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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46132910 No.46132910 [Reply] [Original]


Previous Threads:
>>46126603 #3784
>>46119597 #3783
>>46114039 #3782

Read for at least 2 hours before coming here

>> No.46132931
File: 1.14 MB, 2154x662, 1704731870555057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanahira: https://mega.nz/file/TUxHwC6S#LZ8p8GizWdPZQbc13W7ELgM-uRRUMYYrIqfbcnnLHEs

wolf girl: https://mega.nz/file/PYBXWB5C#OV80eoc-07v_S0-jDsu3mA7mHq7DajBULu5khDzuodU

steins;gate: https://mega.nz/file/7cYxQK7A#Hqic0iM2eulbJGXdHx1hEW1R51cMwlAdP7GHGmQo94k

>> No.46132932
File: 236 KB, 1167x747, ohnononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46133019
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>> No.46133026

If you told me when I was just starting out to pick between のそのそ and 麒麟 which word would be hard to remember and which would be braindead easy I would not get it right.

>> No.46133041

I wish they told me I would be learning Chinese

>> No.46133057

write the kanji for qilin from memory right now

>> No.46133058

wotd 危険日

>> No.46133080

felt that out easily

>> No.46133091

dont have a clue where i could have possibly acquired kikenbi

>> No.46133098


>> No.46133130

woke up from nap
rolling time
>even: hanahira
>odd: vidya
>trips: go back to sleep

>> No.46133137

so be it

>> No.46133156

it's written so that you can understand it

>> No.46133165

Unlimited Japanese content
Not enough Chinese content

>> No.46133168

do you guys ever get tired of your cards you mined from porn? I mean it's fine for porn words but e.g. i just did my card for 溶岩 which i mined from being a metaphor for cum and it's kind like i wish i just had a normal card where they're actually talking about lava.

>> No.46133179

i love this word so much

>> No.46133187
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>> No.46133195

cant decide if i should have the sentence on the front or the back of my cards, what are your guys experiences
got a decent amount of mono cards now from vinnies and i seem to deal with them better when its just the word for whatever reason, i think the sentence distracts me and sometimes makes me remember the context rather than the reading/meaning

>> No.46133199

seems like you should put it on the front if that makes it harder. you're trying to prepare for understanding the word in a sentence after all

>> No.46133203

sentence cards are one of the easiest ways to cripple yourself

>> No.46133206

sentence cards are cheating

>> No.46133207

read this as sogo and thought "uh yeah this is sogo" but i defo couldnt write the kanji or picture them in my head even

>> No.46133211

why do anki fags bitch over sentence cards and word cards when they're basically the same and it's actually anki that cripples you in the first place

>> No.46133215

i always mix it up with 齷齪 

>> No.46133217

would you rather have
unlimited bacon, but no more vinnies
vinnies, unlimited vinnies, but no more vinnies?

>> No.46133219
File: 263 KB, 375x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deflation; contraction
doesn't deflation mean something becomes slack and less tense

>> No.46133221

it makes it harder cuz i end up remembering the context and exactly what the sentence means, but not the reading of the word sometimes
yea it sometimes feels that way like i see the word again in a vn and have to look it up every so often
nobody is bitching just asking around for advice
>anki that cripples you in the first place
dunno works for me, as long as you read a lot it its a great supplement

>> No.46133225

the edge becomes more tense

>> No.46133226

put it on the back

>> No.46133229

"contraction" means shrinking in size, dummy
my dick contracts after cumming in your ass

>> No.46133236


>> No.46133238

>my dick contracts
esl moment

>> No.46133239

yeah i think im gonna try that for a while
listening to jazzys interview again and he seemed to have the exact same problem that i have right now where the sentence becomes too much of a hint for the word despite being helpful early on

>> No.46133243

1 caveat, have it on the front for pure kana words

>> No.46133245


deflation would be last thing on my mind in this context(not a gay vn btw}

>> No.46133247
File: 13 KB, 660x146, Screenshot 2024-02-17 204924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kindly stuff it, treeknob

>> No.46133254

contract means something else when talking about body parts

>> No.46133265

>he's never had dick contractions

>> No.46133271

i was gonna draw a picture but my tablet broke
son of a bitch

>> No.46133287

was it chinkshit?

>> No.46133311

hey, cool it with the anti sinocentric remarks

>> No.46133312

to me contract with a body part means like a muscle decreasing in length feel like a willy is not contracting its deflating since it gets smaller in both directions

>> No.46133317

so yes

>> No.46133319

who tf cares

>> No.46133320

yes. being an esl must be hell

>> No.46133326

i care about you anon
you are loved
dont do it

>> No.46133327

fuck dammit it would take too long now
and the troll has already korean-blackslided away from the point
i give up

>> No.46133410

gn lads hope u have a nice one eating some yoghurt

>> No.46133424

Kiss me on the lips, choke me on the floor
Drag me around, and push me right against your door
I'm your little doll, come and play with me
Dying all my hair, we could be in the scene
Lights out, you don't tap out
You're so crazy, manipulate me
Fucking chase me, fucking break me
You're my everything, please just rape me

>> No.46133441
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>> No.46133465

what is this supposed to mean? 日本語で果たす sounds nonsensical

>> No.46133473

it means jizzing from listening to asmr

>> No.46133476

stop being gay

>> No.46133486

I just wanna be your sweetheart
Fucking come here, give me your heart
Just you and me to infinity
I can't fucking breathe, too much ecstasy

Piercing on your lip, it's perfect
Never seen another girl this perfect
Sticking out your tongue for the picture

>> No.46133495

stop it

>> No.46133506
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>> No.46133507
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>> No.46133510

oh no! poor fish is out of nihogo

>> No.46133532

your tablet should have stayed broken

>> No.46133534

got the man hands right

>> No.46133537
File: 126 KB, 1248x1218, 1623291008347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im straight up just reading japanese

>> No.46133546

i think the fish is cute but the text is crinj

>> No.46133547

im straight up just reading djt

>> No.46133550

i'm not straight anymore >>46133506

>> No.46133551


>> No.46133561

natural cringe is always better than forced cringe

>> No.46133563

two orders of synthetic cringe please

>> No.46133567
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another yaoipilled individual

>> No.46133585
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cute feet

>> No.46133591

homos get the rope

>> No.46133596

not the biggest fan of BLACKED, but I really like the color contrast.
It's more of an artistic preference than anything, really.

>> No.46133598
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>> No.46133604

you're ginger irl

>> No.46133610

doubtful, only 2% of people are
same, wmbf is just as good

>> No.46133617

rather rope than spend time with a bf

>> No.46133636
File: 411 KB, 2006x445, 1636506119556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually true lol

>> No.46133656


>> No.46133663

do ppl really watch all 1094 episodes of one piece

>> No.46133667

im 15 episodes behind

>> No.46133668



>> No.46133669

you could watch them all in a month

>> No.46133671

but if i did one a day it would take over 3 years

>> No.46133682

it's more like 547 because half of each episode is the opening and a recap of last episode

>> No.46133688
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id get made fun of for llooking gay

>> No.46133698
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youd like that wouldnt you, you little faggot~

>> No.46133705

plane spotting

>> No.46133724
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>> No.46133725

>woah! its a 757!
>and another 757!
>and another 757!
>and another 757!
>oh wait, thats actually a 7~3~7!!!
so cool...

>> No.46133745

you posted pics before and i made fun of you for looking gay

>> No.46133768

no i didnt

>> No.46133772

you look like an egg

>> No.46133779

how come every time im confused there's someone here that knows everything and calls me lil bro

>> No.46133786 [DELETED] 

which are you? https://files.catbox.moe/79ss2u.jpeg

>> No.46133799


maybe i watch yama no susume

>> No.46133819
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1587868971219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro、 stop talking cringe lmao

>> No.46133822

i look like that

>> No.46133844

wait 能 isn't finger

>> No.46133852
File: 2.49 MB, 2720x3780, 1708233322987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are now known as dekinai anon

>> No.46133867

thats a child

>> No.46133870

i want to be her

>> No.46133871

wow youre so cool and edgy

>> No.46133872

thx :3

>> No.46133887


>> No.46133900

i am the dekinaiest anon
this is the dekinaiest thread

>> No.46133929

Thoughts on white noising?

>> No.46133930


>> No.46133935

can kinda help as a step 0

>> No.46133936

“We acquire language in only one way: when we understand what people say and when we understand what we read” – Stephen Krashen

>> No.46133940

>to learn something you have to already know it
thanks genius

>> No.46133942

>go to class
>understand lesson
>leave class knowing more

>> No.46133949

not all communication is thru symbols, it can also be the context and nonverbals

>> No.46133950

anyone wanna transcribe wakuwakuwanwan

>> No.46133954
File: 1.57 MB, 1186x890, 132321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is badontachi

>> No.46133956

that's baton tacchi

>> No.46133958

passing the baton? wtf

>> No.46133960

i know

>> No.46133961

*rapes your bussy*

>> No.46133997

yosh immeesiin time

>> No.46133998
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>> No.46133999

now translate it

>> No.46134004
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>> No.46134007

time to white noise some throwaway shit (is the order a rabbit)

>> No.46134010

that's a cunny masterpiece

>> No.46134012

why do so many of them look like söyjaks
yes my monitor is on

>> No.46134013

the comic artist is a cringe leftist

>> No.46134018

taisetsu mono

>> No.46134019
File: 2.13 MB, 988x1049, 1708236783663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help step brother I got stuck
I will singlehandedly see through to fruition the repopulation of the archipelago of Japan

>> No.46134020

I thought it looked shit when it was airing and it looks shit to me now.

>> No.46134021

it's boring shit. idk how it got 3 seasons and multiple albums

>> No.46134023

>I'm handing it over to you.
I hate よろしくお願いします. Stupid phrase just doesn't translate right.

>> No.46134030


>> No.46134031

I hate よるしか

>> No.46134035

this is why felling it out is the superior learning method

>> No.46134053

Yeah what sort of “feeling” does it give you, anon? If you could put that feeling into tangible words that vaguely resemble a translation, what would it look like?

>> No.46134067
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remember to look forward to the future

>> No.46134068

whats the best to feel out a lolige other than with one hand? Imouto?

>> No.46134071

just heard 黒んぼ from a filthy frank vid. is the closest word to にげr in japanese?

>> No.46134073

got something you can feel out

>> No.46134084

either that or 奴隷

>> No.46134086
File: 1019 KB, 1152x595, 32131231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amanes having her nigga moment

>> No.46134088

people are slightly lonelier and sadder from 21-60 because they prioritize work, family and comfort over kinship and brotherhood. Its a self made wound, and only a difference of 6 and 7 on their scale

>> No.46134099


>> No.46134106

>another 20 years of going downhill for me
i can't handle that desu

>> No.46134115

4x y/o here and i wouldn't even know how to prioritize kinship and brotherhood if i wanted to. it's not like i can just walk into the college computer lounge and play counterstrike with bros.

>> No.46134119
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>> No.46134120

>4x y/o here
big if true

>> No.46134122

time speeds up as you grow up so 30-40 will only be like 16-20 in terms of experience

>> No.46134126

v true i mean.. u guys know nukemarine exists right? why couldn't i be a nukemarine that just doesn't post on reddit

>> No.46134128
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meetup.com brother

>> No.46134131

i went to meetups but they were all canceled by cringe aids in 2020

>> No.46134137


>> No.46134138

they started up again and if not you should steal their members

>> No.46134142

the ones i went to didn't. i guess i could go to new ones but i've been too lazy.

>> No.46134150

animelon and that auto anki card script and HOOVERING are pretty based. maybe I would have actually learned nihongo 15 years ago if this stuff was around back then.
there's probably no excuse not to be able to be able to become fluent nowadays. as far as resources go literally my only problem is that jp manga scans suck ass so bad you can't even read the furigana a lot of the time.

>> No.46134151
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some of u are 30 right? nothing is magical about the next digit rlly

>> No.46134155

Just use Cloe. It can capture almost any manga text with 100% accuracy.

>> No.46134163
File: 535 KB, 2364x1327, X9sW0eAP18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very important question here /djt/. How do you read 伏矢 in the sentence 「還る場所と現世の狭間、我が輩の伏矢が満たされた特殊な空間」?

>> No.46134166

is "don't learn kanji, learn vocab" supposed to mean that i have to look up almost every instance of kanji in the vn i'm trying to read? because that's what i have to do right now and i'm wondering if adding kanji study to my study routine is a good idea

>> No.46134165

I've only been able to find chinese people speaking about it.

>> No.46134167

idk doesn't make sense. context?

>> No.46134176

dunno looks like chinese

>> No.46134178


It's a chinese concept but there is an entry in japanese about it. It's about aspects of the soul, that being the 三魂 and the 七魄. 伏矢 is part of the 七魄.

>> No.46134182

Picrel describes what it means but I just don't know how a japanese person would read.

>> No.46134183

so white people from hyperborea can never understand

>> No.46134184

yea they just mean learn the kaji compounds as words. as for individual kanji study, some people say its essential, others say its a waste of time, so try it for yourself i guess

>> No.46134193
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should i reposuto or iine (like)

>> No.46134208

everything is downhill from 13 and I mean females of course

>> No.46134211

pedos get the rope

>> No.46134214

ropes of cum

>> No.46134219

and that's why chrono trigger and ff6 are my fav games

>> No.46134223

can u guys imagine the immense power if u watched evangelion at age 13 without an internet cabal telling u what to think about it

>> No.46134224

I woulda thought it was shit the same way I did at like 25 when I watched it.

>> No.46134226

nah it's about teenage feelings

>> No.46134229

i like my women like i like my koohi

>> No.46134232

who the fuck eats coffee with fries

>> No.46134236

i do
i eat nuggets and coffee and fries and a big milk shake!

>> No.46134241

have u ever been to a mcdonalds before 8am? different world
that might be my only community when im 60+

>> No.46134245


>> No.46134247
File: 71 KB, 376x275, 1708240491390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aged to 6?

>> No.46134248

with all the methods we have in the the jp learning community, how long would it take to learn spanish and get to C1?

>> No.46134249

dark roasted and chopped up

>> No.46134251

or the opposite. have you ever been in a denny's at 2am with someone you care about

>> No.46134252

if u know english? sp should be a walk in the park

>> No.46134255

have you ever been to the library at 12 o clock noon with an asian girlfriend

>> No.46134257
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>> No.46134259

never had an asian gf..

>> No.46134261
File: 729 KB, 1001x682, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

弱い djters on the left
can't even pick up some koohi beans

>> No.46134265


>> No.46134269

can i watch solo levelling if i'm
> n4 jap
> over the age of 14

>> No.46134270





>> No.46134274


>> No.46134280

what if god told me i shouldn't have a gf

>> No.46134289

he would be right

>> No.46134293

not sure why wanikani taught me so many words with 弱 and 虫 in them like 弱虫 .. what did they mean by this

>> No.46134316

伏矢 (the hidden/crouching arrow) is a kind of corporeal "yin soul" associated with the mind and conscious thought in Chinese philosophy. Normally, if it's a Chinese word, you'd construct a reading using the two closest kan-on readings, so fúshǐ would become ふくし.

>> No.46134322

hated by life itself

>> No.46134331


>> No.46134340

'm fluent in three languages: English, Spanish, and Spaghetti

>> No.46134347

I should also note that it's associated with digestion as well, which may be the case in your game.

>> No.46134348
File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, 1587531537432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol! i love this meme!!!

>> No.46134353


>> No.46134354

Wow thanks for actually answering my question. I also assumed it would be ふくしjust intuitively. Are you familiar with chinese philosophy or did you just look that up?

>> No.46134356

that boy is cute cute CUTE

>> No.46134361

I'm not, but I've gotten pretty good at learning about Chinese concepts through Japanese.

>> No.46134362
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>> No.46134364

That is sort of the case. In this scene they're talking about hunger and appetite.

>> No.46134367
File: 277 KB, 1057x490, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh! finally ready to read my moeslop

>> No.46134371

Were you looking for chinese stuff specifically or did you just happen on it gradually? I ask because I'm also interested in older chinese concepts and maybe you know some good resources.

>> No.46134386

I happened upon all of it as I delved into harder Japanese texts which make frequent use of Chinese concepts/religion. I just google endlessly and use a combination Chinese, English, and Japanese sources. Just be careful about believing the first thing you read and make sure you can authenticate it somewhere else. There's a lot of fake information and varying opinions when it comes to Chinese philosophy.

>> No.46134395

Got it. Thanks again for the information. Maybe this board still has some hope

>> No.46134416

so basically you learned chinese

>> No.46134419
File: 230 KB, 452x435, image0-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We learning japanese
We gonna makeit

>> No.46134423
File: 556 KB, 1729x2576, 1691543949695394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all of summer 2023 posting miku pics on /lmg/

>> No.46134429
File: 668 KB, 489x679, GBpBzjebIAA3BVS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some day ill be fluent in japanese if i keep at it. Waow. Mikus si cute

>> No.46134442

did u guys watch oddtaxi
i did but it was before i tried to learn any jp at all

>> No.46134481

H-games or any games to learn japanese?

>> No.46134489


>> No.46134493


>> No.46134494

coomer games will give better extrinsic motivation than other games which is helpful when you can't understand shit and feel like giving up.

>> No.46134529


>> No.46134536

does the weirdness of the plot of the vn you're playing ever inhibit your fapping experience

>> No.46134554

jrpgs with voice acting

>> No.46134566
File: 715 KB, 2246x1080, 654353435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if are in for the plot u are doing it wrong

>> No.46134582

umm.. evolution told me if i saw 3d boobs then i might get to pass on my genes.. therefore if i see 2d boobs when i'll never get to pass on my genes i should think its based even though it's a misdetection of the boob-sensor gene since it could never predict this happening.. fulfilling useless utillity functions.. bASED GOD! WANTON SOUP LIL B (who is a difference species than me) BASED!!

>> No.46134625

how realistic is it to aim for 20 new added cards a day without the mine everything approach, being autistic and adding random +20k freq words

>> No.46134627

what survival gene does a wood plank chest activate

>> No.46134632

ffxiv lets gooo

>> No.46134634

I heard nekopara doesn't get lewd until like 8 hours in. That's going to be like 80 hours at my reading pace.

>> No.46134645

isn't it hard because they use so many weird phrasings.. at least they do in english.. 'must needs' wtf u talking about lmao :rofl:

>> No.46134650


>> No.46134651

i think reading nekopara for 80 hours will destroy your brain cells

>> No.46134655

but won't it make me feel like i have a cat gf?

>> No.46134668

what is the appeal of cats

>> No.46134675

fluffy ears and going into heat

>> No.46134685

I dont have the link anymore but someone made a text->clipboard plugin for dalamud

>> No.46134769

What kinds of games do you like?

>> No.46134772

picked the fuck up

>> No.46134792

oh shit i didn't think about how retarded some of the races are when they talk. i might actually get crippled. dunno if its worth it anymore lol
that would be helpful if you can find it

>> No.46134800

no it means you have to look up words you don't know until you understand the sentence, run out of words in the sentence, or run out of patience for the sentence (that's when you use deepl)

>> No.46134806

>(that's when you use deepl)

>> No.46134817

like 1k hours

>> No.46134822

was in this thread >>/jp/thread/45282157

>> No.46134845

Why is the english word "the" written as ザ when ゼ makes much more sense?

>> No.46134856

Because ゼ would be closer to "they" than "thuh"

>> No.46134867

we say the as thuh more than thee

i kneel

>> No.46134891


>> No.46134899

As much as you can what?

>> No.46134900


>> No.46134902

I guess that makes sense. Also I'm pretty sure it would have never been memed if it was ゼ・ワルド.

>> No.46134906

Probably not, but that's what makes Japanese-transliterated English so much fun.

>> No.46134958

Ok so, 5 anki decks (with a mining one), + grammar study + daily immersion.
This is all i need?

>> No.46134964

if u plan to fail yes

>> No.46134965

yeah and an IQ of >130 and you're good to go

>> No.46134969

All you need is the initial core 2.3k + a mining deck. The grammar study can also be minor, so long as you understand the basics (conjugation, particles, sentence structure, etc.). After that, you can let the language teach you through the media you consume.

>> No.46134973

imagine being japanese and not being able to tell between r / l and (none) /a / the lolololololol

>> No.46134977

Thank you

>> No.46134978

It's their cross to bear as the inferior people.

>> No.46135022



>> No.46135038

Why would you think Japan is any more moral than the rest of the world?

>> No.46135127










>> No.46135149

Yeah, and there's a clear distinction between the sexes in the Christian sphere as well. What's your point? That the West somehow doesn't know the difference but the East does?
The immorality of the nations has nothing to do with logic.

>> No.46135216

ive finished the msq in japanese (longest vinny ive played) and yeah the language in it is very chuuni, it's definitely harder than a typical vn

>> No.46135284





>> No.46135322

yoshi, time to not learn japanese

>> No.46135326

Holy hell your Japanese is bad

>> No.46135345

nice self own

>> No.46135399

>I-I was being retarded on purpose
Sure, anon, sure lol

>> No.46135418

>djt when trying to write a sentence in japanese

>> No.46135465 [DELETED] 

what is the best way to finger a girl, djt?

>> No.46135497 [DELETED] 

offtopic post, report this

>> No.46135604


>> No.46135623

I'd like to apologize to the Anon who months ago I was rude to because he used Pass/Fail. I switched to it since that's what FSRS recommends, and it's way more efficient. I have seen the light. Sorry, sempai.

>> No.46135657


>> No.46135717

Does anyone have 9784789016988?

>> No.46135732
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>> No.46135819

you don't need to apologize, it's only rude to disagree with people when they're in the wrong

>> No.46135841

dunno what any of that is but what is it more efficient at? do u know japanese now?

>> No.46135903

efficient at making you a permadkn
an "algorithm" thats all the rage these days made by your chink buddies across the pacific and rumored to increase your "retention" by inundating you with extra reviews
midwits love it

>> No.46135949

i inferred about that much i just wanted to hope maybe it wasnt the case

>> No.46135975

>inundating you with extra reviews

>> No.46135977

its shilled about analclown so if you had any sense you would avoid it like the plague

>> No.46135992

Holy hell her Japanese is bad

>> No.46136014

bocchi ze rock

>> No.46136032

anyone here willing to share their thoughts on the anime 異世界でもふもふなでなでするためにがんばってます

>> No.46136043

havent wtched it never will

>> No.46136051

have you watched any isekai anime

>> No.46136056

yes but it was before it was known as the meme genre its known as today

>> No.46136059

don't say no jamal i know you've seen digimon adventure

>> No.46136097

wonder what the answer would be if you asked random anime fans off the street the definition of "isekai" anime

>> No.46136102

stopped reading there, it's shit anon

>> No.46136111

異 and 糞 p much look the same anyway so ur not wrong

>> No.46136113
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>> No.46136112

watched 4 hours of anime and only mined 5 words
guess I need to watch less and read more

>> No.46136115

bro ur literally watching dunmeshi

>> No.46136121

chugger conroy

>> No.46136122

?????? i dont watch that

>> No.46136135

i didnt ask if it was good i asked for your thoughts

>> No.46136137

>obvious plant foods
what does it mean

>> No.46136138

maybe it was some other tripfags then, sorry

>> No.46136146
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>> No.46136147

my thought are that it's shit

>> No.46136157

the main character guy of onepiece reminds me of jamal

>> No.46136159

eeeee jamal replied to me

>> No.46136165

stfu cocksuckers

>> No.46136166

get replied on idiota lol

>> No.46136168

what's the easiest way to mine on kindle

>> No.46136173

go see a psychiatrist

>> No.46136177

i'm seeing one but he couldn't help me with this particular question

>> No.46136180

djt isnt a psychiatrist

>> No.46136184

use the kindle as a prying device of sorts between the soil and the mineral deposit

>> No.46136193

what are your issues bro? i could talk to one of my dads friends hes a psychiatrist

>> No.46136198

sorry ur friends with a jew

>> No.46136203

i have a huge cock but no pussy to put it in

>> No.46136206

heres your psychiatrist

>> No.46136207

have you tried bending it into your own ass?

>> No.46136209

first i mark the sentences with words i didn't know
then when i'm done with the volume i plug the kindle into my pc and load up a python script that parses my saved sentences putting them into my clipboard one by one and allowing me to paste them into an anki card
then i use the mia japanese add-on to generate pitch accent info and select a dictionary definition
easy innit

>> No.46136213

not him but yes

>> No.46136219

pussy cholo....

>> No.46136220

>mia japanese add-on

>> No.46136245

i might walk around in a wifebeater and chino shorts tucked into my socks but underneath u will find something even more sinister.....

>> No.46136249

dark forces are operating in djt waters

>> No.46136255

drain the swamp!

>> No.46136256

theyre putting djt in the water

>> No.46136268

djt just add water

>> No.46136294

djt is finally submersing

>> No.46136333
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>> No.46136350

stare into the swamp and it stares back at you

>> No.46136393

曲 of the day


>> No.46136404

country rap lmao

>> No.46136469


>> No.46136491

dang that was actually relaly sick and sounded good
too bad hes not a girl and the preview thumbnail isnt some striptease shit he coulda got millions of views off of that

>> No.46136500

just mined 大草原不可避

>> No.46136512

watching pokemon resort because it's a pokemon show in japanese. surprisingly comfy

>> No.46136516

wish i could play piano

>> No.46136517

*puts on sombrero*

>> No.46136523

if u start now by the time ur my age u could be epic like him

>> No.46136534

felt that out easily

>> No.46136540


>> No.46136543

might learn it to get to the point of being able to play nice sounding rags bc then id be able to do one man jazz ensemble recordings for fun

>> No.46136542

in 20 years piano will be illegal

>> No.46136557
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actually in 20 years everybody will be able to play it flawlessly because we'll be able to edit our brain on-the-go

>> No.46136560

just use a computer bongtardo

>> No.46136573

were still not at the 2019 stage lil bro

>> No.46136577

if u remember what "they" promised us in the past we were supposed to have flying cars and live in a jetsons world right now

>> No.46136583

this isn't a movie script


>> No.46136585

every bad premonition comes true and all the good ones don't

>> No.46136602

nah the premonition that im about to spend the rest of this week gooning will surely become true

>> No.46136608

where the FUCK is my hoverboard

>> No.46136613

society has already proven this iteration of humanity isnt the one to evolve and break free of past cycles
20 years of stagnation and moving sideways, lots of good ideas quashed by greed
now the earth will slowly purge us to the last because we are the festering cancer blighting it

>> No.46136627

first good post from this papi guy

>> No.46136628

hunanity can only move forward if the sub 130s are removed from the gene pool

>> No.46136632

the human race will become gooning machines by 2060

>> No.46136635

we will all be in borg alcoves being mechanically gooned all day

>> No.46136647

will the gooning be mandatory

>> No.46136656

people cant live fulfilling lives without something to suffer and something to struggle for

>> No.46136664

this is baseless nihilist cope

memes aside

>nanotube lattices
a meme, we'll have 3d-stacked transistors or another new paradigm in 2 more years. also this is mostly irrelevant in the long term, as long as mips are increasing exponentially it's ok

2 more years until we have disposable e-ink displays

>total power
already happened years ago

>computers imbedded
smart watches and smart fridges are a thing and it'll only get worse as we go forward. verdict: 2 more years

>ai capable of making art
2 more years until it kills hollywood and music labels

>autonomous cars
2 more years until we have cheap tesla kits for old cars

>relationship with ai
2 more years until we have proper waifus living inside apple vision pro

>machine translation
already 100% happened in skype and shiet, 2 more years until it's perfected

we are perfectly on track

>> No.46136682

the earth is becoming more inhospitable for us by the day
food and water shortages are beginning
it will only get worse
therefore..... all of those nerds things do not matter lol

>> No.46136686

>just 2 more years bro

>> No.46136687

2 more weeks!

>> No.46136699

pussy shortages have begun

>> No.46136704

bussy surplus has begun

>> No.46136712

didn't expect papi to fall for the climate myth

>> No.46136718

>disposable e-ink displays
amazing more plastic and shit polluting our streets

>> No.46136723

luckily societies are beginning to clash which will also cause shortages in critical resources
after all our supply chain is very fragile
all we need is one good happening (just 2 more weeks) and itll snowball quickly

>> No.46136733


>> No.46136737

the advancement you should look forward to is regenerative stem cell therapy

>> No.46136740

again, baseless cope. artificial meat is getting cheaper exponentially every year

>americans don't know what recycling is

>> No.46136741

if u instantly recognized this as hnk u are among the threads elite

>> No.46136747

im sure this is something regular people are going to get to have! lmao (it wont even be good anyway)

ah yes eat ze synthetic bugmeat ftw

>> No.46136748

>recycling is
you can only recycle plastic a few times vbefore it's just e-waste

>> No.46136769

djters thinking they'll live forever by sticking leds in their brain lol

>> No.46136782

>it wont even be good anyway

>> No.46136785

elon's working on it

>> No.46136786

not bugmeat, real meat grown from cow cells or whatever. also i'm not saying you'll have to eat it, we'll dump all of it in africa to solve world hunger and get even more immigrants

plastic eating bacteria are a thing.

if you don't die within the next 5 years it will be pretty much impossible to die without getting killed or kyssing

>> No.46136794

with modern technology you wont die even if someone kills you

>> No.46136797

been gone for a hot minute
has qm been cucked yet? when did 邪魔l-dono come back and why? has the v-bijin nigger finally taken off? and most importantly, where is mousou girl?

>> No.46136801

he's a hack. but in practice yes, the longevity escape velocity should be reach by end of decade, so most of people who are alive know have a chance of becoming immortal

>> No.46136809

>if you don't die within the next 5 years it will be pretty much impossible to die without getting killed or kyssing

>> No.46136814

call me when someone is 150 AND they arent begging for death from being a irl chimera like fma

>real meat grown from cow cells or whatever
this is probably going to be horrible for humans to eat because theres something wrong with it that the science doesnt yet understand
sorta like why cloning doesnt work

>> No.46136847
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>this is probably going to be horrible for humans to eat because theres something wrong with it that the science doesnt yet understand
no, you literally have no way of knowing which on is which since they are undistinguishable. also 2 more years and ai will make clinical trials disappear since they won't be needed anymore

>> No.46136850

apparently qm is in a mid cuck situation dunno who the 2nd guy is and i stomped vsharts face into the concrete american history x style and meisou got deported for indecent exposure and is currently back in her home country of algeria

>> No.46136853

they cured blindness in primates and restored old brains to a younger state with high neuroplasticity. and they didn't just stop aging in several organs they reversed it by 50%

>> No.46136857

>"The first 1000-year-old is probably only ~10 years younger than the first 150-year-old."–Aubrey de Grey[1]
really makes you think

>> No.46136860

good to see you back sir

>> No.46136863

more like aubrey de gay

>> No.46136864

u do realize scientists lie in their studies to get more funding its actually a pretty widespread conspiracy and most of the scientific community is in on it together
again call me when u see a real impact in humans

>> No.46136865

>some gen alpha tiktok kid will be 1000

>> No.46136871

why would you want to live forever anyway

>> No.46136878

idk I'll probs off myself before I hit 50

>> No.46136881

how bout this impact *punches u in the stomach*

>> No.46136883

moonbrah's going to be the first one of us to make it to a thousand, just you wait
word round the streets is his erections are better than the average 18 year old's

>> No.46136887

nobody will want to live forever, you can always kys anyway. that what most boomers will do once all the jobs are automated and they won't be able to seethe at their kids anymore for not working hard enough

>> No.46136895

just sit in a swivel chair and spin counter clockwise really fast if you want to reverse ageing. been doing it for the past 40 years

>> No.46136900

i would actually argue that suicide will be promoted and having kids will be forbidden unless you go to another planet or some shit

>> No.46136906

there's nothing to lie about they literally took blind primates and reset their eyes. they took old mice and made them young. this isn't some super obscure hard to verify shit that could be fudged just by manipulating some numbers in a spreadsheet

>> No.46136907


>> No.46136918

the primates werent blind to begin with and they just replaced the mice with different ones when nobody was looking

>> No.46136922

just like the gooks that faked the superconductor shit. I'm sure none of its fake

>> No.46136934

wait till u learn the scientific community has actually been fleecing funders for decades and not actually doing anything

>> No.46136938

i can also bet that in 10 year at most, we'll be able to "download" skills inside our brain. that's why if you haven't at least started learning japanese by now you probably never will (at least not in the traditional way)

>> No.46136948

download more ram

>> No.46136952

I'm not getting an elon musk goon chip put into my brain

>> No.46136965

i can bet in 10 years u will still be a 童貞 lmao *runs thru the crowd high fiving every1*

>> No.46136970

imagine downloading google translate into ur brain and thinking you know japanese kek

>> No.46136971
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>> No.46136976

"virginity" doesn't apply to men, it's a psyop. also i gooned a female a couple of times years ago, so i'm ready to embrace the augment reality onahole with 0 regrets

>> No.46136978

cute reminds me of the good old days

>> No.46136986

it's harvard medical biology research from more than a year ago not some random dubious research done at some bum university they have an unrivaled cachet

>> No.46136995

harvard more like tardvard

>> No.46136998

>try to play a lolige
>elon goon chip stops working because it's outside of what's allowed
can't wait for thr future

>> No.46137000

no, you will be able to download literal japanese, not an automatic translator, that's the point.

>wants to do a trip in japan
>delete spanish to free up some space
>install japanese
>spend 2 weeks gooning at bugpeople
>go back home
>delete japanese
>wipe memory of the last 2 weeks
>goon at blacked porn until you die

>> No.46137004

not only that but it alerts the local police department to come pick u up and take u to a "rehabilitation" facility
wait this is actually a good thing they should chip the pedos 4 sure

>> No.46137006

the average harvard professor is higher iq than you

>> No.46137007

memes aside all these meme laws will probably be abolished since you should be able to do whatever you want inside your head

>> No.46137008

those who cant do、teach

>> No.46137015

that's not how it works. it's only like that now because they can't scan your thoughts

>> No.46137017
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>> No.46137027

most professors don't become professors to teach nor is teaching their focus or primary obligation to the university

>> No.46137028

Overly stringent regulation will kill ai in the west (especially europe) before it ever gets interesting btw; maybe the chinks will get some good use out of it but you're never going to be able to just download japanese into your brain or goon forever with your ai wife.

>> No.46137031

so what ur saying is they arent even good teachers cuz the education system is flawed got it

>> No.46137066

they are researchers first. and yeah they don't undergo any special pedagogical training and are free to do with their class as they please unlike in k-12

>> No.46137080

was gonna post that being hooked up to a cum farm for eternity doesn't sound so bad then realized that's pretty much my like right now

>> No.46137091

nyeah i think im finna goon

>> No.46137108

as long as you have internet acces it's irrelevant, just use a vpn. there's no way to stop the ai progress now

>> No.46137130

ur right but its only cuz they gave a taste of ai to the public to create a problem that requires the government to grasp more power over ppl (tay tay nudes is a good example) to solve
its basically bait to make the average 90 iq sheep to relinquish more freedom to the government

>> No.46137168

ai is basically the same as when americans got koreans to make cartoons in the 80s

>> No.46137190

iq differences will go away in 20 years

>> No.46137209

that's the only thing that won't go away. 140iq augmentoid will always be smarter than a 100iq augmentoid

>> No.46137215

they will only get wider because a ton of retards will all be limited by the same hardware

>> No.46137225

you dont get it bros in 20 years nanomachines will be able to change your brain dna and make it epic and 160 iq

>> No.46137234

this but unironically

>> No.46137240

true true

>> No.46137255

In 20 years humanity will achieve immortality by transplanting their consciousness into a computer.

>> No.46137261

>tranplanting consciousness
thats cloning

>> No.46137263

lol no
that aint how consiousness works

more likely, some dumbfuck scientist is going to create actual ai
which will then kill us all

>> No.46137264

or we could just stop aging too

>> No.46137274

isnt a map of a cube cm of human brain tissue like hyakuman terabytes or something

>> No.46137279

>and then i exited the movie theatre

>> No.46137285


>> No.46137301

oh please
which do you think is more likely?

the trillionaire that owns the severs your mind is going to be hosted on letting you cost them money forever
some stupid idiot hooks up an untested ai to some critical infrastructure, and it breaks everything?

>> No.46137314

>cost them money forever
everything will cost nothing at that stage

>> No.46137315

>he thinks money will be a thing in 20 years

>> No.46137318

storage is getting more cheap every year

>> No.46137329

the only valid form of payment in the future will be how many lolis you have

>> No.46137330

good joke
sorry but money is here forever

and even if it costs like single digit watts per years
thats still energy could be spent on gold-mining robot slaves

>> No.46137334

90iq post

>> No.46137336

1tb ssd still costs like $80 fuck that

>> No.46137340

SSD is a meme

>> No.46137341

any ai destroying the world sounds bollocks until you imagine an ai stuxnet esque malware and how scary it could be

>> No.46137355

oh wait
you meant that you only wanted the "storage" package?
not the "processing power access" package?

okay dude
i guess your "immortality" is ten billion years in a black box
where youll be woken up a single time for a question about something in the 2000s
and then back to sleep for the rest of time

that was sure worth the money huh

>> No.46137360

>>storage is getting more cheap every year bro
>a 5TB hard drive is still a hundred bucks

>> No.46137373

maybe just stop being poor

>> No.46137376

im richer than you

>> No.46137397

if i control an all powerful ai why would i need any low iq people kicking around
the population will be culled to the very elite of the elite

>> No.46137411

then we will be able to evolve to the next step

>> No.46137415

billions must die

>> No.46137418

only to the elite?
bruh id killed everyone and everything
all the humans and animals and plants and bateria
everything that is not an extension of me

>> No.46137423

we are all part of one universe

>> No.46137424

doubt it will become cheaper to automate than to use brown ppl for labour for many years and especially when you consider how much initial investment it takes and how much certain governments like to import thirdies into countries like mine i dont think it will happen for a long long time

>> No.46137425

yosh just bought $40 worth of snacks for the goon cave now i dont have to leave for a while

>> No.46137427

elite can't exist without the cattle.

>> No.46137435

there can only be one god yknow
that there is even a single creature that elicits disgust from you means that the collective ending is impossible

>> No.46137440

but what if the creature that elicits disgust, is me?

>> No.46137445

what if i'm the god?

>> No.46137449

then you wouldnt be on 4channl rn

>> No.46137454

you're not one thing you are 36 trillion cells which have evolved to work in tandem for mutual benefit

>> No.46137466

only because currently they are needed to prop up society and do the needful
if robots can do all the manual labor then humans wont be necessary and there will be no point to having them 99% of them around

>> No.46137471

i could draw a chart to describe it
how the closer you get to your goals, the more of your allies turn to enemies

the only reason civilization exists is because humans are very well aligned with each other
and that we still have big problems left

once famine and disease and poverty are "fixed"
then the greatest war will begin

but what happens when a cell gains immortality, hmmm?
we have a special word for that

>> No.46137473

im the only person that matters in this world
everyone else is merely a product of my imagination

>> No.46137477

actually i'm the creator of the universe, having this vr experience out of boredom. basically i'm like the dude from re-zero except my memory gets wiped every time i quickload. also everything is preplanned by my huge mind, but since now i can only use 1% of my intelligence i'm have fun in the unknown

>> No.46137483

>if robots can do all the manual labor then humans wont be necessary and there will be no point to having them 99% of them around
same goes for the elite. once they aren't need to uphold the whole thing they have the same usefullness as the cattle

>> No.46137484

you would probably invent a more interesting virtual reality instead of one where you have to seek escapism by watching isekai anime slop though

>> No.46137485

jellyfish can live forever

>> No.46137493

the difference is they are the ones with the power to kill everyone else for their own benefit though

>> No.46137501

i can experience multiple realities from this one. if i went into a generic isekai i would've been stuck there for the whole lifetime. here i can indirectly live through a lot of them (as in experiencing fiction), and bring them back outside of simulation to prep new worlds or something

>> No.46137503

have you seen a jellyfish live forever?
is there some tank somewhere with a ten million year old jellyfish?

by our current understanding, they can maybe live a long time
but forever?

>> No.46137505


>> No.46137511

wotd: 永遠

>> No.46137512

everybody will have their own ai. once the proprietary capitalistic ai is good enough, it will be able to write uncensored ai for everybody else, and after some self-improvement everybody will have access to a god in their pocket

>> No.46137513

dunno kind of implies a lack of omnipotence if something you created is giving you "ideas". definitely enough of a mousou to put you in an asylum though

>> No.46137514

why would you want to live forever though

>> No.46137522

jellyfish are like 60% micro plastic now

>> No.46137523

>something you created is giving you "ideas"
technically it's all me. you know like when you dream and talk with your crush before attempting raping her and waking up? technically she's part of your mind so you're actually sexually assaulting yourself.

same concept could be applied to this simulation. 40 years of human time is nothing when we're talking about infinity

>> No.46137525

except the earth's resources are still finite. all that stuff costs electricity etc. you think they will want to share the planet with billions?

>> No.46137530

let me off of this planet
theres too many dekinais here

>> No.46137534

>except the earth's resources are still finite.
nanofactories can solve this. also the space is very big

>all that stuff costs electricity etc.
sun is free, and fusion is coming 2 more years. and i'm not even considering all the other meme energy sources

>> No.46137541

for the djters who prefer bottled water over tap: new research unveils bottled water has 100 times more nanoplastics than previously estimated - over 240,000 fragments per liter. nanoplastics are far more deadly than microplastics

>> No.46137542

>and fusion is coming 2 more years
literally been a meme since the 50s

>> No.46137545

how many aliens know japanese?

>> No.46137552

okay im bored now

any study music recommendations?

>> No.46137555

and? it's coming in 2 more years, dyor

>> No.46137557

aliens know everything we are doing, our languages, etc

>> No.46137563

and they dont care

>> No.46137566

techinically it's japanese. dekinais should know that in 10 year at most they'll be able to download japanese fluency directly to their brain, and that's import to know before taking the nihongopill

>> No.46137572

what if it's actually the opposite and you're in an eternal virtual prison for crimes against the galaxy

>> No.46137575
File: 504 KB, 1500x1328, fKh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46137579

mtl will reach perfection before you can read/talk at a decent speed

>> No.46137580

me when im gooning

>> No.46137584


>> No.46137590


>> No.46137591


>> No.46137592

generic slop

>> No.46137600

that's irrelevent since i'm stuck here regardless. might as well cope with being god

>> No.46137605

woah i didnt know this guy made animations i've seen his art forever

>> No.46137607

he's better than 90% of /djt/

also kek'd at the ending

>> No.46137612

this might just be an initial phase to let you understand what suffering is before the torture begins though
and maybe this is how you learn about the truth to make you remember your fate and make it even worse

>> No.46137620

110 hours

>> No.46137621

>this might just be an initial phase to let you understand what suffering is
i'm not suffering tho

>> No.46137627

not yet but it's all part of the grand virtual prison plan

>> No.46137633
File: 480 KB, 800x800, 7ac599_a1147f142b1541f3a975e77e0ec75d94~mv2_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep they do all sorts of cool stuff. im big on their art in general happy to find another fan

>> No.46137638

existence is suffering itself

>> No.46137643

time for my daily memory cube

>> No.46137645

again, that's irrelevant to my present experience. i can't interfere with whatever outside of the simulation anyway

suffering is all in your head bro. also existence isn't real

>> No.46137646

im built different

>> No.46137658
File: 3.05 MB, 1794x2565, 1708276174262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading practice

>> No.46137660
File: 1.43 MB, 3600x3000, avocado54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for sure their style is excellent. some wonderful stuff, cool to see there's more

>> No.46137661

garbage font

>> No.46137664


>> No.46137666

god shounen is boring how do you watch this

>> No.46137671

you cant be watching hxh if youre saying that

>> No.46137684


hxh is mid

>> No.46137694

Can Hunter × Hunter be considered Shaonen? Personally, I find Hunter × Hunter to be Seinen because a lot of characters ACT and THINK like a smart adult, let alone some subversions that were shown. But the true maturity lies in its psychological THEMES

>> No.46137696

hxh isnt shounen

>> No.46137710

i hope this is bait

serialized in shounen jump

>> No.46137720
File: 1.69 MB, 1254x694, 87c0be858b4990de851785e5c0811925-3825424751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out all the films by this director
and this one
a lot of the good chinese stuff comes out of hong kong but if you look there's a lot more all over the place really

>> No.46137725

>seRiaLIzEd iN sHoNen JuMP
next thing you will be telling me north korea is a democratic republic

>> No.46137729

checkout scissor seven on netflix

>> No.46137737

next thing you will be telling me hxh has "mature"/"adult" themes, and is not targeted at 12yo boys

>> No.46137738


>> No.46137751


>> No.46137752

if you think that a 12y/o boy could truly appreciate the climax to the chimera ant arc you are mistaken unless of course that child was a young einstein or some other prodigy

>> No.46137778


>> No.46137781

similar writing system. leanring hanzi actually helps you with japanese

>> No.46137786

Hunter x Hunter, an anime magnum opus, transcends the pedestrian, unveiling intellectual opulence in its narrative intricacies. A grandiose chess game unfolds with a meticulous choreography, eschewing banal tropes for a tapestry of calculated precision. Its moral exploration ascends beyond facile categorizations, deftly navigating the labyrinthine corridors of nuanced ethical quandaries.

Character profundity, the pièce de résistance, supplants one-dimensional archetypes. Each character, an allegorical canvas, invites a contemplative engagement with profound psychological complexities, beckoning the viewer to plumb the depths of the intricate human condition.

Maturity, an ever-present sotto voce, permeates the anime's portrayal of power and ambition. It refrains from the facile eulogizing of strength, offering instead a somber and introspective examination of the attendant costs. The unflinching depiction of sacrifice and loss, rendered with a chiaroscuro finesse, adds layers to its mature narrative tapestry.

In summation, Hunter x Hunter stands as a paragon of intellectual ascension within the anime pantheon. Its narrative intricacies, moral nuance, and character profundity coalesce into an apotheosis of mature artistry. For connoisseurs seeking the acme of animated sophistication, it beckons as an intellectual symphony, a resplendent beacon of erudite storytelling that leaves an indelible imprint on the discerning minds navigating the rarefied heights of the animated landscape.

>> No.46137796

>the climax to the chimera ant arc

>> No.46137804

now write it in japanese

>> No.46137808

not learning your chinkchongslop

>> No.46137811

>In summation
chatgpt post

>> No.46137815

chatgpt busted out the thesaurus for this one fr

>> No.46137824
File: 61 KB, 791x394, 1698249035689532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46137827

>the power system in HXH is literally "i dunno, make shit up"

>> No.46137846


>> No.46137852

@ the shonen haters name 1 exciting anime that isnt shounen
you will probably say some isekai thrash

>> No.46137866

Hunter x Hunter、アニメの最高傑作、は凡庸なものを超越し、その物語性の精緻性で知的な富を披露しています。巧妙な策略で編み上げられた象徴的なチェスゲームが広がり、平凡なトロープを避け、計算された精密さの織物が現れます。その倫理的探求は、単純な分類を超越し、微妙な倫理的ジレンマの迷路を巧みに航海しています。



要約すると、Hunter x Hunterはアニメの神殿内で知的な昇華の模範として立っています。その物語性の入り組んだ構造、倫理的微妙さ、キャラクターの深遠さが成熟した芸術の絶頂に融合します。アニメの洗練された領域を航行する洗練された心に焼き付くものとして、それは知的な交響曲として招待しており、アニメの風景の高尚な高みで不朽の印象を残します。

>> No.46137872

dang u guys lost ur minds since a couple hours ago

>> No.46137878

>i need le deconstruction and basic high school philosophy to enjoy my shounenrino

>> No.46137879


>> No.46137888

Precure, Madoka Magica, Nanoha, a good 80% of Magical Girl shows, really.

>> No.46137894
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only need 2 things to enjoy a thing

>> No.46137895


>> No.46137897
File: 81 KB, 900x1200, 2a87c119ef11f5abd7178761aadabf057bb64277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nerd emoji is exactly how i imagine jamal to look like irl

>> No.46137905

ud prolly be surprised to find that i dont look like that emoji at all

>> No.46137907
File: 1.40 MB, 2560x2462, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horee shit

>> No.46137909

impress me

>> No.46137915

ive already lefted quite the impression on ur putty brain it would appear :rofl:

>> No.46137924

china is pretty good at blocking vpns. other states will be me good at it too. enjoy your shit while you can

>> No.46137926

face reveal confirmed? :skull: :skull: :skull:

>> No.46137927

appearances can be deceptive

>> No.46137937

wasnt papi gonna go mudding?

>> No.46137943

we goin on monday after a good 2-day rain

>> No.46137945

jamal if u aint face revealin after hypin up yalls shit ah hell nahh...

lets just say...

:skull: yall gonna have a bad time :skull:

>> No.46137947

so you live in the south?

>> No.46137948

prolly went and came back like a lil bitchboy lmao

>> No.46137953

nah its raining still

>> No.46137957

mudding? is that a new type of gooning?

>> No.46137960

let's goooooooooooooooooo

>> No.46137962 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 1050x1400, 1690126452216144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face reveal

>> No.46137965

fUCk delet

>> No.46137968


>> No.46137972

someone post the jamal voodoo collage i don't have it saved

>> No.46137984

140 iq genius just revealed his state lmfao

>> No.46137986
File: 117 KB, 1280x960, s048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46137990

damn we finally got him now we just need a phonebook

>> No.46137991

oh no come find me

>> No.46137998

u sound scared bro

>> No.46137999

jamal do you carry?

>> No.46138002

why woudl i be not like ur gonna leave ur parents house to come get me

>> No.46138004
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, 現実主義勇者の王国再建記 S01E07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46138013

my parents house is thousands of miles away in northern europe

>> No.46138020


>> No.46138021


>> No.46138025

as for me, 九州男児

>> No.46138036

jamel been taking Ls consecutively these past few days

>> No.46138038


>> No.46138048 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 667x702, 9dbf6619530e4ce98c98f0fe7ceda9c54e749167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46138049

>face reveal
nah, do the nekopara stream reveal instead so i can laugh at you

>> No.46138059
File: 251 KB, 624x743, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46138060

dont see any coming from u

>> No.46138061
File: 388 KB, 479x783, 7090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46138063

>learn to draw
>dont know wtf im doing
>cant draw a basic anime head
>learn japanese
>I only need to do anki and immerse
>can already understand shit
japanese is so fucking ez...

>> No.46138064

ai upscale

>> No.46138069

the smell is the best part

>> No.46138070

already doxed jamal and its kinda disappointing

>> No.46138086

gonna use jamels face reveal to deep fake some porn of him getting railed by africans

>> No.46138088

settle down queef

>> No.46138092


>> No.46138096

>only 6 episodes behind on my anime schedule
almost there bros... can't wait to read a japanese vinny...

>> No.46138100

why americans cant stop thinking about someone getting fucked by blacks

>> No.46138102


>> No.46138103

my sister just brought me lunch
im so lucky to have a kind and loving family

>> No.46138107

gambs mogs me hard
that chin bro

>> No.46138120
File: 46 KB, 807x525, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46138121

i served my sister lunch but it was all glucose

>> No.46138122

do you ever have erotic thoughts about her?

>> No.46138123

papi is the pancho villa of djt

>> No.46138128

crazy this guy posted shit like that while having it be easily linked to his irl profile

>> No.46138131

he lives in japan lol, who cares about westoid opinions

>> No.46138140
File: 184 KB, 834x722, 1692672263183837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46138141

well he purged it all too so not so fast

>> No.46138142

he's not a pussy like you

>> No.46138144
File: 325 KB, 667x837, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use analcream 2.3k version 3.0 deck

>> No.46138150

i thought it was kao

>> No.46138156

ur the biggest pussy here tho

>> No.46138157

>i thought it was kao

>> No.46138160


>> No.46138165

uh huh

>> No.46138167

when it stops raining and lil js buddies find him

>> No.46138174

idgi sorry

>> No.46138178

Im doing a hashbrown in the toaster
american tech is superior after all yosh

>> No.46138186


>> No.46138189

lil bro you would piss your pants if we stood face to face

>> No.46138192
File: 9 KB, 400x400, 1680544737816953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs ur thermos

>> No.46138193

i think the joke was supposed to be that the deck was kaka

from laughter

>> No.46138194
File: 911 KB, 2048x2048, 1683837176220040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh i have to wait multiple business days to get unbanned in ffxiv

>> No.46138197

wat u get banned for?

>> No.46138217

he posted offtopic garbage in the daily japanese guild

>> No.46138219

laughing at your own diminutive stature?

>> No.46138220

gold selling probably

>> No.46138227

sorry i forgot this is a very narrow focused thread. let's all do well on our daily studies!

>> No.46138234


>> No.46138236

was about to say that no one would be surprised if this goofy ass nerd jamal turned out to be an alias of gambs

but you know what, gambs has actual cojones while jj talks shit without even revealing how he looks like

why the fuck does he use a trip, in the first place? he is extremely useless and talks off-topic 95% of the time
analcream contributed
gambs contributed
these people have actual reasons to use a trip

the only reason jj has is to be an attentionwhore

>> No.46138240

is it possible to 3d print an onahole?

>> No.46138242

>let's all do well on our daily studies!

>> No.46138244

no because 3d printing uses hard plastic material

>> No.46138246

the only attentionwhores are the dumbasses talking drama shit
get back to studying

>> No.46138247

lil bro studies :skull:

>> No.46138248

could just post urself rn if ur such a badass hahah
surely u arent talking all that shit but r actually a pussy lmaoo

>> No.46138250


>> No.46138254
File: 876 KB, 1920x1080, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never studied
never will

>> No.46138255
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>> No.46138256

dont know what that is
i only understand fun cuts

>> No.46138257

he thinks im studying jap at prime productivity hours lul

>> No.46138258

we weren't born equal lil pansy bro but if you want to post selfs you can start with urself

>> No.46138262

guys stop laughing I have to get past genki 1

>> No.46138270

faggot ass niggas begging for selfies so they can goon to them

>> No.46138273

hes right but u dont need to click the vids at all u can just take the titles at face value and be fine

yeah u a chickenshit all right we cool bro i dont need to talk to ur further

>> No.46138279


>> No.46138282

says the little bitch calling gambs a pussy but is too scared to even say he's in qm's server lmfaoooo

>> No.46138285

who is this ankle biter

>> No.46138292

this, imagine not seiippai-ing for mr goldberg lmao

>> No.46138299

hey that guy is my dads friend

>> No.46138310

why gambs use the female version of akira in his japanese name?

>> No.46138311

i dont think i made any comment like that also why do u care about pisscord so much

>> No.46138313

guys i wanted to use dame as a slack reaction at work.. someone uploaded a huge pack with a million jp reactions..

>> No.46138316

are you the same guy that posted about the special edition oreos?

>> No.46138318

>he's too scared to reveal himself in the server
yeah u a chickenshit all right we cool bro i dont need to talk to *u further

>> No.46138319
File: 715 KB, 660x440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if this little bitch guy is the same one that calls me a humblebragger etc and spreads all the negative energy everywhere or whether thats a different guy
also speakin of little guys its crazy matto gets to commute on something like this whereas the only way i can commute without getting cancer is by cycling

>> No.46138322

i don't think so, didn't know they had special editions. i have the basic 20oz and it rules

>> No.46138325

he's too scared to stream nekopara

>> No.46138329

dame is not a japanese word though
its for when u see a thicc broad and say "dame.."

>> No.46138331

unsightly cope bro your stream was just not good and you did humblebrag

>> No.46138333

>could just post urself rn if ur such a badass hahah

so you're saying bongbro is a badass and you're a coward, gotcha

>> No.46138335
File: 1.55 MB, 1080x1920, スマホ用イラスト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high quality jkmersion

>> No.46138334

well then even though ur just a smelly pussy u wont mind me taking the last word here at least right

i dont wnana play unkopara wtf

>> No.46138336

didnt lil j rescind his support after bongta showed how trash he really is

>> No.46138337

>i dont wnana play unkopara wtf
concession accepted

>> No.46138338

you missed the nekopara stream bro it ended about 14 hours ago

>> No.46138339

u mean fsn guy that kid fucks
i mean i cant imagine how but he does

>> No.46138341

ur mom

>> No.46138348

dont really get how what ur saying is related to my comment but uve obviously got a lot of tied up emotions and i reccomend going out on a walk in the woods with someone u like or something it cant be healthy to have an internet thread as ur only outlet

>> No.46138349


>> No.46138350

why does this sound like japanese lmao

>> No.46138351

link or didn't happen

>> No.46138352

bong is the same strain of individual like queef where the only thing driving him to improve is the idea of being better than others, which ultimately means he can never reach true enlightenment

>> No.46138353

huge ass schizo cope

>> No.46138358

gunna close this thread and study japanese

>> No.46138361
File: 105 KB, 238x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok lil bro ill tank the ankle biter u dont have to worry about it

>> No.46138362

>muh anonymity bad, please give up all your details
why are bottom-rung glowies like this
>captcha: G0YP

>> No.46138363

saving this for late might emersion

>> No.46138364

youre pretending only 1 guy shit on you and that hes a dedicated hater which is cope because in reality multiple found you to be an unlikable bragger and thought your stream was mediocre

>> No.46138367

maybe choosing an OOP approach to a complex browser automation problem wasnt the best idea. my brain is incapable of thinking in any other paradigm at this point though so im fucked anyways

>> No.46138374

the 1 guy its u bro if u stop posting the threads get much better
like yesterday
u werent here and no one was rude and mean and exclaiming how little of a life they have to the degree that u do

>> No.46138375


>> No.46138376
File: 19 KB, 239x909, 1690408402575921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swedish has a million vowel sounds like english :skull:

>> No.46138379

because it is japanese
here are the lyrics to the chorus

>> No.46138382

this is not true at all i hope i havent given you that impression i am learning because i love anime

>> No.46138384

>afraid to stream nekopara = you don't know japanese.

so far there are 0 people in this thread who know japanese

>> No.46138388

im here lil j and i shit on you every day only im busy on some days so i shit less

>> No.46138392

im gonna go read a vinny for 6 hours and not stream a single word because that just aint comfy

>> No.46138395

not me

>> No.46138396

can't believe there's a djter that doesn't know about the nightly nekopara streams

>> No.46138398

favorite 原画 men?

>> No.46138400
File: 57 KB, 582x1110, 1684283103069137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i understand all these and all i had to do was be born in the usa

>> No.46138402

kek thats pretty funny, やっぱ要らへんで is the closest one i think

>> No.46138407

ill do lil j a lil favor and tell him which posts i made yesterday lets get this rolling

>> No.46138408

yo bongtard don't mind the hater

>> No.46138409

why do they need to use all those weird symbols

>> No.46138411

dunno i like magical girl ones but i dont really get into the behind scenes stuff like that and seiyuus

>> No.46138412

it's for pretentious ipa drinkers

>> No.46138414

phonetics is cool

>> No.46138415

kys asslicker

>> No.46138418
File: 290 KB, 908x1237, 1700247775053918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause they had to make something that spans all languages and they felt cool doing it

>> No.46138420

don't sign ur posts

>> No.46138421

yea hes licking ass
your moms ass

>> No.46138422

my natives (serbian) cyrillic script is entirely phonetic

>> No.46138423

then you don't like anime bro, sorry

>> No.46138426

*ankles your bite*

>> No.46138428

*ankis your flashcard*

>> No.46138429
File: 3.84 MB, 2048x1536, ジャケット.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rec

>> No.46138430

i used to want to learn nihongo so i could flex on you all, but then i realized i can just call everyone in this thread a dekinai and catalog all their mistakes as proof

>> No.46138431

why is ankle foot neck.. just make a new word lol

>> No.46138433

this image makes me think this is what the japanese nonlearning community does with japanese before even acquiring japanese

>> No.46138435

dunno feel like u can like cake without caring about how the icing is made also stuff like thunderbolt fantasy behind the scenes is epic i watch that stuff

>> No.46138441

linguists are weird people.. they're trying to codify everything people naturally understand.. for what end?

>> No.46138445

>food analogy
sasuga soulless mongrelized anime-hating gai黒jin

>> No.46138449

what do you expect from a fat bongtard

>> No.46138450

linguistics is cool

>> No.46138454

yeah i guess when u put it that way its crazy cuz that shit isnt gonna help someone come to know english

>> No.46138453


>> No.46138458

83 iq post

>> No.46138463

How long does it take for changes in daily new anki cards to show up in your review queue? I stopped adding new cards weeks ago to get my daily count more manageable so I could focus more on reading, but I'm still still like double where I want to be.

>> No.46138464

i saw someone play a bit of the beginning of arr and it looked doable. what's chuuni about it?

>> No.46138465

not fat im 85 kilos with like 10-12% bodyfat

>> No.46138467

>An average IQ score is between 85 and 115

>> No.46138468

i just limit my daily new cards to 10 or 20 so that way i can add as many as i want

>> No.46138469

and 88% shit cuz ur full of it

>> No.46138470

and like 5'7"

>> No.46138479


>> No.46138480

>but I'm still still like double where I want to be.
delete anki, immerse 24/7, no sleep no break no food no bathroom and NO FAP

>> No.46138481

ummm my goal is to learn enough to replay ffxiv in jp`

>> No.46138484

isn't this bong that acquirer guy who posted his mal here? he's been learning since mid 2019 and is still dogshit lol

>> No.46138489

why do u guys have mean things to say about epic bong i dont see the reason

>> No.46138494

>he's been learning since mid 2019 and is still dogshit lol
aka 1h/d immersion

>> No.46138497

ciaran if you're here pls gib AB account

>> No.46138503


>> No.46138504

how long until reading jp isn't like trying to make out writings scratched on the moon's surface with my bare eyes

>> No.46138514

but i never said anything mean

>> No.46138519

just like me

>> No.46138534

4 months of jp-subbed anime

>> No.46138539

also tbf that crippled ass nihongo was deserving of it combination of the late night tension with tipsy tension with just namahamed a girl tension pretty embarrasing stuff

>> No.46138547

this exceeds even qm's cope-per-word density ratio

>> No.46138553

lot of words to say that you dont know any japanese

>> No.46138556
File: 1.43 MB, 1223x991, Screenshot 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Development on my japanese grammar game is going good. We just pitched to a publisher.. Wish us luck! Here's a japanese fact: 戦巫女 is a battle miko. Now you know!

>> No.46138557

true true

>> No.46138562

Fun fact: おにぎり means onigiri in English. Now you know!

>> No.46138567


>> No.46138568

>We just pitched to a publisher..
so what do you get if they like it?

>> No.46138569

that's a good game

>> No.46138570

is that the honorific way to refer to you?

>> No.46138571

idk there's just a lot of flowery language and everyone speaks like a tryhard fantasy character which is to be expected, it's not really that hard most of the time but definitely harder than an average vn overall

>> No.46138573

it might be time for my bi-annual arifureta rewatch

>> No.46138574

*shoves u into a locker*

>> No.46138581

*shoves you into a coffin*

>> No.46138582

did u mean 生

>> No.46138589
File: 72 KB, 720x720, 1569865243130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 15 minutes in a tarkov raid to get shot in the back of the head by my teammate unprompted
>could have spent that time learning japanese

>> No.46138592

The ability to port to consoles. And maybe get a japanese native on the project for japanese proofreading.

>> No.46138610

good catch. i had it set to 生 actually for the full HP, but it was set to 正 on HP (abbreviated) which caused the error. well, gotta take the errors in strides.

>> No.46138611

tfw 6 foot and still no gf, its not enough brothers

>> No.46138617

how do races like the sylphs, kojin and goblins (like brayflox) speak in jp, because the english makes them sound retarded

>> No.46138620

u should only play games like that with ur bros

>> No.46138625

turn on your microphone

>> No.46138630

/djt/'s thoughts on BAP?

>> No.46138639


>> No.46138640

Big Arial Portal?

>> No.46138642

the Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.46138647

Butts And Pussy

>> No.46138649

I'm 6'2 (22 years old) and I've never had a girlfriend, I've never even tried to be honest, women are below me.

#BASED if he wasn't jewish and homosexual

>> No.46138655

same but literally

>> No.46138658
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost his weapon so he couldn't even fight the weakest of enemies if he wanted to
>"yeah bros let's check out this hidden secret dungeon i gotta make bank lol"
i'm pretty good at suspending my disbelief but this is rough
is this how koreans think

>> No.46138664
File: 103 KB, 1077x1310, yF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46138665

he's based BECAUSE he's a (self-hating, it bleeds through) jewish homosexual

>> No.46138673

good point

>> No.46138680

Brats Are Puffy?

>> No.46138686


>> No.46138687


>> No.46138699

yeah all the beast tribes have their own unique speaking styles and they sound retarded in japanese as well. usually it's just weird 語尾 (e.g. goblins say ゴブ and sylph say でぶっち at the end of their sentences) and some extra shit like goblins speak kind of broken japanese. dont really remember how the kojin spoke tho, i don't think they were that bad.
the アマルジャ族 have the coolest speaking style though, for some reason they talk like meiji era samurai or something and constantly use 四字熟語

>> No.46138704


Do you know how to read this?


>> No.46138705


>> No.46138706

was thinking the same thing when i watched it
it's crazy how retarded the writing is and i've seen literally every power fantasy trash anime out there

>> No.46138710

tfw bought a digital piano and hands immediately started acting up
I gotta fix these fuckers so I can start playing. I regret quitting as a kid.

>> No.46138713


pop quiz!

do u know japanese?

>> No.46138715


>> No.46138717



>> No.46138724

bro is constantly doing dumb shit fr
the latest episode was particularly retarded
if i was him id already be level 200

>> No.46138726

any new lolcows lately?

>> No.46138728

insect number ri

>> No.46138734


>> No.46138738

any gooncows?

>> No.46138741


>> No.46138745

so the answer is no? well of course it was

>> No.46138750

thats why i was playing it. he was just being stupid

>> No.46138754

>could have spent that time learning japanese

Ask yourself seriously: Why are you learning in the first place? If your reason is wrong, you're doomed anyway, even if you succeed at learning Japanese.
You’re someone that has consciously chosen to learn Japanese. You want to know more of it, right?
You don't need to fully understand most things to enjoy them. On top of that, when you see a word, you think, "Ooh, I wonder what that means," and not "Oh god, another word, wtf man," right?
There are also things you can do to increase comprehension if that makes particular media more enjoyable to you. Watch anime with English subtitles. Read Japanese manga side by side with the official English translation. Your natural curiosity for the Japanese language will guide you to learn more of it while doing this. It never needs to be painful.
If you have no curiosity for Japanese, or for the contents of the anime, and you refuse to take advantage of various things like a dictionary or English subtitles to aid in your enjoyment of the Japanese, then you’re beyond fucked.
You don’t have to stop and look everything up while watching an anime. If your response is "but then I won’t understand everything!" that's fine because you won’t anyway! Just look things up when you’re curious about what something means.
Curiosity is a motivator that will make lookups painless.
If nothing you're reading makes you curious, then reconsider your life choices up till now.
Also, to add to this, if the slow pace makes you not enjoy it, then try something else you can enjoy that’s easier. Surely you enjoy more than just one anime, right? In fact, I hope you love anime because to acquire Japanese, you’re going to have to watch thousands of episodes of it.
Most people don’t actually like Japanese media enough to learn the language purely from media. If you only like a handful of shows, then you’re not going to ever fully learn Japanese.
You won’t magically start liking the hundreds of different anime you need to watch in order to acquire the language just because you watched a YouTube video that motivated you to become an epicly fluent Japanese speaker that can blow native's minds.
If you’re learning Japanese because you got rizzed up by One Punch Man, Death Note, Friends, or whatever other handful of normie shit out there, then you’re probably fucked.

>> No.46138757

ur real bro wouldnt just dome u in a shitty game like tarkov like that thats fucked up....

>> No.46138759

he was answering for you

>> No.46138769

nah bro

>> No.46138770

who asked

>> No.46138771


>> No.46138772

i just dont get why retards come in here and go who can read this word written with some dumb kanji but yet they asked the question in english its like dont u have more important things u should learn first lol

>> No.46138775

you've literally never posted japanese in this thread

>> No.46138776

my nihongo is gonna get so good once I can start reading yugioh cards

>> No.46138777

ive posted hundreds of posts all in japanese and multiple vocaroos

>> No.46138781

Have you found your 生きがい?

>> No.46138784
File: 405 KB, 1946x2048, 1575932023786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why you directed that at me. i love japanese. im learning pretty fast too. it makes me happy. i dont really care about sounding like a native or output really. i just want to be able to read, listen, and comprehend because i like japanese stuff

>> No.46138785

>he says in english

>> No.46138786


>> No.46138792

i was asked in english and was replied to in english and u will also reply in english so

>> No.46138793

lil j mad cause he couldnt read wadakamari lmfao

>> No.46138795
File: 38 KB, 850x850, 1682667048301940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone recognize the kanji?

>> No.46138798

i would watch more anime if i didn't have to line up subs every time i wanted to watch an episode

visual novels? boot up the vn and textractor, done
manga? painful but i can mokuro entire series with no hassle or just find already mokuro'd manga
anime? well first i have to download the anime, and then download the subs, unzip the subs, open mpv or asbplayer, put the subs on, and then spend 5 minutes fiddling with timing just to do it again the next episode

>> No.46138800


>> No.46138806

why are japanese nonlearners like this >>46138798

>> No.46138810

u would know best

>> No.46138813

idk i just click play

>> No.46138817

please stop with the negativity

>> No.46138819

湿潤 lil bro

>> No.46138829

crazy how lil j skipped that post

>> No.46138836

ur right i will
99% of u are hopeless and will never know japanese anyway

shoutouts to the 1% tho (u guys can fight over which of u that 1% is) *spits* *closes tab*

>> No.46138840

just use the english subs and do ctrl left to go to the last sub, then switch to the japanese subs and do ctrl shift left/right to find the right japanese sub and then the timing will be fine

>> No.46138843
File: 990 KB, 1280x720, 1698575738366072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46138844

lmao lil bro rage quit again

>> No.46138846

i hope you find someone that cares about you unconditionally

>> No.46138850

spitting on ur monitor? ewww

>> No.46138857

yo wtf papi cholo 1v5

>> No.46138868

papi cholo is a route 1 level 5 pokemon meat vehicle?

>> No.46138894

cholo solo squads these lil nerds

>> No.46138904

not been a good day for the batta万

>> No.46138912

just tried that and it didnt work because the line i picked was actually combined into a second line in the japanese subs so the timing didnt match

>> No.46138919

nice one bro i mined battamon the other day

>> No.46138929
File: 185 KB, 435x447, npNc70mB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the idea that doing something that you like to do is always fun and is never challenging/painful at points is a childish mindset. tell that to pianists who love playing, but stress over studying an etude or something, or a gymnast frustrated with themselves at points because they can't make time or do their routine right after multiple attempts. i think you haven't thought about this word vomit post enough.

>> No.46138934

based and true!

>> No.46138940

you are replying to a reddit comment

>> No.46138943


>> No.46138945

not the same thing as pain. a dark souls boss might be challenging but people will still sit their for an hour re-doing the fight because it is fun. whereas a japanese non-learner will watch 10 minutes of an anime episode without understanding it then have a depressive episode that lasts 3 months

>> No.46138951
File: 218 KB, 391x393, Ldd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the github: https://github.com/animebook/animebook.github.io

here's the extension: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/animebook-anki-export/ohcbgkombhgcbjcikjlgdmjkpibafppa

here's the player: https://animebook.github.io/

you can auto adjust subs on the fly as well as one click cards and some other stuff. you no longer have a reason to complain

>> No.46138962

here's the chinpo *unzips*

>> No.46138963
File: 7 KB, 669x81, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can auto adjust subs on the fly
he could already do that with mpv. in fact it's easier in mpv

you just pause when an anime bitch starts talking then press this left/right until her subs appear.
if you're fiddling with timings in milliseconds manually youre doing way too much work

>> No.46138970

you mean asbplayer

>> No.46138997

i remember playing lady butterfly i think as my second boss before i knew how to do anything in the game and spent like 2 hours on her. i don't remember me thinking "phew, she got me there maybe next time!" i was genuinely annoyed at her. didn't affect how i saw the game in the end; that was the process for me every time i had to fight a boss that wasn't a pushover. die x3 > mald > repeat until i beat the boss

>> No.46139003

sekiro was too hard for me so i quit in the first area

>> No.46139004
File: 1.17 MB, 1354x757, 1708288004846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, this is too much. I'm deleting all my decks and vinnies and learning something else instead.

>> No.46139008

>Nah, this is too much. I'm deleting all my decks and vinnies and learning something else instead.

NEVER GIVE UP. It's the fighting spirit.

>> No.46139009

rolling time~
what am i doing today?
>even: hanahira
>odd: coloring pages
>trips: karaoke

>> No.46139013

you would know this if you watched the loli cafe anime

>> No.46139016

dont do it bruh, you be back anyways

>> No.46139018

so be it~

>> No.46139023

How do you count big black penises in Japanese?

>> No.46139025

ご注文はうさぎですか? is slop stop promoting it

>> No.46139026


>> No.46139028

>even: kill myself
>odd: crack open a vinnie

>> No.46139030
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x640, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iin life, we will inevitably encounter pain and difficult experiences. However, the amount of suffering we experience is within our control. It teaches us that our reactions, attitudes, and mental states can either amplify or alleviate our suffering. By cultivating mindfulness and compassion, and by letting go of attachments and aversions, we can transform our relationship with pain. We can choose to respond with acceptance, wisdom, and resilience, thereby reducing our emotional suffering and finding greater peace and freedom in the face of life's challenges.

>> No.46139032
File: 209 KB, 283x440, 1643047968951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46139033

bro no please dont....

>> No.46139035

bye guys it was fun

>> No.46139041
File: 95 KB, 800x600, tka01sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, youve read hanahira, huh?

without looking,
what is this girl's hair and eye color?

>> No.46139044


>> No.46139046

red hair, blue eyes?

>> No.46139050

uhhh rip

>> No.46139063


>> No.46139094

https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f50319ca83207e02372ae833e41f22c4d336915b すごいの見出し

>> No.46139111

i read this was because buddhists were allowed to eat birds but not other animals so they started lying on rabbits and saying they were actually birds fr
dunno how true that is though

>> No.46139115

>learn japanese
>realize anime is slop in another langauge
what now

>> No.46139118

find better anime

>> No.46139128

watch hunter x hunter

>> No.46139130
File: 151 KB, 800x600, tka01sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i guess you didnt read it, huh
what a shame

the question mark reveals your self-doubt
go back and read it again

>> No.46139151

never read hanahira and i knew her hair was brown from the screens posted here
tho i didn't know the 瞳 color

>> No.46139153

if i don't remember then it was mid

>> No.46139159

its over. humanity has truly become stupid
they arent green you shopped that

>> No.46139169
File: 278 KB, 800x600, tka01sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you had been paying attention
then you wouldve seen the story-telling device
where the paired characters's attributes reflect each other
but you didn't
go back and read it again

congrats you passed the test
im so proud of you

>> No.46139173

the ankle biters won

>> No.46139182

so far amanes just been a stupid retard

>> No.46139220

holy kino

it's still shit but i can appreciate that part

>> No.46139225

what is loli cafe?

>> No.46139255


>> No.46139269

>Oh, this must mean something along the lines of "true/book number", right? Maybe a page number, or a number of books
Meanwhile in Japan:
>penetrative vaginal sex (with a prostitute); unsimulated sex (in an adult movie)

>> No.46139283

>honbans ur kaasan
heh, nothing personnel, bakayarou

>> No.46139297

do people who do rtk really think like this?

>> No.46139299

>le i put date next to random scifi concepts the pic
They have been making this shit since the 80s with the same exact same predictions, and a couple of stuff that was recently invented

>> No.46139302

painfully reddit post

>> No.46139304

or you could simply learn kanji readings and look up vocabs manually.

just a thought

>> No.46139305
File: 1.87 MB, 1282x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back and read it again
sorry, i only read kamiges

>> No.46139307

sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

>> No.46139310


>> No.46139316

>Oh, this must mean something along the lines of hit, right? Maybe a loud sound, or a direct blow
Meanwhile in Shatlandia:
>penetrative sex; unsimulated sex

>> No.46139319

A sufficiently regressed people will be unable to distinguish ordinary technology from magic.

>> No.46139321
File: 324 KB, 1920x1056, Adeptus-Mechanicus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us
From the lies of the Antipath, circuit perserve us
From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us
From the temptations of the Flesh, silica cleanse us
From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us
From this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free.

>> No.46139324


>> No.46139344

>tripfags/namefags gone
>thread becomes comfy
every single time

>> No.46139346

true true

>> No.46139370

rolling time

>odd: i fart
>even: i shit
>trips: i shart

>> No.46139388


>> No.46139389

>use filters
>comfy all the time

>> No.46139413

comfy is a tranny word
bad look for triphaters

>> No.46139424
File: 1.02 MB, 1271x873, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's literally me, fr fr no cap

>> No.46139427

>comfy is a tranny word
no its not
t. tranny

>> No.46139431

imagine limiting yourself just because someone else uses the same material

are you going to suffocate yourself because your enemies breathe air?

>> No.46139436

no it's not

t. ranny expert

>> No.46139441

who pays $1k+ for a front row ticket to miku expo :skull: all concerts outside japland are a scam

>> No.46139442

imagine thinking you know more about tranny culture than me just because you're trans

>> No.46139447

monitor off

>> No.46139451
File: 15 KB, 954x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i need 4chanx plus or what?

>> No.46139456

imagine not filtering discord emojis

>> No.46139457

its just dumb people unable to communicate without emojis

>> No.46139458

What is it about Japanese women that they feel the need to pretend that having sex is a torturous process ??? None of them appeared to be having any pleasure or enjoyment from this event. Is it a cultural trait that they must appear to be suffering through this torturous process ??? Is that a ruse to suggest to their mates that they would never voluntarily have sex with another man that they were not in a relationship with ???

>> No.46139460
File: 121 KB, 480x640, 💀.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46139461
File: 212 KB, 1444x511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46139469


>> No.46139472

yosh done with the kikokugai reread
1st time was 5 months after i started, took 45 hours and comprehension was at roughly 50%
now it's down to 12 hours and maybe 85%

>> No.46139474

im pretty sure firefox with ublock origin filters those ads out

>> No.46139479

is 50% comprehension really "reading"?

>> No.46139480

>whitenoised half
>whitenoised 1/5

>> No.46139493

look, its very simple:
>get new line
>read line
>look up what you dont understand
>repeat steps 2 and 3 until you understand it completely
>return to step 1

you should not finish the vinnie with less than 99% comprehension

>> No.46139506
File: 793 KB, 2200x900, vinnypill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. also consider that some vinnies are easier than others

>> No.46139519

i'm underestimating so as not to attract the ire of the thread's resident crabs

>> No.46139535

>you whitenoised a single line of a 60h vinny?
>you didn't read it. simple as.

>> No.46139537

it's so cute how japanese people think when they steal our words

>> No.46139543
File: 9 KB, 1006x140, obaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking over for Japan

>> No.46139546

how long is now after you started

>> No.46139549

that's one short vinnie if whitenoising one line gets you to 50% comprehension

>> No.46139561

she's filipino or something bro who cares

>> No.46139564

>6 months old japanese twitter screencap
yup, monitor off

>> No.46139568
File: 141 KB, 768x800, ahegao00-1518791453656612864-20220426_001754-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46139570

it's impossible to comprehend anything according to derrida so you have no choice but to whitenoiss reality

>> No.46139589

your monitor is broken, please get a new one

>> No.46139600

>missclick card

>> No.46139612
File: 437 KB, 1335x932, 1707434287741830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46139615

は for the laughs
together we'll share
な for the "no"s
discarded with care
し for the girls
who'll give you a call
て for your skill
the greatest of all

>> No.46139617
File: 118 KB, 190x286, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to add the part where it took me 10h to read chapter 1 of nekopara baka

>> No.46139622

it took you 10 hours to whitenoise it

>> No.46139637
File: 18 KB, 251x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, i never whitenoise

>> No.46139643

Also use 1-2-3/space-4 instead of clicking

>> No.46139651

turn on your monitor

>> No.46139663

is that 立つ..... you had to look up 立つ?

>> No.46139665
File: 62 KB, 676x510, itsover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46139666

holy self own

>> No.46139670

I made it to page 100 in my first untranslated manga!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.46139673

*clap clap clap*
good job
keep going

>> No.46139677
File: 20 KB, 476x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was because of some weird meaning, i think this one

>> No.46139680

didnt ask

>> No.46139684


>> No.46139699

havent you been "acquiring" for like 4 years now lil bro

>> No.46139720


>> No.46139723

no, i've been acquiring with native content for 6 months in total

>> No.46139748

Wong Kar Wai is terrible. His films are student tier.

>> No.46139758

The grammar and vocab are completely different.

>> No.46139774

uppercasers love to reply to random posts from 2 days ago with their opinion nobody asked for

>> No.46139776

how does one acquire words without remembering them

>> No.46139790

yeah i totally just acquired that word by reading it once and then hoping i'll remember it next time i see it (???)
anki and flashcards are for memorization i don't know how anyone can mess that up you guys are weird

>> No.46139802

if you've read hanahira and you can't read 手櫛 then you didn't read it, you whitenoised it

>> No.46139811

>me when i don't say the nihongo out loud


>> No.46139812

That's like reading the word 'crack' and thinking that it can only mean an ass crack.

>> No.46139820

3 years

>> No.46139821

What do you recommend?

>> No.46139877

just think of 旅立つ from now on

>> No.46139890

dont think just feel

>> No.46139894

feel this *unzips*

>> No.46139897

here she says tabi ni deru

>> No.46139911
File: 33 KB, 1047x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 cards

>> No.46139918

Just think "hito" as in Emperor Hirohito.

>> No.46139919

your anki looks gnomeified so smooth and flat so cool colors and rounded boxes

>> No.46139926

>expression a exists so expression b with a similar meaning cannot exist

>> No.46139928

just saying, first time reading it in context. also nekopara's protagonist is a pseud, nobody talks like that

>> No.46139934

he's a cat fucker what do you expect

>> No.46139940 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1254x1551, GGj3Krbb0AAZr4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46139945

where it's almost bearable being in here without all the constant namefagging

>> No.46139950

yosh time to goon to blacked creampie compilations

>> No.46139952

based janny, that was fast

>> No.46139955


>> No.46139959

thread is cringe af without j

>> No.46139973

I asked

>> No.46139976

kill yourself

>> No.46139978

you can put your trip back on now

>> No.46139992
File: 1.29 MB, 942x737, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i allowed to whitenoise this

>> No.46139997
File: 2.14 MB, 1904x2968, GGg9YyUacAAwb9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46140004

>>46139959 (You)

>> No.46140008

n5 french, pathetic

>> No.46140011

you have to pause the vinnie and go acquire french

>> No.46140015

The first line can be interpreted as “In the year 1999, the seventh month”.
“Du ciel” of the second line means “From the sky” but it can also be interpreted
as “From Heaven”. Next “viendra” means “would come” but it can also be
interpreted as “would descend”. Next “un grand Roy d’effrayeur” can be
interpreted as “one great tremendous King”. So, the second line can be interpreted
as follows.
   “ From Heaven, one great tremendous King would descend ”
“Angolmois” of the third line is interpreted commonly as the anagram of “Mongolias”
that means “Mongolian people”. It may also be interpreted as “Eastern Oriental”,
so “le grand Roy d’Angolmois” may be “Eastern Oriental great King”. And I think
He would be Buddha. The word “Resusciter” is not found in modern French but it is
commonly interpreted as “to restore”. So the third line can be interpreted as follows.
   “ To restore the great King of Mongolias (Buddha) ”
The fourth line can be interpreted as follows.
   “ Before and after, Mars shall reign for human happiness ”
Mars is the symbol of military force. The present day is the age of nuclear deterrent
force. It cannot be true peace.
So, it would not be right to interpret this verse as “From the sky, an awful great
King will fall on Earth” as Japanese interpreter Mr. Ben Goto had made in his book.
His interpretation is unnatural. Finally, this verse can be interpreted as follows.
In the year 1999, in the seventh month,
From Heaven, one great tremendous King would descend,
To restore the great King of Mongolias ( Buddha ),
Before and after, Mars shall reign for human happiness.
So, this verse is not only an awful prophecy but is a hopeful one that tells us of
the Advent of the Grand Messiah. The verses of Nostradamus are difficult to interpret
before the event happens, so we cannot fault Mr. Ben Goto.
By the way, Master OKAWA was born on July 7, 1956. And in the period at the end of
the millennium including the year 1999, in Japanese religious group Happy Science,
the Birthday Festival of Master OKAWA had been taking place in July every year. It is
a festival celebrating the Advent of Grand Messiah El Cantare.
In the end, this verse can be smoothly interpreted if we interpret that this verse is
predicting the Advent of Lord El Cantare Master OKAWA at the end of the millennium.

>> No.46140018

>dont know latin

>> No.46140025

el educacion americana....

>> No.46140026


>> No.46140028

god scaji is so pretentious

>> No.46140032

its called being cultured

>> No.46140035

>In the year 1999, in the seventh month,
>From Heaven, one great tremendous King would descend,
>To restore the great King of Mongolias ( Buddha ),
>Before and after, Mars shall reign for human happiness.

So, this verse is not only an awful prophecy but is a hopeful one that tells us of
the Advent of the Grand Messiah.

>> No.46140038


>> No.46140044


>> No.46140047


>> No.46140081


>> No.46140098

who cares about the reading, just readmaxx. reading compelling shit is much more fun than trying to force random combinations of japanese syllables but into your brain. if you read vns you'll hear the sound a milion times when you see the character so you'll just acquire it naturally

>> No.46140128

haha is this congolese french or some shit

>> No.46140157
File: 440 KB, 1190x906, j87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares about the reading, just read

>> No.46140198

>50 cards
Actual severe learning disability tier.

>> No.46140219

bros is there a japanese word for "mime artist" ???

how i do it: akuseku has the foot radical because you're franticly running up and down

>> No.46140224

>they arent green you shopped that

this is some severe autism...

>> No.46140293

you can't read without subvocalizing?

>> No.46140561

無言劇 (does not refer to the artist but play without spoken words)


>> No.46141435

>Non-conformist at the Demon King Academy - the founder of the most powerful Demon King in history, reincarnated and attending a school for his descendants - part II.
Fucking hell, anime and manga are complete garbage

>> No.46141449

VN's don't teach you any listening skills and you won't know the correct pitch patterns for any words.
If you solely rely on VN's they are basically the worst form of input

>> No.46142543

>pitch patterns
