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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4613550 No.4613550 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a new moderator here? Since when do people delete doujinshi threads?

>> No.4613556

Meido is useless.

>> No.4613564

Meido is drunk again

>> No.4613566

I dunno, but for the last two days /jp/ seems to have a higher shit ratio than usual.

Maybe I've just been unlucky.

>> No.4613569

The janitor is only here to delete shit when we dont need shit deleted.

/b/ raiding? /sp/ raiding, any of the other 12 boards that raid /jp/ on a weekly basis here? Janitor is nowhere to be found.

This is the only reason I visit #4chan.

>> No.4613570

meido is bittersweet on this topic

>> No.4613571
File: 51 KB, 1000x278, -jp- - Otaku Culture_1268373281271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming it was done by this guy. Maybe he assumed one of the Touhou doujinshis were /l/ material despite the fact that each character is at least 100+ years old with the exception of the two main characters.

>> No.4613582

Why are /jp/ janitors so shitty?

>> No.4613583


>> No.4613587
File: 104 KB, 470x630, 8c16d7611ce3ecd89c2dcbe0f0b2d8d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods != janitors
janitors cannot ban. They can only delete threads and therefore hide shitposters and flooders from mods, essentially "sweeping the problem under the carpet"

Janitors was a terrible fucking idea. Effort better spent recruiting more mods.

>> No.4613596

Come on, I love loli but that's a shit excuse and you know it.

>> No.4613598


I believe what he's saying is that the recent bad taste in deletions is from a visiting moderator, and not due to our meido.

>> No.4613595

You're an idiot. Janitor always deletes raid threads.

>> No.4613602

There haven't been any janitors for a while guys.

>> No.4613606

With all seriousness there's a huge difference not only in design but in the theme of /l/ doujinshis. Touhous may very well be drawn like lolis but their actual age is in the thousands. And on top of that Touhou doujinshis for the most part do not have a pedo theme to them. Compare a futa Touhou doujinshi to the average /l/ doujinshi. Apples and oranges.

>> No.4613623

Where did I say I was talking about the janitor? Clearly I was referring to the mod.

I assumed he must be new around here.

>> No.4613625

Shut up, guys, our meido is awesome.

>> No.4613645

>Shut up, guys, our meido is awesome.
OP here, I agree with you. But whoever was the drive by moderator that deleted that SFW doujinshi thread is NOT awesome. SFW Touhou doujinshi threads have historically been posted on /jp/ without interruption. One only needs to check the archive to verify this statement.

>> No.4613699

Maybe a mod thought that it was some manga that belonged in /a/.

>> No.4613715
File: 55 KB, 480x671, 1003448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit your bitching and repost it already. The moderator (if indeed it is not our schizo useless maid) is obviously gone by now, no moot-appointed mod could stand /jp/ for more than ten minutes.

>> No.4613724

Yes, repost it.

>> No.4613813

I'll just say this. The deletion of doujinshi threads that users wasted their time uploading sends a bad message. It's like telling people that their contributions aren't wanted.
