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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 1000x450, rip takt flop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46103176 No.46103176 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>45900053

>> No.46103634
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, Tokimeki Memorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang on, anons. Shine Post will come, and with it, the revival of Yamato.

>> No.46103873

Who the fuck is Yamato?

>> No.46105361

You are on the Yamato board right now.

>> No.46106986

The only games coming out soon are either chink or gook...

>> No.46108139

>google docs link needing a google account
>"fuck it, just trying to find something"

>"yeah google the apk LOSER"

what's even the point?

>> No.46108422

This place is /eosg/ now. You can find the list of frequently discussed games at the low end of sales charts.

>> No.46109124

I'd be surprised if that thing has even been updated at all in a long time.

>> No.46109365

I checked a few weeks ago and it was more up to date than I initially thought. Not sure why it needs a google account now though because it didn't need one before.

>> No.46111445

>posting in a completely unrelated thread
Take your meds.

>> No.46113182
File: 3.26 MB, 1400x1179, Phantom of Kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFT AFK game is the future

>> No.46113351

Will this finally kills Gumi for good?

>> No.46113428

It looks good tho
I have it preordered

>> No.46114458

Kino kusoge ads

>> No.46114785

>imitate game by notorious lawsuit crazy company

>> No.46115887

A man does what a man must

>> No.46115953

Imagine being proud of ban evading. Imagine being proud of being unemployed.

>> No.46116707

Why is Japan still trying to desperately make NFTs a thing?

>> No.46117010

They already pay for jpgs
it's not that different from Team Fortress hats, or nfts

>> No.46117532

Anyone have a pixel? I'd assume by now Google silicone can run games just fine but I'd like to see before I consider buying one.

>> No.46119285

I am proud I did my duty. That is all I need. I am proud to say. I remained loyal.

My Honour is Loyalty

>> No.46119394
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>> No.46119466

Doesn't really matter since majority of mobile chips came from same places either samsung or TSMC fab.
Pixels are decent. Good software and camera. and no bloated UI crap. The charging and battery life are dogshit though. For pure gaming purposes there are better and cheaper choices

>> No.46119548


Much. Always. The most of all.

>> No.46119555

Newer versions of Pixel use Google Tensor as the chip while most kusoges are only optimized for Snapdragon

>> No.46119656

You are proud of being unemployed? No wonder you worship Ron.

>> No.46120104

I am proud of doing my duty. No matter the cost. No matter who gets in my way or what obstacles

>> No.46120319

You are mentally unwell

>> No.46122122

The optimization is honestly less of a concern on high-end/flagship SoC since they can easily bruteforce any games. Battery life and thermal management should be the first thing to worry about when gaming on phone.
But yeah it's best to try to get a phone with a Snapdragon chip if possible, but do avoid the ones with SD8 gen 1 chips since they're crap.

>> No.46122395

>/ourgirl/ wrote a column for Yuri Hime

>> No.46123940

Yuri Hime EoS?

>> No.46124936

This is why I asked. I'd also ask if anyones tried gayman on GrapheneOS but I'm probably the only schizo here who would use that.

>> No.46127093

Dead like Mana

>> No.46127312

They need to collab with Persona first

>> No.46127385

Or Nanoha?

>> No.46128425

I want to "play", but i don't want to bother with team building and shit, can i get with auto builder?

>> No.46133099

Deader than Mana

>> No.46133944

How much can I earn from Phantom of Kill Alternative and how do I redeem it into fiat?

>> No.46133948
File: 239 KB, 1200x540, 3d8087d2-f1df-478d-b607-90e0e55892bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bofuri should have had a proper MMO
Now it is stuck in collab hell after its kusoge was killed

>> No.46134146

Why can't Japan make a Baldur's Gate 2 mobage with gacha

>> No.46134360

Isn't its literal shtick that it's a badly made MMO

>> No.46134378

It is a well made MMO with SOUL, just not mainstream popular until Maple made it a meme in-universe
I mean Sally is a pro gamer and she plays it before inviting Maple to

>> No.46134523

Congrats on World Dai Star becoming the watershed for EoS rhythm games.

>> No.46136601

But WDS is not yet dead

>> No.46136697

Yes everything below it is in the EoS zone

>> No.46137757

Will your game reach 10 years? https://twitter.com/t7s_staff/status/1759231303202054248

>> No.46137799

>same dev
>same genre

>> No.46139103

I see clearly. I know what it is that has to be done. I hear the Voice of Angels.

>> No.46140236

You are proving my point. You need to see a doctor for schizophrenia.

>> No.46142155

Is Shine Post dead?

>> No.46144225


>> No.46144444


>> No.46144732

Is Shine Post yuri?

>> No.46145346

No theres a man

>> No.46145649

No (you)'re a male.

>> No.46147740
File: 28 KB, 519x473, brave_2024-02-19_16-19-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doc owner here. I suddenly had a epiphany and want out. I only visit once a month because apparently people still link the doc, but I only sweep the floors every now and then, and the doc hasn't even been changed in like ever aside from a few goofs and gaffs despite being public.

Somebody else please make a Rentry.
G.Doc fucking sucks, and Paste doesn't support pics.

I am setting the doc to view only and will be nuking it at the end of the week. So save anything worth saving I guess?

Seems like a google fuckup. I only noticed today when checking my mail because someone sent a share request a week ago.

>> No.46150241

Thread is as dead as the EoS games it talks about

>> No.46150248

too many eoses they gave up on making new games

>> No.46151281

I'm just waiting for Compassbro's updates.

>> No.46151285

Waiting for the next yurige for male players

>> No.46152094

>tfw both kusoges I'm playing are 4+ years old already
When is something actually good releasing

>> No.46152204
File: 3.83 MB, 1928x1076, 1708296112295844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no anniversary stream announced

EoS is coming closer and closer. At least we finally got reflector Uta...

>> No.46152384

Should not have betrayed its male yurifags audience.
Towa Tsugai never betrayed its female yuri fans and it already for 2nd stage play and a concert for its anniversary.

>> No.46153414
File: 51 KB, 370x320, Megumegu (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you on Sunday

>> No.46153594

>Towa Tsugai never betrayed

But isn't the chad Minotaur still in the game?

>> No.46153670

>female yuri fans
Working as intended

>> No.46153820

Based compassbro.

>> No.46153929

I'm a day 1 player that still actually plays this and I wouldn't even know that it's celebrating its anniversary if you didn't mention it. There's literally no celebratory mood in the game like it's just another day. I'm betting it will announce its EoS within 3 months.

>> No.46155102

If Shine Post had a chad minotaur it would probably be released by now

>> No.46155936

At least it made it to its anniversary at all. Not even Lapis accomplished that.

>> No.46156060

Shine Post has a female yuri audience?
I thought it was male harem.

>> No.46157828

Pokemon Sleep premium pass, yes or no

>> No.46159450

It's over for Kusopl


>> No.46159458

I sleep

>> No.46159462


>> No.46159771

>that first reply
Anyway why can't they just make normal games? This is why the Japanese are losing.

>> No.46161624 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 1305x722, The question in the file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While on the topic about Colopl, I found something interesting in their 15th General Shareholders Meeting Q&A:
> Although Battle Girl High School's service has now ended, its popularity remains undiminished, with characters appearing as collaboration characters in other Colopl games.
Is there no plan to create a sequel app for Battle Girl High School?
>We would like to refrain from answering any details regarding the titles we plan to develop, but our policy for developing new titles is to develop a good balance between our own IP and the IP of other companies. Thank you for your continued support of "Battle Girl High School" even after the service ends. We will continue to consider collaboration projects and sequel development.
Which means there could be more special BGHS content, either a collaboration or even a return. The full file is located here: https://colopl.co.jp/assets/pdf/resolve_240131_1.pdf

>> No.46161693
File: 405 KB, 1400x885, The_Q&A_in_JP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While on the topic of Kusopl, I found something interesting in their 15th General Shareholders Meeting Q&A, occured about two months ago:
>Although Battle Girl High School's service has now ended, its popularity remains undiminished, with characters appearing as collaboration characters in other Colopl games. Is there no plan to create a sequel app for Battle Girl High School?
>We would like to refrain from answering any details regarding the titles we plan to develop, but our policy for developing new titles is to develop a good balance between our own IP and the IP of other companies. Thank you for your continued support of "Battle Girl High School" even after the service ends. We will continue to consider collaboration projects and sequel development.
That means there could be more BGHS along the way, either collaboration or even a return. That was the fourth question in the full document, located here: https://colopl.co.jp/assets/pdf/resolve_240131_1.pdf

>> No.46162741
File: 576 KB, 817x885, GEncvGHbAAAL_6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alice Gear collabs have been continuing, like half the class has made it in by now.
So I've been kinda thinking of that as their next step, after graduating from their own game they went to go fly around and shoot aliens.

For some reason, my first thought was "are they the Pangya guys? Maybe they'll do stuff with Shironeko Golf."
But no, that's an entirely different company with a very different games list. I don't think I've actually touched any of their stuff.

>> No.46163415

>Pangya guys
Arguably they're even worse than Kusopl at retaining their fanbase

>> No.46164104

Doesn't sound Japanese

>> No.46164201

Isn't it weird that Compass anon only shows up to post Compass news but never actually discusses with us

>> No.46164358

Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Maybe everyone else here is me...

>> No.46165201

Are there any mobages that are literally anime tetris?

>> No.46165254

It's gook but it's one of those gook games that got ridiculously popular in Japan back in the days like RO

>> No.46167438

In less than a month we are losing Kisara forever...

>> No.46167460

Shouldn't have betrayed Shu self inserters

>> No.46171470

Why did SE do it?
Why did they kill Kisara?

>> No.46172133

She deserved it for ending up with Shu.

>> No.46172972

Kisara should have ended up with the blue girl.

>> No.46173032
File: 64 KB, 823x617, GG7x9b7bwAA8mDU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoS soon...

>> No.46174066
File: 1.34 MB, 3072x4096, GGSWsR4aIAACO4Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat day banner

>> No.46174915

Anyone ever played g123 games? They are Chinese publishers/developers but licensed a lot of big properties from Japan

>> No.46174940

Why are Japanese selling their licenses to Chinese trash idle browser game company

>> No.46175444

They are spend to win games, I wouldn't advise touching them

>> No.46176584

Thanks bro, just sad seeing so many IPs stuck there.

>> No.46180407

The voices. The voices. They tell me to kill

>> No.46182316

I miss fun.
Like the kind in Lapis Re:LiGHTs.

>> No.46182921

It's over for real this time

>> No.46183156 [DELETED] 

tfw the only legacy of Engage Kiss is the ED song going mainstream in JP
You can hear it every other week on TV

>> No.46187326

Games are dying

>> No.46187673

why did it take people so long to figure out that random whore + anime jpeg = unlimited money hack anyway

>> No.46190031

What do you mean?

>> No.46191412

You have to take these things step by step. Otaku standards have been lowered a lot. Without anime idols, youtubers and everything in between, Vtubers wouldn't have worked.

>> No.46194211
File: 562 KB, 1281x2048, GHJJSFsasAImhfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Rinka get a game?

>> No.46194998
File: 564 KB, 2540x5716, News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of the Compass news stream from earlier:

The Sword Art Online collab will finally be returning whilst also adding Sinon as a new gunner. She doesn't have a great attack multiplier but instead relies on her abilities and long range to deal high amounts of damage.
Her hero action has her take aim with her rifle and fire over a long distance, dealing damage and pushing enemies back. This has to be manually aimed and has a narrow width - it can also hit multiple enemies.
Her hero ability increases the damage she deals the further away the enemy is, allowing her to deal up to 3 times the damage at max range.
Her hero skill has her fire a shot over a very long distance. This shot locks on to an enemy, deals lethal damage and can hit multiple enemies. It's very fast to activate so will be good in clutch moments. It also charges quickly and can deal with some elevation differences.

On top of Kirito, Asuna and the olds costumes being available, new costumes for Lyrica and Luluca will be added. Sinon herself will have 4 alternate costumes.

Sinon will be available tomorrow after maintenance. Additionally, any new accounts created after the 8th January will get a free collab ticket that can be used to roll the SAO hero gacha.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRhqrrS5VGs

Only other bit of info is that March's season will be themed on Stellea.

That's all for now!

>> No.46196527

I hate Compass because of Compass anon

>> No.46196535

Me too

>> No.46196901

I love Compass because Amanesu plays it

>> No.46198682

Thanks compassbro.

>> No.46200458

The only way to save mobage is...a mobage immune to eos

>> No.46200602

>mobage immune to eos

>> No.46200718
File: 990 KB, 1916x1077, 1691562848796671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shine Post replacement has come.

>> No.46200738

School Im@s? Subscribed. I hope it is yuri.

>> No.46200763

makes sense, dunno why they didn't port to consoles either

>> No.46200812


>> No.46201899

Dragalia Lost would be much better if Euden was a girl and Cleo sniffs her panties

>> No.46202614

It's also the Love Live replacement lmao.

>> No.46204095
File: 2.62 MB, 2686x1026, GHQQiQVaYAAnZTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and Sinon is now available until the 17th (and Kirito and Asuna). Some event missions will be available for the duration. I'm guessing that new players will get the free collab ticket upon logging in.

There has also been some hero balancing today:
>Hero skill damage interval reduced from 0.7 seconds to 0.6 seconds
>Hero skill expiration threshold increased from 50% to 60%
>Hero ability damage bonus increased by 11%
>Reduced the gap when cancelling her hero action as soon as possible by 40%
>Reduced the gap after firing her hero action by 5%
>Hero skill damage increased by 4%
>Health modifier increased from 0.45 to 0.50
>Movement speed increased by 4%
>Hero action initiation speed is now 67% faster
>Close range card activation speed is now 9% faster
>Health modifier increased from 0.65 to 0.75
>Modified the camera when using his hero action
>Defence modifier increased from 1.10 to 1.35
>Movement speed increased by 3%
>Attack speed of normal attacks after the second hit has been increased by 68%
>Attack modifier reduced from 1.45 to 1.40
>Normal attack range reduced by 1m
>Modified the camera angle when performing normal attacks
>Hero skill requires 12% less to charge
>Her action damage for the second and final stages increased by 21%
>Activation speed for AoE cards is now 5% faster
>Dash attack range increased by 5%
>Normal attack range increased by 7%
>Modified the camera during dash attacks
>Attack modifier increased from 1.30 to 1.35
>Health modifier increased from 1.30 to 1.35
>Hero ability effect increased by 10%
>Hero skill requires 5% less to charge
>Reduced the gap after cancelling the first normal attack by 60%
>Health modifier increased from 0.95 to 1.00

That's all for now!

>> No.46204676

BanG Dream wins by being unique again

>> No.46204703

Both lost to Idoly Pride.

>> No.46204792

Compass will survive forever if it gets pantsu

>> No.46206452

Compass will Eos like Engage Kill if it gets pantsu

>> No.46207138

>Project Rinka
>That yurifag cheerleaders anime
>2.5D cosplay thots with mobage already announced
Who will be the new winner, the new Towa Tsugai, while the other become the new loser, the Engage Kiss/Kill 2.0?

>> No.46207215

Which ones have pantsu?

>> No.46207252

Certainly not the cycling girls.
Cheerleading girls are not wearing spants for some reason, but you don't get to see the pantsu either.
Jury is out on the harem one, but lingeries are likely, if it counts.

>> No.46207298

What are they wearing then?

>> No.46207304


>> No.46208503

the winner's HBR Chapter 5.1: Day 14 post final boss cutscene

>> No.46208513

An appearance of Liu Cixin?

>> No.46211143
File: 319 KB, 678x856, 1706824559534769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King's Raid EoS when?

>> No.46212925

Why doesn't Compass anon ever join us in EoS discussions about other games?

>> No.46213030

I'm busy playing alive games

>> No.46213344

Games are always alive until they announce EoS

>> No.46215780
File: 237 KB, 1077x601, GHK0kXraAAEguTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunny P? More like Sunny pits!
Imagine the smell.

>> No.46215811

If only 3D model becomes as good as 2D illustration

>> No.46215937

The balloons look like condoms and dildos.

>> No.46216136

Mana pits?

>> No.46216233

I mean even the anime art is worse than the game's 3D. You'll have to hope that AI doesn't go the way of crypto so maybe in 20 years it has the consistency to animate drawings.

>> No.46217230

>3rd pokemon card mobage
How come there are no all-girl CCGs

>> No.46217794

I guess there's still hope for SIF3

>> No.46220993

We are so dead, just like Mana

>> No.46221206

rather than collecting cards of cute girls it's more efficient to collect the cute girls themselves

>> No.46222683

Check Fanza

>> No.46222738

Holy shit love live is cooked

>> No.46222797

Love Live occupies the yuri niche

>> No.46222803

I didn't find any that is like Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, Shadowverse etc

>> No.46223336

It's Chloe's birthday today, too bad it will be her first and last birthday while the game is still alive.

>> No.46223503

I thought it was a Lapis post until you mentioned a game being alive.

>> No.46223537

Nanjou bros... her games are closing down...

>> No.46223611

Chloe Tang.

What is her other game that's closing?

>> No.46223842

All the Love Live games

>> No.46224573

I wonder if the only reason they let EK live until its first anniversary, even if they anmounced EoS before, was so that they could have the game be alive on Chloe's birthday.

>> No.46224693

I wonder if there will ever be a yuri mobage with sex between feminine girls with long hair without using those double headed dildos. They could keep the game going for at least one year.

>> No.46225560

Anon I think thats porn

>> No.46226371

How would the gameplay be like?

>> No.46228317


>> No.46228899

To be fair muse is basically dead to begin with.

>> No.46229576

Tower of Fantasy is going strong

>> No.46229682

Like TCG where the player LP is a gauge to cum

>> No.46230538

It's iM@S. If it doesn't have a male producer it'll flop (RIP Dearly Stars). Even SideM went with a male producer.

>> No.46231045
File: 440 KB, 850x1289, GHOZ1ofaoAAqwrE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of gameplay can be reduced to this

>> No.46232660

A flopped yuri is common for yurifags.

>> No.46233673 [DELETED] 


>> No.46234160
File: 127 KB, 794x649, chudtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shine Post has reached new low.

>> No.46235983

>woke woke woke
You and the YouTuber need to take your meds

>> No.46237696
File: 102 KB, 928x524, what?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crunchyroll subscriber bro...

>> No.46237745

I'm not even a Crunchyroll subscriber and I don't like either them or their use of AI, but if you think everything is woke then you really have to go back to your containment board. This is /jp/ not fucking /pol/.

>> No.46237786

Did you even watch Shine Post?

>> No.46238971
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>> No.46238979
File: 560 KB, 640x359, 049e19f5-0b84-45ee-8107-00cbf659c43d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46239007

>coop pvp
>looks interesting...
no thanks

>> No.46239892


>> No.46239916

Glasses has some huge thighs.

>> No.46240405

>Wizardry Variants Daphne
>De:Lithe Last Memories
>Guardians & Dragons

All will EoS in 6 months.

>> No.46241781
File: 223 KB, 1478x830, original_1120fcd7ed72eba8d5834be1fa0b33a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46241839

>dragon dude

>> No.46244318

which game is this? looks great

>> No.46245429
File: 347 KB, 2048x945, GHsiLk8a8AA_RY0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not gonna kill Tsubasa's game anytime soon, are they?

>> No.46246200

Phantom of Kill Alternative NFT

>> No.46246273

Is her game yuri?

>> No.46247605

iM@S won't make that mistake again.

>> No.46247629

Probably because Cinderella Nine is on the same vein as Uma Musume, meaning Japan's love for the sport, and playing as the girls' superior.

>> No.46247659

>wedding dress for March birthday instead of June
They probably won't.

>> No.46247664
File: 135 KB, 640x960, ES-zpsGU8AAkALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan ate my pic again

>> No.46249815

Is that why they're keeping Venus 11 on life support?

>> No.46252289
File: 999 KB, 1200x630, GHwSCINbYAALQbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I HATE it.

>> No.46252508
File: 226 KB, 2048x946, 20240303_182704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was yuri for women

>> No.46253091

>coat and belts
>shirts tied around bikini bottoms
Yeah it is...

>> No.46253106

Hopefully eos soon for this garbage

>> No.46253142

Nah, It is so successful that it is getting 2nd stage play this year and a ost concert
while D4DJ didn't even get a stage play this year

>> No.46254771

Phantom of Kill Alterna is downloaded.
What do I think?

>> No.46254989

Pantsu status?

>> No.46255117

Oh shit I forgot to launch it
thanks for the reminder

...And it begins Service tomorrow

>> No.46255165
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>> No.46256351
File: 49 KB, 1200x675, GH0Anl4bcAAPHec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*laugh in haremchad*

>> No.46256354

So I can make money playing this AFK game?

>> No.46256893

Why did pantsu fail to keep Engage Kill from being kill?

>> No.46256949

Too many men apparently
Most support cards are men

>> No.46258976

Why did they do it?

>> No.46259077

Do they even show producers in the games ever?

>> No.46259183

There was that one event in SS where they had a newbie Producer (girl) take over as an apprentice for that event but even she was a silhouette
>>46256351 is just being a retard, going by iM@S logic that's most likely going to be your boss, not (You)

>> No.46260763

They only don't show the face.

>> No.46262580

Why is AFK game so averted to story?
This one doesn't even have a map, just a tower to climb.

>> No.46262610
File: 12 KB, 280x280, literallymemyself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only kamige are allowed to show the manager/producer directly

>> No.46263150

I read this from the vineyard. The Million Live Anime complementary event in Theater Days. GenP (a.k.a. The Anime's Producer) is there but his eyes were concealed.

>> No.46263760

Shine Post would have beaten Idoly Pride if it only released...

>> No.46263942

>gakumas developed by qualiarts
it's over brehs...

>> No.46263965

Haremchads! School idol sweat!

>> No.46264006

Can't believe this is why Love Live games shut themselves down.

>> No.46264045
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, GH5it0rbIAAvgTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male idol
you like?

>> No.46264135

They realized it was pointless to compete and took the easy exit. I mean, how do you even compete with Idolmaster x Idoly Pride devs?

>> No.46264197

>Literally an improved Idoly Pride develloped by the same company.
Is this the real Idoly Pride killer? Damn Shine Post never even got to achieve its purpose.

>> No.46264228

D4DJ didn't kill Tokyo 7th Sister
Prosekai didn't kill Bandori
School Mas won't kill Idoly Pride

>> No.46264239

>male idol
Anon you can literally see the shape of her tits.

>> No.46264248


>> No.46264298

Love Live joined hands with Idoly before Im@s despite the male manager. If you can't beat them, join them. Expect yearly LL collabs like Miku.

>> No.46264308

They are both from Bandai Namco anyway lol

>> No.46264346

>D4DJ didn't kill Tokyo 7th Sister
D4DJ doesn't have Yandookie.
>Prosekai didn't kill Bandori
Not yet, but soon.

>> No.46264500
File: 2.04 MB, 1918x852, 1681219818771169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*saves your gacha industry*

>> No.46264511

wtf I am a Idolmaster brat fan now

>> No.46264902
File: 27 KB, 1170x180, GH58yhabYAANdJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School Imas bans yuri...

>> No.46265800

I bet they dont even have handsome minotaurs bunch of cowards

>> No.46265866

Is that from some kind of contest they're doing? Surprising that they're banning yuri.

>> No.46265903

Something similar happened to love and deepspace where they banned bl content maybe they are trying to recreate that one's success

>> No.46266191
File: 99 KB, 1080x1241, z4H3Zr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once (by mistake)

>> No.46266289

Why is he so big? Is this franchise for women?

>> No.46266553
File: 531 KB, 1154x2368, uma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uma clone? if so that shit is doa but unironically

>> No.46266629

Does anyone actually like uma gameplay

>> No.46266652

rich ppl

>> No.46266910

It's already close to your average idolmaster gameplay

>> No.46266956

Where's the pantsu?

captcha: DADW

>> No.46267382

>age 4+
does pantsu have age requirement?

>> No.46267666

Everyone wears pantsu

>> No.46267917

This place only cares about eos and idol games.

>> No.46268028

What about yuri games

>> No.46268900

Is this the new bang door game?

>> No.46270290

Based haremchads. Gakumas idols are solely for the producer.

>> No.46270334

Anon im@s was always that kind of game.

>> No.46270875

I still don't understand the gameplay, or how any of those training sim games work for that matter.

>> No.46271815
File: 689 KB, 576x1024, WetIdol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the new Idol Master have sweaty idols too?

>> No.46271830

Where is waki?
Sweat on waki or fuck off.

>> No.46271844
File: 102 KB, 640x359, 53a9cb51-983c-47a2-ad1c-7ad0bf58e941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese games are not immune to EoS?

>> No.46271872

Did Sakura pee herself?

>> No.46271885
File: 117 KB, 1388x638, GAQVVZVboAAqpFj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46271901

Wasn't imas always a for (You) franchise? Self-inserts should be more worried.

>> No.46271906

Most idols are not blatantly for You
It is mostly professional

>> No.46271954
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, GH6hBtzaIAAEfs0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avada Kedavra to your mobage
nothing personal

>> No.46272163

>console game
So Hogwarts is immune to her powers

>> No.46272288

For noe

>> No.46272645

Since Idolmaster games are sanitized on mobile Im not expecting Gakuen to have the cool Idoly features like gravures or the pantyshots you can see in Idolmaster consoles games with some skilled camera handing.

>> No.46273110

(You) are a girl?

>> No.46273148

As an idol no less
Pic is a shikigami summon though

>> No.46273767
File: 1.98 MB, 1200x675, 1686183765240433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big flop?

>> No.46274280
File: 1.80 MB, 1366x768, LastMemories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the game's plot summary.
What's this? Project Tokyo Dolls with inferior lewdness?

>> No.46274751
File: 434 KB, 1005x527, 1709273304339582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus NFTs

>> No.46274978

Yeah I am not touching that

>> No.46276801

>they still think NFTs are a thing

>> No.46277109

This is genius and the natural evolution of gacha. You can now recycle your jpegs to get new ones.

>> No.46279486

Deader than Mana

>> No.46279501

What do you call the mental illness where you already have a mobage you love and play everyday, but you still look at other popular mobages and upcoming mobages all the time and wonder if you should have been playing them instead?

>> No.46279909

That's normal.

>> No.46279974

sounds like a terminal case of SEAnigger brain

>> No.46280122

What's the name of this normal mentality?
How so?

>> No.46280245

It's just "grass is greener on the other side" thinking

>> No.46280538

u can ignore nft and its literally just a barebones idle game i guess

>> No.46282842

Should I get back into Shadowverse with World Beyond,
or wait for Pokemon TCG Pocket,
or get into Cardfight Vanguard console games

>> No.46283625

Is that game seriously already on the path to EoS? I thought so due to the English version being delayed until further notice but if it really is that's hilarious

Console games

>> No.46284769

So is World Flipper coming back or was that tweet just a tease for something unimportant.

>> No.46284883

Maybe they wanted the female audience? It worked for me Honkai

>> No.46286755

Wake me up when they tease Dragalia Lost

>> No.46287004

It was doing shit last month but was seemingly saved by the Kimetsu collab.

>> No.46287580

What about Yu Gi Oh Master Duel, Magic the Arena and Duel Master Play's

>> No.46288879

heaven burns red is probably the final example of a japanese game escaping instant EoS.

>> No.46292232
File: 293 KB, 565x745, 1686165398108506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all due to the shitshow that happened with Girl's Frontline 2's Mr. Raymond. Gacha companies are scared of angering their playerbase if they pander to the wrong crowd. E.T.E chronicle just made a public apology because their official group administrator was publishing yuri content, and got into fights with players, right before the game's chinese release.

>> No.46293748

>Aster dying so quickly they had to resort to a Kimetsu collab to revive it
That's what they did for having black voids

>> No.46293953

Holy shit, imagine a game pandering to it's own audience, and not trying to antagonize them. Truly revolutionary times we live in.
Perhaps from now own things will start turning better, like the good old times of 2015. Perhaps not.

>> No.46294301

What did the administrator "Louise" say?

>> No.46294358

I mean they 100% had it coming. It's fine to ship away new characters, but shipping characters that were for (you) in the first game is just insidious.

>> No.46294647

So the game was not made for yurifags, but then they pandered to yurifags and paid the price?

>> No.46295289
File: 130 KB, 500x1000, Anime_Gentiane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GFL was a KanColle clone but the art and writing staff always did yurifagging and manga, anime spinoff used a female character as player stand-in.
So the problem is more of them trying to keep omnipandering and failing. They should have picked one and sticked to it. Worked for Heaven Burns Red which was supposed to have a male MC.

>> No.46295502

There is still literally nothing to play...

>> No.46295621

Play one of the eight different Ragnarok mobages

>> No.46295690

Play one of the eight different yuriges

>> No.46297396
File: 229 KB, 817x776, 1696499708448820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She basically said the game isn't really for straight males.

Also E.T.E chronicle has made another apology letter and have explicitly said the game isn't yuri.

>> No.46297424

Yuri is not for straight males?
Based if true.

>> No.46297661

Is yuri seen as a women thing in china or something

>> No.46297709

Yurige for the male gaze is over bros...

>> No.46297740

Doesn't the chinese government just not like homos in general? I think they even hate femboys or something.

>> No.46297804

Probably. The Chinese were super shocked when they went to Magical Revolution of Reincarnated Princess and Tensai Reijou merch sales in Japan and find overwhelming number of male customers. Yuri is probably an LGBT and Ally underground thing in China.

>> No.46297815

All the yuriges are pretty stingy on sexual
fanservice aside from yearly swimsuit banners.

>> No.46297975

If they really hated femboys I feel like genshin would've been shutdown at this point (looking at you Venti and Lyney)

>> No.46300240
File: 1.83 MB, 1750x888, Starseed: Asnia Trigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unique pantsu for every girl
>canon male MC
>3D Blue Archive

Should we be excited for Starseed's release?

>> No.46300253

>unique pantsu for every girl
Post them all

>> No.46300571
File: 2.23 MB, 2141x735, 1694131464692480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found these from beta test footage.

>> No.46300764

Somehow the models remind me of that Closers mobage.
I wonder if it will last longer than a month.

>> No.46302495

If your kusoge lasts longer than 6 months it's already considered a massive success in the post gacha world. So hopefully it lasts until then.

>> No.46302671

>New chinese and korean games now have more pantsu than new japanese games and are becoming more successful.
Damn is this the reason why JP mobage are losing?

>> No.46302705

>beta test
When will you learn? Chinese always censor the games for official release.
The beta pantsu are just there to bait people.

>> No.46302719
File: 1014 KB, 3062x4096, GIG3KBrboAAAHFN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real queen of idols

>> No.46302740

Isn't that Starseed shit korean though?

>> No.46302763

Mobage is saved
depending on who the publisher is

>> No.46304584

D4DJ pantsu

>> No.46306827

Com2US, so they'll probably fuck it up.

>> No.46306854

What games has Cum2us fucked up before?

>> No.46310947

Can't believe Kisara is leaving us soon

>> No.46310951

No one cares about Shine Post anymore

>> No.46310961

Shine Post is as dead as Mana

>> No.46310969

Soon, Engage Kill will be kill just like Mana and Akari

>> No.46310977

We should have been engaged with Engage Kill

>> No.46310984

I will miss Kisara

>> No.46310986

I will never forget Kisara's beautiful pantsu

>> No.46310993

I fear BRS is next...

>> No.46311001


>> No.46311310

Imagine if the new thread archives just like that
