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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 345 KB, 599x846, 1707868723283175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46125134 No.46125134 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to take it easy.

Previous: >>46041122

>> No.46125163

if you work you lose

>> No.46125232

Get a job.

>> No.46125326
File: 1013 KB, 1443x1938, 95d0e436b18876a9b221f08d2ed05de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just graduated, 3rd month of being a NEET, don't know how it ended up this way
I don't want to be a NEET I don't want to be a NEET I don't want to be a NEET

>> No.46125502

I'm wanting to start smoking and I don't like it. I just wanna know what it's like

>> No.46125555

It's like mind refresher from my experience. I used to smoke alot when I was working but it helped me alot when I needed to take a break from being overwhelmed or change a mind and rethink. It's expensive tho.

>> No.46125566
File: 459 KB, 844x635, still drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate bought a new brand of liquor today and im scared to try any because every time i start i don't stop until the bottles done or im passed out/throwing up. gonna watch more kids anime to forget its down there... waiting for me.

>> No.46125729

neet thread


more like a loser thread lol

get help

>> No.46125914

The 'net being dominated by recommendation algorithms is really killing my vibe. I guess if you're the average Joe these algorithms must be fucking amazing because everything is tailored to you, but if you're a weirdo then it's the opposite and they recommend nothing but trash. When I see the stuff it suggests it's like, "You think I'm retarded, don't you?" But then I realize the average person watches some dork talk about Neopets or Nintendogs for 2 hours and actually enjoys it. The weight of algorithms on most sites is increasingly determined by what the average person enjoys, so it's always trying to move you away from niche things and towards more popular things.

But overall it's not that bad. If you know how to actively explore, you'll still find the good stuff. It's 100x easier to scroll through an algorithm and hope it will toss you something good, but those days are gone. You have to be active in your media searches now, else all you'll get is trash.

>> No.46126013
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why are you making this a general

it's fine if you have one every month or three but ronery threads are the worst and should be avoided like the plague

it isn't even like the self help threads on /tttt/, they've got their own issues but this is more a /r9k/ pity fest on the edge of inceldom. half of you aren't neets anyway, but if you're actually a neet you uh... have it pretty good. maybe take up art? learn some math? a little bit of fourier analysis a day keeps the brainworms away. just do fuckin SOMETHING. the yama isn't going to care about your constant self sabotage, or if it isn't that your bland stagnation - i bet you'll get dumped straight into muenzuka. maybe buy a mug collection with all of those neet dollars you're apparently swimming in? that's what /jp/sies do nowadays isn't it?

>> No.46126056
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finished my 5th rugpull last week, my kids can be comfy lifelong neets too now.

>> No.46126166
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>troonhou is real

>> No.46126541

I came into my lolihip pretending its Clownpiece, ama

>> No.46126553

explain NAO

>> No.46126554

>I just wanna know what it's like
>It's expensive
This. It's good but not worth it anymore unless you have money to throw away. At least i can still drink.

>> No.46126588

he's bitter that Toyosatomi no Miko invaded Gensokyo in...


holy fuck ten desires came out almost 13 years ago

>> No.46126958

Then go work like a good slave

>> No.46128050

The only content aggregator I use is YouTube and it is a pretty mixed bag. Sometimes I'll scroll through it and it will recommend me some 10 year old video with 1k views and it will be an absolute gem. These days I also set up a good feed of content creators who create things appealing to me. And there are people on YouTube who provide academic level lectures or breakdowns of a particular topic completely for free, which is pretty awesome. So in my opinion there is a lot of value on YouTube still but it is obscured.

However, often times, and especially when you go on a rabbit hole of a particular topic it will start flooding you with absolute junk related to that one topic. Also avoid (or just block) the so-called "shorts" at all costs. You definitely have to curate your algorithm so to speak and use the "do not recommend" and "ignore channel" function often. And if you need to watch some video that you know might mess up with your algorithm, use a private window.

>> No.46128256
File: 142 KB, 675x915, 20220930_144738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dream. Is it wrong to want to be a normie? I've been trying for years and have gotten better but it definitely seems like you can't completely cure autism or whatever I have

>> No.46128320

Sounds like invidious would be a good tool for you. The pros is it literally has no recommendation algorithm.
See https://invidious.io/

You cannot cure autism, you can only embrace it in order to empower yourself.

>> No.46128669

Are SSRIs worth it?
I only hear bad shit about them but i have some, any experiences?

>> No.46128800

You know you can just turn off the recommendation algorithm by turning off your video history right?

Either way vanilla Youtube is shit, use freetube or invidious like the other anon suggested. Although invidious is slow as fuck so using freetube would be good enough, it hosts instances of invidious anyways and allows you to run vpns through it.

>> No.46128883

I've been on an SNRI for 2 weeks now (same effects as SSRIs but is also supposed to help with anxiety). I've often seen people online complain that such medication made them feel like an emotionless zombie but I have no such experience. There are many different types though and it could be that I got lucky and got one of the 'good ones'. The stories about it lowering your libido are true though, I couldn't even have an erection for the first week but I'm more normal in that regard now.

Overall, I would say I feel better than before taking it but it's hard to say to what degree that's thanks to the medication since the quality of my life has also just improved by a lot since then. It didn't turn me into a completely different person, that's for sure though.

>> No.46129068

any side effects on sexuality?

>> No.46129187
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>I'm wanting to start smoking and I don't like it.
It's only fun to smoke with other people. I did it a couple of times after a few drug binges from mdma. Helps you recover from the amount of neurotransmitters that're flushed from your head. Otherwise I find the amount of nicotine compared to the effort you need to take in order to buy and smoke isn't really worth it. Doesn't give you that much energy, much better stims out there than cigarettes.

Unless you're a european schoolgirl then I could understand why cigs are all you have kek.

>> No.46129364

depends on your brain makeup and what you're trying to achieve, they didn't work for me after trying dozens of alternate medications with a psychiatrist. i don't mean that in a dissuading way, its just a lottery with your brain whether or not they'll have the desired effect.
2 weeks isn't enough to know for sure how you will feel on them long term, it takes 1-2 months for your chemicals to re balance around the medication, but im glad they're working for you so far anon.

>> No.46129529

After the first week, I had a wet dream in which I was fucking a femboy and came for what felt like a minute straight.

>> No.46129679
File: 412 KB, 934x1200, 1707670233231283 en9qu1v6be281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years of NEET and still going

>> No.46129751

hope it's going well for you. my first 4 years were hell because of guilt and feeling pretty pathetic. but I got very used to it once I started taking care of my health and found some fun hobby stuff.

>> No.46130282
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i wish my back wasn't the cause of so much of my fatigue.

>> No.46130325

Are psychiatrists outside the US better or less worse than the ones in the US?

>> No.46130374
File: 62 KB, 680x648, 1680258287903327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going on 8 years. i'm so glad that I'm a neet because working would be too rough with my disabilities.
how are you liking neethood so far?

>> No.46130442

i've only ever had a US psychiatrist, so this isn't from personal experience, but i've heard both arguments. some people say in other countries with free healthcare they have to wait for a ridiculously long time to see a specialty doctor like psychiatrists, some say the doctors are less "in it for the money" so they get problems solved in better ways. it also really depends what country you're talking about i think.

>> No.46131305

All NEETs with an interest in otaku culture have an obligation to learn Japanese.

>> No.46131581

idk im kinda depressed right now

>> No.46131711

i miss foreskin anon

>> No.46131822

>>46071543? I miss him too.

>> No.46131834
File: 31 KB, 427x613, 1000010453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the youtube algorithm is atrocious. it's a breath of breath air sometimes to go incognito and see the default page but when I'm not, it either recommends me the same niche video I have already watched repeatedly, or pure slop that corrodes my frontal lobe. even using the search engine hardly yields what I want, shows 10 ads, then shorts bar, then more ads and a few popular vids than it just goes on to show me recommendations that have nothing to do with what I searched, and there's no way to see more. I hate it kill it

>> No.46131870

I miss my foreskin I never got to masturbate with it

Euros can't relate

>> No.46131873

turn off history, then start making playlists/using watch later to procure videos you actually want to watch. i promise this is so much better than the algorithm at this point, its helped me a lot on my end to find good music and entertainment.

>> No.46132222
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>> No.46132264
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>> No.46132341

Solid advice です
Helps with edutainment and educational videos too

>> No.46132368

found a nice mix and want to share it with anons

>> No.46132729

kys pedo

>> No.46132828

you first normalfag

>> No.46132940

i wish i knew japanese but i don't know where to start after kana

>> No.46132955

read manga with kanjitomo and basic grammar when you feel like it

>> No.46132974

thank you! OCR programs are so cool

>> No.46132991
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o- or what...?

>> No.46133037

>>46126958 #

You can get a job I believe in you! Here is some basic steps to do:

-volunteer work
-build connections with people, even join a frat literally do everything you can to develop stuff even if you don't like them cause IT WILL HELP YOU LATER.-find a part time job, start off with something basic and build it up,
- if you are already connected with someone that works in a field you want to work in, GO FOR IT. ASK TO VOLUNTEER, SHOW INTEREST IN THEM AND THEIR JOB. I feel this is your big opportunity. Don't be scared, run as far as you can, throw yourself out as far as you can and you will see amazing things. Your family believes in you, at least believe in yourself. Don't waste time about the result of failure, it is never worth it. You can do it!
- assuming your not homeless, the housing market is pretty bad right now in USA and Canada so you probably shouldn't but one rn but keep watch for something that works.
-search for your passions but also have a lead and a connection to something that will guarantee a job, you need to build this up via volunteering and such ex: volunteer at pharmacy, volunteering in general, using that to get a decent job (you'll have to work at shoppers or McDonald's for a while), maybe you have a chance at getting an internment. LIFE IS ALL ABOUT GRABBING THE CHANCES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN FRONT OF YOU. NO MATTER WHAT, DO NOT LET YOUR PASSIONS ESCAPE FROM YOU. Hold onto it as much as you can, even if you don't feel like it power through it with determination. If you want something bad enough, if you have enough hope, there is no way for it to escape you. It takes time to do this things. You're making progress graduating, but think about and research the steps into getting into what you want to be.

>> No.46133155

He's completely right, I take Zoloft and it sucks, but at the same time it helps with anxiety a lot. To keep it short, it mutes all your emotions. Anxiety, happiness anger, they're all still there but they are unnoticeable. It makes it hard to make distinction. Between your emotions. I would honestly recommend it though, as a veryy emotional person. After the first two weeks, if it doesn't work you can boost it and lower it. It makes being happy feel less special, but it manages your emotions better and makes it easier to feel ok.

>> No.46133162

ok pedo. have fun in hell. god will never forgive you.
too old

>> No.46133233
File: 786 KB, 927x749, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god makes them ready to breed at a young age
>normie decides to raise it to 18 in the name of god
are you perhaps one of those so calleed retards?

>> No.46133296

>>46125566 #

What's it like having a roommate? It sounds fun to me as long as you respect them

>> No.46133356

just because girl can reproduce at a young age does not mean they should. child pregnancy is often dangerous and sometimes leads to death. it's also disgusting to see a man with a large age gap marrying an underage girl. perhaps you are a muslim or jew?

>> No.46133390


Doesn't it affect your self control?

>> No.46133425

>god will never forgive you.

>> No.46133433

>NEET thread
>Zero discussions on philosophy/hermeneutics/epigenetics/foundations of math
Wow it looks like all of you were frauds except me
Guess I'll carry the light of civilization alone

>> No.46133447

Why did this thread take a nose dive in quality compared to the last one

>> No.46133450
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>> No.46133457

Yes, for me it helped. Too much makes me suicidal, the weird thing about SSRIs is that they have polar effects: insomnia or tiredness, calmness or agitation but after 2 weeks it starts to kick in and work better. Some of the side affects don't go away, but based on which effect pick morning/night to take pills. That person is right, it depends on makeup but it is worth trying. Make sure you eat food with it because it causes nausea. Part of it is also you working for something and getting motivation, it won't just make you happy like drugs but your serotonin inducers are more effective. Have some fun and try new stuff.

>> No.46133488

its not terrible or great, as long as you can get along with them/respect them as you say. anything that is cheaper for two, is cheaper for you and your roommate, which is why so many people choose the option of roommates when living outside of their family unit. i have a lot of fun with my roommate since we are both weebs and alcoholics, but how much you enjoy it will vary, for example i've heard of people who are straight edge and get a druggie roommate, and absolutely hate every moment of it. for me though, since i go psychotic due to loneliness, i prefer having a housemate to not having one.

>> No.46133521

Generals degrade the quality of any thread. Just look at /gsg/ or /ksg/ on /vg/. Those are our future if we continue on this path

>> No.46133597
File: 125 KB, 900x900, nep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video games

>> No.46133657
File: 234 KB, 1366x768, compa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love gaming

>> No.46133686

the nep games are so cute

>> No.46133825

This seems more like crossies raiding than general degradation.

>> No.46133847

doesn't seem like a raid

>> No.46133861

/vg/ in general (no pun intended) is the worst board as far as degradation goes, so im sorry you were a follower of those threads anon, but you need to find other outlets regarding your interests. NEET gen is not gonna go evil overnight i think, i muted the words job and work and its been fine in here for me, just relax and ゆっくりしていってね anon, for your own sake.

>> No.46135468


>> No.46135691

Give me sample of your dirty talk

>> No.46135785

This is a NEET thread not a hikkikomori thread, so touch grass

>> No.46136564

Government-mandated wage and wife for neets? yes or no?

>> No.46136582
File: 134 KB, 662x640, 1497685425745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drunk. Pardon me, let me write a rhapsody.

I am suffering from a disease. Tonight I wrote a powerful ode, I couldn't finish the last paragraph so it sits unfinished in my word processor to be finished, dubbed with a moving finale and a reference to the cradle which rocks over oblivion. Heretofore I have lived a placid life, pain has delivered me from it. I stood up and fetched my sixth beer. Things have been building with a quiet energy, a violent silence. When it gets hot enough it will boil over. La Bruyere said we are estimated according to the value we place on ourselves. Very well. I'll throw down the gauntlet. I am not done here. You took it far; I'll take it further. Sickness is a cure for health. The only people who understand life are the sick. I am building up my forces. I will drop like a bomb. I am a diagnosed schizophrenic NEET philosopher genius and all of this is true. Life is a problem to be solved. Ecclesiastes was right. When drunk I pace around like I'm serving a vigil. Did you know that spirits reveal our true nature? Why move? Where are you going? It doesn't matter. I am going somewhere and that is enough. Life has no intrinsic value. Don't fear the reaper.

Cicero advocated suicide. Your probity will never surpass his. We have a mass living problem. Let us be amicable friends with death. Let us make life a testament to beauty. Do you understand just how terribly flimsy it is? The border between life and death. I don't think you do. Modernity pulled the wool over your eyes. We are so fucking close you have no idea. Death. You don't see it now but next time you have a toothache you will understand. Pain was never intended to harm you. The length of life is last among nature's blessings. Do you get it? You've been lied to. By literally everyone. Death is okay. Pain is okay. This is the last lesson. If you're living, please live for a reason. Life alone is no good. In my best moments I understand this and only this. Live for something, or die. Please do not do anything except this. Die in love of life and I will love you. That is all. Adieu.

>> No.46136803

>Life is a problem to be solved.
>Life has no intrinsic value.
See >>46135785

>> No.46136961

No i hate the government

>> No.46136973

>touch grass
get lynched normalnigger. what the hell kind of redditor cuckold shit are you people bringing to this site and why for, "touch grass". how about I touch your inner rectum to help you stimulate bowl movement dootfag.

>> No.46137200

God I hate that every fucking day I'm reminded of my mutilation somehow even in places I least expect it makes me want to fucking rope

>> No.46137222

Dumb smelly autist, don't die from hypertension

>> No.46137323

Can you still jerk off

>> No.46137363


>> No.46137374

Can you record a video and post it

>> No.46137430
File: 55 KB, 673x525, 1708274316916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you take it easy when everyone in the house tells you to get a job and hates you?

>> No.46138041

This is supposed to be the most autistic board after all, supposed to be anyway.

>> No.46138641


>> No.46138763

Government mandated tomboy wives to help motivate us out of neetdom

>> No.46138803

I think I'm about to start shitting in buckets. having to leave the room for shitting isn't cutting it for me anymore, anyone here ever tried the shit bucket?
if not, I'm about to try it and see how it goes. I'm thinking of just covering it up as a means of blocking in the smell. not sure how to get passed it when it needs to be opened. I don't do well with gross or strong oders so this might be a problem for me. I doubt I can get used to it.

>> No.46138953

Don't ask why I know this, but shit can mold over time. It'll probably be harder to clean out a shit bucket once its full than to go to the bathroom and flush the toilet, in the long run.

>> No.46139039

You move out

>> No.46139235

gross okay more trouble than it is worth, for now.
tell them you put out applications. tell them one of the places called you and that you're going to an interview. tell them another place also called you about an interview. "attend" both of them. never get the jobs obviously.

at the very least showing that you "attempted" should have them ease up on you. having not gotten the jobs might even have them pity you a little even if they'll still hate you. they might think you might not actually have what it takes to survive out there. I did this and it made my family members a little nicer to me even. goodluck neeto.

>> No.46139371 [DELETED] 

eek. i hope that gross tranny vtuber in the server doesn't stalk me because of that schizo freak. ive been trying my best to avoid her. wish he would go away already.

>> No.46139541
File: 473 KB, 718x387, 1686535794034150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has to be pretty stressful for someone to hear everyday.
thankfully my parents don't push me to get a job because they know i'm disabled.

>> No.46139562

If you're on 4chan (and not living under 5 layers of contrarian irony), you should also appreciate the value of word-of-mouth interactions among compatible deviants.
I've been in a few IRC channels for over a decade, along with other networks, just because I jell with the people there taste-wise and topic-wise.

For youtube in particular I'd recommend using proxy sites for as long as those work - Invidious works well if you have a redirect extension installed.

>> No.46140227

my parents were the sort to downplay my mental retardation as a child and then outright deny I even had it by the time I hit highschool. so for them there's no excuse for any struggle in my life, desu.

>> No.46140503

man that singing is terrible

>> No.46140513

Go become an herbalist. There are literally zero regulations on who can practice herbal medicine in the U.S. Spend your days foraging for herbs in the woods and selling the shit you find. You can even charge people for your medical services.

>> No.46140544

What singing?

>> No.46140647

Imagine kidnapping /jp/ie NEETs into gay camwhore slavery

>> No.46140683

After my post-nut clarity I regret this post

>> No.46141242

why don't you start on your own

>> No.46141752

allright, i guess ill give them a shot.
I allready feel miserable so might aswell try.
If they work im gonna need to start seeing a shrink again to get more which really sucks

>> No.46143620
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I am about to go to the doctor to get evaluated for autismbux privileges.
Help me pray to the goddess of NEET for my success.

>> No.46144072
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Good luck anon. I'll pray to Hakurei God btw.

>> No.46144369
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I've gotten extremely fit, healthy and have been taking proper care of my face and appearance but normal people can still sense my autism and are naturally repulsed. I don't get this shit at all honestly, how do I get on the same wavelength as these people?

>> No.46144459

you don't, no matter how much you aesthetically line up with what they believe in, it doesn't matter. sorry anon.

>> No.46144599

foreskin restoration is a thing u kno?

>> No.46146381

water you, an extrovert? Maybe that's why they're repulsed.

>> No.46146466

My circumcision isn't that tight I can still jerk off without any lube and the looser skin kinda acts like a foreskin because it goes up and down on my glans and stuff. Also the frenulum is still there and it's easily the most sensitive part of my dick and the skin surrounding it it feels nice to rub and I leak precum when I rub it enough.

One of my greatest wishes is to frot with a cute /jp/ anon and rub our dicks together and ejaculate at the same. We can use one of those duel onaholes large enough to put both our dicks inside

>> No.46146474

I'm autistic and I have NEETbux, my family understands my case and I touch money so everything is okay lol.

>> No.46146514

nono look

>> No.46146522

I don't wanna look I wanna frot with /jp/ NEETs

>> No.46146688

it's more disgusting to see a man with man or woman with woman or may allah forbid couples of different race but for some reason normalfags lose their shit when they even think about a man with a teenager even though it was the norm for most of human history.

>> No.46146691
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good luck. you'll make it

>> No.46146726


>> No.46146807

I think you just want to talk about it and fantasize about it - not actually go through the effort of meeting up and vetting whatever people in this thread would be up for that and down to meetup.
Like man actually go and get it instead of hornyposting on the NEET thread.

>> No.46146959

Holocaust victim Hatsune Miku

>> No.46148092 [DELETED] 

That's just anorectia, anon. The number of vocaloid characters is still nowhere near six million.

>> No.46148121

Based double dubs. I would love to frot with a /jp/ anon too, but I especially would love to cuddle with one. I have a soft hoodie that would make me nice to hold onto.

>> No.46148316 [DELETED] 

i dont like that comment, and i dont like jewish people either, so where does that place me.

>> No.46148360 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46148455 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 1000x1280, __hakurei_reimu_kaname_madoka_my_melody_and_furby_touhou_and_3_more_drawn_by_catcar0983__07b135f5a8588b0e8002fc04fdcc536b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, you cant melt steel beams and all that, but what do i say to human jews
captcha: SS

>> No.46148454 [DELETED] 

Ehrm actually the number is closer to 12 million now sweetie

We gotta make Israel look like the good guy against Hamas so.... yeah.....

>> No.46148513
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How do I accept being lame? I still wish I were cool.

>> No.46148569 [DELETED] 
File: 2.13 MB, 1976x1656, 1708389159829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good guy
Yeah, sure, meanwhile Hamas was created by Mossad from the begining.
By not overthinking? If you can't be cool, at least get people to respect you.

>> No.46149180
File: 333 KB, 1200x900, post-287746-0-32443500-1450612438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna have my first job soon.
fuck my life.
not even worth pretending to be normal to me
it just doesnt ever work, i can do it good enough for a day or two but the mask always slips sooner or later

>> No.46149327

I learnt 安心する

>> No.46149367
File: 150 KB, 986x1078, thats the neat part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't. If you have the tisms or adhd, you have to stay in your herd or lane. You can't afford to be self-loathing and you have to do you, for better or worse.

>> No.46149383

I don't have enough money for proper heating. Which means I need to sit at my PC wrapped in a blanket, and that makes me sleepy all the fucking time. I sleep 2-3 times a day.

>> No.46149871

do any other NEETs like to purge after they eat? it's kind of addicting.

>> No.46149921

Bulimia is not particular to NEETs.
When I was really young I was an underweight picky eater until my Mom started leaving processed foods for me to eat while she worked, then I binge ate until I became quite obese by middle school. Then had a moment of self-realization and signed myself up to sports to get a proper workout. I kept the same weight for basically 4 years straight during my growth spurt, and in the ensuing decade I exercised and fasted enough to keep up with my atrocious diet.
Now my diet is better but my appetite is kaput, so I don't struggle with weight or food much at all now.

>> No.46150255

thank god I never had to experience being a fatty.

>> No.46150270
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do you ever feel like you've become desensitized to the poor diet you've had before so now it's easier to manage your appetite?

at least you had the awareness early on to sign up for sports in order to better yourself.

>> No.46150543

Vomiting after drinking too much is enough for me, thanks

>> No.46150923

my art mama is so nice to me. sometimes i wish i had an older sister like her.

>> No.46151297
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i just woke up from my post-vomit nap to this post lol, yeah me too anon.

>> No.46151313

what made you vomit

>> No.46151325

shared pizza with my roommate and was normal about it until they went to sleep and i suddenly got violently nauseous, for me i always purge because of emotional reasons.

>> No.46151344

15 years neet.
Not waking up tomorrow would be fine.
Being lame is cool too.

>> No.46153646 [DELETED] 
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Ez a hely most a WC-m.

>> No.46156568
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>> No.46156791
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Can I get a qrd?

>> No.46157953

my heart feels really weird from purging

>> No.46158005

Not giving a fuck and live like a hermit, the more you disassociate yourself from people, easier it is to be happy.

>> No.46158197
File: 42 KB, 404x513, weary love my job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wagie life is slowly getting to me bros... the job is stressful, the hours are long and the pay is shit. I sometimes wonder if I should of taken the year off to do the shit i always told myself i would do someday.
I feel like I should not have aspired for a technical job, HR peeps leave at 6o clock maybe I should have tried to aspire for managerial duties
I look absolutely average, not fat, take daily showers but in social situations people always sense my autism
Yesterday my boss had an announcement, he told just one guy from the bunch of engineers I joined with, and told him to share it with the others because we are in contact.
but he told me first, individually. The only reason I can think of, is because he thought I was too disconnected from the others and thought the message would not reach me.

>> No.46159894

Being fit and healthy has nothing to do with being a normalfag.
If you have autism (actual) nothing you do will help.

>> No.46159946

Please create a script next time rather than rambling on for an hour. Won't bother listening to all that.

>> No.46160789 [DELETED] 

Will Janny clean both up or is only one wrong?

>> No.46161465 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>extremely shy & dumb zoomer
>been bullied from elementary school through high school
>never had a job in my life
>most likely autistic & have social anxiety
>currently 21 yo
>my parents will kick me out when i turn 22
redpill me on shrink. should I give it a try?
or should i kill myself? what is the effective way to do it?

>> No.46161874

stick it to your parents and everyone else

>> No.46161927

They'll probably make you do exposure therapy for anxiety. It could convince your parents to let you stay a little longer, but the end goal will be to make you stable enough to get a job. But if you can't integrate, I assume you might able to use that to get autismbux (I've never tried myself).

Who /uncleremus/ here?

>> No.46161933

Why do parents kick their children out in this economy I'll never understand

>> No.46162003

First of all get a psyche evaluation, that's how I was diagnosed. None of this "ooo I might be ooo" bullshit. Don't be a faggot.
Depending on how that goes, murder suicide your family or don't.

>> No.46162111

how did it go

>> No.46163182

I've been a NEET since I was 14. Today, I am 22. I receive autismbuxx but the minimum wage pays $283 in my shithole. The rent alone for a small one-room apartment here is $200. I currently live with my mother, but she doesn't work either. It would be better to live with my father but I don't want to leave my mother alone. They have initiated eviction proceeding, and we'll probably receive a letter telling us to leave here in 15 days for not paying the rent. I'm really lost in what to do.

>> No.46163260

You shrink so you can get the chance for neetbux.
Get a caseworker and explain how much of a nervous wreck you are. Keep up with the shrink. Get a diagnosis. You don't even have to take the pills just accept the script and fill it.
Ask the caseworker to help you get on neetbux. It could take years. You start now as a fallback while you attempt to pursue a career of some sort. Said caseworker could even help you pay for a course that would get you a license in a field.
It wouldn't hurt to take the shrink. You can always stop going to it. Just don't buy whatever they're selling.

>> No.46164052

Technical job? You in trades

>> No.46164058

It's mainly cultural for America. It's quite normal in most countries to stay with your parents till you have the capital to move out

>> No.46164419
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I have housing through a clubhouse. They also provide meals and support for whatever you need they are trained to help. They are a community so you get to meet more NEETs. You just need a doctor's referral. They are all over the country!
Find one

>> No.46165166

>You just need a doctor's referral
Is NEET a condition?

>> No.46165210

No. NEET is the path of enlightenment.

>> No.46165233

then why do I have so many insecurities and nobody that loves me?

>> No.46165314

Because being mentally ill and antisocial tends to come with NEETdom

>> No.46166528

being compelled to attend an event where I can expect long and intimate discussion of the nature of my employment
give me your most sophisticated deflection tactics and conversation redirection strategies

>> No.46166535

That's horrific anon

I hope things turn out well for you

>> No.46167966
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Just say you are trans or whatever the current normalfags topics/buzzwords are. Also, don't forget that this is a thread about neet.

>> No.46169680

I temporarily got a job and I have to continue for 3 more months before I can get evaluated for full government support. I have read about many anons who get bored after a few years of NEETing, and there are certainly people who have just fallen off and need to take a break for a few years, but I genuinely find solitude pleasant.
When I'm alone I read books, lift weights and do whatever interests me. It doesn't seem right to give all that up just to slave away my life for money to buy things I don't need.
I read a book about Epicurus (which people on JP have been recommending for over a decade). He promises a way of being happy without having to buy or do anything. That greatly improved my life. That won't work for everyone, but it seems idiotic to not downloading a 300 page book which enables you to be happy without having to do anything.
Thanks for reading my blog. NEETs need to take care of each other. If you aren't doing well, then I'm here, willing to fight for your enjoyment of life and willing to help in any way I can. PEACE.

>> No.46169948
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Just say you are not participating in the Jewish system anymore. They will walk away.

>> No.46170123
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Not a NEET, just came by to say ganbatte

>> No.46170166

Do you look like that cute red haired anime girl irl

>> No.46170177


>> No.46170179
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friendly reminder to clean your

>> No.46170522

Hi ;)

>> No.46170556

how many hours per day are you at your puter?

>> No.46170629

6 hours but 2-3 for now

>> No.46170731

all day during the winter
only evenings during summer

>> No.46170748

10-12 hours and i'm still sitting at computer although the morning will be coming in 2 hours

>> No.46170813


>> No.46172276

You got me interested enough to try to find a catch, and honestly seems like the person who runs it gets how to give people the environment that promotes self-realization:
[3D] https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=2SiaQb3WMpI
And looking at the main site directory, it seems individual centers have the kind of autonomy I'd expect in a member-maintained organization. For a NEET with a desire to realize things for themselves (and hopefully others), it can be soul-sucking to be without the means, and this seems like a place that could provide without red flags going off in my head.

If there was one near me I'd actually consider checking it out to volunteer to suss it out personally, but none near me unfortunately.

>> No.46172378

>I read a book about Epicurus (which people on JP have been recommending for over a decade). He promises a way of being happy without having to buy or do anything. That greatly improved my life. That won't work for everyone, but it seems idiotic to not downloading a 300 page book which enables you to be happy without having to do anything.
I would second, but for others I would also advise reading what original sources remain as well.
I read through this free copy on archive.org, but it's an older translation:

And if one is still interested after that, I would seriously recommend comparing and contrasting with the other schools of thought in the period (Hellenist Period to the Early Roman Empire). It not only gives you a context for the environment he was observing and appealing to, but gives also you rigorous schools of thought to compare and contrast.

>> No.46172395

>how many hours per day are you at your puter?
The noise-cancelling headphones changed my life. I'm now connected to my PC 16 hours a day.

>> No.46172602
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last thread i said i was applying to a minimum wage pizza thing and was never called

after 300 applications i finally got a call from some sales job
i was the only one in there with a degree and i thought i did pretty well but i just got a mail saying i was not chosen

why is getting a job so hard
i dont want to neet i just want to make money and leave the house but my meme ass business degree doesnt help

>> No.46172609

From when I wake up to when I sleep.

>> No.46173153

>I don't want to NEET
>is on a NEET thread
But seriously fuckass, just apply to McDonalds or something. They'll probably hire you on the spot when it comes time for your interview.
t. NEET who worked for 1 year recently

>> No.46173286

MicD is NOT a suitable place for introverts

>> No.46173650

I transport the disabled for work. Ask me anything.

>> No.46173692

Don't do this it makes mustard gas

>> No.46173780

What hours do you work?
How much do you get?
How did you get trained?
Do you have to touch them?

>> No.46174218

>What hours do you work?
Extremely variable. Usually get between 45-50 hours a week. Get on and off at different times everyday.
>How much do you get?
Minimum wage (Won't dox, but between $13 and $15)
>How did you get trained?
The usual health related stuff, so CPR, emergency situations, physical maneuvers, etc. I learned how to secure wheelchairs in vehicles (Hook them down)
>Do you have to touch them?
Not usually, but you have to get close to people in order to help them up the stairs of the buses/putting on their seatbelts.

Very nice work, but the ecosystem around it is pretty lousy, as in, the drivers deserve more compensation for the work they do. Its incredibly interesting to meet and talk to people, though I really wouldn't expect most NEETs to like it.

>> No.46174515


>> No.46174902

Why are you in the neet thread?

>> No.46175232

How hard do you think it would be for me to get NEETbux in the USA? And where would I start? I've been diagnosed with autism and generalized anxiety disorder and went through the special education system. Sometimes I was considered a really good student and other times a trouble maker. I've always been late to school and failed to attend much of my senior year. After graduating I was supposed to attend some kind of job training thing but it's been a year and I have not been enrolled in it due to its lack of funding. While I also strongly suspect I have a circadian rhythm sleep disorder (either DSPD or N24) it has not been treated or diagnosed as my mother has not taken it seriously.

>> No.46175257

could be useful. bump.

>> No.46175384

>I would seriously recommend comparing and contrasting with the other schools of thought in the period (Hellenist Period to the Early Roman Empire). It not only gives you a context for the environment he was observing and appealing to, but gives also you rigorous schools of thought to compare and contrast.
These later schools are the entire culmination of Greek philosophy. Epictetus is more valuable than Socrates.

Stoicism and Epicureanism and Skepticism are the logical conclusions to Greek philosophy. They replaced Socratic philosophy in the academies because Moral Philosophy is the only kind that truly matters. It is the hubris of Europeans to think they can go down the same path and arrive at a totally different answer. The zenith of Enlightenment philosophy is Kant, and the Critique is just a proof of skepticism.

We would all be incomparably better off if we understood this.

>> No.46175915
File: 210 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Plato_Silanion_Musei_Capitolini_MC1377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some inspirational quotes from various philosophers to justify your lifestyle and inspire you towards sloth and idleness:
>What honorable thing can come out of a shop?
>What can commerce produce in the way of honor? Everything called shop is unworthy an honorable man. Merchants can gain no profit without lying, and what is more shameful than falsehood? Again, we must regard as something base and vile the trade of those who sell their toil and industry, for whoever gives his labor for money sells himself and puts himself in the rank of slaves.

>The people who give themselves up to manual labor are never promoted to public offices, and with good reason. The greater part of them, condemned to be seated the whole day long, some even to endure the heat of the fire continually, cannot fail to be changed in body, and it is almost inevitable that the mind be affected.

>Nature has made no shoemaker nor smith. Such occupations degrade the people who exercise them. Vile mercenaries, nameless wretches, who are by their very condition excluded from political rights. As for the merchants accustomed to lying and deceiving, they will be allowed in the city only as a necessary evil. The citizen who shall have degraded himself by the commerce of the shop shall be prosecuted for this offense. If he is convicted, he shall be condemned to a year in prison; the punishment shall be doubled for each repeated offense.

Source: the Right to be Lazy by Paul Lafargue. I've found it an interesting read, and would encourage others to read it as well. I sometimes feel guilt over my lifestyle despite really not being in charge of it so I found it useful in that respect, as it questions the value of hard work.

>> No.46176242

>they're desperate
>they applied for a pizza job
>they applied for a sales job
>somehow working in the back of McDonald's for a year is out of the question
okay let's all get in a circle, hold hands and manifest the super duper perfect job for anon!

>> No.46176944

We should avoid any line of work that demands much of our bodies or minds. If you have to work, do something light and easy so that your energy is preserved and your muscles stay healthy.

>> No.46177054
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Found out from my probation officer the other day that I don’t have to get a job because I’m on NEETbux.

>> No.46177486

Government mandated wage probably comes with cbdc and I am not even joking, might comes with sterilization with excuse of “le environment”
Government mandated wife is probably a tranny or a single mom.
Nah, I don’t die by my hand until i see people I hate die first.
Beside, why die when I can turn into a parasite!?
It’s WAAAY grosser than going to toilet and flushing.
It’s not like your parents bother you anytime you go to bathroom. Beside, you make a single wrong move, your anus twitches a bit, and shit would be on the ground instead of bucket or god forbid on carpet and then you are fucking done for.
Imagine your mental health now, it will be 10000% worse.
Good luck anon.
Anon you are a neet. A neet most important part is health because if you lose that what else do you have?
You can’t even pay anymore to fix it.
Bulima FUCKS up your teeth
Don’t do it

>> No.46177506

It's very difficult. More than likely you will be rejected

>> No.46177507

>58 minutes to just say “society had a job of providing man with a wife and dignity, and a man had a job of working his ass off for society and even die for it. Society broke the contract and men see no obligation to abide by it anymore”

>> No.46177520

If most jobs become automated there will be too many people and tol few jobs to fill

The jobs that do exist will be outsourced to AI and out of the country to pay workers less

>> No.46177534

Man that’s fucked up
You are getting paid than a burger flipper for a hard job with way more responsibilities

>> No.46177551

That's what the government wants

>> No.46177555

I like being neet and lazy but COME ON.
It’s not a fucking virtue kek
>hurr durr it’s bad to use your labor to produce stuff
>making shoes bad
>making metal tools bad
Plato probably said it because he had a slave to do all his works
For us regular folks, we have to “toll” for our own

>> No.46177564

im a third worlder
job market here is like 30x worse than there despite the record high unemployment

last interview i had at a fast food restaurant it was 40 people for 1 spot (i didnt get it)

>> No.46177566

I don’t think that related to what I said here
But ye, if AI take most of jobs they either have to pay us or kill us
And if they pay us it’s with cbdc so you can’t save too much (it can expire ) and probably sterilization for “muh environment”
Governemnt is stupid

>> No.46178567
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I'm an engineer
I wish I had studied elecx instead of mechanical.
Just came back from a 13 hour shift because muh project deadline
Retards set unrealistic deadlines
Some estimated this project I was working on to take 22 hours
Some others put it at 14 hours
Guess what there are 3 of us working from Monday some 9 hours a day on this so that's like 134 man hours and it is still incomplete.
I used to ridicule people but now I kind of understand how you just exist for your job and nothing else.

>> No.46178596

palpitations? try drinking some electrolyte replacement like propel, liquid iv, pocari sweat, if you can. it helps me when i get those.

>> No.46178662

what do mechanical engineers even do circa 1970 onwards? just stick a microcontroller in it

>> No.46178925

Do you look down on unemployed anons

>> No.46179441
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Does this book ever mention bankers? If not, it shit.
Congrats anon. Btw, how long before they stop giving you neetbux? I mean, no way is it going to last forever.

>> No.46179641

At least you're smart enough for engineering. There's a lot of jobs you can do with that kind of brain smarts, especially on the math side

>> No.46179655

It probably will, I was already on neetbux before I went to jail because of how severely mentally ill I was, being in jail for nearly three years and the events that got me there have destroyed me mentally.

>> No.46179680

I wish I was good at math. Math always opens up so many opportunities in everything, not just careers but especially employment. I always cringe when I remember my shit grades in basic fucking high school algebra and geometry and I always feel fucking depressed why i can't be intelligent like other people

I used to think it was a motivation problem but even when I really fucking try I still suck ass and am clueless. Any anons feel the same way?

>> No.46180136

I feel the same way. My interest was in history and social studies in school so that's the classes I did best in. However those are also not very employable or wide ranging, so I feel absolutely useless

>> No.46180555

Believe it or not I was actually interviewed for a burger flipper job before I got my current one. Would've made more money but I'm absolutely 1000% sure that it would've been infinitely worse. There's a lot to be said about helping people and getting to drive around wherever you want. Its not all about money, though it does have an impact. I already know I'm going to miss it once I leave. I take pride in doing a good job.

>> No.46180596


Learn to code!

It's fun!

The future is bright!

Start with Python and Javascript!

>> No.46180659
File: 385 KB, 1464x1887, 1693224938358794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should start with C++ instead

>> No.46180674

yeah something to that effect. do you also feel extremely weak from binging but have a weird side effect of an energy boost after? it vaguely reminds me of a burst of norepinephrine release, which is quite nice.

>> No.46180688

>The future is bright!
Even with AI?

>> No.46180763

yeah, i do, i think its an endorphin rush, or something that feels like that. ill be high energy for maybe 15-20 minutes and then pass out.

>> No.46181150

C++ is good too, but only if you are white.

But Rust will replace C++.

Even many parts of Windows and the Linux kernel are being rewritten in Rust.

AI will never replace humans!

Code written by AI is garbage and literally a ticking time bomb!

Human will never be replaced by ai and robot, its known cheaper to own slave than robot in the long run!

>> No.46181184
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1696787692646051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rust will never replace c++

>> No.46181231

Keep up with the times, grandpa.

Even in C++23 they are slowly following Rust!

Time for your obscure language to die!

>> No.46181239

Why are you writing




Are you a woman (female)?

>> No.46181281

I am 100% biological male!

Not sure about my past gender from previous lives (if reincarnation is real).

Adding extra spaces to each sentence makes my post easier to read!

>> No.46182626

Last I read before becoming a neet rust was getting demolished by ++ in every metric, maybe it's time to face the reality that it's a hobbyist language even if the syntax is very nice.

>> No.46182932

It's an AI, mate.

>> No.46183636
File: 144 KB, 904x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your strategy for attracting a woman, NEETbros?

>> No.46183844

a frying pan

>> No.46184362

to be honest
if the elite manages to do this ethically, instead of shoving people into death camps I'd be fine with it
and by ethically I mean, sedate us with drugs, sterilize us but also let us live in some sort of personalised virtual reality then that would be cool. "real" reality is pretty shit anyway

>> No.46185452
File: 116 KB, 634x247, an actual NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think women are more trouble than they're worth.

>> No.46185517

Better yet: what about a cute /jp/ femboy? Do these mythical legends even exist?

>> No.46186862

I don't I just pay young girls to rub on my dick in the various cosplays I have prepared for them. relationships are exhausting, I already have close friends. couldn't really ask for anything more at this point life is stress free

>> No.46186935

Indians, Jews, and Chinese are nepotistic scum in the US

>> No.46187701

That's very anti-semitic and racist. Everyone knows that white scum never bring any positive influence to humanity. Never forget about white collonialism. They exploit the resources around the world and let the people starve. They kill the natives and genocide the minority. Now the time has changed, the people that white people used to colonize around the world are slowly ruling the world. The current white people are garbage and a shadow of their former selves. Being white is a sin. Every white person should be ashamed of themself. If you are a white man, you should know where you belong and you should learn to control what you say.

>> No.46188050
File: 165 KB, 440x440, Xolotl_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling upon the Aztec god Xolotl to bless all you anons in your quest for NEETbux. Xolotl, together with his brother Quetzalcoatl, was said to sacrifice his blood to bring humans back from the dead for the fifth sun. He is a god of outcasts, fools, the mental disabled, the misfortunate and the deformed. May he give life to you anons by giving you that which you need to live, and may he give harsh punishments to the social murderers who stand in your way.

>> No.46188064


>> No.46188070


>> No.46189591
File: 1.43 MB, 805x960, 1687091614527768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leisure class is necessary in order to cultivate individuals. If NEETs are using their leisure to cultivate themselves as individuals, that is, to raise up a stairway to Heaven by expanding their mental horizons, then they are making a great contribution to the evolution of humanity, by becoming trailblazers, which would not have been possible if their lives were consumed by toil.

>> No.46189618

I bet her pussy smells like rotting fish.

>> No.46190365

Reminds of the first few chapters of the book "In praise of idleness" where the author makes a similar argument that leisure has been necessary for learning, education, and ultimately the advancement of society. Have you read it?

>> No.46192828

I’m so tired of living a life I hate. I hate lacking the money to move out. I hate staying in the closet to appease my transphobic parents. I hate being a math major just because math-related jobs apparently pay better. I hate failing Calculus exams over and over (I’m lucky I even passed Calc 1 on my first try). I hate not knowing what to do or say in social situations. I hate accidentally hurting others’ feelings. I hate getting yelled at for happening to be in the vicinity when my mom is pissed off about something else. I hate hiding from my own mom to avoid that. I hate feeling lazy all the time, when I’m really just tired. The only motivation I have is the chance that life will get better, and right now, that chance seems to be pretty fucking slim. I don’t know what to do at this point.

>> No.46193949

I was hyped up from a lecture by Manly P Hall when I made that post but that book says it verbatim:
>These landowners are idle, and I might, therefore, be expected to praise them. Unfortunately, their idleness is rendered possible only by the industry of others; indeed their desire for comfortable idleness is historically the source of the whole gospel of work. The last thing they have ever wished is that others should follow their example.
>Athenian slave-owners, for instance, employed part of their leisure in making a permanent contribution to civilization which would have been impossible under a just economic system. Leisure is essential to civilization, and in former times leisure for the few was rendered possible only by the labors of the many.
>The morality of work is the morality of slaves, and the modern world has no need of slavery.

>> No.46193982

You're gay? Are you cute at least? You can cohabit with another autist math major guy who is willing to take you in

>> No.46194024

>NEETs are using their leisure to cultivate themselves
Are they? Where?

>> No.46194133

I said "if". The problem of wasting leisure is not exclusive to NEETs, either.

>> No.46194203

don't say such things openly, you're confirming negative stereotypes

>> No.46194218

Negative stereotypes on what?

>> No.46194221

the board and its userbase

>> No.46194266

Wiiish i was jobless but mommy would kill if there was any job for me. The only last hope for me is attending psychiatrist so he can diagnose me with schizophrenia

>> No.46194405

a fellow NEET friend of mine from highschool has schizophrenia. I'm depressed recently by him becoming so fargone that he's just no longer him and doesn't even notice anyone around him. in a way I lost one of my only friends.

>> No.46194470

Historically they come to me first but I never act on it. Guess I'll lose some weight and they'll start showing up again.
Hiding is lousy. That anon is mentally ill.

>> No.46194684

my uncle is schizophrenic (severely) and it kind of opened my eyes to the fact that, that diagnosis doesn't fix anything. he has been jumping between rentals for the last 10 years at least.

>> No.46195042

who fucking cares

>> No.46195105

dont swear

>> No.46195205

Yeah, what >>46195105 said, no FUCKING cussing!
And you stop being a racist NIGGER!

>> No.46195599
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I wish I was a NEET again... work sucks

>> No.46195740

same. i managed to spend nearly 20 years as a neet but was put in a situation where i had to start working because i had to start living on my own because my family turned on me. now i'm trying to find a way to go back to the neet life because work isn't for me.

>> No.46196645

I saw the zoomer word used on 5ch
Whatever direction this world is headed I don't like it

>> No.46197395

currently neet and trying to get neetbux(ssi) from the government(its in the final stage of review). it's been six months though but I have no choice but to keep waiting, because my schizophrenia affects my ability to work.

>> No.46198157

same, I hate working so much. i miss being a neet.

>> No.46198570

Is it training if it is self taught?

>> No.46198787
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schizophrenia gets you automatically approved for ssi. it doesn't matter if you wait 6 months or 12 months. They'll approve you if you're diagnosed with it.

t. knower

>> No.46200205
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I havent really changed at all in the past 10 years.
I was always told im "developmentally delayed" but the development never came.
Now I am a 12 year old stuck in an adult body.
At the time I felt bad and wished I was an adult, now I feel bad and wish i was a kid again.
Yeah scool kinda sucked but atleast no one had any expectations of me.
Atleast as a kid people showed my sympathie for my weird behaviour but now as a disgusting hairy adult im just seen as a weirdo freak who no one wants to associate with
I just want to stay a neet forever but everyone is pressuring me

>> No.46200239


>> No.46203430

I contribute to civilization by commissioning artists on Pixiv.

>> No.46204046

That feel when my 21 year old friend (NEET) said its over for me (25 year old NEET)

I bet you he's gonna be a NEET at 25. Everyone who struggles with college becomes a NEET I tell you!

>> No.46204693


This isn’t the first time I’ve written in this thread. But I realize what I am becoming and it makes me extremely sad. I became a drag at work (a job that I hate by the way).

I am no longer interested in anything, I have no more desire, no more energy. I became unable to concentrate for more than 5 minutes.

I became deeply embittered and egocentric. I abandoned myself. I didn't bother trying when I had the chance. From now on my life is hell because I am imprisoned in this body, equipped with a dysfunctional brain...

I am really considering ending my life, but even that would be a failure. Running away from my current reality (once again).

Only, I am extremely alone. Because now unable to socialize with anyone. Only my father remains present for me and I will make sure that he does not see my body if that is what worries you.

I can no longer reason correctly. I get lost in my thoughts. In short, I'm already dead inside.

I don’t know what to do, i think that i just have to go. Be in peace with my dead’s family members. Oh no, i love nobody. And nobody love me.

>> No.46205330

I'm 21 myself and honestly see myself heading towards NEETdom. College is hell due to going in person. I'm going to try 100% online next fall but I'm struggling with motivation and getting burnt out with my current job. Plus I've managed to keep a 4.0 GPA so it feels like I'm selling myself short just doing online but I also can't stand any more in person college

>> No.46205711

Yeah I dunno man.

Like I can look at past me, and say "What a retard I should have just sucked it up and gone to class." But it felt like dragging my dick through a field of broken glass every time. I tried pretty damn hard to make myself do it but I just couldn't.

>> No.46205780

I will NEVER EVER w*rk, out of principle.

i don't care, I'll cross that bridge when I'll come to it.

>> No.46205789

seconded, NEETbro.

>> No.46206228

kek. there are a lot of college shooter types in this thread

>> No.46206423

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.46208904

Checkem Peko

>> No.46209035 [DELETED] 
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Get a Merlin Wisdom Stone today!

>> No.46213058

Do NEETs sit at a desk in their room or rot in their beds?

>> No.46213293

I sit at my desk, rot in my bed and ride my motorcycles.

>> No.46213500

>and ride my motorcycles.

You're not a NEET, you phony. You're a normaltard that is just down on his luck.

>> No.46213530

But I'm a NEET. What are you gonna do about it? Cry?

>> No.46213540

No you ain't you poser, NEETs don't own let alone ride their expensive Harley Davidsons all over route 66 while looking like James Dean.

>> No.46213556

But I am by definition a NEET. Also I only ride Japanese motorcycles you pleb.

>> No.46213644

Real NEET here AMA.

>> No.46213677

Ooh la la, look at mr fancy expensive bikes here, I bet you even own a fully equipped garage with all sorts of expensive hardware to repair your expensive Japanese bikes with 100% original, rare, expensive out of production parts. You probably even own a form fitting high quality biker suit to fit your tall, muscular frame and you go to meet ups with other cool biker dudes to hang out and talk about all the babes you pick up. You totally are a NEET like us!!

>> No.46213691

You can imagine whatever you want but I think it's funny how angry you are.

>> No.46213836

I hate doing volunteer work for some crisis counseling thing

>> No.46213850

I kind of want to go to an Anime Convention next month that's just a one hour drive away from me should I or is it best to avoid interacting with people who attend such events?

>> No.46213886

Michael Stone, a psychiatrist who studies mass murder, said that, as children grow up and tasks become more difficult, what seems like a minor impairment becomes major. “They’re a little weird in school. They don’t have friends. They do not get picked for the baseball team,” he said. “But, as they get to the age when kids begin to date and find partners, they can’t. So the sense of deficit, which was minor in grade school, and getting to be a little bit more in junior high, now becomes very acute.” He added that, without the brain getting worse, “life challenges nudge them in the direction of being sicker.”

>> No.46213911

>They do not get picked for the baseball team,” he said. “But, as they get to the age when kids begin to date and find partners, they can’t. So the sense of deficit, which was minor in grade school, and getting to be a little bit more in junior high, now becomes very acute.
Shit..that describes me way too well

>> No.46214106

I'll be filled with low powerlevel people cosplaying as their favourite fotm/battleshounen character who cannot wait to meet theit favourite (english) dub actor.

>> No.46214205

sounds fun
do it

>> No.46215017

My computer is right next to my bed so I can play video games while rotting.

>> No.46215502

I'd kind of like more information about your experience, please. There are places near me but they're so close to cities and densely populated areas. What the fuck.

>> No.46217968

True. If only there was one in a rural area with farms and animals

>> No.46218265

Fuck off shitskin.
Beeberi pirates
Mongolian conquests
Muslims unprovoked attack upon Spain
Arabs colonizing Egypt, Middle East and North Africa and killing their entire cultural identity and language
1000 years of trans Saharan slavery
If it wasn’t for whites, there would be slavery today, but come to thing of it, some of you don’t deserve freedom
lol looks mentally disable too.
>morality of work is morality of slavery and modern world don’t need it
KEK what a horse shit. Slavery is alive and well, it just changed it face. The h1b1 visa workers? Pay them dirt to replace your local workers and treat them horribly Becuase otherwise you can kick them out of country, literally.
Bring in illegals so they can lower the ALREADY low wages and you can kick them out of they get uppity
All cheap items from China and India made on slave labor, either from undesirable and indefensible
The modern economy runs on slavery, and there is no way out of until full fledge robotic workers (and then if you are LUCKY, the elite robot owners might throw you a bone so you don’t die from starvation, cause there won’t be any more need for you)

>> No.46218277

I realize how I come off as contradicting here, but old slavery was sort of forced as in “they own your body and can do whatever they like to it” while today it’s more like “well boy, you don’t have any other place to be” you can actually see that in Dubai too, where workers get kicked out if they complain about mistreatments

>> No.46218312
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Feels like twitter is the only website nowadays. Even on japanese chans everyone is bored until someone links something from twitter

>> No.46218401

>even own a form fitting high quality biker suit to fit your tall, muscular , and *BIG DICK
Sorry it was funny to me when I thought of it
You are a neet. Fuck others
Do it
Well what’s the solution? Robot waifu with AI?
Robot waifu has femenists shitting on it
And the AI? I hope you guys seen bard (Gemini) and how freaking woke it was. It even lectures you if it assumes you are asking it an “unethical” question
Guess a robot with that sort of ai will be

>> No.46218420

Is this a neet thread or an anti-work thread?
Fucking /pol/ tier shit. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.46218423

Go read a book or paint or draw or something. Get off of X

>> No.46218661
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I was miserable as a NEET, I'm miserable as a wagie. What else is left for me to try /jp/?

>> No.46218676

NEETs that refuse to waste their life w*rking ona job they hate for any reason, even /pol/ tier da jooos reasons, are still NEETs.

>> No.46218679

be neet but find some retarded online shit to make monee

>> No.46218680

I'll go with you anon

>> No.46218700

>but if you're actually a neet you uh... have it pretty good
Have to admit I'm pretty impressed with 1st world neets. They live in decent apartments, have iphones and laptops with 24/7 internet access and always got something to eat - quite often alcohol and junk food. When I was a neet I... actually nevermind.
Truly humanity is peaking.

>> No.46218727

I'm too stupid and nice to do any kind of online grifting

>> No.46219148

Might end up getting an English teaching job at a hotel lmao. If I end up with that gig I'll do it for a while just for the sake of the experience and the free meals.

>> No.46219238

Can I trade stocks
Meet up and have sex with him

>> No.46219259

only normalfags go to conventions

>> No.46219272
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>> No.46219410

What's so frightening?

>> No.46219535

your futures, they're so so dark. you have to shine, anon!

>> No.46219541

Is being a good goy wagie the only way to shine?

>> No.46219567

You should understand that your misery is not connected to your employment status, it's something else entirely.

>> No.46219603

Don't listen to the brainwashed one.

>> No.46219633

you are not stupid, never give up!
maybe idk

>> No.46220123

Stop using Twitter

>> No.46221316

weird I hardly ended up on shitter at all the past 7 years now. maybe you're just a faggotnormalcuck.

>> No.46221649

I had no idea about this, thank you

>> No.46221783 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46228026

>But Rust will replace C++.
Yeah go write me GOOD embedded controls in Rust, fucking dumbass

>> No.46228043

All too relatable
>I wish I was good at math
Find educational materials that are actually good at explaining shit
Search up "all math courses lessons topic" playlists in youtube and pick your cure
At the end of the day it's just a language to do convenient stuff with

>> No.46228056

>not a single one in my country
The real 3rd world experience

>> No.46229150


>> No.46232948

I just follow people who make content I like, asking for free stuff. Sometimes it work. Old game review (finding hidden gems type) is my jam those days

>> No.46233041

I got back pain in just 9 months. I don't even gain weight wtf

>> No.46233049

I remember a very good broken moon remix in a playlist but I couldn't find it again

>> No.46233070

It'd be better if you just give me a suicide vest

>> No.46233097

Is that really disgust? Or jealously? When you were a child you wouldn't feel disgusted at that sight. What changed you?

>> No.46233111

Sir, the hermit cave is outside

>> No.46233130

What's the point of being a neet if you can't even speak on your behalf?

>> No.46233140

The grind is so horrible I ditched the game at chapter 8

>> No.46233155

Government never allow male to be single, alone and happy

>> No.46233195

In a way you have the same gene as them

>> No.46233247

You ask them for help. You tried and failed many times. Your autism will make your co worker kick you out despite no major flaw. Talk about how hard it is to be success in this day and age. Eventually they'll give up. Work for me

>> No.46233270

What are you, Johnny Bravo?

>> No.46233282

You call normie npc and yourself as unique thinker

>> No.46233306

Humanity is becoming obsolete to newer generation of machine so they gave up and blame society

>> No.46233316

Finding somewhere with cheaper rent?

>> No.46233426

Ya know, I believe human population is getting out of hand. Property price and rent is high af cuz too many human and not enough natural resource. Wage is low af cuz too many worker.

>> No.46233474

I still have nightmares about math in college. I was pretty good at that in hs btw

>> No.46233495

Yes. People who can use AI to work for them get the money. Ai streamer, AI kinky art, AI game character. Customizing your AI need skill

>> No.46233517

I tried to be nice, which is the worst strategy ever

>> No.46233527

They already did. The late effect of experimental vaccines will show up eventually

>> No.46233586

At least you don't hate your current genital. You can still contribute by reading to enlighten yourself and others

>> No.46233630

In places you call disgusting. They can see what you can't in there

>> No.46233660

Who do your laundry?

>> No.46233681

Can you do anime talk with stranger? If you can, go

>> No.46233694

Inferiority complex is hell

>> No.46233714

Risk you damn life for something, no need to be nice or afraid anymore. Be mean, be angry, be evil, be crazy to the very end. Only as a last resort
