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460932 No.460932 [Reply] [Original]

So I hear regular Japanese don't have a problem worshiping war criminals. Is this true? Would German's get a pass on the same thing?

>> No.460945

The Japanese, according to themselves, are a superior race, so they're naturally entitled to celebrating their barbarous past and their xenophobic, war-mongering culture. I don't know about Germany though, do they still think they're a superior race?

>> No.460985

aw hell naw

not this shit again

>> No.461018

Most Germans I have met think the world of themselves and that anywhere else but Germany sucks but not too the extent of worshiping Himmler and Goring in an religious setting.

>> No.461035

The Shrine in question is a shrine for all Japanese war dead.

This eventuality has only arisen because of the idiocy of post-WW2 American policy towards allowing the Japanese to have various war memorials and so on.

>> No.461120

If I was Japanese I sure would not "ancestor worship" any fucking war criminals and would be demanding the war criminals remains be removed this state sponsored Shintoism is the shit that got them nuked.

>> No.461145

Never speak evil about the dead. Their deaths absolves them of any misdeeds they may or may not have committed in life.

>> No.461152

one nation's heroes is another nation's war criminals, this applies to ALL countries.

lets end this stupid shit

>> No.461154

forgot to sage

>> No.461155


>> No.461170

Your dead ddo not rest peacefully. I rape your ancestors.

>> No.461180

No it doesn't.

>> No.461190

just because your grandfather is a war criminal doesnt mean you should shun him. im sure some of our German anon have nazi ancestors whos grave they may visit. its history.

>> No.461196

Being dead means the fucked-up shit you did in life will be remembered by everyone. You see, there's nice fictional stories, and then there's the fucked-up asshole who bead babies heads in against the ground. Your ancestors were snakes.

>> No.461199

History is written by the victors. If the Axis powers won WW2, then Hitler would have been proclaimed a hero who raised a nation from the ashes to a superpower.

>> No.461201

No one is speaking evil of the dead" it's a matter of Japan thumbing their noses at their WW 2 crimes by honoring those responsible for it. We are not talking about the common Imperial Japanese Soldier here. These are the guys that broke the laws or war over and over again. Eleven of them were put there on purpose.

Yea right. Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Those who seek to justify their own nations crimes often bring this up, usually certain Europeans. "Everyone is just as bad as we were"."There is not difference". Bull Shit.

>> No.461204


>> No.461207

If I had such an ancestor, I'd hide his headstone.

>> No.461209

>Yea right. Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.

It's always americans that repeat this cliche. Perhaps you yourselves should view current events through the context of history.

Not only foreign wars, but mass immigration and treating blacks as equals for example.

>> No.461210


I am German and I am proud of the Nazis. As are most Germans.

>> No.461213

The contents of history is that if you go back far enough, bla bla bla.

Justify evil more. Fucking pedo.

>> No.461215



I just hate blacks, leave me out of this.

>> No.461224

Why you do not learn anything. I wrote many times Class A means nothig special about war crime. It does not mean super guilty. Why you brainwashed barbarians keep writing stupid things over and over again.

>> No.461233


I am Korean.

Why do you insult me?

>> No.461242

lol just stfu jap.

>> No.461252

Fine. Then they're just guilty of unspeakably human atrocities, and their names are an insult to all humans everywhere. There, that has nothing to do with the letter A. Happy?

>> No.461253

Are you really Korean? How do you feel many Korean Japanese rest in peace in Yasukuni shrine? They fought in many asian countries killed asians and white races for Japan.

>> No.461257

Fine. Then they're just guilty of unspeakable human atrocities, and their names are an insult to all people everywhere. There, that has nothing to do with the letter A. Happy?

>> No.461271


I am Korean American, my parents are Zainichi.

I think that Korean culture has a big influence over Japanese culture throughout history.

>> No.461275

Why you are so stupid? Many Korean Japanese were also sentenced guilty for war crime. Koreans invade Vietnam in Vietnam war and raped Vietnamese. There are many Korean Vietnamese in Vietnam. Chinese are killing millions of Tibetians now. Only Gooks and Chinks keep saying Japan is only one evil in this world. JSDF has never killed foreigner untill now.

>> No.461278


Would JSDF protect foreigners on Japanese soil?

Why does Japan let NIGGERS into Japan?


>> No.461283


>> No.461287

>JSDF has never killed foreigner untill now.
That's because the JSDF isn't a military force.

>> No.461291
File: 123 KB, 600x709, 1208348654505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL You can not answer my qusestion. You are typical stupid Korean. Korea has no culure at all. This is seoul befoe Korea became a colony of Japan. Do you think they had wonderful cultures? Do not live in fantasy, Gook. Face the reality.

>> No.461292

Denial is the first sign that you have a problem.

>> No.461294


I am joking.

I acknowledge that Japan has superior culture to Korea. And that Japanese annexation was good for Korea.

I personally think comfort women were just dirty skank whores myself. MY parents think so too.

I am Korean.

>> No.461296


>> No.461298


Don't be mean :(

>> No.461304


>> No.461309

Link to the video: "Why does the Korean Tell a Lie?" please.

>> No.461310

Go get back to your black van, you will not find pussies here that are afraid of you black van scum.

>> No.461314

Use English or get out cunt faggot. Only CRIMINALS hide behind moon runes.

>> No.461320




You are BAKA.


>> No.461324

LOL You are really stupid. Many people write about Japanese right wing is yakuza and there are many Korean Japanese in it. it is so well known. If one Korean try to speak ill of Japan, 100%
it will be ill of Korean.

>> No.461328


