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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.76 MB, 3400x4112, 1708225383999411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46156314 No.46156314 [Reply] [Original]

Anons' First Doll Meet Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>45882022
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/10871169 (but you can post here, too.)
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10866278
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Rainy Day
Previous Photo Challenge: Try Something New

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/

>> No.46156518
File: 436 KB, 1888x2832, 20240220_190356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks you for baking!

>> No.46156812

> My doll is in the thread image
I've made it

>> No.46156821
File: 120 KB, 667x1000, 34c2298d5c530365ae1a8417f3f7277aab26b0ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual previous thread:

I always believed in you anon!

>> No.46156889
File: 1.38 MB, 1155x835, Screen Shot 2024-02-20 at 19.54.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thankfully you didn't use one of my pictures
I just realized I've been editing all my photos wrong for months now
I had been learning to use some new settings and didn't think to start from scratch when creating a new default profile
guess I had been staring at the test photos so long I didn't notice how low-contrast they were

>> No.46156912

look at the thighs on her god damn

>> No.46156932

> Only two of us took group photos
> The photo posted is not mine
If it's not yours idk who's it is

>> No.46156941

don't worry I'll take some more pics before I change out her out of the stockings to check for stains

>only two of us took group photos
you can take photos with a phone too, you know

>> No.46156984

You make a valid point.

>> No.46157057

>twin tails and ears for my foxgirl came
>finished the face-up
>my doll, in my picture, is op
Its a never ending high.

>> No.46157242

Shit I knew I forgot something. Every time.

>> No.46157329

I try to feature anons on the regular, which one is yours anon?

>> No.46157881
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>> No.46158997

I always enjoy seeing your photos here, she's quite memorable to me. I'm glad you could come to the meetup. I hope to one day attend with all of you.

>> No.46159840
File: 535 KB, 1065x1600, 5880851872-akiy-sans-dollfie-mashiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46162269

I know these threads are mostly dollfies but does anyone own a mamachapp doll? I bought one and her hair is bent badly from the elastic band that holds her neck to the box. I think the hair is saran, dipping it in hot water and combing doesn’t help much, already did it several times. Any tips? Should I just keep dipping and drying a bunch of times?

>> No.46162836

How hot was the water, boiling/just boiled is better to make saran behave - hot tap water will help a little but the melting point of saran is pretty high to getting the fibres to soften and reshape. Alternatively if the hair isn't saran it might not respond to heat/wet treatment as well

>> No.46163052

I’ve gotta say the cutie with the purple-ish hair is one of my favorite dolls which aren’t mine

>> No.46163541
File: 445 KB, 1920x1280, Tiara_Shiny_Eyes_1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got new eyes for Tiara-chan!

>> No.46163550
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>> No.46163555

I can see your whole setup in her eyes.

>> No.46163876

The eyes are beautiful anon, as are the photos. They'll be stuck in my head the rest of the week

>> No.46164078
File: 154 KB, 800x1200, LOL08985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my new boy last week! Isn't he gorgeous? I'm in love!

>> No.46164084

so precious <3

>> No.46164091

average male in 202X, congrats!

>> No.46164116

a victim of the notorious head swapper

>> No.46164181

Very pretty, I've always admired that sculpt. Have you picked a name yet?

>> No.46164257


>> No.46164721
File: 1.59 MB, 2687x4029, IMG_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse my hands holding the hands. I bought some hands off booth. I did not see anything on the sellers page about a different internal frame needed nor sold from them. Is this a case of busting out the dremel to get similar to the volks cutout? Or am I missing something really obvious?

>> No.46164738
File: 1.57 MB, 2589x2413, IMG_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I answered my own question, if anyone else was wondering the flat part of the dollfie hand pops off

>> No.46164981

Wonderful pictures! She's adorable.

>> No.46165276
File: 3.71 MB, 1826x2672, unnamed1editt resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet up anon, Thank you for the dress i attempted a photo shot

>> No.46165295

Nice eyes they fit her well

>> No.46165296
File: 3.10 MB, 1468x2258, unnamed2ediit rsizee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't recommend a cortex

>> No.46165310
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>> No.46165346
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>> No.46165458

makes sense that the third-party 3d printed parts just use the peg itself
the reason the volks hands are hollow like that and have to use an insert is most vinyl doll parts are rotation cast
hot vinyl slurry (hush) is poured into a rotating mold so it coats all the sides
that way they don't have to have an inner section to pull out like with injection molding
that's also why the insides of the parts are shiny and often drippy-looking
vinyl molding is apparently very difficult to do which is why you don't really see third-party stuff made that way

that fits way better on a 1/3 than an AP, glad it worked out
also very clever use of the cord, I like it
btw here's the shop of the maker 三鬼/Sanki (I got it off manda though) https://sankishopping.booth.pm/
AHAHAHA when did you take that?

>> No.46166420

She looks great, did you paint her yourself?
Wait, is her pelvis coming apart? Or is that just really dark paint?

>> No.46166779
File: 205 KB, 800x566, 3C214F78-225F-4D94-8C72-5EC7CF88DAD2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46166793

Not that anon, but I have a Cortex body kicking around here. Cortex was Smart Doll's attempt at a plastic body, but due to their assembly being like a garage kit from hell, they were swiftly discontinued. The parts are intended to snap together, but... things can go awry, and so if there's a gap in the hip pieces, that's probably why. (And god forbid if you snap a part during assembly.) I really admire the aesthetics of anon's doll, honestly. One of the nicer heavily customized SmD I've seen.

>> No.46167214
File: 372 KB, 1383x1150, 20240222_053040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a mobile anti tanker

>> No.46167244

Is this the "after" ?

>> No.46167614

This outfit looks incredible on her! I really like the hairstyle with the buns.

>> No.46167829
File: 99 KB, 1024x681, istockphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime aesthetic
>ruining bjds reputation for superior aesthetic and craftmanship with low quality weeb cartoon shit

>> No.46167852

at least post your doll

>> No.46169267

>DHL notification that doll is showing up TODAY
>Still haven't picked a name
I thought i had the weekend to decide oh no

>> No.46169657
File: 105 KB, 600x817, 2d_lan_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you I'm posting resin anime dolls now.

>> No.46170287
File: 675 KB, 2038x2716, 20240222_141926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suddenly my week isn't so bad

>> No.46170295
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>> No.46170370

Maybe you can come to the next one and Zenkaicon or Thy Geekdom Con. I'll be posting about it again in a bit.

>> No.46170618

We shall see! I'm sure that eventually it will happen, it's only a matter of time and circumstance. I was actually going to be able to make it to Tsubasacon as it's my local convention, but the weekend of I was... indisposed, shall we say, by a sudden health event which necessitated a week in the hospital. Horrible timing, and I intend to make good on my attendance this year.

>> No.46171047

Does anybody have experience with the Adyka silicone bodies for their DD? I'm thinking about getting one but I don't want to spend that money on something I won't be happy with or wont have many clothing options available.

>> No.46171087
File: 382 KB, 1440x1080, Customs (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46171103

Customs really wanted to see her! Did you come up with a name yet?

>> No.46171115
File: 678 KB, 3072x2048, Akira-Welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's more beautiful that I could have ever hoped for. I took the time to take this picture but have to get back to work. I'm glad that I got two wigs to try. While I like this one more, the other one (W-157D) makes for a good change in style and will match some of the other outfits I got her better. I'll be taking more pictures later
I can't stop looking at her

Say hello to Akira

>> No.46171123
File: 2.40 MB, 3200x4800, Akira-Welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rotate data
every time

>> No.46171150

She's gorgeous, anon! And such a pretty choice of name and hairstyle, too. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing!

>> No.46171164


>> No.46171196

God damn she's cute. Love the wig

>> No.46171230

Congrats, anon! Akira is very pretty. I love the outfit you chose for her. Very classic and elegant!

>> No.46171776

Oh she's gorgeous and you styled and posed her so well! Congrats!

>> No.46171872
File: 9 KB, 236x341, d191533776f08b6a80ab647d76b60c61--bjd-dolls-milkshakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obvious bait
Sure, superior aesthetic. Not like there's an entire subset of dolls dedicated to looking as deformed as possible. I dig BJDs as much as the next guy but they miss the mark way more, such is the nature of specializing in a niche. Beautiful to some, ugly to others.

>> No.46171980
File: 285 KB, 1365x2048, FdBLsYoaMAAfARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, just post the ugliest western company (spain) as your example
this is why we need ABJD

>> No.46172015

newfag you dont know what bait is
that pic is still quality

>> No.46172032

>flat image plastered over generic low poly head
>is my cartoon a doll now ma?

>> No.46172041
File: 241 KB, 1366x2048, IMG_2566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish boys were real

>> No.46172048
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>> No.46172056
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>> No.46172062
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>> No.46172076
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>> No.46172077
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My point was that trying to act superior is pointless. I picked what I found unappealing off google and I didn't even know what they are called, I just really don't like these baby faced dolls.
Though I do find some things odd about most "traditional" BJDs, mainly how a lot of them look sick in some way. I guess it's probably the gloss on the lips and such. I don't hate them, if that's what you think, I have a lot on my wishlist. Chelses from Myou Doll is particularly breathtaking.
If she has found a place in your heart, very good, I personally find that sculpt unpleasant as I do other examples in pic rel.

>> No.46172099
File: 744 KB, 2733x4096, E8pLShsVUAc3aEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus christ stop posting western dolls gross im going to vomit
enjoy your shit tier china doll when you get her

>> No.46172125
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>> No.46172134
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>> No.46172140
File: 951 KB, 2305x4096, FaYJcZvUUAM-h02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46172168
File: 199 KB, 700x1050, 20221206195555525552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how this is shit tier compared to the emaciated e-boy twinks you've been posting.

>> No.46172191
File: 1.11 MB, 2304x4096, Fcs74ZuaAAMNeK0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes she's pretty but the only thing myou can do right is faceups. her body is badly designed and worthless. her price reflects this.

>> No.46172204

all bjd are welcome here but if you don't like the dolls here then i suggest you revive the /toy/ /bjd/ thread, otherwise girls stop fighting

>> No.46172209
File: 741 KB, 3072x2048, DSC_0315 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going from azones to DDS was quite the change in scale. I knew they were bigger but the sense of scale really hits once it's in front of you.

>> No.46172217
File: 951 KB, 2048x3072, DSC_0315 (Custom) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every time

>> No.46172241
File: 90 KB, 683x1024, F8yhavSbIAAWIKv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46172316
File: 54 KB, 1080x723, pisyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resin is good. Vinyl is good. All dolls are good and it is only by embracing this truth that you may know peace.

Anon, she's beautiful! I love how you've styled her and her haircut is lovely. Congratulations!

>> No.46172324
File: 240 KB, 700x1050, 20221206200458925892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am starting to understand wht BJD generals never last, if all BJD fans are half as autistic and pointlessly smug as you are I can't imagine any convo lasting more than 2 replies before you're at each other's throats. What festering corner of Den of Angels did you come from? Or were you booted from there because they couldn't bear with you either.

I don't seen any egregious issues with her body, I love exposed joints, there's no point in owning a doll to me if I can't tell she is one. It's why I stay away from silicone stuff, aside from their poor life span. She seems to have no issues standing or keeping poses either.

And what do you mean "her price reflects this?", are you one of those people who think expensive equals valuable? I wouldn't pay anything for any of the dolls you posted, gloating about that is pointless.

>> No.46172354

I think all dolls have their beauty, even if I can only recognize it on a technical level. The only factor is if that beauty appeals to me or not. I don't believe in this west vs east thing, I only care about what dolls look cute. I am more confused than anything by the male BJD dude that's been replying, it seems there's more pointless aggression here as of late.
Wait that's an actual doll? I won't pretend to understand, but it is surely memorable.

>> No.46172365
File: 64 KB, 864x1296, IMG_8240e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, anon is just being contrarian because they don't have enough environmental enrichment in their enclosure. Don't let 'em get under your skin. Aesthetics are huge in this hobby and one person's "dear god what is that" is another person's special little guy, and I think that's part of the joy herein. Even if we don't always like the same sorts of dolls, we all like dolls at the end of the day, and that's what matters most.

Yeah that's Pisyun, a little guy made by (I believe?) Mezen BJD who I would buy if I had more money than responsibilities because I laugh every single time I am reminded of its existence.

>> No.46172368


>> No.46172372
File: 500 KB, 1891x3000, F9nsIIIbYAArqEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quality BJD company

the minute you hold her and a doll from a higher quality company you will understand. you'll feel it immediately.

>> No.46172388

Down, anon. If someone likes their doll, that's all that matters. Cost is not a determination of anything, I have shit as fancy as limited-run Chinese fantasy dolls (Studio Naiko Moon) to bog-standard Resinsoul hybrids (and they pose fine,) and what matters is if the owner of the doll is enjoying that doll.

>> No.46172403
File: 1.83 MB, 3024x4032, F_C2mS_asAAaonS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resinsoul hybrids (and they pose fine,)

this anon doesnt own the doll, just looking at it. wouldn't you warn someone interested in a misleading doll?

>> No.46172426

A Russian artist, from the looks of it, I think it's the first I hear about. They look rather funny, they make me intrigued over what gave them the idea, and what was going on inside their head as they designed and sculpted each one of them.
I have bought "luxury products" before, the novelty wears quickly, ultimately the main deciding factor is personal attachment. I would absolutely appreciate feedback on Chelses, seeing as she is such a considerable investment I don't plan on buying her anytime soon, but I would much prefer it from someone who owns the doll, knows someone who does, and isn't so clearly biased.

>> No.46172446

Is there something wrong about resin anime styled dolls? I’m a semi-beginner to the hobby

>> No.46172465

No, the style is unrelated to quality so long as you like it. That anon is replying to someone who doesn't like anime styled aesthetics and equates resin = "realistic" styles. Style =/= material but often anime styled dolls are vinyl since that market is more used to plastic figures whereas traditional resin bjd are commonly "realistically" stylised. Realistic in quotes because they aren't full realism but a closer style to human form than the alternative

>> No.46172481

My brother in christ I am the one with the big resin centaur, I am allowed to be the determinator of what does and does not pose well. I have delivered newborn animals into this world with less anxiety than I felt while getting that motherfucker to stand under his own weight and it is precisely the fact that he has good engineering that this is possible in the first place. Resinsouls pose fine as long as the elastic tension isn't too loose or too tight, same as any other doll. Posability improves with sueding and wiring, same as any other doll. Sleepy Sheepy's Dreams do not pose well. Doll Chateau Charon also does not pose well. Dream Valley Aurora (or is it Dawn?) and Chaos both do and do not pose well depending on which part you're trying not to get pinched by, and adjusting them is impossible because they have The Hulk stringing their dolls.

All dolls have their pros and cons, from extremely expensive artist dolls to more affordable dolls with bodies that haven't evolved in 20 years, and that goes for resin and vinyl -- my ancient DD2 and Obitsu bodies can be worked with despite the fact that Obitsu knees and elbows came from hell to vex me and split apart almost as readily as Smart Doll v1 elbows. Modern DDf3 bodies have a hip joint designed by the devil, modern SmD have developed a ratchet joint system that holds them in place at certain angles (and not others,) and Imomodoll's V1 body is the worst I have ever handled, while their 75cm male bodies are some of the best vinyl posers I've messed with in a hot minute. Angel Philia, at the end of the day, remain some of the most posable dolls on either side of the material divide, and that includes high end shit like Pashapasha.

All dolls are good dolls. Your personal preferences do not change this immutable fact of the hobby.

Nah, the anon above is just being fussy because they are impressively bored with whatever is going on in their day-to-day life.

>> No.46172500

lol, this “cursed” adorable photo of Eris, iirc? please correct me if i’m wrong, anon! just made me realize i’ve been here for quite some time, and i love it

>> No.46172511

The doll I've been eyeballing for months and missed the last order period on is available again but the company changed the bust size and a couple of other features on her that I felt made her special and I'm torn on whether I should just get her in case this is the last time/she's even more different next release or if I should just wait and see if they rerelease the version I wanted...I should've just gotten her last time but money was tight...

>> No.46172517 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 810x1203, IMG_8239e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is indeed Eris! First proper photo of her when she arrived in the dead of a cold October's night when my neighbor called to tell me there was something left in my driveway. She was... mailed to me like this. Whoever wished to rehome her clearly did so in a hurry. (Ignore the state of my bed, it was laundry day.)

>> No.46172527

I remember when you first posted her here! She had that crazy eye thing going on (lovingly)

>> No.46172573

She does, I've never had the heart to change them. She came to me as she is and I need not change a thing about her to appreciate that (even her hairstyle was the alternative wig the original owner sent along.) Also I want you all to know her eyes were held in with a strip of office tape when I first got her, you really can do anything in this hobby. I think Eris being so... individualistic is what made me start collecting secondhand dolls from other people. It's a lot of fun for me adopt the doll of another and preserve their individual characteristics when they come home to me.

>> No.46172754

>one person's "dear god what is that" is another person's special little guy, and I think that's part of the joy herein
This is why I think I would do poorly at IRL meets. Not because I can't shut up, but because my face can't. I've seen many dolls where I can respect and commend the work and care put into them, but that will make me grimace no matter what.

>> No.46172914

That's not exactly bad. I remember one person whose art teacher wasn't into the style they chose, and his advice was "I don't like it, how about you try to make me hate it?", because in this case it was a good thing. Something being unappealing to those outside your target audience usually means the targets are very pleased.

Then again, I could just be the weird one, but someone thinking a doll I made looks weird would be a compliment, I like being weird.

>> No.46173035
File: 216 KB, 1600x1145, IMGP1667e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unedited candid for funsies, but many people find the Seers that KoalaKrash creates (that is, Dorothy, the girl with many eyes) to be... an acquired taste. Similarly, Luna is a doll who has limited appeal due to the fact that she's been dyed blue and the head spray-painted to match. But to me, they are both beautiful and lovely for those differences. Everyone likes different things, and I think the wide variety of aesthetics in this hobby is a positive overall. There's something for everyone, whether you like big-eyed anime dolls, realistic and detailed human faces, or completely fantastical designs like Pisyun. It's very fun.

>> No.46173037

the one in the middle there is pretty cool, looks like a Tite Kubo character

>> No.46173055

I have recently been informed that apparently Google will simply not deliver to GMail accounts emails sent from a certain small email provider we are fond of here
not send them to spam -- just ignore the emails entirely
so, sorry anon who dropped an email here to talk a couple years ago, I didn't intentionally ghost you

>> No.46173162

Reverse image search gave me this, "Solus – 5th Motif Venitu". Doesn't mean much to me, but I hope it helps you find more about em.
Count me in as having acquired the taste, I love how they look. Dorothy reminds me of a spider, and Luna's skin tone is quite pleasant, it goes well with the color of her eyes. Well, eye.

>> No.46173257

>5th Motif Venitu
neat thanks
looks like it's specifically the faceup+eyes on that person's doll that give the vibes
most of the faceups I'm seeing for the sculpt look more like your typical resin pretty boy

>> No.46173625

wait you guys had a meet up to snap those pictures?
also i went out and bought a toothbrush one for my teeth and one for my doll's hair should i use the soft one, the firm one, or the regular one on her hair

>> No.46173728
File: 247 KB, 1365x2048, Ev33DaNUYAIOYPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't believe me, she's $193, free shipping, + tip
quite reasonable ;3

>> No.46174022

There is, or at least was recently, someone in the general who got her! I think they were pretty happy with how she looked but the eyes they sent with her were too big or something like that. Maybe they'll check in and give more info on her though

>> No.46174072

That anon is probably one of the dipshits that tore down the /toy/ thread. Ignore them.

>> No.46175326

I'd love to know! Information on certain sculpts and sets is so scarce.

>> No.46176598
File: 920 KB, 1490x2016, IMG_9210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time putting together the girl wearing pink because it took forever for her outfit to come in the mail. I can't tell if these two are friends or if one just tolerates the other.

Would anyone be interested in a doll meet up at Momocon in Georgia? It's a while away from now, but I'm curious if any doll anons are in the south.

>> No.46176687

>This is my first time putting together the girl wearing pink because it took forever for her outfit to come in the mail. I can't tell if these two are friends or if one just tolerates the other.
I have always liked the dynamic of one friend is genki outgoing social butterfly and her closest friend is serious reserved introvert

>> No.46176702

I love their dynamic, how fun!

>> No.46177170

NEETchan and her genki friend

>> No.46177186

>I can't tell if these two are friends or if one just tolerates the other.
"This is so uncomfortable. I want to go home. Please don't leave me" kind of deal, seems like.

>> No.46178223

I don't know who will remember this from last month, but I found that missing hairclip today. I can salvage it I think.

>> No.46178231

Have the early winds of spring indeed brought you good fortune?

>> No.46178276

They have indeed! I have the pin, and the name of whoever made it (because I got it from Mandarake.) If I can track them down, I will add them to the QnA Guide for everyone.

>> No.46178428

With the meetup photo and now this photo, you definitely need to pair up purple hair with any doll that looks even a little happy every chance you get. Im willing to bet it will be a cute pairing every time. Its so funny and cute.

>> No.46179056

I have expanded on the clothing and wig section of the QnA Guide, as well as added a small section for accessories.

>> No.46179086


>> No.46179274


>> No.46179802

That wig+face+outfit combo is very over powered. She's so charming, and there's this feeling in my heart, to help her commit crimes and get away with them. But really, I love what you've done with her

>> No.46180272
File: 3.35 MB, 3200x4800, first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the kind words
Well if we're doing crimes

>> No.46180279
File: 3.03 MB, 3200x4800, second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's start with petty theft

I wish I could leave the black socks on they match the outfit better. Does any store make socks with internal white liners?

>> No.46180960

How about to use two socks? White and black. One over another.

>> No.46182129
File: 209 KB, 1440x1796, 1648785819297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46182295

I haven't seen any socks like that, but I own a few pairs of full stockings that have linings inside. I don't remember whom I bought them from, but I'll see if I can look through past orders and let you know.
That said, a body stocking would be great here since she's already in long sleeves, they're a great investment anyway. I seem to use mine every other month with my outfits.

>> No.46183951
File: 321 KB, 1600x1066, 15994797629_3768b42b6f_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46185100

That's a handsome lad NO HOMO
>+ tip
is this tongue in cheek or is it customary to tip small stores?

>> No.46185401

I remember watching a video from a BJD youtuber (can't remember who that was or if she's a popular one) who said her favorite doll was this boy who's gone floppy and should be restrung, but because he's floppy like a ragdoll he feels nicer to hug.

>> No.46185436

perfect doll pairing

>> No.46186056

Ah right, thanks for the advice. I should have ordered one of those but forgot to add it to the list

>> No.46188154 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46188174
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one of these days i'll resize and rotate pictures correctly

>> No.46188182
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>> No.46188184


>> No.46188194
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>> No.46188202
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>> No.46188290

lovely shoot, anon!

>> No.46188679
File: 502 KB, 1200x1200, IMGP7373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-edited the katsucon photos, here's an archive of the full-size doll-only pics (~180 MB)

>> No.46188804 [SPOILER] 
File: 379 KB, 2127x3183, IMGP6871 wip 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this pic because it's clear at this point I'll never finish editing it
also dumping couple more pics from the same shoot
mild nsfw

oh I forgot to say — these are amazing photos
I wish I had more chances to take outdoor pics, and more interesting places to go

>> No.46188817 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46188827 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46188838 [SPOILER] 
File: 790 KB, 3200x2138, IMGP6548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one
feel like I may have posted this one already

anyways, don't have finishing >>46188804 hanging over my head anymore so I can finally move on to the next shoot

>> No.46189211

These are great, thanks!

Really like this photo, makes me want to get into photography proper.

>> No.46189302

Thanks! I like your set too. What were you editing on the first one that made it difficult to finish? What kind of work flow do you have for editing photos? I'm new to photography in general and for the most part have no idea what to do for developing raws other than twiddling with sliders until things look the least messed up. And then past developing raws, haven't really done a whole lot of post processing work.
Oddly enough that one was my least favorite from today. I couldn't get a good pose that would show off the shoes and in general it didn't turn out how I had hoped it would in my mind when setting it up, and it's slightly out of focus. Plus when I got home I had to wash the coat since the gunk on the post dirtied it.

>> No.46189355

NTA but much of photo editing really is twiddling the sliders slightly while you agonize over minor differences no one else will notice. As such, it's kind of a pain and the reason why I don't have nearly as many photos to post as I should. Put simply... taking photos is gratifying and interesting, for me, and editing them is a bit like doing data entry: I can, but I will fall asleep at some point face down on the keyboard.

To that end, just keep going anon. For personal use and artistic expression, a lot of editing is just plain vibes-based. As for your photos, I really enjoyed seeing them today! You have a good balance of light and shadow -- a lot of editors tend to lighten and soften their darks (me included sometimes -- it's about the vibes you want in the photo!), so seeing something more true-to-life is really refreshing, honestly. Your hand positions show good attention to detail, as well. Keep pushing yourself! (And do you mind if I ask what stand that is? I appreciate how... unobtrusive it is. Alice's Collections stands are great for their versatility but they are also considerably larger.)

>>46188804 (and related shots)
Your photos are always so well-shot, but I understand how the editing grind gets to a person. What did you get stuck on? Regardless, I admire your ability to balance sexuality and artistry in your photos. They are alluring but not overt, and it shows a real artistic flair to how you view things in my opinion. It's always good to see your work here, so thank you for posting as well.

I guess this means I have to edit those photos I took last month, too.

>> No.46189429

It's just the standard volks stand. https://volksusa.store/collections/stands/products/4518992442198 It's limiting in posability and really only lends itself to normal standing poses but is sturdy enough.
I have an Alice's Collections stand on order with some other outfits so it'll be a bit before I have that. I would have preferred to hide the stand base behind her on a couple of those shots.
Thanks for the advice

>> No.46189616

>what did you get stuck on
erasing the stand in the main shot
I didn't pay enough attention when taking the photos, and it intersects with with her out-of-focus hair too much
I didn't have much time to retake the shot, and then it was time for Katsucon so I had to un-pose & re-dress her
also the original wasn't ideal anyways because she still had the alt lower torso on, with the leg cutouts
I'm actually really into optical physics and having photos be as accurate depictions of the scene as possible
as I learn more about what certain adjustments do I twiddle less and less, most of my adjustments are technical, and those I'll have in a base profile I apply to all imported images
that said I have to revisit it occasionally to make sure I'm not still doing something dumb, see >>46156889
right now, my base profile consists of:
>EV setting compensation
>sigmoid tonemapping
>chroma-only denoise
>hot pixel fixup
>as-shot white balance w/ camera always on "daylight"
then once that's applied, I'll apply a few other settings to a single photo in a scene, then copy that to the rest in the scene:
>highlight reconstruction (use this enough I should add it to the base profile at this point)
>lens distortion & vignetting compensation to taste (LatCA always fixed in-camera because first-party lenses so they know best)
>tone equalizer to mold tonemapping curve, usually to adjust for large brightness differences e.g. windows
I'm far from an expert, most of what I know I've learned since I got my current main camera (~8 months) though I do have a pretty solid background in optical physics and digital light simulation that helps understand what the software is doing

>> No.46189639

Anon you operate on a level so technically above my own understanding and I think that's genuinely fascinating. You have a completely different knowledgebase to my own. All of us are still occasionally nerfed by having the stand in the way, though... it is a universal constant.

If you don't mind my asking, how did you come to learn so much about optical physics? As someone who knows probably nothing about them, I would find it interesting to learn more on the subject.

>> No.46189664

Thanks for the advice! And thanks for sharing the photos from the con

>> No.46190103
File: 1.24 MB, 2400x2400, IMGP6554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did you come to learn so much about optical physics
I wouldn't say it's "so much," mostly it was covered in a physics class in college, I was frustrated at all the abstract math with no explanation of what was actually going on physically (typical of a lot of physics teaching), and had to figure that part out all on my own
since then it's been something I think about a lot, and to use what I know to actually understand various phenomena you come across in photography (depth-of-field, vignetting, flare, chromatic aberration, etc.)
recently I've been trying to make my way through this lens design primer https://www.pencilofrays.com/ but haven't made it very far because not much free time

>> No.46190110
File: 2.64 MB, 2130x3200, IMGP2510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading back, I should probably explain why I use some of those settings, as they may not be applicable for everyone
>EV setting compensation
I usually leave my camera on -2EV -- basically, take photos two stops under-exposed
this way I make sure I'm not horribly over-exposing any super-bright areas of the photo (like the windows I mentioned)
however -2EV is pretty extreme (I've mostly heard of people using -1EV for this), it works for me because my camera is completely ISO-invariant
that means that regardless of whether I increase the ISO/sensitivity when taking a photo, or whether I increase exposure in post, the quality is the same
not all cameras, not even all high-end cameras, are like this; usually in-camera ISO gives better results than adjustment in post
ISO-invariance doesn't automatically mean less-noisy photos (you can have a camera that takes horribly noisy photos equally badly at all exposure settings), my K-1 mk1 just happens to have both
>sigmoid tonemapping
tonemapping is for taking HDR values from the raw and mapping them to regular pixel ranges for screen display
there are dozens of different ways of doing this but you don't see most of them in photography software; Darktable has two: filmic and sigmoid
filmic does some channel crosstalk stuff to roughly simulate non-linear chromatic effects you get when exposing film
sigmoid is basically an S-curve, so I prefer that since it preserves color better through the brightness range
>chroma-only denoise
I don't use RawTherapee but they have a very good page on types of photo noise & reduction here https://rawpedia.rawtherapee.com/Noise_Reduction
>hot pixel fixup
camera sensor pixels die over time (or are dead from the factory), this just finds & smooths those over
>as-shot white balance @ daylight
as neutral a white balance setting as possible
I hate adjusting for lighting temperature, I try to make the photo as accurate as possible to the original scene color
however that's just my style, and I do adjust for very poor lighting occasionally
if you want to take a photo under pure white lights but are stuck with very blue or very orange lights, you'll want to adjust this
>highlight reconstruction
needed any time you have very bright lights in your scene that aren't 100% pure white (that means most lights)
your digital photo is made up of separate red/green/blue channels, and these can clip separately too
this results in the light in your photo having a good-looking flare around it, but is a dull solid color in the center
highlight reconstruction basically takes that clipped area and tries to extrapolate the flare inwards (& upwards in the dynamic range), making the center look bright again
I'm conflicted on this because it's really making up lost data that ideally you would have captured in the original, but it also almost always makes that very bright area look good enough that it doesn't matter (I have had a few cases where it looked worse though)
>lens distortion & vignetting compensation to taste
lens distortion compensation basically bends your image to take out any fisheye or center pinch effect from your lens (based on a lens database)
for wide fields of view I think I use this about half the time; leaving in the fisheye effect looks better for very wide scenes imo
vignetting is darkening in the corners of the photo caused by less light coming through the lens there (cat-eye bokeh in the corners has the same cause: the lens blocking itself)
it can be a nice way to pull focus to the center, but if you're heavily cropping off-center it's better to remove it so you don't have one dark corner
you can always add in fake vignetting after cropping
>LatCA adjusted in-camera
lateral chromatic abberation: basically where the scale of the image projected onto sensor (or film) changes across the light spectrum
some lenses have a lot, some have very little, some have none, depends on what it was designed to prioritize (cost always being a factor)
pretty easy to adjust for in post: the software just splits the image into red/green/blue versions, scales up or down one or more of those, then recombines
these days I trust the in-camera database on this because all but one of the lenses I use (picrel) are first-party
>tone equalizer
I've started using this a lot more since I learned about it recently
hard to explain what this is, don't know what it's called in other software
basically allows you to apply a custom curve (controlled with a bunch of sliders) to make darker parts lighter, lighter parts darker, vice versa, whatever you want
mostly I've been using it to selectively pull very bright areas down so they aren't blown

>> No.46190431

>K-1 mk1
It's such a good camera for doll photos, isn't it? It's also what I use. I use Capture One Pro for my editing, but I appreciate this write-up tremendously -- I'm sure there is some crossover in things we can do between software. I am learning a lot from this post anon, and you have a knack for explaining complex concepts in a way laypersons can understand that I appreciate. Have you considered doing a write-up of what you've learned into a google doc or perhaps a rentry? I'll add it to the OP if you ever do, as I feel this information can be beneficial to anyone getting into the photography side of the hobby. While I do not have much practical understanding of the physics at play in photography, I see the benefits to changing that. Thank you for sharing, anon.

>> No.46191504
File: 361 KB, 1080x1191, 162950362_1736115196592849_6890768648895196587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish these were mine.

>> No.46192602

This picture should be flavored and scented. Inhale the Miku. Strong doll aroma

>> No.46193401
File: 1.34 MB, 2726x4096, 1680352012315452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46194683

I hope there's a resinfriend informed enough to answer this: I have read a post from a small company saying that "the mold is aging". I assume that when a mold is no longer usable, the mold is remade or the doll discontinued. Can someone tell me what kind of timeframe are we talking about? Am I gonna have to assume I have a 3-5 years time window before the doll is potentially gone?

>> No.46194751

>Am I gonna have to assume I have a 3-5 years time window before the doll is potentially gone?
Depends on how far gone the mold is; I assume by the time you announce the mold is aging, it means discontinuation is on the horizon. Unless there's going to be a gap in production to make a new mold(there shouldn't be), I don't see why you would announce that.

>> No.46194772

Would it be wise to get the heads I want now and then buy the bodies over time? Will I see color differences in the resin?

>> No.46194815

>Will I see color differences in the resin?
Maybe? It depends on a lot of factors and the specific resin. I haven't noticed any yellowing of my dolls over the years, but it's also the sort of thing that happens so slowly that you wouldn't.

>> No.46194983

Maybe I'll have a change of plans for the sake of FOMO.
thanks for the info anon

>> No.46195037

You can always ask them how long they anticipate keeping the mold in rotation before they'll be forced to pull it. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

>> No.46195622
File: 864 KB, 1603x2400, IMGP7481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shoot showing off the stockings I made, as promised >>46156941

>It's such a good camera for doll photos, isn't it? It's also what I use.
some would argue it's only good for taking doll photos
how'd you come to pick a K-1?
it's hardly a common choice
and no I hadn't thought of doing a proper writeup before — lots of thoughts, head disorganized
where would you want me to start?

>> No.46195637
File: 923 KB, 1603x2400, IMGP7486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nooo Nanase slipped and fell
how could this have happened

>> No.46195641 [SPOILER] 
File: 891 KB, 2400x1603, IMGP7516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better clean up

>> No.46195650
File: 1.51 MB, 1800x2400, IMG_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the setup, these are table leaves

>> No.46195665
File: 847 KB, 2400x1603, IMGP7491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if no one minds, I'll dump several more pics that didn't quite make the cut, but I'm sure someone will appreciate them

>> No.46195671
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>> No.46195681 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46195684 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46195932

Nice photos
Extra is always appreciated
The bright light pushing through the knee joint: a flaw or a feature?

She's got such a unique wig style. Did you put in the waviness or did it come styled like that?

>> No.46196006
File: 70 KB, 500x750, g37xIMG_8362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flaw or a feature?
I'm going with flaw, AP trim the stock Obitsu dowels to fit their parts, and there is some variance
the length tolerance on the femurs is much more forgiving due to how soft the vinyl is, but the lower legs being too long cause the shins to rattle & rotate a lot
Elle doesn't such large gaps, and her shins stay in place
I need to buy an extra set of lower leg dowels for both girls (I have hot-swap lower legs with alt feet for both, but the dowels prefer to stay stuck in the shins), I'll trim Nanase's about a mm when I get those
it came that way, it's the model wig
although clearly Tommy did some further styling on the one he used for the product shots
I haven't seen another copy come up for sale so I haven't done the same and just left it full
but honestly would have loved it if it looked like pic related out of the box

>> No.46196019
File: 127 KB, 500x552, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I guess this better shows how much he trimmed it
I just had to crop the photo a bit because >AP

>> No.46196263
File: 663 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20240225_223338-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to go for a yumekawa look and then I realized I don't have any accesories to actually pull it off. Oh well, love them still.
I need to do something with Shino's sidebangs, they're getting disheveled and very stiff. A little wax won't be (currently isn't) enough, I need to somehow remove and then reapply whatever fixer was applied on factory.

Trying to understand all this gave me a headache. Not that it was hard to follow, it was just a LOT of new concepts linked to ones I'm only familiar with in passing.
Goddamn this goes way deeper than I thought.
>basically allows you to apply a custom curve (controlled with a bunch of sliders) to make darker parts lighter, lighter parts darker, vice versa, whatever you want
That sounds like "[color] levels". You can apply it to individual primary colors as well, right?

>some would argue it's only good for taking doll photos
Interesting. How so? Does it have some sort of trouble with distant objects? Is the depth of field shallow due to all the... stuff happening on the edges?
Something that can only photograph dolls would work for me, I think the only thing I've tried to take good photos of in the last decade bigger than my arm is trees in bloom. Doubt I'll pick up something on that tier though, I don't have the knowledge, experience or, honestly, mettle to take advantage of all those options. Spending a few film rolls on a 60's reflex camera is where I'm at.

>> No.46196551

I wanted to upgrade from my Canon T3i rebel, which was a nice starter DSLR (and before that I had an ancient Canon PowerShot... and before that I spent years literally using my DSi as the only camera available to me, make it work anons!) but I wanted to move to full frame and also I wanted weather-sealed gear because I'm usually outside with my bullshit. So I got to researching, and over time I came to the conclusion that the K-1 would work very well for my specific use case due to its potential for pin-sharp quality and the value for that price point. The drawbacks were not a problem for me personally, as I don't tend to shoot video, and I am willing to shoot bursts and dig through the blurry aftermath for one clean shot of anything moving too quickly for the sensor to keep up with. (Bees are a devil to shoot in motion.)

Due to circumstances, I had to set aside my upgrade plans for several years. In the interim, the mirrorless revolution transpired, but I honestly did not want to go through camera comparison hell again to see what else was out there. By this point the K-1 mk1 was superceded by the mk2, which ironically worked less well for my purposes... and in the end I wound up getting the mk1 and a wonderful, tricky 77mm lens along with it from a guy on a subreddit dedicated to selling photography equipment. Got a really solid price, and for me it was a worthwhile investment.

As for where to start, don't worry about that so much. Whatever prompts your brain to start infodumping, go with that and go from there -- you can clean up and add/edit the post as needed. That's how I've been working on the QnA guide -- whenever I have the time, energy, and appropriate level of mental illness I go add more links and context where needed. In my view, a good jumping-off point could be an overview on how cameras actually "view" things -- many such writeups on this subject, but many of them are also painfully technical and inaccessible to newcomers. You have a good way of articulating complex concepts in a way laypersons can understand. Talking about how and why you developed your lighting setup, or perhaps how focal length can affect an image, could also be interesting. I see why it's overwhelming knowing where to start, but honestly just letting the brain go off on a tangent and following along with your hands is a very effective way to share information. You can always clean it up and edit it after the fact.

Setup photos are appreciated! I love seeing your photoshoots (and those tights look quite decent, good work anon.)

Are their wigs rooted or do they come off? If the latter, give 'em a rinse in Volks wig shampoo (someone remind me what is in that bottle so anon doesn't have to pay the volks tax) and they'll come out clean and ready for restyling!

As for the Pentax K-1... people use cameras for an incredible variety of use cases. If you want to take incredibly sharp photos of things that absolutely will not be moving, with the right lens, at its price point, the K-1 is a underrated diamond in the rough. For its price and for this specific task it outperforms its peers. You will need the actual skill to make it take those photos (for the love of god get a good tripod and a cable shutter release), but in the right circumstances it can take phenomenal photos -- as well as being able to use an absurd number of lenses, including lots of fiddly vintage glass, because Pentax haven't changed their camera mount in longer than most of the people /here/ have been alive.

It can produce good results in other use cases! But it's less that it's not capable of doing that, and more that any other camera body will do those things better. Especially video, sports photography, or anything else where speed and accuracy matter most. Pentax are slow cameras as a general rule. Once you get into fancy bitch camera territory, basically you shop for what you, specifically, intend to do and fill out your kit accordingly. In pursuing doll photography, I found that the K-1 works well for me -- but having used it for everything else, too, I can say that for general use you're better off with something less fiddly and fussy about producing good work.

>> No.46197542

>Are their wigs rooted or do they come off?
Rooted on a removable head cap. So washing it wouldn't be much of an issue. The braids are hulking solid masses of hair, so soaking just the sidebangs wouldn't be too difficult either. Guessing the fixer will be harder, as I don't think wax would be enough to hold so few hairs, but thanks for the shampoo, at least now I know where to look.

I see, so rather than something about focus or distortion it's about prep and speed. Makes sense.

>> No.46197659
File: 562 KB, 1898x2852, rect1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That sounds like "[color] levels". You can apply it to individual primary colors as well, right?
color levels is part of color grading — changing hues in the image, like making shadows bluer
this just handles exposure levels, maybe this picture helps?
unfortunately this shoot is a very poor example because I specifically way over-exposed the window so there's nothing to recover there
there's actually a decent amount of overlap in functionality in the tools, at least in Darktable, so it's possible to achieve similar results with very different workflows
as for the K-1, it's just that its spec sheet is a little underwhelming for being a flagship FF body, especially compared to Pentax's competitors who have all moved to mirrorless systems
it is aggressively optimized for portrait/landscape/astro photography, and lacking in features you'd want for sports/event/video
that said the K-3 mk3 was a huge leap above the mk2, and Pentax says there's a K-1 mk3 in the works, so if that gets the same treatment we might have a pretty damn good camera
now that I see >>46196551 said all that already, I'll add that I also have used the K-1 for non-still stuff — it's very much a "git gud" camera, it doesn't offer you any less than the most advanced film DSLRs ever made
any shot you could do with those when they were new you can do with a K-1, and more
personally I bring it everywhere I go, and enjoy casual family/friend even photography (with non-casual $$$ gear)

>(Bees are a devil to shoot in motion.)
like… in flight? that sounds like a huge pain
have you tried catch-in-focus? except I've found the practical performance to be a bit underwhelming, bees would probably be worst-case
>the mk2, which ironically worked less well for my purposes.
yeah… real shame about the forced noise reduction, I think the luma noise they got off the sensor in the mk1 is quite attractive
>how and why you developed your lighting setup,
honestly I have no clue how to lighting and mostly stick to ambient/natural
>how focal length can affect an image
actually was thinking about this one yeah

>> No.46197811

>didn't quite make the cut
doesn't matter. get's added to the folder.

>> No.46197919
File: 600 KB, 700x1000, IMG_2552-1_shop2_002936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh snap Purple Dream restocked this outfit
guess Yuzu is getting another premium outfit before a face…

>> No.46197943
File: 890 KB, 4096x2734, north_point_beach_splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46197946 [SPOILER] 
File: 801 KB, 1603x2400, IMGP7517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay then one more
simply could not get her legs into the position I wanted so it looks wonky, had to use a different angle >>46195641
and sorry I didn't notice the offending thread until after I took the photos

>> No.46197949

My god

>> No.46197956

Amazing photo, but this looks nerve racking.

>> No.46197978

Anon I could kiss you I've been trying to find some of these outfits for ages.

>> No.46197994
File: 1.14 MB, 4096x2734, north_point_rock_pools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't as bad as it looks, there wasn't a lot of wind. This one was much worse since the ground was not level and the stand is pretty slippery with just a metal disc for the base
The other ones from today I fucked up the focus on, unfortunately

>> No.46198047

The more you do it the more photos you'll nail, and this is already a phenomenal start, I really mean that. The balance of colors in this image is wonderful, you chose your location perfectly. This is really good, anon. Did you see any critters in the tide pools today?

>> No.46198095

Looks fine to me. You said you made these tights?
Thanks! No critters. This isn't really a 'tide' pool either, since it's on Lake Michigan. Usually this point is occupied by seagulls but luckily it's still too early in the season for them

>> No.46198127

How heavy is she? I know she's a lot bigger than she looks.

>> No.46198181
File: 862 KB, 1512x2016, PXL_20240226_015634090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that outfit minus trenchcoat 965g
sparkplug in a difficult-to-read perspective for scale

>> No.46198205


>> No.46198480

>You said you made these tights?
yeah, out of a single leg of a pair of human tights
it was a last-ditch attempt to get something made for katsu and it worked out surprisingly well
I'll be making some more (improvements/backups) so I'll take some pictures of the process this time
also this is an amazing shot >>46197943
I've been impressed by all the photos you've posted (including past threads) — good composition, good lighting
since we're talking technical this thread though, I think >>46197994 needs maybe +2 exposure
this one >>46197943 is lit well but has a tad too much contrast, maybe an exposure bump just in the shadows

>> No.46198690

They look great.
As the other anon said, your knowledge and explanation of techinical stuff from the photography side has been really helpful. Thanks for that. The entire photography side of this is new to me but it's been a lot of fun to learn so far. Finding non-clickbait learning videos and articles has been a real pain.
But at this point I'm getting tired of shooting her in the same clothes so I'm probably going to be taking a break for a while until I either receive my alice's collections order, make a new outfit, or the seasons change and I can put her in springtime dress.

>> No.46199737

What's heavier, a kilogram of doll, or a kilogram of steel?

>> No.46200662

I am sick and have to stay in bed. Any nice BJD related videos I can watch to kill time? I already watched all of Rozen Maiden

>> No.46200699

Get well soon anon! This guy uploaded this the other day. He uses robotics and MMD motion data to let his dolls dance.

>> No.46201370

I think I've seen another video of this guy where a maido doll was slashing with a knife like a proper yandere

>> No.46201392

Gram for gram, doll is much heavier on the wallet than steel

>> No.46201829
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x720, KillerMaidDance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you forget to tip the maid doll at doll cafe

>> No.46202458

>It's not like I wanted you to ask me my serial number you B-BAKA

>> No.46202468

Your contribution to the folder is much appreciated.

>> No.46202470

I love the little jiggly dance she does in between

>> No.46202524

This might be the most Japanese thing I've ever seen.
The fact it uses MMD data is just perfect

>> No.46202586

>fairyland opens pukipuki orders after one thousand years
>only 5 boring ass faceplates
what if i just killed mysel

>> No.46202716

>tfw raw steel goes for $0.5 by the kilo
we should start making dolls out of steel
I am a genius

>> No.46202723

Meant for >>46201392

>> No.46204233

guys i would love to meet others who are also into this hobby!
however, i heard that all the conventions are on the west coast or georgia
i am on the east coast

>> No.46204382


>> No.46204410

I would describe this doll as "intrepid" and "plucky"
Although it's quite improper to just post a doll's weight for everyone to see

>> No.46204416
File: 253 KB, 1364x2048, 1643593653029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon we just had a doll meetup at Katsucon. There are at least two anons here from West Virginia, of all places. I am saying this gently and for your benefit: lurk just a little bit more, okay? You will get your meetup in time, fear not.

>> No.46204528

I will be hosting more east coast meetups. One this coming month at Zenkaikon, March 22-24, and one at Thy Geekdom Con, May 24-26. Both meetups will be the Saturday of the con (23rd and 25th respectively). More info about the cons can be found on their respective websites. Specific time and location for the meet will be posted closer to the date of the cons.

>> No.46205433

Hey anons, does anyone know how much it actually costs to get a fully customized (faceup, wig, and outfit, the whole nine yards) doll from ShiNeS? Asking for a friend. I have one of their heads, but I've never gone the whole nine yards. I can't think of a character I love enough to shell out that much money on a custom fullset.

>> No.46206194

the folder…

oh I meant to ask
the 77mm, is that the 1.8 limited?
do you use any other lenses?

>> No.46208954

It is, and I do! I also use a Pentax 50mm f/2.8 Macro Lens (the bees and other sundries, but it's also a fairly solid daily driver lens,) and a Samyang 35mm lens for landscapes and other things -- but it's nice for certain doll photos. The 77mm is a phenomenal prime for the results it produces, but it also is a fiddly length to work with. I also use an Oben CTT-1000 tripod (phenomenal for anything slightly off the ground, which is where I usually find myself) and a bog-standard cable shutter release I got on amazon. I have a hot shoe and some other things, but I often take photos outside in natural light, so I need to practice using artificial lighting a lot more than I have.

>> No.46210054

Tell your friend to open their eyes. Not only is there a shop listing for it, but there's also a spreadsheet in all their other listings as well.

>> No.46210421
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my shoes order arrived!
I'll take some better pictures later
not beating the boot fetish allegations

interesting assortment, though it sounds like it fits well with what you take pictures of
I tend towards longer lenses (because compression is cool and also the engineering is cool), widest I have is my 24-70 2.8 and seldom wanted more
the Nanase pics from yesterday were done with a 50mm 1.4
also have an 85mm 1.4 that sounds similar in experience to the 77, just a lot bigger; it's new and I haven't had much experience with it yet
then aside from >>46190110 and a few el cheapo APSC kit lenses that came with my older cameras I have a 70-200 2.8 (for event stuff)
I actually have two 70-200s but one I disliked as soon as I got it and need to sell
I think macro photography is super cool but not particularly interested in getting into it myself, the lenses I have focus close enough for my snap-shittery

>> No.46210708

Those look good in looking forward to seeing them modeled, or at least out of their bags

>> No.46212900
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>> No.46214009
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a quick look at the shoes
it would take me hours to actually put them on the girls, adjust lacing, and take photos
top left, bottom far left & right I bought mostly for Yuzu (MDD), rest mostly for the other two (AP)
but it doesn't really matter, they all have the same foot size so whatever works for the outfit

>> No.46214021
File: 313 KB, 1000x999, IMGP7578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I would have at least tried more pictures on legs if this pair hadn't INSTANTLY transferred dye from the laces to the socks
I kind of want to swap out most of the laces for something thinner anyways

>> No.46214189

Where do you get your shoes, anon? Most of the ones I find on ac are not sized weird. All of the ones you got are awesome.

>> No.46214384

The two that are being worn in the bottom lineup are fantastic. Especially the brown. But yeah the laces could use some work.

>> No.46214404
File: 1.05 MB, 2734x4096, DSC_0434 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lasered some hangers today, but I think I made the hooks a bit too short. I'll also need to do a full body one and/or lower torso version for skirts.
I'll share files without text in case anyone is interested when I get them ironed out.

>> No.46214720

DDS's feet are so pretty...

>> No.46216457
File: 100 KB, 700x568, bt371_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you mean alice's collections then unfortunately that's where I bought these

>Especially the brown
I know right?
unfortunately the 1/4 version doesn't look nearly as good as the 1/3 (pic) but that's to be expected
I think thinner laces might help some (but won't make the toe pointier)

oh that's super cool
the doll hanger market really does suck, I've been thinking of putting in an order with a custom spring manufacturer just to have something decent
>tiny micrometer
>spark plug for scale
>laser cutter
you seem like you would be cool to hang out with

>> No.46216890

I hate sewing in 1/12. I've wasted so much fabric trying to get a hem rightc
I wonder if I should buy a laser cutter like anon

>> No.46217316

Honestly at that scale anon, you're impressing me just for making the attempt.

>> No.46217459

Hemming at that scale, precise cuts or not, sounds difficult. What kind of seam allowance do you have? How much are you folding over for the hem is it close to the seam allowance? I don't have much help to offer I'm just interested. What are you trying to make?

>> No.46217611
File: 40 KB, 490x512, 502020.93.01blindstitchfoorb77_b79_x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I have trouble with 1/4 stuff, can't imagine 1/12
something I've done for tight hems is use a blindstitch hem foot (but not a blindstitch hem), see upper right picture here >>46214009
depending on the length & straightness of the hem and the size of your blindstitch foot that might not be practical though

>> No.46217939

I wanted to make a simple dress but I've decided to split it into a top and skirt because otherwise I'd have to cut the back to fit the doll inside and that would mean buttons or zippers or velcro. Instead I'm making shallow cuts on the side of the skirt and gluing some elastic fabric inside so it can stretch a bit.
Because actually sewing the hem is near impossible, I've ended up having some 3-4mm for it (it's huge for 1/12) and I'm using hot glue. I'm also hot gluing the parts I'll stitch because it's almost impossible without.
I'm sewing by hand. I do have a sewing machine at my mother's house and also a nice foot for that (I know she uses it), but I don't know how to operate that thing yet.
It seems extremely difficult to pull off with a machine either way because the fabric tends to open.
I've made a gorillion attempts that failed more or less spectacularly (mostly beause of fraying or cuts that didn't come out that good because if you miss by a couple millimiters it shows) and I'm afraid I'll run out of fabric lol

>> No.46217975

Sewing at a small scale with low quality/loose weave fabric is a pain in the ass and they don't end up being very durable, I feel your pain. I'd recommend gluing the edges with some craft glue or hem glue before you try sewing the hems down and letting the glue/fraycheck dry completely to prevent the fabric from getting ruined. Might be good to give yourself extra seam allowance as well. Hot glue is far too bulky for some purposes and peels on some fabrics (it has its uses but I find it hard to work with and messy). Good luck anon!

>> No.46217977

I"ve made a wig for 1/12 (for a figma sized head, not even a largel Neemo head) a couple threads ago, you should see that lol

>> No.46217998

I'll get some fabric-specific glue eventually but hot glue is what I have and I have a pretty decent gun. It's messy, though, as you said, but it holds up nice and if you lay it thin it doesn't add too much bulk. Just in case do not ever use superglue on fabric, it's completely useless.

>> No.46218231

Yeah cyanoacrylate is terrible for fabric if any pliability is required. And I'm going to second the opinion that higher quality fabric will help avoid fraying. Use fray check instead of hot glue too. Fabric is cheap especially at the scale you're working at but your time is not, even if you think it is. You'll learn more working with the proper materials and coverage at an acceptable result faster than trying to make a subpar process work

>> No.46218238

Converge at an acceptable result*

>> No.46219185

it was spectacular...

>> No.46220358

I did! It honestly wasn't that bad imo, especially not for a first time, nor working at such a tiny scale.

>> No.46220841

I normally only collect JP brand dolls but I just found out about Tinyfox and want to get some because they're cheap and cute. I initially anted to preorder through a reseller for convenience and I messaged Jane's Doll Land on instagram asking about some details and she read and ignored me completely while responding to other comments. Kind of miffed about her not responding, it definitely turned me off from ever ordering from her. It's not that big a deal because I ended up just ordering her on taobao for nearly half the price through a proxy, but it definitely annoyed me. Anyways now it's time for me to wait 4 months.

>> No.46220864

>>>>wanting to pay jane's mark up when you know how to use taobao
people only use her because they can't figure out taobao

>> No.46220875

What did end up ordering?
Yeah fuck resellers

>> No.46220967

Her faceups are cute, I have a few. But, generally yeah, Jane's is for people who can't use Taobao.

>> No.46221006

completely unrelated note any recommendations on how one go about ordering from dolls from taobao to canada...asking for a friend........

>> No.46222580

I've had decent luck with bjd bhiner. It's a bit of a pain to use but that's more taobao's fault than theirs.

>> No.46225068
File: 1.29 MB, 2861x3419, IMG_9330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be nervous about bringing a doll out in public, but it's really not so bad.

>> No.46226947
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>> No.46227247

>Started a sewing class this week
>realize I just picked up a second equally expensive hobby
Guess I'll be picking up some overtime, but it'll be fun!

>> No.46227936
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>> No.46228836

Don't worry, with time you learn what places to import fabric and other supplies for cheap.

>> No.46231061

>equally expensive hobby
not necessarily and you can easily make money if you're good at sewing and do not undersell yourself

>> No.46231094

>messaged Jane's Doll Land on instagram asking about some details and she read and ignored me completely
That was pretty much my experience as well after placing an order and asked for updates after several months of silence.
I used Jane's because they were recommended here, at least they were last summer.

>> No.46231174

What the hell is with companies giving the cold shoulder in this hobby? Last year I messaged doll chateau a few times telling them I was about to make a $1000 order but needed some clarifying and they never answered.

>> No.46234064

They probably aren't hurting for orders, and presumably being a small shop, they have to pick and choose clients. I'd like to say the market will self-regulate but then again dannys still in business so who knows.

>> No.46234381

A lot of these companies are... bad at social media. You'll have better luck with instagram or something like that, or if you can use weibo they're likely to actually exist there. Also, your mail might've been eaten by a spam filter unintentionally, because I absolutely had that happen once during communication with Faithz once.

Nah, a lot of bjd artists are in danger of closing right now due to the fact that fewer people have disposable income for bullshit with everything going on. Basically everyone is having to downsize their offerings as it stands. The resin shortage isn't helping, either. It's rough out there even for the doll folks.

>> No.46234512

What's the deal with the resin shortage?

>> No.46234555

It's been going on for a few years now, since lockdown. Just the industry playing catch-up with demand vs supply -- if I recall this was compounded by a fire at a major processing or chemical reagent plant (I do not recall which, my apologies) which only exacerbated issues. I will try to refresh my memory with sources for that claim after my nap.

>> No.46234668

Woah! She is SO cool, is she a robot or a doll? Both?

>> No.46234690

Dollfie Dream (or Obitsu?) parts, servos, motors, and all the other little bits that make them come to life! And MMD motion data for the sick moves.

>> No.46235003
File: 180 KB, 950x818, stabbergirlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great photo. I did this with it, I'm sorry

>> No.46235326

>Nah, a lot of bjd artists are in danger of closing right now
Because of the fucking recaster parasites.

>> No.46235522

I still haven't found a good bag to carry mine around in. I may pay for a volks one but I think I'm going to try sewing my own first. I'm mostly worried about protecting her from any abrasion due to walking around potentially polishing/damaging skin or faceup.
Also that doll is cute post more pictures of her.

>> No.46235536

This is some good shit anon

>> No.46235607

The volks bad isn't that great for the price. All the material, shell, straps, are rough and thin, so you will still need a face shield/blanket

>> No.46235643

In Japan, I carried mine around inside a regular tote bag wrapped in a towel. When I carried two and only had one towel, only one was wrapped and the other was unwrapped, but was still fine. Another doll owner that I met put a ziploc bag over his doll's head and then a shell on top of that which he made from the top of a water bottle, which I thought was clever and will do myself.

>> No.46235676

This shit looks insanely cute, perfect friendship

>> No.46235765

I've also seen these plastic face covers + plastic bag people use to protect faceups as well, in combination with a thin towel or some sort of padding around the body

>> No.46238175
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>> No.46238563 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 683x1024, 240302_GGR50_03-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New obitsu body revealed! Old on the left, new on the right.

>> No.46238878

ana queen learned how to eat

>> No.46241469

The doll customizers on my feed are atwitter (that is a pun I will not apologize) discussing some of the changes about this body -- positively for once! I'm excited to bring one of these home whenever I get the opportunity. I have a lot of ancient, janky-ass Obitsu bodies, and I'm fond of them despite how they tend to age. Seeing the progress they've made with their engineering is really exciting for me.

>> No.46242589
File: 172 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20240302_142136_950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello thread, just so you know, this well known dollmaster is retiring and selling his dolls, including the extremely cute fox girl. I remember charming people across 4chan with his pics.

>> No.46242608

Do you know where he's listing them up? (YJA, I'm guessing?) Thank you for the information, anon. Unlikely as it is, it would be my honor if I am able to give one of his daughters a new home.

>> No.46242624

Found it. Alas, a budget far beyond my means.

>> No.46242694

oh snap they finally fixed the wrists
wonder how AP will approach this
it would be nice to upgrade but would require new hand & feet sets from AP, and skeletons in AP colors

I… that's just barely within my means
just was not planning on spending that type of money on anything soon
surprised there aren't any bids yet, have any more info on the listing (twitter etc.)?

>> No.46242710

I think they actually customized this for AP's requests, as the shins seem shorter by default, which is something AP always had to do themselves.

Seems like it's because of a change in life circumstances. The high price might be putting people off with the yen being how it is.

>> No.46242814
File: 172 KB, 853x1280, BD036CDE-360C-48FB-A1AD-AF2F0B0ED802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if 薄荷 is like her actual name, or just a reference term
also wonder what he's doing with his other dolls (2 I think?) and outfits and props etc.
odd that he would just list the one he takes the most photos of

>> No.46242834
File: 153 KB, 883x1280, IMG_20240302_150900_623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is just sad though, imagine cultivating such beautiful pictures with your doll for then to be sold to a random foreigner who will most likely not even spend 1/5 of the dedication you gave to it or maybe doesn't even know your craft or the reputation the doll had. I really hope it gets bought by a Japanese or at least another heavy invested dollmaster who can live up to it. I think the price reflects this sentiment as well.

>> No.46242855

what does a "change in environment" means anyway? Do you think he's married and getting and ultimatum? going homeless or maybe moving to an astral plane?

>> No.46242860

Depending on what he means by a change in living circumstances, this could very well be an emergency sale... I would hope not, but things are how they are in the world these days. I know that whoever adopts her, they will be doing so for the love of this doll, and that's what matters at the end of the day. I have no worries that she will find a safe home in due time.

>> No.46242920

>a random foreigner
I got $5 that he would decline an overseas sale. Every time I hear about a collector doing this, they almost always do.

>> No.46242926

You need a proxy to shop on Y!JA anyway, he probably won't realize... feels bad to say that, but it's a necessary reality of shopping from Japan. I try to make it up to them with photos so they don't think their doll went to someone who doesn't care.

>> No.46242952

This supports my theory that you need to have a gemstone attached to your doll as in the recipient of her soul, store the minersl in her head and then when u get rid of the body it will just be an empty husk. Plus you can do all kind of weird lore with it. Yes this is madoka

>> No.46243399

This is just a lich hit with a Japanize beam.

>> No.46243477
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, [Doki] Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - 06 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [73BE8713].mkv_snapshot_19.11_[2024.03.02_21.08.27].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46243653

yeah see that's what I'm worried about
I could just about afford her yeah but I'm not confident in giving her the care she deserves
I think I take good care of my dolls but if I fuck up anything I won't feel too bad, I'll just fix it
but it's a whole nother thing adopting a doll that's so clearly been important to someone else

>> No.46243755

forgot to add
based on the comments, sounds like turbo has a lot of acquaintances who might be willing to adopt her, hopefully one of them does
I'll still keep an eye on the auction

>> No.46243975
File: 114 KB, 736x820, IMG_20240302_183712_614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would feel kinda dirty buying her, like it feels I'm totally and absolutely undeserving of owning it, but that may be a self-esteem thing

I mean it's a doll that has had top notch photography sessions and props and known across all the jpcommunity, it would be sad to see her end up sitting around

Ok, a part of me thinks that, HOWEVER uhhhhg there's this jp dollowner which im kinda obsesseed with and would really think about adopting one of his dolls if the opportunity pops up or even both of them, he lewds them constantly but they're so well crafted.

The more I think more jp dolls pop up in my head that I would honestly adopt in a heartbeat if I had the money and the owner didn't want them any more. It would just feel bizarre to have the dolls that I posted over and over sitting on my desk... kinda like those millionaires who buy classical cars. Not sure if I would prefer that outcome though, It's a mixed feeling because it's also the owner who makes the doll what it is, but if he doesn't want them anymore then well. Ok enough autism.

>> No.46243985

How much are you willing to pay for it

>> No.46244299
File: 363 KB, 1536x2048, 20240228_232948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46244315

>throwing away one of the things you dedicated hours, maybe years and you still enjoy instead of just putting into a box or something
Is this one of the "cultural differences" from Japan that is hard to understand? I can't picture someone in the west doing that

>> No.46244707

That's why I know she'll find a home. You're very kind for looking out for her, anon.

Honestly, it's not so jarring after a while. Dorothy was very well-known before I adopted her, and it was surreal to have such an opportunity. I've done what I can to give her a life befitting of her history and the love of her creator and her past caretaker. The majority of my dolls are second-hand, and I can say that as long as you show them care and seem genuinely interested in them, then the original owner will be happy to leave them in your hands.

Given OPs wording, it's possible this is a sale made out of necessity and not by choice. Better to rehome the thing you love than have it fall to neglect or disrepair due to circumstances, is likely the thought. If you think of the doll from the mentality of a pet owner, it makes sense to give them up so that they don't 'suffer' under inadequate care. Then, even if it not with you, you can still see them being posted, played with, and enjoyed -- living a good life despite your own circumstances. It is bittersweet, but ultimately a positive decision... I do not know if that is OP's mentality, but it is a thought process which I can imagine them following.

>> No.46244853

any number of things, JP equivalent of "stuff came up"
>medical/other emergency
>SO says me or the doll, and I choose SO
>no time/money for dolls because having a kid
>I'm not interested in the hobby anymore and will be slowly liquidating to maximize return
>I'm going to prison :DDD
>I'm dying D:
>I don't get emotionally attached to my dolls and it's time to refresh my collection
maybe if it was a doll I was more emotionally connected to
yes I've been seeing turbo's pics of her for years, and yeah I think the way he presents her is top-tier
but that's about it
no more than the current BIN price
even that's a bit high for a purchase I wouldn't have even considered when I woke up this morning

>> No.46245023
File: 130 KB, 750x1000, Mizuka_Miko_1_Reize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a shrine maiden outfit from dollremi for Mizuka and a matching one for doll #2. I got #2's wig in today, im about to try my hands at styling it. I also got a proper doll bag from the same place, so i dont have to cram my dolls into a tiny backpack.

>> No.46245065
File: 3.96 MB, 2667x4000, @tsukino_dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite possible it's just pure coincidence, but has anyone else noticed the vinyl doll owners tend to hide their doll's joints more then resin owners do?

>> No.46245074
File: 193 KB, 750x700, Faceup_2_Finished_Reize jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the faceup of the 2nd doll. Waiting on eyes to ship and the body to come back in stock. Hopefully I dont need to wait on a 2nd wig if i fuck up this one.
I'm pretty happy with the 2nd faceup. I achieved what I set out to do and noticeably improved overall from mizuka's, I think. The eyebrows were a lot of fun to do and I like the bottom and sides of the eyes a lot.

>> No.46245492

I feel that if it's a doll I'm more emotionally connected to (like the ones I said) then I would absolutely love to adopt them and guess I wouldn't feel undeserved for it even if I can't keep the standard (my love would be too much for my self esteem to repress)
I've been with one of these as my mobile paper for like a year, knowing the owner he would be pissed, japs always are.

>> No.46245510

WTF you aren't supposed to hang dolls.

>> No.46245519

Let me be a bit skeptical, if I didn't have enough money I don't know if I would sell the doll, maybe the props, maybe the camera, but the doll? Hmm... nah it's definitely either he fell out of love with the hobby or some other drama I would love to know for the sake of knowing

>> No.46245584
File: 563 KB, 1080x1555, Screenshot_2024-03-02-23-46-29-133_com.twitter.android-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46245619

I wonder if crisis is really hitting japan bad, there was another dollfag not so long ago who made a very suicide-like rant and was very concerning

>> No.46245627

How bad are things out there right now? I can't say I don't get it, things aren't very good in my part of the world either. Still... I wish that the world was a kinder place for us all.

>> No.46245642

Basically just says that OP will regret it later on if his situation changes, and suggests storing her instead of selling her. They don't generally use pronouns in Japanese and the machine translation doesn't understand the context, so it just assumes "I" all the time. Basically, if you replace most the first person pronouns in that translation with second person ones, it will probably make more sense.

>> No.46245669

Kek I know anon it's there I'm just joking for how bold of him to defy the dramatic traditional japanese way

>> No.46246029
File: 178 KB, 1367x2048, 20221116_125737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's why I'm thinking it's just him moving on from the hobby
that or the "me or the dolls" situation
or maybe turbo needs quick money but can't sell their camera gear because it's their only source of income
idk we'll probably never know

something I've noticed on blonde faceups (and you can actually see it on 薄荷ちゃん currently up for auction too) is the shadowing they use to add contrast between the skin & eyelash/brow color
something I would have mentioned at dinner if I knew you were going with blonde
though that said, now that I look at the examples I have pictures of, it's just on the eyelashes, which you have covered
picrel might have the slightest bit of drop shadow on the eyebrows

>> No.46246036
File: 921 KB, 855x851, Screen Shot 2024-01-07 at 14.05.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(cont. because two pics)
I guess I'll keep this realization in mind when I do the next draft of Yuzu's faceup

>> No.46246051

>idk we'll probably never know
But we can engage in gossip for several threads

>> No.46246146
File: 201 KB, 750x1000, Doll2_Hair_Before_Resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had the thought of how light it was as I was doing it. I was kinda undecided on if i wanted it to be the more faded hikimayu or more defined shape because of that. Didnt even think of doing contrast, I'll keep it in mind. A lot of doll 2 has been split between "this is fine for my skill level/I like it" and "I wish I did this instead but im really far past it to fix it now"

>> No.46246163
File: 170 KB, 750x1000, Doll2_Haircut_Ready_Resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That said regardless of the wig cut, it was a lot of fun to actually cut it, made a fucking mess doing it though. A lot of doll 2 keeps falling into "good enough for now". I'll feel more concrete when I have the eyes and another body to play around with mounting the tails for a better idea of the complete package.

>> No.46246171
File: 215 KB, 750x1000, Doll2_Aftercut2_Resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks better in person. The ears can be a bit finicky in orientation. I think the wig matches the fur well so im probably buying another wig just to have to style better later when im not trash at it.

>> No.46246193

yeah, all faceups look a bit weird when there's no eyes in the head
not a bad job with the trim, I've never done that, I'd probably need a few spare wigs to practice on
and yeah I was going to say the ears & wig match well

>> No.46246773

Do adapters exist that allow a DD head to go on an Obitsu/Azone body?

>> No.46246782
File: 2.13 MB, 2600x1600, 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll memories

>> No.46246829

DDヘッドをオビツ【60】ボディに 変換首ジョイント (自作品)
Obitsu Body to DD HeadAdapter by Greyforce

That's for the 60cm one, but they make them for multiple sizes. I have a bunch of 'em, worth every penny.

>> No.46246842

>my 2017 ipad dollfoto is in the /jp/ collage
my dudes, i have made it

>> No.46246852

This makes me so happy to see. Thank you for sharing, anon.

>> No.46246865

Dang an old picture of my first one is in there from when I got my first camera is there. I need to find motivation to take more pictures.

>> No.46246872
File: 188 KB, 900x600, LOL09068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46246884

New thread's ready to post whenever this one gets closer to the end of the board. God help me if I forgot something again.

>> No.46247007

>sex doll in the collage

>> No.46247099

Unless it's doing sex doll things does it really matter? I don't see much difference between them and the impractically large 100cm vinyls that exist.

>> No.46247116

She's the one posting her doll, obviously.

>> No.46247156
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1778, GGJea2paIAAjRwf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just making note of it, I'm not judging you if that's your sex doll
Owning one kind of doll often seems to go hand in hand with owning other kinds of dolls from what I've seen

>> No.46247458

If I had the money and space I'd get an Aotume doll for photos. I can't do anything else with them, after all..

>> No.46247991
File: 2.22 MB, 4128x2322, 20161207_193215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i still have that picture XD
thanks for making my day anon! didn't expect to pop in today and see a ton of memories from over the years and smack in the middle of it is a picture of when i thought 6 was a lot of dolls >_<;
sooooo many memories of seeing all these over the years either here, insta or even the really old times when it felt everyone was on flickr. now that i think about it, it has been a hell of a ride! hope we can all still be here in a /jp/ doll thread in another 17 years talking about how our dollfies and whatever advancements come with them!
... dammit that is adorable and now i want my girls to all have a big sister or three >_<

>> No.46248651

New Thread
(A little early. Goodnight, anons.)

>> No.46249852

>almost no overlap with the dolls that get posted now

>> No.46250970

>Unless it's doing sex doll things does it really matter?
Not him but going by this, it should be ok to post dolls holding up dildos and onaholes? They're not doing sex things with them anyway

>> No.46251284

Glad that some of you like the collage, didn't thought it would be in the next op.
I intend to make some for the other years but it surely will take some time

Which one is it?

>> No.46251394

looking forward to it, I've only been around these threads for a bit over two years so there's a lot I've missed

>> No.46251913
File: 502 KB, 1000x1500, DSC03297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was one from the bottom row. I don't think I have that image on this computer anymore so here's the most recent one I could find of her (over 2.5 years ago).

>> No.46252654

Dildo sword fight go

>> No.46252826

why don't you have her anymore?
