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4618807 No.4618807 [Reply] [Original]

Shiki can't kill servants.Discuss.

>> No.4618820


>> No.4618833
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But could Shiki romance Caster away from Kuzuki?

>> No.4618856

Of course he can't.
Servants are already classified as dead, and the world tries to follow through accordingly as anything else dead but have problems due to the magic interfearing.
He wouldn't be able to kill what is already dead as it is in fact already dead and if he in some weird way killed it anyway it wouldn't make any differance as they are dead.
At best he would be able to sever the master/servant relationship breaking the contract, but that wouldn't be any better than what rulebreaker can do.
That said, he wouldn't be able to strike them either.

>> No.4618865

We'd have to know the strength of Kuzuki's gland to have a comparison.

>> No.4618866

Why would Shiki want to take adult Ren away from his future self?

>> No.4618878

Your line of reasoning falters due to bad spelling and due to Shiki killing things that are dead yet alive already.

>> No.4618887

Nutbladders can kill Shiki

>> No.4618891

Mystic eyes of depth perception. They grant the bearer the ability to see in three dimensions.

>> No.4618940


>> No.4618957


Sure he can. Nanaya can do anything.


Kuzuki only wooed Caster with kindess.

Shiki wooed Arc by knifing her
Akiha by protecting her
Kohaku, Hisui, and Len by using his passive kindess
Satcchin by just looking cool
And Ciel by..............Well I don't really prefer Ciel so I never cared enough

>> No.4618967
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posting for lols

>> No.4618971



>> No.4618972
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>passive kindess

>> No.4618976
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damn flood control

>> No.4618979


This was translated? Is it on Gaku Gaku, or somewhere else.

>> No.4618982
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>> No.4618983

The whoe point of that sentence when not out of context was that it was not always the case, as he himself had proven by not dying when killed and at that point he knew that he wouldn't be able to rely on miracles like those to save him again.

>> No.4618994


Go on...and sauce,if you please.

>> No.4619001

What you are talking about are undeads and non-living things.
Servants are already recognized as dead by Gaia, thus Gaia tries to apply it to the world as well, hence the enormous mana cost to sustain them.
If Gaia can't make them be dead then Shiki can't either. When Shiki cuts something it is considered dead, so it dies, but if shiki were to cut something already recognised as dead it wouldn't change anything as it already would be recognized as dead.

And I actually doubt that he would be able to see any lines/points on them either way as Gaia doesn't recognize them as something that could die

>> No.4619005
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Kouma can kill servants. Discuss.

>> No.4619015

This whole line of thought doesn't really matter... Sure Shiki might not be able to do shit against a servant, but do you really think Arcueid is just gonna sit around and let him get killed?

>> No.4619019

Don't get carried away, you








>> No.4619022

as far as i know that's all there is
the original was korean apparently

>> No.4619025

He probably can. Isn't he pretty much immortal?

>> No.4619035


Unless his attacks are considered conceptual weapons, no.

>> No.4619044

I believe Nasu said that he was on the level of an average Servant and was above Ciel, any of the Shikies, the rest of Tsukihime's cast except Arcueid and the Apostles.

>> No.4619049

Did he not say that he was close to the level of an average servant?

>> No.4619074

you forgot aoko

>> No.4619090

From TYPE-MOON wiki: "Kinoko Nasu said in an interview that he can fight with Servants on equal ground."

>> No.4619108

He can't see the lines because he is wearing his glasses.

>> No.4619111

I still believe he said "average" servant in the interview.

>> No.4619169

Are there really shiki-fanboys who are upset about how Shiki isn't right up there together with types, true ancestors, heroic spirits and dead apostle ancestors?
types > true ancestors > heroic spirits > dead apostle ancestors?

>> No.4619173

Oh wow I didn't notice that.

>> No.4619184

wasn't more like "servant with an average NP"? aka B rank weapon with no bullshit over the top hax on it

>> No.4619206

If Dead/Zombies/Ghouls/Vampires/Apostles do not feed, they die. It's no different than the Servants--Gaia recognizes them as anomalies that shouldn't be there as well as pieces of the natural environment (True Ancestor influence, hence Vampires/Apostles having Hex Regeneration ability).

Servants can't be cut by the lines because their copies--facsimiles. Not the real thing. If the real body of the Servant appeared in front of Shiki/SHIKI/Shiki, they would be able to cut it. The hold is attempting to decipher what "death" means in the Throne of Heroes on the subpocket of Akasha. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.4619225

None of this makes sense!

>> No.4619278


>> No.4619314

Except he was potentially almost killed by a human with an awl. Kiri.

Everything created has a time of destruction. Servants are copies. Copies are created. The very fact that eirei can self destruct due to time and lack of sustenance means they have a defined end. Doesn't mean Shiki can understand it, though.

>> No.4619358

Is MEoDP a meta power?

>> No.4619394


You say potato, I say potato.

>> No.4619448

>>4619314 Except he was potentially almost killed by a human with an awl.
Kiri can kill servants.Discuss.

>> No.4619478


Why do I keep seeing "Nasu himself said that..." but the sauce of interview never was given ?

This reeks of those Beast's Lair faggotry.They always start their sentence with "Nasu said..."

>> No.4619575

Roa can kill Servants. Discuss.

>> No.4619592
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Fake Assassin and Caster could have a deeper relationship than the one they currently have. Discuss.

>> No.4619684

Sure they are copies but Gaia doesn't recognize them as such, doesn't that matter?
Isn't the whole thing basically that their defined end has already past, resulting in the immense mana cost?

>> No.4619722

In simple words:
They are not supposed to exist.
They need both mana to keep existing and an 'anchor' that ties them to the world.
They are spirits, and they have no normal business in the world.
predefined end and whatever is irrelevant talk in the end.

>> No.4619731

Dead people aren't supposed to be alive either.
Sage for this faggotry

>> No.4619743

Shiki cannot kill Arcueid while under the full moon but that does not mean she does not have a defined end does it? I mean she can die otherwise and at other times Shiki can see lines on her. What is that about?

>> No.4619757

It's specifically because Gaia doesn't acknowledge them as the originals that they take that form. This isn't an anomaly like a ghost, it's a magician specifically summoning something that should be impossible to summon/maintain, and the closest they can come without a miracle is a copy (unlike Arturia's case, which is weird). Gaia purposed all Heroic Spirits with tasks for its (Alaya)'s protection, so the originals can't exist again in the real world without some serious miracles.

And I mean Heroic Spirits on a whole, not just those that qualified as Counter Guardians.

>> No.4619797

She can still die in the night, but her regeneration power is maxed out. And even if she is killed Gaia will just reboot her, so she can't be killed forever either way

>> No.4619818

The point was that the lines disappear.

>> No.4619897

ITT: speculations. Even tought Nasu hasn't said anything about lines and servants, and no, the shikis not being a match for servant was physical power wise, adding hax, ciel can curb stomp serious caster.

>> No.4619912

Roa casts EX beam spams. Discuss.

>> No.4619923

>>Q: If Caster and Ciel went full out on magic and fought each other, who would win?
>>A: That'd be Caster. A lot's been said, but see, she's a witch from the divine era, something that shouldn't be in the present. If it was a competition against human opponents, then Caster would present the most horrifying and greatest results among the HF 5 Servants..... Though, if Ciel got her hands on what lies within the deepest parts of the Evocationary area of the Association and shoots it into her with the Seventh Scripture, things will be different.

>> No.4619929

>and no, the shikis not being a match for servant was physical power wise
Where did you ever get this idea from?

>> No.4619938

thanks for proving the point. Right equipment hax = dead caster

>> No.4619942

Yes he can. Square doubles the power of any of Roa's spells cast while it's active. It's based on the mathematical principle of a square number is the number times itself. Therefore, Square will be squaring his rank A spells which have a value of 50. This will make his beam spam 2500 which is EX. Nasu said this, don't bother him about it

>> No.4619947

The church has some of the most powerful equipment there is, they can take down Types with certain trouble.

>> No.4619950

Yeah right equipment from an organization she doesn't belong to. That's like giving Ea to Hercules and saying he can beat Types.

>> No.4619953

now, ciel doesn't belong to the church....... right

>> No.4619958

Man you can't read. She has to go the Magic Association and pick up a weapon.

>> No.4619986

it's not like the church does have their own hax equipment like in >>4619947 wich she pretty much did bring on to take down Arc

>> No.4619997

yeah who still owns her

>> No.4619999

That equipement isn't for Ciel though.
They have some sealed guy/thing that they can use a limited amount of times to basically destroy anything they chose to.
Most of the church's best things can only be used by specific people.

>> No.4620012

surely you would know that in the end she didn't actually used it agaisn't Arc, but I guess that's a no.

>> No.4620017

Square does times 4 damage dude. It's called square because a square has four sides.

>> No.4620025

This is the core concept around every Type-Moon battle. It's also the reason 84% of the fan arguments are headache-inducing. They tend to overlook and forget that strategy, environment, and equipment on hand play far bigger a role in the turnout of ANY fight than just base stats and presence of hax.

>> No.4620074

Math failure
It is called squared because if you multiply one side of a square with another side you get that square's area, and because of this the method is called as it is.
