you even playing that your fucking jpeg grind to max takes more than an hour?

>> No.46243853

> every remake shit description have a favorite word in common "倫理"
That is just referring to コンピュータソフトウェア倫理機構
Sofurins rules changed slightly from the time it was made so there will be a few word edits.

>> No.46243880
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_2nd_offence_2024-03-03_05-21-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn JOPs

>> No.46244651

Awesome thanks

>> No.46245076

There is literally no difference between gacha or eroge in terms of story lol
in fact the gacha ones usually have MUCH higher production value with better art, voice actors etc. you aren't superior for playing another medium designed to milk retards for easy money

>> No.46245101

Their stories are dogshit and you're a retard.
>better art
Meaningless without a good story and not even true in the first place.

>> No.46245110

>Their stories are dogshit
Have you played any? Please list the ones that you did
>not even true in the first place

>> No.46245128

Are you the retard that was defending heaven burns red here?
>another medium designed to milk retards for easy money
Actually the jews who wanted to milk retards left eroge behind to make gacha garbage, while those who actually cared about eroge kept doing it.

>> No.46245219

>while those who actually cared about eroge kept doing it
that explains why pretty much everyone left eroge

>> No.46245241

>gacha trash "production value"
>most unvoiced
>drip-feed CGs
KEK, good one

>> No.46245267

damn anon, how did you timetravel here from 2015?

>> No.46245281

Even nasu who is milking FGO released tsukihime and mahoyo 2 years ago so yes, keep believing that.

>> No.46245300

it's just a pithy jab anon, you don't have to get so butthurt

>> No.46245449

If it were up to me, every route in every game would have the possibility of NTR/NTS

>> No.46245455

this but only yuzuge

>> No.46245462

random chance for each character's route to be NTR
you have to buy a new copy of the game to roll again

>> No.46245472 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46245507

i remember miagete got good reviews here when it came out but after suffering through koinatsu and having a straight up nightmare experience with miraikano i kind of ended up traumatized by that company, i'll keep it in mind though, thanks

forgot all about that, but that game and series was a real disaster

>> No.46245513

Hey, HBR's story is nice.

>> No.46245713 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1600x938, malie_l702yIm0s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Eleonore before, but now I like her much more.

>> No.46245718

Besides Singapore, most disaster free countries are sand shitholes.

>> No.46245722 [SPOILER] 
File: 287 KB, 1600x938, malie_l702yIm0s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Eleonore before, but now I like her much more.

>> No.46245735

Hell, Uma Musume has better characterization than most eroge.

>> No.46245760

Maybe if you've only read shit eroge.

>> No.46245771

I clapped when I read this scene.

>> No.46245778

Miagete and KonoOozora are some of my favorite works by them and really of all time so I highly recommend them. Asta does a good job of interwieving a specific subject matter(i.e. Astronomy and Gliders/Aeronautics) and a enjoyable heart-warming story.

>> No.46245804

What else is there after reading all the good ones?

>> No.46245919

What is zoomer about leaderboards when playing for score in arcades has existed for decades?

>> No.46245933

I fucking hate VNs with jumpscares
I'm a pussy, I don't need this shit in my life. And I was about to sleep too.

>> No.46245943 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46245975


>> No.46245990 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46245996

That was the one
Fuck this. Her picture book was dope though and I still have no idea what's going on.

>> No.46246003 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46246087

I thought I'm the only one playing Dolphin Divers. Really like the ED song for the black haired tsundere.

>> No.46246271 [SPOILER] 
File: 241 KB, 1296x758, AAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey it's that exact one that got me
there's a bare handful of vn jumpscares that worked on me and that's one of them, pic related being another

>> No.46246325


>> No.46246963

remind me to never read anything from this company

>> No.46247035
File: 356 KB, 1296x758, perf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it had an excellent imouto route thoughever

>> No.46247673

Mobile 催眠?
Teenager addicted to mobile screens?

>> No.46248023

Weirdly erotic, i want a nukige with this type of heroine.

>> No.46248923

Do not stick your dick in the bottomless void

>> No.46249051

How can there be no difference between gacha and eroge in terms of story if one is 後付け after 後付け and the other you are done with it once you read it?
I don't think you both write them the same way desu

>> No.46249675
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>> No.46249881

>Unlike social games that you casually play on your phones, you have to sit down at your computer for a long time to read visual novels
You also have to do the same for most gachas. The average gacha "game" is much, much longer than the average VN and I'm not even counting event stories or similar stuff
>Social game characters are appealing at first sight, but their backgrounds and settings are often half-baked and lazy, as such, they often give me the impression that they're made to only look good superficially
You can say the same for most eroge. Take away the "ero" parts of a VN and most people here won't even bother to play it - that should tell you how shallow most of the stuff in this medium are

>> No.46249922

I don't know you but aside from nukige I don't really care much for the ero in most VNs aside from a few that tickle my funny bone
Yet if a VN is all-ages I seldomly get the urge to read it.

>> No.46249995
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>> No.46250183 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46250200

sauce of these ones?

>> No.46250210

first one is Akeiro Kaikitan (read the prequel first)

>> No.46250230

second pic is chronobox

>> No.46250262

Sequels and FDs. I also don't think eroge's stories are written in one sitting either. Only thing that matters is the writer's ability and how good the story actually is.

>> No.46250268

Thank you anons, will download them soon.

>> No.46250295

That's ironic because a lot of eroge are half-baked. They will have an interesting concept, but fail to go anywhere with it. There are many games in this genre where "it gets good in 30 hours bro trust me" isn't just a meme, and by that point they spent so much development time on filler that the actual interesting and thematic parts of the game aren't fleshed out nearly enough.

>> No.46250389
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, moridream2_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty cool shit. Unlike their pure moege which was shit. RIP though.

>> No.46250394

How's first game?

>> No.46250424

is this also 夏の色のノスタルジア ?
>you have to sit down at your computer for a long time to read visual novels
Thank god for all the PC handhelds that have come out in the last couple of years.

>> No.46250431

>is this also 夏の色のノスタルジア ?
Appearently not. Filename.

>> No.46250450

Damn, I totally missed that.
It's サクラノモリ†ドリーマーズ2

>> No.46250517
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Redpill me about Whirlpool. Seems like they delivered this time.

>> No.46250538
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, tokihate_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than the second, if you ignore non "main-heroine" routes, if you ask me. The girl herself doesn't matter, but it's the only route where the mainstory continues past common. Common itself can overstay its welcome a little, but it's worth sticking to it. You can obviously still read the other ones, but they are very typical moege fluff, aka not the strength of the game in my opinion.

My favorite was Tokihate though, it had the best pacing. Shame there was never a follow up. Technically Mori Dreamers 2 takes place after Tokihate and acknowledges its existence, but it's a sequel to Mori Dreamer 1's common route of sorts. And that comes with its own issues related to the story. Still worth playing though, but the main story doesn't quite come close to what Mori Dreamers 1 ends up doing, and it never answers any questions either due to how it branches.

I did play the "Nostalgia" game as well, and in a way it was a precursor to the next games. I 100% recommend doing the twintail route (non sister). If you like the direction of the final part of that, you should at least try Tokihate. Pic related was definitely something.

>> No.46250590
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>> No.46250595

Thanks for detailed response, I'll give it a try.

>> No.46250622
File: 336 KB, 612x486, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Asou Ei. Ourest of our guys Urushibara-sensei posted about it before the reveal. so I though maybe.

I mean, Asou Ei isn't bad, but

>> No.46250902

>won't even bother to play it
Why would I bother to play censored trash?

>> No.46250911

>take the ero out of eroge and people won't like it anymore
Wow, what's next, you're going to tell me no one wants to buy a car without wheels and an engine?

>> No.46251084

They give their characters big fat meaty nipples.

>> No.46251228
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x627, 1693260362246020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like THAT?

>> No.46251455
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_2nd_offence_2024-03-04_02-26-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit what a bitch

>> No.46251467

best girl

>> No.46251472

route soon

>> No.46252041

I can fix her

>> No.46252069 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_2nd_offence_2024-03-04_04-13-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that's brutal

>> No.46252091

My dick

>> No.46252136

Anyone else constantly cycle between 2-3 different games and play 15-20 min (or however long a scene is) of each at a time until they get to a good part? I know it’s very zoomer brained of me but at least I’m still reading a lot everyday…

>> No.46252161

Catastrophically zoomer brained. If someone made a YouTube/Tik Tok channel where they uploaded 1 minute clips of only the "good parts" you'd probably never touch another VN again

>> No.46252173

Nah, I still like the build up leading to the “good parts” but reading the same build up continuously for hours bores me.

>> No.46252184

You should go check yourself for ADHD, i only read one at a time.

>> No.46252193

>episodic shit
Sign of kusoge

>> No.46252235

No, unless I'm deciding what to play then I switch around the start for a bit, then when I decide which one I like the most I stick to it to the end

>> No.46252237

I feel physical repulsion from the thought I reading more than one vn at a time. The most I'll do is one 'normal' vn and one nukige

>> No.46252244

It's just the all-ages version which only has one route.

>> No.46253219
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_2nd_offence_2024-03-04_07-18-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46253447

reading more than one VN is a disrespect to the author so you didn't really read the VN

>> No.46253557

>Censored AND trimmed eroge
Do they actually expect to sell or is all just a money laundering operation?

>> No.46253563

most nips don't care about h scenes and will buy it if it's good unlike w*stoids

>> No.46253596

Seems like a weird experiment, maybe get people from Switch interested on buying the full game? It also looks like the first time they do a Switch release?

>> No.46253618

Writting something with h scenes in mind and removing it is just as bad as writting all-ages and then sticking some random H scenes.

>> No.46253682
File: 114 KB, 800x450, c1274780sample2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats ok. Full release + loli heroine + cool protagonist like Secret Agent instead of their usual faggy ones = I give it a chance

>> No.46253720

>Body: Pale, Slim, Small Breasts, Teen

>> No.46253728
File: 203 KB, 1023x765, 1476245971775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won't tell if you won't

>> No.46253959

I too dictate what is and isn't a loli by using whatever some indonesian guy on vndb tags characters as.

>> No.46253978

It's not just indonesian guy, it's translation cabal with translators looking down on lolis but removing loli tags and translating games with not_loli this way

>> No.46253990

switch version is only ¥2,000 compared to ¥10,000 for pc... paid demo?

>> No.46254060

There are two releases of the game, a complete version eroge on PC and episodic all ages version for the switch
I dunno why they do this, but maybe switch users tend to buy lower priced games outside of big mainstream releases?
If they release the full version of the game at full price they'd have to compete with mainstream games there
Probably it's easier to show up among other releases on the low price section of the switch store
Also ensemble games are all kusoge regardless of how they release their games anyway

>> No.46254066

Partial release is cheaper than the full version
Why would they do that?

>> No.46254154

The average breast size increased so much that people now call small women loli. Great, just great.

>> No.46254208
File: 103 KB, 448x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46254339


>> No.46254378

Got any recs for good mystery VNs?

>> No.46254564
File: 43 KB, 679x840, think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-5 loops back to eggs in mother's ovaries and sperm that hasn't been produced yet
>it's the sperm that determines x or y chromosome
>we can't determine the sex until observation
Perhaps... Schrodinger was in us all along...

>> No.46254806

Are eroge players most likely to play JRPG's or WRPG's? With how most of you think and act, I'm leaning towards the latter.

>> No.46254821

Why not both?

>> No.46254831

Why not neither?

>> No.46254846

>westoid RPG

>> No.46254850

Feels like same fucking retard spamming westoid every thread

>> No.46254942

>I've been found out!

>> No.46254957
File: 364 KB, 1516x884, ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started rereading perseus for reasons (okay, one singular reason)
i am reminded once again that ren is fucking perfect
except maybe those minori-mandated bolt-on water balloons

>> No.46254958

shit posts get shit replies

>> No.46254966

Video games are for children.

>> No.46255004

You are playing a video that has game elements. Hence, you are a child.

>> No.46255063

They all suck so no thanks

>> No.46255459
File: 2.48 MB, 2424x3495, 218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46255491

But WRPG fans seem to be more intelligent and capable of banting better. Aren't eroge fans like that too?

>> No.46255568

she should be a flattie, simple as
it would make her inevitable victory over the other cows all the more crushing

>> No.46255809

I don't know about you but the bants on Japanese forums leave me in tears

>> No.46255866

>I also don't think eroge's stories are written in one sitting either
It's not about being written in one sitting, it's about intent. Eroge are planned and written with intent of reader experiencing full story at once.

>> No.46255881

Wait, did Minori actually make a good game?
I thought they just made stuff like Trinoline.

>> No.46255906

Joy? Boredom? Sadness?

>> No.46255943

good game in its entirety? nah
but it's a perfect combination of a lot of the things i want in one route
possessive, bitter, sharp-tongued imouto (You) share a secret power with, do-inaka setting with nice atmosphere, the world is against (You), drastic preventative measures taken to keep the sluts away from onii-chan
there's something extremely appealing about the way it's framed that sells the "you & me against the world" feeling that i think all good incest stories should have

the rest of it is the usual minori trash, plodding melodramatic angst broken up by lots of sex

>> No.46255953

How is this different from regular 田舎? Mud huts?
>the rest of it is the usual minori trash, plodding melodramatic angst broken up by lots of sex
That's what I figured but hey, that route sounds good, maybe I'll check it out.

>> No.46255960

It means absolutely NOTHING when it comes from ntrtards.

>> No.46255968

how would you know that without being familiar with the original work?

>> No.46255975
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, 1709473650006688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are most eroge pretty much like this?

>> No.46255980

Not really? Most eroge are about loving relationships with women.

>> No.46255990
File: 278 KB, 1600x938, malie_MLLxyLL2Yu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46255995

Because I looked at the title, brainlet?

>> No.46256006

Even NTRge?

>> No.46256009

By definition an ntrge has to have a woman enjoying sex so probably?

>> No.46256052 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this got bikini allowed? They are minor, and Japanese console game got bikinis banned since July 8th 2022 by feminist lord named Kishida Femio.

>> No.46256072 [DELETED] 

Oh shit. The bikinischizo is here now too.

>> No.46256077 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure that's not right, I've read plenty of VNs released since 2022 with bikinis and also a basic google search doesn't show any laws or regulations matching that description around that period.

>> No.46256101
File: 710 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_09_08_490_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hime route is also pretty good, I loved this moment. I think you're being too harsh on the game

>> No.46256107 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 850x478, IMG_6136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not law, but Pressure by Kishida and NPOs sponsored by them and their son. No bikini was in Japanese console game since July 2022. Sophie 2 was last Japanese console game with bikini. Atelier ran to gacha to avoid Kishida and Snoy's censorship(not Mel). For Japanese gacha never gets censored for being irrelevant.

>> No.46256111 [DELETED] 

>They are minor
they look major fat

>> No.46256114 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1600x900, IMG_0919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is Seifuku Kanojo which is released in Switch/PS and steam. Not much difference except for cursor between console and steam. Which JK will u vote for?

>> No.46256118 [DELETED] 

I meant for age. 17,15,16. This is quite bold for This dark time.

>> No.46256124 [DELETED] 

Are these post MTL'd into English or something? What the hell?

>> No.46256133 [DELETED] 

It's some mentally retarded /a/ schizo that terrorized the board a few years ago. Surprised he's still alive and kicking.

>> No.46256136 [DELETED] 

Even for ones on PS/switch?

>> No.46256151 [DELETED] 


>> No.46256169

Any non-nukige about a salaryman taking in a runaway?

>> No.46256220 [DELETED] 

Someone must have shared this thread on /v/

>> No.46256439 [DELETED] 

It's the bikini schizo, I've seen him in /v/ and /vg/ before, he does nothing but bitch about culture wars and you should ignore him.

>> No.46256814


>> No.46256950 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 1017x1680, IMG_0975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46256955

Just when you thought the threads couldn't be any less salvageable.

>> No.46257122 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 1125x166, vndb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46257218

i thought akabeisoft came out with one but i was wrong https://vndb.org/v22026 i haven't played it but it looks similar enough to what you want. otherwise just search the tag on vndb the list isn't long to begin with, honorable mention for シロウト家出娘と俺 which i liked

>> No.46257698

I would buy eroge and support the industry if each game didn't cost a hundred bucks

>> No.46257708

This is so deep, s*basisters

>> No.46257714

Buy used.

>> No.46257727

they're that close to realizing why China keeps buying VNs on Steam

>> No.46257812

just buy during sales or when there are coupons, dlsite gives them away constantly, i remember maitetsu was like 500 yen a few times and rance02 is literally free right now

>> No.46257821

They buy on steam because buying porn is illegal in china so they can bypass that shit with steam and their retarded patches

>> No.46257823

Get an American job then. Even a shitty one can pay for any eroge.

>> No.46257911

You're going to get taxed by IRS-san so that high wage evens out.

>> No.46258025

That doesn't directly support the industry. Even pirating 100 games and directly buying 1 contributes more than buying 100 pirated.

>> No.46258032

>buying 100 pirated
buying 100 used*

>> No.46258055

It's going directly to Japan either way. Better than lining up Gaben the fat fuck's pockets.

>> No.46258078

And people wonder why Americans and the Chinese, the people with the fattest wallets, are winning....

>> No.46258170

That's kind of wrong. People who sell used are usually those who buy a lot of new games and / or copies due to tokutens. Of course it's pure assumption that they'll use money they get from selling to buy more new eroge but that's entirely within realm of possibility.
Stores which deal with used games also have decent role in participating in advertisement campaigns of various eroge makers, etc.
That's why even buying used contributes to the industry more than outright pirating, even if it's an indirect contribution.

>> No.46258464

Any new gyaruge ?

>> No.46258608


>> No.46258611
File: 1.35 MB, 1264x2034, 1681982552429283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46258716

Saw it on vnd earlier,download is already done but i'm not the biggest fan of pinpoint stuff.
Anyone here played Gyaru x otaku or Harem x shangri-la ?
Egs ip blocked me for no reason.

>> No.46258850

guaranteed kuso

>> No.46258871

Why is vndb being slow right now?

>> No.46259316

10,000 yen is only 66 burger dollars

>> No.46259571

I like to buy physical copies of vns i enjoyed a lot.

>> No.46259923
File: 20 KB, 237x520, nu vndb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these shitty machine translations cluttering up the bar gets annoying, even if you collapse everything it's still a fucking mess

>> No.46260232

you can just straight up hide them I believe

>> No.46260425

Any vn like seitokai yakuidomo?

>> No.46260461

>shit ton a penis jokes

>> No.46260569

I pirate everything but then go back and buy legit copies of whatever I end up liking

>> No.46260889

Only the first two weeks matter in sales, so I buy VNs which seems like I would want more of it from the company, or have 特典 I'm interested to see, like 企画初期デザイン, ボツ案イラスト, 追加シナリオ etc

>> No.46260958

Evening untl'd folks, stumbled across this https://vndb.org/v20273
was wondering if anyone went down the rabbit hole to experience it, lol.

>> No.46260977

I've never heard of the eroge mag BugBug, is it any good?

>> No.46261440
File: 372 KB, 1580x3183, nao (dream c club)f9d926a3d69f5d4d39f5aab2612ea9b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say you're interested in buying a new copy of two games. Both cost 10000 JPY, but used copies of one sell for 9000 JPY and used copies of the other sell for 500 JPY.
Wouldn't you be much more inclined to buy the first? Even if you end up hating it, you could sell it for almost the same amount you paid for it.
That's the difference the secondhand market makes. People pay so much for new eroge in part because they know they can get money back by reselling.
I recently bit the bullet and bought a used VN for a little more than MSRP. (It was Dream C Club Zero, I paid ~65 USD for it. Adjusted for inflation that's like 10 bucks over MSRP.) So the guy I bought it from not only essentially got to play it for free, he actually made money from it!
That's the ideal scenario, but who wouldn't buy more VNs if there was a chance they might get free money for it someday?

>> No.46261480

Speaking of buyfagging, I'm going on my first trip to Japan, any must visit places?

>> No.46261535

What's the connection between haughty ojou-samas and anal sex? That would probably the first thing that comes to mind when I see that kind of character.

>> No.46261553
File: 262 KB, 901x1267, 1690008041076042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check in what prefecture your favorite eroge takes place and go on 巡礼

>> No.46261805

Actually I'd be more inclined to buy both used and then pocket the last 500 to buy myself a donut
Like >>46261553 said, 巡礼. Easily the most rewarding thing you can do in Japan, and you'll likely get to see a side of the country most tourists never experience. Look up the local 名物 because everywhere has their own.
As far as buyfagging goes Akiba is fun for window shopping but you generally have a better chance of getting a good deal in Nakano. When it comes to Nakano of course there's Mandarake, which in my opinion has good stock and a better likelihood of having rare stuff, but the prices are middle of the road and condition can vary. There's also a Lashinbang in Nakano which has less stock, but Lashin does sales and generally has good prices. Manda will tell you the condition of the box, disk, manual, and might give you info on any missing items from the box, which is one plus it has over Lashin. In Akiba you'll also find Softmap, which has the largest stock by far, and also deals in new stuff. Their prices are on par with Manda but the stuff there has a significantly higher rate of being discolored. It does come with a fair drop in the price, but the level can be terrible (boxes almost completely colorless). Surugaya has a fairly good selection there (but it's at the very top floor of a tiny building serviced by one cramped elevator, I just take the stairs but it's a hell of a climb) and they tend to have the best prices you'll find. On the other hand they don't give you any information about the condition of the item, so if you want to check for missing contents you'll have to ask the counter. I've heard they're happy to do that for you but I hate that kind of thing and tend to just avoid anything suspiciously below what it is at Manda or elsewhere. Since their speciality is online buying and selling they also have the best chance of stocking the rare stuff like Jisatsu no Tame or Shoin, if you're interested in spending 100,000 yen+ on a single game. Though I've never seen those at the Akiba branch anyway.
Finally Akiba has a speciality store called Trader (two locations) that has a lot of stock and the most detailed information about the product's condition. They're a little more steep than Manda or Softmap, but they're the most reliable by far. When it comes to stuff I actually care about I tend to only buy from them (in Akiba, at least.)

>> No.46262008

Thanks for the write up, I'll be sure to check it all out.

>> No.46262038

Is it? I don't remember many of them getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.46262132

Also unrelated to buyfagging but I recommend checking out ジョルダン and 食べログ. They'll make it really easy go get around and find food, respectively.

>> No.46262173

>Actually I'd be more inclined to buy both used and then pocket the last 500 to buy myself a donut
Sure, but my point is that if we lived in a world where almost nobody bought eroge used, then the average eroge might well cost 500 yen used.
If that was the case, buying eroge new would be much riskier, so less people would do it.
Ergo, buying 100 used games does more to support the industry than buying 1 new game.

>> No.46262383 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Seifuku Kanojo got bikini allowed? These 3 are minors and the title tells us this. And Japanese console games got bikini banned since bloody summer in July 8th 2022.

>> No.46262404 [DELETED] 


>> No.46262423

>all-ages trash

>> No.46262450

Is seikano tame for galge?

>> No.46262496

I don't know I've heard Fukuoka is a crazy place

>> No.46262498

So who the fuck lured the binikioschizo to this thread?

>> No.46262505

How should I know if I'm not ever going to read it? There's a limitless number of eroge to waste time on family friendly garbage.

>> No.46262708

Seifuku Kanojo actually looks better than the Kiss series, shame it went all ages as the artist got better.

>> No.46262790


>> No.46262876

11s have been ripping on it nonstop

>> No.46263133

When people say all-ages they just mean no porn.
TsukiRe is Cero Z but people still include it in all-ages even though it technically isn't.

>> No.46263200

>I think you're being too harsh on the game
that is entirely possible, it's been like a decade since i played it and i think my opinion congealed over the years into "ren = good, everything else = bad."
i remember sui being annoying, but in what i've replayed, i'm still getting that feeling even if she hasn't done anything to deserve it

damn, i think i just legit fell for ren's gaslighting: interact with as few people as possible, trust no one, stay home and plow your imouto

>> No.46263235

Too bad that CERO Z focuses more on gore than nudity. Even when Abe was alive.

>> No.46263259
File: 893 KB, 1200x669, IMG_0315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with half naked JK? I vote Yui(SJK).

>> No.46263301

Eroge releases stopped being good since 2019, then heaven burns red and blue archive happened
no wonder people who like narrative mediums are interested in gacha now
It at least the illusion of it being the future while eroge are only releasing NTR wife eroge for five years now

>> No.46263310

Making out with JK asses.

>> No.46263312

You must be feeling pretty silly right about know...

>> No.46263314

Just ignore the ban-evading schizophrenic.

>> No.46263406 [DELETED] 

Eroge with this feel?

>> No.46263538
File: 497 KB, 727x600, hiyoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their death will not be in vain

>> No.46263586 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1600x900, IMG_0919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Seikano has bikini which is banned from Japanese console game since July 2022(even in PS and Switch) and Himari is Loli here.(loli isn't for age but by body type)

>> No.46263643

I don't understand. What are their relationships?

>> No.46263672

shit gets worse with each thread

>> No.46263694


>> No.46263728 [DELETED] 

h*l*live unbanned bikini, thanks vtumors

>> No.46263848 [DELETED] 

>loli isn't for age but by body type
just fuck off already

>> No.46263862

Why are witches hat so erotic lads

>> No.46264212 [DELETED] 

Yeah. But cleavage often gets censored. Choco and Koyori. Choco-ESG inner, Koyori-ESG doggo.

>> No.46264219 [DELETED] 

Because most weebstuffs focus on JKs.

>> No.46264567 [DELETED] 

What a stereotypical tourist take.

>> No.46265468
File: 281 KB, 1794x1007, 1698015355403386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty meidotachi

>> No.46267367

So, it teases with fanservice yet blueballs in the end for no reason other than muh consoles? That's even fucking worse. What a waste of talent.

>> No.46267385
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1687268619510328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now understand why people say kana is harder than kanji

>> No.46267400

pic not related?

>> No.46267406


>> No.46267431


>> No.46267529

They were hot in the early AVG 90's market.
Started as a regular gaming mag but switched to AVGs.
Still running to this day.
Apparently, it's a compilation of FD- type content.

Some obscure what if scenario from SnK : HnS spiked my interest lol.

>> No.46267692

To add to this, they've started putting up manga stories for selected eroge.

>> No.46267698

this is nothing, it's when people start to talk like delinquents that trip you up

>> No.46268257

Thread is so dead you had to come up with the laziest bait i've seen this year.

>> No.46268424

I just skip those while feeling it out because I can't be bothered to understand pseudo nigger speak

>> No.46268433
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1200, 231459-2058616565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best allage-plot-gamege series?

>> No.46269670

It reminds me of Western slops for some reason. Is it unfair to this gamege?

>> No.46270182


>> No.46270426
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1692784850429961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amane's route feels like the antithesis to Imokano.
Time won't tell, time won't heal, let's just do it and get on with this ordeal.

>> No.46270447

So deep yuzubro

>> No.46270600

that was just a retard hoping he could put it off having to make any kind of decision until she forgot about it, and then realizing oh wait she's not a toddler with ADHD, that's not going to work
and he still puts it off anyway until his dick is in her mouth at which point he sort of shrugs and says okay, i guess this is fine
i don't know how the fuck people call this a good imouto route

>> No.46270660
File: 276 KB, 1280x720, GH6CIfkakAAATmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like anon said in previous threads, Eiyuu Senki WW Offline is coming along nicely. With the new Eushully and that gameplayge is healing.

>> No.46271023

You fags really have a knack of oversimplifying and reducing a story to its barebone bits and making it look bad huh?

>> No.46271107

i think if you reduced that story to its barebone bits it would be more interesting than what you actually got

>> No.46271340


>> No.46271381
File: 365 KB, 1516x884, surprise and alarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other girls can tell when you've had sex via some form of sixth sense
can confirm, it's legit

>> No.46271518
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz (34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know how the fuck people call this a good imouto route
>is the girl cute
>is she an imouto
>then it's a good imouto route

>> No.46271557

those are absolute bottom-feeder standards
there are creatures that live in the oppressive darkness of several kilometers underwater, that only eat every once in a few months, scavenging the corpses of fish that only rarely drift down from miles above, that have evolved to eat once maybe twice in a year provided the heavens gift them with a carcass to feast on...
and these things still have higher standards than you do

>> No.46271565
File: 731 KB, 730x692, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those are absolute bottom-feeder standards
yeah I'm reading yuzuge dude

>> No.46271581

ah shit my greatest weakness, he's aware he's reading trash
if i point out he's reading trash, now it won't have any effect
how can i possibly counter this gigabrain maneuver

>> No.46271585

Shame there are no eroge written by Russians. They are the masters of literature after all.

>> No.46271588

The only way to win is to flowers for algernon me - you have to trick me into reading kamige so that I can't go back to reading trash.

>> No.46271617

are you reading it because you want some good imouto shit? then try literally anything by lucle
i'm also readin natsuzora no perseus and that has a fucking great imouto route too
as a bonus rec, tori colony has one of the best imoutos i've ever seen
i appreciate the flowers for algernon ref but you don't have to eat out of a dumpster just to get recs

>> No.46271675
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, just as keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the queen of 5d chess

>> No.46271692
File: 433 KB, 1282x767, koro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, a fellow man of culture

>> No.46271702
File: 226 KB, 2178x543, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46271717
File: 297 KB, 1282x767, best redux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen i sat on that torrent for a month just to reread it, you can do the same
drama cd's worth it btw, it adds a lot provided to listen to it afterwards

>> No.46271937

Its on zi0

>> No.46271952
File: 316 KB, 1516x884, #rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this entire scene isn't the peak of the eroge medium, i don't know what is

>> No.46271957

also on ryuu, a-s, h-s...

>> No.46272091

What is that, NTR?

>> No.46272383

name a good russian novel that was written after the fall of Soviet Union

>> No.46272676

And just like that they lose their cozy home. Great job imouto. Not exactly a team player

>> No.46272708

Can't say, but I like to read their schizo isekai literature.

>> No.46272758

Seems like I can't buy eroge on amazon anymore, does it work for anyone not in Japan? I can't even buy this month's BugBug

>> No.46272900

you need to be a schizo to enjoy popadantsy slop, so you fit here right in

>> No.46273184

I just spent almost two hours retrying this gameplayge boss only to find out my damage getting lower and lower was not in fact a mechanic, it went all the way down to zero and it's actually a scripted loss. BAKA I get not wanting to have the player win just to do a cutscene loss but there had to be a better way...

>> No.46273465

Should I read the original or remake of Tsukihime? I don't mind the old style but which one has the better narrative?

>> No.46273738

Is it wrong for me to not read imokano just because art looks like garbage?

>> No.46273893 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.53 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay what the hell, Setsuna's merciless. Evil even. Or crazy for real.

Yes, I'm finally reading the last route.

>> No.46274241

Read the original first, do other things for a while, then read the remake.

>> No.46274270

Read the remake first, do other things for a while, then read the original.

>> No.46274296

You have not read things with actual garbage art if that stops you.

>> No.46274325

Well yeah, I don't pick up anything if it has garbage art.

>> No.46274329

Best imouto, I tell ya.

>> No.46274330

I read nukitashi and henpri

>> No.46274348

It's your choice but you're seriously missing out on tons of good stuff if bad art bothers you the most. You're the same sort of person who wouldn't play a lot of retro games because the graphics look like ass.

>> No.46274372

Retro games look cool as fuck though. Can't say the same for actual ugly art like imokano

>> No.46274385

I still read stuff with bad art, but I just keep picking stuff with better art for a while...

>> No.46274437

What a horrible analogy. Retro games look good.

>> No.46274536

>Reading Dangling Grandpa like art.

>> No.46274544

Retro games look like ass. Plays like ass even.

>> No.46274654

There are tons that look horrible. You gotta be some cherry picking zoomer who only saw a handful.

>> No.46274682

I'm not sure where exactly the cutoff for retro is, but old video game art is generally pretty simplistic but has a nice aesthetic. There's little room for error since it's not like they were rendering super complicated 3D models back then.

>> No.46274730
File: 829 KB, 1444x890, 1704267221825080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more games would have their saves inside the installation folder instead of some esoteric path inside %appdata%.
Not like I was going to bother backing them up, but I just did a fresh installation of Windows and loss 3 years or so of saves.

>> No.46274785

appdata is the correct directory to use for these things

>> No.46274806

NTA, but ugly polygons and edgy 2000's aesthetics are considered retro now.

>> No.46274815
File: 291 KB, 1280x720, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, but appdata should be something you backup too

>> No.46274817

maaya-nee spotted, still the most beautiful girl iizuki tazuku has ever drawn

>> No.46274907

I only really care about appdata since that's usually where stuff like CG unlocks and other extras happen. Individual saves I could just ctrl if I care enough.

>> No.46275135

from whence do these semen demens hail? please spare me having to look up names

>> No.46275161


>> No.46275179

i knew that looked like a giga font. thanks anon, you're a real one
>twintails is not sexually involved
my smile is gone for good

>> No.46275336


>> No.46275361

i'm curious what your standards for eroge art are if you think imokano art is garbage. don't tell me you're the same anon that thinks amakano art sucks.

>> No.46275422
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, Shirogane_2016-08-06_00-54-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea it's a real shame they wasted this design

>> No.46275473

>nice aesthetic
some ancient eroge/video games in general had eyestraining color palettes which are frankly disgusting despite the more simple designs. a quick google search for "pc-88 games" is a good example. i could only imagine PC-98 also had plenty of bad eggs but no one cares to point them out for obvious reasons.
there were also a number of older, story heavy point and click adventure PC games with really bad aesthetics, especially when it's combined with 3dpd and pre-rendered backgrounds.

>> No.46275489
File: 65 KB, 512x320, 1692367831187665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like entirely a personal problem. This looks fine.

>> No.46275506

>not pure kana
Into the trash

>> No.46275518

Isn't this one of those where the side girls are more interesting than the main ones?

>> No.46275525

Go look up old Ys games and prepare the eye bleach.

>> No.46275535

you're not really narrowing down the field here

>> No.46275539
File: 6 KB, 544x480, 1696172799011507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you just post an example of what you think is so horrible or something? I don't get it.

>> No.46275572

amakano art is way better than imokano

>> No.46275573
File: 876 B, 25x33, nav_next.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to do all the work for you lazyass.

>> No.46275578
File: 27 KB, 358x304, phantasmagoria-ign-15jpg-9ab2b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KINO denpage

>> No.46275584
File: 84 KB, 1020x620, MV5BOTcyOGQwYjEtNWRhYy00MjBmLWEwNWEtNWY5ZDljZjk1NjA1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDI5Njk2Mzc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright take 2.

>> No.46275595
File: 292 KB, 1280x720, my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends, at least one of the main girls is pretty good but it's basically like majikoi with a giant cast but without the billion fandisks, pic related was the best of the side girls though and a crime she had no route considering her actions

>> No.46275600

I like the Imokano artist, Zombie no Afureta had amazing art, but I think Waffle's coloring team and his art don't really mesh.

>> No.46275633

This isn't the mona lisa but I can't say I'm supposed to see what's so offensively bad about this. They probably should have left out the background character since the lack of detail looks silly but it's fine otherwise. I guess we just don't fundamentally see eye to eye.

>> No.46275678

Look anon, Dogi's and Adol's face could be used as meme reaction faces. If that's not QUALITY to you, then I don't know what is.

>> No.46275693
File: 21 KB, 638x401, BLOG_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go buddy. I found this eroge out of random on Google just for (You)

>> No.46275725
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.46275730

despite wanting to, a warped sense of shame and pride prevents me from reading any nukige with a descriptive or otherwise porn-y title
i will only read ones that make some effort, however small, to pretend they aren't just wankfests

i won't ask if this is dumb because i know it is, but am i at least not alone in this?

>> No.46275739

Why does this guy only have one entry on his blog?

>> No.46275744

I'm ten years too old for that shit, sorry.

>> No.46275746

dude you're in an eroge thread. eroge has porn in it. never understood this weird bias against nukige.

>> No.46275761
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 彼女が異種族だった場合 ~教え子ヴァンパイアの甘トロ隷属調教~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but you have some extreme autism but if it makes you feel any better it's unique to you

>> No.46275762

I hope you are not a westoid because then your "pride" is laughable

>> No.46275765

no see i have nothing against them, hell i love them in principle
it's just when something has a title that's just a not-so-brief plot summary of who's doing what in which hole, i refuse to play it

>> No.46275773

You're autistic in a bad way. Those titles are fucking hilarious.

>> No.46275782

If you actually learned Japanese at a respectable level, chances are you did it for eroge and learned the bulk of it from them. What pride do you need to pretend you're better than those who consumes nukige?

>> No.46275784

oh well, there's worse 'tisms i suppose
they're funny but they're much funnier on someone else's computer
you won't catch me dead with something that has a subtitle bracketed by ~s

>> No.46275894

Please elaborate. What part exactly? The gameplay itself, the aesthetics, the story/writing/characters...?

>> No.46275901

After you get it from a DDL site don't forget to seed it

>> No.46275919

i'm curious what your standards for eroge art are if you think amakano art is good. don't tell me you're the same anon who says "i love hags"

>> No.46275944

NTA but it's the art coloring, how over the top the characters act and of course the western zoomer fanbase that's filled with screaming fujos.

>> No.46276178

Everything besides the seiyuu I guess. I would easily believe it's a Western-ge from any let's play if I didn't do any further research.

>> No.46276364
File: 619 KB, 1920x1357, 2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, Komatsuzaki has that jp vibe like any other jp artist, that Westerners can't or don't want to reproduce.

>> No.46276379

I don't know. This looks like something a Filipino would draw.

>> No.46276405

>the western zoomer fanbase that's filled with screaming fujos.
The ones who draw the gay porn dangan doujins are the japs though

>> No.46276717
File: 21 KB, 294x276, 1684067449074360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Characters playing a game together
>Its about hunting dragons
>It takes a lot of time
>Its for gathering materials to create weapons/armor
>Cutting tail autism
>Finish the hunt putting down a trap and capturing the monster
>Name of the game never mentioned
Mmmmmm i wonder what game could it be, not like any other eroge have used this unique concept never seen before.

>> No.46276726
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, 1685356067246240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it on good authority that this is a completely unique game concept.

>> No.46276867

His nose is fucked up lol

>> No.46276897

I guess it makes sense, the series being so explicitly quirky and over-the-top in some aspects does contrast a bit with the relative subtlety of Japanese works.
If you played キミガシネ 多数決デスゲーム, would you say it feels more Japanese?

>> No.46277156

Oh, I saw that exact game in an anime the other day. Plagarism?

>> No.46277202

I did not expect the piss jug scene with Meme in Itsusora.

>> No.46277386
File: 276 KB, 1516x884, imo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the good stuff right there
i wish there was more to it, that felt way shorter than i remembered but maybe my jp was just shit back then
might as well try the other routes, touka exudes a powerful
>please don't let me die a virgin
aura and it would be rude to ignore it

sui's still a shit however, snitches get stitches

>> No.46277610

Its called Goddess Hunter. Didnt you play Sakigake Generation?

>> No.46277630

Dramatic sibling love? Other heroines catch them?

>> No.46277667

actual spoiler
imouto and her brother have absolutely filthy sex in the classroom after school
she starts laughing like a maniac and calls out to the other heroine who's been watching in horror from the hallway
who it turns out is there in the first place because imouto told her to drop by as part of a 4D chess "choose. either me, or the rest of society"- type maneuver against her brother
other heroine ends up blabbing to her folks

>> No.46277675

picked up

>> No.46277680

Okay that's based.

>> No.46277737

I can't believe I missed such masterpiece
Downloading now

>> No.46277806

>i'm curious what your standards for eroge art are if you think imokano art is garbage. don't tell me you're the same anon that thinks amakano art sucks.
I love amakano art. I'm not into big boobs generally, but with amakano girls it looks pretty good. If you're asking about my favourite artists, I can make a list lol, but generally happoubi jin, g-yuusuke, sumeragi, namaniku(not his recent garbage on pixiv), tsuji santa, ueda metawo and hamashima shigeo. I still read eroge with art I don't like sooner or later, just like it happened with nukitashi, only been avoiding nukitashi for 2 or 3 years. I don't read outright nukige that often, maybe that's why I have issues with imokano art.

>> No.46277820


>> No.46277866

I can tell it's JP, but very Westernized JP. It's similar to ファたモルガーナの館 in this regard.

>> No.46277902

No, you're justified just like anyone is justified to not read Western-ge just based on the art alone. You can often tell the soul of a VN just by looking at the art. VN are 総合美術 where every part is important.

>> No.46277928
File: 867 KB, 1280x720, 紅月ゆれる恋あかり.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46277931

sex sex sex

>> No.46277938

All I care about is momimoiing Momimomi

>> No.46277941


>> No.46277976
File: 161 KB, 312x311, FbxkAgHNQFjKpFtIM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iori was one excuse from being a lolicon. I bet Miyako would have been down, too.

>> No.46277993

>I don't read outright nukige that often, maybe that's why I have issues with imokano art.
I don't consider imokano a nukige. It's pretty much charage.
Certainly nowhere near how much hajimete no kanojo feels like a nukige.

>> No.46278053

The loli has no boobs? how did they get away with it?

>> No.46278061

The best girl has no route. Figures.

>> No.46278062

only in h-scenes

>> No.46278076

There's been an increase of flat girls lately. Shitaboku had one in January, and the spurdo in Kakehana is not only flat, but she has baby fat.

>> No.46278082


>> No.46278095

Why is this dude so fucking dark

>> No.46278097

That's dark. Very dark.

>> No.46278102

>I don't consider imokano a nukige
I know it isn't a nukige, which is why I'm interested, but it does have nukige art I don't like that much.

>> No.46278103

Is someone working on skin lightening patch, or was that just a meme?

>> No.46278114
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x720, kakehana_23171934714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God the H scenes in Kakehana were so hot

>> No.46278117

finally an MC I can self insert into

>> No.46278121

He's obviously supposed to have a brown skin tone, but weirdly he isn't much different from the 主人公 in Yureaka, at least in H-scenes.
Compare it to this HCG of Setsugekka from Yureaka: https://files.catbox.moe/s4anhf.png . Whole thing is just weird and inconsistent, and I don't know why the male always has to have a darker skin tone.

>> No.46278126

I wish the kakehana pink got a h-scene too...

>> No.46278138
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, llH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kazamine Wiener needs the dick way more than that white haired slut does. She's about to explode from stress

>> No.46278141

Was just a meme, would be too much to make actual patch just for the sake of shitpost.

>> No.46278147

I'd do it but I don't know how to import the images back into the game.

>> No.46278169

orc MC when

>> No.46278170

Stop posting this shit eveytime you get a chance, americans won, we get it.

>> No.46278185

>loli tummy sex
Nothing "won" by Americans here.

>> No.46278191

Not afro american he just got trapped in the tanning bed

>> No.46278210

Tsubaki has both a route and sequel FD though

>> No.46278216

the kakehana protag literally looks exactly like me so i cant wait to play it, only reason i havent done so yet is because i havent played the other crystalia games yet. this will be the first eroge where i can actually self insert.

>> No.46278228

You can get away with only reading Yureaka first. The website for kakehana says you can start with kakehana, but that's a damn lie.

>> No.46278231

You guys aren't actually this dark right? I'm fucking brown and looking at that CG makes feel like a nordic European in comparison.

>> No.46278240

I'm darker than that, so still not enough to self-insert. One day hopefully.

>> No.46278251

Some anon posted a black hand a few threads ago when talking about kakehana. Its over for the crystaliafag that was shilling that since it got announced.

>> No.46278268

How to self-insert into all characters, not just 主人公? I want to know what all of them are feeling.

>> No.46278269

>choose. either me, or the rest of society
The same thing happened in the manga 地獄に堕ちてよ、お兄ちゃん. None of the characters were likeable but if hate fapping is your thing, the art is serviceable. I feel like it's the endpoint that all sibling inseki stories eventually reach.

>> No.46278273

>the kakehana protag
I'm thinking his life matters.

>> No.46278280

>not self inserting as the girl
low level desu

>> No.46278281

VNs with good hate sex scenes?

>> No.46278286

that's gay bro

>> No.46278287

I self insert as the girl until the h-scenes where I switch into the male then switch back into the girl after she showers

>> No.46278288

>Its over for the crystaliafag that was shilling that since it got announced.
I mean, sure, it's over. I finished reading it. I am reading a different game now, and will wait patiently for a Miyako-focused game that will probably never arrive,

>> No.46278297

Just because you finished reading it doesn't mean it's over. It remains in your heart.

>> No.46278308
File: 795 KB, 659x699, MrGryWannViad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and in my screenshot folder, come to think of it

>> No.46278332

that does sound pretty good, thanks
though to be honest i wasn't even the least bit upset by it, that kind of borderline psycho move can be really hot provided it stays fictional

>> No.46278387

We need a new thread.

>> No.46278398

We do not.

>> No.46278421

Sana edition this time for sure

>> No.46278435

I don't self-insert.

>> No.46278437

Yes we do.

>> No.46278492

I want to play the Kita seiyuu game. Finally installed a VM and will start the game.

>> No.46278503

Do you guys LARP as if different characters voiced by the same 声優 are just the character you associate with them the most, and the rest are just wearing different outfits and playing a role?

>> No.46278517

I'm not mentally ill so no.

>> No.46278519

I'm mentally ill so no.

>> No.46278521

It's very fun, anon, try it! You get to experience stories and characters you already love in new ways.

>> No.46278539

Can't even access eroge pages on Amazon JP currently. Will a VPN fix this or have they stopped shipping abroad, too?
I have active preorders, for heaven's sake ...

>> No.46278564

>leave heroine I'm not into for last, also her route is ridiculously long
>route ends up being good and heroine is moe as fuck
>start her FD route to continue it and since it's ridiculously short
>it's an hour long and 3 back2black H-scenes
>nothing else, no story continuation, no arc conclusion, no romance, only sex sex sex
>heroine who wasn't one turns into a nymphomaniac and even drugs MC to increase his libido
>after that shitshow ""route"" the 6kb big epilogue mentions the story and
>another H-scene starts 2 sentences later for maybe 10 lines of moaning
>that shitty epilogue H-scene had a new CG
I'm angry. How can a FD route ruin the original route, romance and heroine all in 1 hour? Madness.

>The loli has no boobs?
Lolis don't have boobs you retard.

>> No.46278599

>he doesn't know about ロリ巨乳

>> No.46278604
File: 365 KB, 1767x1199, HhlUMYhVEPRyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46278636

>3 back2black
Crystalia and its consequences have been a disaster for the eroge thread

>> No.46278794

Any hope somebody can upload the drama CD?

>> No.46278814

I was confused if you meant something like
おっぱいロリ, but apparently that's an English word, and not the one the Japanese use. Learned something new.

>> No.46278986

Unironically yes. It makes kusoge much better, especially if the characters are a bunch of faggots.

>> No.46278994


>> No.46278996

posting this in a thread about masturbating to 2d digital paintings of girls is really funny to me. Some days I think I should fap to a cave painting, just to feel connected to something someone fapped to millions of years ago

>> No.46279066

>999999999 years ago
Hehe. He doesn't know.

>> No.46279076

oh yeah I meant to read this

>> No.46279097
File: 22 KB, 204x300, 133607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Николай Анохин
Is this the modern Ruskie man?

>> No.46279128

dont most clockup games have at least 1 hate fuck scene? where neither party is being raped but both hate each other

>> No.46279129

As a русский, can confirm. Just add some more zoomer attributes and it's a typical Moscow/St. Petersburg Russian young man.
>means something like 'of Anon'
He's literally me!!!

>> No.46279146

Russ-ge MUSICUS?

>> No.46279161

The backgrounds and sprites have some nice SOVL. I think Russia is our backup plan for when 害人 subvert our favorite medium. We need to strengthen Japanese-Russian author relations.

>> No.46279167
File: 63 KB, 480x365, 1639640080004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46279294

5.48 average (rank 15657)
I read this shit shit in russian and text is on the level of a middle schooler essay. Maybe it's unironically better in english.

>> No.46279306

What's your favorite Russian-ge you read in Russian? That VN seemed interested but then I saw its relation to Бесконечное лето....

>> No.46279361

I've only read two ruvns and don't want to do this anymore, dedicated ruvn readers are the worst kind of people, on par with oelvn only readers

>> No.46279371

What's the second one if you don't mind sharing?
>dedicated ruvn
Yeah, I agree. RUVN are dependent on JPVN to draw their inspiration from, they aren't an independent medium. I think there still is much more potential than EVN though.

>> No.46279381

>What's the second one if you don't mind sharing?
Everlasting summer, lol. It was okay back when it just released with all imageboard memes, while ost/bgm quality still looks good. I don't think it is a good vn, but lots of russian like it simply due to lack experience with proper eroge and due to cultural thing.

>> No.46279395

Yeah, the memes and all the hype by "influencers" put me off. Waiting for a quality (potentially voiced) RUVN with good art, someday it has to come.

>> No.46279408

Do those Slav VN's have ero? That's the important question.

>> No.46279491

Do NOT look up everlasting summer hcg online.

>> No.46279542

>everlasting summer
What's with the clashing art styles? Do they have multiple artists working on this or just one really schizo one?

>> No.46279582

Does anyone LARP like they have the same disability/injury as the protagonist? I think it might add to the immersion.

>> No.46279596

Multiple artists.

>> No.46279646

Yeah, when I play denpage

>> No.46279649

>VN 主人公
>disability: autism
Don't even need to LARP.
I just go "wow, that's like me, so relatable!".

>> No.46279653

Does obesity count? That seems to be a common theme for the eroge I've been playing lately.

>> No.46279657

What's the strategy when immersing into kakehana?

>> No.46279670
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, シルヴァリオ_トリニティmalie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I set myself on fire every time Ash used his powers in Silverio.

>> No.46279686
File: 149 KB, 590x335, dies_03_cs1w1_590x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start reminiscing about 日常 and enter a state of absolute stillness when reading lines by Ren.

>> No.46279689

how do you advance to the next line if you're in a state of absolute stillness

>> No.46279697

Mercurius' help was needed to constantly reset the timeline out of boredom.

>> No.46280020

New thread:

