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File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, 4000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46145820 No.46145820 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46119695

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46145976

I haven't been reading VNs for a decade and slowed down even before that, what are some of the best ones that came out since about 2012 you would recommend?

>> No.46146007


>> No.46146030


>> No.46146151
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, 1700248179272926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonbane anon again. Since I finally got through all the common route stuff, I figure that I'd inform you guys that I fixed a ton of shit going through all of that. Additional uncensoring, script errors, etc. Unbreaking Al's swimsuit sprites was a hell I don't want to go through again. Anyway the link again in case you want to update your download.

>> No.46146156

I don't know, man, but その服の色・パターンはなんか…怪しいと思わない?

>> No.46146162

You clearly have brainworms.

>> No.46146175

I can't imagine being this obsessed with something.

>> No.46146201

Doing god's work here. I'll probably wait until you finish the game but this is awesome.

>> No.46146211

It looks like any old random pattern???

>> No.46146233

waiting for that definitive edition
thanks for your work anon

>> No.46146240

god bless you anon

>> No.46146357
File: 151 KB, 1196x673, 122454545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't access egs again what's the verdict on Rental kareshi?

>> No.46146393

>中央値 67
>データ数 4

>> No.46146406

It's just strong pattern recognition, dude... though admittedly it's Japanese, and furthermore it's an eroge, and furthermore it's Yuzu[whatever is the antonym of "slop"], so there shouldn't be any ill intent after all.

>> No.46146421

I don't know man, but she should see a doctor... those tumors look deadly...

>> No.46146422

It's just pastel colors, anon. Pastel pink and pastel blue go together so you'll see it in quite a lot of woman's clothing designs.

>> No.46146443


>> No.46146442

Ayase my beloved

>> No.46146444

are you retarded?

>> No.46146456 [DELETED] 

No, just traumatized by certain groups and ideologies taking over a lot of things.

>> No.46146463 [DELETED] 

Will delete this post after as to not derail the thread any further but I don't see any of this shit where I browse on the internet or any of this shit IRL. It feels to me like you have to go out of your way to search for it, which begs the question as to why people like you do that if it makes you so angry.

>> No.46146547

Literally asscheeks on chest so it stinks

>> No.46146563


>> No.46146577

So how long will the gap between yuzuge be this time?

>> No.46146590

Unless they release another all age vn, we should have some news late 2024/early 2025

>> No.46146596

Next year probably

>> No.46146602

Anon, you're the fucking best.

>> No.46146932
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, 読書.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the official エロゲスレ-approved LNs?

>> No.46147133

Kokubyaku no Avesta

>> No.46147136

The ones written by VN scenarioists

>> No.46147160

Since you cannot think for yourself: Jintai, Qualia, and Iriya

>> No.46147447

>cartel slop
iriya and jintai is good though

>> No.46147454

It says that reading wiki is necessary for the true end in Tobiden, but how necessary is the guide overall? Can i play most of the game normally and then check it out near the end? Is there any turning point?
Definitelly don't feel like replaying 150hr game just because i got something fucked at the beginning

>> No.46147598

I haven't played it but I remember reading that there's important missable items so you should at least check the FAQ on the wiki to make sure you get them. There's also a modded version with warnings for missable content.

>> No.46147621

Where to get the modded one?

>> No.46147676

i'm normally very anti-guidefag but tobiden is fucking absurd
the requirements for true end are obscene. i wouldn't say the game has missable content, it has a missable game. granted it sort of works with the themes and lucia's personality but it's still borderline suicidal to try for true end without peeking at a wiki, unless you're playing with like half a dozen other people and all sharing info.

there's permanently missable items/characters/events/you name it
maybe the modded version helps, i don't know, but if you don't then drop by the wiki every now and then, it's pretty spoiler free if all you want is to know what not to fuck up

also no idea why it's considered a vn, it's a straight up rpgmaker jrpg

>> No.46147718

ah whoops i didn't really answer the question properly
>Can i play most of the game normally and then check it out near the end?
you need all the party members, all the (important) sidequests, and some other stuff in order to get that far, and almost all the big storyline quests need to be unlocked via having the right things/doing the right quests
during some of those you can miss things and permanently lock yourself out of the true end

>> No.46147720

Well it's a shame then since i'm tired from the guides already and wanted to play something blindly for once
I will never understand the devs who purposely make the requirements obscure with half of the game being missable, they literally just ruin the experience for 90% of normal people who just can't be bothered reading guides or doing everything perfectly

>> No.46147741

it feels like it was designed either to be played with other people sharing info, or as something you play a LOT of
i remember not having a lot of games as a kid and boy did i know those like the back of my hand, you'd explore every inch of it and replay it dozens of times looking for ways in which you could make it different or hoping to uncover some secrets. it feels a lot like that was the aim. like, here's a game you could play for months and still find new stuff.

however, the times just aren't really like that anymore, we're flooded in things to play or do.

>> No.46147766

I don't even mind some side content being missable but imagine spending 100 hours on a game without being even able to see a proper ending, that would fucking suck

>> No.46147808


>> No.46147815

If you play normally I'm pretty sure you can't get stuck before the true end. (not wasting a ton of days, not refusing events)

However, the 最終話 『風のつばさ』 is crazy completionist content that requires the wiki and I would recommend just watching it on youtube because you will probably get bored of the game before you complete all the side stuff.

>> No.46147826

ayep, hence why i played with the wiki open
some of that shit i would probably never have found. plus it's not like you just hit the normal end along the way and then get bumped back to the title screen. since you have to choose to retire manually, the next major quest just never unlocks because you don't have the right character/etc.
also lol15saveslots only on a 120+ hour game

i should point out despite all that it IS a pretty good game if you can get past how desperately it needs more than basic tilesets

>> No.46147842

is final chapter not considered the true end? i honestly burned out right before it and never did finish even though i had everything lined up

>> No.46147850

Nice, thx
Is all that additional content actually entertaining or it's some grind shit?

>> No.46148006

What are the official エロゲスレ-approved slops?

>> No.46148011

最終章 『扉の伝説』is the "true end".
最終話 『風のつばさ』 is the completionist bonus chapter that contains important story elements.

The side content is not bad but there is just way too much of it. And going over the same areas so many times trying to deal with the flag system is a pain.

>> No.46148022
File: 12 KB, 220x173, 7408a89d296257b410a69d59f4b08f7ddcf94619b0e087bd7c49f80ee454ee30 p0 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To that anon who shared the link to the full Escalation release in the previous thread, thank you.

>> No.46148046

Have been trying to find a suitable flatge for hours but the majority of them are 無乳詐欺, I'm so tired of this shit

>> No.46148080


>> No.46148084

wait a second, I know this game

>> No.46148911
File: 210 KB, 978x541, Love Plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Love Plus any good?
It isn't a personal favorite of mine, but I can recommend it if you want to try something different.
On a basic level, it's Tokimeki Memorial, scrubbed with approximately one square mile of sandpaper. It's more generic than its spiritual predecessor, but if you're familiar with that game's mechanics you'll know that that is not entirely a bad thing. You'll never go into a jealous yandere spiral that causes the entire main cast of the game to despise you as a human being in Love Plus.
However, despite being much more smooth and clean than Tokimeki, it's actually quite unique for it's own reasons.
The main gimmick is that when you start the game you enter the real-life current date. The game is turn-based. Each in-game day you get a few turns. One day takes probably about ten minutes to play through on average. Because there are no timeskips, the concept is that you play one in-game day every real life day. This leads to a lot of magical moments. When the seasons change in real life, they change in the game. Is it almost Christmas time in your world? It's Xmas season in Love Plus too. Play it long enough and it can start to feel like your real and virtual lives blend together. It's a really special experience that you can only get from something like Love Plus.
It's also designed in such a way that it never feels like a chore. If you don't feel like playing today, you don't have to. Playing in real time is only a suggestion. You can take a whole week or even a month off and just play multiple in-game days every real life day for a while to catch up. There are a few special tidbits if you play on a specific day like Christmas or Valentines, but they're really small, and even if you miss them you can always adjust your DS's clock to see them.
It's worth mentioning that this game really benefits from emulation because the 3D models are way more detailed than you can normally see on a real DS, so you don't need to buy a copy to get the most out of the game.
Obviously it isn't eroge, so if you aren't really interested in a "pure love" experience you should look elsewhere. And it is a commitment. Seeing everything in just one version of the game can easily take multiple real life years. But if what I've described sounds amazing to you, absolutely give it a shot.
I'd recommend starting with Love Plus+. It's the final version of the first game. It's easy to emulate and inexpensive to import, and it isn't region locked.

>> No.46149069

Not that anon, but have you played LoveR? Is it the same thing, but only on Switch?

>> No.46149335

Where were you when AB was kill?

>> No.46149424

> Global(services@services.animebytes.tv) - [proton] Current assumption should be that this is legal hold on domain ...
> Global(services@services.animebytes.tv) - [proton] I'm giving registrar another 12h for reply before purging everything, all servers except for IRC are currently down and encrypted at rest ...
> Global(services@services.animebytes.tv) - [proton] We have no intention of continuing to endanger ourselves or anyone else here by continuing to operate site if it has been noticed by authorities.
Better get downloading quick if you can still access.

>> No.46149450
File: 22 KB, 240x180, 051101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never played LoveR, but my understanding is that it is part of the "True Love Series" (which started on PS1 and includes Amagami and Photokano) and has absolutely nothing to do with Love Plus outside of having the same character designer.
It appears to have the same systems and staff as Photokano so I'd expect a very similar experience to that game.
I have played Photokano and I did not enjoy it. I've given it three or four chances but every time I've tried it I've found it very boring. I am in the minority though, it's considered a classic in Japan.

The only other visual novel I'm aware of that offered the Love Plus experience was Idolm@ster 1 (the arcade game). I'm told that before it was shut down, it included a feature where the heroines in the game would text your REAL LIFE CELL PHONE (picrel). Incredible stuff.

>> No.46149566

Reading moege

>> No.46149578

I'm not even on AB, but if this actually happens it's probably going to create tons of lost media. Fucking hell.

>> No.46149605

Someone ratted them out didn't they?

>> No.46149614

Why is this happening? I though the cocksucking process to get in AB existed precisely to prevent this kind of situation.

>> No.46149620

girlcellycoins are starting to go up, buy now.

>> No.46149631

now I don't feel stupid for hoarding almost 800 gb worth of eroge, downloaded shitton from ab while I still could, got literally everything I was interested in lol

>> No.46149655

everything I've looked for was on nyaa or ryuugames. dont care

>> No.46149667
File: 36 KB, 586x244, ryuugames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i don't want to support malicious indonesian scammers

>> No.46149719

not reading your trannycord wall of text
also never clicking on SEAgames links

>> No.46149807

This, I got like 500 GB of eroge, doujin games etc. And much more of normal video games.

>> No.46149827

I dropped normal video games ages ago, don't really enjoy these anymore aside of occasional yakuza game or something.

>> No.46149830

Luickily I still do. Lies of P now, Dragons Dogma 2 next.

>> No.46149831

Same, video games are all pretty boring. Eroge is all I need.

>> No.46149857

>normal video games
who says you have to choose? just play gamege for the best of both worlds.

>> No.46149859

most gamege gameplay are just as boring as regular games

>> No.46149918

>An elitist snowflake shithole dies
Good, fuck AB.

>> No.46149930

I did the same but i still occasionally play them, i still need to start code vein one of these days

>> No.46149944

>not playing your pirated eroge on a 2nd pc that's offline or just using a sandbox to check it before you click play

>> No.46149971

You're surrounded by ultra autists who've basically shooed off every other media, but their own favored choice.

>> No.46149982

>who've basically shooed off every other media
not really, I read westoid books, watch westoid movies and westoid tv series
both games and eroge are time consuming, so makes sense to pick just one in favor of other

>> No.46149990

>read westoid books, watch westoid movies and westoid tv series
You must really hate yourself.

>> No.46149995

I do, but not sure how it's related to what I posted. Books are fun, tv shows are fun and movies sometimes fun.

>> No.46150009

*laughs in i2p*

>> No.46150036

Unless there's already a full working i2p backup alternative I'd say this is not a laughing matter, because >>46149578

>> No.46150042

It's a laughing matter because it was destined to fail by being on clearnet.

>> No.46150048

Only if they're not Westoid.

>> No.46150053 [DELETED] 

Funny to see retard nuking everything due to unrelated issue

>> No.46150070
File: 1.19 MB, 579x2028, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Proton is such a fucking retard jesus fucking christ.
> The moron is going to nuke the entire site because of entire unrelated issue affecting a lot of .tv domains and the fact he can't contact other people during a holiday.
>Who put this moron in charge of anything?

>> No.46150164

Is it just JKs and onee-sans or are there any milfs or hags?
Atelier Kaguya games without milfs/hags are kusoge.

>> No.46150210

He's the exact same inbred as OG Nyaa's owner. Easily spooked shitwits.

>> No.46150218

Is AB site still up? Can't seem to access it on my end.

>> No.46150240

> >>46149424

>> No.46150266

I didn't know Nie no Hakoniwa was a doujin game, seemed decently high budget from the little I saw.

Those ステマ votes on EGS are a big putoff, though.

>> No.46150314

It's the nekopara money

>> No.46150395

"doujin" just means it was released by a doujin circle and not a company
the staff of nekoworks are professionals

>> No.46150415

that's why i always like to make a distinction between doujin and indie

>> No.46150486

Bastards should've let me in

>> No.46150658
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 搾らレンカレ契約GAME_SYS (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's intentionally a joke, but I find this whole scene hilarious.

>> No.46150715

Heh, their fault for not letting me in.

>> No.46150736

Offline Windows 7 VM on Arch Linux*

>> No.46150745

Thinking about the fact that if something is obscure enough to not be on public trackers/DDL sites, it's for a reason (not because it's good or can appeal to more than a single digit of people).

>> No.46150747
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, 搾らレンカレ契約GAME_SYS (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third VN I've seen talk about the recent rise of remote work in Japan and they're all nukige for some reason.

>> No.46150803

Only the chinks can save us now

>> No.46150965

That's what you get for relying on Tuvalu. Of course a famous URL shortener relies on Libya which is even worse.

>> No.46150992

Where else can they host that's
>not a complete shithole
>does not give a fuck about copyright laws

>> No.46150995

??? People just register their domain with Tuvalu because they like the cool .tv domain

>> No.46151003

What was the consequence of relying on them then? Did they suddenly change their laws?

>> No.46151238
File: 137 KB, 480x720, 68f95a4dcc09564c4921e64015c9630e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the all-ages version of “Kimi ga Nozomu Eien” that we’re making for this project, we are planning the following:

> The game will be based on “Kimi ga Nozomu Eien ~Latest Edition~”. Any modifications to the scenario and presentation made in order to create the all-ages version will be done with an eye towards maintaining story continuity. These modifications will be made by members of the team who worked on the original game, and they will refer to “Kimi ga Nozomu Eien ~Rumbling Hearts~”, the all-ages PS2 version of the game, in their work. Note that the game will not contain any new images.

>Note that the game will not contain any new images.

Are they just gonna reuse the 2001 art then? Or are they gonna remake the old ones but not add any new CGs?

>> No.46151432

I don't like non-loli flat girl

>> No.46151532
File: 929 KB, 3840x2160, 19596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46151810

They're taking Latest Edition and censoring it using the ps2 script and ps2 CGs. Because they're scared of steam the game will actually be even more censored than the ps2 version and you will need to wait for a directors cut patch.

TL;DR it's just a really bad port of a 20 year old game

>> No.46151931

Man that can't be right. I like the VN a lot but this feels like a completely wasted opportunity to revive the series.

>> No.46152199
File: 127 KB, 693x731, vphr1HA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everything about modern âge(anchor) is fucking retarded so this will read like a shit post but the only reason that crowdfunding project even exists is because Yoshimune has become paranoid the big wigs he sold everything to will decide its no longer worth it to try and generate money out of the IPs.
>Sell to Avex
>Announce 2 muv luv games, 2 muv luvvisual novels, a muv luv anime
>First game releases as a steam early access scam, fails so hard they actually hand the game over to the code monkeys.
>Second game (gacha) fails so hard they have to pull it from stores within 3 days and refund everyone, spend over a year rebooting it. Half a year after launch sales are in the shitter.
>Visual novels enter "development pause" because "we need to focus on rebooting the gacha"
>Anime bombs, they don't even finish the story.
>Anchor CEO is replaced
>Yoshimune starts getting so paranoid he starts drafting up emergency plans with his fucking youtube livestream chat and discord
>The plan becomes to sell overpriced muv luv lore magazines to generate money for visual novel development and to do an all ages Kiminozo kickstarter because "Kiminozo used to be popular and all the zoomer vtubers can't even stream it because the console versions are so rare, there's an opportunity here. We need to show Avex it's not just muv luv that can generate money."
I don't know what office politics actually ended up being like, but when he came up with the plan the idea was that his own company Acid would handle the entire development with kickstarter money, Avex just needed to give approval and they'd be retarded not to since the sales still go to them. Free money.

Honestly the whole thing feels pretty scummy because they DID announce a Kiminozo reboot years ago that entered development hell. The kickstarter isn't that, it's just a port of the old game. I've seen so many posts by both Gaijins and Nips that are utterly confused and actually think they're funding a remake for some fucking reason.

>> No.46152369

Damn, that's fucked. Thanks for the post though, I get the picture now. Kinda sad that Kiminozo won't get a proper remake.

>> No.46152444

The thing about Anchor is they never cancel any project because that might deter people from giving them money for shit they don't actually care about. When the Gacha relaunched for example, Yoshimune tweeted that the fate of Resonative and Integrate depend on how well it sells. Go whale so we can make visual novels for you.

>> No.46152534

I still believe that the people who contributed to the crowdfunding were hoping it would help Resonative and Integrate, more than genuinely wanting a Steam port of Kiminozo.

>> No.46152823

Doesn't he realize that he's just evaporating whatever goodwill they have left by doing these bonehead decisions? Censorship? Cut content? These never result in good sales.

>> No.46152878

Most people don't care
just look at the Sorechiru scam reception, even egs tards have eaten it and asked for more

>> No.46152952

I hate to say this because many years ago I really loved muv luv, but I'm pretty sure the guy is a complete lolcow. There's many examples one could list, but the most recent and "mainstream" one was probably the time Japanese fans were complaining that the MLA anime would be exclusive to the Fuji streaming service and he went on a long and angry livestream rant about how Fuji would never back down on this because they invested a lot of money into the anime and that if you aren't willing to pay the subscription just for the MLA anime, muv luv means less to you than [food analogy]. He landed on Yaraon and everything. Worst part is I'm pretty sure two week later other streaming services were added anyway. Guy had no fucking idea what he was talking about.
If you were to join one of his discord servers to bring up how you think Kiminozo without R18 content is stupid as hell, we will even start arguing with you personally.

>> No.46153270

I'm not really sure how to feel about the removal of the R18 content. On one hand, Kiminozo has a good story that doesn't need H-scenes to carry it, but on the other hand, the H-scenes are kind of important in giving the novel that raw feel.

>> No.46153294

>locking Hotaru for everyone except Japanese players
That's pretty funny to be honest.

The core soap opera drama between Haruka, Mitsuki, and Takayuki doesn't really need H scenes to work, but they definitely matter in some of the other routes. Like how is THAT route supposed to work if Takayuki isn't literally fucked in the ass.

>> No.46153428

I definitelly going to buy a 10tb hd and make a full backup now

>> No.46153775

If the ps2 script is like the dreamcast script you're in for Kiminozo: 4kids edition. The fucking anime is more risque

>> No.46153802

Has anyone played this? It's supposedly over 100 hours despite being freeware

>> No.46153809

I tried to, but it crashed my computer as soon as I opened it, so I gave up.

>> No.46153840

>Like how is THAT route supposed to work if Takayuki isn't literally fucked in the ass
Male protagonist being gayraped? Subasisters, is this the new Subahibian Sca-jian subversive masterpiece?

>> No.46153899

I downloaded this yesterday, kind of interested in seeing if it's actually good. 2.3 million characters according to the game

>> No.46153913

The idolmaster SP game offered a similar function, but it didn't have as much of a "play out over weeks/months" mechanic.
I just think video games are mostly boring, and they're somehow more stagnant than eroge. For video games I mostly look for things that challenge what I want out of them now or what the notion of a video game is.
You forgot how the gacha had to be relaunched twice because the game was so poorly programmed people unlocked all the story events and had infinite gems within 2 or 3 hours of launch.

>> No.46153936

>they're somehow more stagnant than eroge.
>For video games I mostly look for things that challenge what I want out of them now or what the notion of a video game is.
This is the entire mission of Front Software game.s

>> No.46153997

Who is Front Software?

>> No.46154002

What did they change in that script? I only played the PC edition of Latest Edition.

>> No.46154008

Pig Latin for Souls.

>> No.46154049
File: 256 KB, 1200x627, newensemble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seems like it's another 女装, but MC is looking somewhat girly? or bishounen

>> No.46154052

surely you mean Omfray Oftwaresay

>> No.46154061

Holy shit finally I can self insert

>> No.46154073
File: 958 KB, 1000x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.46154074

he gives me a yuri (tales of) vibe
so cool I guess

>> No.46154075

She's cute.

>> No.46154083

they just never stop pumping games

>> No.46154093

whoa, hinata finally got to be cool
be careful who you make fun of in sword girl highschool

>> No.46154095

That loli will reveal some F cup in her H scenes wont she?

>> No.46154132

shitaboku had a real flatty

>> No.46154138

Last game's flattie was true flat.

>> No.46154154

She was so flat, I was half expecting her to be a man.

>> No.46154174

Nipples looks disgusting

>> No.46154182

nips too meaty

>> No.46154293

Her 乳首 are so cute, I want to lick them

>> No.46154456

Is there a chart/guide on the playing order for the True Blue series?

>> No.46154472
File: 151 KB, 802x632, fucking loser rooms by herself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's just a cute way to split up some slice of life moments but
>group outcast that no one particularly likes has to try and find a room full of established friend groups who will tolerate her presence
this is causing me more psychic pain than half the big emotional moments in the game

>> No.46154569

Might be cool for the loli. Literally me protag is another plus, the previous was literally a woman with penis.

>> No.46154607

That's a woman with a penis.

>> No.46154621

Yeah, literally me.

>> No.46154701
File: 43 KB, 256x374, 24252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have played over 150 visual novels already but I still have yet to find one that can surpass this timeless masterpiece...

>> No.46154718

Clannad is the antithesis of S*bahibi and other dishonest nihilistic trash

>> No.46154736

key has never made a good VN

>> No.46154759

But Subahibi isn't nihilistic

>> No.46155029

they're all shit

>> No.46155124

they are all great

>> No.46155130

at being shit

>> No.46155135

at being good

>> No.46155333 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1024x640, astralair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I make the textbox in AstralAir invisible like in this screenshot from VNDB?

>> No.46155342

Have you tried making the textbox invisible like in that screenshot from VNDB?

>> No.46155343

What a cute crossposter...

>> No.46155353

At this point whenever you see some absolutely retarded question or post just assume it is mondblut

>> No.46155359

Any VNs where making the textbox invisible unlocks the true route?

>> No.46155371

Any VNs where uninstalling the game unlocks the true route?

>> No.46155382
File: 508 KB, 1080x1554, subahibi-an-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subahibi. After playing the VN, you uninstall it along with all your other eroge and format your PC to give it to a charity. And then you proceed to kill yourself.

>> No.46155401

does istoria have low quality audio or is there just something wrong with my game

>> No.46155463

Wait, the guy who made that incredibly autistic vn reviews blog is dead? The guy who reviewed Crime and Punishment and described it as "basically Death Note"? The guy who gave Shakespeare's The Tempest a 2/5? The guy who could not for the love of God stop singing the praises of Subahibi even in reviews that did not have anything to do with it? He is dead?

>> No.46155475

spec ops the line (basically a worse totono)

>> No.46155566

Is Totono basically just the mother of DDLC?

>> No.46155727

In games that allow you to change the MC's name, what do you put in? Your name in katakana? Or a Japanese name you made up?
I made up a sort of 当て字 version of my name and use that. (Eg. if my name was Smith, it'd be something like 隅巣 or whatever)

>> No.46155749

I use the default name if there is one, else I use the usual ハイパー兵器

>> No.46155751

I drop the game

>> No.46155783

Like 99% of games are going to just cut the audio if you change it

>> No.46155819

Good, that helps with self-insertion. It would be cucked if they called you by a different name.

>> No.46155821


>> No.46155842

IDK why but using my own name makes me giga cringe, I just keep it as is

>> No.46155990

I just leave the default name, i like when the heroines actually use the protagonist name after they become intimate enough

>> No.46156015

I just use the default name or make up a name that fits the setting if there isn't one. Like 星野 for astronomy themed games or トウヤ for winterge.

>> No.46156421
File: 71 KB, 960x540, 死月妖花~四月八日~_2024-02-20_23-47-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starts as a murder mystery. The storytelling is quite agile, with more dialogue and less narrative. At the start, a defaced dead body is found at the park and he happens to be one the friend's father. The story slowly introduces fantasy elements and the protagonist having visions. Let's say it doesn't end well and then the game plays with going back in time to offer an alternative storyline. It's this kind of development. After each short chapter usually there are some sort of extra materials to investigate, as news and such, that part is nice and unobtrusive to the main story. The story is starting quite strong, with a proper layout of a murder-mystery that for sure will happen to become complex, although didn't find Haruka or the rest of characters to be much interesting if at all. It's a first person narrator, but doesn't go deep into her psyche. I'm just at 7%, so it's too early to make a proper judgement, but so far I'm hooked.

>> No.46156564

So it's a bootlegrashi? By the way, what is that 字 counter on top?

>> No.46156569

How much left in a scene

>> No.46156685

It's the mother of every "what you're doing is bad and you should feel bad" video game.

>> No.46156827

I usually use katakana, but when there's a character limit I use ateji. Both my first and last name are nouns so my ateji is satisfyingly direct.

>> No.46156995
File: 942 KB, 509x724, 1678347491082135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Argonauts.
It looks great. I'm hyped.
I love me some Jougasaki Mika.

>> No.46157155

would it really kill them to give us a nice perky c cup every now and then

>> No.46157394

Looks like peak inaka comfy setting
>Mc has no eyes
Maybe next time...

>> No.46157666


>> No.46157672

I suppose it was inevitable.

>> No.46157678

Every day we inch closer and closer to Kakyuusei 2 Rimeiku

>> No.46157919

>AB still down
It's よver.

>> No.46157962

It's not, they're working on it.

>> No.46158010

If only the guy hired a good moe artist then I'd actually play it. I'm not really into these Portopia or かまいたち style VN.

>> No.46158023

Bets on them altering it?

>> No.46158065

Who are you quoting?
>It's よver.

>> No.46158129

The よ version of AB is up.

>> No.46158173

Buying period blood yummy yum

>> No.46158236
File: 75 KB, 504x512, 122001936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to do Kakyuusei remake first. Would be funny if 2 gets skipped to not risk another moebuta sperg breaking his disc kek

>> No.46158286

If it got released in the West, would it garner the same outrage?

>> No.46158311

Westerners are trained to love used goods.

>> No.46158312
File: 7 KB, 509x231, how the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official website claims that the game has over 170 BGM tracks. I feel like I need to play it just to see if it's actually true

>> No.46158323

I don't think the Tamaki disaster can ever happen again, everyone knows now.
The only way we could get something similar is if Amakano 3 or a new Yuzusoft game suddenly had full blown ntr h-scenes.

>> No.46158331

>new Yuzusoft game suddenly had full blown ntr h-scenes.
God I fucking wish.

>> No.46158426
File: 813 KB, 1280x720, 八剱伝.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46158864

Even in that case it would cause a shitstorm but it wouldn't become as big as the Tamaki disaster. That happened because eroge market was like 10 times bigger than today with almost all the Japanese community being concentrated on 2ch. Nowadays the market is smaller and community is more dispersed in individual bubbles.

>> No.46158880
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, 12454545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Gyaru love

>> No.46158976

Yuzusoft celebrates as Senren Banka sells its 500 thousandth copy.

>> No.46158999

Can they celebrate by adding surprise NTR into their next VN?

>> No.46159036

>Both my first and last name are nouns so my ateji is satisfyingly direct
Hm? That phrase suggests that you make a conversion like eg. Will -> 意思. Ateji is about matching sounds, like what I wrote it my post (Smith -> 隅巣 because 隅=すみ and 巣=す, like スミス).
Though sometimes for some names I guess you could do both, which should be pretty awesome and elegant. Chinks actually try to do something similar for company names... that's getting off-topic but you can look into it.

>> No.46159079

It's a custom for sexually confused teenagers in certain "spaces" to overuse some meme phrase and bastardize it in weird ways. What he meant is "it's over".
Gyaru = westoid "beauty" standards, which is precisely the point.
I would only love a gyaru if we got one who doesn't have an exaggerated hag body, has a weaker tan, doesn't have blonde hair/blue eyes combination... but that wouldn't be a gyaru at all.

>> No.46159108

Your life must be full of anger.

>> No.46159203

>Amakano 3
Wouldn't be surprised, they already have ugly hag art, so it would be just a little step-up in degeneracy.

>> No.46159218

I , for one, would love seeing yuzufags seething after some good surprise NTR and posting pictures of their broken games on x(formerly twitter)

>> No.46159237

Her feet are shockingly small.

>> No.46159314

What eroge (or eroge companies that tend to make stuff like that) have the weakest mosaics? Also, are there eroge/companies that use bars instead of mosaic a la eromanga?

>> No.46159384

I respect the authors intentions so I quit the game immediately

>> No.46159388
File: 97 KB, 652x416, you have to see tina sad face 96 times to get all the sex scenes in the game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can handle seeing Tina's sad face 96 times again.

>> No.46159455

Think for one second and consider how unlikely it is for you to be the only one to ask such a question and then follow up on said logic using a very strong and powerful tool any one man using the internet has at his disposal.

>> No.46159541


>> No.46159889

What did different VN teach you throughout life?

>> No.46159951

That a cat's status in a closed box is undetermined.

>> No.46159953

Holy denparino

>> No.46159971

Elementary schoolers are aged 18 thanks to disclaimers.

>> No.46159973

Having sex solves all your problems.

>> No.46160010

People die when they are killed.

>> No.46160340

Are you suggesting aislop? I am curious about actual Art in eroge that has weak censorship.

>> No.46160373

We're not jaded? We love youth! That is why we love YOUTHful heroines! Not JADED expired hags.

>> No.46160396

Even blandest moege can cure your nihilism and teach you to love people and life itself.

>> No.46160425

Eating sweets before noon will make you gain less calories

>> No.46160427
File: 79 KB, 498x595, 1469384296360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suggesting Google you absolute brainlet.

>> No.46160428

I am happy, anon.

>> No.46160541

Marrying your maid is based

>> No.46160580 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.51 MB, 2371x4000, a4207f774843fca6a335c5f8c3dc038f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's a girl's name.

>> No.46160583

It cured my bioproblems and made me realize that relationships are overrated

>> No.46160594

I don't know, this question is a bit too specific.

>> No.46160669

Taught me how romantic relationships should be

>> No.46160677

Yes, you uniquely golden ladybug, the question of censorship in Japanese pornography is such a rare topic of interest that only a virginal spirit such as yours would find it within himself to seek out answers.

>> No.46160691

literally the first link in google

>> No.46160705

Which is why you decided to spoonfeed him with information as accessible as that?

>> No.46160737

Ya blew it

>> No.46161812

Nothing worse than finding a developer you like, only to discover they went under a few years ago. RIP Xuse, I hardly knew you.

>> No.46161901

Is 23rd some special day? Lots of releases this Thursday instead of Friday.

>> No.46161910

Your post tells me less about supposed qualities of Clannad and more about your advanced age and failing health.

>> No.46161911

King Cuck's birthday

>> No.46161918

How did you not know?

>> No.46161925

Bumped it up on my backlog. Any other anti-nihilism-ge?

>> No.46161934

Wow, the Wannabe Creators after story got uploaded. I probably won't read it, but I'm surprised anyone bothered after so long.

>> No.46161994

Most moege

>> No.46162007

It got uploaded in July as soon as it came out.

>> No.46162051

Moege do provide a backbone in our fight against nihilism and other subahibian games.

>> No.46162075

So valid, sister!

>> No.46162473
File: 176 KB, 992x512, 1682208618414552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46162952
File: 600 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_09_03_490_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use elevators

>> No.46162959

Is this true?

>> No.46163207


>> No.46163327

Releases are usually scheduled for the last working day before the last weekend of the month.

>> No.46164343

Yeah, you're right, I mixed up 当て字 and 和訳.
I worked pretty hard to get it as close as I could though, I managed to keep a few syllables. It was important to me that in games like the Cation series where the girls say your nickname with voice acting I would always be a まーくん.
I'm happy you pointed out my mistake because it made me read the Japanese Wikipedia article on ateji and it answered questions I'd had for years about the language. I already knew about ones like 珈琲 but I had no idea that 可愛い, 馬鹿, 滅多, and 滅茶苦茶 were all ateji.

>> No.46164408

Offtopic but does anyone know where to get the jp ver of Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale? I can only find the eng versions

>> No.46164422

>可愛い, 馬鹿, 滅多, and 滅茶苦茶 were all ateji
what the fuck

>> No.46164423


>> No.46164425

It's on AB :'(

>> No.46164550

Nvm it's on as, didn't realize chinks had normal games too

>> No.46164614
File: 1.46 MB, 1069x1500, onsale-2c2be515b571b22a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for BOC (Big Okinawan Cock)

>> No.46164636
File: 134 KB, 900x675, Chantelise_Anti-Piracy_Statement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46164708


>> No.46164761
File: 340 KB, 560x599, choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one and why ?

>> No.46164768

left if you like sword fights, right if you want to coom

>> No.46164785

These signs are misleading you; you have to go straight ahead and make your own path.

>> No.46164792

You got cancer or something? On your last breaths? Read both

>> No.46164799

Behind each picture the path circles and connects to the other. BOTH. Whirpoolge because Yoru ending confirmed and Crystaliage for Nadeshiko, blonde loli and kitsune waifu ex scenario.

>> No.46164835

I'm not aware Elf changing the scenario on modern windows port in 1997, is this DMM shenanigans?

>> No.46164843

I'm going to fucking [redacted]

>> No.46164866

It's usually just stuff like mentioning specific ages and underage drinking when they say stuff like this.

>> No.46164870

I though ages can be mentioned when characters are hags.

>> No.46164877

Yeah I was referring to the students.

>> No.46164891

They are at least 18 according to vndb. Maybe it's because of drinking age which is higher, idk.

>> No.46164901

Kozue is 16.

>> No.46164954

Modern entertaiment is so garbage is easier to make old shit again rather than putting the effort and make something new, but not without taking a shit in the old thing first.
They are going to remove anything "problematic" from the script

>> No.46164970

have morals really changed that much since 1997? i guess maybe in japan it might have.

>> No.46164976

Why would you think that? Doukyuusei remake was pretty much 1:1 with the windows version.

>> No.46165029


>> No.46165047

Everywhere in the world anon... Just compare cigarettes ads then to now, which japan also suffers since you can't portray a 19 years old man smoking anymore.

>> No.46165289

I can't find medirin rules but they are historically more lax than sofurin
I don't know why more eroge companies don't use them

>> No.46165311

god fuck help i thought i was on the home stretch/final battle of 魔法少女 but that was 8 hours ago this morning and i want to keep the plot momentum going but i'm running out of functioning brain circuits and these mecha musume bosses are absurd
still, best title drop i've seen in a long time

>> No.46165411

Does it even matter that much?

>> No.46165536

You can thank them for (mostly) getting rid of ピー音 at least

>> No.46165568

I though that was because of moralfag seiyuu, not publishers. Most vns don't have bleeps.

>> No.46165622

medirin started competing with sofurin in 2003 which caused them to gradually remove some of their rules

>> No.46165671

Good to know. What's baffling to me is why doujin game creators censor ages even though they don't have to. I guess they are still afraid of backlash.

>> No.46165816

Do I need to read old crystalia games before reading the new one?

>> No.46165821

Site said you don't and I don't have any trouble following along without having played the previous ones

>> No.46165824

The new Crystalia has glossary entries for most of the concepts and important characters/families from previous games, so you can start there without missing too much.

>> No.46165830

Yeah but what if they have a scene like in tenshi re-boot where they go to the D.D. diner and enjoy a nice cyberburger?

>> No.46165846

I'm not saying you'll get everything, of course. If you need to catch every little reference for some reason, better start at mekuiro.

>> No.46165864

They're not going to say yes because it puts off potential customers. Light also says you can play K3 without having played DI.

>> No.46165889

based dlsite moved ai shit into its own section https://www.dlsite.com/aix/

>> No.46165901


>> No.46166099

Is there any difference between Nekonyan version and the og ALcot version of clover day's?
I dont want to give my money to nekoniggers

>> No.46166107

one is in a human language and the other is not?

>> No.46166121

I'm about to get ソフトバンク光, can I torrent エロゲ without VPN?

>> No.46166124

First the AI生成作品 tag, and now moved to their own section so that it doesn't clutter the search results.
I kneel.

>> No.46166139

There's still tons of ai stuff in the asmr sections but I guess if it's just cover art that's probably different.

>> No.46166153

cover art for voice works is considered AI一部利用 which still appears unless you filter it

>> No.46166156

Yeah but it's not in >>46165889 unless I'm totally blind.

>> No.46166204

that section seems to be for only「AI生成作品」works, and i don't think there is any AI generated voice works

>> No.46166248 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 1601x1001, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick question, on seiya-saiga are you supposed to do the routes from left-to-right and top-to-bottom? then what do I do in picrel? The column tops don't align with each other. Do I do A (left-most) or B (top-most) first after finishing the top row?

>> No.46166283

Theirs is based on CD Plus. The decensoring broke animations and to fix the clipping they altered CGs. The screenshot of a dude getting virus alerts must've downloaded the English CDP from ryuu because NN use auto-updaters that track pirates and that triggers AVs. Japanese CDP is safe.

The difference between Plus and original CD is only animated H-scenes. The new scenes from Plus can be added with an official patch to original CD. Clover Day's is shit and not worth reading.

>> No.46166327

Even if it's not worth reading, are the animated scenes worth a fap?

>> No.46166360

they're started to AI generate scripts for sure. They just still pay seiyuus to read it

>> No.46166370

some of the chinese/taiwanese made games with voices are so monotone I suspect they're AI, I'll admit I haven't looked at the credits to be sure

>> No.46166387

Thanks anon. I have decided to buy something else with imouto in it.

>> No.46166406

Alicesoft remaster https://youtu.be/BvoQ89L53eA?si=fnzF0MHuUBvqi6CI

>> No.46166416

>Any other anti-nihilism-ge?
Seconding this.

>> No.46166428

Can anyone vouch if it's worth playing? I only really know this because of the awesome OP song.

>> No.46166534
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, unramasterup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46166542

Why the fuck would one go ahead to remaster some random garbo while France still on waiting

>> No.46166569

There is -300yen coupon on dlsite, is there anything value you can get for like <500 yen

>> No.46166625


>> No.46166728

Chinese voices have to be "monotone" because if they change the tone of their speech it completely fucks up their tone-based language, so the only way for Chinks to express their emotion is to talk louder (for music they always have to have subs). Another reason why Chinese is the worst and most unhuman language, though at least it helped shape the best and most human language (Japanese).

>> No.46166744

The fact a section exist in the first place is a problem itself

>> No.46166769

It's literally 13k yen

>> No.46166790

That's weird, every time I've looked it's been at least 90% off.

>> No.46166806

Anon, the voices are in japanese, I'm saying that they sound artificial and if a Japanese person tried that they would've been cancelled to hell already.

>> No.46166839

This reminds me, I bought the Maitetsu mega pack for 500 yen in 2021 and when I eventually get to reading it I wouldn't even know the install order. There are literally 30 items related to Maitetsu in it.

>> No.46167115

Actually wanted to buy it when it was at 90% discount but dlsite rejected the card so just got it for free in ryuugames.

>> No.46167148

literally how? dlsite is the least restrictive site with respect to cards

>> No.46167386

About to start Imokano. Any patches, appends and such I should be aware of?

>> No.46167425

How about a patch to make the game good

>> No.46167465

wow there's still anons seething because imokano got a better reception than their favorite kusoge

>> No.46167502

just the two dlc stories

>> No.46167567
File: 326 KB, 1440x760, Summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Eushully

>> No.46167573

F-female MC? Is Eushully treading unknown waters here?

>> No.46167588

nta but i think the main reason was some anon was shilling it here since it got announced

>> No.46167632

?????? how is that supposed to be a reason?

>> No.46167643


>> No.46167673
File: 248 KB, 1241x1561, imokano-mtl-reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeepL extension for Textractor

>> No.46167708

Constant shilling for months, when it released it someone here posted a CG about one of the main heroines having sex by another man so everything went south, it turned out anon was shilling some NTR for months

>> No.46167727

How many newfags do we have in these fucking threads?

>> No.46167729

imokano was the most hyped eroge of 2023, this is like complaining that sakutoki was shilled here

>> No.46167733

Sorry, he should have known plotge always have NTR.

>> No.46167746

>imokano was the most hyped eroge of 2023
That was sakutoki

>> No.46167751

what are the big names this year? i haven't checked absolutely nothing

>> No.46167772

Unicorn Overlord
Dragon's Dogma 5
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Metaphor Re:Fantazio

>> No.46167798

I guess Unravel Trigger since those dude won moe game award with their last game.
In my opinion Teikan no Eve Bethel will also be big, because they're promising 40 characters and 300 unique CGs.

>> No.46167806

Eroge companies should have Filipinos as part of their staff. Who knows what wonderful insights they can add to eroge narrative.

>> No.46167815

There's nothing really, im personally waiting for the new yuri all ages shit from sprite to flop tremendously.

>> No.46167822

Ugh, DeepL is so much, like, outdated, Subasister. On my Discord everyone uses ChatGPT.

>> No.46167836

So true. This should be in addition to Western staff that checks the work for adherence to values of representation and tolerance.

>> No.46167844

>Subahibi - there is no meaning, live and pretend to be happy
>Sakuuta - ?
>Sakutoki - ?

Does he deal with the question posed by Subahibi in his later works? Is there a simple motto I can use to understand them?

>> No.46167872

What's with the sudden troon speak flooding these threads?

>> No.46167961

I don't see Kai no Kiseki and notSuikoden 6
Anemoi and Unravel Trigger will probably do some of the best sales this year for a vn, if that's what you call big.

>> No.46168002 [DELETED] 

Anyone remember the let's player that finished Umineko and then started doing Subahibi but ended up trooning out and deleting everything? I think it might have pushed him over the edge. Genuinely a damaging work of "art".

>> No.46168029

I think the MC is the guy.

Looks like it's Kamidori prequel set during the civil war that was constantly referenced in Kamidori.

>> No.46168069 [DELETED] 

Yeah, Umineko is dangerous to impressionable minds.

>> No.46168077 [DELETED] 

I think Umineko is good, but I agree that it can be dangerous for someone who thinks the mental illness of the "LITERALLY ME SO VALID" character (for them) is to be celebrated, not cured.

>> No.46168111

Looks like Fleurety's artist only designed 1 girl this time. I don't think becoming one of the artist for HoloID increases that artist value that much that Eushully can't afford them anymore. Right?

>> No.46168173

kek it looks so wrong.

>> No.46168210

I can't self-insert into a monkey.

>> No.46168219

You're both wrong. Tenshi Souzou was and still is the most popular eroge of 2023, both in these threads and in the Japanese community in general.

>> No.46168283

Will smith is actually lighter than that
Its over for moege

>> No.46168310


>> No.46168680


>> No.46168749

someone should make a patch to change his skin color

>> No.46168842
File: 802 KB, 985x2112, 1708614769516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this wizardry

>> No.46168877

Why do they keep ruining the nipples

>> No.46168948

Sibling sex!
Sibling sex!
Sibling sex!
Sibling sex!
Sibling sex!

>> No.46168970

eve's art looks so shit

>> No.46169172

I don't think so

>> No.46169282
File: 35 KB, 308x286, tnk02_110_t1_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ Maria and Joseph

>> No.46169390

Why has literally every game recently started to make those disgusting nipples??

>> No.46169413
File: 1.95 MB, 2560x1440, Rune_Factory_5_22-02-2024 17-42-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to try out rf5 and right from the start they are giving you like 5min long commentaries from each seiyuu about their voicing experience, this is the coolest kind of new tech i've seen so far
Definitelly something every eroge should do

>> No.46169449

It's unbecoming to talk whilst your mouth is full of semen.

>> No.46169473


>> No.46169683

Yeah it's like we want to be reminded that our pure 2D girls are voiced by real life 3DPD whores, I'm sure playing escapism games to read about real people gossip.
Now, isn't your favorite V-Tuber's stream starting soon? Shoo, shoo, go watch it.

>> No.46169712

Clockup does this. Unlocked after the story. I find the commentary amusing because of the subject matter.

>> No.46169713

I've seen that a couple of times but in my experience you unlock that in the menu after you beat the girl's route.

>> No.46169735

fuck off mondblut

>> No.46169774

Sorry, I don't know about your Discord buddies

>> No.46169815
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, ガルドマ-女子寮の管理人-_2024-02-23_01-43-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nukige writers

>> No.46170014

yep, it's over

>> No.46170031


New SMEE opening.

>> No.46170038

now imagine this, but 100000x
yep, that's LN

>> No.46170052

>games are slop
>novels are slop
Fucking hell. Do you just want to be media illiterate normalfags after all?

>> No.46170059

My favorite kind of retard is the guy who loiters around forums dedicated to otaku culture calling everything shit but hasn't read anything more complicated than The Catcher in the Rye in over 15 years

>> No.46170065

Usage of the trendy, hip "slop" buzzword is a great way to identify a shitposter.

>> No.46170066

Real games are indeed slop. If you aren't reading eroge and anything Japanese at a higher level in general, you're some uncultured mongoloid. That's why westoids are obsessed with wasting their life playing stupid shit and learning nothing.

>> No.46170073

don't get your mind blown when you find out most eroge are slop to generate easy money from a bunch of semi-illiterate retards

>> No.46170085

Oh 神々(Gods) I'm glad AB is dead, I understand wanting to gatekeep third world leeches but ridiculous giga-autistic sekrit clubs should not exist. And anyway, if no one bothered sharing an eroge on public sites it's most of the time because it's too shit or giga-niche.

>> No.46170087

>media illiterate
I'm literate in non slop, i.e. VN only.

>> No.46170090

t. the first in a row to ask for ab reuploads

>> No.46170091

Yes, nukige are all slop that waste your time, but non-nuki eroge are mostly very soulful

>> No.46170092

I'll make it my mission to bring down the next version of the private epic reddit tracker.

>> No.46170098

So true! I love subverting and deconstructing things like you see in intelligant media like books and avant-garde music!

>> No.46170112

VNs teaching people to not be a nihilistic, pessimistic retard like the general subhuman nowadays is not slop.

>> No.46170125

And yet you are somehow the most pessimistic retard in this thread

>> No.46170139

His post doesn't seem pessimistic though. There really are VNs fighting with the pessimism of this world.

>> No.46170157

Endlessly complaining about random meaningless shit and being negative about everything isn't any better, samefag

>> No.46170161

Pretending pessimism isn't widespead nowadays among the weak aka. "subhumans" is delusional. If you're always negative, you are weak and frankly less than a human. VNs that fight pessimism is empowering as much as some find that notion cringe.

>> No.46170189

>ridiculous giga-autistic sekrit clubs should not exist.
This thread's existence after >2020 is prove that they should.

>> No.46170203

They are both okinawan but Komari didnt spend time training under the sun

>> No.46170217

Really funny right? the "ultra secret club" fell earlier than public ones, when the entire point of "secret clubs" was to not let undesirable people in

>> No.46170237
File: 169 KB, 802x632, batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished 新説魔法少女. fantastic fucking game.
i say finished but i still have some challenge maps, a parallel world NG+, and the omake left to play around with but i put in about 80 hours into this sucker in the last week and a half so i think it's break time

extremely well paced, engaging all the way through, gameplay and story tightly tied together, likeable characters (even if some of them are comically shitty people), surprisingly well-thought out and also explored setting, solid gameplay that didn't reinvent the wheel but had enough of its own identity to be memorable and also difficult enough to keep me constantly on my toes. haven't been that invested in a story in a long time. i caught myself imagining little vignettes during gameplay, like friends swooping in to save each other or having someone avenge her fallen friend. probably the first time i've ever choked up to a skill cutscene. there were so many places where they could have dropped the ball or gone stupid and they simply didn't. they had several opportunities to fuck up and pull their punches and instead they stuck to their guns. i leave extremely satisfied and with a warm afterglow in my heart.

the following are complaints added more for balance than out of any real dissatisfaction: needed some more lighthearted music tracks. some battle music loops poorly and is only like 1-2 minutes long so on those 45 min/1 hour long maps it starts driving you crazy. i wish some of the side characters had gotten proper arcs but given the size of the cast it would likely have doubled an already lengthy game. kotone in particular felt really undercooked for how many other people orbited her. the disk 2 squad kind of hijacked things while many disk 1 characters still didn't have a lot going on. there's about 3 points where it feels like the end is nigh and then it keeps going and coupled with the length of the last half dozen battles it got exhausting.

but overall it was thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. time to gag myself before i sing another round of praises.
tl;dr it's good shit, play it
telomere is a miracle of the known universe

>> No.46170242

Wow their domain has died, can't believe they could manage to fall so low

>> No.46170253

Weren't the admins ultra EOPs who'll take down a lot of Japanese only content or something? A dead westoid is a good westoid. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.46170262

no that never was the case

>> No.46170277

I mean this in the rudest way possible, you have to actually have single digit IQ to fail AB's """""interview""""". The whole thing boils down to "are you retarded", "will you seed", and "do you actually enjoy anime, etc.". Aside from that you literally do not have to participate in a single cancerous, circlejerk-like ritual for any reason whatsoever. Anyone who hates AB is the complete embodiment of Aesop's Fox

>> No.46170290

I will not abandon my torrent client.

>> No.46170300

You don't even need to upload anything since yens are extremely easy to farm just by downloading free animes

>> No.46170301

dont care never even bothering with interview nonsense

>> No.46170304

The reason I don't have an AB anymore is because I forgot to log in kek. Happened to me 2 or 3 times I think. Stop bothering after that.

>> No.46170306

I got in over a decade ago by saying I like Madoka
I have no idea if the people complaining are that new, I'm not saying they have to be because I don't want to perpetuate the cycle, but I can't imagine people complaining if the criteria stayed the same throughout the years.

>> No.46170308
File: 366 KB, 3840x2160, 2022_11_24_%t_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who seeds is the complete embodient of the Untermensch.

>> No.46170331

The "undesirable person" was actually the retarded mentally unstable admin himself, from what I hear.
I think that was BakaBT? Though I've heard that they don't even allow VNs (or other software) at all.

>> No.46170348

>tl;dr it's good shit, play it
Alright bub, adding it to my growing collection of eroge I will never be able to play in my lifetime.

>> No.46170353

>Interview that only opens once every blue moon
Also AB is dead, their gatekeeping failed

>> No.46170361

But how do you actually get that interview in the first place without having connections or doing some insane "grind" and "climbing the ladder"?

>> No.46170436

You don't. It's just a circlejerk ""sekrit"" club

>> No.46170453

>All ages
No, I don't think I will play that bloated magical girl "game".

>> No.46170462

There isn't any "circle" there though, i haven't communicated with a single person from there in all those years as there is no need to

>> No.46170472

None of those matter.
The actual significant flaw is female protagonist. Not touching that shit.

>> No.46170485

To be honest AB is a pretty bad source when it comes to eroge. Yes it has an expansive collection but most of the time it's just the game itself. The first press preorder bonus and other extra patches are missing more often than not. I wish I am kidding but if you can find the eroge you want on anime-sharing filesharing section those tend be better since they tend to include the patches, cracks, and preorder bonuses most of the time.

It's also horrible for archival purposes, they don't accept rar archives they require the unpacked isos/mds/cue and there's no standardization of filenames so if you're downloading from there you're stuck with a bunch of randomly named disc images and folders that you can't really rename since you need to seed.

>> No.46170495

You can rename stuff from your torrent client, あのんちゃん

>> No.46170516

I'm pretty sure 95% of the games i downloaded had all the patches in them, and sometimes there could even be a patch that wasn't available anywhere else before (like kishin hishou w10 patch)

>> No.46170533

Do you think that in 5 years we'll have AI to reassemble VNs to be playable on Linux and Android, and also to strip any spyware/malware, and convert Jewnityslop to normal engines?

>> No.46170537

What's your problem with female protags? Are you incapable of empathy without self-insertion?

>> No.46170542

Women can't be as cool as men.

>> No.46170560

Well, to me 萌 or cuteness is more important than "coolness".
As a side note, it's a bit off-topic, but I recently stopped using the word "cool" (outside of quoting, obviously) upon learning of the dark (heh) origins of the word.

>> No.46170569

if it changes your mind slightly, the MC's introduction is that she put 5 other girls in the hospital after slicing them up with glass shards from the window they put her head through
she's pretty fun, if not traditionally cool

>> No.46170575

You are missing out on the kino that is king exit/demons roots

>> No.46170591

Depends on the game, popular and cult classic games tend to have complete stuff yes, but go to a random mediocre eroge company like say swaneye and that's where you find problems.

Not really practical if you're seeding hundreds of them. Also, if you rename them you're screwed if you ended up having to rebuild/reimport your torrent seed collection later on.

>> No.46171064

Do you use eroge as daydream fuel?

>> No.46171192

only chuunige

>> No.46171430


>> No.46171890

I always tried to upload and share stuff from AB whenever I found someone here asking. I'm upset that we've lost a good source of old and niche media that could might now end up lost to time.

>> No.46171909

Wasn't there some kind of エロゲスレ niche game repository? Is that still around?

>> No.46171922

There was an FTP set up

>> No.46172119


Out of curiosity, how well did the most current FAVORITE title do in Japan. Looks like quite the departure from the other ttles. I always thought of them as a loli company. Did they abbandon loli?

>> No.46172148

just a reminder to not feed mondblut

>> No.46172153
File: 11 KB, 282x142, hls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46172156

How about you look up some reviews yourself?

>> No.46172245

They never were a loli company.

>> No.46172265

Personally speaking I don't like the departure in art style from the company's previous games. Beko's art fits well in Laplacian's games, but it doesn't give me that magical "Favorite" vibe unlike Shida Kazuhiro and Natsume Eri's art.

>> No.46172419

The main heroine of every FAVORITE titles since hoshimemo was a loli.

>> No.46172501

Interesting information from digging around indicates that this entry takes place around 18-20 years before Kamidori in the same region.

Old man character Tkieg/Tokeeg Zilterry in the cast is already confirmed to be Emelita's grandfather according to a line in Kamidori's script

>> No.46172594

One or two petite high schoolers per title is a very low bar to be considered a loli company. The average breast size did increase but it's not a drastic change.

>> No.46172682

One day eroge will have flashbacks on/off toggle

>> No.46172693

>Natsume Eri
>Became a vtuber
What the heck, how is this possible, is she underage when she started making eroge illustrations?

>> No.46172714

What do you mean? She could be 50 and still do vtubing.

>> No.46172775

So besides eroge, what's taking up your time? 4chan shitposting?

>> No.46172792

That's not cool. That's just crazy.

>> No.46172883

nta but Yes.

>> No.46172918

Excessive flashbacks kill me inside. My memory is not that shitty.

>> No.46173012

>interacting with Westoids, but angry and depressed
I fail to see how it proves you're above slop.

>> No.46173069

I'm happy and content though.

>> No.46173076

With Westoids, that's very suspect.

>> No.46173094

Everyone here is a westoid, you need a VPN to post in the japoid boards so they make clear enough non-japoids are not wanted there.

>> No.46173132

Because the Westoids will contribute nothing, but dark edgy shit like two nukes weren't enough. You won't protect your garden from malicious foreign vandals?

>> No.46173144

No one here is actually Japanese. It's just full of slavs, seamongs upset and self hating westoid autists who got ostracized in their westoid shitholes.

>> No.46173210

I respect the japanese too much to go and shit up their spaces

>> No.46173614

>upon learning of the dark (heh) origins of the word.

>> No.46173962

I'm constantly refreshing for dessert soft. I don't even know why, I wasn't planning on reading it.

>> No.46174266

https://www.etymonline.com/word/cool Third paragraph.
Regular VPNs do not work, you have to use a literal botnet like Tuxler that may expose you to the risk of random people uploading CP from your IP.
Also this >>46173210 , same reason why I don't have plans of ever moving to Japan.

>> No.46174343

Nice language EFLs

>> No.46174525

Oh, makes sense. If it's connected to jazz I'm not using it either.

>> No.46174531

1. rent a VPS located in Japan
2. ???
3. profit

>> No.46174533
File: 54 KB, 752x403, upgrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46174589


>> No.46174627
File: 2.79 MB, 852x480, imokano.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me while reading that garbage ending

>> No.46174949

The only reason for the existence of flashbacks is to see the loli form of the girls

>> No.46175276

I'll let this shitpost pass because at least you put the effort with the jp subs

>> No.46175406

Just because someone criticizes the latest cartel kusoge doesn't mean they're shitposting.

>> No.46175425

How long until Eushully goes bankrupt?

>> No.46175432

Within 6 months.

>> No.46175468

Oooooh that's why the trauma and obsession of some faggots here with hating that game, now I understand everything

>> No.46175487

Until the banks tells them enough

>> No.46176164

???? What cartel?

>> No.46176182

we are reaching unsuspected levels of newfag

>> No.46176442

Sorry for spending most my time reading eroge instead of hunting obscure 4chan trivia

>> No.46176504

bro just stop i can't stand to see someone publicly kill themselves so much

>> No.46176514

nta but i don't know what "the cartel" is either, i assume it's some sort of anime fansub thing and i was never really in that scene at any point (before or after I started consuming raw JP works)

>> No.46176530
File: 603 KB, 1280x1465, cartel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open up newfriend. This is the old cartel. Current one is irrelevant pretty much, but we still hate them.

>> No.46176540

This is some serious e-celeb worship, holy shit. Isn't that all a bunch of English localizer nonsense? What relevance does it have here?

>> No.46176543

日陰の日葵 this any good?

>> No.46176544

only you cock sucker, the rest don't give a fuck

>> No.46176641

>but we still hate them
which of all your favorite kusoge did denka send to irrelevance?

>> No.46177368

Sakutoki anniversary stream. Announcement coming in March, probably not SakuOto since he said it's not what many people are expecting, but I didn't watch the whole thing.

>> No.46177394

Thank you, subasister.

>> No.46177695

Yea subahibi is the only work they made in 25 years.

>> No.46177701

So true, subasister.

>> No.46177778

Never, they are pretty much the only gameplayge mainstay in the industry, at least until Alicesoft gets over the mobage meme.

>> No.46177806

It seems ridiculous to me when he said Sakurako route was 80% complete when they scrapped it. She was giga cute in uta, so she must have been popular in the surveys. But what can you expect from a guy who doesn't make a Kana route while also making her a main character in the true route for 2 games.

>> No.46177876

Is there any VN with siamese twins?

>> No.46177890
File: 92 KB, 1305x920, Dark Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they have to start out as siamese twins or is it okay if it happens later?

>> No.46177926


>> No.46177934

Subarashiki Hibi desu.

>> No.46178290

Both are OK.
Wait really? Proof?

>> No.46178692

Has anyone read Kara no Shojo 3? What did you think?

>> No.46178722

>dropping prolonged vowels in romanizations (ie. shojo instead of shoujo)
Holy EOP

>> No.46178730

the japanese do this all the time unfortunately

>> No.46178747

Everything you could find on AB and more is on kfmax.
The worst I've seen was people sharing files copied off the iso.

>> No.46178762

That's different, they still think ぢ is romanized as di

>> No.46178772


>> No.46178779

Was a disappointment. Liked the first 2 though

>> No.46178794
File: 64 KB, 720x540, img_0334-720x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46178823

Why don't you read it yourself? I assume you've read the other two games since you're asking about the third one.

>> No.46178837

That's what I type to get a ぢ, though I'm using an IME on a QWERTY keyboard most of the time

>> No.46178918

I have. While it was enjoyable, it didn't have the tension that made the first one great. What was the deal with Fumiya? Why did they just ignore Naori except for one scene in one ending?

>> No.46178979

Japanese romanization practices are dogshit, they can't into hepburn

>> No.46179038

Does anyone have a Textractor hook code for Monobeno Happy End that can capture the text which has furigana? Any basic hook code omits any kanji with furigana.

>> No.46179053

Should work.

>> No.46179065

>hook code

>> No.46179067

Not only are you a faggot, but also want to be a clown, eh?

>> No.46179077

Meant to respond to >>46179038 ?

>> No.46179084

Nah, was a response to your cheap attempt at trolling me.

>> No.46179090

Maybe you should try asking reddit, mondblut-kun.

>> No.46179103

I don't know who's more pathetic, that loser or you faggots who let him live rent free in your heads.

>> No.46179109

Probably the person asking for a hookcode for fucking furigana in the untranslated vn thread.

>> No.46179112

What happened with that MTL eroge thread you guys wanted to start here on /jp/? why not go there to discuss your stuff? There were also some attempts for an english translated eroge thread on /jp/ yet you didn't use it.

>> No.46179119

I said it omits the fucking kanji that have furigana.

>> No.46179126

Okay? Why don't you just do the obvious thing and type that furigana into a dictionary?

>> No.46179131

It's faster and more efficient to instantly hook it.

>> No.46179143

Oh no. You're going to lose 10 seconds of reading time every time some unknown word with furigana comes up, whatever should you do?
You're going to have to look up a bunch of shit while reading Monobeno anyway. What difference does it make?

>> No.46179149

So true, MTLsister.

>> No.46179151

This is why you get called a hookcuck

>> No.46179161

>needing furigana for kanji
KEK! Excuse my parlance.

>> No.46179171

>faster and more efficient
So true, rationalistic westernsister.

>> No.46179177

Both of those ideas seem pointless and redundant

>> No.46179235

Almost like subhumans don't want to share a space with other subhumans, so they would rather run from where they belong and infect the place that isn't overrun with their kind, since all of them think they are "better than the rest of their kind" not realizing everyone of them think the same
Also that's a really good analogy for westoids migrating to japan

>> No.46179263

amazing that the only worthwhile posts in the thread are from the demonbane and mahosho guys

>> No.46179277

and the least worthwhile posts are yours and mine

>> No.46179305

I only liked the ending. Idk how to say it, but I found it hard to believe what was happening in the plot, even more so after the time skip. Makoto getting away, Yaginuma being dumb, and that Fumiya thing out of nowhere. I think I liked 1 the most. I don't know to describe it, but it feels like the plot in 3 one was here bc the illustrator wanted to draw CGs about angels and things without caring much with the storyline, rather than trying to follow and ties up loose ends with 1 and 2.

>> No.46179323

Because they have no reason to care about romanization, to them it's mostly just an aesthetical thing because English letters = exotic.

>> No.46179332
File: 573 KB, 1600x1709, anki-larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use your phone

>> No.46179514

Yaginuma didn't feel like his usual character. Totally different to how he was in Cartagra and even the ending to KnS2. I still don't understand Fumiya (or really why the culprit in the angel killings continued), and I can't be bothered to go through it a third time. 1 had tension because characters you knew were at risk, but in 3 the victims were randomers or people whose importance was only revealed on a second playthrough. I agree about the creators wanting to draw CGs of things - stella had lots of art but little to no real relevance in the plot.

>> No.46179527

i'm trying to get this old Leaf vn to work, but it refuses to start
tried running it as admin, enabling compatibility settings, executing it with locale emulator/ntlea, but it just refuses to fucking run
i'm on windows 10, and i THINK i have the download edition of the game. (it didn't say what version it is from where i was getting it)

>> No.46179573


>> No.46179579

virtualbox it in XP

>> No.46179582

Just use a VM. You shouldn't be running pirated software on your main system anyway.

>> No.46179594

Nta but you must be really paranoid, i have been doing it for 30 years without any issues

>> No.46179608

>You shouldn't be running pirated software on your main system anyways
Then I wouldn't be running anything on it. That's retarded.

>> No.46179611

GNU/Linux doesn't have this problem.

>> No.46179634
File: 319 KB, 1017x602, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well looks like i had the first fucking press edition of the game, because i just downloaded the dvd edition and it just werks
thanks anyway

>> No.46179643

I make this mistake all the time. For older stuff it's usually worth double checking that it didn't come out in other editions or as part of a package. Also good for trying to find stuff in the first place.

>> No.46179661

do you have hook code for this with Furigana ?

>> No.46179710

you REALLY don't want to read this if you're a beginner, the first scene is literally just 5 minutes of auto-play, so having a hook would be pointless.
but for all your future needs, check here: https://web.archive.org/web/20221114220419/https://vn-hooking.fandom.com/wiki/H-Code

>> No.46179869

I even pirated windows itself

>> No.46180606

Answer me fags

>> No.46180621

Why would you think anyone has played that

>> No.46180640

looks super short, go take a chance on something for once in your life, not much downside if it's garbage

>> No.46180717

>all ages poop
geez, who knows you fucking mong

>> No.46180734

its one of those short free games posted on this site https://novelgame.jp/games/show/6056
you can read the comments there

>> No.46181039

We need a new thread.

>> No.46181243


>> No.46181433


>> No.46181980

New thread:

